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Concept and Theories of
Meaning And Definition Of
 An entrepreneur is someone who has
idea and who works to create a
product or service that people will buy,
as well as an organization to support
that effort.
 An entrepreneur takes on most of the
risk and initiative for their new
 Creation of job opportunities
 Creation of new businesses
 Innovation
 Leads to better standards of living
 Supports research and development
 Creation of national wealth
Characteristics of successful
 Creativity
 Risk taking
 Passion
 Planning
 Knowledge
 Social skills
 Leadership
Types of Entrepreneur
1) According to functional
 Innovative Entrepreneur
 Adoptive Entrepreneur
 Fabian Entrepreneur
 Drone Entrepreneur
2) According to the types of business
 Business Entrepreneur
 Trading Entrepreneur
 Industrial Entrepreneur
 Corporate Entrepreneur
 Agriculture Entrepreneur
 Retail Entrepreneur
 Service Entrepreneur
3) According to technology used
 Technical Entrepreneur
 Non-Technical Entrepreneur
 Professional Entrepreneur
4) According to Growth
 Growth Entrepreneur
 Super Growth Entrepreneur
5) According to Area
 Urban Area
 Rural Area
6) According to Gender
 Men Entrepreneur
 Women Entrepreneur
7) According to level of Motivation
 Pure Entrepreneur
 Induced Entrepreneur
8) According to capital Ownership
 Private Entrepreneur
 State Entrepreneur
 Joint Entrepreneur
9) According to the Entrepreneurial
 Novice Entrepreneur
 Serial Entrepreneur
 Portfolio Entrepreneur
Skill Requirement of an
1)Administration skills
2)Financial knowhow
3)Vision and leadership skills
4)Conflict and consensus management skills
 i)Emotional conflict/Affective conflict
 ii) Cognitive conflict
5)Interpersonal skills
6)Communication skills
 i)Writing skills
 ii) Speaking skills
 iii) Listening skills
7)Problem solving skills
8) Technical skills
Problem faced by
 Unethical and unsupportive business
 Lack of business opportunities
 Lack of entrepreneurial capacity
 Inadequate entrepreneurship training
 Lack of business experience
 Fear of failure
 Risk avoidance
Points of
Entrepreneur Manager
Meaning A person who creates an
enterprise, by taking
financial risk in order to
get profit.
An individual who takes
the responsibility of
controlling and
administering the
Focus Business start up Ongoing operation
Achievement Power
Approach to
Informal Formal
Status Owner Employee
Reward Profit Salary
One man show Management team
Dependency Independent Depend on entrepreneur
Thinking Free thinker Within scope of business
Concept of Entrepreneurship
“Entrepreneurship is the
process of developing,
organizing and running a new
Entrepreneurship is the act
of creating a business or
bearing all the risks with the
hope of making a profit.
 The more modern entrepreneurship
definition is also about transforming
the world by solving big problems like
bringing about social change or
creating an innovative product that
challenges the existing condition of
how we live our lives on a daily basis.
Myth of Entrepreneurship
1. Entrepreneurs Don’t Have A Personal Life
2. Business People Don’t Have A Boss
3. Entrepreneurs Are Rich
4. Entrepreneurs Take Extreme Risks
5. Entrepreneurs Think Only About Money
6. There Is No Business Without A Unique Idea
7. Entrepreneurs Should Always Trust Their Guts
8. Entrepreneurs Are Born, Not Made
Role of Entrepreneurship
 Wealth creation and sharing
 Create Jobs
 Balanced regional development
 GDP and per capita income
 Standard of living
 Export
 Community development
1) Sociological Theories
2) Economical Theories
3) Cultural Theories
4) Psychological Theories
(1) Sociological Theories
 Max Weber's theory of religious
 Thomas Cochran's theory of
entrepreneurial supply
 E.E Hagen’s theory of social
 Frank young’s theory of group
level pattern
Max Weber's theory of
religious belief
 Max Weber advocated a sociological
explanation for the growth of
entrepreneurship in his theory of social
 He belief that entrepreneurial cultures
are influenced by religion.
