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       Ewelina Brania
Student’s book 79774


1.   Arla Foods
2.   Society profile
         Country profile
         Cultural profile
         Communication components
3.   Case profile
4.   Campaign
     •    Aims
     •    Strategy
     •    Instruments applied
5.   The crisis of Arla
6.   Conclusion


The largest producer of dairy products in Scandinavia
Headquarter in Aarhus, Denmark
Mission: “… to provide modern consumers with natural milk-
based products that create inspiration, confidence and well-
Owned by 7 996 milk producers in Denmark and Sweden
73% of shares in Danish, Swedish and British market
49, 469 m DKK revenue (2008)
15, 927 employees
Arla - “early” in archaic Swedish


1882 – 1st Dairy in Hjedding in Denmark
1970 - Establishment of Mejeriselskabet Danmark (MD)
1989 - Formation of MD Foods International to acquire
       dairies abroad
1990 - Launch of butter Lurpak on UK market

             1st dairy in Stora Arla Gärd in Sweden -1881
                  Formation of Mjölkcentralen (MC)- 1945
              Mjölkcentralen changes name to Arla – 1975

2000 - Merger of Danish MD Food and
        Swedish Arla


13 countries: Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Kuwait,
Morocco, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE
50% of shares in Saudi Arabian butter market, 68% - UAE, 80%
- Qatar
Annual sales of $550 m in the Middle East
Strong positive “Danish” image
“Coming from a small and politically natural country like
Denmark is definitely a plus when you’re selling in the Middle
East. We are not associated with any kind of imperialism – we feel
that our partners trust us.”
                                                       H. Niss


Political   Republic - 6, constitutional monarchy – 3, absolute
structure   monarchy – 3, federation of emirates - 1
Legal       Mainly Shari‘a law with western influences
system      The independence of judiciary main principle in Shari‘a
            The Beirut Declaration (1999) for Arab states – procedural
            guarantees of judicial independence, denouncement of
            discrimination on the basis of gender etc.
Level of    “Lack of transparency, a weak media, lack of democracy,
activism    social dogmas, religious tension – all this makes it almost
            impossible to make any real change. Arab society provides
            no encouragement to pursue a life of activism”
                              Weal Hmaidan, co-funder of the League
                                             of Independent Activists
            Theocratic activism - terrorism


Economic    GDP (PPP) – 20 782.62$
structure   very diversified – max. Qatar 86 006$
                              min. Yemen 2 411$(IMB 2008)
            Adult literacy – 66% (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan – over 90%)
Media       Practically lack of press freedom (mostly ranks under 100th
system      place in Reporters Without Boundaries’s ranking 2008 )
                               Yemen – 167th, KSA – 165th , Syria – 163rd
            “independent” press owned by member of the ruling family
            of businessmen close to the ruling family, very few literally
            Usually a government-issued license is needed
            Harsh defamation law
            Usually direct censorship for materials from abroad
            Al-Jazeera (1996) – a revolution on Arab TV market, highly
            independent in spite of financing by Qatari government,
            often discusses taboo topics


Authoritarian relationships
High power distance
High uncertainty avoidance
Cultural values: collectivism, hospitability, honor
Socio-historical influences: Islam, poetry, nationalism


     Language and verbal         Non-
                                 Non-verbal communication
Elaborateness                 Gestures – direct body orientation
Codeswitching between different Direct eye contact between the
forms of Arabic and French, same sex, lowered gaze submission
Affectiveness                 Touching restricted between males
                              and females


17.09.2005 – “Politiken” publishes an article “Profound anxiety
              about criticism of Islam” in which the author
              discusses the problem of self-censorship in
              relation to Islam in Denmark
30.09.2005 – the Danish newspaper “Jyllands-Posten” publishes
             article “Muhammeds ansigt” (The face of
             Muhammad) that refers to terrorism of Islamic
             organizations with 12 cartoons

“They [Muslims] demand a special position, insisting on special
consideration of their own religious feelings. It is incompatible
with democracy and freedom of speech.”
                      Flemming Rose, editor of “Jyllands-Posten”


