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Interaction Design Project Report
             ClassPal : the Classroom Assisting System

 Jatin Pherwani                        Vikas Luthra                  Bhasker Sharma
 10020518                              10020544                      10020512

Abstract                                            We chose to explore and do research on the
In this paper we describe the process and           related topics of personality traits like
outcome of our work developing an Interactive       introverts and extroverts. The learning
doubt clearance portal to enhance the learning      techniques preferred by the students had
experience for a lecture based classroom.           enough variety, which allowed us to search
During the project we have learned about the        for a problem area which might be present in
various forces playing part in effective learning   the rigid methods of teaching, which exist
ranging from discussions in the class to effect     throughout classrooms in a school. While we
of personality traits on the participatory          explored the area of interest, there were
activities.                                         findings that indicated how learning is
                                                    primarily a social activity and participation
Keywords                                            in the social life of the school is central for
                                                    effective learning to occur. We set ourselves
Introvert learning, Doubt Clearance,                out to come up with a solution that would
Interactive Assistance                              help maintain the balance of social and
                                                    individual learning at the same time not
                                                    disturb the various complex dynamics of
Introduction                                        individual personality traits.
ClassPal is the name of our concept portal
which will help enhance the learning
experience of a traditional lecture classroom.
Many different features of this application are
inspired from real life experiences such as
Doubt clearance, Quiz attempt and Student
feedback. We started our process by choosing
the topic of Education and confining it to the
domain of learning experience in a classroom.
Another area that fascinated us was the variety
in personality traits that exist within students
and teachers, how these make the                                                    The portal as discussed, will
phenomenon of learning an even more                                                       have an experience of
                                                                                       interactive classroom by
complex process.                                                                         making use of network
                                                                                          technology and social
Research Phase

The project demanded a lot of research to be
done since our areas of interest were too wide
and had to be connected logically. Since we as
students have been through the situation of
learning in the classrooms, there were many
decisions where we were tempted to use our
own discretion and act as the user. However
that would not be the way a designer works to
solve such a problem. Thus there was extensive
literature study done to get the concepts
related to personality types and their
effects on learning right.
                                                    The famous ted talk by Susain Cain
                                                    describing the nature of introverts and why
Secondary Research                                  the society can’t afford to ignore them.
Reading research papers cleared our                 Ref.
assumptions about the factors playing role in
learning in a classroom for different
individuals. We chose to concentrate on four        The following is an abstract from a paper
topics mainly. First, the learning activity for a   called Reflections on Being an
classroom based environment. Secondly, the          Introvert in the Classroom
types of personality traits that exist and their    by Jeanne Briggs, '96
behavior towards an activity like learning.         “If I offer my idea in class, however, I feel as
Third, the different researches that have been      though it is unconnected and makes no sense
done to support demarcations in learning            in the conversation. For this reason I often
styles of extroverts and introverts. Fourth, the    keep my ideas to myself. I sometimes end up
various interactive platforms that exist to         speaking at the end of class, when I have fully
enhance the classroom learning experience.          processed all of the ideas that have been
Learning at school requires students to pay         presented and therefore feel able to
attention, to observe, to memorize, to              contribute my opinion, but by then it is
understand, to set goals and to assume              usually too late. My preference for an
responsibility for their own learning. These        introverted learning style does not mean that
cognitive activities are not possible without       I never speak in class or that I don't like to
the active involvement and engagement of            speak in class. I actually enjoy participating in
the learner. A few ways the teacher can             a lively, thought-provoking discussion, as
assure this of are :                                long as it is structured in a way that allows me
• avoid situations where the students are           to contribute. “
   passive listeners for long periods of time.      “Eysenck’s theory places assumption on the
• Provide students with hands-on activities,        difference in the nervous system of people with
   such as experiments,                             different personality traits. Introverts are
   observations, projects, etc.                     assumed to have a weak neural inhibition
• Encourage participation in classroom              That the stimulation of senses easily prompts
   discussions and other collaborative              activity in the brain, while extroverts have
   activities                                       strong neural inhibition making it difficult for
- Elmore, Peterson & McCarthy, 1996;                sensory stimulations to activate the brain.”
Piaget, 1978; Scardamalia & Bereiter,
1991.                                               -Introverts and Extraverts require
different learning environment
 Ronald Schmeck and Dan Lockhart 1983

“Most students are neither totally introverted
nor totally extraverted. They require both quiet
as well as stimulating learning environments.
The challenge thus is one of
(1) Providing the majority of students with an
    environment that may sometimes be too
    stimulating for the teacher.                        School of One is one radical initiative that
(2) Providing a little extra stimulation for the          aims at Reimagining the classroom to
    extraverted children.                                   meet the needs of every student
(3) Keeping all this stimulation from interfering
    with the learning of extremely introverted

-Introverts and Extraverts require
different learning environment
Ronald Schmeck and Dan Lockhart 1983

                                                            The Office of LYCS Architecture is
                                                          typically extroverted: light, open, and
                                                              airy to facilitate collaboration.

