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Anatomy & Pre-treatment
Work up of Cancer Cervix
Dr Chandrima Mukherjee
Junior Resident
Dept of Radiation Oncology
Sagittal Section through the Female Pelvis
• It is the lower cylindrical portion on
the uterus.
• It is 3-4cm long, 2.5cm in diameter
slightly wider in the middle than at
either end
• Lower portion of cervix projects into
the anterior wall of the vagina which
divides it into supra-vaginal & vaginal
• The cervical canal opns into the vagina
by an opening called the external os.
• Cervix is least mobile portion of
uterus due to attachment of ligaments
Pg 387, B D Chaurasia, 6th Edition, Volume 2 5
• Supravaginal Part of cervix:
• Related anteriorly to the bladder
• Post to the POD, containing coils
of intestine & to rectum
• On each side, to ureter & to
uterine artery, embedded in
• Vaginal Portion of cervix projects
into the anterior wall of vagina.
The spaces b/w it & the vg wall
are called the vaginal fornices.
• Uterus is a pear-shaped muscular organ,
divided into fundus, lower uterine segment
and cervix uteri.
• The uterus has three tissue layers which
include the following:
• Endometrium: the inner lining and
consists of the functional (superficial)
and basal endometrium. The
functional layer responds to
reproductive hormones and shedding
results in menstrual bleeding.
• Myometrium: the muscle layer and is
composed of smooth muscle cells.
• Serosa/Perimetrium: the thin outer
layer composed of epithelial cells.
Angles of Uterus
Angle of Anteversion
• Forward angle formed by long
axis of vagina and long axis of
cervix at the level of external
os ~ 90 Degrees
Angle of Anteflexion
• Forward angle formed by long
axis of uterus and long axis of
cervix at the level of internal
os ~ 170 Degrees
• Parametrium refers to the areolar connective tissue located between the
uterine corpus and pelvic side wall, cranial to ureter and surrounding
uterine artery.
• Ureters are the anatomical landmark for the lateral parametrium. The
proximal lateral parametrium is identified medially to the ureter, while
the distal lateral parametrium is identified laterally to the ureter
Axial T2 Weighted MRI Image of Parametrium
• Components of Parametrium –
• Ventral Parametrium - Vesicouterine
ligament (the uterine branches to
• Lateral parametrium - Uterine
vessels, uterine lymph nodes and
• Dorsal parametrium - Sacrouterine
• Ventral paracolpium - Vesicovaginal
ligament (the anastomosis between
vaginal vessels and inferior vesical
• Lateral paracolpium - Vaginal vessels
and vaginal lymph nodes and ways
Broad Ligament
• Contents:
• Uterine Tube
• Round Ligament of Uterus
• Ligament of Ovary
• Uterine Vessels near its attachment to
the uterus
• Ovarian Vessels in the infundibulopelvic
• Uterovaginal & Ovarian Nerve Plexuses
• Epoophoron
• Paroophoron
• Lymph nodes & lymph vessels
• Dense connective tissue or parametrium
present on side of the uterus
Pg 385, B D Chaurasia, 6th Edition, Volume 2
• Peritoneal Ligaments
• Anterior Peritoneal Ligament-
uterovesical Fold
• Posterior Peritoneal Ligament –
rectovaginal fold
• Rt & Left Broad ligaments – Attach
the uterus to the lateral pelvic wall
• Fibromuscular Ligaments
• Round Ligament of uterus
• Transverse Cervical Ligament
• Uterosacral ligament
Ligaments of Uterus
Pg 385, B D Chaurasia, 6th Edition, Volume 2
Delancey’s Levels of Supports
Blood Supply
• Arterial Supply:
• Uterine Artery ( Br of Int Iliac Art)
Branches of the uterine artery:
n Ureteric
Descending vaginal—these unite to form the
anterior and posterior azygos artery of the
n Circular cervical
n Arcuate  radial  basal  spiral and straight
arterioles of the functional layer of the
n Anastomotic with the ovarian artery
• Ovarian Artery
• Venous Supply
• Parametrial Veins
• Drains Into uterine vein – Int Iliac
B D Chaurasiya’s Human Anatomy, 6th Edition 15
• Nerve Supply
 Sympathetic - Inferior thoracic spinal cord segments -> Lumbar
splanchnic nerves and pelvic-hypogastric-intermesenteric series of
 Parasympathetic - S2 to S4 spinal cord segments -> Pelvic
Splanchnic nerves -> Uterovaginal-inferior hypogastric plexus
HISTOLOGY Squamo-Columnar Junction is defined as the
border between the stratified squamous
epithelium and the mucin-secreting
endocervical epithelium.
Morphogenetically, there are two SCJ.
Original SCJ - seen at birth.Subsequently,
with puberty, sexual activity and pregnancy
there is ‘ectopy’ of the endocervical
epithelium which undergoes squamous
metaplasia resulting in the formation of ‘New
SCJ’ which is more cranial to the original SCJ.
