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Modulo III
Cartilla I
Versión 1.0
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CreadoPorAnnyDaian Garzón M.
Autorizado porAlberto Becerra.
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Informática y Gestión S.A.
Empresa AutorizadaFundación SIIGO
Edición Autorizada porInformática y
Gestión S.A.
Impreso y Hecho en Colombia
MODULO Manejo de estructuras gramaticales:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, 10, 11 y 12
 Adjetivos, comparativos y superlativos.
 Verbos regulares e irregulares
 Simple Past (Structure).
 Uso de expresiones idiomáticas (diferencias entre MAKE
y DO)
 Verbosmodales (can, may, could, might, must, should,
will, shall, would)
Uso del idioma
 Vocabulario objetos personales, prendas de vestir,
elementos de oficina, publicidad y noticias.
Teórica : 24
 Comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso frecuente, así,
como frases sencillas destinadas a satisfacer necesidades de tipo
 Presentarse a sí mismo y a otros, pedir y dar información personal
básica sobre su domicilio, sus pertenencias y las personas que conoce.
 Relacionarse de forma elemental siempre que su interlocutor hable
despacio y con claridad.
 Realizar preguntas que lo lleven a ubicarse en un espacio físico
 Describir lugares y personas mediante el uso de los adjetivos.
 Desarrollar en el estudiante la habilidad de sostener conversaciones
básicas que le permitan desenvolverse en situaciones cotidianas en su
entorno laboral.
Habilidades Escritas
 Elaborar textos que describan animales, personas y objetos.
 Construir oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas diferenciando el Presente Simple del
Pasado Simple.
 Redactar pequeños textos haciendo uso de los verbos regulares e irregulares.
 Elaborar preguntas utilizando verbos auxiliares y modales.
Habilidades de escucha y de expresión oral
 Describir personas, animales u objetos.
 Comunicar a través de oraciones sencillas situaciones cotidianas utilizando verbos regulares e
 Hablar sobre objetos que utiliza: en la oficina y personales
 Comprensión de lectura utilizando medios de comunicación en Inglés..
 Mantener una actitud proactiva y espontánea en las conversaciones en idioma
 Demostrar constantemente interés por enriquecer su vocabulario en idioma
 Participación activa en las actividades desarrolladas en clases y laboratorios.
 Iniciativa constante por adquirir y utilizar nuevas palabras en los ejercicios orales
y escritos.
 Reconoce cuando le hablan en ingles
 Lista correctamente los mensajes o diálogos básicos para saludar, presentarse
y despedirse en inglés, usando un léxico adecuado.
 Diferencia los artículos determinantes e indeterminados.
 Diferencia los pronombres personales existentes.
 Identifica vocabulario básico para la construcción de oraciones.
 Construye oraciones simples.
 Maneja de forma correcta en inglés escrito y oral, preguntas Wh, Howmany y
adverbios de lugar en la oración para solicitar y entregar información sobre
ubicación de objetos
 De forma oral expresa saludos, presentaciones y descripciones sobre personas
y objetos, así como terminología contable.
 Redacta textos cortos en donde se incluyen descripciones sobre:
- Objetos y personas
- Manejo de cantidades
- Presentación sobre información personal.
1. Se realiza la enunciación del tema
2. Aclaración de dudas
3. Se realiza ejercicio guiado
4. Los estudiantes realizarán por grupos ejercicios que ponga en práctica lo
aprendido y se realizará la respectiva socialización.
Secuencia Didáctica
 Computador
 Internet
 Libros
 Cartulina, papel, marcadores, esferos, lápices
 Videos
 Fotocopias
 MP3
 Grabadora
 Video Beam.
Investigar sobre: Estructuras gramaticales, vocabulario comercial, verbos
regulares e irregulares.
Desarrollo de tareas on-line.
Sostener conversaciones básicas dentro de la Institución.
New Interchange Basic
PRESENTACION ................................................................................. 8
COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES............................................... 11
READING COMPREHENSION............................................................. 19
PROGRESSIVE PAST TENSE.............................................................. 20
PROGRESSIVEFUTURETENSE ........................................................... 25
INTENTIONAL FUTURE..................................................................... 31
REVIEWING EXERCISES................................................................... 36
Actualmente, más de 1.500 millones de personas en todo el mundo hablan inglés. Es
el idioma por excelencia para los negocios, el turismo, la música, la ciencia, Internet...
El mundo laboral, en el cual se desempeñarán los estudiantes que pertenecen a la
Fundación SIIGO, quienes harán parte del nuevo mundo globalizado y competitivo que
les exigirá contar con conocimientos y competencias en la lengua anglo.
A través de esta cartilla se pretende incrementar las habilidades del idioma inglés de
los estudiantes poniendo a su alcance las cuatro destrezas: Hablar, Comprender, Leer
y Escribir, pero ante todo, la habilidad de defenderse ante la sociedad, en un ambiente
anglo parlante, dando énfasis al lenguaje como medio de comunicación, por ejemplo:
para expresar intenciones, pedir y dar información, para expresar emociones y
opiniones, para presentarse y presentar a otros, para describir cosas, para presentar
un informe, etc., todo esto con exactitud gramatical.
Guiar al estudiante a través del aprendizaje dinámico y visual durante el proceso de
adquisición de competencias en la lengua anglo, buscando una preparación previa
para la sesión de clase, y la práctica de lo aprendido con el fin de aclarar dudas y
generar nuevos retos que le permitan incrementar sus habilidades escritas, orales,
auditivas y de comprensión de la lengua inglesa.
When there are two or more adjectives, they go in the following order:
It’s a Beautiful big new Square brown Indian wooden box.
What You Do:
1. I started out by cutting up many little strips of paper.
2. On one pile of paper strips I wrote adjectives, and on another, nouns.
3. I put the strips face down into two separate boxes.
4. Each student took two strips from the adjective box and one from the noun
5. They then had to do a sentence of what the words meant when put together.
6. For example:
a. "Intelligent skinny poodle"
b. "Bratty angelic snowman"
c. "Friendly messy pencil"
d. "Tiny wiggly office building"
e. etc.
7. Then they have to do a drawing about your sentence on the board, and their
classmates must guess the sentence.
8. The trick is to think about adjectives that are easy to portray.
Comparativesand Superlatives are special forms of adjectives. They
are used to compare two or more things. Generally, comparatives are
formed using –erand superlatives are formed using -est.
Forming regular comparatives
These forms are created depending on how many syllables
there are in the adjective. Syllables are like “sound beats”. For
instance, “sing” contains one syllable, but “singing” contains
two — sing and ing. Here are the rules:
Adjective form Comparative
Only one syllable, ending in E. Add -r:
wide wider
fine finer
cute cuter
Only one syllable, with one vowel and one
consonant at the end.
Double the consonant, and add -er:
big bigger
fat fatter
Only one syllable, with more than one
vowel or more than one consonant at the
Add -er:
light lighter
neat neater
Two syllables, ending in Y. Change y to i, then add -er:
Happy  happier
Silly  sillier
Lonely lonelier
Two syllables or more, not ending in Y., , Use “more” before the adjective:
modern more modern
interesting more interesting
beautiful more beautiful
SESION 2 y 3
How to use comparatives and superlatives
Comparatives are used to compare two things. You can use
sentences with “than”, or you can use a conjunction like “but”.
Jiro is taller than Yukio.
Yukio is tall, butJiro is taller.
