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Carl Jung Archetypes
A universal subconscious, a part of the human brain that shares the same thoughts and ideas as
everyone else, seems crazy, right? Carl Jung didn't seem to think so in fact, he spent his career
studying such things called Archetypes, signs and patterns that all humans share in their universal
subconscious. The first examples of archetypes appear through the creation and flood stories of
ancient cultures. Now, the real question is how did these civilizations that were thousands upon
thousands of miles apart possibly have such similar stories? Carl Jung's idea of archetypes and a
universal subconscious is correct in that all the flood stories are similar.
In the flood story from the ancient Hebrew writings; God told Noah, that he would be able to bring
on the ark with him: himself, his wife, his children, and their wives. In all, that was a total of eight
people. As well, in the story of Matsya, Manu took on his boat with him: himself and seven wise
men in all totaling to be eight people. Also in Genesis it says "And Noah went in, and his sons, and
his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood." I chose this
quote because it demonstrates how the story portrays eight as the number ... Show more content on ...
Noah was told by God "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his
female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female of fowls also of the air by
sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth." As well as in the
story of Matsya, Manu was told "As well as every plant and seed and two of every kind of animal he
could fine." These two quotes yet again pose to show how there is a universal subconscious between
humans through the similarity between the two stories from these ancient
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Carl Jung And Sigmund Freud
Before going over the differences between the two psychologist, Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud,
covering the similarities between them is just as important in the world of psychology. Carl Jung
and Sigmund Freud both subscribe to the idea that there is a conscious mind and an unconscious
mind. Our unconscious mind is basically where we store all of our repressed traits and that they kind
of agreed on even though Jung believed that we also store ancestral memory, but we will go into that
difference later. They both believed that the unconscious is basically where we kept everything that
we were not having in our conscious mind, and whenever we dream that is when these symbols can
come out in order for us to realize them in a context like ... Show more content on ...
Third, Freud believed that repressions mostly came from childhood trauma whereas Jung believed
that even though childhood trauma of course is a major area where people repress things that
repressions can happen throughout life and it is whatever the ego doesn't want to have be associated
with self, becomes a repression. Sigmund Freud believed that the unconscious was basically a
storage shed for all of our physiological instincts that we can not bring out in our daily life,
primarily the sexual instinct. So whenever dream symbols come up or troubling dreams happen, it is
as a result of repression of those baser drives and they are essentially wish fulfillments that we can't
otherwise have fulfilled in waking like. Freud kind of brought everything back to the sexual libido
perspective with a couple exceptions. For the most part, he believed that because we repressed our
sexuality we were not able to meet particular milestones, and if you did not get past those particular
things it would cause neuroses for you in life and so dreams essentially happened so that you could
have a chance of hitting those particular developmental milestones. Freud himself was the first
psychiatrist to really have the idea that there is a difference between our unconscious and conscious
minds. It is his brain, his idea but he the unconscious mind was just a trash can, he thought you were
your conscious mind, from the moment you opened
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The Dreams Of Dreams By Carl Jung
Every night people lay their heads down to rest in hopes of having a good night's sleep and as you
sleep during the night, dreams occur. Some remember more than others. However, a dream is always
present even if you may think it is not. The curiosity of dreams is what started the popularity of
dream interpretation. People wanted to know what they meant and how they were getting there
which drove psychologists to go out and study them. (The Dream Experience Chapter 1) Dreams are
a very complex topic because of the various meanings for their appearance. Theories vary from
dream simply being apart of a biological cycle that occurs during sleep to theories, or like Sigmund
Freud's who believed that there is a deeper meaning behind dreams that is driven by sexual
aggression. Carl Jung's theory is also very popular because of its acceptance. Jung, in general,
believed dreams had a different meaning from what the dream actually shows. Several theories and
several explanations for dream causes great disagreement between scientists and psychologists. (You
are What you Dream) Throughout time, however, other theories of dreaming have come about after
Freud's. Freud's theory is, to this say, questioned, by psychologists around the world. Is Freud's
theory still hold up in the 21st century? Freud's theory of dreams which is extremely abstract when it
relates to other theories such as Carl Jung's and Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley. Freud's theory
for the most part was used
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Carl Jung Research Paper
Carl Gustav Jung had a limitless knowledge of mythology, religion and theory, and was especially
educated in the imagery associated with customs, amongst others, alchemy, Kabala, Buddhism and
Hinduism. Using this tremendous information, Carl Jung trusted that people encountered the
unconscious through various images experienced in different parts of life, for example, dreams, arts
and religion.
While his theory has various reviews, Carl Jung's work has left an outstanding effect in the field of
psychology. His ideas of introversion and extraversion have contributed broadly to personality
psychology and have likewise enormously affected psychotherapy.
One of the main differences between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud was their varying originations ...
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Carl Jung criticized Freud for concentrating simply on the outer and target parts of a man's fantasy
as opposed to taking a look at both the goal and subjective substance. One of the more specific parts
of Jung's dream theory was that fantasies could express individual, and also collective or common
substance. This all common or collective content was shown through what Jung named as
'Archetype which is the model picture of a man or role and incorporates the mother figure, father,
shrewd old man and clown/joker, among others. The mother figure is trustworthy and empathetic.
We as a whole holds comparative thoughts of the mother figure and we see her across other cultures
and in our language, for example, the term 'mother nature'.
Individuals in each day and age have been influenced by their predecessor's encounters. This implies
that the substance of the collective unconscious is the same for every people inside a culture. These
Archetypes are typically communicated through dreams, fantasies and
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Jung Typology Test
I took the Jung Typology Test on a bus ride home from chaperoning our senior trip to Washington,
D.C. Assuming my entries weren't inadvertently affected by any bumps in the road, I would say that
the results seemed to more accurately describe me than those from the Five Factor Personality
Model test. Of the sixteen possible personality types, my classification was INTJ: moderate
preference for introversion (41%) over extraversion, moderate preference for intuition (31%) over
sensing, moderate preference for thinking (50%) over feeling, and a distinct preference for judging
(59%) over perceiving. As indicated by the detailed description of INTJ's, I am self–confident in the
areas of my expertise but also know what I do not know. I readily acknowledge and accept my
limitations. I tend toward perfectionism in the areas of my competence, and a jolt of pragmatism is
often required to break me out of obsessive attention to detail. I think that I part company with
INTJ's in that I don't have any problem yielding to legitimate authority and in that I obsess about ...
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As one might expect, there was a positive correlation indicated between introversion measures on
both. Indeed both studies keyed in on my introversion. However, the study found that neuroticism
and introversion were generally positively correlated, whereas I measured low on neuroticism
despite my introversion. Openness/intellect was positively correlated with intuition; however, in my
results I scored low on openness while moderate on intuitiveness. Although agreeableness was
generally negatively correlated with the thinking type, they were positively correlated for me. My
highest measures on conscientiousness and judging were consistent with the positive correlation
suggested by Furman et
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Carl Jung Archetypes
According to Carl Jung's views, archetypes are universal symbols that lie within our unconscious
minds. These symbols are referred to as archetypes, which can be associated with one's self. Out of
the twelve archetypes, my three most prominent archetypes are the Orphan, Destroyer, and
Caregiver. The Orphan archetype is the archetype that I can strongly identify with. The Orphan is
described as someone who feels that they will "fall into the victim mentality and so never achieve a
heroic position", and will teach others with empathy and realism (Pearson 1). As the Orphan, I have
also experienced such hardships that impacted my life, which affects me to this day. For instance, I
had become close friends with one of my classmates who would later force me to expose my
feelings and thoughts to her, guilting me into thinking that I was rude for not revealing my own
personal secrets with her. Subsequently, she began to befriend my friends, separating myself from
them. For a while, it felt as if my world was in black and white. Although I had been in situations
such as this before, she made me feel powerless, like a flower picked, only to be thrown back to the
ground to wilt. Despite this, I was able to learn from what ... Show more content on
As the Destroyer, I can be seen as someone who is cruel and ". . . weeds the garden in ways that
allow for new growth" (Pearson 4). A way that this applies to me is how I push others away and
break off friendships if I feel that the relationship between myself and another person is too close.
My reason for doing this is similar to the Destroyer's goal for change: "to let go of their anger or
whatever force drives them and return to balance. . ." (Pearson 4). In spite of this harsh manner, my
actions are done with the intentions of letting go of negativity in my life, even while knowing the
pain I could be causing. In this way, I can be similar to the
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Carl Jung Research Paper
The Man Behind the Personality Carl Jung once said you need to deal with things in your past, or
you will never be able to grow and move on in a good direction in your life. (quote thing) This quote
speaks to many different people in different ways. For instance, it could bring up images of the past
that the reader has suppressed into their unconscious; but on the other hand it could be figuratively
saying that the reader does not take control of their own life. Carl Jung was very perceptive for his
time. His ideas on how we view ourselves are still very relevant for people and psychologists today.
He focused more on the big picture of what makes us whole. It's not just one specific part of being a
human. Jung influenced various fields of ... Show more content on ...
After his separation from Freud he went on a spiritual awakening of sorts. He came across what he
calls the collective unconscious which is what truly separates Jung's work from Freud's. The
collective unconscious is where elements that make us individuals come to play. For example, if you
are afraid of the dark or if you like to argue, those cold be traits passed down from ancestors that had
reasons to be afraid of the dark or had to defend themselves against other tribes trying to start wars,
and they needed good reasoners. He also came across the ideas of Archetypes. (McLeod, 2014)
These are things or symbols that transcend all original boundaries from Jung's time period. When he
was looking into Archetypes and the collective unconscious, he separated from most other
psychologists of his time and was coming up with original ideas and a new type of foundation of
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Toni Jung Research Paper
Solitude can be a powerful catalyst for inspiration and emotion. Solitude reaches deep inside us and
plays on our imagination, hopes and inspiration. The long period of solitude influences Carl Jung's
psychological theory. Nina Sayers in Black Swan dwelling in her lonely soul tries to dance perfectly
in the chaotic world. Jung's analytic theory allows us to deeply analyze and understand Nina Sayers
in Black Swan. Carl Gustav Jung was born in 1875 in Switzerland. He was the only surviving son of
his family, and his sister was not born until he was nine. His later psychology reflected his
understanding of being alone. This long period of solitude influences his psychology theory. He
described his father as conventional kind but weak. His ... Show more content on ...
Nina's mother tries to protect her daughter from making the mistakes she did, so Nina has repressed
her sexual desire even never admit to masturbating. The normal physiological and psychological
needs become Nina's shadows. "Black Swan" illustrates one of the potential dangerous parent–child
relationship that child robbed of maturity and sentenced to destructive expression in the interest of
maintaining parents' favorite child status. As a 28–year–old ballerina, Nina is naïve and childish
without feminine charm. In the beginning of the movie, Nina is in a white coat and doll–like pink
dress, but her shadow selves, mother, Lily, all wear predominantly black. As Nina begins to embrace
her shadow, she starts to wear more gray. In the final scene, Nina completely embrace her shadow in
a black
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The Theories of Freud and Jung
1. Freud's essay on "The Sexual Aberrations" posits the existence of a sexual urge, called "libido",
which Freud finds analogous to hunger. Freud suggests that, like hunger, the libido manifests itself
more or less from birth. The chief question for Freud in this paper is why libido should manifest
itself in unexpected ways as with "inversion", which is the slightly old–fashioned term that Freud
uses for homosexuality. Freud rather unexpectedly relies on the suggestion that mucus membranes
in general are susceptible to sexual stimulation in his opinion, this accounts for such varied
phenomena as kissing, thumbsucking, and anal sex. Freud then goes on to explain foot fetishism and
other sexual fascination with inanimate objects in terms of primitive religion: "This substitution is
not unjustly compared with the fetich in which the savage sees the embodiment of his god." (Freud
1910). Freud goes on to explain other aberrations, such as Sado–Masochism, in terms of their
attempt to cope with an overvaluation of the sexual object. The idealistic impulses of love are seen,
by Freud, as perhaps even more evident in people who love whips or feet. Ultimately Freud brings it
back to the nature of the hypothesized infantile sexuality in Freud's belief, this has no natural object
and is expressed in all directions at once. By contemporary scientific standards, Freud's essay is a
mess. To take the most obvious example, Freud died in 1939: this is the same year that the Nobel
Prize in
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Carl Jung Research Paper
Carl Jung
Carl Jung is possibly one of the most important figures in psychology, and yet he remains
controversial. For many psychologists he is little more than a historical curiosity. Someone who
worked with Freud in the early days of the founding of psychoanalysis, and then went his own way,
founded his own school of psychology, became rather eccentric, and is worthy of only the most
cursory of mentions in introductory text books. To other psychologists, he is possibly the most
complete psychologist that there has ever been. He made radical and significant contributions to all
four of the major areas of psychology. A feat that is quite unequalled by anyone else. His research on
word association, was fundamental to the development of the ... Show more content on ...
In American psychology, behaviorism was a powerful force, and began with the very traditional
approach of theorists such as John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner. Alongside the experimental
behaviorists were the learning theorists, such as Clark Hull. As Dollard and Miller tried to find some
common ground between psychodynamic theory and traditional learning approaches, they were
inevitably led to consider the role of social factors in human learning. Bandura, Rotter, and Mischel
built on the legacy of Dollard and Miller, but added to it the active role of cognition in the human
species. Finally, Kelly moved to a purely cognitive description of how individuals become who they
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Cg Jung Research Paper
I have gradually begun to appreciate how C.G. Jung's awareness of humanity has influenced the
field of Psychology. It seems like everyday I hear the terms "extravert" and "introvert". Additionally,
I will occasionally hear the term "archetype;" though probably not with the same defining attitude as
the Jungian conception.
