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Capstone Project
Yaima Ortiz
February 23, 2020
Comment by Microsoft Office User: Thank you for
including a title page. Please double-check the format of the
title page according to your APA Guide or the APA resources
within the Keiser Online Writing Lab (OWL).
[Type here] [Type here] [Type here]Abstract
TopicPrivacy- What medical information should be
confidential? Who, if anybody, should have access to medical
records? Thesis statement Comment by Microsoft
Office User: A separate heading for the thesis statement is not
necessary. Instead, just place the thesis as the last sentence of
your introduction. The overuse of one's medical information,
the security breaches in the medical industry, and
protections/precaution one should take. Comment by Microsoft
Office User: Be sure that the thesis statement is a complete
sentence. In its current form, it is a fragment. It is excellent that
you’ve included three supporting elements! Prior to the
supporting elements, be sure to present your specific
argumentative position. Rationale. Comment by Microsoft
Office User: A rationale section was required for the proposal,
but this should not be included with the final paper.
· Purpose- To express how identity thief has grown throughout
the medical field.
· Background- Talk about statistics, laws, and precaution one
can take to help shield their identity.
· Significance- I want to express how important this issue is
that we ourselves might have gone through this are we know
someone that has.
· Research methodology and description – Use internet and
book sources Rough Draft ideas
That is just enough information to take someone’s identity for
someone to make different accounts in that person particular
name. How can we make this better? Sticker laws, tighter
security on patient records portals. Comment by Microsoft
Office User: This is the root of your position, so be sure to
present it in the thesis statement.
Table of Contents
I. Title page
II. Abstract
Page 1
III. Table of contents
Page 2
IV. Introduction- HIPPA Law
Page 3
V. How can we make the medical privacy policy better
Page 4
VI. Statistics of medical breaches and Figure A
Page 5
VII. Cyber Attacks- Attacks on Insulin Pumps
Page 7
VIII. The common courtesy and rules of a breached
Page 8
IX. Federal laws-precautions after a breach
Page 9
X. Services one can use- example LastPass
Page 10
XI. Penalties and jail time for hacking personal info
Page 10
XII. Identity Laws and how can we make them better
Page 11
XIII. Black Market and how much your information is worth
Page 14
XIV. Conclusion
Page 15
XV. Recommendations
Page 16
XVI. References
Page 17
Introduction - HIPPA Law
Every American, from the beginning of life to its end, enjoys a
fundamental, but not absolute, the right to privacy that is deeply
rooted in both tradition and law. In no area is this right more
cherished, or more unsettled, than in protecting the
confidentiality of identifiable personal health information, as
lawmakers, judges, and healthcare professionals struggle to
balance individual privacy interests against other strong societal
interests. “An estimated 17.6 million people, or about 7 percent
of U.S. residents age 16 or older, were victims of at least one
incident of identity theft in 2014, the Bureau of Justice
Statistics (BJS).” (, 2016). The overuse of
one's medical information, the security breaches in the medical
industry, and protections/precaution one should take.
Comment by Microsoft Office User: It’s unclear what the
distinction is, in this context, between “fundamental” and
“absolute.” Consider clarifying. Comment by Microsoft
Office User: Be sure that the thesis statement is a complete
sentence. In its current form, it is a fragment. It is excellent that
you’ve included three supporting elements! Prior to the
supporting elements, be sure to present your specific
argumentative position. Comment by Microsoft Office User:
This is a nice start for your introduction. It would help to
expand your introduction a little in order to offer a more
thorough overview of the key points that your essay will
explore. Feel free to expand on the background of the issue a bit
more as well. (Leave the thesis statement as the last sentence of
the introduction.)
The Hippocratic Oath, dating to the fourth or fifth century B.C.,
requires physicians to keep secret all knowledge of individual
patients. Personal health information is maintained not only by
physicians but also in the records and/or databases of hospitals
and clinics that provide treatment or diagnostic services,
laboratories that perform tests, pharmacies, and insurance
companies and managed care organizations to which claims are
submitted or coverage is made. In addition, personal health data
frequently is shared with universities and pharmaceutical
companies for medical and health-services research purposes.
How can we make the medical privacy policy better?
What is a shame is now when a person goes to a doctor’s office
or the emergency room, and the person working the window is
either asking for the patient's social security number or wanting
the patient to give out their social security so they can check
what is on file. Ever noticed that there are not a room or a door
one can close. Technology as grown over the years and while
one is giving out their personal information to get medically
treated, someone can record that person with their cell phone
while the patient is verifying their social security number, date
of birth, and address. Then that vindictive person has all the
information they need to pretend to be you. Some people when
they talk their voices are loud everyone can hear their whole
conversation. some elderly people that do not wear hearing aids
and they talk so loud that they receptionist is not thinking of
their privacy.
Personally I would like to see the clerk or the patient write their
social security number on a piece of paper like a post-it note.
