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Unit 1 P1
Lewis Appleton 1 Miss Johnston
I have beenasked towrite a reporton my investigationintotwocontrastingtypesof business
organisationfromdifferentsectors. One fromthe voluntarysectorandthe otherbeingpartof the
private sector,the twocontrastingbusinessesIhave decidedtochoose andresearchonare Tesco
PLC and The BritishRedCross. In my research Iam goingto write about,how firstof all businesses
operate andalsowhichsector theyare in.I will thengoon to write aboutthe purposesthat
businesseshave andtheirtypesof ownership.Afterthat Iwill write aboutthe twobusinesses Ihave
chosenandthe waytheyoperate,sector,purposesand compare the waythe typesof ownershipare
interms of advantage anddisadvantage.
The ways businesses operate
Local businessescanoperate withinthe local towns,theyare usually small businesseshoweverin
the future theymaybecome biggerandgo national.Local businessesare locatedinverylimited
areas suchas a specifictown.Local businessesare notrecognisedmuchinareasthat are not near
the locationof the businessbutmaybe recognisedbyneighbouringtowns.Thiscouldbe the startof
greaterdevelopmentforthe businessasthe brandismade more aware to potential customer,the
businessgainsprofitandisable tohave more storesacross the nation. For example;local
National businessesare companiesthatacrossthe nationhave outlets,thisiswhere the business
wouldhave outletsoverthe country, andintime theymaymove outletsoverseasandwillbecome
international.Nationalbusinesseswill have previouslybeenlocal businesses,awarenessandgreater
recognitionof the businesshasallowedittogonational andhave manymore outletsacrossthe
nation.These businesseswillstillbe aimingtogrow andsurvive.National businesseswill continueto
grow andbecome more recognisedbythe communityandmayeventuallybecomeinternational
businesses. Forexample;CostcuttersandNisalocal.
International businessesoperate inanumberof countriesthathave a numberof outlets,aftereven
furtherprogress,storesmaybecome available acrossthe globe andtherefore become aglobal
business.Tescohasvariousstoresacrossthe worldbecause theyare an internationalbusiness.
These businesseshave evenfurtherdevelopedfrombeinglocal thennational businessesandare
nowevenmore recognisedinthe worldandwill be able tomake more revenue anddevelopment.
These businessesare still tryingtogrowto become highlypopulararoundthe worldandeventually
witha good enoughincrease inrevenuesandpopularityitwill become aglobal business. For
Unit 1 P1
Lewis Appleton 2 Miss Johnston
Global businessesare well knownacrossthe worldandhave manyoutlets.The BritishRedCross
globallyhelpspeople aroundthe world. Global businessesare atthe higheststage of the way
businessesoperate,theycannotachieve ahigherstage buttheycan continue tobecome evenmore
popular,make evenmore revenueandbecome more recognisedbythe world.Whencomparing
global businessestolocal businessesitiseasytosee how hard and longitis forthe businessto
achieve enoughrecognitionbutitispossibleasIhave statedin the example below;
A goodexample of abusinessthatstartedoutsmall andbecame global inthe future isMarks &
Spencer.Theywere once alocal business,sellingsmall productsinsmall local areasandeventually
continuedtoincrease popularityandsalestherefore becomingnational,internationaland
eventuallyafterlongperiodsof time,effortandsurvivingtheywill become globalbusinesses. Some
of the otherglobal businessesare McDonalds,KfcandCoca Cola.
Business sectors
Publicsectorbusinesseshave the objectiveof providingaservice tothe public.Theyare takenover
or ownedbythe government,these typesof businessesusuallywill nottake bigrisksbecause rather
than make a profit, theyaimto benefitawide varietyof people.Private sectorbusinessesare
privatelyownedandare ownedby individualsinmanycountries,the ownersof private sector
businessesrisktheirownmoneyanditispossible thatbeinggreedywill leadthemtomakingbad
decisionsastheytake largerrisks.The BritishRedCross isa voluntarybusinessrunbytrusteesfora
goodcause andis inthe voluntarysector.Tescois publiclimitedcompanythataimstomake a profit;
theirsharesare opento everyone.
