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Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
Snappy – our newest product. I’ve been
working on snapweb – a beautiful and
functional interface for snap management,
the store which allows users to browse
and download applications that are
developed by engineers.
Describe your
creative process
	Collaborate with UX designers and
do group brainstorm sketching
	 Receive a high-fidelity wireframe
to work from
	 Research into the feature for visual
	 Develop visual concepts that reflect the
objectives of the new feature
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
We have a good working relationship,
work closely when building a new feature
from flat visual design, to build then QA.
Design Heroes
David Carson – The Godfather of Grunge.
His style is unique and was renowned for
a rule breaking attitude to design, when
starting out my work was influenced
through his style of combining various
mediums of design.
Jonathan Ive – Designer of user interface
design amongst many Apple products.
Motivated me to move into the digital/
technology side of design.
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
	 Great team morale
	 Agile working methods
	Good working relationship inside
the office and socially outside
If you could re-design
anything in the world what
would it be and why?
Sky Sports football app – challenge
to update the user interface and align
it with their sub-brands, but also create a
positive user experiences for an application
that appears on multiple sized screens
and is viewed by many users.
“I enjoy working across the three Cloud products MAAS,
Landscape and Snappy. I also enjoy the versatility of the
work across the products. Keeps it challenging.”
Karl Waghorn-Moyce
Visual Designer, London
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
The coolest project I have been involved
in lately is creating a dashboard for MAAS.
The design of a dashboard involves a lot
of interesting components of design work.
Initially, the requirements involve gathering
and prioritisation, then, information
visualisation, interaction design and
graphic design explorations. It was like
an exploration playground.
Describe your
creative process
When a project starts, the team organises
a few sketching sessions to brainstorm and
get the ideas flowing. Following, we agree
on exploring a few directions and meet
again for the next iteration. We follow this
process until we are happy with the the
solution, which is then mocked up
and prototyped.
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
It is as much a pleasure working with them
as with fellow designers. They are a source
of knowledge;theyknow all the aspects of the
feature you are designing being the ones
making it. They are great to brainstorm with;
they know the system behaviour, the errors
and edge cases so they can help you validate
your ideas and find “holes” in your designs.
They can give you a reality check; is your idea
feasible to implement given the technology,
time and resources? Last but not least, they
are great fun to work with.
Design Heroes
My design heroes are those people who love
what they do and put serious thought into
it and try to change the world for the better.
People who are open to new ideas and keep
an open mind, who respect the diversity of
other people and take them into account in
their creative process.
Maria Vrachni
UX Designer, London
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
We all enjoy our work, striving for the
best solution for our products and our
users. We share knowledge, ideas and
create a fun environment of collaboration.
If you could re-design
anything in the world what
would it be and why?
As a UX designer you see the world around
you differently than other people, and want
to fix all of the things, from interfaces to
industrial products and processes. There
are a lot of things that I observe around
me that I would like to re-design in a more
human friendly way and make peoples’
lives easier.
“Putting myself in the user’s shoes and solving their problems
is incredibly rewarding. Also, being the creator of something
that didn’t previously exist is exhilarating.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
I’ve been involved in re-designing Juju.
Visualizing software and how it connects to
each other provides big design challenges.
How it’s shown, the interactions between
connected said software, changing their
relationship, altering that relationship. It’s
complex and ever changing, but that’s what
makes it exciting.
Describe your
creative process
Collaborative is the key. Sketching, design
and flows are all worked out and talked
about together as a team. The goal is to
create the best experience for the user
possible and the most effective way
to achieve that is as a team.
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
I throughly enjoy working with engineers.
They are the backbone to all of the products
that we produce here. Coming from a
technical background myself, makes the
process of collaborating easier and they
are very open to new perspectives.’
Design Heroes
Malou Verlomme and the Monotype team.
To take on the Johnston font which has such
historical roots and work with it to bring it
into the digital age while still maintaining its
personality I think is an incredible feat and
they did a fantastic job with it.
Joseph Williams
Visual Designer, London
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
The drive to create something great.
Everything has a great work ethic and they
are also great to hang out with outside
of the office.
If you could re-design
anything in the world what
would it be and why?
