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Unit 1 P3
Lewis Appleton 1 Miss Johnston
I am goingto describe the organisationthatbusinesseshave while investigatingthe organisational
structure of Tescoand BritishRedCross,and how thisstructure helpstoachieve theiraimsand
Why it is important for businesses to be organised
It isimportantfor businessestobe organised becauseitmakesiteasiertorunthe business.Itis
importantthatto be organisedtheyuse anorganisationchart,thisisbecause ithelpstogive a clear
definitionof the jobrolesandresponsibilitiesthatare assignedtodifferentsectors.The chartalso
showswhoruns whatinthe organisationanditcontrolsthe activitiesthattake place withinthe
organisation.If businesseswere notorganisedthenitwouldn’tbe efficientasthe employeeswill be
cluelessof whattheyhave todo andwho theyhave to doit for.
Organisational structure
Organisational structuresare whatbusinessesneedtouse toensure theyare able tomeettheir
purposesefficientlyandsuccessfully.These structureshave differentpurposesforeachbusinessbut
theyshouldbe designedtomake sure thatthe workthat businesseshave todois dividedtogive
each memberof staff a fairamountrelatingtotheirjobpositionandtheirwages.Theyalsoneedto
establishthe linesof control andcommunicationthatthe businesshaswhichIwill explaininthe
nextpoint. These structuresare alsoimportantof the control of businessactivitiesthatare
organisedandensuringthatconflictisavoidedbetweenstaff andthatthe staff are able to
individuallymake theirowndecisionsthatwill notconflictwithanyothers.
Line of control
The line of control is where the individualsinabusinessare responsible forthe actionsanddecisions
of eitheraline managerora supervisor.The more importantandcrucial decisionsmade are the
seniorcolleaguesresponsibility.Thisisoftenusedinaformof chainof command.Before takingany
actionsthe lowerpositionswithinthe businesswillhave tonotifythe seniormembers of staff first.
Different types of organisational structure
Businesseswill use differenttypesof organisational structure,these include;
Businessesmaystructure theirbusinessbyfunction.Thismeansthattheyhave toarrange different
parts of the businessaccordingtowhatthat sectionof the businessdoes,dependingonthe type of
the business,the size of howbigthe businessisandhow the structure isgoingto be usedforthe
business.Sometimesitmaydependonif the businesswantsto meeta specificpurpose suchasthe
rate of productionthatthe businessneedstohave,the marketthatthe businesswantsitproducts
to go intoor the accounts that the businesshave.
Unit 1 P3
Lewis Appleton 2 Miss Johnston
Businessesmaystructure theirbusinessesusinggeographical organisationwhichmeansbyarea.
Thismeansthat the organisationmayhave one mainbrandname but several smallerpartsof the
organisationwhichare onlyincertaincountriesandareas.
Product groups
Businessesmaystructure theirbusinessesusingproductgroups;thismeanstheywillorganise tosuit
the customer’sneedstothe differentproductsthattheyhave made. Thismeansthata businesswill
needtoorganise where theirproductsare intocategoriessuchasif theysell manytypesof food
theymay sortthemintocategoriesthatsuitthe customer’sneedsratherthanjust“food”.
Customer type
Some businessesmayorganise theirstructure usingthe type of customers,thisissimilartoproduct
groupsbecause theywill have differentsections thathave todeal specificallywiththe enquiriesthat
the customershave andwill needtodeal withsome customersindividually.
A businessthatwill use thistype of organisational structure isTesco.The advantagesof usinga
structure by functionisthateach sectorof the businessisable tofocusontheirobjectivesthatthey
have beengiven,foreachsectorof the businessthere issomeone thatisresponsible forthe work
levelsandthe employeesare able toknow whatthe rolesare of the othercolleagues.The
disadvantagesof usingafunctional structure isthatthe employeeshave alow level of
communicationwiththeircolleagueswhichcouldleadtoa lackof the focuson the work theyare
meantto be doing,the sectorsmay be hard to change,itmay take a longperiodof time forthe
sectorto actuallybecome coordinatedandthere isagap betweenthe highersectorsof the business
and the lowersectors.
An example of thisisthe RedCrossbecause theyhave the British RedCrossisBritain,the American
RedCross inAmericaandthe IndianRedCrossinIndiaand itssurroundingareas.The advantagesof
usinggeographical organisationare thatthe organisationisable tosatisfythe local communityand
meettheirneedsbetterthantheywouldbe able toif theywere one bigorganisation,theyare able
to keepa positive competitionwiththeircompetitorsandtheyhave abettercommunication
betweenthe organisationitselfandthe customersthatare local to it.The disadvantagesof using
thistype of organisationare that the organisationmayhave conflictsbetweenthe managementthat
islocal and the central managementandthe organisationwill needahigheramountof resources
and functionssothatthe organisationcanrun in manyplacesat once.
