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Detection	and	localization	of	surgically	resectable cancer	
with	a	multi-analyte blood	test
Science	2018
Bioinformatics	Journal	Club	04/18/	2018
Thi Nguyen,	Ph.D.	Candidate
Graduate	Biomedical	Sciences	|	Immunology	Theme
University	of	Alabama	at	Birmingham	(UAB)
2.Liquid	biopsies/	ctDNA
3.Study	Design/	sample	collections
4.Technologies:	SafeSeq and	Bioplex-200
5.CancerSeek algorithm
7.Conclusion	+	Limitations
Joshua	Cohen
• MD/Ph.D.	student		at	Johns	Hopkins	University	School	of	Medicine
• MSTP	in	biomedical	engineering,	Mentors:	Bert	Vogelstein	and	Kenneth	
Kinzler at	Ludqig center.
• BS	at	MIT	in	chemical-biological	engineer	and	M.Phil in	Computational	
biology	at	University	of	Cambridge,	UK.
Nickolas	Papadopoulous
• Oncology	Professor	at	Johns	Hopkins
• International	expert	in	cancer	diagnostics
• Discover	the	genetic	basis	of	predisposition	to	hereditary	nonpolyposis	
colon	cancer
• Scientific	advisor	at	Personal	Genome	Diagnostics,	Inc.
Cancer	screening	test
Sensitivity	=	true-positives/(true-positives	+	false-negatives)
• ability	to	identify	correctly	those	who	have	cancer	among	the	population	with	cancer	
Specificity =	true-negatives/(true-negatives	+	false	positives)
• ability	to	identify	correctly	those	who	do	not	have	cancer	among	the	population	without	cancer
1. Non-blood	based
• Pap	screening
• Colonoscopy
• Mammography
• Cervical	cytology
• CT	scan
2.				Blood-based:
• Biomarkers	protein
• ctDNA
Liquid	Biopsies
• Liquid	biopsy	“a	test	done	on	a	sample	of	blood	to	
look	for	cancer	cells	from	a	tumor	that	are	
circulating	in	the	blood	or	pieces	of	DNA	from	
tumor	cells	that	are	in	the	blood.”
• Liquid	biopsy	from	blood:	ctDNA,	CTC,	exoxomes,	
proteins,	miRNA,	mRNA,	metabolites.
• Blood,	urine,	or	other	body	fluids
1.	Definition	of	liquid	biopsy	- NCI	Dictionary	of	Cancer	Terms	- National	Cancer	Institute.
Calaroma information	2017
cfDNA vs	ctDNA
cfDNA (cell-free	DNA)
• Non-encapsulated	DNA	fragments	of	100-300bp
• t1/2 ~		2h	for	ctDNA and	1h	for	fetal-derived	cfDNA
• Source:	death,	dying,	necrosis/apoptosis	cells
• Used	in	noninvasive	prenatal	diagnostics	and	cancer	assessment
• Concentration	in	blood	varies,	increase	with	the	size	of	fetus/	tumor
ctDNA (circulating	tumor	DNA)
• How	is	it	specific	to	tumor?	Cancer-specific	mutations.
• As	a	biomarker:	real	time,	non-invasive,	multi-lesions,	potentially	cheaper	(>biopsies)
• Often	low	concentration	mutant	DNA	in	the	sea	of	wild	type	DNA,	especially	in	early	stage	of	
cancer.	Eg.	Early	stage	has	<1	mutant	template/ml	plasma	->	beyond	detection	limit	(0.1%)
• But	mutation	information	alone	is	not	enough	to	predict	the	location	of	origin	->	challenge	
for	follow-up	tests
Study	cohortTable	S11.	Cancer	patients	evaluated	in	this	
study	by	tumor	type	and	stage.
Tumor	Type AJCC	Stage
of	cases	
I 32 15
II 114 55
III 63 30
I-III 209 --
I 77 20
II 191 49
III 120 31
I-III 388 --
I 5 11
II 29 64
III 11 24
I-III 45 --
I 5 11
II 19 43
III 20 45
I-III 44 --
I 46 44
II 27 26
III 31 30
I-III 104 --
I 9 17
II 4 7
III 41 76
I-III 54 --
I 4 4
II 83 89
III 6 6
I-III 93 --
I 21 31
II 30 44
III 17 25
I-III 68 --
• 1005	patients
• 8	types	of	cancer	stage	II	(49%),	stage	III	(31%)	
and	stage	I	(20%)
• Neoadjuvant	chemo/	metastasis	excluded
• Median	age	=	64	(range	22-93)
Control	group:
• 812	“healthy”	controls
• Median	age	=	55	(range	17-88)
• Criteria:	no	known	history	of	cancer,	high-grade	dysplasia,	
autoimmune	or	chronic	kidney	disease.