 The religious belief and ethical value
associated with the society plays a
important role in determining the
entrepreneurial culture.
 In this theory spirit of capitalism is a
fundamental concept.
 Capitalism refers to the economic
system where market forces of
demand and supply are allowed to
play freely.
 As economic freedom and privet
enterprises are promoted in
 Spirit of capitalism promotes the
entrepreneur to engage in
entrepreneurial activity and earn more
 Another associated concept was that of
adventurous spirit which refers to
influence and promotes entrepreneurism.
 Weber felt that the belief system of
Hinduism didn’t encourage
 The Hinduism didn’t belief the spirit of
capitalism and was obstacle in the
promotion of entrepreneurship.
 Weber was of the opinion that protestant
ethic provided the mental attitude in a
society that promotes spirit of capitalism
and favors entrepreneurship.
 (protestant ethic : a person whose
duty to achieve success through hard
 The rate of industrial growth depends
upon the values belief by the religion
of the society.
 The protestants has advanced at a
faster rate in establishing capitalism in
Europe owning to the value system
accept by protestant ethic.
This theory has been challenged criticized
by researches:
The theory is based on unrealistic and invalid
The theory has been found empirically
Max weber has been criticized by many
sociologists on his view on Hinduism and
entrepreneurship. The rapid expansion of
entrepreneurship in India in the post
independence period disproves that
Hinduism is averse to the spirit of capitalism.
The view on protestant ethics were also not
completely correct. capitalism has flourished
in regions where protestant ethics is not
Thomas Cochran's theory of
entrepreneurial supply
 The theory advocated by Thomas
 The main focus of this theory is on the
sociological aspect of entrepreneurial
 Sociological aspect means that it
focuses on the society in which we are
 According to him the problem of
economic development is non-economic
 That non economic factor are, factors
which are related to cultural value, role
expectation and social approval.
They are the key elements
that determine that supply of
 Following are the basic element of
Thomas Cochran’s theory:
Entrepreneur as a society’s model
Social conditioning as a basis of model
Role expectation and entrepreneurial
The way of raising and schooling.
E.E Hagen’s theory of social
 This theory was given by E.E Hegan.
 So, this theory states that a continuing
technical progress can transform the
traditional society.
 The theory attention on entrepreneur
creativity as the key element of social
transformation and economic change.
The features of these theories
 Presentation of the general model of
the society.
 Economic growth as a product of
social change and political change.
 Rejection of follower’s problems.
 Historical shift as a factor of a initiating
Frank young’s theory of
group level pattern
 Frank young defines entrepreneurs as
that the entrepreneur characteristics are
found in small groups where in
individuals develop as entrepreneur.
 Every group has an individual who has
that kind of qualities.
 Frank young arrived at the group level
pattern behavior entrepreneur based on
his studies knows as Thematic
Appreciation Test (TAT) on groups of
(2) Economic theories
 Schumpeter’s theory of innovation
 Leibenstein’s theory X efficiency
 Mark casson’s theory
 Papanek and Haris theory
 Harvard school theory
 M. kirzner’s theory
 David McClenlland ’s theory of
 Knight theory of profit
Schumpeter’s theory of
 Joseph Schumpeter propounded the
well known innovation theory of
 He believed that entrepreneurs by
introducing an innovation and takes
the economy to a new level of
 Innovation of entrepreneurs are
responsible for the rapid economic
development of any country.
 Taking about innovation, he referred to
new combinations of the factors of
production, Schumpeter had assigned
the role of innovator to the entrepreneur,
who is not a man of ordinary managerial
ability, but one who introduce something
entirely new.
 Innovation could involve any of the
Innovation of new product
Innovation in novel method or process
The opening up of a new market
Find new sources of supply of raw
 Schumpeter had differentiated
between invention and innovation.
 Invention refers to creation of new
material and innovation refers to
application of new material into
practical use in industry.
 They enjoy creating and getting things
 These “ innovating entrepreneur ” has
played an important role in the rise of
modern capitalism.
