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        Career Guidance

For Senior Secondary Students

•   Why Career Guidance ?
                            • Current Status
•   Current Trends
                            • Career Plans
•   Who are Responsible ?
                            • Further Impacts
•   Career – A Foundation
                            • Career Selection
•   The Career Cycle
                            • Course / College Selection
•   Why Select a Career ?
•   Planning Your Career
•   Stumbling Blocks
•   Reading Skills

Why Career Guidance ?
Today’s Generation Students.…
•   Never plan for their future.     • Select a career in dejection.
•   Follow the crowd.                •   Jump into any career.
•   Choose by influence of others.   •   Are totally away from
•   Accept the parent’s verdict by       realities.
    force.                           •   Lack Counseling facilities.
•   Get tempted by current trends. •     Live in Fantasy World.
•   Influenced by media.             •   Lack Motivation.
                                     •   Fail to “Discover their
                                         Lives”                        4
Current Trends
• AIM LESS process
• Focus is lost
• Efforts to increase quantity
• Less Statistical Analysis
• No match between Current
  Process & Future
• Increasing Competition
• Survival of the fittest • Less influence – Parents, Teachers, etc.
                            • Education for all – Good & Bad
                            • Increasing demand for quality.
                            • Increasing Dropouts
                            • Decline in the efforts of Good people.
                            • ……. ( can we end this list ?)

Who are Responsible ?
• Students themselves.
• Parents – Most of them.
• Society / Social strata.
• Social Organizations.
• Government.
• People who have knowledge.
• People who can influence others for Good.
• People who achieved success but forgot others.

Career – A Foundation
What is Career?
   Profession or occupation with opportunities for advancement
   or promotion and not just livelihood.

Time Management
   Prioritize works.
   Take tough job and don’t delay.
   Make schedule with 5minutes break per hour.

SWOT Analysis [Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats]

Career Life System

Career Cycle - 1
Career Planets





                                    A path that leads to
                              Advancement & Promotion in Life

Career Cycle - 2
Steps to Progress


       Self Belief       5 Crucial Factors


                                 A path that makes some obtain their
                                   wishes: course, job and location
Why Select a Career ?
• We have been created Unique [Ex. Fingerprint].
• We are born only once.
• We spend almost 40 years on our work.
• A total of over 80,000 hrs we “work”.
• Ask yourself.
• A billion Dollar Question “How should I spend these 80,000
  hrs before I die ????? ”
• Better an original cow than a duplicate Tiger

Planning your career - 1
•   Course Selection.
•   Better Family Life.
•   Helping the Nation.
•   Develop Skills, Motivation, Plan Intelligently.
•   Improve Reading.
•   Enlist Interested Career/Profession.
•   Make Check-list.
•   Crack the Entrance Exam that suits you.
•   Get Advice.
•   Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

Planning your career - 2
• No short-cut to success (Hard work)
• Career plan at 9th standard
• Formal schooling, subjects at school, professional/technical
  course, job offer
• change of job, place of work, type of organization you want
  to work for, your career and home life.
• Marks secured in 10th, 12th Std and Bachelor degrees are
  considered for jobs.

Lets Think
About Engineering…

What is Engineering?
Engineers apply principles of mathematics
                         and science for the betterment of society
   What is               through:
According to Webster’s

 The application of
math and science by
which the properties
 of matter and the
sources of energy in
  nature are made
     to people.

                          Above all, engineers are problem solvers who make things
                          work better, more efficiently, faster and economical.
Engineering Disciplines

      Core Disciplines               Other Disciplines

•Computer Science Engg.                • Automotive
•Information Technology                • Aerospace
•Electronics & Communication Engg.     • Agricultural
•Mechanical Engg.                      • Biomedical
•Civil Engg.                          •Environmental
•Electrical Engg.                       • Materials
                                          • Nuclear
                                         • Robotics
                                           • Safety
                                        • Chemical
                                        • Industrial
   Computer science is the study of computation (more than just
       It involves all aspects of problem solving, including
         1.  The design and analysis of algorithms
         2.  The development of computational devices for executing
         3.  The theoretical study of the power and limitations of computing

   Whether this constitutes a "science" is a matter of interpretation
     Certainly, computer science represents a rigorous approach to
      understanding complex phenomena and problem solving

 The process developed by the scientific community for examining.
 Observations and events is known as the scientific method.