                                 A Playground for Leif by Designliga
                 A playful environment designed specifically for introvert toddlers.
Primary Research                               Survey
                                               The first step was to identify the range of
The User research was done within the
                                               personality traits in a typical classroom in
premises of our campus, IIT Guwahati.
                                               the college. The questionnaire was
The students and teachers can serve as a
                                               carefully designed to serve two main
reflection of many higher education
                                               purposes. One, to identify the personality
institutes and universities in our country.
                                               trait of a student and secondly a few
The strategy followed for research were
                                               opinion questions to know about their
divided into two phases. First to get a wide
                                               problems with the existing methods of
range of general opinion on the context, we
                                               teaching and interaction in class.
carried out surveys for a large group of
people. Second phase was done to get the in    The survey research was done with 94
depth knowledge of the matter and              freshmen in the lecture theatre after the
included activities like observations, user    class. The method followed was to modify
interviews and expert interviews and focus     an approved personality test, to suit our
group study.                                   purpose. Items were drawn from the
                                               Eysenck’ personality questionnaire which
                                               is a simple test with 15 multiple choice
                                               questions to help determine the person’s
We conducted observation sessions in two       traits on a fair range of introversion.
types of classrooms to see the activities of
students and teachers. There were many
interesting findings from this method.
Techniques like Shadowing, and Fly on
the wall were used to observe and record
behavior of students without interfering in
their activities. A time lapse video and our
own notes recorded the useful
observations which were used in further

                                                         Students filling in the survey

                                                Subject Matter Expert (SME) Interviews
                                                The matter of classroom learning required
                                                knowledge of knowing different social
 Frames from the Photographs and time           factors influencing a participatory activity
   lapse videos as a part of the activity       like doubt asking. We consulted Dr. Naveen
              observation.                      Kashyap a professor of Psychology
                                                department at IIT Guwahati. We asked
him about the experience a student goes
                                               Focus Group/ Discussions
through in the class and the problems they
might face in interaction sessions or doubt    Without much analysis, one may infer that
clearance.                                     teachers/instructors are an essential part
                                               of learning in the classroom. As a part of
                                               carrying the research, we interviewed a
User Interviews                                few of the very experienced professors at
                                               IITG to know their side of the context with
We have till now interviewed 8 students
                                               interactivity in a classroom. An informal
as a part of the research. We chose these
                                               session carried out in a relaxed
people from the result of their surveys.
                                               environment helped ignite many sparks of
Having done the analysis of the scores in
                                               ideas for the concept and motivated us to
the personality questionnaire, we picked a
                                               the right path.
sample size of 8 people who reflected the
extreme and moderate personality types
for getting to know the different
perspectives and experience. Questions
were asked in a friendly manner to make
the students as comfortable as possible (so
as to get the natural responses). Their
responses for having a more interactive
classes were quite apparent however a few
insights were more of findings.

                                                           Group discussion with
                                                             teachers at IITG.

Research Analysis Phase
Secondary Research
After the research done at secondary level                            30
                                                                                                                                                                       Sample Size: 94

(mostly reading research papers), it was
implied that the introvert students face

                                                    No of students
problems in a gathering of people to share                            20

their ideas or ask doubts. Where many findings                        15

from secondary research also indicated that a                         10

quiet personality may not be the only                                     5

restriction for an individual get his/her idea                            0

through the social barrier. A few very crude
                                                                                  exterme extrovert            low introversion and           high introversion and         extreme introvert
                                                                                                                 high extroversion              low extroversion

conclusions and ideas that came after                                                                                                               Question: I don’t like over stimulating environment?(
                                                                                                                                                    I am not comfortable in going for horror movies or

secondary research were :                                                                                                                           roller coaster ride or loud rock concerts)

                                                                          Question: Do you prefer studying on your own
                                                                          than having group studying session?

• The establishment of a fruitful collaborative                      40
                                                                     35                                                                       35

  and co-operative atmosphere is an essential                        30

  part of school learning at any level.
                                                                     20                                                                       20
                                                                     10                                                      No of Students
                                                                                                                                              10                                             No of Students
• It is essential to create circumstances for
  students to interact with each other, to
  express their opinions and to evaluate other                            Question: I am often able to share my ideas with                           Question: Do you often ask doubts in a class ?
                                                                          group of people effectively and easily ?
  students’ arguments.
                                                                     35                                                                            45
                                                                     30                                                                            40

• Where a platform for sharing of ideas and                          25

  opinions /asking doubt may be
                                                                     15                                                                            20
                                                                     10                                                  No of Students            15
                                                                                                                                                   10                                            No of Students
                                                                      5                                                                             5

  advantageous for the students who like to be                        0                                                                             0

  in their shell, it is not going to hamper the
  learning style of an extrovert student.
                                                          Focus Group and Discussion session
• Social networking and blogging was an
  activity the student section of society is very         As mentioned earlier, a group session with
  active in, this can be incorporated within the          three very experienced teachers at IITG was
  classroom scenario too.                                 done to get their take on our idea and an
                                                          insight on their side of problem. They
                                                          expressed concern over the diminishing
 Survey Analysis                                          trend of discussions and idea sharing
 The survey brought results of 94 students and            within the class. Through the discussion,
 we were able to identify the students, with              we were intimate about the following
 whom we should interact with for further                 important issues :
 research. Also from the analysis we were able
 to get the opinion of freshmen on the teaching           • The class hours have been shrinking
 methods and the idea of doubt clearance                    over the years, because of which
 within the class.                                          discussions and doubt clearance within
                                                            the class is not promoted. However the
                                                            doubts are entertained via email after
                                                            the class.
• Their might be issues of breaching the
   discipline through the portal if it             Flow Model and Affinity Analysis
   supported anonymity , also students             After the intimation of all the different factors
   may not concentrate on the instruction.         involved in the activity of doubt clearance
 • The teachers backed the idea to be              within the class, we developed a flow model to
   implemented in tutorial and problem             reflect the system.
   solving sessions since they are not all
   about grasping concepts by the means of

