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While most people would agree that schools should aim for the development
of thinking among students, there is less agreement on what is thinking. Over the
decades many terms have been proposed to describe thinking and surely you have
heard of some of them. Among the common terms are: critical thinking, reflective
thinking, lateral thinking, analogical reasoning, inductive thinking, deductive
thinking,  logical  thinking,  analytical  thinking  and  so  forth.  Are  they  different  ‘types’  
of thinking? In what way are they similar or different? The many terms used to
describe has complicated the task of educators trying to bring thinking to the
classroom. A doctor deciding on the right prescription; a
housewife balancing the family budget; a lawyer
preparing for the best possible defence of her client; the
teacher planning a lesson for the day or a person simply
sitting and deliberating what to do as portrayed in the
famous sculptor by Rodin (see Figure 6.1). Are these
manifestations of thinking? What kinds of thinking
activities are involved? Various theoreticians and
researchers have attempted to define thinking.
Bartlett (1958) defined thinking as interpolation (i.e.
filling in gaps of information), extrapolation (i.e.
going beyond the information given) and re-
interpretation (i.e rearranging information).
Warren (1934) defined thinking as a predetermined
course of ideas, symbolic in character initiated by a
problem or task and leading to a conclusion.
Dewey (1933) defined thinking as an attempt to
examine and evaluate information based on certain criteria.
Figure 6.1
“The  Thinker”  by  the
sculptor Rodin
Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:
Differentiate between critical and creative thinking
Discuss Socratic questioning
List the critical thinking skills
Define creative thinking
Describe the creative process
Explain ways to foster creativity
Explain the obstacles to creative thinking
Discuss how children can be encouraged to be more creative
Fraenkel (1980) defined thinking as the formation of ideas, reorganisation of
one’s  experience  and  the  organisation  of  information  in  a  particular  form.
Chaffee (1988) characterises thinking as an unusual process used in making
decisions and solving problems.
Bourne, Ekstrand and Dominowski (1985) define thinking as a complex,
multifaceted process that is essentially internal involving symbolic representation
of events and objects initiated by some external events.
Mayer (1983) viewed thinking from three perpectives:
o Cognitive (i.e. involving knowing, preceiving and conceiving) which
occurs internally in the mind or cognitive system and is inferred indrectly
from behaviour
o Manipulation of a set of operations of knowledge in the cognitive system
o Results in behaviour directed towards the solution of a problem.
Nickerson, Perkins and Smith (1985) looked upon thinking as a collection of
skills or mental operations used by inidividuals.
A synthesis of the various definitions of thinkings reveals the following 5
characteristics of thinking (see Figure 6.2). First, it is evident that thinking is a
process that requires knowledge because it is quite impossible to think in a vacuum.
For example, a boy who is dreaming about owning a 16-speed bike and thinking
about ways to get the bike. Knowledge about ways to get the bike might include the
following: doing odd jobs to save money, borrowing the money from a friend or
buyingg a used bike. Second, thinking involves the manipulation of mental or
cognitive skills such as comparing, classifying, analysis, synthesis and so forth. These
skills can be performed well or poorly. When performed poorly, it can be improved or
enhanced. Third, thinking is targeted at the solution of a problem. For example,
thinking how to write an essay, solving a mathematical problem or raising money for
the poor. Fourth, thinking is manifested in a behaviour or ability such as being able to
compare, classify, differentiate and so forth. Fifth, thinking is reflected in certain
attitudes that are indicative of good and poor thinking.
Figure 6.2 A General Definition of Thinking
….  is  a  mental  process  requiring  knowledge
….  involves    the  manipulation  of  mental  skills
…..  aims  at  the  solution  of  problems
…..  manifests  in  a  behaviour
…..  is  reflected  in  an  attitude
If there is no agreed upon definition of thinking, how does one go about
determining good and poor thinkers? Glatthorn and Baron (1985) and Nickerson
(1987) developed a list of attributes of good and poor thinkers (see Table 6.1).
Good Thinker Poor Thinker
Welcomes problematic situations Prefers situations which are more definite
Open to multiple possibilities Prefers limited possibilities
Uses evidence skilfully Ignore evidence
Make judgement only after considering
all angles
Quick to make judgement
Listens  to  other  people’s  views Ignore  other  people’s  views
Reflective Impulsive
Perseveres in searching for information Gives up easily and is lazy to think
Table 6.1 Attributes of Good and Poor Thinkers
According to them, a good thinker unlike a poor thinker welcomes
problematic situations and is tolerant of ambiguity. A good thinker is self-critical
and looks for alternative possibilities and goals, and seeks evidence on both sides,
while the poor thinker is satisfied with first attempts. The good thinker is reflective
and deliberative while the poor thinker is impulsive and gives up prematurely. While
the good thinker believes in the value of rationality, the poor thinker overvalues
intuition and believes that thinking would not help. The good thinker is open to
multiple suggestions and considers alternatives while the poor thinker prefers to deal
with limited possibilities and is reluctant to seek alternatives. The good thinker uses
evidence that challenges favoured possibilities while the poor thinker tends to ignore
evidence that challenges favoured possibilities.
The characteristic that differentiates humans from animals is the ability to think.
Humans are naturally endowed with the capacity to deduce, to classify, to apply, to
infer, to predict, to think numerically, to think temporally and spatially to name a few.
a) Among the several definitions suggested by experts in the
which definition in your opinion is the most
comprehensive? Give your reasons
b) What are characteristics of a good thinker? Suggest other
attributes which you think are reflective of good thinkers.
It is as natural as breathing! However, the ability to think is not equally distributed.
As pointed out by Nickerson;
It has been suggested that the distinction between an educated and uneducated
person will not only be in the amount of knowledge possessed but more importantly
the ability to think and use such knowledge. All too often schools overemphasise the
mastery of content to the exclusion of thinking about the content. Thinking has not
been given due consideration partly due to certain perceptions educators have about
thinking (see Figure 6.3). First, there is the perception among some educators that the
development of thinking skills should be confined to the academically superior
learners  because  they  “can  think”.    Teaching  thinking  to  academically  weak  learners  
would be futile and even frustrating because they will have difficulty taking part in
such activities. This   belief   may   arise   from   the   belief   that   “thinking”   is   a   mental  
activity too arduous for the academically weak.
Figure 6.3 Perceptions of Educators about Teaching Thinking
Second is the belief that children should have a complete understanding of a
subject area before they can deliberate and think about the facts, concepts and
principles. Educators who subscribe to this view tend to be preoccupied with coverage
of the syllabuses rather than ensuring understanding. It is often not known that
understanding is the consequence of thinking and if learners are taught to think about
the content they are learning, then understanding is greatly enhanced which would
result in better academic performance (see Figure 6.4).
All people classify, but not equally perceptively,
All people make estimates, but not equally accurately,
All people use analogies, but not equally appropriate,
All people draw conclusions, but not with equal care,
All people construct arguments, but not with equal cogency.
(1987, p.28)
Perceptions about
Thinking Skills
Only academically
superior learners can think
Learners need to master
the content before they
can think about it
Since examinations test
mastery of facts, teaching
thinking is a waste of time
Teaching thinking will
increase the workload of
Figure 6.4 Interaction between Thinking, Learning and Academic Performance
[source: John Arul Phillips. Perkembangan kemahiran berfikir pelajar melalui program
KBSM. Jurnal Pendidikan Guru. 8. 1992. p. 14]
Third, is related to examinations. Few would deny that schooling is extremely
examination oriented because the success of a learner is determined how he or she
performs in public examinations. Also, a school is judged by the number of passes
and the number of  A’s  obtained  by  learners.  Unfortunately,  examinations  tend  to  test  
the acquisition of facts or more precisely how well students are able to remember and
recall facts. Few questions demand higher order thinking. Given this situation,
educators are rather reluctant to venture into teaching for higher order outcomes
because they are tested minimally in examinations.
Finally, is the concern by some educators that teaching thinking will entail
preparation and production of materials which will further exasperate the already
heavy workload of teachers. However, to ally the fears of educators, it should be
emphasised that teaching thinking only minimally increases workload. What is
required of educators is a re-examination of current approaches in presenting content
and   how   thinking   skills   might   be   ‘infused’   during   teaching   [We will discuss the
infusion approach in more detail later].
a)    “Students  may  be  taught  how to think but not what to
think”.  Discuss
b) To what extent do you agree with the perceptions of
educators on teaching thinking as shown in Figure 6.3?
Generally, all thinking is directed to the solution of some problems and/or
making decisions. When one talks about the process of thinking, one is actually
referring to problem solving and decision making activities undertaken (see Figure
6.6). Similarly, when one talks about improving the thinking of learners one is
actually referring to the problem solving and decision making abilities of the learner
(process of thinking). Learners are solving problems and making decisions everyday.
Problems come in all shapes and sizes and begins with a gap which has to be filled.
Some of the problems are well-defined such as mathematical problems whereby the
steps leading to its solution is definite, sequential and the goal is clearly stated.
However, some problems are ill-defined and the desired goal is not clear or obvious
and the steps leading to its solutions may vary such as writing a poem. In ill-defined
problems, the goal may be vague or incomplete, which makes the generation of
solutions difficult and their evaluation even more difficult.
Process of Thinking
Macro-Thinking Skills
Micro-Thinking Skills
[source: reprinted with permission: J.A.Phillips. Enhancing the thinking and learning skills of
students: The PADI programme. Proceedings of the International Conference on Excellence
in Thinking. Bangi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 1993. 166]
Figure 6.5 A Programme for Teaching Thinking
A decision involves two or more competing alternatives of action. Usually,
each alternative has several pros and cons associated with it. Unlike problem solving,
in decision making there is no single correct solution. The learner has to judge which
Sample of Skills:
prediction generalising observing
inferencing application comparison
evaluation analysis synthesis
alternative is the best and oftentimes decisions have to be made with insufficient
information. Also, it is important to realise that a decision is judged to be good or bad
after the fact. For example, if it succeeds, it is a good decision but if it failed it is a
bad  decision.  Problem  solving  and  decision  making  overlap  and  in  many  ways  “one  
can view decision making as a special case of problem solving and vice-versa”  
(Swartz and Perkins, 1990, p.150).
