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Edición 1.0
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Creado Por Anny Daian Garzón M.
Autorizado por Alberto Becerra.
Documento: - 00.000.000
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Informática y Gestión S.A.
Empresa Autorizada Fundación SIIGO
Edición Autorizada por Informática y
Gestión S.A.
Impreso y Hecho en Colombia
MODULO Manejo de estructuras gramaticales:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9 y 10
 Saludos formales e informales.
 Despedidas formales e informales
 Pronombres Personales
 Estructura básica de la oración.
 Presentaciones
 Información personal
 Estructura gramatical para expresiones
Uso del idioma
 Aprendizaje de estructuras numéricas.
 Spellling (deletreo).
 Expresiones horarias.
Teórica : 18
 Comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso frecuente, así,
como frases sencillas destinadas a satisfacer necesidades de tipo
 Presentarse a sí mismo y a otros, pedir y dar información personal
básica sobre su domicilio, sus pertenencias y las personas que conoce.
 Relacionarse de forma elemental siempre que su interlocutor hable
despacio y con claridad.
 Realizar preguntas que lo lleven a ubicarse en un espacio físico
 Describir lugares y personas mediante el uso de los adjetivos.
 Desarrollar en el estudiante la habilidad de sostener conversaciones
básicas que le permitan desenvolverse en situaciones cotidianas en su
entorno laboral.
Habilidades Escritas
 Formular oraciones de saludo y despedida.
 Aplicar los elementos básicos para realizar presentaciones personales y de
otras personas.
 Conocer vocabulario básico que cubre temas cotidianos como la familia y
actividades de trabajo.
Habilidades de escucha y de expresión oral
 Preguntar la hora y decir la hora.
 Decir números de teléfonos.
 Deletrear palabras.
 Generar oraciones con la estructura gramatical correspondiente.
 Mantener una actitud proactiva y espontánea en las conversaciones en idioma
 Demostrar constantemente interés por enriquecer su vocabulario en idioma
 Participación activa en las actividades desarrolladas en clases y laboratorios.
 Iniciativa constante por adquirir y utilizar nuevas palabras en los ejercicios orales
y escritos.
 Reconoce cuando le hablan en ingles
 Lista correctamente los mensajes o diálogos básicos para saludar, presentarse
y despedirse en inglés, usando un léxico adecuado.
 Diferencia los artículos determinantes e indeterminados.
 Diferencia los pronombres personales existentes.
 Identifica vocabulario básico para la construcción de oraciones.
 Construye oraciones simples.
 Maneja de forma correcta en inglés escrito y oral, preguntas Wh, How many y
adverbios de lugar en la oración para solicitar y entregar información sobre
ubicación de objetos
 De forma oral expresa saludos, presentaciones y descripciones sobre personas
y objetos, así como terminología contable.
 Redacta textos cortos en donde se incluyen descripciones sobre:
- Objetos y personas
- Manejo de cantidades
- Presentación sobre información personal.
1. Se realiza la enunciación del tema
2. Aclaración de dudas
3. Se realiza ejercicio guiado
4. Los estudiantes realizarán por grupos ejercicios que ponga en práctica lo
aprendido y se realizará la respectiva socialización.
Secuencia Didáctica
 Computador
 Internet
 Libros
 Cartulina, papel, marcadores, esferos, lápices
 Videos
 Fotocopias
 MP3
 Grabadora.
Investigar sobre: Estructuras gramaticales, números, abecedario, adjetivos
calificativos, partes del cuerpo.
Desarrollo de tareas on-line.
Sostener conversaciones básicas dentro de la Institución.
New Interchange Basic
OBJETIVO ...............................................................................................9
GREETINGS AND FAREWALLS..............................................................10
PRONOUNS ...........................................................................................14
SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE......................................................................22
TIME AND DATE....................................................................................37
Actualmente, más de 1.500 millones de personas en todo el mundo hablan inglés. Es
el idioma por excelencia para los negocios, el turismo, la música, la ciencia, Internet...
El mundo laboral, en el cual se desempeñarán los estudiantes que pertenecen a la
Fundación SIIGO, quienes harán parte del nuevo mundo globalizado y competitivo que
les exigirá contar con conocimientos y competencias en la lengua anglo.
A través de esta cartilla se pretende incrementar las habilidades del idioma inglés de
los estudiantes poniendo a su alcance las cuatro destrezas: Hablar, Comprender, Leer
y Escribir, pero ante todo, la habilidad de defenderse ante la sociedad, en un ambiente
anglo parlante, dando énfasis al lenguaje como medio de comunicación, por ejemplo:
para expresar intenciones, pedir y dar información, para expresar emociones y
opiniones, para presentarse y presentar a otros, para describir cosas, para presentar
un informe, etc., todo esto con exactitud gramatical.
Guiar al estudiante a través del aprendizaje dinámico y visual durante el proceso de
adquisición de competencias en la lengua anglo, buscando una preparación previa
para la sesión de clase, y la práctica de lo aprendido con el fin de aclarar dudas y
generar nuevos retos que le permitan incrementar sus habilidades escritas, orales,
auditivas y de comprensión de la lengua inglesa.
Good Morning Buenos días
Good Afternoon Buenas tardes
Good Evening Buenas noches
How do you do? ¿Cómo esta?
Hello, how are
Hola, ¿Cómo
How are things?
¿Cómo van las
Hi, How are you
¿Cómo esta?
How’s it going? ¿Cómo va todo?
How’s everything? ¿Cómo va todo?
How have you
¿Cómo has
How’s life
¿Qué más de tu
Give me five Choca esos cinco
What’s up?
¿Entonces qué?
¿Qué tal? ¿Qué
What’s going on? ¿Qué pasa?
Good Bye Adios
Bye Chao
Bye, Bye Chao
See you later (soon,
tomorrow, the next
week, the weekend)
Take care, take care
of yourself
NOTE: Pleasant smile is strong
indication of a friendly and open
attitude and willingness to
communicate. It is appositive, non-
verbal signal sent with the hope that
the other person will smile back.
When you smile, you demonstrate
that you have noticed the person in a
I would like to introduce to … (Name)
This is… (Name)
I don’t think you know… (Name)
Nice to meet you
-Nice to meet you, too.
How are you?
-Fine, thank you
How’s life?
-Not too bad, thanks
It’s great to see you
1) How are you?
A) My name is Ahmet.
B) Good evening.
C) Nice to meet you.
D) I am very well, thank you
2) What is your name?
A) Her name is Zehra.
B) Fine and you.
C) My name is Zeynep.
D) I am from Kayseri.
3) Where are you from?
A) I am from Antalya.
B) Good afternoon Mr. Smith.
C) I am ten years old.
D) He is 13 years old.
4) How old are you?
A) I am form Bursa.
B) My name is Clara.
C) I am thirteen years old.
D) Nice to meet you Ali.
¡Hola! me llamo Sarah.
¿Cómo te llamas?
Hello, my name is
What is your name?
John: ¡Hola! Sarah, me llamo John.
Hello Sarah, my name
is John.
Sarah: ¿Habla usted inglés? Do you speak English?
No, lo siento, no hablo inglés.
Sólo hablo español.
No, I'm sorry, I don't
speak English.
I only speak Spanish.
John: Usted es mexicana, ¿verdad?
You are Mexican,
aren't you?
Sí, soy mexicana.
¿Y tú, de dónde es usted?
Yes, I am a Mexican.
And you, where are
you from?
John: Soy de Madrid. I am from Madrid.
Sarah: Adiós, John. Hasta luego.
Goodbye, John. See
you later.
John: Adiós, Sarah. Goodbye, Sarah.
Regards to your …. (Family, mother, etc.)
Keep in touch
Enjoy yourself Have a nice time
Take it easy
Come again soon!
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
So long
Good evening
Think of the most suitable reaction to the following phrases.
a) How are you? ……………………………………………………………
b) How do you do? ……………………………………………………………
c) Pleased to meet you. ……………………………………………………………
d) It was nice meeting you. ……………………………………………………………
e) Have a good weekend. ……………………………………………………………
f) See you next month. ……………………………………………………………
g) You must be Ann Peterson. ……………………………………………………………
h) I hope to see you again. ……………………………………………………………
Organize the words to build sentences.
1. your Hello, what name? is __________________________________________
2. name my madam, Hello is Victor. ____________________________________
3. you. to meet nice ________________________________________________
4. you welcome. Are ________________________________________________
5. to too. madam, glad you Thank you much meet I very am ________________
6. you may a as I question? __________________________________________
7. later, see at PM in come you 4:00 office I’ll my _________________________
With two of your partners make a dialogue introducing yourselves, choose if you want
to make it formal or informal, use the expressions that you prefer, search other
phrases which aren’t in this text.