20.10.05 – ambassadors of Muslim countries ask the prime
          minister to react
“The freedom of expression has a wide scope and the Danish
government has no means of influencing the press”
         Anders Fogh Rasmussen, prime minister of Danmark

28.12.05 - “Jyllands-Posten” refuses to apologize for the
20.01.06 – religious clerics in KSA advise Muslims not to buy
           Danish products (Arla Foods, Lego, Ecco shoes etc.)
Most of the shops as a sign
of solidarity with Muslims
community remove Danish
products from their shelves.


                    challenge is to
                 regain consumer
                 confidence in the
                   Middle East”
                 Managing Director
                  Peder Tuborgh

  Restore it’s
  product on
the shelves in
                                       Maintain dialogue
 shops in the
 Middle East        Reintroduce Arla
                     to the market
                    (cut off from an
                       image of a
                    Danish company)


Emphasizing long-lasting relations with Muslim community
(long history in the Middle East, many Muslim employees over
the years etc.)
Showing interest of Islamic and Arabic culture
Appealing to Islamic values (tolerance, justice, forgiveness
Showing Muslims society understand of their reaction to
cartoons - Influencing Muslims hearts not minds, “leaving”
them decision about the future of the boycott
Improving contact with Islamic religious         leaders,   as
intermediaries to reach Arab Muslim society
Lobbying the Danish Prime Minister to apologize for the


Newspaper’s adverts with Arla’s standpoints and reprints of
opinions of the Danish government and Jyllands-Posten
TV commercials
Frequent up-dates about the boycott and undertaken actions
on the website
“Status report Friday afternoon”, “Arla makes "all resources
available“ etc.
Records with confessions of Arla’s Muslims employees from
feelings about the cartoons
Leaflets with reprints of Jylands-postand standpoint


26.01.06 – the largest grocery
retailer in KSA – Al-Othaim Holding
Company confirms that it will not be
selling Danish products until an
apologize for the cartoons will be
                                          “The   campaign    of    all
published in the largest newspaper        Muslims to protect the last
in the country                            prophet Muhammad (saw)”*

                “In the name of Allah
                we apologize our dear
                customers     but  we
                don’t    sell   Danish
                products because of
                the boycott campaign.
                The products are:…”*

                     *Translated by the author


26.01.06 – “We can confirm that our sales have been affected”
           says Finn Hansen, Executive Director, Arla Foods
In one of Arab countries people are throwing stones at Arla’s
Arla tries in press release to emphasize it’s long-lasting good
relations with Muslim community, cut themselves off from an
image of a Danish company – “In fact, we have more Muslim
than Danish consumers” ED of Arla calls for peaceful dialogue.

27.01.06 – Arla ensures that the press release with the
           statement of Danish Government will be
           published in Saudi Arabians newspapers (Arla
           puts ads in Middle East’s newspapers)
In the statement the Danish government ensures that it
respects Islam and that “Jyllands-Posten” have no connections
with government, it’s private and independent so it can
         not be perceived as a standpoint of Denmark society.


28.01.06 – Arla places adverts in Middle Eastern newspapers
           trying to encourage people to stop the boycott
29.01.     –     ”Jyllands-Posten” prints statement in Arabic
               explaining that cartoons had been a sign of
               freedom of speech not a campaign against Islam.
Libya closes the Danish embassy in Tripoli, Palestinians burn
Danish flag.
30.01.06 – “Production for the area seriously threatened”
            alarms Arla:
KSA – Arla’s importers cancelled all orders
Kuwait – wide media coverage about the boycott
Qatar – the products removed from almost all shops
UAE – within a short time the products will be removed
                             SALES STOPPED!!!
           "I urgently beg the government to enter a positive
           dialogue with the many millions of Muslims who feel
           they have been offended by Denmark” says in       a
                           statement Peder Tuborg, Arla’s ED