 User Interviews
 In a question answer session carried with 10
 primary users i.e. the students, their were
 many insights developed and got to know the
 problems they came across while sharing ideas
 or asking a doubt. All the sessions were a very
 open and we tried to promote the sharing of
 experiences with us. Where many common
 findings were recorded, we analyzed all user
 statements and then prepared a chart to get the
 clear understanding.

                                                    Affinity Analysis

Flow Model
Doubt Clearance in a                        REFERENCE

  Left Disregarded                                                             Left Disregarded

    INSTRUCTOR                                                                       PEER

                                Attention                     Clearance

           Instruction                                                     Noise/Distraction
Chart of the User Interview analysis

Observation                   Inference                       Opportunity
Instructor assumes that the There is a feedback in            A system for better
concept taught has been     some form from the                feedback from the students
grasped well by the         students but lacks assurity.      can be made.
students but not sure.

Students prefer a concept,    The learning of a new           The student may have an
repeated multiple number      concept strengthens on          option of going back and
of times.                     repetition.                     repeating the concept for

Teacher seemed the most       Doubt clearance is most         Need of an instant system
interested during the class   likely to be entertained        with the features of having
regarding the topic.          well by the instructor          doubts cleared within the
                              during the class.               class.

Verbal Interaction during a   A sudden break/change in        A change in the media of
class is always appreciated   the course of a                 instruction, a dialogue with
by students.                  monotonous lecture is           the instructor, an idea
                              good to bring back interest.    shared.

Majority of students have     Speaking in a gathering is      A platform to share the
many times not asked a        mainly not welcome, with        doubt and have less
doubt due to the fear of      personality type playing a      influence of speaking in
public speaking.              small role.                     public.

Doubt asking was not          If not very important or        A discussion platform
entertained within the        supported well, asking the      where all the doubts get
class due to lack of time     doubt may cause a break in      accumulated and
with the teacher.             the class flow and waste        entertained by the
                              precious class time.            instructor after the class.

Students do express their     It is easier for all the        A platform where students
opinions and ideas on         individuals to have             can post their ideas,
platforms like social         discussions on the internet     opinion in public or
networks and blogs.           which if not equally, is very   communities and initiate a
                              effective to an interaction     discussion.
                              ‘in person’ .
Brainstorming                                        Problem Statement
After an intensive research analysis we sat          Interaction and doubt asking in classrooms has
down to join the parts of the problem that we        been on a decline over the past years. This is
knew. The Brainstorming session was purely           supposed to increase interest in the class and
done to draw relations and associations              have participatory learning. A medium can be
between the concepts we were working on.             provided in the classroom and tutorial sessions
                                                     for the college students (IITG students here)
As the associations were made, we derived            which allows them to ask doubts and share
what and where the problem can be solved via         ideas within the class without any hesitation or
design intervention.                                 fear which is ubiquitous amongst a large
We decided to consolidate our problem here to
build an in class portal for the students at IITG    Vision Statement
which shall assist in class interaction in           To Design an interactive networking portal for
particularly doubt asking. This will cater the       the students of IITG which allows Idea sharing
needs of the shy and the introverts while build      and Doubt clearance within the class such that
in an interactive and interesting lecture which      the students get actively involved in the
brings back the lost excitement of a lecture         existing topic and build interest in class .

        Writing the observation                               Observation and Inferences
                                                                    of Classroom

                              Design concept of the background system.
Scenario                                                                                                     Persona Building
Deriving the insights from user interviews and                                                               The user statements reflected a general
analysis of all the research, we represent the                                                               character of the students for class
present situation in the form of a scenario.                                                                 interactions. Keeping the opinions in mind
Having different instances that often occur                                                                  and applying our own insight, we developed a
during a general class with a lot of gathering.                                                              persona. This was referred to at all stages of
                                                                                                             designing the platform.