I My Mine Me
You Your Yours You
He His His Him
She Her Hers Her
It It Its It
We Our Ours Us
You Your Yours You
They Their Theirs Them
Pronombres son palabras que reemplazan un sustantivo dentro
de la oración. Los pronombres evitan la repetición de
These pronouns are the subject of the
verb, is who makes the action in the
He runs in the park
You (Singular)
You (Plural)
The singer played his
piano. Annabel didn’t like
the music herself. She
thought it was out of tune.
But Dave enjoyed it; he
hummed along loud
enough for both of them.
SESION 2, 3 Y 4
Complete with I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY
Man __He___
Woman _______
Girls _______
Chairs _______
Dictionary _______
Tony and Dave _______
Car _______
Pen _______
Cats _______
Book _______
Susan and I _______
Boy _______
Tony and you _______
Martha and Tony______
Dog _______
Which pronouns could be taken instead? Match them.
Mary he
Kim and Tom you
Jack and I she
John they
Charles and you we
The object of the sentence receives the
action of the verb. Object Pronouns come
after a verb or a preposition.
Andy kisses Diane
Andy kisses her
The teacher gave the homework to the
The teacher gave the homework to them
These pronouns are the object of the
verb, meaning the action (verb) is
directed toward the pronoun.
Please, call me
Please fill in the gaps with: me, her, him, us, them, it or you
a) The boys are nice to the girls. They are helping _______.
b) Where's my cat? I've got a fish for _______.
c) I can do these exercises. I can do _______.
d) John likes his dog. He likes _______.
e) Teachers like children. Teachers like _______.
f) The teacher is shouting at Peter. He is shouting at _______.
g) Peter can see his mum. He can see _______.
h) We can't do our homework. Can you help _______with _______, Mary?
i) Let's play with Sarah today. Let's play with _______.
j) Can I go to school with _______, Sally?
Possessive pronouns show ownership –
something that belongs to someone or
something else.
The ball belongs to me. The ball is
Possessive pronouns are: mine,
yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
They are use to show ownership or
possession of a noun. These possessive
pronouns stand alone. They do not require a
word following them to show what is
I am yours
The possessive case pronoun is used to show ownership. While a possessive adjective
may modify a noun, a possessive pronoun replaces the adjective and the noun with a
single word. Look at the following example:
Possessive pronouns allow you to reduce repetition and wordiness in your sentences.
Possessive case pronouns include the following:
Singular: mine yours his, hers,
Plural: ours yours theirs
Complete each sentence using the correct modifying possessive pronoun.
a) The pencil belongs to the girl. It is __________.
b) I ride a bike to school. The bike is __________.
c) The lady wore a beautiful dress. The beautiful dress was __________.
d) The children played with the computer. It was __________.
e) You can choose any food to eat. The choice is __________.
f) My friends love reading. It is a favorite pastime of __________.
g) My sister and I walk the dog because it is __________.
h) Her coat is prettier than mine. Her coat is blue; __________ is brown.
i) Be more careful with John’s toys, because __________ are breakable.
On the lines below, write at least three sentences that use possessive
pronouns correctly.
In English the possessive is used
instead of the article before the
I hurt his finger (Se lastimó el
I lost my book (Perdí mi libro.)
Complete the sentences with
possessive adjectives.
a) He's from Spain. ________ name's
b) They're married. ________
children's names are Lauren and
c) We're brothers. ________ parents
are French.
d) She's eight. ________ brother's
e) I'm British. ________ name's Peter.
f) You're students. ________ books
are in the classroom.
They are used to indicate to who belongs
the subject or object of the sentence. These
possessive adjectives do require a word
following them to show what is owned.
I love my friends
There are seven mistakes in this conversation
Look for the mistakes and rewrite the dialog with the correct pronouns.
Circle the correct pronouns in the following sentences.
a) (I, Me, My) wish (we, us, our) did not have to use (we, us, our) car for the
trip to (you, your, yours) reunion.
b) Miss Williams gave (we, us, our) (we, us, our) test grades Friday before
(we, us, our) left school.
c) All the secretaries brought (they, them, their) lunches in paper bags and ate
(they, them, their) at (they, them, their) desks.
d) (I, Me, My) dog is a better hunter than (you, your) dog, isn't (he, she, it).
e) Thomas brought (he, him, his) brother with (he, him, his) to the school
f) Jane brought (she, her) sister with (she, her), also.
g) (I, Me, My) thanked (them, they, their) for (they, them, their) wonderful
care of (I, me, my) while (I, me, my) was in the hospital.
h) The dog chased (it, its) tail but never caught (it, its).
i) (They, Them, Their) car nearly ran into (we, us, our), but (we, us, our)
never called the police.
j) Should (we, us, our) do (we, us, our) homework at (my, mine, me) house
or at (you, your, yours)?
Jane: Tina, come and play with we.
Hello, Jane. Hello, Candy. What are you
Candy: We are playing with us dolls.
Jane: Look! This is me doll. She name is Lily. I
love she.
Tina: She's lovely. I hope me will get a doll on
me birthday.
Fill the gaps with the correct pronouns.
Little Red Riding Hood
1. Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding
Hood. Together with ________ mum, ________ lived in a big
2. One fine day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said,
“________ Grandma is ill. Please go and take this cake and a
bottle of wine to________. Grandma’s house is not too far
from________ house, but always keep to the path and don’t
3. So, Little Red Riding Hood made________ way to Grandma’s house.
4. In the forest________ met the big bad wolf.
5. Little Red Riding Hood greeted ________ and the wolf asked:
6. “Where are ________ going, Little Red Riding Hood?”
7. “To ________ grandma’s house.” answered Little Red Riding Hood.
8. “Can you tell________ where ________ grandma lives?”
9. “________ lives in a little cottage at the edge of the forest.”
10. “Why don’t________ pick some nice flowers for________?” asked the wolf.
11. “That’s a good idea.” said Little Red Riding Hood and began looking for flowers.
Meanwhile, the wolf was on________ way to grandma’s house.
12. The house was quite small but nice and________ roof was made out of straw.
13. The wolf went inside and swallowed poor old Grandma. After that ________
put Grandma’s clothes on and lay down in________ bed.
14. Sometime later, Little Red Riding Hood came to the little cottage. ________
went inside and was shocked by the
sight of________ grandma.
15. “Oh grandma, what big eyes, hands
and mouth________ have got!”
Little Red Riding Hood said.
16. There, the wolf jumped out of bed
and swallowed________, too.
17. Then________ lay down again and
fell asleep.
18. After a while, the hunter passed by Grandma’s house. ________ heard
somebody snoring, thought that there was something wrong and consequently
went inside.
Why me
19. In the bedroom, ________ saw the wolf.
20. First, the hunter wanted to shoot________, but then________ saw the wolf’s
big belly.
21. So, the hunter took out________ knife and cut the belly open.
22. Out came Little Red Riding Hood and________ grandma.
23. “Thank you for saving________,” whispered Little Red Riding Hood.
24. Then, all of________ went to fetch some stones and put________ in the wolf’s
25. Soon the wolf woke up. ________ was very thirsty and went to the well in the
garden to drink some water.
26. When the wolf wanted to lean over and drink,
the stones in________ belly were too heavy
and pulled________ down into the well.
27. Grandma, the hunter and Little Red Riding
Hood were happy, ate________ cake and
drank the wine.
28. But the wolf in the well thought, “Why do such things always happen
The simple present can express an action occurred at the present
She eats fish Ella come pescado
They drink milk Ellos beben leche
A routine
She plays tennis on Tuesdays Ella juega al tenis los Martes
They do their homework every
Hacen sus tareas todas las
A habit
Mary always drinks coke with
Mary siempre bebe Coca cola con
A fact
Fire burns El fuego quema
A truth
I come from Spain Soy de España
Note the final in the third person of singular
He runs El corre
She eats Ella come
It sleeps Ello duerme
If the verb ends in “O” or in “CH”, we must to add
He goes El va
She does Ella hace
It catches Ello captura/atrapa
The third person of singular is different in the interrogative and negative
Does he run? ¿Corre él?
Does she eat? ¿Come ella?
Does it sleep? ¿Duerme ello?
He doesn't run El no corre
She doesn't eat Ella no come
It doesn't sleep Ello no duerme
As you see the verb is without
I eat
You eat
He eats
She eats
It eats
We eat
You eat
They eat
Yo como
Tu comes
El come
Ella come
Eso come
Nosotros comemos
Ustedes comen
Ellos comen
Do I eat?
Do you eat?
Does he eat?
Does she eat?
Does it eat?
Do we eat?
Do you eat
Do they eat?
¿Yo como?
¿Tú comes?
¿El come?
¿Ella come?
¿Eso come?
¿Nosotros comemos?
¿Ustedes comen?
¿Ellos comen?