Unit 1 P3
Lewis Appleton 3 Miss Johnston
An example of abusinessthatusesthistype of organisationisNestle,theyhave organisedtheir
productsintocertaincategoriessuchas chocolate,cereal,drinks,chilledmeatsandice cream.They
have onlyused“drinks”as one of theircategoriesbecause theydonothave as manydrinkproducts
and therefore theycannotbe splitintomore categorieswhere the foodwas.The advantagesof
usingthistype of organisationare that the organisationhasa clearview of how theycan meettheir
customers needsusingthe marketsectortheyare in,withtheirdivisionstheycanhave a
competitionthatispositiveandthe organisationhave abettercontrol overeachsectionbecause
theyare able togenerate separate profitsthatcanbe putback intothe business.
A businessthatmaysell theirproductsaccordingtotheircustomersneedsmaybe one suchas Tesco
because of the many productstheysell,thatiswhytheyhave several differentsizedstores;tomeet
the needsof the customersinthat area.
Flat structure
A flatstructure iswhere an organisationonlyhasafew such as twoor three levelsof jobrankingand
isusuallyusedbysmall businesses.Anadvantage of businessesusingthistype of structure isthatit
givesthe employeesempowermentandtheyall gettheirsay.Thistype of structure can increase the
rate of productivityandreduce the amountthata businesswill have topayoutfor manylevelsof
management.Flatstructuresare difficulttouse in large businessesbecauseitcanmeanthat the
managersmay notget all the powerthat theywant,therefore thisisonlyeffectiveinsmall
businesses. Asbusinessesstarttogrow itbecomesmore difficultforthe one managertocontrol
everythingandtherefore theymayswitchtoa hierarchical structure.Businessesthatuse flat
structuresusuallyemploysomeone tobe a supervisororhave anassistantmanager.
Hierarchical structure
A hierarchical structure ismuchlargerthan a flatstructure is andit can have several layers of job
ranking.The jobpositionsthatare in thistype of structure are alsomore specialisedastheyhave
more specificdutiesthantheywouldinaflatstructure.The staff that are putintothisstructure are
placedindifferentdepartmentsinthe businessthatisspecifictocarryingoutcertaintasks.Many
large businessesuse thistype of structure because itbecomesdifficulttouse aflatstructure as a
manageralone wouldnotbe able to manage.Thistype of structure is alsousedinotherareas such
as the Government.
Span of control
Organisationshave aspanof control and itis whatmeasuresthe quantityof the people thatan
individualhasresponsibilitiesforwithinthe organisationtheyare in.if there are more people that
the individual hasresponsibilitiesforthenitmeansthatthe span of control will be wider.Ina
businessif amanagerhas responsibilitiesformanypeopleitmaymeantheywill be forcedto
maintainstandardsata level whichcanstopthe managerfrom beingable todo theirjobcorrectly,
and theywill be unable toperformtheirdutiestothe bestof theirabilities.Thisalsoappliestoif the
Unit 1 P3
Lewis Appleton 4 Miss Johnston
managerhas little people tomanage andtherefore theirabilitiesmaybe wastedwhentheycanbe
tryingto do betterthings.
Functional areas
The functional areasina businessare whatsectionoff the areasthat deal withspecificareas.The
areas thatare withinabusinessare;finance,marketing,production,customerservice,sales,and
The finance departmentoftendealswithkeepingthe datarecordsheldonfinancial transactions
such as the salesthatthe businessmaybackina year.The departmentalsodealswiththe provision
of informationtothe higherjobpositionssuchasmanagerssothat the decisionstheymake canbe
influencedandimprovedsuchashowmuchit may costto start productionof a certainproduct.The
accounts departmentinabusinessissupervisedbyachief accountant.In an organisationthe
managersneedtoconstantlybe updatedonthe organisationscurrentfinancial positionandhow
theirdecisionsmayimpactonwhathappenstothisposition.There are twosubsectionsfor
accounts;financial accountingandmanagementaccounting.Financial accountingneedstokeep
data recordson the eventsthataffectthe businessfinanciallysuchassalesstatistics,these
accountantsalsoneedto produce annual accountsand keeprecordsonthe VAT.Management
accountingneedsto supplythe informationtothe managersthatcan influence the decisionsof the
businesstohave a higherchance of makinga profit.These accountantsneedtoworkout the costs
for productionandsetthe budgetsforthe businesssections.
The functionof marketingisimportantforthe business because itmeansthattheywill be able to
identifythe customer’sneeds,anticipate themandthenimprovetheirservice tosatisfythem. The
people inthe marketingareaneedtoresearchonwhattypesof customertheyneedtotry to attract
by seeingwhattheywantandwhere theywantit,thentheyalsoneedtoknow whytheywouldlike
it andthe preferredprice forittobe setat. The marketingareaworkswiththe productionareato
ensure thatthe developmentof newproductscanbe adjustedtomeetthe customer’sneeds.