Sample	processing
Patients	(n=1005)	
plasma PBMC
White	blood	cells
Cell-free	DNA
PCR	products
21	cycles
PCR	products
Bioplex 200
Tumor	biopsies
n	=	153
90%	concordance	in	mutation
Wildtype	DNA
Sample	identification
• To	confirm	plasma,	WBC	and	plasma	DNA	were	from	the	same	patient
• Use	primers	to	amplify	~38,000	unique	LINE	(long	interspersed	nucleotide	elements)
• LINE	contain	26,220	common	polymorphism	which	can	establish/refute	sample	identity.
• Calculate	Concordance	=	number	of	matched	polymorphic	sites/	total	number	of	
genotypes	that	has	adequate	coverage	in	both	samples.
• Match	criteria:	Concordance	>	0.99	and	at	least	5,0000	amplicons	has	adequate	
Multiplex	PCR	to	detect	and	quantify	rare	mutations
Safe-Seq procedures
1. each	fragment	is	assigned	a	unique	identification	(UID)	
DNA	sequence	(green	or	blue	bars)
2. the	uniquely	tagged	fragments	are	amplified,	producing	
UID	families
3.	A	supermutant = UID	family	with	≥95%	family	members	
have	the	same	mutation.
Author’s	PCR	procedure
• 61	primer	pairs	->	2	sets	of	primer	(28+33	pairs)
• Plasma	DNA	divided	->	6	independent	reactions
1/	reduce	complexity	of	template	to	better	detect	rare	alleles	
2/	duplicate	signals
• Initial	amplification	(15	cycles)	->	1%	PCR	products
• 2nd amplification	(21	cycles)	->	Illumina	MiSeq/hiSeqSensitivity=	9	in	1	million
Mutation	detection	and	analysis
Mutation	detection
• Read	was	matched	to	reference	sequence	using	custom	scripts	:
• Reads	from	a	common	template	molecule	were	grouped	based	on	UID
• Artefactual	mutations	removed	by	requiring	a	mutation	to	be	presen tin	>	90%	reads	in	
each	UID	family
• Redundant	reads	from	optical	duplication	were	removed	by	requiring	reads	to	be	at	least	
5000	pixels	apart	when	located	on	the	same	file.
• Mutations	must	meet	either	one	of	these	2	criteria	to	be	considered	(1)	present	in	the	
COSMIC	databases	or	(2)	predicted	to	be	inactivating	in	tumor	suppressor	genes.
• Synonymous	mutation	(except	those	at	exon	ends)	and	intronic mutations	(except	for	
those	at	splice	sites)	were	excluded.
Mutation	analysis
• Mutant	allele	frequency	(MAF)	=	mutant	fraction	per	well.
• MAF	in	a	sample	=	SUM	of	supermutant in	6	wells	/	total	number	of	UID	in	6	wells
• xMAP technology	to	multiplex	up	to	100	different	analytes/	sample
• 100	colored	magnetic	beads	created	by	the	use	of	2	fluorescent	dyes	
at	distinct	ratios	of	concentrations.
Houser,	B.	(2012).	Bio-Rad’s	Bio-Plex®	suspension	array	system,	xMAP technology	overview.
Archives	of	Physiology	and	Biochemistry,
Magnetic	bead
Charge-coupled	device
CCD	technology
• CancerSEEK approach:	Combined	gene	+	protein	biomarkers
• Features	
1. Gene:	61	amplicons	panel	of	16	genes:	NRAS,	CTNNB1,	PIK3CA,	
2.		Protein:	Literature	search	to	find	protein	that	detect	at	least	1/8	
cancer	types	with	>10%	sensitivity	and	99%	specificities	:	list	of	41	
proteins	(39	can	be	reproducibly	evaluated)	->	narrow	down	the	test	
to	8	proteins
CancerSEEK overview
“Cancer	detection:	Seeking	signals	
in	blood.”	Mark	Kalinich and	Daniel	
A.	Haber.	Science.	2018
CancerSEEK algorithm-1
1. Mutant	allelle frequency	(MAF)	normalization:
• MAF	=	#	supermutants/	#	UID	in	the	same	well
• Normalized	by	observed	MAFs	(for	each	mutation)	in	training	set	composed	of		normal	
controls	+	256	healthy	WBC	.
