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Cell	structure	and	func.on	
Concepts	and	exercises	by	Arpita	Banerjee
Learning	goals:	
•  Cells	as	structural	and	func.onal	units	of	an	organism.	
•  What	defines	a	cell?	
•  What	cons.tutes	a	cell?	What	is	the	role	played	by	each	of	the	cons.tuents?	
•  How	do	cells	perform	their	func.on?	
•  How	do	cells	connect	with	other	cells	to	perform	a	specific	func.on?	
•  How	do	cells	interact	with	their	environment	and	neighbors	to	elicit	a	par.cular	
cellular	response?	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
1.  Cells	are	structural	and	func.onal	units	of	organisms,	meaning	they	are	like	
building	blocks	from	which	organisms	are	made.	
2.  Cells	collec.vely	form	.ssues.		
3.  Tissues	in	turn	form	organs	or	different	parts	of	an	organism.	
4.  Cells	have	gene.c	informa.on	(DNA/RNA)	encoded	within	them.	
							The	cell	oNen	taps	into	this	informa.on	for	carrying	out	its	func.on	and		
							for	regenera.on	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Warm	up	
Arpita Banerjee
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Concept	map	 Arpita Banerjee
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
					Cells	vary	as	per	their	func.on.	For	example,		cells	in	muscles	would		differ	from	those	of	lungs	as	the	two	organs	have	different	func.ons.	
Arpita Banerjee
Cell	division	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
						Cells	undergo	division	to	form	new	daughter	cells.		The	old	ageing	cells	are	
discarded	and	the	organism	is	replenished	with	new	cells.	During	the		
genera.on	of	new	cells	by	this	process,	the	DNA	replicates,	and	the	gene.c	
informa.on	within	a	cell	gets	passed	onto	its	daughter	cells.		
Arpita Banerjee
1)  What		defines	the	boundary	of	a	cell	for	it	to	be	a	separate	unit?	
2)  What	is	a	cell	composed	of?		
3)  How	does	a	cell	generate	energy	for	running		its	machinery?				
LBQ	–	Learn	by	ques.ons	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Animal	Cell	
Labeled	diagram	(Iden.fica.on	key	not	required)	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Defining	the	boundary:	
Cell	membrane	or	plasma	membrane	defines	the	boundary	of	the	cell.	It	separates	
the	outside	from	the	inside	of	the	cell.	However,	it	selec.vely	allows	the	passage	of	
certain	materials	such	as	oxygen,	carbon	dioxide,	nutrients,	proteins	etc.	across	the	
cell	for	its	survival	and	func.oning.	
Each	cell	has	many	organelles	which	carry	out	specific	tasks	for	smooth	and	efficient	
func.oning	of	the	cell.	
Holding	the	organelles:	
Cytoplasm	is	a	gel-like	substance	which	provides	a	matrix	for	holding	the	organelles	
in	place	and	allows	transit	of	molecules	(such	as	proteins)	within	and	across	the	cell.	
Microtubule/Intermediate	filament/microfilament		within	the	cytoplasm	provide	
skeletal	structure	to	the	cell	(they	form	cytoskeleton)	and	aids	the	process	of	
trafficking	materials	across	the	cell.	They	also	play	crucial	role	in	cell	division	and	in	
mo.lity	of	the	cell.	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Cell	organelles	
Nucleus	contain	DNA	(Deoxyribonucleic	acid)	and/or	RNA	(Ribonucleic	acid)	as	the	
gene.c	material	that	are	packed	within	chroma7n.	The	informa.on	encoded	in	the	
gene.c	molecules,	oNen	expressed	as	proteins,	are	required	to	run	the	machinery	of	
the	cell.	Nucleolus	is	the	region	within	the	cell’s	nucleus	that	is	concerned	with	
produc.on	and	assembly	of	ribosomes.	
Ribosomes	synthesize	proteins	that	helps	run	the	machinery	of	cells.	