 The theory over highlighted on
innovative functions of entrepreneur. It
ignored the organizing aspect of
 Schumpeter had completely ignored
the risk-taking function of the
entrepreneur , which cannot be
ignored. Whenever an entrepreneur
develops a new combination of factor
of production, there is enough risk
 The theory is more applicable in
developed countries only. In
developing countries there is a lack of
innovative entrepreneurs.
 The theory does not provide the
explanation as to why few countries
have more entrepreneurship talent
than others.
Leibenstein’s theory X
 Harvey Leibenstein propounded the
theory of X-efficiency which is
popularly called Gap Filling theory.
 X-efficiency theory states that a
greater amount of product market
competition will pressure firm member
to produce with more effort so that firm
is producing closer to their frontiers.
 X- efficiency means that it is possible for
a firm to increase their output without
any change in input or decrease costs
without any change in output.
 X-efficiency can be increased through:
Better management
Better organization
A moderate amount of pressure from the
market to increase effort
Mark Casson’s theory
 Mark Casson was a famous
economist, propounded a theory on
 He makes the comment that there is
no proper definition of what the word
entrepreneurship means.
 Economist have avoid the control of
this term to other disciplines like
psychology, sociology and other
 The theory of Casson looks at what
the entrepreneur does and the
attributes that differentiate him from
 The main content of this theory is:
The relationship between demand and
The traits of an entrpreneur.
Papanek and Haris theory
 Entrepreneur and economic growth
takes place when economic condition
are favorable.
 Economic incentive includes:
The taxation policy
Industrial policy
Sources of finance and raw material
Infrastructure availability
Investment and marketing opportunities.
Access to information.
 The economic theory has failed to
provide a satisfactory analysis of
either the role of entrepreneurship or
its supply.
 Traditional model treat the
entrepreneurial function like a
managerial function.
Harvard school theory
 According to the Harvard school,
entrepreneurship comprises any
purposeful activity that initiates,
maintains or develops a profit oriented
 The main point of the theory are as
Internal forces:
Inner traits of individual like
his knowledge, beliefs thought
process, skill level, experience etc.
External forces:
These involve to the political,
social, economics, legal and cultural
factor which have a big impact on the
entrepreneur’s environment.
M. kirzner’s theory
 The adjustment of price theory was
given by the popular economist, Israel
 He says that successful entrepreneur
are always careful of opportunities in
the market and on the lookout to take
advantage of the same.
 The main point of the theory are as
Adjustment of price
Alertness to disequilibrium
 The chief role of entrepreneur is
based upon the adjustment of the
price in the market. He states that
wrong price in the market may reduce
the profit of entrepreneur.
David McClelland’s theory of
 David McClelland a professor of
psychology at Harvard university,
along with his team members did
detailed studies on human needs.
 He identified three types of needs
which are capable of motivating
I. Need for achievement(n/ACH)
II. Need for power(n/PWR)
III. Need for affiliation(n/AFF)
Need for achievement
 From his research, McClelland
concluded that the desire for
achievement is not same for all- some
have low degree of desire for
achievement, whereas some others
have a high degree of desire for
 He has identified the following 4
features of high achievers:
Setting of moderately difficult goals
High achievers prefers to set
moderately difficult goal for
themselves and take moderately risky
They try to improve their performance
as compared to past achievements.
Assuming personal responsibility
for results
High achievers assumes personal
responsibility for achieving the goal.
Little desire for material rewards
They put their maximum focus on the
goal, not in expectation of monetary
Achievement itself is reward
feedback on their performance
Higher achievers desire immediate
and specific feedback frequently on
their performance so as to gain
confidence and rectify(correct) the
Need for power
 Need for power refers to the desire for
having control over other people and
 The need for power may differ person
to person – a person having ‘almost
no desire for power’ or to a person for
whom ‘power is everything’.
 Person with high power try to capture
the source of power.
 Power may prove a boon or bane for
an organization depending upon its
nature of use.
