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Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 61: 57–65, 2006.
      c 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.                                                                                              57
      DOI: 10.1007/s11130-006-0014-8

Citrus Flavonoids in Fruit and Traditional Chinese Medicinal Food Ingredients in China

1 State
      Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, New World Institute of Biotechnology, East China University of Science and Technology, Mailbox 311,
Meilong Rd. No. 130, Shanghai 200237, China; 2 Nestl´ R&D Center Shanghai Ltd., Shanghai 201819, China (∗ author for correspondence; e-mail:

Published online: 1 July 2006
Abstract. Flavonoids-enriched tissues of citrus such as peel, immature       as protectant against pathological hyperphosphorylation,
fruit and flower are consumed as culinary seasonings, tea ingredients         environmental toxins, or side effects of chemotherapeutic
in China for centuries. This HPLC quantitative study on the five citrus
                                                                             drugs [10].
flavonoids, naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, sinensetin and nobiletin
on a wide range of Chinese citrus fruits and several Traditional Chinese        Recent research focuses on the bioactivities of poly-
Medicinal food ingredients in East China, revealed a great diversity in      methoxylated flavones such as nobiletin and sinensetin.
flavonoid composition. Huyou peel (C. paradisi cv. Changshanhuyou) was        Nobiletin is reported as a novel promising immunomod-
found to be the best naringin (3.25%) and neohesperidin (2.76%) source;      ulatory and anti-inflammatory drug [11] and as an inhibitor
C. aurantium, a major ingredient of several citrus-related TCM, is also a    to human mammary cancer cells [12]. Latest research also
suitable source of naringin and neohesperidin, and a good juice source for
flavanone glycosides; the peel of Wenzhoumiju (C. unshiu) is one of the       demonstrates its anti-hepatitis C virus effect [13] and pro-
richest local species in hesperidin (up to 6.25%); Zaoju (C. subcompressa)   tection against UVB-induced photoinflammation such as
has the highest content of nobiletin (0.59%), a polymethoxylated flavone.     erythema (sunburn) and edema, photoaging and photocar-
LC-ES-MS analysis of Zanthoxylum genus for flavonoids revealed for the        cinogenesis [14].
first time the presence of significant amounts (0.74%) of hesperidin in
                                                                                Citrus flavonoid composition is the subject of well con-
the root of Liangmianzhen (Z. nitidum (Roxb.) DC), a relative of Sichuan
pepper, which is a spice widely used in China.                               ducted studies using HPLC in Japan [15, 16], the USA
                                                                             [17, 18] and Spain [19]. Surprisingly, there are very few
Key words: Citrus, Flavonoid, Flavanone glycoside, Hesperidin, HPLC,         studies in China about citrus flavonoids among locally
LC-MS, Naringin, Neohesperidin, Nobiletin, Polymethoxylated flavone,          grown species and cultivars. Citrus species are cultivated in
Sinensetin, Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, Zanthoxylum
                                                                             China for at least 1700 years and Chinese have believed
                                                                             for centuries that food and drugs come from the same
                                                                             source. Those ingredients are commonly used in Traditional
Introduction                                                                 Chinese Medicine (TCM), and many of them are regulated
                                                                             in China as foodstuff. For examples, sour orange flower
Intense interest in citrus flavonoids, mainly existing in the                 (Daidai flower—tea ingredient) and immature or mature
pericarp (albedo, membrane and the pith) of citrus fruits,                   whole citrus fruit (Fructus Aurantii Immaturus, Fructus
keeps for decades due to their versatile bioactivities, high                 Aurantii) are ingredients to treat flatulence and menopausal
consumption by consumers, and wide availability from in-                     symptoms [20]. The peel of mature citrus (Pericarpium
expensive raw materials in the citrus industry in form of                    Citri Reticulatae, pocket food and culinary seasoning) is
peel, juice and concentrate.                                                 used to reduce phlegm in the lung [21]. The peel of imma-
   Citrus flavonoids are generally categorized into two                       ture citrus (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride) and dried
groups, flavanone glycosides (naringin, hesperidin, neo-                      fruit of Citrus medica L. var. Sarcodactylis (Noot.) Swingle
hesperidin, etc.) and polymethoxylated flavones (nobiletin,                   are prescribed for gut and digestion disorders [22, 23]. Ad-
sinensetin, tangeretin, etc.). Hesperidin is the best stud-                  ditionally, there are a few reports that indicate the existence
ied flavanone glycoside. It is known to improve vascu-                        of hesperidin in Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) plants [24–27].
lar integrity and to decrease capillary permeability [1],                    Sichuan pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.) and
and is used as supplementation for patients of blood ves-                    green Sichuan pepper (Zanthoxylum schinifolium Sieb. Et
sel fragility and permeability complaints [2]. Pharmaco-                     Zucc.) are both TCM that are also used as culinary spices,
logical properties, ranging from anti-inflammatory and                        and Liangmianzhen (Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC) is
analgesic effects [3], inhibitory effects on oral carcino-                   used in toothpaste in China as an anti-inflammatory ingre-
genesis [4, 5], to a clinically demonstrated estrogen-like                   dient.
effect against menopausal symptoms [6], are also reported.                      We report the composition of citrus flavonoids in differ-
Furthermore, together with naringin, it appears to possess                   ent species and cultivars of citrus fruits grown in three of
cholesterol-lowering [7] and potential anti-cancer effects                   the largest citrus producing provinces (Zhejiang, Fujian and
[8]. On the other hand, naringin is reported for antiulcer                   Jiangxi) in China, and in several TCM ingredients regulated
effect on gastric lesions induced by ethanol in rats [9] and                 in China as foodstuff (except Liangmianzhen).
Materials and Methods                                            Sample Preparation

Chemicals                                                        Fruit juices were made from fresh fruit by hand squeezing
                                                                 through a double-layer cloth and a 30 min ultrasonic treat-
Standard compounds of hesperidin, naringin, nobiletin were       ment at 40◦ C before HPLC determination [28]. Citrus peel
gifts from Tianjin Jianfeng Natural Products Ltd. (P. R.         (flavedo and albedo) and fruit pulp (juice sac and segment
China); neohesperidin was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich           membrane) after juice squeezing were oven-dried at 55◦ C
Chemie GmbH (Germany) and sinensetin from Chromadex              until constant weight was reached. Dried peel and fruit pulp
Inc. (USA).                                                      were milled (IKA Works A11 Basic Mill, Germany) into
                                                                 powder (particle size 0.355 mm, 90% mesh passed). All
                                                                 TCM ingredients were milled into powder and oven-dried
Fruit Samples                                                    at 55◦ C until constant weight was reached. Approximately
                                                                 0.5 g of powder of each dried sample was treated for 60 min
Most of the fresh citrus fruit samples were collected from       at 40◦ C in an ultrasonic bath with 20 mL of methanol, and
the Citrus Research Institute, Zhejiang Academy of Sci-          after paper filtration (Xin Xing quantitative filter paper,
ence, Huangyan, Zhejiang. Exceptions were Tonggan (Cit-          medium rate, type 102, Hangzhou Fuyang Special Paper
rus tankan Hayata.) and Yongchunlugan (Citrus reticulata         Industry Co., Ltd, China) adjusted to 25 mL in a volumetric
Blanco.) from Yongchun (Fujian), peel of Lemon (Citrus           flask.
limon L. Burm.f) from Sichuan, peel of Huyou (Citrus par-           All prepared sample solutions including standard so-
adisi cv. Changshanhuyou) from Changshan (Zhejiang),             lutions were passed through a 0.45 µm membrane fil-
Wenzhoumiju (Citrus unshiu Marc.), Foshou (Citrus med-           ter (regenerated cellulose membrane, Uniflo 13/0.45/RC,
ica L. var. Sarcodactylis (Noot.) Swingle) and Jingan (For-      Schleicher & Schuell, Germany) prior to the injection into
tunella crassifolia Swingle) from Jinhua (Zhejiang) and          the HPLC system.
Gongju (Citrus kinokuni hort. ex. Tanaka) from Nanfeng
(Jiangxi). All these samples were collected in November
                                                                 HPLC Chromatography