                                                                                                                                            Name : Harshit Gupta
                                                                                                                                            Age: 20
                                                                                                                                            Occupation : Undergraduate student
                                                                                                                                                           at Guwahati University
                                                                                                                                            Gender : Male
                                                                                                                                            Nationality : Indian
                                                                                                                                            Likes :
                                                                                                                                            •     To read books
                                                                                                                                            •     Write blogs, social networking and
                                                                                                                                            •     internet surfing
Ramesh enters the classroom, he has not                                                                                                     •     Study and learn through online websites
                                                           Ramesh inquires from a nearby batchmate
attended the last two classes. He had inquired
                                                           about the on goings in the course and a few                                      •     Playing Music
from his friend the current topic of discussion,
                                                           updates about an upcoming exam, syllabus etc.
and decided to attend the class. He takes a
backseat so that he doesn’t feel crowded.
                                                                                                                                            •         Going out to parties
                                                                                                                                            •         Giving presentations/addressing people
                                                                                                                                            •         Taking part in cultural activities.
                                                                                                                  Motivations :
                                                                                                                  Harshit is a curios and shy person. He attends lectures in the
                                                                                                                  college daily and makes notes during the class. He generally
                                                                                                                  faces many doubts during a lecture, which he usually gets
                                                                                                                  cleared from his friends or batchmates. He doesn’t ask doubts
                                                                                                                  from the professor in front of too many people due to the
                                                                                                                  fear of public speaking and embarrassment. If a doubt bothers
                                                                                                                  him much, he may go to the concerned instructor during
                                                                                                                  office hours or search it online.
As the instruction session proceeds Ramesh                 The topic is taught, Ramesh is able to follow.         Goals:
encounters a doubt in understanding the order              There occurs another doubt in his mind                 •         To have a good job and excel in it
of differential equation. Before approaching the           regarding the method taught to solve a second          •         To write a book on his life
instructor, he chooses to ask his batchmate and            order equation, he thinks he has a better way          •         To do substantially good projects at
the doubt is cleared. The topic was taught in              of doing it. Again, before approaching the
the last class which he didn’t attend.                     instructor, he chooses to ask his batchmate.
                                                                                                                  Needs:    college
                                                           This is might be a new way of solving this, his        •         To learn from fruitful interactions within the class.
                                                           friend is impressed and thinks Ramesh should           •         To have his doubts cleared and feel motivated to learn
                                                           ask the instructor about his idea.                     •         To have interesting lecture.

                                                                                                                                             Name : Rahul Mishra
                                                                                                                                             Age: 19
                                                                                                                                             Occupation : Undergraduate student
                                                                                                                                                            Jorhat Engg. College
                                                                                                                                             Gender : Male
                                                                                                                                             Nationality : Indian
                                                                                                                                             Likes :
                                                                                                                                             •     Debating
  Out of the motivation which his friend                   The instructor listens to his idea and                                            •     Write blogs, social networking and
  provided, Ramesh dares to interrupt the                  acknowledges it however his may not be the                                        •     internet surfing
  teacher and raise his hand to ask the doubt.             method they would be taught and deal with for
                                                                                                                                             •     Socializing, partying
                                                           all equations. He regards the doubt as a silly
                                                           one and continues with the lecture. Ramesh is                                     •     Listening to rock Music
                                                           left puzzled and a little demotivated.
                                                                                                                                             •         Reading books
                                                                                                                                             •         Giving presentations/addressing people
                                                                                                                   Motivations :             •         Taking part in cultural activities.
                                                                                                                   Harshit is a curios and outgoing person. He doesn’t attend
                                                                                                                   lectures in the college daily and borrows notes during the
                                                                                                                   exam time. He generally faces many doubts during a lecture,
                                                                                                                   for which he usually doesn’t take any initiative. However
                                                                                                                   during exam time he wishes to have hi doubts cleared. He
                                                                                                                   doesn’t have much fear of public speaking and embarrassment
                                                                                                                   but would rather not ask the doubt. If a doubt bothers him
                                                                                                                   much, he may go to the concerned instructor during office
                                                                                                                   hours or search it online.
                                Ramesh after the class feels a little                                              Goals:
                                demotivated however his idea of solving the                                        •         To have a good job in the advertising industry
                                equation is very much in his mind and he
                                decides to search it on the internet. Bingo!
                                                                                                                   •         To write a book on his life
                                What Ramesh had suggested during the class                                         •         To make friends and have a large social circle.
                                was a classic way of solving the problem called                                    Needs:
                                Murrs anaylsis. He feels confident again and
                                writes an email to the instructor about his
                                                                                                                   •      To learn from fruitful interactions within the class.
                                doubt and the new discovery he had made                                            •      To have his doubts cleared and feel motivated to learn
                                within the class.                                                                  •      To have interesting lecture.
Task Flow
Information Architecture

                                                       Today’s               Course
                                                      highlight              Material

Chemistry            Maths                 Physics
                                                                  Tutorial          Lab Instruction     Notice Board
 Lecture*           Lecture*               Lecture*

                                               Chemistry                                   Discussion
   Doubt Portal        Lecture Slide                                   Calendar
                                                Course                                       Forum

                                                            Promoting the         Commenting /
                  Posting a            Searching an
                                                               existing           Answering the
                   doubt                 answer
                                                               doubts             existing doubt

  Paper Prototype
Scenario Wireframes
The following screens show the
wireframes of the platform for a simple
task of posting a doubt.

                       Login Screen                      Doubt Portal Screen
                       •       Enter User Name           Student taps on the white
                       •       Enter Password            Space to write his/her doubt.
                       •       Tap on Login Button

                            Home Screen                  Doubt Portal Screen
                            The page shows today         Student types his/her doubt
                            Schedule for a student       through the keypad.
                            Like today’s lecture
                            Labs, Tutorial and notice
                            Board where mails,
                            Updates are available.

                                                         Doubt Portal Screen
                            Home Screen
                                                         Question/Doubt get posted on
                   •        Student taps on              which students can promote if
                   •        chemistry to go              they have same doubt or
                            to current lecture .         comment if they know the
                                                         answer. User’s question is
                                                         differently coloured.
                            Current Lecture Slide
                            At top left side have 4
                             buttons. First icon takes
                            you to doubt portal where
                            student could ask doubt r
                            elated to current lecture
                            going on. Student taps
                            on doubt portal icon.

