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Management of Plant Diseases
Disease Identification

s Symptoms
s Signs

sExternal and internal reactions or
 alterations of a plant as a result
 of a disease
Disease symptoms

sThe pathogen (disease
 causing agent) or its parts or
 products seen on a host plant
Disease signs

 – TAKE-ALL caused by a FUNGUS
   a VIRUS



s Some diseases may require a
 number of cultural controls or
 combination of cultural and
 chemical controls.
Lesion nematode
s Lesions on roots
s stunting of corn with uneven distribution in
Lesion Nematode
Lesion nematode
              Control Methods
s Rotation but few non-hosts grown.
s Granular insecticide   eg. Counter 15G
Maize dwarf mosaic (virus)
s Yellow stripes between veins on youngest
s Stunting
s Shortened internodes
s Sporadic distribution in field
Maize Dwarf Mosaic
Maize dwarf mosaic (virus) Conditions
            favoring development
s Johnsongrass alternate host
s Aphids transmit to corn
Maize dwarf mosaic (virus)
               Control Methods
s Resistant variety
s Control Johnsongrass
Maize chlorotic dwarf (virus)
s Chlorosis (yellowing) severe on young
s Some reddening
s Severe stunting
Maize chlorotic dwarf (virus)
Maize chlorotic dwarf (virus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Johnsongrass alternate host
s Leafhopper transmits to corn
Maize chlorotic dwarf (virus)
               Control Methods
s Resistant variety
s Control Johnsongrass
Northern corn leaf blight (fungus)

s Gray green elliptical (cigar-shaped) spots,
  2-6 inches long on hybrids with no
s Lesion size can be affected by hybrid.
s Can be confused sometimes with Stewart’s
  wilt if certain resistance genes are present.
Northern Corn Leaf Blight (fungus)
Northern corn leaf blight (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development

s Moderate temperature--65-85 F
s Long dew periods
s Overwinters on plant debris
s Windborne
Northern corn leaf blight (fungus)
              Control Methods

s Resistant hybrids
s Crop rotation
s Tillage
Southern corn leaf blight (fungus)

s Spots on leaf smaller and more numerous
  than Northern corn leaf blight
s Spots vary in size and shape due to the
  genetic background of the hybrid.
s Common race “O” produces tan, elongated
  spots between the veins that have limited
  parallel margins and possibly buff to brown
Southern Corn Leaf Blight (fungus)
Southern corn leaf blight (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Warmer temperature--68-90 F
s High humidity
s Overwinters on plant debris
s Windborne
s Splashed by water
Southern corn leaf blight (fungus)
                Control Methods
s Resistant hybrids
s Crop rotation
s Tillage
Carbonum(Northern corn) Leaf Spot
s Race 3 produces very narrow spots often
  resembling “beads on a string”.
s Lesion (spot) type varies with the hybrid
s Often spreads after leaf tissue matures
Carbonum Leaf Spot
Carbonum(Northern corn) Leaf Spot
       Conditions favoring development
s Moderate temperatures and high humidity
s Spores are abundantly produced on old spots on
  mature leaves
s Minor importance, small impact on yield.
Carbonum leaf blight (fungus)
                Control Methods
s Resistant hybrids
s Crop rotation
s Tillage
Gray leaf spot (fungus)
s Rectangular lesions with sharp parallel edges,
  restricted by veins with yellow margin
s Window pane look, and old lesions are opaque.
s Early lesions are small necrotic spots with
  chlorotic halos.
s Often symptoms are worse along the edges of
Gray Leaf Spot (fungus)
Gray leaf spot (fungus)
       Conditions favoring development
s High humidity
s Near water ways
s Overwinters in residue
s Reduced tillage or no-till
Gray leaf spot (fungus)
               Control Methods

s Resistant hybrids
s Tillage is recommended but is questionable where
  the disease is well established.
s Rotation
Common Rust (fungus)

s   Golden brown to cinnamon brown pustules on
    both sides of the leaf.
Common Rust (fungus)
       Conditions favoring development

s Spores are wind blown from the south.
s Moderate temperatures (61-80) and high humidity
s Infections often occur in the whorl where
  moisture and humidity are high
              Control Methods
s Resistant hybrids
Fusarium stalk rot (fungus)
s Cottony white mat of fungus at base of plant
  or at internodes
s Soft rotted stalk
s Red discoloration inside of stalk
s Lodging
s Yield loss
Fusarium Stalk Rot
Fusarium stalk rot (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Reduced tillage or no-till
s Fungus overwinters in crop residue
s Warm, wet conditions
s Can enter through wounds or directly ( corn
  borer interaction)
s Same organism causing scab in cereals
Fusarium stalk rot (fungus)
                Control Methods
s Hybrid selection
s Tillage
s Proper fertility
s Rotation
s Early harvest
Fusarium ear rot (fungus)
s White fungus growing on kernels
s Pink discoloration
s “Starburst” symptom on infected kernels