The one point that consistently interests me, in Jung's writing, is his approach towards the idea of
the unconscious. While most of the literature I read relegates unconsciousness to the sphere of the
mysterious, Jung presents it as a concomitant part of consciousness and the ego world.
Throughout my current reading of "Man and his Symbols," the relationship of the unconscious, as
an adviser to the conscious, discloses a
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Archetypes Carl Jung
Carl Jung was a Swiss innovator progressing various theories of the unconscious mind. The Swiss
psychotherapist based his work on Sigmund Freud's perspectives and beliefs of the unconscious
mind. Carl Jung had deducted that a human's unconscious personality could not have started in the
cognizant personality. The thought that certain ideas and pieces of imagination within the
unconscious were shared to all individuals within a society was assumed by Jung. This mental
imagery were claimed as "Archetypes" by Jung (hence the term "Jungian archetypes") due to the
images being ubiquitous and all inclusive to humans. A famous example of a Jungian archetype is
the structure of the father and mother. Carl Jung later assumed through his work that ... Show more
content on ...
The Swiss psychotherapist claimed that these symbolic dreams tie into a total human collective. I
believe this to a very small extent. In the terms of that our human ancestors have greatly melded and
mixed over time to where almost all of modern society has genetic ties, then absolutely. I say this
because genetics can influence the way humans think, physically endure the environment, survive,
etc. There may be a great similarity in the way humans are physically constructed due to genetics.
This aspect can also greatly affect brain structure. Assuming that a human's brain works similarly to
his or her neighbor's, it is safe to think that both the person and his/her neighbor have certain pieces
of subconscious symbolism that can mean something very much
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Carl Jung on Synchronicity
Carl Jung wrote fully about synchronicity very late in his life. His book Synchronicity: the principle
of non–causal relations was published in 1952, when he was already over 70 years old. Jung called
it an attempt to " represent together all that I can say on this subject." This work is complex, with a
lot of fiddling work that has been read as lectures a year earlier under the title "On synchronicity."
The great psychiatrist introduced the concept of synchronicity in 1930, in a speech commemorating
his friend Richard Wilhelm. However, the first draft of the concept of synchronicity was introduced
in 1949 in the introduction to the "Book of Changes" (I Ching), translated by William. Jung rarely
mentioned the ted synchronicity throughout his works. Synchronicity is a descriptive term for the
relations between the two events related to a common value. To illustrate this concept, Jung
described an event that happened to his patient "who always knew everything better than others, "
making it difficult to advance therapy. "A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment, a
dream in which she was given a golden scarab. While she was telling me this dream, I sat with my
back to the closed window. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping. I turned round
and saw a flying insect knocking against the window–pane from the outside. I opened the window
and caught the creature in the air as it flew in. It was the nearest analogy to a golden scarab one
finds in
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Carl Jung Research Paper
Comprehensive Learning Project Carl Jung was a psychiatrist and the founder of school of
analytical psychology. He developed the concepts of the extroverted and introverted personalities,
and the collective unconscious. The reason being is because they all were his personal experiences.
Jung felt as if he had two separate personalities for years. His work is very well known in both
psychology and religion, and literature. Jung was born on July, 26, 1875 in Switzerland. He was
lonely as a child due to him being the only child. As a child he studied his teacher's and family's
behavior, but mostly his father's. Jung decided to attend the University of Basel in 1895. there he
studied zoology, biology, archeology, and paleontology. He studied several other things such as
philosophy, early christian literature, and mythology. ... Show more content on ...
He studied several studies that seemed very close to the work of Sigmund Freud. Eventually, Jung
and Freud worked together a lot. "Over temperamental and differences concerning the significance
of sexuality in human life, the two split." However, their relationship was finished after Jung
published "Psychology and the unconscious" which was against most of Freud's ideas. The Jung
personality 16–type test is the most used personality test but there are many versions. Therefore, the
results of the test can be argued in the results of others. Some of which you may associate with at
one point of time. You can use this test to help better understand others. The main thing to keep in
mind is to remember that your results is not your identity. Your results can be what you are like most
of the time, or what you are like when your conscious. In other words, try not to judge others on
their Jung personality
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Carl Jung 's Theories And Theories
Carl Jung was one of the main theorists in the Psychodynamic field and created his own theory,
psychoanalysis. Jung was a student of Freud and his theories and ideas very much align with Freud's
theories. The similarities are evident in Jung's ideas of unconsciousness, his theory of the libido, and
is his notions of archetypes. The main difference is that Jung emphasized other factors besides
childhood memories. He partly focused on future aspirations and also delved into the supernatural in
his theories and ideas. Jung was one of the first to implement a theory on personality as well. To this
day we still refer to Jung's ideas of introversion and extroversion. Contemporary music has adopted
facets of Jung's theories in their ... Show more content on ...
Jung's psyche notion is broke into three parts: the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective
unconscious. The ego is the awareness of the person and includes memories, cognitions, and affect.
The unconscious had a direct effect on personality in Jung's eyes, and was broken down into two
parts. The first part is the personal consciousness, this can contain personal information along with
repressed or forgotten past experiences. One of the major parts of the personal consciousness is the
complex. This notion is still referred to in the mainstream public and was a topic for many self–help
books. The complex are the cognitions used on a particular topic, and the more emphasis put on the
topic the greater the complex. The last part is the collective unconscious. This was brought about by
Jung's research into the Native Americans, the supernatural, and through dream analysis. This level
of unconsciousness is shared throughout humanity and can explain why the same motifs are found
in dreams from people who do not communicate with one another. It is comprised of all the human
experience from the present to our ancestral past. It very much has an evolutionary aspect in that
experiences that our ancestors may have incurred are embedded deep within each person's
consciousness as a totality of the human experience. Archetypes are any artifacts, cognitions, or
instances from our cultural past that tend to show up
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Essay On Sigmund Jung Jung Symbolism
According to Jung symbol is "unconscious" aspect that is never precisely defined or fully explained.
But it does explore around with various mystery or experiences faced in reality. Furthermore, he
also believes that people need to use symbols to express themselves because every "symbol' has a
significance to define a certain condition and feelings that we are aware of. Expressing symbols
shows what a person is going through, it might also give us a symbol related to their problems.
The relationship that Jung establish among symbols, dreams and the unconscious is as a symbolic
image. They all contain an indefinite number of unknown factors that might end up disclosing
different kind of meanings under it.
In Jung's perspective it is natural to have a divided self because we all have different meanings
about different things in reality. Also, Jung thinks that it is natural to have divided self because every
experience contains of different points.
Primitive people often feel an unconscious identification with another person or object because they
have the most common mental disagreements that occur which is called "the loss of a soul." This
characteristic of primitive people is relevant to modern people and their personal identity issues
because they both suffer from divided personality.
Jung supports his claim by talking about Sigmund Freud and based on his conclusion neurotic
symptoms are related to some conscious experience. He also mentions Freud's perspection related
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Freud and Jung Essay
Freud and Jung
The psychological genre as it relates to sociological and medicinal matters has gained an increasing
amount of scientific approval. Impartiality and the scientific method are both integral components to
a psychologist's mode of practice. However, even the most esteemed of psychologists can only
speculate at what makes human beings act the way they do. Absolutes play no function in
psychology. Everything is relative and open to conjecture. Theologians give us their visions or
thoughts about life. In the field of psychology, there have been many different regions of interest
and speculation.
Psychoanalysis has been the pinnacle of arenas to examine within the vast field of psychology.
Psychoanalysis has been an area that ... Show more content on ...
For many centuries, students of human nature considered the idea of an unconscious mind as self
contradictory. However, it was noticed by philosophers such as St. Augustine, and others, as well as
early experimental psychologists, including Gustav Sechner, and Hermann Von Helmholtz, that
certain psychological operations could take place without the knowledge of the subject. Jean Sharcot
demonstrated that the symptoms of post–traumatic neuroses did not result from lesions of the
nervous tissue but from unconscious representations of the trauma. Pierre Janet extended this
concept of "unconscious fixed ideas" to hysteria, wherein traumatic representations, though split off
from the conscious mind, exert an action upon the conscious mind in the form of hysterical
symptoms. Janet was an important influence on Carl Jung, and he reported that the cure of several
hysterical patients, using hypnosis to discover the initial trauma and then having it reenacted by the
patient, was successful. Josef Breuer also treated a hysterical patient by inducing the hypnotic state
and then elucidating for her the circumstances which had accompanied the origin of her troubles. As
the traumatic experiences were revealed, the symptoms disappeared.
Freud substituted the specific techniques of free association and dream interpretation for hypnosis.
He stated that the content of the unconscious
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Ellyn Joy V. Pasaporte Carl Jung Until the 1910s, Carl Jung was a follower and close friend of
Freud's. Like Freud, Jung believed that unconscious conflicts are important in shaping personality.
However, he believed the unconscious has two layers: the personal unconscious, which resembled
Freud's idea, and the collective unconscious, which contains universal memories of the common
human past. Jung called these common memories archetypes. Archetypes are images or thoughts
that have the same meaning for all human beings. Jung said that archetypes exist in dreams as well
as in art, literature, and religion across cultures. According to Jung, the ego represents the conscious
mind while the personal unconscious contains memories, including ... Show more content on ...
Jung called this one of the irrationalfunctions, meaning that it involved perception rather than
judging of information. The second is thinking. Thinking means evaluating information or ideas
rationally, logically. Jung called this a rational function, meaning that it involves decision making or
judging, rather than simple intake of information. The third is intuiting. Intuiting is a kind of
perception that works outside of the usual conscious processes. It is irrational or perceptual, like
sensing, but comes from the complex integration of large amounts of information, rather than simple
seeing or hearing. Jung said it was like seeing around corners. The fourth is feeling. Feeling, like
thinking, is a matter of evaluating information, this time by weighing one's overall, emotional
response. Jung calls it rational, obviously not in the usual sense of the word. On the one hand, Jung
is still attached to his Freudian roots. He emphasizes the unconscious even more than Freudians do.
In fact, he might be seen as the logical extension of Freud's tendency to put the causes of things into
the past. Freud, too, talked about myths ––Oedipus, for example –– and how they impact on the
modern psyche. On the other hand, Jung has a lot in common with the neo–Freudians, humanists,
and existentialists. He believes that we are meant to progress, to move in a positive direction, and
not just to adapt, as the Freudians and behaviorists would have it. His idea of
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Carl Jung Research Paper
Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and the founder of the school of analytical psychology. Carl was
born on June 26th, 1875 in Switzerland. Jung was an only son. Jung from a very early age was a
lonely child. From being always lonely, he would spend hours watching the adults around him,
which say helped him develop his later work. Jung's mother Emilie had serious mental problems.
People would refer to her as "eccentric and outgoing" during the day, but at night she was said to be
"strange" in a sense. She spent a large amount of time by herself in her bedroom where she saw
"spirits". Jung's mother left the family to live at a psychiatric hospital for a period of time shortly
after Jung had turned three years old. When Jung was 12 years ... Show more content on ...
In 1906, he sent his "Studies on World Association" to the famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud.
Jung would not hear from Freud but meet him nearly a year later where they talked of their ideas
and theories on things. They grew to be close colleagues, and worked together for six years. The
following year after meeting Freud, Carl became the newest editor for a psychoanalytical research.
Shortly after taking his new job, Jung went the United States for the first time. He and Freud went
the Clark University in Massachusetts. Twenty–seven important psychologists, neurologists, and
psychiatrists attended the meeting. In 1910, Jung became the new chairman for life of the
International Psychoanalytical Association. He was able to secure this position through his close
friendship with Freud, and Freud even referred to him as, " his adopted son, his crown prince, and
successor." That statement makes a valid point of how close the two had become working
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Archetypes Carl Jung
Carl Jung was a Swiss innovator progressing various theories of the unconscious mind. The Swiss
psychotherapist based his work on Sigmund Freud's perspectives and beliefs of the unconscious
mind. Carl Jung had deducted that a human's unconscious personality could not have started in the
cognizant personality. The thought that certain ideas and pieces of imagination within the
unconscious were shared to all individuals within a society was assumed by Jung. This mental
imagery were claimed as "Archetypes" by Jung (hence the term "Jungian archetypes") due to the
images being ubiquitous and all inclusive to humans. A famous example of a Jungian archetype is
the structure of the father and mother. Carl Jung later assumed through his work that ... Show more
content on ...
The Swiss psychotherapist claimed that these symbolic dreams tie into a total human collective. I
believe this to a very small extent. In the terms of that our human ancestors have greatly melded and
mixed over time to where almost all of modern society has genetic ties, then absolutely. I say this
because genetics can influence the way humans think, physically endure the environment, survive,
etc. There may be a great similarity in the way humans are physically constructed due to genetics.
This aspect can also greatly affect brain structure. Assuming that a human's brain works similarly to
his or her neighbor's, it is safe to think that both the person and his/her neighbor have certain pieces
of subconscious symbolism that can mean something very much
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Freud Vs Jung
Carl Jung offers a more accurate explanation of the human psychological experience. Whereas his
early ideas are similar to Sigmund Freud, he quickly strayed away in multiple, key areas. Both Jung
and Freud's theories divide the mind into three unique parts; however, Jung's explanation of the
unconscious mind is less narrow–sighted and provides a description, archetypes, that account for the
universality of many common mental issues. Conversely, Freud believed that every individual was
on his or her own as he or she moved through the five stages of being and that those five stages
determined the rest of your life. Freud's theory puts everyone on their separate iceberg floating about
the sea. On the other hand, Jung believes that we have an ego,
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The Influences of C.G. Jung Essay
The Influences of C.G. Jung
Carl Gustav Jung was influenced by literature, symbolism, religion, and the occult From a very
young age. Jung's influencs remained with him as he became a doctor of medicine and a
psychological theorist. The philosophical, the supernatural, the symbolic, the religious, and the
occult all influenced Jung's area of psychological expertise, making Jung's psychology not only
unique to Jung, but also pioneering in the field of general psychoanalysis.
