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Career management
and job search
101/201---The resume,
online professional
profiles, and driving
job search activity.
Greg David
Laka & Company
The Job Search Process Has
In the old model, job
seekers were MOTHS
flocking toward a light
or flame (jobs).
That process no longer
works except through
luck or right place/right
Luck and right
place/right time is NO
WAY to responsibly
manage a successful
job search.
They key is to LEARN
the NEW MODEL, and
So What PROCESS Has Changed?
 Info flowed outward. PUSH APPROACH.
 Throw resumes at openings.
 Same resume for each opening.
 No focus on branding or SME.
 The NEW MODEL uses a BI-DIRECTIONAL process.
 This emphasis is on a PULL APPROACH.
 The focus is on RELATIONSHIP and SME
 The NEW MODEL also focuses on getting jobs to
come to you---without you applying.
 You become findable which most job seekers
are not today.
 You are findable to people in and out of your
 People take action to contact you before others.
You Are No Longer The Moth!
You Are No Longer The Moth!
You Are No Longer The Moth!
You Are No Longer The Moth!
You Are No Longer The Moth!
So What PROCESS Has Changed?
 You do not apply for multiple jobs with different scopes.
 You do not apply for roles where you do not see a scope to
scope match.
 You do not apply for roles where you do not fit at least
90% of the requirements.
 You do not apply for roles based on title fit. Scope fit is
the only thing that matters.
 You need to mirror them, their culture, their need, their profile.
 You do not want to commit RESUME SPAM or become known as a
 You do not apply for a role and then try and network your
way in or with people within the firm. KISS OF DEATH!
 When you apply, realize that the requirements you read
are NOT the only requirements. There are usually other
requirements not posted/included and a profile they are
hunting for.
 Use automated tools to help complete on-line applications more
accurately and more quickly.
 Use social media to learn of jobs that you may fit so you are
automating this process, and not searching for roles manually.
 Make your Subject Matter Expertise clear and compelling
so you can have jobs find you and you are pulled into the
candidate pool.
 Make it easy for them to rule you in or rule you out. If
you are known to them and they are not contacting you, trust
their judgment. Every time you follow up, you take time, offer no value.
If applying is not
working, GET
So What PROCESS Has Changed?
 Selectively applying and branding for each
role applied for. Different resume for different roles.
 More experience is NOT good if you wish to be considered.
 Resumes with typos are not good (90%+ have typos &
over-capitalization and intermittent use of periods are typos.
Numbers less than 12 need to be spelled out).
 Irrelevant info is not good---experience not part of their
duties or requirements is irrelevant data and unappealing.
 LinkedIn profile URL MUST be on the resume.
 Twitter address must be on the resume.
 Resume needs to have hidden keyword data.
 Summaries/objectives not your friend unless customized.
 Titles are not your friend unless title/scope match.
 Years of experience or BIG DOG words not helpful unless
matches duties, requirements, and profile.
 Resumes need to be sent out via automated distribution tools.
 Resumes need to be uploaded and (multiple) profiles created on
major resume boards/sites.
 Resumes need to be refreshed on key resume sites, often
daily to spike activity and continue being found.
 Resumes need to have more content, not less. The goal is
provide enough information so they do not need to speak
with you to learn about you. That takes too long and the cost
of labor too high.
 Resumes need to be attached to your LinkedIn profile
and be downloadable.
 Store the unique resumes you send out using the format
of John.Doe.Allstate.Project.Manager.2.10.2014.doc
 Use tools to track emails of resumes sent and post
application communication (i.e. LiveInbox).
 Never claim to be perfect fit, and never state you look
forward to speaking soon. Instead, let them off the hook:
“Should you feel my credentials a match for your need, I
welcome the opportunity to speak.”
 Have URL links in resume to virtual evidence of Subject
Matter Expertise.
 When communicating with people regarding a role that you
do have interest in, or are pending with, include your resume
in follow up emails.
 There is NO law against having different versions of your
resume on resume sites and attached to your LinkedIn profile.
 Using the header or footer of the resume to store your
contact information means it will be often deleted.
 Not having your address on the resume means you won’t
be considered for many roles.
 Your resume needs to capture their attention for their
“profile” target, culture fit, skill fit, and it has to make it
easy for them to see you there doing this job.