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Samples                       Quantitative analysis was performed on Agilent HPLC
                                                                 system 1100 series (degasser G1322A, quaternary pump
Most TCM samples were purchased from Shanghai Huayu              G1311A, autosampler G1313A, column heater G1316A
TCM Ltd. The rest were collected locally: Fructus Au-            and diode array detector G1315B). Samples were sep-
rantii Immaturus (Citrus aurantium L.) from Zhejiang,            arated on a Kromasil column (100-5C18-250A, Ø
green Fructus Aurantii (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Rafin) from      4.6 mm × 250 mm, 5 µm, C18 reverse phase) at 35◦ C, flow
the Fujian Institute of Drug Control, Foshou (Citrus med-        rate 1 mL/min, UV wavelengths: 284 and 332 nm. The gra-
ica L. var. Sarcodactylis (Noot.) Swingle) from Fujian           dient elution program was as follows: initial 15-min run of
Jiaochen Fuoshou Production Base, green Sichuan pepper           40% methanol (v/v), followed by a 5-min linear gradient
(Zanthoxylum schinifolium Sieb. Et Zucc.) from Chongqing         to 100% methanol and hold for 5 min, linear gradient to
Jiangjin Government, and Fructus Aurantii and Fructus Au-        40% methanol in 1 min and hold for 30 min. The injection
rantii Immaturus (Citrus aurantium Linn.) from Jiangxi           volume is 10 µL. Peak purity check and identification were
Xingan Chinese Medicine Production Administration                carried out by 190–400 nm UV scan through diode array
Bureau.                                                          detector (DAD) on software Agilent ChemStation Plus rev.

Preparation of Standards
                                                                 LC-ESI-MS identification
Naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, sinensetin and no-
biletin standard compounds were dissolved with methanol          LC-MS identification of hesperidin occurring in TCM of the
in an ultrasonic bath for 30 min at 40◦ C. The solutions         Zanthoxylum genus was performed under the same HPLC
were adjusted in 50 mL volumetric flasks to obtain a              conditions mentioned above, and coupled with a Finnigan
2160 mg/L-naringin, 1428 mg/L-hesperidin, 1408 mg/L-             LCQ Deca XP MAX mass spectrometer (San Jose, CA).
neohesperidin, 80 mg/L-sinensetin and 118 mg/L-nobiletin         5 µL of each sample and 3 µL of mixed standard solu-
stock solution. 0.1, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 mL of the stock solution   tion (hesperidin 0.0178 g + neohesperidin 0.0100 g/25 mL
were daily diluted with methanol and adjusted respectively       methanol) were injected and separated under the same
to 10 mL in volumetric flasks for making calibration curves.      linear gradient program mentioned above at 0.6 mL/min

 Figure 1. HPLC profiles of (i) a standard mix of flavonoids and their online UV spectrum (190–400 nm); (ii) Zaoju (C. subcompressa Tanaka) peel
 extract; (iii) Fructus Aurantii Immaturus (C. aurantium L., Shanghai Huayu TCM Ltd.) extract at 284 and 332 nm, NG: naringin; HP: hesperidin; NP:
 neohesperidin; SN: sinensetin; NB: nobiletin.

flow rate. The 284 nm profile was recorded. MS analy-                          Quantitative Analysis
sis was performed with an electrospray ionization interface
(ESI) in positive ion mode. The ionization conditions were                   A complete summary of the results on flavonoids in fresh
optimized as follows: source voltage 5.00 kV, sheath gas                     fruit and TCM ingredients of 27 citrus and 3 non-citrus
flow rate 40 psi, capillary voltage 15 V, capillary tempera-                  cultivars from Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi Province in
ture 275◦ C and scan range 200–1500 m/z.                                     China is presented in Table 1 and 2. In Table 1, naringin
                                                                             is not detected in peel and fruit pulp of nearly all the fresh
                                                                             fruits except 2.11 ± 0.07% and 0.79 ± 0.06% in peel and
Results and Discussion                                                       fruit pulp of Goutoucheng (C. aurantium Linn.) respec-
                                                                             tively, and 3.25 ± 0.37% in peel of Huyou (C. paradisi cv.
HPLC Analysis Validation                                                     Changshanhuyou). Neohesperidin in fruit pulp and juice
                                                                             is only detected in four cultivars of fresh fruit such as
A set of typical calibration curves were linear (R = 0.9998–                 0.3 ± 0.02% in fruit pulp and 208.3 ± 21.5 mg/L in juice
0.9999) in the range of 14–1300 mg/L (hesperidin,                            in Goutoucheng (C. aurantium Linn.), 20.2 ± 3.7 mg/L,
neohesperidin), 21–1900 mg/L (naringin), 0.8–70 mg/L                         77.4 ± 1.9 mg/L and 20.4 ± 0.3 mg/L in juice of Ham-
(sinensetin) and 1.2–100 mg/L (nobiletin). Peel of Huyou                     lin (C. sinensis Osbeck), Liubenchen (C. sinensis × C.
(Citrus paradisi cv. Changshanhuyou) was chosen for a re-                    reticulata) and Jingan (Fortunella crassifolia Swingle)
covery test. Approximately the same quantities of the five                    respectively. Sinensetin and nobiletin almost do not
standard samples to sample contents were added into sam-                     occur in fruit pulp and juice except 1.1 ± 0.2 mg/L and
ple powder and extracted together. On average, 112, 103,                     9.0 ± 1.6 mg/L in juice of Penggan (C. reticulata Blanco.)
95, 90 and 106% of naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin,                      respectively.
sinensetin and nobiletin, respectively, were recovered in                       Among the cultivars examined, the fresh fruit peel
triplicate experiments. A repeatability test was done with                   of three cultivars of C. unshiu, are the richest in hes-
six replicates and the RSD (relative standard deviation) for                 peridin (5.86–6.25%). Gongju (C. kinokuni) in Jiangxi and
the five flavonoids ranged from 3.0 to 4.1%. Peak purity                       Goutoucheng (C. aurantium) in Zhejiang contain high con-
was checked through DAD UV spectrum scanning to help                         centrations of hesperidin in juice (302 mg and 184 mg/L,
verifying separation conditions and identifying flavonoid                     respectively). The peel of Chinese huyou (C. paradisi cv.
peaks in addition to comparing with standards peaks and                      Changshanhuyou) is the highest in both naringin (3.25%)
their retention times (Figure 1).                                            and neohesperidin (2.76%). Zaoju (C. subcompressa), a