In Ernest Gallo's article "Synchronicity and the Archetypes. (Carl Jung's Doctrines)", Gallo cites that
Jung was "deeply drawn to the occult" (Gallo, 1994). Jung's younger cousin, Helen Preiswerk, had
the ability to actually shatter knives in a ... Show more content on ...
It is therefor dangerous for humans in general to ignore the unconscious. Jung writes "Not only will
Ignorance of the unconscious deprive him of the religious experience, it will also blind him to his
capacity for evil, hence making possible for this evil to be projected and depriving him of his
capacity to deal with it." (Abstracts, 1976, 10:19). Despite Jung's insistence that psychology be
"empirical and phenomenological rather than philosophical or metaphysical" (Abstracts, 1976,
11.1), Jung believed that psychologists must take religion into account in the analytic process as "it
represents one of the most ancient and universal expressions of the human mind" (Abstracts, 1976,
11.1). Jung's concept of "meaningful coincidence" is tied to the spiritual as well. This is evidenced
when "At certain moments of heightened spiritual awareness, the archetypal meaning structure that
spans the mind and the world flashes into visibility" (Gallo, 1994). Jung even goes so far as to
suggest that religion is an integral aspect of the healing process. In fact, "Jung asserts that many
neuroses are never cured unless the religious factor is restored." (Moreno, 1970, p. 79). Jung says
that "'side by side with the decline of religious life, the neuroses grow noticeably more frequent..."
(Moreno, 1970, p. 79). Jung explains that "examination of the spiritual side of the patient is
recommended as a means of a cure." (Abstracts, 11:35). Furthermore, Jung maintains that
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Archetype And Jung
Carl Jung and his Analytical Psychological approach serves as the most beneficial theory in
beautifully describing human personality. Jung's approach rested on the idea of psychic energy and
this energy formed the basis to personality. Three common principles of psychic energy included the
Opposition principle, where Jung viewed conflict between polar psychological forces as the source
of energy in behavior motivation. For example, the greater the conflict in one's life, the greater the
energy to grow and overcome that conflict. Another aspect of psychic energy rested on the idea of
equivalence. Jung had a background in physics, and he attributed all energy, including psychic
energy, as something that lacks creation and destruction, rather, ... Show more content on ...
Nurture in a peculiar manner. Jung believed human beings possessed the innate need and primary
motivation for becoming their true selves, also known as, Individuation and Transcendence.
However, there does exist environmental factors that play into catalyzing our Individuation, but also
thwarting our ultimate goal in life. Such thwarting forces exist in social pressures that force us to be
pseudo–selves and inhibit us from becoming our true manifestations of our personal human
energies. In terms of Determinism vs. Free Will, I believe Jung held on to a moderate stance of both
aspects. Deterministically, like mentioned before, Carl Jung believed we each have an innate drive
towards individuation and we inherit prior human experiences that shape our behavior. However, I
do believe Jung held a notion of free will by inferring that humans individuate by choice, especially
when freely accepting the persona, anima/animus, and shadow archetypes that lead to self–
individuation (Schultz & Schultz, 2017, p.
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Sigmund Freud And Carl Jung
Lonnie Spears
Professor Dianne Owsley
General Psychology
July 15, 2015
Freud vs. Jung
"One repays a teacher badly if one remains only a pupil. And why, then, should you not pluck at my
laurels? You respect me; but how if one day your respect should tumble? Take care that a falling
statue does not strike you dead! You had not yet sought yourselves when you found me. Thus do all
believers –– Now I bid you lose me and find yourselves; and only when you have all denied me will
I return to you."
(Nietzsche Quoted by Jung to Freud, 1912), [McGuire, 1974]
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung became friends in 1907 during what were turning points in both of
their lives. There was a twenty–year age gap between the two men, Freud being fifty–one and ...
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Through Jung's studies on word association, Freud was able to further link to experimental
psychology. He was then able to express his ideas about the psychodynamics of culture and religion
(Gay, 1988; Jones, 1955; Kerr, 1993). The relationship was not without benefits for Jung. Jung was
able to broaden his thoughts on the etiology and treatment of neurosis and psychosis. This gave Jung
a political card to play in the international psychoanalytical movement. Upon meeting Freud, Jung
was already a promising psychiatrist with a gift for psychological research. He was a prestigious
junior appointment at one of the top centers in Europe that treated psychotic disorders before
meeting Freud. (Kerr, 1993). In 1913, Jung had broken away from Freud and was by then
internationally known for original contributions to clinical psychology and for his leadership of the
psychoanalytic movement. In 1912, Jung authored a book called Transformations and Symbols of
Libido (Jung 1912). This marked his independence from the movement.
The reasons for the break–up between Freud and Jung is many, but their contradicting views in their
science were likely the crumbling of their foundation. (Billinsky, J.M. (1969) Jung and Freud: The
End of a Romance)
The Unconscious Mind: Jung and Freud had different concepts of the
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Freud and Jung Essay
Freud and Jung
The psychological genre as it relates to sociological and medicinal matters has gained an increasing
amount of scientific approval. Impartiality and the scientific method are both integral components to
a psychologist's mode of practice. However, even the most esteemed of psychologists can only
speculate at what makes human beings act the way they do. Absolutes play no function in
psychology. Everything is relative and open to conjecture. Theologians give us their visions or
thoughts about life. In the field of psychology, there have been many different regions of interest
and speculation.
Psychoanalysis has been the pinnacle of arenas to examine within the vast field of psychology.
Psychoanalysis has been an area that ... Show more content on ...
For many centuries, students of human nature considered the idea of an unconscious mind as self
contradictory. However, it was noticed by philosophers such as St. Augustine, and others, as well as
early experimental psychologists, including Gustav Sechner, and Hermann Von Helmholtz, that
certain psychological operations could take place without the knowledge of the subject. Jean Sharcot
demonstrated that the symptoms of post–traumatic neuroses did not result from lesions of the
nervous tissue but from unconscious representations of the trauma. Pierre Janet extended this
concept of "unconscious fixed ideas" to hysteria, wherein traumatic representations, though split off
from the conscious mind, exert an action upon the conscious mind in the form of hysterical
symptoms. Janet was an important influence on Carl Jung, and he reported that the cure of several
hysterical patients, using hypnosis to discover the initial trauma and then having it reenacted by the
patient, was successful. Josef Breuer also treated a hysterical patient by inducing the hypnotic state
and then elucidating for her the circumstances which had accompanied the origin of her troubles. As
the traumatic experiences were revealed, the symptoms disappeared.
Freud substituted the specific techniques of free association and dream interpretation for hypnosis.
He stated that the content of the unconscious
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Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung begun their relationship in 1906, when
Carl Jung sent Freud a copy of his signed published studies, But Jung did not know that Sigmund
Freud actually already owned a copy (well–Documented). Jung looked up to Freud and saw him as a
father figure (well–Documented). Freud became Jung's Mentor. In 1909, Freud and Jung toured the
United States, and this is were they had a few disagreement on the unconscious mind. Jung thought
Freud was negative and incomplete with his theory on the unconscious; however he did agree with
him on the model of unconscious (well–Documented). Jung felt that Freud was too focused on
sexuality and the idea it was what people were primarily motivated by ... Show more content on ...
Later on, our fear of death will bring back the old anxieties and the longing to be protected by the
father. This irrational origin of religion gives it the odour of sanctity but it has proved unhelpful to
most people: "The question cannot but arise whether we are not overrating its necessity for
mankind." (Thevathasan).
Freud thought that children should not be introduced to religion at a young age. If religion was
introduced to a child to early on, it would lead to prohibition of thought and neurotic control of
impulses through repression (Thevathasan). Freud believes that mankind needs to allow science to
replace religion (Thevathasan).
Sigmund Freund did not take a religious approach to his theories, instead he believed that people
were influenced by sexuality not religion. Sigmund Freud came up with the theory of psychosexual
development, which stated that a child forms its personality as a young child (Cherry). Psychosexual
development theories have stages, and it suggested that if a child performs all the stages
successfully, the child will have a healthy personality (Cherry). However, if the stages are not
formed properly the child will form fixation later on in their life as an adult (Cherry). The stages of
psychosexual development are oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital stage. The Oral stage is from
birth to one years of age (Cherry). This is the stage when the baby relies on
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Jung Typology Test Essay
I have just currently taken the "Jung Typology Test". In this assessment you are given sixty–four
questions, answer them honestly and you will get a sort of prediction of your personality given your
answers. For my results I got "Extravert", "Intuitive", "Thinking", and "Judging", in that order, as
my main personality traits. These Personality traits can be summed up in one sentence, "Extraverted
thinking with introverted intuition.", but that is only surface level discussion. Now, I will go a bit
deeper and give my thoughts on the matter of my personality traits. This might actually be the first
personality test I agree with. I'm not trying to be egotistical when I say that I match almost
everything they have defined an executive to be. Just as a disclaimer, though I do agree with a lot of
the descriptions the personality test says, I do have some descriptions I do not necessarily agree
with. First though, I am going to name some of the things I agree with. ... Show more content on ...
I honestly think the reason I do this is because when I was young I would have to make decisions
that took time away from one parent. I had to do this because my mother and father never were
married so they never lived together. I have very little patients, especially when it is something very
mundane that is no use, but I still have to do it. I do not normally get to invested in people's personal
troubles. Sometimes, not caring as much as other people is just as much of a curse as it is a blessing.
I am quick to verbalize my opinions in a setting that is at least somewhat familiar; and yes I know
that an overbearing person can be very annoying, that is why I normally only verbalize my opinions
when I am needed. Though I hate to admit it I am not the best with words, so that leads me to be
hard to understand when I am nervous or not thinking
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Jung Typology Test Essay
In the Jung Typology Test, it measures your personality type. I have taken a similar test before so I
was curious as to my results. Some of the questions asked really challenged me think and was hard
to answer. A couple of the questions I could have answered both yes and no. When I came to
questions like that I tried to figure out what I did the most. To be honest I had to ask my husband
what he thought, because sometimes people know you better than you know yourself. I was also in
denial with myself on some of the questions. My personality type is ENFJ. Extravert 41%, iNtuitive
38%, Feeling 12%, and Judging 56%. According to the Jung Typology Test ENFJ's are has
charisma, are able to manipulate people, have great interpersonal skills as well as salesmanship,
believe in their dreams and are helpers and enablers. It also said that I was a global learner and see
the big picture. What really hit home for me is that they mentioned organization, decisiveness,
feelers and neglect my own needs. I consider myself a very charismatic person. In previous jobs
people loved to work with me because I always kept a up beat spirit. Everyone who knows me
always says I have a way of getting people to do what I want. I do not do it on purpose most of the
time. Being able to manipulate people comes ... Show more content on ...
Immediately I noticed that a extravert is more of the external world and intuition is someone who
receives information from the internal world. It is amazing that I am to pull from both the external
and internal world. I use my intuition a lot. I base most of my decisions on how I feel on the inside
and what I think is best. I also use my senses. Earlier I mentioned that some of the questions I had a
hard time answering and it was the questions regarding sensing and intuition. I feel like I use both of
these depending on the situation. As a counselor both of these can be of great value. This can help
me when making hard decisions as a
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Jung Typology Test Paper
Introduction Hello, I'm Joshua Dudley and the results I got for my Jung Typology Test was on point
for the kind of person I am. In the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test my letters were ENFJ. ENFJs
are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are
drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to
manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship (butt). All of
the letters have different meanings. (E)– Extravert (34%), (N)– iNtuitive (9%), (F)– Feeling (19%),
and (J)– Judging (28%) and these for letters ENFJ make up the type of person I am. I also had to
find a two letter temperament for my personality. The two Letters I think that fit me is (NF)– "The
Idealists" which my primary ... Show more content on ...
Extravert Extravert definition is an outgoing, overly expressive person (
I am definitely a outgoing person. I do not know a stranger. In my profession as a professional
basketball trainer I have to be out going person. I deal with hundreds of kids at once and if I don't
have a personality for that many kids then I will not have positive effect on them. I also am an
expressive person but I don't not think overly. If I am over expressive it has to be on something I
love to express to other people. For an example church related things and basketball is something I
can be overly expressive about.
Intuitive definition is using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning
( Using my intuition is something I think I do a lot sometimes when it
comes to decision making. Sometimes I regret some of the decisions I have made but I cannot
change them. My intuition really kicks in when
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Jung And Freud As Unscientific
Although many psychologists dismiss the theories of Jung and Freud as unscientific, they are very
well known and highly influential. Why do you think this is?
Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud are two of the most well known psychologists due to both their
contributions to psychology that are still relevant today and also the controversial nature of their
work. Many psychologists believed that their work was not scientific and therefore not useful in
psychology. For example, Freud's theories are considered unfalsifiable because they cannot be
proved or disproved, which is mainly due to the abstract concepts that cannot be measured
objectively. There was a subjective nature to their work, which had little empirical evidence to
support it. However, many of Freud and Jung's original theories and ideas are highly influential and
have practical implications in the present day, despite their lack of a scientific approach.