                           Doubt Portal Screen

                           Left section of the screen
                           Shows all the doubts asked
                           by the students. Doubts
                           blows up with increasing
                           number of likes. (Which
                           Implies many students have
                           the same doubt.) Right
                           section gives student a
                           chance to post his/her
Conclusion                                        References
The project done is a part of generic
problem solving. As students faced the
problem of not having their doubts cleared          Introverts, Extroverts, and
within the class or have a fruitful discussion.     Achievement in a Distance Learning
The matter is required to be addressed and          Environment
we explored it and made an attempt at its           -Baruch Offir, Rachel Bezalel, and
solution via design intervention. The               Ingrid Barth 2007
problem was treated to provide an                   Bar-Ilan University, Israel
interactive portal which was truly a job of an
interaction designer.
                                                    Reflections on Being an Introvert in
                                                    the Classroom
During the project we learned to apply
                                                    by Jeanne Briggs, '96
different Interaction design methods and
techniques. The framework of our project
                                                    -Introverts and Extraverts require
had research as its important component.
                                                    different learning environment
We learned about field studies, how to carry
                                                    Ronald Schmeck and Dan Lockhart 1983
out observation, how to conduct user
research and make sure it is useful in the
end solution. The analysis of data gathered         -Personality type and Online versus
by research was an interesting stage where          in class Satisfaction
many insights started to develop and we             Richard Daughenbaugh, Lynda
were able to picturize a solution in our head.      Daughenbaugh, Daniel Surry and
                                                    Mohammed Islam 2003
There is still a lot of scope for development       -
of this initial concept and many features            Relations Between Personality
need to be consolidated with more research.         Traits, Language Learning
However, our next step will be to test the          Styles.
solution proposed till a satisfactory result is     İsmail ERTON 2010
gathered about the system loopholes and             -
usability of the interface.                          Designing Class Participation
                                                    Experiences for the Introverted
                                                    By: Jeanne Merkle Sorrell, DAEd Hazel N.
                                                    Brown, EdD