For example, if a learner had to vote for a member of parliament, he or she
might consider the pros and cons of each candidate. This is a decision making task.
But, if the learner is having a weight problem, then he or she might fins out what is
causing the problem. Is it over-eating, the kinds of food eaten or lack of exercise?
This is a problem solving task. Both problem solving and decision making require the
employment  of  critical  and  creative  thinking.  There  is  hardly  any  task  in  a  learner’s  
life that does not involve critical and creative thinking (macro-thinking skills). For
example, deciding which car or motorcycle to buy requires comparison and evaluation
which are subskills of critical thinking. Attempting to come up with an unusual design
for multimedia presentation requires creative thinking.
Both critical and creative thinking are served by various subskills such as
detection of bias, prediction, evaluation, inferencing and so forth (micro-thinking
skills). Improving the acquisition and usage of these subskills in learners will help
them to be better critical and creative thinkers and in turn improve their problem
solving and decision making abilities.
a) Discuss the difference between the process of thinking,
macro-thinking skills and micro-thinking skills as proposed in
the model in Figure 7.5.
b)  “Problem-solving require the employment of critical and
creative  thinking”.      Discuss.  
The term of critical thinking is
sometimes misunderstood to mean an activity
aimed at criticising or pointing out the
weaknesses and finding fault with others.
However, this interpretation of the definition
is  not  accurate.  The  term  “critical”  is  derived  
from the Greek word kritikos which means to
question, to make sense of, to be able to
analyse. There has been a tendency for some
educators to interpret critical thinking more
broadly and to include all good thinking as
critical thinking. However, other educators
prefer the more narrow concept of critical
For example, Dewey (1933) defined
critical thinking as reflective thinking
which is thinking deeply and giving
serious thought to a certain issue or
According to Bloom’s  taxonomy (1956),  “evaluation”  would  be  considered  as  
critical thinking wherein objects, ideas or events are assessed based on certain
Ennis (1985) defined critical thinking as deciding whether a certain thing is to
be believed or not. According to him, critical thinking encourages the
individual to analyse statements carefully, find valid evidence before making a
decision. The ability to evaluate is the basis of critical thinking; which
involves evaluating ideas, evidence, suggestions, actions and solutions.
Similarly, Swartz and Perkins (1990)  viewed  critical  thinking  as  the  “critical  
examination and evaluation, of actual and potential beliefs and courses of
action”  (p.37).  For  example,  the  statement  that  ‘Use of mobile phones can lead
to cancer’.   How   do   we   know   that? What evidence is there to support this
claim? Is the evidence reliable and valid?
Russell (1945) did not attempt to define critical thinking but instead suggested
that to be able to think critically, the following four main conditions are
1. A knowledge of the field or subject in which the thinking is being
2. A general attitude of questioning and suspended judgement; a habit of
examining before accepting
3. Some application of method of logical analysis or scientific inquiry
4. Taking action in light of this analysis or reasoning.
In short, learners who think critically evaluate whether to accept a particular reason as
appropriate or reasonable, use accepted criteria to evaluate the reason given, use
different reasoning strategies in the implementation of the said criteria or standards,
find information that is reliable as evidence supporting the decision made. As
suggested by Fisher (1990) learners:
Learn to question
o Learn when to question
o Learn what types of questions to ask
Learn to reason
o Learn when to use reasoning
o Learn to use the appropriate reasoning methods
Critical thinking is composed both of skills/abilities and certain related
attitudes or dispositions (see Figure 6.6). Skills or abilities relate to the cognitive
aspect of critical thinking while attitudes or dispositions relate to the affective aspect
of critical thinking.
Figure 7.6 The Components of Critical Thinking
Critical thinking consists of a collection of abilities/ skills which may be used
singly or in combination and in whatever order. To develop critical thinking skills of
students it is necessary that the characteristics of the various subskills be clearly
understood. The clearer these subskills are, the easier it would be for educators to
develop them in the classroom. Numerous suggestions have been put forward by
various experts in the field. Among them is the well known Robert Ennis (1968) who
broke down critical thinking into a number of subskills as shown in Table 6.2.
Abilities / Skills
Attitudes / Dispositions
Table 6.2 List of Critical Thinking Abilities
Definition – Each of the skill or abilities listed has a definition, a set of generic
procedures  and  statement  of  conditions  when  it  is  to  be  used.  For  example,  to  ‘infer’  
means to go beyond the explicit information given. i.e. to read between the lines (text
implicit) and to read beyond the lines (schema implicit).
When does one use this critical thinking skill? – This skill may be employed when
one wants to know the hidden or implied message of a statement.
How does one go about inferring? – First is to understand properly the literal message
of a statement. Second is to select certain words or phrases that have an implied
meaning.  At  times  the  inference  can  be  drawn  merely  by  ‘reading  between  the  lines’,  
but   on   other   occasions,   one   has   to   use   one’s   prior   knowledge   and   go   ‘beyond   the  
lines’  to  make  inferences.
A critical thinker is one who not only possesses the above thinking skills but is
disposed  or  inclined  to  exhibit  or  use  them.  According  to  Glaser  (1941),  “persons who
have acquired a disposition to want evidence for beliefs and who have acquired an
attitude for reasonableness have also acquired something of a way of life which
makes  for  more  considerate  and  human  relationships”  (p.6).  In  other  words,  a  learner  
who thinks critically is not only skilful in evaluating information but also a person
thinks   rationally.   Rational   comes   from   the   word   ‘ration’   which   means  
‘balance’.   Students   who   reason   critically   are   able   to   examine   their  
The ability to recognise vague and ambiguous language
The ability to recognise types of language that aim to influence
The ability to form and apply concepts
The ability to analyse arguments:
o Identify conclusions
o Identify stated / unstated reasons
o See similarities and differences
o Identify and handle irrelevance
o See the structure of an argument
o Summarise
The ability to relates ideas, things and events such as chronological, process,
comparative, analogical and causal relationships
The ability to go beyond factual information and draw inferences
The ability to evaluate information based on certain criteria
The ability to identify fallacies, circularity of argument, bandwagonism,
oversimplification and others
[source: Robert Ennis. 1962. A Concept of Critical Thinking. Harvard Educational
32. p. 84]
experiences, evaluate and weigh differing opinions and ideas before making a
decision. The student is also able to determine the validity of information.
is curious and open-minded. A person may be considered a critical thinker if
he or she is prepared to listen and examine other people’s  ideas  and  suspend  
judgement when information is incomplete.
gives importance to accuracy, objectivity and desires clear explanation.
is  sensitive  to  alternatives  and  other  people’s  feelings,  level  of  knowledge  and  
degree of sophistication.
According to Russell (1956), many students do not learn to think critically
themselves; they need help in becoming critical thinkers. Students need adult
guidance to develop critical thought. The need for critical thinking was never more
important than today when students are increasingly bombarded with countless bits of
information. The onus is upon the learner to determine what to believe and what to
ignore. As  candidly  suggested  by  Russell,  “although  there  is  little  scientific  evidence  
available, the whole  effect  of  the  mass  media  in  a  person’s  life  is  probably  to  make  
him  uncritical  of  ideas  presented  to  him  or  her”  (1956,  p.287).
Socratic questioning is named after the Greek
philosopher and teacher, Socrates who believed that to
discipline the mind, teachers should engage students in
thoughtful dialogue. Socrates was convinced that
disciplined practice of thoughtful questioning enables the
scholar/student to examine ideas logically and to be able to
determine the validity of those ideas. Although  “Socratic  
questioning”   appears   simple,   it   is   in   fact   intensely  
rigorous. This questioning approach can correct
misconceptions and lead to reliable knowledge
construction. The teacher pleads ignorance about a given
subject in order to encourage students to participate and
draw out answers from them. He assumed that incomplete
or inaccurate ideas would be corrected during the process
of disciplined questioning, and hence would lead to
progressively greater truth and accuracy. Plato and
Aristotle were students of Socrates and Plato wrote much about what we know of
him. The six types of questions that Socrates asked is simple yet a strong method for
exploring ideas or statements in depth and breadth. By following up all answers with
further questions, and by selecting questions which advance the discussion, the
Socratic questioner forces students to think in a disciplined,
1. Questions seeking clarification or explanation:
What do you mean by ______?
What is your main point?
How does ____ relate to ____?
Could you put that another way?
(470-399 B.C)
What do you think is the main issue here?
Let me see if I understand you; do you mean _____ or _____?
Jamal, would you summarize in your own words what Leela has said?
Could you give me an example?
Would this be an example: ____?
Could you explain that further?
Could you expand upon that?
2. Questions about the questions or issue:
How can we find out?
What does this question assume?
Would ____ put the question differently?
How could someone settle this question?
Can we break this question down at all?
Is the question clear? Do we understand it?
Is this question easy or hard to answer? Why?
Does this question ask us to evaluate something?
Do we all agree that this is the question?
To answer this question, what questions would we have to answer first?
I'm not sure I understand how your are interpreting the main question at issue.
Is this the same issue as ____?
How would ____ put this issue?
Why is this question important?
Does this question lead to other questions or issues?
3. Questions that probe assumptions:
What are you assuming?
What is Zalina assuming?
What could we assume instead?
You seem to be assuming ____. Do I understand you correctly?
All of your reasoning depends on the idea that ____. Why have you based your
reasoning on ____ rather than ____?
You seem to be assuming ____. How would you justify taking this for granted?
Is it always the case? Why do you think the assumption holds here?
Why would someone make this assumption?
4. Questions that probe reasons and evidence:
What would be an example?
How do you know?
Why do you think that is true?
Do you have any evidence for that?
What difference does that make?
What are your reasons for saying that?
What other information do we need?
Could you explain your reasons to us?
Are these reasons adequate?
Can you explain how you logically got from ____ to ____?
Do you see any difficulties with their reasoning here?
Why did you say that?
What led you to that belief?
How does that apply to this case?
What would change your mind?
But is that good evidence to believe that?
Is there reason to doubt that evidence?
5. Questions that probe implications and consequences:
What are you implying by that?
When you say ____, are you implying ____?