31.01.06 – Arla informs that none of the employees in the
           Middle East will be dismissed so that Arla can
           quickly restart production when the boycott will be
Danish imaans call off the boycott in Denmark. In the press
release Arla tries to emphasize it’s openness and good relations
with Muslims society by citing Kasim Amat, a spokesperson for the
Danish Islamic Community, who suggests undertaking a joint
venture (DIC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dansk Industri and Arla)
to Saudi Arabia to “correct the misunderstandings The situation
abroad is still difficult.
“The dialogue here has taken a positive turn”
                                      Finn Hansen, ED Arla Food
01.02.06 – Arla ensures that it will spread the statements
          (press adverts) of the Danish Prime Minister and
          Jyllands-Posten from press conference on 31th Jan,
          when they emphasized that cartoons are a part of
          freedom of     speech not incursion on Muslims
          society and that      they want to continue the
          dialogue and restore good relations with Arab


In French, German, Italian and Spanish newspapers appear
reprints of the cartoons
18.02.06 – Arla participates in Middle East’s largest food
           exhibition “Gulf Food” in Dubai
Signs at Arla’s stand show it’s distance from the cartoons Arla
staff gives away customers copies of Jyllands-Posten’s apology
and is willing to answer to the questions of the local media.
“A face-to-face dialogue is extremely important in the Middle
East and cannot be substituted by a phone call” says Jan E.
Pedersen, Arla’s Director for the UAE
20.02.06 – as a reaction to rumors in the media that Arla is
           boycotting Isreal, Andreas Lundby, Deputy
           Managing Director, makes a statement
In the statement he also emphasizes that all of products
exported to KSA are Danish and none of the ingredients comes
        from Israel


02.03.06 – estimations of Arla show that the boycott will cost
           the company 400 m DKK
20.03.06 –
20.03.        Arla announced that    it was going to publish on
             25th explanation of     it’s stand in case of the
             offensive cartoons in    full page advertisement in
             25 newspapers across    the Middle East
“Arla Foods distances itself from the act of Jyllands-Posten in
choosing to print caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad and
we do not share the newspaper’s reason for doing it. (…) We
understand and respect your reaction leading to boycott of
our products as a result of the irresponsible and unfortunate
accident. (…) The years that we have spent in your world have
taught us that justice and tolerance are fundamental values of
Islam….in the hope that you will reconsider your attitude to
our company”.
22-23.03.06 – Arla took part in The First Conference of the
              International Committee of the Support of the
              Final Prophet in Bahrain


03.04.06 - International Committee for the Support of the
           Prophet publishes press release with the result of
           the conference in which it
appreciates “the attitude of Arla Foods that declared its rejection of
the pictures and was not in agreement for reasons for their
publication.“ The president of ICSFP, Yousef Al-Qaradawi notices
that Arla is an objective of criticism for it’s standpoint in Denmark.
06.04.06 – Arla decides to sponsor humanitarian projects in
          the Middle East (giving aid to disable children,
          cancer suffers and the hungry) and activities that
          will build mutual understanding between different

“The boycott had been lifted only against Arla This company
apologised to Muslims and sponsored humanitarian projects for
the needy" says Adel Al-Maawdah, a spokesman of ICSFP


Arla was the first company which Arab world have lifted the
boycott for
It’s products came back on 6th April 2006 on shelves of over
3000 shops in the Middle East
By the end of 2006 Arla recovered 50% of the pre-boycott
annual sales volume
The company restored good image in Muslim society through
cutting off from Denmark. Arla regained consumers trust.
“We must differentiate between those who insulted us and
those who stood by us.”
             Soliman Albuthi, spokesman of ICSFP
In western countries the image was tarnished.
The Arla’s apology for the cartoon was perceived as
a denial of a fundamental value of modern society –
freedom of speech. The campaign “Support Denmark
             Boycott Arla” was launch.