The distinction between computer science and
  natural sciences like biology, chemistry, and
  physics is the type of systems being studied.
      Natural sciences study naturally occurring
       phenomena and attempt to extract underlying
       laws of nature
      Computer science study human-made constructs:
       programs, computers, and computational modes

Herbert Simon coined the phrase "artificial science"
  to distinguish computer science from the natural
   since computation encompasses many different types of activities,
    computer science research is often difficult to classify
       three recurring themes define the discipline

 Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer
  and its supporting devices.
 Most modern computers implement the Von Neumann
    CPU + Memory + Input/output Devices
 Ongoing research seeks to improve hardware design and

 Software refers to the programs that execute on computers.
 3 Basic software categories
    Systems software: Programs that directly control the
     execution of hardware components (e.g., Operating
    Development software: Programs that are used as tools in
     the development of other programs (e.g. Microsoft.NET,
     java SDK)
    Applications software: All other programs, which perform
     a wide variety of tasks (e.g., Web browsers, word
     processors, games)

"Computer Science" is the mixture and
application   of   "Applied Mathematics",
"Electrical Engineering", and "Complexity
Theory/Algorithms" to understand and/or
model information. In other words, the
"field of computation".

                     "Information Technology" is the mixture
                     and    application   of    "Programming",
                     "Hardware     Administration",   "Software
                     Administration", "Networking", "Network
                     Security" and "Technical Support". In other
                     words, the "management of computers".
Other Definition
Hardware (computers, data storage)
Software (programming, operating Systems)
Digital systems
Computer architecture
Major Employers
What is Civil Engineering?

 Do you enjoy solving problems and
  putting your ideas into action?
 Are you curious about how things work
  and how to make them better?
 Are you interested in improving the
 environment?
 Are you socially aware and interested in
  helping people live better?
What is Civil Engineering?
  If you share some of the traits, civil engineering may be the
   perfect career for you.
  Civil engineers also are usually good problem solvers who
   make sound decisions.
  Civil engineers are good communicators, using speaking,
   writing, and listening skills.
What Is Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering: The Past
From the pyramids of Egypt to the exploration of space, civil engineers have
always faced the challenges of the future - advancing civilization and building
our quality of life
What Is Civil Engineering?

 Civil Engineering: has developed from observations of the ways
  natural and constructed systems react and from the development of
  empirical equations that provide bases for design.
 Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields.
 Civil engineering is still an umbrella field comprising many related
What Is Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering: The Present
In modern usage, civil engineering
is a broad field of engineering that
deals with the planning, construction,
and maintenance of fixed structures,
or public works,
As they are related to earth, water,
or civilization and their processes.
Most civil engineering today deals
with power plants, bridges, roads,
railways, structures, water supply,
Irrigation, environment, sewer,
flood control and traffic.
What is Civil Engineering?

Civil Engineering: The Present
►The first self-proclaimed Civil Engineer was
John Smeaton (1724-1792).
►In 1818 the Institution of Civil Engineers was
founded in London and received a Royal
Charter in 1828, formally recognizing civil
engineering as a profession.
►The first degree in Civil Engineering in the
United States was awarded by Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute in 1835.
►The first such degree to be awarded to a
woman was granted by Cornell University to
Nora Stanton Blatch in 1905.
Careers in Civil Engineering

 Structural (buildings, bridges, tunnels)
 Transportation (highways, railroads, canals)
 Environmental (air pollution management)
 Water resources (flood control)
 Geotechnical (mining)
 Surveying & Construction
Jobs in Civil Engineering

     Major Employers
What is Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical engineering plays a
dominant role in enhancing safety,
economic vitality, enjoyment and
overall quality of life throughout the
world. Mechanical engineers are
concerned with the principles of
force, energy and motion. The men
and women who work as
mechanical         engineers       are
professionals         with      expert
knowledge of the design and
manufacture of mechanical systems
and thermal devices and processes.
What is Mechanical Engineering?

Some examples of products and
processes developed by mechanical
include engines and control
systems for automobiles and aircraft,
electric power generation plants,
lifesaving medical devices
and consumer products ranging
from air conditioners to personal
computers and athletic equipment.
What is Mechanical Engineering?

They also design the
machines      that     mass-
produce these products.
Virtually every aspect of life
is touched by mechanical
If something moves or uses
energy,     a     mechanical
engineer was probably
involved in its designer
Careers in Mechanical Engg.

            Mechanical Engineering
  Energy (power plants, heating and air conditioning,
     alternative energy)
    Structures and motion in mechanical systems (cars,
     planes, machine tools, medical systems)
    Manufacturing (tools and processes, automated
     assembly lines, robotics)
    Project Engineering
    Petroleum Engineering
Jobs in Mechanical Engg.