When the clerk is done he/she gives the post-it note back to the
patient and the patient can dispose of it at their own risk. Just
with all the bad things going on in the world today one does not
know if the office clerk or program secretary is going to shred
your information. Now one might have family working at the
hospital or a clinic that one might go to and I would hate to
know if a member of one's family has access to your personal
medical records . There are something a patient that one likes to
keep private. Now medical facilities have made it where if the
patient does not have a signed or scanned copy in your medical
documentation of a medical release form. That legally they
cannot send or give out that patient’s personal medical records
to anyone. It just makes one wonder if the person behind the
desk is actually going through your medical files to make sure
the patient has a signed released from in one’s file. Comment by
Microsoft Office User: Avoid using first-person perspective for
this essay. Avoid examples based on personal experience as
well. Stick with the more objective third-person point of view.
Comment by Microsoft Office User: Be sure to double-
check grammar, spelling, and punctuation. One trick that I use
is to slowly read my work aloud. I encourage you to take
advantage of the Keiser Online Writing Lab (OWL). The
following website is also a helpful resource: of medical breaches and Figure
The word breach sometimes just makes one’s skin crawl. When
one hears of a breach in the medical field everyone assumes of
the worst has happened. “Experts, estimates that data breaches
cost the healthcare industry some $6.2 billion, as some 79% of
healthcare organizations say they were hit with two or more
data breaches in the past two years, and 45%, more than five
breaches.” (Higgins, 2016). ” Most of those exposed fewer than
500 data records, and thus don't get reported to the US
Department of Health and Human Services nor are revealed to
the media.” (Higgins, 2016). That is a huge number and how
does one know if they are one of the not so lucky ones that
information as breached?
Figure A (Kassner, 2016). Comment by Microsoft Office
User: Wow—this is a powerful chart!
Breaches of confidentiality, in fact, are on widespread now from
medical devices, medical records, and even to government
medical clearances. In some instances, breaches occur within
the parameters of present law: Pharmacies in some states legally
sell individual prescription records to pharmaceutical
companies for use in marketing campaigns. As one now knows
that pharmaceuticals companies are now pushing for these
prescription saver cards for medicines like Farxiga or Invokana.
Now it great in a way because we are getting or prescription for
no cost, but to just activate the card one has to put in their
personal information to an extent. Once one has done that you
have opened yourself to that particular company that makes
your prescription drugs marketing companies.
Cyber Attacks- Attacks on Insulin Pumps
“The cyber attack—in which hackers stole the names, birth
dates, Social Security numbers, home addresses and other
personal information of 78.8 million current and former
members and employees—gave Anthem's reputation a black eye
early on. The company and the industry at large scrambled to do
damage control. Consumers questioned whether Anthem and
other healthcare organizations could manage the volumes of
data they had.” (Herman, 2016). The worst part about this
whoever hack this company if it was an individual person,
another country like Russia or China, or even if it was another
insurance company. This person/persons has access to all
patients medical records from surgeries done in the past, to
medications one is current taking, and one’s deductibles.
Comment by Microsoft Office User: Avoid starting a
paragraph with source material, especially a direct quote.
Instead, begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence,
written in your own words, and then use source material in the
body of the paragraph to support your main point.
One new scare one should watch out for now is if you are a
diabetic Johnson and Johnson is warning more than 100,000
medical patients who use certain insulin pumps they could be
targeted by hackers. In a letter, the company said its Animas
OneTouch Ping insulin pump has a bug causing a potential
cybersecurity risk. Hackers could hijack the device and force it
to deliver unauthorized, and possibly lethal, insulin doses. That
is scary to think someone either in your community or across
the world could be in control of your insulin levels.
Comment by Microsoft Office User: Read this sentence
aloud to see how you might adjust the phrasing and sentence
structure for greater clarity.
The common courtesy and rules of a breached. Comment by
Microsoft Office User: My recommendation is to organize the
essay primarily around your three main supporting elements
(from the thesis). Consider labeling the headings according to
those elements.
Unlike your fingerprints, which are unique to you and cannot be
given to someone else for their use, your personal data -
especially your Social Security number, your bank account or
credit card number, your telephone calling card number, and
other valuable identifying data - can be used, if they fall into
the wrong hands, to personally profit at your expense.
“Individual identities, called 'fullz' on the black market, vary in
price from $1 to about $450 (converted from bitcoin) and are
valued based on factors like quality, robustness, reliability, and
the seller's reputation - not unlike EBay.” (Abrams,2016). That
should just make one cringe it makes one think are we really
safe is our information really safe at night or anytime. The
Figure below shows just how easy it is for someone to buy one’s
information. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Nice work
on the format of this citation!
Figure B: (, 2016)
Payment & Banking Information
Credit card details
From $2 - $90
Bank credentials
From $80 to $700 with guaranteed balance
Bank transfers & check cashing
From 10% to 40% of the total
PayPal credentials
$10 & up with no guaranteed balance
Online store & payment platform credentials
From $80 to $1500 with guaranteed balance
Physical (cloned) credit cards
From $190 + cost of details
Services & Equipment to Commit Fraud
Card cloners
From $200 to $1000
Fake ATM machines
Up to $35,000
Design & publish fake online store or website
Varies based on project scope
Federal laws-precautions after a breach
Once this is filed submit a copy of one's police report to one of
the credit bureaus the other two bureaus will receive the report
as well and will make sure that any financial institution is
aware as well. I would suggest that one should put a good
contact number for a bank or Credit Company to call if they see
someone is using your personal identity. This way when they
call you can give verification and with your phone number it is
an extra step for security. If you get anything in your mail about
certain accounts you did not open and it is in your name call the
company and demand the shut those accounts down. Tell them
“I am a victim of an identity thief,” this way the company will
working on closing all of the open accounts. Tell them that if
they find that person put them in jail and punished to the
maximum extent.