Diplodia   Fusarium                 Giberella

                 Fusarium Ear Rot
Fusarium ear rot (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Reduced or no-till
s Fungus overwinters in crop residue
s Warm, wet conditions
s Insect damage to ear
s Can produce mycotoxin “fumonison”
Fusarium ear rot (fungus)
                Control Methods
s Tillage
s Proper fertility
s Rotation
s Early harvest
Damping Off
s Seedlings fail to emerge or emerge then die
s Seed or root is brown and decayed
Damping Off
      Conditions favoring development
s Cool, damp conditions


                  Damping Off
Damping Off
              Control Methods

s Seed treatment fungicides
s Later planting date
s Rotation
Phytophthora root rot (fungus)

s Poor growth
s Wilting
s Brown discoloration on stem
s Rotted roots
Phytophthora Root Rot
Phytophthora root rot (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Poorly drained areas
s Heavy soils
s Flooding
Phytophthora root rot (fungus)
             Control Methods

s Resistant variety
s Seed treatments using Apron, Apron
 XL, or Allegiance control the damping-
 off stage.
Rhizoctonia root rot (fungus)
s Seedlings emerge and die
s Brown, red-brown, or red sunken lesion on
 roots or base of the seedling stem.
Rhizoctonia root rot (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Cool, damp conditions
s Fertility, soil conditions and the amount of
 fungus in the soil can all influence the
 degree of infection.
Rhizoctonia root rot (fungus)
               Control Methods

s Fungicide seed treatments
s Later planting date
Septoria leaf spot
  (Brown spot)
          s Irregular dark brown spots
            on unifoliate leaves
            progressing to trifoliates
            later in the season.
          s Infected unifoliate leaves
            turn brown and drop
          s Black fruiting bodies
            (pycnidia) of the fungus
            form in old spots.
Septoria leaf spot
       Conditions favoring development
s Fungus overwinters on old infected plant debris
s Unifoliate infection provides inoculum for later
s Warm, wet weather conditions especially later in
  the season influences brown spot in the canopy.
Septoria leaf spot

               Control Methods
s Rotation
s Plant less susceptible varieties
s Plow under crop residues
Charcoal rot

s Usually after midseason, plants appear stunted in
  irregular areas of the field.
s Leaves may turn yellow and wilt
s Lower stem and taproot develop a gray to silvery
s Microsclerotia develop in epidermis on root and
  lower stem and inside pith resembling charcoal
Charcoal Rot
Charcoal rot
       Conditions favoring development
s Low soil fertility
s Continuous cropping of soybeans.
s Low soil moisture and hot temperatures
 increase disease severity.
Charcoal rot
                Control Methods
s Plant later maturing varieties late group IV’s and
  group V’s.
s Rotate with small grains, corn and sorghum for at
  least 3 years in severely infected fields.
s Do not overplant, causes seedling stress
s Good fertility practices
Sclerotinia white mold (fungus)

s Wilting and death of the upper leaves of the
  plants during early pod development
s Often occurs in patches in low areas
s White mat of fungus on stem at nodes often seen
s Stem lesions often girldle the stem and the uper
  portions die and produce no pods.
s Large sclerotia on stem and sometimes in pith
Sclerotinia White Mold
Sclerotinia white mold (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Cool, wet conditions that favor germination
  of sclerotia within the upper 2 inches of soil.
s Narrow row spacing
s Dense canopy structure
s Fields with history of white mold on crops
  of peas, beans, and soybean
Sclerotinia white mold (fungus)
              Control Methods
s Avoid planting soybeans after other
  susceptible crops such a peas, snap and lima
  beans, and sunflowers.
s Choose varieties that are shorter, more open
Pod and stem blight (fungus)
s Rows of black fruiting bodies (pycnidia) on
  stems, petioles and pods late in season
s Infected seeds are decayed which leads to
  direct yield loss
Pod and Stem Blight
Pod and stem blight (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Disease of senescing soybeans
s Seed infection favored by delayed harvest
s Warm, rainy weather during pod
  development through maturity.
s Low potash levels favor more seed
Pod and stem blight (fungus)
               Control Methods
s Rotation
s Tillage
s Resistant variety
s Maintain high level of potash fertility
s Often appears in early reproductive stages on
  stems, petioles and pods as an irregularly shaped
  brown areas. Often resembles pod and stem
s Fruiting bodies of the fungus are randomly
  scattered on infected plants tissues and produce
  black spines called setae that can be seen.
s Can produce cankers on petioles and stems
  causing severe defoliation.
       Conditions favoring development
s Overwinters on debris and can infect seed.
s Moist, warm weather during reproductive stages.
s Plants are most susceptible from bloom to pod fill
s Need wet periods of 12 hours or more for infecton
  to occur.
              Control Methods