But if that happened, what else would happen as a result? Why?
What effect would that have?
Would that necessarily happen or only probably happen?
What is the probability of this result?
What is an alternative?
If this and this are the case, then what else must also be true?
If we say that this is unethical, how about that?
6. Questions about viewpoints or perspectives
You seem to be approaching this issue from ____ perspective. Why have you
chosen this rather than that perspective?
How would other groups/types of people respond? Why? What would influence
How could you answer the objection that ____ would make?
What might someone who believed ____ think?
Can/did anyone see this another way?
What would someone who disagrees say?
What is an alternative?
What percentage of Malaysians are creative? 5%,
10%, 30% or 50%. The response from most people is that
only a small number of people are creative. Actually,
everyone is creative, though some people are more
creative than others. As quite aptly stated by Hilgard
(1960),   “the   capacity   to   create   useful   or   beautiful  
products and to find ways of resolving perplexity is not
limited to the highly gifted, but is the birthright of every
person of average talent”   (p.62). The distinguishing
criterion is the extent to which students have been able to
realise their creative potential. Students are by nature creative but many tend to
suppress  their  creative  abilities  which  may  remain  as  “hidden  talents”.  
Being creative is not about writing great poems (like Omar Khayam, Usman
Awang, Tagore or John Keats), or producing great paintings (like Leonardo da Vinci
or Latiff Mohidin), or musical compositions (like Mozart, Ravi Shankar or P.
Ramlee). Traditional notions of creativity tend to emphasise the production of
something novel in the fine arts. One only needs to watch children to realise how
curious they are in investigating the world around and adept at finding answers to
problems that arise from their curiosity. It is this natural ability in children to produce
creative answers, creative methods and creative uses of materials that needs to be
nurtured. Unfortunately, curiosity in children tends to be stifled when parents and
teachers   insist   that   children   conform   to   tradition   and   ‘straight-jacket’   them   into  
behaving in ways that does not foster creativity. Soon children realise that it is less
and less meaningful to express themselves or to investigate their world. Just think
how many children who had the potential to be creative had to so-called  “tow  the  
line”  by  well-meaning adults and the process lost their creative spirit.
DeBono (1963) introduced the concept of vertical and lateral thinking. He
illustrates vertical thinking as digging the same well deeper in search of water while
lateral thinking as digging another well somewhere else. Vertical thinking is
commonly practiced by most individuals because it is sometimes regarded as the
‘more  logical  thing  to  do’.  However,  lateral  thinking  is  a  way  of  thinking  “around”  a  
problem and is not a natural mental activity for most individuals.
“Lateral  thinking  generates the idea and vertical
thinking  develops  it”  (DeBono,  1968,  6).  
It is the ability to perceive a problem from a different perspective which is not
immediately obvious and contributes to creative ideas or products. Guilford (1968)
made a distinction between convergent and divergent thinking (see Figure 6.7).
Convergent thinking occurs when a student brings material from various sources to
solve  a  problem  so  as  to  produce  the  ‘correct  answer’.  The emphasis is on logic and
accuracy and focuses on accumulating information, recognising the familiar,
reapplying set techniques and preserving the already known. It is most effective when
in situations where ready-made answers exist and needs to be recalled from stored
information.  Convergent  thinking  leads  to  the  single  “best  answer”  and  thus  leaves  no  
room for ambiguity. Answers are either right or wrong. For  example,  “What  are  the
causes of traffic jams in Kuala Lumpur?
Convergent Thinking Divergent Thinking
Figure 6.7 Convergent and Divergent Thinking
In contrast, divergent thinking involves producing multiple or alternative
answers from available information. It requires the recognition of links between
remote possibilities. It requires the transformation of known information into
something   ‘new’   and   ‘unusual’.   The   learner   takes   risk   by   venturing   into   uncertain  
areas and explores various possibilities. He or she is willing to be different and
deviate from the usual in generating as many ideas possible when presented with a
stimulus.  For  example,  “How  can  traffic  jams  in  Kuala  Lumpur  be  reduced?  
There is a tendency to equate divergent thinking with creativity and
convergent thinking as conventional thinking. Also, divergent thinking is seen as
good and convergent thinking as bad or at best as a necessary evil that is greatly
exaggerated in schools and business. However, it is realised that both kinds of
thinking as important in creativity. Any creative production is the result of both the
accumulation of facts (convergent thinking) and divergent thinking (reorganisation or
transformation of the facts). One cannot generate some new or unusual unless one is
equipped with a body of knowledge or information about the area examined. For
example, to generate solutions to traffic jams in Kuala Lumpur one should know what
are the causes of traffic jams.
There is no definition of creativity that can be agreed upon because experts in
the field have different notions of the mental activity. The following are some
definitions of creativity:
Torrance (1962) a well-know authority in the area of creativity defined
creativity  as  “a  process  of  becoming  sensitive  to  problems,  deficiencies,  gaps  
in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies and so on; identifying the
difficult, searching for solutions, making guesses or formulating hypotheses
about the deficiencies, testing and retesting these hypotheses and possibly
modifying  and  retesting  them  in;;  and  finally  communicating  the  results”  (p.  8).
Guilford (1991) suggests that to be creative one has to think divergently
which requires originality (generation of unusual ideas), flexibility (generation
of different ideas, sensitivity towards problems; and also to think convergently
(equipped with the facts, concepts and principles of the phenomena examined)
Parnes (1967) view creativity as a function of imagination and facts, and the
ability to find ideas and problems.
Perkins (1984) in a review of various definitions of creativity concluded that
it is a process of generating unique products by transformation of existing
products which could be something tangible or intangible and considered
unique and valuable to the person who produced it.
Think of as many different uses for each of the following
- a brick - a paper clip
- a spoon - an empty plastic bottle
- a CD cover - an old newspaper
VanGrundy (1991) describes creativity as the process for bringing something
new, unusual, or original into being which may be a product, a method, a
system, or an idea.
Mayesky (1995)  defines  creativity  as  “a  way  of  thinking  and  acting  or  making  
something that is original for the individual and valued by that person or
others. What this means is that a new way to solve a problem or to produce a
new product, such as a song, a poem, or a new machine, is a creative act. A
person does not have to be the first one in the world to produce something in
order  for  it  to  be  considered  a  creative  act”  (p.  4).
Khatena (1978) describes creativity as fluency which is the ability to produce
many ideas for a given task; flexibility which is the ability to show a
conceptual shift in thinking relative to a given task; originality which is the
ability to produce unusual or clever ideas that not many other people think of;
and elaboration which is the ability to add details to the basic idea.
Many believe that to be creative one has to
produce something that has not been produced or done
by others and to be the first one to do so. However, this is
not altogether true. Creativity could be expressed by
adapting or modifying of what is already available. For
example, improving on an existing product by making it
more efficient, affordable, portable, durable, attractive or
whatever is a creative act; sometimes referred to jokingly
as  being  a  “creative  copycat”.
Regardless of how creativity is defined, most
people would agree that it is a crucial aspect  of  a  child’s  
development. All the great inventions, discoveries,
innovations and artistic expressions known to humankind
are the consequences of creative thinking. The
advancement of any civilisation or culture depends on the
creative abilities of its people  or  being  able  to  “Think  Out  
of   the   Box”.   The ability to think creatively is becoming even more important as
nations rapidly transform into technological societies where a strong creative potential
will provide the means of coping with the future. It is difficult to predict the nature of
future societies but the problem encountered will have to be addressed creatively.
“Thinking Out of
the Box”
a) What is your definition of a creative person?
b) Compare your definition of creativity with experts in
the field.
c) To what extent do schools develop the creative abilities of
How does the creative process operate? Are there specific steps in producing
something creative? One of the earliest descriptions of the creative process was
provided by Wallas in 1926 in which were identified 4 stages: preparation, incubation,
illumination and verification (see Figure 6.8).
At the preparation stage, the individual who is confronted with a problem,
identifies what is to be dome and ways to solve the problem. It is here that
information is gathered, ideas manipulated and trying out of ideas to find one
that fits or one that feels right.
Figure 6.8 Stages in the Creative Process
If the individual comes to what seems like a dead end or mental block and
cannot find the solution, he or she is advised to put the problem aside. This is
called the incubation stage. By temporarily leaving the problem, the mind
“unfreezes”  itself  of  being  glued  to  a  particular  pattern  of  thinking.  It  also  give  
the mind time to recall relevant information from memory which was earlier
not available for the solution of the problem.
After this stage, the chances are that the solution will become apparent at the
illumination stage.  This  has  been  described  as  the  “AHA”  phenomenon;;  the  
flash-like, unexpected or sudden insight as to the solution of the problem (or
Eureka! for some). Recognition of the insight usually followed by a positive
emotional reaction in the individual such joy, a sense of accomplishment and
the  desire  to  share  the  ‘discovery’  with  others  such  as  parents  and  teachers.  
The verification stage is where the individual checks to determine if the
solution to the problem is viable and widely applicable. At times it might be
necessary to verify whether the solution is cost-effective, not time consuming
and so forth.
Another variant of the creative process is provided by Parnes, Noller and Biondi in
1977  who  viewed  the  process  as  involving  “Three  Ss”,  i.e.  sensitivity,  synergy  and  
serendipity (see Figure 6.9).
Sensitivity is when one uses all the senses (touch, smell, taste, sight and
hearing)  to  investigate  the  world.  It  has  been  suggested  that  “highly  creative  
people experience the  physical  world  with  greater  intensity  than  the  rest  of  us”  
Halpern, 1984, p.319). Sensitivity also relates to the ability not only to solve
problems but also find problems.
Figure 6.9 Origin of a Creative Idea
Synergy is the bringing together of seemingly disparate parts into a useful and
functioning whole. In other words. Diverse and different bits of information
and ideas a re synthesised or brought together to form and work as a new
Serendipity means making discoveries by accident or unexpected discovery
that comes about when bits of information are bought together (quite similar to
illumination). For example, a new idea is discovered as a result of an accident
or mishap. In fact, most inventions and discoveries result from a
methodological and systematic process requiring persistence, motivation and
sheer  hard  work.  Remember  the  old  saying;;  “Success  is  90%  perspiration  and  
10%  inspiration”.