 It used positively, it may make a
person a very successful manager.
 If power is used in negative form, it
may make a person dictator, who is
unwilling to listen other.
Need for affiliation
 This need to a person’s desire to
interact with others, mix with them
and make friends.
 Like other need, this need may also
be in different degrees in different
 Persons with high need for affiliation
try to change themselves and behave
the way it is desired by the persons
whom they want to make friends
 Such persons help others in every
possible way.
 They like attending social gatherings
and respect others sentiments.
 They prefer co-operative environment
rather than competitive one.
Knight’s theory of profit
 Frank H. knight in his book risk,
uncertainty and profit regards profit of
the entrepreneur as the reward of
bearing non- insurable risks and
 Entrepreneurship is genuinely
associated with risk bearing.
 Knight had identify risk into insurable
risk and non- insurable risks.
 There are certain risks that are
measurable and the probability of
such risk can be statistically estimated
and hence such risks can be insured.
 Example of insurable risks include
theft of commodities, fire in the
enterprise, accidental death etc.
 On the other hand, there are certain
risks which cannot be calculated. The
probability of their occurrence cannot
be statistically find out.
 These risk are non insurable, prof.
Knight opined that the profit is the
reward for bearing the non- insurable
risks and uncertainties.
 Uncertainty- bearing is one of the
most vital function in a economy.
 The entrepreneur bear the uncertainty
involved in the enterprise.
 In a state of competitive economy,
where there is no risk every
entrepreneur will have a minimum
supply price.
 The existence of uncertainty tends to
raise the minimum supply price. The
entrepreneur expect a level of profit
for bearing the uncertainty.
The silent points of knight’s theory
According to the theory, entrepreneur
bearing the uncertainty to earns pure
The theory suggests that the more
risky the nature of enterprise, the
higher level of profit earned by the
 The reward of the entrepreneur is
uncertain entrepreneur guarantees
interest to lender of capital, wages to
workers and rent to the landlord.
 The level of uncertainty in business
can be reduced by applying the
technique of fusion.
(3)Cultural Theories
 Hoselitz’s Theory
 Stoke’s Theory
Hoselitz’s Theory
 Hoselitz’s sociocultural theory is based
on the assumption that every individual
is present with social and cultural
 According to him, entrepreneurs can be
developed where society is well
 The basis of hoselitz is derived from the
following viewpoint:
Marginal man hypothesis
The importance of marginal and
leadership skills.
Stoke’s Theory
 Stoke emphasizes that
entrepreneurship emerges under
particular economic action, social
culture and social sanctions.
 He believed that economic actions are
directed by socio-cultural
values.(beliefs, habits that influenced
our everyday behaviour)
(4) Psychological theories
 Theory of personal resourcefulness
 Entrepreneurial supply theory
Theory of personal resourcefulness
 Personal resourcefulness is the belief
in one’s own capability for initiating
actions directed towards creation and
growth of enterprise.
 It emphasize on initiative rather than
Entrepreneurial supply theory
 John H. kunkal advocated the theory
of entrepreneurship supply.
 According to him, psychological &
sociological variables are the main
determinants for the emergence of
Entrepreneurism can be dependent
upon the following structures in the
Demand structure
Limitation structure
Labor structure
Opportunity structure
Demand structure
 It indicate economic demand with
relation to change in economic
development & government policies.
Limitation structure
 It is originally socio-cultural in
 In this structure, entrepreneur is
regarded as the most strange
individual in the society& that’s why
the society restricts specific activities
that influence all member in the
Labor structure
 It refers to the supply of skilled & willing
 The structure is governed by a large
number of factors such as available job
alternatives, mobility of labor etc.
Opportunity structure
 It is the most important structure
governing the supply of entrepreneurs.
 The structure refers to the technological
& managerial skills, information about
techniques of production, market
structure & supply of capital.

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  • 1. CHAPTER-1 Concept and Theories of entrepreneurship
  • 2. Meaning And Definition Of Entrepreneur  An entrepreneur is someone who has idea and who works to create a product or service that people will buy, as well as an organization to support that effort.  An entrepreneur takes on most of the risk and initiative for their new business.
