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Claire In The Breakfast Club
For the movie The Breakfast Club I am picking the character Claire the Prom Queen because she
changed a lot during the movie and I could say that all of the characters did change during the movie
as well. Claire at the beginning of the movie she was such a brat to the other it seemed like because
she is so popular that she doesn't care what other people say but really she cares what all of the
others say. Bender says that she is a brat pretty much and when everybody is high they are all
talking about their feelings and Claire opens up a lot to everybody telling them about how she feels
to be popular. She keeps looking at Bender because she likes him and they keep fighting because
they are all in detention for some odd reason. Claire ends up
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What Is Heroes Grappling With Power?
Heroes: Grappling With Power With the proliferation of supernatural television shows and movies, I
expected Heroes to be more of the same. It is not. Heroes offers a unique twist on the classic
superhero tale through its wide variety of characters, its concise plot, its special effects, and its wise
use of tone. Mohinder Suresh, who functions as the series' narrator, teaches genetic theory in a
small, stuffy classroom to bored college students in India. As the class ends, a colleague pulls
Mohinder aside to inform him that his father, whose research he had just been teaching, is dead. He
quickly collects himself, rushes to his father's apartment, and begins gathering papers and notes. He
is only there for a few minutes when he hears a noise; ... Show more content on ...
Many of Claire's initial scenes have a sepia undertone to invoke nostalgia, or to reference a time of
innocence. In Peter's first scenes, when he is grappling with the discovery of his ability, the colors
are muted. These are used to create a depressing or ominous atmosphere. An increasing number of
movies and television shows, particularly action shows, favor orange and blue color schemes.
(Cima) Contrasting colors create a more visually stimulating scene. Especially toward the end of
season one, this technique becomes more prevalent as more monochromatic scenes are used.
Lighting adds to the dynamic of many scenes. Sylar's scenes may be lit from the side, to create a
more dramatic effect. For a death scene, softer lighting creates sentimentality. Heroes is an intense,
suspenseful show. A combination of relatable, well–developed characters, a fast–paced, original
plot, high–quality special effects, and superior aesthetics contribute to the success of the
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Success Vs. Failure : Success And Failure
Success vs. Failure Success is something that most of us want to achieve in our life. The definition
of success may differs and varies among each and everyone of us. Nevertheless, we all have
something that we want to achieve in our lifetime, and that is the most basic definition of success.
However, most people do not realize that to succeed, they must overcome countless failures and
obstacles. This speaks truth for a close friend of mine; hence, she always looks down on herself. My
friend currently participates in SCC tennis team, where she always complain about how bad she is,
and everyone else is virtually better than her. Whenever she loses games, she will blame herself
instead of seeing those failures as a spring to help her becomes a better tennis player. Katty Kay and
Claire Shipman, authors of an article called The Confidence Gap describe this as "internal
attribution" where which people associate failure with their inability to do better (Kay and Shipman
26). Instead of look for other reasons such as not everyone is in the same tennis level or the
opponent simply has more experience and practice. This lead to the question of how can most
people achieve their goal if most of the time all they see is a future full of failures and obstacles?
People who are successful know how to overcome failures and posses character traits that help them
continue to have a successful life. Failure is something that happens to everyone no matter who we
are. For that reason, people
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Comparing Franco Zeffirelli And Baz Luhrmann's Film
Compare Contrast Essay The Franco Zeffirelli (1968) and Baz Luhrmann (1996) films about the
Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet, were both fairly good movies and I enjoyed watching both of
them. While the Baz Luhrmann film was a fresh spin on the classic story, the Franco Zeffirelli film
Romeo and Juliet was overall better than the 1996 Baz Luhrmann film Romeo+Juliet. Romeo+Juliet
was a good idea in theory but in execution was a big mistake. When they used the language from the
play and not updating it to modern day language was a big mistake by the directors and it kind of
ruined the movie for me. The part of the movie leading up to the climax was just a blur of images
and if you didn't read the play or watch the 1968 film you would have ... Show more content on ...
3.When leading up to the climax there was a blur of images that were very hard to follow. At the
climax Juliet is somewhat awake and is moving around but Romeo doesn't notice and starts to drink
the poison anyway. Juliet wakes up the very second the poison touches Romeo's lips and it's about
the worst scene i've ever seen in a movie. The very last part of the climax is where ,in the play,
Romeo dies and then Juliet stabs herself. But in this version, Juliet uses Romeo's gun, or "dagger",
to shoot herself in the head which was maybe the most unsettling part of the hole movie. There are
two problems with this moment. First, when Juliet shoots herself there's no blood or gunshot wound
or anything. Second, when Juliet dies she lads on the floor but in the very next scene she's hugging
Romeo and no one has moved her since she got shot so it makes no
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Claire In The Breakfast Club
In the The Breakfast Club Claire is the Prom Queen within the film. She is the most popular and
wealthiest teen of the group. Claire is in detention for cutting class to go to the mall. She is quite
used to being shielded by her group of friends and has affectionate parents who spoil and treat her in
spitefulness of one another. She is snooty and stuck up and confesses to not having the longing to
hang out with anybody who is not popular. She also acknowledges she feels forced by her friends to
act or certain way or do specific things. Claire is additionally considered "The Princess". She is
fairly reserved and is superficially timid about revealing knowledge about herself. She also suffers
from a tough sense of insecurity, which can be detected
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Character Analysis : Claire Standish '
Claire Standish, the prom queen, fits into Identity vs. Role Confusion, Conventional Morality, and
the Moratorium stage. Starting with Kohlberg's Moral Development, Claire fits into the
Conventional Morality stage. Claire is the most popular girl in their high school and is constantly
surrounded by many friends. Bender even goes as far as to say, "School would probably shut down
if you didn't show up!" Claire agrees with this statement and when talking to Alison later in the
movie she says, "You're not friends with the same kind of people that Andy and I are friends with!
You know, you just don't understand the pressure that they can put on you!" When Claire makes
certain judgments or decisions she bases them on social rules by looking at ... Show more content on ...
Starting with Kohlberg's Moral Development, Allison fits into the Post–Conventional Morality
stage. Allison is an outcast who is very shy and doesn't have any friends, the complete opposite of
Claire. Allison tends to follow the beat of her drum and does whatever she wants and what she
believes is right. She chooses not to smoke, act like she is a compulsive liar, and she explains at one
point in the film that she would never treat others badly. Allison sticks with her own principles and
the only reason she is in detention is that she had nothing better to do. In Erikson's Social
Development, Alison fits into the Identity vs. Role Confusion stage. In this stage, people are
figuring out who they are and have some independence, while Alison has already been given too
much independence due to her neglectful parents. At some points, she seems as though she knows
her role at school and is finding her identity, but she is really confused since she hadn't been given
the right care and attention by her parents. She said that her parents think she is invisible suggesting
she is not getting any encouragement or help from them. In Marcia's Identity Status, Alison fits into
the Diffusion stage because as her clothes and bag show she is extremely disorganized and doesn't
have anything figured out. She is also withdrawn as soon as she entered the library she sat all the
way in the back. Allison doesn't know where she will end up and
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Review Of ' Claire Of The Sea Light '
Nely Montina Mrs. Devine & Ms. Easley Reading Circle 13 August 2015 Effects of Daughter Loses
Mother & Vice Versa Edwidge Danticat's, Claire of the Sea Light, creates a world that is rich of life
and death with people who are ultimately connected through the events of their life in a small
community. The titular character of her book is the central focus of her story within stories. Claire
Limye Lanme is the little girl whose very being sheds light on those stories. She has lost something
that she could never get back. She's a daughter without her mother. So another mother wants her;
Gaelle––a mother without a daughter. The powerful relationship between mother and daughter has
an effect ranging from their health and self–esteem above all other relationships. So what happens
when a daughter and mother don not have each other? Danticat answers this question as she portrays
how Claire and Gaelle survive with their loss. From the moment Claire Limye Lanme opened her
eyes for the first time she blinked without seeing her mother. Maybe those baby tears and her deep
cry was her mourning the death of her mother. Perhaps she knew at that moment when her mother
told her to "vini" (Danticat 218), to come to her, but was too late because "her mother was already
gone" (Danticat 218). Unlike most babies when their first cry kick–start their lungs, for Claire
Limye Lanme it was knowing that she'll never see her mother again. Claire Limye Lanme losing her
mother has different
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Claire Jones Essay
Claire Jones (Claire4Clarity) is a 53 year old female writer and artist. Most know her as Cheryl
Gittens–Jones but she utilizes her middle and married name to reflect many, recent and major life
changes. The use of Claire Jones allows her to express the deep, positive and revolutionary changes
that have taken place in her life. The name Claire means 'bright' and 'clear'.
A high school dropout, Claire left her home country of Barbados to make her dreams come through.
However, a childhood history of domestic violence impeded every step. The deep, internal traumas
of Claire's past had a bipolar effect on her life at every turn. Nevertheless, she kept the light burning
This drive and determination allowed Claire to complete a GED course while struggling as an new
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It was her way of dealing with a self–imposed isolation after the traumatic diagnosis. A spiritual
vision in the throes of her darkest moments inspired Claire to take photos of the sun at various
angles and things unfolded from there. "ClarityIsJustSoHip!", is a collection of digital photo
paintings, was born from those dark and difficult days.
In order to get through the past year Claire rooted herself in positive sharing with others as she went.
This method is allowing her to heal and to recover. Claire's story is about much pain and suffering
but through the chaos and dysfunction She has arrived at a place of clarity. She intends to use these
photos as a vehicle of positivity to share her journey and to help those in similar situations.
In the coming months Claire hopes to publish her story and to share her unique designs via an online
store. She is a homeschooling, homemaker who resides in New Hampshire with her husband, teen
daughter and precocious parakeet Vaniety. Claire is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College, class of
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Dr Temple Grandin Analysis
Society has created an environment where those with different abilities struggle to be accepted.
Doctor Temple Grandin is a remarkable woman who has defied what most perceive when they see
someone with autism. From the time, Temple was young she proved doctors wrong. While in
boarding school and later in college a few of her professors did not believe her observations or in
her work with cattle. They simply did not comprehend the enormous amount of detail her brain
absorbed and her connection to animals which allowed her to gain access to this knowledge. Temple
did not let autism outline her life or what her life ought to be like.
At the age of four Temple was non–verbal. This was when she was diagnosed with autism. Doctors
insisted the proper ... Show more content on ...
One example was bullying, which is rising in our school systems today. As someone who was
bullied, I admire her for persevering her dreams which was what she believed to be a better solution
for slaughtering cattle. Which she believed this was a system that was not as perfect as it could be.
Always following her gut for change even though several people seemed to not care to change and
preferred it to stay the way it was. This was not an easy task and more difficult when so many
around her did not believe in her. However, she focused more on those who did support her and tried
to ignore the negativity. Her bravery to march into a slaughterhouse to see how improvements could
be made is something I would assume to be impossible. It took courage for her to continue to go to
the feedlot even after workers put bull testicles on her truck. Though, who accepted her and could
see her amazing gift, they did not always understand how her mind worked but they accepted her for
who she was. Others soon realized what a unique ability she had. Such as, the reporter from the
Arizona Farmer Ranchman who said her cattle dip was a
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Theme Of Forgiveness In Claire Wald's 'Absolution'
Topic 2: Can the dead offer absolution? By: Bharat Sharma Forgiveness is a very prominent practice
across many cultures. It is seen as an indispensable way to cleanse the mind and the soul of all that
is ill and immoral. It can be seen that all characters in the novel "Absolution" demand absolution in
one way or another. However it is Claire who seeks it with most devotion. Anguished by the grief,
suffering and emotional hardship caused by her past, Claire Wald embarks on a journey to seek
absolution and closure in her life. However in order to attain absolution, it is the past that must be
rebuilt and renewed. For over forty years Claire has been burdened by the guilt of inciting her
sister's and brother–in–law's death. Claire believes that by revealing the location of where Nora and
Stephan would be staying, she disclosed vital information which led to their assassination, "I knew
the delicacy of the information I held. I chose to forget.", whether her motifs were political or
personal that too we do not know. Both Claire and Nora had a ... Show more content on ...
It is the ceaseless pain of not being the mother she "should have" that causes Claire so much agony.
Claire wonders that had she been more loving and supportive towards Laura, would she still have
been alive. Overcome with torment and torture, Claire's subconscious plays with her mind, causing
hallucinations and nightmares of Laura that plague Claire. It is for this reason that Claire begins
writing an account of the last few days of Laura's life, by addressing Laura directly and
sensationalising and fleshing out every detail, Claire is exerting herself to a sort of self–punishment.
Something she believes she deserves. Only had she been more understanding of Laura's actions and
supported her actions. Claire however seems to make up for this and by being the mother he did not
have Claire is making amends to both Laura and
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Claire Keller Thesis
At the conclusion of her high school academic career, Claire Keller planned to enter a field far from
that of dental hygiene, one perhaps centered on the natural world. She even began an internship at a
fish and wildlife park in order to explore related career opportunities. It wasn't until a friend of hers
told her that she was going into dentistry that she was reminded of her many positive experiences in
dentist offices throughout her early life. She has always received her dental work at the Wakarusa
Family Dentist Office in town and always felt welcomed and encouraged there. From an early age
she appreciated the kind–hearted nature of those she came into contact there, never harboring any of
the negative feelings towards dentistry as are stereotypical in modern society. Not only did she feel
that her hygienists always treated her as an individual, and with a smile of their own, she noticed
that the work environment in our dentist office is also quite uplifting. She inquired about the career
with some Wakarusa staffers and ... Show more content on ...
They're constantly seeing one another due to the specific, linear, fashion in which these classes are
scheduled. Keller and company are in every one of each other's classes and have learned to depend
on one another throughout these past two years. She has relied on her classmates both as study
partners due to the initially overwhelming academic rigor of this program. But in addition to drying
one another's tears, these students also allow one another to work on their patients when necessary.