Business purposes
Businesseshave differentpurposessuchasprovidingaproduct or service,examplesof thismaybe;
a downloadservice onthe internet,adental operationora haircut.Online storesandpeoplewho
specialiseinthese serviceshave apurpose tokeepthe customerssatisfied.The risingpopulationof
expensive servicesgive agoodexample of how supplyisraisedtolowerthe demand,where atthe
same time the expensive service gettingmore customers andmoney.There are typesof businesses
that provide aservice andthat istheirmainpurpose,theyare alsoothersthat expecttogainhigh
revenue fromtheirbusiness.Businesses suchaspubliclimitedcompanies needtomake sure the
runningcostsfor the businessanditsoperationsare lessexpensivethanthe revenuetheyare
gettingotherwisetheywill notbe makingprofit. There are otherbusinesseslikecharities thatare
the businessesthatare onlythere toprovide aservice tothe communityasa gooddeed andmay
relyon donationsinordertokeepthe businessrunning.
Business ownership
Sole trader
Unit 1 P1
Lewis Appleton 3 Miss Johnston
A sole traderisa personthatownsand controlsa businessalthoughtheycanemployeeworkers.
Sole tradersdon’thave a separate legal existence.Thistype of businessisone of the mostcommon.
For thistype of business,the setupisverysimple andthere isnothingcomplicatedinit.The sole
trader makesall the decisionsusuallyandall profitsgotothisperson.There are disadvantagesof
beinga sole traderas makingall the decisionsmaymeanthatmore hourswill have tobe spentat
work.There isalso the disadvantage of nothavingthe legal protectionof limitedliability,meaning
that any debtsall are giventothe ownerandtheyhave to findouta way of how to paythese debts.
In eventsof this,sole tradersmaytake precautionsbytakingouta loanfrom the bank.
A partnership setshowprofits,responsibilitiesandpaymentsare assessedbetweenbusiness
partners.Partnersoftenshare knowledge andskills.There are disadvantagestopartnershipssuchas
people canfall out,decisionsmaybe difficulttoagree on, andprofits needtobe shareddependant
on the partner’scontributions. Partnershipsare formedasa solutioninthe eventsof asole trader
havingdebtssothat the businessdoesnothave topay all the debtsfromone person.Partnerships
that are formedmeansthata Deedof Partnershiphasto be formed.
Private limitedcompanies
Private limitedcompaniesare smallerthanpublicones.Often,these are businessesrunasa family.
The minimumamountof shareholdersis2but there isnota maximum.The sharesare limitedand
can onlybe soldto specificpeople. Privatelimitedcompanies have limitedliabilitymeaningthat if
the businessmakesmistakesleadingtodebtsthenthe ownersare onlyresponsible forthe debt
equal tothe value of theirshares.Theywill onlylosewhattheyinvested.
Publiclimitedcompaniesselltheirsharesonthe stockexchange.Large amountsof revenue canbe
obtainedquickly.A disadvantage isthatthe original shareholder(s) canlose control of the businessif
amountsof sharesare boughtas part of a “takeoverbid”.Publiclimitedcompaniesare protected
fromdebtsbeingputuponthe ownerby “limitedliability”meaningtheywillbe protectedwiththeir
moneyandinsteadof the debtbeingputuponthe owner,the debtisput uponthe business.
Private and voluntary sector Business
The two companies i have chosen are Tesco and the British Red Cross.
Tescois a supermarketwithvariousstoresaroundEngland;itwasfirstopenedinthe eastendof
Londonin1919 byJack Cohen.Tescotookovera chainof 212 storesinthe northernEnglandin
1960. Tesco.comwaslaunchedin2000 andin 2010 theyopenedthe firstzero-carbonsupermarket.
As of February2010 there are 5380 stores,alsoas of 2010 the amountof employeestheyhave is
Unit 1 P1
Lewis Appleton 4 Miss Johnston
472000. Tescosellsvariousproductssuchasgroceries,telecoms,financial servicesandconsumer
In 1870 the BritishRedCrosswas firstformed,theyjoinedthe Orderof St.JohnAmbulance during
the firstworldwar to give resourcestothose inneed.The first BloodTransfusionservice wassetup
by the BritishRedCrossin 1941. At the declarationof the secondworldwar,BritishRedCrossonce
againformeda partnershipwith St.John,once againhelpingthose inneed.Afterthe warthe main
objective of BritishRedCrosswastohelpthe large numberof civilian’sdisplacedforcedmigration
duringthe war.