I don’t eat
You don’t eat
He doesn’t eats
She doesn’t eats
It don’t eats
We don´t eat
You don’t eat
They don’t eat
Yo no como
Tu no comes
El no come
Ella no come
Eso no come
Nosotros no comemos
Ustedes no comen
Ellos no comen
Make the phrases in the correct form:
Affirmative Negative Questions
I I play
You You help
He He does not answer
She Does she sing?
It It rains
We Do we dream?
You You do not read
They Do they work?
Put the correct form verb, Notice the following words:
Break / On / On / brush / by / does / does / finishes / get / get / go / goes
/ goes / goes / has / has / have / have / his / in / past / play / plays /
starts / surf / to / until / watch / watches / his
Sandra's week:
"On weekdays, I up at half past seven. I a shower, my hair and
dressed. I go to school car. School at a quarter eight. is from
quarter past eleven quarter to twelve. School at half past two. I
lunch at three o'clock........."
Andres' week
"Every afternoon, I to the gym, I also with the computer, tv and
the net. Saturdays and Sundays I play basketball."
Everyday, he his homework and at nine o’clock he a shower and dinner.
Then, he to his bedroom to listen music.
Make these phrases in Negative and Interrogative form:
1. People from China speak Russian
2. I run more than 500 meters in a minute
3. My boyfriend dances very well
4. My mum watches TV every day
5. Teachers work hard
6. My cat sleeps 12 hours a day
7. I go to school in the evening
8. My neighbors buy a new car every year
9. We fry eggs in the microwave
10. Luis likes pop music
POSITIVE FORM Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are) and its Contractions
(To be)
1St I am I’m
2nd you are you’re
3rd He / She / It Is he’s / she’s / it’s
1st We
2nd You you’ re
3rd They they’re
NEGATIVE FORM Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are) and its Contractions
(To be)
1St I am + not I’m not
2nd you are + not you’re not / you aren’t
3rd He / She /
is + not
he’s / she’s / it’s + not
he/she/it + isn’t
1st We
Are +not
we’re not / we aren’t
2nd You you’ re not / you aren’t
3rd They they’re not / they aren’t
INTERROGATIVE FORM Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are)
Verb (to
1St Am I a good student?
2nd Are you married?
3rd Is he/she/it your friend?
we ready?
2nd you at home
3rd they tired?
SHORT ANSWERS Yes and no answers, and its Contractions
Positive Negative
1St Yes, I am No. I’m not
2nd Yes, you are No, you aren’t
3rd Yes, he is No, he isn’t / No, he’s not
No, she isn’t / No, she’s not
No, it isn’t/ No, it’s not
1st Yes, we are No, we’re not / No, we aren’t
2nd Yes, you are No, you’re not / No, you aren’t
3rd Yes, they are No, they’re not / No, they aren’t
Write the correct form of Verb To Be on the blank spaces:
1. These bags _______heavy.
2. I _______an engineer. My wife _______ a nurse.
3. This house _______not very expensive.
4. My books _______on the table.
5. _______ you a good teacher?
Make into English the next sentences:
1. ¿Dónde estás?
2. Estoy en la escuela hasta las 8
3. ¿Hace buen tiempo hoy?
I am happy Yo soy feliz
You are happy Tu eresfeliz
He is happy El es feliz
She is happy Ella es feliz
It is happy Eso es feliz
We are happy Nosotros somos felices
You are happy Ustedes son felices
They are happy Ellos son felices
I am not happy Yo no soy feliz
You aren’t happy Tu no eres feliz
He isn’t happy El no es feliz
She isn’t happy Ella no es feliz
It isn’t happy Eso no es feliz
We aren’t happy Nosotros no somos felices
You aren’t happy Ustedes no son felices
They aren’t happy Ellos no son felices
Am I happy? ¿Yo soy feliz?
Are you happy? ¿Tú eresfeliz?
Is he happy? ¿El es feliz?
Is she happy? ¿Ella es feliz?
Is ithappy? ¿Eso es feliz?
Are we happy? ¿Nosotros somos felices?
Are you happy? ¿Ustedes son felices?
Are they happy? ¿Ellos son felices?
Note: Remember in English you always must use the Subject. In an affirmative or negative
sentence you should follow the structure (SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT) where complement is
Spanish English
Es bonita Is pretty (WRONG) There isn’tsubject and in English is necessary
She is pretty (RIGHT)
4. Tengo hambre. ¿Puedo comer algo?
5. Mis padres no son italianos.
Complete the correct form with the Verb To Be. Then make into interrogative
and negative sentences.
1. My name _______James.
2. Mary _______the secretary.
3. John and Lucy _______ at school.
4. I _______a student.
5. The boys _______in the garden.
6. He _______a lawyer.
7. Susie _______a housewife.
8. She _______a student.
9. They _______my friends.
10. You _______a student.
Arrange the words to make affirmative sentences in simple present, and then
compare with your partners.
1. I / to collect / stamps __________________________________
2. we / to play / card games __________________________________
3. he / to read / comics __________________________________
4. Chris / to be / in /his / house __________________________________
5. we / to have / a / hamster __________________________________
6. Andy and John / to like / cola __________________________________
7. she / to be / nice __________________________________
8. they / to help / their / parents __________________________________
9. the children / to speak / English __________________________________
10. I / to buy / a / newspaper / every / Saturday _______________________
Note:Don´t fall in lovewith the verb To Be. It justwants to say “SER” o “ESTAR”. Some people
think that it must be used always,but this only depends on the action done by the subject.
Spanish English
Juega futbol He is play football (WRONG)
He plays football (RIGHT)
Write correct negative sentences in present simple, and then compare with
your partners.
1. to go / the disco / to / we / Saturday/ on ___________________________
2. she / to study / every / day _____________________________________
3. never / I / to read / a / book ____________________________________
4. I / to drink / sometimes / coffee __________________________________
5. my / to play / brothers / basketball ________________________________
Write correct interrogative sentences in present simple, and then compare
with your partners.
1. brother / your / friendly / to look _________________________________
2. Pili and Sofia / to like / ice cream _________________________________
3. David / to hate / alcohol _______________________________________
4. my sister / parties / to enjoy __________________________________
5. teacher / my / to like / music __________________________________
According to your Business Plan, you must to design a flyer with all
features needed for selling it.
Your flyer has to be written in English and has to accomplish all
requirements seen in your Business Class.
This picture above is an example of you have to do. Your flyer must be
at least on a half sheet letter size.
Adjectives are words used to describe a noun. Write an adjective on each
line to describe Christmas Carols.
Adjectives normally go before nouns:
He has a big car.
adj. noun
Adjectives like good, bad, beautiful, etc., are “opinion” adjectives. These adjectives
describe what you think about something and go before adjectives like new, big, etc.
which are “fact” adjectives:
They have a beautiful big house.
opinion fact noun
adj. adj. adj.
When there are two or more adjectives, they go in the following order:
It’s a beautiful big new square brown Indian wooden box.
Sound: loud, noisy, quiet, silent, ...
Opinion: good, bad, difficult, easy, ...
Personality (positive): honest, intelligent, ...
Personality (negative): dishonest, pessimistic, ...
Sound – Sonido
Loud - alto; fuerte
Soft– suave
Quiet– suave
Faint - débil, bajo
Audible – audible
Mute – mudo
Hoarse – ronco
Inaudible – inaudible
Silent – silencioso
Deafening – ensordecedor
Noisy – ruidoso
Deaf – sordo
Shrill - agudo, chillón
Melodic - melódico
We could not have a conversation because of the loud music.
No pudimos tener una conversación debido a la música fuerte.
The teacher entered the noisy room.
La maestra ingresó al ruidoso recinto.
Opinion – Opinión
Good – bueno
Bad – malo
Easy – fácil
Difficult – difícil
True – verdadero
False – falso
Careful – cuidadoso
Careless – descuidado
Important – importante
Right – correcto
Wrong – equivocado
Useful – útil
Useless – inútil
Cheap – barato
Expensive - caro
Interesting – interesante
Famous – famoso
Unknown - desconocido
I have the most
beatiful, faster, small,
green car.
He arrived late at the concert because he had taken the wrong highway.
Llegó tarde al concierto porque había tomado la carretera equivocada.
Plane tickets are very expensive at this time of year.
Los boletos de avión son muy caros en esta época del año.