Audible app and web service. I use it a
lot and I’m always thinking about how I
would improve it and reduce friction when
navigating around it. It would be a fun
project to work on.
“There is always something to do. Be that my own work or
a new process to get involved with or explore. Canonical really
supports self starters and if you have an idea or something you
want to try, they will support you.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
The redesign of the notifications system
if one of my favourites projects because
our everyday life is filled with information
competing for our attention and this
project helped to simplify our users’
end-to-end notification experience.
Describe your
creative process
I wouldn’t call it creative but rather
systematic. I explore every angle of
a problem and break every idea down
until I find a solid solution. It depends
on the type of project, but usually, I start
with scoping and research involving
stakeholders from day one. I do lots
of iterations and testing of ideas until
I refine a solution that then integrates
within our implementation process.
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
I think we get along really well. We talk and
discuss project details on a daily basis, not
only when they are already implementing
the proposed solution but involving them
from the very beginning so we have a shared
understanding of the design choices and
issues, which creates trust and a better
Design Heroes
There are so many great people out there.
I’ve been inspired many times by Stefan
Sagmeister, a graphic designer and
typographer from NY. Also, I follow the
work of outstanding people such as Dan
Mall, Brad Frost, Erika Hall, Jon Lax and
Leah Buley.
Patricia Davilla
Lead UX Designer, London
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
I guess curiosity and passion.
If you could re-design
anything in the world what
would it be and why?
Maybe human interactions because they
are complex and unpredictable and I’m
curious if I could design a system for this.
“I love every bit of designing for Canonical, the projects are very
Interesting, I enjoy working with such smart people, travelling for
sprints and learning every day.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
Ubuntu Software Center was the first
app store shipped with a PC operating
system. It was fascinating to be involved
in a huge range of details – from app
categorization, to search algorithms,
to credit card handling, to the maths
of review ratings.
Describe your
creative process
Designing anything starts with
understanding the problem. Who will
use this thing, when, and why? Will they
be excited, or tired, or distracted?
Sometimes understanding the problem
makes the solution obvious. Other times
I need to sketch multiple possibilities and
compare them.
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
I enjoy working with engineers because
I think like a programmer. I enjoy finding
the balance of enough detail for engineers
to understand. And for some people,
thinking of edge cases is a chore, but
for me it’s fun.
Design Heroes
Edward Tufte and Bill Atkinson.
Matthew Thomas
Interaction Designer, London
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
We’re all willing to try new ideas and
rework old designs. Developing an
operating system is like performing a
show: every version has to be good, but
there’s almost always a chance to do
even better next time.
If you could re-design
anything in the world what
would it be and why?
At least once in their life, every designer
should design a chair.
“Being in a small team means working on a wide variety of projects.
On any given day I might be working on the design of apps,
System Settings, toolkit controls, or presentations.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
I’ve just done a design refresh for a very
ubiquitous app in software development,
the terminal. It was interesting because
terminal clients are used by so many,
but not many of them have had input
from designers in the past. It was great
to get encouraging feedback from our
community. You can read more about
it here:
Describe your
creative process
Typically it involves really digging into how
the product being designed currently works
(if it’s an existing product), how people use
it, what they like and don’t like about it
– and then re-imagining that product,
imagining what the best possible experience
would be like – drawing inspiration from
of their day is spent fighting with badly
designed and engineered legacy hospital
software. I think well designed and
engineered open source software would
be really helpful there.
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
I have a background in both front-end
development and design, that can be
very helpful when designing interfaces
and working with engineers. I would
encourage all designers to learn at least
basic front-end development – it is
very useful.
Design Heroes
I really liked Zaha Hadid although I’ve
heard she was hard to work with. I draw
inspiration mostly from fields outside of
UI design – photographers, musicians
and scientists.
NJouni Helminen
Visual Designer, London
pure design practices and other best-in-
class products and patterns (sometimes
in the same category, but not always). You
need to trust your intuition to establish
the right path, but getting feedback from
users and peers throughout the process
is also very useful.
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
As designers, we all strive for the same
things – beauty, simplicity and usability in
our work, and we all draw pleasure from
when we get things right.’
If you could re-design
anything in the world
what would it be and why?