Howthey operate
BritishRedCross operatesbyhelpingpeople inneed globally.The organisationisledbyagroup of
trustees;theyprovide healthservicesworldwidebutwere probably originallyinthe United
Kingdom.Theyalsohave manybranchesoverseasthatdelivervital serviceslocally.The BritishRed
Crossencouragesyourpeople tovolunteerwiththe foundingof the JuniorRedCrossin1924.
Tescooperatesbysellingretail productsinternationally.Theyhave manydifferenttypesof storesto
provide differentservices.Tescoextraare largerstoresthatsupplya higherrange andquantityof
products,Tescosuperstoresare the commonstore as theyare slightlysmallerthanTescoextraand
have a slightlysmallerrange of productsbutare commonlyfoundintowns,Tescometroare
betweenthe superstoresandextrainsize,theyare commonlyfoundinthe centre of acity,Tesco
expressare small storesinneighbourhoodstheycanbe foundinsmall residential areas. Tescoisa
The sector
The BritishRedCross worksinthe voluntarysectoras it helpsthe peopleinneedanddoesnottryto
gainany revenue;all profitsare puttowardshelpingpeople.
Tescois part of the private sector,theyaimtomake profitand part of theirrevenue isputtowards
makingmore and fasterprofit.
Tescohave a purpose of makingprofit theirmissionstatementstates
“Our visionisforTesco to be mosthighlyvaluedbythe customerswe serve,the communitiesin
whichwe operate,ourloyal andcommittedstaff andour shareholders;tobe a growthcompany;a
modernandinnovative companyandwinninglocally,applyingourskillsglobally”.
They want to be strongerand more competitiveintheirmarketprovidinganoutstanding
international service tothe customersandmeetingtheirneeds.Tescostate thatpricesare falling,
productqualityisincreasing,productrange isincreasingandservice levelsare improving.
On the Tescowebsite theystate theyhave asevenpartstrategyto increase longtermgrowth. One
of these strategy’sistogrowthe UK core; to continue tobe the largestbusinessisinthe UKand
drivessalesand profitalso withthe opportunitiesforfurthergrowththeysaythe core will continue
Unit 1 P1
Lewis Appleton 5 Miss Johnston
to grow.Anotherpart of theirstrategyisto be a creator of highlyvaluedbrands;the brandevolved
froma fewstorestomultiple typesof stores,brandsgive the businessmore meaningwiththe
customersandalsoreferto otherproduct brands.
The BritishRedCross isdedicatedtohelpingpeople acrossthe world;theysupported439,600
people inthe UKwithhealthandsocial care issues.The BritishRedCrossraise moneytouse on the
people inneed.Theyare aglobal businessandhelppeoplearoundthe world. The BritishRedCross
are aimingtomake an impact onthe worldbyprovidingaservice thathelpspeople,theyaimto
raise awarenessof the organisationforwhatitdoessothat more people are able tobe helpedbyte
Tescois a publiclimitedcompany (PLC).Youcansee thisby visitingtheirwebsite
( businessisinthe private sectormeaningthat itisownedbyprivate
citizens. Tescoisable tohave the benefitsof havinglimitedliability.Thismeansthatif theywere to
fail as a businessthenonlythe moneyinvestedislost. Itisalsoan international companybecauseit
has outletsthatoperate inmanycountriesanditis an organisationthatisknownacrossthe world.
The BritishRedCross isa global companythatworksinthe voluntarysector,itisrun bya groupof
trustees, andthis meansitisa charitable trust.Itis setup to use fundstosupportpeople inneed.
The trusteeshave reputationforbeingresponsiblecitizensandare therefore able tobe volunteers.