Table 1.   Citrus flavonoid content in fresh citrus

                                                       Naringin                                    Hesperidin                            Neohesperidin   Sinensetin    Nobiletin

Scientific name                Local name               Juice (mg/L)        Peela (%)           Fruit pulp (%)      Juice (mg/L)          Peel (%)        Peel (%)      Peel (%)

C. aurantium Linn             Goutoucheng              522.4 (27.9)        ND                  0.20 (0.02)         184.2 (120.2)         1.04 (0.03)     0.01 (0.00)   0.08 (0.00)
C. erythrosa Hort             Zhuhong                  ND                  3.81 (0.06)         2.93 (0.72)         41.3 (1.0)            ND              0.01 (0.00)   0.43 (0.04)
C. kinokuni Hort              Gongju                   ND                  4.23 (0.21)         2.31 (0.01)         302.4 (13.8)          ND              0.05 (0.00)   0.45 (0.01)
C. limon (L.) Burm.f          Lemon                                        1.59 (0.45)                                                   ND              ND            ND
C. paradisi cv.               Huyou                                        0.13 (0.01)                                                   2.76 (0.28)     ND            0.03 (0.00)
C. reticulata Blanco          Penggan                  ND                  3.60 (0.00)         1.31 (0.13)         64.4 (8.0)            ND              0.04 (0.00)   0.42 (0.01)
C. reticulata Blanco          Yongchunlugan            25.7 (0.5)          3.58 (0.64)         1.50 (0.08)         117.3 (12.8)          ND              0.05 (0.00)   0.48 (0.01)
C. sinensis Osbeck            Hamlin                   57.3 (10)           4.48 (0.10)         2.31 (0.40)         72.1 (3.5)            ND              0.05 (0.00)   0.10 (0.00)
C. sinensis × C. reticulata   Liubenchen               197.9 (5.8)         2.59 (0.02)         1.55 (0.20)         68.6 (1.4)            ND              0.03 (0.00)   0.04 (0.00)
C. subcompressa               Zaoju                    ND                  3.50 (0.01)         2.50 (0.31)         33.0 (3.5)            ND              0.04 (0.00)   0.59 (0.00)
C. succosa Hort               Bendizao                 ND                  4.90 (0.21)         2.45 (0.51)         50.7 (0.4)            ND              0.02 (0.00)   0.12 (0.01)
C. tankan Hayata              Tonggan                  ND                  4.35 (0.22)         1.31 (0.03)         95.2 (1.2)            ND              0.02 (0.00)   0.14 (0.00)
C. tardiferax Hort            ManJu                    ND                  3.10 (0.03)         1.90 (0.02)         35.6 (30.2)           ND              0.04 (0.00)   0.30 (0.00)
C. unshiu Marc                Wenzhoumiju Jinghua      ND                  5.86 (0.19)                             83.8 (0.9)            ND              ND            0.01 (0.00)
C. unshiu Marc                Wenzhoumiju mid-late     ND                  6.25 (0.10)         1.45 (0.01)         75.4 (5.3)            ND              0.01 (0.00)   0.02 (0.00)
C. unshiu var. praecox        Gongchuan early season   ND                  6.18 (0.06)         1.70 (0.04)         70.8 (4.3)            ND              0.01 (0.00)   0.02 (0.00)
Fortunella crassifolia        Jingan                   56.5 (0.8)          ND                  0.11 (0.00)         47.4 (0.5)            ND              ND            ND

Note. Content% (dry wt.) for dried samples; Content mg/L for juice; Peel = flavedo + albedo; Fruit pulp = juice sac + segment membrane.
a Standard deviation is shown in parentheses (N = 3).

Table 2.     Citrus Flavonoid content (%) in TCM ingredients

Scientific name                Local name, origin            Tissuea         Naringin         Hesperidin      Neohesperidin   Sinensetin         Nobiletin

C. aurantium L                Fructus Aurantii              Whole fruit     6.81 (0.27)      0.10 (0.00)     6.49 (0.22)     0.01 (0.00)        0.07 (0.00)
                                Immaturus, Zhejiang
C. aurantium L                Fructus Aurantii, Xingan,     Whole fruit     3.50 (0.10)      0.49 (0.021)    6.10 (0.10)     0.01 (0.00)        ND
C. aurantium L                Fructus Aurantii              Whole fruit     10.78 (0.05)     0.72 (0.01)     6.89 (0.08)     0.01 (0.00)        0.11 (0.00)
                                Immaturus, Jiangxi
C. aurantium L                Fructus Aurantii, Hunan       Whole fruit     0.42 (0.02)      2.76 (0.08)     0.28 (0.01)     0.01 (0.00)        0.01 (0.00)
C. aurantium L                Daidai, Zhejiang              Flower          3.46 (0.07)      0.49 (0.01)     6.89 (0.08)     ND                 ND
C. aurantium L                Fructus Aurantii              Whole fruit     4.68 (0.74)      2.12 (0.19)     6.10 (0.70)     0.01 (0.00)        0.06 (0.01)
                                Immaturus, Xingan,
Poncirus trifoliata (L.)      Green Fructus Aurantii        Whole fruit     1.06 (0.00)      0.28 (0.00)     0.68 (0.04)     0.18 (0.02)        0.02 (0.00)
  Rafin                          Immaturus, Fujian
a Note.   Standard deviation is shown in subscript number (N = 3); ND = not detected.

typical cultivar in Huangyan (Zhejiang) has the highest                          collected in Spain and France are reported to contain
content of polymethoxylated flavones, especially nobiletin                        12.35% of flavonoids, with neohesperidin (5.44%) and
(0.59%) (Figure 1). Sour orange (C. aurantium) in TCM                            naringin (1.93%) being the most important ones [30]. In
form, though not a commercial fruit in China due to its                          addition, the present results agree with a Chinese study
sourness, is a good alternative to grapefruit (C. paradisi)                      that reported a level of 2.8–7.7% for naringin, and 0.5–
for naringin and neohesperidin source. Consistent with a                         0.8% for hesperidin [31]. Green Fructus Aurantii Immatu-
Chinese report [29], its naringin concentration in juice                         rus (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Rafin.) is still locally used as
(522 mg/L) is the highest. Moreover, it is an important                          substitute to C. aurantium in Fujian though the naringin
ingredient of TCM such as Zhiqiao (Fructus Aurantii),                            content is much lower than the C. aurantium samples. Jin-
Zhishi (Fructus Aurantii Immaturus) (Figure 1), and even                         gan (Fortunella crassifolia Swingle), the pickled whole
the flower of sour orange (Daidai flower), which are all                           fruit (including peel) used as candy, is mostly not de-
in the list of TCM ingredients regulated as foodstuff in                         tected for the five citrus flavonoids in the peel and pulp but
China (Table 2). For example, the flowers of C. aurantium                         positive for flavanone glycosides in juice. The tea

      Table 3.    Hesperidin data comparison of the three richest cultivars of Citrus fruits grown in the USA, China, Japan and Spain

      Scientific name                    Local name                                     Tissue               Hesperidin (%)        Data source