I would re-design software medical
practitioners use daily. My brother and
his wife are doctors – a large portion
“It’s a great mix of design and cutting edge technology”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
Indicators, Scopes redesign, System
Greeter, System Launcher
Describe your
creative process
UX reviews and briefing, research,
design, reviews, testing.
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
We have weekly catch ups or when needed.
We do have the occasional Sprint.
Design Heroes
I really like Dave McKean.
Alex Milazzo
Lead Visual Designer, London
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
The drive and passion to deliver a world
class system.
If you could re-design
anything in the world what
would it be and why?
In general I like products and devices when
they are highly functional and maintain
a graceful sense of beauty.
“By far convergence is the most awesome feature
I ever worked on.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
The coolest project in my opinion was
‘telephony’ – dialer, messaging and
contacts. It’s a very big project and it
was really interesting to be working on
something that is so familiar to people.
Describe your
creative process
We find an issue or project and then do
research, like what other patterns are
already out there. Following that, I mock
up the visual design based on the wire
frames. Then, we do a visual review after
which I will finalise the design and hand
it over to the developer when
it’s all approved.
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
Yes. I work with them really well. It’s good
when you try and understand what they’re
doing and speak the same language.
Design Heroes
I like Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Hische
I also like the work of the company Invision.
Rae Shambrook
Visual Designer, London
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
We all care a lot about what we’re doing.
We are super-into our work and we really
engage in what we’re doing and everyone
wants to make the best product possible.
If you could re-design
anything in the world what
would it be and why?
Anything that is about accessing media
content, like Netflix or even Facebook
news feed. I’m really interested in how we
access and find content and always curious
about how it could be smarter.
“I love the fact that I get to work on so many different things,
ranging from full on apps to the keyboard. I have even blogged
about design! And again, it’s the people I work with and what
I’ve learnt from them.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
I can’t reveal what exactly it is yet
unfortunately but it involves the creation
of a whole new page. It’s the feeling of
starting something from the beginning
that’s great. I have never worked on
anything like this before in my life and
neither has the design team and we
are all enjoying the team work and the
creativity of this project. Also, the fact
that something like this hasn’t been done
before and that’s very challenging.
Describe your
creative process
It varies – it depends on the project.
I do research and any problems I might
have, the solution is always very human-
centered. It’s always based on what people
need. We then do analysis in groups all
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
Yes. I work with them very well. We
are a very close team. They are amazing,
incredibly talented, quick and very reliable.
Our collaboration is very close even
though they’re all based very far away.
Design Heroes
I like the design work of ‘Ideo’ which
is a social innovation consultancy. I love
their creative process. Also, I had a few
fantastic tutors.
Elvira Figueras
UX Designer, London
together or split in smaller groups in order
to try and solve any problems. Usually, we
all contribute with ideas.’
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
We are all very different and that is
very inspiring since we work together.
That actually helps us as everyone gives
different points of view.
If you could re-design
anything in the world what
would it be and why?
I think it would definitely be something
from a social perspective. Something that
would benefit the community. I really
enjoy community-friendly design and
user well-being so it would have to be
something social.
“I like the fact that there is never just one way of doing things.
It’s up to you to find a way to solve the problem and that the
creative process is open.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
It‘s most definitely convergence. It’s
ground breaking stuff and designing is
also very challenging. The responsive
operating system is also a lot of fun.
Describe your
creative process
Basically, we see what we currently have
and what we’ve implemented first. We do
competitor analysis and see what other
people have done. Then, we pinpoint where
we can do something innovative and then
start the process of going through the
journey – drawing out a journey of how
this particular piece of functionality should
and then we show it to other designers and
also test outside of the design team. We
get feedback and re-design until the best
solutions are found.
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
Yes. I work very well with them. In my
team we sync a minimum of twice a week.
Usually, a lot more often, even though
they’re scattered all over the world.
Design Heroes
Jonathan Ive helped to revolutionize Apple
and Jacob Nielsen really helped to bring
usability and UX to the forefront
of our industry.
Femma Ashraf
Lead UX Designer, London
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
I would say that we’re all geeky in
our own ways, we are from varied
backgrounds but working for Ubuntu
is great. It’s also great to geek out with
everybody and that’s the norm.
If you could re-design
anything in the world what
would it be and why?