  • 3. Importance  Creation of job opportunities  Creation of new businesses  Innovation  Leads to better standards of living  Supports research and development  Creation of national wealth
  • 4. Characteristics of successful entrepreneur  Creativity  Risk taking  Passion  Planning  Knowledge  Social skills  Leadership
  • 5. Types of Entrepreneur 1) According to functional Characteristics  Innovative Entrepreneur  Adoptive Entrepreneur  Fabian Entrepreneur  Drone Entrepreneur
  • 6. 2) According to the types of business  Business Entrepreneur  Trading Entrepreneur  Industrial Entrepreneur  Corporate Entrepreneur  Agriculture Entrepreneur  Retail Entrepreneur  Service Entrepreneur
  • 7. 3) According to technology used  Technical Entrepreneur  Non-Technical Entrepreneur  Professional Entrepreneur 4) According to Growth  Growth Entrepreneur  Super Growth Entrepreneur 5) According to Area  Urban Area  Rural Area
  • 8. 6) According to Gender  Men Entrepreneur  Women Entrepreneur 7) According to level of Motivation  Pure Entrepreneur  Induced Entrepreneur 8) According to capital Ownership  Private Entrepreneur  State Entrepreneur  Joint Entrepreneur
  • 9. 9) According to the Entrepreneurial Activity  Novice Entrepreneur  Serial Entrepreneur  Portfolio Entrepreneur
  • 10. Skill Requirement of an Entrepreneur 1)Administration skills 2)Financial knowhow 3)Vision and leadership skills 4)Conflict and consensus management skills  i)Emotional conflict/Affective conflict  ii) Cognitive conflict 5)Interpersonal skills 6)Communication skills  i)Writing skills  ii) Speaking skills  iii) Listening skills 7)Problem solving skills 8) Technical skills
  • 11. Problem faced by Entrepreneur  Unethical and unsupportive business environment  Lack of business opportunities  Lack of entrepreneurial capacity  Inadequate entrepreneurship training  Lack of business experience  Fear of failure  Risk avoidance
  • 12. Points of comparison Entrepreneur Manager Meaning A person who creates an enterprise, by taking financial risk in order to get profit. An individual who takes the responsibility of controlling and administering the organization. Focus Business start up Ongoing operation Primary motivation Achievement Power Approach to task Informal Formal Status Owner Employee Reward Profit Salary Management style One man show Management team Dependency Independent Depend on entrepreneur Thinking Free thinker Within scope of business
  • 13. Concept of Entrepreneurship “Entrepreneurship is the process of developing, organizing and running a new business.” Entrepreneurship is the act of creating a business or bearing all the risks with the hope of making a profit.
  • 14.  The more modern entrepreneurship definition is also about transforming the world by solving big problems like bringing about social change or creating an innovative product that challenges the existing condition of how we live our lives on a daily basis.
  • 15. Myth of Entrepreneurship 1. Entrepreneurs Don’t Have A Personal Life 2. Business People Don’t Have A Boss 3. Entrepreneurs Are Rich 4. Entrepreneurs Take Extreme Risks 5. Entrepreneurs Think Only About Money 6. There Is No Business Without A Unique Idea 7. Entrepreneurs Should Always Trust Their Guts 8. Entrepreneurs Are Born, Not Made
  • 16.
  • 17. Role of Entrepreneurship  Wealth creation and sharing  Create Jobs  Balanced regional development  GDP and per capita income  Standard of living  Export  Community development
  • 18. THEORIES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1) Sociological Theories 2) Economical Theories 3) Cultural Theories 4) Psychological Theories
  • 19. (1) Sociological Theories  Max Weber's theory of religious belief  Thomas Cochran's theory of entrepreneurial supply  E.E Hagen’s theory of social change  Frank young’s theory of group level pattern
  • 20. Max Weber's theory of religious belief  Max Weber advocated a sociological explanation for the growth of entrepreneurship in his theory of social change.  He belief that entrepreneurial cultures are influenced by religion.  The religious belief and ethical value associated with the society plays a important role in determining the entrepreneurial culture.