      Top Companies Employers
What is Electrical Engineering?

•Electrical engineering is a field of
engineering that generally deals with
the study and application of electricity,
electronics and electromagnetism.

•The field first became an identifiable
occupation in the late nineteenth
century after commercialization of the
electric telegraph and electrical power
What is Electrical Engineering?

•Electrical engineering is considered
to deal with the problems associated
with large-scale electrical systems
such as power transmission and
motor      control    interconnection

•It now covers a range of subtopics
including power, electronics, control
systems, signal processing and
Careers in Electrical Engineering

           Electrical Engineering
 Electronics (circuits, microchips, lasers)
 Communications (cell phones, antennas,
  networks, fibre-optics)
 Power (transmission and distribution of power,
  electric motors, and generators)
 Controls (automated control systems, aerospace
  control systems)
 Instrumentation (test equipment)
Jobs in Electrical Engineering

         Major Employers
What is Electronic & Communications

•Electronics & communication is
one of the largest & most
sophisticated    branches   of

•Electronics is the branch of
Science,      engineering and
technology that deals with
electronic circuits.
What is Electronic & Communications

•In India electronics is one of the
fastest growing industries.
•The programs aim to impart
expert knowledge in electronics
and communication Engineering.
•With Special focus in design,
analysis and manufacturing of
electronic        devices      and
components , Integrated circuits,
Wireless Devices , digital and
analog circuitry.
Careers in E&C Engineering
Jobs in E&C Engineering
Jobs in E&C Engineering

      Major Employers
What Types of Jobs Would a Engineer Do?

 Normally will be assigned as a member of a
  project team
 Research (analysing and solving problems using
  scientific skills and logic)
 Designing (need imagination and creativity)
 Testing (lab work, conducting experiments)
 Development (improvement or adapting existing
What Types of Jobs Would a Engineer Do?

 Sales (must have a very good knowledge of the
  product, because the marketing people may not be
 Management – organising and expediting projects
 Consulting
 Teaching
What can you expect from an engineering career?

 Varied opportunities (opens the door to many
 Challenging work (brain exercise)
 Social impact (improving our way of life)
 Prestige (engineering is a well respected
 Lifelong education (always new things to learn
 How do they do that (curiosity)
 Creative thinking (dreaming)

Shri Siddhi
 Group Of
Approved by AICTE
Affiliated to G.B. Technical
    University, Lucknow

An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution
Shri Siddhi Vinayak
Group Of Institutions

    Reception Hall
Institute for Management
Institute for Management
  Management Block
“Our Mission at Shri Siddhi Vinayak Group of Institutions is
  that every student of ours becomes a success story”
To strive for excellence in education , research & technology to enable
  our students to become responsible & useful citizens of the country.

It is true that destiny of our nation & global village are shaped in the
   class rooms of educational institutions. With this dream in mind was
   sowed a seed in the fertile soil of the luscious landscape of Bareilly.

I trust that your stay in the college will be richly rewarding & immensely
                   I Wish my Students all the best ………

                                                       Anupam Kapoor
   Holistic approach to impart Quality Technical
   Highly    Experienced     and    Committed     Faculty
    (M.Techs and PhDs)
    Assured Placement
   Wi-Fi, Eco-friendly campus and most modern
    infrastructure with lift (Lift facility proposed)
   Well Stocked Air Conditioned Library
   Separate Furnished Hostels for Boys and Girls
   Modern and Comfortable buses for students and
   State of art Computer Lab and Workshop
   Attractive scheme for Scholarships and Awards on
    recognition of merit
   Strong Industrial Linkage
 Well Stocked Air Conditioned

          State of art Computer Lab
          and Workshop
Modern and Comfortable buses for students and

                       Separate Furnished Hostels for Boys
                        and Girls
Scholarship Available at SSVGI
•A winner’s mindset - Right person with the right
 skills at right place – right time
•Creating a High Performance Culture
              Raising the Performance Bar
Oracle               Microsoft

UBS Warburg                                            John Deere

 Goldman Sachs

  SAP                                                                          Hewlett Packard

GENPACT                                                                             Nokia

                                                                               Texas Instruments
                                          ANZ Bank
                                                                                  General Motors
                     Lehman Brothers             Standard Chartered Bank
Director (SSVIT)

     Dr. Anil Kumar
     B.Tech., DISM, M.Tech., Ph.D.
     Specialization: Mechanical
Electronics & Communication Engineering   Full Time   120