      C. limon                          Santa Teresa #1, CRC #3894                     Albedo                0.66                 USDAa [17]
      C. reticulata × Poncirus          Unknown, CRC #2619                             Albedo                0.51
      C. limon                          Santa Teresa #1, CRC #3894                     Flavedo               0.51
      C. sinensis                       Fisher, CRC #3645                              Albedo                0.32
      C. unshiu Marc                    Wenzhoumiju mid-late season                    Peel                  6.25                 Chinese fruit
      C. unshiu var. praecox            Gongchuan early season                         Peel                  6.18
      C. unshiu Marc                    Wenzhoumiju                                    Peel                  5.86
      C. aurantium L                    Fructus Aurantii (Hunan)                       Whole fruit           2.76                 TCM
      C. aurantium L                    Fructus Aurantii Immaturus (Xingan)            Whole fruit           2.12
      C. aurantium L                    Fructus Aurantii Immaturus (Jiangxi)           Whole fruit           0.72
      C. depressa Hayatab               Unknown                                        Whole fruit          27.50                 Spanishc [19]
      C. aurantium L.b                  Bouquet de Fleurs                              Whole fruit           2.95
      C. aurantium L                    Cajel                                          Whole fruit           2.13
      C. hanayu                         Hanayu                                         Edible part           2.00                 Japanesed [15, 16]
      C. reshn                          Cleopatra                                      Edible part           1.91
      C. unshiu                         Unshu                                          Edible part           1.60
      a Samples were separated into flavedo and albedo, frozen at − 20◦ C and ground into small pieces.
      b Whole immature fruit.
      c Samples were dried (50◦ C in ventilated oven), ground into fine powder.
      d Samples were separated into peel and edible part (consisting of juice sac and segment epidermis), freeze-dried and ground into powder.

        Table 4. Data comparison of the three richest cultivars of Citrus juice in flavanone glycosides (naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin)
        reported from the USA and China

        Scientific name                             Local name                                                  Content (mg/L)           Origin              glycoside

        C. aurantium L                             Bouquet de Fleurs sour orange                               362                      Floridaa [18]       Naringin
        C. aurantium L                             Seville                                                     244
        C. aurantium L                             African                                                     243
        C. aurantium L                             Goutoucheng                                                 522.4                    China
        C. sinensis × C. reticulata                Liubenchen                                                  197.9
        C. sinensis Osbeck                         Hamlin orange                                                57.3
        C. sinensis                                Ruby Blood sweet orange                                     254                      Floridaa [18]       Hesperidin
        C. sinensis                                Late Navel sweet orange                                     232
        C. sinensis                                Pera sweet orange                                           208
        C. kinokuni                                Gongju                                                      302                      China
        C. reticulata Blanco                       Yongchunlugan, mandarin                                     117.3
        C. tankan Hayata                           Tonggan                                                      95.2
        C. paradisi                                K-Early tangelo                                             720                      Floridaa [18]       Neohesperdin
        C. aurantium L                             Bouquet de Fleurs sour orange                               209
        C. aurantium L                             Seville                                                     147
        C. aurantium L                             Goutoucheng                                                 208.3                    China
        C. sinensis × C. reticulata                Liubenchen                                                   77.4
        Fortunella crassifolia Swingle             Jingan                                                       20.4
        a Sample   preparation: freshly extracted juice samples were passed through a double layer of cheesecloth.

ingredient Foshou (C. medica) is overall not detected for                                          3–7 mm). The high levels in the peel of Huyou (C. paradisi
the five flavonoids.                                                                                 cv. Changshanhuyou, 3.25%), a relative to grapefruit,
   Comparing the presented results with the data published                                         confirmed this observation. Opposite to the occurrence
(a) by the United States Department of Agriculture                                                 of naringin, hesperidin content varies widely among
(USDA) about 114 cultivars grown in California [17], (b)                                           different citrus species such as C. limon and C. sinensis
by a Japanese group on 66 Citrus species and near-citrus                                           in California, C. unshiu in Zhejiang, China, C. hanayu
relatives [15, 16], and (c) by a Spanish group on immature                                         and C. reshni in Japan, and C. depressa and C. aurantium
and mature fruits of six citrus species [19], the results                                          in Spain (Table 3). High levels of flavanones in TCM
revealed that C. paradisi is an unchallenged naringin                                              ingredients and immature fruits in Spain mainly result from
source for cultivars grown in the USA (Star Ruby, 1.13%                                            fruit collection at an early stage of maturation when the
in albedo), Japan (Marsh grapefruit, 1.46% in edible part)                                         flavanones are being synthesized [19]. That also explains
and Spain (37.8% in whole immature fruit of a size of                                              why, for example, their naringin and neohesperidin content

                     mAU                    12.101                                    100                              12.02     NP
                    200       284nm
                                         HP                                                                             HP        13.93
                    150                           13.822                                                                                     Positive Ion TIC
                                                                         Relative Abundance

                    100                                                                                                                       Hesperidin and
                                                     NP                                                                                      neohesperidin
                      0                                                                          01            5          10       15
                       0         5        10         15
                    mAU                                                                       100                               12.08
                               284nm                                                                                     1#              Positive Ion TIC

                                           1#                                                 50
                                                                                                                                         nitidum (Roxb.) DC.
                                                                                                  00   2   4       6
                          0      5        10                20      25
                                                                                                               5           10
                                               Time (min)                                                      Time (min)

                   Figure 2. LC and TIC (Total Ion Chromatograph) profiles of Liangmianzhen (Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC.)
                   compared to hesperidin and neohesperidin standard solution. 1# is supposed to be the hesperidin peak.

     Figure 3. MS online spectrum of Liangmianzhen (Peak 1#) compared to hesperidin and neohesperidin standard solution (m/z: 200–1500).

is higher than in mature Citrus samples in US and Japan                   Fujian which is the no.1 citrus fruit exported from China,
[15–17]. Content of flavanone glycosides in Citrus juice                   has as well a reasonably high hesperidin content in juice
was compared also with 52 citrus cultivars from Florida,                  (117 mg/L).
USA [18] (Table 4). Because a 5% (v/v) addition of C. au-
rantium is permitted in frozen concentrated orange juice by               LC-ESI-MS Identification of Hesperidin in Liangmianzhen
FDA [32], C. aurantium and C. sinensis are valuable juice                 (Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC.)
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Citrus flavonoids in_fruit_and_traditional_chinese_medicinal_food_ingredients_in_china

