SlideShare a Scribd company logo
                                 GRAPHIC DESIGNER
                                 w w w. a n d r e w y o u n g . c a
                                 w w w. a n d r e w y o u n g g r a p h i c d e s i g n e r. b l o g s p p o t . c om   •
WORLD I N T E R - A C T I O N M O N D I A L E      is a
vo l u n t e e r- b a s e d , charitable organization
w o r k i n g t o c r e a t e awareness on world
is s u e s .

W I A M ’s f l a g s h i p program is the One
Wo r l d F i l m F e s t i val. WIAM’s Executive
D i r e c t o r a s k e d me to produce a package
to p r o m o t e t h e e vent with greater visual
im p a c t t h a n h a d been seen in previo us
ye a r s .

I s u g g e s t e d t h a t it was essential to
es t a b l i s h c o n s i s t ency not only with the
fa m i l y o f p r o m o tional elements but also
w i t h t h e F e s t i v a l itself from year-to-year.

B y c r e a t i n g a O ne World Film Festival
w o r d m a r k a n d p rominently featuring the
g l o b e i m a g e i n each campaign (with
a d i f f e r e n t t r e a t ment of the globe each
ye a r ) , a g r e a t e r public awareness is

a c h i e ve d f o r t h i s annual event.                       •        •
Fo l l o w i n g t h e c l ient’s satisfaction with the
re s u l t s o f t h e 2 0 06 branding, I was asked
no t o n l y t o d e s i gn the 2007 campaign
b u t a l s o a n e w l ogo for WIAM and
p r o m o t i o n a l m a t erial for other programs
th a t W I A M o r g a nizes such as the
Aw e s o m e I n d i e s Inter national Film Festival
fo r C h i l d r e n a n d Youth.

Th e s er v i c e s I p rovide to WIAM include:
d e s i g n , l a y o u t , photography, preparation
of p r i n t a n d w e b-ready files, motion
g r a p h i c s a n d p r inting.

                                                                                            t                     •    •
HYPER A C T I V E           is an Ottawa-based
co m m u n i c a t i o n s fir m that specializes in
so c i a l m a r k e t i n g, brand development,
st r a t e g i c c o m m u nications planning and
th e e x e c u t i o n o f a wide range of too ls for
g o v e r n m e n t , b u s iness and the voluntar y
se c t o r.

Th i s c o m p a n y r e quired a company identity
th a t e x u d e d t h e same bright energy that
m e m b e r s o f t h e HyperActive team ex hibit
w i t h t h e i r a p p r o ach to each project.

B e f o r e I c r e a t e d HyperActive’s new look,
I h a d b e e n w o r k ing with this group for
se v e r a l y e a r s n ot only as a designer but
a l s o c o n t r i b u t i n g to the creative dire ction
on c a m p a i g n s , c opy writing and photo
sh o o t s .

O u r c o l l a b o r a t i on has and continues
to a c h i e v e s u c c essful results for Hyper’s
cl i e n t s i n t h e a r eas of: new company
id e n t i t i e s , p r i n t items such as posters,
b r o c h u r e s , n e w s paper and magazine
a d s , bi l l b o a r d s , bus and bus shelter ads,
co n f e r e n c e d i s p lays, web design and

m u l t i me d i a p r e s entations.

C l i e n t l i s t i n c l u d es: CARE Canada,
C h i l d r e n ’s Wi s h Foundation,
H e a l t hp a r t n e r s , Canadian Medical
Fo u n d a t i o n , C a nadian Bus Council,
K a t i m a v i k , C a n adian Food Industr y
C o u n c i l , M o t o r Carrier and Passenger
C o u n c i l o f C a n a da, Boys and Girls Club
of C a n a d a .                        •     •
HEAVE N ’ S T O B E T S Y       is located in the
he a r t o f We s t b o ro Village.

A f t e r t h e p r o p r i etors explained to me
th e u n i q u e , e c l e ctic, retro flavour of the
m e r c h a n d i s e t h e y intended to carr y, I
re a l i z e d e x a c t l y what they needed to
es t a b l i s h t h e i r p resence along Wellington
St r e e t .

I f i r s t s u g g e s t e d the secondar y name of
th e s t o r e , “ N I C NAC BONANZA”, in
or d e r t o i d e n t i f y what the store was all
a b o u t a n d t h e n proposed a colour scheme
th a t w o u l d s t a n d out from other retail
st o r e s i n t h e a r e a.