One of the main implications of Freud's work was the development of psychoanalysis, which was
considered unscientific as any evidence supporting its success was based on self–report data and not
on scientific evidence. In addition, any evidence that did regard psychoanalysis as a successful
treatment of mental illness did not suggest that it was any more successful than other treatments.
Freud approached mental illness in a whole new way, considering the possibility that mental illness
was not purely physiological but that mental illnesses had a psychological basis
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The Influences Of C. G. Jung
The Influences of C. G. Jung Carl Gustav Jung II was a psychiatrist whose theories of the mind
challenged the existing dogma. His works with human cognition, the basic structure of the psyche,
and association experiments are widely known today in the form of the concepts of the introvert and
the extrovert, psychological archetypes, and basic tests of word association. Although many basic
principles of psychology today are based upon his original discoveries and theories, they were not
conceived without external insight. Social, economic, and cultural influences upon Carl Jung greatly
affected his lifetime achievements and provided inspiration for many of his theories. Born Carl
Gustav Jung II on July 26, 1875, to Emilie Preiswerk and the pastor Paul Jung in Kesswil,
Switzerland, he was not without a notable ancestral background. Jung's paternal grandfather, Dr.
Med. Karl Gustav Jung I, an expatriate from Germany who engaged in liberal political agitation,
drew fame to himself upon moving to Switzerland when he reformed the University of Basel,
established moderate wealth, and participated in local government. (Bair 7–8). Carl Jung's maternity
was no less distinguished in its own right; both of Emilie Preiswerk's parents were favorably
regarded in their own community, though both were intensely superstitious, ascribing mystical
causes to their frequent visions, which were peculiar to the Preiswerk family. The hereditary nature
of these visions accounts for a set of Jung's
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Jung Typology Test
Ms. Purvis and fellow English students, The topic for this week's paper was to do an analysis about
our own personality type and to include supporting documentation for why I either agreed or did not
agree with the personality type that was determined from taking the Jung Typology Test. I found this
paper to be very insightful. My personality type showed me to be a person that is an ISFJ, an
introverted, sensing, feeling and also judgmental person. I agreed with the findings and research of
this personality type except for the judgmental aspect. After learning about my own personality I
explored some of the components of personalities. I struggled at first with not seeing how I would
be considered a judgmental individual; however the only ... Show more content on
The (sj), sensing and judging aspect of the guardian personality is what contributes to feelings of
self–worth. Also in the guardian description some characteristics include being cautious,
dependable, and trustworthy (Humanmetrics). ISFJ individuals are sensitive individuals, and they
care about the needs of Pyles 2 others. I have always been an individual that is led by the heart
rather than by thinking logically about what could happen. Another aspect of an ISFJ individual is
the type of careers someone with that type of personality type might have. People with this type of
personality have been known to be "reliable co–workers and exemplary employees"
(Humanmetrics). I have always been a very dependable and loyal person. According to the "Jung
typology test", someone with a personality result of ISFJ would tend to choose a career with
significant human interaction, for example, a career in the teaching or nursing area; versus a type of
career that would have very limited interaction with others (Humanmetrics). Being a teacher has
always been a career that seemed like a natural fit and since being in college I have considered the
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Jung, Gardner, and Freud Comparison Essay
In today's society, education is more liberal, allowing people to think for themselves and providing
them with a broader education. This differs from many years ago, when education was more
conservative. Education was very basic, consisting of only academic classes and no electives.
People with a more conservative education would never go against what they were taught. However,
liberally educated people of today can go against what they are taught, research it themselves, and
make new conclusions about their studies. A liberal education enables people to deal with the forces
that control their life. It frees them from the restraints in everyday life. Having such a broad
education allows people to deal with such forces. Four ... Show more content on ...
Because of Gardner's liberal education, he was able to rise above those who received a more
conservative education. Carl Jung's essay, "The Personal and the Collective Unconscious" based
itself on a liberal education because it talks about psychology, which falls under liberal education.
Psychology is the study of mind and behavior. A liberal education allows people to study this;
however, a more conservative education would not because studying the mind is not essential in
academics. Psychology studies the things that people cannot see, such as conscious and unconscious
states. It also allows people to not have to accept what other people say. In the essay written by
Jung, he stated, "If in such cases we pursue our observations systematically and without prejudice,
we shall find material which, although similar in form to the previous personal contents, yet seems
to contain allusions that go far beyond the personal sphere"(345). Carl Jung did not agree with
Freud's theory, so he did his own research, and found Freud's research to be inconclusive. Because
of his liberal education and study in psychology, Jung was able to control the forces in his life and
did not agree with what was thought by Freud. Plato's, "The Allegory of the Cave" shows that the
prisoners of his story were unable to see the truth because of their lack of a liberal education. In fact,
at first they could not see anything
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Carl Jung Research Paper
One of the personality theories that reflect me is Carl Jungs theory also known as Psychoanalysis.
Carl Jung was influenced by Sigmund Freud but also disagreed with many of Freuds views. Jung
perceives two attitude types Introvert which are people who stay more to themselves and Extrovert
are more outgoing and receive stimulation from their environment. My attitude is more of an
Extrovert I love to go outside, meeting new people, and adventuring off. Sometimes I have my days
where I want to stay to myself but, for the most part I am an outgoing person. Jung describes three
Archetypes which are Persona archetype, Shadow archetype, and Self archetype. The most dominant
archetype for me would be Persona archetype, public face or role presented ... Show more content
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Adler believed childhood relationships with other children and siblings are much more important in
personality development. In my experience I feel as this is true as I was going up all through my
childhood I always had good relationships with my siblings, which there are five of us and other
children. I had no other choice but to develop good relationships I really didn't have any problems
with making friends. I was taught to share and interact with new people that is what lead to me
being very social and an extrovert. Also, I agree with Adler about striving for superiority we all want
to be seen as perfect in order to become complete as a person no one wants to be seen as a failure.
For example, many people go to college to gain an abundance of education or training to become
more superior in their life, and career. Adler has four basic styles of life dealing problems Dominant,
Getting, Avoiding, and Socially useful type. My most dominant style of life would be the Avoiding
type, is a person who avoids any possibility of failure. At all costs I will avoid failing because I have
never failed anything that I put my mind to and I refuse to start now. So I try my best to not fail and
if something doesn't work out in my favor I try to do another solution/plan. I also can be seen as the
dominant type, who displays a dominant ruling attitude with little social awareness. Many of my
friends call me the dominant type because I like for things to go my way all the time I sometimes
feel as if I know best for everything. I rarely notice me being dominant majority of the time but, it is
a part of my personality. I am the second youngest child but I've always been the main focus as if I
was the only child or the youngest. I was always pampered but at the same time I wasn't too
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Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung (1875–1961) and Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) were two individuals whose theories on
human personality would completely affect the way that people viewed the human mind. Carl
Gustav was a practicing psychotherapist while Sigmund Freud created the discipline of
psychoanalysis. The two men had seemingly identical beliefs about human behavior, but also had
contrasting beliefs about concepts such as the ego, the psyche, and the state of unconsciousness.
Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud's Theories
Sigmund Freud's beliefs about personality were based on past experiences in an individual's
childhood. Freud stated that all human beings had three personality levels. These were the ego, the
id, and the ... Show more content on ...
The accuracy of Carl Jung's theory on the Unconscious
Carl Jung was initially Sigmund Freud's student. However, Jung did not believe in Freud's assertions
about past negatives being the only things that affected the unconscious realm of the human thought
process. One of the main reasons why Jung's interpretation of the human collective unconscious is
more practical and constructive than that of Freud's psychoanalysis is because Jung's interpretation
has positive aspects that help rather than heal. For instance, Jung's theory seeks to psychologically
explain the significance of the role that religion plays in the formation of unconscious thoughts.
Jung's theory holds that people are mainly shaped by experiences that they have gone through even
as they strive towards self–actualization.
In addressing the significance of self–actualization within the collective unconscious, Jung
demonstrated that it was his belief that the collective unconscious is an area that has constructive
tools which help individuals to achieve their life goals (Nystul, 2006). Sigmund Freud's belief in
repressed negative memories being held in the collective unconscious was more indicative of the
notion that the collective unconscious was quite destructive because it held all the things that people
did not wish to confront. Another reason why Jung's theory is more useful and believable than that
of Freud is because Freud's psychoanalysis
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Summarize Jung Research Paper
Summarize Jung's definition of ego, including how his definition differs from Freud's definition.
2. To Jung, the ego was the center of the field of consciousness, the part of the psyche where our
conscious awareness resides, our sense of identity and existence.
This part can be a kind of "command HQ", organizing our thoughts, feelings, senses, and intuition,
and regulating access to memory. It is the part that links the inner and outer worlds together, forming
how we relate to that which is external to us.–of–the–psych
Freuds–thought the ego was the surface of the personality, the part you usually show the world. The
ego is governed by the 'reality principle', or a practical approach to the world. ... Show more content
on ...
Explain what Adler meant by social interest and finalism.
Innate potential to live in harmony and friendship with others and to aspire to the development of a
perfect society. Give examples of fictional finalisms. One of Adler's key concepts is that of social
interest. "community feeling," as opposed to one's private interests or concerns Fictional future goal
to which a person aspires.
This goal is the end to which the person is aspiring, and his or her lifestyle is the means to that end.
Fictional Finalism example proposes that people act as much from accepted ideals as they do from
observed reality. Whatever the subconscious mind accepts as true, it acts as if it is true whether it is
or not – it does not have the benefit of the conscious mind's ability to observe independenty and
check with real experience. actively in their daily lives, such as using the absolute belief in good and
evil to guide social decisions, and believing that everything is as we see it. Adler referred to this as
"fictional finalism" and believed that each individual has one such dominating fiction which is
central to his or her lifestyl
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Demon Archetypes In Jung Extracts Ser, By Gustav Jung
In the psychology textbook, Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research – 5th
Edition by Howard S. Friedman and Miriam W. Schustack, students are introduced to Carl
Gustav Jung's archetypes of the Collective Unconscious. These are the Animus and the Anima
archetypes, the Persona and the Shadow archetypes, the Mother archetype, and the Hero and
Demon archetypes. In Carl Jung's book titled, Jung Extracts Ser.: Four Archetypes: (From Vol.
9, Part 1 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung), Jung discusses these four archetypes in detail: the
Mother, the Rebirth, the Spirit, and the Trickster. I will focus on the Trickster archetype,
(which falls under Jung's Hero archetype) and its origins, emergence and essentialism in modern
society. ... Show more content on ...
After many years of battling drug and sex addition, Brand learned to embraces his Trickster ways
and even has written a children's book titled, "Russell Brand's Trickster Tales: The Pied Piper of
Hamelin". It is recent observation and rants from his new internet series, The Trews, where he
travels all over the globe to document injustices in society in a humorous yet thought provoking
way. Even when he discusses the children's book he wrote, he explains, "The book is our
interpretations of fairy stories, and folk tales, believing them to be the code to unlock aspects of our
consciousness and to effect and impact the way that we see the world. Once we start changing the
way children see the world, we can do all sorts of stuff" (Video). Brand, like many of his
counterparts, are sociological and psychological observers of truth. They observe, scrutinize, and
interpret the world around them. They are the front line in a war of dogmas and philosophies. The
stage of
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Jung Typology Personality Assessment
To be honest I do not think I have ever taken a question are that truly said who I really am. As I was
taking the Jung Typology personality assessment and the DISC, I thought why I am being asked
this. After I got the results and compared both, they each show my strong and weak areas. In the
DISC assessment, I learned that my highest score is in decisive. This score was not a shocker I am
very demanding, forceful and determined. Going through life like this has gotten me many answers
and questions that were never thought of. However, the down side to this is being forceful is hard to
control. In interactive, I scored a forty–six; I am not very communal I do like to be by myself. This
score just was elevated for me, right now I have to be cultural at this point in my life for the things
that are going on. ... Show more content on ...
My husband tells me I have OCD; the answer to that is "no" I enjoy to have procedure's rules and
authority. Expectations fall into this area, and mine are set high. I expect so much more than what
people are willing to give me in return, I am forceful, demanding and theoretical. In the theoretical,
drive was a sixty–eight. This drive is a passion for me, if I cannot learn from it, then there is no need
for me to go see is how I view things. This is my finial area, I am going to summarize it is an area
where I lack a great deal in, and I have missed a good deal of things because of this. Altruistic was
my lowest score it was a twenty–nine; this area to me is taught. I do not how to explain my thoughts
on this or summarize. The only thing I can say is I am not a genuine person nor does life give you
everything you want. Being raised my an elder Korean veteran who barely shows altruistic makes it
hard to understand that you lack in this
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Carl Jung And Alfred Adler
On May 6, 1856 one of the world's most influential theorist was born, Sigmund Freud. During his
childhood and adolescence years, his scholastic performance stood out. He graduated high school
with honors, and set out to study medicine at Vienna University. While studying medicine, he was
introduced to Ernest Von Bruke, who worked at the university as a physiology professor . Bruke
assisted Freud in obtaining a grant to study with a psychiatrist, by the name of Jean Martin Charcot.
In 1881 Sigmund Freud finally earned his doctoral degree in medicine. In 1902, Freud began
working as a professor at his alma mater, Vienna University. In 1906 Freud worked alongside other
theorists to form the Psychoanalytic Society. Along with ... Show more content on
His development of the General Systems Theory was due to him believing human experiences,
along with social and scientific problems could be thought of, in terms of systems. According to
Francis Turner in the 4th edition of Social Work Treatment, Bertalanffy 's goal was to achieve a
common perspective and clear view of the world as a great organization , where all disciplines could
be understood in their place (Turner, 1996, p.604). During his professional career Von Bertalanffy
worked in Vienna, London, Canada and the USA, as a professor at local universities (Ludwig Von
Bertalantffy," n.d.). His life came to an end at the age of 70, in June 1972 in New York (Turner,
1996, p.604).