Information Technology                    Full Time   60

Computer Science & Engineering            Full Time   60

Mechanical Engineering                    Full Time   120

Civil Engineering                         Full Time   60

Electrical Engineering                    Full Time   60
 Your Gateway to success
 …… .. Knowledge beyond

The Two Year (Full Time) MBA program,
 affiliated to G B Technical University,
(SSVIM)   Dr.Raj Kumar
          M.Com., Ph.D.
          Specialization: Finance
Specialization :

•Human Resource
•Information Technology
•International Business
Salient Features:
•Highly experienced & committed
•Industry oriented teaching
•Corporate Resource Centre for
•Personality enhancement programmes
•Online Journals & Digital Library
•Value added courses
•Well stocked library with National &
 International Journals

         Mr. Soheb Ali from ITC
Prof. Mukesh Pandey being felicitated after conducting a workshop.
       (MBA IIM Calcutta, Fulbright fellow, MSU, USA)
Industrial visits
Team of our most
Renowned Faculty
Name             Dr. Anil Kumar
Designation      Director (SSVIT)
Department       Mechanical Engineering
Qualification    B.Tech., DISM, M.Tech., Ph.D.
Specialization   Mechanical Engineering
Experience       22 Years
E-mail ID
Name             Mr. Rajat Mehrotra
Designation      Trust Administrator
Department       Mechanical Engineering
Qualification    B.Tech., M.Tech., PGDM
Specialization   Quality Engineering & Mgmt
Experience       21 Years
E-mail ID
Name             Er. Sudhakar Jain
Designation      Dean (Academics)
Department       Mechanical Engineering
Qualification.   B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D. (P)
Specialization   Energy Management
Experience       16 Years
E-mail ID
Name             Dr. H.S. Gangwar
Designation      HOD and Associate Prof
Department       Applied Science
Qualification    M.Sc., Ph.D.
Specialization   Finsler Geometry
Experience       12 Years
E-mail ID
Name             Er. S.P. Saxena
Designation      HOD and Associate Prof
Department       Civil Engineering
Qualification    M.E.
Specialization   Water Supply & Sewerage
Experience       35 Years
E-mail ID        --
Name             Er. Manish Varshney
Designation      HOD, Associate Prof
Department       CS & IT
Qualification.   M.Sc., M.Tech., Ph.D. (P)
Specialization   Software Engineering
Experience        11 Years
E-mail ID           om
Name             Mohammed Mustaqeem
Designation      HOD, Associate Professor
Department       Electrical Engineering
Qualification.   B.Tech., M.Tech.
Specialization   Power System and Drives
Experience       11 Years
E-mail ID          com
Name             Dr Raj Kumar
Designation      Professor
Department       Management
Qualification    M.Com. , Ph.D.
Specialization   Accounting , Financial Management
Experience       42 Years
E-mail ID
Name             Abhijit Das
Designation      Associate Professor
Department       Management
Qualification    MBA
Specialization   Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Research
Experience       16 Years
E-mail ID
Library and information        services play a
crucial role in the educational process. The
Institute’s library is well stocked with a
collections of more than 8000 volumes on
various topics running into titles that include
text books and books for supplementary
reading. It has a seating capacity of 200
Winner being felicitated
A cultural event
organized by SPICMACAY
Blossom - 2010
Students with
Mr. Chetan
   A robust and proactive placement
    department, supported by experienced
    personnel from the industry, works in
    support     of    the   students.   The
    department provides guidance and
    direction in creating the career path of
    the students. The department takes
    utmost care in enduring student's
    progress from the moment he/she sets
    foot on the campus till the time he/she
    calls it as-revoir.
   The    department      organizes   guest
    speakers,        group       discussions,
    workshops      etc.  to    improve    the
    knowledge/personality of the students
    with the help of officials from the
    corporate world and industrial houses.
    The officials of the department keeps a
    track of all the upcoming jobs through
    various tie-ups and arrangements with
    placement agencies .We display the
    CVs of our students on the internet on
    large number of sites. The department
    comprises full time employees with
For Queries and Admission Contact:
      Shri Siddhi Vinayak Group of Institutions
    Shri Siddhi Vinayak Institute of Technology(GBTU code:474)
    Shri Siddhi Vinayak Institute of Management(GBTU code:703)

Bareilly-Nainital Road, Near Dohna Railway Station, Bareilly
            Ph.: 0581-3249555, 9917476666, 2582222, 2582160.
                      Toll-free number:1800 180 3820
                          Website :

