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Social Action and Community
Existing Product Research
Case Study: British Heart foundation – Little Hearts
•To bring local, national or global change.
•To raise awareness.
•Provide information.
•To campaign.
•Change attitudes and feelings towards issues.
To make more people aware of heart diseases
and heart problems within children and that
they do not only occur within older people and
the elderly.
2Creative Media Production 2012
The message has been put across simply and abruptly to
ensure anyone who sees this campaign knows what they
are trying to say. Keeping the sentence structure short
ensures that it immediately gets to the point. The use of
the colour red is eye catching and stands out but is also
relevant to the campaign as it is the colour of blood and is
a strong/powerful colour which represents the campaign
having a strong and powerful message. The font style has
been kept simple which allows you to easily read the
poster but the simple-ness can also show that it is a
simple and non-complex meaning or message. The
overall tone is a happy one. This is shown through the
photograph of the young girl and her mother smiling but
you can also tell this through the copy. The copy shows
happiness because it is thanking the campaign and
saying she has gained her life back because of them.
3Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: British Heart Foundation – Little Hearts
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
4Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
•Bring local, national or global change.
•Change attitudes or feelings towards issues.
•Raise awareness.
•To campaign.
•Provide information.
This campaign aims to raise awareness to the
risks of speeding and not paying attention to
speed signs. It aims to stop people speeding
and to not cross the limits.
5Creative Media Production 2012
The image which has been used fills up most of the
poster and the colours are fairly dull and tones down. This
is effective and gets across a message because it is a dull
message. It also casts a mood of sadness which is
reflected through the girl crying. All of this works together
to effectively set a sad and depressive tone to the
campaign. The colours of this campaign are mainly black
and white which contrast and help to make the writing
stand out from the background and catch your eye but the
colours are also effective because black is dark and it is a
dark message. The font used for the copy has been kept
simple in order to make it easy for the viewer to easily
read and also because it holds a simple and straight
forward message, getting to the point immediately.
6Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
7Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
Fatal Serious Slight All accidents Road traffic1
Type of road
% % % % %
______________ Number change Number change Number change Number change change
Motorways 80 -13 546 -10 4,989 -3 5,615 -4 1
Built-up roads
20 mph 9 29 333 19 1,906 16 2,248 16 ..
30 mph 582 -5 12,684 1 81,662 -5 94,928 -4 ..
40 mph 155 -5 1,795 1 9,910 -5 11,860 -4 ..
All built-up roads 746 -5 14,812 1 93,478 -5 109,036 -4 ..
Non built-up roads
50 mph 92 -21 744 -6 4,136 0 4,972 -2 ..
60 mph 599 -9 4,152 -3 16,322 -5 21,073 -5 ..
70 mph 120 -18 647 -10 4,108 -2 4,875 -4 ..
All non built-up roads 811 -12 5,543 -4 24,566 -4 30,920 -4 ..
Major roads2 976 -14 10,037 -3 61,768 -4 72,781 -4 0
Minor roads3 661 0 10,864 2 61,265 -5 72,790 -4 -1
All roads4 1,637 -9 20,901 0 123,033 -4 145,571 -4 0
Case Study: BeatBullying
•Bring local, national or global change.
•Change attitudes and behaviours towards issues.
•To raise awareness.
•Create or strengthen community ties.
•Provide information.
•To campaign.
•Build relationships and discuss social issues.
The aim of this campaign is to beat bullying and
make people realise the seriousness of what
could happen. It ensures people know where to
get support of they are being bullied or if they are
a bully themselves.
8Creative Media Production 2012
The message for this is very dark and distressing. It has
been put across is a depressive way and uses graphics to
physically show an effect of bullying. The dark silhouette
is black which represents death. This is powerful because
it shows that the words people have used have caused
death and it shows bullying can have drastic effects on
people, with the words literally hanging the person in this
advert. Some of the copy has been written in red to make
it stand out. “Bullying can kill” is a powerful statement and
the use of the red which is a powerful colour helps draw it
out from the rest of the writing. The website link has been
placed in red so that viewers can easily see it and know
where to go. Whilst creating this campaign the specific
audience has been brought into consideration because
the graphics have been kept simple and not overly
shocking but are still powerful and the copy has been kept
simple and blunt so that it can easily be understood by
the young people and also because it has been created
by younger people.
9Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: BeatBullying
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
10Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: BeatBullying
One of the main impacts of this campaign is that more people have started reporting
being bullied and opening up about it.