Marketinghas fourmainthingsthat theyneedtoagree on; these are the fourP’s andare; products,
prices,promotions,andplace.Theyneedtoknow whatthe productsare goingto be thatthe
organisationisexpectedtoproduce,the price theyare goingtocharge for the product,the
promotionssuchas televisionadvertisementsthatwill be designedtoencourage the customersto
purchase theirproduct,andthe place thattheyare goingto be sellingtheirproductstothe
The productionarea inan organisationiswhere the productsare made andhere iswhere theywill
evaluate the bestwaytomake theirproduct.Organisationswillhave aproductionmanagerwhowill
be responsibleforthe developmentof the productfromstartingwiththe raw materialstothe final
product.The productbeingdevelopedneedtomeetthe standardssetbythe businessanditisup to
the productionmanagerto supervise makingsure thatthese standardsare met.The manageralso
Unit 1 P3
Lewis Appleton 5 Miss Johnston
needstodecide howthe goodsare goingto be producedandthe methodstheyare goingto use to
achieve this.Itistheirjobto make sure that the employeesknow whattheyare doingandhow they
are goingto doit, forexample theymayneedtohave a setschedule forthe employeestofollow.
Customer service
The customerservice areaneedstomake sure that the relationshipbetweenthe businessandits
customersismaintainedandimprovedon.Todo thisbefore theyactuallysellthe customerthe
productstheymay offeradvice onwhatproductswill suitthembestandnotifythemonthe latest
offersthatare available.Duringthe purchase theywill listentotheircustomers’requestsandmake
sure that theyfeel valuedbythe business.Afterthe purchase the businesswill needtolistentoany
complaintsorqueriesthatthe customermayhave and can provide more service afterthe sale such
as spare parts or informationaboutnewitemstheymaywanttobuy.Customerservice maycarry
out questionnairesregularlytosee how well theyare doingwithimprovisingontheircustomer
relationship.Large organisationshave centresthatare mainlyfocusedondealingwithcustomer
complaintsandqueriesandthe employeesworkinginthiscentre will be overseenbyamanagerand
call centresmay alsoworktogether.
Thisarea of the businessneedstomake sure thatthe customersare becomingaware of the
productsthat the businessare tryingtosell andthat the customersare makingregularpurchasesof
these products.Whereasthe marketingareaisdedicatedtoseeinghow the customerswantthe
productsto be,the salesarea isdedicatedtopromotingtheirproductsalesandtryingtoget the
customerstobuy the products.The salesdepartmentneedstofocusonthe creationof orders for
the customersto buytheirgoodsand services.Whereassome organisationsemploylarge forcesto
take care of this,otherorganisationsmayrelyonadvertisingtheirproducttoincrease the levelsof
salesandtherefore mayrecruita smallerteamof people.The salesareawill trytofindthe customer
groupthat will be interestedinthe productandact onthisto make sure thattheiradvertisements
triesto drawattentionfromthisgroupof people.
Human resources
The human resourcesareahas to make sure the people managementinanorganisationare doing
theirworkcorrectly.The workthat the businessneedstodoistheyhave to include apolicy-making
role whichmeanstheywill have tocreate policiesonthe employees,theywill needtohave concern
for the people andthe needsthattheyhave,theywill needtobe supportive tothe otherfunctional
managersto helpwiththe developmentof theirworksuchasgivingthemadvice onhow to
improve,theywillneedtofollowabargainingandnegotiatingrole,theywill needtomanage the
wagesbeingpaidtoemployeesandthe supervisionof healthandsafetywithinthe business,and
theywill alsoneedtohelpwiththe trainingof staff toensure thattheyare able to do the work
correctlyand efficiently.
The organisations I have chosen
Unit 1 P3
Lewis Appleton 6 Miss Johnston
Tescoare organisedbyproduct,thisisseenintheirmanydifferentstore typestheyhave.Theyhave
large storescalledTescoExtra,standardlarge supermarketsthatare calledTescoSuperstores.In
betweenthesetwostore sizestheyhave the TescoMetro.Small neighbourhoodstorescalledTesco
Express.Theirneweststore isOnestop;these storesare suitedtosell differentproductswith
differentamountsavailable.These storesvaryinsize accordingtowhere theyare located.The small
neighbourhoodshops(Tesco Express) will mostlikelysell more productsthatare neededwithina
small family;thismayinclude itemssuchasfoodand drink.Largerstoressuch as the Tesco Extra
may have differentitemssuchasbooks,gamesandelectronics.Tescoisorganisedusingafunctional
structure,thisisbecause theyare a big organisationandone managerwill notbe able tohandle the
restof the businessalone.Thisalsomakesiteasierforthe businesstocommunicate withits
employeesandtheirdecisionswill be influencedbythisandcan leadto betterdecisionmaking.
Tescouse differentfunctional areastocontrol the activitieswithintheirbusiness. The businessis
splitintodifferentsectors;there are managersfordifferentproductssuchasfresh,nonfood,and
training.These managersall manage differentgroupsof employeestoensure thatthe correctwork
isbeingcompleted.The managersalsohave several assistants.All of the managershave toreportto
the store manager whothenreportsto the store director.
