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ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8178-6188
Yayasan Global Banjar Internasional/
WOW BALI International Initiative
Bali, Indonesia
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9776-1425
Yayasan Global Banjar Internasional/
WOW BALI International Initiative
Bali, Indonesia
AB Economics
MA Social and Development Studies (27 units)
• Associate Editor, TAWID: Centennial Heritage Book of Bontoc, Mt.
Province, Philippines
• Senior Economic and Development Specialist (NEDA Region 1)
• Project Manager and Co-author, Tourism Guidebook for Local
Government Units (DAP)
• Senior Researcher, WOW Bali
• Project Evaluation Officer (DSWD)
• Consultant-writer, Greenhouse Gas Inventory Manual for Local
Government Units
• Registered Environmental Planner (EnP)
25 years of experience in the areas of:
Yayasan Global Banjar Internasional (WOW Bali) is a non-profit, non-government foundation(yayasan) based in Bali, Indonesia. WOW Bali
specializes in sustainable human development, currently in active collaborations with grassroots Balinese communities, national and
international stakeholders. Since 2012, the best practices developed thru the WOW Bali International Initiative have been presented in local and
international conferences and workshops: ASEAN Youth Leaders Association, Asian Productivity Organization, Development Academy of the
Philippines, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, UN World Tourism Organization, World Agroforestry Centre
(ICRAF), Forum on East Asia and Latin America Cooperation, (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), national ministries, local
governments, and numerous educational institutions and universities in Bali, other parts of Indonesia and throughout Southeast Asia.
A framework for creative
collaborations for sustainable
development in Bali, Indonesia
I. Background
II. Objectives
III. Framework
IV. Design and Methodology
V. Discussion
1. Sustainable Dynamics Framework
2. WOW Dynamics Programs
3. Creative Collaborations
VI. Conclusion
Sustainable development is development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.
– The Brundtland Report/ Our Common Future, UN CED 1987
Photo (c)
© wowbali:
Introduce and define the Sustainable Dynamics
• To demonstrate a way of integrating local Balinese
wellness traditions and creative autonomy into
modern dynamic wellness practices; and
• To show how the community stakeholders have
worked together to facilitate social change towards
sustainable development.
• Evolutionary Design for Sustainable Human
• Systemic and Holistic Design
• Interdisciplinary and Participatory in
• Holistic Participation via Human Wellness
• Regenerative Development
Evolutionary Design for Sustainable Human
•Alexander Laszlo: evolution is the continuous and pervasive
phenomena occurring in biological, social and engineered
•In simple, or unitary systems (micro) it is the ability to adapt.
In more complex systems or groups (macro) this ability is
called evolution– ability to respond to changes in the
surrounding environment.
Systemic and Holistic Design
•Weaving ‘an integrated set of worldviews, institutions, and
technologies to stimulate and seed this evolutionary
redesign of the current socio-ecological regime to achieve
global sustainability’ (Beddoe, et al 2009)
•A holistic view of sustainability takes into consideration all
dimensions of sustainable development—economic, social,
and environmental. However, a holistic view of
sustainability should also consider the holistic development
of the individual human being as the core component of any
social system
Systemic and Holistic Design
•The environmental discourse surrounding sustainable
development had shifted in recent years towards narratives
underscoring the roles humans play in the decline as well as
in the restoration of the world’s ecosystems. Philipp Gassner
(2014), for example, expressed a need to redirect the
challenge of biodiversity loss beyond the ‘green’ surface
and ‘focus on humans’.
Interdisciplinary and Participatory in Approach
•Interdisciplinary approach in understanding
human-environment inter-relatedness and complexity:
it has the ability to ‘weave together the skills and
knowledge developed by single disciplines’ (Bender 2012)
•Participatory: every single component of a community
or system has a role to play in sustainable development
•The emerging field of sustainability science
recognized a need to develop a set of
‘transdisciplinary methods and models to provide
integrated understanding of closely-coupled human-
environment systems’ (Kates, 2010).