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Class pal report

  • 1. Interaction Design Project Report ClassPal : the Classroom Assisting System Jatin Pherwani Vikas Luthra Bhasker Sharma 10020518 10020544 10020512 Abstract We chose to explore and do research on the In this paper we describe the process and related topics of personality traits like outcome of our work developing an Interactive introverts and extroverts. The learning doubt clearance portal to enhance the learning techniques preferred by the students had experience for a lecture based classroom. enough variety, which allowed us to search During the project we have learned about the for a problem area which might be present in various forces playing part in effective learning the rigid methods of teaching, which exist ranging from discussions in the class to effect throughout classrooms in a school. While we of personality traits on the participatory explored the area of interest, there were activities. findings that indicated how learning is primarily a social activity and participation Keywords in the social life of the school is central for effective learning to occur. We set ourselves Introvert learning, Doubt Clearance, out to come up with a solution that would Interactive Assistance help maintain the balance of social and individual learning at the same time not disturb the various complex dynamics of Introduction individual personality traits. ClassPal is the name of our concept portal which will help enhance the learning experience of a traditional lecture classroom. Many different features of this application are inspired from real life experiences such as Doubt clearance, Quiz attempt and Student feedback. We started our process by choosing the topic of Education and confining it to the domain of learning experience in a classroom. Another area that fascinated us was the variety in personality traits that exist within students and teachers, how these make the The portal as discussed, will phenomenon of learning an even more have an experience of interactive classroom by complex process. making use of network technology and social interactions
  • 2. Research Phase The project demanded a lot of research to be done since our areas of interest were too wide and had to be connected logically. Since we as students have been through the situation of learning in the classrooms, there were many decisions where we were tempted to use our own discretion and act as the user. However that would not be the way a designer works to solve such a problem. Thus there was extensive literature study done to get the concepts related to personality types and their effects on learning right. The famous ted talk by Susain Cain describing the nature of introverts and why Secondary Research the society can’t afford to ignore them. Reading research papers cleared our Ref. assumptions about the factors playing role in learning in a classroom for different individuals. We chose to concentrate on four The following is an abstract from a paper topics mainly. First, the learning activity for a called Reflections on Being an classroom based environment. Secondly, the Introvert in the Classroom types of personality traits that exist and their by Jeanne Briggs, '96 behavior towards an activity like learning. “If I offer my idea in class, however, I feel as Third, the different researches that have been though it is unconnected and makes no sense done to support demarcations in learning in the conversation. For this reason I often styles of extroverts and introverts. Fourth, the keep my ideas to myself. I sometimes end up various interactive platforms that exist to speaking at the end of class, when I have fully enhance the classroom learning experience. processed all of the ideas that have been Learning at school requires students to pay presented and therefore feel able to attention, to observe, to memorize, to contribute my opinion, but by then it is understand, to set goals and to assume usually too late. My preference for an responsibility for their own learning. These introverted learning style does not mean that cognitive activities are not possible without I never speak in class or that I don't like to the active involvement and engagement of speak in class. I actually enjoy participating in the learner. A few ways the teacher can a lively, thought-provoking discussion, as assure this of are : long as it is structured in a way that allows me • avoid situations where the students are to contribute. “ passive listeners for long periods of time. “Eysenck’s theory places assumption on the • Provide students with hands-on activities, difference in the nervous system of people with such as experiments, different personality traits. Introverts are observations, projects, etc. assumed to have a weak neural inhibition • Encourage participation in classroom That the stimulation of senses easily prompts discussions and other collaborative activity in the brain, while extroverts have activities strong neural inhibition making it difficult for - Elmore, Peterson & McCarthy, 1996; sensory stimulations to activate the brain.” Piaget, 1978; Scardamalia & Bereiter, 1991. -Introverts and Extraverts require
  • 3. different learning environment Ronald Schmeck and Dan Lockhart 1983 “Most students are neither totally introverted nor totally extraverted. They require both quiet as well as stimulating learning environments. The challenge thus is one of (1) Providing the majority of students with an environment that may sometimes be too stimulating for the teacher. School of One is one radical initiative that (2) Providing a little extra stimulation for the aims at Reimagining the classroom to extraverted children. meet the needs of every student (3) Keeping all this stimulation from interfering with the learning of extremely introverted students.” -Introverts and Extraverts require different learning environment Ronald Schmeck and Dan Lockhart 1983 The Office of LYCS Architecture is typically extroverted: light, open, and airy to facilitate collaboration. A Playground for Leif by Designliga A playful environment designed specifically for introvert toddlers.
  • 4. Primary Research Survey The first step was to identify the range of The User research was done within the personality traits in a typical classroom in premises of our campus, IIT Guwahati. the college. The questionnaire was The students and teachers can serve as a carefully designed to serve two main reflection of many higher education purposes. One, to identify the personality institutes and universities in our country. trait of a student and secondly a few The strategy followed for research were opinion questions to know about their divided into two phases. First to get a wide problems with the existing methods of range of general opinion on the context, we teaching and interaction in class. carried out surveys for a large group of people. Second phase was done to get the in The survey research was done with 94 depth knowledge of the matter and freshmen in the lecture theatre after the included activities like observations, user class. The method followed was to modify interviews and expert interviews and focus an approved personality test, to suit our group study. purpose. Items were drawn from the Eysenck’ personality questionnaire which is a simple test with 15 multiple choice Observation questions to help determine the person’s We conducted observation sessions in two traits on a fair range of introversion. types of classrooms to see the activities of students and teachers. There were many interesting findings from this method. Techniques like Shadowing, and Fly on the wall were used to observe and record behavior of students without interfering in their activities. A time lapse video and our own notes recorded the useful observations which were used in further analysis. Students filling in the survey questionnaire Subject Matter Expert (SME) Interviews The matter of classroom learning required knowledge of knowing different social Frames from the Photographs and time factors influencing a participatory activity lapse videos as a part of the activity like doubt asking. We consulted Dr. Naveen observation. Kashyap a professor of Psychology department at IIT Guwahati. We asked
