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Chapter 1
An Historical Overview
Where is all Began

Constitution- a system of basic laws and
principles that established the nature,
functions and limits of a government or other

Always written with a capital “C”
US Constitution is considered “youthful”
Where is all Began Cont….


Rules that become laws are a part of any
Law- a body of rules promulgated
(established) to support the norms of a
society, enforced through legal means, that is,
Contributions from the Past



American Law is young. Born in 1776. Most
countries use years and years of tradition and
law to serve them
History is the base on which our law was
Investigating the events that have led to our
present law will help to better understand both
HOW and WHY we have the laws we do
The Great Melting Pot

There are representatives from every culture
in America, and together they share in the
historical development of our country and legal
system. Their desire for something better is
what makes American law unique in serving
the pluralistic society.
The Great Melting Pot Cont…



Pluralism- a society in which numerous distinct
ethnic, religious or cultural groups coexist within
one nation, each contributing to the society as a
Native American began to band together in selfdefense against the colonists
Living in a Pluralistic society creates a challenge
to exercise tolerance and respect for the
opinions, customs, traditions and lifestyles of
Ethnic Population of the colonies in


48.7% English
20% African (slaves)
7.8% Scots-Irish
6.9% German
6.6% Scottish


2.7% Dutch
1.4% French
0.6% Swedish
5.3% Other

*Native Americans were
not on the list because
they were not
considered part of the
1775 Three groups coexisted in the US



Native Americans
African Slaves
The history of the United States has
generally focused on the colonists
The colonists with the most wealth and
power (white, male property holders) are
credited with creating the basic structure of
our country
Over time…
Melting pot-several different nationalities
combined into “the American Colonists”
This was encouraged by the vast, unlimited
resources available, as well as the struggle for
Pressure from foreign countries to control them,
dangers posed by Native Americans and
rebellious Slaves, caused them to band together
Development and organization


Massachusetts Bay & Virginia entered into
businesslike agreements, charters,
establishing cooperative government
Other colonists entered into compacts with
primarily a religious purpose in establishing
how they chose to govern themselves
Development of the United States of


Colonists realized their freedom was in
jeopardy from abroad and were not going to sit
idly by while those asserting power to coerce
them into submission
When colonies were confronted with attempts
by Great Britain, Spain, and France to
consume and control the New World,
resistance grew, exemplifying the spirit
associated with the United States
Colonial Dissension Grows


Populations began to grow and did differences
between those who saw themselves as free,
independent colonies and those who wanted
to fly a foreign flag over them
Empires positioned themselves politically and
militaristically to expand their boundaries into
the New World
Great Britain’s Problems
1st Major problem: continued westward
settlement by colonists and conflict with
Native Americans
2nd Major problem: huge debt resulting from
English military action to expand the empire
British Parliament felt the colonist should share
this debt. Colonies resisted the restrictions to
westward settlement and paying for Britain’s
war debts
Great Britain

1765 Stamp Act- required stamps to be
purchased and placed on legal documents
such as marriage licenses and wills, several
commodities, including playing cards, dice,
newspapers and calendars.

Colonists resisted increased taxes because they
felt it was taxation without representation
Great Britain



1765 Quartering Act- passed by Parliament
requiring colonists to feed and shelter British
troops in America (3rd Amendment)
1766-Stamped Act was repealed
1770 Boston Massacre- colonists taunted British
soldiers with snowballs, and the soldiers fired
upon them
1773 Boston Tea Party- colonist boarded 3
British ships and dumped cargos of tea
Results of the Boston Tea Party
Parliament passed several laws in retaliation for
an open act of defiance.


Town meeting were
restricted to once a year
The king was required to
appoint people to the
governmental court rather
than have them elected



Quartering Act expanded,
requiring soldiers to be
housed in private homes
and buildings
British officials accused of
crimes in the colonies
could be tried in England
1st Continental Congress


1774, 55 delegates from 12 colonies met in
Philadelphia. The 1st continental congress
resulted in the first written agreement among
the colonies to stand together in resistance
against Britain
1st Continental Congress



Congress agreed on three important actions.
Adopted a set of resolutions that defined the
rights, liberties and immunities of the colonists
Addressed King George III and citizens of
Britain calling for a restoration of American
Established a boycott to prevent the buying of
British goods until Congress’ demands were
Whose Side Were You On?