British Red Cross
The BritishRedCross are organisedbyarea,thisisbecause theyhave differentpartsof the Red
Crossand it includesthe BritishRedCross,the AmericanRedCrossandthe IndianRedCross.This
makesitpossible forthe charityto distribute itsserviceslocallyfromitsdifferentsectors;the
problemwiththisisthattheycan have a duplicationof supplieswhichwill thereforemeanitwill
cost more for the charityto operate.The BritishRedCrossusesa functional organisationstructure
because of the importance of gettingthe informationaroundthe charity.Itwouldbe difficultand
time consumingforthe charityto use a flatstructure because itwouldmeanthat the information
wouldneedtobe passedupuntil itreachesthe manager.Thisalso meansif a flatstructure was used
the informationcouldbe slightlymisheardandthe managermayreceive the wronginformation.
Unit 1 P3
Lewis Appleton 7 Miss Johnston
Organisational Chart
British Red Cross Society
Senior Management and Heads of Department
Chief Executive
Director of
Director of UK
Director of
Finance &
Director of
Director of
Strategy &
Director of HR &
Director of
Head of
Head of
Head of High
Value Giving &
Chief Medical
Head of Schools
& Community
Head of UK
Response &
Head of ITMS
Head of Data
Head of Health &
Social Care
Head of Risk &
General Manager
Head of
Head of Legal
Deputy Director
of Finance
Head of
Purchasing &
Head of Disaster
Head of National
Society Support
& Programmes
Head of
Head of
International Law
Head of
Policy &
Head of MIS
Health & Safety
Adviser (P/T)
Head of First Aid
Head of
Head of Media &
Public Affairs
Head of
Head of
Marketing &
Corporate Head
of Human
Living Diversity
Project Manager
Head of Refugee
Managers x4 Operations
Head of
Head of
Planning &
Head of
Planning &
Head of Learning
Organisation &
Director of Operations
UK Directors X4
(Wales & Western-
South Eastern -
Directors &
Functional Heads
Head of
Unit 1 P3
Lewis Appleton 8 Miss Johnston
Line of control
The line of control in Tescomeansthat the employeesinTescowill have tobe supervisedbyhigher
positions.The employeeswill needtoreporttothe higherpositionstoensure thatthe information
reachesthe top managers.
British Red Cross
The line of control in the RedCross meansthatthe volunteersneedtoreportbackup to people with
a higherreputationwithinthe sectorthattheyare workingin.The volunteerswithahigher
reputationwill thentoneedtokeepreportingupwardsinthe businesssothatthe information
reachesthe trustees.
Howthis helps the organisations
Thishelps Tescoby allowingthe staff toknow whotheyhave toreportto so that theycan ensure
the informationreachesthe topjobpositionswithinthe businessandthatitalso stayswithinthe
correct sector.Because Tescousesa hierarchical structure theyare able toorganise the business
intosectorsand have managerswithinthose sectorsthatneedto be reportedto.The managersare
possiblythenpartof a differentgeneral sector,where all of the managerswill thenreportuptothe
highestjobpositionstogive the information. Because the businessisorganisedbyproductand
locatestheirstoresaccordinglytothe local surroundings,the differentstoresallow the businessto
make sure the local communityhave the correct store forthem.Therefore the differentstoreswill
have resourcesthatsatisfy the customers. Tescoare organisedintodifferent functionalareas,this
allowsdifferentsectorsof the businesstopassupinformationuntil itreachesthe people thathave
to eithertake itintoaccount or deal withthe matter.
British Red Cross
Thishelpsthe organisationachieveitspurpose whichis toprovide aservice tothe community.By
usinga hierarchical structure theyare able tomake sure thatthe volunteerspassupall the possible
information.The volunteersare able tomake sure that the informationtheyreceive ispassedupto
higherpositionstheneventuallypasseduptothe trustees.Because the organisationisorganisedby
area itis useful because the peoplethatare local to the sector of the businessare able toreceive a
more efficientservice. A problemof thisisthattheywill needtoprovide extraandduplicated
resourcestomake sure all of the sectorscan run efficiently. The people atthe bottomof the chart
reportthe informationupcontinuouslyuntil itreachesthe personthatistodeal withthe issue.
To conclude itisimportantfor organisationstomake sure thattheyorganise theirstructure
efficiently,makingsure thattheyare able toeitherpassup theirinformationefficiently,asin
reachingeveryone orreachingthemquickly.Theyalsoneedtoorganise theirbusinesseffectively
such as decidingwhethertheyare goingtodistribute theirservicesbyarea,product,or function.
Unit 1 P3
Lewis Appleton 9 Miss Johnston
The organisationswill alsoneedtoknow whytheyare goingto needthe type of organisationand
howit isgoingto helpthem.