  • 21.  In this theory spirit of capitalism is a fundamental concept.  Capitalism refers to the economic system where market forces of demand and supply are allowed to play freely.  As economic freedom and privet enterprises are promoted in capitalism.  Spirit of capitalism promotes the entrepreneur to engage in entrepreneurial activity and earn more
  • 22.  Another associated concept was that of adventurous spirit which refers to influence and promotes entrepreneurism.  Weber felt that the belief system of Hinduism didn’t encourage entrepreneurship.  The Hinduism didn’t belief the spirit of capitalism and was obstacle in the promotion of entrepreneurship.  Weber was of the opinion that protestant ethic provided the mental attitude in a society that promotes spirit of capitalism and favors entrepreneurship.
  • 23.  (protestant ethic : a person whose duty to achieve success through hard work.)  The rate of industrial growth depends upon the values belief by the religion of the society.  The protestants has advanced at a faster rate in establishing capitalism in Europe owning to the value system accept by protestant ethic.
  • 24. This theory has been challenged criticized by researches: The theory is based on unrealistic and invalid assumption. The theory has been found empirically invalid. Max weber has been criticized by many sociologists on his view on Hinduism and entrepreneurship. The rapid expansion of entrepreneurship in India in the post independence period disproves that Hinduism is averse to the spirit of capitalism. The view on protestant ethics were also not completely correct. capitalism has flourished in regions where protestant ethics is not present.
  • 25. Thomas Cochran's theory of entrepreneurial supply  The theory advocated by Thomas Cochran.  The main focus of this theory is on the sociological aspect of entrepreneurial supply.  Sociological aspect means that it focuses on the society in which we are living.  According to him the problem of economic development is non-economic
  • 26.  That non economic factor are, factors which are related to cultural value, role expectation and social approval. They are the key elements that determine that supply of entrepreneur.  Following are the basic element of Thomas Cochran’s theory: Entrepreneur as a society’s model personality. Social conditioning as a basis of model personality. Role expectation and entrepreneurial role. The way of raising and schooling.
  • 27. E.E Hagen’s theory of social change  This theory was given by E.E Hegan.  So, this theory states that a continuing technical progress can transform the traditional society.  The theory attention on entrepreneur creativity as the key element of social transformation and economic change.
  • 28. The features of these theories are:  Presentation of the general model of the society.  Economic growth as a product of social change and political change.  Rejection of follower’s problems.  Historical shift as a factor of a initiating change.
  • 29. Frank young’s theory of group level pattern  Frank young defines entrepreneurs as that the entrepreneur characteristics are found in small groups where in individuals develop as entrepreneur.  Every group has an individual who has that kind of qualities.  Frank young arrived at the group level pattern behavior entrepreneur based on his studies knows as Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) on groups of entrepreneurs.
  • 30. (2) Economic theories  Schumpeter’s theory of innovation  Leibenstein’s theory X efficiency  Mark casson’s theory  Papanek and Haris theory  Harvard school theory  M. kirzner’s theory  David McClenlland ’s theory of achievement  Knight theory of profit
  • 31. Schumpeter’s theory of innovation  Joseph Schumpeter propounded the well known innovation theory of entrepreneurship.  He believed that entrepreneurs by introducing an innovation and takes the economy to a new level of development.  Innovation of entrepreneurs are responsible for the rapid economic development of any country.
  • 32.  Taking about innovation, he referred to new combinations of the factors of production, Schumpeter had assigned the role of innovator to the entrepreneur, who is not a man of ordinary managerial ability, but one who introduce something entirely new.  Innovation could involve any of the following: Innovation of new product Innovation in novel method or process The opening up of a new market Find new sources of supply of raw material
  • 33.  Schumpeter had differentiated between invention and innovation.  Invention refers to creation of new material and innovation refers to application of new material into practical use in industry.  They enjoy creating and getting things done.  These “ innovating entrepreneur ” has played an important role in the rise of modern capitalism.