Loyalist (Tory)-was someone who bought
British goods. Still paid allegiance to the
British monarchy
Patriot (Rebel)- those who supported the
boycott. Owed their allegiance to America
The Tension Mounts



1775- colonies were preparing for the
confrontation with Britain
Minutemen- colonial soldiers that were drilled
and equipped to respond within a minute’s
notice to protect American live, property and
March 1775-Patrick Henry’s plea for freedom.
“Give me liberty or give me death!”
The Revolution Begins

April 19, 1775


Waiting minutemen in Lexington saw the British
coming. Shots were fired and 8 American died.
The British then moved to Concord where they
were met again by minutemen
These two battles strengthened the colonists’
resolve toward independence
2nd Continental Congress




Established the Continental Army and named
George Washington its commander
Congress raise money and bought supplies for
the new army. They sought out support from
other countries by opening diplomatic relations.
The colonists were prepared for an all out war
with Britain
Many great battles showed that America’s
people were committed to fight for their
independence. Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill,
Trenton and Saratoga
Declaration of Independence



In May, Congress instructed each of the states
to form its own government and assuming
powers of independent states.
July 4, 1776-the Congress unanimously voted
in favor of American Independence.
There were six important sections
Declaration of Independence


First paragraph explains
why the Declaration was
Declares all men to be
equal and to have equal
claims to life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness
Stated the government’s
right to rule is based on
the consent of the





Charges against British
king and how they
denied the American
colonists their rights
Describes the colonists
attempts to obtain
justice and the British
lack of response
Lists the actions the new
United States of America
could take as a country
What was the cost for the Signers?



Those who signed (56
total) were men of
wealth and social
To sign the Declaration
of Independence was an
act of treason,
punishable by death.
Many went on after the
war to illustrious careers,
2 presidents, vicepresidents, senators and



Other were not so
9 died in the war
5 captured by the British
18 had their estates
burned or looted by the
Articles of Confederation


Formally pledged the states to a “firm league of
friendship,” and “a perpetual union” created for
“their common defense, the security of their
liberties” and their “mutual and general welfare”
Established a congress to conduct necessary
tasks of a central government, including waging
war and making peace, controlling trade with the
Indians, organizing a mail service and borrowing
Articles of Confederation


Inadequacies of this document lead to the
Constitution, but it was an important stepping
The founders feared a concentrated, centralized
political power and was NOT empowered to

Regulate trade
Levy taxes
Draft soldiers
Establish a court system
Regulate money
Magna Carta




Considered the most important instrument of
English government
Established the supremacy of the law over the
The original document King John was forced
to sign it on June 12, 1215
Showed that no one was above the law
Moving toward the Constitution



The Magna Carta provided a stable
framework from which to start
It was a step away from total rule by a single
Long history of success
Provided some security and that not
everything needed to start from scratch
Moving toward the Constitution



Articles of Confederation were inadequate for
effective government due to the lack of
balance of power between the states and the
central government
1787-Congress called for a convention to
revise the Articles
George Washington was elected to preside
over the meetings
Purpose of the Constitution



Was to establish a central government
authorized to deal directly with individuals
rather than states and
To incorporate a system of checks and
balances that would preserve the fundamental
concepts contained in the Magna Carta, that
is, to limit the power of government
To prevent one individual from having
complete power
Constitution takes shape


Structure and powers of legislative, executive
judicial branches.
The checks and balance would allow the
system to work, while achieving the primary
goal of limiting power to any individual or
section of the government.

Constitutionalism- a belief in a government in
which power is distributed and limited by a
system of laws that must be obeyed by those
who rule
Constitutional Convention –
Who Was There?