These adjectives and adverbs have completely irregular comparativeforms:
Adjective Comparative
good better
bad worse
far further / farther
Adverbs Comparative
much More
little less
well better
badly worse
What is the comparative form of these adverbs and adjectives?
1. Big
a. biger
b. bigger
c. more big
2. expensive
a. expensive
b. expensiveer
c. more expensive
3. blue
a. bluer
b. bluer
c. more blue
4. red
a. reder
b. redder
c. more red
5. tall
a. taller
b. taler
c. more tall
6. pretty
a. pretier
b. prettier
c. more pretty
7. silly
a. sillyer
b. sillier
c. more silly
8. intelligent
a. intelligenter
b. intelligentier
c. more intelligent
9. stupid
a. stupider
b. stupidder
c. more stupid
10. lazy
a. lazyer
b. lazier
c. more lazy
11. good
a. gooder
b. better
c. more good
12. bad
a. badder
b. worse
c. more bad
Make comparative sentences. (Short adjectives)
1. Chile – Long – Peru
2. The winter – bad – the fall
3. A cheetah – fast – a lion
4. Arica – dry – Valparaíso
5. Brazil – big – Argentina
6. Santiago – modern – Antofagasta
7. Viña del Mar – beautiful – Iquique
8. Football – popular – baseball
9. A book– interesting – a movie
10. English – important – French
Read the following article and then answer the questions about the CD_ROM and the
Incredible, but True!!
All the information in the enormous Britanic Encyclopedia now comes on one small
disk. Which do you prefer – the CD-ROM or the set of 30 books? Let’s compare them.
The CD-ROM is smaller and lighter than the books and it is cheaper. We think it’s more
interesting, too, because it has video and sound – you can hear animals, musical
instruments and famous people talking. So if you think the 30 books are good, we
think the CD-ROM is better!.
Answer the questions.
1. Which is heavier?
2. Which of the articles is more boring?
3. Are the books bigger than the CD-ROM?
4. Is the CD-ROM more expensive than the books?
Forming regular Superlatives
Superlatives are used to indicate an extreme in a group of items.
Bob is the tallest student in the class.
Bob es el estudiante más alto de la clase.
We usually form the superlative by adding -est to the end of the adjective.
small - smallest
Adjective form Superlative
Only one syllable, ending in E. Add -st:
Only one syllable, with one vowel
and one consonant at the end.
Double the consonant, and add -est:
Only one syllable, with more than
one vowel or more than one
consonant at the end.
Add -est:
Two syllables, ending in Y. Change y to i, then add -est:
Two syllables or more, not ending in
Use “most” before the adjective:
modernmost modern
interestingmost interesting
beautifulmost beautiful
How to use comparatives and superlatives
Superlatives are used to compare more than two things. Superlative
sentences usually use “the”, because there is only one superlative.
Masami is the tallest in the class.
Yukio is tall, and Jiro is taller, but Masami is the tallest.
These adjectives and adverbs have completely irregular superlative forms:
Adjective Superlative
good best
bad worst
Adverb Superlative
little least
much most
far furthest / farthest
Follow the example and complete the list with the correct Superlative
e.g. fast  the fastest
1. nice the nicest
2. large  __________
3. good the best
4. tall  __________
5. old  __________
6. long  __________
7. popular  the most popular
8. bad  __________
9. great  __________
10. smart  __________
11. friendly  the friendliest
12. exciting  __________
13. funny  __________
14. far  __________
15. silly  __________
16. hot  the hottest
17. big  __________
18. successful  __________
Complete with the superlative.
1. This is a HIGH shool. This is the ____________________ school in London.
2. That was an EASY exercise. That was the ____________ exercise of the test.
3. This is a COMFORTABLE armchair. This is the _________ armchair in this shop.
4. This is a BIG cheese burger. This is the ____________ cheese burger of the
McDonald's Company.
5. That was a very BAD conversation. That was the ____________ conversation I
have had.
Look at these pictures and make sentences with the superlatives, using the
adjectives in the box
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________
Choose the correct alternative for each sentence. (Comparatives or Superlatives)
1. I think that’s _____ film I’ve ever seen
a. the funnier than c. the funny
b. the funniest d. the funnier
2. Is football the _____ sport in Chile?
a. popular c. more popular
b. popularest d. most popular
3. Vegetables are _____ last week
a. expensiver than c. more expensivertham
b. more expensive than d. most expensive
4. I think Vladimir is _____ intelligent person in the class
a. more than c. the most
b. most d. the more
5. Don’t you think there are _____ things to do on holidays than watching tv all day?
a. best c. bestest
b. better d. better than
6. Summer is _____ season in our country
a. the hottest c. hotter than
b. the hot d. hot
7. Groenland has the _____ weather of the world. It’s always raining and snowing
a. Bad c. worse than
b. Worst d. worsest
8. The Everest is _____ the Aconcagua
a. the highest c. highest than
b. the higher than d. higher than
9. Last week we had _____ day in Santiago, the temperature was –18ºC
a. the colder c. the coldest
b. the cold d. colder than
10. To fall from a motorcycle is _____ to fall from a bicycle.
a. more painful c. more painful than
b. painfuller than d. the painfullest
Write the following sentences using the correct form of the adjective
(comparative or superlative)
1. Clare is _________________________________ Mike. (old)
2. Jane is _______________ of the four. She eats very well and does a lot of sports,
3. The coach thinks that Peter is _________________ player of the team, (fast)
4. The teacher doesn't think Christopher is __________________________ the other
students. (intelligent)
5. Kamilla is _________________ girl in the class. She is always laughing. (happy)
6. The Sahara desert is one of __________________deserts in the world. (hot)
7. The climate in the North of Chile is ______________________ in the South, (dry)
8. Asia is ___________________________ Europe. (big)
9. A Rolls-Royce is one of ______________________ cars in the world. (expensive)
10. Nights with no moon are ______________________ nights with full moon. (dark)
Interview five of your classmates and complete the following chart.
Name of
Arrived at
Shoe size High
of sports
Then, using the information of the survey make 5 sentences about them. Use the
comparative and superlative form.
1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________
Answer the following questions according to information from the survey.
1. Who arrived to school earliest today?
2. Who uses the biggest shoes?
3. Who is the most athletic person?
4. Who is the friendest?
5. Who is the smallest
What to do?
While reading in a foreign language is an excellent way to develop vocabulary, doing
something with the words and ideas you read is even more effective and will help you get
more mileage from the time you spend reading. Here are some activities you have to try.
 Write a few sentences in your own words giving the main topic of the article.
 Summarize each paragraph’s main points in your own words.
 Maintain your personal list of new or difficult vocabulary words and expressions.
 Write a one paragraph reaction to the facts and your article’s opinion.
We use the past continuous to talk about an action that was in progress
at a certain time in the past, an action at some point in the past between
its beginning and end.
He wasworking in the garden at 7 o’clock this morning.
NOTE:The situations in which
you use this tense are the same
both in English as in Spanish.
Consequently,we are going
to use this tense as you will
do it intuitively if you native
language is English.
Form of the Past Progressive/Continuous
The past progressive is formed by combining the verb “to be” in past (was or were), the
infinitive of the verb and the ending –ing.
to be (was, were) + infinitive + -ing
Michael was watching the World Cup match.
They were working all night long.
Josh and Silvia were talking about getting married.
Past Progressive - Use
1. Actions were in progress at special time in the past
Peter was reading a book yesterday evening.