A f t e r t h e l o g o w as completed, I
p h o t o g r a p h e d m any of the oddities f rom
th e i r i n v e n t o r y and featured the photos
on s o m e o f t h e print elements including:
b u s i n e s s c a r d s , postcards and the inside
th e i n v i t a t i o n w hich I designed to look
li k e a n o v e r s i z e d book of matches – the
p h o t o s s e r v e d a s a substitute for the

Fi n a l l y I p r e p a r ed and printed: business
ca r d s , l e t t e r h e a d, price labels, stickers,
p o s t c a r d s , g i f t c er tificates, website
d e s i g n , i n v o i c e template, front window
a n d o v e r h e a d s i gnage.
                                                                                                  t                       •     
W h e n t h e o w n e rs of C Y C L E L O G I K bought
o u t S p o r t a b l e s i n Westboro Village, the
o w n e r s w e r e l o oking for a new logo and

Th e s t o r e h a d t wo entrances, a rear
e n t r a n c e t h a t i n cluded parking and a
sm a l l , s i n g l e d o or front entrance. Given
th e l i m i t e d s t r e e t presence of the front
e n t r a n c e a l o n g Richmond Road, I thought
it w a s i m p o r t a n t to design a strong visual
id e n t i t y.

A l o n g w i t h c y c l i ng equipment,
C Y C L E L O G I K a l so offers strength training,
sp i n c l a s s e s a n d race instruction. By
u s i n g a s o l i d , v i brant red and a black
& w h i t e c h e c k e r patter n, not only was
vi s u a l a t t e n t i o n achieved, but the checker
p a t t e r n w o r k e d well to tie in the notion of
a f i n i s h l i n e w h i ch is, of course, a strong
e l e m e n t i n t h e b usiness of bicycle ra cing.

A f t e r t h e c l i e n t approved the logo design.
I p r o c e e d e d t o photograph and measure
th e s t o r e ’s e x t e r ior in order to illustrate,
to s c a l e , w h a t I proposed to do with the
sp a c e .

Wi t h t h e d e s i g n established I utilized
se v e n a r e a s o f t he building’s exterio r real
e s t a t e t o e n s u r e an easy-to-find presence

a l o n g t h a t s t r e t ch of retail stores. The
n e x t s t e p w a s c arr ying the design onto:
b u s i n e s s c a r d s , invoices, price tags,
e n v e l o p e s a n d l etterhead.

O n c e a l l o f t h e designs were approved
I s e t u p a l l o f t h e print-ready files, took
ca r e o f t h e p r i n ting, sign manufacturing
and installation.                     •   
JAZZ H O M E S   by Urbandale Construction
required a new name and branding for a
condominium development in Kanata, Ontario that
was to be marketed towards people between the
ages of 25 to 40 years of age.

After extensive research regarding the target
consumer, I presented a number of names for the
new development before JAZZ was chosen. I also
provided much of the ad copy and names for each
condominium model.

The next step was to create a logo that could
be used to identify this campaign in magazine,
newspaper, e-mail advertisements and on

Once the final version of the logo was approved,
I laid out approximately three advertisements per
week for different publications and the billboards
for the building site.

                                                                                              t                   •       •
The ME R C U R Y M A I L exhibit was created for          polaroid photo, so I chose this item to serve as the
the Canadian Museum of Civilization. This exhibit         exhibit identity. I enlarged and mounted this piece
showcased performance artist Geoff Wonnacott’s            on .5” foamcore accompanied by an enlarged
cross-Canada walk.                                        postmark (featuring the date of Geoff’s departure
                                                          from his journey’s starting point) cut from metallic
The process began with a meeting between Geoff,           silver vinyl and mounted on .25” clear plexi using
the Project Manager and myself to discuss the             3 riser dowels. Each of these items were mounted
exhibit concept, confirm scheduling, examine/             to the display case on different levels to create
measure the existing display case and a review of         dimension. Adding to the dimensional approach
some the artifacts that Geoff had archived from his       were the main title letters “MERCURY MAIL” cut
great Canadian journey.                                   from 1” MDF, painted black, faced with mirrored
                                                          vinyl and secondary black vinyl lettering applied
I then arranged a second meeting with Geoff after         directly to the background to serve as a drop
he had the opportunity to do a more thorough              shadow.
examination of all his material and organize the
event sequence. During this second meeting the            On the background of the main title panel,
artifact display order was established, Geoff             I created routes and other details commonly found
provided me with a written description of each item       on maps. This background panel was covered in
and I photographed all artifacts for mock ups of the      same metallic silver vinyl as used on the postmark
panel layouts.                                            with a darker gray vinyl used for the routes and
With the photographs of the artifacts, their
dimensions, the label information and the exhibit         I continued the routes and rivers concept to the
concept, I proceeded to layout the artifact photos        glass panels below waist level, except I used the
in each of the 10 panels and consider options to          metallic silver vinyl to indicate these and added
create visual pizazz keeping in mind the existing         a Mercury Mail postmark cut from mirrored vinyl
display case and budget restrictions.                     again to achieve overall continuity.