Each student is required to meet not only a patient quota but work with a certain number of patience
within numerous clinical demographics. For example, Keller is required to clean the teeth of a
designated number of children per semester, a certain number of adults, and a certain number of
persons suffering from specific oral
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Mad Shadows By Marie Claire Blais
In a social setting where the presence of God is absent, love simply cannot exist. It is a common–
truth that human beings require love; in a society where love cannot and does not exist, the void
where that "love" would have existed becomes filled with deluded misconceptions of what love
truly is. In Marie–Claire Blais' Mad Shadows, Blais clearly illustrates what happens genuine love
cannot exist and is replaced by misinterpretations, with the use of well developed character
relationships. In many of the relationships (romantic and otherwise) displayed in Mad Shadows,
characters face a great deal of pain and suffering at the hands of their deluded notions of love; that
fundamentally being that beauty and appearance equate to love. Their ... Show more content on ...
Further, when Blais describes Louise and Lanz as "ill–fated as the other", a clear element of
foreshadowing of the suffering and resent they will develop for one another is firmly established.
This foreshadowing is realized later in the novel as Louise and Lanz have been together for a fair
increment of canonical time. Their relationship, though lacking in substance, has been quite stable.
However, in a scene where Lanz is sleeping, Louise enters the room, only to see her husband fully
dressed in all his elegance. Louise saw "Lanz, whose nails were always manicured and whose shoes
were always polished, had fallen asleep fully dressed, in all his offensive perfection. Confronted
with this, her own image, Louise squirmed in disgust." (Blais 54) The resent that was foreshadowed
early in the novella is completely realized. As Blaise uses Louise's character realization that her
husband 's image and her own image disgust her, she expertly suggests a key theme. Blais enhances
on one of Mad Shadows' fundamental concepts; the fact that love based in superficiality and false
notions of love is doomed to fail, and will only lead to suffering and pain. Blais utilizes another in–
book relationship, one between Isabelle–Marie and Michael, to further reinforce the point that
relationships rooted in superficial misconceptions only end in suffering and pain. In this specific
case, it leads to the brutal beating and abandonment of Isabelle–Marie at
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Dog Experiment By Claire Mccarthy
Sample Essay 2
Education is an important aspect in everybody's life and need in today's society. However,
sometimes you have to give up time money and things you value such as friends and family to attain
education. You must sacrifice one thing for another such as education, and know where to draw the
line and have a balance between your morals and beliefs. Following is a brief example from an
article that elaborates on a student's experience.
Claire McCarthy in her article "Dog Lab" explains her experience attending an optional lab where
they studied the cardiovascular system of a sedated living dog, which was then euthanized. The lab
was part of her Physiology class, which was where she had the most interest when she started
medical school. She wanted to take advantage of every learning opportunity to get the most out of
her classes. In the article, she explains how she was an excellent student, and preferred to study all
the time then do anything else. ... Show more content on ...
Her professor announced the lab and said it was optional. He said, if someone decided not to attend
it would not be held against them. Her professor told them it was a great learning experience, and he
wished for their attendance. He knew that there was a spectrum of morality when it came to animal
experimentation and that they had to decide where they would draw the line. She explained how the
campus was torn between students who agreed for and against the lab. She was also not sure of what
she would do. Part of her does not want to kill the dog, but the other part of her wants to take
advantage of every learning opportunity she
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Claire In The Breakfast Club
In the movie the "Breakfast Club" there were five main characters. One of them being a girl named
claire. She's known as the princess of the group. Claire is very popular in their school, she's in all the
clubs that make her popular. In the movie Claire is made fun of for a lot of things, the person
making fun of her is a guy named Bender. Claire is very sensitive to a topic they all start to talk
about. And she gets very defensive about it when they all start asking her about it. In the beginning
of the movie Claire is very quiet, along with the rest of them, except Bender, he's a very talkative
person. Throughout the movie Claire becomes more open with the group, she gets a little more
comfortable. During the movie Claire and the group goes
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Claire Evans Theory
On January 14, 2017, the New York Police Department received a 911 call from the distressed
neighbor. The 911 call informed the department that gunshots were heard coming from the
apartment above them. When the investigators arrived at the primary crime scene they surveyed the
scene. Some of the first few observations the investigator noted was the victim's body in rigor
mortis, two bullet cartridges, and gunshot residue. The investigators were able to find ID inside the
house and matched the victim to the resident of the apartment. The victim is Claire Evans, 28, and
daughter of a wealthy business man. The investigators saw the cup lying next to the body and the
cup on the table and their is a theory that the person who killed Ms. Evans ... Show more content on ...
The night of the murder, Mr. Evans had been at his office and he had actually had a phone call with
his daughter moments before her death. The investigators thought that the father could be a suspect
because Ms. Evans was supposedly a little reckless and adventurous and her father did not approve.
After verifying Mr. Evans phone call and alibi, the investigators moved on to Ms. Evans boyfriend,
Thomas Greenville. Turns out, Mr. Greenville was their the night of the murder. They asked him for
his DNA and fingerprints and he decline. The investigators got a warrant for them and Mr.
Greenville was a successful match for both DNA and fingerprints. In addition, the warrant allowed
the investigators to search Mr. Greenville's home and car. Inside the car they found a .38 caliber
handgun underneath the passenger carseat. The investigators matched the gun, which was licensed
under Mr. Greenville's name, to the bullets recovered from Ms. Evan's body. After further
investigation, the detectives also discovered Mr. Greenville's motive. Thomas wanted Ms. Evan's
money, and the father's phone call that night confirmed that Ms. Evans would only be receiving the
family house and other strictive accounts (that could only be used my Ms. Evans), and Mr.
Greenville decided that he did not want to be a part of this anymore and brutally murdered Ms.
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Comparing Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet
Romeo + Juliet
Romeo + Juliet is a modernization of the known tragic story about Romeo and Juliet. The movie
was released in 1996 and was directed by Baz Luhrmann, who is a very well known director who
directed The Great Gatsby, which also had Leonardo DiCaprio in the leading role. The Great Gatsby
won two Oscars and several other awards, alongside many nominations.
Romeo + Juliet is quite different compared to the original Romeo and Juliet tragedy, which was
written by William Shakespeare. In the movie it shows how the original tragedy would have looked,
if it had happened in the modern time, however they still choose to keep the original language from
the play by William Shakespeare. The movie somehow manages to create an exiting mix between
old and new. Alongside very good casted actors such as Leonardo DiCaprio who is very well known
for many roles in award winning movies, his role is Romeo in the movie. Juliet is played by, Claire
Danes who is well known for her big role in Terminator 3.
Both actors play the their leading roles perfectly and with a fantastic mix between being emotional,
and dramatic which is what Romeo and Juliet is ... Show more content on ...
The movie separates itself from many other movies, which is why it makes it even more exiting to
watch. It shows a very different aspect touch of the original Romeo and Juliet story, an almost
complete modernization of the play except the language. However if you are enjoying the original
tragedy written by William Shakespeare then this movie might not be the right match for your movie
taste, as it adds a modern twist which for some might be too much in a certain perspective. Even
though that most people either have heard, or read the story by William Shakespeare, the movie
somehow still manages to make the story exciting to watch from beginning to end and makes it
interesting to watch with a different approach to the original story from
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Two Film Versions of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a timeless, classic love story written by the incomparable William Shakespeare.
Many of Shakespeare's works are considered literary classics, but none are more loved than Romeo
and Juliet. This play masterfully tells the love story of two teenagers in Elizabethan England. The
title characters Romeo and Juliet are members of two feuding families, Romeo is a Montague and
Juliet is a Capulet. There are different stylistic ways of portraying Romeo and Juliet, and the two
most popular film versions portray two very different styles of this one play. Zeferelli's Romeo and
Juliet was made in the 1970s, and is the film version most commonly shown in high school
classrooms. The newest film version of this play is Baz Luhrmanns ... Show more content on ...
One such scene was the infamous balcony scene. Zeferelli stuck to the classical interpretation, while
Luhrmann did not. In Zeferelli's version Juliet was on the balcony outside her bedroom calling
rhetorically, "Romeo, Romeo where fore art thou Romeo?" Romeo appears and climbs up the
balcony, and they share a couple of small kisses before he departs. However, in Luhrmanns version
of the play, events occurred slightly differently. Juliet is walking by the pool, when Romeo startles
her and they both fall in the pool. Their conversation then takes place in the pool. In between getting
interrupted by a nosy security guard they share several passionate kisses.
Another significant scene that was portrayed differently in the two versions was the suicide scene.
Zeferelli's version is once again almost exact to what we read in the book. Romeo sees what he
perceives to be a dead Juliet lying in her family's tomb, and distraught by the sight he drinks poison.
When Juliet awakens from her sleep she finds Romeo dead, and stabs herself with his knife. In
Luhrmanns version Romeo goes to the church where Juliet is laid out for her funeral. He also sees
what he perceives to be a dead Juliet and drinks poison. When Juliet awakens from her sleep she
finds out Romeo has swallowed poison and is dying. The main difference lies in the fact that we are
led to believe that maybe he will see her awake
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Evidence Of The Challenge Slips Should Be Denied Because
I. The motion to suppress the evidence of the challenge slips should be denied because the inception
of the search was justified. The inception of the search was justified so the motion to suppress the
evidence should be denied. The Supreme Court declared inception is justified "when there are
reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the employees is guilty
of work–related misconduct." O'Conner v. Ortega, 480 U.S. 726 (1987). The burden of proof is upon
the government by the preponderance of the evidence. In Gossmeyer v. McDonald, child protective
lead investigator, Mary Dilworth, anonymously made contact with a detective from the Cook
County Sheriffs Department. Gossmeyer v. McDonald, 128 F.3d 485 ... Show more content on ...
Id. The search took place a day after the information was obtained, being performed in a timely
matter. Id. In March of 2004, a doctor at the Wyoming Medical Center had been reported by one of
the nurses for leaving an operating room during a surgery. Narotzky v. Natrona County Memorial
Hosp. Bd. Of Trustees, 610 F.3d 561 (10th Cir. 2010). He had left Robert Griffin, a physician's
assistant, who had authorization to assist in surgeries but only under direct supervision of a
physician. Id. After receiving the filed complaint, the Medical Center launched an investigation and
eventually terminated a group of physicians. Id. Shortly after the termination, an inventory
technician recognized that several instruments were missing from the Medical Center. Id. at 562.
Staff of the Medical Center viewed video surveillance and noticed the terminated members were
leaving the vicinity with equipment, bags and boxes. Id. The Medical Center then attempted to
contact the former employees, with no success. Id. Once this was done, Medical Center security
personnel searched the lockers of the previously terminated physicians. Id. The court determined the
inception was justified due to: (1) a report from the Medical Center about the physicians searching
through operating room trays before leaving; (2) the video surveillance; (3) the missing instruments;
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Essay Comparing Zeffirelli's Romeo And Juliet
Zeffirelli and Luhrmann both have productions of the Shakespeare tragedy Romeo and Juliet.
Franco Zeffirelli's "Romeo and Juliet" was released in 1968. Zeffirelli was a Italian director, he was
a director and a producer for operas, flims, and television. Baz Luhrmann's "Romeo and Juliet" was
released in 1996. Luhrmann was a Australian director, he was also a writer and producer for flim,
television, opera, theatre, music, and recording industries. Baz was also the director of "The Great
Gatsby" in 2013. From all other scenes in the book Romeo and Juliet Act I Scene V stood out from
both flims because both Zeffirelli and Luhrmann interepreted them differently. In both Zeffirelli and
Luhrmann's intereptations of Romeo and Juliet, the directors both have different techniques in
portraying the book. Altough, they where 28 ... Show more content on ...
They set the mood and give you different vibes. In Zeffirelli's version the music is old timey and
there's a guy singing while Romeo is going up to Juliet which sets the romantic mood than a
different vibe. In Luhrmann the music is r and b and there's also someone singing which sets a more
low vibe to it. Zeffirelli doesn't really adapt Shakespeare's language but he does reduce some lines
and adds. Luhrmann on the other hand adapts Shakespeare's language alot by cutting it and
sometimes it was way different than the book. The directors both gave a strong visual impact on
there version of the book. In Zeffirelli's interpretation he shows very neutral colors. He uses icons
whether it was very impactful or just there to be more interesting. He creates a theme using these
resources from the book and how you would imagine it to be like. Luhrmann's version has very
bright colors, it gives a more modern effect on the book, and how the people of 1996 would be
entertained in seeing it. The flimmakers both had a different way of portraying the book and what do
the best in there
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What Is Heroes Grappling With Power?
Heroes: Grappling With Power With the proliferation of supernatural television shows and movies, I
expected Heroes to be more of the same. It is not. Heroes offers a unique twist on the classic
superhero tale through its wide variety of characters, its concise plot, its special effects, and its wise
use of tone. Mohinder Suresh, who functions as the series' narrator, teaches genetic theory in a
small, stuffy classroom to bored college students in India. As the class ends, a colleague pulls
Mohinder aside to inform him that his father, whose research he had just been teaching, is dead. He
quickly collects himself, rushes to his father's apartment, and begins gathering papers and notes. He
is only there for a few minutes when he hears a noise; ... Show more content on ...
Many of Claire's initial scenes have a sepia undertone to invoke nostalgia, or to reference a time of
innocence. In Peter's first scenes, when he is grappling with the discovery of his ability, the colors
are muted. These are used to create a depressing or ominous atmosphere. An increasing number of
movies and television shows, particularly action shows, favor orange and blue color schemes.
(Cima) Contrasting colors create a more visually stimulating scene. Especially toward the end of
season one, this technique becomes more prevalent as more monochromatic scenes are used.
Lighting adds to the dynamic of many scenes. Sylar's scenes may be lit from the side, to create a
more dramatic effect. For a death scene, softer lighting creates sentimentality. Heroes is an intense,
suspenseful show. A combination of relatable, well–developed characters, a fast–paced, original
plot, high–quality special effects, and superior aesthetics contribute to the success of the
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The State Charged Defendant With Interstate Bookmaking
The State, by its attorneys, files this memorandum in opposition to Defendant's motion to suppress,
and states the following. The state charged Defendant with Interstate Bookmaking on June 6, 2015.