Personality (positive) - Personalidad (positivo)
Honest – honesto
Courageous – valiente
Optimistic – optimista
Intelligent – inteligente
Sincere – sincero
Ambitious – ambicioso
Modest – modesto
Sensible – sensato
Friendly - amistoso
Practical – práctico
Considerate – considerado
Tolerant – tolerante
Responsible – responsable
Generous – generoso
Patient – paciente
Disciplined – disciplinado
Humorous – divertido
Sympathetic - comprensivo
Personality (negative) - Personalidad (negativo)
Dishonest – deshonesto
Pessimistic – pesimista
Miserly – avaro
Coward – cobarde
Selfish – egoísta
Impatient – impaciente
Lazy – haragán
Greedy – codicioso
Resentful – resentido
Envious – envidioso
Jealous – celoso
Possesive – posesivo
Conceited – engreído
Arrogant – arrogante
Fussy – quisquilloso
Gullible – ingenuo
Stubborn – terco
Careless – negligente
Negro Black Naranja Orange
Azul Blue Pálido Pale
Marrón Brown Rosa Pink
Castaño Chestnut Morado Purple
Oscuro Dark Rojo Red
Fucsia Fuchsia Brillante Shiny
Dorado Golden Plata Silver
Gris Gray Celeste Sky blue
Verde Green Transparente Transparent
Claro Light Violeta Violet
Granate Maroon Blanco White
Azul marino Navy blue Amarillo Yellow
Make groups of four persons and make a composition describing someone
his/her lifestyle, preferences, ¿how does he/she look?; and then sharing
with your classmates
Note: Look for more adjectives and use them.
Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers
0 oh, zero ---
1 one 1st first
2 two 2nd second
3 three 3rd third
4 four 4th fourth
5 five 5th fifth
6 six 6th sixth
7 seven 7th seventh
8 eight 8th eighth
9 nine 9th ninth
10 ten 10th tenth
11 eleven 11th eleventh
12 twelve 12th twelfth
13 thirteen 13th thirteenth
14 fourteen 14th fourteenth
15 fifteen 15th fifteenth
16 sixteen 16th sixteenth
17 seventeen 17th seventeenth
18 eighteen 18th eighteenth
19 nineteen 19th nineteenth
20 twenty 20th twentieth
21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first
30 thirty 30th thirtieth
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 a/one hundred
1,000 a/one thousand
10,000 ten thousand
100,000 a/one hundred thousand
1,000,000 a/one million
1,000,000,000 a/one billion
Write the next numbers
1.256 _____________________
3.895 _____________________
8.568 _____________________
85.054 _____________________
32.587 _____________________
89.487 _____________________
221.257 _____________________
658.457 _____________________
987.454 _____________________
2.568.874 _____________________
If a number is in the range 21 to 99, and the
second digit is not zero, one should write the
number as two words separated by a hyphen.
21 twenty-one
32 thirty-two
64 sixty-four
83 eighty-three
99 ninety-nine
In English, the hundreds are perfectly regular,
except that the word hundred remains in its
singular form regardless of the number
preceding it (nevertheless, one may on the
other hand say "hundreds of people flew in", or
the like)
100 one hundred
400 four hundred
900 nine hundred
So too arethe thousands,with the number of thousands followed by the word "thousand"
1,000 one thousand
2,000 two thousand
10,000 ten thousand
11,000 eleven thousand
20,000 twentythousand
21,000 twenty-one thousand
30,000 thirty thousand
85,000 eighty-five thousand
100,000 one hundred thousand
999,000 nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand (British English)
nine hundred ninety-nine thousand (American English)
1,000,000 one million
10,000,000 ten million
Common British
Common American
Common British
How many marbles do
you have?
What is your house
Which bus goes to the
high street?
101 A hundred and one. One-oh-one.
Here, oh is used for the
digit zero.
109 A hundred and nine. One-oh-nine. One-oh-nine.
110 A hundred and ten. One-ten. One-one-oh.
117 A hundred and
One-seventeen. One-one-seven.
120 A hundred and twenty. One-twenty. One-two-oh, One-two-
152 A hundred and fifty-
One-fifty-two. One-five-two.
208 Two hundred and eight. Two-oh-eight. Two-oh-eight.
334 Three hundred and
Three-thirty-four. Three-three-four.
Write these numbers in words.
64 sixty-four
342 three hundred and forty-two
Here are some phrases you can use when you want to know the time:
What's the time?
What time is it?
Have you got the right time?
What time do you make it?
To tell someone what the time is, we can say "The time is..." or, more usually,
"It's...". Here is a typical dialogue:
Question: What's the time, please?
Answer: It's three o'clock.
The chart below shows you two different ways to tell someone what the time is.
more formal less formal
It's... It's...
3.00 three o'clock three
3.02 just gone three o'clock three oh two
3.03 three minutes past three three oh three
3.05 five past three three oh five
3.09 nine minutes past three three oh nine
3.10 ten past three three ten
3.15 a quarter past three three fifteen
3.20 twenty past three three twenty
3.21 twenty-one minutes past three three twenty-one
3.25 twenty-five past three three twenty-five
3.30 half past three three thirty
3.35 twenty-five to four three thirty-five
3.40 twenty to four three forty
3.45 a quarter to four three forty-five
3.50 ten to four three fifty
3.55 five to four three fifty-five
3.57 three minutes to four three fifty-seven
Write the TIME in full as in the example (look at the example CAREFULLY).
Example :
It is 5:40 - : It is twenty to six.
1- It is 11:55 2- It is 4:20
3- It is 2:30 4- It is 9:45
5- It is 8:40 6- It is 3:10
7- It is 7:50 8- It is 1:35
9- It is 10:15 10- It is 9:05
Write the time according to the pictures.
It’s twenty past twelve
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________
4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________
7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Abbreviation Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
January February March April May June
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
July August September October November December
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
How we
write the
2008 1900 1959 2000
How we say
the year
Two thousand
and eight
Nineteen hundred
Nineteen fifty-
The year 2000
How we write
the date
1st January 2004 07/09/1959 August 12 2003
How we say
the date
The first of January
The seventh of
September 1959
August the 12th 2003
For single days and dates we use on.
For example:
I was born on the 7th of the month.
For months we use in.
For example:
I was born in September.
! My birthday is on September the 7th.
How to ask the day or date
What day is it please? It's Tuesday.
What date is it please? It's the 1st of April.
What's the date today please? It's the 1st of April.
Write the correct time in British English into the gaps.
Write the numbers in words.
Example: It's _____________________.
Answer: It's half past eight.
1) It's _______________________.
2) It's _______________________.
3) It's _______________________.
4) It's _______________________.
5) It's _______________________.
6) It's _______________________.
7) It's _______________________.
8) It's _______________________.
9) It's _______________________.
Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
1. 01/05/1968 ____ March twenty-first, two thousand
2. 12/02/1914 ____ June eighth, ten sixty-six
3. 08/22/1940 ____ October twelfth, eighteen seventy
4. 10/12/1870 ____ January fifth, nineteen sixty-eight
5. 03/21/2000 ____ July third, eighteen seventeen
6. 06/08/1066 ____ December second, nineteen fourteen
7. 07/04/1945 ____ August twenty-second, nineteen forty
8. 04/301990 ____ April thirtieth, nineteen ninety
9. 02/23/2005 ____ July fourth, nineteen forty-five
10. 07/03/1817 ____ February twenty-third, two thousand and
Look at the calendar and complete the sentences with the correct day of
the week.
The 27th of March is _____________
The 1st of March is ______________
The 10th of March is______________
The 2nd of March is______________
The 19th of March is______________
The 14th of March is______________
The 25th of March is______________
Change the following dates from their abbreviated form to writing.
1. the nineteenth of October, two thousand and two.
2. December the twelfth, nineteen ninety-nine.
3. the twenty-first of June, two thousand and five.
4. February the eighth, nineteen seventy-five.
5. the seventh of May, two thousand.
“We cannot always build the future for our youth,
but we can build our youth for the future.”
- Franklin D. Roosevelt -

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Cartilla modulo i de competencias ingles fundacion siigo

  • 2. 2 Edición 1.0 Fecha de publicación Creado Por Anny Daian Garzón M. Autorizado por Alberto Becerra. Documento: - 00.000.000 Todos los derechos reservados. Ni la totalidad ni parte de esta Cartilla pueden reproducirse o trasmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias, grabaciones magnéticas o cualquier medio de almacenamiento de información y sistema de reproducción, sin permiso escrito de Informática y Gestión S.A. Empresa Autorizada Fundación SIIGO Edición Autorizada por Informática y Gestión S.A. Impreso y Hecho en Colombia
  • 3. 3 PROGRAMA TECNICO EN CONTABILIDAD MODULO Manejo de estructuras gramaticales: SESION DE CLASE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9 y 10 Saberes:  Saludos formales e informales.  Despedidas formales e informales  Pronombres Personales  Estructura básica de la oración.  Presentaciones  Información personal  Estructura gramatical para expresiones horarias, Uso del idioma  Aprendizaje de estructuras numéricas.  Spellling (deletreo).  Expresiones horarias. Teórica : 18 OBJETIVOS DE APRENDIZAJE  Comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso frecuente, así, como frases sencillas destinadas a satisfacer necesidades de tipo inmediato.  Presentarse a sí mismo y a otros, pedir y dar información personal básica sobre su domicilio, sus pertenencias y las personas que conoce.  Relacionarse de forma elemental siempre que su interlocutor hable despacio y con claridad.  Realizar preguntas que lo lleven a ubicarse en un espacio físico determinado.  Describir lugares y personas mediante el uso de los adjetivos.  Desarrollar en el estudiante la habilidad de sostener conversaciones básicas que le permitan desenvolverse en situaciones cotidianas en su entorno laboral. SABER HACER Habilidades Escritas  Formular oraciones de saludo y despedida.  Aplicar los elementos básicos para realizar presentaciones personales y de otras personas.  Conocer vocabulario básico que cubre temas cotidianos como la familia y actividades de trabajo. Habilidades de escucha y de expresión oral  Preguntar la hora y decir la hora.  Decir números de teléfonos.  Deletrear palabras.  Generar oraciones con la estructura gramatical correspondiente.
