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Chronic Renal Failure                                                                       GONAH + skin + neuro + GIT
Concise Long Case Approach                                                                Growth (paeds)       Height/ weight
                                                                                          Osteodystrophy       Bone pain
History                                                                                                        Fractures
Presenting complaint                                                                                           Proximal myopathy
  “I have renal failure”                                                                  Nutrition            Protein intake
  complications                                                                                                Water restriction (glomerular) or excess (interstitial)
  unrelated problem                                                                                            Electrolytes
                                                                                          Anemia               Pallor, lethargy, fatigue
Past history                                                                                                   SOB
  first diagnosis when                                                                    Hypertension         treatment
  presenting complaint                                                                    Skin                 Sallow
           o   enquire about urinary symptoms                                                                  Pruritis
                         frothy urine                                                     GIT                  NVD
                         hematuria                                                        Neuro                Seizures – 2 electrolyte disturbances
                         oliguria/anuria/polyuria/nocturia                                                     Encephalopathy
                                                                                                               Peripheral neuropathy
                                                                                          Complications of treatment
Commonest                                     Other                                         Dialysis – bleeding/ infections/ occlusion
DM                                            Renal                                         Immunosuppressive drugs – cyclosporine/ azothioprine/ prednisolone
  ask for past history                          Renovascular
  ask for polyuria/polydipsia/polyphagia        Interstitial nephritis e.g. drugs         Functional – days off work/school, change of job, financial
HTN                                             Cystic kidney diseases – family history   The standard remaining history
  ask                                           NSAIDs—analgesic nephropathy
GN                                              Pyelonephritis e.g. told of kidney
  VITAMIN                                       infection? Fever?                         Physical examination
  Vascular – HSP – rashes/joint/abdpain         Stones – loin to groin pain, previous
  Infectious – strep sore throat/ HBV           stones
                                                                                          General              Ht/Wt
  Toxin – gold/ penicillamine                   Anatomical – e.g. VUR, BPH
  Autoimmune – SLE symptoms                                                                                                  o
                                                                                                               Myoclonus 2 uremia
  Metabolic – DM                              Extrarenal                                                                                  o
   0                                                                                                           Cusingoid appearance 2 steroids
  1 causes                                      SLE
                                                                                          Skin                 Sallow
                                                systemic sclerosis
                                                                                                               Scratch marks
                                                                                          Hands/ Arms          Asterixis
Investigations done
                                                                                                               Lindsay’s ½ and ½ nails (proximal white distal brown)
  U/S – anatomical malformations
                                                                                                               Palmar crease pallor
  Biopsy - GN
                                                                                                               AV fistula – thrill present is important sign of patency
 medications                                                                              Face/ chest          Fundoscopy – HTN/DM changes
 dialysis                                                                                                      Anemia
 AV grafts                                                                                                     Central line
 Transplant/ waiting list?                                                                                     Tanner Staging
                                                                                                               Rickety rosary ribs
Disease progression and Complications of disease                                          Heart                Pericardial rub
  DO YOU STILL PASS URINE NOW? (GIVES AN ESTIMATION OF SEVERITY OF                                             Bruit suggest vascular cause of CRF
  RENAL FAILURE)                                                                          Lungs                Creps
Abdomen              Nephrectomy scar – usu. postero-lateral                        Management
                     Transplant scar (usu iliac fossa) and transplant kidney
                     Kidneys ballotable, bruit                                      Growth failure   Treat all contributors to growth failure
                     Bladder                                                                           Malnutrition – inadequate protein
