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Chapter 17 Religion
Chapter Outline ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
An Overview Of Religion ,[object Object],[object Object]
Religion  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Religion ,[object Object],[object Object]
Religion ,[object Object],[object Object]
Sociological Perspectives Of Religion Functionalist Sacred beliefs and rituals bind people together and help maintain social control. Conflict Religion may be used to justify the status quo (Marx) or to promote social change. Symbolic Interactionist Religion may serve as a reference group for many people, but because of race, class, and gender people may experience it differently.
Durkheim on Religion ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Four Categories of Religion ,[object Object],[object Object]
Four Categories of Religion ,[object Object],[object Object]
Secularization ,[object Object]
Civil Religion ,[object Object],[object Object]
Church ,[object Object],[object Object]
Major World Religions Christianity Islam Current Followers 1.7 billion 1 billion Founder Jesus Muhammad Date 1st century C.E. ca. 600 C.E
Major World Religions Hinduism Buddhism Current Followers 719 million 309 million Founder No specific founder Siddhartha Gautama Date ca. 1500 B.C.E 500 to 600 B.C.E.
Major World Religions Judaism Confucianism Current Followers 18 million 5.9 million Founder Abraham, Isaac, Jacob K’ung Fu-Tzu Date ca. 2000 B.C.E. 500 B.C.E
Separation of Church and State ,[object Object],[object Object]
Symbolic Nature of Church and State Connection ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
--Jefferson on Religion  Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Government "The want of instruction in the various creeds of religious faith existing among our citizens presents... a chasm in a general institution of the useful sciences. But it was thought that this want, and the entrustment to each society of instruction in its own doctrine, were evils of less danger than a permission to the public authorities to dictate modes or principles of religious instruction, or than opportunities furnished them by giving countenance or ascendancy to any one sect over another." --Thomas Jefferson: Virginia Board of Visitors Minutes, 1822. ME 19:414
"After stating the constitutional reasons against a public establishment of any religious instruction, we suggest the expediency of encouraging the different religious sects to establish, each for itself, a professorship of their own tenets on the confines of the university, so near as that their students may attend the lectures there and have the free use of our library and every other accommodation we can give them; preserving, however, their independence of us and of each other. This fills the chasm objected to ours, as a defect in an institution professing to give instruction in  all  useful sciences... And by bringing the sects together, and mixing them with the mass of other students, we shall soften their asperities, liberalize and neutralize their prejudices, and make the general religion a religion of peace, reason, and morality." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1822. ME 15:405
Campaign  Funding by Party
IN GOD ’ S NAMEHTTP://WWW.NYTIMES.COM/2006/10/08/BUSINESS/08RELIGIOUS.HTML?_R=1&PAGEWANTED=ALL As Exemptions Grow, Religion Outweighs Regulation  By  DIANA B. HENRIQUES Published: October 8, 2006
NAMEHTTP://WWW.NYTIMES.COM/2006/10/08/ BUSINESS/08RELIGIOUS.HTML? As Exemptions Grow, Religion Outweighs Regulation  EXEMPTIONS AVAILABLE  Federal law gives religious organizations unique ways to challenge government restrictions on how they use their land or buildings. In Boulder County, Colo., the Rocky Mountain Christian Church is using a new federal law to fight a county decision preventing it from expanding on land designated for open space.  By  DIANA B. HENRIQUES Published: October 8, 2006
Some of the exceptions have existed for much of the nation ’ s history, originally devised for Christian churches but expanded to other faiths as the nation has become more religiously diverse. But many have been granted in just the last 15 years  —  sometimes added to legislation, anonymously and with little attention, much as are the widely criticized  “ earmarks ”  benefiting other special interests.
An analysis by The New York Times of laws passed since 1989 shows that more than 200 special arrangements, protections or exemptions for religious groups or their adherents were tucked into Congressional legislation, covering topics ranging from pensions to  immigration  to land use.  New breaks have also been provided by a host of pivotal court decisions at the state and federal level, and by numerous rule changes in almost every department and agency of the executive branch.
The special breaks amount to  “ a sort of religious affirmative action program, ”  said John Witte Jr., director of the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at the  Emory University  law school.  Professor Witte added:  “ Separation of church and state was certainly part of American law when many of today ’ s public opinion makers were in school. But separation of church and state is no longer the law of the land. ”
The  changes reflect, in part, the growing political influence of religious groups and the growing presence of conservatives in the courts and regulatory agencies. But these tax and regulatory breaks have been endorsed by politicians of both major political parties, by judges around the country, and at all levels of government. “ The religious community has a lot of pull, and senators are very deferential to this kind of legislation, ”  said Richard R. Hammar, the editor of Church Law & Tax Report and an accountant with law and divinity degrees from  Harvard .