 Your resume is a fishing “lure”. It needs to pull them to
you. Beating them into submission with your “lure” is not
 Asking a recruiter for their opinion of your resume is a sign of
incompetence in understanding the most basic element of job
 The only person you ask for advice or guidance is a job
search coach who has skill in this area, or someone who has
a core skill in the design, creation, and editing of resumes.
 Asking anyone else only gives you one thing----their
opinion which is based on their personal preference. None
of that is based on anything useful. The other problem is these
armchair quarterbacks do not even know that they do not know.
If your resume is
not working, GET
So What PROCESS Has Changed?
 Your “old network” of recruiting firms is not large enough.
 Do not do word of mouth manual recruiter calls/emails.
 Do not try to blindly meet with recruiters.
 Do not try to tell your story of what you are looking for.
 Do not share your views on your “ideal” role. When asked,
share as little “preference” data as possible. It will be used
against you if you become more flexible down the road.
 You are being interviewed and judged in each conversation you
have with professional recruiters. Do NOT take off your interview
 Recruiters do NOT create jobs and opportunity for you. They
often have little to no control over what they have and when
they have it. What they have is indicative of what their clients
bring them.
 Keeping your name in front of recruiters or following up
blindly is an extremely poor and outdated job search
technique. It does not increase your odds of them helping you and
actually may hurt you.
 Your target for a “base” of recruiting firms needs to be ample
enough to generate activity. For most this is 2500 or more.
 If you are surprised at that number or think you have never
needed that many before, that is a validation you are not in
tune with the market and how it really works.
 If that number does not generate ample activity, then you
need to increase it until there is ample activity.
 Use the same automated tool identified earlier to automate
the process of connecting with search firms. Your goal is to penetrate
the proprietary database of every firm in the country.
 Be active and findable in the places where recruiters go to
look for talent.
 Besides the job boards, and having a LinkedIn profile you
need to be in places where people hunt for SME skills.
 Within LinkedIn, you need to be STRONG in share activity,
number of connections, skills rating, profile ranking, group
discussion and participation, profile robustness, SME content
evidence, and profile optimization.
 Outside of LI, it is all about sites like and
other content or SME sharing sites.
If your recruiter
network is not
working, GET
So What PROCESS Has Changed?
 YOU control YOUR activity! ONLY YOU CONTROL THIS!
 The economy, government, politicians, corporate America,
the boogeyman----no one controls this or is a factor.
 Get away from others with low activity. It is a symptom of
a potential sickness or disease and you do not want to catch it.
 Get away from negativity and triggers that cause you to be
 You CAN control your activity and grow it using very simple steps.
 Have goals for your activity in each area.
 Have metrics in each area to measure success/failure and
 Continuously learn from the right professionals on how to
improve in each area and troubleshoot areas of difficulty.
 Consistently learn of NEW things to drive activity! The
market is always changing, new tools are always available,
and how you use existing tools continues to change.
 Automate your job search where you can.
 Automate learning of job openings.
 Automate penetrating corporate and recruitment resume
 Automate corporations and recruiting firms finding out about
 Automate building your address book and contact list.
 Eliminate low value return activity that takes up valuable
time (i.e. follow up, searching for jobs, etc.).
 Track your activity and make daily and weekly adjustments.
 Know when to perform certain types of activity to get the
most favorable results.
 Know the best times to use the phone, the best strategies,
and the best content to leave in voice mails when you need
to leave a message.
 Know how to engage and enlist the assistance of others in helping
you get consideration for roles, or getting leverage.
 Know how to increase your VIRTUAL Subject Matter
Expertise (SME) so that your footprint grows day by day
and week by week.
 Learn the seemingly little insignificant things to do using
social media that others don’t know, or know and don’t do,
that is the very GOLD that creates a successful job search.
is not working,
So What PROCESS Has Changed?
 Know the VALUE you bring to the table.
 How is it different from others with a similar skill set?
 What is the best language to use to articulate it?
 How can you brand it so it is desirable?
 How can you tie it to their need?
 How can you make it so crystal clear, that they get it?
 How can you emotionalize it so they have to have it/you?
 You need to know how to share your VALUE and Subject Matter
Expertise concisely (think: Elevator Speech).
 You need to be able to articulate your VALUE and SME in
terms of initiatives and outcomes (think: Many examples).
 You need to be able to articulate the BENEFIT others
 You need to demonstrate a Subject Matter Expertise based
on VALUE, not just skill.