•According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the percentage of students
aged 12-18 who reported being bullied has increased by 24.5 percent since 2003, with
the latest data samples released in 2007.
•According to the studies, in 2003 only 7.1 percent of students reported being bullied. In
2005 that number jumped to 28.1 and in 2007 it soared to a whopping 31.7 percent.
Tragically, that is a 24.6 percent rate of change between the first and third set of data
Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant
•Bring local, national or global change.
•Change attitudes/feelings towards issues.
•Raise awareness.
•Provide information.
•To campaign.
•Infiltrate mainstream media.
The aim of this campaign if to get women
to stop smoking whilst pregnant and also to
help them quit smoking altogether.
11Creative Media Production 2012
The campaign has considered their specific audience clearly.
The poster is aimed towards women and more specifically
pregnant women and you can instantly see this through he
graphic image of a pregnant woman. The colours used on this
image are mainly black and grey. These colours are very dull
and bleak. The message has been put out straight away to be
seen and keeping the sentence structure short means it gets
right to the point and is easy to understand. The image of the
campaign can be seen as being powerful because at first you
see the woman is smoking whilst pregnant but then as you look
down the poster it looks like the foetus is smoking also and this
shows that smoking effects a baby rather than you just reading
it. Images can be more powerful and often have a bigger impact
on people than copy. The main point of this campaign “every
cigarette harms your baby” is larger than the rest of the copy
because it is the main message within the poster and is also
what attracts your eye first. The rest of the information, which is
smaller, is just extra to advise you on how to get help to keep
both you and your unborn child safe.
12Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant.
Impact: In 2005, 32% of women smoked in the year before or during
pregnancy (a fall from 35% in 2000) and 17% (a fall from 19% in 2000)
smoked throughout pregnancy.
The rates were even higher for mothers in routine or manual jobs:
•48% smoked in the year before pregnancy or during.
•29% throughout pregnancy compared to mothers in managerial or
professional jobs whose equivalent percentages were 19% and 7%.
13Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant.
Overall effect of campaign on women and smoking changes whilst pregnant and not.
Case Study: Vote Conservative
•Bring local and national change.
•Change attitudes/feelings towards issues.
•Challenge dominant representations/agendas.
•Create or strengthen community ties.
•To campaign.
•Change voting behaviour.
•Infiltrate mainstream media.
The aim of this poster is to try and persuade the general public to vote for
David Cameron as prime minister and to choose the conservative party.
14Creative Media Production 2012
The message has been put across very simply on this campaign through the
use of a single short sentence. This gets straight to the point and lets the
viewer know what conservative says they‟re going to do. The writing is in blue
to match the colour of conservative and that you would know it was a
conservative campaign poster before you see at the bottom it mentions voting
for conservative. The minimal copy ensures you get right to the point and then
it features a web address for if you want to go and read about the
propositions in further detail. The font is a simple sans serif font which
ensures it is easy for the reader to read. There are no extra details or flicks to
the fonts which may cause eye distractions or make it harder to read if the
words and letters all combined together.
15Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Vote Conservative
Impact: The impact of this campaign was that conservative won the votes
and David Cameron because prime minister.
16Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Vote Conservative
Case Study: Breastfeeding in public
• To bring local, national or global change.
•Change attitudes and feelings towards issues.
•To campaign.
•Build relationships and discuss social issues.
The aim of this campaign is to make it allowed for women to breastfeed their
children in public and not be judged for it.
17Creative Media Production 2012
The first thing you notice when looking at this is the cute baby on the left hand
side. The cuteness of the baby if effective in this campaign because it makes
you feel bad for saying the mother cannot feed in public and gives a
feeling/thought of “how could anyone every deny this cute baby of anything?”.
The copy/written work of this campaign is simplistic and uses a rhetorical
question to make the viewer think and consider their own thoughts/beliefs. It
tries to make the viewer feel guilty by implying that if you don‟t allow the
mothers to breastfeed whilst out you would rather the baby starved; which gives
an all around tone of guilt and could upset the reader and make them feel bad
for denying the baby its food and nutrients.
18Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Breastfeeding in public
The only impact from this campaign I was able to find is that women are
given tips on how to do it discreetly as to not cause attention to
themselves or make it obvious. This will prevent them being judged for it
as much.
Being discreet while breast feeding in public
- Mom can place a blanket over her baby and her breast or even wear a special top “breastfeeding wear” that covers up
what might make other people uncomfortable.
-Nursing privacy drapes “breastfeeding cover” can also be bought and are really convenient as they have a weight on
them, so that they do not fall from your shoulder or so that baby cannot pull it down.