Comment by Microsoft Office User: Remember to stay
focused on supporting a specific argumentative position. Avoid
simply educating or informing readers. Right now the essay is
going in a few different directions. Try to tighten the
organization up a little based around your thesis. Services one
can use- example LastPass
Another thing one should look into is a service called Lifelock.
This service monitors all one’s financial activity as well as
one’s person information such as social security number, date of
birth, home address and mail address. Nowadays one cannot be
too safe when it comes to anything. If a person that likes to
submit one's medical claims or look at one personal insurance
statement, or have access to personal online medical records I
would recommend LastPass. Is a freemium password
management service which stores encrypted passwords in
private accounts? LastPass is standard with a web interface but
also includes plugins and apps for many modern web browsers
and includes support for bookmark lets. Penalties and jail time
for hacking personal info
“Penalties for fraud offenses may include criminal penalties,
civil penalties, or both. Most criminal fraud offenses are
considered felony crimes and are punishable by jail, fines,
probation, or all of the above. Civil penalties may include
restitution (paying the person back) or payment of substantial
fines (geared to punish the behavior).”
(, 2016). The federal law relating to
identity theft penalties was signed into action by President Bush
in 2004, and it mandates federal prison time for anyone
convicted of the crime. It also increases the maximum jail
sentence from three years to five years, and increases penalties
for phishing schemes, among other changes. There should be
longer jail time for someone that steals another person identity.
When one is born we come into this word all one has their
name, and over time one works hard to build up their name and
who they become in life. But have some horrible vindictive
person take that way would infuriate someone. With the
criminal just using the major information that they need they
have everything to pretend to be someone else. Depending on
how that person is they can ruin one's life and rack up tons of
fraudulent bills. Theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in
the United States today. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have had their
identities stolen each year. That is too many and will is enough
going to be enough?
Identity Laws and how can we make them better
Personally, the criminal should have to pay the person/persons
whose identity they stole. If for example, this individual took
$10,000-$30,000 dollars. That criminal need to pay all that back
to that individual if that mean that person need to sell things get
personal loans or work several jobs well everything needs to be
paid back. If not paid back in time that it was given then when
it comes tax time that individual taxes if he/she gets anything
back they have to pay for the person that had to suffer for their
mistake. “Each state differs in how they handle an identity theft
conviction, but at the very least, the criminal will be given a
misdemeanor and forced to pay back any loss suffered by the
victim, whether financial or in compensation of time, labor, etc.
As the severity of the crime increases, so too do the state
identity theft penalties, ranging from prison terms up to ten
years to fines numbering in the thousands of dollars”
(, 2016). There are a lot of time and
man hours that goes into one having their identity stolen. The
paper work that is involved, one’s time, make phones to certain
companies to make sure your information is not being used, and
the hurt the one goes thought and wondering why did this have
to happen to them?
“There are two levels of punishment for identity theft: the state
level and the federal level. The federal law relating to identity
theft penalties was signed into action by President Bush in
2004, and it mandates federal prison time for anyone convicted
of the crime. It also increases the maximum jail sentence from
three years to five years, and increases penalties for phishing
schemes, among other changes.” (,
2016). When the criminal is convicted they need to have to have
credit monitoring and have random inspections of their
finances, and there is certain investments. Anything that looks
out of the ordinary then they need to be brought in for
questioning if found guilty again 10 years for terrorism related
offenses should be the pending charges of the induvial. If that
criminal does not learn their lesson they should serve life in
prison afterwards. If one cannot learn after the first time they
went to jail then they need to be where they monitored twenty-
This is very serious crime and with technology we have now
days it will only get worse to do cyber-attacks and hacking into
records or insurance companies. To just give someone on their
first offence to just put them on probation that does not seem
fair. They need to jail time right off the bat, no normal person
ever thinks about hacking or taking someone identify, and if
someone does that, he/she must be aware and prepared to
assume the consequences of his/her actions.
Comment by Microsoft Office User: This paragraph can be
deleted. It is not specific to the thesis.
Being charged with an identity theft crime is a very serious
situation. Depending on their circumstances, being convicted of
identity theft can lead to large fines and years or more in
prison. Talking to a local criminal defense attorney as soon as
one learns that they are being investigated for, or charged with,
an identity theft crime is essential to protecting one’s rights
throughout the criminal justice process. An area lawyer who has
experience with identity theft cases and who has represented
clients in local courts is the only person capable of giving legal
advice about one’s case.
Victims of identity theft should be aware of the laws in their
area so that they know what to expect when their case moves
towards conviction. It is helpful to know what statutes are being
used to measure the crime when anticipating what the outcome
might be for you as the victim. Always report if you see
something that is off or questionable. Ask yourself the
following questions or if you receive something have it checked
· Get a bill for medical services they didn’t receive;
· Be contacted by a debt collector about medical debt they don’t
· See medical collection notices on their credit report that they
don’t recognize;
· Find erroneous listings of office visits or treatments on their
explanation of benefits (EOB);
· Be told by their health plan that they’ve reached their limit on
benefits; or
· Be denied insurance because their medical records show a
condition they don’t have.