Charitieshave toregisterandproduce accountson an annual basis. “The BritishRedCrossSociety,
incorporatedbyRoyal Charter1908, isa charityregisteredinEnglandandWales(220949) and
Benefits and Disadvantages
The advantagesof Tesco havingthe ownershipof beingaPLCand beinginthe private sectorare that
the businessisfirstlyownedbyshareholdersandindividuals,withprofitbeingtheirmainobjective
theycan aim to achieve it.Althoughthe companyisownedbyshareholders,Tescohasthe
advantage thatit’sthe managersanddirectorsthat control the businessandmake valuable
There are alsodisadvantages,aimingonlytomake profitcouldbringdissatisfactiontocustomers
and theywill lose positive feedbackandvaluable customers,thustheirprofitwill decrease.The large
disadvantage of thisisthatthe businesscontrol canbe lostbythe original shareholders if atakeover
bidtakesplace whichare large quantitiesof shares.
The advantagesof The BritishRedCrossbeinga charitable trustare that theycan relyon donations
and use themto helppeople,theygainnoprofitasit isall put intothe companybut thiswaythey
The disadvantagesof beinga charitable trustare,firstlyit’shardto findpeople thatwill volunteerto
workso some workersmayhave to be paid,secondlyit’shardto getthemselvesheardbecause if
Unit 1 P1
Lewis Appleton 6 Miss Johnston
theywantto helppeople theyare goingtoneedequipmentandalsotheydonotgainany revenue
since itis all putintomakingthe companybetterand quicker.
Ownership differences
Charitable trustsare verydifferenttoPLC’sbecause theyaimonhelpingpeople andputall the profit
intomakingitmore efficientandmore friendlyas abusiness,whereasPLC’saimtomake profit,they
sell sharesonthe stock marketanduse part of theirprofittomake theirbusinessmore efficientin
speedandquantityof makingprofit.
To conclude my assignment,businessescanmake large profitbecause of revenue fromsellingshares
on the stock marketand there are alsothe advantages thatshareholdersgetlimitedliabilityandalso
that banksare willingtolendlargeramountstothissectorof businessif the capital share theyhave
islarge.Thisis the reasonthat Tescois such a successful businessinthe private sectorandnow has
as many storesasit does;theysell theirsharesonthe stockmarketand keeptheirvaluesclear.

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Business operations

  • 1. Unit 1 P1 Lewis Appleton 1 Miss Johnston Introduction I have beenasked towrite a reporton my investigationintotwocontrastingtypesof business organisationfromdifferentsectors. One fromthe voluntarysectorandthe otherbeingpartof the private sector,the twocontrastingbusinessesIhave decidedtochoose andresearchonare Tesco PLC and The BritishRedCross. In my research Iam goingto write about,how firstof all businesses operate andalsowhichsector theyare in.I will thengoon to write aboutthe purposesthat businesseshave andtheirtypesof ownership.Afterthat Iwill write aboutthe twobusinesses Ihave chosenandthe waytheyoperate,sector,purposesand compare the waythe typesof ownershipare interms of advantage anddisadvantage. The ways businesses operate Local Local businessescanoperate withinthe local towns,theyare usually small businesseshoweverin the future theymaybecome biggerandgo national.Local businessesare locatedinverylimited areas suchas a specifictown.Local businessesare notrecognisedmuchinareasthat are not near the locationof the businessbutmaybe recognisedbyneighbouringtowns.Thiscouldbe the startof greaterdevelopmentforthe businessasthe brandismade more aware to potential customer,the businessgainsprofitandisable tohave more storesacross the nation. For example;local hairdressers,butchers,cornershopsandschools. National National businessesare companiesthatacrossthe nationhave outlets,thisiswhere the business wouldhave outletsoverthe country, andintime theymaymove outletsoverseasandwillbecome international.Nationalbusinesseswill have previouslybeenlocal businesses,awarenessandgreater recognitionof the businesshasallowedittogonational andhave manymore outletsacrossthe nation.These businesseswillstillbe aimingtogrow andsurvive.National businesseswill continueto grow andbecome more recognisedbythe communityandmayeventuallybecomeinternational businesses. Forexample;CostcuttersandNisalocal. International International businessesoperate inanumberof countriesthathave a numberof outlets,aftereven furtherprogress,storesmaybecome available acrossthe globe andtherefore become aglobal business.Tescohasvariousstoresacrossthe worldbecause theyare an internationalbusiness. These businesseshave evenfurtherdevelopedfrombeinglocal thennational businessesandare nowevenmore recognisedinthe worldandwill be able tomake more revenue anddevelopment. These businessesare still tryingtogrowto become highlypopulararoundthe worldandeventually witha good enoughincrease inrevenuesandpopularityitwill become aglobal business. For example;Tesco,BHS,Sainsbury’s.