55 delegates
8 had signed the
Declaration of
7 were governors of
their states
39 were




More than ½ were
college graduates
1/3 were lawyers
Most held prominent
positions in the
Revolutionary War
All were highly
respected property
Great Compromise





The agreement reached in drafting the
Constitution giving each state an equal vote in
the Senate and a proportionate vote in the
All powers were entrusted to the states and to
the people
Country was to governed by a President to be
chosen by electors in each state, a national
judiciary and a two-chamber legislature
House of Representatives were popularly
Senate was chosen by individual state
Issue of Slavery



Was omitted during the constitutional debates
Zero chance of ratification from the South if it
dealt with slavery
10th Amendment left slavery up to the
individual states (ratified two years later)
This omission from the Constitution and failure
to compromise would lead to the civil war
Drafting the Constitution



August 7, 1787, the draft was ready for a
clause-by-clause review
Some material was old, connecting to the
Magna Carta, and some was new with some
brilliant concepts
The final document was put before the
Convention on September 1787
Current Events: Constitution and
Citizenship Day
In 2005, Congress mandated that
schools receiving federal funding
Federal Register Notice
provide education about the
 Commemorate the principles and
practices protected and Provided
for in the Constitution

The Article of the Constitution

The first three article established the
legislative, executive and judicial branches of
the government and the country’s system of
checks and balances.
Article 1- Legislative Branch


Legislature may pass laws, but cannot enforce
or interpret them
Contains the Great Compromise
Congress has 2 chambers



Each state has 2 senators
Each senator has 1 vote
Sole power to try all impeachments

House of Representatives

Membership based on state populations
Power of impeachment
1st to consider bills for raising taxes
Powers of Congress

Section 8 of Article 1 grants specific powers to


Coining money
Establishing post offices
Lay and collect taxes
Borrow money on the credit of the United States
Regulate international and interstate commerce
Naturalize foreign-born citizens
Raise and govern the military forces
Declare war

Elastic clause

Reserve of power to do what was “necessary and
proper” to pass laws for the nation. Enact laws that
Article 2- Executive Branch


Created to carry out the law
Provide a commander and chief of the military
Carry out nation’s foreign policy



Entering into treaties with other nations

To appoint ambassadors, judges and officials
needed for the government to function
Chosen by electors
Article 2- Executive Branch




The president’s most significant actions must be
approved by the Senate
Treaties require 2/3 vote
Judges and appointed executive officials need a
majority vote to be confirmed
Must report periodically to Congress on the
state of the Union
May recommend laws Congress should enact
MOST IMPROTANT DUTY-”shall take care that
the laws be faithfully executed”
Article 3-Judicial Branch




Vesting Judicial power in the U.S. Supreme
Federal court judges are appointed by the
President and hold office for life
Congress is authorized to regulate the court’s
dockets by deciding what kinds of cases the
Supreme court can hear on appeal
Congress regulates the courts’ jurisdiction
Courts interpret the laws
Federal v. State power

The powers not specifically delegated to the
federal government, are reserved for the
states and the people.
Checks and Balances

The President has veto power


President nominates Supreme Court justices


Congress can override with 2/3 majority vote
Legislative branch confirms or denies the

President is the commander in chief

Legislative branch declares war and pays for it
Article 4- Other Provisions


Contains a variety of provisions, some taken
from the Articles of Confederation, further
describing the creation of the federal union
Article 4 also deals with:

Criminal extradition
Formation of new states
Congress’ power to govern in territorial lands not
yet states
Article 5- The Amendment Process

Dictates how the Constitution may be



Must be approved by 2/3 vote in each house of
Submitted to the states for ratification requiring the
approval of ¾ of the states to pass the amendment

The people may begin the amendment
process if the legislatures of 2/3 of the states
call for a constitutional convention
Bill of Rights (1791) were added to the
Constitution using the Amendment Process
Article 6- The Constitution as the
Supreme Law



Supremacy clause- federal law will reign when
there is conflicting state law
The article permitted the Supreme Court to
become the ultimate decision maker in
whether laws and actions of the government
circumvent the Constitution and to invalidate
them if they do so
Requires the allegiance of every federal and
state official to the Constitution
Signing of the Constitution