  • 5. him about the experience a student goes Focus Group/ Discussions through in the class and the problems they might face in interaction sessions or doubt Without much analysis, one may infer that clearance. teachers/instructors are an essential part of learning in the classroom. As a part of carrying the research, we interviewed a User Interviews few of the very experienced professors at IITG to know their side of the context with We have till now interviewed 8 students interactivity in a classroom. An informal as a part of the research. We chose these session carried out in a relaxed people from the result of their surveys. environment helped ignite many sparks of Having done the analysis of the scores in ideas for the concept and motivated us to the personality questionnaire, we picked a the right path. sample size of 8 people who reflected the extreme and moderate personality types for getting to know the different perspectives and experience. Questions were asked in a friendly manner to make the students as comfortable as possible (so as to get the natural responses). Their responses for having a more interactive classes were quite apparent however a few insights were more of findings. Group discussion with teachers at IITG. User interviews being conducted.
  • 6. Research Analysis Phase 40 Secondary Research 35 After the research done at secondary level 30 Sample Size: 94 (mostly reading research papers), it was 25 implied that the introvert students face No of students problems in a gathering of people to share 20 their ideas or ask doubts. Where many findings 15 from secondary research also indicated that a 10 quiet personality may not be the only 5 restriction for an individual get his/her idea 0 through the social barrier. A few very crude exterme extrovert low introversion and high introversion and extreme introvert high extroversion low extroversion conclusions and ideas that came after Question: I don’t like over stimulating environment?( I am not comfortable in going for horror movies or secondary research were : roller coaster ride or loud rock concerts) Question: Do you prefer studying on your own than having group studying session? • The establishment of a fruitful collaborative 40 35 35 and co-operative atmosphere is an essential 30 25 30 25 part of school learning at any level. 20 20 15 15 10 No of Students 10 No of Students 5 5 0 0 • It is essential to create circumstances for students to interact with each other, to express their opinions and to evaluate other Question: I am often able to share my ideas with Question: Do you often ask doubts in a class ? group of people effectively and easily ? students’ arguments. 40 50 35 45 30 40 • Where a platform for sharing of ideas and 25 20 35 30 25 opinions /asking doubt may be 15 20 10 No of Students 15 10 No of Students 5 5 advantageous for the students who like to be 0 0 in their shell, it is not going to hamper the learning style of an extrovert student. Focus Group and Discussion session • Social networking and blogging was an activity the student section of society is very As mentioned earlier, a group session with active in, this can be incorporated within the three very experienced teachers at IITG was classroom scenario too. done to get their take on our idea and an insight on their side of problem. They expressed concern over the diminishing Survey Analysis trend of discussions and idea sharing The survey brought results of 94 students and within the class. Through the discussion, we were able to identify the students, with we were intimate about the following whom we should interact with for further important issues : research. Also from the analysis we were able to get the opinion of freshmen on the teaching • The class hours have been shrinking methods and the idea of doubt clearance over the years, because of which within the class. discussions and doubt clearance within the class is not promoted. However the doubts are entertained via email after the class.
  • 7. • Their might be issues of breaching the discipline through the portal if it Flow Model and Affinity Analysis supported anonymity , also students After the intimation of all the different factors may not concentrate on the instruction. involved in the activity of doubt clearance • The teachers backed the idea to be within the class, we developed a flow model to implemented in tutorial and problem reflect the system. solving sessions since they are not all about grasping concepts by the means of instruction. User Interviews In a question answer session carried with 10 primary users i.e. the students, their were many insights developed and got to know the problems they came across while sharing ideas or asking a doubt. All the sessions were a very open and we tried to promote the sharing of experiences with us. Where many common findings were recorded, we analyzed all user statements and then prepared a chart to get the clear understanding. Affinity Analysis Flow Model Doubt Clearance in a REFERENCE SOURCES classroom Left Disregarded Left Disregarded INSTRUCTOR PEER DOUBT Feedback/ Attention Clearance Instruction Noise/Distraction STUDENTS
  • 8. Chart of the User Interview analysis Observation Inference Opportunity Instructor assumes that the There is a feedback in A system for better concept taught has been some form from the feedback from the students grasped well by the students but lacks assurity. can be made. students but not sure. Students prefer a concept, The learning of a new The student may have an repeated multiple number concept strengthens on option of going back and of times. repetition. repeating the concept for himself. Teacher seemed the most Doubt clearance is most Need of an instant system interested during the class likely to be entertained with the features of having regarding the topic. well by the instructor doubts cleared within the during the class. class. Verbal Interaction during a A sudden break/change in A change in the media of class is always appreciated the course of a instruction, a dialogue with by students. monotonous lecture is the instructor, an idea good to bring back interest. shared. Majority of students have Speaking in a gathering is A platform to share the many times not asked a mainly not welcome, with doubt and have less doubt due to the fear of personality type playing a influence of speaking in public speaking. small role. public. Doubt asking was not If not very important or A discussion platform entertained within the supported well, asking the where all the doubts get class due to lack of time doubt may cause a break in accumulated and with the teacher. the class flow and waste entertained by the precious class time. instructor after the class. Students do express their It is easier for all the A platform where students opinions and ideas on individuals to have can post their ideas, platforms like social discussions on the internet opinion in public or networks and blogs. which if not equally, is very communities and initiate a effective to an interaction discussion. ‘in person’ .
  • 9. Brainstorming Problem Statement After an intensive research analysis we sat Interaction and doubt asking in classrooms has down to join the parts of the problem that we been on a decline over the past years. This is knew. The Brainstorming session was purely supposed to increase interest in the class and done to draw relations and associations have participatory learning. A medium can be between the concepts we were working on. provided in the classroom and tutorial sessions for the college students (IITG students here) As the associations were made, we derived which allows them to ask doubts and share what and where the problem can be solved via ideas within the class without any hesitation or design intervention. fear which is ubiquitous amongst a large audience. We decided to consolidate our problem here to build an in class portal for the students at IITG Vision Statement which shall assist in class interaction in To Design an interactive networking portal for particularly doubt asking. This will cater the the students of IITG which allows Idea sharing needs of the shy and the introverts while build and Doubt clearance within the class such that in an interactive and interesting lecture which the students get actively involved in the brings back the lost excitement of a lecture existing topic and build interest in class . class. Writing the observation Observation and Inferences of Classroom Design concept of the background system.