2. Two actions were happening at the same time (the actions do not influence each other)
Anne was writinga letter while Steve was reading the New York Times.
3. Together with the Simple Past
While we were sitting at the breakfast table, the telephone rang.
4. Repeated actions irritating the speaker (with always, constantly, forever)
Andrew was always coming in late.
Affirmative sentences:
Subject + was/were + (-ing) + Complement
 Michael was watching the World Cup match.
 They were working all night long.
 Josh and Silvia were talking about getting
NOTE:Usewas with I, he, she, it; and were with all other pronouns.
In affirmative sentences we do not use short forms in the Past Progressive
Negative form
Subject + wasn’t/weren’t + (-ing) + Complement
 John wasn’t eating because he was
feeling sick.
 Jeff wasn’t watching TV.
 My parents weren’t having a good time
because it was very cold in Canada
Question Form
(Question Word) + was/were + Subject + (-ing) +Complement ?
 What were you doing last night at
around 8:00pm?
 Was Jim doing his homework?
 Were they sleepingall morning?
1. Write about your schedule yesterday
What were you doing?
At 7.00 am. I was having a shower
a) At 7.10 am. ____________________________________________________
b) At 7.20 am. ____________________________________________________
c) At 8.05 am. ____________________________________________________
d) At 8.15 am. ____________________________________________________
e) At 11.00 am. ____________________________________________________
f) At 12.30 pm. ____________________________________________________
g) At 6.45 pm. ____________________________________________________
h) At 7.05 pm. ____________________________________________________
i) At 9.00 pm. ____________________________________________________
j) At 11.30 pm. ____________________________________________________
2. Make the past continuous (choose positive, negative or question):
a) they / take the exam?
b) when / he / work there?
c) you / make dinner?
d) they / drink coffee when you arrived?
e) when / we / sleep?
f) they / study last night
g) we / talk when the accident happened
h) he / not / exercise enough
i) I / talk too much?
j) it / not / snow
3. Translate and add the gerund (–ing) to the following verbs:
arise pay
be put
beat read
become ride
bet rise
deal say
do send
dream shake
drive sit
fall spoil
find steal
forsake strike
freeze sweep
grind swim
keep tell
lead throw
learn tread
lend understand
lie wear
meet write
4. Complete the table in past progressive.
Positive Negative Question
They were playing soccer.
Was the dog barking ?
She wasn’t paying attention.
I was studying here.
5. Was or Were?
a) The pirates___________________ fighting for the treasure.
b) We ___________________ discussing the problem.
c) The candle ___________________ burning.
d) The cat ___________________ chasing the mice.
e) The mice ___________________ running away from the cat.
6. Write sentences in past progressive.
a) the snowman / melt / in the sun
b) we / explore / a new territory
c) the secretary / print out / a document
d) the girls / not / concentrate / on the task
e) Garth / not / practise / on the piano
7. What were the students doing?When the teacher arrived at school, ...
Write sentences with the verbs in brackets in the PAST CONTINUOUS.
(do homework)
1. (do homework)
2. (sing)
3. (dance)
4. (drink)
5. (push)
6. (eat)
7. (play)
8. (ride)
9. (skate)
10. (climb)
Future progressive tense is used to indicate action which will be taking place at
some time in the future.
I will be singing at Symphony Hall
next month.
We'll beleaving next Monday.
When you arrive, I'll be cooking dinner.
Form of the Future Progressive/Continuous
The future progressive is formed by combining the auxiliary verb Will, the infinitive of
verb “to be”, the infinitive of the verb and the ending –ing.
Will be + infinitive + -ing
When I come to party, my friendswillbe waiting for me.
We'll begoing to the church on Sunday.
Future Progressive - Use
1. An action will be in progress at a certain time in the future. This action has begun
before the certain time.
Tomorrow at night, I wil be travelling to London
NOTE:Some verbs are never used in progressive tenses. These are called
stativeverbs because they describe states or conditions, not movement or action.
Some stative verbs:
think (when it means have an opinion-- "I thought the food was delicious.")
believe / agree / understand / know / remember / forget /
mean / doubt / like/love/hate / imagine / want/wish / have
(to possess) / say/tell/report / cost / seem/appear /
 "Speak more slowly and they will understand you better."
(not"will be understanding")
 "When the holidays are over you will weigh 300 pounds."
(not"will be weighing")
 "Believe mewhen you see your hotel
room you will want to go home
(not"will be wanting")
 "Just tell the truth; they will believe
(not"will be believing")
 "When the house is finished we will have two guest rooms."
(not"will be having")
Affirmative sentences:
Subject + will be + (-ing) + Complement
 I will be singing at Symphony Hall next month.
 We'll be leavingnext Monday.
 When you arrive, I'll be cooking dinner.
Negative form
Subject + will not be + (-ing) + Complement
Subject + won’t be+ (-ing) + Complement
 I will not be working at the lake this
 I won't beplaying at the season.
 We won't be having supper tomorrow
before 8 o'clock.
Question Form
(Question Word) + will + Subject + be + (-ing) +Complement ?
 Question: Willthey bestaying at your house?
Statement: Yes, they will bestaying at my house.
 Question: Willyour mother begoing with you?
Statement: Yes, she will.
 Question: What willyou bedoing while your wife plays tennis?
Statement: I will be sitting by the pool.
1. Fill in the verbs in brackets in the Future Progressive.
Example: Max ______________ on the computer when his mother comes home. (to play)
Answer: Max will be playing on the computer when his mother comes home.
a) Peggy _________________ to the party on Saturday. (to come)
b) We _________________ him tomorrow. (to meet)
c) This time next week he _________________ to South Africa. (to fly)
d) At 6 o'clock on Friday they _________________ the new song. (to sing)
e) It _________________ when I reach Bangkok. (to rain)
f) Tomorrow at nine I _________________ a test. (to write)
g) Andy _________________ a video when I arrive tonight. (to watch)
h) You _________________ pizza soon. (to eat)
i) She _________________ when you telephone her. (to sleep)
j) They _________________ in Budapest just about now. (to arrive)
2. What will you be doing tomorrow at 14 pm? Write 2 sentences.
a) _____________________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________________
3. Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you
to change
a) Sandra: Where is Tim going to meet us?
Marcus: He (wait)will be waiting_ for us when our train
arrives. I am sure he (stand) __________________ on the
platform when we pull into the station.
Sandra: And then what?
Marcus: We (pick) __________________ Michele up at work
and go out to dinner.
b) Ted: When we get to the party, Jerry (watch) __________________ TV, Sam (make)
__________________ drinks, Beth (dance) __________________ by herself, and Thad
(complain) __________________ about his day at work.
Robin: Maybe, this time they won't be doing the same things.
Ted: I am absolutely positive they (do) __________________ the same things; they
always do the same things.
c) Florence: Oh, look at that mountain of dirty dishes! Who (wash) __________________ all
of those?
Jack: I promise I (do) __________________ them when I get home from work.
Florence: Thanks.
Jack: When you get home this evening, that mountain will be gone and nice stacks of
sparkling clean dishes (sit) __________________ in the cabinets.
4. Complete the sentences with the correct form
a) This evening I _____________
Esta tarde yo estaré estudiando
b) _____________ TV?
¿Estarás tu viendo la tele?
c) Tomorrow we_____________
Mañana nosotros estaremos viajando
d) He_____________ soccer.
Él no estará jugando al fútbol
e) _____________ to music?