- Wear a good nursing bra – One that can be easily opened and closed for discretion
- Get yourself a nursing blanket
- Find a calm place to breastfeed – This will help baby relax and not move his head every two seconds which can also
draw attention
- For the new born babies – Slings can be used; they are really convenient as baby is at the breast all the time.
- Practice at home in front of a mirror
- Feed your baby before he gets too hungry, as he will be miserable and draw attention
-Be confident – The more you stress, the more obvious you are going to be
- Breastfeed baby in a sling, this is an easy way to cover up where nobody even knows you are breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding clothing - If it‟s hot and you don‟t want to use a blanket you can always dress with layers and cover baby
with a loose shirt.
- It helps when you have someone with you that supports your breastfeeding.
- Find out if the place where you are going has a nursing lounge, most shopping malls have them these days
-Get some tips for breastfeeding in public from other moms who have experience.
19Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Breastfeeding in public
Case Study: Accessible Arts and Media
•Bring local, national or global change.
•To raise awareness.
•Create media access to non-traditional groups.
•Create or strengthen community ties.
•Provide information.
•Infiltrate mainstream media.
•Build relationships.
To give handicapped/disabled people access to
media that they would not usually be able to
have. It allows them to have their own website
adapted to their needs and a radio channel.
20Creative Media Production 2012
One of the techniques used on the specially
created website would be that there is a variety of settings
which can be adjusted to meet the persons needs and
make it easier for them to use and access all of the
facilities. Another technique which has been used on
the disabled people‟s website is that all the hyperlinks
are a variety of colours to separate them and make it
easier to see the difference and they have also had
graphic images placed next to the words. This allows
people to easily see what the different things are if they
struggle to read easily.
21Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Accessible Arts and Media
Impact: The impact from
the work Access Arts and
Media have done means
that there is now a
specially designed
website created to fit
people‟s special needs
and there is also a radio
station that disabled
people can listen to and
also broadcast on.
22Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Accessible Arts and Media
Case Study: Teenage Pregnancy
•Bring local, national or global change.
•Change attitudes/feelings towards issues.
•Raise awareness.
•To campaign.
•Provide information.
The aim of this poster is to persuade teenage
girls to get the implant because there won't
be a risk of them forgetting if they are on the
pill. The overall aim is to reduce teenage and
unexpected pregnancies.
23Creative Media Production 2012
When you look at this campaign poster, the first thing you see is
a young girl looking in the mirror and seeing herself as being
pregnant. She is asking herself the question “did I take the pill
today?” and as she cannot remember, it shows worry about
being pregnant and becoming a mother. The next technique
used is enlarging the word „implant‟ to make it stand out from the
rest of the sentence. This immediately captures the readers eye
but also allows anyone to know what the campaign is for without
needing to read anything else first. The colours used in this
campaign poster are bright and vibrant which attracts your eye
at a glance and makes you take a second look. The blue, yellow
and pink colour scheme is typically seen as being girly colours
which would benefit at attracting the target audience. The font is
also a stereotypical girly style as it appears handwritten and
informal. The QR code works well for attracting the younger
audience. It is more likely to interest them and make them pay
attention if they can link it up to their phones and give them an
easy way of keeping track or looking up things.
24Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Teenage Pregnancy.
Teenage pregnancy rates are at their lowest since 1969, according to figures
released by the Office for National Statistics on 27 February 2013. They have now
fallen by 34% from the baseline year of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy. The term
„teenage pregnancy‟ generally refers to girls aged under 18 (13-17 inclusive) who are
under the legal age of adulthood.
In February 2013 the annual under-18 conception data for 2011 was published.
The figures are provisional.
Under-18 conceptions 2011 (latest annual data available)
A total of 29,166 girls aged under 18 (15-17) got pregnant in England in 2011.
Of those, 49.3% had abortions. The under-18 conception rate was 30.7/1,000. This
has fallen 34% since 1998. The rate dropped 10.2% from 2010.
Under-16 conceptions 2011
A total of 5,661 girls under 16 (aged 13-15) got pregnant in England in 2011.
Of those, 60.5% had abortions. The under-16 conception rate has fallen 29% since
1998. It now stands at 6.1/1,000 girls under 16. The rate dropped 9% from 2010.
25Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Teenage Pregnancy.
Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant
26Creative Media Production 2012
27Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant.
28Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant.