 How do you make a place better because you are part of it?
 How have you made situations better because of your
 How have you solved existing problems?
 How have you identified and eliminated root causes for
reoccurring problems?
 How has the top line or bottom line improved as a result
of your contribution? (Psst---monkeys can cut costs---growing
revenue is more important, challenging, and valued).
If your VALUE &
SME is not working,
So What PROCESS Has Changed?
 It is heavily automated.
 It is heavily compliance focused.
 It is heavily risk adverse.
 It is heavily bureaucratic and filled with unnecessary
red tape. (Psst---you aren’t going to change it!).
 It is heavily dysfunctional.
 It is NOT candidate focused. MOST large corporations do not
care about you. Employees are an expense. They are expendable.
 Work within the corporate process and use it to work for you.
 Learn how to play the game.
 Learn how and where you can affect it, and where you
need to just turn your attention elsewhere.
 Getting angry or frustrated over what is commonly known
is a poor allocation of your energy and time. You can control
you. Focus on what you can control. Ignore that which you
cannot control.
If your ability to
navigate the CORP
PROCESS is not
working, GET HELP!
So What PROCESS Has Changed?
 Make sure you penetrate enough of the proprietary databases of
corporate America and the recruiting industry.
 Statistically, meeting with firms to tell your story or to just
get in front of them is a poor use of time. Generally, only meet
with firms who have a potential opening.
 Focus your time on high percentage value return tasks.
Eliminate shots in the dark. You will get further ahead each
day and week than chasing empty treasure chests.
 Let the recruiting firms do their job. If you know them and
they know you, and they are not calling you over a role you
know of, they are doing you a favor.
 Todays highly sophisticated, technologically advanced, and
process driven firms are very efficient and effective. Unless you
are dealing with a firm comprised of “kids” or the franchises,
trust that they are doing their job.
 Every time you follow up you take their time and offer no
value in return. Do this more than once, and you begin to
break down the relationship while engaging in poor return
activity for yourself.
If your ability to
navigate the REC
PROCESS is not
working, GET HELP!
The Key to Succeeding is
So What Do I Focus on First?
 People who see unemployment/job search as
a gift succeed better, faster, and find it to be
 People who realize they have been given the
greatest gift in unemployment and use it as
such, land much more quickly, and find their
entire life has improved during their time of
 It is a matter of perspective and choosing to
use that most important precious gift well.
 It is a matter of perspective and choosing to
use that most important precious gift well.
 For those wise souls who realize there is a
second gift hidden in the first gift, they learn
an incredible life lesson to benefit them with
each passing day.
 They also learn how to live life better, more
fully, and with more enthusiasm than they
have previously.
 Start with the basics.
 You need to put life changing information
into your mind, daily.
 Read, listen, or watch content that will affect
your mind, soul, and spirit to succeed and be
 It is a choice with a lasting effect either way.
What Do I Focus on Next?
 Start with the basics.
 You need to put job search tactical and
strategic information into your mind, daily.
 Hire a job search coach to help you learn
better, faster, and make the journey more
 It is a choice with a lasting effect either way.
What Do I Focus on Next?
 Start with the basics. One step at a time.
 Focus on implementing 3-5 new things per
day initially.
 Speed up the process of learning AND using.
 It is a choice with a lasting effect either way.
What Do I Focus on Next?
 Start with the basics.
 What can you learn AND use to drive
improvement in your progress each week?
 How can you EVOLVE and do things that
make the very success you want more
 It is a choice with a lasting effect either way.
 LinkedIn ACTIVE DAILY use?
 LinkedIn GROUP DAILY use?
 Twitter ACTIVE DAILY use?
 Creating SME content?
 Doing high productivity things FIRST, then
lower priority tasks second?
What Do I Focus on Next?
 You MUST use an automated product (NOT
Outlook) to manage your activity, progress,
and your future activity with alerts and to do
 You are building a database and system to
use for the rest of your career---far beyond
your current job search.
 Use a FOLDER system for each firm you
come in contact with to store all emails.
 Create a contact in your CONTACT MANAGER
for each person you meet at each firm. You
are creating life long contacts not contacts
just for your immediate need.
 Use a smartphone with full integration with
your notebook/desktop.
What Do I Focus on Next?
 Start with the basics.
 Map out 30 day goals for yourself in terms of
core areas: Job search, health, relationships,
home front, family, spiritual, etc.