s Plant disease free seed
s Plow down old soybean residues
s Rotation
Soybean cyst nematode
s Stunted yellow plants in patches or large
s Poorly developed roots
s Suppressed nodulation
s Lemon shaped cysts (females) on roots.
Soybean Cyst Nematode
Soybean Cyst Nematode
Soybean cyst nematode
               Control Methods

s Resistant varieties
s Rotation
Root knot nematode
s Stunted yellow plants
s Knots (galls) on roots
Root Knot Nematode
Root knot nematode
               Control Methods
s Resistant variety
s Rotation
Soybean mosaic (virus)
s Puckered leaves
s Mosaic pattern of yellow and green on leaves
s Bleeding hilum on infected seed
Soybean Mosaic (virus)
Soybean mosaic (virus)
      Conditions favoring development

s Seed borne disease
s Aphid transmitted
Soybean mosaic (virus)
               Control Methods

s Certified seed
s Resistant variety
Tobacco Ringspot Virus
s Primarily seedborne at a low level in the
s This results in scattered infected plants.
s Maturity is delayed so they remain green
  until killed by frost
s Pods are underdeveloped, tops of plants
  have shortened internodes, and leaves are
Tobacco Ringspot
Tobacco Ringspot
      Conditions favoring development
s Nearby crops that may harbor the virus
s Insect vectors are possible and disease is
  often found near the edges of fields.
s Dagger nematode (Xiphinema) may cause a
  low level of transmission.
Tobacco Ringspot
               Control Methods
s Planting virus free seed.
Wheat Diseases
Powdery Mildew (fungus)
s Irregular shaped yellow areas on leaf
s White powdery mass of fungus on upper
  surface of lower leaves
s Older PM colonies will have small brown to
  black sexual fruiting structures present late
  in the spring
Powdery Mildew
Powdery Mildew (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Optimal powdery mildew development
  occurs between 60- 72 F basically cool, wet
s High nitrogen fertility
s Dense stands of susceptible varieties
s High humidity
Powdery Mildew (fungus)
               Control Methods
s Resistant varieties
s Rotation is of some value but limited
s Balanced fertility
s Fungicides (seed and/or foliar treatments)
Leaf rust (fungus)
s Orange-red pustules mostly on upper leaf surfaces
s Randomly scattered within the canopy
s Usually appears after heading
Leaf Rust
Leaf rust (fungus)
         Conditions favoring development
s Temperatures from 59-72 F and free-
  moisture. Needs adequate rainfall.
s Overwinters far south
s   Spores carried by wind
Leaf rust (fungus)
                 Control Methods

s Resistance
s Fungicides
Septoria leaf and glume blotch (fungus)
              Septoria nodorum
s Elongate lens-shaped lesions with yellow
s Black fruiting bodies in center of lesion help
  distinguish from tan spot. Often found in
  orderly rows.
s On the heads a brown to gray -brown
  discoloration occurs and pycnidia are found
  on the infected glumes
Septoria Leaf and Glume Blotch
Septoria leaf and glume blotch (fungus)
       Conditions favoring development

s Optimal development is between 68-82 F
  wet, windy conditions.
s Minimal wet periods of 6 hours, but mostly
  needs 16 hours of wetness.
Septoria leaf and glume blotch (fungus)
               Control Methods