Comment by Microsoft Office User: Consider
incorporating counter-arguments at some point in the essay. By
offering a solid rebuttal to those arguments, you will ultimately
strengthen your own position. Black Market and how much your
information is worth
Breached records can go for pennies to hundreds of dollars
depending on the nature of the content up for sale. So, how
much money do these cybercriminals make after they get hold
of data? How precious is the data in monetary terms?
According to Symantec’s 2019 Internet Security Threat Report,
attacks on enterprises are up 12%. A new business will fall
victim to an attack every 14 seconds this year. The attacks have
already generated upward of $25 million in revenue for
criminals. (
The Sociable spoke to an array of experts to see what price
cybercriminals put on different types of information. The
following is a composite list:
· Personal Information (including identification number,
address, birthdate) – $20 to $450
· Social Security Numbers – $1 each
· Medical Records – $20 to $50 each
· Credit Card Numbers – $2 – $5
Social security numbers were one of the most frequently
exposed types of sensitive data last year and fetch a surprisingly
low sum, according to Adam Stahl, Digital Marketing Specialist
at Kelser Corporation. (
He also says medical records are one of the most valuable types
of information on the black market, making healthcare
organizations such a target for hackers. For instance, UConn
Health experienced a breach this spring, exposing the data of
326,000 patients.
“Say a small portion of that – 10 % – were complete medical
records. That data would sell for $652,000 – $1.8 million,” he
Motives and prices vary as cybercriminals pursue that valuable
information that we inadvertently put out there. As Buxton says,
“As far as worth goes, it depends on what information is for
sale.” (
and-how-much-your-data-is-worth-to-them/) Comment by
Microsoft Office User: Don’t include the full URL in the body
of the essay. Instead, use the author’s last name and the year of
publication for the citation. (The URL will be included with the
reference entry on the reference page).
Privacy is paramount and to personalize it vital whether it
is me or you. Not just in the healthcare sector but everywhere
like insurance companies and banks are also impacted by these
evil attacks. After reviewing the data of healthcare breaches and
its impact on the lives of victims, I would say that healthcare
officials should stay vigilant and careful about the protection of
patients, healthcare information. Personal information and
medical history are two important things to be protected under
strong security. Comment by Microsoft Office User:
You’re off to a nice start! Here are just a few things to keep in
mind in terms of the conclusion: Note that the first sentence of
the conclusion should generally be a rephrasing of the initial
thesis statement. The conclusion is an opportunity for you to
briefly recap your key points, but the conclusion should not just
be a summary. Consider linking your key points to a larger
context or to the broader literature. You might touch on the
implications or ramifications of the points you’ve made (for
example, in terms of laws or policy decisions, some of which
you’ve done already). You might consider including a final
thought-provoking quote, or a story/anecdote that illustrates
your thesis.
Healthcare protection laws should be improved with the aim to
protect electronically saved patient's information. Training
should be arranged for healthcare officials and employees so
they can get an insight into technical risks and enable them to
manage if occurs. Employees should be hired on a loyalty basis
in healthcare organizations, and strict punishments are needed
to impose to regulate their activities. Strong security should be
maintained to monitor the activities of healthcare workers.
Enhanced and advanced network security and application
security are required to avoid data breaches and further
complications for the organization as well as for the patient.
Encryption methods should be implemented because this is a
good thing to protect the patient’s personal and medical
information from any unauthorized access. Punishments stated
in constitutional and universal laws are short term that is not
enough to probate a criminal. Healthcare hacking laws need to
be improved with extended imprisonment and fined that will be
paid to the patient according to the beard loss. Government
involvement in the healthcare sector needs to eliminate or
should be on a small level, to protect data breach by undefined
ways. These recommendations help deal with privacy problems
in the United States as well as across the world.
Confidentiality of Medical Records: A Situation Analysis and
AHIMA's Position. (2016, September 29). Retrieved from
Herman, B. (2016, October 7). Retrieved from
Higgins, K. J. (2016, October 4). Healthcare Suffers Estimated
$6.2 Billion In Data Breaches. Retrieved from
suffers-estimated-$62-billion-in-data-breaches/d/d-id/1325482 (2016, October 7). Retrieved from
theft.html. (2016, October 2). Retrieved from
charges/identity-theft.html (2016, October 2). Retrieved from
Kassner, M. (2016, October 5). Cybersecurity professionals:
The healthcare industry needs you. Retrieved from
Capstone Project | Yaima Ortiz Page 2 of 11
Capstone Project | Yaima Ortiz
Page 11 of 18
Who plays the main character Ben Campbell in the 2008 movie
Ben's dream in the movie 21 is to transfer to this school.
In the movie 21, the group of card counters is led by one of
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to another person. What is this person referred to as?
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one night and continues to play after being signaled to leave.
How much does he lose?