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Campaign research adverts

  • 1. Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research
  • 2. Case Study: British Heart foundation – Little Hearts Purpose: •To bring local, national or global change. •To raise awareness. •Provide information. •To campaign. •Change attitudes and feelings towards issues. Aims: To make more people aware of heart diseases and heart problems within children and that they do not only occur within older people and the elderly. 2Creative Media Production 2012
  • 3. Techniques: The message has been put across simply and abruptly to ensure anyone who sees this campaign knows what they are trying to say. Keeping the sentence structure short ensures that it immediately gets to the point. The use of the colour red is eye catching and stands out but is also relevant to the campaign as it is the colour of blood and is a strong/powerful colour which represents the campaign having a strong and powerful message. The font style has been kept simple which allows you to easily read the poster but the simple-ness can also show that it is a simple and non-complex meaning or message. The overall tone is a happy one. This is shown through the photograph of the young girl and her mother smiling but you can also tell this through the copy. The copy shows happiness because it is thanking the campaign and saying she has gained her life back because of them. 3Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: British Heart Foundation – Little Hearts
  • 4. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. 4Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
  • 5. Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Purpose: •Bring local, national or global change. •Change attitudes or feelings towards issues. •Raise awareness. •To campaign. •Provide information. Aims: This campaign aims to raise awareness to the risks of speeding and not paying attention to speed signs. It aims to stop people speeding and to not cross the limits. 5Creative Media Production 2012
  • 6. Techniques: The image which has been used fills up most of the poster and the colours are fairly dull and tones down. This is effective and gets across a message because it is a dull message. It also casts a mood of sadness which is reflected through the girl crying. All of this works together to effectively set a sad and depressive tone to the campaign. The colours of this campaign are mainly black and white which contrast and help to make the writing stand out from the background and catch your eye but the colours are also effective because black is dark and it is a dark message. The font used for the copy has been kept simple in order to make it easy for the viewer to easily read and also because it holds a simple and straight forward message, getting to the point immediately. 6Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
  • 7. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. 7Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Fatal Serious Slight All accidents Road traffic1 Type of road % % % % % ______________ Number change Number change Number change Number change change Motorways 80 -13 546 -10 4,989 -3 5,615 -4 1 Built-up roads 20 mph 9 29 333 19 1,906 16 2,248 16 .. 30 mph 582 -5 12,684 1 81,662 -5 94,928 -4 .. 40 mph 155 -5 1,795 1 9,910 -5 11,860 -4 .. All built-up roads 746 -5 14,812 1 93,478 -5 109,036 -4 .. Non built-up roads 50 mph 92 -21 744 -6 4,136 0 4,972 -2 .. 60 mph 599 -9 4,152 -3 16,322 -5 21,073 -5 .. 70 mph 120 -18 647 -10 4,108 -2 4,875 -4 .. All non built-up roads 811 -12 5,543 -4 24,566 -4 30,920 -4 .. Major roads2 976 -14 10,037 -3 61,768 -4 72,781 -4 0 Minor roads3 661 0 10,864 2 61,265 -5 72,790 -4 -1 All roads4 1,637 -9 20,901 0 123,033 -4 145,571 -4 0
  • 8. Case Study: BeatBullying Purpose: •Bring local, national or global change. •Change attitudes and behaviours towards issues. •To raise awareness. •Create or strengthen community ties. •Provide information. •To campaign. •Build relationships and discuss social issues. Aims: The aim of this campaign is to beat bullying and make people realise the seriousness of what could happen. It ensures people know where to get support of they are being bullied or if they are a bully themselves. 8Creative Media Production 2012
  • 9. Techniques: The message for this is very dark and distressing. It has been put across is a depressive way and uses graphics to physically show an effect of bullying. The dark silhouette is black which represents death. This is powerful because it shows that the words people have used have caused death and it shows bullying can have drastic effects on people, with the words literally hanging the person in this advert. Some of the copy has been written in red to make it stand out. “Bullying can kill” is a powerful statement and the use of the red which is a powerful colour helps draw it out from the rest of the writing. The website link has been placed in red so that viewers can easily see it and know where to go. Whilst creating this campaign the specific audience has been brought into consideration because the graphics have been kept simple and not overly shocking but are still powerful and the copy has been kept simple and blunt so that it can easily be understood by the young people and also because it has been created by younger people. 9Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: BeatBullying
  • 10. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. 10Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: BeatBullying One of the main impacts of this campaign is that more people have started reporting being bullied and opening up about it. •According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the percentage of students aged 12-18 who reported being bullied has increased by 24.5 percent since 2003, with the latest data samples released in 2007. •According to the studies, in 2003 only 7.1 percent of students reported being bullied. In 2005 that number jumped to 28.1 and in 2007 it soared to a whopping 31.7 percent. Tragically, that is a 24.6 percent rate of change between the first and third set of data sampling.