¿No estará ella escuchando música?
f) I_____________ my homework.
Yoestaréhaciendo los deberes
g) You_____________
Tú no estarásestudiando
h) ________________________
i) He_____________ of his brother.
Él no estará cuidando a su hermano
j) You_____________
5. Put in order the following sentences:
a) I | will | go | to | next | England | summer. |
b) go | summer? | Shall | holiday | France | our | for | this | to | we |
c) please? | you | take | a | seat, | Will |
d) working | a | will | be | nurse. | as | She |
e) project. | best | do | our | to | finish | We | this | shall |
f) will | be | He | . | coming | next | Friday |
g) from | My | connected | be | friends | will | 20:00. | until | 19:00 |
h) hope | I | will | come | he | soon. |
The Going to is used for talking about intentions or predictions in the future.
What am I going todo the next year.
He's going to watch TV tomorrow.
She's going to leave in ten minutes.
We're going to play tennis at six o'clock.
Form of the Future Progressive/Continuous
The intentional future is formed by combining the Verb to be in present (am, is are), the
going to and the main verb in infinitive form.
to be (am, is, are) +going to +infinitive
Maria’s going totravel this holiday.
They’re going togo to a very expensive restaurant.
I’m going tocome home late.
Going to Future - Use
1. Planned actions in the future
We are going to sing at the party.
2. You are certain that something is going to happen in the future.
Look at this car! It is going to crash into the
yellow one.
Affirmative sentences:
Subject +To be (am, is, are)+going to +infinitive verb
 I am going toplay handball. / I'm going toplay handball.
 She is going toeat hamburguers / She’s going toeat
Negative form
Subject +(am, is, are) +not +going to +infinitive verb
 I’m not going to go to the park.
 Homeroisn’t going towork today.
 They aren’t going to stay at that town.
Question Form
Verb to be (am, is, are)+Subject +going to +infinitive verb ?
 Are you goingto go to the party on Saturday?
 When are you goingto pay me the money?
 Are we goingto make the deposit to the bank?
1. Click the answer button to see the correct answer.
a) What ___ this weekend?
a. you are going to do
b. are you going to do
c. yourgonna do
b) I'm not sure. ___ anything special?
a. Are you going to do
b. You are going to do
c. Is going to do
c) My friend Melissa and I ___ a party. Would you like to come?
a. am going to
b. are going to go to
c. go to
d) I'd love to!
_______________________ ?
a. What's it going to be
b. Who's go to be
c. Where's it going to be
e) It is ___ to be at Ruth's house.
a. go
b. going
c. gonna
f) What time ___ start?
a. is it going to
b. it's going to
c. it
g) At 10 P.M.
_______ invite?
a. Who are you going to
b. What you're going to
c. When you going to
h) I don't know. I think ___ anyone.
a. I'm going invite
b. I'm not go invite
c. I'm not going to invite
2. Complete these sentences (affirmative)
a) Tomorrow I/do/the job ..................................................................................
b) At the weekend I/wash/the car........................................................................
c) On Friday I/go swimming....................................................................................
3. Complete these sentences (negative)
a) I/watch a movie/tomorrow.....................................................................................
b) He/buy/an old car.................................................................................................
c) They/eat/together.................................................................................................
4. Complete these questions
a) You/meet/friends/this evening..............................................................................?
b) She/have/ a baby................................................................................................?
c) We/go out/to dinner.............................................................................................?
5. Make a text telling about what are you going to do the next Sunday, minimum 100
Using the words in parentheses, complete the sentence with the appropriate tenses,
maybe Simple Present / Simple Future / Present Continuous / Future Continuous
1. Right now, I am watching TV. Tomorrow at this time, I (watch) ______________
______________ TV as well.
2. Tomorrow after school, I (go) ______________________________ to the beach.
3. I am going on a dream vacation to Tahiti. While you (do)
______________________________ paperwork and
(talk)_____________________________ to annoying customers on the phone, I
(lie) ______________________________ on a sunny, tropical beach. Are you
4. We (hide) ______________________________ when Tony (arrive)
______________________________ at his surprise party. As soon as he opens the
door, we (jump) ______________________________ out and (scream)
______________________________ , "Surprise!"
5. We work out at the fitness center every day after work. If you (come)
______________________________ over while we (work)
______________________________ out, we will not be able to let you into the
house. Just to be safe, we (leave) __________________________ a key under the
welcome mat so you will not have to wait outside.
6. While you (study) ______________________________ at home, Magda (be)
______________________________ in class.
7. When I (get) to the party, Sally and Doug (dance) _________________________ ,
John (make) ______________________________ drinks, Sue and Frank (discuss)
______________________________ something controversial, and Mary (complain)
______________________________ about something unimportant. They are
always doing the same things. They are so predictable.
8. When you (get) ______________________________ off the plane, I (wait)
______________________________ for you.
9. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) ________________
up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) ______________________________ .
10. If you (need) ______________________________ to contact me sometime next
week, I (stay) ______________________________ at the Sheraton in San
Translate the following dialogue:
SANDY: Hola Andrew, ¿Cómoestas?
ANDREW: Hola, bueno estoy aburrido, ¿Qué estas haciendo?
SANDY: Estoy en la cocina, Estoy haciendo un pastel delicioso, ¿Quieres venir y comer un
ANDREW: Claro me encantaría, voy para alla, ¿Quieres que lleve algo para acompañarlo?
SANDY: Bueno, si quieres, estaba pensando en acompañarlo con un rico chocolate
ANDREW: Bueno, entonces yo voy a llevar el chocolate. Y podemos comerlo mientras
estamos viendo una buena película.
SANDY: Perfecto, voy a alistar todo y te espero.
ANDREW: Bueno, ya no vemos.
"I may disagree with what you have
to say, but I shall defend, to the
death, your right to say it."

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Cartilla modulo iii de competencias ingles fundacion siigo

  • 2. 2 Edición1.0 Fecha de publicación CreadoPorAnnyDaian Garzón M. Autorizado porAlberto Becerra. Documento:-00.000.000 Todos los derechos reservados. Ni la totalidad ni parte de esta Cartillapueden reproducirse o trasmitirse por ningún procedimiento electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias, grabaciones magnéticas o cualquier medio de almacenamiento de información y sistema de reproducción, sin permiso escrito de Informática y Gestión S.A. Empresa AutorizadaFundación SIIGO Edición Autorizada porInformática y Gestión S.A. Impreso y Hecho en Colombia
  • 3. 3 PROGRAMA TECNICO EN CONTABILIDAD MODULO Manejo de estructuras gramaticales: SESION DE CLASE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, 10, 11 y 12 Saberes:  Adjetivos, comparativos y superlativos.  Verbos regulares e irregulares  Simple Past (Structure).  Uso de expresiones idiomáticas (diferencias entre MAKE y DO)  Verbosmodales (can, may, could, might, must, should, will, shall, would) Uso del idioma  Vocabulario objetos personales, prendas de vestir, elementos de oficina, publicidad y noticias. Teórica : 24 OBJETIVOS DE APRENDIZAJE  Comprender y utilizar expresiones cotidianas de uso frecuente, así, como frases sencillas destinadas a satisfacer necesidades de tipo inmediato.  Presentarse a sí mismo y a otros, pedir y dar información personal básica sobre su domicilio, sus pertenencias y las personas que conoce.  Relacionarse de forma elemental siempre que su interlocutor hable despacio y con claridad.  Realizar preguntas que lo lleven a ubicarse en un espacio físico determinado.  Describir lugares y personas mediante el uso de los adjetivos.  Desarrollar en el estudiante la habilidad de sostener conversaciones básicas que le permitan desenvolverse en situaciones cotidianas en su entorno laboral. SABER HACER Habilidades Escritas  Elaborar textos que describan animales, personas y objetos.  Construir oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas diferenciando el Presente Simple del Pasado Simple.  Redactar pequeños textos haciendo uso de los verbos regulares e irregulares.  Elaborar preguntas utilizando verbos auxiliares y modales. Habilidades de escucha y de expresión oral  Describir personas, animales u objetos.  Comunicar a través de oraciones sencillas situaciones cotidianas utilizando verbos regulares e irregulares.