As a result of these special breaks, religious organizations of all faiths stand in a position that American businesses  —  and the thousands of nonprofit groups without that  “ religious ”  label  —  can only envy.  And the new breaks come at a time when many religious organizations are expanding into activities  —  from day care centers to funeral homes, from ice cream parlors to fitness clubs, from bookstores to broadcasters  —  that compete with these same businesses and nonprofit organizations. Religious organizations are exempt from many federal, state and local laws and regulations covering social services, including addiction treatment centers and child care, like those in Alabama.
Religion and Schools ,[object Object]
HTTP://WWW.NYTIMES.COM/2006/10/11/BUSINESS/11RELIGIOUS.HTML?EX=1318219200&E IN GOD ’ S NAME Religion-Based Tax Breaks: Housing to Paychecks to Books  Monica Almeida/The New York Times The Rev. Rick Warren, who fought for tax breaks for clergy members, conducts an afternoon service at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif.  By  DIANA B. HENRIQUES Published: October 11, 2006
For tens of millions of Americans, the Rev. Rick Warren is best known for his blockbuster spiritual guide,  “ The Purpose Driven Life, ”  which has sold more than 25 million copies; his success as the founder of the 22,000-member Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif.; and his efforts on behalf of some of the world ’ s neediest people. But for tens of thousands of ministers  —  and their financial advisers  —   Pastor Warren will also be remembered as their champion  in a fight over the most valuable tax break available to ordained clergy members of all faiths: an exemption from federal taxes for most of the money they spend on housing, which typically represents roughly a third of their compensation. Pastor Warren argued that the tax break is essential to poorly paid clergy members who serve society.
The tax break is not available to the staff at secular nonprofit organizations whose scale and charitable aims compare to those of religious ministries like Pastor Warren ’ s church, or to poorly paid inner-city teachers and day care workers who also serve their communities. The housing deduction is one of several tax breaks that leave extra money in the pockets of clergy members and their religious employers. Ministers of every faith are also exempt from income tax withholding and can opt out of Social Security. And every state but one exempts religious employers from paying state unemployment taxes  —  reducing the employers ’  payroll expenses but also leaving their workers without unemployment benefits if they are laid off.
How Much Do You Know About the Impact of Religion on U.S. Education? ,[object Object],[object Object]
False ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
How Much Do You Know About the Impact of Religion on U.S. Education? ,[object Object],[object Object]
True ,[object Object]
How Much Do You Know About the Impact of Religion on U.S. Education? ,[object Object],[object Object]
False ,[object Object],[object Object]
Prayer in the Classroom ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]  - ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
College Students and Religion ,[object Object],[object Object]
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Obama administration to greatly damage charitable giving Top military officers say: "Keep law banning homosexuals"  Black S.C. Democrat blasts his party for it's anti-choice position on education Pro-Life Senators' Open Letter to Obama Where is the fiscal restraint? He doth protest too much More
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],$ 25 $ 50 $ 100 $ 500 Other amount
In Theatres Now - The Cross: The Arthur Blessitt Story Christian Coalition condemns Iowa judges for making law on homosexual "marriage“ Coalition Guest Commentary - Pro-Life Senators' Open Letter to Obama Coalition Guest Commentary - Where is the fiscal restraint?
Pastor Warren Cancels ABC Interview  and Will Not Talk About Prop 8
Gingrich Says the Obama Adminstration  is "Anti-Religiou s"
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:  navigation ,  search For other organizations with similar names, see  Christian Coalition . The  Christian Coalition of America , originally called the Christian Coalition, Inc., is a  US   Christian   advocacy group , which includes  Christian fundamentalists ,  evangelicals ,  neo-evangelicals  and  charismatics . It once wielded great power within the Republican Party but membership has declined drastically in recent years. It claims to have 1,200,000 members.