s Fungicides
s Tillage
Scab (fungus)
s Bleached spikelets on part or all of wheat
s Pink or orange spore masses may be seen at
  the base of infected spikelets during periods
  of high humidity
s Infected heads are sterile or contain white
  shriveled grain
s Same as Fusarium on corn (mycotoxins)
Scab (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Spores from corn, wheat and grass residue
  spread to flowering wheat under warm, wet
s Temperatures between 77-86 F and
  continous moisture at flowering are most
  favorable for epidemics.
Scab (fungus)
               Control Methods
s Tillage prior to planting
s Rotation (limited value in areas with intense
  no-till or reduced tillage corn production)
s No resistance
Take-all (fungus)
s Infected plants are stunted and ripen prematurely
s Best identified at heading by stunted growth in
  patches and heads are bleached white and often
s Black lesions at base of crown under the lowest
  leaf sheath
s Plants pull easily from the soil from extensive rot
Take-all (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Continuous wheat production
s High pH, poorly drained soils or wet years
Take-all (fungus)
               Control Methods
s Rotation
s Maintain good fertility levels
s No good resistant varieties
s Control grassy weeds before cropping to
Barley yellow dwarf (virus)
s Ambiguous often look like nutritional
s Fall infection results in patches of yellow,
  stunted plants. Spring infections usually
  result in plants of varying heights and
  yellow or purple colored flag leaves after
  head emergence
s Occurs in patches of field where aphid
  vectors feed
Barley Yellow Dwarf
Barley yellow dwarf (virus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Transmitted by aphids
s Cool, moist conditions (50-65 F)
s Early planted fields attractive to aphids
s Mild winter with aphids
Barley yellow dwarf (virus)
               Control Methods
s Tolerance
s Later planting date
s Control aphids
Wheat spindle streak mosaic (virus)
s Non-distinct yellow streaks can be confused with
  early stage powdery mildew
s Often produces yellow-green mottling, dashes
  and streaks. The streaks often have tapered ends
  forming spindles.
s Entire field affected--not patchy. Low spots in
  field can have more severe symptoms.
Wheat Spindle Streak
Wheat spindle streak mosaic (virus)
        Conditions favoring development
s Soil borne virus
s Transmitted by fungus, in the fall.
s Cool weather (46-53 F) produces the most
s “Disappears” as temperatures increase
Wheat spindle streak (virus)
               Control Methods
s Resistant variety
s Rotation of some value
s Later planting
s Poultry manure may decrease disease
Loose Smut (fungus)
          s Black smutted
           heads on wheat
Loose Smut (fungus)
               Control Methods
s Fungicide seed treatment
s Plant certified seed
Alfalfa Diseases
Phytophthora root rot (fungus)
s Poor growth
s Wilting
s Brown discoloration on stem
s Rotted roots
Phytophthora Root Rot
Phytophthora Root Rot
Phytophthora root rot (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Cool, wet conditions
s Poorly drained soils
Phytophthora root rot (fungus)
               Control Methods
s Select well drained sites
s Break up compacted soils to enhance drainage
s Plant resistance varieties
s Use Apron seed treatments to avoid seedling
Anthracnose (fungus)
s Wilted stems
s Diamond shaped lesions on lower stem
s Lesion gray with red margin
s Scattered in the field
s Infected stems with characteristic diamond
  shaped lesion will also produce a typical
  shepard’s crook
Anthracnose (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Warm, humid conditions
s Late summer/ early fall weather can be very
 favorable for infection
Anthracnose (fungus)
               Control Methods
s Resistant variety
s Clean harvesting equipment before first
 cutting and when going from a known
 infected fields to a healthy field.
Sclerotinia crown rot (fungus)
s Fall- planted alfalfa dies in spring during
  cool, wet conditions.
s Cottony web-like growth on stems and
s Stems turn brown, then soft and mushy then
s Black fruiting bodies (Sclerotia) on stem
Sclerotinia Crown Rot
Sclerotinia Crown Rot
Sclerotinia crown rot (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Infection occurs in fall
s Plants die in cool, wet spring
s Favored by late summer early fall planting
s Planting into clovers
Sclerotinia crown rot (fungus)
              Control Methods
s Spring planting date
s Deep plowing to bury sclerotia
s No resistance
Leaf spots (fungus)-Common Lepto
s Spots on leaves
s New growth most affected
Leaf Spots
Leaf spots (fungus)-Common Lepto
      Conditions favoring development

s Cool, moist season
Leaf spots (fungus)-Common Lepto
              Control Methods

s Early harvest
Spring blackstem (fungus)
s Black spots on lower leaves, petioles, stems
s Entire stem black--first cutting problem
Spring Blackstem
Spring blackstem (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Cool, moist early season and again in fall
s Heavy dew or rain
Spring blackstem (fungus)
               Control Methods
s Early cutting
s Plant moderately resistant cultivars
Verticillium wilt (fungus)
s Scattered infected stems
s Early symptoms include V-shaped chlorosis
  at leaflet tips
s Not all stems on the same plant infected
s Internal root tissue is often brown, but it is
  not a dependable diagnostic feature.
Verticillium Wilt
Verticillium Wilt
Verticillium wilt (fungus)
      Conditions favoring development
s Introduced on seed usually
s Could be disseminated in manure
s Insects can can serve as vectors
s Can spread within the field during cutting
Verticillium wilt (fungus)

                Control Methods
s Plant clean seed free of debris
s Plant resistant varieties
s Disinfestation of cutter bars and equipment
Most Common Symptoms of
             Nematode Injury
Field Symptoms
s Stunting and sometimes yellowing of plants in
  patches of varying size
s Not definitive, need to look at roots

Plant Symptoms and Signs
s   Galls, cysts, lesions or dead areas on roots
    – Forms a protective barrier on the plant surface that
      prevents spore germination eg. Dithane, Bravo, thiram
    – Moves in the plant from point of application across the
      leaf or into new growth. Can move from roots to
      above ground parts. Prevents spores from germinating
      or kills them soon after germination. Eg. Tilt, Baytan,
      Raxil, Quadris, Ridomil.
s   ERADICATIVE (Curative)- kills fungus already
    present. Some systemic fungicides have some curative
s Thresholds are available for making spray
  decisions for wheat in the mid-Atlantic
s Use stage of development and amount of
  disease present to determine need for an