                         City office address
H-1, First Floor, Avas Vikas Shopping Complex (Near Sheel Chauraha),
                         Rajendra Nagar, Bareilly.
                           Ph. :8057133300 
Where dreams Come true
       Thank You

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Career introduction of Engineering Student SSVIT rizwan

  • 1. 1
  • 2. A Career Guidance From For Senior Secondary Students 2
  • 3. Why Career Guidance ? • Current Status • Current Trends • Career Plans • Who are Responsible ? • Further Impacts • Career – A Foundation • Career Selection • The Career Cycle • Course / College Selection • Why Select a Career ? • Planning Your Career • Stumbling Blocks • Reading Skills 3
  • 4. Why Career Guidance ? Today’s Generation Students.… • Never plan for their future. • Select a career in dejection. • Follow the crowd. • Jump into any career. • Choose by influence of others. • Are totally away from • Accept the parent’s verdict by realities. force. • Lack Counseling facilities. • Get tempted by current trends. • Live in Fantasy World. • Influenced by media. • Lack Motivation. • Fail to “Discover their Lives” 4
  • 5. Current Trends • AIM LESS process • Focus is lost • Efforts to increase quantity • Less Statistical Analysis • No match between Current Process & Future • Increasing Competition • Survival of the fittest • Less influence – Parents, Teachers, etc. • Education for all – Good & Bad • Increasing demand for quality. • Increasing Dropouts • Decline in the efforts of Good people. • ……. ( can we end this list ?) 5
  • 6. Who are Responsible ? • Students themselves. • Parents – Most of them. • Society / Social strata. • Social Organizations. • Government. • People who have knowledge. • People who can influence others for Good. • People who achieved success but forgot others. 6
  • 7. Career – A Foundation What is Career? Profession or occupation with opportunities for advancement or promotion and not just livelihood. Time Management Prioritize works. Take tough job and don’t delay. Make schedule with 5minutes break per hour. SWOT Analysis [Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats] 7
  • 8. Career Life System Career Cycle - 1 Career Planets Family Education Self Society Vision A path that leads to Advancement & Promotion in Life 8
  • 9. Career Cycle - 2 Steps to Progress Facts Commit- ment Self Belief 5 Crucial Factors Plan Perseverance A path that makes some obtain their wishes: course, job and location 9
  • 10. Why Select a Career ? • We have been created Unique [Ex. Fingerprint]. • We are born only once. • We spend almost 40 years on our work. • A total of over 80,000 hrs we “work”. • Ask yourself. • A billion Dollar Question “How should I spend these 80,000 hrs before I die ????? ” • Better an original cow than a duplicate Tiger 10
  • 11. Planning your career - 1 • Course Selection. • Better Family Life. • Helping the Nation. • Develop Skills, Motivation, Plan Intelligently. • Improve Reading. • Enlist Interested Career/Profession. • Make Check-list. • Crack the Entrance Exam that suits you. • Get Advice. • Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. 11
  • 12. Planning your career - 2 • No short-cut to success (Hard work) • Career plan at 9th standard • Formal schooling, subjects at school, professional/technical course, job offer • change of job, place of work, type of organization you want to work for, your career and home life. • Marks secured in 10th, 12th Std and Bachelor degrees are considered for jobs. 12
  • 15. Engineers apply principles of mathematics and science for the betterment of society What is through: engineering? According to Webster’s Dictionary: Engineering The application of math and science by which the properties of matter and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to people. Above all, engineers are problem solvers who make things work better, more efficiently, faster and economical.
  • 16. Engineering Disciplines Core Disciplines Other Disciplines •Computer Science Engg. • Automotive •Information Technology • Aerospace •Electronics & Communication Engg. • Agricultural •Mechanical Engg. • Biomedical •Civil Engg. •Environmental •Electrical Engg. • Materials • Nuclear • Robotics • Safety • Chemical • Industrial
  • 17. 17
  • 18. Computer science is the study of computation (more than just machinery) It involves all aspects of problem solving, including 1. The design and analysis of algorithms 2. The development of computational devices for executing programs 3. The theoretical study of the power and limitations of computing  Whether this constitutes a "science" is a matter of interpretation  Certainly, computer science represents a rigorous approach to understanding complex phenomena and problem solving 18
  • 19.  The process developed by the scientific community for examining.  Observations and events is known as the scientific method. 19