                               Before crisis Arla supplied – 50 000 shops*


The biggest problem of the Arla’s case was the fact that the
company had strong national image
“Key   to Arla Foods’ strategy was deconstructing the
sometimes conflicting national and organizational identities
that emerged.”
                     Patricia A. Curtin, Thomas K. Gaither
If a company does not want to be perceive as a country-of-
origin any more, then it can as a part of PR campaign:
     • Get involved in local community issues (homelessness,
       cancer patients etc.)
     • Publicly distance itself from the source of offence
     • Cut off from the image of a company from the issue
         • Resign or downplay the “Made in…” aspect of the
         • Change the name of the company


                                                           A. Maamoun “Guilty by association: The Boycotting
                                                           of Danish Products in the Middle East” [in:] “Journal
                                                           of Business Case Studies” volume 4, number 10,
                                                           W. Doesum “Crisis Communication in a Globalization
R. Tench, L. Yeomans “Exploring Public Relations”,         World: Arla and the Cartoon Crisis”, a master thesis,
Prentice Hall, 2009                                        2008
E. Feghali “Arab Cultural Communication Patterns”
[in:] ‘International Journal of Intercultural Relations”
volume 3, number 3, Aug 1997                               er_van_doesum.pdf%3Fsequence%3D1+%22boycott+
A.O. Sherif, N.J. Brown “Judicial Independence In The      l=pl&client=firefox-a
Arab World”, a study presented to the Program of 
Arab Governance of The United Nations Development
R.S. Zaharna “Overview: Florence Kluckhohn Value 
Orientations”               ,               2000   
R.S. Zaharna “Understanding Cultural Preferences of
Arab Communication Patterns” [in:] “Public Relations       dimensions
Review”, volume 21, issue 3, Autumn 1995         
J. Lehtonen “Country Image and Consumer                    lobal_public_relations/
Nationalism. Case Arla and the Mohammed Cartoons 
Episode” [in:] Ch. M. Schimdt, D. Neuendorff     
            “Sprache, Kultur und Zielgruppen”,   
                DUV, 2008                                  danish-export-dhimmi-


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Case study of Arla Foods by Ewelina Brania