                     Enlarged prostate                                                                 Anemia
Legs                 Edema                                                                             Osteodystrophy
                     Neuropathy                                                                        GH resistance
                     Genu varum                                                                      If ht<3%, velocity<50%, give rHGH tx
Other                Bone and joint tenderness                                      Osteodystrophy   Low phosphate diet (eg avoid diary products)
                     BP                                                                              Phosphate binders (CaCO3, Ca acetate)
                                                                                                     Calcium supplements (CaCO3, Ca acetate)
Manifestations of DM, HTN, SLE                                                                       Vitamin D supplementation
                                                                                    Nutritional         If HD/PD, give recommended daily allowance + additional
                                                                                                        protein to compensate for losses from dialysis
Investigations                                                                                          Fluid – fluid restriction in ESRF and fluid overload type CRF
  to confirm diagnosis of CRF                                                                           (eg 500ml/day, keep wt gain to <1kg/day), if salt-losing type
  to determine etiology of CRF                                                                          CRF, encourage H20 intake
  to look for complications of CRF                                                                      Na 2g/d
                                                                                                        K usu well maintained, treat as emergency if hyperK
Diagnosis &      U/E/Cr              Creatinine to estimate GFR                                            Ca gluconate
staging                                By MDRD study equation                                              Insulin + dextrose
                                       By Cockcroft-Gault formula                                          Salbutamol
Etiology         Bloods              Plasma glucose                                                        Resin (Ca Resonium)
                                     ASOT/ HBV/ ANA/ C3                                                    Dialysis
                 Urine               Urinalysis                                                         Low phosphate diet 800mg/day
                 Radiology           Renal U/S – cysts                              Anemia           Causes of Anemia
                                     IVU – Stones                                                       Decreased EPO synthesis
                                     MCU – if suspect anatomical abnormalities in                       Shortened RBC survival due to uremia
                                     paeds                                                           Management
                                     DMSA/ DTPA                                                         Adequate dialysis
                 Biopsy              GN                                                                 Keep >10g%
Complications    Bloods              FBC – Anemia                                                       Do Fe studies (Fe, ferretin, transferring, TIBC)
                                     Serum – Ca/ PO4/ ALP/ PTH                                          rEPO if not Fe-deficient
                                     U/E/Cr – electrolyte imbalance                 Hypertension     ACE-inhibitor
                 Radiology           CXR – heart/lungs                                               Ca++ blocker
                                     Bone Xrays                                     Neurological     Electrolyte control

Stages of CKD (based on KDOQI guidelines from the National Kidney Foundation)
Stage                                   GRF (ml/min/1.73m )
1                                       ≥90
2                                       60-89
3                                       30-59
4                                       15-29
5 = ESRD                                <15
Issues:                                       CKD                                                     Vit D products (eg calcitriol)
A) Ca/PO4 metabolism in CKD                                                                           - give if iPTH >21 or 3x normal upper limit
                                                                                                      - contraindications: Ca- PO4 >55, PO4 >2.0 or iPTH <15 (as further suppression of iPTH
                                                                                                      by Vit D will cause impaired bone remodeling and higher risk of fractures
       Decreased renal                    Decreased                  Acidosis secondary to            - monitoring of iPTH – ideally, yearly in stage 3, half yrly in stage 4, 4-6 mthly in stage 5
       excretion of PO4                   renal mass
                                                                     decreased H excretion         4) Secondary hyperparathyroidism due to hyperplasia of parathyroid gland
                                                                                                      iPTH usually >100
                                                                                                      perform U/S or Sestamibi scan to locate PTH glds, as there may be >4. Sestamibi scan
                                          Decreased                                                   Rx: surgical removal +/- partial reimplantation of portion of PTH gland
                                     hydroxylation of Vit D                                        5) Treating hypocalcaemia
                   Decreased GI                                                                       IV Ca Gluconate contains 2.4mmol/10ml, IV CaCl2 contains 7 mmol/10ml of calcium
                   Ca absorption                                                                      ions
                                                                                                      Higher risk of phlebitis with CaCl2, and also, more severe in event of extravasation.