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1-page (max) proposal including a Title, Executive Summary, Outline,.docx
1-Identify the benefits of sharing your action research with oth.docx
1-Identify the benefits of sharing your action research with oth.docx1-Identify the benefits of sharing your action research with oth.docx
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1-page APA 7 the edition No referenceDescription of Personal a.docx
1-Pretend that you are a new teacher.  You see that one of your st.docx
1-Pretend that you are a new teacher.  You see that one of your st.docx1-Pretend that you are a new teacher.  You see that one of your st.docx
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1- Watch the movie Don Quixote, which is an adaptation of Cerv.docx
1- reply to both below, no more than 75 words per each.  PSY 771.docx
1- reply to both below, no more than 75 words per each.  PSY 771.docx1- reply to both below, no more than 75 words per each.  PSY 771.docx
1- reply to both below, no more than 75 words per each.  PSY 771.docx
1- Pathogenesis 2- Organs affected in the body 3- Chain of i.docx
1- Pathogenesis 2- Organs affected in the body 3- Chain of i.docx1- Pathogenesis 2- Organs affected in the body 3- Chain of i.docx
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1-  I can totally see where there would be tension between.docx1-  I can totally see where there would be tension between.docx
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1-Define Energy.2- What is Potential energy3- What is K.docx
1- Find one quote from chapter 7-9. Explain why this quote stood.docx
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1- Find one quote from chapter 7-9. Explain why this quote stood.docx
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Capstone ProjectYaima OrtizIDS-4934February 23, 2020.docx

  • 1. Capstone Project Yaima Ortiz IDS-4934 February 23, 2020 Comment by Microsoft Office User: Thank you for including a title page. Please double-check the format of the title page according to your APA Guide or the APA resources within the Keiser Online Writing Lab (OWL). [Type here] [Type here] [Type here]Abstract TopicPrivacy- What medical information should be confidential? Who, if anybody, should have access to medical records? Thesis statement Comment by Microsoft Office User: A separate heading for the thesis statement is not necessary. Instead, just place the thesis as the last sentence of your introduction. The overuse of one's medical information, the security breaches in the medical industry, and protections/precaution one should take. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Be sure that the thesis statement is a complete sentence. In its current form, it is a fragment. It is excellent that you’ve included three supporting elements! Prior to the supporting elements, be sure to present your specific argumentative position. Rationale. Comment by Microsoft Office User: A rationale section was required for the proposal, but this should not be included with the final paper. · Purpose- To express how identity thief has grown throughout the medical field. · Background- Talk about statistics, laws, and precaution one can take to help shield their identity. · Significance- I want to express how important this issue is
  • 2. that we ourselves might have gone through this are we know someone that has. · Research methodology and description – Use internet and book sources Rough Draft ideas That is just enough information to take someone’s identity for someone to make different accounts in that person particular name. How can we make this better? Sticker laws, tighter security on patient records portals. Comment by Microsoft Office User: This is the root of your position, so be sure to present it in the thesis statement. Table of Contents I. Title page II. Abstract Page 1 III. Table of contents Page 2 IV. Introduction- HIPPA Law Page 3 V. How can we make the medical privacy policy better Page 4 VI. Statistics of medical breaches and Figure A Page 5 VII. Cyber Attacks- Attacks on Insulin Pumps Page 7 VIII. The common courtesy and rules of a breached Page 8 IX. Federal laws-precautions after a breach Page 9 X. Services one can use- example LastPass Page 10 XI. Penalties and jail time for hacking personal info Page 10 XII. Identity Laws and how can we make them better Page 11 XIII. Black Market and how much your information is worth
  • 3. Page 14 XIV. Conclusion Page 15 XV. Recommendations Page 16 XVI. References Page 17 Introduction - HIPPA Law Every American, from the beginning of life to its end, enjoys a fundamental, but not absolute, the right to privacy that is deeply rooted in both tradition and law. In no area is this right more cherished, or more unsettled, than in protecting the confidentiality of identifiable personal health information, as lawmakers, judges, and healthcare professionals struggle to balance individual privacy interests against other strong societal interests. “An estimated 17.6 million people, or about 7 percent of U.S. residents age 16 or older, were victims of at least one incident of identity theft in 2014, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).” (, 2016). The overuse of one's medical information, the security breaches in the medical industry, and protections/precaution one should take. Comment by Microsoft Office User: It’s unclear what the distinction is, in this context, between “fundamental” and “absolute.” Consider clarifying. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Be sure that the thesis statement is a complete sentence. In its current form, it is a fragment. It is excellent that you’ve included three supporting elements! Prior to the supporting elements, be sure to present your specific argumentative position. Comment by Microsoft Office User: This is a nice start for your introduction. It would help to expand your introduction a little in order to offer a more thorough overview of the key points that your essay will explore. Feel free to expand on the background of the issue a bit more as well. (Leave the thesis statement as the last sentence of