There are many attributes of a creative person and as such there is no set of
criteria with which to describe a creative individual. However, teachers and parents
interested in developing creativity in students should begin with the premise that all
students are creative to some degree, though some individuals are more creative than
others, and some are more creative in one area than another. Researchers such as
Torrance (1962) and Williams (1968) have attempted to identify the characteristics,
a) What is the difference between the ‘incubation’  and  
‘illumination’ stage in the creative process?
Give specific examples.
b) Discuss  the  ‘3s’  in  the  creative  process  proposed  by  Parnes,
Noller and Biondi.
traits and attributes that have something to do with being creative. But, as pointed by
MacKinnon,   “there   are   many   paths   along   which   persons   travel   toward   the   full  
development and expression of their creative potential, and there is no single mould
into which all who are creative  will”  (1974,  p.186).  Among  the  many  attributes  of  a  
creative person, the following traits may be more characteristic of the creative person
(see Figure 6.10)
It should also be realised that besides the listed traits, creative persons also
exhibit certain not so desirable behaviours such as stubbornness, discontentment, fault
finding and even rudeness. However, it depends on how these behaviours are
manifested. For example, stubbornness may be a positive trait when the person
perseveres in carrying out a new idea and does not give up easily.
Figure 6.10 Some Common Attributes of a Creative Person
Also, traits of fault finding and discontentment may be viewed positively as it
may result in the person questioning things even though it may be viewed undesirable.
It is for this reason that teachers and parents should understand creativity and how it
manifests itself because certain behaviours perceived to be undesirable if discouraged
may in the process destroy creative potential in students.
One of the main attributes of a creative mind is being open-minded to various
possibilities. However, the human mind is prevented from being more creative
because individuals build wall that hamper creative thinking. Society, especially
educator and parents have an important role to identify those barriers which originate
within the student and imposed on the child externally. Unfortunately, students are not
aware of these barriers to creative thinking but society can play a role in assisting
students develop the mental abilities to overcome these obstacles (see Figure 6.11).
Basically, there are two groups of barriers, classified as either internal or
external. Those barriers imposed by the individual himself or herself are grouped as
internal obstacles. For example, the fear of failure prevents some people from even
trying anything. Those barriers imposed by society, the home or school are grouped as
external obstacles. For example, parents or teachers who are autocratic may
discourage the questioning attitude in students. However, between the two groups of
barriers, overcoming internal barriers imposed by oneself is perhaps more important.
Once a person is able to liberate his or her mind set, creative thinking is possible
because the influence of external barriers may be greatly reduced.
Restless and easily bored
Willing to try and explore
Has wide general knowledge
Good memory
Attracted to the unusual and unique
Not shy or afraid of others remarks
Intrinsically motivated
High aesthetic value
Internal Barriers
Generally, humans are extremely logical and because of this they tend to
impose on themselves many constraints and barriers which may not even exist. One of
the most significant barriers to being creative is the fear of failure or making
mistakes. If students are led to believe that failure is bad then they will not even try
because they are so worried about failing. As the saying   does,   “nothing   venture  
nothing   gained”.   Students scolded for making mistakes may be reluctant from
venturing into the unknown.
Figure 6.11 Some Common Barriers to Creativity
Similarly, the fear of negative criticism can cause learners to shy away from
coming up with anything new or radical; and in the process may have killed the
creative talent of many students and their valuable ideas. Generally, students brought
up to take the safe course and not to take risks. While it is agreed that caution is
important in helping students avoid life-threatening situation, in other situations
innovative  ideas  would  not  evolve  if  students  are  concerned  with  only  ‘playing  safe’.  
Creative thinking requires some element of risk-taking. If not, many of the great
innovation, discoveries and inventions throughout history would not have taken place.
Another barrier to creativity is making judgements too quickly. It is rejecting
an idea or suggestion as soon as it is proposed before giving it a chance to bloom.
Students should be taught to give others a chance to present their ideas before
evaluating them. Students should be encouraged to listen to different viewpoints
before deciding whether the ideas proposed are valid, relevant or useful and not to
rush into making judgement. It is not unusual for good ideas to be lost because the
group has not given the person presenting the idea a chance to complete his or her
Some students have a low tolerance of ambiguity. In other words, they are not
ready to accept situations which are not clear-cut or ambiguous; i.e. neither her nor
there. For them, problems and issues are either right or wrong. But, in the real world,
Fear of failure or making mistakes
Scared of criticisms
Making judgements too hastily
Low tolerance for ambiguity
Too keen to solve problems quickly
Negative towards new ideas
Imagination considered a waste of time
Questioning is considered rude
Preference for tradition
Overemphasis on cooperation or on competition
situations are seldom black or white. In fact, they are more often ‘grey’  and  fuzzy.  
Students who are unable to tolerate ambiguity tend to rush in and solve problems as
either right or wrong without bothering to consider different viewpoints. The solution
seems to be more important than the problem. Students also become frustrated when
having tried repeatedly and the solution is not immediately apparent. This may be due
to a failure to incubate when insufficient time is given to the mind to relax. Incubation
relaxes the mind when the student puts aside the problem for a moment which may
lead to the discovery of a solution.
External Barriers
Among the serious external barriers to creativity is the actions of parents and
teachers who subscribe to the belief that fantasy, intuition and imagination are a
waste of time. This is based on the mistaken notion that these activities lead to
idleness. Society generally tends to emphasise facts and consider fantasy to be
unproductive.  However,  it  has  been  said  that  ‘The day humans stop imagining, the
very fabric of civilisation is threatened’.   People   fail   to   realise   that   it   is   dreams,  
imagination and intuition that has taken humankind from one level of achievement to
another. For example, it was the dream of flying that lead the many individuals to
invent various types of flying machines, even though many did not work.
Being bound by tradition can also restrict problem solving capabilities because
most  creative  solutions  require  some  degree  of  ‘break  from  tradition’.  Most  people  are  
comfortable with tradition and change is threatening. Though tradition is important,
some traditional practices impede the production of creative ideas. How do we get
society to unshackle itself from tradition that is secure and certain to nurture creative
thinking among students? For example, the lack of a questioning attitude is caused by
the traditional belief that it is rude for children to ask too many questions. On the
contrary a questioning attitude is necessary for all aspects of creative problem solving.
The more questions that are asked, the clearer will be the path towards solution of the
a) Do you consider yourself a creative person?
b) Give examples of your creative efforts.
c) To what extent do you have the attributes of a creative
d) Are the barriers to creativity listed true of Malaysian
schools and Malaysian society?
e. How do parents obstruct creativity in children?
Bartlett, F. (1985). Thinking: An experimental and social study. London: Allen 
Bourne, L., Ekstrand, B. and Dominowski, R. (1971). The psychology of thinking.
Englewood Cliffs. NJ: Prentice Hall.
According to Edward de Bono we tend to think in restricted and
predictable ways. To become better thinkers we need to learn new
habits.  His  teaching  strategy  known  as  ‘thinking  hats’  helps  learners  
try  different  approaches  to  thinking.  Each  ‘thinking  ‘hat’ represents a
different way to think about a problem or issue. Children are
encouraged  to  try  on  the  different  ‘hats’  or  approaches  to  a  problem  to  
go  beyond  their  usual  thinking  habits  (de  Bono  1999).  The  ‘hats’  or  
thinking approaches, together with questions you might ask, are as
White hat = information What do we know?
Red hat = feelings What do we feel?
Purple hat = problems What are the drawbacks?
Yellow hat = positives What are the benefits?
Green hat = creativity What ideas have we got?
Blue hat = control What are our aims?
De Bono claims the technique is widely used in management but little
research has been published on its use in education. Some teachers
have found it a useful technique for encouraging children to look at a
problem or topic from a variety of perspectives. It encourages us, and
our  children,  to  think  creatively  about  any  topic  and  to  ask:  ‘Is  there  
another  way  of  thinking  about  this?’
deBono, E. (1963). New think: The use of lateral thinking. New York: Basic Books.
de Bono, E. (1999) Six Thinking Hats. London: Penguin;
Dewey, J. (1963). How we think. Boston: Heath.
Ennis, R. (1962). A concept of critical thinking. Harvard Educational Review. 32: 81-
Ennis, R. (1985). Critical thinking and the curriculum. National Forum. 65: 28-31.
Fisher, R. (1992). Teaching children thinking. New York: W.H. Freeman.
Glatthorn, J. and Baron, J. (1985). A good thinker. In A. Costa (Ed). Developing
minds. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Guilford, J.P. (1959). Traits of creativity. In H.H. Anderson (Ed). Creativity and its
cultivation. New York: Harper  Row. Pp. 142-161.
Glaser, E.M. (1985). Critical thinking: Educating for responsible citizenship in a
democracy. National Forum. 65: 24 – 27.
MacKinnon, D. (1974). In search of human effectiveness: Identifying and developing
creativity. Buffalo: Bearly Ltd.
Mayersky, M. (1995). Creative activities for young children. New York: Delmar.
Nickerson, R., Perkins, D. and Smith, E. (1985). The teaching of thinking. Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Parnes, S., Noller, R. and Biondi, A. (1977). Guide to creative action: Revised edition
of  creative  guidebook,  New  York:  Charles  Scribner’s  Son.
Paul, R. (1993). Critical thinking. California: Foundations for Critical Thinking.
Phillips, J.A. (1992). Perkembangan kemahiran berfikir pelajar melalui program
KBSM. Jurnal Pendidikan Guru. 8. 1992. 1-15.
Phillips, J.A. (1993). Enhancing the thinking and learning skills of students: The
PADI programme. Proceedings of the International Convention on Excellence in
Thinking. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Rothenberg, A. (1979). The emerging goddess: The creative process in art, science
and other fields. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Swartz, R. and Perkins, D. (1990). Teaching thinking: Issues and approaches. Pacific
Grove, CA: Midwest Publications.
Wallas, G. (1926). The art of thought. New York: Franklin Watts.