                                                                                                      Always give CaCl2 intra-hemodialysis, via central line, or at least via large bore cannula
                     Decreased                                                                        if possible, unless in event of emergency.
                     serum Ca
                                                                        Increased bone             B) Anaemia in CKD
                                        Increased iPTH                osteoclastic activity          Causes LVH and increase risk of cardiovascular disease
                                           secretion                                                 Ideal target 11-11.5 g/dL, however locally, usually aim for 8g/dL in view of Rx costs.
                                                                                                     (Note: Hb > 12.5 also a/w increased mortality)
                                          iPTH/PO4                                                   Work up:
iPTH and PO4 levels start rising                                                                                   o   Fe panel – Ferritin <200 + Tsat <20% = Fe deficiency in hemodialysis
exponentially from CKD stage 3                                                                                         (in peritoneal dialysis, limit for ferritin is <100)
  increased PO4 levels correlates to greater                                                                                      Tsat = transferrin saturation = Fe ÷ transferring x100%
cardiovascular risk                                                                                                o   Vit B12/folate
                                                                                                                   o   PBF
                                                                                                                   o   OGD
                                                                                                                   o   +/- stool OB
Mx                                                           1   2      3   4    5                 Mx
1) Diet – first line                                                                                 Fe Fumarate – 400-800mg/day, give on empty stomach (eg ON)
- limit PO4 intake to 800mg/day (dietician r/v)                                                      IV venofer 100mg x 8-10 doses. CI: Ferritin >500 or Tsat >50%
2) Phosphate binders                                                                                 Erythropoeitin
             i) CaCO3 - higher elemental Ca load, & better tasting. Therefore better for                           o   Start if Hb <10-11. Starting dose 100unit/kg/wk (eg 6000U/wk).
             calcium supplementation                                                                                   Monitor for 3-4 wks before increasing dose as necessary.
             ii) Ca Acetate – higher phosphate binding capacity, but large and bad tasting.                        o   Max 30,000 U/wk
             Better for managing high phosphate levels                                                             o   If poor response, consider possible causes
             iii) MgSO4 – bad tasting, risk of Mg toxicity. Common SE of diarrhea                                                 Inflammation/infection (raised ferritin)
             iv) Al(OH)3 – risk of aluminium toxicity (eg poor BP ctrl, encephalopathy), not for                                  Malnutrition (low albumin)
             use for >6wks.                                                                                                       Secondary hyperparathyroidism
             v) Seralamer – amino acid polymer. Gd for ctrl of acidosis as well, but expensive                                    Malignancy
             vi) Dialysis                                                                                                         Aluminium toxicity
    Give CaCO3/ Ca acetate between meals if trying to supplement Ca. Give with meals if                                           ACE/ARB
    trying to bind phosphate.                                                                                                     Insufficient dialysis
    Calcium-phosphate binding product = [Ca] x [PO4]                                                                              Pure red cell aplasia (rare)
    - if >55 (calculations in mmol), OR if [Ca] 2.50 mmol/L, avoid Ca based phosphate
    binders in view of risk of metastatic calcium product deposition
    Targets: CKD Stage 3-4 keep [PO4] <1.5; Stage 5 keep [PO4] <1.8
    Low phosphate levels also indicate likely malnutrition, as PO4 is found in high protein
                                                                                                                                                                         Digitally signed by DR WANA HLA SHWE
                                                                                                                                                                         DN: cn=DR WANA HLA SHWE, c=MY,
    food                                                                                                                                                                 o=UCSI University, School of Medicine, KT-
                                                                                                                                                                         Campus, Terengganu, ou=Internal Medicine
3) Calcium supplementation                                                                                                                                               Group,
                                                                                                                                                                         Reason: This document is for UCSI year 4
    CaCO3/ Ca acetate between meals                                                                                                                                      students.