  • 1. 2010-05-19 Ewelina Brania Student’s book 79774 1
  • 2. 2010-05-19 1. Arla Foods 2. Society profile Country profile Cultural profile Communication components 3. Case profile 4. Campaign • Aims • Strategy • Instruments applied 5. The crisis of Arla 6. Conclusion 2
  • 3. 2010-05-19 The largest producer of dairy products in Scandinavia Headquarter in Aarhus, Denmark Mission: “… to provide modern consumers with natural milk- based products that create inspiration, confidence and well- being” Owned by 7 996 milk producers in Denmark and Sweden 73% of shares in Danish, Swedish and British market 49, 469 m DKK revenue (2008) 15, 927 employees Arla - “early” in archaic Swedish 3
  • 4. 2010-05-19 1882 – 1st Dairy in Hjedding in Denmark 1970 - Establishment of Mejeriselskabet Danmark (MD) 1989 - Formation of MD Foods International to acquire dairies abroad 1990 - Launch of butter Lurpak on UK market 1st dairy in Stora Arla Gärd in Sweden -1881 1881 Formation of Mjölkcentralen (MC)- 1945 Mjölkcentralen changes name to Arla – 1975 2000 - Merger of Danish MD Food and Swedish Arla 4
  • 5. 2010-05-19 13 countries: Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Kuwait, Morocco, Jordan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE 50% of shares in Saudi Arabian butter market, 68% - UAE, 80% - Qatar Annual sales of $550 m in the Middle East Strong positive “Danish” image “Coming from a small and politically natural country like Denmark is definitely a plus when you’re selling in the Middle East. We are not associated with any kind of imperialism – we feel that our partners trust us.” H. Niss 5
  • 6. 2010-05-19 Political Republic - 6, constitutional monarchy – 3, absolute structure monarchy – 3, federation of emirates - 1 Legal Mainly Shari‘a law with western influences system The independence of judiciary main principle in Shari‘a The Beirut Declaration (1999) for Arab states – procedural guarantees of judicial independence, denouncement of discrimination on the basis of gender etc. Level of “Lack of transparency, a weak media, lack of democracy, activism social dogmas, religious tension – all this makes it almost impossible to make any real change. Arab society provides no encouragement to pursue a life of activism” Weal Hmaidan, co-funder of the League of Independent Activists Theocratic activism - terrorism 6
  • 7. 2010-05-19 Economic GDP (PPP) – 20 782.62$ structure very diversified – max. Qatar 86 006$ min. Yemen 2 411$(IMB 2008) Adult literacy – 66% (Syria, Lebanon, Jordan – over 90%) Media Practically lack of press freedom (mostly ranks under 100th system place in Reporters Without Boundaries’s ranking 2008 ) Yemen – 167th, KSA – 165th , Syria – 163rd “independent” press owned by member of the ruling family of businessmen close to the ruling family, very few literally independent Usually a government-issued license is needed Harsh defamation law Usually direct censorship for materials from abroad Al-Jazeera (1996) – a revolution on Arab TV market, highly independent in spite of financing by Qatari government, often discusses taboo topics 7
  • 8. 2010-05-19 High-context Authoritarian relationships High power distance Polychronic High uncertainty avoidance Non-linear Present-oriented Being-oriented Cultural values: collectivism, hospitability, honor Socio-historical influences: Islam, poetry, nationalism 8
  • 9. 2010-05-19 Language and verbal Non- Non-verbal communication communication Elaborateness Gestures – direct body orientation Codeswitching between different Direct eye contact between the forms of Arabic and French, same sex, lowered gaze submission English Affectiveness Touching restricted between males and females Repetition Indirectness 9
  • 10. 2010-05-19 17.09.2005 – “Politiken” publishes an article “Profound anxiety 17.09. about criticism of Islam” in which the author discusses the problem of self-censorship in relation to Islam in Denmark 30.09.2005 – the Danish newspaper “Jyllands-Posten” publishes 30.09. article “Muhammeds ansigt” (The face of Muhammad) that refers to terrorism of Islamic organizations with 12 cartoons “They [Muslims] demand a special position, insisting on special consideration of their own religious feelings. It is incompatible with democracy and freedom of speech.” Flemming Rose, editor of “Jyllands-Posten” 10
  • 11. 2010-05-19 20.10.05 – ambassadors of Muslim countries ask the prime 20.10. minister to react “The freedom of expression has a wide scope and the Danish government has no means of influencing the press” Anders Fogh Rasmussen, prime minister of Danmark 28.12.05 - “Jyllands-Posten” refuses to apologize for the 28.12. publication 20.01.06 – religious clerics in KSA advise Muslims not to buy 20.01. Danish products (Arla Foods, Lego, Ecco shoes etc.) Most of the shops as a sign of solidarity with Muslims community remove Danish products from their shelves. 11