  • 1. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 61: 57–65, 2006. c 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 57 DOI: 10.1007/s11130-006-0014-8 Citrus Flavonoids in Fruit and Traditional Chinese Medicinal Food Ingredients in China YANHUA LU,1, ∗ CHONGWEI ZHANG,1 PETER BUCHELI2 & DONGZHI WEI1 1 State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, New World Institute of Biotechnology, East China University of Science and Technology, Mailbox 311, Meilong Rd. No. 130, Shanghai 200237, China; 2 Nestl´ R&D Center Shanghai Ltd., Shanghai 201819, China (∗ author for correspondence; e-mail: e£¬ Published online: 1 July 2006 Abstract. Flavonoids-enriched tissues of citrus such as peel, immature as protectant against pathological hyperphosphorylation, fruit and flower are consumed as culinary seasonings, tea ingredients environmental toxins, or side effects of chemotherapeutic in China for centuries. This HPLC quantitative study on the five citrus drugs [10]. flavonoids, naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, sinensetin and nobiletin on a wide range of Chinese citrus fruits and several Traditional Chinese Recent research focuses on the bioactivities of poly- Medicinal food ingredients in East China, revealed a great diversity in methoxylated flavones such as nobiletin and sinensetin. flavonoid composition. Huyou peel (C. paradisi cv. Changshanhuyou) was Nobiletin is reported as a novel promising immunomod- found to be the best naringin (3.25%) and neohesperidin (2.76%) source; ulatory and anti-inflammatory drug [11] and as an inhibitor C. aurantium, a major ingredient of several citrus-related TCM, is also a to human mammary cancer cells [12]. Latest research also suitable source of naringin and neohesperidin, and a good juice source for flavanone glycosides; the peel of Wenzhoumiju (C. unshiu) is one of the demonstrates its anti-hepatitis C virus effect [13] and pro- richest local species in hesperidin (up to 6.25%); Zaoju (C. subcompressa) tection against UVB-induced photoinflammation such as has the highest content of nobiletin (0.59%), a polymethoxylated flavone. erythema (sunburn) and edema, photoaging and photocar- LC-ES-MS analysis of Zanthoxylum genus for flavonoids revealed for the cinogenesis [14]. first time the presence of significant amounts (0.74%) of hesperidin in Citrus flavonoid composition is the subject of well con- the root of Liangmianzhen (Z. nitidum (Roxb.) DC), a relative of Sichuan pepper, which is a spice widely used in China. ducted studies using HPLC in Japan [15, 16], the USA [17, 18] and Spain [19]. Surprisingly, there are very few Key words: Citrus, Flavonoid, Flavanone glycoside, Hesperidin, HPLC, studies in China about citrus flavonoids among locally LC-MS, Naringin, Neohesperidin, Nobiletin, Polymethoxylated flavone, grown species and cultivars. Citrus species are cultivated in Sinensetin, Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, Zanthoxylum China for at least 1700 years and Chinese have believed for centuries that food and drugs come from the same source. Those ingredients are commonly used in Traditional Introduction Chinese Medicine (TCM), and many of them are regulated in China as foodstuff. For examples, sour orange flower Intense interest in citrus flavonoids, mainly existing in the (Daidai flower—tea ingredient) and immature or mature pericarp (albedo, membrane and the pith) of citrus fruits, whole citrus fruit (Fructus Aurantii Immaturus, Fructus keeps for decades due to their versatile bioactivities, high Aurantii) are ingredients to treat flatulence and menopausal consumption by consumers, and wide availability from in- symptoms [20]. The peel of mature citrus (Pericarpium expensive raw materials in the citrus industry in form of Citri Reticulatae, pocket food and culinary seasoning) is peel, juice and concentrate. used to reduce phlegm in the lung [21]. The peel of imma- Citrus flavonoids are generally categorized into two ture citrus (Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride) and dried groups, flavanone glycosides (naringin, hesperidin, neo- fruit of Citrus medica L. var. Sarcodactylis (Noot.) Swingle hesperidin, etc.) and polymethoxylated flavones (nobiletin, are prescribed for gut and digestion disorders [22, 23]. Ad- sinensetin, tangeretin, etc.). Hesperidin is the best stud- ditionally, there are a few reports that indicate the existence ied flavanone glycoside. It is known to improve vascu- of hesperidin in Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) plants [24–27]. lar integrity and to decrease capillary permeability [1], Sichuan pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.) and and is used as supplementation for patients of blood ves- green Sichuan pepper (Zanthoxylum schinifolium Sieb. Et sel fragility and permeability complaints [2]. Pharmaco- Zucc.) are both TCM that are also used as culinary spices, logical properties, ranging from anti-inflammatory and and Liangmianzhen (Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC) is analgesic effects [3], inhibitory effects on oral carcino- used in toothpaste in China as an anti-inflammatory ingre- genesis [4, 5], to a clinically demonstrated estrogen-like dient. effect against menopausal symptoms [6], are also reported. We report the composition of citrus flavonoids in differ- Furthermore, together with naringin, it appears to possess ent species and cultivars of citrus fruits grown in three of cholesterol-lowering [7] and potential anti-cancer effects the largest citrus producing provinces (Zhejiang, Fujian and [8]. On the other hand, naringin is reported for antiulcer Jiangxi) in China, and in several TCM ingredients regulated effect on gastric lesions induced by ethanol in rats [9] and in China as foodstuff (except Liangmianzhen).