  • 4. the introduction.) The Hippocratic Oath, dating to the fourth or fifth century B.C., requires physicians to keep secret all knowledge of individual patients. Personal health information is maintained not only by physicians but also in the records and/or databases of hospitals and clinics that provide treatment or diagnostic services, laboratories that perform tests, pharmacies, and insurance companies and managed care organizations to which claims are submitted or coverage is made. In addition, personal health data frequently is shared with universities and pharmaceutical companies for medical and health-services research purposes. How can we make the medical privacy policy better? What is a shame is now when a person goes to a doctor’s office or the emergency room, and the person working the window is either asking for the patient's social security number or wanting the patient to give out their social security so they can check what is on file. Ever noticed that there are not a room or a door one can close. Technology as grown over the years and while one is giving out their personal information to get medically treated, someone can record that person with their cell phone while the patient is verifying their social security number, date of birth, and address. Then that vindictive person has all the information they need to pretend to be you. Some people when they talk their voices are loud everyone can hear their whole conversation. some elderly people that do not wear hearing aids and they talk so loud that they receptionist is not thinking of their privacy. Personally I would like to see the clerk or the patient write their social security number on a piece of paper like a post-it note. When the clerk is done he/she gives the post-it note back to the patient and the patient can dispose of it at their own risk. Just with all the bad things going on in the world today one does not know if the office clerk or program secretary is going to shred your information. Now one might have family working at the
  • 5. hospital or a clinic that one might go to and I would hate to know if a member of one's family has access to your personal medical records . There are something a patient that one likes to keep private. Now medical facilities have made it where if the patient does not have a signed or scanned copy in your medical documentation of a medical release form. That legally they cannot send or give out that patient’s personal medical records to anyone. It just makes one wonder if the person behind the desk is actually going through your medical files to make sure the patient has a signed released from in one’s file. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Avoid using first-person perspective for this essay. Avoid examples based on personal experience as well. Stick with the more objective third-person point of view. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Be sure to double- check grammar, spelling, and punctuation. One trick that I use is to slowly read my work aloud. I encourage you to take advantage of the Keiser Online Writing Lab (OWL). The following website is also a helpful resource: of medical breaches and Figure A The word breach sometimes just makes one’s skin crawl. When one hears of a breach in the medical field everyone assumes of the worst has happened. “Experts, estimates that data breaches cost the healthcare industry some $6.2 billion, as some 79% of healthcare organizations say they were hit with two or more data breaches in the past two years, and 45%, more than five breaches.” (Higgins, 2016). ” Most of those exposed fewer than 500 data records, and thus don't get reported to the US Department of Health and Human Services nor are revealed to the media.” (Higgins, 2016). That is a huge number and how does one know if they are one of the not so lucky ones that information as breached? Figure A (Kassner, 2016). Comment by Microsoft Office User: Wow—this is a powerful chart! Breaches of confidentiality, in fact, are on widespread now from
  • 6. medical devices, medical records, and even to government medical clearances. In some instances, breaches occur within the parameters of present law: Pharmacies in some states legally sell individual prescription records to pharmaceutical companies for use in marketing campaigns. As one now knows that pharmaceuticals companies are now pushing for these prescription saver cards for medicines like Farxiga or Invokana. Now it great in a way because we are getting or prescription for no cost, but to just activate the card one has to put in their personal information to an extent. Once one has done that you have opened yourself to that particular company that makes your prescription drugs marketing companies. Cyber Attacks- Attacks on Insulin Pumps “The cyber attack—in which hackers stole the names, birth dates, Social Security numbers, home addresses and other personal information of 78.8 million current and former members and employees—gave Anthem's reputation a black eye early on. The company and the industry at large scrambled to do damage control. Consumers questioned whether Anthem and other healthcare organizations could manage the volumes of data they had.” (Herman, 2016). The worst part about this whoever hack this company if it was an individual person, another country like Russia or China, or even if it was another insurance company. This person/persons has access to all patients medical records from surgeries done in the past, to medications one is current taking, and one’s deductibles. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Avoid starting a paragraph with source material, especially a direct quote. Instead, begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence, written in your own words, and then use source material in the body of the paragraph to support your main point. One new scare one should watch out for now is if you are a diabetic Johnson and Johnson is warning more than 100,000 medical patients who use certain insulin pumps they could be targeted by hackers. In a letter, the company said its Animas OneTouch Ping insulin pump has a bug causing a potential
  • 7. cybersecurity risk. Hackers could hijack the device and force it to deliver unauthorized, and possibly lethal, insulin doses. That is scary to think someone either in your community or across the world could be in control of your insulin levels. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Read this sentence aloud to see how you might adjust the phrasing and sentence structure for greater clarity. The common courtesy and rules of a breached. Comment by Microsoft Office User: My recommendation is to organize the essay primarily around your three main supporting elements (from the thesis). Consider labeling the headings according to those elements. Unlike your fingerprints, which are unique to you and cannot be given to someone else for their use, your personal data - especially your Social Security number, your bank account or credit card number, your telephone calling card number, and other valuable identifying data - can be used, if they fall into the wrong hands, to personally profit at your expense. “Individual identities, called 'fullz' on the black market, vary in price from $1 to about $450 (converted from bitcoin) and are valued based on factors like quality, robustness, reliability, and the seller's reputation - not unlike EBay.” (Abrams,2016). That should just make one cringe it makes one think are we really safe is our information really safe at night or anytime. The Figure below shows just how easy it is for someone to buy one’s information. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Nice work on the format of this citation! Figure B: (, 2016) Payment & Banking Information Price Credit card details From $2 - $90 Bank credentials From $80 to $700 with guaranteed balance Bank transfers & check cashing From 10% to 40% of the total