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Organisational Structures of Tesco and British Red Cross

  • 1. Unit 1 P3 Lewis Appleton 1 Miss Johnston Introduction I am goingto describe the organisationthatbusinesseshave while investigatingthe organisational structure of Tescoand BritishRedCross,and how thisstructure helpstoachieve theiraimsand objectives. Why it is important for businesses to be organised It isimportantfor businessestobe organised becauseitmakesiteasiertorunthe business.Itis importantthatto be organisedtheyuse anorganisationchart,thisisbecause ithelpstogive a clear definitionof the jobrolesandresponsibilitiesthatare assignedtodifferentsectors.The chartalso showswhoruns whatinthe organisationanditcontrolsthe activitiesthattake place withinthe organisation.If businesseswere notorganisedthenitwouldn’tbe efficientasthe employeeswill be cluelessof whattheyhave todo andwho theyhave to doit for. Organisational structure Organisational structuresare whatbusinessesneedtouse toensure theyare able tomeettheir purposesefficientlyandsuccessfully.These structureshave differentpurposesforeachbusinessbut theyshouldbe designedtomake sure thatthe workthat businesseshave todois dividedtogive each memberof staff a fairamountrelatingtotheirjobpositionandtheirwages.Theyalsoneedto establishthe linesof control andcommunicationthatthe businesshaswhichIwill explaininthe nextpoint. These structuresare alsoimportantof the control of businessactivitiesthatare organisedandensuringthatconflictisavoidedbetweenstaff andthatthe staff are able to individuallymake theirowndecisionsthatwill notconflictwithanyothers. Line of control The line of control is where the individualsinabusinessare responsible forthe actionsanddecisions of eitheraline managerora supervisor.The more importantandcrucial decisionsmade are the seniorcolleaguesresponsibility.Thisisoftenusedinaformof chainof command.Before takingany actionsthe lowerpositionswithinthe businesswillhave tonotifythe seniormembers of staff first. Different types of organisational structure Businesseswill use differenttypesof organisational structure,these include; Function Businessesmaystructure theirbusinessbyfunction.Thismeansthattheyhave toarrange different parts of the businessaccordingtowhatthat sectionof the businessdoes,dependingonthe type of the business,the size of howbigthe businessisandhow the structure isgoingto be usedforthe business.Sometimesitmaydependonif the businesswantsto meeta specificpurpose suchasthe rate of productionthatthe businessneedstohave,the marketthatthe businesswantsitproducts to go intoor the accounts that the businesshave.
  • 2. Unit 1 P3 Lewis Appleton 2 Miss Johnston Geographical Businessesmaystructure theirbusinessesusinggeographical organisationwhichmeansbyarea. Thismeansthat the organisationmayhave one mainbrandname but several smallerpartsof the organisationwhichare onlyincertaincountriesandareas. Product groups Businessesmaystructure theirbusinessesusingproductgroups;thismeanstheywillorganise tosuit the customer’sneedstothe differentproductsthattheyhave made. Thismeansthata businesswill needtoorganise where theirproductsare intocategoriessuchasif theysell manytypesof food theymay sortthemintocategoriesthatsuitthe customer’sneedsratherthanjust“food”. Customer type Some businessesmayorganise theirstructure usingthe type of customers,thisissimilartoproduct groupsbecause theywill have differentsections thathave todeal specificallywiththe enquiriesthat the customershave andwill needtodeal withsome customersindividually. Example Function A businessthatwill use thistype of organisational structure isTesco.The advantagesof usinga structure by functionisthateach sectorof the businessisable tofocusontheirobjectivesthatthey have beengiven,foreachsectorof the businessthere issomeone thatisresponsible forthe work levelsandthe employeesare able toknow whatthe rolesare of the othercolleagues.The disadvantagesof usingafunctional structure isthatthe employeeshave alow level of communicationwiththeircolleagueswhichcouldleadtoa lackof the focuson the work theyare meantto be doing,the sectorsmay be hard to change,itmay take a longperiodof time forthe sectorto actuallybecome coordinatedandthere isagap betweenthe highersectorsof the business and the lowersectors. Geographical An example of thisisthe RedCrossbecause theyhave the British RedCrossisBritain,the American RedCross inAmericaandthe IndianRedCrossinIndiaand itssurroundingareas.The advantagesof usinggeographical organisationare thatthe organisationisable tosatisfythe local communityand meettheirneedsbetterthantheywouldbe able toif theywere one bigorganisation,theyare able to keepa positive competitionwiththeircompetitorsandtheyhave abettercommunication betweenthe organisationitselfandthe customersthatare local to it.The disadvantagesof using thistype of organisationare that the organisationmayhave conflictsbetweenthe managementthat islocal and the central managementandthe organisationwill needahigheramountof resources and functionssothatthe organisationcanrun in manyplacesat once. ProductGroups