  • 20. The distinction between computer science and natural sciences like biology, chemistry, and physics is the type of systems being studied.  Natural sciences study naturally occurring phenomena and attempt to extract underlying laws of nature  Computer science study human-made constructs: programs, computers, and computational modes Herbert Simon coined the phrase "artificial science" to distinguish computer science from the natural sciences 20
  • 21. since computation encompasses many different types of activities, computer science research is often difficult to classify  three recurring themes define the discipline 21
  • 22.  Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer and its supporting devices.  Most modern computers implement the Von Neumann architecture  CPU + Memory + Input/output Devices  Ongoing research seeks to improve hardware design and organization 22
  • 23.  Software refers to the programs that execute on computers.  3 Basic software categories  Systems software: Programs that directly control the execution of hardware components (e.g., Operating systems)  Development software: Programs that are used as tools in the development of other programs (e.g. Microsoft.NET, java SDK)  Applications software: All other programs, which perform a wide variety of tasks (e.g., Web browsers, word processors, games) 23
  • 24. "Computer Science" is the mixture and application of "Applied Mathematics", "Electrical Engineering", and "Complexity Theory/Algorithms" to understand and/or model information. In other words, the "field of computation". "Information Technology" is the mixture and application of "Programming", "Hardware Administration", "Software Administration", "Networking", "Network Security" and "Technical Support". In other words, the "management of computers".
  • 26. Hardware (computers, data storage) Software (programming, operating Systems) Digital systems Computer architecture Networks
  • 28. What is Civil Engineering?  Do you enjoy solving problems and putting your ideas into action?  Are you curious about how things work and how to make them better?  Are you interested in improving the  environment?  Are you socially aware and interested in helping people live better?
  • 29. What is Civil Engineering?  If you share some of the traits, civil engineering may be the perfect career for you.  Civil engineers also are usually good problem solvers who make sound decisions.  Civil engineers are good communicators, using speaking, writing, and listening skills.
  • 30. What Is Civil Engineering? Civil Engineering: The Past From the pyramids of Egypt to the exploration of space, civil engineers have always faced the challenges of the future - advancing civilization and building our quality of life
  • 31. What Is Civil Engineering?  Civil Engineering: has developed from observations of the ways natural and constructed systems react and from the development of empirical equations that provide bases for design.  Civil engineering is the broadest of the engineering fields.  Civil engineering is still an umbrella field comprising many related specialties.
  • 32. What Is Civil Engineering? Civil Engineering: The Present In modern usage, civil engineering is a broad field of engineering that deals with the planning, construction, and maintenance of fixed structures, or public works, As they are related to earth, water, or civilization and their processes. Most civil engineering today deals with power plants, bridges, roads, railways, structures, water supply, Irrigation, environment, sewer, flood control and traffic.
  • 33. What is Civil Engineering? Civil Engineering: The Present ►The first self-proclaimed Civil Engineer was John Smeaton (1724-1792). ►In 1818 the Institution of Civil Engineers was founded in London and received a Royal Charter in 1828, formally recognizing civil engineering as a profession. ►The first degree in Civil Engineering in the United States was awarded by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1835. ►The first such degree to be awarded to a woman was granted by Cornell University to Nora Stanton Blatch in 1905.
  • 34. Careers in Civil Engineering  Structural (buildings, bridges, tunnels)  Transportation (highways, railroads, canals)  Environmental (air pollution management)  Water resources (flood control)  Geotechnical (mining)  Surveying & Construction
  • 35. Jobs in Civil Engineering Major Employers
  • 36. What is Mechanical Engineering? Mechanical engineering plays a dominant role in enhancing safety, economic vitality, enjoyment and overall quality of life throughout the world. Mechanical engineers are concerned with the principles of force, energy and motion. The men and women who work as mechanical engineers are professionals with expert knowledge of the design and manufacture of mechanical systems and thermal devices and processes.
  • 37. What is Mechanical Engineering? Some examples of products and processes developed by mechanical engineers include engines and control systems for automobiles and aircraft, electric power generation plants, lifesaving medical devices and consumer products ranging from air conditioners to personal computers and athletic equipment.