  • 8. PayPal credentials $10 & up with no guaranteed balance Online store & payment platform credentials From $80 to $1500 with guaranteed balance Physical (cloned) credit cards From $190 + cost of details Services & Equipment to Commit Fraud Price Card cloners From $200 to $1000 Fake ATM machines Up to $35,000 Design & publish fake online store or website Varies based on project scope Federal laws-precautions after a breach Once this is filed submit a copy of one's police report to one of the credit bureaus the other two bureaus will receive the report as well and will make sure that any financial institution is aware as well. I would suggest that one should put a good contact number for a bank or Credit Company to call if they see someone is using your personal identity. This way when they call you can give verification and with your phone number it is an extra step for security. If you get anything in your mail about certain accounts you did not open and it is in your name call the company and demand the shut those accounts down. Tell them “I am a victim of an identity thief,” this way the company will working on closing all of the open accounts. Tell them that if they find that person put them in jail and punished to the maximum extent. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Remember to stay focused on supporting a specific argumentative position. Avoid simply educating or informing readers. Right now the essay is going in a few different directions. Try to tighten the organization up a little based around your thesis. Services one
  • 9. can use- example LastPass Another thing one should look into is a service called Lifelock. This service monitors all one’s financial activity as well as one’s person information such as social security number, date of birth, home address and mail address. Nowadays one cannot be too safe when it comes to anything. If a person that likes to submit one's medical claims or look at one personal insurance statement, or have access to personal online medical records I would recommend LastPass. Is a freemium password management service which stores encrypted passwords in private accounts? LastPass is standard with a web interface but also includes plugins and apps for many modern web browsers and includes support for bookmark lets. Penalties and jail time for hacking personal info “Penalties for fraud offenses may include criminal penalties, civil penalties, or both. Most criminal fraud offenses are considered felony crimes and are punishable by jail, fines, probation, or all of the above. Civil penalties may include restitution (paying the person back) or payment of substantial fines (geared to punish the behavior).” (, 2016). The federal law relating to identity theft penalties was signed into action by President Bush in 2004, and it mandates federal prison time for anyone convicted of the crime. It also increases the maximum jail sentence from three years to five years, and increases penalties for phishing schemes, among other changes. There should be longer jail time for someone that steals another person identity. When one is born we come into this word all one has their name, and over time one works hard to build up their name and who they become in life. But have some horrible vindictive person take that way would infuriate someone. With the criminal just using the major information that they need they have everything to pretend to be someone else. Depending on how that person is they can ruin one's life and rack up tons of fraudulent bills. Theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States today. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
  • 10. estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have had their identities stolen each year. That is too many and will is enough going to be enough? Identity Laws and how can we make them better Personally, the criminal should have to pay the person/persons whose identity they stole. If for example, this individual took $10,000-$30,000 dollars. That criminal need to pay all that back to that individual if that mean that person need to sell things get personal loans or work several jobs well everything needs to be paid back. If not paid back in time that it was given then when it comes tax time that individual taxes if he/she gets anything back they have to pay for the person that had to suffer for their mistake. “Each state differs in how they handle an identity theft conviction, but at the very least, the criminal will be given a misdemeanor and forced to pay back any loss suffered by the victim, whether financial or in compensation of time, labor, etc. As the severity of the crime increases, so too do the state identity theft penalties, ranging from prison terms up to ten years to fines numbering in the thousands of dollars” (, 2016). There are a lot of time and man hours that goes into one having their identity stolen. The paper work that is involved, one’s time, make phones to certain companies to make sure your information is not being used, and the hurt the one goes thought and wondering why did this have to happen to them? “There are two levels of punishment for identity theft: the state level and the federal level. The federal law relating to identity theft penalties was signed into action by President Bush in 2004, and it mandates federal prison time for anyone convicted of the crime. It also increases the maximum jail sentence from three years to five years, and increases penalties for phishing schemes, among other changes.” (, 2016). When the criminal is convicted they need to have to have credit monitoring and have random inspections of their finances, and there is certain investments. Anything that looks out of the ordinary then they need to be brought in for
  • 11. questioning if found guilty again 10 years for terrorism related offenses should be the pending charges of the induvial. If that criminal does not learn their lesson they should serve life in prison afterwards. If one cannot learn after the first time they went to jail then they need to be where they monitored twenty- four-seven. This is very serious crime and with technology we have now days it will only get worse to do cyber-attacks and hacking into records or insurance companies. To just give someone on their first offence to just put them on probation that does not seem fair. They need to jail time right off the bat, no normal person ever thinks about hacking or taking someone identify, and if someone does that, he/she must be aware and prepared to assume the consequences of his/her actions. Comment by Microsoft Office User: This paragraph can be deleted. It is not specific to the thesis. Being charged with an identity theft crime is a very serious situation. Depending on their circumstances, being convicted of identity theft can lead to large fines and years or more in prison. Talking to a local criminal defense attorney as soon as one learns that they are being investigated for, or charged with, an identity theft crime is essential to protecting one’s rights throughout the criminal justice process. An area lawyer who has experience with identity theft cases and who has represented clients in local courts is the only person capable of giving legal advice about one’s case. Victims of identity theft should be aware of the laws in their area so that they know what to expect when their case moves towards conviction. It is helpful to know what statutes are being used to measure the crime when anticipating what the outcome might be for you as the victim. Always report if you see something that is off or questionable. Ask yourself the following questions or if you receive something have it checked into: · Get a bill for medical services they didn’t receive;