  • 3. Unit 1 P3 Lewis Appleton 3 Miss Johnston An example of abusinessthatusesthistype of organisationisNestle,theyhave organisedtheir productsintocertaincategoriessuchas chocolate,cereal,drinks,chilledmeatsandice cream.They have onlyused“drinks”as one of theircategoriesbecause theydonothave as manydrinkproducts and therefore theycannotbe splitintomore categorieswhere the foodwas.The advantagesof usingthistype of organisationare that the organisationhasa clearview of how theycan meettheir customers needsusingthe marketsectortheyare in,withtheirdivisionstheycanhave a competitionthatispositiveandthe organisationhave abettercontrol overeachsectionbecause theyare able togenerate separate profitsthatcanbe putback intothe business. CustomerType A businessthatmaysell theirproductsaccordingtotheircustomersneedsmaybe one suchas Tesco because of the many productstheysell,thatiswhytheyhave several differentsizedstores;tomeet the needsof the customersinthat area. Flat structure A flatstructure iswhere an organisationonlyhasafew such as twoor three levelsof jobrankingand isusuallyusedbysmall businesses.Anadvantage of businessesusingthistype of structure isthatit givesthe employeesempowermentandtheyall gettheirsay.Thistype of structure can increase the rate of productivityandreduce the amountthata businesswill have topayoutfor manylevelsof management.Flatstructuresare difficulttouse in large businessesbecauseitcanmeanthat the managersmay notget all the powerthat theywant,therefore thisisonlyeffectiveinsmall businesses. Asbusinessesstarttogrow itbecomesmore difficultforthe one managertocontrol everythingandtherefore theymayswitchtoa hierarchical structure.Businessesthatuse flat structuresusuallyemploysomeone tobe a supervisororhave anassistantmanager. Hierarchical structure A hierarchical structure ismuchlargerthan a flatstructure is andit can have several layers of job ranking.The jobpositionsthatare in thistype of structure are alsomore specialisedastheyhave more specificdutiesthantheywouldinaflatstructure.The staff that are putintothisstructure are placedindifferentdepartmentsinthe businessthatisspecifictocarryingoutcertaintasks.Many large businessesuse thistype of structure because itbecomesdifficulttouse aflatstructure as a manageralone wouldnotbe able to manage.Thistype of structure is alsousedinotherareas such as the Government. Span of control Organisationshave aspanof control and itis whatmeasuresthe quantityof the people thatan individualhasresponsibilitiesforwithinthe organisationtheyare in.if there are more people that the individual hasresponsibilitiesforthenitmeansthatthe span of control will be wider.Ina businessif amanagerhas responsibilitiesformanypeopleitmaymeantheywill be forcedto maintainstandardsata level whichcanstopthe managerfrom beingable todo theirjobcorrectly, and theywill be unable toperformtheirdutiestothe bestof theirabilities.Thisalsoappliestoif the
  • 4. Unit 1 P3 Lewis Appleton 4 Miss Johnston managerhas little people tomanage andtherefore theirabilitiesmaybe wastedwhentheycanbe tryingto do betterthings. Functional areas The functional areasina businessare whatsectionoff the areasthat deal withspecificareas.The areas thatare withinabusinessare;finance,marketing,production,customerservice,sales,and humanresources. Finance The finance departmentoftendealswithkeepingthe datarecordsheldonfinancial transactions such as the salesthatthe businessmaybackina year.The departmentalsodealswiththe provision of informationtothe higherjobpositionssuchasmanagerssothat the decisionstheymake canbe influencedandimprovedsuchashowmuchit may costto start productionof a certainproduct.The accounts departmentinabusinessissupervisedbyachief accountant.In an organisationthe managersneedtoconstantlybe updatedonthe organisationscurrentfinancial positionandhow theirdecisionsmayimpactonwhathappenstothisposition.There are twosubsectionsfor accounts;financial accountingandmanagementaccounting.Financial accountingneedstokeep data recordson the eventsthataffectthe businessfinanciallysuchassalesstatistics,these accountantsalsoneedto produce annual accountsand keeprecordsonthe VAT.Management accountingneedsto supplythe informationtothe managersthatcan influence the decisionsof the businesstohave a higherchance of makinga profit.These accountantsneedtoworkout the costs for productionandsetthe budgetsforthe businesssections. Marketing The functionof marketingisimportantforthe business because itmeansthattheywill be able to identifythe customer’sneeds,anticipate themandthenimprovetheirservice tosatisfythem. The people inthe marketingareaneedtoresearchonwhattypesof customertheyneedtotry to attract by seeingwhattheywantandwhere theywantit,thentheyalsoneedtoknow whytheywouldlike it andthe preferredprice forittobe setat. The marketingareaworkswiththe productionareato ensure thatthe developmentof newproductscanbe adjustedtomeetthe customer’sneeds. Marketinghas fourmainthingsthat theyneedtoagree on; these are the fourP’s andare; products, prices,promotions,andplace.Theyneedtoknow whatthe productsare goingto be thatthe organisationisexpectedtoproduce,the price theyare goingtocharge for the product,the promotionssuchas televisionadvertisementsthatwill be designedtoencourage the customersto purchase theirproduct,andthe place thattheyare goingto be sellingtheirproductstothe customers. Production The productionarea inan organisationiswhere the productsare made andhere iswhere theywill evaluate the bestwaytomake theirproduct.Organisationswillhave aproductionmanagerwhowill be responsibleforthe developmentof the productfromstartingwiththe raw materialstothe final product.The productbeingdevelopedneedtomeetthe standardssetbythe businessanditisup to the productionmanagerto supervise makingsure thatthese standardsare met.The manageralso