Learning Community (Senge and Scharmer 2002)
• A learning community is a diverse group of people
working together to nurture and sustain a knowledge
creating system, based on valuing equally three
interacting domains of activity:
–capacity building
• Holistic Participation via Human
Wellness, defined by the World Health Organization, is the
‘optimum state of health of individuals or groups’ and is
focused on two points:
1. the fulfillment of the individual’s physical, social, spiritual, and
economic potential, and
2. the performance of the different roles the individual is
expected to play whether within the context of the family,
community, or organization to which he/she belongs.
• Regenerative Development
Regenerative systems have the ability ‘for continuous
replacement, through its own functional processes, of the
energy and materials used in its operation’ -Lyle (1994)
Lyle proposed its application not only in the area of landscape
design: ‘we can apply it to the earth as a whole’, especially
with the pressing need to reverse the ‘degenerative trend’
that threatens the Earth’s ability to support life.
• Regenerative Development
Regenerative systems have the ability ‘for continuous
replacement, through its own functional processes, of the
energy and materials used in its operation’ -Lyle (1994)
Lyle proposed its application not only in the area of landscape
design: ‘we can apply it to the earth as a whole’, especially
with the pressing need to reverse the ‘degenerative trend’
that threatens the Earth’s ability to support life.
• Regenerative Development
Designing regenerative systems requires a better
understanding of how our human systems can engage with
the inherently regenerative natural systems
Two key principles that could allow us to attain planetary
wellbeing in the shortest time possible:
1. ‘natural systems have the self-organizing capability to
heal themselves – if we let them’
2. ‘we are nature’.
• Qualitative research through case study
Interviews, focus group discussions, workshops, site visit,
participant observation
• Community Action Research
(Senge and Scharmer, 2002)
continuing thru active learning
• Use of Visual Graphics to communicate the concepts
(visual ethnography)
• Documentation of the collaborations
• Literature review
• Research Site: Bali, Indonesia
• Research Duration: started in March 2014
• What is Sustainable Dynamics?
• Sustainable Dynamics at work: Applications in
applied in Programs developed by WOW Bali
• Sustainable Dynamics Creative Collaborations
• Sekar Bumi Farm & WOW Bali: towards a ‘Global
Banjar’ vision
– Cultural Wealth Collaborations Project
– Smart Center Ecological Village Project
• Jero Gede, Batur Village & WOW Bali: towards a
‘Global Banjar’ vision
– Pasraman Puri Pelisan | WOW Batur
ASEAN Youth Leader’s Association Indonesia & WOW Bali:
Regenerative Leadership and Active Learning (beyond Bali)
• WOW One+ Voluntour: Ridge-to-Reef Adventure
Learning Tour
• ReGen Sustainability in Wellbeing: Coral Reef
Regeneration (Pemuteran Bay)
• R&D-I-T (Research and Do It Together) Building
an Aquaponic System at Home
1. Eco-life Development: The Mansion Resort Hotel
and WOW Bali
2. Community-Supported Agriculture: Kerta
Generations and WOW Bali
3. Sustainable Eco-village Development: Bindu
Village and WOW Bali
4. Creating Local to Sharing Global: Dwijendra
University and WOW Bali
Collaborative processes are UNPREDICTABLE and the
ensuing transformative potential it presents to those
involved in the collaboration that invokes a
‘sudden need to cross the familiar boundaries of one's
own experiences, skills and intellectual resources to
enter nameless and foreign territories where abilities
that had been considered "individual" marvelously
merge with those of others’
- Schneider 2007
1. Addressing systemic problems of sustainability
should not only be left to the domain technological
solutions although they are important. It demands
human-level (self) transformation, fore mostly; and
holistic participation within a community, secondly.
We need to change; and we need to start with our
2. Responding to 21st century challenges of sustainable
development requires an ‘evolutionary redesign’ of
our current socio-economic structures to align with
the regenerative design of natural systems:
We need to share; we need to collaborate.
3. Collaborating individuals make up a community,
which, when actively learning together, are more
likely to foster and expand relationships, create
‘settings for collective reflection’, and leverage
each other’s dynamics (forces and properties or
capabilities) to sustain transformative changes.