 Come up with 3 things in each area to focus
on for the 30 days. For job search, come up
with 3 per day.
 Define net outcomes with each goal that you
wish to achieve. Make it measurable,
realistic, yet challenging.
 Identify what you need to do and stop doing
in order to hit the goal.
 Identify new habits that have to be created,
and old habits that have to be shed.
 Create project tracking documents.
 Use Maslow’s Model of Competency to
analyze your level of skill in each area and
identify the quadrant you wish to grow to.
 Go to work.
At the end of each day, and at the end of each
week measure for success and areas needed
for improvement. Make the changes necessary
to achieve success.
 Use the START/STOP/MORE/LESS model.
What Do I Focus on Next?
 Start with the basics.
 Have a goal in each area, and have a way of
measuring as well as forms to document
 Tools like LinkedIn provide 20+ major ways
to measure and apply metrics.
 It is a choice with lasting effect either way.
What Do I Focus on Next?
 Start with the basics.
 Understand the tool---it is NOT your online
 Understand the tool---it is one of the virtual
and social tools you will use to create your
virtual portfolio.
 This tool and others like Twitter will allow
you to build virtual SME and help others find
 Learn the best practices of using LinkedIn
and eliminate the GOTCHA’S of how you are
using it to maximize the value it can bring to
 You MUST be active (daily) during critical
times when your content and activity is most
likely to be viewed by others.
 Watch a webinar on LinkedIn.
 Go to a physical LinkedIn meeting.
 Hire a job search coach who can do
knowledge transfer.
 Master the proper use of this tool ASAP.
What Do I Focus on Next?
Tier 1 Sites!
Tier 1 Sites!
 Start with the basics.
 (jobs area AND groups)
What Do I Focus on Next?
Tier 2 Sites!
Tier 2 Sites!
 Start with the basics.
 (Beware of “Phil)
What Do I Focus on Next?
Tier 3 Sites!
Tier 3 Sites!
 Start with the basics.
What Do I Focus on Next?
Tier 4 Sites!
Tier 4 Sites!
 Start with the basics.
 Top 50 niche boards:
What Do I Focus on Next?
 Start with the basics.
 Just register and create a profile.
 You do not need to understand the tool or
how to use it.
 Link it to your LinkedIn account so your
posts on LinkedIn are automatically shared
via your Twitter account.
 Learn how to use Twitter as a job search
engine to alert you to job openings.
 Learn how many jobs are only available on
Twitter, and find those jobs.
 Learn how to use Twitter to increase your
networking, share your SME, and be more
findable, especially by those who do not
know you.
 Enlarge your virtual footprint through daily
What Do I Focus on Next?
Social Activity!
Social Activity!
 Start with the basics.
What Do I Focus on Next?
 LiveInbox (Outlook add on).
 SimplyFile (Outlook add on).
 M8 Toolbox (copy and paste utility for
automating online applying and
creating templates for LinkedIn and
email responses.
 Social360 (Chrome Add on)
 Connectifier (Chrome Add on)
The Choice
is Yours!
Start with the
It is a choice with
a lasting effect
either way.
Knowing and
not using……
… like
never knowing
at all.
Remember This!
Laka & Company
Greg David

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Career Management and Job Search Troubleshooting 101/201 (part 1 of 2 part series)

  • 1. Career management and job search TROUBLESHOOTING 101/201---The resume, online professional profiles, and driving job search activity. Greg David Laka & Company
  • 2. The Job Search Process Has Changed.
  • 3. In the old model, job seekers were MOTHS flocking toward a light or flame (jobs). That process no longer works except through luck or right place/right time.
  • 4. Luck and right place/right time is NO WAY to responsibly manage a successful job search. They key is to LEARN the NEW MODEL, and APPLY it RAPIDLY.
  • 5. So What PROCESS Has Changed? DIRECTION!
  • 6.  The OLD MODEL was doing a UNI-DIRECTIONAL search.  Info flowed outward. PUSH APPROACH.  Throw resumes at openings.  Same resume for each opening.  No focus on branding or SME. DIRECTION:
  • 7.  The NEW MODEL uses a BI-DIRECTIONAL process.  This emphasis is on a PULL APPROACH.  The focus is on RELATIONSHIP and SME building. DIRECTION:
  • 8.  The NEW MODEL also focuses on getting jobs to come to you---without you applying.  You become findable which most job seekers are not today.  You are findable to people in and out of your network.  People take action to contact you before others. DIRECTION:
  • 9. You Are No Longer The Moth!