  • 2. Unit 1 P1 Lewis Appleton 2 Miss Johnston Global Global businessesare well knownacrossthe worldandhave manyoutlets.The BritishRedCross globallyhelpspeople aroundthe world. Global businessesare atthe higheststage of the way businessesoperate,theycannotachieve ahigherstage buttheycan continue tobecome evenmore popular,make evenmore revenueandbecome more recognisedbythe world.Whencomparing global businessestolocal businessesitiseasytosee how hard and longitis forthe businessto achieve enoughrecognitionbutitispossibleasIhave statedin the example below; A goodexample of abusinessthatstartedoutsmall andbecame global inthe future isMarks & Spencer.Theywere once alocal business,sellingsmall productsinsmall local areasandeventually continuedtoincrease popularityandsalestherefore becomingnational,internationaland eventuallyafterlongperiodsof time,effortandsurvivingtheywill become globalbusinesses. Some of the otherglobal businessesare McDonalds,KfcandCoca Cola. Business sectors Publicsectorbusinesseshave the objectiveof providingaservice tothe public.Theyare takenover or ownedbythe government,these typesof businessesusuallywill nottake bigrisksbecause rather than make a profit, theyaimto benefitawide varietyof people.Private sectorbusinessesare privatelyownedandare ownedby individualsinmanycountries,the ownersof private sector businessesrisktheirownmoneyanditispossible thatbeinggreedywill leadthemtomakingbad decisionsastheytake largerrisks.The BritishRedCross isa voluntarybusinessrunbytrusteesfora goodcause andis inthe voluntarysector.Tescois publiclimitedcompanythataimstomake a profit; theirsharesare opento everyone. Business purposes Businesseshave differentpurposessuchasprovidingaproduct or service,examplesof thismaybe; a downloadservice onthe internet,adental operationora haircut.Online storesandpeoplewho specialiseinthese serviceshave apurpose tokeepthe customerssatisfied.The risingpopulationof expensive servicesgive agoodexample of how supplyisraisedtolowerthe demand,where atthe same time the expensive service gettingmore customers andmoney.There are typesof businesses that provide aservice andthat istheirmainpurpose,theyare alsoothersthat expecttogainhigh revenue fromtheirbusiness.Businesses suchaspubliclimitedcompanies needtomake sure the runningcostsfor the businessanditsoperationsare lessexpensivethanthe revenuetheyare gettingotherwisetheywill notbe makingprofit. There are otherbusinesseslikecharities thatare the businessesthatare onlythere toprovide aservice tothe communityasa gooddeed andmay relyon donationsinordertokeepthe businessrunning. Business ownership Sole trader
  • 3. Unit 1 P1 Lewis Appleton 3 Miss Johnston A sole traderisa personthatownsand controlsa businessalthoughtheycanemployeeworkers. Sole tradersdon’thave a separate legal existence.Thistype of businessisone of the mostcommon. For thistype of business,the setupisverysimple andthere isnothingcomplicatedinit.The sole trader makesall the decisionsusuallyandall profitsgotothisperson.There are disadvantagesof beinga sole traderas makingall the decisionsmaymeanthatmore hourswill have tobe spentat work.There isalso the disadvantage of nothavingthe legal protectionof limitedliability,meaning that any debtsall are giventothe ownerandtheyhave to findouta way of how to paythese debts. In eventsof this,sole tradersmaytake precautionsbytakingouta loanfrom the bank. Partnerships A partnership setshowprofits,responsibilitiesandpaymentsare assessedbetweenbusiness partners.Partnersoftenshare knowledge andskills.There are disadvantagestopartnershipssuchas people canfall out,decisionsmaybe difficulttoagree on, andprofits needtobe shareddependant on the partner’scontributions. Partnershipsare formedasa solutioninthe eventsof asole trader havingdebtssothat the businessdoesnothave topay all the debtsfromone person.Partnerships that are formedmeansthata Deedof Partnershiphasto