  • 4. 4  Hablar sobre objetos que utiliza: en la oficina y personales  Comprensión de lectura utilizando medios de comunicación en Inglés.. SER  Mantener una actitud proactiva y espontánea en las conversaciones en idioma inglés.  Demostrar constantemente interés por enriquecer su vocabulario en idioma inglés  Participación activa en las actividades desarrolladas en clases y laboratorios.  Iniciativa constante por adquirir y utilizar nuevas palabras en los ejercicios orales y escritos. EVIDENCIAS DE APRENDIZAJE CONOCIMIENTO  Reconoce cuando le hablan en ingles  Lista correctamente los mensajes o diálogos básicos para saludar, presentarse y despedirse en inglés, usando un léxico adecuado.  Diferencia los artículos determinantes e indeterminados.  Diferencia los pronombres personales existentes.  Identifica vocabulario básico para la construcción de oraciones. DESEMPEÑO  Construye oraciones simples.  Maneja de forma correcta en inglés escrito y oral, preguntas Wh, Howmany y adverbios de lugar en la oración para solicitar y entregar información sobre ubicación de objetos PRODUCTO  De forma oral expresa saludos, presentaciones y descripciones sobre personas y objetos, así como terminología contable.  Redacta textos cortos en donde se incluyen descripciones sobre: - Objetos y personas - Manejo de cantidades - Presentación sobre información personal. DESARROLLO DE LA SESION 1. Se realiza la enunciación del tema 2. Aclaración de dudas 3. Se realiza ejercicio guiado 4. Los estudiantes realizarán por grupos ejercicios que ponga en práctica lo aprendido y se realizará la respectiva socialización. METODOLOGIA Secuencia Didáctica Enunciación Modelación Simulación Ejercitación Evaluación RECURSOS DIDACTICOS  Computador  Internet  Libros  Cartulina, papel, marcadores, esferos, lápices  Videos  Fotocopias
  • 5. 5  MP3  Grabadora  Video Beam. ACTIVIDADES COMPLEMENTARIAS Investigar sobre: Estructuras gramaticales, vocabulario comercial, verbos regulares e irregulares. Desarrollo de tareas on-line. Sostener conversaciones básicas dentro de la Institución. BIBLIOGRAFIA New Interchange Basic
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7 TABLA DE CONTENIDO Contenido PRESENTACION ................................................................................. 8 COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES............................................... 11 READING COMPREHENSION............................................................. 19 PROGRESSIVE PAST TENSE.............................................................. 20 PROGRESSIVEFUTURETENSE ........................................................... 25 INTENTIONAL FUTURE..................................................................... 31 REVIEWING EXERCISES................................................................... 36
  • 8. 8 PRESENTACION Actualmente, más de 1.500 millones de personas en todo el mundo hablan inglés. Es el idioma por excelencia para los negocios, el turismo, la música, la ciencia, Internet... El mundo laboral, en el cual se desempeñarán los estudiantes que pertenecen a la Fundación SIIGO, quienes harán parte del nuevo mundo globalizado y competitivo que les exigirá contar con conocimientos y competencias en la lengua anglo. A través de esta cartilla se pretende incrementar las habilidades del idioma inglés de los estudiantes poniendo a su alcance las cuatro destrezas: Hablar, Comprender, Leer y Escribir, pero ante todo, la habilidad de defenderse ante la sociedad, en un ambiente anglo parlante, dando énfasis al lenguaje como medio de comunicación, por ejemplo: para expresar intenciones, pedir y dar información, para expresar emociones y opiniones, para presentarse y presentar a otros, para describir cosas, para presentar un informe, etc., todo esto con exactitud gramatical.
  • 9. 9 1. OBJETIVO Guiar al estudiante a través del aprendizaje dinámico y visual durante el proceso de adquisición de competencias en la lengua anglo, buscando una preparación previa para la sesión de clase, y la práctica de lo aprendido con el fin de aclarar dudas y generar nuevos retos que le permitan incrementar sus habilidades escritas, orales, auditivas y de comprensión de la lengua inglesa.
  • 10. 10 REVIEWING When there are two or more adjectives, they go in the following order: OPINION SIZE AGE SHAPE COLOR ORIGIN MATERIAL NOUN It’s a Beautiful big new Square brown Indian wooden box. What You Do: 1. I started out by cutting up many little strips of paper. 2. On one pile of paper strips I wrote adjectives, and on another, nouns. 3. I put the strips face down into two separate boxes. 4. Each student took two strips from the adjective box and one from the noun box. 5. They then had to do a sentence of what the words meant when put together. 6. For example: a. "Intelligent skinny poodle" b. "Bratty angelic snowman" c. "Friendly messy pencil" d. "Tiny wiggly office building" e. etc. 7. Then they have to do a drawing about your sentence on the board, and their classmates must guess the sentence. 8. The trick is to think about adjectives that are easy to portray. Match SESION 1
  • 11. 11 COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES Comparativesand Superlatives are special forms of adjectives. They are used to compare two or more things. Generally, comparatives are formed using –erand superlatives are formed using -est. Forming regular comparatives These forms are created depending on how many syllables there are in the adjective. Syllables are like “sound beats”. For instance, “sing” contains one syllable, but “singing” contains two — sing and ing. Here are the rules: Adjective form Comparative Only one syllable, ending in E. Add -r: Examples: wide wider fine finer cute cuter Only one syllable, with one vowel and one consonant at the end. Double the consonant, and add -er: Examples: hothotter big bigger fat fatter Only one syllable, with more than one vowel or more than one consonant at the end. Add -er: Examples: light lighter neat neater fastfaster Two syllables, ending in Y. Change y to i, then add -er: Examples: Happy  happier Silly  sillier Lonely lonelier Two syllables or more, not ending in Y., , Use “more” before the adjective: Examples: modern more modern interesting more interesting beautiful more beautiful SESION 2 y 3
  • 12. 12 How to use comparatives and superlatives Comparatives Comparatives are used to compare two things. You can use sentences with “than”, or you can use a conjunction like “but”. Jiro is taller than Yukio. Yukio is tall, butJiro is taller. IRREGULAR COMPARATIVES These adjectives and adverbs have completely irregular comparativeforms: Adjective Comparative good better bad worse far further / farther Adverbs Comparative much More little less well better badly worse What is the comparative form of these adverbs and adjectives? 1. Big a. biger b. bigger c. more big 2. expensive a. expensive b. expensiveer c. more expensive 3. blue a. bluer b. bluer c. more blue 4. red a. reder b. redder c. more red 5. tall a. taller b. taler c. more tall 6. pretty a. pretier b. prettier c. more pretty 7. silly a. sillyer b. sillier c. more silly 8. intelligent a. intelligenter b. intelligentier c. more intelligent 9. stupid a. stupider b. stupidder c. more stupid 10. lazy a. lazyer b. lazier c. more lazy 11. good a. gooder b. better c. more good 12. bad a. badder b. worse c. more bad
  • 13. 13 Make comparative sentences. (Short adjectives) 1. Chile – Long – Peru ___________________________________________________ 2. The winter – bad – the fall ___________________________________________________ 3. A cheetah – fast – a lion __________________________________________________ 4. Arica – dry – Valparaíso ___________________________________________________ 5. Brazil – big – Argentina ___________________________________________________ 6. Santiago – modern – Antofagasta ___________________________________________________ 7. Viña del Mar – beautiful – Iquique ___________________________________________________ 8. Football – popular – baseball ___________________________________________________ 9. A book– interesting – a movie ___________________________________________________ 10. English – important – French ___________________________________________________ Reading. Read the following article and then answer the questions about the CD_ROM and the books. Incredible, but True!! All the information in the enormous Britanic Encyclopedia now comes on one small disk. Which do you prefer – the CD-ROM or the set of 30 books? Let’s compare them. The CD-ROM is smaller and lighter than the books and it is cheaper. We think it’s more interesting, too, because it has video and sound – you can hear animals, musical instruments and famous people talking. So if you think the 30 books are good, we think the CD-ROM is better!. Answer the questions. 1. Which is heavier? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Which of the articles is more boring? __________________________________________________________________ 3. Are the books bigger than the CD-ROM? __________________________________________________________________ 4. Is the CD-ROM more expensive than the books? __________________________________________________________________