  • 12. 2010-05-19 ”Our challenge is to regain consumer confidence in the Middle East” Managing Director Peder Tuborgh Restore it’s product on the shelves in Maintain dialogue shops in the Middle East Reintroduce Arla to the market (cut off from an image of a Danish company) 12
  • 13. 2010-05-19 Emphasizing long-lasting relations with Muslim community (long history in the Middle East, many Muslim employees over the years etc.) Showing interest of Islamic and Arabic culture Appealing to Islamic values (tolerance, justice, forgiveness etc.) Showing Muslims society understand of their reaction to cartoons - Influencing Muslims hearts not minds, “leaving” them decision about the future of the boycott Improving contact with Islamic religious leaders, as intermediaries to reach Arab Muslim society Lobbying the Danish Prime Minister to apologize for the cartoons 13
  • 14. 2010-05-19 Newspaper’s adverts with Arla’s standpoints and reprints of opinions of the Danish government and Jyllands-Posten TV commercials Frequent up-dates about the boycott and undertaken actions on the website “Status report Friday afternoon”, “Arla makes "all resources available“ etc. Records with confessions of Arla’s Muslims employees from feelings about the cartoons Leaflets with reprints of Jylands-postand standpoint 14
  • 15. 2010-05-19 26.01.06 – the largest grocery 26.01. retailer in KSA – Al-Othaim Holding Company confirms that it will not be selling Danish products until an apologize for the cartoons will be “The campaign of all published in the largest newspaper Muslims to protect the last in the country prophet Muhammad (saw)”* “In the name of Allah we apologize our dear customers but we don’t sell Danish products because of the boycott campaign. The products are:…”* *Translated by the author 15
  • 16. 2010-05-19 26.01.06 – “We can confirm that our sales have been affected” 26.01. says Finn Hansen, Executive Director, Arla Foods In one of Arab countries people are throwing stones at Arla’s vehicle. Arla tries in press release to emphasize it’s long-lasting good relations with Muslim community, cut themselves off from an image of a Danish company – “In fact, we have more Muslim consumers”. than Danish consumers” ED of Arla calls for peaceful dialogue. 27.01.06 – Arla ensures that the press release with the 27.01. statement of Danish Government will be published in Saudi Arabians newspapers (Arla puts ads in Middle East’s newspapers) In the statement the Danish government ensures that it respects Islam and that “Jyllands-Posten” have no connections with government, it’s private and independent so it can not be perceived as a standpoint of Denmark society. 16
  • 17. 2010-05-19 28.01.06 – Arla places adverts in Middle Eastern newspapers 28.01. trying to encourage people to stop the boycott 29.01.06 29.01. – ”Jyllands-Posten” prints statement in Arabic explaining that cartoons had been a sign of freedom of speech not a campaign against Islam. Islam. Libya closes the Danish embassy in Tripoli, Palestinians burn Danish flag. 30.01.06 – “Production for the area seriously threatened” 30.01. alarms Arla: KSA – Arla’s importers cancelled all orders Kuwait – wide media coverage about the boycott Qatar – the products removed from almost all shops UAE – within a short time the products will be removed EVERYWHERE SALES STOPPED!!! "I urgently beg the government to enter a positive dialogue with the many millions of Muslims who feel they have been offended by Denmark” says in a statement Peder Tuborg, Arla’s ED 17
  • 18. 2010-05-19 31.01.06 – Arla informs that none of the employees in the 31.01. Middle East will be dismissed so that Arla can quickly restart production when the boycott will be over Danish imaans call off the boycott in Denmark. In the press release Arla tries to emphasize it’s openness and good relations with Muslims society by citing Kasim Amat, a spokesperson for the Danish Islamic Community, who suggests undertaking a joint venture (DIC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dansk Industri and Arla) to Saudi Arabia to “correct the misunderstandings The situation misunderstandings”. abroad is still difficult. “The dialogue here has taken a positive turn” Finn Hansen, ED Arla Food 01.02.06 – Arla ensures that it will spread the statements 01.02. (press adverts) of the Danish Prime Minister and Jyllands- Jyllands-Posten from press conference on 31th Jan, when they emphasized that cartoons are a part of freedom of speech not incursion on Muslims society and that they want to continue the dialogue and restore good relations with Arab world. 18
  • 19. 2010-05-19 In French, German, Italian and Spanish newspapers appear reprints of the cartoons 18.02.06 – Arla participates in Middle East’s largest food 18.02. exhibition “Gulf Food” in Dubai Signs at Arla’s stand show it’s distance from the cartoons Arla cartoons. staff gives away customers copies of Jyllands-Posten’s apology Jyllands- and is willing to answer to the questions of the local media. “A face-to-face dialogue is extremely important in the Middle face-to- East and cannot be substituted by a phone call” says Jan E. Pedersen, Arla’s Director for the UAE 20.02.06 – as a reaction to rumors in the media that Arla is 20.02. boycotting Isreal, Andreas Lundby, Deputy Managing Director, makes a statement In the statement he also emphasizes that all of products exported to KSA are Danish and none of the ingredients comes Israel. from Israel 19