By employing a few 3D elements, mirrored vinyl to         Because of the variety of items to be displayed
mimic the physical nature of mercury and metallic         (i.e. newspaper clippings, photographs, telegrams,
silver on the backgrounds and mats for the same           letters and physical items) I thought it important that
reason, a cohesiveness was brought to the variety         all the mats and panels match and that the space
of artifacts on display and provide maximum visual        between artifacts divided by the mat be consistent
impact. To establish a sense of travel, I had a           to control the random dimension of each artifact.
silhouette of Canada centrally featured with icons
made from frames of Geoff walking that served as          For the installation process, I provided Geoff with
travel markers on the background map elements.            the cut mats that were faced with the metallic
I collected samples of the materials and with mock        silver. He placed the artifacts and secure the mats
ups and diagrams proposed the approach to Geoff           in the display case. With the display case on site,
and Julie which was approved.                             I installed the 3D elements, lettering and vinyl
I felt the strongest and most relevant visual element

among the collection was the Mercury Mail Man                    •   
R A01   is the brainchild of Edmund Eagan of
12th Root. This fascinating project brought
together musician from around the world to submit
compositions using a keyboard instrument called a

Along with the disk face and DVD menus, I
designed 16 insert cards. Each card listed
information about the contributing musicians and
DNA graphics on the four corners that animated
when used like a flip book. The reverse side of the
card has a segment of a larger poster and can be
arranged like a puzzle.

                                                                                          t                   •    •
L AURI E R C L U B    is a national organization
made up of business executives, community
leaders, industry leaders, professionals and
involved Canadians who support the principles
of parliamentary democracy and are interested
in public policy decisions affecting the lives of the
citizens of Canada.

The design for a series of posters and display
stands was also adopted for web and other
promotional items.

                                                                                             t                     •    •
A great L O G O D E S I G N is essential for creating
a positive first impression. Whether it’s on a
sign, a front widow, business card, letterhead,
website, conference exhibit or print advertisement,
if a business or organization wants to be taken
seriously, it must first start with the creation of
professional image.

CyTech offers CNC millwork. This company can
make any two or three dimensional objects out of
wood, glass, metal or ceramics.
Jeff Lively shoots and edits video.
Simon Paine captures sound for video and film on
Ripe is a specialty food shop soon to open in
Westboro Village.
Sushi Mama is a label for fashion accessories.
Spectrum Presentations converts older film footage
and video to web-ready and/or DVD formats. This
company also provides multimedia presentations.
Ottawa Health Services Network Inc. coordinates
health care visits between Ottawa and Nunavut.
Team Tours International organizes trips for sports
teams competing in international events.
Meridian Fund Services is in the hedge fund
business with locations in the US, Bermuda and
New Voice Video delivers digital filmmaking
workshops to youth. Designed to create
opportunities and support a community of young
Market Cleaners is a dry cleaner and laundromat
that has operated in the ByWard Market for close

to 20 years.
Flavaworm International is a music label that
showcase disco and funk bands.
Anvil Range Mining Co. is located in northern
British Columbia.                    •    
ILLUST R AT I O N     is a service that I provide
mainly to health-related organizations.

Typically I am sent editorials from an upcoming
publication and am asked to encapsulate the
overall theme in a visual metaphor.

I provide the client with a rough sketch, we revise
if necessary, continue with the final draft, a high
resolution scan is created, a clean up in Photoshop
and then the final print-ready file is supplied.