  • 38. What is Mechanical Engineering? They also design the machines that mass- produce these products. Virtually every aspect of life is touched by mechanical engineering. If something moves or uses energy, a mechanical engineer was probably involved in its designer production.
  • 39. Careers in Mechanical Engg. Mechanical Engineering  Energy (power plants, heating and air conditioning, alternative energy)  Structures and motion in mechanical systems (cars, planes, machine tools, medical systems)  Manufacturing (tools and processes, automated assembly lines, robotics)  Project Engineering  Petroleum Engineering
  • 40. Jobs in Mechanical Engg. Top Companies Employers
  • 41. What is Electrical Engineering? •Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. •The field first became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century after commercialization of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply
  • 42. What is Electrical Engineering? •Electrical engineering is considered to deal with the problems associated with large-scale electrical systems such as power transmission and motor control interconnection technologies. •It now covers a range of subtopics including power, electronics, control systems, signal processing and telecommunications
  • 43. Careers in Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering  Electronics (circuits, microchips, lasers)  Communications (cell phones, antennas, networks, fibre-optics)  Power (transmission and distribution of power, electric motors, and generators)  Controls (automated control systems, aerospace control systems)  Instrumentation (test equipment)
  • 44. Jobs in Electrical Engineering Major Employers
  • 45. What is Electronic & Communications Engineering? •Electronics & communication is one of the largest & most sophisticated branches of Engineering. •Electronics is the branch of Science, engineering and technology that deals with electronic circuits.
  • 46. What is Electronic & Communications Engineering? •In India electronics is one of the fastest growing industries. •The programs aim to impart expert knowledge in electronics and communication Engineering. •With Special focus in design, analysis and manufacturing of electronic devices and components , Integrated circuits, Wireless Devices , digital and analog circuitry.
  • 47. Careers in E&C Engineering
  • 48. Jobs in E&C Engineering
  • 49. Jobs in E&C Engineering Major Employers
  • 50. What Types of Jobs Would a Engineer Do?  Normally will be assigned as a member of a project team  Research (analysing and solving problems using scientific skills and logic)  Designing (need imagination and creativity)  Testing (lab work, conducting experiments)  Development (improvement or adapting existing products)
  • 51. What Types of Jobs Would a Engineer Do?  Sales (must have a very good knowledge of the product, because the marketing people may not be engineers)  Management – organising and expediting projects  Consulting  Teaching
  • 52. What can you expect from an engineering career?  Varied opportunities (opens the door to many areas)  Challenging work (brain exercise)  Social impact (improving our way of life)  Prestige (engineering is a well respected profession)  Lifelong education (always new things to learn about)  How do they do that (curiosity)  Creative thinking (dreaming)
  • 53.
  • 54. Welcome to Shri Siddhi Vinayak Group Of Institutions
  • 55. Approved by AICTE Affiliated to G.B. Technical University, Lucknow An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution
  • 56.
  • 57. An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution
  • 58.
  • 60. Shri Siddhi Vinayak Group Of Institutions Reception Hall
  • 62. Institute for Management Management Block
  • 63. “Our Mission at Shri Siddhi Vinayak Group of Institutions is that every student of ours becomes a success story” To strive for excellence in education , research & technology to enable our students to become responsible & useful citizens of the country. It is true that destiny of our nation & global village are shaped in the class rooms of educational institutions. With this dream in mind was sowed a seed in the fertile soil of the luscious landscape of Bareilly. I trust that your stay in the college will be richly rewarding & immensely memorable. I Wish my Students all the best ……… Anupam Kapoor
  • 64. Holistic approach to impart Quality Technical Education  Highly Experienced and Committed Faculty (M.Techs and PhDs)  Assured Placement  Wi-Fi, Eco-friendly campus and most modern infrastructure with lift (Lift facility proposed)  Well Stocked Air Conditioned Library  Separate Furnished Hostels for Boys and Girls  Modern and Comfortable buses for students and Faculty  State of art Computer Lab and Workshop  Attractive scheme for Scholarships and Awards on recognition of merit  Strong Industrial Linkage
  • 65.  Well Stocked Air Conditioned Library State of art Computer Lab and Workshop
  • 66. Modern and Comfortable buses for students and Faculty  Separate Furnished Hostels for Boys and Girls
  • 68. •A winner’s mindset - Right person with the right skills at right place – right time •Creating a High Performance Culture Raising the Performance Bar