  • 34. Criticism:  The theory over highlighted on innovative functions of entrepreneur. It ignored the organizing aspect of entrepreneur.  Schumpeter had completely ignored the risk-taking function of the entrepreneur , which cannot be ignored. Whenever an entrepreneur develops a new combination of factor of production, there is enough risk involved.
  • 35.  The theory is more applicable in developed countries only. In developing countries there is a lack of innovative entrepreneurs.  The theory does not provide the explanation as to why few countries have more entrepreneurship talent than others.
  • 36. Leibenstein’s theory X efficiency  Harvey Leibenstein propounded the theory of X-efficiency which is popularly called Gap Filling theory.  X-efficiency theory states that a greater amount of product market competition will pressure firm member to produce with more effort so that firm is producing closer to their frontiers.
  • 37.  X- efficiency means that it is possible for a firm to increase their output without any change in input or decrease costs without any change in output.  X-efficiency can be increased through: Better management Better organization A moderate amount of pressure from the market to increase effort
  • 38. Mark Casson’s theory  Mark Casson was a famous economist, propounded a theory on entrepreneurship.  He makes the comment that there is no proper definition of what the word entrepreneurship means.  Economist have avoid the control of this term to other disciplines like psychology, sociology and other sciences.
  • 39.  The theory of Casson looks at what the entrepreneur does and the attributes that differentiate him from other.  The main content of this theory is: The relationship between demand and supply The traits of an entrpreneur.
  • 40. Papanek and Haris theory  Entrepreneur and economic growth takes place when economic condition are favorable.  Economic incentive includes: The taxation policy Industrial policy Sources of finance and raw material Infrastructure availability Investment and marketing opportunities. Access to information.
  • 41. Critics:  The economic theory has failed to provide a satisfactory analysis of either the role of entrepreneurship or its supply.  Traditional model treat the entrepreneurial function like a managerial function.
  • 42. Harvard school theory  According to the Harvard school, entrepreneurship comprises any purposeful activity that initiates, maintains or develops a profit oriented business.
  • 43.  The main point of the theory are as follow: Internal forces: Inner traits of individual like his knowledge, beliefs thought process, skill level, experience etc. External forces: These involve to the political, social, economics, legal and cultural factor which have a big impact on the entrepreneur’s environment.
  • 44. M. kirzner’s theory  The adjustment of price theory was given by the popular economist, Israel Kirzner.  He says that successful entrepreneur are always careful of opportunities in the market and on the lookout to take advantage of the same.  The main point of the theory are as follow: Adjustment of price Alertness to disequilibrium
  • 45.  The chief role of entrepreneur is based upon the adjustment of the price in the market. He states that wrong price in the market may reduce the profit of entrepreneur.
  • 46. David McClelland’s theory of achievement  David McClelland a professor of psychology at Harvard university, along with his team members did detailed studies on human needs.  He identified three types of needs which are capable of motivating persons I. Need for achievement(n/ACH) II. Need for power(n/PWR) III. Need for affiliation(n/AFF)
  • 47. Need for achievement  From his research, McClelland concluded that the desire for achievement is not same for all- some have low degree of desire for achievement, whereas some others have a high degree of desire for achievement.  He has identified the following 4 features of high achievers:
  • 48. Setting of moderately difficult goals High achievers prefers to set moderately difficult goal for themselves and take moderately risky decision. They try to improve their performance as compared to past achievements. Assuming personal responsibility for results High achievers assumes personal responsibility for achieving the goal.
  • 49. Little desire for material rewards They put their maximum focus on the goal, not in expectation of monetary rewards. Achievement itself is reward feedback on their performance Higher achievers desire immediate and specific feedback frequently on their performance so as to gain confidence and rectify(correct) the mistake.
  • 50. Need for power  Need for power refers to the desire for having control over other people and events.  The need for power may differ person to person – a person having ‘almost no desire for power’ or to a person for whom ‘power is everything’.  Person with high power try to capture the source of power.