My illustrations are featured regularly on the
cover of the Canadian Journal of Public Health
and on the cover of the Canadian Journal of
Speech Language Pathology and Audiology. Other
drawings can be found in the Canadian Medical
Association Journal, Canadian Nurse magazine,
posters for the Canadian Child Care Federation,
music CDs, newspapers and with online image

                                                                                             t                     •    •

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Andrew Young

  • 1. ANDREW YOUNG GRAPHIC DESIGNER w w w. a n d r e w y o u n g . c a 613.828.8620 w w w. a n d r e w y o u n g g r a p h i c d e s i g n e r. b l o g s p p o t . c om •
  • 2. WORLD I N T E R - A C T I O N M O N D I A L E is a vo l u n t e e r- b a s e d , charitable organization w o r k i n g t o c r e a t e awareness on world is s u e s . W I A M ’s f l a g s h i p program is the One Wo r l d F i l m F e s t i val. WIAM’s Executive D i r e c t o r a s k e d me to produce a package to p r o m o t e t h e e vent with greater visual im p a c t t h a n h a d been seen in previo us ye a r s . I s u g g e s t e d t h a t it was essential to es t a b l i s h c o n s i s t ency not only with the fa m i l y o f p r o m o tional elements but also w i t h t h e F e s t i v a l itself from year-to-year. B y c r e a t i n g a O ne World Film Festival w o r d m a r k a n d p rominently featuring the g l o b e i m a g e i n each campaign (with a d i f f e r e n t t r e a t ment of the globe each ye a r ) , a g r e a t e r public awareness is t a c h i e ve d f o r t h i s annual event. •
  • 3. •
  • 4. Fo l l o w i n g t h e c l ient’s satisfaction with the re s u l t s o f t h e 2 0 06 branding, I was asked no t o n l y t o d e s i gn the 2007 campaign b u t a l s o a n e w l ogo for WIAM and p r o m o t i o n a l m a t erial for other programs th a t W I A M o r g a nizes such as the Aw e s o m e I n d i e s Inter national Film Festival fo r C h i l d r e n a n d Youth. Th e s er v i c e s I p rovide to WIAM include: d e s i g n , l a y o u t , photography, preparation of p r i n t a n d w e b-ready files, motion g r a p h i c s a n d p r inting. t •
  • 5. •
  • 6. HYPER A C T I V E is an Ottawa-based co m m u n i c a t i o n s fir m that specializes in so c i a l m a r k e t i n g, brand development, st r a t e g i c c o m m u nications planning and th e e x e c u t i o n o f a wide range of too ls for g o v e r n m e n t , b u s iness and the voluntar y se c t o r. Th i s c o m p a n y r e quired a company identity th a t e x u d e d t h e same bright energy that m e m b e r s o f t h e HyperActive team ex hibit w i t h t h e i r a p p r o ach to each project. B e f o r e I c r e a t e d HyperActive’s new look, I h a d b e e n w o r k ing with this group for se v e r a l y e a r s n ot only as a designer but a l s o c o n t r i b u t i n g to the creative dire ction on c a m p a i g n s , c opy writing and photo sh o o t s . O u r c o l l a b o r a t i on has and continues to a c h i e v e s u c c essful results for Hyper’s cl i e n t s i n t h e a r eas of: new company id e n t i t i e s , p r i n t items such as posters, b r o c h u r e s , n e w s paper and magazine a d s , bi l l b o a r d s , bus and bus shelter ads, co n f e r e n c e d i s p lays, web design and t m u l t i me d i a p r e s entations. C l i e n t l i s t i n c l u d es: CARE Canada, C h i l d r e n ’s Wi s h Foundation, H e a l t hp a r t n e r s , Canadian Medical Fo u n d a t i o n , C a nadian Bus Council, K a t i m a v i k , C a n adian Food Industr y C o u n c i l , M o t o r Carrier and Passenger C o u n c i l o f C a n a da, Boys and Girls Club of C a n a d a . •
  • 7. • 613.828.8620
  • 8. HEAVE N ’ S T O B E T S Y is located in the he a r t o f We s t b o ro Village. A f t e r t h e p r o p r i etors explained to me th e u n i q u e , e c l e ctic, retro flavour of the m e r c h a n d i s e t h e y intended to carr y, I re a l i z e d e x a c t l y what they needed to es t a b l i s h t h e i r p resence along Wellington St r e e t . I f i r s t s u g g e s t e d the secondar y name of th e s t o r e , “ N I C NAC BONANZA”, in or d e r t o i d e n t i f y what the store was all a b o u t a n d t h e n proposed a colour scheme th a t w o u l d s t a n d out from other retail st o r e s i n t h e a r e a. A f t e r t h e l o g o w as completed, I p h o t o g r a p h e d m any of the oddities f rom th e i r i n v e n t o r y and featured the photos on s o m e o f t h e print elements including: b u s i n e s s c a r d s , postcards and the inside th e i n v i t a t i o n w hich I designed to look li k e a n o v e r s i z e d book of matches – the p h o t o s s e r v e d a s a substitute for the matches. Fi n a l l y I p r e p a r ed and printed: business ca r d s , l e t t e r h e a d, price labels, stickers, p o s t c a r d s , g i f t c er tificates, website d e s i g n , i n v o i c e template, front window a n d o v e r h e a d s i gnage. t •