Endoplasmic	Re7culum	are	flaOened,	interconnected,	and	membrane-bound	sac-like	
structures	that	aid	in	the	synthesis	and	assembly	of	protein	molecules	into	their	
func.onal	form,	and	is	also	involved	in	for	transport.	Protein	
synthesis	occurs	only	in	rough	endoplasmic	re7culum	that	have	ribosomes	on	them,	
The	synthesized	proteins	are	oNen	sent	to	Golgi	apparatus	for	
Golgi	apparatus	addi.onally	contributes	to	protein	transport	by	the	proteins	
as	per	their	target	site	and	packaging	them	within	golgi	vesicles	(similar	to	vehicles)	
Lysosome	contain	protein	degrading	enzymes,	and	(damaged)	proteins	meant	to	be		
destroyed	are	sent	to	this	organelle	for	destruc.on.	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	 Arpita Banerjee
Mitochondria	is	referred	to	as	the	power	house	of	the	cell.	This	organelle	
generates	the	‘energy	molecule’	ATP	(Adenosine	Tri-Phosphate)	which	is	
required	to	run	the	cellular	processes	such	as	protein	synthesis,,	
trafficking	etc.	In	some	cases	(such	as	human	cells),	there	is	liOle	gene.c	
informa.on	contained	within	the	mitochondria	too,	apart	from	nucleus.	
Centrosome		have	a	crucial	role	in	cell	division.	This	organelle	duplicates	before	
cell	division	and	moves	to	opposite	ends	of	the	cell	and	organizes	the	
cytoskeleton	to	aid	the	‘pulling	apart’	of	the	chroma.ds	during	cell	division		
so	that	each	daughter	cell	receives	a	copy	of	the	gene.c	material.	
Peroxisome	contain	enzymes	for	carrying	out	(oxida.on)	reac.ons	on	certain	
biochemical	molecules.	The	reac.ons	produce	hydrogen	peroxide	as	a	by-
Vacuole	is	an	empty	membrane	bound	space,	that	sequesters	(takes	in,	stores	
away)	waste	products	of	the	cell.	In	some	animals,	the	cell’s	vacuole	may	contain	enzymes	which	degrade	ingested	food	materials.	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Plant	Cell	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Cell	wall	is	an	addi.onal	layer	in	the	boundary	of	the	plant	cell.	It	provides	rigidity	
to	the	cell	in	varying	degrees	depending	on	the	plant	.ssue	type.	
Vacuole	is	large	and	occupies	a	huge	central	space	in	plants.	Not	only	does	it	
sequester	waste	but	it	also	provides	rigidity	to	the	cells	by	holding	the	right	
amount	of	water	within	it.	
Chloroplast	traps	energy	from	sunlight	and	uses	it	to	synthesize	food	molecules	
(sugar)	by	a	process	known	as	photosynthesis.	The	capturing	of	sunlight	is	aided	by	
a	pigment	within	chloroplast	called	chlorophyll	that	imparts	green	coloura.on	to	
Amylosplast	stores	the	synthesized	food	as	starch	granules.	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Addi7onal	organelles	in	plant	cells	
Arpita Banerjee
Cells	bounded	by	cell	membranes	are	isolated	and	can	func.on	independently.		
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Did	you	know?	
1)There	are	unicellular	organisms.	
ie:	organisms	which	are	comprised	of	just	one	cell	such	as	protozoa,	bacteria.	
2)	Cells	within	mul.cellular	organisms	oNen	interact	with	each		
other	for	normal	func.oning.	
ie:	In	complex	mul.cellular	organisms,	such	as	in	humans,	cells	are	not	
en.rely	independent	and	isolated	They	oNen	take	cues	from	other	
cells	to	perform	their	func.on.		
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Unicellular	Amoeba	–	a	simple	protozoa	
Cellular	communica.on	between	two	cells	
cellular	response	of	the	target	cell	gets	altered		
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	 Arpita Banerjee
Ac.vity	1	
						Label	the	cell’s	organelles	and	state	each	of	their	func.ons		
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Ac.vity	2	
Compare	and	contrast	an	animal	cell	with	that	of	a	plant	cell	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Check	your	progress	
(Factual	ques.on)	
1)What	is	the	basic	difference	between	the	structure	of		an	animal	cell	boundary	and	a	plant	
cell	boundary?	
(Conceptual	ques.on)	
1)	Are	cell	membranes	fully	permeable	or	permeable?	
2)	What	is	reason	or	necessity	for	this	permeability?	
(Debatable	ques.on)	
1)	Would	the	cell	wall	of	a	plant’s	leaf	cell	differ	from	that	of	a	trunk	cell?	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Think,	pair	and	share	
Which	two	on	the	right	contributes	to	the	one	on	the	leN?	