The region between the original and new SCJ
is the Transformation Zone or TZ.
This concept is extremely important for
understanding the pathogenesis of cervical
cancer because virtually all of these lesions
originate here.
Lymphatic Trapezoid of Fletcher
• A line is drawn from junction of S1-S2 to the top of symphysis pubis.
• Then a line is drawn from the mid point of that line to the anterior aspect of L4
• A trapezoid is constructed in a plane passing through the transverse line in the
pelvic brim plane and the midpoint of the anterior aspect of the body of L4
• A pt 6 cm lateral to the midline at the inferior end is used to give an estimate of
dose to the mid-external Iliac Lymph Nodes (labelled R. EXT & L.EXT for right and
left external respectively)
• At the top of the trapezoid, points 2 cm lateral to the midline at the level of L4
are used to estimate dose to the low para-aortic areas (labelled R.PARA
• Midpoint of a line connecting these 2 points is used to estimate the dose to the
common Iliac Lymph nodes (labelled R.COM & L.COM)
Ca Cervix
Global Scenario: Females
The Indian Picture!
• In India, cancer of the cervix uteri
is the 3rd most common cancer
with an Incidence rate of 18.3%
(123,907 cases) and the second
leading cause of death with a
mortality rate of 9.1% as per
• Highest – Tamil Nadu
• Lowest – Jammu & Kashmir
Risk Factors
• HPV infection is associated with >90% of cervical cancer cases.
• HPV 16/18 confer highest risk of carcinogenesis and account for 65% to 70% of cases (other cancer-causing
strains are 31, 33, 45, 52, 58)
• Other risk factors
• Smoking (RR-1.55)
• Immunocompromised status (Post-transplant, AIDS)
• History of STDs
• Young age at first sexual intercourse (RR-1.75)
• Multiple Sexual Partners (Promiscuity)
• Multiparity
• Low Socioeconomic Status
• DES exposure in utero (associated with clear cell adenocarcinoma of cervix/vagina, 0.14 -1.4 per
• Family History of cervical cancer
• Long-term use of oral contraceptives
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Natural History of HPV infection: Surrogate
Markers for Cervical Cancer
HPV - Pathogenesis
• Bosch et al. noted that HPV 16 predominated in
squamous-cell carcinoma, whereas in
adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma
HPV 18 predominated.
• MOA: HPV genome integrates into host cell
chromosomes in cervical epithelial cells and codes for
6 early and 2 late open reading frame proteins of
which 3 alter the cellular proliferation (E5,E6,E7).
• E6 and E7 are typically seen in HPV positive cervical
cancer cells.
• E6 protein inactivates p53 -> chromosomal instability
-> inhibits apoptosis -> activates telomerase.
• E7 protein affects retinoblastoma (Rb) protein -> loss
of regulation of cell’s proliferation-> Immortalization.
Bosch FX, de Sanjosé S. Chapter 1: Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer--burden and assessment of causality. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr
[Internet]. 2003 [cited 2022 Jul 19];2003(31):3–13. Available from:
Histopathologic types
• The histopathologic types, as described in the World Health
Organization’s 2014 Tumours of the Female Reproductive
Organs are
1. Squamous cell carcinoma (keratinizing; non-keratinizing; papillary,
bas-aloid, warty, verrucous, squamotransitional, lymphoepithelioma-
2. Adenocarcinoma (endocervical; mucinous, villoglandular,
3. Clear cell adenocarcinoma
4. Serous carcinoma
5. Adenosquamous carcinoma
6. Glassy cell carcinoma
7. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
8. Adenoid basal carcinoma
9. Small cell carcinoma
10.Undifferentiated carcinoma
FIGO 2018 Staging
Manganaro, L., Lakhman, Y., Bharwani, N. et al. Staging,
recurrence and follow-up of uterine cervical cancer using
MRI: Updated Guidelines of the European Society of
Diagrammatic representation of various anatomic stages of carcinoma
of the uterine cervix, according to the FIGO classification. Stage IIA has been divided
into stage IIA1, with tumors invading into the upper vagina but ≤4 cm in size, and stage IIA2, with tumors >4 cm in size. 33
Revised Staging – 2021
• A corrigendum to the 2018 staging was published thereafter, with
some modifications.
• The horizontal dimension of a microinvasive lesion is no longer considered.
• Tumor size has been stratified further into three subgroups: IB1 ≤2 cm, IB2 >2–≤ 4
cm, and IB3 >4 cm.
• Lymph node positivity, which correlates with poorer oncologic outcomes assigns the
case to Stage IIIC—pelvic nodes IIIC1 and para-aortic nodes IIIC2.
• Micro-metastases are included in Stage IIIC.
For Stage IIIC: Adding rotation ‘r’ for radiology and ‘p’ for pathological to indicate method of
detection. Eg: Stage IIIC1r or IIIC1p
• Grading by any of several methods is encouraged, but it is NOT a basis for modifying the
stage groupings in cervical carcinoma.