Tenants of Psychodynamic and Systems Theory
Systems theory was proposed in the 1940s by the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy (General
Systems Theory, 1968). Systems theory describes human behavior in terms of complex systems. It is
premised on the idea that an effective system is based on individual needs, rewards, expectations,
and attributes of the people living in the system. According to this theory, families, couples, and
organizations' members are directly involved in resolving a problem even if it is an individual issue.
System theories emphasizes reciprocal relationships between the elements that constitute a whole.
These concepts also emphasize the relationships among individuals, groups, organizations, or
communities and mutually influencing
... Get more on ...

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Carl Jung Archetypes

  • 1. Carl Jung Archetypes A universal subconscious, a part of the human brain that shares the same thoughts and ideas as everyone else, seems crazy, right? Carl Jung didn't seem to think so in fact, he spent his career studying such things called Archetypes, signs and patterns that all humans share in their universal subconscious. The first examples of archetypes appear through the creation and flood stories of ancient cultures. Now, the real question is how did these civilizations that were thousands upon thousands of miles apart possibly have such similar stories? Carl Jung's idea of archetypes and a universal subconscious is correct in that all the flood stories are similar. In the flood story from the ancient Hebrew writings; God told Noah, that he would be able to bring on the ark with him: himself, his wife, his children, and their wives. In all, that was a total of eight people. As well, in the story of Matsya, Manu took on his boat with him: himself and seven wise men in all totaling to be eight people. Also in Genesis it says "And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood." I chose this quote because it demonstrates how the story portrays eight as the number ... Show more content on ... Noah was told by God "Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth." As well as in the story of Matsya, Manu was told "As well as every plant and seed and two of every kind of animal he could fine." These two quotes yet again pose to show how there is a universal subconscious between humans through the similarity between the two stories from these ancient ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Carl Jung And Sigmund Freud Before going over the differences between the two psychologist, Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, covering the similarities between them is just as important in the world of psychology. Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud both subscribe to the idea that there is a conscious mind and an unconscious mind. Our unconscious mind is basically where we store all of our repressed traits and that they kind of agreed on even though Jung believed that we also store ancestral memory, but we will go into that difference later. They both believed that the unconscious is basically where we kept everything that we were not having in our conscious mind, and whenever we dream that is when these symbols can come out in order for us to realize them in a context like ... Show more content on ... Third, Freud believed that repressions mostly came from childhood trauma whereas Jung believed that even though childhood trauma of course is a major area where people repress things that repressions can happen throughout life and it is whatever the ego doesn't want to have be associated with self, becomes a repression. Sigmund Freud believed that the unconscious was basically a storage shed for all of our physiological instincts that we can not bring out in our daily life, primarily the sexual instinct. So whenever dream symbols come up or troubling dreams happen, it is as a result of repression of those baser drives and they are essentially wish fulfillments that we can't otherwise have fulfilled in waking like. Freud kind of brought everything back to the sexual libido perspective with a couple exceptions. For the most part, he believed that because we repressed our sexuality we were not able to meet particular milestones, and if you did not get past those particular things it would cause neuroses for you in life and so dreams essentially happened so that you could have a chance of hitting those particular developmental milestones. Freud himself was the first psychiatrist to really have the idea that there is a difference between our unconscious and conscious minds. It is his brain, his idea but he the unconscious mind was just a trash can, he thought you were your conscious mind, from the moment you opened ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Dreams Of Dreams By Carl Jung Every night people lay their heads down to rest in hopes of having a good night's sleep and as you sleep during the night, dreams occur. Some remember more than others. However, a dream is always present even if you may think it is not. The curiosity of dreams is what started the popularity of dream interpretation. People wanted to know what they meant and how they were getting there which drove psychologists to go out and study them. (The Dream Experience Chapter 1) Dreams are a very complex topic because of the various meanings for their appearance. Theories vary from dream simply being apart of a biological cycle that occurs during sleep to theories, or like Sigmund Freud's who believed that there is a deeper meaning behind dreams that is driven by sexual aggression. Carl Jung's theory is also very popular because of its acceptance. Jung, in general, believed dreams had a different meaning from what the dream actually shows. Several theories and several explanations for dream causes great disagreement between scientists and psychologists. (You are What you Dream) Throughout time, however, other theories of dreaming have come about after Freud's. Freud's theory is, to this say, questioned, by psychologists around the world. Is Freud's theory still hold up in the 21st century? Freud's theory of dreams which is extremely abstract when it relates to other theories such as Carl Jung's and Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley. Freud's theory for the most part was used ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Carl Jung Research Paper Carl Gustav Jung had a limitless knowledge of mythology, religion and theory, and was especially educated in the imagery associated with customs, amongst others, alchemy, Kabala, Buddhism and Hinduism. Using this tremendous information, Carl Jung trusted that people encountered the unconscious through various images experienced in different parts of life, for example, dreams, arts and religion. While his theory has various reviews, Carl Jung's work has left an outstanding effect in the field of psychology. His ideas of introversion and extraversion have contributed broadly to personality psychology and have likewise enormously affected psychotherapy. One of the main differences between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud was their varying originations ... Show more content on ... Carl Jung criticized Freud for concentrating simply on the outer and target parts of a man's fantasy as opposed to taking a look at both the goal and subjective substance. One of the more specific parts of Jung's dream theory was that fantasies could express individual, and also collective or common substance. This all common or collective content was shown through what Jung named as 'Archetype which is the model picture of a man or role and incorporates the mother figure, father, shrewd old man and clown/joker, among others. The mother figure is trustworthy and empathetic. We as a whole holds comparative thoughts of the mother figure and we see her across other cultures and in our language, for example, the term 'mother nature'. Individuals in each day and age have been influenced by their predecessor's encounters. This implies that the substance of the collective unconscious is the same for every people inside a culture. These Archetypes are typically communicated through dreams, fantasies and ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Jung Typology Test I took the Jung Typology Test on a bus ride home from chaperoning our senior trip to Washington, D.C. Assuming my entries weren't inadvertently affected by any bumps in the road, I would say that the results seemed to more accurately describe me than those from the Five Factor Personality Model test. Of the sixteen possible personality types, my classification was INTJ: moderate preference for introversion (41%) over extraversion, moderate preference for intuition (31%) over sensing, moderate preference for thinking (50%) over feeling, and a distinct preference for judging (59%) over perceiving. As indicated by the detailed description of INTJ's, I am self–confident in the areas of my expertise but also know what I do not know. I readily acknowledge and accept my limitations. I tend toward perfectionism in the areas of my competence, and a jolt of pragmatism is often required to break me out of obsessive attention to detail. I think that I part company with INTJ's in that I don't have any problem yielding to legitimate authority and in that I obsess about ... Show more content on ... As one might expect, there was a positive correlation indicated between introversion measures on both. Indeed both studies keyed in on my introversion. However, the study found that neuroticism and introversion were generally positively correlated, whereas I measured low on neuroticism despite my introversion. Openness/intellect was positively correlated with intuition; however, in my results I scored low on openness while moderate on intuitiveness. Although agreeableness was generally negatively correlated with the thinking type, they were positively correlated for me. My highest measures on conscientiousness and judging were consistent with the positive correlation suggested by Furman et ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Carl Jung Archetypes According to Carl Jung's views, archetypes are universal symbols that lie within our unconscious minds. These symbols are referred to as archetypes, which can be associated with one's self. Out of the twelve archetypes, my three most prominent archetypes are the Orphan, Destroyer, and Caregiver. The Orphan archetype is the archetype that I can strongly identify with. The Orphan is described as someone who feels that they will "fall into the victim mentality and so never achieve a heroic position", and will teach others with empathy and realism (Pearson 1). As the Orphan, I have also experienced such hardships that impacted my life, which affects me to this day. For instance, I had become close friends with one of my classmates who would later force me to expose my feelings and thoughts to her, guilting me into thinking that I was rude for not revealing my own personal secrets with her. Subsequently, she began to befriend my friends, separating myself from them. For a while, it felt as if my world was in black and white. Although I had been in situations such as this before, she made me feel powerless, like a flower picked, only to be thrown back to the ground to wilt. Despite this, I was able to learn from what ... Show more content on ... As the Destroyer, I can be seen as someone who is cruel and ". . . weeds the garden in ways that allow for new growth" (Pearson 4). A way that this applies to me is how I push others away and break off friendships if I feel that the relationship between myself and another person is too close. My reason for doing this is similar to the Destroyer's goal for change: "to let go of their anger or whatever force drives them and return to balance. . ." (Pearson 4). In spite of this harsh manner, my actions are done with the intentions of letting go of negativity in my life, even while knowing the pain I could be causing. In this way, I can be similar to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Carl Jung Research Paper The Man Behind the Personality Carl Jung once said you need to deal with things in your past, or you will never be able to grow and move on in a good direction in your life. (quote thing) This quote speaks to many different people in different ways. For instance, it could bring up images of the past that the reader has suppressed into their unconscious; but on the other hand it could be figuratively saying that the reader does not take control of their own life. Carl Jung was very perceptive for his time. His ideas on how we view ourselves are still very relevant for people and psychologists today. He focused more on the big picture of what makes us whole. It's not just one specific part of being a human. Jung influenced various fields of ... Show more content on ... After his separation from Freud he went on a spiritual awakening of sorts. He came across what he calls the collective unconscious which is what truly separates Jung's work from Freud's. The collective unconscious is where elements that make us individuals come to play. For example, if you are afraid of the dark or if you like to argue, those cold be traits passed down from ancestors that had reasons to be afraid of the dark or had to defend themselves against other tribes trying to start wars, and they needed good reasoners. He also came across the ideas of Archetypes. (McLeod, 2014) These are things or symbols that transcend all original boundaries from Jung's time period. When he was looking into Archetypes and the collective unconscious, he separated from most other psychologists of his time and was coming up with original ideas and a new type of foundation of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Toni Jung Research Paper Solitude can be a powerful catalyst for inspiration and emotion. Solitude reaches deep inside us and plays on our imagination, hopes and inspiration. The long period of solitude influences Carl Jung's psychological theory. Nina Sayers in Black Swan dwelling in her lonely soul tries to dance perfectly in the chaotic world. Jung's analytic theory allows us to deeply analyze and understand Nina Sayers in Black Swan. Carl Gustav Jung was born in 1875 in Switzerland. He was the only surviving son of his family, and his sister was not born until he was nine. His later psychology reflected his understanding of being alone. This long period of solitude influences his psychology theory. He described his father as conventional kind but weak. His ... Show more content on ... Nina's mother tries to protect her daughter from making the mistakes she did, so Nina has repressed her sexual desire even never admit to masturbating. The normal physiological and psychological needs become Nina's shadows. "Black Swan" illustrates one of the potential dangerous parent–child relationship that child robbed of maturity and sentenced to destructive expression in the interest of maintaining parents' favorite child status. As a 28–year–old ballerina, Nina is naïve and childish without feminine charm. In the beginning of the movie, Nina is in a white coat and doll–like pink dress, but her shadow selves, mother, Lily, all wear predominantly black. As Nina begins to embrace her shadow, she starts to wear more gray. In the final scene, Nina completely embrace her shadow in a black ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Theories of Freud and Jung 1. Freud's essay on "The Sexual Aberrations" posits the existence of a sexual urge, called "libido", which Freud finds analogous to hunger. Freud suggests that, like hunger, the libido manifests itself more or less from birth. The chief question for Freud in this paper is why libido should manifest itself in unexpected ways as with "inversion", which is the slightly old–fashioned term that Freud uses for homosexuality. Freud rather unexpectedly relies on the suggestion that mucus membranes in general are susceptible to sexual stimulation in his opinion, this accounts for such varied phenomena as kissing, thumbsucking, and anal sex. Freud then goes on to explain foot fetishism and other sexual fascination with inanimate objects in terms of primitive religion: "This substitution is not unjustly compared with the fetich in which the savage sees the embodiment of his god." (Freud 1910). Freud goes on to explain other aberrations, such as Sado–Masochism, in terms of their attempt to cope with an overvaluation of the sexual object. The idealistic impulses of love are seen, by Freud, as perhaps even more evident in people who love whips or feet. Ultimately Freud brings it back to the nature of the hypothesized infantile sexuality in Freud's belief, this has no natural object and is expressed in all directions at once. By contemporary scientific standards, Freud's essay is a mess. To take the most obvious example, Freud died in 1939: this is the same year that the Nobel Prize in ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Carl Jung Research Paper Carl Jung Carl Jung is possibly one of the most important figures in psychology, and yet he remains controversial. For many psychologists he is little more than a historical curiosity. Someone who worked with Freud in the early days of the founding of psychoanalysis, and then went his own way, founded his own school of psychology, became rather eccentric, and is worthy of only the most cursory of mentions in introductory text books. To other psychologists, he is possibly the most complete psychologist that there has ever been. He made radical and significant contributions to all four of the major areas of psychology. A feat that is quite unequalled by anyone else. His research on word association, was fundamental to the development of the ... Show more content on ... In American psychology, behaviorism was a powerful force, and began with the very traditional approach of theorists such as John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner. Alongside the experimental behaviorists were the learning theorists, such as Clark Hull. As Dollard and Miller tried to find some common ground between psychodynamic theory and traditional learning approaches, they were inevitably led to consider the role of social factors in human learning. Bandura, Rotter, and Mischel built on the legacy of Dollard and