  • 4. 4 SER  Mantener una actitud proactiva y espontánea en las conversaciones en idioma inglés.  Demostrar constantemente interés por enriquecer su vocabulario en idioma inglés  Participación activa en las actividades desarrolladas en clases y laboratorios.  Iniciativa constante por adquirir y utilizar nuevas palabras en los ejercicios orales y escritos. EVIDENCIAS DE APRENDIZAJE CONOCIMIENTO  Reconoce cuando le hablan en ingles  Lista correctamente los mensajes o diálogos básicos para saludar, presentarse y despedirse en inglés, usando un léxico adecuado.  Diferencia los artículos determinantes e indeterminados.  Diferencia los pronombres personales existentes.  Identifica vocabulario básico para la construcción de oraciones. DESEMPEÑO  Construye oraciones simples.  Maneja de forma correcta en inglés escrito y oral, preguntas Wh, How many y adverbios de lugar en la oración para solicitar y entregar información sobre ubicación de objetos PRODUCTO  De forma oral expresa saludos, presentaciones y descripciones sobre personas y objetos, así como terminología contable.  Redacta textos cortos en donde se incluyen descripciones sobre: - Objetos y personas - Manejo de cantidades - Presentación sobre información personal. DESARROLLO DE LA SESION 1. Se realiza la enunciación del tema 2. Aclaración de dudas 3. Se realiza ejercicio guiado 4. Los estudiantes realizarán por grupos ejercicios que ponga en práctica lo aprendido y se realizará la respectiva socialización. METODOLOGIA Secuencia Didáctica Enunciación Modelación Simulación Ejercitación Evaluación RECURSOS DIDACTICOS  Computador  Internet  Libros  Cartulina, papel, marcadores, esferos, lápices  Videos  Fotocopias  MP3  Grabadora.
  • 5. 5 ACTIVIDADES COMPLEMENTARIAS Investigar sobre: Estructuras gramaticales, números, abecedario, adjetivos calificativos, partes del cuerpo. Desarrollo de tareas on-line. Sostener conversaciones básicas dentro de la Institución. BIBLIOGRAFIA New Interchange Basic
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7 TABLA DE CONTENIDO PRESENTACION......................................................................................8 OBJETIVO ...............................................................................................9 GREETINGS AND FAREWALLS..............................................................10 PRONOUNS ...........................................................................................14 SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE......................................................................22 ADVERTISING.......................................................................................29 ADJECTIVES..........................................................................................30 NUMBERS..............................................................................................34 TIME AND DATE....................................................................................37
  • 8. 8 PRESENTACION Actualmente, más de 1.500 millones de personas en todo el mundo hablan inglés. Es el idioma por excelencia para los negocios, el turismo, la música, la ciencia, Internet... El mundo laboral, en el cual se desempeñarán los estudiantes que pertenecen a la Fundación SIIGO, quienes harán parte del nuevo mundo globalizado y competitivo que les exigirá contar con conocimientos y competencias en la lengua anglo. A través de esta cartilla se pretende incrementar las habilidades del idioma inglés de los estudiantes poniendo a su alcance las cuatro destrezas: Hablar, Comprender, Leer y Escribir, pero ante todo, la habilidad de defenderse ante la sociedad, en un ambiente anglo parlante, dando énfasis al lenguaje como medio de comunicación, por ejemplo: para expresar intenciones, pedir y dar información, para expresar emociones y opiniones, para presentarse y presentar a otros, para describir cosas, para presentar un informe, etc., todo esto con exactitud gramatical.
  • 9. 9 OBJETIVO Guiar al estudiante a través del aprendizaje dinámico y visual durante el proceso de adquisición de competencias en la lengua anglo, buscando una preparación previa para la sesión de clase, y la práctica de lo aprendido con el fin de aclarar dudas y generar nuevos retos que le permitan incrementar sus habilidades escritas, orales, auditivas y de comprensión de la lengua inglesa.
  • 10. 10 GREETINGS AND FAREWALLS GREETINGS FORMAL Good Morning Buenos días Good Afternoon Buenas tardes Good Evening Buenas noches How do you do? ¿Cómo esta? INFORMAL Hello, how are you? Hola, ¿Cómo esta? How are things? ¿Cómo van las cosas? Hi, How are you doing? ¿Cómo esta? How’s it going? ¿Cómo va todo? How’s everything? ¿Cómo va todo? How have you been? ¿Cómo has estado? How’s life ¿Qué más de tu vida? Give me five Choca esos cinco What’s up? ¿Entonces qué? ¿Qué tal? ¿Qué hubo? What’s going on? ¿Qué pasa? FAREWELLS Good Bye Adios Bye Chao Bye, Bye Chao See you later (soon, tomorrow, the next week, the weekend) Nos vemos luego…. Take care, take care of yourself Cuídate NOTE: Pleasant smile is strong indication of a friendly and open attitude and willingness to communicate. It is appositive, non- verbal signal sent with the hope that the other person will smile back. When you smile, you demonstrate that you have noticed the person in a positivemanner. COMMON EXPRESSIONS I would like to introduce to … (Name) This is… (Name) I don’t think you know… (Name) Nice to meet you -Nice to meet you, too. How are you? -Fine, thank you How’s life? -Not too bad, thanks It’s great to see you SESION 1
  • 11. 11 STUDY THIS CONVERSATION: GREETINGS EXCERCISES CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER FOR EACH QUESTION 1) How are you? A) My name is Ahmet. B) Good evening. C) Nice to meet you. D) I am very well, thank you 2) What is your name? A) Her name is Zehra. B) Fine and you. C) My name is Zeynep. D) I am from Kayseri. 3) Where are you from? A) I am from Antalya. B) Good afternoon Mr. Smith. C) I am ten years old. D) He is 13 years old. 4) How old are you? A) I am form Bursa. B) My name is Clara. C) I am thirteen years old. D) Nice to meet you Ali. SPANISH ENGLISH TRANSLATION Sarah: ¡Hola! me llamo Sarah. ¿Cómo te llamas? Hello, my name is Sarah. What is your name? John: ¡Hola! Sarah, me llamo John. Hello Sarah, my name is John. Sarah: ¿Habla usted inglés? Do you speak English? John: No, lo siento, no hablo inglés. Sólo hablo español. No, I'm sorry, I don't speak English. I only speak Spanish. John: Usted es mexicana, ¿verdad? You are Mexican, aren't you? Sarah: Sí, soy mexicana. ¿Y tú, de dónde es usted? Yes, I am a Mexican. And you, where are you from? John: Soy de Madrid. I am from Madrid. Sarah: Adiós, John. Hasta luego. Goodbye, John. See you later. John: Adiós, Sarah. Goodbye, Sarah. Regards to your …. (Family, mother, etc.) Keep in touch Enjoy yourself Have a nice time Take it easy Come again soon!
  • 12. 12 MATCH THE GREETINGS ACCORDING TO THEIR PICTURE Hello Good Morning Good Afternoon Bye So long Good evening Think of the most suitable reaction to the following phrases. a) How are you? …………………………………………………………… b) How do you do? …………………………………………………………… c) Pleased to meet you. …………………………………………………………… d) It was nice meeting you. …………………………………………………………… e) Have a good weekend. …………………………………………………………… f) See you next month. …………………………………………………………… g) You must be Ann Peterson. …………………………………………………………… h) I hope to see you again. ……………………………………………………………
  • 13. 13 Organize the words to build sentences. 1. your Hello, what name? is __________________________________________ 2. name my madam, Hello is Victor. ____________________________________ 3. you. to meet nice ________________________________________________ 4. you welcome. Are ________________________________________________ 5. to too. madam, glad you Thank you much meet I very am ________________ ______________________________________________________________ 6. you may a as I question? __________________________________________ 7. later, see at PM in come you 4:00 office I’ll my _________________________ ______________________________________________ With two of your partners make a dialogue introducing yourselves, choose if you want to make it formal or informal, use the expressions that you prefer, search other phrases which aren’t in this text. ………….. NOW SHARE WITH YOUR CLASSMATES…………..