G1 - Well Differentiated G2 - Moderately Differentiated G3 – Poorly Differentiated
Pre-treatment Work-Up in a Ca
Clinical Presentation
• Asymtomatic/ symptomatic
• Asymptomatic in early stages : Incidentally diagnosed through screening
• Symptoms: 1. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding -
2. Discharge
3. Urinary Symptoms
4. Rectal symptoms
5. Pedal Edema
6. Pain: Dyspareunia, Low backache, deep pelvic Pain, sciatica
Post coital bleeding Constipation
micturition (UTI)
Lower abdominal pain d/t UTI
Menorrhagia Rectal bleeding
(advanced cases
Lumbosacral pain
(Paraaortic LN with lumbosacral roots
extension or HUN)
Metrorrhagia Hematuria
(advanced cases)
Symptoms related to anaemia (fatigue)
in chronic bleeding
Hypogastric/pelvic pain (Tumour necrosis
or associated PID)
Foul smelling serosanguinous or
yellowish vaginal discharge
Leg pain and swelling (Persistent edema of
lower extremities due to lymphatic/venous
blockade by pelvic sidewall disease)
• Per speculum/ per vaginal/ per rectal examination
• Abnormal appearance of cervix, vagina due to erosion, ulcer or tumour.
• Visible lesions present with exophytic growth or barrel shaped cervix
(endocervical) .
• Rectal examination  mass/ bleeding due to erosion.
• Bimanual palpation may reveal pelvic bulkiness/ masses due to pelvic
• Pedal oedema  lymphatic or vascular obstruction or DVT
• Pallor  chronic bleeding per vaginum, haematuria, bleeding per rectum.
• Supraclavicular LN metastatic disease.
Patient is asked to void and empty bowel prior to examination. Consent is taken after explaining examination procedure
Patient is placed in lithotomy / comfortable position
Inspection of Lower Abdomen & External Genitalia for masses / tenderness / distension / incisions.
Lubricated Fingers of dependent hand are run through anterior vaginal wall to look for paraurethral induration followed
by posterior vaginal wall to look for rectocele / enterocele.
Warm & moist bivalved speculum is inserted for inspection of cervix and removed.
Lubricated fingers in vagina to note the consistency and location of cervix (lesion) and followed by bimanual
examination with the other hand placed above the symphysis.
Examination with the middle finger of the same hand placed in rectum to assess for the involvement of parametrium
While removing fingers, entire circumference of rectum is felt and glove is inspected for evidence of mucus / discharge /
fresh blood.
Mahantshetty U, Poetter R, Beriwal S, Grover S, Lavanya G, Rai B, et al. IBS-GEC ESTRO-ABS
recommendations for CT based contouring in image guided adaptive brachytherapy for cervical
cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2021 Jul 1;160:273–84. 41
Investigations for
Investigations for
Staging (
Pelvic Exam/EUA with clinical
CT TA + MRI Pelvis – locoregional
Cystoscopy/Proctoscopy if req
PET/ USG based on clinical susp of
Coag Profile
Viral Markers
Biopsy- Punch/
• Imaging evaluation may now be used in addition to clinical
examination where resources permit. The revised staging
permits the use of any of the imaging modalities according to
available resources, i.e. ultrasound, CT, MRI, positron emission
tomography (PET), to provide information on tumor size, nodal
status, and local or systemic spread.
• Chest radiography in PA and lateral views is performed in
patients with local-regionally advanced disease to evaluate for
pulmonary metastases.
Imaging in Carcinoma Cervix – FIGO 2018
• Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound (TVS) with high frequency (7-9
MHz) transducer maybe used for assessment of local
spread of tumor into stroma / parametria, in patients
suspected of having early stage disease.
• In patient suspected of having advanced disease,
transabdominal US can be used to evaluate
• Ultrasound (US) has a primary role in assisting with
intracavitary brachytherapy applicator insertion and may
detect uterine perforation, allowing for proper
positioning, which is critical for adequate dosing and
affects survival
• CT Imaging is usually suboptimal for assessing
tumor extent of central pelvic spread and
accurate measurement, since tumor is usually
homogenously enhancing similar to normal
cervical tissue.
• For diagnosing LN involvement, acceptable
size of cut-off value ranges between 0.8-1.0
cm in Short Axis Diameter. Other features like
density, round shape and loss of fatty hila are
incorporated for diagnosis.
• Chest CT findings of metastases are
pulmonary nodules or involvement of the
supraclavicular nodes.
Imaging in Carcinoma Cervix – FIGO 2018
• The overall accuracy of CT scanning in staging cervical cancer ranges
from 63% to 88%.
• In the detection of lymph node abnormalities, the overall accuracy of
conventional CT scanning is 77% to 85%, with sensitivity of 44% and
specificity of 93%
• The CT scan is more valuable in evaluation of the PALNs (specificity of
100% and sensitivity of 67%).