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Cca training diseases2

  • 2. COMPETENCY AREA 2 Management of Plant Diseases
  • 4. SYMPTOMS sExternal and internal reactions or alterations of a plant as a result of a disease
  • 6. SIGNS sThe pathogen (disease causing agent) or its parts or products seen on a host plant
  • 13. DISEASE CONTROL s Some diseases may require a number of cultural controls or combination of cultural and chemical controls.
  • 15. Lesion nematode Symptom/Sign s Lesions on roots s stunting of corn with uneven distribution in field
  • 17. Lesion nematode Control Methods s Rotation but few non-hosts grown. s Granular insecticide eg. Counter 15G
  • 18. Maize dwarf mosaic (virus) Symptom/Sign s Yellow stripes between veins on youngest leaves s Stunting s Shortened internodes s Sporadic distribution in field
  • 20. Maize dwarf mosaic (virus) Conditions favoring development s Johnsongrass alternate host s Aphids transmit to corn
  • 21. Maize dwarf mosaic (virus) Control Methods s Resistant variety s Control Johnsongrass
  • 22. Maize chlorotic dwarf (virus) Symptom/Sign s Chlorosis (yellowing) severe on young leaves s Some reddening s Severe stunting
  • 24. Maize chlorotic dwarf (virus) Conditions favoring development s Johnsongrass alternate host s Leafhopper transmits to corn
  • 25. Maize chlorotic dwarf (virus) Control Methods s Resistant variety s Control Johnsongrass
  • 26. Northern corn leaf blight (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Gray green elliptical (cigar-shaped) spots, 2-6 inches long on hybrids with no resistance. s Lesion size can be affected by hybrid. s Can be confused sometimes with Stewart’s wilt if certain resistance genes are present.
  • 27. Northern Corn Leaf Blight (fungus)
  • 28. Northern corn leaf blight (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Moderate temperature--65-85 F s Long dew periods s Overwinters on plant debris s Windborne
  • 29. Northern corn leaf blight (fungus) Control Methods s Resistant hybrids s Crop rotation s Tillage
  • 30. Southern corn leaf blight (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Spots on leaf smaller and more numerous than Northern corn leaf blight s Spots vary in size and shape due to the genetic background of the hybrid. s Common race “O” produces tan, elongated spots between the veins that have limited parallel margins and possibly buff to brown borders.
  • 31. Southern Corn Leaf Blight (fungus)
  • 32. Southern corn leaf blight (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Warmer temperature--68-90 F s High humidity s Overwinters on plant debris s Windborne s Splashed by water
  • 33. Southern corn leaf blight (fungus) Control Methods s Resistant hybrids s Crop rotation s Tillage
  • 34. Carbonum(Northern corn) Leaf Spot (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Race 3 produces very narrow spots often resembling “beads on a string”. s Lesion (spot) type varies with the hybrid s Often spreads after leaf tissue matures
  • 36. Carbonum(Northern corn) Leaf Spot Conditions favoring development s Moderate temperatures and high humidity s Spores are abundantly produced on old spots on mature leaves s Minor importance, small impact on yield.
  • 37. Carbonum leaf blight (fungus) Control Methods s Resistant hybrids s Crop rotation s Tillage
  • 38. Gray leaf spot (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Rectangular lesions with sharp parallel edges, restricted by veins with yellow margin s Window pane look, and old lesions are opaque. s Early lesions are small necrotic spots with chlorotic halos. s Often symptoms are worse along the edges of fields
  • 39. Gray Leaf Spot (fungus)
  • 40. Gray leaf spot (fungus) Conditions favoring development s High humidity s Near water ways s Overwinters in residue s Reduced tillage or no-till
  • 41. Gray leaf spot (fungus) Control Methods s Resistant hybrids s Tillage is recommended but is questionable where the disease is well established. s Rotation
  • 42. Common Rust (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Golden brown to cinnamon brown pustules on both sides of the leaf.
  • 44. Rust Conditions favoring development s Spores are wind blown from the south. s Moderate temperatures (61-80) and high humidity s Infections often occur in the whorl where moisture and humidity are high
  • 45. Rust Control Methods s Resistant hybrids
  • 46. Fusarium stalk rot (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Cottony white mat of fungus at base of plant or at internodes s Soft rotted stalk s Red discoloration inside of stalk s Lodging s Yield loss
  • 48. Fusarium stalk rot (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Reduced tillage or no-till s Fungus overwinters in crop residue s Warm, wet conditions s Can enter through wounds or directly ( corn borer interaction) s Same organism causing scab in cereals
  • 49. Fusarium stalk rot (fungus) Control Methods s Hybrid selection s Tillage s Proper fertility s Rotation s Early harvest
  • 50. Fusarium ear rot (fungus) Symptom/Sign s White fungus growing on kernels s Pink discoloration s “Starburst” symptom on infected kernels
  • 51. ‘Starburst pattern’ Fusarium Diplodia Fusarium Giberella Fusarium Ear Rot