• After this exploratory study, and with the continuing
community action research, the regenerative aspect
of the creative collaborations requires further analysis
and reflection. This next phase of active learning will
focus on the impacts of the local sustainable
development initiatives on the community as well its
“There is only a perspective seeing, only a
perspective "knowing"; and the more affects
we allow to speak about one thing, the more
eyes, different eyes, we can use to bring to
bear on one and the same thing, the more
complete will our "concept" of this thing, our
"objectivity," be.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
On the Genealogy of Morals/Ecce Homo
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Sustainable Dynamics_ICIRHE Siem Reap Cambodia

  • 1. HAI DAI NGUYEN ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8178-6188 Yayasan Global Banjar Internasional/ WOW BALI International Initiative Bali, Indonesia KIM DYAN A. CALDERON ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9776-1425 Yayasan Global Banjar Internasional/ WOW BALI International Initiative Bali, Indonesia
  • 2. AB Economics MA Social and Development Studies (27 units) • Associate Editor, TAWID: Centennial Heritage Book of Bontoc, Mt. Province, Philippines • Senior Economic and Development Specialist (NEDA Region 1) • Project Manager and Co-author, Tourism Guidebook for Local Government Units (DAP) • Senior Researcher, WOW Bali • Project Evaluation Officer (DSWD) • Consultant-writer, Greenhouse Gas Inventory Manual for Local Government Units • Registered Environmental Planner (EnP)
  • 3. 25 years of experience in the areas of:
  • 4. Yayasan Global Banjar Internasional (WOW Bali) is a non-profit, non-government foundation(yayasan) based in Bali, Indonesia. WOW Bali specializes in sustainable human development, currently in active collaborations with grassroots Balinese communities, national and international stakeholders. Since 2012, the best practices developed thru the WOW Bali International Initiative have been presented in local and international conferences and workshops: ASEAN Youth Leaders Association, Asian Productivity Organization, Development Academy of the Philippines, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, UN World Tourism Organization, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Forum on East Asia and Latin America Cooperation, (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), national ministries, local governments, and numerous educational institutions and universities in Bali, other parts of Indonesia and throughout Southeast Asia.
  • 5. A framework for creative collaborations for sustainable development in Bali, Indonesia
  • 6. I. Background II. Objectives III. Framework IV. Design and Methodology V. Discussion 1. Sustainable Dynamics Framework 2. WOW Dynamics Programs 3. Creative Collaborations VI. Conclusion
  • 7. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. – The Brundtland Report/ Our Common Future, UN CED 1987
  • 9. Photo © wowbali: © ©
  • 10. Introduce and define the Sustainable Dynamics Framework • To demonstrate a way of integrating local Balinese wellness traditions and creative autonomy into modern dynamic wellness practices; and • To show how the community stakeholders have worked together to facilitate social change towards sustainable development.
  • 11. • Evolutionary Design for Sustainable Human Development • Systemic and Holistic Design • Interdisciplinary and Participatory in Approach • Holistic Participation via Human Wellness • Regenerative Development
  • 12. Evolutionary Design for Sustainable Human Development •Alexander Laszlo: evolution is the continuous and pervasive phenomena occurring in biological, social and engineered systems •In simple, or unitary systems (micro) it is the ability to adapt. In more complex systems or groups (macro) this ability is called evolution– ability to respond to changes in the surrounding environment.
  • 13. Systemic and Holistic Design •Weaving ‘an integrated set of worldviews, institutions, and technologies to stimulate and seed this evolutionary redesign of the current socio-ecological regime to achieve global sustainability’ (Beddoe, et al 2009) •A holistic view of sustainability takes into consideration all dimensions of sustainable development—economic, social, and environmental. However, a holistic view of sustainability should also consider the holistic development of the individual human being as the core component of any social system
  • 14. Systemic and Holistic Design •The environmental discourse surrounding sustainable development had shifted in recent years towards narratives underscoring the roles humans play in the decline as well as in the restoration of the world’s ecosystems. Philipp Gassner (2014), for example, expressed a need to redirect the challenge of biodiversity loss beyond the ‘green’ surface and ‘focus on humans’.