• MRI is the best method of radiologic assessment of
primary tumors greater than 10 mm.
• Multiplanar fast spin-echo T2 images help evaluate for
tumor invasion into the parametria (stage IIB) and pelvic
sidewall (stage IIIB), and images after gadolinium-based
contrast agent administration help assess for peritoneal,
nodal, and bone metastases.
• Tumor is of intermediate signal intensity (Lower than fat
& higher than myometrium / stroma) on T2-weighted
• Diffusion-weighted imaging, when added to conventional
MRI sequences, improves lesion detection
• Disdavantage: Postbiopsy inflammatory changes can
cause false positives by overestimating the size and
extent of parametrial invasion
Imaging in Carcinoma Cervix – FIGO 2018 & RSNA 2019
• PET-CT Imaging is best used to
evaluate hydronephrosis,
retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy &
distant metastasis.
• A lymph node is considered positive
for metastasis when it is within the
anatomic nodal drainage pathway for
the primary tumor and demonstrates
tracer uptake greater than that of a
clearly a normal node elsewhere on
the scan
• Distant metastases noted at PET/CT
should be confirmed with pathologic
• PET scanning had a sensitivity of 75%
and a specificity of 92% in detecting
para-aortic metastasis
Imaging in Carcinoma Cervix – FIGO 2018 & RSNA 2019
• Pap Smear Screening:
• ACOG 2015- < 21 yrs- No screening
• 21-29 yrs – Pap Smear Alone- screening every 3 yrs
• If >/ 3 consecutive Normal Pap Smears & No history of CIN 2, CIN 3, DES
exposure, or HIV infection and the women is not immunocompromised,
screening should be every 3 yrs
• 30-65 yrs: Co- testing of Pap Smear with HPV DNA test for low risk women
every 3 years
• >65 yrs – No screening if adequate prior screening negative & low risk
• Women who had a hysterectomy for benign reasons and no history of
HGSIL – discontinue testing
• Women treated already for CIN-II, CIN-III need annual screening for at least
20 years.
• Hysterectomy and history of CIN2/3 – to undergo annual pelvic exams.
• If smear shows atypia or mild dysplasia (class II), it should be repeated >/=
2 weeks after the initial test to allow representative cellular exfoliation to
• In High Risk cases (HIV+ / Immuno-compromised), regular co-testing is
• Screening is recommended for candidates who have been administered
HPV Vaccine
Screening – Pap Smear
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) refers to an abnormal growth / lesion that can progress to invasive carcinoma.
• Age-specific cross-sectional HPV prevalence peaks at 25% in
women aged less than 25 years, which suggests that the
infection is predominantly transmitted through the sexual route.
• Thus, prophylactic HPV vaccination as a preventive strategy
should target women before initiation of sexual activity, focusing
on girls aged 10–14 years.
• There is evidence for the effectiveness of vaccination at the
population level in terms of reduced prevalence of high-risk
HPV types, and reduction in anogenital warts and high-grade
cervical abnormalities caused by the vaccine types among
young women
HPV - Vaccination
Vaccine Cervarix Gardasil Gardasil-9
HPV Strains 16, 18 6,11,16,18 6,11,16,18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58
Schedule & Recommendations:-
• Routine Vaccination – For all males & females aged 9-12 years. Two doses of
HPV vaccine (0.5 mL) should be given at 0 and at 6 to 12 months.
• Catch-up Vaccination – For all males & females aged 13-26 years. Three doses
of HPV vaccine should be given at 0, 1 to 2, and 6 months.
• For age >27 years, catch-up vaccination is not routinely recommended,
administered in high-risk individuals (healthcare workers, exposure to multiple
sexual partners).
• Vaccination is administered irrespective of age in immunocompromised individuals.