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Chapter 6.thinking.learning

  • 1. 1 CCChhhaaapppttteeerrr 666::: TTTHHHIIINNNKKKIIINNNGGG AAANNNDDD LLLEEEAAARRRNNNIIINNNGGG 6.1 WHAT IS THINKING? While most people would agree that schools should aim for the development of thinking among students, there is less agreement on what is thinking. Over the decades many terms have been proposed to describe thinking and surely you have heard of some of them. Among the common terms are: critical thinking, reflective thinking, lateral thinking, analogical reasoning, inductive thinking, deductive thinking,  logical  thinking,  analytical  thinking  and  so  forth.  Are  they  different  ‘types’   of thinking? In what way are they similar or different? The many terms used to describe has complicated the task of educators trying to bring thinking to the classroom. A doctor deciding on the right prescription; a housewife balancing the family budget; a lawyer preparing for the best possible defence of her client; the teacher planning a lesson for the day or a person simply sitting and deliberating what to do as portrayed in the famous sculptor by Rodin (see Figure 6.1). Are these manifestations of thinking? What kinds of thinking activities are involved? Various theoreticians and researchers have attempted to define thinking. Bartlett (1958) defined thinking as interpolation (i.e. filling in gaps of information), extrapolation (i.e. going beyond the information given) and re- interpretation (i.e rearranging information). Warren (1934) defined thinking as a predetermined course of ideas, symbolic in character initiated by a problem or task and leading to a conclusion. Dewey (1933) defined thinking as an attempt to examine and evaluate information based on certain criteria. Figure 6.1 “The  Thinker”  by  the sculptor Rodin Upon completion of this module, you should be able to: Differentiate between critical and creative thinking Discuss Socratic questioning List the critical thinking skills Define creative thinking Describe the creative process Explain ways to foster creativity Explain the obstacles to creative thinking Discuss how children can be encouraged to be more creative
  • 2. 2 Fraenkel (1980) defined thinking as the formation of ideas, reorganisation of one’s  experience  and  the  organisation  of  information  in  a  particular  form. Chaffee (1988) characterises thinking as an unusual process used in making decisions and solving problems. Bourne, Ekstrand and Dominowski (1985) define thinking as a complex, multifaceted process that is essentially internal involving symbolic representation of events and objects initiated by some external events. Mayer (1983) viewed thinking from three perpectives: o Cognitive (i.e. involving knowing, preceiving and conceiving) which occurs internally in the mind or cognitive system and is inferred indrectly from behaviour o Manipulation of a set of operations of knowledge in the cognitive system o Results in behaviour directed towards the solution of a problem. Nickerson, Perkins and Smith (1985) looked upon thinking as a collection of skills or mental operations used by inidividuals. A synthesis of the various definitions of thinkings reveals the following 5 characteristics of thinking (see Figure 6.2). First, it is evident that thinking is a process that requires knowledge because it is quite impossible to think in a vacuum. For example, a boy who is dreaming about owning a 16-speed bike and thinking about ways to get the bike. Knowledge about ways to get the bike might include the following: doing odd jobs to save money, borrowing the money from a friend or buyingg a used bike. Second, thinking involves the manipulation of mental or cognitive skills such as comparing, classifying, analysis, synthesis and so forth. These skills can be performed well or poorly. When performed poorly, it can be improved or enhanced. Third, thinking is targeted at the solution of a problem. For example, thinking how to write an essay, solving a mathematical problem or raising money for the poor. Fourth, thinking is manifested in a behaviour or ability such as being able to compare, classify, differentiate and so forth. Fifth, thinking is reflected in certain attitudes that are indicative of good and poor thinking. Figure 6.2 A General Definition of Thinking THINKING ….  is  a  mental  process  requiring  knowledge ….  involves    the  manipulation  of  mental  skills …..  aims  at  the  solution  of  problems …..  manifests  in  a  behaviour …..  is  reflected  in  an  attitude
  • 3. 3 6.2 ATTRIBUTES OF GOOD THINKERS If there is no agreed upon definition of thinking, how does one go about determining good and poor thinkers? Glatthorn and Baron (1985) and Nickerson (1987) developed a list of attributes of good and poor thinkers (see Table 6.1). Good Thinker Poor Thinker Welcomes problematic situations Prefers situations which are more definite Open to multiple possibilities Prefers limited possibilities Uses evidence skilfully Ignore evidence Make judgement only after considering all angles Quick to make judgement Listens  to  other  people’s  views Ignore  other  people’s  views Reflective Impulsive Perseveres in searching for information Gives up easily and is lazy to think further Table 6.1 Attributes of Good and Poor Thinkers According to them, a good thinker unlike a poor thinker welcomes problematic situations and is tolerant of ambiguity. A good thinker is self-critical and looks for alternative possibilities and goals, and seeks evidence on both sides, while the poor thinker is satisfied with first attempts. The good thinker is reflective and deliberative while the poor thinker is impulsive and gives up prematurely. While the good thinker believes in the value of rationality, the poor thinker overvalues intuition and believes that thinking would not help. The good thinker is open to multiple suggestions and considers alternatives while the poor thinker prefers to deal with limited possibilities and is reluctant to seek alternatives. The good thinker uses evidence that challenges favoured possibilities while the poor thinker tends to ignore evidence that challenges favoured possibilities. 6.3 TEACHING THINKING The characteristic that differentiates humans from animals is the ability to think. Humans are naturally endowed with the capacity to deduce, to classify, to apply, to infer, to predict, to think numerically, to think temporally and spatially to name a few. 6.1 ACTIVITY a) Among the several definitions suggested by experts in the which definition in your opinion is the most comprehensive? Give your reasons b) What are characteristics of a good thinker? Suggest other attributes which you think are reflective of good thinkers.
  • 4. 4 It is as natural as breathing! However, the ability to think is not equally distributed. As pointed out by Nickerson; It has been suggested that the distinction between an educated and uneducated person will not only be in the amount of knowledge possessed but more importantly the ability to think and use such knowledge. All too often schools overemphasise the mastery of content to the exclusion of thinking about the content. Thinking has not been given due consideration partly due to certain perceptions educators have about thinking (see Figure 6.3). First, there is the perception among some educators that the development of thinking skills should be confined to the academically superior learners  because  they  “can  think”.    Teaching  thinking  to  academically  weak  learners   would be futile and even frustrating because they will have difficulty taking part in such activities. This   belief   may   arise   from   the   belief   that   “thinking”   is   a   mental   activity too arduous for the academically weak. Figure 6.3 Perceptions of Educators about Teaching Thinking Second is the belief that children should have a complete understanding of a subject area before they can deliberate and think about the facts, concepts and principles. Educators who subscribe to this view tend to be preoccupied with coverage of the syllabuses rather than ensuring understanding. It is often not known that understanding is the consequence of thinking and if learners are taught to think about the content they are learning, then understanding is greatly enhanced which would result in better academic performance (see Figure 6.4). All people classify, but not equally perceptively, All people make estimates, but not equally accurately, All people use analogies, but not equally appropriate, All people draw conclusions, but not with equal care, All people construct arguments, but not with equal cogency. (1987, p.28) Perceptions about Developing Thinking Skills Only academically superior learners can think Learners need to master the content before they can think about it Since examinations test mastery of facts, teaching thinking is a waste of time Teaching thinking will increase the workload of teachers
  • 5. 5 THINKING LEARNING PERFORMANCE Figure 6.4 Interaction between Thinking, Learning and Academic Performance [source: John Arul Phillips. Perkembangan kemahiran berfikir pelajar melalui program KBSM. Jurnal Pendidikan Guru. 8. 1992. p. 14] Third, is related to examinations. Few would deny that schooling is extremely examination oriented because the success of a learner is determined how he or she performs in public examinations. Also, a school is judged by the number of passes and the number of  A’s  obtained  by  learners.  Unfortunately,  examinations  tend  to  test   the acquisition of facts or more precisely how well students are able to remember and recall facts. Few questions demand higher order thinking. Given this situation, educators are rather reluctant to venture into teaching for higher order outcomes because they are tested minimally in examinations. Finally, is the concern by some educators that teaching thinking will entail preparation and production of materials which will further exasperate the already heavy workload of teachers. However, to ally the fears of educators, it should be emphasised that teaching thinking only minimally increases workload. What is required of educators is a re-examination of current approaches in presenting content and   how   thinking   skills   might   be   ‘infused’   during   teaching   [We will discuss the infusion approach in more detail later]. 6.4 A PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING THINKING 6.2 ACTIVITY a)    “Students  may  be  taught  how to think but not what to think”.  Discuss b) To what extent do you agree with the perceptions of educators on teaching thinking as shown in Figure 6.3?
  • 6. 6 Generally, all thinking is directed to the solution of some problems and/or making decisions. When one talks about the process of thinking, one is actually referring to problem solving and decision making activities undertaken (see Figure 6.6). Similarly, when one talks about improving the thinking of learners one is actually referring to the problem solving and decision making abilities of the learner (process of thinking). Learners are solving problems and making decisions everyday. Problems come in all shapes and sizes and begins with a gap which has to be filled. Some of the problems are well-defined such as mathematical problems whereby the steps leading to its solution is definite, sequential and the goal is clearly stated. However, some problems are ill-defined and the desired goal is not clear or obvious and the steps leading to its solutions may vary such as writing a poem. In ill-defined problems, the goal may be vague or incomplete, which makes the generation of solutions difficult and their evaluation even more difficult. Process of Thinking Macro-Thinking Skills Micro-Thinking Skills [source: reprinted with permission: J.A.Phillips. Enhancing the thinking and learning skills of students: The PADI programme. Proceedings of the International Conference on Excellence in Thinking. Bangi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 1993. 166] Figure 6.5 A Programme for Teaching Thinking A decision involves two or more competing alternatives of action. Usually, each alternative has several pros and cons associated with it. Unlike problem solving, in decision making there is no single correct solution. The learner has to judge which PROBLEM SOLVING & DECISION MAKING CRITICAL THINKING CREATIVE THINKING Sample of Skills: prediction generalising observing inferencing application comparison evaluation analysis synthesis
  • 7. 7 alternative is the best and oftentimes decisions have to be made with insufficient information. Also, it is important to realise that a decision is judged to be good or bad after the fact. For example, if it succeeds, it is a good decision but if it failed it is a bad  decision.  Problem  solving  and  decision  making  overlap  and  in  many  ways  “one   can view decision making as a special case of problem solving and vice-versa”   (Swartz and Perkins, 1990, p.150). For example, if a learner had to vote for a member of parliament, he or she might consider the pros and cons of each candidate. This is a decision making task. But, if the learner is having a weight problem, then he or she might fins out what is causing the problem. Is it over-eating, the kinds of food eaten or lack of exercise? This is a problem solving task. Both problem solving and decision making require the employment  of  critical  and  creative  thinking.  There  is  hardly  any  task  in  a  learner’s   life that does not involve critical and creative thinking (macro-thinking skills). For example, deciding which car or motorcycle to buy requires comparison and evaluation which are subskills of critical thinking. Attempting to come up with an unusual design for multimedia presentation requires creative thinking. Both critical and creative thinking are served by various subskills such as detection of bias, prediction, evaluation, inferencing and so forth (micro-thinking skills). Improving the acquisition and usage of these subskills in learners will help them to be better critical and creative thinkers and in turn improve their problem solving and decision making abilities. SELF-CHECK a) Discuss the difference between the process of thinking, macro-thinking skills and micro-thinking skills as proposed in the model in Figure 7.5. b)  “Problem-solving require the employment of critical and creative  thinking”.      Discuss.  