                                                                                                                                                                         Date: 2009.02.22 15:45:33 +08'00'
                                                                1.   Diuresis with IV frusemide:
Investigations:                                                           120-240 mg/8hrly (if serum Cr > 400 μmol/L)
•   FBC--anaemia                                                          80-120 mg/8hrly (if serum Cr < 400μmol/L)
•   PT/PTT, GXM—for dialysis, transfusion                                 If no response, step up to maximum OR infusion at 30 mg/hr
•   U/E/Cr/HCO3/Glucose—renal fxn, DM                                     Urinary catheter if no urine output > 6hrs
•   HbA1c if diabetic--DM
•   Ca/Phosphate/Magnesium—renal osteodystrophy                 2.   Exclude cardiac event
•   Fasting iPTH—endocrine compx                                          Check baseline ECG
•   LFT                                                                   If pt has IHD, do CK/CKMB/Trop T
                                                                          Repeat ECG x3
•   Fasting lipids--hyperlipidaemia
•   ECG/CXR                          )
                                                                3.   Consider acute dialysis/filtration (if hypoxic, severe fluid overload, acidosis, or
•   ABG on room air—metab acidosis ) exclude AMI                     hyperkalaemia)
•   CK/CKMB                          )                                   PT/PTT, GXM
•   UFEME, Urine c/s                                                     If for dialysis, trace Hep/HIV status.
                                                                         If results > 6mths, order HBsAg, Anti-HCV, HIV
Day 2:                                                          4.   (Day 3) If anaemia workup negative, consider erythropoietin therapy – refer
•   If Hb<11 g/dL:                                                   pharmacist and inform on cost
              Ferritin                                          5.   (Day 5) Review CXR: if clear, consider switching to oral frusemide. If well on oral
              B12 / folate                                           frusemide, consider discharge
              Stool OB x3
•   If Hb<6 g/dL                                                6.   Discharge plan:
              Consider OGD, transfusion, thal workup etc                  Fluid restriction
                                                                          Nutritional restriction (decreased protein, potassium, phosphate, calories (if DM))
Nutrition:                                                                When to seek medical help: skin turgor, pitting oedema, weakness, fatigue,
•   Low salt                                                              muscle cramps, N/V
•   Low protein 0.8g/kg/day                                               Skin care
•   Low phosphate                                                         Identify primary physician, appointments, home care etc.
•   Low potassium
•   DM 1500/1800/2000 kcal                                      Referral Plan (Day 2 onwards):
                                                                •    If Cr > 400 μmol/L
Fluids:                                                                         Assess ADL (toilet needs, dressing, feeding)
•   500ml/day (if serum Cr > 400 μmol/L)                                        If can’t do any one ADL, refer MSW
•   800ml/day (if serum Cr < 400μmol/L)                                         If can do all, refer renal coordinator, vascular surgeon
                                                                •    If Cr < 400 μmol/L, refer renal coordinator, MSW, vascular surgeon as required
                                                                •    Others: pharmacist, physiotherapist, psychologist etc.
•   Vital signs
•   Height/weight
•   Urine dipstick
•   Pruritus
•   Oedema – sites and severity                                                                                                    Digitally signed by DR WANA HLA
•   Compliance with fluid restriction                                                                                              SHWE
•   I/O charting                                                                                                                   DN: cn=DR WANA HLA SHWE, c=MY,
                                                                                                                                   o=UCSI University, School of Medicine,
•   IV plug                                                                                                                        KT-Campus, Terengganu, ou=Internal
•   O2 therapy                                                                                                                     Medicine Group, email=wunna.
•   Urinary catheter if required                                                                                                   Reason: This document is for UCSI year
                                                                                                                                   4 students.