Miller, but added to it the active role of cognition in the human species. Finally, Kelly moved to a purely cognitive description of how individuals become who they ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Cg Jung Research Paper I have gradually begun to appreciate how C.G. Jung's awareness of humanity has influenced the field of Psychology. It seems like everyday I hear the terms "extravert" and "introvert". Additionally, I will occasionally hear the term "archetype;" though probably not with the same defining attitude as the Jungian conception. The one point that consistently interests me, in Jung's writing, is his approach towards the idea of the unconscious. While most of the literature I read relegates unconsciousness to the sphere of the mysterious, Jung presents it as a concomitant part of consciousness and the ego world. Throughout my current reading of "Man and his Symbols," the relationship of the unconscious, as an adviser to the conscious, discloses a ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Archetypes Carl Jung Carl Jung was a Swiss innovator progressing various theories of the unconscious mind. The Swiss psychotherapist based his work on Sigmund Freud's perspectives and beliefs of the unconscious mind. Carl Jung had deducted that a human's unconscious personality could not have started in the cognizant personality. The thought that certain ideas and pieces of imagination within the unconscious were shared to all individuals within a society was assumed by Jung. This mental imagery were claimed as "Archetypes" by Jung (hence the term "Jungian archetypes") due to the images being ubiquitous and all inclusive to humans. A famous example of a Jungian archetype is the structure of the father and mother. Carl Jung later assumed through his work that ... Show more content on ... The Swiss psychotherapist claimed that these symbolic dreams tie into a total human collective. I believe this to a very small extent. In the terms of that our human ancestors have greatly melded and mixed over time to where almost all of modern society has genetic ties, then absolutely. I say this because genetics can influence the way humans think, physically endure the environment, survive, etc. There may be a great similarity in the way humans are physically constructed due to genetics. This aspect can also greatly affect brain structure. Assuming that a human's brain works similarly to his or her neighbor's, it is safe to think that both the person and his/her neighbor have certain pieces of subconscious symbolism that can mean something very much ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Carl Jung on Synchronicity Carl Jung wrote fully about synchronicity very late in his life. His book Synchronicity: the principle of non–causal relations was published in 1952, when he was already over 70 years old. Jung called it an attempt to " represent together all that I can say on this subject." This work is complex, with a lot of fiddling work that has been read as lectures a year earlier under the title "On synchronicity." The great psychiatrist introduced the concept of synchronicity in 1930, in a speech commemorating his friend Richard Wilhelm. However, the first draft of the concept of synchronicity was introduced in 1949 in the introduction to the "Book of Changes" (I Ching), translated by William. Jung rarely mentioned the ted synchronicity throughout his works. Synchronicity is a descriptive term for the relations between the two events related to a common value. To illustrate this concept, Jung described an event that happened to his patient "who always knew everything better than others, " making it difficult to advance therapy. "A young woman I was treating had, at a critical moment, a dream in which she was given a golden scarab. While she was telling me this dream, I sat with my back to the closed window. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, like a gentle tapping. I turned round and saw a flying insect knocking against the window–pane from the outside. I opened the window and caught the creature in the air as it flew in. It was the nearest analogy to a golden scarab one finds in ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Carl Jung Research Paper Comprehensive Learning Project Carl Jung was a psychiatrist and the founder of school of analytical psychology. He developed the concepts of the extroverted and introverted personalities, and the collective unconscious. The reason being is because they all were his personal experiences. Jung felt as if he had two separate personalities for years. His work is very well known in both psychology and religion, and literature. Jung was born on July, 26, 1875 in Switzerland. He was lonely as a child due to him being the only child. As a child he studied his teacher's and family's behavior, but mostly his father's. Jung decided to attend the University of Basel in 1895. there he studied zoology, biology, archeology, and paleontology. He studied several other things such as philosophy, early christian literature, and mythology. ... Show more content on ... He studied several studies that seemed very close to the work of Sigmund Freud. Eventually, Jung and Freud worked together a lot. "Over temperamental and differences concerning the significance of sexuality in human life, the two split." However, their relationship was finished after Jung published "Psychology and the unconscious" which was against most of Freud's ideas. The Jung personality 16–type test is the most used personality test but there are many versions. Therefore, the results of the test can be argued in the results of others. Some of which you may associate with at one point of time. You can use this test to help better understand others. The main thing to keep in mind is to remember that your results is not your identity. Your results can be what you are like most of the time, or what you are like when your conscious. In other words, try not to judge others on their Jung personality ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Carl Jung 's Theories And Theories Carl Jung was one of the main theorists in the Psychodynamic field and created his own theory, psychoanalysis. Jung was a student of Freud and his theories and ideas very much align with Freud's theories. The similarities are evident in Jung's ideas of unconsciousness, his theory of the libido, and is his notions of archetypes. The main difference is that Jung emphasized other factors besides childhood memories. He partly focused on future aspirations and also delved into the supernatural in his theories and ideas. Jung was one of the first to implement a theory on personality as well. To this day we still refer to Jung's ideas of introversion and extroversion. Contemporary music has adopted facets of Jung's theories in their ... Show more content on ... Jung's psyche notion is broke into three parts: the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. The ego is the awareness of the person and includes memories, cognitions, and affect. The unconscious had a direct effect on personality in Jung's eyes, and was broken down into two parts. The first part is the personal consciousness, this can contain personal information along with repressed or forgotten past experiences. One of the major parts of the personal consciousness is the complex. This notion is still referred to in the mainstream public and was a topic for many self–help books. The complex are the cognitions used on a particular topic, and the more emphasis put on the topic the greater the complex. The last part is the collective unconscious. This was brought about by Jung's research into the Native Americans, the supernatural, and through dream analysis. This level of unconsciousness is shared throughout humanity and can explain why the same motifs are found in dreams from people who do not communicate with one another. It is comprised of all the human experience from the present to our ancestral past. It very much has an evolutionary aspect in that experiences that our ancestors may have incurred are embedded deep within each person's consciousness as a totality of the human experience. Archetypes are any artifacts, cognitions, or instances from our cultural past that tend to show up ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Essay On Sigmund Jung Jung Symbolism According to Jung symbol is "unconscious" aspect that is never precisely defined or fully explained. But it does explore around with various mystery or experiences faced in reality. Furthermore, he also believes that people need to use symbols to express themselves because every "symbol' has a significance to define a certain condition and feelings that we are aware of. Expressing symbols shows what a person is going through, it might also give us a symbol related to their problems. The relationship that Jung establish among symbols, dreams and the unconscious is as a symbolic image. They all contain an indefinite number of unknown factors that might end up disclosing different kind of meanings under it. In Jung's perspective it is natural to have a divided self because we all have different meanings about different things in reality. Also, Jung thinks that it is natural to have divided self because every experience contains of different points. Primitive people often feel an unconscious identification with another person or object because they have the most common mental disagreements that occur which is called "the loss of a soul." This characteristic of primitive people is relevant to modern people and their personal identity issues because they both suffer from divided personality. Jung supports his claim by talking about Sigmund Freud and based on his conclusion neurotic symptoms are related to some conscious experience. He also mentions Freud's perspection related ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Freud and Jung Essay Freud and Jung The psychological genre as it relates to sociological and medicinal matters has gained an increasing amount of scientific approval. Impartiality and the scientific method are both integral components to a psychologist's mode of practice. However, even the most esteemed of psychologists can only speculate at what makes human beings act the way they do. Absolutes play no function in psychology. Everything is relative and open to conjecture. Theologians give us their visions or thoughts about life. In the field of psychology, there have been many different regions of interest and speculation. Psychoanalysis has been the pinnacle of arenas to examine within the vast field of psychology. Psychoanalysis has been an area that ... Show more content on ... For many centuries, students of human nature considered the idea of an unconscious mind as self contradictory. However, it was noticed by philosophers such as St. Augustine, and others, as well as early experimental psychologists, including Gustav Sechner, and Hermann Von Helmholtz, that certain psychological operations could take place without the knowledge of the subject. Jean Sharcot demonstrated that the symptoms of post–traumatic neuroses did not result from lesions of the nervous tissue but from unconscious representations of the trauma. Pierre Janet extended this concept of "unconscious fixed ideas" to hysteria, wherein traumatic representations, though split off from the conscious mind, exert an action upon the conscious mind in the form of hysterical symptoms. Janet was an important influence on Carl Jung, and he reported that the cure of several hysterical patients, using hypnosis to discover the initial trauma and then having it reenacted by the patient, was successful. Josef Breuer also treated a hysterical patient by inducing the hypnotic state and then elucidating for her the circumstances which had accompanied the origin of her troubles. As the traumatic experiences were revealed, the symptoms disappeared. Freud substituted the specific techniques of free association and dream interpretation for hypnosis. He stated that the content of the unconscious ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Jung Ellyn Joy V. Pasaporte Carl Jung Until the 1910s, Carl Jung was a follower and close friend of Freud's. Like Freud, Jung believed that unconscious conflicts are important in shaping personality. However, he believed the unconscious has two layers: the personal unconscious, which resembled Freud's idea, and the collective unconscious, which contains universal memories of the common human past. Jung called these common memories archetypes. Archetypes are images or thoughts that have the same meaning for all human beings. Jung said that archetypes exist in dreams as well as in art, literature, and religion across cultures. According to Jung, the ego represents the conscious mind while the personal unconscious contains memories, including ... Show more content on ... Jung called this one of the irrationalfunctions, meaning that it involved perception rather than judging of information. The second is thinking. Thinking means evaluating information or ideas rationally, logically. Jung called this a rational function, meaning that it involves decision making or judging, rather than simple intake of information. The third is intuiting. Intuiting is a kind of perception that works outside of the usual conscious processes. It is irrational or perceptual, like sensing, but comes from the complex integration of large amounts of information, rather than simple seeing or hearing. Jung said it was like seeing around corners. The fourth is feeling. Feeling, like thinking, is a matter of evaluating information, this time by weighing one's overall, emotional response. Jung calls it rational, obviously not in the usual sense of the word. On the one hand, Jung is still attached to his Freudian roots. He emphasizes the unconscious even more than Freudians do. In fact, he might be seen as the logical extension of Freud's tendency to put the causes of things into the past. Freud, too, talked about myths ––Oedipus, for example –– and how they impact on the modern psyche. On the other hand, Jung has a lot in common with the neo–Freudians, humanists, and existentialists. He believes that we are meant to progress, to move in a positive direction, and not just to adapt, as the Freudians and behaviorists would have it. His idea of ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Carl Jung Research Paper Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and the founder of the school of analytical psychology. Carl was born on June 26th, 1875 in Switzerland. Jung was an only son. Jung from a very early age was a lonely child. From being always lonely, he would spend hours watching the adults around him, which say helped him develop his later work. Jung's mother Emilie had serious mental problems. People would refer to her as "eccentric and outgoing" during the day, but at night she was said to be "strange" in a sense. She spent a large amount of time by herself in her bedroom where she saw "spirits". Jung's mother left the family to live at a psychiatric hospital for a period of time shortly after Jung had turned three years old. When Jung was 12 years ... Show more content on ... In 1906, he sent his "Studies on World Association" to the famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud. Jung would not hear from Freud but meet him nearly a year later where they talked of their ideas and theories on things. They grew to be close colleagues, and worked together for six years. The following year after meeting Freud, Carl became the newest editor for a psychoanalytical research. Shortly after taking his new job, Jung went the United States for the first time. He and Freud went the Clark University in Massachusetts. Twenty–seven important psychologists, neurologists, and psychiatrists attended the meeting. In 1910, Jung became the new chairman for life of the International Psychoanalytical Association. He was able to secure this position through his close friendship with Freud, and Freud even referred to him as, " his adopted son, his crown prince, and successor." That statement makes a valid point of how close the two had become working ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Archetypes Carl Jung Carl Jung was a Swiss innovator progressing various theories of the unconscious mind. The Swiss psychotherapist based his work on Sigmund Freud's perspectives and beliefs of the unconscious mind. Carl Jung had deducted that a human's unconscious personality could not have started in the cognizant personality. The thought that certain ideas and pieces of imagination within the unconscious were shared to all individuals within a society was assumed by Jung. This mental imagery were claimed as "Archetypes" by Jung (hence the term "Jungian archetypes") due to the images being ubiquitous and all inclusive to humans. A famous example of a Jungian archetype is the structure of the father and mother. Carl Jung later assumed through his work that ... Show more content on ... The Swiss psychotherapist claimed that these symbolic dreams tie into a total human collective. I believe this to a very small extent. In the terms of that our human ancestors have greatly melded and mixed over time to where almost all of modern society has genetic ties, then absolutely. I say this because genetics can influence the way humans think, physically endure the environment, survive, etc. There may be a great similarity in the way humans are physically constructed due to genetics. This aspect can also greatly affect brain structure. Assuming that a human's brain works similarly to his or her neighbor's, it is safe to think that both the person and his/her neighbor have certain pieces of subconscious symbolism that can mean something very much ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Freud Vs Jung Carl Jung offers a more accurate explanation of the human psychological experience. Whereas his early ideas are similar to Sigmund Freud, he quickly strayed away in multiple, key areas. Both Jung and Freud's theories divide the mind into three unique parts; however, Jung's explanation of the unconscious mind is less narrow–sighted and provides a description, archetypes, that account for the universality of many common mental issues. Conversely, Freud believed that every individual was on his or her own as he or she moved through the five stages of being and