  • 8. 8 6.5 CRITICAL THINKING The term of critical thinking is sometimes misunderstood to mean an activity aimed at criticising or pointing out the weaknesses and finding fault with others. However, this interpretation of the definition is  not  accurate.  The  term  “critical”  is  derived   from the Greek word kritikos which means to question, to make sense of, to be able to analyse. There has been a tendency for some educators to interpret critical thinking more broadly and to include all good thinking as critical thinking. However, other educators prefer the more narrow concept of critical thinking. For example, Dewey (1933) defined critical thinking as reflective thinking which is thinking deeply and giving serious thought to a certain issue or task. According to Bloom’s  taxonomy (1956),  “evaluation”  would  be  considered  as   critical thinking wherein objects, ideas or events are assessed based on certain criteria. Ennis (1985) defined critical thinking as deciding whether a certain thing is to be believed or not. According to him, critical thinking encourages the individual to analyse statements carefully, find valid evidence before making a decision. The ability to evaluate is the basis of critical thinking; which involves evaluating ideas, evidence, suggestions, actions and solutions. Similarly, Swartz and Perkins (1990)  viewed  critical  thinking  as  the  “critical   examination and evaluation, of actual and potential beliefs and courses of action”  (p.37).  For  example,  the  statement  that  ‘Use of mobile phones can lead to cancer’.   How   do   we   know   that? What evidence is there to support this claim? Is the evidence reliable and valid? Russell (1945) did not attempt to define critical thinking but instead suggested that to be able to think critically, the following four main conditions are required: 1. A knowledge of the field or subject in which the thinking is being done. 2. A general attitude of questioning and suspended judgement; a habit of examining before accepting 3. Some application of method of logical analysis or scientific inquiry 4. Taking action in light of this analysis or reasoning. In short, learners who think critically evaluate whether to accept a particular reason as appropriate or reasonable, use accepted criteria to evaluate the reason given, use different reasoning strategies in the implementation of the said criteria or standards,
  • 9. 9 find information that is reliable as evidence supporting the decision made. As suggested by Fisher (1990) learners: Learn to question o Learn when to question o Learn what types of questions to ask Learn to reason o Learn when to use reasoning o Learn to use the appropriate reasoning methods 6.6 COMPONENTS OF CRITICAL THINKING Critical thinking is composed both of skills/abilities and certain related attitudes or dispositions (see Figure 6.6). Skills or abilities relate to the cognitive aspect of critical thinking while attitudes or dispositions relate to the affective aspect of critical thinking. Figure 7.6 The Components of Critical Thinking A) CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: Critical thinking consists of a collection of abilities/ skills which may be used singly or in combination and in whatever order. To develop critical thinking skills of students it is necessary that the characteristics of the various subskills be clearly understood. The clearer these subskills are, the easier it would be for educators to develop them in the classroom. Numerous suggestions have been put forward by various experts in the field. Among them is the well known Robert Ennis (1968) who broke down critical thinking into a number of subskills as shown in Table 6.2. CRITICAL THINKING Abilities / Skills Attitudes / Dispositions
  • 10. 10 Table 6.2 List of Critical Thinking Abilities Definition – Each of the skill or abilities listed has a definition, a set of generic procedures  and  statement  of  conditions  when  it  is  to  be  used.  For  example,  to  ‘infer’   means to go beyond the explicit information given. i.e. to read between the lines (text implicit) and to read beyond the lines (schema implicit). When does one use this critical thinking skill? – This skill may be employed when one wants to know the hidden or implied message of a statement. How does one go about inferring? – First is to understand properly the literal message of a statement. Second is to select certain words or phrases that have an implied meaning.  At  times  the  inference  can  be  drawn  merely  by  ‘reading  between  the  lines’,   but   on   other   occasions,   one   has   to   use   one’s   prior   knowledge   and   go   ‘beyond   the   lines’  to  make  inferences. B) CRITICAL THINKING ATTITUDES OR DISPOSITIONS: A critical thinker is one who not only possesses the above thinking skills but is disposed  or  inclined  to  exhibit  or  use  them.  According  to  Glaser  (1941),  “persons who have acquired a disposition to want evidence for beliefs and who have acquired an attitude for reasonableness have also acquired something of a way of life which makes  for  more  considerate  and  human  relationships”  (p.6).  In  other  words,  a  learner   who thinks critically is not only skilful in evaluating information but also a person who: thinks   rationally.   Rational   comes   from   the   word   ‘ration’   which   means   ‘balance’.   Students   who   reason   critically   are   able   to   examine   their   CRITICAL THINKING ABILITIES The ability to recognise vague and ambiguous language The ability to recognise types of language that aim to influence The ability to form and apply concepts The ability to analyse arguments: o Identify conclusions o Identify stated / unstated reasons o See similarities and differences o Identify and handle irrelevance o See the structure of an argument o Summarise The ability to relates ideas, things and events such as chronological, process, comparative, analogical and causal relationships The ability to go beyond factual information and draw inferences The ability to evaluate information based on certain criteria The ability to identify fallacies, circularity of argument, bandwagonism, oversimplification and others [source: Robert Ennis. 1962. A Concept of Critical Thinking. Harvard Educational Review] 32. p. 84]
  • 11. 11 experiences, evaluate and weigh differing opinions and ideas before making a decision. The student is also able to determine the validity of information. is curious and open-minded. A person may be considered a critical thinker if he or she is prepared to listen and examine other people’s  ideas  and  suspend   judgement when information is incomplete. gives importance to accuracy, objectivity and desires clear explanation. is  sensitive  to  alternatives  and  other  people’s  feelings,  level  of  knowledge  and   degree of sophistication. According to Russell (1956), many students do not learn to think critically themselves; they need help in becoming critical thinkers. Students need adult guidance to develop critical thought. The need for critical thinking was never more important than today when students are increasingly bombarded with countless bits of information. The onus is upon the learner to determine what to believe and what to ignore. As  candidly  suggested  by  Russell,  “although  there  is  little  scientific  evidence   available, the whole  effect  of  the  mass  media  in  a  person’s  life  is  probably  to  make   him  uncritical  of  ideas  presented  to  him  or  her”  (1956,  p.287). 6.7 SOCRATIC QUESTIONING TO ENHANCE CRITICAL THINKING Socratic questioning is named after the Greek philosopher and teacher, Socrates who believed that to discipline the mind, teachers should engage students in thoughtful dialogue. Socrates was convinced that disciplined practice of thoughtful questioning enables the scholar/student to examine ideas logically and to be able to determine the validity of those ideas. Although  “Socratic   questioning”   appears   simple,   it   is   in   fact   intensely   rigorous. This questioning approach can correct misconceptions and lead to reliable knowledge construction. The teacher pleads ignorance about a given subject in order to encourage students to participate and draw out answers from them. He assumed that incomplete or inaccurate ideas would be corrected during the process of disciplined questioning, and hence would lead to progressively greater truth and accuracy. Plato and Aristotle were students of Socrates and Plato wrote much about what we know of him. The six types of questions that Socrates asked is simple yet a strong method for exploring ideas or statements in depth and breadth. By following up all answers with further questions, and by selecting questions which advance the discussion, the Socratic questioner forces students to think in a disciplined, 1. Questions seeking clarification or explanation: What do you mean by ______? What is your main point? How does ____ relate to ____? Could you put that another way? Socrates (470-399 B.C)
  • 12. 12 What do you think is the main issue here? Let me see if I understand you; do you mean _____ or _____? Jamal, would you summarize in your own words what Leela has said? Could you give me an example? Would this be an example: ____? Could you explain that further? Could you expand upon that? 2. Questions about the questions or issue: How can we find out? What does this question assume? Would ____ put the question differently? How could someone settle this question? Can we break this question down at all? Is the question clear? Do we understand it? Is this question easy or hard to answer? Why? Does this question ask us to evaluate something? Do we all agree that this is the question? To answer this question, what questions would we have to answer first? I'm not sure I understand how your are interpreting the main question at issue. Is this the same issue as ____? How would ____ put this issue? Why is this question important? Does this question lead to other questions or issues? 3. Questions that probe assumptions: What are you assuming? What is Zalina assuming? What could we assume instead? You seem to be assuming ____. Do I understand you correctly? All of your reasoning depends on the idea that ____. Why have you based your reasoning on ____ rather than ____? You seem to be assuming ____. How would you justify taking this for granted? Is it always the case? Why do you think the assumption holds here? Why would someone make this assumption? 4. Questions that probe reasons and evidence: What would be an example? How do you know? Why do you think that is true? Do you have any evidence for that? What difference does that make? What are your reasons for saying that? What other information do we need? Could you explain your reasons to us? Are these reasons adequate? Can you explain how you logically got from ____ to ____?