Ben Franklin moved that the Constitution be
approved unanimously and signed by those
states present
September 17, 1787 the U.S. Constitution was
sign in Philadelphia
42 of the 55 delegates were present to sign the
3 members refused to sign

George Mason-because of the lack of a bill of rights

Ratify- to approve a constitutional amendment
Each state had to ratify the constitution even
though the delegates agreed to the makeup of
the Constitution

Delaware was the first to do so
Ratification Cont…


Federalists- favored a strong central
Anti-Federalists- favored a weaker central


Didn’t not want to ratify without a bill of rights
guaranteeing individual liberties

Amendments- changes to the Constitution or

December 15, 1791- states had ratified 10 of 12 proposed
amendments to ensure that the national government would
not interfere with individual liberties
Current Events
has nothing
to do with




27 Amendments to the US
The 27th amendment which restricts
raises in congressional pay is the
most recent amendment
Proposed in 1789
Was not ratified until 1992
Took 74003 days to ratify
Bill of Rights


Aimed at balancing the rights of the states and
of individual citizens against the powers of the
central government
The Constitution was general, and the
Amendments were specific
Bill of Rights



1st Amendment - Freedom of speech,
Freedom of religion, Freedom of press, Right
to assemble, Right to petition
2nd Amendment – “to keep and bear arms”
3rd Amendment – prohibition from housing
4th Amendment – privacy and security
5th Amendment – restrictions as to how
government can treat people suspected of
Bill of Rights





6th Amendment - Informed of nature and cause of accusation,
Confront witnesses against him, Obtaining witnesses in his favor,
Assistance of Counsel for his defense
7th Amendment - Right to trial by jury in common law cases
where the value exceeds $20.
8th Amendment – cruel and unusual punishment. Excessive bail
and fines
9th Amendment – answered objections to those who thought that
naming some rights but not all might result in government
claiming more power than intended
10th Amendment - Powers not delegated to the United States by
the Constitution are reserved to the States respectively or to the