  • 15. Interdisciplinary and Participatory in Approach •Interdisciplinary approach in understanding human-environment inter-relatedness and complexity: it has the ability to ‘weave together the skills and knowledge developed by single disciplines’ (Bender 2012) •Participatory: every single component of a community or system has a role to play in sustainable development
  • 16. Transdisciplinarity •The emerging field of sustainability science recognized a need to develop a set of ‘transdisciplinary methods and models to provide integrated understanding of closely-coupled human- environment systems’ (Kates, 2010).
  • 17. Learning Community (Senge and Scharmer 2002) • A learning community is a diverse group of people working together to nurture and sustain a knowledge creating system, based on valuing equally three interacting domains of activity: –research –capacity building –practice
  • 18. • Holistic Participation via Human Wellness Wellness, defined by the World Health Organization, is the ‘optimum state of health of individuals or groups’ and is focused on two points: 1. the fulfillment of the individual’s physical, social, spiritual, and economic potential, and 2. the performance of the different roles the individual is expected to play whether within the context of the family, community, or organization to which he/she belongs.
  • 19. • Regenerative Development Regenerative systems have the ability ‘for continuous replacement, through its own functional processes, of the energy and materials used in its operation’ -Lyle (1994) Lyle proposed its application not only in the area of landscape design: ‘we can apply it to the earth as a whole’, especially with the pressing need to reverse the ‘degenerative trend’ that threatens the Earth’s ability to support life.
  • 20. • Regenerative Development Regenerative systems have the ability ‘for continuous replacement, through its own functional processes, of the energy and materials used in its operation’ -Lyle (1994) Lyle proposed its application not only in the area of landscape design: ‘we can apply it to the earth as a whole’, especially with the pressing need to reverse the ‘degenerative trend’ that threatens the Earth’s ability to support life.
  • 21. • Regenerative Development Designing regenerative systems requires a better understanding of how our human systems can engage with the inherently regenerative natural systems Two key principles that could allow us to attain planetary wellbeing in the shortest time possible: 1. ‘natural systems have the self-organizing capability to heal themselves – if we let them’ 2. ‘we are nature’.
  • 22. • Qualitative research through case study design Interviews, focus group discussions, workshops, site visit, participant observation • Community Action Research (Senge and Scharmer, 2002) continuing thru active learning • Use of Visual Graphics to communicate the concepts (visual ethnography) • Documentation of the collaborations • Literature review • Research Site: Bali, Indonesia • Research Duration: started in March 2014
  • 23. • What is Sustainable Dynamics?
  • 24. • Sustainable Dynamics at work: Applications in applied in Programs developed by WOW Bali
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 30.
  • 31. • Sustainable Dynamics Creative Collaborations
  • 32. • Sekar Bumi Farm & WOW Bali: towards a ‘Global Banjar’ vision – Cultural Wealth Collaborations Project – Smart Center Ecological Village Project SustainableDynamicsCreativeCollaborations
  • 33. • Jero Gede, Batur Village & WOW Bali: towards a ‘Global Banjar’ vision – Pasraman Puri Pelisan | WOW Batur SustainableDynamicsCreativeCollaborations
  • 34. ASEAN Youth Leader’s Association Indonesia & WOW Bali: Regenerative Leadership and Active Learning (beyond Bali) SustainableDynamicsCreativeCollaborations
  • 35. • WOW One+ Voluntour: Ridge-to-Reef Adventure Learning Tour • ReGen Sustainability in Wellbeing: Coral Reef Regeneration (Pemuteran Bay) • R&D-I-T (Research and Do It Together) Building an Aquaponic System at Home SustainableDynamicsCreativeCollaborations
  • 36. 1. Eco-life Development: The Mansion Resort Hotel and WOW Bali 2. Community-Supported Agriculture: Kerta Generations and WOW Bali 3. Sustainable Eco-village Development: Bindu Village and WOW Bali 4. Creating Local to Sharing Global: Dwijendra University and WOW Bali SustainableDynamicsCreativeCollaborations
  • 37. Collaborative processes are UNPREDICTABLE and the ensuing transformative potential it presents to those involved in the collaboration that invokes a ‘sudden need to cross the familiar boundaries of one's own experiences, skills and intellectual resources to enter nameless and foreign territories where abilities that had been considered "individual" marvelously merge with those of others’ - Schneider 2007 SustainableDynamicsCreativeCollaborations
  • 38. 1. Addressing systemic problems of sustainability should not only be left to the domain technological solutions although they are important. It demands human-level (self) transformation, fore mostly; and holistic participation within a community, secondly. We need to change; and we need to start with our SELF.