  • 13. 13 Do you see any difficulties with their reasoning here? Why did you say that? What led you to that belief? How does that apply to this case? What would change your mind? But is that good evidence to believe that? Is there reason to doubt that evidence? 5. Questions that probe implications and consequences: What are you implying by that? When you say ____, are you implying ____? But if that happened, what else would happen as a result? Why? What effect would that have? Would that necessarily happen or only probably happen? What is the probability of this result? What is an alternative? If this and this are the case, then what else must also be true? If we say that this is unethical, how about that? 6. Questions about viewpoints or perspectives You seem to be approaching this issue from ____ perspective. Why have you chosen this rather than that perspective? How would other groups/types of people respond? Why? What would influence them? How could you answer the objection that ____ would make? What might someone who believed ____ think? Can/did anyone see this another way? What would someone who disagrees say? What is an alternative? 6.8 CREATIVE THINKING What percentage of Malaysians are creative? 5%, 10%, 30% or 50%. The response from most people is that only a small number of people are creative. Actually, everyone is creative, though some people are more creative than others. As quite aptly stated by Hilgard (1960),   “the   capacity   to   create   useful   or   beautiful   products and to find ways of resolving perplexity is not limited to the highly gifted, but is the birthright of every person of average talent”   (p.62). The distinguishing criterion is the extent to which students have been able to realise their creative potential. Students are by nature creative but many tend to suppress  their  creative  abilities  which  may  remain  as  “hidden  talents”.   Being creative is not about writing great poems (like Omar Khayam, Usman Awang, Tagore or John Keats), or producing great paintings (like Leonardo da Vinci
  • 14. 14 or Latiff Mohidin), or musical compositions (like Mozart, Ravi Shankar or P. Ramlee). Traditional notions of creativity tend to emphasise the production of something novel in the fine arts. One only needs to watch children to realise how curious they are in investigating the world around and adept at finding answers to problems that arise from their curiosity. It is this natural ability in children to produce creative answers, creative methods and creative uses of materials that needs to be nurtured. Unfortunately, curiosity in children tends to be stifled when parents and teachers   insist   that   children   conform   to   tradition   and   ‘straight-jacket’   them   into   behaving in ways that does not foster creativity. Soon children realise that it is less and less meaningful to express themselves or to investigate their world. Just think how many children who had the potential to be creative had to so-called  “tow  the   line”  by  well-meaning adults and the process lost their creative spirit. DeBono (1963) introduced the concept of vertical and lateral thinking. He illustrates vertical thinking as digging the same well deeper in search of water while lateral thinking as digging another well somewhere else. Vertical thinking is commonly practiced by most individuals because it is sometimes regarded as the ‘more  logical  thing  to  do’.  However,  lateral  thinking  is  a  way  of  thinking  “around”  a   problem and is not a natural mental activity for most individuals. “Lateral  thinking  generates the idea and vertical thinking  develops  it”  (DeBono,  1968,  6).   It is the ability to perceive a problem from a different perspective which is not immediately obvious and contributes to creative ideas or products. Guilford (1968) made a distinction between convergent and divergent thinking (see Figure 6.7). Convergent thinking occurs when a student brings material from various sources to solve  a  problem  so  as  to  produce  the  ‘correct  answer’.  The emphasis is on logic and accuracy and focuses on accumulating information, recognising the familiar, reapplying set techniques and preserving the already known. It is most effective when in situations where ready-made answers exist and needs to be recalled from stored information.  Convergent  thinking  leads  to  the  single  “best  answer”  and  thus  leaves  no   room for ambiguity. Answers are either right or wrong. For  example,  “What  are  the causes of traffic jams in Kuala Lumpur? Convergent Thinking Divergent Thinking Figure 6.7 Convergent and Divergent Thinking
  • 15. 15 In contrast, divergent thinking involves producing multiple or alternative answers from available information. It requires the recognition of links between remote possibilities. It requires the transformation of known information into something   ‘new’   and   ‘unusual’.   The   learner   takes   risk   by   venturing   into   uncertain   areas and explores various possibilities. He or she is willing to be different and deviate from the usual in generating as many ideas possible when presented with a stimulus.  For  example,  “How  can  traffic  jams  in  Kuala  Lumpur  be  reduced?   There is a tendency to equate divergent thinking with creativity and convergent thinking as conventional thinking. Also, divergent thinking is seen as good and convergent thinking as bad or at best as a necessary evil that is greatly exaggerated in schools and business. However, it is realised that both kinds of thinking as important in creativity. Any creative production is the result of both the accumulation of facts (convergent thinking) and divergent thinking (reorganisation or transformation of the facts). One cannot generate some new or unusual unless one is equipped with a body of knowledge or information about the area examined. For example, to generate solutions to traffic jams in Kuala Lumpur one should know what are the causes of traffic jams. 6.9 DEFINITION OF CREATIVE THINKING There is no definition of creativity that can be agreed upon because experts in the field have different notions of the mental activity. The following are some definitions of creativity: Torrance (1962) a well-know authority in the area of creativity defined creativity  as  “a  process  of  becoming  sensitive  to  problems,  deficiencies,  gaps   in knowledge, missing elements, disharmonies and so on; identifying the difficult, searching for solutions, making guesses or formulating hypotheses about the deficiencies, testing and retesting these hypotheses and possibly modifying  and  retesting  them  in;;  and  finally  communicating  the  results”  (p.  8). Guilford (1991) suggests that to be creative one has to think divergently which requires originality (generation of unusual ideas), flexibility (generation of different ideas, sensitivity towards problems; and also to think convergently (equipped with the facts, concepts and principles of the phenomena examined) Parnes (1967) view creativity as a function of imagination and facts, and the ability to find ideas and problems. Perkins (1984) in a review of various definitions of creativity concluded that it is a process of generating unique products by transformation of existing products which could be something tangible or intangible and considered unique and valuable to the person who produced it. 6.3 ACTIVITY Think of as many different uses for each of the following objects: - a brick - a paper clip - a spoon - an empty plastic bottle - a CD cover - an old newspaper
  • 16. 16 VanGrundy (1991) describes creativity as the process for bringing something new, unusual, or original into being which may be a product, a method, a system, or an idea. Mayesky (1995)  defines  creativity  as  “a  way  of  thinking  and  acting  or  making   something that is original for the individual and valued by that person or others. What this means is that a new way to solve a problem or to produce a new product, such as a song, a poem, or a new machine, is a creative act. A person does not have to be the first one in the world to produce something in order  for  it  to  be  considered  a  creative  act”  (p.  4). Khatena (1978) describes creativity as fluency which is the ability to produce many ideas for a given task; flexibility which is the ability to show a conceptual shift in thinking relative to a given task; originality which is the ability to produce unusual or clever ideas that not many other people think of; and elaboration which is the ability to add details to the basic idea. Many believe that to be creative one has to produce something that has not been produced or done by others and to be the first one to do so. However, this is not altogether true. Creativity could be expressed by adapting or modifying of what is already available. For example, improving on an existing product by making it more efficient, affordable, portable, durable, attractive or whatever is a creative act; sometimes referred to jokingly as  being  a  “creative  copycat”. Regardless of how creativity is defined, most people would agree that it is a crucial aspect  of  a  child’s   development. All the great inventions, discoveries, innovations and artistic expressions known to humankind are the consequences of creative thinking. The advancement of any civilisation or culture depends on the creative abilities of its people  or  being  able  to  “Think  Out   of   the   Box”.   The ability to think creatively is becoming even more important as nations rapidly transform into technological societies where a strong creative potential will provide the means of coping with the future. It is difficult to predict the nature of future societies but the problem encountered will have to be addressed creatively. “Thinking Out of the Box” 6.4 ACTIVITY a) What is your definition of a creative person? b) Compare your definition of creativity with experts in the field. c) To what extent do schools develop the creative abilities of students?
  • 17. 17 6.10 THE CREATIVE PROCESS How does the creative process operate? Are there specific steps in producing something creative? One of the earliest descriptions of the creative process was provided by Wallas in 1926 in which were identified 4 stages: preparation, incubation, illumination and verification (see Figure 6.8). At the preparation stage, the individual who is confronted with a problem, identifies what is to be dome and ways to solve the problem. It is here that information is gathered, ideas manipulated and trying out of ideas to find one that fits or one that feels right. Figure 6.8 Stages in the Creative Process If the individual comes to what seems like a dead end or mental block and cannot find the solution, he or she is advised to put the problem aside. This is called the incubation stage. By temporarily leaving the problem, the mind “unfreezes”  itself  of  being  glued  to  a  particular  pattern  of  thinking.  It  also  give   the mind time to recall relevant information from memory which was earlier not available for the solution of the problem. After this stage, the chances are that the solution will become apparent at the illumination stage.  This  has  been  described  as  the  “AHA”  phenomenon;;  the   flash-like, unexpected or sudden insight as to the solution of the problem (or Eureka! for some). Recognition of the insight usually followed by a positive emotional reaction in the individual such joy, a sense of accomplishment and the  desire  to  share  the  ‘discovery’  with  others  such  as  parents  and  teachers.   The verification stage is where the individual checks to determine if the solution to the problem is viable and widely applicable. At times it might be necessary to verify whether the solution is cost-effective, not time consuming and so forth. Another variant of the creative process is provided by Parnes, Noller and Biondi in 1977  who  viewed  the  process  as  involving  “Three  Ss”,  i.e.  sensitivity,  synergy  and   serendipity (see Figure 6.9). Sensitivity is when one uses all the senses (touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing)  to  investigate  the  world.  It  has  been  suggested  that  “highly  creative   people experience the  physical  world  with  greater  intensity  than  the  rest  of  us”   VERIFICATION ILUMINATION INCUBATION PREPARATION
  • 18. 18 Halpern, 1984, p.319). Sensitivity also relates to the ability not only to solve problems but also find problems. SENSITIVITY SYNERGY SERENDIPITY Figure 6.9 Origin of a Creative Idea Synergy is the bringing together of seemingly disparate parts into a useful and functioning whole. In other words. Diverse and different bits of information and ideas a re synthesised or brought together to form and work as a new entity. Serendipity means making discoveries by accident or unexpected discovery that comes about when bits of information are bought together (quite similar to illumination). For example, a new idea is discovered as a result of an accident or mishap. In fact, most inventions and discoveries result from a methodological and systematic process requiring persistence, motivation and sheer  hard  work.  Remember  the  old  saying;;  “Success  is  90%  perspiration  and   10%  inspiration”. 6.11 THE CREATIVE PERSON There are many attributes of a creative person and as such there is no set of criteria with which to describe a creative individual. However, teachers and parents interested in developing creativity in students should begin with the premise that all students are creative to some degree, though some individuals are more creative than others, and some are more creative in one area than another. Researchers such as Torrance (1962) and Williams (1968) have attempted to identify the characteristics, IDEA? SELF-CHECK a) What is the difference between the ‘incubation’  and   ‘illumination’ stage in the creative process? Give specific examples. b) Discuss  the  ‘3s’  in  the  creative  process  proposed  by  Parnes, Noller and Biondi.
