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A Bay-Friendly Rated Landscape: A Case Study

A New Park in Emeryville That’s Good for the Community and the Bay

                                                              E                                FAST FACTS
                                                                          residents and
                                                                          workers have         TOTAL LANDSCAPE COST
                                                                                               $1.2 million
                                                               been flocking to the City’s
                                                               newest park since it opened     LOCATION
                                                                                               1327 62nd Street (between
                                                               in September 2009. Built on     Doyle and Hollis Streets)
                                                               a block-long site bordered      Emeryville, California
                                                               by commercial buildings and     PARCEL SIZE
                                                               live/work lofts, Doyle Hollis   1.5 acres
                                                               Park offers this densely        PROJECT TYPE
                                                               developed neighborhood a        Public park

                     beautiful outdoor setting for play, relaxation and exercise.              COMPLETION DATE
                                                                                               September 2009
                       From the time the City of Emeryville bought the property and
                       cleared it of an existing warehouse and concrete parking lot, the       City of Emeryville, California
                        vision was to make the park as community-friendly and Bay-
                                                                                               LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT
                        Friendly as possible. Community members played an active role          Gates & Associates
                        in deciding how best to transform the former industrial property       San Ramon, California

                   into a public green space, said Todd Young of Gates & Associates, the       ARCHITECT/CIVIL ENGINEER
                                                                                               Endres Ware
               landscape architecture firm that designed the park. Neighbors brought to
                                                                                               Berkeley, California
the table issues ranging from the new park’s impact on street parking to design ideas for
the play area and restroom building.                                                           LANDSCAPE RATER
                                                                                               Design, Community &
Since opening day, Doyle Hollis Park has been eagerly embraced by people living and
                          working in the area. “I think the community didn’t know              Berkeley, California
                          there was such demand for a space like this until it was             LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION
                          actually built,” Young said. “As soon as the park opened,            CONTRACTOR
                          the play area had hordes of users. There are kids playing            Suarez & Muñoz
                          soccer in the field after school and on evenings and adults          Hayward, California
                          playing soccer on weekends. There are birthday parties there         CONTACT FOR MORE INFO
                          almost every weekend.” In addition to the open lawn and              Peter Schultze-Allen
                          children’s play area, the park features a half basketball court,     City of Emeryville
                                                                                               TEL 510-596-3728
                          an amphitheater, a public art fountain designed by artist
                          Masayuki Nagase, and plenty of picnic areas and benches.