The state contends the search was reasonable in inception due to the viability of the source of the
allegation, sufficient corroboration and an appropriate amount of time between the accusation and
its search. Statement of Facts On September 1, 2003, Defendant was hired by District Attorney
Claire Bennett as an Assistant District Attorney. During his employee orientation he received a Tulsa
County District Attorney's Office Employee Handbook. The handbook states employees "shall not
utilize their positions as ADAs to engage in any form of illegal activity, or use the Tulsa County
District Attorney's Office to facilitate such illegal activities." June 3, 2015, Defendant attends his
fifteen–year college reunion, in which all in attendance received a "Union Wells Class of 2000
Memory Book." The Memory Book contained an autobiographical profile of every graduate from
the class. Daniel Linderman had also attended as a guest. Mr. Linderman is an investigator for the
Tulsa County District Attorney's Office and has specialized training in illegal gambling,
bookmaking and money–laundering crimes. (Linderman Dep. 125:9). The morning of June 6, 2015,
Mr. Linderman provided a copy of the Memory Book to Ms. Bennett and felt Defendant's profile
suggested to being part of illegal bookmaking.
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Character Analysis Of The Movie 'Claire Standish'
Claire Standish is the typical popular, mainstream, and rich prom ruler at her high school. When she
decided to ditch school and instead go to the mall she got served a Saturday Detention . Claire's
parents also don't have the best relationship and they mostly use Claire as an excuse to get at each
other's throats. Claire is stuck up, snooty, and has clearly stated that she will not hang out with you if
your so called not popular at school. In the movie she also states that she her decisions mostly are
not based on her own feelings, but her peers and parents feelings or so called, peer pressure.
Abraham Maslow's meaning of self actualization is one to reach his full potential or of one's true
self. From a humanistic standpoint, Claire's ... Show more content on ...
The id basically just wants pleasure and to avoid pain. The id focuses on the pleasure principle, or a
desire to reduce tensions and to gain immediate satisfaction without counting the cost. For example,
when John Bender leaves to go smoke his bag of marijuana, Claire is seen going with him without
any hesitation. Claire doesn't at all think about the consequences or punishments she would receive
from her parents or even the school. She decides to do it for pleasure and in order to avoid pain
throughout her detention. It seems as though Claire had no ego or superego at all during this scene.
In Erik Erikson's stages of development, the identity vs role confusion theory coincides with Claire's
life tremendously. The identity vs role confusion is a theory where basically the question, "Who am
I?" pops up to the teens head many times in order for them to find out what type of person are they.
The teens usually hang out with many social groups or act a certain way in order to fit in with the
norm or to feel at all comfortable with who they are. The identity vs role confusion usually involves
teens who go through the ages of twelve through eighteen. In Claire's perspective she experiences
she experiences this theory in a way that she just tries to go with the flow. She just suppresses
feelings just because she has no real friends or parents in her life. She has no grip on her personality
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Reflection Paper On The Solar Eclipse
While being a very excited fan of Mythology, Astrology and this year's upcoming solar eclipse, I
decided to embark on a journey with my two daughters, Jazmine (4 and proud of it), & Layla
(terrible 2.5's) Goins to experience the eclipse at its fullest in Totality town (Andrews) North
Carolina. Second thought's about this were weighing heavily in my head. Especially in the wake of
the recent tragedy that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia. But being that this was a very
important historical moment, I really wanted this experience not only for myself but for my
daughters also. So with out any more hesitation, I said a quick prayer and set forward towards my
destination. 2.5 hrs later we were in a thriving community where everyone shared the same
enthusiasm that I did for the upcoming event. So with out further ado, I unfolded my daughters
blanket under a shade tree so they would be comfortable, and commenced a count down for the
event. After settling in we were greeted by a fellow stargazer whom asked & offered a pair of
glasses to my daughters in order to view the eclipse. Without hesitation, they replied, received their
glasses, and gave her the biggest hug their short arms could muster. Moments later, I was greeted by
Stephen St. Claire, An artist from Asheville, North Carolina whom with a warm welcome, invited
my daughters and myself to join himself and his wife Joy St. Claire, under the trees where everyone
else was, and not alone. Understanding immediately the potential and power in this, I agreed,
gathered my things and shuffled my daughters in their direction. Once we made it there, my
daughters as always, hugged, greeted, and told them their names and ages. In like fashion, they were
bombarded with the same. Once we were settled sitting down, Joy being the "SAINT" that she is
immediately started interacting with my daughters as if she had known them their whole life, and
vice versa. While Steven and I had a very interesting, wholehearted, truthful, fellowship amongst
ourselves, about what's going on in today's world. As our conversation continued, he asked if I felt
as if there was a change from then until now. Anxious to convey my answer accurately and correctly,
I told
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Claire Anderson Research Paper
Anna Claire Anderson, also known as "the kid who laughs at their own jokes", born August 3 2003,
lived hard, played hard, and died hard. Claire was born to Todd and Julie Anderson, in Clinton
Oklahoma. Claire attended schools in the Clinton Oklahoma district, as well as the Blackfoot Idaho
districts. She enjoyed singing, tennis and a rigorous game of yahtzee, but it was the joy of cliff
diving that finally got her. Throughout her life, she enjoyed the friendship of her siblings, and
chores, but there was nothing like eating that set her on a ramp. She could go on and on, eating this
and that, continuously watching The Office on Netflix. Once the TV series was over, she went into
the state of very minor Netflix depression, and thus decided to take up cliff diving to make up for
the thrill of the twists and turns of The Office. There's nothing that could compare better to The
Office than cliff diving, she was sure of it. Claire was service minded, and was obsessed with family
history. After dropping out of college, Claire pursued her ambitions of becoming a mother. She had
six children, five boys and one girl, in that order. The girl went on to be a hugely successful lawyer,
and one of ... Show more content on ...
She was 80 years of age when her kidney failed, and had to get a transplant from her daughter, who
was 47 and had also retired from her job to become a stay at home mom. At this point, Claire
couldn't do anything too dangerous, due to having osteoporosis. That's when she decided to watch
Netflix while relentlessly stroking her fake cat and eating as much food as possible. When Claire
had finally hit rock bottom, when there was no more Netflix to watch, no more internet connections
to work Netflix, she turned to the arms of her death–bed. She was diagnosed with Netflix pothole
depression, which is a very common occurrence in adolescents. Her case was so severe, she was
guaranteed death in two
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Claire Nieboer
Claire Nieboer is a nice caring person. She is 11 years old. She loves almost all animals except for a
Claire has 5 more family members. And of course her dog, named Briggs. Her and her family love
to travel and go see really cool places like the Bahamas, for example. They all went to Florida
together and had a lot of fun. She has 3 other siblings Sylas (13), Julia (9), Samantha (6) and her
mom and dad. She and her family live in Fairport NY.
Claire attends Martha Brown Middle School. She was born on July 27th 2005. She loves to dance
and play soccer with her cousins and sometimes with her family. She really loves going on trips!!
She likes to go on retreats to camps and hotels with her friends and family. Claire broke her arm in
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Claire Zachanassian Quotes
In The Visit, Claire Zachanassian uses vengeance as justice due to previous events in the past
involving her childhood lover, Ill. When Claire visits her home town Gullen, she had mission in
mind she wanted to accomplish and surely she accomplished it. By showing her flirtatiousness,
power, and wealth, she succeeded using vengeance as justice leading to Ill's death.
Claire's arrival in Gullen was a great deal to all the townspeople. As the years went by Gullen slowly
started to fall into debt and poverty leaving them to look up to Claire Zachanassian for hope. When
Claire stepped off of the train she had several bags, a black panther in a cage, her butler, husband,
two men, and a coffin. After listening to a speech by the major welcoming ... Show more content on ...
Claire Zachanassian was a very wealthy woman. She gained all of her wealth by marrying men,
taking their money, and then divorcing them. On page 35 Claire brings up how she wants justice by
announcing "I can afford justice. One billion for Gullen, if someone kills Alfred Ill". Here it reveals
the money Claire has and the justice she really wants. By offering a billion dollars to the town in
need of it, it persuades the townspeople to go against Ill and drift to Claire's side. Realizing what's
going on, Ill frantically goes to the pastor in search of help and says " They're hunting me like a wild
beast" (Page 57) referring to the black panther that's on the loose. Ironically "black panther" is what
Claire used to call him when they were young. During Claire and Ill's last conversation, Claire
makes it a point she had already had this all planned out by saying "I will take you to Capri in your
coffin. I built a mausoleum in the garden of my palazzo. Surrounded by cypresses. Overlooking the
Mediterranean" (Page 99). Ill accepts the fact his death has come and they say their last words,
"Farwell, Alfred", "Farwell, Claire" (Page 99). Shortly later Ill was strangled by the gymnast but
died of a "heart attack". Claire gathers her things and the coffin, walks up to the mayor and says
"The check" (Page 111) handing him the check and
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William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet
Andi Yaco
Romeo and Juliet
The famous story of Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare is the meaning of an immortal
affection anecdote around two star crossed significant others, attempting to endure the tribulations
of their two quarreling families, the Capulets and the Montagues. It is a story that has stood the test
of time and is a strong meaning of a genuine romance story. Despite the fact that it has been told
incalculable times, every time it is listened, the names Romeo and Juliet are synonymous with
adoration. Each extraordinary story enraptures a crowd of people by the way it is advised to them.
Two men, Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann, recounted the tale of "Romeo and Juliet" through
their eyes, with two totally diverse results. Franco Zeffirelli communicated his elucidation in the
1967 rendition of the film, offering life to these characters in a noteworthy movie. His motion
picture turned into the position of these characters; and was genuine to what Shakespeare imagined
after making this story. In 1997, Baz Luhrmann left on his adventure of telling this story, giving a
totally diverse turn and cosmetic touch up to an old fantastic. He modernized it in a manner that
would speak to the present day group of onlookers, with the assistance of two youthful on–screen
characters, Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio. There are a few similitudes and contrasts between
these two motion pictures. One of the significant contrasts is that the Zeffirelli film happens in
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Character Analysis : Claire Standish '
Claire Standish, the prom queen, fits into Identity vs. Role Confusion, Conventional Morality, and
the Moratorium stage. Starting with Kohlberg's Moral Development, Claire fits into the
Conventional Morality stage. Claire is the most popular girl in their high school and is constantly
surrounded by many friends. Bender even goes as far as to say, "School would probably shut down
if you didn't show up!" Claire agrees with this statement and when talking to Alison later in the
movie she says, "You're not friends with the same kind of people that Andy and I are friends with!
You know, you just don't understand the pressure that they can put on you!" When Claire makes
certain judgments or decisions she bases them on social rules by looking at ... Show more content on ...
Starting with Kohlberg's Moral Development, Allison fits into the Post–Conventional Morality
stage. Allison is an outcast who is very shy and doesn't have any friends, the complete opposite of
Claire. Allison tends to follow the beat of her drum and does whatever she wants and what she
believes is right. She chooses not to smoke, act like she is a compulsive liar, and she explains at one
point in the film that she would never treat others badly. Allison sticks with her own principles and
the only reason she is in detention is that she had nothing better to do. In Erikson's Social
Development, Alison fits into the Identity vs. Role Confusion stage. In this stage, people are
figuring out who they are and have some independence, while Alison has already been given too
much independence due to her neglectful parents. At some points, she seems as though she knows
her role at school and is finding her identity, but she is really confused since she hadn't been given
the right care and attention by her parents. She said that her parents think she is invisible suggesting
she is not getting any encouragement or help from them. In Marcia's Identity Status, Alison fits into
the Diffusion stage because as her clothes and bag show she is extremely disorganized and doesn't
have anything figured out. She is also withdrawn as soon as she entered the library she sat all the
way in the back. Allison doesn't know where she will end up and
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The Princess By Claire Standish
Introduction Claire Standish or "the princess" portrays the stereotypical popular teenage girl in The
Breakfast Club. She is in detention with everyone else because she decided to skip class and go
shopping, which also plays into the stereotypical teen girl image. It can also be assumed that she is
spoiled and rich since her father tried to get her out of detention but failed, and she mentions to the
group that her parents only use her to get back at the other one. She brings a fancy lunch of sushi
while the other teens either have nothing or the standard lunch one's parents might pack for them.
There are a couple of times in the movie that she brings up her social standing and could even be
considered as looking down on those who are not as popular as her. Even closer towards the end of
the movie she informs the others that if they were to say hello to her in the hallway in front of her
friends, she would have no choice but to ignore them. By the end of the movie, she has opened up to
everyone else about her fears of letting her peers down and has formed a close relationship with
Bender. Summary The Breakfast Club is about a group of five teenagers that portray different
stereotypes of the athlete, the brain, the princess, the basket case and the criminal. They are all sent
to detention at their school on a Saturday morning in order to write a letter about who each of them
think they are and what sent them to detention. Throughout the entire afternoon they start from
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Romeo And Juliet Comparative Essay
Baz Luhrman's filmed adaptation of William Shakespeare's play, Romeo + Juliet was released in
1996 and starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes as the leading roles. The film brought the
ancient script to a modern time based in Verona, Italy. The Montagues and Capulets are represented
as enemy mafia empires and swords are replaced with guns. This analytical essay will examine the
various dramatic elements featured in the film, such as, roles and relationships, tension and the
mood and atmosphere displayed throughout the film. Similar to the original script, the film focuses
heavily on the roles and relationships between characters, especially Romeo and Juliet's love arc.
Viewers experience Romeo and Juliet's tragic love story progress over the weekend, from their first
meeting at the party to their double suicide at the tomb. The films shows viewers that their
relationship with one another is the key relationship in the film. The majority of the film revolves
about their love for each other and shows on various occasions how much Romeo and Juliet fight
for the chance to be together. Their love is the core storyline of the film. An example of how
important the relationship between the two is when Romeo receives the news of Juliet's 'death'. ...