  • 10. Scenario Persona Building Deriving the insights from user interviews and The user statements reflected a general analysis of all the research, we represent the character of the students for class present situation in the form of a scenario. interactions. Keeping the opinions in mind Having different instances that often occur and applying our own insight, we developed a during a general class with a lot of gathering. persona. This was referred to at all stages of designing the platform. Name : Harshit Gupta Age: 20 Occupation : Undergraduate student at Guwahati University Gender : Male Nationality : Indian Likes : • To read books • Write blogs, social networking and • internet surfing Ramesh enters the classroom, he has not • Study and learn through online websites Ramesh inquires from a nearby batchmate attended the last two classes. He had inquired about the on goings in the course and a few • Playing Music from his friend the current topic of discussion, updates about an upcoming exam, syllabus etc. and decided to attend the class. He takes a backseat so that he doesn’t feel crowded. Dislikes: • Going out to parties • Giving presentations/addressing people • Taking part in cultural activities. Motivations : Harshit is a curios and shy person. He attends lectures in the college daily and makes notes during the class. He generally faces many doubts during a lecture, which he usually gets cleared from his friends or batchmates. He doesn’t ask doubts from the professor in front of too many people due to the fear of public speaking and embarrassment. If a doubt bothers him much, he may go to the concerned instructor during office hours or search it online. As the instruction session proceeds Ramesh The topic is taught, Ramesh is able to follow. Goals: encounters a doubt in understanding the order There occurs another doubt in his mind • To have a good job and excel in it of differential equation. Before approaching the regarding the method taught to solve a second • To write a book on his life instructor, he chooses to ask his batchmate and order equation, he thinks he has a better way • To do substantially good projects at the doubt is cleared. The topic was taught in of doing it. Again, before approaching the the last class which he didn’t attend. instructor, he chooses to ask his batchmate. Needs: college This is might be a new way of solving this, his • To learn from fruitful interactions within the class. friend is impressed and thinks Ramesh should • To have his doubts cleared and feel motivated to learn ask the instructor about his idea. • To have interesting lecture. Name : Rahul Mishra Age: 19 Occupation : Undergraduate student Jorhat Engg. College Gender : Male Nationality : Indian Likes : • Debating Out of the motivation which his friend The instructor listens to his idea and • Write blogs, social networking and provided, Ramesh dares to interrupt the acknowledges it however his may not be the • internet surfing teacher and raise his hand to ask the doubt. method they would be taught and deal with for • Socializing, partying all equations. He regards the doubt as a silly one and continues with the lecture. Ramesh is • Listening to rock Music left puzzled and a little demotivated. Dislikes: • Reading books • Giving presentations/addressing people Motivations : • Taking part in cultural activities. Harshit is a curios and outgoing person. He doesn’t attend lectures in the college daily and borrows notes during the exam time. He generally faces many doubts during a lecture, for which he usually doesn’t take any initiative. However during exam time he wishes to have hi doubts cleared. He doesn’t have much fear of public speaking and embarrassment but would rather not ask the doubt. If a doubt bothers him much, he may go to the concerned instructor during office hours or search it online. Ramesh after the class feels a little Goals: demotivated however his idea of solving the • To have a good job in the advertising industry equation is very much in his mind and he decides to search it on the internet. Bingo! • To write a book on his life What Ramesh had suggested during the class • To make friends and have a large social circle. was a classic way of solving the problem called Needs: Murrs anaylsis. He feels confident again and writes an email to the instructor about his • To learn from fruitful interactions within the class. doubt and the new discovery he had made • To have his doubts cleared and feel motivated to learn within the class. • To have interesting lecture.
  • 12. Information Architecture Home Today’s Course highlight Material Chemistry Maths Physics Tutorial Lab Instruction Notice Board Lecture* Lecture* Lecture* Chemistry Discussion Doubt Portal Lecture Slide Calendar Course Forum Promoting the Commenting / Posting a Searching an existing Answering the doubt answer doubts existing doubt Paper Prototype
  • 13. Prototype Scenario Wireframes The following screens show the wireframes of the platform for a simple task of posting a doubt. Login Screen Doubt Portal Screen • Enter User Name Student taps on the white • Enter Password Space to write his/her doubt. • Tap on Login Button Home Screen Doubt Portal Screen The page shows today Student types his/her doubt Schedule for a student through the keypad. Like today’s lecture Labs, Tutorial and notice Board where mails, Updates are available. Doubt Portal Screen Home Screen Question/Doubt get posted on • Student taps on which students can promote if • chemistry to go they have same doubt or to current lecture . comment if they know the answer. User’s question is differently coloured. Current Lecture Slide At top left side have 4 buttons. First icon takes you to doubt portal where student could ask doubt r elated to current lecture going on. Student taps on doubt portal icon. Doubt Portal Screen Left section of the screen Shows all the doubts asked by the students. Doubts blows up with increasing number of likes. (Which Implies many students have the same doubt.) Right section gives student a chance to post his/her question.
  • 14. Conclusion References The project done is a part of generic problem solving. As students faced the problem of not having their doubts cleared Introverts, Extroverts, and within the class or have a fruitful discussion. Achievement in a Distance Learning The matter is required to be addressed and Environment we explored it and made an attempt at its -Baruch Offir, Rachel Bezalel, and solution via design intervention. The Ingrid Barth 2007 problem was treated to provide an Bar-Ilan University, Israel interactive portal which was truly a job of an interaction designer. Reflections on Being an Introvert in the Classroom During the project we learned to apply by Jeanne Briggs, '96 different Interaction design methods and techniques. The framework of our project -Introverts and Extraverts require had research as its important component. different learning environment We learned about field studies, how to carry Ronald Schmeck and Dan Lockhart 1983 out observation, how to conduct user research and make sure it is useful in the end solution. The analysis of data gathered -Personality type and Online versus by research was an interesting stage where in class Satisfaction many insights started to develop and we Richard Daughenbaugh, Lynda were able to picturize a solution in our head. Daughenbaugh, Daniel Surry and Mohammed Islam 2003 There is still a lot of scope for development - of this initial concept and many features Relations Between Personality need to be consolidated with more research. Traits, Language Learning However, our next step will be to test the Styles. solution proposed till a satisfactory result is İsmail ERTON 2010 gathered about the system loopholes and - usability of the interface. Designing Class Participation Experiences for the Introverted Student By: Jeanne Merkle Sorrell, DAEd Hazel N. Brown, EdD