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  • 1. Anatomy & Pre-treatment Work up of Cancer Cervix Dr Chandrima Mukherjee Junior Resident Dept of Radiation Oncology 1
  • 3. Sagittal Section through the Female Pelvis 4
  • 4. Cervix • It is the lower cylindrical portion on the uterus. • It is 3-4cm long, 2.5cm in diameter slightly wider in the middle than at either end • Lower portion of cervix projects into the anterior wall of the vagina which divides it into supra-vaginal & vaginal parts. • The cervical canal opns into the vagina by an opening called the external os. • Cervix is least mobile portion of uterus due to attachment of ligaments Pg 387, B D Chaurasia, 6th Edition, Volume 2 5
  • 5. • Supravaginal Part of cervix: • Related anteriorly to the bladder • Post to the POD, containing coils of intestine & to rectum • On each side, to ureter & to uterine artery, embedded in parametrium. • Vaginal Portion of cervix projects into the anterior wall of vagina. The spaces b/w it & the vg wall are called the vaginal fornices. 6
  • 6. • Uterus is a pear-shaped muscular organ, divided into fundus, lower uterine segment and cervix uteri. • The uterus has three tissue layers which include the following: • Endometrium: the inner lining and consists of the functional (superficial) and basal endometrium. The functional layer responds to reproductive hormones and shedding results in menstrual bleeding. • Myometrium: the muscle layer and is composed of smooth muscle cells. • Serosa/Perimetrium: the thin outer layer composed of epithelial cells. 7
  • 7. Angles of Uterus Angle of Anteversion • Forward angle formed by long axis of vagina and long axis of cervix at the level of external os ~ 90 Degrees Angle of Anteflexion • Forward angle formed by long axis of uterus and long axis of cervix at the level of internal os ~ 170 Degrees
  • 8. Parametrium • Parametrium refers to the areolar connective tissue located between the uterine corpus and pelvic side wall, cranial to ureter and surrounding uterine artery. • Ureters are the anatomical landmark for the lateral parametrium. The proximal lateral parametrium is identified medially to the ureter, while the distal lateral parametrium is identified laterally to the ureter Axial T2 Weighted MRI Image of Parametrium
  • 9. • Components of Parametrium – • Ventral Parametrium - Vesicouterine ligament (the uterine branches to ureter) • Lateral parametrium - Uterine vessels, uterine lymph nodes and ways. • Dorsal parametrium - Sacrouterine ligament • Ventral paracolpium - Vesicovaginal ligament (the anastomosis between vaginal vessels and inferior vesical vessels) • Lateral paracolpium - Vaginal vessels and vaginal lymph nodes and ways 10
  • 10. Broad Ligament • Contents: • Uterine Tube • Round Ligament of Uterus • Ligament of Ovary • Uterine Vessels near its attachment to the uterus • Ovarian Vessels in the infundibulopelvic ligament • Uterovaginal & Ovarian Nerve Plexuses • Epoophoron • Paroophoron • Lymph nodes & lymph vessels • Dense connective tissue or parametrium present on side of the uterus 11 Pg 385, B D Chaurasia, 6th Edition, Volume 2
  • 11. • Peritoneal Ligaments • Anterior Peritoneal Ligament- uterovesical Fold • Posterior Peritoneal Ligament – rectovaginal fold • Rt & Left Broad ligaments – Attach the uterus to the lateral pelvic wall • Fibromuscular Ligaments • Round Ligament of uterus • Transverse Cervical Ligament • Uterosacral ligament 12 Ligaments of Uterus Pg 385, B D Chaurasia, 6th Edition, Volume 2
  • 12. 13
  • 14. Blood Supply • Arterial Supply: • Uterine Artery ( Br of Int Iliac Art) Branches of the uterine artery: n Ureteric Descending vaginal—these unite to form the anterior and posterior azygos artery of the vagina n Circular cervical n Arcuate  radial  basal  spiral and straight arterioles of the functional layer of the endometrium n Anastomotic with the ovarian artery • Ovarian Artery • Venous Supply • Parametrial Veins • Drains Into uterine vein – Int Iliac Vein B D Chaurasiya’s Human Anatomy, 6th Edition 15
  • 15. 16
  • 16. NERVE SUPPLY • Nerve Supply  Sympathetic - Inferior thoracic spinal cord segments -> Lumbar splanchnic nerves and pelvic-hypogastric-intermesenteric series of plexus  Parasympathetic - S2 to S4 spinal cord segments -> Pelvic Splanchnic nerves -> Uterovaginal-inferior hypogastric plexus 17
  • 17. 18
  • 18. HISTOLOGY Squamo-Columnar Junction is defined as the border between the stratified squamous epithelium and the mucin-secreting endocervical epithelium. Morphogenetically, there are two SCJ. Original SCJ - seen at birth.Subsequently, with puberty, sexual activity and pregnancy there is ‘ectopy’ of the endocervical epithelium which undergoes squamous metaplasia resulting in the formation of ‘New SCJ’ which is more cranial to the original SCJ. The region between the original and new SCJ is the Transformation Zone or TZ. This concept is extremely important for understanding the pathogenesis of cervical cancer because virtually all of these lesions originate here. 19