  • 12. · Be contacted by a debt collector about medical debt they don’t owe; · See medical collection notices on their credit report that they don’t recognize; · Find erroneous listings of office visits or treatments on their explanation of benefits (EOB); · Be told by their health plan that they’ve reached their limit on benefits; or · Be denied insurance because their medical records show a condition they don’t have. Comment by Microsoft Office User: Consider incorporating counter-arguments at some point in the essay. By offering a solid rebuttal to those arguments, you will ultimately strengthen your own position. Black Market and how much your information is worth Breached records can go for pennies to hundreds of dollars depending on the nature of the content up for sale. So, how much money do these cybercriminals make after they get hold of data? How precious is the data in monetary terms? According to Symantec’s 2019 Internet Security Threat Report, attacks on enterprises are up 12%. A new business will fall victim to an attack every 14 seconds this year. The attacks have already generated upward of $25 million in revenue for criminals. ( report) The Sociable spoke to an array of experts to see what price cybercriminals put on different types of information. The following is a composite list: · Personal Information (including identification number, address, birthdate) – $20 to $450 · Social Security Numbers – $1 each · Medical Records – $20 to $50 each · Credit Card Numbers – $2 – $5 Social security numbers were one of the most frequently exposed types of sensitive data last year and fetch a surprisingly low sum, according to Adam Stahl, Digital Marketing Specialist
  • 13. at Kelser Corporation. ( stahl-44857632/) He also says medical records are one of the most valuable types of information on the black market, making healthcare organizations such a target for hackers. For instance, UConn Health experienced a breach this spring, exposing the data of 326,000 patients. “Say a small portion of that – 10 % – were complete medical records. That data would sell for $652,000 – $1.8 million,” he says. Motives and prices vary as cybercriminals pursue that valuable information that we inadvertently put out there. As Buxton says, “As far as worth goes, it depends on what information is for sale.” ( and-how-much-your-data-is-worth-to-them/) Comment by Microsoft Office User: Don’t include the full URL in the body of the essay. Instead, use the author’s last name and the year of publication for the citation. (The URL will be included with the reference entry on the reference page). Conclusion Privacy is paramount and to personalize it vital whether it is me or you. Not just in the healthcare sector but everywhere like insurance companies and banks are also impacted by these evil attacks. After reviewing the data of healthcare breaches and its impact on the lives of victims, I would say that healthcare officials should stay vigilant and careful about the protection of patients, healthcare information. Personal information and medical history are two important things to be protected under strong security. Comment by Microsoft Office User: You’re off to a nice start! Here are just a few things to keep in mind in terms of the conclusion: Note that the first sentence of the conclusion should generally be a rephrasing of the initial thesis statement. The conclusion is an opportunity for you to briefly recap your key points, but the conclusion should not just be a summary. Consider linking your key points to a larger context or to the broader literature. You might touch on the
  • 14. implications or ramifications of the points you’ve made (for example, in terms of laws or policy decisions, some of which you’ve done already). You might consider including a final thought-provoking quote, or a story/anecdote that illustrates your thesis. Recommendations Healthcare protection laws should be improved with the aim to protect electronically saved patient's information. Training should be arranged for healthcare officials and employees so they can get an insight into technical risks and enable them to manage if occurs. Employees should be hired on a loyalty basis in healthcare organizations, and strict punishments are needed to impose to regulate their activities. Strong security should be maintained to monitor the activities of healthcare workers. Enhanced and advanced network security and application security are required to avoid data breaches and further complications for the organization as well as for the patient. Encryption methods should be implemented because this is a good thing to protect the patient’s personal and medical information from any unauthorized access. Punishments stated in constitutional and universal laws are short term that is not enough to probate a criminal. Healthcare hacking laws need to be improved with extended imprisonment and fined that will be paid to the patient according to the beard loss. Government involvement in the healthcare sector needs to eliminate or should be on a small level, to protect data breach by undefined ways. These recommendations help deal with privacy problems in the United States as well as across the world.
  • 15. References Confidentiality of Medical Records: A Situation Analysis and AHIMA's Position. (2016, September 29). Retrieved from 1_AVQrJQI Herman, B. (2016, October 7). Retrieved from 339997 Higgins, K. J. (2016, October 4). Healthcare Suffers Estimated $6.2 Billion In Data Breaches. Retrieved from suffers-estimated-$62-billion-in-data-breaches/d/d-id/1325482 (2016, October 7). Retrieved from theft.html. (2016, October 2). Retrieved from theft.html: charges/identity-theft.html (2016, October 2). Retrieved from Kassner, M. (2016, October 5). Cybersecurity professionals: The healthcare industry needs you. Retrieved from professionals-the-healthcare-industry-needs-you/
  • 16. Capstone Project | Yaima Ortiz Page 2 of 11 Capstone Project | Yaima Ortiz Page 11 of 18 Who plays the main character Ben Campbell in the 2008 movie 21? Ben's dream in the movie 21 is to transfer to this school. In the movie 21, the group of card counters is led by one of Ben's professors. What subject does that professor teach? In the card counters system in the movie 21, a spotter plays a table just betting minimum. The spotter keeps track of the card count and when the count is favorable the spotter gives a signal to another person. What is this person referred to as? Ben, the protagonist in the movie 21, is emotionally distracted one night and continues to play after being signaled to leave. How much does he lose? What happens to Ben when he returns to MIT in the movie 21?