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Ch01 ppt

  • 2. Where is all Began  Constitution- a system of basic laws and principles that established the nature, functions and limits of a government or other institution   Always written with a capital “C” US Constitution is considered “youthful”
  • 3. Where is all Began Cont….   Rules that become laws are a part of any society Law- a body of rules promulgated (established) to support the norms of a society, enforced through legal means, that is, punishment.
  • 4. Contributions from the Past    American Law is young. Born in 1776. Most countries use years and years of tradition and law to serve them History is the base on which our law was constructed Investigating the events that have led to our present law will help to better understand both HOW and WHY we have the laws we do
  • 5. The Great Melting Pot  There are representatives from every culture in America, and together they share in the historical development of our country and legal system. Their desire for something better is what makes American law unique in serving the pluralistic society.
  • 6. The Great Melting Pot Cont…    Pluralism- a society in which numerous distinct ethnic, religious or cultural groups coexist within one nation, each contributing to the society as a whole Native American began to band together in selfdefense against the colonists Living in a Pluralistic society creates a challenge to exercise tolerance and respect for the opinions, customs, traditions and lifestyles of others
  • 7. Ethnic Population of the colonies in 1775      48.7% English 20% African (slaves) 7.8% Scots-Irish 6.9% German 6.6% Scottish     2.7% Dutch 1.4% French 0.6% Swedish 5.3% Other *Native Americans were not on the list because they were not considered part of the colonies
  • 8. 1775 Three groups coexisted in the US 1. 2. 3.   Native Americans African Slaves Colonists The history of the United States has generally focused on the colonists The colonists with the most wealth and power (white, male property holders) are credited with creating the basic structure of our country
  • 9. Over time… Melting pot-several different nationalities combined into “the American Colonists” This was encouraged by the vast, unlimited resources available, as well as the struggle for survival Pressure from foreign countries to control them, dangers posed by Native Americans and rebellious Slaves, caused them to band together
  • 10. Development and organization   Massachusetts Bay & Virginia entered into businesslike agreements, charters, establishing cooperative government Other colonists entered into compacts with primarily a religious purpose in establishing how they chose to govern themselves
  • 11. Development of the United States of America   Colonists realized their freedom was in jeopardy from abroad and were not going to sit idly by while those asserting power to coerce them into submission When colonies were confronted with attempts by Great Britain, Spain, and France to consume and control the New World, resistance grew, exemplifying the spirit associated with the United States
  • 12. Colonial Dissension Grows   Populations began to grow and did differences between those who saw themselves as free, independent colonies and those who wanted to fly a foreign flag over them Empires positioned themselves politically and militaristically to expand their boundaries into the New World
  • 13. Great Britain’s Problems 1st Major problem: continued westward settlement by colonists and conflict with Native Americans 2nd Major problem: huge debt resulting from English military action to expand the empire British Parliament felt the colonist should share this debt. Colonies resisted the restrictions to westward settlement and paying for Britain’s war debts
  • 14. Great Britain  1765 Stamp Act- required stamps to be purchased and placed on legal documents such as marriage licenses and wills, several commodities, including playing cards, dice, newspapers and calendars.  Colonists resisted increased taxes because they felt it was taxation without representation
  • 15. Great Britain     1765 Quartering Act- passed by Parliament requiring colonists to feed and shelter British troops in America (3rd Amendment) 1766-Stamped Act was repealed 1770 Boston Massacre- colonists taunted British soldiers with snowballs, and the soldiers fired upon them 1773 Boston Tea Party- colonist boarded 3 British ships and dumped cargos of tea overboard
  • 16. Results of the Boston Tea Party Parliament passed several laws in retaliation for an open act of defiance.   Town meeting were restricted to once a year The king was required to appoint people to the governmental court rather than have them elected   Quartering Act expanded, requiring soldiers to be housed in private homes and buildings British officials accused of crimes in the colonies could be tried in England
  • 17. 1st Continental Congress  1774, 55 delegates from 12 colonies met in Philadelphia. The 1st continental congress resulted in the first written agreement among the colonies to stand together in resistance against Britain
  • 18. 1st Continental Congress  1. 2. 3. Congress agreed on three important actions. Adopted a set of resolutions that defined the rights, liberties and immunities of the colonists Addressed King George III and citizens of Britain calling for a restoration of American rights Established a boycott to prevent the buying of British goods until Congress’ demands were met
  • 19. Whose Side Were You On?   Loyalist (Tory)-was someone who bought British goods. Still paid allegiance to the British monarchy Patriot (Rebel)- those who supported the boycott. Owed their allegiance to America
  • 20. The Tension Mounts    1775- colonies were preparing for the confrontation with Britain Minutemen- colonial soldiers that were drilled and equipped to respond within a minute’s notice to protect American live, property and rights March 1775-Patrick Henry’s plea for freedom. “Give me liberty or give me death!”