  • 39. 2. Responding to 21st century challenges of sustainable development requires an ‘evolutionary redesign’ of our current socio-economic structures to align with the regenerative design of natural systems: We need to share; we need to collaborate.
  • 40. 3. Collaborating individuals make up a community, which, when actively learning together, are more likely to foster and expand relationships, create ‘settings for collective reflection’, and leverage each other’s dynamics (forces and properties or capabilities) to sustain transformative changes.
  • 41. • After this exploratory study, and with the continuing community action research, the regenerative aspect of the creative collaborations requires further analysis and reflection. This next phase of active learning will focus on the impacts of the local sustainable development initiatives on the community as well its continuous
  • 42. “There is only a perspective seeing, only a perspective "knowing"; and the more affects we allow to speak about one thing, the more eyes, different eyes, we can use to bring to bear on one and the same thing, the more complete will our "concept" of this thing, our "objectivity," be.” -Friedrich Nietzsche On the Genealogy of Morals/Ecce Homo
  • 43.
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Editor's Notes

  1. Bali is “located at the westernmost end of the Lesser Sunda Islands, between Java to the west and Lombok to the east. The capital city of Denpasar is located in the southern part of the island. January 2014 census showed that population was at 4,225,000. Bali is home to most of Indonesia's Hindu minority. More than 80% of the population adhered to Balinese Hinduism,[3] followed by 13.4% Islim, Christianity at 2.5%, and Buddhism 0.5%. Bali has 8 regencies and 1 city. Needless to say, Bali is a popular tourist destination, which has seen a significant rise in tourists since the 1980s. Tourism-related business makes up 80% of its economy. In 2016, there were a total of 4,927,937 tourists who visited the island (Bali Government Tourism Office Bali Provincial Government). It is renowned for its highly developed arts, including traditional and modern dance, sculpture, painting, leather, metalworking, and music. The Indonesian International Film Festival is held every year in Bali. Beyond these two areas as the main location of developments of WOW Batur, WOW Bali had also co-developed programs in the different areas in Bali (such as in Karangasem Regency in East Bali for the coral reef regeneration project in 2015, in Pemuteran, Buleleng Regency in West Bali for another coral regeneration project, in Central Ubud, Denpasar, etc). WOW Bali has also collaborated with other organizations in Bogor (Sampoerna Academy) and Surakarta (Selebas Maret Universita) in Java, Indonesia.
  2. This exploratory study aimed to introduce and define the Sustainable Dynamics Framework which is a community-based sustainable development framework developed through a collaboration of various cultural creatives in Bali, Indonesia. For WOW Bali, it serves many different purposes. It is important to note that the study was brought to life as an integral part of the community’s active learning processes and was used as a means of documenting the evolution of the local initiatives in attempt to connect with other stakeholders both local and abroad.
  3. “Big Picture” view of the Earth (1959: first photo of the earth taken from outer space) The global focus toward sustainability signals a recognition of the interconnectedness of all life on Earth—a transformation in consciousness that may have been triggered by our very first view of our planet from space. the overview effect Triggered a change in perspective: impetus for ‘sustainable development’ through the Brundtland Report in 1987 Official definition of sustainable development -“We inhabit a planet where everything and everyone is inevitably connected (Curran, 2009)” -Agenda 21, Rio de Janeiro 1992 -The Government of Indonesia came up with its Agenda 21 in 1996 While environmental policy was strong, the primary challenge was on the people’s participation which was considered to be the weakest aspect of Indonesia’s strategies to achieve sustainable development, with local governments left without much knowledge of Agenda 21 (UNDESA, 2007).