  • 2. 58 Materials and Methods Sample Preparation Chemicals Fruit juices were made from fresh fruit by hand squeezing through a double-layer cloth and a 30 min ultrasonic treat- Standard compounds of hesperidin, naringin, nobiletin were ment at 40◦ C before HPLC determination [28]. Citrus peel gifts from Tianjin Jianfeng Natural Products Ltd. (P. R. (flavedo and albedo) and fruit pulp (juice sac and segment China); neohesperidin was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich membrane) after juice squeezing were oven-dried at 55◦ C Chemie GmbH (Germany) and sinensetin from Chromadex until constant weight was reached. Dried peel and fruit pulp Inc. (USA). were milled (IKA Works A11 Basic Mill, Germany) into powder (particle size 0.355 mm, 90% mesh passed). All TCM ingredients were milled into powder and oven-dried Fruit Samples at 55◦ C until constant weight was reached. Approximately 0.5 g of powder of each dried sample was treated for 60 min Most of the fresh citrus fruit samples were collected from at 40◦ C in an ultrasonic bath with 20 mL of methanol, and the Citrus Research Institute, Zhejiang Academy of Sci- after paper filtration (Xin Xing quantitative filter paper, ence, Huangyan, Zhejiang. Exceptions were Tonggan (Cit- medium rate, type 102, Hangzhou Fuyang Special Paper rus tankan Hayata.) and Yongchunlugan (Citrus reticulata Industry Co., Ltd, China) adjusted to 25 mL in a volumetric Blanco.) from Yongchun (Fujian), peel of Lemon (Citrus flask. limon L. Burm.f) from Sichuan, peel of Huyou (Citrus par- All prepared sample solutions including standard so- adisi cv. Changshanhuyou) from Changshan (Zhejiang), lutions were passed through a 0.45 µm membrane fil- Wenzhoumiju (Citrus unshiu Marc.), Foshou (Citrus med- ter (regenerated cellulose membrane, Uniflo 13/0.45/RC, ica L. var. Sarcodactylis (Noot.) Swingle) and Jingan (For- Schleicher & Schuell, Germany) prior to the injection into tunella crassifolia Swingle) from Jinhua (Zhejiang) and the HPLC system. Gongju (Citrus kinokuni hort. ex. Tanaka) from Nanfeng (Jiangxi). All these samples were collected in November 2004. HPLC Chromatography Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Samples Quantitative analysis was performed on Agilent HPLC system 1100 series (degasser G1322A, quaternary pump Most TCM samples were purchased from Shanghai Huayu G1311A, autosampler G1313A, column heater G1316A TCM Ltd. The rest were collected locally: Fructus Au- and diode array detector G1315B). Samples were sep- rantii Immaturus (Citrus aurantium L.) from Zhejiang, arated on a Kromasil column (100-5C18-250A, Ø green Fructus Aurantii (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Rafin) from 4.6 mm × 250 mm, 5 µm, C18 reverse phase) at 35◦ C, flow the Fujian Institute of Drug Control, Foshou (Citrus med- rate 1 mL/min, UV wavelengths: 284 and 332 nm. The gra- ica L. var. Sarcodactylis (Noot.) Swingle) from Fujian dient elution program was as follows: initial 15-min run of Jiaochen Fuoshou Production Base, green Sichuan pepper 40% methanol (v/v), followed by a 5-min linear gradient (Zanthoxylum schinifolium Sieb. Et Zucc.) from Chongqing to 100% methanol and hold for 5 min, linear gradient to Jiangjin Government, and Fructus Aurantii and Fructus Au- 40% methanol in 1 min and hold for 30 min. The injection rantii Immaturus (Citrus aurantium Linn.) from Jiangxi volume is 10 µL. Peak purity check and identification were Xingan Chinese Medicine Production Administration carried out by 190–400 nm UV scan through diode array Bureau. detector (DAD) on software Agilent ChemStation Plus rev. A.10.02. Preparation of Standards LC-ESI-MS identification Naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, sinensetin and no- biletin standard compounds were dissolved with methanol LC-MS identification of hesperidin occurring in TCM of the in an ultrasonic bath for 30 min at 40◦ C. The solutions Zanthoxylum genus was performed under the same HPLC were adjusted in 50 mL volumetric flasks to obtain a conditions mentioned above, and coupled with a Finnigan 2160 mg/L-naringin, 1428 mg/L-hesperidin, 1408 mg/L- LCQ Deca XP MAX mass spectrometer (San Jose, CA). neohesperidin, 80 mg/L-sinensetin and 118 mg/L-nobiletin 5 µL of each sample and 3 µL of mixed standard solu- stock solution. 0.1, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 mL of the stock solution tion (hesperidin 0.0178 g + neohesperidin 0.0100 g/25 mL were daily diluted with methanol and adjusted respectively methanol) were injected and separated under the same to 10 mL in volumetric flasks for making calibration curves. linear gradient program mentioned above at 0.6 mL/min
  • 3. 59 Figure 1. HPLC profiles of (i) a standard mix of flavonoids and their online UV spectrum (190–400 nm); (ii) Zaoju (C. subcompressa Tanaka) peel extract; (iii) Fructus Aurantii Immaturus (C. aurantium L., Shanghai Huayu TCM Ltd.) extract at 284 and 332 nm, NG: naringin; HP: hesperidin; NP: neohesperidin; SN: sinensetin; NB: nobiletin. flow rate. The 284 nm profile was recorded. MS analy- Quantitative Analysis sis was performed with an electrospray ionization interface (ESI) in positive ion mode. The ionization conditions were A complete summary of the results on flavonoids in fresh optimized as follows: source voltage 5.00 kV, sheath gas fruit and TCM ingredients of 27 citrus and 3 non-citrus flow rate 40 psi, capillary voltage 15 V, capillary tempera- cultivars from Zhejiang, Fujian and Jiangxi Province in ture 275◦ C and scan range 200–1500 m/z. China is presented in Table 1 and 2. In Table 1, naringin is not detected in peel and fruit pulp of nearly all the fresh fruits except 2.11 ± 0.07% and 0.79 ± 0.06% in peel and Results and Discussion fruit pulp of Goutoucheng (C. aurantium Linn.) respec- tively, and 3.25 ± 0.37% in peel of Huyou (C. paradisi cv. HPLC Analysis Validation Changshanhuyou). Neohesperidin in fruit pulp and juice is only detected in four cultivars of fresh fruit such as A set of typical calibration curves were linear (R = 0.9998– 0.3 ± 0.02% in fruit pulp and 208.3 ± 21.5 mg/L in juice 0.9999) in the range of 14–1300 mg/L (hesperidin, in Goutoucheng (C. aurantium Linn.), 20.2 ± 3.7 mg/L, neohesperidin), 21–1900 mg/L (naringin), 0.8–70 mg/L 77.4 ± 1.9 mg/L and 20.4 ± 0.3 mg/L in juice of Ham- (sinensetin) and 1.2–100 mg/L (nobiletin). Peel of Huyou lin (C. sinensis Osbeck), Liubenchen (C. sinensis × C. (Citrus paradisi cv. Changshanhuyou) was chosen for a re- reticulata) and Jingan (Fortunella crassifolia Swingle) covery test. Approximately the same quantities of the five respectively. Sinensetin and nobiletin almost do not standard samples to sample contents were added into sam- occur in fruit pulp and juice except 1.1 ± 0.2 mg/L and ple powder and extracted together. On average, 112, 103, 9.0 ± 1.6 mg/L in juice of Penggan (C. reticulata Blanco.) 95, 90 and 106% of naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin, respectively. sinensetin and nobiletin, respectively, were recovered in Among the cultivars examined, the fresh fruit peel triplicate experiments. A repeatability test was done with of three cultivars of C. unshiu, are the richest in hes- six replicates and the RSD (relative standard deviation) for peridin (5.86–6.25%). Gongju (C. kinokuni) in Jiangxi and the five flavonoids ranged from 3.0 to 4.1%. Peak purity Goutoucheng (C. aurantium) in Zhejiang contain high con- was checked through DAD UV spectrum scanning to help centrations of hesperidin in juice (302 mg and 184 mg/L, verifying separation conditions and identifying flavonoid respectively). The peel of Chinese huyou (C. paradisi cv. peaks in addition to comparing with standards peaks and Changshanhuyou) is the highest in both naringin (3.25%) their retention times (Figure 1). and neohesperidin (2.76%). Zaoju (C. subcompressa), a