  • 52. Fusarium ear rot (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Reduced or no-till s Fungus overwinters in crop residue s Warm, wet conditions s Insect damage to ear s Can produce mycotoxin “fumonison”
  • 53. Fusarium ear rot (fungus) Control Methods s Tillage s Proper fertility s Rotation s Early harvest
  • 55. Damping Off Symptom/Sign s Seedlings fail to emerge or emerge then die s Seed or root is brown and decayed
  • 56. Damping Off Conditions favoring development s Cool, damp conditions
  • 57. Pythium Rhizoctonia Damping Off
  • 58. Damping Off Control Methods s Seed treatment fungicides s Later planting date s Rotation
  • 59. Phytophthora root rot (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Poor growth s Wilting s Brown discoloration on stem s Rotted roots
  • 61. Phytophthora root rot (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Poorly drained areas s Heavy soils s Flooding
  • 62. Phytophthora root rot (fungus) Control Methods s Resistant variety s Seed treatments using Apron, Apron XL, or Allegiance control the damping- off stage.
  • 63. Rhizoctonia root rot (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Seedlings emerge and die s Brown, red-brown, or red sunken lesion on roots or base of the seedling stem.
  • 64. Rhizoctonia root rot (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Cool, damp conditions s Fertility, soil conditions and the amount of fungus in the soil can all influence the degree of infection.
  • 65. Rhizoctonia root rot (fungus) Control Methods s Fungicide seed treatments s Later planting date
  • 66. Septoria leaf spot (Brown spot) Symptom/Sign s Irregular dark brown spots on unifoliate leaves progressing to trifoliates later in the season. s Infected unifoliate leaves turn brown and drop s Black fruiting bodies (pycnidia) of the fungus form in old spots.
  • 67. Septoria leaf spot Conditions favoring development s Fungus overwinters on old infected plant debris s Unifoliate infection provides inoculum for later infection s Warm, wet weather conditions especially later in the season influences brown spot in the canopy.
  • 68. Septoria leaf spot Control Methods s Rotation s Plant less susceptible varieties s Plow under crop residues
  • 69. Charcoal rot Symptom/Sign s Usually after midseason, plants appear stunted in irregular areas of the field. s Leaves may turn yellow and wilt s Lower stem and taproot develop a gray to silvery discoloration s Microsclerotia develop in epidermis on root and lower stem and inside pith resembling charcoal dust
  • 71. Charcoal rot Conditions favoring development s Low soil fertility s Continuous cropping of soybeans. s Low soil moisture and hot temperatures increase disease severity.
  • 72. Charcoal rot Control Methods s Plant later maturing varieties late group IV’s and group V’s. s Rotate with small grains, corn and sorghum for at least 3 years in severely infected fields. s Do not overplant, causes seedling stress s Good fertility practices
  • 73. Sclerotinia white mold (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Wilting and death of the upper leaves of the plants during early pod development s Often occurs in patches in low areas s White mat of fungus on stem at nodes often seen s Stem lesions often girldle the stem and the uper portions die and produce no pods. s Large sclerotia on stem and sometimes in pith
  • 75. Sclerotinia white mold (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Cool, wet conditions that favor germination of sclerotia within the upper 2 inches of soil. s Narrow row spacing s Dense canopy structure s Fields with history of white mold on crops of peas, beans, and soybean
  • 76. Sclerotinia white mold (fungus) Control Methods s Avoid planting soybeans after other susceptible crops such a peas, snap and lima beans, and sunflowers. s Choose varieties that are shorter, more open
  • 77. Pod and stem blight (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Rows of black fruiting bodies (pycnidia) on stems, petioles and pods late in season s Infected seeds are decayed which leads to direct yield loss
  • 78. Pod and Stem Blight
  • 79. Pod and stem blight (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Disease of senescing soybeans s Seed infection favored by delayed harvest s Warm, rainy weather during pod development through maturity. s Low potash levels favor more seed infection.
  • 80. Pod and stem blight (fungus) Control Methods s Rotation s Tillage s Resistant variety s Maintain high level of potash fertility
  • 81. Anthracnose Symptom/Sign s Often appears in early reproductive stages on stems, petioles and pods as an irregularly shaped brown areas. Often resembles pod and stem blight. s Fruiting bodies of the fungus are randomly scattered on infected plants tissues and produce black spines called setae that can be seen. s Can produce cankers on petioles and stems causing severe defoliation.
  • 83. Anthracnose Conditions favoring development s Overwinters on debris and can infect seed. s Moist, warm weather during reproductive stages. s Plants are most susceptible from bloom to pod fill s Need wet periods of 12 hours or more for infecton to occur.