I have a very recent example actually.
I would re-design the ‘Wagamama’
vegeterian dumpling take-out box. The
dumplings are very small and the container
for the dip is very small too. They’ve placed
them in a large plastic bowl with a plastic
lid and it’s not environmentally friendly
and overkill for five dumplings.
“Being a designer is very creative. I like solving problems and the
fact that UX covers parts of lots of different areas – psychology,
engineering, creative and the visual side.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
I’m so new so it’s too early to say!
Describe your
creative process
Lots of thinking behind it. The way I
try to do it is first step research, find out
more about the project, see competitors,
inspiration websites. Second step would
be sketching the different ideas I have in
mind on paper and then you can see which
ones are worth it and after that the next
step would be to refine the ideas I have on
paper on the computer. Most of the times
you need to repeat this until you get the
best result.
Would you say that you enjoy
working with the engineers?
I’m very new to the company, so I haven’t
had the chance. I’m sure I’ll work with
them as well as I work with my own team
but I haven’t worked with them yet.
Design Heroes
Sagmeister. Very organic and experiemental
design work.
Joana Sa
Visual Designer, London
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
Team work – everyone likes to share
knowledge and help each other.
If you could re-design
anything in the world what
would it be and why?
Re-designing the air conditioning in the
underground. Improve it and do everyone
a favour.
“Designing means challenging yourself to do better,
always learning and needing to improve your skills.
I like challenging myself.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
I love working on database-less websites
and our new CSS framework, Vanilla.
Describe your developing
I am part of the web team and for the
last year we are doing pretty much pure
Scrum now, before that Kanban.
How well do you work with
the design team when
sharing common patterns?
Patterns make our work better and easier;
it is my life’s ambition to make them as
amazing as possible.
Peter Mahnke
Head of Web Development , London
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
Love of Ubuntu. A desire to learn and
grow. A willingness to change and adapt.
If you could develop any
web page which one would
it be and why?
Any page that helps people use Ubuntu
better is a great page.
“I came here for a three-month maternity cover, five years ago.
I love the people and the products.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved in
at Canonical
The design team is working on our
open source CSS framework, Vanilla
Framework. It is really great focusing our
energy into a project that we can share
with the community.
Describe your developing
I primarily work with Python an Django
and our process follows an agile
workflow. We are always pushing to
improve our workflow and tools, adding
more and more automated tests, moving
towards continuous integration. Our team
consists of designers, user experience,
and developers which gives us a great
environment and great feedback.
How well do you work with
the design team when
sharing common patterns?
The design team are great to work with.
They are very open and collaborative. We
work closely together, making sure we
share a common vision for our products.
They are a great source of inspiration
and feedback.
Will Moggridge
Web Developer, London
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
My colleagues are all very passionate
about technology. We share a passion
for Ubuntu, originating from a time
before we joined Canonical. We care
about our work and pushing our work
to be the best it can be, and even like
playing foosball!
If you could develop any
web page which one would
it be and why?
I don’t think I am able to pick a specific
site. I really enjoy building sites for
communities. A site that brings people
together and helps the community grow.
“I love the opportunity to give back to Canonical and its
community. I have the opportunity to work on devops,
backend and frontend and enjoy the ability to create tools
to make my life easier.”
Tell me about a very cool
project you were involved
in at Canonical
With the growing number of sites the
web team maintains, coupled with our
role as a support team for web projects
in the company and community, we
took the leap of developing a new CSS
framework – Vanilla. Vanilla has a broad
scope and has involved a lot of work
but we’re already seeing benefits of a
standardised set of tools for building
sites. Vanilla is also an Open Source
project so we can take pride in our work
helping others and we can, likewise,
benefit from community input.
Describe your developing
Sitting within the design team, the
Canonical web team developers work
very closely with design and UX;
If you could develop any
web page which one would
it be and why?
I don’t think I am able to pick a specific
site. I really enjoy building sites for
communities. A site that brings people
together and helps the community grow.
How well do you work with
the design team when
sharing common patterns?
I already mentioned Vanilla, our CSS
framework, this tool helps us to share
patterns more readily. Given how we have
such a wealth of design directions – with
desktop, phones, cloud apps, websites, etc.