  • 14. 14 Forming regular Superlatives Superlatives are used to indicate an extreme in a group of items. Bob is the tallest student in the class. Bob es el estudiante más alto de la clase. We usually form the superlative by adding -est to the end of the adjective. small - smallest Adjective form Superlative Only one syllable, ending in E. Add -st: Examples: widewidest finefinest cutecutest Only one syllable, with one vowel and one consonant at the end. Double the consonant, and add -est: Examples: hothottest bigbiggest fatfattest Only one syllable, with more than one vowel or more than one consonant at the end. Add -est: Examples: lightlightest neatneatest fastfastest Two syllables, ending in Y. Change y to i, then add -est: Examples: happyhappiest sillysilliest lonelyloneliest Two syllables or more, not ending in Y. Use “most” before the adjective: Examples: modernmost modern interestingmost interesting beautifulmost beautiful How to use comparatives and superlatives Superlatives Superlatives are used to compare more than two things. Superlative sentences usually use “the”, because there is only one superlative. Masami is the tallest in the class. Yukio is tall, and Jiro is taller, but Masami is the tallest. IRREGULAR SUPERLATIVES These adjectives and adverbs have completely irregular superlative forms: Adjective Superlative good best bad worst Adverb Superlative little least much most far furthest / farthest
  • 15. 15 Follow the example and complete the list with the correct Superlative e.g. fast  the fastest 1. nice the nicest 2. large  __________ 3. good the best 4. tall  __________ 5. old  __________ 6. long  __________ 7. popular  the most popular 8. bad  __________ 9. great  __________ 10. smart  __________ 11. friendly  the friendliest 12. exciting  __________ 13. funny  __________ 14. far  __________ 15. silly  __________ 16. hot  the hottest 17. big  __________ 18. successful  __________ Complete with the superlative. 1. This is a HIGH shool. This is the ____________________ school in London. 2. That was an EASY exercise. That was the ____________ exercise of the test. 3. This is a COMFORTABLE armchair. This is the _________ armchair in this shop. 4. This is a BIG cheese burger. This is the ____________ cheese burger of the McDonald's Company. 5. That was a very BAD conversation. That was the ____________ conversation I have had. Look at these pictures and make sentences with the superlatives, using the adjectives in the box BIG - EXPENSIVE- FAST- HEAVY- LIGHT- SLOW- SMALL- COMFORTABLE 1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________
  • 16. 16 COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE EXERCISES Choose the correct alternative for each sentence. (Comparatives or Superlatives) 1. I think that’s _____ film I’ve ever seen a. the funnier than c. the funny b. the funniest d. the funnier 2. Is football the _____ sport in Chile? a. popular c. more popular b. popularest d. most popular 3. Vegetables are _____ last week a. expensiver than c. more expensivertham b. more expensive than d. most expensive 4. I think Vladimir is _____ intelligent person in the class a. more than c. the most b. most d. the more 5. Don’t you think there are _____ things to do on holidays than watching tv all day? a. best c. bestest b. better d. better than 6. Summer is _____ season in our country a. the hottest c. hotter than b. the hot d. hot 7. Groenland has the _____ weather of the world. It’s always raining and snowing a. Bad c. worse than b. Worst d. worsest 8. The Everest is _____ the Aconcagua a. the highest c. highest than b. the higher than d. higher than 9. Last week we had _____ day in Santiago, the temperature was –18ºC a. the colder c. the coldest b. the cold d. colder than 10. To fall from a motorcycle is _____ to fall from a bicycle. a. more painful c. more painful than b. painfuller than d. the painfullest
  • 17. 17 Write the following sentences using the correct form of the adjective (comparative or superlative) 1. Clare is _________________________________ Mike. (old) 2. Jane is _______________ of the four. She eats very well and does a lot of sports, (healthy) 3. The coach thinks that Peter is _________________ player of the team, (fast) 4. The teacher doesn't think Christopher is __________________________ the other students. (intelligent) 5. Kamilla is _________________ girl in the class. She is always laughing. (happy) 6. The Sahara desert is one of __________________deserts in the world. (hot) 7. The climate in the North of Chile is ______________________ in the South, (dry) 8. Asia is ___________________________ Europe. (big) 9. A Rolls-Royce is one of ______________________ cars in the world. (expensive) 10. Nights with no moon are ______________________ nights with full moon. (dark) CLASS ACTIVITY Interview five of your classmates and complete the following chart. Name of student Arrived at school Shoe size High Number of sports played Favorite music Cualities Then, using the information of the survey make 5 sentences about them. Use the comparative and superlative form. 1. ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________
  • 18. 18 3. ___________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________ Answer the following questions according to information from the survey. 1. Who arrived to school earliest today? ___________________________________________ 2. Who uses the biggest shoes? ___________________________________________ 3. Who is the most athletic person? ___________________________________________ 4. Who is the friendest? ___________________________________________ 5. Who is the smallest ___________________________________________
  • 19. 19 READING COMPREHENSION What to do? While reading in a foreign language is an excellent way to develop vocabulary, doing something with the words and ideas you read is even more effective and will help you get more mileage from the time you spend reading. Here are some activities you have to try.  Write a few sentences in your own words giving the main topic of the article.  Summarize each paragraph’s main points in your own words.  Maintain your personal list of new or difficult vocabulary words and expressions.  Write a one paragraph reaction to the facts and your article’s opinion. SESION 4
  • 20. 20 PROGRESSIVE PAST TENSE (CONTINUOSPAST) We use the past continuous to talk about an action that was in progress at a certain time in the past, an action at some point in the past between its beginning and end. Example: He wasworking in the garden at 7 o’clock this morning. NOTE:The situations in which you use this tense are the same both in English as in Spanish. Consequently,we are going to use this tense as you will do it intuitively if you native language is English. Form of the Past Progressive/Continuous The past progressive is formed by combining the verb “to be” in past (was or were), the infinitive of the verb and the ending –ing. to be (was, were) + infinitive + -ing Examples: Michael was watching the World Cup match. They were working all night long. Josh and Silvia were talking about getting married. Past Progressive - Use 1. Actions were in progress at special time in the past Examples: Peter was reading a book yesterday evening. SESION 5