                                                                                               J a n u a r y , 2 010     1
B         AY- F R I E N D LY L A N D S C A P I N G P R AC T I C E S

Less to the Landfill
                                                                                         B AY-FRIENDLY
                                                                                         AT A GLANCE
                                                                                         Bay-Friendly Rated
When a new park is built, it takes leadership by the project owner and
                                                                                          Landscape score:
due diligence by the landscape construction contractor to make sure that
construction and demolition debris gets reused or recycled instead of winding                 H    108 H
up in a landfill. Before construction of Doyle Hollis Park began, the City
needed to remove a large warehouse and a concrete slab that covered the              LANDSCAPE LOCALLY
1.5-acre site. The concrete, which was “one-to-two-feet thick on the west            • Site analysis completed to
                                                 end near Hollis Street,”              maximize benefits of Bay-Friendly
                                                                                       Landscape practices
                                                 said Schultze-Allen, was all        • Laboratory soil analysis provided
                                                 recycled, as was most of the          recommendations for organic soil
                                                                                       amendments and fertilizers
                                                 old building.
                                                   All the new concrete used         LANDSCAPE FOR LESS TO
                                                                                     THE LANDFILL
                                                   in the park and to build the
                                                                                     • To reduce labor costs and plant
                                                   restroom facility contains          waste, plant species installed will
                                                   recycled flyash. Flyash is          not require shearing and will
                                                                                       grow to mature size within space
                                                   residue left after burning          allotted; overplanting was avoided
                                                   coal to generate electricity.     • No invasive species were planted
                                                   In the concrete mix used for      • Long-term maintenance contract
                                                                                       includes grasscycling
                                                   Doyle Hollis park, the flyash
                                                                                     • Site furniture and rubber
                                                   displaced 50 percent of the         playground surface are made with
                                                   Portland cement typically           recycled-content plastic
                                                                                     • Recycled flyash displaces 50% of
                                                   used in concrete.                   cement in all exterior concrete
                                                                                     • 100% of compost and mulch was
                                                   Other recycled-content              produced from urban plant waste
materials in the park include attractive, easy to maintain benches and tables        • Nearly 100% of construction and
made from a composite material that blends recycled plastic and wood. The              demolition debris was diverted
                                                                                       from landfills, including asphalt,
floor surface in the play area contains some recycled rubber, and the mulch            concrete and landscape debris
on top of the soil and the compost mixed into the soil were made from urban          • Plant debris was taken to a facility
                                                                                       that produces compost and mulch
plant debris.
Protecting Water Quality                                                             NURTURE THE SOIL
Much of the rainwater that falls on urban areas never has an opportunity to          • Area was designated for staging
                                                                                       materials during construction
percolate into the soil. Instead it flows straight off of buildings, sidewalks and
                                                                                     • Soil was not worked when wet
streets into storm drains, carrying road oil and other pollutants into the storm     • A stormwater pollution
sewer system and eventually into local waterways. To address stormwater                prevention plan was prepared and
                                                                                       implemented for the site
runoff, five areas of Doyle Hollis Park have shallow vegetated depressions           • Valuable trees were protected
called rain gardens. These have been designed to capture and naturally filter          with fencing during construction
more than 85 percent of stormwater runoff that might otherwise have flowed           • Compacted soil was aerated prior
                                                                                       to planting in all landscaped areas
from the park into storm drains.

2     J a n u a r y , 2 010
In addition to harvesting runoff from the park, two
 B AY-FRIENDLY AT A GLANCE                                         curb cuts direct stormwater runoff from the street on
• Long-term maintenance            • Site lighting does            the park’s north side into the rain gardens. Designing
  for turf includes                  not cast direct beam
  topdressing with                   illumination onto             landscapes to take drainage off streets is part of a
  finely screened quality            adjacent properties           “green streets” movement gaining traction in the
  compost after aeration
                                   PROTECT WATER & AIR             stormwater
• Compost was used
                                   QUALITY                         management field.
  to amend soil in all
  landscaped areas                 • Integrated pest               “We are going to
• Fertilizers prohibited             management (IPM) was
                                     used during construction      be doing more of
  by Organic Materials
  Research Institute were            and will be used during       these green street
  not used                           maintenance
                                                                   retrofits around
                                   • Low or zero VOC
CONSERVE WATER                       paints, adhesives and         the City,” said
• All soil is protected with         sealants were used in         Schultze-Allen.
  2-inch layer of recycled           the restrooms
  mulch                            • Maintenance practices
• 2 inches of compost was            require that oil leaks will   Conserving Water
  tilled into all planting areas     be repaired immediately       Many experts predict California’s fresh water supplies
• 89% of total plants are            and off site
                                                                   to grow increasingly scarce as the State’s population
  California native or             • 85% of average annual
  Mediterranean species              runoff is treated on site     grows and as global warming shrinks the mountain
  that require little or no          in rainwater gardens          glaciers that store so much of the State’s water. To help
  summer water
                                   CREATE WILDLIFE                 conserve water supplies well into the future, the City of
• All turf installed serves a      HABITAT
  recreational function                                            Emeryville made water-wise landscaping a priority at
                                   • More than 40 distinct
• Dual-pipe irrigation
                                     species were planted to
                                                                   Doyle Hollis Park.
  system is capable of
                                     increase biodiversity on
  delivering recycled and                                          The park’s high efficiency irrigation system has a smart
  potable water                                                    controller that adjusts irrigation volume and frequency
                                   • Landscape design
• High efficiency irrigation
  system includes a smart
                                     includes water source         based on the weather rather than on a fixed schedule.
                                     and shelter for wildlife
  irrigation controller                                            In addition, the irrigation system is dual plumbed, with
                                   • The park increases open
• Dedicated landscape                                              separate pipes installed to supply potable water and
                                     space compared to its
  water meter installed;
                                     previous use                  recycled municipal wastewater that has been treated
  water use reported
  according to regular             BE INNOVATIVE                   and disinfected. Currently the park’s irrigation system
                                   • A Bay-Friendly                receives only potable water but it is slated to receive
• Irrigation plans were              maintenance manual was
  reviewed by an Irrigation                                        recycled water in the future as the East Bay Municipal
                                     developed as a basis for
  Association trained                training maintenance          Utility District’s recycled water system expands.
  irrigation specialist              contractors
• Maintenance                      • Educational signage           The park’s open lawn requires regular summer
  specifications require             describes the park’s          irrigation but the amphitheater area has been planted
  checking soil moisture             Bay-Friendly Landscape
  content with soil                  design, construction and
                                                                   with California meadow sedge (Carex pansa), a native
  probes before watering,            maintenance practices         plant that requires much less mowing or summer water
  adjusting the watering
                                   • 20% of street trees           than conventional turf grass. The rest of the park,
  schedule based on
                                     planted adjacent to Silva
  weather conditions and
                                     Cells; 23% of street          including the rain gardens, is planted with an unusually
  immediately replacing
  broken irrigation
                                     trees planted adjacent to     wide diversity of plants that don’t require a lot of
                                     structural soil
  equipment                                                        irrigation, most of which are California native species.
                                   • Stormwater runoff from
CONSERVE ENERGY                      adjacent street is treated    The plants are grouped according to water needs—a
• 33% of paved area will             in park’s rain garden         strategy called hydrozoning—to help ensure they aren’t
  be shaded by trees                                               over- or underwatered.
  within 15 years