be formed. Private limitedcompanies Private limitedcompaniesare smallerthanpublicones.Often,these are businessesrunasa family. The minimumamountof shareholdersis2but there isnota maximum.The sharesare limitedand can onlybe soldto specificpeople. Privatelimitedcompanies have limitedliabilitymeaningthat if the businessmakesmistakesleadingtodebtsthenthe ownersare onlyresponsible forthe debt equal tothe value of theirshares.Theywill onlylosewhattheyinvested. Publiclimitedcompanies Publiclimitedcompaniesselltheirsharesonthe stockexchange.Large amountsof revenue canbe obtainedquickly.A disadvantage isthatthe original shareholder(s) canlose control of the businessif amountsof sharesare boughtas part of a “takeoverbid”.Publiclimitedcompaniesare protected fromdebtsbeingputuponthe ownerby “limitedliability”meaningtheywillbe protectedwiththeir moneyandinsteadof the debtbeingputuponthe owner,the debtisput uponthe business. Private and voluntary sector Business The two companies i have chosen are Tesco and the British Red Cross. History Tescois a supermarketwithvariousstoresaroundEngland;itwasfirstopenedinthe eastendof Londonin1919 byJack Cohen.Tescotookovera chainof 212 storesinthe northernEnglandin 1960. Tesco.comwaslaunchedin2000 andin 2010 theyopenedthe firstzero-carbonsupermarket. As of February2010 there are 5380 stores,alsoas of 2010 the amountof employeestheyhave is
  • 4. Unit 1 P1 Lewis Appleton 4 Miss Johnston 472000. Tescosellsvariousproductssuchasgroceries,telecoms,financial servicesandconsumer goods. In 1870 the BritishRedCrosswas firstformed,theyjoinedthe Orderof St.JohnAmbulance during the firstworldwar to give resourcestothose inneed.The first BloodTransfusionservice wassetup by the BritishRedCrossin 1941. At the declarationof the secondworldwar,BritishRedCrossonce againformeda partnershipwith St.John,once againhelpingthose inneed.Afterthe warthe main objective of BritishRedCrosswastohelpthe large numberof civilian’sdisplacedforcedmigration duringthe war. Howthey operate BritishRedCross operatesbyhelpingpeople inneed globally.The organisationisledbyagroup of trustees;theyprovide healthservicesworldwidebutwere probably originallyinthe United Kingdom.Theyalsohave manybranchesoverseasthatdelivervital serviceslocally.The BritishRed Crossencouragesyourpeople tovolunteerwiththe foundingof the JuniorRedCrossin1924. Tescooperatesbysellingretail productsinternationally.Theyhave manydifferenttypesof storesto provide differentservices.Tescoextraare largerstoresthatsupplya higherrange andquantityof products,Tescosuperstoresare the commonstore as theyare slightlysmallerthanTescoextraand have a slightlysmallerrange of productsbutare commonlyfoundintowns,Tescometroare betweenthe superstoresandextrainsize,theyare commonlyfoundinthe centre of acity,Tesco expressare small storesinneighbourhoodstheycanbe foundinsmall residential areas. Tescoisa PublicLimitedCompanythathasLimitedLiabilityfordebts. The sector The BritishRedCross worksinthe voluntarysectoras it helpsthe peopleinneedanddoesnottryto gainany revenue;all profitsare puttowardshelpingpeople. Tescois part of the private sector,theyaimtomake profitand part of theirrevenue isputtowards makingmore and fasterprofit. Purpose Tescohave a purpose of makingprofit theirmissionstatementstates “Our visionisforTesco to be mosthighlyvaluedbythe customerswe serve,the communitiesin whichwe operate,ourloyal andcommittedstaff andour shareholders;tobe a growthcompany;a modernandinnovative companyandwinninglocally,applyingourskillsglobally”. They want to be strongerand more competitiveintheirmarketprovidinganoutstanding international service tothe customersandmeetingtheirneeds.Tescostate thatpricesare falling, productqualityisincreasing,productrange isincreasingandservice levelsare improving. On the Tescowebsite theystate theyhave asevenpartstrategyto increase longtermgrowth. One of these strategy’sistogrowthe UK core; to continue tobe the largestbusinessisinthe UKand drivessalesand profitalso withthe opportunitiesforfurthergrowththeysaythe core will continue