  • 21. 21 2. Two actions were happening at the same time (the actions do not influence each other) Examples: Anne was writinga letter while Steve was reading the New York Times. 3. Together with the Simple Past Examples: While we were sitting at the breakfast table, the telephone rang. 4. Repeated actions irritating the speaker (with always, constantly, forever) Examples: Andrew was always coming in late. Affirmative sentences: Subject + was/were + (-ing) + Complement Examples:  Michael was watching the World Cup match.  They were working all night long.  Josh and Silvia were talking about getting married. NOTE:Usewas with I, he, she, it; and were with all other pronouns. In affirmative sentences we do not use short forms in the Past Progressive Negative form Subject + wasn’t/weren’t + (-ing) + Complement Examples:  John wasn’t eating because he was feeling sick.  Jeff wasn’t watching TV.  My parents weren’t having a good time because it was very cold in Canada
  • 22. 22 Question Form (Question Word) + was/were + Subject + (-ing) +Complement ? Examples:  What were you doing last night at around 8:00pm?  Was Jim doing his homework?  Were they sleepingall morning? EXERCISES 1. Write about your schedule yesterday What were you doing? At 7.00 am. I was having a shower a) At 7.10 am. ____________________________________________________ b) At 7.20 am. ____________________________________________________ c) At 8.05 am. ____________________________________________________ d) At 8.15 am. ____________________________________________________ e) At 11.00 am. ____________________________________________________ f) At 12.30 pm. ____________________________________________________ g) At 6.45 pm. ____________________________________________________ h) At 7.05 pm. ____________________________________________________ i) At 9.00 pm. ____________________________________________________ j) At 11.30 pm. ____________________________________________________
  • 23. 23 2. Make the past continuous (choose positive, negative or question): a) they / take the exam? _________________________________________________________________ b) when / he / work there? _________________________________________________________________ c) you / make dinner? _________________________________________________________________ d) they / drink coffee when you arrived? _________________________________________________________________ e) when / we / sleep? _________________________________________________________________ f) they / study last night _________________________________________________________________ g) we / talk when the accident happened _________________________________________________________________ h) he / not / exercise enough _________________________________________________________________ i) I / talk too much? _________________________________________________________________ j) it / not / snow _________________________________________________________________ 3. Translate and add the gerund (–ing) to the following verbs: INFINITIVE GERUND TRANSLATE INFINITIVE GERUND TRANSLATE arise pay be put beat read become ride bet rise deal say do send dream shake drive sit fall spoil find steal forsake strike freeze sweep grind swim keep tell lead throw learn tread lend understand lie wear
  • 24. 24 meet write 4. Complete the table in past progressive. Positive Negative Question They were playing soccer. Was the dog barking ? She wasn’t paying attention. I was studying here. 5. Was or Were? a) The pirates___________________ fighting for the treasure. b) We ___________________ discussing the problem. c) The candle ___________________ burning. d) The cat ___________________ chasing the mice. e) The mice ___________________ running away from the cat. 6. Write sentences in past progressive. a) the snowman / melt / in the sun _________________________________________________________________ b) we / explore / a new territory _________________________________________________________________ c) the secretary / print out / a document _________________________________________________________________ d) the girls / not / concentrate / on the task _________________________________________________________________ e) Garth / not / practise / on the piano _________________________________________________________________ 7. What were the students doing?When the teacher arrived at school, ... Write sentences with the verbs in brackets in the PAST CONTINUOUS. (do homework) (sing) (dance) (drink) (push) (eat) (play) (ride) (skate) (climb) 1. (do homework) _________________________________ 2. (sing) _________________________________ 3. (dance) _________________________________ 4. (drink) _________________________________ 5. (push) _________________________________ 6. (eat) _________________________________ 7. (play) _________________________________ 8. (ride) _________________________________ 9. (skate) _________________________________ 10. (climb) _________________________________
  • 25. 25 PROGRESSIVEFUTURETENSE (CONTINUOSFUTURE) Future progressive tense is used to indicate action which will be taking place at some time in the future. Example: I will be singing at Symphony Hall next month. We'll beleaving next Monday. When you arrive, I'll be cooking dinner. Form of the Future Progressive/Continuous The future progressive is formed by combining the auxiliary verb Will, the infinitive of verb “to be”, the infinitive of the verb and the ending –ing. Will be + infinitive + -ing Examples: When I come to party, my friendswillbe waiting for me. We'll begoing to the church on Sunday. Future Progressive - Use 1. An action will be in progress at a certain time in the future. This action has begun before the certain time. Examples: Tomorrow at night, I wil be travelling to London SESION 6
  • 26. 26 NOTE:Some verbs are never used in progressive tenses. These are called stativeverbs because they describe states or conditions, not movement or action. Some stative verbs: think (when it means have an opinion-- "I thought the food was delicious.") believe / agree / understand / know / remember / forget / mean / doubt / like/love/hate / imagine / want/wish / have (to possess) / say/tell/report / cost / seem/appear / weigh/measure  "Speak more slowly and they will understand you better." (not"will be understanding")  "When the holidays are over you will weigh 300 pounds." (not"will be weighing")  "Believe mewhen you see your hotel room you will want to go home immediately." (not"will be wanting")  "Just tell the truth; they will believe you." (not"will be believing")  "When the house is finished we will have two guest rooms." (not"will be having") Affirmative sentences: Subject + will be + (-ing) + Complement Examples:  I will be singing at Symphony Hall next month.  We'll be leavingnext Monday.  When you arrive, I'll be cooking dinner.
  • 27. 27 Negative form Subject + will not be + (-ing) + Complement Subject + won’t be+ (-ing) + Complement Examples:  I will not be working at the lake this summer.  I won't beplaying at the season.  We won't be having supper tomorrow before 8 o'clock. Question Form (Question Word) + will + Subject + be + (-ing) +Complement ? Examples:  Question: Willthey bestaying at your house? Statement: Yes, they will bestaying at my house.  Question: Willyour mother begoing with you? Statement: Yes, she will.  Question: What willyou bedoing while your wife plays tennis? Statement: I will be sitting by the pool.
  • 28. 28 EXERCISES 1. Fill in the verbs in brackets in the Future Progressive. Example: Max ______________ on the computer when his mother comes home. (to play) Answer: Max will be playing on the computer when his mother comes home. a) Peggy _________________ to the party on Saturday. (to come) b) We _________________ him tomorrow. (to meet) c) This time next week he _________________ to South Africa. (to fly) d) At 6 o'clock on Friday they _________________ the new song. (to sing) e) It _________________ when I reach Bangkok. (to rain) f) Tomorrow at nine I _________________ a test. (to write) g) Andy _________________ a video when I arrive tonight. (to watch) h) You _________________ pizza soon. (to eat) i) She _________________ when you telephone her. (to sleep) j) They _________________ in Budapest just about now. (to arrive) 2. What will you be doing tomorrow at 14 pm? Write 2 sentences. a) _____________________________________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change a) Sandra: Where is Tim going to meet us? Marcus: He (wait)will be waiting_ for us when our train arrives. I am sure he (stand) __________________ on the platform when we pull into the station. Sandra: And then what? Marcus: We (pick) __________________ Michele up at work and go out to dinner.