  • 84. Anthracnose Control Methods s Plant disease free seed s Plow down old soybean residues s Rotation
  • 85. Soybean cyst nematode Symptom/Sign s Stunted yellow plants in patches or large areas s Poorly developed roots s Suppressed nodulation s Lemon shaped cysts (females) on roots.
  • 88. Soybean cyst nematode Control Methods s Resistant varieties s Rotation
  • 89. Root knot nematode Symptom/Sign s Stunted yellow plants s Knots (galls) on roots
  • 91. Root knot nematode Control Methods s Resistant variety s Rotation
  • 92. Soybean mosaic (virus) Symptom/Sign s Puckered leaves s Mosaic pattern of yellow and green on leaves s Bleeding hilum on infected seed
  • 94. Soybean mosaic (virus) Conditions favoring development s Seed borne disease s Aphid transmitted
  • 95. Soybean mosaic (virus) Control Methods s Certified seed s Resistant variety
  • 96. Tobacco Ringspot Virus Symptom/Sign s Primarily seedborne at a low level in the field s This results in scattered infected plants. s Maturity is delayed so they remain green until killed by frost s Pods are underdeveloped, tops of plants have shortened internodes, and leaves are distorted
  • 98. Tobacco Ringspot Conditions favoring development s Nearby crops that may harbor the virus s Insect vectors are possible and disease is often found near the edges of fields. s Dagger nematode (Xiphinema) may cause a low level of transmission.
  • 99. Tobacco Ringspot Control Methods s Planting virus free seed.
  • 101. Powdery Mildew (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Irregular shaped yellow areas on leaf initailly s White powdery mass of fungus on upper surface of lower leaves s Older PM colonies will have small brown to black sexual fruiting structures present late in the spring
  • 103. Powdery Mildew (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Optimal powdery mildew development occurs between 60- 72 F basically cool, wet conditions s High nitrogen fertility s Dense stands of susceptible varieties s High humidity
  • 104. Powdery Mildew (fungus) Control Methods s Resistant varieties s Rotation is of some value but limited s Balanced fertility s Fungicides (seed and/or foliar treatments)
  • 105. Leaf rust (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Orange-red pustules mostly on upper leaf surfaces s Randomly scattered within the canopy s Usually appears after heading
  • 107. Leaf rust (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Temperatures from 59-72 F and free- moisture. Needs adequate rainfall. s Overwinters far south s Spores carried by wind
  • 108. Leaf rust (fungus) Control Methods s Resistance s Fungicides
  • 109. Septoria leaf and glume blotch (fungus) Septoria nodorum Symptom/Sign s Elongate lens-shaped lesions with yellow margins s Black fruiting bodies in center of lesion help distinguish from tan spot. Often found in orderly rows. s On the heads a brown to gray -brown discoloration occurs and pycnidia are found on the infected glumes
  • 110. Septoria Leaf and Glume Blotch
  • 111. Septoria leaf and glume blotch (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Optimal development is between 68-82 F wet, windy conditions. s Minimal wet periods of 6 hours, but mostly needs 16 hours of wetness.
  • 112. Septoria leaf and glume blotch (fungus) Control Methods s Fungicides s Tillage
  • 113. Scab (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Bleached spikelets on part or all of wheat head s Pink or orange spore masses may be seen at the base of infected spikelets during periods of high humidity s Infected heads are sterile or contain white shriveled grain s Same as Fusarium on corn (mycotoxins)
  • 114. Scab
  • 115. Scab (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Spores from corn, wheat and grass residue spread to flowering wheat under warm, wet conditions. s Temperatures between 77-86 F and continous moisture at flowering are most favorable for epidemics.
  • 116. Scab (fungus) Control Methods s Tillage prior to planting s Rotation (limited value in areas with intense no-till or reduced tillage corn production) s No resistance
  • 117. Take-all (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Infected plants are stunted and ripen prematurely s Best identified at heading by stunted growth in patches and heads are bleached white and often sterile s Black lesions at base of crown under the lowest leaf sheath s Plants pull easily from the soil from extensive rot rot.
  • 120. Take-all (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Continuous wheat production s High pH, poorly drained soils or wet years
  • 121. Take-all (fungus) Control Methods s Rotation s Maintain good fertility levels s No good resistant varieties s Control grassy weeds before cropping to wheat
  • 122. Barley yellow dwarf (virus) Symptom/Sign s Ambiguous often look like nutritional disorders s Fall infection results in patches of yellow, stunted plants. Spring infections usually result in plants of varying heights and yellow or purple colored flag leaves after head emergence s Occurs in patches of field where aphid vectors feed