  • 20. 2010-05-19 02.03.06 – estimations of Arla show that the boycott will cost 02.03. the company 400 m DKK 20.03.06 – 20.03. Arla announced that it was going to publish on 25th explanation of it’s stand in case of the offensive cartoons in full page advertisement in 25 newspapers across the Middle East “Arla Foods distances itself from the act of Jyllands-Posten in Jyllands- choosing to print caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad and we do not share the newspaper’s reason for doing it. (…) We reaction, understand and respect your reaction leading to boycott of our products as a result of the irresponsible and unfortunate accident. (…) The years that we have spent in your world have taught us that justice and tolerance are fundamental values of Islam….in the hope that you will reconsider your attitude to Islam our company”. 22-23.03.06 – Arla took part in The First Conference of the 22-23.03. International Committee of the Support of the Final Prophet in Bahrain 20
  • 21. 2010-05-19 03.04.06 - International Committee for the Support of the 03.04. Prophet publishes press release with the result of the conference in which it appreciates “the attitude of Arla Foods that declared its rejection of the pictures and was not in agreement for reasons for their publication.“ The president of ICSFP, Yousef Al-Qaradawi notices that Arla is an objective of criticism for it’s standpoint in Denmark. T HE OFFICIAL END OF THE BOYCOTT 06.04. 06.04.06 – Arla decides to sponsor humanitarian projects in the Middle East (giving aid to disable children, cancer suffers and the hungry) and activities that will build mutual understanding between different cultures “The boycott had been lifted only against Arla This company Arla. apologised to Muslims and sponsored humanitarian projects for the needy" says Adel Al-Maawdah, a spokesman of ICSFP 21
  • 22. 2010-05-19 Arla was the first company which Arab world have lifted the boycott for It’s products came back on 6th April 2006 on shelves of over 3000 shops in the Middle East By the end of 2006 Arla recovered 50% of the pre-boycott annual sales volume The company restored good image in Muslim society through cutting off from Denmark. Arla regained consumers trust. “We must differentiate between those who insulted us and those who stood by us.” us. Soliman Albuthi, spokesman of ICSFP In western countries the image was tarnished. The Arla’s apology for the cartoon was perceived as a denial of a fundamental value of modern society – freedom of speech. The campaign “Support Denmark Boycott Arla” was launch. Before crisis Arla supplied – 50 000 shops* 22
  • 23. 2010-05-19 The biggest problem of the Arla’s case was the fact that the company had strong national image image. “Key to Arla Foods’ strategy was deconstructing the sometimes conflicting national and organizational identities that emerged.” Patricia A. Curtin, Thomas K. Gaither If a company does not want to be perceive as a country-of- origin any more, then it can as a part of PR campaign: • Get involved in local community issues (homelessness, cancer patients etc.) • Publicly distance itself from the source of offence • Cut off from the image of a company from the issue • Resign or downplay the “Made in…” aspect of the brand • Change the name of the company 23
  • 24. 2010-05-19 A. Maamoun “Guilty by association: The Boycotting of Danish Products in the Middle East” [in:] “Journal of Business Case Studies” volume 4, number 10, 2008 W. Doesum “Crisis Communication in a Globalization R. Tench, L. Yeomans “Exploring Public Relations”, World: Arla and the Cartoon Crisis”, a master thesis, Prentice Hall, 2009 2008 E. Feghali “Arab Cultural Communication Patterns” [in:] ‘International Journal of Intercultural Relations” volume 3, number 3, Aug 1997 er_van_doesum.pdf%3Fsequence%3D1+%22boycott+ arla%22+support+denmark&cd=7&hl=pl&ct=clnk&g A.O. Sherif, N.J. Brown “Judicial Independence In The l=pl&client=firefox-a Arab World”, a study presented to the Program of Arab Governance of The United Nations Development Program http://www.undp- independence.pdf R.S. Zaharna “Overview: Florence Kluckhohn Value Orientations” , 2000 n.htm R.S. Zaharna “Understanding Cultural Preferences of Arab Communication Patterns” [in:] “Public Relations dimensions Review”, volume 21, issue 3, Autumn 1995 J. Lehtonen “Country Image and Consumer lobal_public_relations/ Nationalism. Case Arla and the Mohammed Cartoons Episode” [in:] Ch. M. Schimdt, D. Neuendorff “Sprache, Kultur und Zielgruppen”, DUV, 2008 danish-export-dhimmi- cheese.html splay.jsp?vnu_content_id=1001920646 24