  • 5. Unit 1 P3 Lewis Appleton 5 Miss Johnston needstodecide howthe goodsare goingto be producedandthe methodstheyare goingto use to achieve this.Itistheirjobto make sure that the employeesknow whattheyare doingandhow they are goingto doit, forexample theymayneedtohave a setschedule forthe employeestofollow. Customer service The customerservice areaneedstomake sure that the relationshipbetweenthe businessandits customersismaintainedandimprovedon.Todo thisbefore theyactuallysellthe customerthe productstheymay offeradvice onwhatproductswill suitthembestandnotifythemonthe latest offersthatare available.Duringthe purchase theywill listentotheircustomers’requestsandmake sure that theyfeel valuedbythe business.Afterthe purchase the businesswill needtolistentoany complaintsorqueriesthatthe customermayhave and can provide more service afterthe sale such as spare parts or informationaboutnewitemstheymaywanttobuy.Customerservice maycarry out questionnairesregularlytosee how well theyare doingwithimprovisingontheircustomer relationship.Large organisationshave centresthatare mainlyfocusedondealingwithcustomer complaintsandqueriesandthe employeesworkinginthiscentre will be overseenbyamanagerand call centresmay alsoworktogether. Sales Thisarea of the businessneedstomake sure thatthe customersare becomingaware of the productsthat the businessare tryingtosell andthat the customersare makingregularpurchasesof these products.Whereasthe marketingareaisdedicatedtoseeinghow the customerswantthe productsto be,the salesarea isdedicatedtopromotingtheirproductsalesandtryingtoget the customerstobuy the products.The salesdepartmentneedstofocusonthe creationof orders for the customersto buytheirgoodsand services.Whereassome organisationsemploylarge forcesto take care of this,otherorganisationsmayrelyonadvertisingtheirproducttoincrease the levelsof salesandtherefore mayrecruita smallerteamof people.The salesareawill trytofindthe customer groupthat will be interestedinthe productandact onthisto make sure thattheiradvertisements triesto drawattentionfromthisgroupof people. Human resources The human resourcesareahas to make sure the people managementinanorganisationare doing theirworkcorrectly.The workthat the businessneedstodoistheyhave to include apolicy-making role whichmeanstheywill have tocreate policiesonthe employees,theywill needtohave concern for the people andthe needsthattheyhave,theywill needtobe supportive tothe otherfunctional managersto helpwiththe developmentof theirworksuchasgivingthemadvice onhow to improve,theywillneedtofollowabargainingandnegotiatingrole,theywill needtomanage the wagesbeingpaidtoemployeesandthe supervisionof healthandsafetywithinthe business,and theywill alsoneedtohelpwiththe trainingof staff toensure thattheyare able to do the work correctlyand efficiently. The organisations I have chosen
  • 6. Unit 1 P3 Lewis Appleton 6 Miss Johnston Tesco Tescoare organisedbyproduct,thisisseenintheirmanydifferentstore typestheyhave.Theyhave large storescalledTescoExtra,standardlarge supermarketsthatare calledTescoSuperstores.In betweenthesetwostore sizestheyhave the TescoMetro.Small neighbourhoodstorescalledTesco Express.Theirneweststore isOnestop;these storesare suitedtosell differentproductswith differentamountsavailable.These storesvaryinsize accordingtowhere theyare located.The small neighbourhoodshops(Tesco Express) will mostlikelysell more productsthatare neededwithina small family;thismayinclude itemssuchasfoodand drink.Largerstoressuch as the Tesco Extra may have differentitemssuchasbooks,gamesandelectronics.Tescoisorganisedusingafunctional structure,thisisbecause theyare a big organisationandone managerwill notbe able tohandle the restof the businessalone.Thisalsomakesiteasierforthe businesstocommunicate withits employeesandtheirdecisionswill be influencedbythisandcan leadto betterdecisionmaking. Tescouse differentfunctional areastocontrol the activitieswithintheirbusiness. The businessis splitintodifferentsectors;there are managersfordifferentproductssuchasfresh,nonfood,and training.These managersall manage differentgroupsof employeestoensure thatthe correctwork isbeingcompleted.The managersalsohave several assistants.All of the managershave toreportto the store manager whothenreportsto the store director. British Red Cross The BritishRedCross are organisedbyarea,thisisbecause theyhave differentpartsof the Red Crossand it includesthe BritishRedCross,the AmericanRedCrossandthe IndianRedCross.This makesitpossible forthe charityto distribute itsserviceslocallyfromitsdifferentsectors;the problemwiththisisthattheycan have a duplicationof supplieswhichwill thereforemeanitwill cost more for the charityto operate.The BritishRedCrossusesa functional organisationstructure because of the importance of gettingthe informationaroundthe charity.Itwouldbe difficultand time consumingforthe charityto use a flatstructure because itwouldmeanthat the information wouldneedtobe passedupuntil itreachesthe manager.Thisalso meansif a flatstructure was used the informationcouldbe slightlymisheardandthe managermayreceive the wronginformation.