Plant	cell	rigidity	
Cell	wall	
Pair	up	and	explain	it	to	any	of	your	classmates	and	also	to	the	instructor		
Life	skills	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Exercise:	Mul.ple	Choice	ques.ons	
1.  Where	is	the	gene.c	material	of	an	organism	stored	in	the	cell?	
(a)  Mitochondria		(b)	Nucleus			(c)	Mitochondria	and	nucleus	(d)	Ribosome	(e)	cell	membrane	
2.  Which	organelle	in	plant	cells	carry	out	photosynthesis?	
(a)	Mitochondria		(b)	Nucleus	(c)	Mitochondria	and	nucleus	(d)	Chloroplast	(e)	Endoplasmic	Re.culum.	
3.  Where	does	protein	synthesis	occur	in	cells?	
(a)  Mitochondria		(b)	Nucleus	(c)	cell	membrane	(d)	Chloroplast	(e)	Endoplasmic	Re.culum.	
4.  How	does	cell	wall	differ	from	cell	membrane	in	plant	cells?	Check	all	that	are	true.	
(a)  Cell	walls	are	harder	and	less	permeable	(b)	Cell	walls	are	harder	and	more	permeable	(c)	Cell	
membranes	are	harder	and	less	permeable	(d)	Cell	membranes	are	harder	and	more	permeable.	
	(e)		Cell	membranes	are		soNer	and	less	permeable.	
5.  What	will	happen	to	a	cell	when	placed	in	a	salty	solu.on?	Check	all	that	are	true.	
(a)		The	cell	will	absorb	water	and	swell	(b)	The	cell	will	release	water	and	contract	(c)	The	cell	will	absorb	
water		and	contract	(d)	The	cell	will	release	water	and	swell	(e)	The	cell	will	remain	the	same.	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Exercise:		Fill	in	the	blanks	
1.  ------------	is	the	barrier	between	the	cell	and	its	environment.	
2.  Rough	Endoplasmic	Re.culum	has	------------	on	it.	
3.  Protein	synthesis	occurs	in		---------		Endoplasmic	Re.culum	
4.  The	func.on	of	a	cell	would	vary	as	per	the		--------.	
5.  Cell	divides	to	form	two		---------	cells.	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Exercise:		Match	the	following	
Plant	cell	
Cell	boundary	
Cell	membrane	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Exercise:	True	or	False	
1.  Cells	allow	everything	from	the	outside	to	pass	through	them.	
2.  Animal	cells	contain	large	vacuoles.	
3.  ATP	(energy	molecule)	synthesis	occur	inside	the	mitochondrion.	
4.  Nucleolus	is	the	gene.c	material	mass	inside	the	nucleus.	
5.  Centrosome	has	a	role	in	cell	division.	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Cells	in	different	.ssues	vary	as	per	their	func.on.			
						The	different	require	cells	in	the	.ssues	to	be	
structurally	and	func.onally	different.	Think	of	an	unicellular	organism	with	a	
single	cell,	and	now	think	of	a	mul.cellular	organism	with	different	cells	
performing	different	func.ons.	To	begin	with,	every	cell	has	a	basic	structure,	
so	how	does	differen.a.on	and	adapta.on	of	a	cell	for	a	specialized	func.on	
occur	within	mul.cellular	organisms?			
Think	like	a	-	thought	provoking	ques.on	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Answer	the	following:	
(Factual	ques.ons)	
1)  Which	cell	has	a	large	vacuole	–	plant	cell	or	animal	cell?	
2)  Which	organelle	produces	energy	currency	of	cell?	
3)  Which	is	more	permeable	–	cell	wall	or	cell	membrane?	
4)  What	is	the	func.on	of	Golgi	apparatus?	
5)  Does	nucleus	has	a	membrane?	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Answer	the	following:	
(Conceptual	ques.ons)	
1)	How	does	water	balance	in	plant	vacuoles	help	maintain	rigidity	of	the	cell?	
2)	What	will	be	the	consequence	of	an	impermeable	cell	membrane?	
3)	A	plant	cell	is	taking	up	a	lot	of	toxic	metals	as	the	plant	is	growing	on	a	waste	land,	
where	do	you	think	those	metal	ions	would	get	placed	inside	the	cell?	
4)	What	will	be	the	consequence	of	pumng	a	bacteria		in	pure	water	(ie:	water	without	
any	salt,	minerals	or	other	
5)	During	cell	division,	DNA	from	nucleus	is	replicated	so	that	each	of	the	daughter	
cells	gets	a	copy	of	the	gene.c	material.	What	about	the	gene.c	content	in	
Life	skills	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Answer	the	following:	
(Debatable	ques.ons)	
1)  Does	protein	folding	occur	in	Golgi	apparatus?	