  • 10. You Are No Longer The Moth!
  • 11. You Are No Longer The Moth!
  • 12. You Are No Longer The Moth!
  • 13. You Are No Longer The Moth!
  • 14. So What PROCESS Has Changed? APPLYING!
  • 15.  You do not apply for multiple jobs with different scopes.  You do not apply for roles where you do not see a scope to scope match.  You do not apply for roles where you do not fit at least 90% of the requirements.  You do not apply for roles based on title fit. Scope fit is the only thing that matters.  You need to mirror them, their culture, their need, their profile. APPLYING!
  • 16.  You do not want to commit RESUME SPAM or become known as a RESUME SPAMMER.  You do not apply for a role and then try and network your way in or with people within the firm. KISS OF DEATH!  When you apply, realize that the requirements you read are NOT the only requirements. There are usually other requirements not posted/included and a profile they are hunting for. APPLYING!
  • 17.  Use automated tools to help complete on-line applications more accurately and more quickly.  Use social media to learn of jobs that you may fit so you are automating this process, and not searching for roles manually.  Make your Subject Matter Expertise clear and compelling so you can have jobs find you and you are pulled into the candidate pool.  Make it easy for them to rule you in or rule you out. If you are known to them and they are not contacting you, trust their judgment. Every time you follow up, you take time, offer no value. APPLYING!
  • 18. APPLYING! If applying is not working, GET HELP!
  • 19. So What PROCESS Has Changed? RESUMES!
  • 20.  Selectively applying and branding for each role applied for. Different resume for different roles.  More experience is NOT good if you wish to be considered.  Resumes with typos are not good (90%+ have typos & over-capitalization and intermittent use of periods are typos. Numbers less than 12 need to be spelled out).  Irrelevant info is not good---experience not part of their duties or requirements is irrelevant data and unappealing. RESUMES!
  • 21.  LinkedIn profile URL MUST be on the resume.  Twitter address must be on the resume.  Resume needs to have hidden keyword data.  Summaries/objectives not your friend unless customized.  Titles are not your friend unless title/scope match.  Years of experience or BIG DOG words not helpful unless matches duties, requirements, and profile. RESUMES!
  • 22.  Resumes need to be sent out via automated distribution tools.  Resumes need to be uploaded and (multiple) profiles created on major resume boards/sites.  Resumes need to be refreshed on key resume sites, often daily to spike activity and continue being found.  Resumes need to have more content, not less. The goal is provide enough information so they do not need to speak with you to learn about you. That takes too long and the cost of labor too high. RESUMES!
  • 23.  Resumes need to be attached to your LinkedIn profile and be downloadable.  Store the unique resumes you send out using the format of John.Doe.Allstate.Project.Manager.2.10.2014.doc  Use tools to track emails of resumes sent and post application communication (i.e. LiveInbox).  Never claim to be perfect fit, and never state you look forward to speaking soon. Instead, let them off the hook: “Should you feel my credentials a match for your need, I welcome the opportunity to speak.” RESUMES!
  • 24.  Have URL links in resume to virtual evidence of Subject Matter Expertise.  When communicating with people regarding a role that you do have interest in, or are pending with, include your resume in follow up emails.  There is NO law against having different versions of your resume on resume sites and attached to your LinkedIn profile.  Using the header or footer of the resume to store your contact information means it will be often deleted. RESUMES!
  • 25.  Not having your address on the resume means you won’t be considered for many roles.  Your resume needs to capture their attention for their “profile” target, culture fit, skill fit, and it has to make it easy for them to see you there doing this job.  Your resume is a fishing “lure”. It needs to pull them to you. Beating them into submission with your “lure” is not advisable. RESUMES!
  • 26.  Asking a recruiter for their opinion of your resume is a sign of incompetence in understanding the most basic element of job search.  The only person you ask for advice or guidance is a job search coach who has skill in this area, or someone who has a core skill in the design, creation, and editing of resumes.  Asking anyone else only gives you one thing----their opinion which is based on their personal preference. None of that is based on anything useful. The other problem is these armchair quarterbacks do not even know that they do not know. RESUMES!