  4. -Owing to its reputation as an international tourism destination, the island of Bali had been a locus of analysis for sustainable tourism projects for four decades. Visiting researchers, expats, and experts helped develop the Bali Sustainable Development Project as early as 1987 ‘to encourage vigorous economic development in Bali, while also ensuring and enhancing traditional cultural values and protecting the integrity of the natural environment’ (Pickel-Chevalier & Budarma, 2016). -Bali has also been a case study in ‘sustainable tourism’ -Balinese ancient culture/ Hindu religious tradition: Tri Hita Karana. The three causes/sources of happiness: harmonious relationship with other people, with nature, and with the divine. -According to our Balinese partner, Dr. Gede Sedana said all cultures have their own Tri Hita Karana (it’s not unique to the Balinese) --People’s participation emerged a crucial issue in achieving sustainable development. Until today, individual and community initiatives remain to be a dynamic terrain for understanding human-nature interactions that provide clues as to how people view sustainability and how they participate individually and collectively in sustainable practices. Photo (c)
  5. -WOW Bali: what am I doing in Bali? Brief introduction into why and how this research came to be WOW Bali as a program under Tri Hita Karana Bali Yayasan in search of sustainable solutions in collaboration with other cultural creatives in Bali Agrotourism case study of Ms. Calderon through APO Workshop in 2013 Introduction to why and how this research came to be Balinese as a creative culture (with brief discussion of creative autonomy) Bali tourism and contemporary sustainability issues faced by the island: almost 5 million tourists visiting your island in How can non-Balinese (visitors and expats) integrate the culture? People’s participation emerged a crucial issue in achieving sustainable development. Until today, individual and community initiatives remain to be a dynamic terrain for understanding human-nature interactions that provide clues as to how people view sustainability and how they participate individually and collectively in sustainable practices. For WOW Bali, we can only fully ‘study’ the culture if we ‘live’ it. Photo © wowbali: © ©
  6. The main research questions: What is the sustainable dynamics framework and how was it applied to creative collaborations in Bali and beyond (what are the products/ outputs of these collaborations)? The research is an integral part of the community’s active learning processes and was used as a means of documenting the evolution of the local initiatives. WOW Bali has existed to help the local community deepen collective knowledge and practice in implementing sustainable projects through research. >Serves as affirmation of the Balinese cultural tradition for its uniqueness and adaptability to other cultures, making Bali a leading international destination.
  7. We look at the transdisciplinary nature of the study in particular and the work that we are doing in general. We are continually search for solutions; and almost serendipitously find people who know how to deliver those solutions Evolutionary Design Alexander Laszlo: evolution is the continuous and pervasive phenomena occurring in biological, social and engineered systems In simple, or unitary systems (micro) it is the ability to adapt. In more complex systems or groups (macro) this ability is called evolution– ability to respond to changes in the surrounding environment. Homeostasis-Variety- Selection-Replication Systemic and Holistic Design Weaving ‘an integrated set of worldviews, institutions, and technologies to stimulate and seed this evolutionary redesign of the current socio-ecological regime to achieve global sustainability’ (Beddoe, et al) A holistic view of sustainability takes into consideration all dimensions of sustainable development—economic, social, and environmental. However, a holistic view of sustainability should also consider the holistic development of the individual human being as the core component of any social system. Interdisciplinary and Participatory in Approach Interdisciplinary approach in understanding human-environment inter-relatedness and complexity: it has the ability to ‘weave together the skills and knowledge developed by single disciplines’. Participatory: every single component of a community or system has a role to play in sustainable development >Regenerative Development Two important principles crucial towards human’s aligning with the regenerative processes of nature: 1. ‘natural systems have the self-organizing capability to heal themselves – if we let them’ and 2, that ‘we are nature’. How to regenerate