  • 11. Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant Purpose: •Bring local, national or global change. •Change attitudes/feelings towards issues. •Raise awareness. •Provide information. •To campaign. •Infiltrate mainstream media. Aims: The aim of this campaign if to get women to stop smoking whilst pregnant and also to help them quit smoking altogether. 11Creative Media Production 2012
  • 12. Techniques: The campaign has considered their specific audience clearly. The poster is aimed towards women and more specifically pregnant women and you can instantly see this through he graphic image of a pregnant woman. The colours used on this image are mainly black and grey. These colours are very dull and bleak. The message has been put out straight away to be seen and keeping the sentence structure short means it gets right to the point and is easy to understand. The image of the campaign can be seen as being powerful because at first you see the woman is smoking whilst pregnant but then as you look down the poster it looks like the foetus is smoking also and this shows that smoking effects a baby rather than you just reading it. Images can be more powerful and often have a bigger impact on people than copy. The main point of this campaign “every cigarette harms your baby” is larger than the rest of the copy because it is the main message within the poster and is also what attracts your eye first. The rest of the information, which is smaller, is just extra to advise you on how to get help to keep both you and your unborn child safe. 12Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant.
  • 13. Impact: In 2005, 32% of women smoked in the year before or during pregnancy (a fall from 35% in 2000) and 17% (a fall from 19% in 2000) smoked throughout pregnancy. The rates were even higher for mothers in routine or manual jobs: •48% smoked in the year before pregnancy or during. •29% throughout pregnancy compared to mothers in managerial or professional jobs whose equivalent percentages were 19% and 7%. 13Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant. Overall effect of campaign on women and smoking changes whilst pregnant and not.
  • 14. Case Study: Vote Conservative Purpose: •Bring local and national change. •Change attitudes/feelings towards issues. •Challenge dominant representations/agendas. •Create or strengthen community ties. •To campaign. •Change voting behaviour. •Infiltrate mainstream media. Aims: The aim of this poster is to try and persuade the general public to vote for David Cameron as prime minister and to choose the conservative party. 14Creative Media Production 2012
  • 15. Techniques: The message has been put across very simply on this campaign through the use of a single short sentence. This gets straight to the point and lets the viewer know what conservative says they‟re going to do. The writing is in blue to match the colour of conservative and that you would know it was a conservative campaign poster before you see at the bottom it mentions voting for conservative. The minimal copy ensures you get right to the point and then it features a web address for if you want to go and read about the propositions in further detail. The font is a simple sans serif font which ensures it is easy for the reader to read. There are no extra details or flicks to the fonts which may cause eye distractions or make it harder to read if the words and letters all combined together. 15Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Vote Conservative
  • 16. Impact: The impact of this campaign was that conservative won the votes and David Cameron because prime minister. 16Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Vote Conservative
  • 17. Case Study: Breastfeeding in public Purpose: • To bring local, national or global change. •Change attitudes and feelings towards issues. •To campaign. •Build relationships and discuss social issues. Aims: The aim of this campaign is to make it allowed for women to breastfeed their children in public and not be judged for it. 17Creative Media Production 2012
  • 18. Techniques: The first thing you notice when looking at this is the cute baby on the left hand side. The cuteness of the baby if effective in this campaign because it makes you feel bad for saying the mother cannot feed in public and gives a feeling/thought of “how could anyone every deny this cute baby of anything?”. The copy/written work of this campaign is simplistic and uses a rhetorical question to make the viewer think and consider their own thoughts/beliefs. It tries to make the viewer feel guilty by implying that if you don‟t allow the mothers to breastfeed whilst out you would rather the baby starved; which gives an all around tone of guilt and could upset the reader and make them feel bad for denying the baby its food and nutrients. 18Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Breastfeeding in public