  • 19. 19 traits and attributes that have something to do with being creative. But, as pointed by MacKinnon,   “there   are   many   paths   along   which   persons   travel   toward   the   full   development and expression of their creative potential, and there is no single mould into which all who are creative  will”  (1974,  p.186).  Among  the  many  attributes  of  a   creative person, the following traits may be more characteristic of the creative person (see Figure 6.10) It should also be realised that besides the listed traits, creative persons also exhibit certain not so desirable behaviours such as stubbornness, discontentment, fault finding and even rudeness. However, it depends on how these behaviours are manifested. For example, stubbornness may be a positive trait when the person perseveres in carrying out a new idea and does not give up easily. Figure 6.10 Some Common Attributes of a Creative Person Also, traits of fault finding and discontentment may be viewed positively as it may result in the person questioning things even though it may be viewed undesirable. It is for this reason that teachers and parents should understand creativity and how it manifests itself because certain behaviours perceived to be undesirable if discouraged may in the process destroy creative potential in students. One of the main attributes of a creative mind is being open-minded to various possibilities. However, the human mind is prevented from being more creative because individuals build wall that hamper creative thinking. Society, especially educator and parents have an important role to identify those barriers which originate within the student and imposed on the child externally. Unfortunately, students are not aware of these barriers to creative thinking but society can play a role in assisting students develop the mental abilities to overcome these obstacles (see Figure 6.11). Basically, there are two groups of barriers, classified as either internal or external. Those barriers imposed by the individual himself or herself are grouped as internal obstacles. For example, the fear of failure prevents some people from even trying anything. Those barriers imposed by society, the home or school are grouped as external obstacles. For example, parents or teachers who are autocratic may discourage the questioning attitude in students. However, between the two groups of barriers, overcoming internal barriers imposed by oneself is perhaps more important. Once a person is able to liberate his or her mind set, creative thinking is possible because the influence of external barriers may be greatly reduced. Restless and easily bored Willing to try and explore Humorous Has wide general knowledge Good memory Attracted to the unusual and unique Spontaneous Not shy or afraid of others remarks Intrinsically motivated High aesthetic value
  • 20. 20 Internal Barriers Generally, humans are extremely logical and because of this they tend to impose on themselves many constraints and barriers which may not even exist. One of the most significant barriers to being creative is the fear of failure or making mistakes. If students are led to believe that failure is bad then they will not even try because they are so worried about failing. As the saying   does,   “nothing   venture   nothing   gained”.   Students scolded for making mistakes may be reluctant from venturing into the unknown. Figure 6.11 Some Common Barriers to Creativity Similarly, the fear of negative criticism can cause learners to shy away from coming up with anything new or radical; and in the process may have killed the creative talent of many students and their valuable ideas. Generally, students brought up to take the safe course and not to take risks. While it is agreed that caution is important in helping students avoid life-threatening situation, in other situations innovative  ideas  would  not  evolve  if  students  are  concerned  with  only  ‘playing  safe’.   Creative thinking requires some element of risk-taking. If not, many of the great innovation, discoveries and inventions throughout history would not have taken place. Another barrier to creativity is making judgements too quickly. It is rejecting an idea or suggestion as soon as it is proposed before giving it a chance to bloom. Students should be taught to give others a chance to present their ideas before evaluating them. Students should be encouraged to listen to different viewpoints before deciding whether the ideas proposed are valid, relevant or useful and not to rush into making judgement. It is not unusual for good ideas to be lost because the group has not given the person presenting the idea a chance to complete his or her presentation. Some students have a low tolerance of ambiguity. In other words, they are not ready to accept situations which are not clear-cut or ambiguous; i.e. neither her nor there. For them, problems and issues are either right or wrong. But, in the real world, INTERNAL BARRIERS Fear of failure or making mistakes Scared of criticisms Making judgements too hastily Low tolerance for ambiguity Too keen to solve problems quickly Negative towards new ideas EXTERNAL BARRIERS Imagination considered a waste of time Questioning is considered rude Preference for tradition Overemphasis on cooperation or on competition
  • 21. 21 situations are seldom black or white. In fact, they are more often ‘grey’  and  fuzzy.   Students who are unable to tolerate ambiguity tend to rush in and solve problems as either right or wrong without bothering to consider different viewpoints. The solution seems to be more important than the problem. Students also become frustrated when having tried repeatedly and the solution is not immediately apparent. This may be due to a failure to incubate when insufficient time is given to the mind to relax. Incubation relaxes the mind when the student puts aside the problem for a moment which may lead to the discovery of a solution. External Barriers Among the serious external barriers to creativity is the actions of parents and teachers who subscribe to the belief that fantasy, intuition and imagination are a waste of time. This is based on the mistaken notion that these activities lead to idleness. Society generally tends to emphasise facts and consider fantasy to be unproductive.  However,  it  has  been  said  that  ‘The day humans stop imagining, the very fabric of civilisation is threatened’.   People   fail   to   realise   that   it   is   dreams,   imagination and intuition that has taken humankind from one level of achievement to another. For example, it was the dream of flying that lead the many individuals to invent various types of flying machines, even though many did not work. Being bound by tradition can also restrict problem solving capabilities because most  creative  solutions  require  some  degree  of  ‘break  from  tradition’.  Most  people  are   comfortable with tradition and change is threatening. Though tradition is important, some traditional practices impede the production of creative ideas. How do we get society to unshackle itself from tradition that is secure and certain to nurture creative thinking among students? For example, the lack of a questioning attitude is caused by the traditional belief that it is rude for children to ask too many questions. On the contrary a questioning attitude is necessary for all aspects of creative problem solving. The more questions that are asked, the clearer will be the path towards solution of the problem. ACTIVITY a) Do you consider yourself a creative person? b) Give examples of your creative efforts. c) To what extent do you have the attributes of a creative person? d) Are the barriers to creativity listed true of Malaysian schools and Malaysian society? e. How do parents obstruct creativity in children?
  • 22. 22 REFERENCES Bartlett, F. (1985). Thinking: An experimental and social study. London: Allen Unwin. Bourne, L., Ekstrand, B. and Dominowski, R. (1971). The psychology of thinking. Englewood Cliffs. NJ: Prentice Hall. THE SIX THINKING HATS According to Edward de Bono we tend to think in restricted and predictable ways. To become better thinkers we need to learn new habits.  His  teaching  strategy  known  as  ‘thinking  hats’  helps  learners   try  different  approaches  to  thinking.  Each  ‘thinking  ‘hat’ represents a different way to think about a problem or issue. Children are encouraged  to  try  on  the  different  ‘hats’  or  approaches  to  a  problem  to   go  beyond  their  usual  thinking  habits  (de  Bono  1999).  The  ‘hats’  or   thinking approaches, together with questions you might ask, are as follows: White hat = information What do we know? Red hat = feelings What do we feel? Purple hat = problems What are the drawbacks? Yellow hat = positives What are the benefits? Green hat = creativity What ideas have we got? Blue hat = control What are our aims? De Bono claims the technique is widely used in management but little research has been published on its use in education. Some teachers have found it a useful technique for encouraging children to look at a problem or topic from a variety of perspectives. It encourages us, and our  children,  to  think  creatively  about  any  topic  and  to  ask:  ‘Is  there   another  way  of  thinking  about  this?’
  • 23. 23 deBono, E. (1963). New think: The use of lateral thinking. New York: Basic Books. de Bono, E. (1999) Six Thinking Hats. London: Penguin; Dewey, J. (1963). How we think. Boston: Heath. Ennis, R. (1962). A concept of critical thinking. Harvard Educational Review. 32: 81- 111. Ennis, R. (1985). Critical thinking and the curriculum. National Forum. 65: 28-31. Fisher, R. (1992). Teaching children thinking. New York: W.H. Freeman. Glatthorn, J. and Baron, J. (1985). A good thinker. In A. Costa (Ed). Developing minds. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Guilford, J.P. (1959). Traits of creativity. In H.H. Anderson (Ed). Creativity and its cultivation. New York: Harper Row. Pp. 142-161. Glaser, E.M. (1985). Critical thinking: Educating for responsible citizenship in a democracy. National Forum. 65: 24 – 27. MacKinnon, D. (1974). In search of human effectiveness: Identifying and developing creativity. Buffalo: Bearly Ltd. Mayersky, M. (1995). Creative activities for young children. New York: Delmar. Nickerson, R., Perkins, D. and Smith, E. (1985). The teaching of thinking. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Parnes, S., Noller, R. and Biondi, A. (1977). Guide to creative action: Revised edition of  creative  guidebook,  New  York:  Charles  Scribner’s  Son. Paul, R. (1993). Critical thinking. California: Foundations for Critical Thinking. Phillips, J.A. (1992). Perkembangan kemahiran berfikir pelajar melalui program KBSM. Jurnal Pendidikan Guru. 8. 1992. 1-15. Phillips, J.A. (1993). Enhancing the thinking and learning skills of students: The PADI programme. Proceedings of the International Convention on Excellence in Thinking. Bangi: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Rothenberg, A. (1979). The emerging goddess: The creative process in art, science and other fields. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Swartz, R. and Perkins, D. (1990). Teaching thinking: Issues and approaches. Pacific Grove, CA: Midwest Publications. Wallas, G. (1926). The art of thought. New York: Franklin Watts.