  • 124. Barley yellow dwarf (virus) Conditions favoring development s Transmitted by aphids s Cool, moist conditions (50-65 F) s Early planted fields attractive to aphids s Mild winter with aphids
  • 125. Barley yellow dwarf (virus) Control Methods s Tolerance s Later planting date s Control aphids
  • 126. Wheat spindle streak mosaic (virus) Symptom/Sign s Non-distinct yellow streaks can be confused with early stage powdery mildew s Often produces yellow-green mottling, dashes and streaks. The streaks often have tapered ends forming spindles. s Entire field affected--not patchy. Low spots in field can have more severe symptoms.
  • 128. Wheat spindle streak mosaic (virus) Conditions favoring development s Soil borne virus s Transmitted by fungus, in the fall. s Cool weather (46-53 F) produces the most symptoms s “Disappears” as temperatures increase
  • 129. Wheat spindle streak (virus) Control Methods s Resistant variety s Rotation of some value s Later planting s Poultry manure may decrease disease incidence
  • 130. Loose Smut (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Black smutted heads on wheat
  • 131. Loose Smut (fungus) Control Methods s Fungicide seed treatment s Plant certified seed
  • 133. Phytophthora root rot (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Poor growth s Wilting s Brown discoloration on stem s Rotted roots
  • 136. Phytophthora root rot (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Cool, wet conditions s Poorly drained soils
  • 137. Phytophthora root rot (fungus) Control Methods s Select well drained sites s Break up compacted soils to enhance drainage s Plant resistance varieties s Use Apron seed treatments to avoid seedling damping-off
  • 138. Anthracnose (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Wilted stems s Diamond shaped lesions on lower stem s Lesion gray with red margin s Scattered in the field s Infected stems with characteristic diamond shaped lesion will also produce a typical shepard’s crook
  • 140. Anthracnose (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Warm, humid conditions s Late summer/ early fall weather can be very favorable for infection
  • 141. Anthracnose (fungus) Control Methods s Resistant variety s Clean harvesting equipment before first cutting and when going from a known infected fields to a healthy field.
  • 142. Sclerotinia crown rot (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Fall- planted alfalfa dies in spring during cool, wet conditions. s Cottony web-like growth on stems and crowns s Stems turn brown, then soft and mushy then disintegrate. s Black fruiting bodies (Sclerotia) on stem
  • 145. Sclerotinia crown rot (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Infection occurs in fall s Plants die in cool, wet spring s Favored by late summer early fall planting s Planting into clovers
  • 146. Sclerotinia crown rot (fungus) Control Methods s Spring planting date s Deep plowing to bury sclerotia s No resistance
  • 147. Leaf spots (fungus)-Common Lepto Symptom/Sign s Spots on leaves s New growth most affected
  • 149. Leaf spots (fungus)-Common Lepto Conditions favoring development s Cool, moist season
  • 150. Leaf spots (fungus)-Common Lepto Control Methods s Early harvest
  • 151. Spring blackstem (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Black spots on lower leaves, petioles, stems s Entire stem black--first cutting problem
  • 153. Spring blackstem (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Cool, moist early season and again in fall s Heavy dew or rain
  • 154. Spring blackstem (fungus) Control Methods s Early cutting s Plant moderately resistant cultivars
  • 155. Verticillium wilt (fungus) Symptom/Sign s Scattered infected stems s Early symptoms include V-shaped chlorosis at leaflet tips s Not all stems on the same plant infected initially s Internal root tissue is often brown, but it is not a dependable diagnostic feature.
  • 158. Verticillium wilt (fungus) Conditions favoring development s Introduced on seed usually s Could be disseminated in manure s Insects can can serve as vectors s Can spread within the field during cutting
  • 159. Verticillium wilt (fungus) Control Methods s Plant clean seed free of debris s Plant resistant varieties s Disinfestation of cutter bars and equipment
  • 160. Most Common Symptoms of Nematode Injury Field Symptoms s Stunting and sometimes yellowing of plants in patches of varying size s Not definitive, need to look at roots Plant Symptoms and Signs s Galls, cysts, lesions or dead areas on roots
  • 161. FUNGICIDE CLASSIFICATION s PROTECTANT – Forms a protective barrier on the plant surface that prevents spore germination eg. Dithane, Bravo, thiram s SYSTEMIC – Moves in the plant from point of application across the leaf or into new growth. Can move from roots to above ground parts. Prevents spores from germinating or kills them soon after germination. Eg. Tilt, Baytan, Raxil, Quadris, Ridomil. s ERADICATIVE (Curative)- kills fungus already present. Some systemic fungicides have some curative activity
  • 162. TREATMENT THRESHOLDS FOR FUNGICIDE APPLICATION s Thresholds are available for making spray decisions for wheat in the mid-Atlantic region. s Use stage of development and amount of disease present to determine need for an application.