                                                                                                                                   Date: 2009.02.22 15:43:25 +08'00'

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Chronic renal failure concise long case approach & crf with fluid overload mx pathway

  • 1. Chronic Renal Failure GONAH + skin + neuro + GIT Concise Long Case Approach Growth (paeds) Height/ weight Osteodystrophy Bone pain History Fractures Arthritis Presenting complaint Proximal myopathy “I have renal failure” Nutrition Protein intake complications Water restriction (glomerular) or excess (interstitial) unrelated problem Electrolytes Anemia Pallor, lethargy, fatigue Past history SOB first diagnosis when Hypertension treatment presenting complaint Skin Sallow o enquire about urinary symptoms Pruritis frothy urine GIT NVD 0 hematuria Neuro Seizures – 2 electrolyte disturbances oliguria/anuria/polyuria/nocturia Encephalopathy Peripheral neuropathy etiology: Complications of treatment Commonest Other Dialysis – bleeding/ infections/ occlusion DM Renal Immunosuppressive drugs – cyclosporine/ azothioprine/ prednisolone ask for past history Renovascular ask for polyuria/polydipsia/polyphagia Interstitial nephritis e.g. drugs Functional – days off work/school, change of job, financial HTN Cystic kidney diseases – family history The standard remaining history ask NSAIDs—analgesic nephropathy GN Pyelonephritis e.g. told of kidney VITAMIN infection? Fever? Physical examination Vascular – HSP – rashes/joint/abdpain Stones – loin to groin pain, previous Infectious – strep sore throat/ HBV stones General Ht/Wt Toxin – gold/ penicillamine Anatomical – e.g. VUR, BPH Cachexia Autoimmune – SLE symptoms o Myoclonus 2 uremia Metabolic – DM Extrarenal o 0 Cusingoid appearance 2 steroids 1 causes SLE Skin Sallow systemic sclerosis Scratch marks myeloma Hands/ Arms Asterixis Leuconychia Investigations done Lindsay’s ½ and ½ nails (proximal white distal brown) U/S – anatomical malformations Palmar crease pallor Biopsy - GN AV fistula – thrill present is important sign of patency Myopathy Management medications Face/ chest Fundoscopy – HTN/DM changes dialysis Anemia AV grafts Central line Transplant/ waiting list? Tanner Staging Rickety rosary ribs Disease progression and Complications of disease Heart Pericardial rub CCF DO YOU STILL PASS URINE NOW? (GIVES AN ESTIMATION OF SEVERITY OF Bruit suggest vascular cause of CRF RENAL FAILURE) Lungs Creps
  • 2. Abdomen Nephrectomy scar – usu. postero-lateral Management Transplant scar (usu iliac fossa) and transplant kidney Kidneys ballotable, bruit Growth failure Treat all contributors to growth failure Bladder Malnutrition – inadequate protein Enlarged prostate Anemia Legs Edema Osteodystrophy Neuropathy GH resistance PVD Genu varum If ht<3%, velocity<50%, give rHGH tx Other Bone and joint tenderness Osteodystrophy Low phosphate diet (eg avoid diary products) BP Phosphate binders (CaCO3, Ca acetate) Calcium supplements (CaCO3, Ca acetate) Manifestations of DM, HTN, SLE Vitamin D supplementation Nutritional If HD/PD, give recommended daily allowance + additional protein to compensate for losses from dialysis Investigations Fluid – fluid restriction in ESRF and fluid overload type CRF to confirm diagnosis of CRF (eg 500ml/day, keep wt gain to <1kg/day), if salt-losing type to determine etiology of CRF CRF, encourage H20 intake to look for complications of CRF Na 2g/d K usu well maintained, treat as emergency if hyperK Diagnosis & U/E/Cr Creatinine to estimate