  • 5. Unit 1 P1 Lewis Appleton 5 Miss Johnston to grow.Anotherpart of theirstrategyisto be a creator of highlyvaluedbrands;the brandevolved froma fewstorestomultiple typesof stores,brandsgive the businessmore meaningwiththe customersandalsoreferto otherproduct brands. The BritishRedCross isdedicatedtohelpingpeople acrossthe world;theysupported439,600 people inthe UKwithhealthandsocial care issues.The BritishRedCrossraise moneytouse on the people inneed.Theyare aglobal businessandhelppeoplearoundthe world. The BritishRedCross are aimingtomake an impact onthe worldbyprovidingaservice thathelpspeople,theyaimto raise awarenessof the organisationforwhatitdoessothat more people are able tobe helpedbyte organisation. Ownership Tescois a publiclimitedcompany (PLC).Youcansee thisby visitingtheirwebsite ( businessisinthe private sectormeaningthat itisownedbyprivate citizens. Tescoisable tohave the benefitsof havinglimitedliability.Thismeansthatif theywere to fail as a businessthenonlythe moneyinvestedislost. Itisalsoan international companybecauseit has outletsthatoperate inmanycountriesanditis an organisationthatisknownacrossthe world. (Companynumber:00445790) The BritishRedCross isa global companythatworksinthe voluntarysector,itisrun bya groupof trustees, andthis meansitisa charitable trust.Itis setup to use fundstosupportpeople inneed. The trusteeshave reputationforbeingresponsiblecitizensandare therefore able tobe volunteers. Charitieshave toregisterandproduce accountson an annual basis. “The BritishRedCrossSociety, incorporatedbyRoyal Charter1908, isa charityregisteredinEnglandandWales(220949) and Scotland(SC037738)”. Benefits and Disadvantages The advantagesof Tesco havingthe ownershipof beingaPLCand beinginthe private sectorare that the businessisfirstlyownedbyshareholdersandindividuals,withprofitbeingtheirmainobjective theycan aim to achieve it.Althoughthe companyisownedbyshareholders,Tescohasthe advantage thatit’sthe managersanddirectorsthat control the businessandmake valuable decisions. There are alsodisadvantages,aimingonlytomake profitcouldbringdissatisfactiontocustomers and theywill lose positive feedbackandvaluable customers,thustheirprofitwill decrease.The large disadvantage of thisisthatthe businesscontrol canbe lostbythe original shareholders if atakeover bidtakesplace whichare large quantitiesof shares. The advantagesof The BritishRedCrossbeinga charitable trustare that theycan relyon donations and use themto helppeople,theygainnoprofitasit isall put intothe companybut thiswaythey don’trisklosinganythingeither. The disadvantagesof beinga charitable trustare,firstlyit’shardto findpeople thatwill volunteerto workso some workersmayhave to be paid,secondlyit’shardto getthemselvesheardbecause if
  • 6. Unit 1 P1 Lewis Appleton 6 Miss Johnston theywantto helppeople theyare goingtoneedequipmentandalsotheydonotgainany revenue since itis all putintomakingthe companybetterand quicker. Ownership differences Charitable trustsare verydifferenttoPLC’sbecause theyaimonhelpingpeople andputall the profit intomakingitmore efficientandmore friendlyas abusiness,whereasPLC’saimtomake profit,they sell sharesonthe stock marketanduse part of theirprofittomake theirbusinessmore efficientin speedandquantityof makingprofit. Conclusion To conclude my assignment,businessescanmake large profitbecause of revenue fromsellingshares on the stock marketand there are alsothe advantages thatshareholdersgetlimitedliabilityandalso that banksare willingtolendlargeramountstothissectorof businessif the capital share theyhave islarge.Thisis the reasonthat Tescois such a successful businessinthe private sectorandnow has as many storesasit does;theysell theirsharesonthe stockmarketand keeptheirvaluesclear.