  • 9.
  • 10. W h e n t h e o w n e rs of C Y C L E L O G I K bought o u t S p o r t a b l e s i n Westboro Village, the o w n e r s w e r e l o oking for a new logo and branding. Th e s t o r e h a d t wo entrances, a rear e n t r a n c e t h a t i n cluded parking and a sm a l l , s i n g l e d o or front entrance. Given th e l i m i t e d s t r e e t presence of the front e n t r a n c e a l o n g Richmond Road, I thought it w a s i m p o r t a n t to design a strong visual id e n t i t y. A l o n g w i t h c y c l i ng equipment, C Y C L E L O G I K a l so offers strength training, sp i n c l a s s e s a n d race instruction. By u s i n g a s o l i d , v i brant red and a black & w h i t e c h e c k e r patter n, not only was vi s u a l a t t e n t i o n achieved, but the checker p a t t e r n w o r k e d well to tie in the notion of a f i n i s h l i n e w h i ch is, of course, a strong e l e m e n t i n t h e b usiness of bicycle ra cing. A f t e r t h e c l i e n t approved the logo design. I p r o c e e d e d t o photograph and measure th e s t o r e ’s e x t e r ior in order to illustrate, to s c a l e , w h a t I proposed to do with the sp a c e . Wi t h t h e d e s i g n established I utilized se v e n a r e a s o f t he building’s exterio r real e s t a t e t o e n s u r e an easy-to-find presence t a l o n g t h a t s t r e t ch of retail stores. The n e x t s t e p w a s c arr ying the design onto: b u s i n e s s c a r d s , invoices, price tags, e n v e l o p e s a n d l etterhead. O n c e a l l o f t h e designs were approved I s e t u p a l l o f t h e print-ready files, took ca r e o f t h e p r i n ting, sign manufacturing and installation. •
  • 11.
  • 12. JAZZ H O M E S by Urbandale Construction required a new name and branding for a condominium development in Kanata, Ontario that was to be marketed towards people between the ages of 25 to 40 years of age. After extensive research regarding the target consumer, I presented a number of names for the new development before JAZZ was chosen. I also provided much of the ad copy and names for each condominium model. The next step was to create a logo that could be used to identify this campaign in magazine, newspaper, e-mail advertisements and on billboards. Once the final version of the logo was approved, I laid out approximately three advertisements per week for different publications and the billboards for the building site. t •
  • 13. •
  • 14. The ME R C U R Y M A I L exhibit was created for polaroid photo, so I chose this item to serve as the the Canadian Museum of Civilization. This exhibit exhibit identity. I enlarged and mounted this piece showcased performance artist Geoff Wonnacott’s on .5” foamcore accompanied by an enlarged cross-Canada walk. postmark (featuring the date of Geoff’s departure from his journey’s starting point) cut from metallic The process began with a meeting between Geoff, silver vinyl and mounted on .25” clear plexi using the Project Manager and myself to discuss the 3 riser dowels. Each of these items were mounted exhibit concept, confirm scheduling, examine/ to the display case on different levels to create measure the existing display case and a review of dimension. Adding to the dimensional approach some the artifacts that Geoff had archived from his were the main title letters “MERCURY MAIL” cut great Canadian journey. from 1” MDF, painted black, faced with mirrored vinyl and secondary black vinyl lettering applied I then arranged a second meeting with Geoff after directly to the background to serve as a drop he had the opportunity to do a more thorough shadow. examination of all his material and organize the event sequence. During this second meeting the On the background of the main title panel, artifact display order was established, Geoff I created routes and other details commonly found provided me with a written description of each item on maps. This background panel was covered in and I photographed all artifacts for mock ups of the same metallic silver vinyl as used on the postmark panel layouts. with a darker gray vinyl used for the routes and rivers. With the photographs of the artifacts, their dimensions, the label information and the exhibit I continued the routes and rivers concept to the concept, I proceeded to layout the artifact photos glass panels below waist level, except I used the in each of the 10 panels and consider options to metallic silver