  • 4. 60 Table 1. Citrus flavonoid content in fresh citrus Naringin Hesperidin Neohesperidin Sinensetin Nobiletin Scientific name Local name Juice (mg/L) Peela (%) Fruit pulp (%) Juice (mg/L) Peel (%) Peel (%) Peel (%) C. aurantium Linn Goutoucheng 522.4 (27.9) ND 0.20 (0.02) 184.2 (120.2) 1.04 (0.03) 0.01 (0.00) 0.08 (0.00) C. erythrosa Hort Zhuhong ND 3.81 (0.06) 2.93 (0.72) 41.3 (1.0) ND 0.01 (0.00) 0.43 (0.04) C. kinokuni Hort Gongju ND 4.23 (0.21) 2.31 (0.01) 302.4 (13.8) ND 0.05 (0.00) 0.45 (0.01) C. limon (L.) Burm.f Lemon 1.59 (0.45) ND ND ND C. paradisi cv. Huyou 0.13 (0.01) 2.76 (0.28) ND 0.03 (0.00) Changshanhuyou C. reticulata Blanco Penggan ND 3.60 (0.00) 1.31 (0.13) 64.4 (8.0) ND 0.04 (0.00) 0.42 (0.01) C. reticulata Blanco Yongchunlugan 25.7 (0.5) 3.58 (0.64) 1.50 (0.08) 117.3 (12.8) ND 0.05 (0.00) 0.48 (0.01) C. sinensis Osbeck Hamlin 57.3 (10) 4.48 (0.10) 2.31 (0.40) 72.1 (3.5) ND 0.05 (0.00) 0.10 (0.00) C. sinensis × C. reticulata Liubenchen 197.9 (5.8) 2.59 (0.02) 1.55 (0.20) 68.6 (1.4) ND 0.03 (0.00) 0.04 (0.00) C. subcompressa Zaoju ND 3.50 (0.01) 2.50 (0.31) 33.0 (3.5) ND 0.04 (0.00) 0.59 (0.00) C. succosa Hort Bendizao ND 4.90 (0.21) 2.45 (0.51) 50.7 (0.4) ND 0.02 (0.00) 0.12 (0.01) C. tankan Hayata Tonggan ND 4.35 (0.22) 1.31 (0.03) 95.2 (1.2) ND 0.02 (0.00) 0.14 (0.00) C. tardiferax Hort ManJu ND 3.10 (0.03) 1.90 (0.02) 35.6 (30.2) ND 0.04 (0.00) 0.30 (0.00) C. unshiu Marc Wenzhoumiju Jinghua ND 5.86 (0.19) 83.8 (0.9) ND ND 0.01 (0.00) C. unshiu Marc Wenzhoumiju mid-late ND 6.25 (0.10) 1.45 (0.01) 75.4 (5.3) ND 0.01 (0.00) 0.02 (0.00) season C. unshiu var. praecox Gongchuan early season ND 6.18 (0.06) 1.70 (0.04) 70.8 (4.3) ND 0.01 (0.00) 0.02 (0.00) Fortunella crassifolia Jingan 56.5 (0.8) ND 0.11 (0.00) 47.4 (0.5) ND ND ND Swingle Note. Content% (dry wt.) for dried samples; Content mg/L for juice; Peel = flavedo + albedo; Fruit pulp = juice sac + segment membrane. a Standard deviation is shown in parentheses (N = 3).
  • 5. 61 Table 2. Citrus Flavonoid content (%) in TCM ingredients Scientific name Local name, origin Tissuea Naringin Hesperidin Neohesperidin Sinensetin Nobiletin C. aurantium L Fructus Aurantii Whole fruit 6.81 (0.27) 0.10 (0.00) 6.49 (0.22) 0.01 (0.00) 0.07 (0.00) Immaturus, Zhejiang C. aurantium L Fructus Aurantii, Xingan, Whole fruit 3.50 (0.10) 0.49 (0.021) 6.10 (0.10) 0.01 (0.00) ND Jiangxi C. aurantium L Fructus Aurantii Whole fruit 10.78 (0.05) 0.72 (0.01) 6.89 (0.08) 0.01 (0.00) 0.11 (0.00) Immaturus, Jiangxi C. aurantium L Fructus Aurantii, Hunan Whole fruit 0.42 (0.02) 2.76 (0.08) 0.28 (0.01) 0.01 (0.00) 0.01 (0.00) C. aurantium L Daidai, Zhejiang Flower 3.46 (0.07) 0.49 (0.01) 6.89 (0.08) ND ND C. aurantium L Fructus Aurantii Whole fruit 4.68 (0.74) 2.12 (0.19) 6.10 (0.70) 0.01 (0.00) 0.06 (0.01) Immaturus, Xingan, Jiangxi Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Green Fructus Aurantii Whole fruit 1.06 (0.00) 0.28 (0.00) 0.68 (0.04) 0.18 (0.02) 0.02 (0.00) Rafin Immaturus, Fujian a Note. Standard deviation is shown in subscript number (N = 3); ND = not detected. typical cultivar in Huangyan (Zhejiang) has the highest collected in Spain and France are reported to contain content of polymethoxylated flavones, especially nobiletin 12.35% of flavonoids, with neohesperidin (5.44%) and (0.59%) (Figure 1). Sour orange (C. aurantium) in TCM naringin (1.93%) being the most important ones [30]. In form, though not a commercial fruit in China due to its addition, the present results agree with a Chinese study sourness, is a good alternative to grapefruit (C. paradisi) that reported a level of 2.8–7.7% for naringin, and 0.5– for naringin and neohesperidin source. Consistent with a 0.8% for hesperidin [31]. Green Fructus Aurantii Immatu- Chinese report [29], its naringin concentration in juice rus (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Rafin.) is still locally used as (522 mg/L) is the highest. Moreover, it is an important substitute to C. aurantium in Fujian though the naringin ingredient of TCM such as Zhiqiao (Fructus Aurantii), content is much lower than the C. aurantium samples. Jin- Zhishi (Fructus Aurantii Immaturus) (Figure 1), and even gan (Fortunella crassifolia Swingle), the pickled whole the flower of sour orange (Daidai flower), which are all fruit (including peel) used as candy, is mostly not de- in the list of TCM ingredients regulated as foodstuff in tected for the five citrus flavonoids in the peel and pulp but China (Table 2). For example, the flowers of C. aurantium positive for flavanone glycosides in juice. The tea Table 3. Hesperidin data comparison of the three richest cultivars of Citrus fruits grown in the USA, China, Japan and Spain Scientific name Local name Tissue Hesperidin (%) Data source C. limon Santa Teresa #1, CRC #3894 Albedo 0.66 USDAa [17] C. reticulata × Poncirus Unknown, CRC #2619 Albedo 0.51 trifoliata C. limon Santa Teresa #1, CRC #3894 Flavedo 0.51 C. sinensis Fisher, CRC #3645 Albedo 0.32 C. unshiu Marc Wenzhoumiju mid-late season Peel 6.25 Chinese fruit C. unshiu var. praecox Gongchuan early season Peel 6.18 C. unshiu Marc Wenzhoumiju Peel 5.86 C. aurantium L Fructus Aurantii (Hunan) Whole fruit 2.76 TCM C. aurantium L Fructus Aurantii Immaturus (Xingan) Whole fruit 2.12 C. aurantium L Fructus Aurantii Immaturus (Jiangxi) Whole fruit 0.72 C. depressa Hayatab Unknown Whole fruit 27.50 Spanishc [19] C. aurantium L.b Bouquet de Fleurs Whole fruit 2.95 C. aurantium L Cajel Whole fruit 2.13 C. hanayu Hanayu Edible part 2.00 Japanesed [15, 16] C. reshn Cleopatra Edible part 1.91 C. unshiu Unshu Edible part 1.60 a Samples were separated into flavedo and albedo, frozen at − 20◦ C and ground into small pieces. b Whole immature fruit. c Samples were dried (50◦ C in ventilated oven), ground into fine powder. d Samples were separated into peel and edible part (consisting of juice sac and segment epidermis), freeze-dried and ground into powder.