– the design team really need to keep close
to share and collaborate.
Karl Williams
Web Developer, London
we collaborate and communicate both
ways rather then simply implementing
finished designs without any input. We
run our team on Agile principles so our
process is very fluid and focuses on
communication to work more effectively.
No two pieces of work are the same and
we need to keep adapting to that.
Describe what interests
you have in common with
your colleagues
Many of my co-workers have a lot of
experience with, and love for, Ubuntu
as long-term users. In the greater design
team, we all have a clear understanding
of the importance of the Ubuntu brand
and the unique problem of keeping
design consistency across a broad range
of community and internal projects.
“There’s always something new at such a fast-moving company so
I get to be involved in a variety of projects. I feel that we’re treated
like experts and our opinions are considered.”

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Why does our Design team love working at Canonical

  • 1. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical Snappy – our newest product. I’ve been working on snapweb – a beautiful and functional interface for snap management, the store which allows users to browse and download applications that are developed by engineers. Describe your creative process Collaborate with UX designers and do group brainstorm sketching Receive a high-fidelity wireframe to work from Research into the feature for visual inspiration Develop visual concepts that reflect the objectives of the new feature Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? We have a good working relationship, work closely when building a new feature from flat visual design, to build then QA. Design Heroes David Carson – The Godfather of Grunge. His style is unique and was renowned for a rule breaking attitude to design, when starting out my work was influenced through his style of combining various mediums of design. Jonathan Ive – Designer of user interface design amongst many Apple products. Motivated me to move into the digital/ technology side of design. Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues Great team morale Agile working methods Good working relationship inside the office and socially outside If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? Sky Sports football app – challenge to update the user interface and align it with their sub-brands, but also create a positive user experiences for an application that appears on multiple sized screens and is viewed by many users. “I enjoy working across the three Cloud products MAAS, Landscape and Snappy. I also enjoy the versatility of the work across the products. Keeps it challenging.” Karl Waghorn-Moyce Visual Designer, London
  • 2. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical The coolest project I have been involved in lately is creating a dashboard for MAAS. The design of a dashboard involves a lot of interesting components of design work. Initially, the requirements involve gathering and prioritisation, then, information visualisation, interaction design and graphic design explorations. It was like an exploration playground. Describe your creative process When a project starts, the team organises a few sketching sessions to brainstorm and get the ideas flowing. Following, we agree on exploring a few directions and meet again for the next iteration. We follow this process until we are happy with the the solution, which is then mocked up and prototyped. Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? It is as much a pleasure working with them as with fellow designers. They are a source of knowledge;theyknow all the aspects of the feature you are designing being the ones making it. They are great to brainstorm with; they know the system behaviour, the errors and edge cases so they can help you validate your ideas and find “holes” in your designs. They can give you a reality check; is your idea feasible to implement given the technology, time and resources? Last but not least, they are great fun to work with. Design Heroes My design heroes are those people who love what they do and put serious thought into it and try to change the world for the better. People who are open to new ideas and keep an open mind, who respect the diversity of other people and take them into account in their creative process. Maria Vrachni UX Designer, London Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues We all enjoy our work, striving for the best solution for our products and our users. We share knowledge, ideas and create a fun environment of collaboration. If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? As a UX designer you see the world around you differently than other people, and want to fix all of the things, from interfaces to industrial products and processes. There are a lot of things that I observe around me that I would like to re-design in a more human friendly way and make peoples’ lives easier. “Putting myself in the user’s shoes and solving their problems is incredibly rewarding. Also, being the creator of something that didn’t previously exist is exhilarating.”
  • 3. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical I’ve been involved in re-designing Juju. Visualizing software and how it connects to each other provides big design challenges. How it’s shown, the interactions between connected said software, changing their relationship, altering that relationship. It’s complex and ever changing, but that’s what makes it exciting. Describe your creative process Collaborative is the key. Sketching, design and flows are all worked out and talked about together as a team. The goal is to create the best experience for the user possible and the most effective way to achieve that is as a team. Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? I throughly enjoy working with engineers. They are the backbone to all of the products that we produce here. Coming from a technical background myself, makes the process of collaborating easier and they are very open to new perspectives.’ Design Heroes Malou Verlomme and the Monotype team. To take on the Johnston font which has such historical roots and work with it to bring it into the digital age while still maintaining its personality I think is an incredible feat and they did a fantastic job with it. Joseph Williams Visual Designer, London Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues The drive to create something great. Everything has a great work ethic and they are also great to hang out with outside of the office. If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? Audible app and web service. I use it a lot and I’m always thinking about how I would improve it and reduce friction when navigating around it. It would be a fun project to work on. “There is always something to do. Be that my own work or a new process to get involved with or explore. Canonical really supports self starters and if you have an idea or something you want to try, they will support you.”