  • 19. Lymphatic Trapezoid of Fletcher • A line is drawn from junction of S1-S2 to the top of symphysis pubis. • Then a line is drawn from the mid point of that line to the anterior aspect of L4 • A trapezoid is constructed in a plane passing through the transverse line in the pelvic brim plane and the midpoint of the anterior aspect of the body of L4 • A pt 6 cm lateral to the midline at the inferior end is used to give an estimate of dose to the mid-external Iliac Lymph Nodes (labelled R. EXT & L.EXT for right and left external respectively) • At the top of the trapezoid, points 2 cm lateral to the midline at the level of L4 are used to estimate dose to the low para-aortic areas (labelled R.PARA • Midpoint of a line connecting these 2 points is used to estimate the dose to the common Iliac Lymph nodes (labelled R.COM & L.COM) 20
  • 20. 21
  • 23. The Indian Picture! 24 • In India, cancer of the cervix uteri is the 3rd most common cancer with an Incidence rate of 18.3% (123,907 cases) and the second leading cause of death with a mortality rate of 9.1% as per GLOBOCAN 2020 • Highest – Tamil Nadu • Lowest – Jammu & Kashmir
  • 24. 25
  • 25. Risk Factors • HPV infection is associated with >90% of cervical cancer cases. • HPV 16/18 confer highest risk of carcinogenesis and account for 65% to 70% of cases (other cancer-causing strains are 31, 33, 45, 52, 58) • Other risk factors • Smoking (RR-1.55) • Immunocompromised status (Post-transplant, AIDS) • History of STDs • Young age at first sexual intercourse (RR-1.75) • Multiple Sexual Partners (Promiscuity) • Multiparity • Low Socioeconomic Status • DES exposure in utero (associated with clear cell adenocarcinoma of cervix/vagina, 0.14 -1.4 per 1000) • Family History of cervical cancer • Long-term use of oral contraceptives 26
  • 27. Natural History of HPV infection: Surrogate Markers for Cervical Cancer 28
  • 28. HPV - Pathogenesis • Bosch et al. noted that HPV 16 predominated in squamous-cell carcinoma, whereas in adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma HPV 18 predominated. • MOA: HPV genome integrates into host cell chromosomes in cervical epithelial cells and codes for 6 early and 2 late open reading frame proteins of which 3 alter the cellular proliferation (E5,E6,E7). • E6 and E7 are typically seen in HPV positive cervical cancer cells. • E6 protein inactivates p53 -> chromosomal instability -> inhibits apoptosis -> activates telomerase. • E7 protein affects retinoblastoma (Rb) protein -> loss of regulation of cell’s proliferation-> Immortalization. Bosch FX, de Sanjosé S. Chapter 1: Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer--burden and assessment of causality. J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr [Internet]. 2003 [cited 2022 Jul 19];2003(31):3–13. Available from:
  • 29. Histopathologic types • The histopathologic types, as described in the World Health Organization’s 2014 Tumours of the Female Reproductive Organs are 1. Squamous cell carcinoma (keratinizing; non-keratinizing; papillary, bas-aloid, warty, verrucous, squamotransitional, lymphoepithelioma- like) 2. Adenocarcinoma (endocervical; mucinous, villoglandular, endometrioid) 3. Clear cell adenocarcinoma 4. Serous carcinoma 5. Adenosquamous carcinoma 6. Glassy cell carcinoma 7. Adenoid cystic carcinoma 8. Adenoid basal carcinoma 9. Small cell carcinoma 10.Undifferentiated carcinoma 90% 10% 1-2%
  • 31. Manganaro, L., Lakhman, Y., Bharwani, N. et al. Staging, recurrence and follow-up of uterine cervical cancer using MRI: Updated Guidelines of the European Society of 32
  • 32. Diagrammatic representation of various anatomic stages of carcinoma of the uterine cervix, according to the FIGO classification. Stage IIA has been divided into stage IIA1, with tumors invading into the upper vagina but ≤4 cm in size, and stage IIA2, with tumors >4 cm in size. 33
  • 33. Revised Staging – 2021 • A corrigendum to the 2018 staging was published thereafter, with some modifications. • The horizontal dimension of a microinvasive lesion is no longer considered. • Tumor size has been stratified further into three subgroups: IB1 ≤2 cm, IB2 >2–≤ 4 cm, and IB3 >4 cm. • Lymph node positivity, which correlates with poorer oncologic outcomes assigns the case to Stage IIIC—pelvic nodes IIIC1 and para-aortic nodes IIIC2. • Micro-metastases are included in Stage IIIC. For Stage IIIC: Adding rotation ‘r’ for radiology and ‘p’ for pathological to indicate method of detection. Eg: Stage IIIC1r or IIIC1p
  • 34. • Grading by any of several methods is encouraged, but it is NOT a basis for modifying the stage groupings in cervical carcinoma. G1 - Well Differentiated G2 - Moderately Differentiated G3 – Poorly Differentiated  GRADING – FIGO 2018
  • 35. Pre-treatment Work-Up in a Ca Cervix 36
  • 36. Clinical Presentation • Asymtomatic/ symptomatic • Asymptomatic in early stages : Incidentally diagnosed through screening procedure • Symptoms: 1. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding - 2. Discharge 3. Urinary Symptoms 4. Rectal symptoms 5. Pedal Edema 6. Pain: Dyspareunia, Low backache, deep pelvic Pain, sciatica 37