• MAF	<	100	UID	:	set	to	zero
• Average	MAF	=	ave_i for	each	mutation	i =	1,…	n
• 25th percentile	of	this	ave_i distribution	->	ave_ref
• Normalized	MAF	=	MAF	*	(ave_ref/ave_i)
2. Reference	distribution	and	p-values:
• UID	was	split	in	10	intervals	(<1000,	1000	- 2000,	…	,	>9000)
• Corresponding	to	the	range	of	UIDs,	MAF	was	compared	to	2	reference	distributions:
(normal	+	256	WBC	healthy)	or	cancer	patients	in	training	set	using	10-fold	cross	
validation->	pN and	pC values.
“The	classification	of	a	sample's	ctDNA status	was	obtained	from	a	statistical	test	comparing	
the	normalized	mutation	frequencies	of	the	sample	of	interest	to	the	distributions	of	the	
normalized	mutation	frequencies	of,	respectively,	normal	and	cancer	samples	in	the	training	
CancerSEEK algorithm-2
3.	Log	ratios	and	omega	scores
• pC/pN for	each	mutation	was	calculated	(Min	and	Max	of	6	wells	was	omitted):
where	Wi =	#UID/	total	UID	for	mutation	i
Example for	KRAS	mutation:	
Ø The	number	of	supermutants and	UIDs	in	each	of	the	six	wells	were	
(161,	3755),	(78,	2198),	(99,	2966),	(84,	2013),	(177,	3694),	(117,3427),	respectively.
Ø 6	MAFs	(0.043,	0.035,	0.033,	0.042,	0.048,	0.034),
or	(0.0057,	0.0047,	0.0044,	0.0056,	0.0064,	0.0045)	after	normalization.
Ø pC =	(1.06E-06,	5.70E-06,	1.02E-05,	1.03E-06,	3.09E-07,	8.83E-06)	
Ø pN =	(0.100,	0.124,	0.128,	0.114,	0.094,	0.112)
Ø pC /	pN =	(94243,	21716,	12510,110752,	305090,	12680).	
Ø Eliminate	min	and	max
Highest	 𝜴 scores	(table	S5)
Lowest	 𝜴 scores	(table	S5)
CancerSEEK algorithm-3
5.	Logistic	Regression:
• omega	score	+	8	protein	concentration	(CA-125,	CA19-9,	CEA,	HGF,	MPO,	OPN,	PRL,	TIMP-1)
• Selection	of	8/	39	proteins:
1/	eliminate	any	proteins	with	higher	median	values	in	normal	samples:	39->26	left
2/	Forward	selection:	each	protein	was	dropped,	and	the	decrease	in	accuracy	of	the	test	was	
Checked	->	importance	of	each	protein
3/	Perform	10	rounds	of	10-fold	cross-validations
6.	Tissue	localization:
• Random	forest	to	predict	cancer	types	using	omega	score	+	8	protein	+	31	other	proteins	+	
• Classification	calls	were	obtained	in	an	average	round	of	10-fold	CV.
• Concordance	between	mutations	in	plasma	vs	tumor	was	considered	only	when	omega>	3	
and	primary	tumor	contain	any	mutation	with	MAF>	5%
4.	Protein	normalization	and	transformation:
• Set	all	values	<	limits	of	detection	:	m
• Set	all	values	>	limits	of	detection	:	M
• Further	transformation:	if	a	protein	concentration	<	95th percentile	of	normal	samples	in	
training	set,	then	protein	concentration	=	0,	otherwise,	protein	concentration	=	original	value
Fig.	1.	Rationale:
Challenges	to	design	PCR-based	mutation	detection	test
1. The	test	must	query	a	sufficient	number	of	bases	to	allow	detection	
of	a	large	number	of	cancers
2. Each	base	must	be	sequenced	thousands	of	times	to	detect	low	
prevalence	mutations
3. However,	there	must	be	a	limit	on	the	number	of	bases	to	reduce	
artefactual	mutations
4. Cost-effective,	amenable	to	high	throughput
Fig.1:	What	is	the	minimum	number	of	amplicons	required	to	detect	
at	least	1	driver	mutation?	