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There is a contrast range of mood throughout the film. The mood created by the relationship of
Romeo and Juliet is happy, bright and romantic. While other relationships, such as the conflict
between the Montagues and Capulets create a mood of harshness and cruelty. The moods displayed
earlier in the film all lead up to the final scene of Romeo and Juliet's double suicide in the tomb.
This scene creates of a mood of tragedy and despair. A quote featured in the film spoken by Romeo
states "Here's much to do with hate, but more with love" describes the film and its sense of mood. In
one sense, the mood could be identified as conflict and hatred, while it could also be identified as
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Claire De Lune
Claude Debussy
Claire de Lune (Excerpt ms 27–38)
Analysis of Impressionistic Compositional Techniques
One only needs to study paintings of Van Gogh, Renoir, Monet, and others to see the type of picture
that Cluade Debussy painted with his Claire de Lune.One can also read Paul Verlaine's poem of the
same name that inspired Debussy to compose Suite Bergamasque.Art, poetry, and music have
always been tied together in style, representation of imagery, and inspiration for one
another.Impressionism, a style of which
Debussy is representative, is no different.Clair de Lune was composed in 1890 and was a part of the
four– movement Suite Bergamasque.This "dance" suite was inspired by the above Verlaine poem.
I preface this paragraph with the statement ... Show more content on ...
(outside the scope of this excerpt) see ms 1 as well as 27, 28, 31, 35, 36
Uses enharmonic chord (Fb–E) in 36 to functionally change keys by using a
"common" chord. Borrowed bIII – I
 Augmented chords (ms 33, 34) act as enharmonic VII+ chords which sound like a deceptive
leading tone function (Gb+ = D+(enh) –>eb and Ab+ = C+(enh)
 Rhythmically o Hemiola is used (3 vs 2) is used ms 30 and 33 melodically. This blurs the
subdivision. o Feeling of meter is blurred by the continuous moving sixteenths in the
accompaniment. The feeling of a light dance in the melody is lost through it.
 Melodically o Phrase length is blurred by continuous sixteenth motion and elision of phrases. o
There are three distinct layers melodically.
Primary melody (generally upper–most notes).These are the (mostly) upper stems in the right
hand.The dance–like quality of this melody is lost because of the accompaniment.
Secondary melody (generally lowest and sustained bass notes).These are the dotted quarter notes
with stems down that almost act as a counter–point when the accompaniment is stripped away.
Accompaniment.These are the continuous sixteenths that blur what
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Mary-Claire King's Research
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, and can even be known to show up
in men. Mary–Claire King devoted her studies to this horrible disease that takes the lives of over
40,000 women a year (BCRF). Since King had a strong background in mathematics and
evolutionary biology she was able to take a new approach to learning more about this disease. She
has been researching this disease for more than 40 years, but started her research from the beginning
by analyzing the first gene of breast cancer. King discovered the ability to use gene mapping to trace
the BRCA1 which shows a link with breast cancer. Although King was not the first to genetically
clone this gene, she is shown to have various contributions to the first cloning. ... Show more
content on ...
She had a lot of hardship in her life and she told about a time when she was trying to get her grant,
but the day prior her husband had left her and her child to run off with a graduate student. After
struggling to make ends meet and get to Washington D. C. she received the grant that 30 years later
had become "the story of inherited breast cancer" (The Moth). I believe Mary–Claire King
represented the people in all ways that a scientist could. She was the type of person who realized
that a test had been found for women, but it was much too expensive for any average women to
afford. King said, "Myriad's test cost more than $3,000, and there was only one place to obtain it.
For many women, it was not covered by insurance and was too high to manage out of pocket"
(Dreifus, 2015). I think this really shows what kind of person she was. Dr. King created a new
routine part of clinical practice with a population–based screening of women for the BRCA1 and
BRCA2. Now, screening for breast cancer is a part of every women's life, especially those with
family history in breast cancer. Dr. King did not just focus on woman in the United States, she was
trying to make a change around the world, for all woman. In an article written by Dr. King called,
'Population–Based Screening for BRCA1 and BRCA2, King writes about how a just–completed
study provides
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Essay Comparing Luhrman's Romeo And Juliet
Baz Luhrman's filmed adaption of Shakespeare's play, Romeo + Juliet was released in 1996 and
starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes as the leading roles. The film brought the ancient script
to a modern time based in Verona, Italy. The Montagues and Capulets are represented as enemy
mafia empires and swords are replaced with guns. This analytic essay will examine the various
dramatic elements featured in the film, such as, roles and relationships, tension and the mood and
atmosphere displayed throughout the film. Similar to the original script, the film focuses heavily on
the roles and relationships between characters, especially Romeo and Juliet's love arc. Viewers
experience Romeo and Juliet's tragic love story progress over the weekend, from their first meeting
at the party to their double suicide ... Show more content on ...
Luhrman is able to build tension of task by giving the film's hero and heroine, Romeo and Juliet, a
task that is bound to have set obstacles in the way. The tension of task builds as there is a time limit
of their task. Romeo and Juliet are forced to attempt to defeat the odds of fate and their parent's
constant unknowingly interference. Viewers experience tension of task when Juliet sees Father
Lawrence to plot a plan to avoid getting married to Paris. The intensity of the plot leaves viewers
with unsettled emotions. This tension of task relates to the tension of surprise, as viewers who are
watching would be most likely surprised at Juliet agreeing to Father Lawrence's plot to fake her
death. Overall, the tension of task and tension of surprise all end up impacting the tension of
relationship between Romeo and Juliet. The tension of relationship is their struggle with the social
issues surrounding them and their love. The dramatic tension elements all allow the film to have a
sense of a tragic mood and
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Comparing Baz Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet
When people think about Shakespeare they may think it is serious and boring, but really it doesn't
have to be. The stories can be exciting and dramatic to all ages. A director named Baz Luhrmann
made a film that was a modern day version of Romeo and Juliet. In Baz Luhrmann's film of Romeo
and Juliet, he made decisions regarding actors, setting and costumes because he wanted to attract a
younger crowd since Romeo and Juliet is a story about two young lovers. One way Luhrmann
attracted a young crowd was by making the time and place of the film more modernized.
Luhrmann's film was located in Verona beach, NY, instead of filming in Verona, Italy. Filming in
Verona beach gives the film more of a interesting feel for young adults to watch, because some of
the play is in the city area and some is on the beach. In contrast to, Verona, Italy, where it was filmed
in a boring and old town. In addition, the film is set in the 1900's instead of the 1500's which makes
the film feel more modernized. Changing the setting of the film to be more modern appeals a
younger crowd because it makes the film less tedious. ... Show more content on ...
In the play, the Montagues wear hawaiian shirts, and the Capulets wear suits. At the Capulet's party,
Romeo dresses up as a knight and Juliet dresses up as an angel. This was clever of Luhrmann
because it relates to the phrase, "Carried away by a man in knight in shining armour." Another clever
decision he makes was when he has Tybalt dress as a devilish looking man. This is coincidentally
showing that he is Romeo's devil and is always trying to ruin Romeo's life. These costumes make it
easier to follow and understand the story, tell characters apart, and make the Shakespeare story less
formal. This contributes to the interest of the younger eye because a more modern–looking play is
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Compare And Contrast Romeo And Juliet Movie
There were many different aspects of each Romeo and Juliet movie that made all three versions
equally different, exciting, and heartbreaking. First off, in the Zeffirelli version, the producers did a
wonderful job of setting the movie to really reflects how Shakespeare wrote his play. For example,
the movie was set in Verona during the Elizabethan Era, and the clothing and way of speaking to one
another fully represented the old times. Also the casting for this movie was excellent, Olivia Hussey
(Juliet) was very cute and fit the role perfectly, as well as Leonard Whiting (Romeo) who played his
part very well. Lastly, the balcony scene was very sweet and showed how much Romeo and Juliet
loved each other after knowing the other for less than a day. This movie was made so well that there
is really no negative aspects to it. It is simply made and beautiful, but the Elizabethan language is
quite hard to understand, as it should be. Next, in the movie starring Leonardo Dicaprio, the
producers did an excellent job of making Claire Danes (Juliet) look very young. She wore little
makeup and had a flat chest, which represents what a thirteen year old would probably look like
back then. Also, the way they filmed the scene on Romeo's death was incredible. The producers
really showed how someone would react to watching their loved one die. The only aspect that was a
little confusing, was how the characters used guns called "swords" instead of actually swords. But in
keeping their
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Romeo and Juliet: A Text to Film Comparison Essay
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet has been modified numerous times and has been a source of
inspiration for many playwrights and directors. Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann are examples of
directors that use Shakespeare's legendary tragedy as a basis for their films. In the Franco Zeffirelli
version of Romeo and Juliet, produced in 1968, the setting is accurate to the times of when William
Shakespeare wrote the play. In the last act of the film a few differences arose. In Zeffirelli's
production Romeo does not request a letter telling of Juliet's well–being from his friend Balthasar,
whereas he did so in the play. This letter was to be given by Friar John, who is not mentioned in the
1968 film. In act 5 scene 3 Paris was laying flowers ... Show more content on ...
In the famous balcony scene, the newer version is portrayed in the Capulet's swimming pool than in
the actual balcony. When Balthesar comes to tell Romeo, who was portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio,
of Juliet's death, he did so on a horse. In the 1996 film adaptation, he comes to Mantua in a 1983
Ford Crown Victoria. In the scene where Romeo is in Mantua, instead of having Friar John ride a
horse to Mantua to give Romeo the letter, the letter is delivered by United Postal Service. Romeo
missed the delivery of the letter twice. Once because he was in his backyard hitting rocks and the
other time was because the UPS man was walking up to Romeos' door when Romeo drove away.
This letter blew away in the wind as Romeo drove off. After departing Mantua and returning to
Verona, nobody was conscious of the fact that he was back. In Baz Luhrmann's movie, a search
party was after him. The prince is represented as the chief of police. In the play Romeo kills Paris
and his servant. However, in the contemporary film, a blameless bystander is killed. While in the
tomb with Juliet, Romeo places a ring on her finger. This detail does not occur in the play. While
Romeo is telling Juliet his final goodbye, her finger starts to twitch. Just as Romeo is taking the
poison, which he bought with dollar bills not gold, Juliet wakes up and sees her lover die. This is a
dramatic modification to the text. Juliet then kills herself with a pistol instead of a dagger. Lady
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Romeo And Juliet Film Review
Don't Hang Up Philosophy –Philosophy Can Make A Movie
Film: Romeo and Juliet
Director: Baz Luhrmann
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio & Claire Danes
Plot: Two lovers of rival, disputing families take their lives.
Reviewer: Claire Ginn
Welcome to Verona Beach, a sexy, violent other–world, neither future nor past, ruled by two rival
families, the Montagues and the Capulets...
So begins Baz Luhrmann's production of Shakespeare's beloved play, "Romeo and
Juliet," from the famous opening line of "Two Households both alike in dignity.."
to the tragic end, the viewer is whisked away into the 'depths' of heightened realism in the world of
Verona Beach.
Casting includes Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo and ... Show more content on ...
Lots of music, fast cuts, fantastic cinematography and superb sets and costumes make it the lively
tale it was meant to be. These features also make the film somewhat cartoon–like with a lot of
heightened realism. Don't expect to see British people prancing around in tights when you rent this
one. Luhrmann creates a world where gun–toting youths sport Hawaiian shirts and beachfront
brawls are an everyday event.
Purists may hesitate, but the film uses its modern setting to its full potential and should be required
viewing for any director who looks to put a modern spin on the 400–year– old play. Capulet and
Montague become warring Mafia leaders, the Prince of Verona is a police chief trying to overcome
the violence, and television anchors represent Shakespeare's traditional chorus. Other, more subtle
narrative devices work equally as well. No modern audience could mistake the significance of the
"attempted delivery" post–it that falls off the door, never to be found. This isn't just an
update; director Baz Luhrmann has created a savvy exploitation of the film medium that assists the
audience with Shakespeare's dated language.
Giving the classic play this modern twist makes for a new understanding of the text and brings the
feud between the Montagues and the Capulets to a whole new, dramatic level. Shakespeare may be
rolling around in his grave after seeing this film, but English classes all over the world can breathe a
little easier when it comes time to take
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Summary Of The NovelThe Visit By Claire Zachanassian
Millionairess Claire Zachanassian in Friedrich Durrenmatt's The Visit has an almighty ability to
control any person, system, or society. Her ability is so powerful that it comes across as
supernatural. Claire's immense wealth gives her this capacity, however, the materialistic world that
she lives in is susceptible to her forces, and lets her use the money to her will. The ways Claire
chooses to spend her wealth is very clever, in that it has an effect that raises her to a seemingly
divine level. Although her often extreme immorality and disregard of ethics, the town of Gullen
overlooks this and instead praises her for her generosity and selflessness. Doing so is convenient for
the townspeople, as Claire can lift Gullen out of poverty with a generous donation. Therefore,
Claire's strength molds herself into the ultimate embodiment of power and control. Claire
Zachanassian is a rounded and complex character. Born in Gullen to the working class Wascher
family, she left the town in her late teenage years as a prostitute. She married the very wealthy oil
mogul Zachanassian, and since then became one of the richest and most powerful women in the
world. She also has been known to contribute to multiple philanthropic enterprises. In addition,
Claire often sees men as less than, with her many marriages and male servants. As Claire comes into
the play, she is an eccentric 63 year old woman, with red hair, a artificial leg and an ivory hand. She
comes across as
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Claire 2.0 Characters
Luke helps Claire 2.0 by providing a listening ear to a person who isn't as distraught as she should
be that her family keeps disappearing from around her. They openly talk about the powers they have
in a supposedly anti evo era and yet no one seems to care remind me again how everyone hates
evos. Luke even offers to buy Claire 2.0 a gun because what's more safe then handing a deadly
weapon to someone that's never used one? Luckily she is smart enough to reject the offer because
she has powers. Again where are the evo glasses? Where are the cops that are taking bounty for
evos? Where is anyone of consequence to round up the evos? I have no clue why they introduced
aspects of the show that only affected people selectively. Yet people talking ... Show more content
on ...