that those five stages determined the rest of your life. Freud's theory puts everyone on their separate iceberg floating about the sea. On the other hand, Jung believes that we have an ego, ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Influences of C.G. Jung Essay The Influences of C.G. Jung Carl Gustav Jung was influenced by literature, symbolism, religion, and the occult From a very young age. Jung's influencs remained with him as he became a doctor of medicine and a psychological theorist. The philosophical, the supernatural, the symbolic, the religious, and the occult all influenced Jung's area of psychological expertise, making Jung's psychology not only unique to Jung, but also pioneering in the field of general psychoanalysis. In Ernest Gallo's article "Synchronicity and the Archetypes. (Carl Jung's Doctrines)", Gallo cites that Jung was "deeply drawn to the occult" (Gallo, 1994). Jung's younger cousin, Helen Preiswerk, had the ability to actually shatter knives in a ... Show more content on ... It is therefor dangerous for humans in general to ignore the unconscious. Jung writes "Not only will Ignorance of the unconscious deprive him of the religious experience, it will also blind him to his capacity for evil, hence making possible for this evil to be projected and depriving him of his capacity to deal with it." (Abstracts, 1976, 10:19). Despite Jung's insistence that psychology be "empirical and phenomenological rather than philosophical or metaphysical" (Abstracts, 1976, 11.1), Jung believed that psychologists must take religion into account in the analytic process as "it represents one of the most ancient and universal expressions of the human mind" (Abstracts, 1976, 11.1). Jung's concept of "meaningful coincidence" is tied to the spiritual as well. This is evidenced when "At certain moments of heightened spiritual awareness, the archetypal meaning structure that spans the mind and the world flashes into visibility" (Gallo, 1994). Jung even goes so far as to suggest that religion is an integral aspect of the healing process. In fact, "Jung asserts that many neuroses are never cured unless the religious factor is restored." (Moreno, 1970, p. 79). Jung says that "'side by side with the decline of religious life, the neuroses grow noticeably more frequent..." (Moreno, 1970, p. 79). Jung explains that "examination of the spiritual side of the patient is recommended as a means of a cure." (Abstracts, 11:35). Furthermore, Jung maintains that ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Archetype And Jung Carl Jung and his Analytical Psychological approach serves as the most beneficial theory in beautifully describing human personality. Jung's approach rested on the idea of psychic energy and this energy formed the basis to personality. Three common principles of psychic energy included the Opposition principle, where Jung viewed conflict between polar psychological forces as the source of energy in behavior motivation. For example, the greater the conflict in one's life, the greater the energy to grow and overcome that conflict. Another aspect of psychic energy rested on the idea of equivalence. Jung had a background in physics, and he attributed all energy, including psychic energy, as something that lacks creation and destruction, rather, ... Show more content on ... Nurture in a peculiar manner. Jung believed human beings possessed the innate need and primary motivation for becoming their true selves, also known as, Individuation and Transcendence. However, there does exist environmental factors that play into catalyzing our Individuation, but also thwarting our ultimate goal in life. Such thwarting forces exist in social pressures that force us to be pseudo–selves and inhibit us from becoming our true manifestations of our personal human energies. In terms of Determinism vs. Free Will, I believe Jung held on to a moderate stance of both aspects. Deterministically, like mentioned before, Carl Jung believed we each have an innate drive towards individuation and we inherit prior human experiences that shape our behavior. However, I do believe Jung held a notion of free will by inferring that humans individuate by choice, especially when freely accepting the persona, anima/animus, and shadow archetypes that lead to self– individuation (Schultz & Schultz, 2017, p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Sigmund Freud And Carl Jung Lonnie Spears Professor Dianne Owsley General Psychology July 15, 2015 Freud vs. Jung "One repays a teacher badly if one remains only a pupil. And why, then, should you not pluck at my laurels? You respect me; but how if one day your respect should tumble? Take care that a falling statue does not strike you dead! You had not yet sought yourselves when you found me. Thus do all believers –– Now I bid you lose me and find yourselves; and only when you have all denied me will I return to you." (Nietzsche Quoted by Jung to Freud, 1912), [McGuire, 1974] Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung became friends in 1907 during what were turning points in both of their lives. There was a twenty–year age gap between the two men, Freud being fifty–one and ... Show more content on ... Through Jung's studies on word association, Freud was able to further link to experimental psychology. He was then able to express his ideas about the psychodynamics of culture and religion (Gay, 1988; Jones, 1955; Kerr, 1993). The relationship was not without benefits for Jung. Jung was able to broaden his thoughts on the etiology and treatment of neurosis and psychosis. This gave Jung a political card to play in the international psychoanalytical movement. Upon meeting Freud, Jung was already a promising psychiatrist with a gift for psychological research. He was a prestigious junior appointment at one of the top centers in Europe that treated psychotic disorders before meeting Freud. (Kerr, 1993). In 1913, Jung had broken away from Freud and was by then internationally known for original contributions to clinical psychology and for his leadership of the psychoanalytic movement. In 1912, Jung authored a book called Transformations and Symbols of Libido (Jung 1912). This marked his independence from the movement. The reasons for the break–up between Freud and Jung is many, but their contradicting views in their science were likely the crumbling of their foundation. (Billinsky, J.M. (1969) Jung and Freud: The End of a Romance) The Unconscious Mind: Jung and Freud had different concepts of the
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  • 98. Freud and Jung Essay Freud and Jung The psychological genre as it relates to sociological and medicinal matters has gained an increasing amount of scientific approval. Impartiality and the scientific method are both integral components to a psychologist's mode of practice. However, even the most esteemed of psychologists can only speculate at what makes human beings act the way they do. Absolutes play no function in psychology. Everything is relative and open to conjecture. Theologians give us their visions or thoughts about life. In the field of psychology, there have been many different regions of interest and speculation. Psychoanalysis has been the pinnacle of arenas to examine within the vast field of psychology. Psychoanalysis has been an area that ... Show more content on ... For many centuries, students of human nature considered the idea of an unconscious mind as self contradictory. However, it was noticed by philosophers such as St. Augustine, and others, as well as early experimental psychologists, including Gustav Sechner, and Hermann Von Helmholtz, that certain psychological operations could take place without the knowledge of the subject. Jean Sharcot demonstrated that the symptoms of post–traumatic neuroses did not result from lesions of the nervous tissue but from unconscious representations of the trauma. Pierre Janet extended this concept of "unconscious fixed ideas" to hysteria, wherein traumatic representations, though split off from the conscious mind, exert an action upon the conscious mind in the form of hysterical symptoms. Janet was an important influence on Carl Jung, and he reported that the cure of several hysterical patients, using hypnosis to discover the initial trauma and then having it reenacted by the patient, was successful. Josef Breuer also treated a hysterical patient by inducing the hypnotic state and then elucidating for her the circumstances which had accompanied the origin of her troubles. As the traumatic experiences were revealed, the symptoms disappeared. Freud substituted the specific techniques of free association and dream interpretation for hypnosis. He stated that the content of the unconscious ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung begun their relationship in 1906, when Carl Jung sent Freud a copy of his signed published studies, But Jung did not know that Sigmund Freud actually already owned a copy (well–Documented). Jung looked up to Freud and saw him as a father figure (well–Documented). Freud became Jung's Mentor. In 1909, Freud and Jung toured the United States, and this is were they had a few disagreement on the unconscious mind. Jung thought Freud was negative and incomplete with his theory on the unconscious; however he did agree with him on the model of unconscious (well–Documented). Jung felt that Freud was too focused on sexuality and the idea it was what people were primarily motivated by ... Show more content on ... Later on, our fear of death will bring back the old anxieties and the longing to be protected by the father. This irrational origin of religion gives it the odour of sanctity but it has proved unhelpful to most people: "The question cannot but arise whether we are not overrating its necessity for mankind." (Thevathasan). Freud thought that children should not be introduced to religion at a young age. If religion was introduced to a child to early on, it would lead to prohibition of thought and neurotic control of impulses through repression (Thevathasan). Freud believes that mankind needs to allow science to replace religion (Thevathasan). Sigmund Freund did not take a religious approach to his theories, instead he believed that people were influenced by sexuality not religion. Sigmund Freud came up with the theory of psychosexual development, which stated that a child forms its personality as a young child (Cherry). Psychosexual development theories have stages, and it suggested that if a child performs all the stages successfully, the child will have a healthy personality (Cherry). However, if the stages are not formed properly the child will form fixation later on in their life as an adult (Cherry). The stages of psychosexual development are oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital stage. The Oral stage is from birth to one years of age (Cherry). This is the stage when the baby relies on ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Jung Typology Test Essay I have just currently taken the "Jung Typology Test". In this assessment you are given sixty–four questions, answer them honestly and you will get a sort of prediction of your personality given your answers. For my results I got "Extravert", "Intuitive", "Thinking", and "Judging", in that order, as my main personality traits. These Personality traits can be summed up in one sentence, "Extraverted thinking with introverted intuition.", but that is only surface level discussion. Now, I will go a bit deeper and give my thoughts on the matter of my personality traits. This might actually be the first personality test I agree with. I'm not trying to be egotistical when I say that I match almost everything they have defined an executive to be. Just as a disclaimer, though I do agree with a lot of the descriptions the personality test says, I do have some descriptions I do not necessarily agree with. First though, I am going to name some of the things I agree with. ... Show more content on ... I honestly think the reason I do this is because when I was young I would have to make decisions that took time away from one parent. I had to do this because my mother and father never were married so they never lived together. I have very little patients, especially when it is something very mundane that is no use, but I still have to do it. I do not normally get to invested in people's personal troubles. Sometimes, not caring as much as other people is just as much of a curse as it is a blessing. I am quick to verbalize my opinions in a setting that is at least somewhat familiar; and yes I know that an overbearing person can be very annoying, that is why I normally only verbalize my opinions when I am needed. Though I hate to admit it I am not the best with words, so that leads me to be hard to understand when I am nervous or not thinking ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Jung Typology Test Essay In the Jung Typology Test, it measures your personality type. I have taken a similar test before so I was curious as to my results. Some of the questions asked really challenged me think and was hard to answer. A couple of the questions I could have answered both yes and no. When I came to questions like that I tried to figure out what I did the most. To be honest I had to ask my husband what he thought, because sometimes people know you better than you know yourself. I was also in denial with myself on some of the questions. My personality type is ENFJ. Extravert 41%, iNtuitive 38%, Feeling 12%, and Judging 56%. According to the Jung Typology Test ENFJ's are has charisma, are able to manipulate people, have great interpersonal skills as well as salesmanship, believe in their dreams and are helpers and enablers. It also said that I was a global learner and see the big picture. What really hit home for me is that they mentioned organization, decisiveness, feelers and neglect my own needs. I consider myself a very charismatic person. In previous jobs people loved to work with me because I always kept a up beat spirit. Everyone who knows me always says I have a way of getting people to do what I want. I do not do it on purpose most of the time. Being able to manipulate people comes ... Show more content on ... Immediately I noticed that a extravert is more of the external world and intuition is someone who receives information from the internal world. It is amazing that I am to pull from both the external and internal world. I use my intuition a lot. I base most of my decisions on how I feel on the inside and what I think is best. I also use my senses. Earlier I mentioned that some of the questions I had a hard time answering and it was the questions regarding sensing and intuition. I feel like I use both of these depending on the situation. As a counselor both of these can be of great value. This can help me when making hard decisions as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Jung Typology Test Paper Introduction Hello, I'm Joshua Dudley and the results I got for my Jung Typology Test was on point for the kind of person I am. In the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test my letters were ENFJ. ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship (butt). All of the letters have different meanings. (E)– Extravert (34%), (N)– iNtuitive (9%), (F)– Feeling (19%), and (J)– Judging (28%) and these for letters ENFJ make up the type of person I am. I also had to find a two letter temperament for my personality. The two Letters I think that fit me is (NF)– "The Idealists" which my primary ... Show more content on ... Extravert Extravert definition is an outgoing, overly expressive person ( I am definitely a outgoing person. I do not know a stranger. In my profession as a professional basketball trainer I have to be out going person. I deal with hundreds of kids at once and if I don't have a personality for that many kids then I will not have positive effect on them. I also am an expressive person but I don't not think overly. If I am over expressive it has to be on something I love to express to other people. For an example church related things and basketball is something I can be overly expressive about. Intuitive Intuitive definition is using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning ( Using my intuition is something I think I do a lot sometimes when it comes to decision making. Sometimes I regret some of the decisions I have made but I cannot change them. My intuition really kicks in when ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Jung And Freud As Unscientific Although many psychologists dismiss the theories of Jung and Freud as unscientific, they are very well known and highly influential. Why do you think this is? Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud are two of the most well known psychologists due to both their contributions to psychology that are still relevant today and also the controversial nature of their work. Many psychologists believed that their work was not scientific and therefore not useful in psychology. For example, Freud's theories are considered unfalsifiable because they cannot be proved or disproved, which is mainly due to the abstract concepts that cannot be measured objectively. There was a subjective nature to their work, which had little empirical evidence to support it. However, many of Freud and Jung's original theories and ideas are highly influential and have practical implications in the present day, despite their lack of a scientific approach. One of the main implications of Freud's work was the development of psychoanalysis, which was considered unscientific as any evidence supporting its success was based on self–report data and not on scientific evidence. In addition, any evidence that did regard psychoanalysis as a successful treatment of mental illness did not suggest that it was any more successful than other treatments. Freud approached mental illness in a whole new way, considering the possibility that mental illness was not purely physiological but that mental illnesses had a psychological basis ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. The Influences Of C. G. Jung The Influences of C. G. Jung Carl Gustav Jung II was a psychiatrist whose theories of the mind challenged the existing dogma. His works with human cognition, the basic structure of the psyche, and association experiments are widely known today in the form of the concepts of the introvert and the extrovert, psychological archetypes, and basic tests of word association. Although many basic principles of psychology today are based upon his original discoveries and theories, they were not conceived without external insight. Social, economic, and cultural influences upon Carl Jung greatly affected his lifetime achievements and provided inspiration for many of his theories. Born Carl Gustav Jung II on July 26, 1875, to Emilie Preiswerk and the pastor Paul Jung in Kesswil, Switzerland, he was not without a notable ancestral background. Jung's paternal grandfather, Dr. Med. Karl Gustav Jung I, an expatriate from Germany who engaged in liberal political agitation, drew fame to himself upon moving to Switzerland when he reformed the University of Basel, established moderate wealth, and participated in local government. (Bair 7–8). Carl Jung's maternity was no less distinguished in its own right; both of Emilie Preiswerk's parents were favorably regarded in their own community, though both were intensely superstitious, ascribing mystical causes to their frequent visions, which were peculiar to the Preiswerk family. The hereditary nature of these visions accounts for a set of Jung's ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Jung Typology Test Ms. Purvis and fellow English students, The topic for this week's paper was to do an analysis about our own personality type and to include supporting documentation for why I either agreed or did not agree with the personality type that was determined from taking the Jung Typology Test. I found this paper to be very insightful. My personality type showed me to be a person that is an ISFJ, an introverted, sensing, feeling and also judgmental person. I agreed with the findings and research of this personality type except for the judgmental aspect. After learning about my own personality I explored some of the components of personalities. I struggled at first with not seeing how I would be considered a judgmental individual; however the only ... Show more content on ... The (sj), sensing and judging aspect of the guardian personality is what contributes to feelings of self–worth. Also in the guardian description some characteristics include being cautious, dependable, and trustworthy (Humanmetrics). ISFJ individuals are sensitive individuals, and they care about the needs of Pyles 2 others. I have always been an individual that is led by the heart rather than by thinking logically about what could happen. Another aspect of an ISFJ individual is the type of careers someone with that type of personality type might have. People with this type of personality have been known to be "reliable co–workers and exemplary employees" (Humanmetrics). I have always been a very dependable and loyal person. According to the "Jung typology test", someone with a personality result of ISFJ would tend to choose a career with significant human interaction, for example, a career in the teaching or nursing area; versus a type of career that would have very limited interaction with others (Humanmetrics). Being a teacher has always been a career that seemed like a natural fit and since being in college I have considered the medical ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Jung, Gardner, and Freud Comparison Essay In today's society, education is more liberal, allowing people to think for themselves and providing them with a broader education. This differs from many years ago, when education was more conservative. Education was very basic, consisting of only academic classes and no electives. People with a more conservative education would never go against what they were taught. However, liberally educated people of today can go against what they are taught, research it themselves, and make new conclusions about their studies. A liberal education enables people to deal with the forces that control their life. It frees them from the restraints in everyday life. Having such a broad education allows people to deal with such forces. Four ... Show more content on ... Because of Gardner's liberal education, he was able to rise above those who received a more conservative education. Carl Jung's essay, "The Personal and the Collective Unconscious" based itself on a liberal education because it talks about psychology, which falls under liberal education. Psychology is the study of mind and behavior. A liberal education allows people to study this; however, a more conservative education would not because studying the mind is not essential in academics. Psychology studies the things that people cannot see, such as conscious and unconscious states. It also allows people to not have to accept what other people say. In the essay written by Jung, he stated, "If in such cases we pursue our observations systematically and without prejudice, we shall find material which, although similar in form to the previous personal contents, yet seems to contain allusions that go far beyond the personal sphere"(345). Carl Jung did not agree with Freud's theory, so he did his own research, and found Freud's research to be inconclusive. Because of his liberal education and study in psychology, Jung was able to control the forces in his life and did not agree with what was thought by Freud. Plato's, "The Allegory of the Cave" shows that the prisoners of his story were unable to see the truth because of their lack of a liberal education. In fact, at first they could not see anything ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Carl Jung Research Paper One of the personality theories that reflect me is Carl Jungs theory also known as Psychoanalysis. Carl Jung was influenced by Sigmund Freud but also disagreed with many of Freuds views. Jung perceives two attitude types Introvert which are people who stay more to themselves and Extrovert are more outgoing and receive stimulation from their environment. My attitude is more of an Extrovert I love to go outside, meeting new people, and adventuring off. Sometimes I have my days where I want to stay to myself but, for the most part I am an outgoing person. Jung describes three Archetypes which are Persona archetype, Shadow archetype, and Self archetype. The most dominant archetype for me would be Persona archetype, public face or role presented ... Show more content on ... Adler believed childhood relationships with other children and siblings are much more important in personality development. In my experience I feel as this is true as I was going up all through my childhood I always had good relationships with my siblings, which there are five of us and other children. I had no other choice but to develop good relationships I really didn't have any problems with making friends. I was taught to share and interact with new people that is what lead to me being very social and an extrovert. Also, I agree with Adler about striving for superiority we all want to be seen as perfect in order to become complete as a person no one wants to be seen as a failure. For example, many people go to college to gain an abundance of education or training to become more superior in their life, and career. Adler has four basic styles of life dealing problems Dominant, Getting, Avoiding, and Socially useful type. My most dominant style of life would be the Avoiding type, is a person who avoids any possibility of failure. At all costs I will avoid failing because I have never failed anything that I put my mind to and I refuse to start now. So I try my best to not fail and if something doesn't work out in my favor I try to do another solution/plan. I also can be seen as the dominant type, who displays a dominant ruling attitude with little social awareness. Many of my friends call me the dominant type because I like for things to go my way all the time I sometimes feel as if I know best for everything. I rarely notice me being dominant majority of the time but, it is a part of my personality. I am the second youngest child but I've always been the main focus as if I was the only child or the youngest. I was always pampered but at the same time I wasn't too ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud Introduction Carl Jung (1875–1961) and Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) were two individuals whose theories on human personality would completely affect the way that people viewed the human mind. Carl Gustav was a practicing psychotherapist while Sigmund Freud created the discipline of psychoanalysis. The two men had seemingly identical beliefs about human behavior, but also had contrasting beliefs about concepts such as the ego, the psyche, and the state of unconsciousness. Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud's Theories Sigmund Freud's beliefs about personality were based on past experiences in an individual's childhood. Freud stated that all human beings had three personality levels. These were the ego, the id, and the ... Show more content on ... The accuracy of Carl Jung's theory on the Unconscious Carl Jung was initially Sigmund Freud's student. However, Jung did not believe in Freud's assertions about past negatives being the only things that affected the unconscious realm of the human thought process. One of the main reasons why Jung's interpretation of the human collective unconscious is more practical and constructive than that of Freud's psychoanalysis is because Jung's interpretation has positive aspects that help rather than heal. For instance, Jung's theory seeks to psychologically explain the significance of the role that religion plays in the formation of unconscious thoughts. Jung's theory holds that people are mainly shaped by experiences that they have gone through even as they strive towards self–actualization. In addressing the significance of self–actualization within the collective unconscious, Jung demonstrated that it was his belief that the collective unconscious is an area that has constructive tools which help individuals to achieve their life goals (Nystul, 2006). Sigmund Freud's belief in repressed negative memories being held in the collective unconscious was more indicative of the notion that the collective unconscious was quite destructive because it held all the things that people did not wish to confront. Another reason why Jung's theory is more useful and believable than that of Freud is because Freud's psychoanalysis ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Summarize Jung Research Paper Summarize Jung's definition of ego, including how his definition differs from Freud's definition. 2. To Jung, the ego was the center of the field of consciousness, the part of the psyche where our conscious awareness resides, our sense of identity and existence. This part can be a kind of "command HQ", organizing our thoughts, feelings, senses, and intuition, and regulating access to memory. It is the part that links the inner and outer worlds together, forming how we relate to that which is external to us.–of–the–psych Freuds–thought the ego was the surface of the personality, the part you usually show the world. The ego is governed by the 'reality principle', or a practical approach to the world. ... Show more content on ... Explain what Adler meant by social interest and finalism. Innate potential to live in harmony and friendship with others and to aspire to the development of a perfect society. Give examples of fictional finalisms. One of Adler's key concepts is that of social interest. "community feeling," as opposed to one's private interests or concerns Fictional future goal to which a person aspires. This goal is the end to which the person is aspiring, and his or her lifestyle is the means to that end. Fictional Finalism example proposes that people act as much from accepted ideals as they do from observed reality. Whatever the subconscious mind accepts as true, it acts as if it is true whether it is or not – it does not have the benefit of the conscious mind's ability to observe independenty and check with real experience. actively in their daily lives, such as using the absolute belief in good and evil to guide social decisions, and believing that everything is as we see it. Adler referred to this as "fictional finalism" and believed that each individual has one such dominating fiction which is central to his or her lifestyl ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Demon Archetypes In Jung Extracts Ser, By Gustav Jung In the psychology textbook, Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research – 5th Edition by Howard S. Friedman and Miriam W. Schustack, students are introduced to Carl Gustav Jung's archetypes of the Collective Unconscious. These are the Animus and the Anima archetypes, the Persona and the Shadow archetypes, the Mother archetype, and the Hero and Demon archetypes. In Carl Jung's book titled, Jung Extracts Ser.: Four Archetypes: (From Vol. 9, Part 1 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung), Jung discusses these four archetypes in detail: the Mother, the Rebirth, the Spirit, and the Trickster. I will focus on the Trickster archetype, (which falls under Jung's Hero archetype) and its origins, emergence and essentialism in modern society. ... Show more content on ... After many years of battling drug and sex addition, Brand learned to embraces his Trickster ways and even has written a children's book titled, "Russell Brand's Trickster Tales: The Pied Piper of Hamelin". It is recent observation and rants from his new internet series, The Trews, where he travels all over the globe to document injustices in society in a humorous yet thought provoking way. Even when he discusses the children's book he wrote, he explains, "The book is our interpretations of fairy stories, and folk tales, believing them to be the code to unlock aspects of our consciousness and to effect and impact the way that we see the world. Once we start changing the way children see the world, we can do all sorts of stuff" (Video). Brand, like many of his counterparts, are sociological and psychological observers of truth. They observe, scrutinize, and interpret the world around them. They are the front line in a war of dogmas and philosophies. The stage of ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Jung Typology Personality Assessment To be honest I do not think I have ever taken a question are that truly said who I really am. As I was taking the Jung Typology personality assessment and the DISC, I thought why I am being asked this. After I got the results and compared both, they each show my strong and weak areas. In the DISC assessment, I learned that my highest score is in decisive. This score was not a shocker I am very demanding, forceful and determined. Going through life like this has gotten me many answers and questions that were never thought of. However, the down side to this is being forceful is hard to control. In interactive, I scored a forty–six; I am not very communal I do like to be by myself. This score just was elevated for me, right now I have to be cultural at this point in my life for the things that are going on. ... Show more content on ... My husband tells me I have OCD; the answer to that is "no" I enjoy to have procedure's rules and authority. Expectations fall into this area, and mine are set high. I expect so much more than what people are willing to give me in return, I am forceful, demanding and theoretical. In the theoretical, drive was a sixty–eight. This drive is a passion for me, if I cannot learn from it, then there is no need for me to go see is how I view things. This is my finial area, I am going to summarize it is an area where I lack a great deal in, and I have missed a good deal of things because of this. Altruistic was my lowest score it was a twenty–nine; this area to me is taught. I do not how to explain my thoughts on this or summarize. The only thing I can say is I am not a genuine person nor does life give you everything you want. Being raised my an elder Korean veteran who barely shows altruistic makes it hard to understand that you lack in this ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Carl Jung And Alfred Adler On May 6, 1856 one of the world's most influential theorist was born, Sigmund Freud. During his childhood and adolescence years, his scholastic performance stood out. He graduated high school with honors, and set out to study medicine at Vienna University. While studying medicine, he was introduced to Ernest Von Bruke, who worked at the university as a physiology professor . Bruke assisted Freud in obtaining a grant to study with a psychiatrist, by the name of Jean Martin Charcot. In 1881 Sigmund Freud finally earned his doctoral degree in medicine. In 1902, Freud began working as a professor at his alma mater, Vienna University. In 1906 Freud worked alongside other theorists to form the Psychoanalytic Society. Along with ... Show more content on ... His development of the General Systems Theory was due to him believing human experiences, along with social and scientific problems could be thought of, in terms of systems. According to Francis Turner in the 4th edition of Social Work Treatment, Bertalanffy 's goal was to achieve a common perspective and clear view of the world as a great organization , where all disciplines could be understood in their place (Turner, 1996, p.604). During his professional career Von Bertalanffy worked in Vienna, London, Canada and the USA, as a professor at local universities (Ludwig Von Bertalantffy," n.d.). His life came to an end at the age of 70, in June 1972 in New York (Turner, 1996, p.604). Tenants of Psychodynamic and Systems Theory Systems theory was proposed in the 1940s by the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy (General Systems Theory, 1968). Systems theory describes human behavior in terms of complex systems. It is premised on the idea that an effective system is based on individual needs, rewards, expectations, and attributes of the people living in the system. According to this theory, families, couples, and organizations' members are directly involved in resolving a problem even if it is an individual issue. System theories emphasizes reciprocal relationships between the elements that constitute a whole. These concepts also emphasize the relationships among individuals, groups, organizations, or communities and mutually influencing ... Get more on ...