  • 69. Aviva Oracle Microsoft Motorola Pfizer Intel UBS Warburg John Deere Philips Goldman Sachs Ford SAP Hewlett Packard GENPACT Nokia Texas Instruments ANZ Bank Citigroup General Motors Lehman Brothers Standard Chartered Bank
  • 70. Director (SSVIT) Dr. Anil Kumar B.Tech., DISM, M.Tech., Ph.D. Specialization: Mechanical Engineering
  • 71. Electronics & Communication Engineering Full Time 120 Information Technology Full Time 60 Computer Science & Engineering Full Time 60 Mechanical Engineering Full Time 120 Civil Engineering Full Time 60 Electrical Engineering Full Time 60
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  • 77. MBA Your Gateway to success …… .. Knowledge beyond books The Two Year (Full Time) MBA program, affiliated to G B Technical University, Lucknow.
  • 78. irector (SSVIM) Dr.Raj Kumar M.Com., Ph.D. Specialization: Finance
  • 80. Salient Features: •Highly experienced & committed faculty •Industry oriented teaching •Corporate Resource Centre for placements •Personality enhancement programmes •Online Journals & Digital Library •Value added courses •Well stocked library with National & International Journals
  • 81. GUEST LECTURES Mr. Soheb Ali from ITC ltd.
  • 82. WORKSHOPS Prof. Mukesh Pandey being felicitated after conducting a workshop. (MBA IIM Calcutta, Fulbright fellow, MSU, USA)
  • 84. Team of our most Experienced & Renowned Faculty
  • 85. Name Dr. Anil Kumar Designation Director (SSVIT) Department Mechanical Engineering Qualification B.Tech., DISM, M.Tech., Ph.D. Specialization Mechanical Engineering Experience 22 Years E-mail ID
  • 86. Name Mr. Rajat Mehrotra Designation Trust Administrator Department Mechanical Engineering Qualification B.Tech., M.Tech., PGDM Specialization Quality Engineering & Mgmt Experience 21 Years E-mail ID
  • 87. Name Er. Sudhakar Jain Designation Dean (Academics) Department Mechanical Engineering Qualification. B.Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D. (P) Specialization Energy Management Experience 16 Years E-mail ID
  • 88. Name Dr. H.S. Gangwar Designation HOD and Associate Prof Department Applied Science Qualification M.Sc., Ph.D. Specialization Finsler Geometry Experience 12 Years E-mail ID
  • 89. Name Er. S.P. Saxena Designation HOD and Associate Prof Department Civil Engineering Qualification M.E. Specialization Water Supply & Sewerage Experience 35 Years E-mail ID --
  • 90. Name Er. Manish Varshney Designation HOD, Associate Prof Department CS & IT Qualification. M.Sc., M.Tech., Ph.D. (P) Specialization Software Engineering Experience 11 Years itsmanishvashney@gmail.c E-mail ID om
  • 91. Name Mohammed Mustaqeem Designation HOD, Associate Professor Department Electrical Engineering Qualification. B.Tech., M.Tech. Specialization Power System and Drives Experience 11 Years m_mustaqeem@rediffmail. E-mail ID com
  • 92. Name Dr Raj Kumar Designation Professor Department Management Qualification M.Com. , Ph.D. Specialization Accounting , Financial Management Experience 42 Years E-mail ID
  • 93. Name Abhijit Das Designation Associate Professor Department Management Qualification MBA Specialization Consumer Behaviour, Marketing Research Experience 16 Years E-mail ID
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  • 96. Library and information services play a crucial role in the educational process. The Institute’s library is well stocked with a collections of more than 8000 volumes on various topics running into titles that include text books and books for supplementary reading. It has a seating capacity of 200 students.
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  • 110. A cultural event organized by SPICMACAY
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  • 118. A robust and proactive placement department, supported by experienced personnel from the industry, works in support of the students. The department provides guidance and direction in creating the career path of the students. The department takes utmost care in enduring student's progress from the moment he/she sets foot on the campus till the time he/she calls it as-revoir.
  • 119. The department organizes guest speakers, group discussions, workshops etc. to improve the knowledge/personality of the students with the help of officials from the corporate world and industrial houses. The officials of the department keeps a track of all the upcoming jobs through various tie-ups and arrangements with placement agencies .We display the CVs of our students on the internet on large number of sites. The department comprises full time employees with
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  • 127. For Queries and Admission Contact: Shri Siddhi Vinayak Group of Institutions Shri Siddhi Vinayak Institute of Technology(GBTU code:474) Shri Siddhi Vinayak Institute of Management(GBTU code:703) Bareilly-Nainital Road, Near Dohna Railway Station, Bareilly Ph.: 0581-3249555, 9917476666, 2582222, 2582160. Toll-free number:1800 180 3820 E-mail:, Website : City office address H-1, First Floor, Avas Vikas Shopping Complex (Near Sheel Chauraha), Rajendra Nagar, Bareilly. Ph. :8057133300 
  • 128. Where dreams Come true Thank You