  • 14. 14 PRONOUNS SUBJECT PRONOUNS POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS OBJECT PRONOUNS I My Mine Me You Your Yours You He His His Him She Her Hers Her It It Its It We Our Ours Us You Your Yours You They Their Theirs Them Pronombres son palabras que reemplazan un sustantivo dentro de la oración. Los pronombres evitan la repetición de sustantivos. These pronouns are the subject of the verb, is who makes the action in the sentence. Example: He runs in the park 1ST PERSON 2ND PERSON 3RD PERSON I We You (Singular) You (Plural) He She It The singer played his piano. Annabel didn’t like the music herself. She thought it was out of tune. But Dave enjoyed it; he hummed along loud enough for both of them. SESION 2, 3 Y 4
  • 15. 15 Complete with I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY Man __He___ Woman _______ Girls _______ Chairs _______ Dictionary _______ Tony and Dave _______ Car _______ Pen _______ Cats _______ Book _______ Susan and I _______ Boy _______ Tony and you _______ Martha and Tony______ Dog _______ Which pronouns could be taken instead? Match them. Mary he Kim and Tom you Jack and I she John they Charles and you we The object of the sentence receives the action of the verb. Object Pronouns come after a verb or a preposition. Andy kisses Diane Andy kisses her The teacher gave the homework to the students The teacher gave the homework to them SINGULAR PLURAL These pronouns are the object of the verb, meaning the action (verb) is directed toward the pronoun. Example: Please, call me
  • 16. 16 Please fill in the gaps with: me, her, him, us, them, it or you a) The boys are nice to the girls. They are helping _______. b) Where's my cat? I've got a fish for _______. c) I can do these exercises. I can do _______. d) John likes his dog. He likes _______. e) Teachers like children. Teachers like _______. f) The teacher is shouting at Peter. He is shouting at _______. g) Peter can see his mum. He can see _______. h) We can't do our homework. Can you help _______with _______, Mary? i) Let's play with Sarah today. Let's play with _______. j) Can I go to school with _______, Sally? MATCH THEM Possessive pronouns show ownership – something that belongs to someone or something else. Example: The ball belongs to me. The ball is mine. Possessive pronouns are: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs They are use to show ownership or possession of a noun. These possessive pronouns stand alone. They do not require a word following them to show what is owned. Example: I am yours
  • 17. 17 The possessive case pronoun is used to show ownership. While a possessive adjective may modify a noun, a possessive pronoun replaces the adjective and the noun with a single word. Look at the following example: Possessive pronouns allow you to reduce repetition and wordiness in your sentences. Possessive case pronouns include the following: 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person Singular: mine yours his, hers, its Plural: ours yours theirs Complete each sentence using the correct modifying possessive pronoun. a) The pencil belongs to the girl. It is __________. b) I ride a bike to school. The bike is __________. c) The lady wore a beautiful dress. The beautiful dress was __________. d) The children played with the computer. It was __________. e) You can choose any food to eat. The choice is __________. f) My friends love reading. It is a favorite pastime of __________. g) My sister and I walk the dog because it is __________. h) Her coat is prettier than mine. Her coat is blue; __________ is brown. i) Be more careful with John’s toys, because __________ are breakable.
  • 18. 18 On the lines below, write at least three sentences that use possessive pronouns correctly. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ In English the possessive is used instead of the article before the noun: I hurt his finger (Se lastimó el dedo) I lost my book (Perdí mi libro.) Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives. a) He's from Spain. ________ name's Alberto. b) They're married. ________ children's names are Lauren and Daniel. c) We're brothers. ________ parents are French. d) She's eight. ________ brother's nine e) I'm British. ________ name's Peter. f) You're students. ________ books are in the classroom. They are used to indicate to who belongs the subject or object of the sentence. These possessive adjectives do require a word following them to show what is owned. Example: I love my friends
  • 19. 19 PRONOUNS EXCERCISES There are seven mistakes in this conversation Look for the mistakes and rewrite the dialog with the correct pronouns. Jane: Tina: Candy Jane: Tina: Circle the correct pronouns in the following sentences. a) (I, Me, My) wish (we, us, our) did not have to use (we, us, our) car for the trip to (you, your, yours) reunion. b) Miss Williams gave (we, us, our) (we, us, our) test grades Friday before (we, us, our) left school. c) All the secretaries brought (they, them, their) lunches in paper bags and ate (they, them, their) at (they, them, their) desks. d) (I, Me, My) dog is a better hunter than (you, your) dog, isn't (he, she, it). e) Thomas brought (he, him, his) brother with (he, him, his) to the school picnic. f) Jane brought (she, her) sister with (she, her), also. g) (I, Me, My) thanked (them, they, their) for (they, them, their) wonderful care of (I, me, my) while (I, me, my) was in the hospital. h) The dog chased (it, its) tail but never caught (it, its). i) (They, Them, Their) car nearly ran into (we, us, our), but (we, us, our) never called the police. j) Should (we, us, our) do (we, us, our) homework at (my, mine, me) house or at (you, your, yours)? Jane: Tina, come and play with we. Tina: Hello, Jane. Hello, Candy. What are you doing? Candy: We are playing with us dolls. Jane: Look! This is me doll. She name is Lily. I love she. Tina: She's lovely. I hope me will get a doll on me birthday.
  • 20. 20 Fill the gaps with the correct pronouns. Little Red Riding Hood 1. Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. Together with ________ mum, ________ lived in a big forest. 2. One fine day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said, “________ Grandma is ill. Please go and take this cake and a bottle of wine to________. Grandma’s house is not too far from________ house, but always keep to the path and don’t stop!” 3. So, Little Red Riding Hood made________ way to Grandma’s house. 4. In the forest________ met the big bad wolf. 5. Little Red Riding Hood greeted ________ and the wolf asked: 6. “Where are ________ going, Little Red Riding Hood?” 7. “To ________ grandma’s house.” answered Little Red Riding Hood. 8. “Can you tell________ where ________ grandma lives?” 9. “________ lives in a little cottage at the edge of the forest.” 10. “Why don’t________ pick some nice flowers for________?” asked the wolf. 11. “That’s a good idea.” said Little Red Riding Hood and began looking for flowers. Meanwhile, the wolf was on________ way to grandma’s house. 12. The house was quite small but nice and________ roof was made out of straw. 13. The wolf went inside and swallowed poor old Grandma. After that ________ put Grandma’s clothes on and lay down in________ bed. 14. Sometime later, Little Red Riding Hood came to the little cottage. ________ went inside and was shocked by the sight of________ grandma. 15. “Oh grandma, what big eyes, hands and mouth________ have got!” Little Red Riding Hood said. 16. There, the wolf jumped out of bed and swallowed________, too. 17. Then________ lay down again and fell asleep. 18. After a while, the hunter passed by Grandma’s house. ________ heard somebody snoring, thought that there was something wrong and consequently went inside.
  • 21. 21 Why me 19. In the bedroom, ________ saw the wolf. 20. First, the hunter wanted to shoot________, but then________ saw the wolf’s big belly. 21. So, the hunter took out________ knife and cut the belly open. 22. Out came Little Red Riding Hood and________ grandma. 23. “Thank you for saving________,” whispered Little Red Riding Hood. 24. Then, all of________ went to fetch some stones and put________ in the wolf’s belly. 25. Soon the wolf woke up. ________ was very thirsty and went to the well in the garden to drink some water. 26. When the wolf wanted to lean over and drink, the stones in________ belly were too heavy and pulled________ down into the well. 27. Grandma, the hunter and Little Red Riding Hood were happy, ate________ cake and drank the wine. 28. But the wolf in the well thought, “Why do such things always happen to________?”