Brief history [ edit ] Beginnings with Pat Robertson and Ralph Reed Following a well-funded but failed bid for the  U.S. presidency  in 1988, religious broadcaster and political commentator  Pat Robertson  used the remains of his campaign machinery to jump-start the creation of a voter mobilization effort dubbed the Christian Coalition. Americans for Robertson accumulated a mailing list of several million conservative Christians interested in politics. This mailing list formed the foundation for the new organization. However, despite public announcements that excitement among evangelical and Christian right voters prompted the creation of the Christian Coalition, the incorporation records of the State of Virginia reveal that the Christian Coalition, Inc. was actually incorporated on  April 30 ,  1987 , with the paperwork filed earlier, and with planning having begun before that. Thus the Christian Coalition was actually planned long before Pat Robertson's run for President began. Robertson's candidacy appears to have been planned from the start for launching the Christian Coalition .
After its founding, it was granted a  grace period  to operate as a  501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization  before the  IRS  made its final determination. Forty-nine state chapters were also created as independent corporations within their states, including the Christian Coalition of Texas.  A handful, including the Christian Coalition of Texas successfully obtained non-profit status as a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization, while the national group's application remained pending and unresolved.
In 1990, the national Christian Coalition, Inc., headquartered in Chesapeake, Virginia, began producing "non-partisan" voter guides which it distributed to conservative Christian churches, with 40 million being distributed in the 1992 and 1996 presidential election years. Under the leadership of Reed and Robertson, the Coalition quickly became the most prominent voice in the conservative Christian movement, landing Reed on the cover of  Time  in May, 1994, its influence culminating with an effort to support the election of a conservative Christian to the presidency in 1996 or 2000. Complaints that the voter guides were actually partisan led to the denial of the Christian Coalition, Inc.'s tax-exempt status in 1999. The Christian Coalition, Inc. filed a lawsuit against the IRS after which the IRS backed down for most of the years in question, holding out only on 1992. However, instead of pursuing legal action, Pat Robertson renamed the Christian Coalition of Texas, Inc. as the Christian Coalition of America, Inc., since the Texas chapter already enjoyed tax exempt status, and transferred the trademark and all operations to the Texas-based corporation
In 1998, an advocacy group for religious freedom  Americans United  urged the IRS to review the Coalition’s partisan political activities over the decade in which its tax-exempt status was pending. The following year, the IRS revoked the Coalition’s provisional tax-exemption, in view of the Coalition's distribution of "voter guides" which had a partisan bias. The revocation cost the Coalition up to $300,000 in back taxes and penalties.  Following this, the Coalition reorganized as the Christian Coalition of America, as an effort to regain its tax-exempt status. [3] [6]  Churches that once embraced the Christian Coalition have disassociated themselves for fear of losing their own tax-exempt status. [6]  After its tax-exempt status was denied, CCA was able to turn all of its attention to politics. In 2000 the coalition moved from its long-standing base of operations in the Chesapeake Bay area to an office on Capitol Hill in  Washington, D.C.
In 2005, the Coalition concluded a settlement agreement with the  Internal Revenue Service , ending its long-running battle with that agency regarding its  tax exempt status . [4]   As a result, the IRS has now recognized the Coalition as a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization, the first time in the Agency's history that it has granted a letter of exemption to a group that stated in its application that it would distribute voter guides directly in churches. The consent decree enforces limitations on the terminology that may be used in the Coalition's "voter guides". [4]
Answer: A ,[object Object]
Conflict Perspective ,[object Object],[object Object]
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective ,[object Object],[object Object]
Question ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Answer: A ,[object Object]
Question ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Answer: B ,[object Object]
Question ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Answer: D ,[object Object]
Religion and Tradition ,[object Object]
Fundamentalism ,[object Object]
Hindusim ,[object Object],[object Object]
Buddhism ,[object Object]
Confucianism ,[object Object]
Islam ,[object Object],[object Object]
Christianity ,[object Object]
Original Locations of the World’s Major Religions
Characteristics of Churches and Sects Organization Membership Church Large, bureaucratic organization,led by professional clergy  Open to all; members usually from upper and middle classes Sect Small group,high degree of lay participation Guarded membership, usually from lower classes
Characteristics of Churches and Sects Worship Salvation Church Formal, orderly Granted by God Sect Informal, spontaneous Achieved by moral purity
Characteristics of Churches and Sects Attitude Toward Other Religions Church Tolerant Sect Intolerant
Cult ,[object Object]
Major U.S. Denominations That Self-identify As Christian Religious Body Members Churches Roman Catholic 67,260,000 19,431 Southern Baptist Convention 16,440,000 42,972 United Methodist 8,251,000 35,102 Church of God in Christ 5,500,000 15,300 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 5,503,000 12,112
Major U.S. Denominations That Self-identify As Christian Religious Body Members Churches Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 4,985,500 10,657 National Baptist Convention,USA 5,000,000 9,000 National Baptist Convention of America 3,500,000 N.A. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 3,241,000 11,064 Assemblies of God 2,730,000 12,222
U.S. Religious Bodies Membership Religious Body Members Protestants 91,500,000 Roman Catholics 63,683,000 Muslims 6,000,000 Jews 5,602,000 Orthodox Christians 5,631,000 Buddhists 1,864,000 Hindus 795,000
Churches in Low Income Areas ,[object Object]
Quick Quiz
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Answer: A ,[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Answer: B ,[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Answer: C ,[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Answer: D ,[object Object]

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Class 12, Religion, Final Version

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  • 7. Sociological Perspectives Of Religion Functionalist Sacred beliefs and rituals bind people together and help maintain social control. Conflict Religion may be used to justify the status quo (Marx) or to promote social change. Symbolic Interactionist Religion may serve as a reference group for many people, but because of race, class, and gender people may experience it differently.
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  • 14. Major World Religions Christianity Islam Current Followers 1.7 billion 1 billion Founder Jesus Muhammad Date 1st century C.E. ca. 600 C.E
  • 15. Major World Religions Hinduism Buddhism Current Followers 719 million 309 million Founder No specific founder Siddhartha Gautama Date ca. 1500 B.C.E 500 to 600 B.C.E.
  • 16. Major World Religions Judaism Confucianism Current Followers 18 million 5.9 million Founder Abraham, Isaac, Jacob K’ung Fu-Tzu Date ca. 2000 B.C.E. 500 B.C.E
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  • 19. --Jefferson on Religion Thomas Jefferson on Politics & Government "The want of instruction in the various creeds of religious faith existing among our citizens presents... a chasm in a general institution of the useful sciences. But it was thought that this want, and the entrustment to each society of instruction in its own doctrine, were evils of less danger than a permission to the public authorities to dictate modes or principles of religious instruction, or than opportunities furnished them by giving countenance or ascendancy to any one sect over another." --Thomas Jefferson: Virginia Board of Visitors Minutes, 1822. ME 19:414
  • 20. "After stating the constitutional reasons against a public establishment of any religious instruction, we suggest the expediency of encouraging the different religious sects to establish, each for itself, a professorship of their own tenets on the confines of the university, so near as that their students may attend the lectures there and have the free use of our library and every other accommodation we can give them; preserving, however, their independence of us and of each other. This fills the chasm objected to ours, as a defect in an institution professing to give instruction in all useful sciences... And by bringing the sects together, and mixing them with the mass of other students, we shall soften their asperities, liberalize and neutralize their prejudices, and make the general religion a religion of peace, reason, and morality." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1822. ME 15:405
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  • 22. Campaign Funding by Party
  • 23. IN GOD ’ S NAMEHTTP://WWW.NYTIMES.COM/2006/10/08/BUSINESS/08RELIGIOUS.HTML?_R=1&PAGEWANTED=ALL As Exemptions Grow, Religion Outweighs Regulation By DIANA B. HENRIQUES Published: October 8, 2006
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  • 25. NAMEHTTP://WWW.NYTIMES.COM/2006/10/08/ BUSINESS/08RELIGIOUS.HTML? As Exemptions Grow, Religion Outweighs Regulation EXEMPTIONS AVAILABLE Federal law gives religious organizations unique ways to challenge government restrictions on how they use their land or buildings. In Boulder County, Colo., the Rocky Mountain Christian Church is using a new federal law to fight a county decision preventing it from expanding on land designated for open space. By DIANA B. HENRIQUES Published: October 8, 2006
  • 26. Some of the exceptions have existed for much of the nation ’ s history, originally devised for Christian churches but expanded to other faiths as the nation has become more religiously diverse. But many have been granted in just the last 15 years — sometimes added to legislation, anonymously and with little attention, much as are the widely criticized “ earmarks ” benefiting other special interests.
  • 27. An analysis by The New York Times of laws passed since 1989 shows that more than 200 special arrangements, protections or exemptions for religious groups or their adherents were tucked into Congressional legislation, covering topics ranging from pensions to immigration to land use. New breaks have also been provided by a host of pivotal court decisions at the state and federal level, and by numerous rule changes in almost every department and agency of the executive branch.