2)  Is	the	cell	mo.le	in	a	mul.cellular	animal?	If	yes,	what	type	of	cells	
would	require	to	be	mo.le	and	why?	
Life	skills	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
													Review	worksheet:	
								Picture	based	mul.ple	choice	ques.ons	
Study	the	picture	and	answer	the	ques.ons	which	follow	in	the	next	pages	
Life	skills	
Cell	structure	and	Func7on	
Arpita Banerjee
Suppose	the	cell	in	the	picture	receives	a	signal	from	another	cell	to	produce	a	
par.cular	protein	in	abundance	and	export	the	newly	synthesized	proteins	out	of	the	
cell	for	performing	a	certain	func.on.	Now	answer	the	following	ques.ons.	
1)  Where	would	the	cell	receive	the	signal?	
(a)	Mitochondria	(b)	cell	coat	(c)	plasma	membrane	(d)	Ribosome	(e)	Lysosome.	
2)	Where	does	the	signal	needs	to	be	transmiOed	to?	
(a)	Mitochondria	(b)	cell	coat	(c)	Endoplasmic	re.culum	(d)	Nucleus	(e)	Lysosome.	
3)	Where	would	protein	synthesis	occur	in	response	to	the	signal?	
(a)	Mitochondria	(b)	Smooth	endoplasmic	re.culum	(c)	Rough	endoplasmic	
re.culum	(d)	Nucleus	(e)	Lysosome.	
4)	Where	would	protein	folding	occur?	
(a)  Cell	coat	(b)	Smooth	endoplasmic	re.culum	(c)	Rough	endoplasmic	re.culum		
(d)	Golgi	apparatus	(e)	Lysosome.	
5)	Where	would	the	newly	formed	protein	get	trafficked	to	immediately	aNer	
(a)  Cell	coat	(b)	Smooth	endoplasmic	re.culum	(c)	Rough	endoplasmic	re.culum		
(d)	Golgi	apparatus	(e)	Ribosome.	
Arpita Banerjee
6)	Suppose	the	organelle	chemically	marks	the	synthesized	proteins	with	XXX	
for	transport	to	lysosome,	with	YYY	for	transport	to	cell	coat,	and	with	ZZZ	for	the	
proteins	to	remain	in	cytoplasm.	Which	marking	do	you	think	the	newly	synthesized	
proteins	(for	the	problem	at	hand)	are	going	to	receive?	
(a)  XXX	(b)	YYY	(c)	ZZZ	(d)	XXX	and	ZZZ	(d)	None.	
7)	Defects	in	which	of	the	following	do	you	think	is	going	to	have	direct	adverse	
affect	on	the	transporta.on	of	the	proteins?	
(a)	Mitochondria	(b)	Microtubules	(c)	Nucleus	(d)	lysosome	(e)	Ribosome	
8)	What	are	possibly	going	to	carry	the	proteins	as	cargo	within	them?	
(a)  Microtubules	(b)	Nucleus	(c)	vesicles	(d)	lysosome	(e)	Ribosome.	
9)	Where	would	the	cargo	of	proteins	get	finally	directed	to?	
(a)	Plasma	membrane	(b)	cytoplasm	(c)	cell	coat	(d)	Ribosome		
(e)	Lysosome.	
10) Suppose	some	of	the	proteins	had	been	detected	as	misfolded	and	were	
retained	within	the	cell.	Where	do	you	think	those	misfolded	proteins	would	get	
directed	to?	
(a)	Plasma	membrane	(b)	cytoplasm	(c)	Endoplasmic	re.culum	(d)	Ribosome		
(e)	Lysosome.	
Arpita Banerjee
Work	on	a	cell	from	a	.ssue	of	your	choice.		
1)  Find	out	the	structural	and	func.onal	features	of	the	cell	which	tells	it	apart	
from	another	cell	belonging	to	any	other	.ssue.		
2)  Study	how	those	special	features	equips	the	par.cular	cell	to	perform	its	
designated	func.on.	Prepare	a	write-up	on	your	findings	and	submit	to	your	
Arpita Banerjee
Exit	7cket:	
Which	of	the	following	would	a	cell	membrane	be	permeable	to?	Check	all	that	are	
(a)  Oxygen	(b)	vesicle-bound	protein	(c)	Large	external	molecule	(d)	Micronutrients		
(e)	Water.	
Arpita Banerjee

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