  • 4. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical The redesign of the notifications system if one of my favourites projects because our everyday life is filled with information competing for our attention and this project helped to simplify our users’ end-to-end notification experience. Describe your creative process I wouldn’t call it creative but rather systematic. I explore every angle of a problem and break every idea down until I find a solid solution. It depends on the type of project, but usually, I start with scoping and research involving stakeholders from day one. I do lots of iterations and testing of ideas until I refine a solution that then integrates within our implementation process. Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? I think we get along really well. We talk and discuss project details on a daily basis, not only when they are already implementing the proposed solution but involving them from the very beginning so we have a shared understanding of the design choices and issues, which creates trust and a better collaboration. Design Heroes There are so many great people out there. I’ve been inspired many times by Stefan Sagmeister, a graphic designer and typographer from NY. Also, I follow the work of outstanding people such as Dan Mall, Brad Frost, Erika Hall, Jon Lax and Leah Buley. Patricia Davilla Lead UX Designer, London Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues I guess curiosity and passion. If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? Maybe human interactions because they are complex and unpredictable and I’m curious if I could design a system for this. “I love every bit of designing for Canonical, the projects are very Interesting, I enjoy working with such smart people, travelling for sprints and learning every day.”
  • 5. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical Ubuntu Software Center was the first app store shipped with a PC operating system. It was fascinating to be involved in a huge range of details – from app categorization, to search algorithms, to credit card handling, to the maths of review ratings. Describe your creative process Designing anything starts with understanding the problem. Who will use this thing, when, and why? Will they be excited, or tired, or distracted? Sometimes understanding the problem makes the solution obvious. Other times I need to sketch multiple possibilities and compare them. Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? I enjoy working with engineers because I think like a programmer. I enjoy finding the balance of enough detail for engineers to understand. And for some people, thinking of edge cases is a chore, but for me it’s fun. Design Heroes Edward Tufte and Bill Atkinson. Matthew Thomas Interaction Designer, London Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues We’re all willing to try new ideas and rework old designs. Developing an operating system is like performing a show: every version has to be good, but there’s almost always a chance to do even better next time. If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? At least once in their life, every designer should design a chair. “Being in a small team means working on a wide variety of projects. On any given day I might be working on the design of apps, System Settings, toolkit controls, or presentations.”
  • 6. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical I’ve just done a design refresh for a very ubiquitous app in software development, the terminal. It was interesting because terminal clients are used by so many, but not many of them have had input from designers in the past. It was great to get encouraging feedback from our community. You can read more about it here: Describe your creative process Typically it involves really digging into how the product being designed currently works (if it’s an existing product), how people use it, what they like and don’t like about it – and then re-imagining that product, imagining what the best possible experience would be like – drawing inspiration from of their day is spent fighting with badly designed and engineered legacy hospital software. I think well designed and engineered open source software would be really helpful there. Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? I have a background in both front-end development and design, that can be very helpful when designing interfaces and working with engineers. I would encourage all designers to learn at least basic front-end development – it is very useful. Design Heroes I really liked Zaha Hadid although I’ve heard she was hard to work with. I draw inspiration mostly from fields outside of UI design – photographers, musicians and scientists. NJouni Helminen Visual Designer, London pure design practices and other best-in- class products and patterns (sometimes in the same category, but not always). You need to trust your intuition to establish the right path, but getting feedback from users and peers throughout the process is also very useful. Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues As designers, we all strive for the same things – beauty, simplicity and usability in our work, and we all draw pleasure from when we get things right.’ If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? I would re-design software medical practitioners use daily. My brother and his wife are doctors – a large portion “It’s a great mix of design and cutting edge technology”
  • 7. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical Indicators, Scopes redesign, System Greeter, System Launcher Describe your creative process UX reviews and briefing, research, design, reviews, testing. Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? We have weekly catch ups or when needed. We do have the occasional Sprint. Design Heroes I really like Dave McKean. Alex Milazzo Lead Visual Designer, London Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues The drive and passion to deliver a world class system. If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? In general I like products and devices when they are highly functional and maintain a graceful sense of beauty. “By far convergence is the most awesome feature I ever worked on.”