Of course Phoebe instantly finds Claire 2.0 nearly killing her until Luke shows up to save the day by
knocking out phoebe, killing Harris clone and reasoning with Quentin who really wasn't committed
to the cause anyway. Claire 2.0 stops Luke from killing phoebe which is stupid mainly because Luke
isn't a hero and him killing phoebe to avenge his son would be an acceptable reason. Phoebe is
clearly evil and has no remorse about her deed but she is smart enough to be a true villain so
hopefully she either dies soon or becomes a self–reliant villain. Instead of killing them Claire 2.0
decides they should come along because you of course need people that tried to kill you along when
you save the world.
Finally, Harris does something when he fought Katana girl but failed to complete his mission which
was to kill her. He does however die along with all his clones. Farewell Harris you were worthless
right until the end. Katana girl then disappears yet again.
Joanna is summoned by Erica to kill Luke and Claire 2.0 as everyone moves towards the final
... Get more on ...

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Claire In The Breakfast Club

  • 1. Claire In The Breakfast Club For the movie The Breakfast Club I am picking the character Claire the Prom Queen because she changed a lot during the movie and I could say that all of the characters did change during the movie as well. Claire at the beginning of the movie she was such a brat to the other it seemed like because she is so popular that she doesn't care what other people say but really she cares what all of the others say. Bender says that she is a brat pretty much and when everybody is high they are all talking about their feelings and Claire opens up a lot to everybody telling them about how she feels to be popular. She keeps looking at Bender because she likes him and they keep fighting because they are all in detention for some odd reason. Claire ends up ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. What Is Heroes Grappling With Power? Heroes: Grappling With Power With the proliferation of supernatural television shows and movies, I expected Heroes to be more of the same. It is not. Heroes offers a unique twist on the classic superhero tale through its wide variety of characters, its concise plot, its special effects, and its wise use of tone. Mohinder Suresh, who functions as the series' narrator, teaches genetic theory in a small, stuffy classroom to bored college students in India. As the class ends, a colleague pulls Mohinder aside to inform him that his father, whose research he had just been teaching, is dead. He quickly collects himself, rushes to his father's apartment, and begins gathering papers and notes. He is only there for a few minutes when he hears a noise; ... Show more content on ... Many of Claire's initial scenes have a sepia undertone to invoke nostalgia, or to reference a time of innocence. In Peter's first scenes, when he is grappling with the discovery of his ability, the colors are muted. These are used to create a depressing or ominous atmosphere. An increasing number of movies and television shows, particularly action shows, favor orange and blue color schemes. (Cima) Contrasting colors create a more visually stimulating scene. Especially toward the end of season one, this technique becomes more prevalent as more monochromatic scenes are used. Lighting adds to the dynamic of many scenes. Sylar's scenes may be lit from the side, to create a more dramatic effect. For a death scene, softer lighting creates sentimentality. Heroes is an intense, suspenseful show. A combination of relatable, well–developed characters, a fast–paced, original plot, high–quality special effects, and superior aesthetics contribute to the success of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Success Vs. Failure : Success And Failure Success vs. Failure Success is something that most of us want to achieve in our life. The definition of success may differs and varies among each and everyone of us. Nevertheless, we all have something that we want to achieve in our lifetime, and that is the most basic definition of success. However, most people do not realize that to succeed, they must overcome countless failures and obstacles. This speaks truth for a close friend of mine; hence, she always looks down on herself. My friend currently participates in SCC tennis team, where she always complain about how bad she is, and everyone else is virtually better than her. Whenever she loses games, she will blame herself instead of seeing those failures as a spring to help her becomes a better tennis player. Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, authors of an article called The Confidence Gap describe this as "internal attribution" where which people associate failure with their inability to do better (Kay and Shipman 26). Instead of look for other reasons such as not everyone is in the same tennis level or the opponent simply has more experience and practice. This lead to the question of how can most people achieve their goal if most of the time all they see is a future full of failures and obstacles? People who are successful know how to overcome failures and posses character traits that help them continue to have a successful life. Failure is something that happens to everyone no matter who we are. For that reason, people ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Comparing Franco Zeffirelli And Baz Luhrmann's Film Compare Contrast Essay The Franco Zeffirelli (1968) and Baz Luhrmann (1996) films about the Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet, were both fairly good movies and I enjoyed watching both of them. While the Baz Luhrmann film was a fresh spin on the classic story, the Franco Zeffirelli film Romeo and Juliet was overall better than the 1996 Baz Luhrmann film Romeo+Juliet. Romeo+Juliet was a good idea in theory but in execution was a big mistake. When they used the language from the play and not updating it to modern day language was a big mistake by the directors and it kind of ruined the movie for me. The part of the movie leading up to the climax was just a blur of images and if you didn't read the play or watch the 1968 film you would have ... Show more content on ... 3.When leading up to the climax there was a blur of images that were very hard to follow. At the climax Juliet is somewhat awake and is moving around but Romeo doesn't notice and starts to drink the poison anyway. Juliet wakes up the very second the poison touches Romeo's lips and it's about the worst scene i've ever seen in a movie. The very last part of the climax is where ,in the play, Romeo dies and then Juliet stabs herself. But in this version, Juliet uses Romeo's gun, or "dagger", to shoot herself in the head which was maybe the most unsettling part of the hole movie. There are two problems with this moment. First, when Juliet shoots herself there's no blood or gunshot wound or anything. Second, when Juliet dies she lads on the floor but in the very next scene she's hugging Romeo and no one has moved her since she got shot so it makes no ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Claire In The Breakfast Club In the The Breakfast Club Claire is the Prom Queen within the film. She is the most popular and wealthiest teen of the group. Claire is in detention for cutting class to go to the mall. She is quite used to being shielded by her group of friends and has affectionate parents who spoil and treat her in spitefulness of one another. She is snooty and stuck up and confesses to not having the longing to hang out with anybody who is not popular. She also acknowledges she feels forced by her friends to act or certain way or do specific things. Claire is additionally considered "The Princess". She is fairly reserved and is superficially timid about revealing knowledge about herself. She also suffers from a tough sense of insecurity, which can be detected ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Character Analysis : Claire Standish ' Claire Standish, the prom queen, fits into Identity vs. Role Confusion, Conventional Morality, and the Moratorium stage. Starting with Kohlberg's Moral Development, Claire fits into the Conventional Morality stage. Claire is the most popular girl in their high school and is constantly surrounded by many friends. Bender even goes as far as to say, "School would probably shut down if you didn't show up!" Claire agrees with this statement and when talking to Alison later in the movie she says, "You're not friends with the same kind of people that Andy and I are friends with! You know, you just don't understand the pressure that they can put on you!" When Claire makes certain judgments or decisions she bases them on social rules by looking at ... Show more content on ... Starting with Kohlberg's Moral Development, Allison fits into the Post–Conventional Morality stage. Allison is an outcast who is very shy and doesn't have any friends, the complete opposite of Claire. Allison tends to follow the beat of her drum and does whatever she wants and what she believes is right. She chooses not to smoke, act like she is a compulsive liar, and she explains at one point in the film that she would never treat others badly. Allison sticks with her own principles and the only reason she is in detention is that she had nothing better to do. In Erikson's Social Development, Alison fits into the Identity vs. Role Confusion stage. In this stage, people are figuring out who they are and have some independence, while Alison has already been given too much independence due to her neglectful parents. At some points, she seems as though she knows her role at school and is finding her identity, but she is really confused since she hadn't been given the right care and attention by her parents. She said that her parents think she is invisible suggesting she is not getting any encouragement or help from them. In Marcia's Identity Status, Alison fits into the Diffusion stage because as her clothes and bag show she is extremely disorganized and doesn't have anything figured out. She is also withdrawn as soon as she entered the library she sat all the way in the back. Allison doesn't know where she will end up and ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Review Of ' Claire Of The Sea Light ' Nely Montina Mrs. Devine & Ms. Easley Reading Circle 13 August 2015 Effects of Daughter Loses Mother & Vice Versa Edwidge Danticat's, Claire of the Sea Light, creates a world that is rich of life and death with people who are ultimately connected through the events of their life in a small community. The titular character of her book is the central focus of her story within stories. Claire Limye Lanme is the little girl whose very being sheds light on those stories. She has lost something that she could never get back. She's a daughter without her mother. So another mother wants her; Gaelle––a mother without a daughter. The powerful relationship between mother and daughter has an effect ranging from their health and self–esteem above all other relationships. So what happens when a daughter and mother don not have each other? Danticat answers this question as she portrays how Claire and Gaelle survive with their loss. From the moment Claire Limye Lanme opened her eyes for the first time she blinked without seeing her mother. Maybe those baby tears and her deep cry was her mourning the death of her mother. Perhaps she knew at that moment when her mother told her to "vini" (Danticat 218), to come to her, but was too late because "her mother was already gone" (Danticat 218). Unlike most babies when their first cry kick–start their lungs, for Claire Limye Lanme it was knowing that she'll never see her mother again. Claire Limye Lanme losing her mother has different ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Claire Jones Essay Biography Claire Jones (Claire4Clarity) is a 53 year old female writer and artist. Most know her as Cheryl Gittens–Jones but she utilizes her middle and married name to reflect many, recent and major life changes. The use of Claire Jones allows her to express the deep, positive and revolutionary changes that have taken place in her life. The name Claire means 'bright' and 'clear'. A high school dropout, Claire left her home country of Barbados to make her dreams come through. However, a childhood history of domestic violence impeded every step. The deep, internal traumas of Claire's past had a bipolar effect on her life at every turn. Nevertheless, she kept the light burning within. This drive and determination allowed Claire to complete a GED course while struggling as an new ... Show more content on ... It was her way of dealing with a self–imposed isolation after the traumatic diagnosis. A spiritual vision in the throes of her darkest moments inspired Claire to take photos of the sun at various angles and things unfolded from there. "ClarityIsJustSoHip!", is a collection of digital photo paintings, was born from those dark and difficult days. In order to get through the past year Claire rooted herself in positive sharing with others as she went. This method is allowing her to heal and to recover. Claire's story is about much pain and suffering but through the chaos and dysfunction She has arrived at a place of clarity. She intends to use these photos as a vehicle of positivity to share her journey and to help those in similar situations. In the coming months Claire hopes to publish her story and to share her unique designs via an online store. She is a homeschooling, homemaker who resides in New Hampshire with her husband, teen daughter and precocious parakeet Vaniety. Claire is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College, class of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Dr Temple Grandin Analysis Society has created an environment where those with different abilities struggle to be accepted. Doctor Temple Grandin is a remarkable woman who has defied what most perceive when they see someone with autism. From the time, Temple was young she proved doctors wrong. While in boarding school and later in college a few of her professors did not believe her observations or in her work with cattle. They simply did not comprehend the enormous amount of detail her brain absorbed and her connection to animals which allowed her to gain access to this knowledge. Temple did not let autism outline her life or what her life ought to be like. At the age of four Temple was non–verbal. This was when she was diagnosed with autism. Doctors insisted the proper ... Show more content on ... One example was bullying, which is rising in our school systems today. As someone who was bullied, I admire her for persevering her dreams which was what she believed to be a better solution for slaughtering cattle. Which she believed this was a system that was not as perfect as it could be. Always following her gut for change even though several people seemed to not care to change and preferred it to stay the way it was. This was not an easy task and more difficult when so many around her did not believe in her. However, she focused more on those who did support her and tried to ignore the negativity. Her bravery to march into a slaughterhouse to see how improvements could be made is something I would assume to be impossible. It took courage for her to continue to go to the feedlot even after workers put bull testicles on her truck. Though, who accepted her and could see her amazing gift, they did not always understand how her mind worked but they accepted her for who she was. Others soon realized what a unique ability she had. Such as, the reporter from the Arizona Farmer Ranchman who said her cattle dip was a ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Theme Of Forgiveness In Claire Wald's 'Absolution' Topic 2: Can the dead offer absolution? By: Bharat Sharma Forgiveness is a very prominent practice across many cultures. It is seen as an indispensable way to cleanse the mind and the soul of all that is ill and immoral. It can be seen that all characters in the novel "Absolution" demand absolution in one way or another. However it is Claire who seeks it with most devotion. Anguished by the grief, suffering and emotional hardship caused by her past, Claire Wald embarks on a journey to seek absolution and closure in her life. However in order to attain absolution, it is the past that must be rebuilt and renewed. For over forty years Claire has been burdened by the guilt of inciting her sister's and brother–in–law's death. Claire believes that by revealing the location of where Nora and Stephan would be staying, she disclosed vital information which led to their assassination, "I knew the delicacy of the information I held. I chose to forget.", whether her motifs were political or personal that too we do not know. Both Claire and Nora had a ... Show more content on ... It is the ceaseless pain of not being the mother she "should have" that causes Claire so much agony. Claire wonders that had she been more loving and supportive towards Laura, would she still have been alive. Overcome with torment and torture, Claire's subconscious plays with her mind, causing hallucinations and nightmares of Laura that plague Claire. It is for this reason that Claire begins writing an account of the last few days of Laura's life, by addressing Laura directly and sensationalising and fleshing out every detail, Claire is exerting herself to a sort of self–punishment. Something she believes she deserves. Only had she been more understanding of Laura's actions and supported her actions. Claire however seems to make up for this and by being the mother he did not have Claire is making amends to both Laura and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Claire Keller Thesis At the conclusion of her high school academic career, Claire Keller planned to enter a field far from that of dental hygiene, one perhaps centered on the natural world. She even began an internship at a fish and wildlife park in order to explore related career opportunities. It wasn't until a friend of hers told her that she was going into dentistry that she was reminded of her many positive experiences in dentist offices throughout her early life. She has always received her dental work at the Wakarusa Family Dentist Office in town and always felt welcomed and encouraged there. From an early age she appreciated the kind–hearted