vinyl to indicate these and added create visual pizazz keeping in mind the existing a Mercury Mail postmark cut from mirrored vinyl display case and budget restrictions. again to achieve overall continuity. By employing a few 3D elements, mirrored vinyl to Because of the variety of items to be displayed mimic the physical nature of mercury and metallic (i.e. newspaper clippings, photographs, telegrams, silver on the backgrounds and mats for the same letters and physical items) I thought it important that reason, a cohesiveness was brought to the variety all the mats and panels match and that the space of artifacts on display and provide maximum visual between artifacts divided by the mat be consistent impact. To establish a sense of travel, I had a to control the random dimension of each artifact. silhouette of Canada centrally featured with icons made from frames of Geoff walking that served as For the installation process, I provided Geoff with travel markers on the background map elements. the cut mats that were faced with the metallic I collected samples of the materials and with mock silver. He placed the artifacts and secure the mats ups and diagrams proposed the approach to Geoff in the display case. With the display case on site, and Julie which was approved. I installed the 3D elements, lettering and vinyl application. I felt the strongest and most relevant visual element t among the collection was the Mercury Mail Man •
  • 15.
  • 16. R A01 is the brainchild of Edmund Eagan of 12th Root. This fascinating project brought together musician from around the world to submit compositions using a keyboard instrument called a KYMA. Along with the disk face and DVD menus, I designed 16 insert cards. Each card listed information about the contributing musicians and DNA graphics on the four corners that animated when used like a flip book. The reverse side of the card has a segment of a larger poster and can be arranged like a puzzle. t •
  • 17. •
  • 18. L AURI E R C L U B is a national organization made up of business executives, community leaders, industry leaders, professionals and involved Canadians who support the principles of parliamentary democracy and are interested in public policy decisions affecting the lives of the citizens of Canada. The design for a series of posters and display stands was also adopted for web and other promotional items. t •
  • 19. •
  • 20. A great L O G O D E S I G N is essential for creating a positive first impression. Whether it’s on a sign, a front widow, business card, letterhead, website, conference exhibit or print advertisement, if a business or organization wants to be taken seriously, it must first start with the creation of professional image. CyTech offers CNC millwork. This company can make any two or three dimensional objects out of wood, glass, metal or ceramics. Jeff Lively shoots and edits video. Simon Paine captures sound for video and film on location. Ripe is a specialty food shop soon to open in Westboro Village. Sushi Mama is a label for fashion accessories. Spectrum Presentations converts older film footage and video to web-ready and/or DVD formats. This company also provides multimedia presentations. Ottawa Health Services Network Inc. coordinates health care visits between Ottawa and Nunavut. Team Tours International organizes trips for sports teams competing in international events. Meridian Fund Services is in the hedge fund business with locations in the US, Bermuda and Canada. New Voice Video delivers digital filmmaking workshops to youth. Designed to create opportunities and support a community of young filmmakers. Market Cleaners is a dry cleaner and laundromat that has operated in the ByWard Market for close t to 20 years. Flavaworm International is a music label that showcase disco and funk bands. Anvil Range Mining Co. is located in northern British Columbia. •
  • 21.
  • 22. ILLUST R AT I O N is a service that I provide mainly to health-related organizations. Typically I am sent editorials from an upcoming publication and am asked to encapsulate the overall theme in a visual metaphor. I provide the client with a rough sketch, we revise if necessary, continue with the final draft, a high resolution scan is created, a clean up in Photoshop and then the final print-ready file is supplied. My illustrations are featured regularly on the cover of the Canadian Journal of Public Health and on the cover of the Canadian Journal of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology. Other drawings can be found in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Canadian Nurse magazine, posters for the Canadian Child Care Federation, music CDs, newspapers and with online image providers. t •
  • 23. •