  8. We look at the transdisciplinary nature of the study in particular and the work that we are doing in general. We are continually search for solutions; and almost serendipitously find people who know how to deliver those solutions Evolutionary Design Systemic and Holistic Design Weaving ‘an integrated set of worldviews, institutions, and technologies to stimulate and seed this evolutionary redesign of the current socio-ecological regime to achieve global sustainability’ (Beddoe, et al) A holistic view of sustainability takes into consideration all dimensions of sustainable development—economic, social, and environmental. However, a holistic view of sustainability should also consider the holistic development of the individual human being as the core component of any social system. Interdisciplinary and Participatory in Approach Interdisciplinary approach in understanding human-environment inter-relatedness and complexity: it has the ability to ‘weave together the skills and knowledge developed by single disciplines’. Participatory: every single component of a community or system has a role to play in sustainable development >Regenerative Development Two important principles crucial towards human’s aligning with the regenerative processes of nature: 1. ‘natural systems have the self-organizing capability to heal themselves – if we let them’ and 2, that ‘we are nature’. How to regenerate
  9. Beddoes et al proposed ‘an integrated set of worldviews, institutions, and technologies to stimulate and seed this evolutionary redesign of the current socio-ecological regime to achieve global sustainability’. Further, an ‘evolutionary redesign’ calls for innovative practices that necessarily weave a new narrative in sustainable development, which can be manifested in emerging movements that seek to change the current economic system characterized by ‘excess, control, and exploitation’ with one that values ‘biophysical constraints, preferring decentralization, and supporting mutuality’ (Mommaerts, White & Roberts, 2014).
  10. We look at the transdisciplinary nature of the study in particular and the work that we are doing in general. We are continually search for solutions; and almost serendipitously find people who know how to deliver those solutions Knowledge production also happens beyond the university; everyone is capable of producing knowledge Transdisciplinary: Experts, researchers, local people, all stakeholders– learning community
  11. We look at the transdisciplinary nature of the study in particular and the work that we are doing in general. We are continually search for solutions; and almost serendipitously find people who know how to deliver those solutions Transdisciplinary: Experts, researchers, local people, all stakeholders– learning community Akin to Learning Community (Senge and Scharmer 2002): A learning community is a diverse group of people working together to nurture and sustain a knowledge creating system, based on valuing equally three interacting domains of activity: • research: a disciplined approach to discovery and understanding, with a commitment to share what’s learned; • capacity building: enhancing people’s awareness and capabilities, individually and collectively, to produce results they truly care about; and • practice: people working together to achieve practical outcomes.
  12. Regenerative designs applied in sustainable development could find its roots in landscape and environmental designs for developing human settlements. Autopoiesis (from Greek αὐτo- (auto-), meaning 'self', and ποίησις (poiesis), meaning 'creation, production') introduced by Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela as a system capable of reproducing and maintaining itself. The term was introduced in 1972 by  to define the self-maintaining chemistry of living cells. Since then the concept has been also applied to the fields of systems theory and sociology.
  13. Regenerative designs applied in sustainable development could find its roots in landscape and environmental designs for developing human settlements. Autopoiesis (from Greek αὐτo- (auto-), meaning 'self', and ποίησις (poiesis), meaning 'creation, production') introduced by Chilean biologists Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela as a system capable of reproducing and maintaining itself. The term was introduced in 1972 by  to define the self-maintaining chemistry of living cells. Since then the concept has been also applied to the fields of systems theory and sociology. He seemed hopeful in saying that regenerative systems, given their bases on natural processes, can play a pivotal role among the wide array of approaches and solutions. Lyle (1994) also echoed what many others have been voicing out for so long: that the relationship existing between human and nature is at the core of today’s environmental problem and that technology alone cannot possibly solve it.
