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Buy Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg and Dapoxe ne 60 mg Tablets) , Super Avana is a combina on medica on containing
Avanafil and Dapoxe ne which is used to treat Erec le Dysfunc on (impotence or ED) as well as premature ejacula on at the
same me. Super Avana tablets are manufactured by Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd. in the strengths of 160 mg (Avanafil 100 mg
Pack Size Price Quan ty
16 + 4 Free Tablet/s $80.00 1
32 + 8 Free Tablet/s $155.00 1
64 + 16 Free Tablet/s $305.00 1
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Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg and Dapoxe ne 60 mg Tablets)
Product Information
Super Avana is a combina on medica on containing Avanafil and Dapoxe ne which is used to treat Erec le
Dysfunc on (impotence or ED) as well as premature ejacula on at the same me. Super Avana tablets are
manufactured by Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd. in the strengths of 160 mg (Avanafil 100 mg and Dapoxe ne 60 mg
Tablets ). We also have in stock Tadali 20 mg by Pfizer (Generic Tadalafil) which is also used for the used for the
treatment of Erec le Dysfunc on (ED).
Name of the Drug
We supply original Super Avana tablets manufactured by Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd..
Manufacturer of Super Avana Tablets
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Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
Active Ingredients present in Super Avana Tablets
The ac ve ingredients present in Super Avana tablets are Dapoxe ne Hydrochloride and Avanafil. Each Super
Avana tablet contains 100 mg of Avanafil and 60 mg of Dapoxe ne Hydrochloride.
Uses of Super Avana Tablets
Super Avana helps to get an erec on and to maintain it for a longer period of me. Super Avana by Sunrise
Remedies is a combina on drug containing Generic Stendra (Avanafil 100mg) and Generic Priligy (Dapoxe ne
60mg). Generic Stendra is the latest medicine to treat Erec le Dysfunc on similar to other well known
phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors). Generic Priligy is a well known medica on to treat
premature ejacula on. Dapoxe ne HCl 60 mg acts by inhibi ng the serotonin transporter, leading to increased
serotonin’s ac on at presynap c receptors and postsynap c receptors. Generic Priligy (Dapoxe ne) inhibits the
ejaculatory expulsion reflex at the supraspinal level by modula ng the ac vity of lateral paragigantocellular
nucleus (LPGi) neurons. This causes an increase in pudendal motoneuron reflex discharge (PMRD) latency and it is
through this mechanisme of regula ng the central nervous system ac vity that the sense of control increases and
premature ejacula on is significantly reduced.
Avanafil 100 mg acts by inhibi ng a specific phosphodiesterase type 5 of an enzyme. Phosphodieterase type 5 is
mostly found in the corpus cavernosum of penis but also in other body ssues. The enzyma c inhibi on by
Generic Stendra (Avanafil 100mg) leads to prolonged and sustained penile erec on. The combina on drug Super
Avana has a rapid onset of ac on and starts working in as short as 15 minutes a er consump on and it is superior
to many other Erec le Dysfunc on medica ons with its dual ac on.
Super Avana Dosage
The adult dosage of Super Avana is one tablet about 30 minutes before sexual ac vity. Super Avana (Avanafil 100
mg plus Dapoxe ne 60 mg) can be taken with or without food. The drug reaches at its maximum ac vity in
approximately 30 minutes. The results and performance of Super Avana varies as per individual being treated. The
maximum daily dose of Super Avana is one tablet (Avanafil 100 mg plus Dapoxe ne HCl 60 mg).
How to Use Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg and Dapoxetine 60 mg Tablets)
Take Super Avana 160 mg by Sunrise Remedies exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Do not change
your dose without talking to your healthcare provider.
The usual dosage is 1 tablet 30 min before sexual ac vity. Swallow the tablet whole to avoid a bi er taste with at
least one full glass of water. It can be taken with or without food. Do not take more than one tablet every 24
3/15/2018 Buy Super Avana | - My Online Generic Store 5/11
hours. At least 24 hours must pass before your next dose. Super Avana has a high success rate and will work in
more than 80% of all men with ED related problems. The effect may vary from person to person depending on
how fast the tablet is broken down and absorbed by the bodies enymes.