  • 27. If your resume is not working, GET HELP! RESUMES!
  • 28. So What PROCESS Has Changed? RECRUITERS!
  • 29.  Your “old network” of recruiting firms is not large enough.  Do not do word of mouth manual recruiter calls/emails.  Do not try to blindly meet with recruiters.  Do not try to tell your story of what you are looking for.  Do not share your views on your “ideal” role. When asked, share as little “preference” data as possible. It will be used against you if you become more flexible down the road. RECRUITERS!
  • 30.  You are being interviewed and judged in each conversation you have with professional recruiters. Do NOT take off your interview hat.  Recruiters do NOT create jobs and opportunity for you. They often have little to no control over what they have and when they have it. What they have is indicative of what their clients bring them.  Keeping your name in front of recruiters or following up blindly is an extremely poor and outdated job search technique. It does not increase your odds of them helping you and actually may hurt you. RECRUITERS!
  • 31.  Your target for a “base” of recruiting firms needs to be ample enough to generate activity. For most this is 2500 or more.  If you are surprised at that number or think you have never needed that many before, that is a validation you are not in tune with the market and how it really works.  If that number does not generate ample activity, then you need to increase it until there is ample activity.  Use the same automated tool identified earlier to automate the process of connecting with search firms. Your goal is to penetrate the proprietary database of every firm in the country. RECRUITERS!
  • 32.  Be active and findable in the places where recruiters go to look for talent.  Besides the job boards, and having a LinkedIn profile you need to be in places where people hunt for SME skills.  Within LinkedIn, you need to be STRONG in share activity, number of connections, skills rating, profile ranking, group discussion and participation, profile robustness, SME content evidence, and profile optimization.  Outside of LI, it is all about sites like and other content or SME sharing sites. RECRUITERS!
  • 33. RECRUITERS! If your recruiter network is not working, GET HELP!
  • 34. So What PROCESS Has Changed? ACTIVITY!
  • 35.  YOU control YOUR activity! ONLY YOU CONTROL THIS!  The economy, government, politicians, corporate America, the boogeyman----no one controls this or is a factor.  Get away from others with low activity. It is a symptom of a potential sickness or disease and you do not want to catch it.  Get away from negativity and triggers that cause you to be negative.  You CAN control your activity and grow it using very simple steps. ACTIVITY!
  • 36.  Have goals for your activity in each area.  Have metrics in each area to measure success/failure and improvement.  Continuously learn from the right professionals on how to improve in each area and troubleshoot areas of difficulty.  Consistently learn of NEW things to drive activity! The market is always changing, new tools are always available, and how you use existing tools continues to change. ACTIVITY!
  • 37.  Automate your job search where you can.  Automate learning of job openings.  Automate penetrating corporate and recruitment resume databases.  Automate corporations and recruiting firms finding out about you.  Automate building your address book and contact list. ACTIVITY!
  • 38.  Eliminate low value return activity that takes up valuable time (i.e. follow up, searching for jobs, etc.).  Track your activity and make daily and weekly adjustments.  Know when to perform certain types of activity to get the most favorable results.  Know the best times to use the phone, the best strategies, and the best content to leave in voice mails when you need to leave a message. ACTIVITY!
  • 39.  Know how to engage and enlist the assistance of others in helping you get consideration for roles, or getting leverage.  Know how to increase your VIRTUAL Subject Matter Expertise (SME) so that your footprint grows day by day and week by week.  Learn the seemingly little insignificant things to do using social media that others don’t know, or know and don’t do, that is the very GOLD that creates a successful job search. ACTIVITY!
  • 40. ACTIVITY! If your ACTIVITY is not working, GET HELP!
  • 41. So What PROCESS Has Changed? VALUE!
  • 42.  Know the VALUE you bring to the table.  How is it different from others with a similar skill set?  What is the best language to use to articulate it?  How can you brand it so it is desirable?  How can you tie it to their need?  How can you make it so crystal clear, that they get it?  How can you emotionalize it so they have to have it/you? VALUE!
  • 43.  You need to know how to share your VALUE and Subject Matter Expertise concisely (think: Elevator Speech).  You need to be able to articulate your VALUE and SME in terms of initiatives and outcomes (think: Many examples).  You need to be able to articulate the BENEFIT others received.  You need to demonstrate a Subject Matter Expertise based on VALUE, not just skill. VALUE!