  • 51.  Power may prove a boon or bane for an organization depending upon its nature of use.  It used positively, it may make a person a very successful manager.  If power is used in negative form, it may make a person dictator, who is unwilling to listen other.
  • 52. Need for affiliation  This need to a person’s desire to interact with others, mix with them and make friends.  Like other need, this need may also be in different degrees in different persons.  Persons with high need for affiliation try to change themselves and behave the way it is desired by the persons whom they want to make friends
  • 53.  Such persons help others in every possible way.  They like attending social gatherings and respect others sentiments.  They prefer co-operative environment rather than competitive one.
  • 54. Knight’s theory of profit  Frank H. knight in his book risk, uncertainty and profit regards profit of the entrepreneur as the reward of bearing non- insurable risks and uncertainties.  Entrepreneurship is genuinely associated with risk bearing.  Knight had identify risk into insurable risk and non- insurable risks.
  • 55.  There are certain risks that are measurable and the probability of such risk can be statistically estimated and hence such risks can be insured.  Example of insurable risks include theft of commodities, fire in the enterprise, accidental death etc.  On the other hand, there are certain risks which cannot be calculated. The probability of their occurrence cannot be statistically find out.
  • 56.  These risk are non insurable, prof. Knight opined that the profit is the reward for bearing the non- insurable risks and uncertainties.  Uncertainty- bearing is one of the most vital function in a economy.  The entrepreneur bear the uncertainty involved in the enterprise.  In a state of competitive economy, where there is no risk every entrepreneur will have a minimum supply price.
  • 57.  The existence of uncertainty tends to raise the minimum supply price. The entrepreneur expect a level of profit for bearing the uncertainty. The silent points of knight’s theory include: According to the theory, entrepreneur bearing the uncertainty to earns pure profit. The theory suggests that the more risky the nature of enterprise, the higher level of profit earned by the entrepreneurs.
  • 58.  The reward of the entrepreneur is uncertain entrepreneur guarantees interest to lender of capital, wages to workers and rent to the landlord.  The level of uncertainty in business can be reduced by applying the technique of fusion.
  • 59. (3)Cultural Theories  Hoselitz’s Theory  Stoke’s Theory
  • 60. Hoselitz’s Theory  Hoselitz’s sociocultural theory is based on the assumption that every individual is present with social and cultural power.  According to him, entrepreneurs can be developed where society is well developed.  The basis of hoselitz is derived from the following viewpoint: Marginal man hypothesis The importance of marginal and leadership skills.
  • 61. Stoke’s Theory  Stoke emphasizes that entrepreneurship emerges under particular economic action, social culture and social sanctions.  He believed that economic actions are directed by socio-cultural values.(beliefs, habits that influenced our everyday behaviour)
  • 62. (4) Psychological theories  Theory of personal resourcefulness  Entrepreneurial supply theory
  • 63. Theory of personal resourcefulness  Personal resourcefulness is the belief in one’s own capability for initiating actions directed towards creation and growth of enterprise.  It emphasize on initiative rather than reaction.
  • 64. Entrepreneurial supply theory  John H. kunkal advocated the theory of entrepreneurship supply.  According to him, psychological & sociological variables are the main determinants for the emergence of entrepreneurs.
  • 65. Entrepreneurism can be dependent upon the following structures in the economy. Demand structure Limitation structure Labor structure Opportunity structure
  • 66. Demand structure  It indicate economic demand with relation to change in economic development & government policies. Limitation structure  It is originally socio-cultural in characteristic.  In this structure, entrepreneur is regarded as the most strange individual in the society& that’s why the society restricts specific activities that influence all member in the society.
  • 67. Labor structure  It refers to the supply of skilled & willing labor.  The structure is governed by a large number of factors such as available job alternatives, mobility of labor etc. Opportunity structure  It is the most important structure governing the supply of entrepreneurs.  The structure refers to the technological & managerial skills, information about techniques of production, market structure & supply of capital.