  • 21. The Revolution Begins  April 19, 1775   Waiting minutemen in Lexington saw the British coming. Shots were fired and 8 American died. The British then moved to Concord where they were met again by minutemen These two battles strengthened the colonists’ resolve toward independence
  • 22. 2nd Continental Congress     Established the Continental Army and named George Washington its commander Congress raise money and bought supplies for the new army. They sought out support from other countries by opening diplomatic relations. The colonists were prepared for an all out war with Britain Many great battles showed that America’s people were committed to fight for their independence. Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill, Trenton and Saratoga
  • 23. Declaration of Independence    In May, Congress instructed each of the states to form its own government and assuming powers of independent states. July 4, 1776-the Congress unanimously voted in favor of American Independence. There were six important sections
  • 24. Declaration of Independence 1. 2. First paragraph explains why the Declaration was issued Declares all men to be equal and to have equal claims to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness Stated the government’s right to rule is based on the consent of the governed 1. 2. 3. 4. Charges against British king and how they denied the American colonists their rights Describes the colonists attempts to obtain justice and the British lack of response Proclaimed independence Lists the actions the new United States of America could take as a country
  • 25. What was the cost for the Signers?    Those who signed (56 total) were men of wealth and social standing To sign the Declaration of Independence was an act of treason, punishable by death. Many went on after the war to illustrious careers, 2 presidents, vicepresidents, senators and governors     Other were not so fortunate 9 died in the war 5 captured by the British 18 had their estates burned or looted by the British
  • 26. Articles of Confederation   Formally pledged the states to a “firm league of friendship,” and “a perpetual union” created for “their common defense, the security of their liberties” and their “mutual and general welfare” Established a congress to conduct necessary tasks of a central government, including waging war and making peace, controlling trade with the Indians, organizing a mail service and borrowing money
  • 27. Articles of Confederation   Inadequacies of this document lead to the Constitution, but it was an important stepping stone The founders feared a concentrated, centralized political power and was NOT empowered to      Regulate trade Levy taxes Draft soldiers Establish a court system Regulate money
  • 28. Magna Carta     Considered the most important instrument of English government Established the supremacy of the law over the ruler The original document King John was forced to sign it on June 12, 1215 Showed that no one was above the law
  • 29. Moving toward the Constitution  1. 2. 3. The Magna Carta provided a stable framework from which to start It was a step away from total rule by a single individual Long history of success Provided some security and that not everything needed to start from scratch
  • 30. Moving toward the Constitution    Articles of Confederation were inadequate for effective government due to the lack of balance of power between the states and the central government 1787-Congress called for a convention to revise the Articles George Washington was elected to preside over the meetings
  • 31. Purpose of the Constitution    Was to establish a central government authorized to deal directly with individuals rather than states and To incorporate a system of checks and balances that would preserve the fundamental concepts contained in the Magna Carta, that is, to limit the power of government To prevent one individual from having complete power
  • 32. Constitution takes shape   Structure and powers of legislative, executive judicial branches. The checks and balance would allow the system to work, while achieving the primary goal of limiting power to any individual or section of the government.
  • 33.  Constitutionalism- a belief in a government in which power is distributed and limited by a system of laws that must be obeyed by those who rule
  • 34. Constitutional Convention – Who Was There?     55 delegates 8 had signed the Declaration of Independence 7 were governors of their states 39 were congressmen     More than ½ were college graduates 1/3 were lawyers Most held prominent positions in the Revolutionary War All were highly respected property owners
  • 35. Great Compromise      The agreement reached in drafting the Constitution giving each state an equal vote in the Senate and a proportionate vote in the House All powers were entrusted to the states and to the people Country was to governed by a President to be chosen by electors in each state, a national judiciary and a two-chamber legislature House of Representatives were popularly elected Senate was chosen by individual state legislatures
  • 36. Issue of Slavery     Was omitted during the constitutional debates Zero chance of ratification from the South if it dealt with slavery 10th Amendment left slavery up to the individual states (ratified two years later) This omission from the Constitution and failure to compromise would lead to the civil war
  • 37. Drafting the Constitution    August 7, 1787, the draft was ready for a clause-by-clause review Some material was old, connecting to the Magna Carta, and some was new with some brilliant concepts The final document was put before the Convention on September 1787
  • 38. Current Events: Constitution and Citizenship Day In 2005, Congress mandated that schools receiving federal funding Federal Register Notice provide education about the Constitution  Commemorate the principles and practices protected and Provided for in the Constitution September 17th 
  • 39. The Article of the Constitution  The first three article established the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the government and the country’s system of checks and balances.