Fig.1.	Evaluate	the	61	amplicon	panel
• Curve	=	proportions	of	cancers	detected	as	#	of	amplicons	
• Dots	=	fraction	of	cancers	detected	using	the	61- amplicon	panel
Sup.	Fig.	1:	Distribution	of	number	
of	detectable	mutations	in	805	
Fig.	2.	Performance	of	CancerSEEK
(A) ROC	curve	for	CancerSEEK.	
Red	dot	=	test	average	performance	at	
>99%	specificity.
(B)	Median	sensitivity	by	stage
• Error	bar	=	SE	of	the	median
(C)	Sensitivity by tumor type
• Error	bars =	95%	CI
Sup.	Fig.	2.	Performance	of	CancerSEEK
Table	S9.	Logistic	regression	model	coefficients	and	
importance	scores.
Ω	score 1.77E+00 7.55E+00
CA-125 4.15E-02 1.37E+00
CEA 2.33E-04 1.17E+00
CA19-9 1.20E-02 5.18E-01
Prolactin 3.51E-05 4.76E-01
HGF 2.45E-03 3.03E-01
OPN 1.45E-05 1.72E-01
Myeloperoxidase 5.40E-03 9.31E-02
TIMP-1 7.34E-06 7.05E-02
• Logistic	regression	can	have	many	dependent	variables	(numerical/categorical…)
• Just	as	least	square	regression	is	used	to	estimate	coefficients	to	best	fit	linear	regression,	
Logistic	regression	uses	maximum	likelihood	estimation	to	obtain	best	fit	predictors.	After	
The	original	function	is	estimated,	the	process	is	repeated	until	the	Log	likelihood	does	not	change	
Logistic	regression
• Goal:	predict	the	binary	outcome	from	a	set	of	independent	variables	(used	to	classify	samples)
• Instead	of	fitting	a	line	to	the	data	(linear	regression),	logistic	regression	fits	an	S	shape	logistic	
curve,	which	is	limited	to	values	between	0	and	1.
• Curve	is	constructed	using	the	natural	logarithm	of	the	odds	of	the	target	variable.
Sup.	Fig3.	PCA	of	ctDNA and	8	proteins	clusters	cancer	patients	vs.	control.
Sup.	Fig4.	Effects	of	each	CancerSEEK features	on	sensitivity	
Each	panel	displays	the	
Sensitivity	achieved	when	a	
particular	 feature	is	excluded	
from	the	logistic	regression
Fig.	3.	Supervised	Machine	learning	to	identify	cancer	type
• Percentages	=	proportions	of	patients	
correctly	classified	by	1	of	2	most	
likely	subtypes	(sum	of	light	and	dark	
blue	bars)	or	the	most	likely	type	
(light	blue	bar).
• Error	bars	=	95%	CI
• CancerSEEK =	multi-analyte blood	
test	that	can	detect	the	presence	of	8	
common	solid	tumors	(60%	
estimated	cancer	death	in	the	US)	by	
combining	8	protein	biomarkers	with	
genetic	biomarkers	(61	amplicons	of	
16	genes)
• Estimate	cost	~<	$500
This	study	lays	a	foundation	for	a	single	multi-analyte blood	test	that	combine	other	blood	
biomarkers	(metabolites,	mRNA,	miRNA	and	methylated	DNA)	to	detect	cancer	for	early	
Limitations	of	study
1. The	patient	cohort	are	individuals	with	known	cancers	with	marked	symptoms.	In	true	
screening	setting,	patients	would	have	less	advanced	diseases	and	the	sensitivity will	
mostly	likely	be	a	lot	less	than	estimated	here.
2. Control	are	healthy	individuals	whereas	in	true	screening	setting,	some	individuals	
might	have	inflammatory	or	other	diseases	that	could	result	in	a	greater	proportion	of	
false	positive	results.
3. No	independent	validation	cohort
4. Only	look	at	8	cancer	types

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IL-21 promotes pulmonary fibrosis through the induction of profibrotic CD8+ T...
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IL-21 promotes pulmonary fibrosis through the induction of profibrotic CD8+ T...
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