  • 6. 62 Table 4. Data comparison of the three richest cultivars of Citrus juice in flavanone glycosides (naringin, hesperidin, neohesperidin) reported from the USA and China Flavanone Scientific name Local name Content (mg/L) Origin glycoside C. aurantium L Bouquet de Fleurs sour orange 362 Floridaa [18] Naringin C. aurantium L Seville 244 C. aurantium L African 243 C. aurantium L Goutoucheng 522.4 China C. sinensis × C. reticulata Liubenchen 197.9 C. sinensis Osbeck Hamlin orange 57.3 C. sinensis Ruby Blood sweet orange 254 Floridaa [18] Hesperidin C. sinensis Late Navel sweet orange 232 C. sinensis Pera sweet orange 208 C. kinokuni Gongju 302 China C. reticulata Blanco Yongchunlugan, mandarin 117.3 C. tankan Hayata Tonggan 95.2 C. paradisi K-Early tangelo 720 Floridaa [18] Neohesperdin C. aurantium L Bouquet de Fleurs sour orange 209 C. aurantium L Seville 147 C. aurantium L Goutoucheng 208.3 China C. sinensis × C. reticulata Liubenchen 77.4 Fortunella crassifolia Swingle Jingan 20.4 a Sample preparation: freshly extracted juice samples were passed through a double layer of cheesecloth. ingredient Foshou (C. medica) is overall not detected for 3–7 mm). The high levels in the peel of Huyou (C. paradisi the five flavonoids. cv. Changshanhuyou, 3.25%), a relative to grapefruit, Comparing the presented results with the data published confirmed this observation. Opposite to the occurrence (a) by the United States Department of Agriculture of naringin, hesperidin content varies widely among (USDA) about 114 cultivars grown in California [17], (b) different citrus species such as C. limon and C. sinensis by a Japanese group on 66 Citrus species and near-citrus in California, C. unshiu in Zhejiang, China, C. hanayu relatives [15, 16], and (c) by a Spanish group on immature and C. reshni in Japan, and C. depressa and C. aurantium and mature fruits of six citrus species [19], the results in Spain (Table 3). High levels of flavanones in TCM revealed that C. paradisi is an unchallenged naringin ingredients and immature fruits in Spain mainly result from source for cultivars grown in the USA (Star Ruby, 1.13% fruit collection at an early stage of maturation when the in albedo), Japan (Marsh grapefruit, 1.46% in edible part) flavanones are being synthesized [19]. That also explains and Spain (37.8% in whole immature fruit of a size of why, for example, their naringin and neohesperidin content mAU 12.101 100 12.02 NP 200 284nm HP HP 13.93 150 13.822 Positive Ion TIC 50 Relative Abundance 100 Hesperidin and NP neohesperidin 50 0 0 01 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 mAU 100 12.08 284nm 1# Positive Ion TIC 600 400 1# 50 Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC. 12.040 200 5 00 2 4 6 0 0 5 10 20 25 5 10 Time (min) Time (min) Figure 2. LC and TIC (Total Ion Chromatograph) profiles of Liangmianzhen (Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC.) compared to hesperidin and neohesperidin standard solution. 1# is supposed to be the hesperidin peak.
  • 7. 63 Figure 3. MS online spectrum of Liangmianzhen (Peak 1#) compared to hesperidin and neohesperidin standard solution (m/z: 200–1500). is higher than in mature Citrus samples in US and Japan Fujian which is the no.1 citrus fruit exported from China, [15–17]. Content of flavanone glycosides in Citrus juice has as well a reasonably high hesperidin content in juice was compared also with 52 citrus cultivars from Florida, (117 mg/L). USA [18] (Table 4). Because a 5% (v/v) addition of C. au- rantium is permitted in frozen concentrated orange juice by LC-ESI-MS Identification of Hesperidin in Liangmianzhen FDA [32], C. aurantium and C. sinensis are valuable juice (Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC.) source for flavanone glycosides in the USA as indicated by their high levels found in the study from Florida [18]. As hesperidin was found to be present in significant Yongchunlugan (C. reticulata Blanco), the mandarin from amounts in Liangmianzhen, the sample was further ana-
  • 8. 64 lyzed by LC-ESI-MS. Because of the identical molecular References weight of hesperidin and neohesperidin, a mixed solution of these two standards was injected into the LC-MS as ref- 1. Pizzorno J, Murray M (1999) Textbook of Natural Medicine, (2nd erence, and peak 1# was found to be consistent with that edn.). New York: Churchill Livingstone, p 1393. of hesperidin (Figure 2). Further MS spectrum comparison 2. Garg A, Garg S, Zaneveldand LJD, Singla AK (2001) Chemistry and Pharmacology of the Citrus Bioflavonoid Hesperidin. Phytother Res (Figure 3) led to the conclusion that peak 1# was identical 15: 655–669. with that of hesperidin. The content of hesperidin in the root 3. Galati EM, Monforte MT, Kirjavainen S, Forertieri AM, Tripodo of Liangmianzhen was determined as being 0.74 ± 0.01%. MM (1994) Biological effects of hesperidin, a Citrus flavonoid. This result agreed with an earlier report [25] that hesperidin Part 1. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. Farmaco 49: 709– 712. crystals were observed in a morphological and histolog- 4. Tanaka T, Makita H, Ohnishi M, Hirose Y (1994) Chemoprevention ical study of the pericarp of several Zanthoxylum fruits, of 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide-induced oral carcinogenesis by dietary such as Sichuan pepper (Z. bungeanum Maxim.), green curcumin and hesperidin: Comparison with protective effects of beta Sichuan pepper (Z. schinifolium Sieb. Et Zucc.) and Z. ni- carotene. Cancer Res 54: 4653–4659. tidum (Roxb.) DC., which, however, did not provide further 5. Tanaka T, Makita H, Kawabata K, Mori H, Kakumoto M (1997) Modulation of N-methyl-N-amylnitrosamine induced tumorigenesis analytical evidence for the presence of hesperidin. There- by dietary feeding of diosmin and hesperidin, alone and in combina- fore, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report tion. Carcinogenesis 18: 761–769. providing spectral evidence that demonstrates the existence 6. Smith CJ (1964) Non hormonal control of vasomotor flushing in of hesperidin in the root of Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) menopausal patients. Chic Med 67: 193–195. DC. 7. Bok SH, Lee SH, Park YB, Bae KH, Son KH, Jeong TS, Choi MS (1999) Plasma and hepatic cholesterol and hepatic activities of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase and acyl CoA: choles- terol transferase are lower in rats fed citrus peel extract or a mixture Conclusion of citrus bioflavonoids. J Nutr 129: 1182–1185. 8. Aboobaker VS, Balgi AD, Bhattacharya RK (1994) In vivo effect In summary, citrus flavonoid composition appears to vary of dietary factors on the molecular action of aflatoxin B1: role of non-nutrient phenolic compounds on the catalytic activity of liver greatly in the materials tested from China depending on fraction. In Vivo 8: 1095–1098. their genetic origin, the time of fruit collection, and the 9. Martin MJ, Marhuenda E, Perez-Guerrero C, Franco JM (1994) different parts of the fruit used (peel, and edible parts), and Antiulcer effect of naringin on gastric lesions induced by ethanol in this offers insight into how to explore further the benefits rats. Pharmacology 49: 144–150. of citrus fruits for human health. Meanwhile, the Chinese 10. Gordon PB, Holen I, Seglen PO (1995) Protection by Naringin and Some Other Flavonoids of Hepatocytic Autophagy and Endocytosis belief “food and drug come from same source” takes the against Inhibition by Okadaic Acid. J Biol Chem 270: 5830. advantage of the flavonoid—enriched fruits (right species, 11. 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