  • 37. SYMPTOMS BLEEDING/DISCHARGE BOWEL BLADDER PAIN Post coital bleeding Constipation (bowel obstruction) Burning micturition (UTI) Lower abdominal pain d/t UTI Menorrhagia Rectal bleeding (advanced cases Increased frequency Lumbosacral pain (Paraaortic LN with lumbosacral roots extension or HUN) Metrorrhagia Hematuria (advanced cases) Dyspareunia Symptoms related to anaemia (fatigue) in chronic bleeding Hypogastric/pelvic pain (Tumour necrosis or associated PID) Foul smelling serosanguinous or yellowish vaginal discharge Leg pain and swelling (Persistent edema of lower extremities due to lymphatic/venous blockade by pelvic sidewall disease) 38
  • 38. Signs • Per speculum/ per vaginal/ per rectal examination • Abnormal appearance of cervix, vagina due to erosion, ulcer or tumour. • Visible lesions present with exophytic growth or barrel shaped cervix (endocervical) . • Rectal examination  mass/ bleeding due to erosion. • Bimanual palpation may reveal pelvic bulkiness/ masses due to pelvic spread. • Pedal oedema  lymphatic or vascular obstruction or DVT • Pallor  chronic bleeding per vaginum, haematuria, bleeding per rectum. • Supraclavicular LN metastatic disease. 39
  • 39. Procedure – PER-VAGINAL EXAMINATION Patient is asked to void and empty bowel prior to examination. Consent is taken after explaining examination procedure Patient is placed in lithotomy / comfortable position Inspection of Lower Abdomen & External Genitalia for masses / tenderness / distension / incisions. Lubricated Fingers of dependent hand are run through anterior vaginal wall to look for paraurethral induration followed by posterior vaginal wall to look for rectocele / enterocele. Warm & moist bivalved speculum is inserted for inspection of cervix and removed. Lubricated fingers in vagina to note the consistency and location of cervix (lesion) and followed by bimanual examination with the other hand placed above the symphysis. Examination with the middle finger of the same hand placed in rectum to assess for the involvement of parametrium While removing fingers, entire circumference of rectum is felt and glove is inspected for evidence of mucus / discharge / fresh blood.
  • 40. Mahantshetty U, Poetter R, Beriwal S, Grover S, Lavanya G, Rai B, et al. IBS-GEC ESTRO-ABS recommendations for CT based contouring in image guided adaptive brachytherapy for cervical cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2021 Jul 1;160:273–84. 41
  • 41. 42 Pre-treatment Evaluation Biochemical Fitness Investigations for Diagnosis Investigations for Staging ( Clinicoradiological) Pelvic Exam/EUA with clinical diagrams CT TA + MRI Pelvis – locoregional assessment Cystoscopy/Proctoscopy if req PET/ USG based on clinical susp of mets CBC RFT LFT Coag Profile Viral Markers Biopsy- Punch/ Colposcopic Guided
  • 42. • Imaging evaluation may now be used in addition to clinical examination where resources permit. The revised staging permits the use of any of the imaging modalities according to available resources, i.e. ultrasound, CT, MRI, positron emission tomography (PET), to provide information on tumor size, nodal status, and local or systemic spread. • Chest radiography in PA and lateral views is performed in patients with local-regionally advanced disease to evaluate for pulmonary metastases. Imaging in Carcinoma Cervix – FIGO 2018
  • 43. • Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound (TVS) with high frequency (7-9 MHz) transducer maybe used for assessment of local spread of tumor into stroma / parametria, in patients suspected of having early stage disease. • In patient suspected of having advanced disease, transabdominal US can be used to evaluate Hydronephrosis. • Ultrasound (US) has a primary role in assisting with intracavitary brachytherapy applicator insertion and may detect uterine perforation, allowing for proper positioning, which is critical for adequate dosing and affects survival
  • 44. • CT Imaging is usually suboptimal for assessing tumor extent of central pelvic spread and accurate measurement, since tumor is usually homogenously enhancing similar to normal cervical tissue. • For diagnosing LN involvement, acceptable size of cut-off value ranges between 0.8-1.0 cm in Short Axis Diameter. Other features like density, round shape and loss of fatty hila are incorporated for diagnosis. • Chest CT findings of metastases are pulmonary nodules or involvement of the supraclavicular nodes. Imaging in Carcinoma Cervix – FIGO 2018
  • 45. • The overall accuracy of CT scanning in staging cervical cancer ranges from 63% to 88%. • In the detection of lymph node abnormalities, the overall accuracy of conventional CT scanning is 77% to 85%, with sensitivity of 44% and specificity of 93% • The CT scan is more valuable in evaluation of the PALNs (specificity of 100% and sensitivity of 67%). 46
  • 46. • MRI is the best method of radiologic assessment of primary tumors greater than 10 mm. • Multiplanar fast spin-echo T2 images help evaluate for tumor invasion into the parametria (stage IIB) and pelvic sidewall (stage IIIB), and images after gadolinium-based contrast agent administration help assess for peritoneal, nodal, and bone metastases. • Tumor is of intermediate signal intensity (Lower than fat & higher than myometrium / stroma) on T2-weighted images. • Diffusion-weighted imaging, when added to conventional MRI sequences, improves lesion detection • Disdavantage: Postbiopsy inflammatory changes can cause false positives by overestimating the size and extent of parametrial invasion Imaging in Carcinoma Cervix – FIGO 2018 & RSNA 2019