  • 8. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical The coolest project in my opinion was ‘telephony’ – dialer, messaging and contacts. It’s a very big project and it was really interesting to be working on something that is so familiar to people. Describe your creative process We find an issue or project and then do research, like what other patterns are already out there. Following that, I mock up the visual design based on the wire frames. Then, we do a visual review after which I will finalise the design and hand it over to the developer when it’s all approved. Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? Yes. I work with them really well. It’s good when you try and understand what they’re doing and speak the same language. Design Heroes I like Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Hische I also like the work of the company Invision. Rae Shambrook Visual Designer, London Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues We all care a lot about what we’re doing. We are super-into our work and we really engage in what we’re doing and everyone wants to make the best product possible. If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? Anything that is about accessing media content, like Netflix or even Facebook news feed. I’m really interested in how we access and find content and always curious about how it could be smarter. “I love the fact that I get to work on so many different things, ranging from full on apps to the keyboard. I have even blogged about design! And again, it’s the people I work with and what I’ve learnt from them.”
  • 9. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical I can’t reveal what exactly it is yet unfortunately but it involves the creation of a whole new page. It’s the feeling of starting something from the beginning that’s great. I have never worked on anything like this before in my life and neither has the design team and we are all enjoying the team work and the creativity of this project. Also, the fact that something like this hasn’t been done before and that’s very challenging. Describe your creative process It varies – it depends on the project. I do research and any problems I might have, the solution is always very human- centered. It’s always based on what people need. We then do analysis in groups all Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? Yes. I work with them very well. We are a very close team. They are amazing, incredibly talented, quick and very reliable. Our collaboration is very close even though they’re all based very far away. Design Heroes I like the design work of ‘Ideo’ which is a social innovation consultancy. I love their creative process. Also, I had a few fantastic tutors. Elvira Figueras UX Designer, London together or split in smaller groups in order to try and solve any problems. Usually, we all contribute with ideas.’ Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues We are all very different and that is very inspiring since we work together. That actually helps us as everyone gives different points of view. If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? I think it would definitely be something from a social perspective. Something that would benefit the community. I really enjoy community-friendly design and user well-being so it would have to be something social. “I like the fact that there is never just one way of doing things. It’s up to you to find a way to solve the problem and that the creative process is open.”
  • 10. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical It‘s most definitely convergence. It’s ground breaking stuff and designing is also very challenging. The responsive operating system is also a lot of fun. Describe your creative process Basically, we see what we currently have and what we’ve implemented first. We do competitor analysis and see what other people have done. Then, we pinpoint where we can do something innovative and then start the process of going through the journey – drawing out a journey of how this particular piece of functionality should behave.Afterthat,wecreatethewireframes and then we show it to other designers and also test outside of the design team. We get feedback and re-design until the best solutions are found. Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? Yes. I work very well with them. In my team we sync a minimum of twice a week. Usually, a lot more often, even though they’re scattered all over the world. Design Heroes Jonathan Ive helped to revolutionize Apple and Jacob Nielsen really helped to bring usability and UX to the forefront of our industry. Femma Ashraf Lead UX Designer, London Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues I would say that we’re all geeky in our own ways, we are from varied backgrounds but working for Ubuntu is great. It’s also great to geek out with everybody and that’s the norm. If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? I have a very recent example actually. I would re-design the ‘Wagamama’ vegeterian dumpling take-out box. The dumplings are very small and the container for the dip is very small too. They’ve placed them in a large plastic bowl with a plastic lid and it’s not environmentally friendly and overkill for five dumplings. “Being a designer is very creative. I like solving problems and the fact that UX covers parts of lots of different areas – psychology, engineering, creative and the visual side.”