  • 44.  How do you make a place better because you are part of it?  How have you made situations better because of your contributions?  How have you solved existing problems?  How have you identified and eliminated root causes for reoccurring problems?  How has the top line or bottom line improved as a result of your contribution? (Psst---monkeys can cut costs---growing revenue is more important, challenging, and valued). VALUE!
  • 45. VALUE! If your VALUE & SME is not working, GET HELP!
  • 46. So What PROCESS Has Changed? CORP PROCESS!
  • 47.  It is heavily automated.  It is heavily compliance focused.  It is heavily risk adverse.  It is heavily bureaucratic and filled with unnecessary red tape. (Psst---you aren’t going to change it!).  It is heavily dysfunctional.  It is NOT candidate focused. MOST large corporations do not care about you. Employees are an expense. They are expendable. CORP PROCESS!
  • 48.  Work within the corporate process and use it to work for you.  Learn how to play the game.  Learn how and where you can affect it, and where you need to just turn your attention elsewhere.  Getting angry or frustrated over what is commonly known is a poor allocation of your energy and time. You can control you. Focus on what you can control. Ignore that which you cannot control. CORP PROCESS!
  • 49. CORP PROCESS! If your ability to navigate the CORP PROCESS is not working, GET HELP!
  • 50. So What PROCESS Has Changed? REC PROCESS!
  • 51.  Make sure you penetrate enough of the proprietary databases of corporate America and the recruiting industry.  Statistically, meeting with firms to tell your story or to just get in front of them is a poor use of time. Generally, only meet with firms who have a potential opening.  Focus your time on high percentage value return tasks. Eliminate shots in the dark. You will get further ahead each day and week than chasing empty treasure chests. REC PROCESS!
  • 52.  Let the recruiting firms do their job. If you know them and they know you, and they are not calling you over a role you know of, they are doing you a favor.  Todays highly sophisticated, technologically advanced, and process driven firms are very efficient and effective. Unless you are dealing with a firm comprised of “kids” or the franchises, trust that they are doing their job.  Every time you follow up you take their time and offer no value in return. Do this more than once, and you begin to break down the relationship while engaging in poor return activity for yourself. REC PROCESS!
  • 53. REC PROCESS! If your ability to navigate the REC PROCESS is not working, GET HELP!
  • 54. The Key to Succeeding is LEARNING!
  • 55. The Key is LEARNING…..DAILY!
  • 56. The Key is APPLYING…..DAILY!
  • 57. So What Do I Focus on First? ATTITUDE!
  • 58. ATTITUDE!  People who see unemployment/job search as a gift succeed better, faster, and find it to be rewarding.  People who realize they have been given the greatest gift in unemployment and use it as such, land much more quickly, and find their entire life has improved during their time of transition.  It is a matter of perspective and choosing to use that most important precious gift well.
  • 59. ATTITUDE!  It is a matter of perspective and choosing to use that most important precious gift well.  For those wise souls who realize there is a second gift hidden in the first gift, they learn an incredible life lesson to benefit them with each passing day.  They also learn how to live life better, more fully, and with more enthusiasm than they have previously.
  • 60. ATTITUDE!  Start with the basics.  You need to put life changing information into your mind, daily.  Read, listen, or watch content that will affect your mind, soul, and spirit to succeed and be fulfilled.  It is a choice with a lasting effect either way.
  • 61. What Do I Focus on Next? LEARN!
  • 62. LEARN!  Start with the basics.  You need to put job search tactical and strategic information into your mind, daily.  Hire a job search coach to help you learn better, faster, and make the journey more successful.  It is a choice with a lasting effect either way.
  • 63. What Do I Focus on Next? CHANGE!
  • 64. CHANGE!  Start with the basics. One step at a time.  Focus on implementing 3-5 new things per day initially.  Speed up the process of learning AND using.  It is a choice with a lasting effect either way.
  • 65. What Do I Focus on Next? ADAPT!
  • 66. ADAPT!  Start with the basics.  What can you learn AND use to drive improvement in your progress each week?  How can you EVOLVE and do things that make the very success you want more obtainable?  It is a choice with a lasting effect either way.
  • 67. ADAPT!  LinkedIn ACTIVE DAILY use?  LinkedIn GROUP DAILY use?  Twitter ACTIVE DAILY use?  Creating SME content?  Doing high productivity things FIRST, then lower priority tasks second?