  • 47. 0 48
  • 48. • PET-CT Imaging is best used to evaluate hydronephrosis, retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy & distant metastasis. • A lymph node is considered positive for metastasis when it is within the anatomic nodal drainage pathway for the primary tumor and demonstrates tracer uptake greater than that of a clearly a normal node elsewhere on the scan • Distant metastases noted at PET/CT should be confirmed with pathologic analysis. • PET scanning had a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 92% in detecting para-aortic metastasis Imaging in Carcinoma Cervix – FIGO 2018 & RSNA 2019
  • 49. 50
  • 50. 51
  • 51. Screening • Pap Smear Screening: • ACOG 2015- < 21 yrs- No screening • 21-29 yrs – Pap Smear Alone- screening every 3 yrs • If >/ 3 consecutive Normal Pap Smears & No history of CIN 2, CIN 3, DES exposure, or HIV infection and the women is not immunocompromised, screening should be every 3 yrs • 30-65 yrs: Co- testing of Pap Smear with HPV DNA test for low risk women every 3 years • >65 yrs – No screening if adequate prior screening negative & low risk 52
  • 52. • Women who had a hysterectomy for benign reasons and no history of HGSIL – discontinue testing • Women treated already for CIN-II, CIN-III need annual screening for at least 20 years. • Hysterectomy and history of CIN2/3 – to undergo annual pelvic exams. • If smear shows atypia or mild dysplasia (class II), it should be repeated >/= 2 weeks after the initial test to allow representative cellular exfoliation to occur. • In High Risk cases (HIV+ / Immuno-compromised), regular co-testing is advised. • Screening is recommended for candidates who have been administered HPV Vaccine 53
  • 54. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) refers to an abnormal growth / lesion that can progress to invasive carcinoma.
  • 55. Vaccination • Age-specific cross-sectional HPV prevalence peaks at 25% in women aged less than 25 years, which suggests that the infection is predominantly transmitted through the sexual route. • Thus, prophylactic HPV vaccination as a preventive strategy should target women before initiation of sexual activity, focusing on girls aged 10–14 years. • There is evidence for the effectiveness of vaccination at the population level in terms of reduced prevalence of high-risk HPV types, and reduction in anogenital warts and high-grade cervical abnormalities caused by the vaccine types among young women 56
  • 56. HPV - Vaccination Vaccine Cervarix Gardasil Gardasil-9 HPV Strains 16, 18 6,11,16,18 6,11,16,18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 Schedule & Recommendations:- • Routine Vaccination – For all males & females aged 9-12 years. Two doses of HPV vaccine (0.5 mL) should be given at 0 and at 6 to 12 months. • Catch-up Vaccination – For all males & females aged 13-26 years. Three doses of HPV vaccine should be given at 0, 1 to 2, and 6 months. • For age >27 years, catch-up vaccination is not routinely recommended, administered in high-risk individuals (healthcare workers, exposure to multiple sexual partners). • Vaccination is administered irrespective of age in immunocompromised individuals.

Editor's Notes

  1. Cervix- lower 1/3rd of ut Ant- bladder, Post- Rectum Divided into- supra vg & infra vg Supra vag cervix – ant: Paramet & bladder, post: POD, bowel loops & rectum
  2. Pubocervical attaches to the Pubic Symphysis Ligamentous supports keep cervix held in place despite uteru s being a mobile organ
  3. As we can very well see from the graphs, there is declining trends in both incidence as well as mortality of Ca cervix. Major reason attributed for the sameare socioeconomic developments and improvement in sanitation and access to healthcare
  4. SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA :  Cores and nests of epithelial cells arranged randomly with central keratinization  VERRUCOUS CARCINOMA-  Variant of well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma that has a tendency to locally recur but not to metastasize.  Mitotic activity is very low ADENOCARCINOMA-  From cylindrical mucosa of endocervix or mucous secreting endocervical glands  GLASSY CELL CARCINOMA- Poorly differentiated adenosquamous tumour. Rare, highly malignant, poor survival ADENOID CYSTIC CARCINOMA- Rare , aggressive and prone to metastasize SMALL CELL CARCINOMA – From endocervical argyrophilic cells or precursors, neuroendocrine cells. HPV-18 and LVI more common. BASALOID CARCINOMA/ADENOID BASAL CARCINOMA- Rare, nests of basaloid cells. Slow growing. Excellent prognosis
  5. Patient was staged as IIIC2
  6. CIN-I - Lower1/3 of epithelium, CIN-II - Lower1/3 and middle 1/3 of epithelium, CIN-III – Upper1/3 epithelium Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. Mostly benign. About 5-10% associated with underlying HGSIL. 1/3rd or more of HGSIL occur following an ASC-US.