  • 40. Article 1- Legislative Branch    Legislature may pass laws, but cannot enforce or interpret them Contains the Great Compromise Congress has 2 chambers  Senate     Each state has 2 senators Each senator has 1 vote Sole power to try all impeachments House of Representatives    Membership based on state populations Power of impeachment 1st to consider bills for raising taxes
  • 41. Powers of Congress  Section 8 of Article 1 grants specific powers to Congress          Coining money Establishing post offices Lay and collect taxes Borrow money on the credit of the United States Regulate international and interstate commerce Naturalize foreign-born citizens Raise and govern the military forces Declare war Elastic clause  Reserve of power to do what was “necessary and proper” to pass laws for the nation. Enact laws that
  • 42. Article 2- Executive Branch    Created to carry out the law Provide a commander and chief of the military forces Carry out nation’s foreign policy    Entering into treaties with other nations To appoint ambassadors, judges and officials needed for the government to function Chosen by electors
  • 43. Article 2- Executive Branch       The president’s most significant actions must be approved by the Senate Treaties require 2/3 vote Judges and appointed executive officials need a majority vote to be confirmed Must report periodically to Congress on the state of the Union May recommend laws Congress should enact MOST IMPROTANT DUTY-”shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed”
  • 44. Article 3-Judicial Branch      Vesting Judicial power in the U.S. Supreme Court Federal court judges are appointed by the President and hold office for life Congress is authorized to regulate the court’s dockets by deciding what kinds of cases the Supreme court can hear on appeal Congress regulates the courts’ jurisdiction Courts interpret the laws
  • 45. Federal v. State power  The powers not specifically delegated to the federal government, are reserved for the states and the people.
  • 46. Checks and Balances  The President has veto power   President nominates Supreme Court justices   Congress can override with 2/3 majority vote Legislative branch confirms or denies the nomination President is the commander in chief  Legislative branch declares war and pays for it
  • 47. Article 4- Other Provisions   Contains a variety of provisions, some taken from the Articles of Confederation, further describing the creation of the federal union Article 4 also deals with:    Criminal extradition Formation of new states Congress’ power to govern in territorial lands not yet states
  • 48. Article 5- The Amendment Process  Dictates how the Constitution may be amended 1. 2.   Must be approved by 2/3 vote in each house of Congress Submitted to the states for ratification requiring the approval of ¾ of the states to pass the amendment The people may begin the amendment process if the legislatures of 2/3 of the states call for a constitutional convention Bill of Rights (1791) were added to the Constitution using the Amendment Process
  • 49. Article 6- The Constitution as the Supreme Law    Supremacy clause- federal law will reign when there is conflicting state law The article permitted the Supreme Court to become the ultimate decision maker in whether laws and actions of the government circumvent the Constitution and to invalidate them if they do so Requires the allegiance of every federal and state official to the Constitution
  • 50. Signing of the Constitution     Ben Franklin moved that the Constitution be approved unanimously and signed by those states present September 17, 1787 the U.S. Constitution was sign in Philadelphia 42 of the 55 delegates were present to sign the Constitution 3 members refused to sign  George Mason-because of the lack of a bill of rights
  • 51. Ratification   Ratify- to approve a constitutional amendment Each state had to ratify the constitution even though the delegates agreed to the makeup of the Constitution  Delaware was the first to do so
  • 52. Ratification Cont…   Federalists- favored a strong central government Anti-Federalists- favored a weaker central government   Didn’t not want to ratify without a bill of rights guaranteeing individual liberties Amendments- changes to the Constitution or bylaws  December 15, 1791- states had ratified 10 of 12 proposed amendments to ensure that the national government would not interfere with individual liberties
  • 53. Current Events The President has nothing to do with the Amendment process      27 Amendments to the US Constitution The 27th amendment which restricts raises in congressional pay is the most recent amendment Proposed in 1789 Was not ratified until 1992 Took 74003 days to ratify
  • 54. Bill of Rights   Aimed at balancing the rights of the states and of individual citizens against the powers of the central government The Constitution was general, and the Amendments were specific
  • 55. Bill of Rights 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1st Amendment - Freedom of speech, Freedom of religion, Freedom of press, Right to assemble, Right to petition 2nd Amendment – “to keep and bear arms” 3rd Amendment – prohibition from housing soldiers 4th Amendment – privacy and security 5th Amendment – restrictions as to how government can treat people suspected of crimes
  • 56. Bill of Rights 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6th Amendment - Informed of nature and cause of accusation, Confront witnesses against him, Obtaining witnesses in his favor, Assistance of Counsel for his defense 7th Amendment - Right to trial by jury in common law cases where the value exceeds $20. 8th Amendment – cruel and unusual punishment. Excessive bail and fines 9th Amendment – answered objections to those who thought that naming some rights but not all might result in government claiming more power than intended 10th Amendment - Powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution are reserved to the States respectively or to the people.