  • 68. What Do I Focus on Next? ORGANIZATION!
  • 69. ORGANIZATION!  Use a CONTACT MANAGER!!!  You MUST use an automated product (NOT Outlook) to manage your activity, progress, and your future activity with alerts and to do lists.  You are building a database and system to use for the rest of your career---far beyond your current job search.
  • 70. ORGANIZATION!  Use a FOLDER system for each firm you come in contact with to store all emails.  Create a contact in your CONTACT MANAGER for each person you meet at each firm. You are creating life long contacts not contacts just for your immediate need.  Use a smartphone with full integration with your notebook/desktop.
  • 71. What Do I Focus on Next? GOALS!
  • 72. GOALS!  Start with the basics.  Map out 30 day goals for yourself in terms of core areas: Job search, health, relationships, home front, family, spiritual, etc.  Come up with 3 things in each area to focus on for the 30 days. For job search, come up with 3 per day.
  • 73. GOALS!  Define net outcomes with each goal that you wish to achieve. Make it measurable, realistic, yet challenging.  Identify what you need to do and stop doing in order to hit the goal.  Identify new habits that have to be created, and old habits that have to be shed.  Create project tracking documents.
  • 74. GOALS!  Use Maslow’s Model of Competency to analyze your level of skill in each area and identify the quadrant you wish to grow to.  Go to work. At the end of each day, and at the end of each week measure for success and areas needed for improvement. Make the changes necessary to achieve success.  Use the START/STOP/MORE/LESS model.
  • 75. What Do I Focus on Next? METRICS!
  • 76. METRICS!  Start with the basics.  Have a goal in each area, and have a way of measuring as well as forms to document data.  Tools like LinkedIn provide 20+ major ways to measure and apply metrics.  It is a choice with lasting effect either way.
  • 77. What Do I Focus on Next? LinkedIn!
  • 78. LinkedIn!  Start with the basics.  Understand the tool---it is NOT your online resume.  Understand the tool---it is one of the virtual and social tools you will use to create your virtual portfolio.  This tool and others like Twitter will allow you to build virtual SME and help others find you.
  • 79. LinkedIn!  Learn the best practices of using LinkedIn and eliminate the GOTCHA’S of how you are using it to maximize the value it can bring to you.  DO NOT USE THE FREE VERSION UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.  You MUST be active (daily) during critical times when your content and activity is most likely to be viewed by others.
  • 80. LinkedIn!  Watch a webinar on LinkedIn.  Go to a physical LinkedIn meeting.  Hire a job search coach who can do knowledge transfer.  Master the proper use of this tool ASAP.
  • 81. What Do I Focus on Next? Tier 1 Sites!
  • 82. Tier 1 Sites!  Start with the basics.     (jobs area AND groups)
  • 83. What Do I Focus on Next? Tier 2 Sites!
  • 84. Tier 2 Sites!  Start with the basics.       (Beware of “Phil)
  • 85. What Do I Focus on Next? Tier 3 Sites!
  • 86. Tier 3 Sites!  Start with the basics.    
  • 87. What Do I Focus on Next? Tier 4 Sites!
  • 88. Tier 4 Sites!  Start with the basics.    Top 50 niche boards:
  • 89. What Do I Focus on Next? Twitter!
  • 90. TWITTER!  Start with the basics.  Just register and create a profile.  You do not need to understand the tool or how to use it.  Link it to your LinkedIn account so your posts on LinkedIn are automatically shared via your Twitter account.
  • 91. TWITTER!  Learn how to use Twitter as a job search engine to alert you to job openings.  Learn how many jobs are only available on Twitter, and find those jobs.  Learn how to use Twitter to increase your networking, share your SME, and be more findable, especially by those who do not know you.  Enlarge your virtual footprint through daily activity.
  • 92. What Do I Focus on Next? Social Activity!
  • 93. Social Activity!  Start with the basics.      
  • 94. What Do I Focus on Next? Tools!
  • 95. Tools!  LiveInbox (Outlook add on).  SimplyFile (Outlook add on).  M8 Toolbox (copy and paste utility for automating online applying and creating templates for LinkedIn and email responses.  Social360 (Chrome Add on)  Connectifier (Chrome Add on)
  • 98. Start with the basics. It is a choice with a lasting effect either way.
  • 99. Knowing and not using…… … like never knowing at all. Remember This!