  14. Emphasize on: Community action research (Senge and Scharmer 2002) as an approach to collaborative knowledge creation Bringing community action research to life (in the context of large organizations, such as corporations) starts with genuine commitment on the part of a group of managerial practitioners from diverse organizations, consultants and researchers to work together requires an agreed upon system of self governance and learning infrastructures that enable relationship building, collaborative projects, and sharing insights across the entire community and beyond entails appreciating and encouraging emergent learning networks that arise in ways that can be neither predicted nor controlled These principles have been adopted in the context of active learning in WOW Bali. Akin to Learning Community (Senge and Scharmer 2002): A learning community is a diverse group of people working together to nurture and sustain a knowledge creating system, based on valuing equally three interacting domains of activity: • research: a disciplined approach to discovery and understanding, with a commitment to share what’s learned; • capacity building: enhancing people’s awareness and capabilities, individually and collectively, to produce results they truly care about; and • practice: people working together to achieve practical outcomes. Such a community continually produces new theory and method, new tools, and new practical know-how.
  15. Discuss the components on the left side. Dynamic distinctions: Effective vs affective Key Sustainable Dynamics >Human-centered designs >Evolutionary systems design >Active learning via creative potential
  16. Research and Development (R&D) Processes: This is the part where we develop something based on the research. Rapid Prototyping Dynamic Wellness: Personal Development (People First) Wellness for the Balinese Integration with modern and other modalities
  17. To operationalize this concept, WOW Bali developed Dynamic Wellness Program, which deals with one’s personal awareness of the functions and dynamics of the sustainable human body. By this, WOW considers wellness or health as a ‘uniquely personal and subjective experience about which each person has his or her own narrative’ (Kirsten, Van der Walt & Viljoen, 2009).
  18. Natural aesthetics Human-centered designs can be applied in ways that enable us to ‘mutualize’ with nature Balinese Subak system The Banjar WOW house based on Balinese architecture
  19. The Celebrations Program Having extensively researched and worked around the area of alternative learning, WOW Bali has developed ‘Celebration Programs’ to inspire a more sustainable way of living by activating human creative potential especially among children and youth. This program utilizes a creative learning curriculum that allows them the freedom to learn, thereby empowering them with the ‘creative autonomy’ to take greater positive actions based on their creative awareness.
  20. Creative Autonomy Active Learning Transformative Leadership
  21. Balinese ceremonies and spiritual processes Conscious way of celebration
  22. Cultural Integrations Inter-cultural, Inter-faith, Inter-generational
  23. Cultural Integrations Inter-cultural, Inter-faith, Inter-generational Most of the collaborations of WOW Bali emerge organically. Global visionaries initiate this collabs
  24. Sekar Bumi Farm, owned and managed by Pak Ketut Subagia, is the largest heliconia (common name: bird-of-paradise) farm and agrotourism destination in Bali, Indonesia. It is co-developing a long-term partnership in ‘sustainable dynamics’ with WOW Bali to share its Global Banjar vision. The resource-sharing and joint efforts between the two serve to co-develop new ecological sustainability standards and solutions and to showcase these for the sustainable agrotourism sector as a Cultural Wealth Area for the Regency of Gianyar in Bali, Indonesia. -the banjar. It is the basic social unit in the local Balinese society which continues to function in a ‘decentralized, democratic, cooperative’ way despite its ancient origin -the subak system. As one of the World Heritage Sites, it has a significant cultural and physical importance that conveys a universal value worth preserving. According to Dean Ir Gede Sedana of the Department of Agriculture in Dwijendra University, the subak ‘is not only an institution in agriculture, but also as a part of Bali’s local wisdom about human society and its relationship with the environment’. 
  25. Pat Ketut Subagia bridged the collaboration between WOW Bali and the Batur Management Team to start WOW Batur Project or the Pekraman Puri Pelisan, a regenerative model for community-based cultural tourism. Lake Batur, situated within the crater of Batur Volcano, supplies most of the island’s water, which is the lifeblood of the Balinese culture. This collaboration project pays tribute to the significant contribution of Batur and the local communities living in this sacred land, headed by their high priest, Jero Gede Alitan. Aside from Jero Gede Batur, WOW Bali is also in active collaborations with Ratu Pedanda See:
  26. ASEAN+ Children Festival 2016 (See 2017 Grassroots Diplomacy Internship Program in partnership with Universitas Sebelas Maret Malaka Project
  27. Other previous collaborations
  28. Other previous collaborations
  29. Flower metaphor- Photo ©