  • 19. Impact: The only impact from this campaign I was able to find is that women are given tips on how to do it discreetly as to not cause attention to themselves or make it obvious. This will prevent them being judged for it as much. Being discreet while breast feeding in public - Mom can place a blanket over her baby and her breast or even wear a special top “breastfeeding wear” that covers up what might make other people uncomfortable. -Nursing privacy drapes “breastfeeding cover” can also be bought and are really convenient as they have a weight on them, so that they do not fall from your shoulder or so that baby cannot pull it down. - Wear a good nursing bra – One that can be easily opened and closed for discretion - Get yourself a nursing blanket - Find a calm place to breastfeed – This will help baby relax and not move his head every two seconds which can also draw attention - For the new born babies – Slings can be used; they are really convenient as baby is at the breast all the time. - Practice at home in front of a mirror - Feed your baby before he gets too hungry, as he will be miserable and draw attention -Be confident – The more you stress, the more obvious you are going to be - Breastfeed baby in a sling, this is an easy way to cover up where nobody even knows you are breastfeeding - Breastfeeding clothing - If it‟s hot and you don‟t want to use a blanket you can always dress with layers and cover baby with a loose shirt. - It helps when you have someone with you that supports your breastfeeding. - Find out if the place where you are going has a nursing lounge, most shopping malls have them these days -Get some tips for breastfeeding in public from other moms who have experience. - 19Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Breastfeeding in public
  • 20. Case Study: Accessible Arts and Media Purpose: •Bring local, national or global change. •To raise awareness. •Create media access to non-traditional groups. •Create or strengthen community ties. •Provide information. •Infiltrate mainstream media. •Build relationships. Aims: To give handicapped/disabled people access to media that they would not usually be able to have. It allows them to have their own website adapted to their needs and a radio channel. 20Creative Media Production 2012
  • 21. Techniques: One of the techniques used on the specially created website would be that there is a variety of settings which can be adjusted to meet the persons needs and make it easier for them to use and access all of the facilities. Another technique which has been used on the disabled people‟s website is that all the hyperlinks are a variety of colours to separate them and make it easier to see the difference and they have also had graphic images placed next to the words. This allows people to easily see what the different things are if they struggle to read easily. 21Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Accessible Arts and Media
  • 22. Impact: The impact from the work Access Arts and Media have done means that there is now a specially designed website created to fit people‟s special needs and there is also a radio station that disabled people can listen to and also broadcast on. 22Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Accessible Arts and Media
  • 23. Case Study: Teenage Pregnancy Purpose: •Bring local, national or global change. •Change attitudes/feelings towards issues. •Raise awareness. •To campaign. •Provide information. Aims: The aim of this poster is to persuade teenage girls to get the implant because there won't be a risk of them forgetting if they are on the pill. The overall aim is to reduce teenage and unexpected pregnancies. 23Creative Media Production 2012
  • 24. Techniques: When you look at this campaign poster, the first thing you see is a young girl looking in the mirror and seeing herself as being pregnant. She is asking herself the question “did I take the pill today?” and as she cannot remember, it shows worry about being pregnant and becoming a mother. The next technique used is enlarging the word „implant‟ to make it stand out from the rest of the sentence. This immediately captures the readers eye but also allows anyone to know what the campaign is for without needing to read anything else first. The colours used in this campaign poster are bright and vibrant which attracts your eye at a glance and makes you take a second look. The blue, yellow and pink colour scheme is typically seen as being girly colours which would benefit at attracting the target audience. The font is also a stereotypical girly style as it appears handwritten and informal. The QR code works well for attracting the younger audience. It is more likely to interest them and make them pay attention if they can link it up to their phones and give them an easy way of keeping track or looking up things. 24Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Teenage Pregnancy.
  • 25. Impact: Teenage pregnancy rates are at their lowest since 1969, according to figures released by the Office for National Statistics on 27 February 2013. They have now fallen by 34% from the baseline year of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy. The term „teenage pregnancy‟ generally refers to girls aged under 18 (13-17 inclusive) who are under the legal age of adulthood. In February 2013 the annual under-18 conception data for 2011 was published. The figures are provisional. Under-18 conceptions 2011 (latest annual data available) A total of 29,166 girls aged under 18 (15-17) got pregnant in England in 2011. Of those, 49.3% had abortions. The under-18 conception rate was 30.7/1,000. This has fallen 34% since 1998. The rate dropped 10.2% from 2010. Under-16 conceptions 2011 A total of 5,661 girls under 16 (aged 13-15) got pregnant in England in 2011. Of those, 60.5% had abortions. The under-16 conception rate has fallen 29% since 1998. It now stands at 6.1/1,000 girls under 16. The rate dropped 9% from 2010. 25Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Teenage Pregnancy.
  • 26. Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant Purpose: Aims: 26Creative Media Production 2012
  • 27. Techniques: 27Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant.
  • 28. Impact: 28Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: Quit smoking whilst pregnant.