                                                                                                     J a n u a r y , 2 010   3
In urban areas, large street trees do much more than look beautiful and provide wildlife habitat. They also shade
buildings and streets, making people more comfortable and reducing the use of air conditioning energy. They absorb
carbon dioxide and air pollutants, helping rein in global warming and improving air quality. And the canopy and root
systems of mature trees retain significant amounts of rainfall, helping control stormwater runoff.
Unfortunately, many street trees die long before they are big enough to
provide much benefit. For trees to grow large and remain healthy, their            Rain Garden Plant List
                                 roots must be able to access sizeable             These plants were chosen for the
                                 volumes of uncompacted soil. But most             rain gardens for their aesthetic
                                 street trees are planted in small pits filled     appeal as well as their ability to
                                                                                   survive occasional inundations in
                                 with minimal soil, and their root growth
                                                                                   the winter, while receiving only
                                 is impeded by foundations of adjacent             modest irrigation during the dry
                                 buildings and by compacted soil under             season.
                                 sidewalks and streets.
                                   Recognizing that a large population of          Spice bush (Calycanthus occidentalis)
                                   mature, healthy trees is an important           Rush (Chondropetalum tectorum)
                                   characteristic of a green city, the City        Red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera)
                                   of Emeryville instituted an urban
                                   forestry ordinance that has led to “pretty
                                                                                   Sedge (Carex buchananii Red Rooster)
                                   extensive requirements for street tree          Berkeley sedge (Carex tumulicola)
Large tree wells improve health of plantings,” said Schultze-Allen, including
street trees.                                                                      California gray rush (Juncus patens)
                                   requirements that developers provide a          Polemonium (Polemonium Brise d’Anjou)
much larger volume of soil than a typical tree pit holds.
These requirements, which are being phased in over time, set minimum               Fiber optics plant (Scirpus cernuus)
volumes of rootable soil for street tree plantings. The volume depends on

     The Bay-Friendly Process
     While enjoying the park, visitors will likely notice     credits the City of Emeryville, the community
     a number of signs pointing out its Bay-Friendly          and the design team with making the vision for a
     features, from recycled mulch that helps retain soil     sustainable green space a reality. “Instead of paving
     moisture to California native plants that provide        paradise and putting in a parking lot, they took out
     wildlife habitat. The signs encourage                                     an old warehouse and parking lot
     people to think about the park’s                                          and put in a park,” she said.
     relationship to the San Francisco Bay
                                                                              To ensure that Bay-Friendly
     watershed and the benefits of Bay-
                                                                              practices are integrated into the
     Friendly landscaping and gardening.
                                                              park’s maintenance routine, the City provided the
     StopWaste.Org provided a $25,000 grant to                landscape maintenance contractor with a Bay-
     fund some of Doyle Hollis Park’s Bay-Friendly            Friendly maintenance manual, said Peter Schultze-
     features. Teresa Eade, senior program manager with       Allen, an environmental analyst with Emeryville’s
     StopWaste.Org’s Bay-Friendly Landscape program,          Public Works Department.

4     J a n u a r y , 2 010
Recycling’s Role in Reducing Emissions
                                                                        Clearing the Doyle Hollis Park site to prepare it
                                                                        for construction generated 22 tons of plant debris
                                                                        – that is enough to fill more than 20 large pick up
                                                                        trucks. By recycling that material instead of taking
                                                                        it to the landfill, the equivalent of 4.4 metric tons
                                                                        of greenhouse gas emissions were avoided. When
                                                                        plants and other organic material decompose in
                                                                        landfills, they produce methane, a greenhouse gas
                                                                        that is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
Silva cells being intalled under sidewalk to benefit street trees.      Recycling that plant waste instead of landfilling
the tree’s size at maturity. A large tree such as London                it plays an important role in reducing a project’s
plane (sycamore) must have at least twice as much soil as               carbon footprint.
small trees such as crape myrtle. The requirements can be               The project’s demolition phase also produced 317
met using regular planting soil, structural soil (a specially           tons of concrete debris, all of which was recycled
engineered mix of soil and aggregate that still allows                  instead of landfilled, saving the equivalent of 2.2
roots to grow through it even if it becomes compacted),                 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling
or a new category of products called structural cells.                  concrete decreases emissions by reducing the
At Doyle Hollis Park, the Public Works Department                       amount of energy used to extract new resources
decided to “walk the talk” by testing the use of structural             and produce new products.
cells for the street tree plantings around the park.                    Together the greenhouse gas emissions avoided by
Structural cells, which are best known by the brand name                recycling the plant material and concrete at Doyle
of Silva Cells, are designed to increase the volume of                  Hollis Park add up to the annual emissions from
uncompacted soil around a tree’s roots and grow larger,                 one passenger car.
healthier trees. “This is the first installation in the City of
Silva Cells,” said Schultze-Allen. “It’s a relatively new idea.”     normal compacted soil under a sidewalk,” said Schultze-
                                                                     Allen, “but is still mostly rock that provides void space
Silva Cells are modular box-like components made of
                                                                     for the roots to grow in.” Silva Cells are “theoretically
steel-reinforced plastic frames and decks. These boxes
                                                                     even better because it’s all soil—uncompacted regular
or “cells” have large openings for water drainage and
                                                                     planting soil.” At Doyle Hollis Park, the Silva Cells and
root penetration. When a new street tree is planted,
                                                                     structural soil serve as bridges for the roots of street trees,
the ground adjacent to the planting area is excavated
                                                                     preventing compaction and improving drainage under
and a framework of these cells, stacked one to three
                                                                     the sidewalks so that the tree roots can reach the soil in
deep, is installed and filled with soil. The framework is
                                                                     the adjacent landscaped areas of the park.
then capped with a structural deck, and covered with
a geotextile, aggregate and paving. Structural cells are                                                           Carex pansa, a
                                                                                                                   California native
strong enough to prevent soil compaction and support
                                                                                                                   meadow sedge
traffic loads, and can be used in parking lots, sidewalks                                                          is planted in the
and plazas.                                                                                                        amphitheatre
                                                                                                                   and is low water
Ten trees at Doyle Hollis Park are planted adjacent to                                                             using and does
Silva Cells, accounting for about 20 percent of the park’s                                                         not require
new street trees. Twelve other street trees are planted                                                            mowing.
adjacent to structural soil. Structural soil “is better than

                                                                                                           J a n u a r y , 2 010   5
1537 Webster Street, Oakland, CA 94612

Ask about our FREE resources:                                  This case study was written by StopWaste.Org
                                                               as part of its Bay-Friendly Landscaping program. For
Available online at www.Bay-Friendly.Org:
                                                               information about waste reduction, recycling and
 • Bay-Friendly Civic & Commercial Landscape Scorecard
                                                               sustainable landscaping, visit
 • Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines: Sustainable Practices
   for the Landscape Professional                              About the Agency
 • A Bay-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Mulch: Save
                                                               The Alameda County Waste Management Authority &
   Money, Control Weeds, and Create Healthy Landscapes
                                                               the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling
   (Available in English and Spanish)                          Board is an integrated public agency whose mission
 • A Bay-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Grasscycling: Save      is to provide the most environmentally sound waste
   Time, Save Money and Create Beautiful Lawns (Available      management program for the people of Alameda County.
   in English and Spanish)                                     The authority and the Recycling Board produced this
 • A Bay-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Recycled-Content        case study to aid developers in creating and building
   and Salvaged Materials: Add Value, Reduce Greenhouse        sustainable landscapes
   Gas Emissions and Create Attractive Landscapes
 • Fact Sheet on Recycled Content Park & Recreation Products
   in Alameda County
 • Bay-Friendly Model Landscape Maintenance Specifications

Also check our website for information on the Bay-
Friendly Landscape Professional Qualification and
Training for both landscape design and maintenance
professionals at

                              W W W. B AY- F R I E N D LY. O R G

6     J a n u a r y , 2 010

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CA: Bay-Friendly Landscapes Case Studies - Doyle Hollis Park

  • 1. A Bay-Friendly Rated Landscape: A Case Study DOYLE HOLLIS PARK A New Park in Emeryville That’s Good for the Community and the Bay E FAST FACTS meryville residents and workers have TOTAL LANDSCAPE COST $1.2 million been flocking to the City’s newest park since it opened LOCATION 1327 62nd Street (between in September 2009. Built on Doyle and Hollis Streets) a block-long site bordered Emeryville, California by commercial buildings and PARCEL SIZE live/work lofts, Doyle Hollis 1.5 acres Park offers this densely PROJECT TYPE developed neighborhood a Public park beautiful outdoor setting for play, relaxation and exercise. COMPLETION DATE September 2009 From the time the City of Emeryville bought the property and OWNER/DEVELOPER cleared it of an existing warehouse and concrete parking lot, the City of Emeryville, California vision was to make the park as community-friendly and Bay- LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Friendly as possible. Community members played an active role Gates & Associates in deciding how best to transform the former industrial property San Ramon, California into a public green space, said Todd Young of Gates & Associates, the ARCHITECT/CIVIL ENGINEER Endres Ware landscape architecture firm that designed the park. Neighbors brought to Berkeley, California the table issues ranging from the new park’s impact on street parking to design ideas for BAY-FRIENDLY the play area and restroom building. LANDSCAPE RATER Design, Community & Since opening day, Doyle Hollis Park has been eagerly embraced by people living and Environment working in the area. “I think the community didn’t know Berkeley, California there was such demand for a space like this until it was LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION actually built,” Young said. “As soon as the park opened, CONTRACTOR the play area had hordes of users. There are kids playing Suarez & Muñoz Construction soccer in the field after school and on evenings and adults Hayward, California playing soccer on weekends. There are birthday parties there CONTACT FOR MORE INFO almost every weekend.” In addition to the open lawn and Peter Schultze-Allen children’s play area, the park features a half basketball court, City of Emeryville TEL 510-596-3728 an amphitheater, a public art fountain designed by artist Masayuki Nagase, and plenty of picnic areas and benches. J a n u a r y , 2 010 1
  • 2. B AY- F R I E N D LY L A N D S C A P I N G P R AC T I C E S Less to the Landfill B AY-FRIENDLY AT A GLANCE Bay-Friendly Rated When a new park is built, it takes leadership by the project owner and Landscape score: due diligence by the landscape construction contractor to make sure that construction and demolition debris gets reused or recycled instead of winding H 108 H up in a landfill. Before construction of Doyle Hollis Park began, the City needed to remove a large warehouse and a concrete slab that covered the LANDSCAPE LOCALLY 1.5-acre site. The concrete, which was “one-to-two-feet thick on the west • Site analysis completed to end near Hollis Street,” maximize benefits of Bay-Friendly Landscape practices said Schultze-Allen, was all • Laboratory soil analysis provided recycled, as was most of the recommendations for organic soil amendments and fertilizers old building. All the new concrete used LANDSCAPE FOR LESS TO THE LANDFILL in the park and to build the • To reduce labor costs and plant restroom facility contains waste, plant species installed will recycled flyash. Flyash is not require shearing and will grow to mature size within space residue left after burning allotted; overplanting was avoided coal to generate electricity. • No invasive species were planted In the concrete mix used for • Long-term maintenance contract includes grasscycling Doyle Hollis park, the flyash • Site furniture and rubber displaced 50 percent of the playground surface are made with Portland cement typically recycled-content plastic • Recycled flyash displaces 50% of used in concrete. cement in all exterior concrete • 100% of compost and mulch was Other recycled-content produced from urban plant waste materials in the park include attractive, easy to maintain benches and tables • Nearly 100% of construction and made from a composite material that blends recycled plastic and wood. The demolition debris was diverted from landfills, including asphalt, floor surface in the play area contains some recycled rubber, and the mulch concrete and landscape debris on top of the soil and the compost mixed into the soil were made from urban • Plant debris was taken to a facility that produces compost and mulch plant debris. Protecting Water Quality NURTURE THE SOIL Much of the rainwater that falls on urban areas never has an opportunity to • Area was designated for staging materials during construction percolate into the soil. Instead it flows straight off of buildings, sidewalks and • Soil was not worked when wet streets into storm drains, carrying road oil and other pollutants into the storm • A stormwater pollution sewer system and eventually into local waterways. To address stormwater prevention plan was prepared and implemented for the site runoff, five areas of Doyle Hollis Park have shallow vegetated depressions • Valuable trees were protected called rain gardens. These have been designed to capture and naturally filter with fencing during construction more than 85 percent of stormwater runoff that might otherwise have flowed • Compacted soil was aerated prior to planting in all landscaped areas from the park into storm drains. 3 2 J a n u a r y , 2 010
  • 3. In addition to harvesting runoff from the park, two B AY-FRIENDLY AT A GLANCE curb cuts direct stormwater runoff from the street on • Long-term maintenance • Site lighting does the park’s north side into the rain gardens. Designing for turf includes not cast direct beam topdressing with illumination onto landscapes to take drainage off streets is part of a finely screened quality adjacent properties “green streets” movement gaining traction in the compost after aeration PROTECT WATER & AIR stormwater • Compost was used QUALITY management field. to amend soil in all landscaped areas • Integrated pest “We are going to • Fertilizers prohibited management (IPM) was used during construction be doing more of by Organic Materials Research Institute were and will be used during these green street not used maintenance retrofits around • Low or zero VOC CONSERVE WATER paints, adhesives and the City,” said • All soil is protected with sealants were used in Schultze-Allen. 2-inch layer of recycled the restrooms mulch • Maintenance practices • 2 inches of compost was require that oil leaks will Conserving Water tilled into all planting areas be repaired immediately Many experts predict California’s fresh water supplies • 89% of total plants are and off site to grow increasingly scarce as the State’s population California native or • 85% of average annual Mediterranean species runoff is treated on site grows and as global warming shrinks the mountain that require little or no in rainwater gardens glaciers that store so much of the State’s water. To help summer water CREATE WILDLIFE conserve water supplies well into the future, the City of • All turf installed serves a HABITAT recreational function Emeryville made water-wise landscaping a priority at • More than 40 distinct • Dual-pipe irrigation species were planted to Doyle Hollis Park. system is capable of increase biodiversity on delivering recycled and The park’s high efficiency irrigation system has a smart site potable water controller that adjusts irrigation volume and frequency • Landscape design • High efficiency irrigation system includes a smart includes water source based on the weather rather than on a fixed schedule. and shelter for wildlife irrigation controller In addition, the irrigation system is dual plumbed, with • The park increases open • Dedicated landscape separate pipes installed to supply potable water and space compared to its water meter installed; previous use recycled municipal wastewater that has been treated water use reported according to regular BE INNOVATIVE and disinfected. Currently the park’s irrigation system schedule • A Bay-Friendly receives only potable water but it is slated to receive • Irrigation plans were maintenance manual was reviewed by an Irrigation recycled water in the future as the East Bay Municipal developed as a basis for Association trained training maintenance Utility District’s recycled water system expands. irrigation specialist contractors • Maintenance • Educational signage The park’s open lawn requires regular summer specifications require describes the park’s irrigation but the amphitheater area has been planted checking soil moisture Bay-Friendly Landscape content with soil design, construction and with California meadow sedge (Carex pansa), a native probes before watering, maintenance practices plant that requires much less mowing or summer water adjusting the watering • 20% of street trees than conventional turf grass. The rest of the park, schedule based on planted adjacent to Silva weather conditions and Cells; 23% of street including the rain gardens, is planted with an unusually immediately replacing broken irrigation trees planted adjacent to wide diversity of plants that don’t require a lot of structural soil equipment irrigation, most of which are California native species. • Stormwater runoff from CONSERVE ENERGY adjacent street is treated The plants are grouped according to water needs—a • 33% of paved area will in park’s rain garden strategy called hydrozoning—to help ensure they aren’t be shaded by trees over- or underwatered. within 15 years J a n u a r y , 2 010 3 2
  • 4. Innovation In urban areas, large street trees do much more than look beautiful and provide wildlife habitat. They also shade buildings and streets, making people more comfortable and reducing the use of air conditioning energy. They absorb carbon dioxide and air pollutants, helping rein in global warming and improving air quality. And the canopy and root systems of mature trees retain significant amounts of rainfall, helping control stormwater runoff. Unfortunately, many street trees die long before they are big enough to provide much benefit. For trees to grow large and remain healthy, their Rain Garden Plant List roots must be able to access sizeable These plants were chosen for the volumes of uncompacted soil. But most rain gardens for their aesthetic street trees are planted in small pits filled appeal as well as their ability to survive occasional inundations in with minimal soil, and their root growth the winter, while receiving only is impeded by foundations of adjacent modest irrigation during the dry buildings and by compacted soil under season. sidewalks and streets. Shrubs Recognizing that a large population of Spice bush (Calycanthus occidentalis) mature, healthy trees is an important Rush (Chondropetalum tectorum) characteristic of a green city, the City Red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) of Emeryville instituted an urban Perennials forestry ordinance that has led to “pretty Sedge (Carex buchananii Red Rooster) extensive requirements for street tree Berkeley sedge (Carex tumulicola) Large tree wells improve health of plantings,” said Schultze-Allen, including street trees. California gray rush (Juncus patens) requirements that developers provide a Polemonium (Polemonium Brise d’Anjou) much larger volume of soil than a typical tree pit holds. Groundcovers These requirements, which are being phased in over time, set minimum Fiber optics plant (Scirpus cernuus) volumes of rootable soil for street tree plantings. The volume depends on The Bay-Friendly Process While enjoying the park, visitors will likely notice credits the City of Emeryville, the community a number of signs pointing out its Bay-Friendly and the design team with making the vision for a features, from recycled mulch that helps retain soil sustainable green space a reality. “Instead of paving moisture to California native plants that provide paradise and putting in a parking lot, they took out wildlife habitat. The signs encourage an old warehouse and parking lot people to think about the park’s and put in a park,” she said. relationship to the San Francisco Bay To ensure that Bay-Friendly watershed and the benefits of Bay- practices are integrated into the Friendly landscaping and gardening. park’s maintenance routine, the City provided the StopWaste.Org provided a $25,000 grant to landscape maintenance contractor with a Bay- fund some of Doyle Hollis Park’s Bay-Friendly Friendly maintenance manual, said Peter Schultze- features. Teresa Eade, senior program manager with Allen, an environmental analyst with Emeryville’s StopWaste.Org’s Bay-Friendly Landscape program, Public Works Department. 5 4 J a n u a r y , 2 010
  • 5. Recycling’s Role in Reducing Emissions Clearing the Doyle Hollis Park site to prepare it for construction generated 22 tons of plant debris – that is enough to fill more than 20 large pick up trucks. By recycling that material instead of taking it to the landfill, the equivalent of 4.4 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions were avoided. When plants and other organic material decompose in landfills, they produce methane, a greenhouse gas that is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Silva cells being intalled under sidewalk to benefit street trees. Recycling that plant waste instead of landfilling the tree’s size at maturity. A large tree such as London it plays an important role in reducing a project’s plane (sycamore) must have at least twice as much soil as carbon footprint. small trees such as crape myrtle. The requirements can be The project’s demolition phase also produced 317 met using regular planting soil, structural soil (a specially tons of concrete debris, all of which was recycled engineered mix of soil and aggregate that still allows instead of landfilled, saving the equivalent of 2.2 roots to grow through it even if it becomes compacted), metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. Recycling or a new category of products called structural cells. concrete decreases emissions by reducing the At Doyle Hollis Park, the Public Works Department amount of energy used to extract new resources decided to “walk the talk” by testing the use of structural and produce new products. cells for the street tree plantings around the park. Together the greenhouse gas emissions avoided by Structural cells, which are best known by the brand name recycling the plant material and concrete at Doyle of Silva Cells, are designed to increase the volume of Hollis Park add up to the annual emissions from uncompacted soil around a tree’s roots and grow larger, one passenger car. healthier trees. “This is the first installation in the City of Silva Cells,” said Schultze-Allen. “It’s a relatively new idea.” normal compacted soil under a sidewalk,” said Schultze- Allen, “but is still mostly rock that provides void space Silva Cells are modular box-like components made of for the roots to grow in.” Silva Cells are “theoretically steel-reinforced plastic frames and decks. These boxes even better because it’s all soil—uncompacted regular or “cells” have large openings for water drainage and planting soil.” At Doyle Hollis Park, the Silva Cells and root penetration. When a new street tree is planted, structural soil serve as bridges for the roots of street trees, the ground adjacent to the planting area is excavated preventing compaction and improving drainage under and a framework of these cells, stacked one to three the sidewalks so that the tree roots can reach the soil in deep, is installed and filled with soil. The framework is the adjacent landscaped areas of the park. then capped with a structural deck, and covered with a geotextile, aggregate and paving. Structural cells are Carex pansa, a California native strong enough to prevent soil compaction and support meadow sedge traffic loads, and can be used in parking lots, sidewalks is planted in the and plazas. amphitheatre and is low water Ten trees at Doyle Hollis Park are planted adjacent to using and does Silva Cells, accounting for about 20 percent of the park’s not require new street trees. Twelve other street trees are planted mowing. adjacent to structural soil. Structural soil “is better than J a n u a r y , 2 010 5 4
  • 6. 1537 Webster Street, Oakland, CA 94612 Ask about our FREE resources: This case study was written by StopWaste.Org as part of its Bay-Friendly Landscaping program. For Available online at www.Bay-Friendly.Org: information about waste reduction, recycling and • Bay-Friendly Civic & Commercial Landscape Scorecard sustainable landscaping, visit • Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines: Sustainable Practices for the Landscape Professional About the Agency • A Bay-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Mulch: Save The Alameda County Waste Management Authority & Money, Control Weeds, and Create Healthy Landscapes the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling (Available in English and Spanish) Board is an integrated public agency whose mission • A Bay-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Grasscycling: Save is to provide the most environmentally sound waste Time, Save Money and Create Beautiful Lawns (Available management program for the people of Alameda County. in English and Spanish) The authority and the Recycling Board produced this • A Bay-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Recycled-Content case study to aid developers in creating and building and Salvaged Materials: Add Value, Reduce Greenhouse sustainable landscapes Gas Emissions and Create Attractive Landscapes • Fact Sheet on Recycled Content Park & Recreation Products in Alameda County • Bay-Friendly Model Landscape Maintenance Specifications Also check our website for information on the Bay- Friendly Landscape Professional Qualification and Training for both landscape design and maintenance professionals at W W W. B AY- F R I E N D LY. O R G 6 J a n u a r y , 2 010