  • 29. 29 b) Ted: When we get to the party, Jerry (watch) __________________ TV, Sam (make) __________________ drinks, Beth (dance) __________________ by herself, and Thad (complain) __________________ about his day at work. Robin: Maybe, this time they won't be doing the same things. Ted: I am absolutely positive they (do) __________________ the same things; they always do the same things. c) Florence: Oh, look at that mountain of dirty dishes! Who (wash) __________________ all of those? Jack: I promise I (do) __________________ them when I get home from work. Florence: Thanks. Jack: When you get home this evening, that mountain will be gone and nice stacks of sparkling clean dishes (sit) __________________ in the cabinets. 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form a) This evening I _____________ Esta tarde yo estaré estudiando b) _____________ TV? ¿Estarás tu viendo la tele? c) Tomorrow we_____________ Mañana nosotros estaremos viajando d) He_____________ soccer. Él no estará jugando al fútbol e) _____________ to music? ¿No estará ella escuchando música? f) I_____________ my homework. Yoestaréhaciendo los deberes g) You_____________ Tú no estarásestudiando h) ________________________
  • 30. 30 ¿Estaremosnosotroscenando? i) He_____________ of his brother. Él no estará cuidando a su hermano j) You_____________ Ustedesestarándurmiendo 5. Put in order the following sentences: a) I | will | go | to | next | England | summer. | ___________________________________________________________________ b) go | summer? | Shall | holiday | France | our | for | this | to | we | ___________________________________________________________________ c) please? | you | take | a | seat, | Will | ___________________________________________________________________ d) working | a | will | be | nurse. | as | She | ___________________________________________________________________ e) project. | best | do | our | to | finish | We | this | shall | ___________________________________________________________________ f) will | be | He | . | coming | next | Friday | ___________________________________________________________________ g) from | My | connected | be | friends | will | 20:00. | until | 19:00 | ___________________________________________________________________ h) hope | I | will | come | he | soon. | ___________________________________________________________________
  • 31. 31 INTENTIONAL FUTURE (GOING TO) The Going to is used for talking about intentions or predictions in the future. Example: What am I going todo the next year. He's going to watch TV tomorrow. She's going to leave in ten minutes. We're going to play tennis at six o'clock. Form of the Future Progressive/Continuous The intentional future is formed by combining the Verb to be in present (am, is are), the going to and the main verb in infinitive form. to be (am, is, are) +going to +infinitive Examples: Maria’s going totravel this holiday. They’re going togo to a very expensive restaurant. I’m going tocome home late. Going to Future - Use 1. Planned actions in the future Examples: We are going to sing at the party. SESION 7
  • 32. 32 2. You are certain that something is going to happen in the future. Examples: Look at this car! It is going to crash into the yellow one. Affirmative sentences: Subject +To be (am, is, are)+going to +infinitive verb Examples:  I am going toplay handball. / I'm going toplay handball.  She is going toeat hamburguers / She’s going toeat hamburguers Negative form Subject +(am, is, are) +not +going to +infinitive verb Examples:  I’m not going to go to the park.  Homeroisn’t going towork today.  They aren’t going to stay at that town. Question Form Verb to be (am, is, are)+Subject +going to +infinitive verb ? Examples:  Are you goingto go to the party on Saturday?  When are you goingto pay me the money?  Are we goingto make the deposit to the bank?
  • 33. 33 EXERCISES 1. Click the answer button to see the correct answer. a) What ___ this weekend? a. you are going to do b. are you going to do c. yourgonna do b) I'm not sure. ___ anything special? a. Are you going to do b. You are going to do c. Is going to do c) My friend Melissa and I ___ a party. Would you like to come? a. am going to b. are going to go to c. go to d) I'd love to! _______________________ ? a. What's it going to be b. Who's go to be c. Where's it going to be e) It is ___ to be at Ruth's house. a. go b. going c. gonna
  • 34. 34 f) What time ___ start? a. is it going to b. it's going to c. it g) At 10 P.M. _______ invite? a. Who are you going to b. What you're going to c. When you going to h) I don't know. I think ___ anyone. a. I'm going invite b. I'm not go invite c. I'm not going to invite 2. Complete these sentences (affirmative) a) Tomorrow I/do/the job .................................................................................. b) At the weekend I/wash/the car........................................................................ c) On Friday I/go swimming.................................................................................... 3. Complete these sentences (negative) a) I/watch a movie/tomorrow..................................................................................... b) He/buy/an old car................................................................................................. c) They/eat/together................................................................................................. 4. Complete these questions a) You/meet/friends/this evening..............................................................................? b) She/have/ a baby................................................................................................? c) We/go out/to dinner.............................................................................................?
  • 35. 35 5. Make a text telling about what are you going to do the next Sunday, minimum 100 words. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
  • 36. 36 REVIEWING EXERCISES Using the words in parentheses, complete the sentence with the appropriate tenses, maybe Simple Present / Simple Future / Present Continuous / Future Continuous 1. Right now, I am watching TV. Tomorrow at this time, I (watch) ______________ ______________ TV as well. 2. Tomorrow after school, I (go) ______________________________ to the beach. 3. I am going on a dream vacation to Tahiti. While you (do) ______________________________ paperwork and (talk)_____________________________ to annoying customers on the phone, I (lie) ______________________________ on a sunny, tropical beach. Are you jealous? 4. We (hide) ______________________________ when Tony (arrive) ______________________________ at his surprise party. As soon as he opens the door, we (jump) ______________________________ out and (scream) ______________________________ , "Surprise!" 5. We work out at the fitness center every day after work. If you (come) ______________________________ over while we (work) ______________________________ out, we will not be able to let you into the house. Just to be safe, we (leave) __________________________ a key under the welcome mat so you will not have to wait outside. 6. While you (study) ______________________________ at home, Magda (be) ______________________________ in class. 7. When I (get) to the party, Sally and Doug (dance) _________________________ , John (make) ______________________________ drinks, Sue and Frank (discuss) ______________________________ something controversial, and Mary (complain) ______________________________ about something unimportant. They are always doing the same things. They are so predictable. 8. When you (get) ______________________________ off the plane, I (wait) ______________________________ for you. 9. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) ________________ up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) ______________________________ . 10. If you (need) ______________________________ to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) ______________________________ at the Sheraton in San Francisco.
  • 37. 37 Translate the following dialogue: SANDY: Hola Andrew, ¿Cómoestas? ___________________________________________________________________ ANDREW: Hola, bueno estoy aburrido, ¿Qué estas haciendo? ___________________________________________________________________ SANDY: Estoy en la cocina, Estoy haciendo un pastel delicioso, ¿Quieres venir y comer un poco? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ANDREW: Claro me encantaría, voy para alla, ¿Quieres que lleve algo para acompañarlo? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ SANDY: Bueno, si quieres, estaba pensando en acompañarlo con un rico chocolate ___________________________________________________________________ ANDREW: Bueno, entonces yo voy a llevar el chocolate. Y podemos comerlo mientras estamos viendo una buena película. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ SANDY: Perfecto, voy a alistar todo y te espero. ___________________________________________________________________ ANDREW: Bueno, ya no vemos. ___________________________________________________________________ "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it." Voltaire