nature of those she came into contact there, never harboring any of the negative feelings towards dentistry as are stereotypical in modern society. Not only did she feel that her hygienists always treated her as an individual, and with a smile of their own, she noticed that the work environment in our dentist office is also quite uplifting. She inquired about the career with some Wakarusa staffers and ... Show more content on ... They're constantly seeing one another due to the specific, linear, fashion in which these classes are scheduled. Keller and company are in every one of each other's classes and have learned to depend on one another throughout these past two years. She has relied on her classmates both as study partners due to the initially overwhelming academic rigor of this program. But in addition to drying one another's tears, these students also allow one another to work on their patients when necessary. Each student is required to meet not only a patient quota but work with a certain number of patience within numerous clinical demographics. For example, Keller is required to clean the teeth of a designated number of children per semester, a certain number of adults, and a certain number of persons suffering from specific oral ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Mad Shadows By Marie Claire Blais In a social setting where the presence of God is absent, love simply cannot exist. It is a common– truth that human beings require love; in a society where love cannot and does not exist, the void where that "love" would have existed becomes filled with deluded misconceptions of what love truly is. In Marie–Claire Blais' Mad Shadows, Blais clearly illustrates what happens genuine love cannot exist and is replaced by misinterpretations, with the use of well developed character relationships. In many of the relationships (romantic and otherwise) displayed in Mad Shadows, characters face a great deal of pain and suffering at the hands of their deluded notions of love; that fundamentally being that beauty and appearance equate to love. Their ... Show more content on ... Further, when Blais describes Louise and Lanz as "ill–fated as the other", a clear element of foreshadowing of the suffering and resent they will develop for one another is firmly established. This foreshadowing is realized later in the novel as Louise and Lanz have been together for a fair increment of canonical time. Their relationship, though lacking in substance, has been quite stable. However, in a scene where Lanz is sleeping, Louise enters the room, only to see her husband fully dressed in all his elegance. Louise saw "Lanz, whose nails were always manicured and whose shoes were always polished, had fallen asleep fully dressed, in all his offensive perfection. Confronted with this, her own image, Louise squirmed in disgust." (Blais 54) The resent that was foreshadowed early in the novella is completely realized. As Blaise uses Louise's character realization that her husband 's image and her own image disgust her, she expertly suggests a key theme. Blais enhances on one of Mad Shadows' fundamental concepts; the fact that love based in superficiality and false notions of love is doomed to fail, and will only lead to suffering and pain. Blais utilizes another in– book relationship, one between Isabelle–Marie and Michael, to further reinforce the point that relationships rooted in superficial misconceptions only end in suffering and pain. In this specific case, it leads to the brutal beating and abandonment of Isabelle–Marie at ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Dog Experiment By Claire Mccarthy Sample Essay 2 Education is an important aspect in everybody's life and need in today's society. However, sometimes you have to give up time money and things you value such as friends and family to attain education. You must sacrifice one thing for another such as education, and know where to draw the line and have a balance between your morals and beliefs. Following is a brief example from an article that elaborates on a student's experience. Claire McCarthy in her article "Dog Lab" explains her experience attending an optional lab where they studied the cardiovascular system of a sedated living dog, which was then euthanized. The lab was part of her Physiology class, which was where she had the most interest when she started medical school. She wanted to take advantage of every learning opportunity to get the most out of her classes. In the article, she explains how she was an excellent student, and preferred to study all the time then do anything else. ... Show more content on ... Her professor announced the lab and said it was optional. He said, if someone decided not to attend it would not be held against them. Her professor told them it was a great learning experience, and he wished for their attendance. He knew that there was a spectrum of morality when it came to animal experimentation and that they had to decide where they would draw the line. She explained how the campus was torn between students who agreed for and against the lab. She was also not sure of what she would do. Part of her does not want to kill the dog, but the other part of her wants to take advantage of every learning opportunity she ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Claire In The Breakfast Club In the movie the "Breakfast Club" there were five main characters. One of them being a girl named claire. She's known as the princess of the group. Claire is very popular in their school, she's in all the clubs that make her popular. In the movie Claire is made fun of for a lot of things, the person making fun of her is a guy named Bender. Claire is very sensitive to a topic they all start to talk about. And she gets very defensive about it when they all start asking her about it. In the beginning of the movie Claire is very quiet, along with the rest of them, except Bender, he's a very talkative person. Throughout the movie Claire becomes more open with the group, she gets a little more comfortable. During the movie Claire and the group goes ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Claire Evans Theory On January 14, 2017, the New York Police Department received a 911 call from the distressed neighbor. The 911 call informed the department that gunshots were heard coming from the apartment above them. When the investigators arrived at the primary crime scene they surveyed the scene. Some of the first few observations the investigator noted was the victim's body in rigor mortis, two bullet cartridges, and gunshot residue. The investigators were able to find ID inside the house and matched the victim to the resident of the apartment. The victim is Claire Evans, 28, and daughter of a wealthy business man. The investigators saw the cup lying next to the body and the cup on the table and their is a theory that the person who killed Ms. Evans ... Show more content on ... The night of the murder, Mr. Evans had been at his office and he had actually had a phone call with his daughter moments before her death. The investigators thought that the father could be a suspect because Ms. Evans was supposedly a little reckless and adventurous and her father did not approve. After verifying Mr. Evans phone call and alibi, the investigators moved on to Ms. Evans boyfriend, Thomas Greenville. Turns out, Mr. Greenville was their the night of the murder. They asked him for his DNA and fingerprints and he decline. The investigators got a warrant for them and Mr. Greenville was a successful match for both DNA and fingerprints. In addition, the warrant allowed the investigators to search Mr. Greenville's home and car. Inside the car they found a .38 caliber handgun underneath the passenger carseat. The investigators matched the gun, which was licensed under Mr. Greenville's name, to the bullets recovered from Ms. Evan's body. After further investigation, the detectives also discovered Mr. Greenville's motive. Thomas wanted Ms. Evan's money, and the father's phone call that night confirmed that Ms. Evans would only be receiving the family house and other strictive accounts (that could only be used my Ms. Evans), and Mr. Greenville decided that he did not want to be a part of this anymore and brutally murdered Ms. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Comparing Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet Romeo + Juliet Romeo + Juliet is a modernization of the known tragic story about Romeo and Juliet. The movie was released in 1996 and was directed by Baz Luhrmann, who is a very well known director who directed The Great Gatsby, which also had Leonardo DiCaprio in the leading role. The Great Gatsby won two Oscars and several other awards, alongside many nominations. Romeo + Juliet is quite different compared to the original Romeo and Juliet tragedy, which was written by William Shakespeare. In the movie it shows how the original tragedy would have looked, if it had happened in the modern time, however they still choose to keep the original language from the play by William Shakespeare. The movie somehow manages to create an exiting mix between old and new. Alongside very good casted actors such as Leonardo DiCaprio who is very well known for many roles in award winning movies, his role is Romeo in the movie. Juliet is played by, Claire Danes who is well known for her big role in Terminator 3. Both actors play the their leading roles perfectly and with a fantastic mix between being emotional, and dramatic which is what Romeo and Juliet is ... Show more content on ... The movie separates itself from many other movies, which is why it makes it even more exiting to watch. It shows a very different aspect touch of the original Romeo and Juliet story, an almost complete modernization of the play except the language. However if you are enjoying the original tragedy written by William Shakespeare then this movie might not be the right match for your movie taste, as it adds a modern twist which for some might be too much in a certain perspective. Even though that most people either have heard, or read the story by William Shakespeare, the movie somehow still manages to make the story exciting to watch from beginning to end and makes it interesting to watch with a different approach to the original story from ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Two Film Versions of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a timeless, classic love story written by the incomparable William Shakespeare. Many of Shakespeare's works are considered literary classics, but none are more loved than Romeo and Juliet. This play masterfully tells the love story of two teenagers in Elizabethan England. The title characters Romeo and Juliet are members of two feuding families, Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet. There are different stylistic ways of portraying Romeo and Juliet, and the two most popular film versions portray two very different styles of this one play. Zeferelli's Romeo and Juliet was made in the 1970s, and is the film version most commonly shown in high school classrooms. The newest film version of this play is Baz Luhrmanns ... Show more content on ... One such scene was the infamous balcony scene. Zeferelli stuck to the classical interpretation, while Luhrmann did not. In Zeferelli's version Juliet was on the balcony outside her bedroom calling rhetorically, "Romeo, Romeo where fore art thou Romeo?" Romeo appears and climbs up the balcony, and they share a couple of small kisses before he departs. However, in Luhrmanns version of the play, events occurred slightly differently. Juliet is walking by the pool, when Romeo startles her and they both fall in the pool. Their conversation then takes place in the pool. In between getting interrupted by a nosy security guard they share several passionate kisses. Another significant scene that was portrayed differently in the two versions was the suicide scene. Zeferelli's version is once again almost exact to what we read in the book. Romeo sees what he perceives to be a dead Juliet lying in her family's tomb, and distraught by the sight he drinks poison. When Juliet awakens from her sleep she finds Romeo dead, and stabs herself with his knife. In Luhrmanns version Romeo goes to the church where Juliet is laid out for her funeral. He also sees what he perceives to be a dead Juliet and drinks poison. When Juliet awakens from her sleep she finds out Romeo has swallowed poison and is dying. The main difference lies in the fact that we are led to believe that maybe he will see her awake ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Evidence Of The Challenge Slips Should Be Denied Because I. The motion to suppress the evidence of the challenge slips should be denied because the inception of the search was justified. The inception of the search was justified so the motion to suppress the evidence should be denied. The Supreme Court declared inception is justified "when there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the employees is guilty of work–related misconduct." O'Conner v. Ortega, 480 U.S. 726 (1987). The burden of proof is upon the government by the preponderance of the evidence. In Gossmeyer v. McDonald, child protective lead investigator, Mary Dilworth, anonymously made contact with a detective from the Cook County Sheriffs Department. Gossmeyer v. McDonald, 128 F.3d 485 ... Show more content on ... Id. The search took place a day after the information was obtained, being performed in a timely matter. Id. In March of 2004, a doctor at the Wyoming Medical Center had been reported by one of the nurses for leaving an operating room during a surgery. Narotzky v. Natrona County Memorial Hosp. Bd. Of Trustees, 610 F.3d 561 (10th Cir. 2010). He had left Robert Griffin, a physician's assistant, who had authorization to assist in surgeries but only under direct supervision of a physician. Id. After receiving the filed complaint, the Medical Center launched an investigation and eventually terminated a group of physicians. Id. Shortly after the termination, an inventory technician recognized that several instruments were missing from the Medical Center. Id. at 562. Staff of the Medical Center viewed video surveillance and noticed the terminated members were leaving the vicinity with equipment, bags and boxes. Id. The Medical Center then attempted to contact the former employees, with no success. Id. Once this was done, Medical Center security personnel searched the lockers of the previously terminated physicians. Id. The court determined the inception was justified due to: (1) a report from the Medical Center about the physicians searching through operating room trays before leaving; (2) the video surveillance; (3) the missing instruments; and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Essay Comparing Zeffirelli's Romeo And Juliet Zeffirelli and Luhrmann both have productions of the Shakespeare tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Franco Zeffirelli's "Romeo and Juliet" was released in 1968. Zeffirelli was a Italian director, he was a director and a producer for operas, flims, and television. Baz Luhrmann's "Romeo and Juliet" was released in 1996. Luhrmann was a Australian director, he was also a writer and producer for flim, television, opera, theatre, music, and recording industries. Baz was also the director of "The Great Gatsby" in 2013. From all other scenes in the book Romeo and Juliet Act I Scene V stood out from both flims because both Zeffirelli and Luhrmann interepreted them differently. In both Zeffirelli and Luhrmann's intereptations of Romeo and Juliet, the directors both have different techniques in portraying the book. Altough, they where 28 ... Show more content on ... They set the mood and give you different vibes. In Zeffirelli's version the music is old timey and there's a guy singing while Romeo is going up to Juliet which sets the romantic mood than a different vibe. In Luhrmann the music is r and b and there's also someone singing which sets a more low vibe to it. Zeffirelli doesn't really adapt Shakespeare's language but he does reduce some lines and adds. Luhrmann on the other hand adapts Shakespeare's language alot by cutting it and sometimes it was way different than the book. The directors both gave a strong visual impact on there version of the book. In Zeffirelli's interpretation he shows very neutral colors. He uses icons whether it was very impactful or just there to be more interesting. He creates a theme using these resources from the book and how you would imagine it to be like. Luhrmann's version has very bright colors, it gives a more modern effect on the book, and how the people of 1996 would be entertained in seeing it. The flimmakers both had a different way of portraying the book and what do the best in there ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. What Is Heroes Grappling With Power? Heroes: Grappling With Power With the proliferation of supernatural television shows and movies, I expected Heroes to be more of the same. It is not. Heroes offers a unique twist on the classic superhero tale through its wide variety of characters, its concise plot, its special effects, and its wise use of tone. Mohinder Suresh, who functions as the series' narrator, teaches genetic theory in a small, stuffy classroom to bored college students in India. As the class ends, a colleague pulls Mohinder aside to inform him that his father, whose research he had just been teaching, is dead. He quickly collects himself, rushes to his father's apartment, and begins gathering papers and notes. He is only there for a few minutes when he hears a noise; ... Show more content on ... Many of Claire's initial scenes have a sepia undertone to invoke nostalgia, or to reference a time of innocence. In Peter's first scenes, when he is grappling with the discovery of his ability, the colors are muted. These are used to create a depressing or ominous atmosphere. An increasing number of movies and television shows, particularly action shows, favor orange and blue color schemes. (Cima) Contrasting colors create a more visually stimulating scene. Especially toward the end of season one, this technique becomes more prevalent as more monochromatic scenes are used. Lighting adds to the dynamic of many scenes. Sylar's scenes may be lit from the side, to create a more dramatic effect. For a death scene, softer lighting creates sentimentality. Heroes is an intense, suspenseful show. A combination of relatable, well–developed characters, a fast–paced, original plot, high–quality special effects, and superior aesthetics contribute to the success of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The State Charged Defendant With Interstate Bookmaking The State, by its attorneys, files this memorandum in opposition to Defendant's motion to suppress, and states the following. The state charged Defendant with Interstate Bookmaking on June 6, 2015. The state contends the search was reasonable in inception due to the viability of the source of the allegation, sufficient corroboration and an appropriate amount of time between the accusation and its search. Statement of Facts On September 1, 2003, Defendant was hired by District Attorney Claire Bennett as an Assistant District Attorney. During his employee orientation he received a Tulsa County District Attorney's Office Employee Handbook. The handbook states employees "shall not utilize their positions as ADAs to engage in any form of illegal activity, or use the Tulsa County District Attorney's Office to facilitate such illegal activities." June 3, 2015, Defendant attends his fifteen–year college reunion, in which all in attendance received a "Union Wells Class of 2000 Memory Book." The Memory Book contained an autobiographical profile of every graduate from the class. Daniel Linderman had also attended as a guest. Mr. Linderman is an investigator for the Tulsa County District Attorney's Office and has specialized training in illegal gambling, bookmaking and money–laundering crimes. (Linderman Dep. 125:9). The morning of June 6, 2015, Mr. Linderman provided a copy of the Memory Book to Ms. Bennett and felt Defendant's profile suggested to being part of illegal bookmaking. ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Character Analysis Of The Movie 'Claire Standish' Claire Standish is the typical popular, mainstream, and rich prom ruler at her high school. When she decided to ditch school and instead go to the mall she got served a Saturday Detention . Claire's parents also don't have the best relationship and they mostly use Claire as an excuse to get at each other's throats. Claire is stuck up, snooty, and has clearly stated that she will not hang out with you if your so called not popular at school. In the movie she also states that she her decisions mostly are not based on her own feelings, but her peers and parents feelings or so called, peer pressure. Abraham Maslow's meaning of self actualization is one to reach his full potential or of one's true self. From a humanistic standpoint, Claire's ... Show more content on ... The id basically just wants pleasure and to avoid pain. The id focuses on the pleasure principle, or a desire to reduce tensions and to gain immediate satisfaction without counting the cost. For example, when John Bender leaves to go smoke his bag of marijuana, Claire is seen going with him without any hesitation. Claire doesn't at all think about the consequences or punishments she would receive from her parents or even the school. She decides to do it for pleasure and in order to avoid pain throughout her detention. It seems as though Claire had no ego or superego at all during this scene. In Erik Erikson's stages of development, the identity vs role confusion theory coincides with Claire's life tremendously. The identity vs role confusion is a theory where basically the question, "Who am I?" pops up to the teens head many times in order for them to find out what type of person are they. The teens usually hang out with many social groups or act a certain way in order to fit in with the norm or to feel at all comfortable with who they are. The identity vs role confusion usually involves teens who go through the ages of twelve through eighteen. In Claire's perspective she experiences she experiences this theory in a way that she just tries to go with the flow. She just suppresses feelings just because she has no real friends or parents in her life. She has no grip on her personality ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Reflection Paper On The Solar Eclipse While being a very excited fan of Mythology, Astrology and this year's upcoming solar eclipse, I decided to embark on a journey with my two daughters, Jazmine (4 and proud of it), & Layla (terrible 2.5's) Goins to experience the eclipse at its fullest in Totality town (Andrews) North Carolina. Second thought's about this were weighing heavily in my head. Especially in the wake of the recent tragedy that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia. But being that this was a very important historical moment, I really wanted this experience not only for myself but for my daughters also. So with out any more hesitation, I said a quick prayer and set forward towards my destination. 2.5 hrs later we were in a thriving community where everyone shared the same enthusiasm that I did for the upcoming event. So with out further ado, I unfolded my daughters blanket under a shade tree so they would be comfortable, and commenced a count down for the event. After settling in we were greeted by a fellow stargazer whom asked & offered a pair of glasses to my daughters in order to view the eclipse. Without hesitation, they replied, received their glasses, and gave her the biggest hug their short arms could muster. Moments later, I was greeted by Stephen St. Claire, An artist from Asheville, North Carolina whom with a warm welcome, invited my daughters and myself to join himself and his wife Joy St. Claire, under the trees where everyone else was, and not alone. Understanding immediately the potential and power in this, I agreed, gathered my things and shuffled my daughters in their direction. Once we made it there, my daughters as always, hugged, greeted, and told them their names and ages. In like fashion, they were bombarded with the same. Once we were settled sitting down, Joy being the "SAINT" that she is immediately started interacting with my daughters as if she had known them their whole life, and vice versa. While Steven and I had a very interesting, wholehearted, truthful, fellowship amongst ourselves, about what's going on in today's world. As our conversation continued, he asked if I felt as if there was a change from then until now. Anxious to convey my answer accurately and correctly, I told ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Claire Anderson Research Paper Anna Claire Anderson, also known as "the kid who laughs at their own jokes", born August 3 2003, lived hard, played hard, and died hard. Claire was born to Todd and Julie Anderson, in Clinton Oklahoma. Claire attended schools in the Clinton Oklahoma district, as well as the Blackfoot Idaho districts. She enjoyed singing, tennis and a rigorous game of yahtzee, but it was the joy of cliff diving that finally got her. Throughout her life, she enjoyed the friendship of her siblings, and chores, but there was nothing like eating that set her on a ramp. She could go on and on, eating this and that, continuously watching The Office on Netflix. Once the TV series was over, she went into the state of very minor Netflix depression, and thus decided to take up cliff diving to make up for the thrill of the twists and turns of The Office. There's nothing that could compare better to The Office than cliff diving, she was sure of it. Claire was service minded, and was obsessed with family history. After dropping out of college, Claire pursued her ambitions of becoming a mother. She had six children, five boys and one girl, in that order. The girl went on to be a hugely successful lawyer, and one of ... Show more content on ... She was 80 years of age when her kidney failed, and had to get a transplant from her daughter, who was 47 and had also retired from her job to become a stay at home mom. At this point, Claire couldn't do anything too dangerous, due to having osteoporosis. That's when she decided to watch Netflix while relentlessly stroking her fake cat and eating as much food as possible. When Claire had finally hit rock bottom, when there was no more Netflix to watch, no more internet connections to work Netflix, she turned to the arms of her death–bed. She was diagnosed with Netflix pothole depression, which is a very common occurrence in adolescents. Her case was so severe, she was guaranteed death in two ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Claire Nieboer Claire Nieboer is a nice caring person. She is 11 years old. She loves almost all animals except for a couple. Claire has 5 more family members. And of course her dog, named Briggs. Her and her family love to travel and go see really cool places like the Bahamas, for example. They all went to Florida together and had a lot of fun. She has 3 other siblings Sylas (13), Julia (9), Samantha (6) and her mom and dad. She and her family live in Fairport NY. Claire attends Martha Brown Middle School. She was born on July 27th 2005. She loves to dance and play soccer with her cousins and sometimes with her family. She really loves going on trips!! She likes to go on retreats to camps and hotels with her friends and family. Claire broke her arm in ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Claire Zachanassian Quotes In The Visit, Claire Zachanassian uses vengeance as justice due to previous events in the past involving her childhood lover, Ill. When Claire visits her home town Gullen, she had mission in mind she wanted to accomplish and surely she accomplished it. By showing her flirtatiousness, power, and wealth, she succeeded using vengeance as justice leading to Ill's death. Claire's arrival in Gullen was a great deal to all the townspeople. As the years went by Gullen slowly started to fall into debt and poverty leaving them to look up to Claire Zachanassian for hope. When Claire stepped off of the train she had several bags, a black panther in a cage, her butler, husband, two men, and a coffin. After listening to a speech by the major welcoming ... Show more content on ... Claire Zachanassian was a very wealthy woman. She gained all of her wealth by marrying men, taking their money, and then divorcing them. On page 35 Claire brings up how she wants justice by announcing "I can afford justice. One billion for Gullen, if someone kills Alfred Ill". Here it reveals the money Claire has and the justice she really wants. By offering a billion dollars to the town in need of it, it persuades the townspeople to go against Ill and drift to Claire's side. Realizing what's going on, Ill frantically goes to the pastor in search of help and says " They're hunting me like a wild beast" (Page 57) referring to the black panther that's on the loose. Ironically "black panther" is what Claire used to call him when they were young. During Claire and Ill's last conversation, Claire makes it a point she had already had this all planned out by saying "I will take you to Capri in your coffin. I built a mausoleum in the garden of my palazzo. Surrounded by cypresses. Overlooking the Mediterranean" (Page 99). Ill accepts the fact his death has come and they say their last words, "Farwell, Alfred", "Farwell, Claire" (Page 99). Shortly later Ill was strangled by the gymnast but died of a "heart attack". Claire gathers her things and the coffin, walks up to the mayor and says "The check" (Page 111) handing him the check and ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet Andi Yaco Romeo and Juliet The famous story of Romeo and Juliet written by Shakespeare is the meaning of an immortal affection anecdote around two star crossed significant others, attempting to endure the tribulations of their two quarreling families, the Capulets and the Montagues. It is a story that has stood the test of time and is a strong meaning of a genuine romance story. Despite the fact that it has been told incalculable times, every time it is listened, the names Romeo and Juliet are synonymous with adoration. Each extraordinary story enraptures a crowd of people by the way it is advised to them. Two men, Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann, recounted the tale of "Romeo and Juliet" through their eyes, with two totally diverse results. Franco Zeffirelli communicated his elucidation in the 1967 rendition of the film, offering life to these characters in a noteworthy movie. His motion picture turned into the position of these characters; and was genuine to what Shakespeare imagined after making this story. In 1997, Baz Luhrmann left on his adventure of telling this story, giving a totally diverse turn and cosmetic touch up to an old fantastic. He modernized it in a manner that would speak to the present day group of onlookers, with the assistance of two youthful on–screen characters, Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio. There are a few similitudes and contrasts between these two motion pictures. One of the significant contrasts is that the Zeffirelli film happens in ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Character Analysis : Claire Standish ' Claire Standish, the prom queen, fits into Identity vs. Role Confusion, Conventional Morality, and the Moratorium stage. Starting with Kohlberg's Moral Development, Claire fits into the Conventional Morality stage. Claire is the most popular girl in their high school and is constantly surrounded by many friends. Bender even goes as far as to say, "School would probably shut down if you didn't show up!" Claire agrees with this statement and when talking to Alison later in the movie she says, "You're not friends with the same kind of people that Andy and I are friends with! You know, you just don't understand the pressure that they can put on you!" When Claire makes certain judgments or decisions she bases them on social rules by looking at ... Show more content on ... Starting with Kohlberg's Moral Development, Allison fits into the Post–Conventional Morality stage. Allison is an outcast who is very shy and doesn't have any friends, the complete opposite of Claire. Allison tends to follow the beat of her drum and does whatever she wants and what she believes is right. She chooses not to smoke, act like she is a compulsive liar, and she explains at one point in the film that she would never treat others badly. Allison sticks with her own principles and the only reason she is in detention is that she had nothing better to do. In Erikson's Social Development, Alison fits into the Identity vs. Role Confusion stage. In this stage, people are figuring out who they are and have some independence, while Alison has already been given too much independence due to her neglectful parents. At some points, she seems as though she knows her role at school and is finding her identity, but she is really confused since she hadn't been given the right care and attention by her parents. She said that her parents think she is invisible suggesting she is not getting any encouragement or help from them. In Marcia's Identity Status, Alison fits into the Diffusion stage because as her clothes and bag show she is extremely disorganized and doesn't have anything figured out. She is also withdrawn as soon as she entered the library she sat all the way in the back. Allison doesn't know where she will end up and ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. The Princess By Claire Standish Introduction Claire Standish or "the princess" portrays the stereotypical popular teenage girl in The Breakfast Club. She is in detention with everyone else because she decided to skip class and go shopping, which also plays into the stereotypical teen girl image. It can also be assumed that she is spoiled and rich since her father tried to get her out of detention but failed, and she mentions to the group that her parents only use her to get back at the other one. She brings a fancy lunch of sushi while the other teens either have nothing or the standard lunch one's parents might pack for them. There are a couple of times in the movie that she brings up her social standing and could even be considered as looking down on those who are not as popular as her. Even closer towards the end of the movie she informs the others that if they were to say hello to her in the hallway in front of her friends, she would have no choice but to ignore them. By the end of the movie, she has opened up to everyone else about her fears of letting her peers down and has formed a close relationship with Bender. Summary The Breakfast Club is about a group of five teenagers that portray different stereotypes of the athlete, the brain, the princess, the basket case and the criminal. They are all sent to detention at their school on a Saturday morning in order to write a letter about who each of them think they are and what sent them to detention. Throughout the entire afternoon they start from being ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Romeo And Juliet Comparative Essay Baz Luhrman's filmed adaptation of William Shakespeare's play, Romeo + Juliet was released in 1996 and starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes as the leading roles. The film brought the ancient script to a modern time based in Verona, Italy. The Montagues and Capulets are represented as enemy mafia empires and swords are replaced with guns. This analytical essay will examine the various dramatic elements featured in the film, such as, roles and relationships, tension and the mood and atmosphere displayed throughout the film. Similar to the original script, the film focuses heavily on the roles and relationships between characters, especially Romeo and Juliet's love arc. Viewers experience Romeo and Juliet's tragic love story progress over the weekend, from their first meeting at the party to their double suicide at the tomb. The films shows viewers that their relationship with one another is the key relationship in the film. The majority of the film revolves about their love for each other and shows on various occasions how much Romeo and Juliet fight for the chance to be together. Their love is the core storyline of the film. An example of how important the relationship between the two is when Romeo receives the news of Juliet's 'death'. ... Show more content on ... There is a contrast range of mood throughout the film. The mood created by the relationship of Romeo and Juliet is happy, bright and romantic. While other relationships, such as the conflict between the Montagues and Capulets create a mood of harshness and cruelty. The moods displayed earlier in the film all lead up to the final scene of Romeo and Juliet's double suicide in the tomb. This scene creates of a mood of tragedy and despair. A quote featured in the film spoken by Romeo states "Here's much to do with hate, but more with love" describes the film and its sense of mood. In one sense, the mood could be identified as conflict and hatred, while it could also be identified as ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Claire De Lune Claude Debussy Claire de Lune (Excerpt ms 27–38) Analysis of Impressionistic Compositional Techniques One only needs to study paintings of Van Gogh, Renoir, Monet, and others to see the type of picture that Cluade Debussy painted with his Claire de Lune.One can also read Paul Verlaine's poem of the same name that inspired Debussy to compose Suite Bergamasque.Art, poetry, and music have always been tied together in style, representation of imagery, and inspiration for one another.Impressionism, a style of which Debussy is representative, is no different.Clair de Lune was composed in 1890 and was a part of the four– movement Suite Bergamasque.This "dance" suite was inspired by the above Verlaine poem. I preface this paragraph with the statement ... Show more content on ... (outside the scope of this excerpt) see ms 1 as well as 27, 28, 31, 35, 36 Uses enharmonic chord (Fb–E) in 36 to functionally change keys by using a "common" chord. Borrowed bIII – I  Augmented chords (ms 33, 34) act as enharmonic VII+ chords which sound like a deceptive leading tone function (Gb+ = D+(enh) –>eb and Ab+ = C+(enh) –>Db)   Rhythmically o Hemiola is used (3 vs 2) is used ms 30 and 33 melodically. This blurs the subdivision. o Feeling of meter is blurred by the continuous moving sixteenths in the accompaniment. The feeling of a light dance in the melody is lost through it.  