GFR Ca gluconate staging By MDRD study equation Insulin + dextrose By Cockcroft-Gault formula Salbutamol Etiology Bloods Plasma glucose Resin (Ca Resonium) ASOT/ HBV/ ANA/ C3 Dialysis Urine Urinalysis Low phosphate diet 800mg/day Radiology Renal U/S – cysts Anemia Causes of Anemia IVU – Stones Decreased EPO synthesis MCU – if suspect anatomical abnormalities in Shortened RBC survival due to uremia paeds Management DMSA/ DTPA Adequate dialysis Biopsy GN Keep >10g% Complications Bloods FBC – Anemia Do Fe studies (Fe, ferretin, transferring, TIBC) Serum – Ca/ PO4/ ALP/ PTH rEPO if not Fe-deficient U/E/Cr – electrolyte imbalance Hypertension ACE-inhibitor Radiology CXR – heart/lungs Ca++ blocker Bone Xrays Neurological Electrolyte control Stages of CKD (based on KDOQI guidelines from the National Kidney Foundation) 2 Stage GRF (ml/min/1.73m ) 1 ≥90 2 60-89 3 30-59 4 15-29 5 = ESRD <15
  • 3. Issues: CKD Vit D products (eg calcitriol) A) Ca/PO4 metabolism in CKD - give if iPTH >21 or 3x normal upper limit - contraindications: Ca- PO4 >55, PO4 >2.0 or iPTH <15 (as further suppression of iPTH by Vit D will cause impaired bone remodeling and higher risk of fractures Decreased renal Decreased Acidosis secondary to - monitoring of iPTH – ideally, yearly in stage 3, half yrly in stage 4, 4-6 mthly in stage 5 excretion of PO4 renal mass + decreased H excretion 4) Secondary hyperparathyroidism due to hyperplasia of parathyroid gland iPTH usually >100 perform U/S or Sestamibi scan to locate PTH glds, as there may be >4. Sestamibi scan preferred Decreased Rx: surgical removal +/- partial reimplantation of portion of PTH gland hydroxylation of Vit D 5) Treating hypocalcaemia Decreased GI IV Ca Gluconate contains 2.4mmol/10ml, IV CaCl2 contains 7 mmol/10ml of calcium Ca absorption ions Higher risk of phlebitis with CaCl2, and also, more severe in event of extravasation. Always give CaCl2 intra-hemodialysis, via central line, or at least via large bore cannula Decreased if possible, unless in event of emergency. serum Ca Increased bone B) Anaemia in CKD Increased iPTH osteoclastic activity Causes LVH and increase risk of cardiovascular disease secretion Ideal target 11-11.5 g/dL, however locally, usually aim for 8g/dL in view of Rx costs. (Note: Hb > 12.5 also a/w increased mortality) iPTH/PO4 Work up: iPTH and PO4 levels start rising o Fe panel – Ferritin <200 + Tsat <20% = Fe deficiency in hemodialysis exponentially from CKD stage 3 (in peritoneal dialysis, limit for ferritin is <100) increased PO4 levels correlates to greater Tsat = transferrin saturation = Fe ÷ transferring x100% cardiovascular risk o Vit B12/folate o PBF o OGD o +/- stool OB Mx 1 2 3 4 5 Mx 1) Diet – first line Fe Fumarate – 400-800mg/day, give on empty stomach (eg ON) - limit PO4 intake to 800mg/day (dietician r/v) IV venofer 100mg x 8-10 doses. CI: Ferritin >500 or Tsat >50% 2) Phosphate binders Erythropoeitin i) CaCO3 - higher elemental Ca load, & better tasting. Therefore better for o Start if Hb <10-11. Starting dose 100unit/kg/wk (eg 6000U/wk). calcium supplementation Monitor for 3-4 wks before increasing dose as necessary. ii) Ca Acetate – higher phosphate binding capacity, but large and bad tasting. o Max 30,000 U/wk Better for managing high phosphate levels o If poor response, consider possible causes iii) MgSO4 – bad tasting, risk of Mg toxicity. Common SE of diarrhea Inflammation/infection (raised ferritin) iv) Al(OH)3 – risk of aluminium toxicity (eg poor BP ctrl, encephalopathy), not for Malnutrition (low albumin) use for >6wks. Secondary hyperparathyroidism v) Seralamer – amino acid polymer. Gd for ctrl of acidosis as well, but expensive Malignancy vi) Dialysis Aluminium toxicity Give CaCO3/ Ca acetate between meals if trying to supplement Ca. Give with meals if ACE/ARB trying to bind phosphate. Insufficient dialysis Calcium-phosphate binding product = [Ca] x [PO4] Pure red cell aplasia (rare) - if >55 (calculations in mmol), OR if [Ca] 2.50 mmol/L, avoid Ca based phosphate binders in view of risk of metastatic calcium product deposition Targets: CKD Stage 3-4 keep [PO4] <1.5; Stage 5 keep [PO4] <1.8 Low phosphate levels also indicate likely malnutrition, as PO4 is found in high protein Digitally signed by DR WANA HLA SHWE DN: cn=DR WANA HLA SHWE, c=MY, food o=UCSI University, School of Medicine, KT- Campus, Terengganu, ou=Internal Medicine 3) Calcium supplementation Group, Reason: This document is for UCSI year 4 CaCO3/ Ca acetate between meals students. Date: 2009.02.22 15:45:33 +08'00'
  • 4. CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE WITH FLUID OVERLOAD – PATHWAY Treatment Orders: 1. Diuresis with IV frusemide: Investigations: 120-240 mg/8hrly (if serum Cr > 400 μmol/L) • FBC--anaemia 80-120 mg/8hrly (if serum Cr < 400μmol/L) • PT/PTT, GXM—for dialysis, transfusion If no response, step up to maximum OR infusion at 30 mg/hr • U/E/Cr/HCO3/Glucose—renal fxn, DM Urinary catheter if no urine output > 6hrs • HbA1c if diabetic--DM • Ca/Phosphate/Magnesium—renal osteodystrophy 2. Exclude cardiac event • Fasting iPTH—endocrine compx Check baseline ECG • LFT If pt has IHD, do CK/CKMB/Trop T Repeat ECG x3 • Fasting lipids--hyperlipidaemia • ECG/CXR ) 3. Consider acute dialysis/filtration (if hypoxic, severe fluid overload, acidosis, or • ABG on room air—metab acidosis ) exclude AMI hyperkalaemia) • CK/CKMB ) PT/PTT, GXM • UFEME, Urine c/s If for dialysis, trace Hep/HIV status. If results > 6mths, order HBsAg, Anti-HCV, HIV Day 2: 4. (Day 3) If anaemia workup negative, consider erythropoietin therapy – refer • If Hb<11 g/dL: pharmacist and inform on cost Fe/TIBC Ferritin 5. (Day 5) Review CXR: if clear, consider switching to oral frusemide. If well on oral B12 / folate frusemide, consider discharge Stool OB x3 • If Hb<6 g/dL 6. Discharge plan: Consider OGD, transfusion, thal workup etc Fluid restriction Nutritional restriction (decreased protein, potassium, phosphate, calories (if DM)) Nutrition: When to seek medical help: skin turgor, pitting oedema, weakness, fatigue, • Low salt muscle cramps, N/V • Low protein 0.8g/kg/day Skin care • Low phosphate Identify primary physician, appointments, home care etc. • Low potassium • DM 1500/1800/2000 kcal Referral Plan (Day 2 onwards): • If Cr > 400 μmol/L Fluids: Assess ADL (toilet needs, dressing, feeding) • 500ml/day (if serum Cr > 400 μmol/L) If can’t do any one ADL, refer MSW • 800ml/day (if serum Cr < 400μmol/L) If can do all, refer renal coordinator, vascular surgeon • If Cr < 400 μmol/L, refer renal coordinator, MSW, vascular surgeon as required • Others: pharmacist, physiotherapist, psychologist etc. Assessment: • Vital signs • Height/weight • Urine dipstick • Pruritus • Oedema – sites and severity Digitally signed by DR WANA HLA • Compliance with fluid restriction SHWE • I/O charting DN: cn=DR WANA HLA SHWE, c=MY, o=UCSI University, School of Medicine, • IV plug KT-Campus, Terengganu, ou=Internal • O2 therapy Medicine Group, email=wunna. • Urinary catheter if required Reason: This document is for UCSI year 4 students. Date: 2009.02.22 15:43:25 +08'00'