  • 7. Unit 1 P3 Lewis Appleton 7 Miss Johnston Organisational Chart British Red Cross Society Senior Management and Heads of Department Chief Executive Director of Fundraising Director of UK Service Development Director of Finance & Business Development Director of International Director of Strategy & Evaluation Director of HR & Education Director of Communications Head of Trading Head of Fundraising Strategy Head of High Value Giving & Events Chief Medical Adviser Head of Schools & Community Education Head of UK Emergency Response & Planning Head of ITMS Head of Data Capture Head of Health & Social Care Head of Risk & Audit General Manager Commercial Training Head of Property Head of Legal Deputy Director of Finance Head of Purchasing & Supply Head of Disaster Management Head of National Society Support & Programmes Head of International Finance Head of International Law Head of Humanitarian Policy & Partnerships Head of MIS Health & Safety Adviser (P/T) Head of First Aid Learning Head of Information Resources Head of Media & Public Affairs Head of Communications Co-ordination Head of Marketing & Brand Development Corporate Head of Human Resources Living Diversity Project Manager Head of Refugee Services Territory Fundraising Managers x4 Operations Director (Overseas Branches) Head of Governance Head of Monitoring Planning & Reporting Head of Financial Planning & Reporting Head of Learning Organisation & Research Director of Operations UK Directors X4 (Wales & Western- Scotland,NI,IOM- South Eastern - Northern) Operations Directors & Functional Heads Head of Individual Giving Tesco
  • 8. Unit 1 P3 Lewis Appleton 8 Miss Johnston Line of control Tesco The line of control in Tescomeansthat the employeesinTescowill have tobe supervisedbyhigher positions.The employeeswill needtoreporttothe higherpositionstoensure thatthe information reachesthe top managers. British Red Cross The line of control in the RedCross meansthatthe volunteersneedtoreportbackup to people with a higherreputationwithinthe sectorthattheyare workingin.The volunteerswithahigher reputationwill thentoneedtokeepreportingupwardsinthe businesssothatthe information reachesthe trustees. Howthis helps the organisations Tesco Thishelps Tescoby allowingthe staff toknow whotheyhave toreportto so that theycan ensure the informationreachesthe topjobpositionswithinthe businessandthatitalso stayswithinthe correct sector.Because Tescousesa hierarchical structure theyare able toorganise the business intosectorsand have managerswithinthose sectorsthatneedto be reportedto.The managersare possiblythenpartof a differentgeneral sector,where all of the managerswill thenreportuptothe highestjobpositionstogive the information. Because the businessisorganisedbyproductand locatestheirstoresaccordinglytothe local surroundings,the differentstoresallow the businessto make sure the local communityhave the correct store forthem.Therefore the differentstoreswill have resourcesthatsatisfy the customers. Tescoare organisedintodifferent functionalareas,this allowsdifferentsectorsof the businesstopassupinformationuntil itreachesthe people thathave to eithertake itintoaccount or deal withthe matter. British Red Cross Thishelpsthe organisationachieveitspurpose whichis toprovide aservice tothe community.By usinga hierarchical structure theyare able tomake sure thatthe volunteerspassupall the possible information.The volunteersare able tomake sure that the informationtheyreceive ispassedupto higherpositionstheneventuallypasseduptothe trustees.Because the organisationisorganisedby area itis useful because the peoplethatare local to the sector of the businessare able toreceive a more efficientservice. A problemof thisisthattheywill needtoprovide extraandduplicated resourcestomake sure all of the sectorscan run efficiently. The people atthe bottomof the chart reportthe informationupcontinuouslyuntil itreachesthe personthatistodeal withthe issue. Conclusion To conclude itisimportantfor organisationstomake sure thattheyorganise theirstructure efficiently,makingsure thattheyare able toeitherpassup theirinformationefficiently,asin reachingeveryone orreachingthemquickly.Theyalsoneedtoorganise theirbusinesseffectively such as decidingwhethertheyare goingtodistribute theirservicesbyarea,product,or function.
  • 9. Unit 1 P3 Lewis Appleton 9 Miss Johnston The organisationswill alsoneedtoknow whytheyare goingto needthe type of organisationand howit isgoingto helpthem.