Melodically o Phrase length is blurred by continuous sixteenth motion and elision of phrases. o There are three distinct layers melodically. Primary melody (generally upper–most notes).These are the (mostly) upper stems in the right hand.The dance–like quality of this melody is lost because of the accompaniment. Secondary melody (generally lowest and sustained bass notes).These are the dotted quarter notes with stems down that almost act as a counter–point when the accompaniment is stripped away. Accompaniment.These are the continuous sixteenths that blur what ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Mary-Claire King's Research Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, and can even be known to show up in men. Mary–Claire King devoted her studies to this horrible disease that takes the lives of over 40,000 women a year (BCRF). Since King had a strong background in mathematics and evolutionary biology she was able to take a new approach to learning more about this disease. She has been researching this disease for more than 40 years, but started her research from the beginning by analyzing the first gene of breast cancer. King discovered the ability to use gene mapping to trace the BRCA1 which shows a link with breast cancer. Although King was not the first to genetically clone this gene, she is shown to have various contributions to the first cloning. ... Show more content on ... She had a lot of hardship in her life and she told about a time when she was trying to get her grant, but the day prior her husband had left her and her child to run off with a graduate student. After struggling to make ends meet and get to Washington D. C. she received the grant that 30 years later had become "the story of inherited breast cancer" (The Moth). I believe Mary–Claire King represented the people in all ways that a scientist could. She was the type of person who realized that a test had been found for women, but it was much too expensive for any average women to afford. King said, "Myriad's test cost more than $3,000, and there was only one place to obtain it. For many women, it was not covered by insurance and was too high to manage out of pocket" (Dreifus, 2015). I think this really shows what kind of person she was. Dr. King created a new routine part of clinical practice with a population–based screening of women for the BRCA1 and BRCA2. Now, screening for breast cancer is a part of every women's life, especially those with family history in breast cancer. Dr. King did not just focus on woman in the United States, she was trying to make a change around the world, for all woman. In an article written by Dr. King called, 'Population–Based Screening for BRCA1 and BRCA2, King writes about how a just–completed study provides ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Essay Comparing Luhrman's Romeo And Juliet Baz Luhrman's filmed adaption of Shakespeare's play, Romeo + Juliet was released in 1996 and starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes as the leading roles. The film brought the ancient script to a modern time based in Verona, Italy. The Montagues and Capulets are represented as enemy mafia empires and swords are replaced with guns. This analytic essay will examine the various dramatic elements featured in the film, such as, roles and relationships, tension and the mood and atmosphere displayed throughout the film. Similar to the original script, the film focuses heavily on the roles and relationships between characters, especially Romeo and Juliet's love arc. Viewers experience Romeo and Juliet's tragic love story progress over the weekend, from their first meeting at the party to their double suicide ... Show more content on ... Luhrman is able to build tension of task by giving the film's hero and heroine, Romeo and Juliet, a task that is bound to have set obstacles in the way. The tension of task builds as there is a time limit of their task. Romeo and Juliet are forced to attempt to defeat the odds of fate and their parent's constant unknowingly interference. Viewers experience tension of task when Juliet sees Father Lawrence to plot a plan to avoid getting married to Paris. The intensity of the plot leaves viewers with unsettled emotions. This tension of task relates to the tension of surprise, as viewers who are watching would be most likely surprised at Juliet agreeing to Father Lawrence's plot to fake her death. Overall, the tension of task and tension of surprise all end up impacting the tension of relationship between Romeo and Juliet. The tension of relationship is their struggle with the social issues surrounding them and their love. The dramatic tension elements all allow the film to have a sense of a tragic mood and ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Comparing Baz Luhrmann's Romeo And Juliet When people think about Shakespeare they may think it is serious and boring, but really it doesn't have to be. The stories can be exciting and dramatic to all ages. A director named Baz Luhrmann made a film that was a modern day version of Romeo and Juliet. In Baz Luhrmann's film of Romeo and Juliet, he made decisions regarding actors, setting and costumes because he wanted to attract a younger crowd since Romeo and Juliet is a story about two young lovers. One way Luhrmann attracted a young crowd was by making the time and place of the film more modernized. Luhrmann's film was located in Verona beach, NY, instead of filming in Verona, Italy. Filming in Verona beach gives the film more of a interesting feel for young adults to watch, because some of the play is in the city area and some is on the beach. In contrast to, Verona, Italy, where it was filmed in a boring and old town. In addition, the film is set in the 1900's instead of the 1500's which makes the film feel more modernized. Changing the setting of the film to be more modern appeals a younger crowd because it makes the film less tedious. ... Show more content on ... In the play, the Montagues wear hawaiian shirts, and the Capulets wear suits. At the Capulet's party, Romeo dresses up as a knight and Juliet dresses up as an angel. This was clever of Luhrmann because it relates to the phrase, "Carried away by a man in knight in shining armour." Another clever decision he makes was when he has Tybalt dress as a devilish looking man. This is coincidentally showing that he is Romeo's devil and is always trying to ruin Romeo's life. These costumes make it easier to follow and understand the story, tell characters apart, and make the Shakespeare story less formal. This contributes to the interest of the younger eye because a more modern–looking play is more ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Compare And Contrast Romeo And Juliet Movie There were many different aspects of each Romeo and Juliet movie that made all three versions equally different, exciting, and heartbreaking. First off, in the Zeffirelli version, the producers did a wonderful job of setting the movie to really reflects how Shakespeare wrote his play. For example, the movie was set in Verona during the Elizabethan Era, and the clothing and way of speaking to one another fully represented the old times. Also the casting for this movie was excellent, Olivia Hussey (Juliet) was very cute and fit the role perfectly, as well as Leonard Whiting (Romeo) who played his part very well. Lastly, the balcony scene was very sweet and showed how much Romeo and Juliet loved each other after knowing the other for less than a day. This movie was made so well that there is really no negative aspects to it. It is simply made and beautiful, but the Elizabethan language is quite hard to understand, as it should be. Next, in the movie starring Leonardo Dicaprio, the producers did an excellent job of making Claire Danes (Juliet) look very young. She wore little makeup and had a flat chest, which represents what a thirteen year old would probably look like back then. Also, the way they filmed the scene on Romeo's death was incredible. The producers really showed how someone would react to watching their loved one die. The only aspect that was a little confusing, was how the characters used guns called "swords" instead of actually swords. But in keeping their ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Romeo and Juliet: A Text to Film Comparison Essay Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet has been modified numerous times and has been a source of inspiration for many playwrights and directors. Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann are examples of directors that use Shakespeare's legendary tragedy as a basis for their films. In the Franco Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet, produced in 1968, the setting is accurate to the times of when William Shakespeare wrote the play. In the last act of the film a few differences arose. In Zeffirelli's production Romeo does not request a letter telling of Juliet's well–being from his friend Balthasar, whereas he did so in the play. This letter was to be given by Friar John, who is not mentioned in the 1968 film. In act 5 scene 3 Paris was laying flowers ... Show more content on ... In the famous balcony scene, the newer version is portrayed in the Capulet's swimming pool than in the actual balcony. When Balthesar comes to tell Romeo, who was portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio, of Juliet's death, he did so on a horse. In the 1996 film adaptation, he comes to Mantua in a 1983 Ford Crown Victoria. In the scene where Romeo is in Mantua, instead of having Friar John ride a horse to Mantua to give Romeo the letter, the letter is delivered by United Postal Service. Romeo missed the delivery of the letter twice. Once because he was in his backyard hitting rocks and the other time was because the UPS man was walking up to Romeos' door when Romeo drove away. This letter blew away in the wind as Romeo drove off. After departing Mantua and returning to Verona, nobody was conscious of the fact that he was back. In Baz Luhrmann's movie, a search party was after him. The prince is represented as the chief of police. In the play Romeo kills Paris and his servant. However, in the contemporary film, a blameless bystander is killed. While in the tomb with Juliet, Romeo places a ring on her finger. This detail does not occur in the play. While Romeo is telling Juliet his final goodbye, her finger starts to twitch. Just as Romeo is taking the poison, which he bought with dollar bills not gold, Juliet wakes up and sees her lover die. This is a dramatic modification to the text. Juliet then kills herself with a pistol instead of a dagger. Lady ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Romeo And Juliet Film Review Don't Hang Up Philosophy –Philosophy Can Make A Movie Film: Romeo and Juliet Director: Baz Luhrmann Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio & Claire Danes Plot: Two lovers of rival, disputing families take their lives. Rating: Reviewer: Claire Ginn Welcome to Verona Beach, a sexy, violent other–world, neither future nor past, ruled by two rival families, the Montagues and the Capulets... So begins Baz Luhrmann's production of Shakespeare's beloved play, "Romeo and Juliet," from the famous opening line of "Two Households both alike in dignity.." to the tragic end, the viewer is whisked away into the 'depths' of heightened realism in the world of Verona Beach. Casting includes Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo and ... Show more content on ... Lots of music, fast cuts, fantastic cinematography and superb sets and costumes make it the lively tale it was meant to be. These features also make the film somewhat cartoon–like with a lot of heightened realism. Don't expect to see British people prancing around in tights when you rent this one. Luhrmann creates a world where gun–toting youths sport Hawaiian shirts and beachfront brawls are an everyday event. Purists may hesitate, but the film uses its modern setting to its full potential and should be required viewing for any director who looks to put a modern spin on the 400–year– old play. Capulet and Montague become warring Mafia leaders, the Prince of Verona is a police chief trying to overcome the violence, and television anchors represent Shakespeare's traditional chorus. Other, more subtle narrative devices work equally as well. No modern audience could mistake the significance of the "attempted delivery" post–it that falls off the door, never to be found. This isn't just an update; director Baz Luhrmann has created a savvy exploitation of the film medium that assists the audience with Shakespeare's dated language. Giving the classic play this modern twist makes for a new understanding of the text and brings the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets to a whole new, dramatic level. Shakespeare may be
  • 146. rolling around in his grave after seeing this film, but English classes all over the world can breathe a little easier when it comes time to take ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Summary Of The NovelThe Visit By Claire Zachanassian Millionairess Claire Zachanassian in Friedrich Durrenmatt's The Visit has an almighty ability to control any person, system, or society. Her ability is so powerful that it comes across as supernatural. Claire's immense wealth gives her this capacity, however, the materialistic world that she lives in is susceptible to her forces, and lets her use the money to her will. The ways Claire chooses to spend her wealth is very clever, in that it has an effect that raises her to a seemingly divine level. Although her often extreme immorality and disregard of ethics, the town of Gullen overlooks this and instead praises her for her generosity and selflessness. Doing so is convenient for the townspeople, as Claire can lift Gullen out of poverty with a generous donation. Therefore, Claire's strength molds herself into the ultimate embodiment of power and control. Claire Zachanassian is a rounded and complex character. Born in Gullen to the working class Wascher family, she left the town in her late teenage years as a prostitute. She married the very wealthy oil mogul Zachanassian, and since then became one of the richest and most powerful women in the world. She also has been known to contribute to multiple philanthropic enterprises. In addition, Claire often sees men as less than, with her many marriages and male servants. As Claire comes into the play, she is an eccentric 63 year old woman, with red hair, a artificial leg and an ivory hand. She comes across as ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Claire 2.0 Characters Luke helps Claire 2.0 by providing a listening ear to a person who isn't as distraught as she should be that her family keeps disappearing from around her. They openly talk about the powers they have in a supposedly anti evo era and yet no one seems to care remind me again how everyone hates evos. Luke even offers to buy Claire 2.0 a gun because what's more safe then handing a deadly weapon to someone that's never used one? Luckily she is smart enough to reject the offer because she has powers. Again where are the evo glasses? Where are the cops that are taking bounty for evos? Where is anyone of consequence to round up the evos? I have no clue why they introduced aspects of the show that only affected people selectively. Yet people talking ... Show more content on ... Of course Phoebe instantly finds Claire 2.0 nearly killing her until Luke shows up to save the day by knocking out phoebe, killing Harris clone and reasoning with Quentin who really wasn't committed to the cause anyway. Claire 2.0 stops Luke from killing phoebe which is stupid mainly because Luke isn't a hero and him killing phoebe to avenge his son would be an acceptable reason. Phoebe is clearly evil and has no remorse about her deed but she is smart enough to be a true villain so hopefully she either dies soon or becomes a self–reliant villain. Instead of killing them Claire 2.0 decides they should come along because you of course need people that tried to kill you along when you save the world. Finally, Harris does something when he fought Katana girl but failed to complete his mission which was to kill her. He does however die along with all his clones. Farewell Harris you were worthless right until the end. Katana girl then disappears yet again. Joanna is summoned by Erica to kill Luke and Claire 2.0 as everyone moves towards the final ... Get more on ...