  • 11. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical I’m so new so it’s too early to say! Describe your creative process Lots of thinking behind it. The way I try to do it is first step research, find out more about the project, see competitors, inspiration websites. Second step would be sketching the different ideas I have in mind on paper and then you can see which ones are worth it and after that the next step would be to refine the ideas I have on paper on the computer. Most of the times you need to repeat this until you get the best result. Would you say that you enjoy working with the engineers? I’m very new to the company, so I haven’t had the chance. I’m sure I’ll work with them as well as I work with my own team but I haven’t worked with them yet. Design Heroes Sagmeister. Very organic and experiemental design work. Joana Sa Visual Designer, London Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues Team work – everyone likes to share knowledge and help each other. If you could re-design anything in the world what would it be and why? Re-designing the air conditioning in the underground. Improve it and do everyone a favour. “Designing means challenging yourself to do better, always learning and needing to improve your skills. I like challenging myself.”
  • 12. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical I love working on database-less websites and our new CSS framework, Vanilla. Describe your developing process I am part of the web team and for the last year we are doing pretty much pure Scrum now, before that Kanban. How well do you work with the design team when sharing common patterns? Patterns make our work better and easier; it is my life’s ambition to make them as amazing as possible. Peter Mahnke Head of Web Development , London Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues Love of Ubuntu. A desire to learn and grow. A willingness to change and adapt. If you could develop any web page which one would it be and why? Any page that helps people use Ubuntu better is a great page. “I came here for a three-month maternity cover, five years ago. I love the people and the products.”
  • 13. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical The design team is working on our open source CSS framework, Vanilla Framework. It is really great focusing our energy into a project that we can share with the community. Describe your developing process I primarily work with Python an Django and our process follows an agile workflow. We are always pushing to improve our workflow and tools, adding more and more automated tests, moving towards continuous integration. Our team consists of designers, user experience, and developers which gives us a great environment and great feedback. How well do you work with the design team when sharing common patterns? The design team are great to work with. They are very open and collaborative. We work closely together, making sure we share a common vision for our products. They are a great source of inspiration and feedback. Will Moggridge Web Developer, London Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues My colleagues are all very passionate about technology. We share a passion for Ubuntu, originating from a time before we joined Canonical. We care about our work and pushing our work to be the best it can be, and even like playing foosball! If you could develop any web page which one would it be and why? I don’t think I am able to pick a specific site. I really enjoy building sites for communities. A site that brings people together and helps the community grow. “I love the opportunity to give back to Canonical and its community. I have the opportunity to work on devops, backend and frontend and enjoy the ability to create tools to make my life easier.”
  • 14. Tell me about a very cool project you were involved in at Canonical With the growing number of sites the web team maintains, coupled with our role as a support team for web projects in the company and community, we took the leap of developing a new CSS framework – Vanilla. Vanilla has a broad scope and has involved a lot of work but we’re already seeing benefits of a standardised set of tools for building sites. Vanilla is also an Open Source project so we can take pride in our work helping others and we can, likewise, benefit from community input. Describe your developing process Sitting within the design team, the Canonical web team developers work very closely with design and UX; If you could develop any web page which one would it be and why? I don’t think I am able to pick a specific site. I really enjoy building sites for communities. A site that brings people together and helps the community grow. How well do you work with the design team when sharing common patterns? I already mentioned Vanilla, our CSS framework, this tool helps us to share patterns more readily. Given how we have such a wealth of design directions – with desktop, phones, cloud apps, websites, etc. – the design team really need to keep close to share and collaborate. Karl Williams Web Developer, London we collaborate and communicate both ways rather then simply implementing finished designs without any input. We run our team on Agile principles so our process is very fluid and focuses on communication to work more effectively. No two pieces of work are the same and we need to keep adapting to that. Describe what interests you have in common with your colleagues Many of my co-workers have a lot of experience with, and love for, Ubuntu as long-term users. In the greater design team, we all have a clear understanding of the importance of the Ubuntu brand and the unique problem of keeping design consistency across a broad range of community and internal projects. “There’s always something new at such a fast-moving company so I get to be involved in a variety of projects. I feel that we’re treated like experts and our opinions are considered.”