  • 22. 22 SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE GENERAL RULE The simple present can express an action occurred at the present She eats fish Ella come pescado They drink milk Ellos beben leche A routine She plays tennis on Tuesdays Ella juega al tenis los Martes They do their homework every evening Hacen sus tareas todas las tardes A habit Mary always drinks coke with pizza Mary siempre bebe Coca cola con pizza A fact Fire burns El fuego quema A truth I come from Spain Soy de España Note the final in the third person of singular He runs El corre She eats Ella come It sleeps Ello duerme SESION 5 Y 6
  • 23. 23 If the verb ends in “O” or in “CH”, we must to add He goes El va She does Ella hace It catches Ello captura/atrapa The third person of singular is different in the interrogative and negative forms. Interrogative Does he run? ¿Corre él? Does she eat? ¿Come ella? Does it sleep? ¿Duerme ello? Negative He doesn't run El no corre She doesn't eat Ella no come It doesn't sleep Ello no duerme As you see the verb is without I eat You eat He eats She eats It eats We eat You eat They eat Yo como Tu comes El come Ella come Eso come Nosotros comemos Ustedes comen Ellos comen Do I eat? Do you eat? Does he eat? Does she eat? Does it eat? Do we eat? Do you eat Do they eat? ¿Yo como? ¿Tú comes? ¿El come? ¿Ella come? ¿Eso come? ¿Nosotros comemos? ¿Ustedes comen? ¿Ellos comen? I don’t eat You don’t eat He doesn’t eats She doesn’t eats It don’t eats We don´t eat You don’t eat They don’t eat Yo no como Tu no comes El no come Ella no come Eso no come Nosotros no comemos Ustedes no comen Ellos no comen
  • 24. 24 SIMPLE PRESENT EXCERCISES Make the phrases in the correct form: Affirmative Negative Questions I I play You You help He He does not answer She Does she sing? It It rains We Do we dream? You You do not read They Do they work? Put the correct form verb, Notice the following words: Break / On / On / brush / by / does / does / finishes / get / get / go / goes / goes / goes / has / has / have / have / his / in / past / play / plays / starts / surf / to / until / watch / watches / his Sandra's week: "On weekdays, I up at half past seven. I a shower, my hair and dressed. I go to school car. School at a quarter eight. is from quarter past eleven quarter to twelve. School at half past two. I lunch at three o'clock........." Andres' week "Every afternoon, I to the gym, I also with the computer, tv and the net. Saturdays and Sundays I play basketball." Everyday, he his homework and at nine o’clock he a shower and dinner. Then, he to his bedroom to listen music. Make these phrases in Negative and Interrogative form: 1. People from China speak Russian 2. I run more than 500 meters in a minute 3. My boyfriend dances very well 4. My mum watches TV every day 5. Teachers work hard 6. My cat sleeps 12 hours a day 7. I go to school in the evening 8. My neighbors buy a new car every year 9. We fry eggs in the microwave 10. Luis likes pop music
  • 25. 25 SIMPLE PRESENT VERB TO BE POSITIVE FORM Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are) and its Contractions “Subject” Pronouns Verb (To be) Contraction 1St I am I’m 2nd you are you’re 3rd He / She / It Is he’s / she’s / it’s PLURAL 1st We are we’re 2nd You you’ re 3rd They they’re NEGATIVE FORM Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are) and its Contractions “Subject” Pronouns Verb (To be) Contraction 1St I am + not I’m not 2nd you are + not you’re not / you aren’t 3rd He / She / It is + not he’s / she’s / it’s + not or he/she/it + isn’t PLURAL 1st We Are +not we’re not / we aren’t 2nd You you’ re not / you aren’t 3rd They they’re not / they aren’t INTERROGATIVE FORM Pronouns with the verb to be (am/is/are) Verb (to be) Subject Pronoun Complement (optional) 1St Am I a good student? 2nd Are you married? 3rd Is he/she/it your friend? PLURAL 1st Are we ready? 2nd you at home 3rd they tired? SHORT ANSWERS Yes and no answers, and its Contractions Positive Negative 1St Yes, I am No. I’m not 2nd Yes, you are No, you aren’t 3rd Yes, he is No, he isn’t / No, he’s not No, she isn’t / No, she’s not No, it isn’t/ No, it’s not PLURAL 1st Yes, we are No, we’re not / No, we aren’t 2nd Yes, you are No, you’re not / No, you aren’t 3rd Yes, they are No, they’re not / No, they aren’t
  • 26. 26 SIMPLE PRESENT VERB TO BE EXCERCISES Write the correct form of Verb To Be on the blank spaces: 1. These bags _______heavy. 2. I _______an engineer. My wife _______ a nurse. 3. This house _______not very expensive. 4. My books _______on the table. 5. _______ you a good teacher? Make into English the next sentences: 1. ¿Dónde estás? _____________________________________________ 2. Estoy en la escuela hasta las 8 _____________________________________________ 3. ¿Hace buen tiempo hoy? _____________________________________________ AFFIRMATIVE I am happy Yo soy feliz You are happy Tu eresfeliz He is happy El es feliz She is happy Ella es feliz It is happy Eso es feliz We are happy Nosotros somos felices You are happy Ustedes son felices They are happy Ellos son felices NEGATIVE I am not happy Yo no soy feliz You aren’t happy Tu no eres feliz He isn’t happy El no es feliz She isn’t happy Ella no es feliz It isn’t happy Eso no es feliz We aren’t happy Nosotros no somos felices You aren’t happy Ustedes no son felices They aren’t happy Ellos no son felices INTERROGATIVE Am I happy? ¿Yo soy feliz? Are you happy? ¿Tú eresfeliz? Is he happy? ¿El es feliz? Is she happy? ¿Ella es feliz? Is ithappy? ¿Eso es feliz? Are we happy? ¿Nosotros somos felices? Are you happy? ¿Ustedes son felices? Are they happy? ¿Ellos son felices? Note: Remember in English you always must use the Subject. In an affirmative or negative sentence you should follow the structure (SUBJECT + VERB + COMPLEMENT) where complement is optional Example: Spanish English Es bonita Is pretty (WRONG) There isn’tsubject and in English is necessary She is pretty (RIGHT)
  • 27. 27 4. Tengo hambre. ¿Puedo comer algo? _____________________________________________ 5. Mis padres no son italianos. _____________________________________________ Complete the correct form with the Verb To Be. Then make into interrogative and negative sentences. 1. My name _______James. 2. Mary _______the secretary. 3. John and Lucy _______ at school. 4. I _______a student. 5. The boys _______in the garden. 6. He _______a lawyer. 7. Susie _______a housewife. 8. She _______a student. 9. They _______my friends. 10. You _______a student. Arrange the words to make affirmative sentences in simple present, and then compare with your partners. 1. I / to collect / stamps __________________________________ 2. we / to play / card games __________________________________ 3. he / to read / comics __________________________________ 4. Chris / to be / in /his / house __________________________________ 5. we / to have / a / hamster __________________________________ 6. Andy and John / to like / cola __________________________________ 7. she / to be / nice __________________________________ 8. they / to help / their / parents __________________________________ 9. the children / to speak / English __________________________________ 10. I / to buy / a / newspaper / every / Saturday _______________________ Note:Don´t fall in lovewith the verb To Be. It justwants to say “SER” o “ESTAR”. Some people think that it must be used always,but this only depends on the action done by the subject. Example: Spanish English Juega futbol He is play football (WRONG) He plays football (RIGHT)
  • 28. 28 Write correct negative sentences in present simple, and then compare with your partners. 1. to go / the disco / to / we / Saturday/ on ___________________________ 2. she / to study / every / day _____________________________________ 3. never / I / to read / a / book ____________________________________ 4. I / to drink / sometimes / coffee __________________________________ 5. my / to play / brothers / basketball ________________________________ Write correct interrogative sentences in present simple, and then compare with your partners. 1. brother / your / friendly / to look _________________________________ 2. Pili and Sofia / to like / ice cream _________________________________ 3. David / to hate / alcohol _______________________________________ 4. my sister / parties / to enjoy __________________________________ 5. teacher / my / to like / music __________________________________
  • 29. 29 ADVERTISING MAKING A FLYER According to your Business Plan, you must to design a flyer with all features needed for selling it. Your flyer has to be written in English and has to accomplish all requirements seen in your Business Class. This picture above is an example of you have to do. Your flyer must be at least on a half sheet letter size. SESION 7
  • 30. 30 ADJECTIVES Adjectives are words used to describe a noun. Write an adjective on each line to describe Christmas Carols. Adjectives normally go before nouns: He has a big car. adj. noun Adjectives like good, bad, beautiful, etc., are “opinion” adjectives. These adjectives describe what you think about something and go before adjectives like new, big, etc. which are “fact” adjectives: They have a beautiful big house. opinion fact noun adj. adj. adj. When there are two or more adjectives, they go in the following order: OPINION SIZE AGE SHAPE COLOR ORIGIN MATERIAL NOUN It’s a beautiful big new square brown Indian wooden box. SESION 8
  • 31. 31 ADJECTIVES CLASIFIED BY CATEGORIE Sound: loud, noisy, quiet, silent, ... Opinion: good, bad, difficult, easy, ... Personality (positive): honest, intelligent, ... Personality (negative): dishonest, pessimistic, ... Sound – Sonido Loud - alto; fuerte Soft– suave Quiet– suave Faint - débil, bajo Audible – audible Mute – mudo Hoarse – ronco Inaudible – inaudible Silent – silencioso Deafening – ensordecedor Noisy – ruidoso Deaf – sordo Shrill - agudo, chillón Melodic - melódico We could not have a conversation because of the loud music. No pudimos tener una conversación debido a la música fuerte. The teacher entered the noisy room. La maestra ingresó al ruidoso recinto. Opinion – Opinión Good – bueno Bad – malo Easy – fácil Difficult – difícil True – verdadero False – falso Careful – cuidadoso Careless – descuidado Important – importante Right – correcto Wrong – equivocado Useful – útil Useless – inútil Cheap – barato Expensive - caro Interesting – interesante Famous – famoso Unknown - desconocido I have the most beatiful, faster, small, green car.