  • 28. The special breaks amount to “ a sort of religious affirmative action program, ” said John Witte Jr., director of the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at the Emory University law school. Professor Witte added: “ Separation of church and state was certainly part of American law when many of today ’ s public opinion makers were in school. But separation of church and state is no longer the law of the land. ”
  • 29. The changes reflect, in part, the growing political influence of religious groups and the growing presence of conservatives in the courts and regulatory agencies. But these tax and regulatory breaks have been endorsed by politicians of both major political parties, by judges around the country, and at all levels of government. “ The religious community has a lot of pull, and senators are very deferential to this kind of legislation, ” said Richard R. Hammar, the editor of Church Law & Tax Report and an accountant with law and divinity degrees from Harvard .
  • 30. As a result of these special breaks, religious organizations of all faiths stand in a position that American businesses — and the thousands of nonprofit groups without that “ religious ” label — can only envy. And the new breaks come at a time when many religious organizations are expanding into activities — from day care centers to funeral homes, from ice cream parlors to fitness clubs, from bookstores to broadcasters — that compete with these same businesses and nonprofit organizations. Religious organizations are exempt from many federal, state and local laws and regulations covering social services, including addiction treatment centers and child care, like those in Alabama.
  • 31.
  • 32. HTTP://WWW.NYTIMES.COM/2006/10/11/BUSINESS/11RELIGIOUS.HTML?EX=1318219200&E IN GOD ’ S NAME Religion-Based Tax Breaks: Housing to Paychecks to Books Monica Almeida/The New York Times The Rev. Rick Warren, who fought for tax breaks for clergy members, conducts an afternoon service at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif. By DIANA B. HENRIQUES Published: October 11, 2006
  • 33. For tens of millions of Americans, the Rev. Rick Warren is best known for his blockbuster spiritual guide, “ The Purpose Driven Life, ” which has sold more than 25 million copies; his success as the founder of the 22,000-member Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif.; and his efforts on behalf of some of the world ’ s neediest people. But for tens of thousands of ministers — and their financial advisers — Pastor Warren will also be remembered as their champion in a fight over the most valuable tax break available to ordained clergy members of all faiths: an exemption from federal taxes for most of the money they spend on housing, which typically represents roughly a third of their compensation. Pastor Warren argued that the tax break is essential to poorly paid clergy members who serve society.
  • 34. The tax break is not available to the staff at secular nonprofit organizations whose scale and charitable aims compare to those of religious ministries like Pastor Warren ’ s church, or to poorly paid inner-city teachers and day care workers who also serve their communities. The housing deduction is one of several tax breaks that leave extra money in the pockets of clergy members and their religious employers. Ministers of every faith are also exempt from income tax withholding and can opt out of Social Security. And every state but one exempts religious employers from paying state unemployment taxes — reducing the employers ’ payroll expenses but also leaving their workers without unemployment benefits if they are laid off.
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  • 44. Sidebar Navigation About Us Join Donate Commentary Newsletter Press Room News Campaigns Online Store RSS Feeds
  • 45. Obama administration to greatly damage charitable giving Top military officers say: "Keep law banning homosexuals" Black S.C. Democrat blasts his party for it's anti-choice position on education Pro-Life Senators' Open Letter to Obama Where is the fiscal restraint? He doth protest too much More
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  • 47. CONNECT WITH US: twitter
  • 48. In Theatres Now - The Cross: The Arthur Blessitt Story Christian Coalition condemns Iowa judges for making law on homosexual "marriage“ Coalition Guest Commentary - Pro-Life Senators' Open Letter to Obama Coalition Guest Commentary - Where is the fiscal restraint?
  • 49. Pastor Warren Cancels ABC Interview and Will Not Talk About Prop 8
  • 50. Gingrich Says the Obama Adminstration is "Anti-Religiou s"
  • 51. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search For other organizations with similar names, see Christian Coalition . The Christian Coalition of America , originally called the Christian Coalition, Inc., is a US Christian advocacy group , which includes Christian fundamentalists , evangelicals , neo-evangelicals and charismatics . It once wielded great power within the Republican Party but membership has declined drastically in recent years. It claims to have 1,200,000 members.
  • 52. Brief history [ edit ] Beginnings with Pat Robertson and Ralph Reed Following a well-funded but failed bid for the U.S. presidency in 1988, religious broadcaster and political commentator Pat Robertson used the remains of his campaign machinery to jump-start the creation of a voter mobilization effort dubbed the Christian Coalition. Americans for Robertson accumulated a mailing list of several million conservative Christians interested in politics. This mailing list formed the foundation for the new organization. However, despite public announcements that excitement among evangelical and Christian right voters prompted the creation of the Christian Coalition, the incorporation records of the State of Virginia reveal that the Christian Coalition, Inc. was actually incorporated on April 30 , 1987 , with the paperwork filed earlier, and with planning having begun before that. Thus the Christian Coalition was actually planned long before Pat Robertson's run for President began. Robertson's candidacy appears to have been planned from the start for launching the Christian Coalition .
  • 53. After its founding, it was granted a grace period to operate as a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization before the IRS made its final determination. Forty-nine state chapters were also created as independent corporations within their states, including the Christian Coalition of Texas. A handful, including the Christian Coalition of Texas successfully obtained non-profit status as a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization, while the national group's application remained pending and unresolved.
  • 54. In 1990, the national Christian Coalition, Inc., headquartered in Chesapeake, Virginia, began producing "non-partisan" voter guides which it distributed to conservative Christian churches, with 40 million being distributed in the 1992 and 1996 presidential election years. Under the leadership of Reed and Robertson, the Coalition quickly became the most prominent voice in the conservative Christian movement, landing Reed on the cover of Time in May, 1994, its influence culminating with an effort to support the election of a conservative Christian to the presidency in 1996 or 2000. Complaints that the voter guides were actually partisan led to the denial of the Christian Coalition, Inc.'s tax-exempt status in 1999. The Christian Coalition, Inc. filed a lawsuit against the IRS after which the IRS backed down for most of the years in question, holding out only on 1992. However, instead of pursuing legal action, Pat Robertson renamed the Christian Coalition of Texas, Inc. as the Christian Coalition of America, Inc., since the Texas chapter already enjoyed tax exempt status, and transferred the trademark and all operations to the Texas-based corporation
  • 55. In 1998, an advocacy group for religious freedom Americans United urged the IRS to review the Coalition’s partisan political activities over the decade in which its tax-exempt status was pending. The following year, the IRS revoked the Coalition’s provisional tax-exemption, in view of the Coalition's distribution of "voter guides" which had a partisan bias. The revocation cost the Coalition up to $300,000 in back taxes and penalties. Following this, the Coalition reorganized as the Christian Coalition of America, as an effort to regain its tax-exempt status. [3] [6] Churches that once embraced the Christian Coalition have disassociated themselves for fear of losing their own tax-exempt status. [6] After its tax-exempt status was denied, CCA was able to turn all of its attention to politics. In 2000 the coalition moved from its long-standing base of operations in the Chesapeake Bay area to an office on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
  • 56. In 2005, the Coalition concluded a settlement agreement with the Internal Revenue Service , ending its long-running battle with that agency regarding its tax exempt status . [4] As a result, the IRS has now recognized the Coalition as a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization, the first time in the Agency's history that it has granted a letter of exemption to a group that stated in its application that it would distribute voter guides directly in churches. The consent decree enforces limitations on the terminology that may be used in the Coalition's "voter guides". [4]
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  • 74. Original Locations of the World’s Major Religions
  • 75. Characteristics of Churches and Sects Organization Membership Church Large, bureaucratic organization,led by professional clergy Open to all; members usually from upper and middle classes Sect Small group,high degree of lay participation Guarded membership, usually from lower classes
  • 76. Characteristics of Churches and Sects Worship Salvation Church Formal, orderly Granted by God Sect Informal, spontaneous Achieved by moral purity
  • 77. Characteristics of Churches and Sects Attitude Toward Other Religions Church Tolerant Sect Intolerant
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  • 79. Major U.S. Denominations That Self-identify As Christian Religious Body Members Churches Roman Catholic 67,260,000 19,431 Southern Baptist Convention 16,440,000 42,972 United Methodist 8,251,000 35,102 Church of God in Christ 5,500,000 15,300 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 5,503,000 12,112
  • 80. Major U.S. Denominations That Self-identify As Christian Religious Body Members Churches Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 4,985,500 10,657 National Baptist Convention,USA 5,000,000 9,000 National Baptist Convention of America 3,500,000 N.A. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 3,241,000 11,064 Assemblies of God 2,730,000 12,222
  • 81. U.S. Religious Bodies Membership Religious Body Members Protestants 91,500,000 Roman Catholics 63,683,000 Muslims 6,000,000 Jews 5,602,000 Orthodox Christians 5,631,000 Buddhists 1,864,000 Hindus 795,000
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