Super Avana Contraindications
Super Avana tablets are contraindicated in pa entas with a hypersensi vity to Dapoxe ne Hydrochloride or
Avanafil or any inac ve ingredient present in Super Avana tablets. Super Avana are also contraindicated in the
following cases:
Super Avana is contraindicated in pa ents with known hypersensi vity to Dapoxe ne Hydrochloride or to any of
the inac ve ingredients.
Super Avana is also is contraindicated in pa ents with moderate and severe hepa c impairment.
Combining alcohol with Super Avana may enhance neurocardiogenic adverse events such as syncope, therefore
increasing the risk of accidental injury. Hence pa ents should be advised to avoid alcohol intake when taking
Super Avana tablets
Super Avana should not be used in pa ents with a history of mania/hypomania or bipolar disorder and should be
immediately discon nued in any pa ent who develops symptoms of these disorders. As SSRIs have the poten al
to lower the seizure threshold, Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg plus Dapoxe ne 60 mg) should be discon nued in
any person who develops seizures and avoided in persons with unstable epilepsy.
Administra on of Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg plus Dapoxe ne 60 mg) to pa ents using any form of organic
nitrate is contraindicated.
Super Avana Side effects
Super Avana side effects occurring in 2% or more of the pa ents being treated include headache, dizziness,
nausea, diarrhoea, insomnia, fa gue, flushing, nasal conges on, nasopharyngi s, and back pain. Common side
effects (affects less than 1 in 10 people): • feeling sick, • feeling irritable, anxious, agitated or restless, • feeling
numb or having “pins and needles”, • difficulty ge ng or keeping an erec on, • swea ng more than normal or
flushing, • diarrhoea, cons pa on or having wind, • stomach pain, bloa ng or being sick, • problems sleeping or
strange dreams, • feeling red or sleepy, yawning, • blocked nose (nasal conges on), • a rise in blood pressure, •
difficulty concentra ng, • shaking or trembling, • lower interest in sex, • ringing in the ears, • blurred vision, •
indiges on, • dry mouth
Uncommon side effects (affects less than 1 in 100 people): fain ng or feeling dizzy upon standing (see advice
above), • change in mood, feeling overly excited or feelings of paranoia, • feeling confused, disoriented or unable
to think clearly, • slow or irregular heartbeat or increase in heart rate, • loss of sex drive, problems reaching
orgasm, • feeling weak, sedated, lethargic or fa gued, • feeling depressed, nervous or indifferent, • feeling hot,
ji ery, abnormal or drunk, • vision problems or dilated pupils, • low or high blood pressure, • feeling itchy or cold
sweat, • spinning sensa on, • abnormal taste, • teeth grinding
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Rare side effects (affects less than 1 in 1000 people):
• feeling dizzy following exer on
• sudden onset of sleep
• urgency of bowel ac on
If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you no ce any side effects not listed in this sec on, please tell your
Stop taking Super Avana by Sunrise and see your doctor straight away if:
• you have fits (seizures)
• you faint or feel light headed when you stand up
• you no ce any changes in your mood
• you have any thoughts of suicide or harming yourself
If you no ce any of the above, stop taking this medicine and see your doctor straight away.
Fain ng and low blood pressure
The medicine can make you faint or make your blood pressure drop when you stand up. Take the tablet with at
least one full glass of water to help lower the chance of this happening. Do not take the medicine if you are
dehydrated (you do not have enough water in your body).
Tell your doctor if you have taken more tablets than you should. You may feel sick or be sick.
Talk to your doctor before you stop taking Super Avana by Sunrise. You may have problems sleeping and feel dizzy
a er you stop taking this medicine, even if you have not taken it every day.
If you have any further ques ons on the use of this product, ask your doctor.
Warnings & Precautions
Do not take Super Avana in combina on with alcohol and fa y foods as this reduces its effect. Do not under any
circumstances take Super Avana if you are taking any medica on containing Nitrates Stop taking Super Avana if
you feel uncomfortable or experience and undesired side effects. Consult a doctor if in doubt.
Do not take Super Avana if you are allergic to avanafil, dapoxe ne, or lactose (a type of sugar), if you have heart
problems, such as heart failure or problems with the heart rhythm, or if you are taking:
• medicines for depression called “monoamine oxidase inhibitors” (MAOIs)
• thioridazine used for schizophrenia
• other medicines for depression
• lithium a medicine for bipolar disorder
• linezolid an an bio c used to treat infec ons
• tryptophan a medicine to help you sleep
3/15/2018 Buy Super Avana | - My Online Generic Store 7/11
• st John’s wort, a herbal medicine
• tramadol used to treat serious pain
• medicines used to treat migraines
• certain medicines for fungal infec on, including ketoconazole and itraconazole
• certain medicines for HIV, including ritonavir, saquinavir, nelfinavir and atazanavir
• certain an bio cs for trea ng infec on, including telithromycin
• Nefazodone® an an depressant
Do not take Super Avana by Sunrise at the same me as any of the medicines listed above. If you have taken any
of these medicines, you will need to wait 14 days a er you stop taking it before you can start taking this medicine.
Once you have stopped taking this medicine, you will need to wait 7 days before taking any of the medicines listed
above. If you are not sure about what to do, talk to your doctor.
Check with your doctor before taking Super Avana by Sunrise if:
• you drink alcohol
• you have not been diagnosed with premature ejacula on
• you use recrea onal drugs such as ecstasy, LSD, narco cs or benzodiazepines
• you have ever had a mental health problem such as depression, mania (symptoms include feeling overexcited,
irritable or not being able to think clearly), bipolar disorder (symptoms include serious mood swings between
mania and depression) or schizophrenia (a psychiatric disease)
• you have a history of bleeding or blood clo ng problems
• you have kidney problems
• you have epilepsy
• you have a history of dizziness from low blood pressure
• you have moderate or severe liver problems
If any of the above apply to you (or you are not sure), talk to your doctor. Your doctor should perform a test to
make sure that your blood pressure doesn’t drop too much when you stand up from lying down.
Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescrip on and non-prescrip on
medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Super Avana by Sunrise and other medicines may affect each other
causing side effects.
Tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following medicines:
• nonsteroidal an -inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen or acetylsalicyclic acid
• medicines to thin your blood, such as warfarin
• certain medicines used to treat high blood pressure and chest pain (angina) (such as verapamil and dil azem),
enlarged prostate or erec le dysfunc on, as these medicines may lower your blood pressure, possibly upon
• certain other medicines for fungal infec on, such as fluconazole
3/15/2018 Buy Super Avana | - My Online Generic Store 8/11
• certain other medicines for HIV, such as amprenavir and fosamprenavir
• certain other an bio cs for trea ng infec on, such as erythromycin and clarithromycin
• aprepitant used to treat nausea
Super Avana by Sunrise should only be used by men only.
You may feel sleepy, dizzy, faint, have difficulty concentra ng and blurred vision while taking this medicine. If you
experience any of these or similar effects, you should avoid driving or opera ng hazardous machinery.
Super Avana Tablets and Alcohol
Pa ents should be informed that both alcohol and PDE5 inhibitors including Avanafil act as mild vasodilators and
when they are taken in combina on, blood pressure lowering effects of each individual compound can be
increased. Therefore, physicians should inform pa ents that substan al consump on of alcohol (e.g., greater than
3 units) in combina on with Super Avana can increase the poten al for orthosta c signs and symptoms, including
increase in heart rate, decrease in standing blood pressure, dizziness, and headache.
Combining alcohol intake with Dapoxe ne may enhance neurocardiogenic adverse events such as syncope,
thereby increasing the risk of accidental injury; therefore, pa ents should be advised to avoid alcohol with
undergoing treatment with Super Avana tablets.
Super Avana Tablets During Pregnancy
Dapoxe ne as well as Avanafil has been classified by the US FDA as Pregnancy Category C . Super Avana is not
indicated for use by women. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of Super Avana tablets in
pregnant women.
Super Avana Nursing Considerations
Super Avana tablets are not indicated for use by women. It is not known if either Dapoxe ne or Avanafil are
excreted in human breast milk.
The above informa on is provided to the best of our knowledge and in good faith, it is without a warrant of any
kind, expressed or implied.
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Please note that not all medica ons, including any referenced on this page, are dispensed from our affiliated Indian
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  • 3. 3/15/2018 Buy Super Avana | - My Online Generic Store 3/11 Buy Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg and Dapoxe ne 60 mg Tablets) , Super Avana is a combina on medica on containing Avanafil and Dapoxe ne which is used to treat Erec le Dysfunc on (impotence or ED) as well as premature ejacula on at the same me. Super Avana tablets are manufactured by Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd. in the strengths of 160 mg (Avanafil 100 mg and… Pack Size Price Quan ty 16 + 4 Free Tablet/s $80.00 1 32 + 8 Free Tablet/s $155.00 1 64 + 16 Free Tablet/s $305.00 1 ADD TO CART ADD TO CART ADD TO CART  Compare (/Product/Super-Avana/?Ac on=Yith-Woocompare-Add-Product&Id=17191)  Add To Wishlist (/Product/Super-Avana/?Add_to_wishlist=17191)      (h ps:// Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg and Dapoxe ne 60 mg Tablets) Product Information Super Avana is a combina on medica on containing Avanafil and Dapoxe ne which is used to treat Erec le Dysfunc on (impotence or ED) as well as premature ejacula on at the same me. Super Avana tablets are manufactured by Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd. in the strengths of 160 mg (Avanafil 100 mg and Dapoxe ne 60 mg Tablets ). We also have in stock Tadali 20 mg by Pfizer (Generic Tadalafil) which is also used for the used for the treatment of Erec le Dysfunc on (ED). Name of the Drug We supply original Super Avana tablets manufactured by Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd.. Manufacturer of Super Avana Tablets ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REVIEWS (3)DESCRIPTION
  • 4. 3/15/2018 Buy Super Avana | - My Online Generic Store 4/11 Sunrise Remedies Pvt. Ltd. Website: Active Ingredients present in Super Avana Tablets The ac ve ingredients present in Super Avana tablets are Dapoxe ne Hydrochloride and Avanafil. Each Super Avana tablet contains 100 mg of Avanafil and 60 mg of Dapoxe ne Hydrochloride. Uses of Super Avana Tablets Super Avana helps to get an erec on and to maintain it for a longer period of me. Super Avana by Sunrise Remedies is a combina on drug containing Generic Stendra (Avanafil 100mg) and Generic Priligy (Dapoxe ne 60mg). Generic Stendra is the latest medicine to treat Erec le Dysfunc on similar to other well known phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5 inhibitors). Generic Priligy is a well known medica on to treat premature ejacula on. Dapoxe ne HCl 60 mg acts by inhibi ng the serotonin transporter, leading to increased serotonin’s ac on at presynap c receptors and postsynap c receptors. Generic Priligy (Dapoxe ne) inhibits the ejaculatory expulsion reflex at the supraspinal level by modula ng the ac vity of lateral paragigantocellular nucleus (LPGi) neurons. This causes an increase in pudendal motoneuron reflex discharge (PMRD) latency and it is through this mechanisme of regula ng the central nervous system ac vity that the sense of control increases and premature ejacula on is significantly reduced. Avanafil 100 mg acts by inhibi ng a specific phosphodiesterase type 5 of an enzyme. Phosphodieterase type 5 is mostly found in the corpus cavernosum of penis but also in other body ssues. The enzyma c inhibi on by Generic Stendra (Avanafil 100mg) leads to prolonged and sustained penile erec on. The combina on drug Super Avana has a rapid onset of ac on and starts working in as short as 15 minutes a er consump on and it is superior to many other Erec le Dysfunc on medica ons with its dual ac on. Super Avana Dosage The adult dosage of Super Avana is one tablet about 30 minutes before sexual ac vity. Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg plus Dapoxe ne 60 mg) can be taken with or without food. The drug reaches at its maximum ac vity in approximately 30 minutes. The results and performance of Super Avana varies as per individual being treated. The maximum daily dose of Super Avana is one tablet (Avanafil 100 mg plus Dapoxe ne HCl 60 mg). How to Use Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg and Dapoxetine 60 mg Tablets) Take Super Avana 160 mg by Sunrise Remedies exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Do not change your dose without talking to your healthcare provider. The usual dosage is 1 tablet 30 min before sexual ac vity. Swallow the tablet whole to avoid a bi er taste with at least one full glass of water. It can be taken with or without food. Do not take more than one tablet every 24
  • 5. 3/15/2018 Buy Super Avana | - My Online Generic Store 5/11 hours. At least 24 hours must pass before your next dose. Super Avana has a high success rate and will work in more than 80% of all men with ED related problems. The effect may vary from person to person depending on how fast the tablet is broken down and absorbed by the bodies enymes. Super Avana Contraindications Super Avana tablets are contraindicated in pa entas with a hypersensi vity to Dapoxe ne Hydrochloride or Avanafil or any inac ve ingredient present in Super Avana tablets. Super Avana are also contraindicated in the following cases: Super Avana is contraindicated in pa ents with known hypersensi vity to Dapoxe ne Hydrochloride or to any of the inac ve ingredients. Super Avana is also is contraindicated in pa ents with moderate and severe hepa c impairment. Combining alcohol with Super Avana may enhance neurocardiogenic adverse events such as syncope, therefore increasing the risk of accidental injury. Hence pa ents should be advised to avoid alcohol intake when taking Super Avana tablets Super Avana should not be used in pa ents with a history of mania/hypomania or bipolar disorder and should be immediately discon nued in any pa ent who develops symptoms of these disorders. As SSRIs have the poten al to lower the seizure threshold, Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg plus Dapoxe ne 60 mg) should be discon nued in any person who develops seizures and avoided in persons with unstable epilepsy. Administra on of Super Avana (Avanafil 100 mg plus Dapoxe ne 60 mg) to pa ents using any form of organic nitrate is contraindicated. Super Avana Side effects Super Avana side effects occurring in 2% or more of the pa ents being treated include headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, insomnia, fa gue, flushing, nasal conges on, nasopharyngi s, and back pain. Common side effects (affects less than 1 in 10 people): • feeling sick, • feeling irritable, anxious, agitated or restless, • feeling numb or having “pins and needles”, • difficulty ge ng or keeping an erec on, • swea ng more than normal or flushing, • diarrhoea, cons pa on or having wind, • stomach pain, bloa ng or being sick, • problems sleeping or strange dreams, • feeling red or sleepy, yawning, • blocked nose (nasal conges on), • a rise in blood pressure, • difficulty concentra ng, • shaking or trembling, • lower interest in sex, • ringing in the ears, • blurred vision, • indiges on, • dry mouth Uncommon side effects (affects less than 1 in 100 people): fain ng or feeling dizzy upon standing (see advice above), • change in mood, feeling overly excited or feelings of paranoia, • feeling confused, disoriented or unable to think clearly, • slow or irregular heartbeat or increase in heart rate, • loss of sex drive, problems reaching orgasm, • feeling weak, sedated, lethargic or fa gued, • feeling depressed, nervous or indifferent, • feeling hot, ji ery, abnormal or drunk, • vision problems or dilated pupils, • low or high blood pressure, • feeling itchy or cold sweat, • spinning sensa on, • abnormal taste, • teeth grinding
  • 6. 3/15/2018 Buy Super Avana | - My Online Generic Store 6/11 Rare side effects (affects less than 1 in 1000 people): • feeling dizzy following exer on • sudden onset of sleep • urgency of bowel ac on If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you no ce any side effects not listed in this sec on, please tell your doctor. Stop taking Super Avana by Sunrise and see your doctor straight away if: • you have fits (seizures) • you faint or feel light headed when you stand up • you no ce any changes in your mood • you have any thoughts of suicide or harming yourself If you no ce any of the above, stop taking this medicine and see your doctor straight away. Fain ng and low blood pressure The medicine can make you faint or make your blood pressure drop when you stand up. Take the tablet with at least one full glass of water to help lower the chance of this happening. Do not take the medicine if you are dehydrated (you do not have enough water in your body). Tell your doctor if you have taken more tablets than you should. You may feel sick or be sick. Talk to your doctor before you stop taking Super Avana by Sunrise. You may have problems sleeping and feel dizzy a er you stop taking this medicine, even if you have not taken it every day. If you have any further ques ons on the use of this product, ask your doctor. Warnings & Precautions Do not take Super Avana in combina on with alcohol and fa y foods as this reduces its effect. Do not under any circumstances take Super Avana if you are taking any medica on containing Nitrates Stop taking Super Avana if you feel uncomfortable or experience and undesired side effects. Consult a doctor if in doubt. Do not take Super Avana if you are allergic to avanafil, dapoxe ne, or lactose (a type of sugar), if you have heart problems, such as heart failure or problems with the heart rhythm, or if you are taking: • medicines for depression called “monoamine oxidase inhibitors” (MAOIs) • thioridazine used for schizophrenia • other medicines for depression • lithium a medicine for bipolar disorder • linezolid an an bio c used to treat infec ons • tryptophan a medicine to help you sleep
  • 7. 3/15/2018 Buy Super Avana | - My Online Generic Store 7/11 • st John’s wort, a herbal medicine • tramadol used to treat serious pain • medicines used to treat migraines • certain medicines for fungal infec on, including ketoconazole and itraconazole • certain medicines for HIV, including ritonavir, saquinavir, nelfinavir and atazanavir • certain an bio cs for trea ng infec on, including telithromycin • Nefazodone® an an depressant Do not take Super Avana by Sunrise at the same me as any of the medicines listed above. If you have taken any of these medicines, you will need to wait 14 days a er you stop taking it before you can start taking this medicine. Once you have stopped taking this medicine, you will need to wait 7 days before taking any of the medicines listed above. If you are not sure about what to do, talk to your doctor. Check with your doctor before taking Super Avana by Sunrise if: • you drink alcohol • you have not been diagnosed with premature ejacula on • you use recrea onal drugs such as ecstasy, LSD, narco cs or benzodiazepines • you have ever had a mental health problem such as depression, mania (symptoms include feeling overexcited, irritable or not being able to think clearly), bipolar disorder (symptoms include serious mood swings between mania and depression) or schizophrenia (a psychiatric disease) • you have a history of bleeding or blood clo ng problems • you have kidney problems • you have epilepsy • you have a history of dizziness from low blood pressure • you have moderate or severe liver problems If any of the above apply to you (or you are not sure), talk to your doctor. Your doctor should perform a test to make sure that your blood pressure doesn’t drop too much when you stand up from lying down. Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescrip on and non-prescrip on medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Super Avana by Sunrise and other medicines may affect each other causing side effects. Tell your doctor if you are taking any of the following medicines: • nonsteroidal an -inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen or acetylsalicyclic acid • medicines to thin your blood, such as warfarin • certain medicines used to treat high blood pressure and chest pain (angina) (such as verapamil and dil azem), enlarged prostate or erec le dysfunc on, as these medicines may lower your blood pressure, possibly upon standing • certain other medicines for fungal infec on, such as fluconazole
  • 8. 3/15/2018 Buy Super Avana | - My Online Generic Store 8/11 • certain other medicines for HIV, such as amprenavir and fosamprenavir • certain other an bio cs for trea ng infec on, such as erythromycin and clarithromycin • aprepitant used to treat nausea Super Avana by Sunrise should only be used by men only. You may feel sleepy, dizzy, faint, have difficulty concentra ng and blurred vision while taking this medicine. If you experience any of these or similar effects, you should avoid driving or opera ng hazardous machinery. Super Avana Tablets and Alcohol Pa ents should be informed that both alcohol and PDE5 inhibitors including Avanafil act as mild vasodilators and when they are taken in combina on, blood pressure lowering effects of each individual compound can be increased. Therefore, physicians should inform pa ents that substan al consump on of alcohol (e.g., greater than 3 units) in combina on with Super Avana can increase the poten al for orthosta c signs and symptoms, including increase in heart rate, decrease in standing blood pressure, dizziness, and headache. Combining alcohol intake with Dapoxe ne may enhance neurocardiogenic adverse events such as syncope, thereby increasing the risk of accidental injury; therefore, pa ents should be advised to avoid alcohol with undergoing treatment with Super Avana tablets. Super Avana Tablets During Pregnancy Dapoxe ne as well as Avanafil has been classified by the US FDA as Pregnancy Category C . Super Avana is not indicated for use by women. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies of Super Avana tablets in pregnant women. Super Avana Nursing Considerations Super Avana tablets are not indicated for use by women. It is not known if either Dapoxe ne or Avanafil are excreted in human breast milk. Disclaimer The above informa on is provided to the best of our knowledge and in good faith, it is without a warrant of any kind, expressed or implied.
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  • 11. 3/15/2018 Buy Super Avana | - My Online Generic Store 11/11 Important disclaimer Please note that not all medica ons, including any referenced on this page, are dispensed from our affiliated Indian pharmacy. The medica ons in your order may be filled and shipped from an approved Interna onal fulfillment center located in a country other than India. In addi on to dispensing medica ons from our Indian pharmacy, medica on orders are also filled and shipped from interna onal fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec ve countries. Medica on orders are filled and shipped from approved fulfillment centers around the world including, but not limited to, India, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Mauri us and the United States. The items in your order may be filled and shipped from any one of the above jurisdic ons. The products are sourced from various countries as well as those listed above. All of our affiliated fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respec ve countries. Copyright (C) 2017 (h ps:// All Rights Reserved.