  • 32. 32 He arrived late at the concert because he had taken the wrong highway. Llegó tarde al concierto porque había tomado la carretera equivocada. Plane tickets are very expensive at this time of year. Los boletos de avión son muy caros en esta época del año. Personality (positive) - Personalidad (positivo) Honest – honesto Courageous – valiente Optimistic – optimista Intelligent – inteligente Sincere – sincero Ambitious – ambicioso Modest – modesto Sensible – sensato Friendly - amistoso Practical – práctico Considerate – considerado Tolerant – tolerante Responsible – responsable Generous – generoso Patient – paciente Disciplined – disciplinado Humorous – divertido Sympathetic - comprensivo Personality (negative) - Personalidad (negativo) Dishonest – deshonesto Pessimistic – pesimista Miserly – avaro Coward – cobarde Selfish – egoísta Impatient – impaciente Lazy – haragán Greedy – codicioso Resentful – resentido Envious – envidioso Jealous – celoso Possesive – posesivo Conceited – engreído Arrogant – arrogante Fussy – quisquilloso Gullible – ingenuo Stubborn – terco Careless – negligente
  • 33. 33 THE COLORS ESPAÑOL INGLÉS ESPAÑOL INGLÉS Negro Black Naranja Orange Azul Blue Pálido Pale Marrón Brown Rosa Pink Castaño Chestnut Morado Purple Oscuro Dark Rojo Red Fucsia Fuchsia Brillante Shiny Dorado Golden Plata Silver Gris Gray Celeste Sky blue Verde Green Transparente Transparent Claro Light Violeta Violet Granate Maroon Blanco White Azul marino Navy blue Amarillo Yellow Make groups of four persons and make a composition describing someone his/her lifestyle, preferences, ¿how does he/she look?; and then sharing with your classmates Note: Look for more adjectives and use them. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________
  • 34. 34 NUMBERS Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers 0 oh, zero --- 1 one 1st first 2 two 2nd second 3 three 3rd third 4 four 4th fourth 5 five 5th fifth 6 six 6th sixth 7 seven 7th seventh 8 eight 8th eighth 9 nine 9th ninth 10 ten 10th tenth 11 eleven 11th eleventh 12 twelve 12th twelfth 13 thirteen 13th thirteenth 14 fourteen 14th fourteenth 15 fifteen 15th fifteenth 16 sixteen 16th sixteenth 17 seventeen 17th seventeenth 18 eighteen 18th eighteenth 19 nineteen 19th nineteenth 20 twenty 20th twentieth 21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first 30 thirty 30th thirtieth 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a/one hundred 1,000 a/one thousand 10,000 ten thousand 100,000 a/one hundred thousand 1,000,000 a/one million 1,000,000,000 a/one billion SESION 9
  • 35. 35 Write the next numbers 1.256 _____________________ 3.895 _____________________ 8.568 _____________________ 85.054 _____________________ 32.587 _____________________ 89.487 _____________________ 221.257 _____________________ 658.457 _____________________ 987.454 _____________________ 2.568.874 _____________________ If a number is in the range 21 to 99, and the second digit is not zero, one should write the number as two words separated by a hyphen. Example: 21 twenty-one 32 thirty-two 64 sixty-four 83 eighty-three 99 ninety-nine In English, the hundreds are perfectly regular, except that the word hundred remains in its singular form regardless of the number preceding it (nevertheless, one may on the other hand say "hundreds of people flew in", or the like) Example: 100 one hundred 400 four hundred 900 nine hundred So too arethe thousands,with the number of thousands followed by the word "thousand" Example: 1,000 one thousand 2,000 two thousand 10,000 ten thousand 11,000 eleven thousand 20,000 twentythousand 21,000 twenty-one thousand 30,000 thirty thousand 85,000 eighty-five thousand 100,000 one hundred thousand 999,000 nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand (British English) nine hundred ninety-nine thousand (American English) 1,000,000 one million 10,000,000 ten million
  • 36. 36 Common British vernacular Common American vernacular Common British vernacular How many marbles do you have? What is your house number? Which bus goes to the high street? 101 A hundred and one. One-oh-one. Here, oh is used for the digit zero. One-oh-one. 109 A hundred and nine. One-oh-nine. One-oh-nine. 110 A hundred and ten. One-ten. One-one-oh. 117 A hundred and seventeen. One-seventeen. One-one-seven. 120 A hundred and twenty. One-twenty. One-two-oh, One-two- zero. 152 A hundred and fifty- two. One-fifty-two. One-five-two. 208 Two hundred and eight. Two-oh-eight. Two-oh-eight. 334 Three hundred and thirty-four. Three-thirty-four. Three-three-four. Write these numbers in words. 64 sixty-four 13........................................ 16........................................ 88........................................ 61........................................ 35........................................ 12........................................ 30........................................ 342 three hundred and forty-two 768..................................................................................................... 234..................................................................................................... 633..................................................................................................... 989.....................................................................................................
  • 37. 37 TIME AND DATE ASKING THE TIME Here are some phrases you can use when you want to know the time: What's the time? What time is it? Have you got the right time? What time do you make it? TELLING THE TIME To tell someone what the time is, we can say "The time is..." or, more usually, "It's...". Here is a typical dialogue: Question: What's the time, please? Answer: It's three o'clock. The chart below shows you two different ways to tell someone what the time is. more formal less formal It's... It's... 3.00 three o'clock three 3.02 just gone three o'clock three oh two 3.03 three minutes past three three oh three 3.05 five past three three oh five 3.09 nine minutes past three three oh nine 3.10 ten past three three ten 3.15 a quarter past three three fifteen 3.20 twenty past three three twenty 3.21 twenty-one minutes past three three twenty-one 3.25 twenty-five past three three twenty-five 3.30 half past three three thirty 3.35 twenty-five to four three thirty-five 3.40 twenty to four three forty 3.45 a quarter to four three forty-five 3.50 ten to four three fifty 3.55 five to four three fifty-five SESION 10
  • 38. 38 3.57 three minutes to four three fifty-seven Write the TIME in full as in the example (look at the example CAREFULLY). Example : It is 5:40 - : It is twenty to six. 1- It is 11:55 2- It is 4:20 3- It is 2:30 4- It is 9:45 5- It is 8:40 6- It is 3:10 7- It is 7:50 8- It is 1:35 9- It is 10:15 10- It is 9:05 Write the time according to the pictures. It’s twenty past twelve 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________
  • 39. 39 THE DAYS OF THE WEEK: THE WORKING WEEK THE WEEKEND Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Abbreviation Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun THE MONTHS OF THE YEAR: January February March April May June Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July August September October November December Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec EXPRESSING THE YEAR How we write the year 2008 1900 1959 2000 How we say the year Two thousand and eight Nineteen hundred Nineteen fifty- nine The year 2000 EXPRESSING THE DATE How we write the date 1st January 2004 07/09/1959 August 12 2003 How we say the date The first of January 2004 The seventh of September 1959 August the 12th 2003 TIME PREPOSITIONS For single days and dates we use on. For example: I was born on the 7th of the month. For months we use in. For example: I was born in September. ! My birthday is on September the 7th.
  • 40. 40 COMMON EXPRESSIONS How to ask the day or date What day is it please? It's Tuesday. What date is it please? It's the 1st of April. What's the date today please? It's the 1st of April. Write the correct time in British English into the gaps. Write the numbers in words. Example: It's _____________________. Answer: It's half past eight. 1) It's _______________________. 2) It's _______________________. 3) It's _______________________. 4) It's _______________________. 5) It's _______________________. 6) It's _______________________. 7) It's _______________________. 8) It's _______________________. 9) It's _______________________.
  • 41. 41 Match the items on the right to the items on the left. 1. 01/05/1968 ____ March twenty-first, two thousand 2. 12/02/1914 ____ June eighth, ten sixty-six 3. 08/22/1940 ____ October twelfth, eighteen seventy 4. 10/12/1870 ____ January fifth, nineteen sixty-eight 5. 03/21/2000 ____ July third, eighteen seventeen 6. 06/08/1066 ____ December second, nineteen fourteen 7. 07/04/1945 ____ August twenty-second, nineteen forty 8. 04/301990 ____ April thirtieth, nineteen ninety 9. 02/23/2005 ____ July fourth, nineteen forty-five 10. 07/03/1817 ____ February twenty-third, two thousand and five Look at the calendar and complete the sentences with the correct day of the week. The 27th of March is _____________ The 1st of March is ______________ The 10th of March is______________ The 2nd of March is______________ The 19th of March is______________ The 14th of March is______________ The 25th of March is______________ Change the following dates from their abbreviated form to writing. 1. the nineteenth of October, two thousand and two. ________________________________________________ 2. December the twelfth, nineteen ninety-nine. ________________________________________________ 3. the twenty-first of June, two thousand and five. ________________________________________________ 4. February the eighth, nineteen seventy-five. ________________________________________________ 5. the seventh of May, two thousand. ________________________________________________ “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt -