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BUS 308 Week 2 Lecture 1
Examining Differences - overview
Expected Outcomes
After reading this lecture, the student should be familiar with:
1. The importance of random sampling.
2. The meaning of statistical significance.
3. The basic approach to determining statistical significance.
4. The meaning of the null and alternate hypothesis statements.
5. The hypothesis testing process.
6. The purpose of the F-test and the T-test.
Last week we collected clues and evidence to help us answer
our case question about
males and females getting equal pay for equal work. As we
looked at the clues presented by the
salary and comp-ratio measures of pay, things got a bit
confusing with results that did not see to
be consistent. We found, among other things, that the male and
female compa-ratios were fairly
close together with the female mean being slightly larger. The
salary analysis showed a different
view; here we noticed that the averages were apparently quite
different with the males, on
average, earning more. Contradictory findings such as this are
not all that uncommon when
examining data in the “real world.”
One issue that we could not fully address last week was how
meaningful were the
differences? That is, would a different sample have results that
might be completely different, or
can we be fairly sure that the observed differences are real and
show up in the population as
well? This issue, often referred to as sampling error, deals with
the fact that random samples
taken from a population will generally be a bit different than the
actual population parameters,
but will be “close” enough to the actual values to be valuable in
decision making.
This week, our journey takes us to ways to explore differences,
and how significant these
differences are. Just as clues in mysteries are not all equally
useful, not all differences are
equally important; and one of the best things statistics will do
for us is tell us what differences
we should pay attention to and what we can safely ignore.
Side note; this is a skill that many managers could benefit from.
Not all differences in
performances from one period to another are caused by
intentional employee actions, some are
due to random variations that employees have no control over.
Knowing which differences to
react to would make managers much more effective.
In keeping with our detective theme, this week could be
considered the introduction of
the crime scene experts who help detectives interpret what the
physical evidence means and how
it can relate to the crime being looked at. We are getting into
the support being offered by
experts who interpret details. We need to know how to use
these experts to our fullest
advantage. ��
In general, differences exist in virtually everything we measure
that is man-made or
influenced. The underlying issue in statistical analysis is that at
times differences are important.
When measuring related or similar things, we have two types of
differences: differences in
consistency and differences in average values. Some examples
of things that should be the
“same” could be:
• The time it takes to drive to work in the morning.
• The quality of parts produced on the same manufacturing line.
• The time it takes to write a 3-page paper in a class.
• The weight of a 10-pound bag of potatoes.
• Etc.
All of these “should” be the same, as each relates to the same
outcome. Yet, they all differ. We
all experience differences in travel time, and the time it takes to
produce the same output on the
job or in school (such as a 3-page paper). Production standards
all recognize that outcomes
should be measured within a range rather than a single point.
For example, few of us would be
upset if a 10-pound bag of potatoes weighed 9.85 pounds or
would think we were getting a great
deal if the bag weighed 10.2 pounds. We realize that it is
virtually impossible for a given
number of potatoes to weigh exactly the same and we accept
this as normal.
One reason for our acceptance is that we know that variation
occurs. Variation is simply
the differences that occur in things that should be “the same.”
If we can measure things with
enough detail, everything we do in life has variation over time.
When we get up in the morning,
how long it takes to get to work, how effective we are at doing
the same thing over and over, etc.
Except for physical constants, we can say that things differ and
we need to recognize this. A side
note: variation exists in virtually everything we study (we have
more than one language, word,
sentence, paragraph, past actions, financial transactions, etc.),
but only in statistics do we bring
this idea front and center for examination.
This suggests that any population that we are interested in will
consist of things that are
slightly different, even if the population contains only one
“thing.” Males are not all the same,
neither are females. Manufactured parts differ in key
measurements; this is the reason we have
quality control checking to make sure the differences are not
too large. So, even if we measure
everything in our population we will have a mean that is
accompanied by a standard deviation
(or range). Managers and professionals need to manage this
variation, whether it is quantitative
(such as salary paid for similar work) or even qualitative (such
as interpersonal interactions with
The second reason that we are so concerned with differences is
that we rarely have all the
evidence, or all the possible measures of what we are looking
for. Having this would mean we
have access to the entire population (everything we are
interested in); rarely is this the case.
Generally, all decisions, analysis, research, etc. is done with
samples, a selected subset of the
population. And, with any sample we are not going have all the
information needed, obviously;
but we also know that each sample we take is going to differ a
bit. (Remember, variation is
everywhere, including in the consistency of sample values.) If
you are not sure of this, try
flipping a coin 10 times for 10 trials, do you expect or get the
exact same number of heads for
each trial? Variation!
Since we are making decisions using samples, we have even
more variation to consider
than simply that with the population we are looking at. Each
sample will be slightly different
from its population and from others taken from the same
How do we make informed decisions with all this variation and
our not being able to
know the “real” values of the measures we are using? This
question is much like how detectives
develop the “motive” for a crime – do they know exactly how
the guilty party felt/thought when
they say “he was jealous of the success the victim had.” This
could be true, but it is only an
approximation of the true feelings, but it is “close enough” to
say it was the reason. It is similar
with data samples, good ones are “close enough” to use the
results to make decisions with. The
question we have now focuses on how do we know what the
data results show?
The answer lies with statistical tests. They can use the
observed variation to provide
results that let us make decisions with a known chance of being
wrong! Most managers hope to
be right just over 50% of the time, a statistical decision can be
correct 95% or more of the time!
Quite an improvement.
Sampling. The use of samples brings us to a distinction in
summary statistics, between
descriptive and inferential statistics. With one minor exception
(discussed shortly), these two
appear to be the same: means, standard deviations, etc.
However, one very important distinction
exists in how we use these. Descriptive statistics, as we saw
last week, describes a data set. But,
that is all they do. We cannot use them to make claims or
inferences about any other larger
Making inferences or judgements about a larger population is
the role of inferential
statistics and statistical tests. So, what makes descriptive
statistics sound enough to become
inferential statistics? The group they were taken from! If we
have a sample that is randomly
selected from the population (meaning that each member has the
same chance of being selected
at the start), then we have our best chance of having a sample
that accurately reflects the
population, and we can use the statistics developed from that
sample to make inferences back to
the population. (How we develop a randomly selected sample is
more of a research course issue,
and we will not go into these details. You are welcome to
search the web for approaches.)
Random Sampling. If we are not working with a random
sample, then our descriptive
statistics apply only to the group they are developed for. For
example, asking all of our friends
their opinion of Facebook only tells us what our friends feel; we
cannot say that their opinions
reflect all Facebook users, all Facebook users that fall in the
age range of our friends, or any
other group. Our friends are not a randomly selected group of
Facebook users, so they may not
be typical; and, if not typical users, cannot be considered to
reflect the typical users.
If our sample is random, then we know (or strongly suspect) a
few things. First, the
sample is unlikely to contain both the smallest and largest value
that exists in the larger
population, so an estimate of the population variation is likely
to be too small if based on the
sample. This is corrected by using a sample standard deviation
formula rather than a population
formula. We will look at what this means specifically in the
other lectures this week; but Excel
will do this for us easily.
Second, we know that our summary statistics are not the same
as the population’s
parameter values. We are dealing with some (generally small)
errors. This is where the new
statistics student often begins to be uncomfortable. How can we
make good judgements if our
information is wrong? This is a reasonable question, and one
that we, as data detectives, need to
be comfortable with.
The first part of the answer falls with the design of the sample,
by selecting the right
sample size (how many are in the sample), we can control the
relative size of the likely error.
For example, we can design a sample where the estimated error
for our average salary is about
plus or minus $1,000. Does knowing that our estimates could
be $1000 off change our view of
the data? If the female average was a thousand dollars more
and the male salary was a thousand
dollars less, would you really change your opinion about them
being different? Probably not
with the difference we see in our salary values (around 38K
versus 52K). If the actual averages
were closer together, this error range might impact our
conclusions, so we could select a sample
with a smaller error range. (Again, the technical details on how
to do this are found in research
courses. For our statistics class, we assume we have the correct
Note, this error range is often called the margin of error. We
see this most often in
opinion polls. For example, if a poll said that the percent of
Americans who favored Federal
Government support for victims of natural disasters (hurricanes,
floods, etc.) was 65% with a
margin of error of +/- 3%; we would say that the true proportion
was somewhat between 62% to
68%, clearly a majority of the population. Where the margin of
error becomes important to
know is when results are closer together, such as when support
is 52% in favor versus 48%
opposed, with a margin of error of 3%. This means the actual
support could be as low as 49% or
as high as 55%; meaning the results are generally too close to
make a solid decision that the issue
is supported by a majority, the proverbial “too close to call.”
The second part of answering the question of how do we make
good decisions introduces
the tools we will be looking at this week, decision making
statistical tests that focus on
examining the size of observed differences to see if they are
“meaningful” or not. The neat part
of these tools is we do not need to know what the sampling
error was, as the techniques will
automatically include this impact into our results!
The statistical tools we will be looking at for the next couple of
weeks all “work” due to a
couple of assumptions about the population. First, the data
needs to be at the interval or ratio
level; the differences between sequential values needs to be
constant (such as in temperature or
money). Additionally, the data is assumed to come from a
population that is normally
distributed, the normal curve shape that we briefly looked at
last week. Note that many
statisticians feel that minor deviations from these strict
assumptions will not significantly impact
the outcomes of the tests.
The tools for this week and next use the same basic logic. If we
take a lot of samples
from the population and graph the mean for all of them, we will
get a normal curve (even if the
population is not exactly normal) distribution called the
sampling distribution of the mean.
Makes sense as we are using sample means. This distribution
has an overall, or grand, mean
equal to that of the population. The standard deviation equals
the standard deviation of the
population divided by the square root of the population. (Let’s
take this on faith for now, trust
me you do not want to see the math behind proving these. But
if you do, I invite you to look it
up on the web.) Now, knowing – in theory – what the mean
values will be from population
samples, we can look at how any given sample differs from
what we think the population mean
is. This difference can be translated into what is essentially a
z-score (although the specific
measure will vary depending upon the test we are using) that we
looked at last week. With this
statistic, we can determine how likely (the probability of)
getting a difference as large or larger
than we have purely by chance (sampling error from the actual
population value) alone.
If we have a small likelihood of getting this large of a
difference, we say that our
difference is too large to have been purely a sampling error, and
we say a real difference exists or
that the mean of the population that the sample came from is not
what we thought.
That is the basic logic of statistical testing. Of course, the
actual process is a bit more
structured, but the logic holds: if the probability of getting our
result is small (for example 4% or
0.04), we say the difference is significant. If the probability is
large (for example 37% or 0.37),
then we say there is not enough evidence to say the difference is
anything but a simple sampling
error difference from the actual population result.
The tools we will be adding to our bag of tricks this week will
allow us to examine
differences between data sets. One set of tools, called the t-
test, looks at means to see if the
observed difference is significant or merely a chance difference
due mostly to sampling error
rather than a true difference in the population. Knowing if
means differ is a critical issue in
examining groups and making decisions.
The other tool – the F-test for variance, does the same for the
data variation between
groups. Often ignored, the consistency within groups is an
important characteristic in
understanding whether groups having similar means can be said
to be similar or not. For
example, if a group of English majors all took two classes
together, one math and one English,
would you expect the grade distributions to be similar, or would
you expect one to show a larger
range (or variation) than the other?
We will see throughout the class that consistency and
differences are key elements to
understanding what the data is hiding from us, or trying to tell
us – depending on how you look
at it. In either case, as detectives our job is to ferret out the
information we need to answer our
Hypothesis Testing-Are Differences Meaningful
Here is where the crime scene experts come in. Detectives have
found something but are
not completely sure of how to interpret it. Now the training and
tools used by detectives and
analysts take over to examine what is found and make some
interpretations. The process or
standard approach that we will use is called the hypothesis
testing procedure. It consists of six
steps; the first four (4) set up the problem and how we will
make our decisions (and are done
before we do anything with the actual data), the fifth step
involves the analysis (done with
Excel), and the final and sixth step focuses on interpreting the
The hypothesis testing procedure is a standardized decision-
making process that ensures
we make our decisions (on whether things are significantly
different or not) is based on the data,
and not some other factors. Many times, our results are more
conservative than individual
managerial judgements; that is, a statistical decision will call
fewer things significantly different
than many managerial judgement calls. This statistical
tendency is, at times, frustrating for
managers who want to show that things have changed. At other
times, it is a benefit such as if
we are hoping that things, such as error rates, have not changed.
While a lot of statistical texts have slightly different versions of
the hypothesis testing
procedure (fewer or more steps), they are essentially the same,
and are a spinoff of the scientific
method. For this class, we will use the following six steps:
1. State the null and alternate hypothesis
2. Select a level of significance
3. Identify the statistical test to use
4. State the decision rule. Steps 1 – 4 are done before we
examine the data
5. Perform the analysis
6. Interpret the result.
Step 1
A hypothesis is a claim about an outcome. It comes in two
forms. The first is the null
hypothesis – sometimes called the testable hypothesis, as it is
the claim we perform all of our
statistical tests on. It is termed the “Null” hypothesis, shown as
Ho, as it basically says “no
difference exists.” Even if we want to test for a difference,
such as males and females having a
different average compa-ratio; in statistics, we test to see if
they do not.
Why? It is easier to show that something differs from a fixed
point than it is to show that
the difference is meaningful – I mean how can we focus on
“different?” What does “different”
mean? So, we go with testing no difference. The key rule
about developing a null hypothesis is
that it always contains an equal claim, this could be equal (=),
equal to or less than (<=), or equal
to or more than (=>).
Here are some examples:
Ex 1: Question: Is the female compa-ratio mean = 1.0?
Ho: Female compa-ratio mean = 1.0.
Ex 2: Q: is the female compa-ratio mean = the male compa-
ratio mean?
Ho: Female compa-ratio mean = Male compa-ratio mean.
Ex. 3: Q: Is the female compa-ratio more than the male compa-
ratio? Note that this
question does not contain an equal condition. In this case, the
null is the opposite of what
the question asks:
Ho: Female compa-ratio <= Male compa-ratio.
We can see by testing this null, we can answer our initial
question of a directional
difference. This logic is key to developing the correct test
A null hypothesis is always coupled with an alternate
hypothesis. The alternate is the
opposite claim as the null. The alternate hypothesis is shown as
Ha. Between the two claims, all
possible outcomes must be covered. So, for our three examples,
the complete step 1 (state the
null and alternate hypothesis statements) would look like:
Ex 1: Question: Is the female compa-ratio mean = 1.0?
Ho: Female compa-ratio mean = 1.0.
Ha: Female compa-ratio mean =/= (not equal to) 1.0
Ex 2: Q: is the female compa-ratio mean = the male compa-
ratio mean?
Ho: Female compa-ratio mean = Male compa-ratio mean.
Ha: Female compa-ratio mean =/= Male compa-ration mean.
Ex. 3: Q: Is the female compa-ratio more than the male compa-
Ho: Female compa-ratio <= Male compa-ratio
Ha: Female compa-ratio > Male compa-ratio. (Note that in this
case, the alternate
hypothesis is the question being asked, but the null is what we
always use as the
test hypothesis.)
When developing the null and alternate hypothesis,
1. Look at the question being asked.
2. If the wording implies an equality could exist (equal to, at
least, no more than, etc.),
we have a null hypothesis and we write it exactly as the
question asks.
3. If the wording does not suggest an equality (less than, more
than, etc.), it refers to the
alternate hypothesis. Write the alternate first.
4. Then, for whichever hypothesis statement you wrote, develop
the other to contain all
of the other cases. An = null should have a =/= alternate, an =>
null should have a <
alternate; a <= null should have a > alternate, and vice versa.
5. The order the variables are listed in each hypothesis must be
the same, if we list
males first in the null, we need to list males first in the
alternate. This minimizes
confusion in interpreting results.
Note: the hypothesis statements are claims about the population
parameters/values based
on the sample results. So, when we develop our hypothesis
statements, we do not consider the
sample values when developing the hypothesis statements. For
example, consider our desire to
determine if the compa-ratio and salary means for males and
females are different in the
population, based on our sample results. While the compa-ratio
means seemed fairly close
together, the salary means seemed to differ by quite a bit; in
both cases, we would test if the male
and female means were equal since that is the question we have
about the values in the
If you look at the examples, you can notice two distinct kinds of
null hypothesis
statements. One has only an equal sign in it, while the other
contains an equal sign and an
inequality sign (<=, but it could be =>). These two types
correspond to two different research
questions and test results.
If we are only interested in whether something is equal or not,
such as if the male average
salary equals the female average salary; we do not really care
which is greater, just if they could
be the same in the population or not. For our equal salary
question, it is not important if we find
that the male’s mean is > (greater than) the female’s mean or if
the male’s mean is < (less than)
the female’s mean; we only care about a difference existing or
not in the population. This, by the
way, is considered a two-tail test (more on this later), as either
conditions would cause us to say
the null’s claim of equality is wrong: a result of “rejecting the
null hypothesis.”
The other condition we might be interested in, and we need a
reason to select this
approach, occurs when we want to specifically know if one
mean exceeds the other. In this
situation, we care about the direction of the difference. For
example, only if the male mean is
greater than the female mean or if the male mean is less than the
female mean.
Step 2
The level of significance is another concept that is critical in
statistics but is often not
used in typical business decisions. One senior manager told the
author that their role was to
ensure that the “boss’ decisions were right 50% +1 of the time
rather than 50% -1.” This
suggests that the level of confidence that the right decisions are
being made is around 50%. In
statistics, this would be completely unacceptable.
A typically statistical test has a level of confidence that the
right decision is being made is
about 95%, with a typical range from 90 to 99%. This is done
with our chosen level of
significance. For this class, we will always use the most
common level of 5%, or more
technically alpha = 0.05. This means we will live with a 5%
chance of saying a difference is
significant when it is not and we really have only a chance
sampling error.
Remember, no decision that does not involve all the possible
information that can be
collected will ever have a zero possibility of being wrong. So,
saying we are 95% sure we made
the right call is great. Marketing studies often will use an alpha
of .10, meaning that are 90%
sure when they say the marketing campaign worked. Medical
studies will often use an alpha of
0.01 or even 0.001, meaning they are 99% or even 99.9% sure
that the difference is real and not
a chance sampling error.
Step 3
Choosing the statistical test and test statistic depends upon the
data we have and the
question we are asking. For this week, we will be using compa-
ratio data in the examples and
salary data in the homework – both are continuous and at least
interval level data. The questions
we will look at this week will focus on seeing if there is a
difference in the average pay (as
measured by either the compa-ratio or salary) between males
and females in the population,
based on our sample results. After all, if we cannot find a
difference in our sample, should we
even be working on the question?
In the quality improvement world, one of the strategies for
looking for and improving
performance of a process is to first look at and reduce the
variation in the data. If the data has a
lot of variation, we cannot really trust the mean to be very
reflective of the entire data set.
Our first statistical test is called the F-test. It is used when we
have at least interval level
data and we are interested in determining if the variances of two
groups are significantly
different or if the observed difference is merely chance
sampling error. The test statistic for this
is the F.
Once we know if the variances are the same or not, we can
move to looking for
differences between the group means. This is done with the T-
test and the t-statistic. Details on
these two tests will be given later; for now, we just need to
know what we are looking at and
what we will be using.
Step 4
One of the rules in researching questions is that the decision
rule, how we are going to
make our decision once the analysis is done, should be stated
upfront and, technically, even
before we even get to the data. This helps ensure that our
decision is data driven rather than
being made by emotional factors to get the outcome we want
rather than the outcome that fits the
data. (Much like making our detectives go after the suspect that
did the crime rather than the one
they do not like and want to arrest, at least when they are being
honest detectives.)
The decision rule for our class is very simple, and will always
be the same:
Reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is less than our alpha
of .05. (Note: this would
be the same as saying that if the p-value is not less than 0.05,
we would fail to reject the null
We introduced the p-value last week, it is the probability of our
outcome being as large or
larger than we have by pure chance alone. The further from the
actual mean a sample mean is,
the less chance we have of getting a value that differs from the
mean that much or more; the
closer to the actual mean, the greater our chance would be of
getting that difference or more
purely by sampling error.
Our decision rule ties our criteria for significance of the
outcome, the step 2 choice of
alpha, with the results that the statistical tests will provide (and,
the Excel tests will give us the p-
values for us to use in making the decisions).
These four steps define our analysis, and are done before we do
any analysis of the data.
Step 5
Once we know how we will analyze and interpret the results, it
is time to get our sample
data and set it up for input into an Excel statistical function.
Some examples of how this data
input works will be discussed in the third lecture for this week.
This step is fairly easy, simply identify the statistical test we
want to use. The test to use
is based on our question and the related hypothesis claims. For
this week, if we are looking at
variance equality, we will use the F-test. If we are looking at
mean equality, we will use the T-
Step 6
Here is where we bring everything together and interpret the
What is constant about this step is the need to:
1. Look at the appropriate p-value (indicated in the test outputs,
as we will see in lecture
2. Compare the p-value with our value for alpha (0.05).
3. Make a decision: if the test p-value is less than or equal to
(<=) 0.05, we will reject
the null hypothesis. If the test p-value is more than (=>) 0.05,
we will fail to reject
the null hypothesis.
Rejecting the null hypothesis means that we feel the alternate
hypothesis is the more
accurate statement about the populations we are testing. This is
the same for all of our statistical
Once we have made our decision to reject or fail to reject the
null hypothesis, we need to
close the loop, and go back and answer our original question.
We need to take the statistical
result or rejecting or failing to reject the null and turn it into an
“English” answer to the question.
Doing so depends on how the original question lead to the
hypothesis statements. Examples of
this follow in Lecture 2.
Lectures 2 and 3 will show how to use this process in
conjunction with Excel and the F
and T tests. For now, focus on the logic of setting up the
testing instructions.
This week we begin our journey discovering ways to make
decisions on data, and more
specifically differences in data sets, based on generally agreed
upon approaches rather than by
“guess and by golly.” The process is called hypothesis testing
and is part of the scientific
method of research and decision making.
In this approach we always test a claim of no difference (the
null hypothesis) whether or
not we are suspect or desire to see an actual difference. The
null hypothesis is paired with an
alternate hypothesis that is exactly the opposite claim.
Decisions are made based on a p-value
which is the probability that we would see a difference as large
or larger as we got if the null
hypothesis is true. Small p-values mean we reject the null as
not being an accurate description of
the population we are looking at.
The hypothesis testing process (or procedure) has six steps.
The first four are completed
before we look at the data; the fifth step is the actual
calculation of the statistical test and the
final and sixth step is where the analysis of the results is done.
The steps are:
1. State the null and alternate hypothesis
2. Select a level of significance
3. Identify the statistical test to use
4. State the decision rule
5. Perform the analysis
6. Interpret the result
If you have any questions on this material, please ask your
After finishing with this lecture, please go to the first
discussion for the week and engage
in a discussion with others in the class over the first couple of
days before reading the second
BUS 308 Week 2 Lecture 2
Statistical Testing for Differences – Part 1
After reading this lecture, the student should know:
1. How statistical distributions are used in hypothesis testing.
2. How to interpret the F test (both options) produced by Excel
3. How to interpret the T-test produced by Excel
Lecture 1 introduced the logic of statistical testing using the
hypothesis testing procedure.
It also mentioned that we will be looking at two different tests
this week. The t-test is used to
determine if means differ, from either a standard or claim or
from another group. The F-test is
used to examine variance differences between groups.
This lecture starts by looking at statistical distributions – they
underline the entire
statistical testing approach. They are kind of like the
detective’s base belief that crimes are
committed for only a couple of reasons – money, vengeance, or
love. The statistical distribution
that underlies each test assumes that statistical measures (such
as the F value when comparing
variances and the t value when looking at means) follow a
particular pattern, and this can be used
to make decisions.
While the underlying distributions differ for the different tests
we will be looking at
throughout the course, they all have some basic similarities that
allow us to examine the t
distribution and extrapolate from it to interpreting results based
on other distributions.
Distributions. The basic logic for all statistical tests: If the null
hypothesis claim is
correct, then the distribution of the statistical outcome will be
distributed around a central value,
and larger and smaller values will be increasingly rare. At some
point (and we define this as our
alpha value), we can say that the likelihood of getting a
difference this large is extremely
unlikely and we will say that our results do not seem to come
from a population that matches the
claims of the null hypothesis.
Note that this logic has several key elements:
1. The test is based on an assumption that the null hypothesis is
correct. This gives us a
starting point, even if later proven wrong.
2. All sample results are turned into a statistic that matches the
test selected (for
example, the F statistic when using the F-test, or the t-statistic
when using the T-test.)
3. The calculated statistic is compared to a related statistical
distribution to see how
likely an outcome we have.
4. The larger the test statistic, the more unlikely it is that the
result matches or comes
from the population described by the null hypothesis claim.
We will demonstrate these ideas by looking at the questions
being asked in this week’s
homework. We will show results of the related Excel tests, and
discuss how to interpret the
We need to remember that seeing different value (mean,
variance, etc.) from different
samples does not tell us that the population parameters we are
estimating are, in fact, different.
The one thing we know about sampling is that each sample will
be a bit different. They
generally provide a “close enough” estimate to the population
values of concern for decision and
action purposes. But, they are not an exact match. This
difference is examined by the use of the
statistical tests, which tell us how much importance we should
attach to observed differences.
Lecture Examples
The lectures for each week will also look at our class question
of whether or not males
and females are paid equally for equal work. These additional
analyses provide some different
clues on what the data is trying to tell us about company pay
While your analysis will focus directly on the salary that males
and females are being
paid, the lecture examples will use an alternate method of
examining pay practices. Many
compensation professionals often use a relative pay measure
called the “comparison-ratio,” or
compa-ratio, to examine pay patterns within the company.
Some background on this measure. Many companies use grades
to group jobs of equal
value to the company into groups that have a similar pay range
– the values that a company is
willing to pay employees for the job. (As strong as a performer
a mail room clerk is, they will
rarely be paid the same as the CEO.) Many companies will set
the middle of this range, the
midpoint, as the average salary that that market pays to hire
someone into the job. This is how
companies remain competitive in their hiring.
Now, compensation professionals will generally want to analyze
how the company is
paying employees relative to these market rates (as summarized
by the midpoint). One approach
is to divide each employee’s salary by its related midpoint. The
outcome is the compa-ratio
which is considered an alternate measure of pay that eliminates
the impact of different grades.
The compa-ratio reports pay as a ratio of the actual salary
divided by the salary grade’s midpoint.
The compa-ratio shows if an employee is being paid more than
the midpoint (measure’s
value > 1.0) or less than the midpoint (< 1.0). This measure
allows us to look at salary
dispersion within a company without focusing on the exact
dollar values. It allows a comparison
between what the company is paying and what the outside
market is paying (which most
company’s target as the midpoint of a salary range) for the jobs.
The compa-ratio shows if employees are paid above or below
the grade midpoint and it
can be used to see what the dispersion pattern of pay. Equal
pay would expect to see similar
distributions, variances and means, between males and females
in this measure.
The lecture examples will cover the same statistical tests as the
homework assignments
but will focus on the compa-ratio pay measure rather than
salary. As such, the results presented
each week should be included and/or factored into your weekly
conclusions on what the data has
told us about the answer to our question.
The first step in looking at whether males and females are paid
equally would be to look
at the average pay of each. Given our sample is a random
sample of the population of employees
(and, therefore considered to be representative of the
population), the average salaries or average
compa-ratios (they measure related but not identical measures
of pay) will give us an indication
of whether things are the same for each gender or not.
One issue in looking at averages is the variation within the
groups. If both groups have
the same or very similar variation across the salaries then we
test the averages for a difference
using one approach. If the group variances are significantly
different, we use a slightly
approach. So, the first step is to examine group variances. This
is done with the F-test.
As noted, the F-test is used to compare variances to determine if
the differences noted
could be from simple sampling error (also known as pure chance
alone) or if the differences are
large enough to be considered statistically different. The F
statistic is simply one group’s
variance divided by the other group’s variance. (When done by
hand, it is traditional to have the
largest variance in the numerator, but this is not critical when
Excel performs the test for us.) So,
if the variances are equal, then the result of one variance
divided by the other would equal 1.0 –
this is the center of the F distribution. How about a situation
where one variance equaled 4 and
the other equaled 5 (randomly picked numbers for this
example)? If we divided the larger by the
smaller, we would get 5/4 = 1.25 while if we divided the
smaller by the larger, we would get 0.8.
Note that these values are on each side of the center value of
1.00. This is what is meant by “two
tails” with the F-test – one tail of the distribution has values
less than 1.0 while the other has
values greater than 1.0.. Our value of F depends first on the
variances (of course) and then on
how we do the division. The likelihood of these two variances
coming from populations that
have the same variance does not depend upon which tail the
result is in, but rather how likely it is
to see a difference from 1.00. This is given to us by the F-test
p-value (probability value of
seeing a difference as large or larger than what we have if the
null hypothesis is true).
One new concept introduced with the F-test is the idea of
degrees of freedom (df). While
the technical explanation is somewhat tedious, we can
understand the concept with a simple
example. If we have 5 numbers, for example: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5;
we also have a sum of them; in
this case 15. Now, assume we can change any of the numbers in
the data set with the only
requirement being that the total must remain the same. How
many of the numbers are we free to
change; or what is our degree of freedom in making changes?
In this case, we can change any 4
of the values, as soon as we do so we automatically get the fifth
value (whatever is needed to
make the sum equal to 15). Thus, to generalize, our df is the
count we have minus 1 (equaling n
-1). N-1 is the formula for the degrees of freedom for each
variable in the F-test. We will se this
idea in other statistical tests, each of which has its own formula
to calculate it. The nice thing is
that Excel will give us this outcome without our needing to
worry about it, and we rarely have to
actually use it in any of our work – but, it is technically part of
most statistical tests.
There are two versions of the F-test available for use. One is
located in the Data ribbon
under the Analysis block in the Data Analysis link and is called
F-Test Two-Sample for
Variances. The other is located in the Fx Statistical list (which
is duplicated in the Formulas
ribbon under the More Functions option and the Statistical list)
and is called simply F.test.
While both test variances, there is an important difference. The
F-Test Two Sample for
Variances option provides some additional summary statistics
(mean, variance, count) for each
sample, but only provides a one-tail test outcome. One-tail
results, whether with the F-Test or
the T-test are used to test a directional difference in variances,
when we want to know if one
variance is larger (or smaller) than the other. Since, in general
we are interested in the simpler
question of whether the variances are equal or not (without
regard to which is larger), when
using this form to test for equality or not, we need to double the
p-value to find the two t-tail p-
value we need for our decision on rejecting the null hypothesis.
On the other hand, the F.test found in Fx or Formulas returns
only the two-tail p-value;
enough for a decision on rejecting or failing to reject the null
hypothesis of no difference but
nothing else. Technically, this is the version we should use
when conducting our two-tail
questions in the homework, but (as noted) either can be used if
we remember to double the p-
value for the one -tail outcome.
Example: Testing for Variance Equality
As mentioned above, it is often beneficial to start with looking
at variance equality when
comparing groups. We need to start our analysis of equal pay
for equal work by seeing if there is
even an issue to be concerned with. So, we have selected our
random sample of 25 males and 25
females from our corporate population. (A couple of
assumptions; the company exists in only
one location, and all our employees in the sample are exempt
professions or managers with at
least a bachelor’s college degree.)
Our initial question is: Are the male and female compa-ratio
variances equal? (Note, if
they are, this would mean that the standard deviations of both
groups are the same.) As with all
statistical tests, we will be using our samples to make
judgements or inferences about the
population values. While the sample result values will differ,
this difference may not be large
enough to show that the population values are not the same.
Question 1. One of the first things of interest to detectives is if
the behavior of the
suspects differs from what they normally do. That is, who’s
behavior varies from the norm?
Relating this to our compa-ratio measures has us asking if the
compa-ratio variance for males
and females are equal within the population. (In the homework,
the question asks about salary
variances. The logic and approach for answering the salary-
based question is the same as shown
Variance equality is tested using the F-Test. There are two
versions of this test available
to us that we could use, and both will be shown below. Note
that equal standard deviations do
not automatically mean that the means are close, it just tells us
if the dispersion patterns are
similar. If similar, the means of each group can be considered
equally reflective of the data. The
following focuses on just setting up the data for and performing
the statistical test.
The following show only the output for the six hypothesis
testing steps. How the Excel
F-tests are set up is covered in Lecture 3 for this week.
Step 1: The question asked is whether the variances for males
and females are equal. The
hypothesis statements for an equality test are shown below.
Ho: Male compa-ratio variance = Female compa-ratio variance
Ha: Male compa-ratio variance =/= Female compa-ratio
(Since the question asks about equality and not a directional
difference, this is a two-tail
test. The Null must contain the names of the two variables
involved (Male and Female),
the statistic being tested (variance), and the relationship sign
(=). The alternate provides
the opposite view so that between them all possible outcomes
are covered. We are only
concerned if the variances are equal, not whether one or the
other is larger (or smaller).)
Step 2: We state our decision-making criteria here. It is: Alpha
= 0.05 (This will be the
same for all statistical tests we perform in the class, and
therefore the same in all
hypothesis set-ups.)
Step 3: The test, test statistic, and the reason for selecting the
test are stated here. For this
example, we are using: F statistic and F-test for Variance. We
use these as they are
designed to test variance equality.
Step 4: Our decision-making rule is presented here: Reject the
null hypothesis if the p-
value is < alpha = 0.05.
(This step is also the same for every statistical test we will
perform; it says we will reject
the null hypothesis if the probability of getting a result as large
as what we see is less than
5% or a probability of 0.05.)
Note that these steps are set-up before we even look at the data.
While, we may have set
up the data columns, we should not have done any analysis yet.
These steps tell us how
we will make a decision from the results we get.
Step 5: Perform the analysis. This is the step where Excel
performs the analysis and
produces output tables. The setting up of each Excel test is
covered in Lecture 3, we are
primarily interested in how to interpret the results in this
Here is a screenshot of the results for both versions of the F-
test. (Only one is needed for
the question.)
Step 6: Conclusions and Interpretation. This is where we
interpret what the data is trying
to tell us.
Before moving on to interpreting these results, let’s look at
what we have. The F-Test
Two-Sample for Variances output clearly has more information
than the F.TEST. We
have the labels identifying each group as well as the mean,
variance, and count
(Observations) for each group. The df, equaling the (sample
size -1), is shown as well as
the calculated F statistic (which equals the left group’s (or Male
in this case) variance
divided by the right group’s (Female) variance. Note, Excel
divides the variances in the
order that they were entered into the data entry box, for this
example the Males were
entered first.
The next two rows are critical for our decision making; but they
are incomplete. They
show the one-tail critical values used in decision making. The
P(F<=f) one-tail is the P-
value, or the probability of getting an F-value as large or larger
than we have if the null
hypothesis is true. However, it is only a one-tail outcome,
while we want a two-tail
outcome, since we only care about the variances being equal or
not, not which one is
larger. So, the result as presented cannot be used directly.
What we need to do will be
covered after we look at the F.TEST result.
The F.TEST gives less information, but it provides us with
exactly what we need; the
two-tail p-value. For our data set, we have a 40% (rounded)
chance of getting an F value
this large or larger purely by chance alone when we are looking
at a two-tail outcome.
Note that this value, 0.39766 is twice the one-tail value of
0.19883 from the F-Test table.
This will always be true, the two-tail probabilities will be twice
the one-tail values.
So, if we want to use the F-TEST Two-Sample for Variance
tool, we need to double the
p-value before making our step 6 decisions.
We are now ready to move on to what step 6 asks for. This step
has several parts.
• What is the p-value: 0.3977 (our compa-ratio example result).
This value equals
EITHER tht F.TEST outcome or 2 times the F-test result. (If,
the F-test p-value is
in cell K-15, you could enter =2*K15 to get the value desired).
• What is your decision: REJ or Not reject the null? (If our p-
value is < (less than)
0.05, we say REJ, if the p-value is > (larger than) 0.05, we say
NOT reject. This is
what our decision rule says to do.) Our answer is for compa-
ratio variances:
NOT Rej. This means we do not reject the claim made by the
null hypothesis
and accept it as the most likely description of the variances
within the population.
• Why? This line asks us to explain why we made the decision
we did. Our compa-
ratio response is: The p-value is > (greater than) 0.05, and the
decision rule is
reject if the p-value was < 0.05. (The answer here is simply
why, based on the
reasoning shown above, you chose your REJ or NOT Rej
• What is your conclusion about the variances in the population
for the male and
female salaries? This part asks us to translate the statistical
decision into a clear
answer to the initial question (Are male and female compa-
values equal?) Our
response: We do not have enough evidence to say that the
variances differ in
the population. The variances are equal in the population. Had
we rejected
the null hypothesis, we would have said the population
variances differed.
Note that this question did not tell us anything about actual pay
differences between the
genders. It did tell us that both groups are dispersed in a
similar manner, and thus supported
some of the conclusions we drew from looking at the data last
Examples: Testing for Mean Equality
While we test for variance equality with an F test, we use the T-
Test to test for mean
equality testing. The t-test also uses the degree of freedom (df)
value in providing us with our
probability result; but again, Excel does the work for us. The t
distribution is a bell-shaped curve
that is flatter and a bit more spread out than the normal curve
we discussed last week. The center
is located at 0 (zero) and the tails (the negative and positive
values) are symmetrical.
The t statistic for the testing of two means is basically: (Mean1
– Mean2)/standard error
estimate. (The standard error formula varies according to which
type of t-test we are
performing.) Note that the t will be either positive or negative
depending upon which mean is
larger. So, if we are interested in simply equal or not equal, it
does not matter if we have a
positive or negative t value, only the size of the difference
matters. As with the F-test, half of
our alpha goes in the positive tail and half goes in the negative
tail when making our equality
We have two questions about means this week.
Question 2. The second question for this week asks about
salary mean equality between males
and females. Again, the set up for this question is covered in
Lecture 3, we are concerned here
with the interpretation of the results. (Note, the comments
about each step made above apply to
this example as well, but they will not be repeated except for
specific information related to the t-
test outcome.) Specific differences from the variance example
of question 1 will be highlighted
with italics. Again, the results discussed with each step are
shown in Lecture 2.
Since the question asks if male and female compa-ratios
(salaries in the homework), are equal we
have a equal versus non-equal hypothesis pair.
Step 1: Ho: Male compa-ratio mean = Female compa-ratio mean
Ha: Male compa-ratio mean =/= Female compa-ratio mean
Step 2: The decision criteria is constant: Alpha = 0.05
Step 3: t statistic and t-test, assuming equal variances. We use
these as they are
designed to test mean equality, and we are assuming (and
according to the F-test
have) equal variances.
Step 4: Again, our decision rule is the same: Reject the null
hypothesis if the p-value is
< alpha = 0.05.
Step 5: Perform the analysis. Here is the screen shot for the
results, using the same data
as with Question 1.
As with the F-test output, the t-test starts with the test name, the
group names, and some
descriptive statistics. Line 4 start with a new result, the Pooled
Variance; this is a
weighted average of the sample variances since we are assuming
that the related
population variances are equal. The next line, hypothesized
Mean Difference, shows up
only if a value was entered in the data input box setting up the
test (discussed in Lecture
Next comes our friend degrees of freedom, which equal the sum
of both sample sizes
minus 2 (or N1-1 + N2 -1). The calculated T value (similar to
the calculated F value in
the F test output) comes next. Note that since we have a
negative t Stat, it falls in the left
tail of the t distribution. This is important in one tail tests but
not in two tail tests.
Following the calculated T value come the one and two tail
decision points. The one tail
p-value is found in the P(T<==t) one-tail row followed by the T
critical one-tail value.
The two tail results follow.
Step 6: Conclusions and Interpretation. This step has several
What is the p-value? 0.571 (our rounded compa-ratio example
(Since we again have a two-tail test, we use the P(T<=t) two-
tail result.)
What is your decision: REJ or Not reject the null? NOT Rej
(our compa-ratio result)
Why? The p-value (0.571) is > (greater than) 0.05. (The compa-
ratio result)
What is your conclusion about the means in the population for
the male and female
salaries? We do not have enough evidence to say that the means
differ in the
population. So, our conclusion is that the means are equal in
the population. (Our
compa-ratio result.)
Question 3
The third question for this week asks about salary differences
based on educational level
rather than gender. Since education is a legitimate reason to
pay someone more, it will be
helpful to see if a graduate degree results in a higher average
pay. Note that this question has a
directional focus (do employees with an advanced degree
(degree code = 1) have higher average
salaries?). This means we must develop a direction set of
hypothesis statements. We will use
the terms UnderG (for undergraduate degree code 0) and Grad
(for graduate degree code 1) in
these statements. Again, the results discussed with each step
are shown in Lecture 2.
Step 1: Ho: UnderG mean compa-ratio => Grad mean compa-
Ha: UnderG mean ratio < Grad mean compa-ratio
(Note the way the inequalities are set up; since the question is if
degree 1 salary
means >, the question becomes the alternate hypothesis as it
does not contain an =
claim. These can be written with the Grad mean listed first but
the arrow heads
must point to Grad showing an expectation that grad means are
Step 2: Alpha = 0.05 (Our constant decision criterion)
Step 3: t statistic and t-test assuming equal variances. We use
these as they are
designed to test mean equality. (The variance equality
assumption is part of the
question set-up.)
Step 4: Reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is < alpha =
0.05. (Our constant
decision rule.)
Step 5: Perform the analysis. Here is a screen print for a T-test
on the question of
whether the graduate and undergraduate degree compa-ratios
means in the population are
equal or not. We are assuming equal variances, we are using
the T-Test Two-Sample
Assuming Equal Variances form.
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances
UnderG Grad
Mean 1.05172 1.07324
Variance 0.00581 0.005999
Observations 25 25
Pooled Variance 0.005904
Hypothesized Mean
Difference 0
df 48
t Stat -0.99016
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.163529
t Critical one-tail 1.677224
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.327059
t Critical two-tail 2.010635
The table output is read exactly the same way as with the
question 2 table with the
exception that we are interested in the one-tail outcome, so we
use the (highlighted) one-
tail p-value row in our decision making.
Step 6: Conclusions and Interpretation. This step has several
• What is the p-value? 0.164(rounded) (our rounded compa-ratio
example result).
(Since we again have a one-tail test, we use the P(T<=t) one-tail
• Is the t value in the t-distribution tail indicated by the arrow in
the Ha claim? Yes.
The t-value is negative, and the Ha arrow points to the left (or
negative) tail
of the t distribution. (Since we only care about a difference in
one direction, the
result must be consistent with the desired direction. Only large
negative values
are of interest in this case/set-up, since our difference is
calculated by (UnderG –
Grad); large negative values show a larger Grad salary. If we
had said Grad <=
Underg in the Null, the alternate arrow would have pointed to
the right or positive
tail, and a positive t would have been needed.)
• What is your decision: REJ or Not reject the null? NOT Rej
(our compa-ratio
• Why? The p-value is > (greater than) 0.05. So, the sign does
not matter in this
case, but it is in the correct or negative tail. (The compa-ratio
• What is your conclusion about the impact of education on
average salaries? We
do not have enough information to suggest that graduate degree
holders have a
higher average salary than undergraduate degree holders. (Our
Question 4
While the week 1 salary results suggest that males and females
are not paid the same, this
week’s compa-ratio tests still do not suggest any inequality.
Gender Compa-ratio variances and
means are not significantly different. A somewhat surprising
result was that graduate degree
holders did not have higher compa-ratios.
We still cannot answer our equal pay for equal work question;
however, as we have yet
developed a measure of pay for equal work. Compa-ratios do
remove the impact of grades, but
too many other work-related variables still need to be examined.
The F and t tests are used to determine if, based upon random
sample results, the
population parameters can reasonably be said to differ. The F-
test looks for differences in
population variances, while the t-test examines population mean
differences. Both tests are
performed as part of the hypothesis testing procedure and
always is done in step 5.
Differences in sample results can be transformed into statistical
distributions that allow us
to determine the probability or likelihood of getting a difference
as large or larger than we found.
It is this transformation that allows us to make our decisions
about the differences we see in the
When either test is set-up using the Data | Analysis toolpak
function, these tests will
provide summary sample descriptive statistics for the mean,
variance, and count as well as the
calculated statistic, the critical value of the statistic, and the p-
value. When set-up using Excel’s
Fx or Formula functions, only the p-value is returned.
For both tests, if the appropriate p-value is less than the
specified alpha (always 0.05 in
this class), we reject the null hypothesis and say the alternate is
the more likely description of the
We can test for a simple difference (called a two-tail test) where
it does not matter which
group has the larger value or we can use a directional test
(called a one-tail test) where we are
concerned about which variable is larger (or smaller). The null
and alternate hypothesis define
which difference we are looking for.
The t-test has three versions: equal variances, unequal
variances, and paired. The paired
test is used when we have two measures on each subject (such
as the salary and midpoint for
each employee). The F-test is used to help us decide if we need
to use the equal or unequal
variance form of the t-test.
The Analysis toolpak F test defaults to a one-tail test so we
need to double its p-value
when testing for simple variance differences. The Fx (or
Formula) F-test lets us select a one- or
two-tail outcome.
Please ask your instructor if you have any questions about this
When you have finished with this lecture, please respond to
Discussion Thread 2 for this
week with your initial response and responses to others over a
couple of days.
BUS 308 Week 2 Lecture 3
Setting up the F and T tests in Excel
After reading this lecture, the student should know:
1. How to set up data lists for the F and T tests.
2. How to set-up and conduct the F test (both options) produced
by Excel
3. How to set-up and conduct the T-test produced by Excel
One of the nice characteristics of Excel is that setting up and
running most functions and
tests is done in a very similar fashion, only having specific test
related differences showing up in
the different functions and tests.
This lecture will cover setting up data ranges that will be used
for all of our statistical
functions. It will then move into setting up the F and T tests
Setting up Data
While in the hypothesis testing procedure it was said to set up
steps 1 – 4 before even
looking at the data, we can set up the data columns to be used at
any time. The set-up is simple
and straightforward. But, we have a couple of questions to
answer before we set things up.
Since this week needs us to compare male and female outcomes
(and Degree outcomes in
Question 3), we need to decide how we want our data to look.
Sticking strictly with the gender
related data (you can do similar things with the degree data
when ready), we need to decide if we
want our key data (compa-ratios, salary, etc.) to be in a long
column or in two columns. An
example of both is shown in the screen shot below.
Notice that Column S contains all of the compa-ratio values (all
50 if we could see the
entire range) and that they are grouped by gender, with the first
25 rows being female values and
the last 25 rows being male values. The other way to display
the data values is to have them
listed in separate columns, such as shown in columns Q and R –
each having a label heading.
Start by looking at what variables the questions are asking for.
For week 2, we have
Questions 1 and 2 asking for the same variables – compa-ratio
and gender1, so we can use the
same location for both questions. Question 3 asks for a
different set of variables, compa-ratio
and degree, so we should set up a different area for that
question. Remember, it is best to
NEVER sort the data on the data tab. An error in sorting that
missed a column could mess up the
data set and make it unusable for other problems.
In either case, copy the entire data column of interest (for
example, compa-ratio,
Gender1, Degree, etc.) from the Data Tab to the weekly
worksheet. Highlight the entire data
range of interest including the label in row 1, then press Control
+ C at the same time. Go over
to the weekly work sheet and find a column to the right of the
work area (generally columns Q or
higher will be OK) and press Control + V at the same time.
Repeat this for all the variables you
After pasting the variables, use the Sort function in the Data tab
to arrange them in
whatever order you want. You can do multiple sorts at the same
time with this function – for
example, you can sort the compa-ratios by gender1 first (to
group all male and female values
together) and then within each gender group sort the values
from high to low by adding a second
sort row.
If you would like, you can then create new columns of data by
copying and pasting
sections of the data range – for example, creating Male and
Female columns. The advantage to
this approach is that you can include the labels in the data entry
boxes and have the variable
labels included in the output tables as the examples showed in
Lecture 2.
The F-Test Set-up
In each question asking for an analysis of data using the
hypothesis testing process, step 5
requires that you place the results of a statistical test in a
certain cell. This, is mostly for the
convenience of the instructors reviewing your work but deciding
where to put the output is
required for every test you run.
The following shows the setting up of the hypothesis testing
steps and conducting of the
F-test to answer our question about the equality of male and
female compa-ratio variance. (Note:
again, you will perform these steps for salary variance in your
Before even getting to the test itself, we have a couple of
questions to answer. Part a of
question 1 asks where the data range is for this question. We
always need to know where the
data is that we are using for tests, even if – as is true in this
case – the data is on the same work
sheet. So, list where the variables are listed, such as in the
range S1:T51 or Q1:Q26 as in the
examples above. Either would be an appropriate entry for the
data shown. One reason for this
question is to allow instructors to see if a data copy or sorting
error occurred if the data results
are not correct.
The second question simply asks for you to decide if a one- or
two-tail test is required for
the question being asked. This is to help prepare you for the
actual hypothesis testing steps.
Now, the set-up concerns move to Step 5: Conduct the test.
Note that a cell location is
given for you to place your outputs. In most cases, the tests we
want to perform are located in
the Analysis ToolPak option found in the Analysis tab on the far
right of the Data Ribbon. Left
Click on the Data label on the green ribbon at the top of an
Excel page, then click on the
Analysis Tab or on the Data Analysis tool listed. Once the Data
Analysis list is shown, scroll
down to your desired tool.
Below is a screen shot of locating the F-test Two-Sample for
Variance in the Data Analysis list.
The F.TEST option for question 1 is found in the Fx (or
Formulas) Statistical list. Here
is a screenshot of where the F.Test is found in the fx Statistical
Either test can be used for this question. After highlighting the
desired test, just select
OK at the bottom and a data entry box will open. Both are
somewhat similar, so only the F-Test
Two Sample for Variances data entry will be shown below.
Here is a screenshot of the data entry box for the F-Test Two-
Sample for Variance. Note
that the compa-ratios have been copied over to columns headed
by labels of Male and Female.
This lets our test results show the label for each group. Also
note, that for this screenshot, the
results are placed next to the data columns (AA2), while in your
assignment K10 should be listed
in the Output Range box.
Note, always enter the variables in the order listed in the null
hypothesis statement; since
the male values were entered in the Variable 1 range, the
hypothesis statements should list the
male variable first. This makes interpreting the test results
Entering cell values into any box is fairly simple. You can
simply type the data range
into the box, using a : between the starting and ending cells.
You can place the cursor in a box,
left click, and then move the cursor to the top cell in the data
range (include labels if present),
hold down the left button and drag the cursor to the end of the
data range and release the left
button. Or, you can click on the symbol at the right which opens
a box, then enter the data by
either technique just mentioned and click on the icon at the
After entering the data ranges, click on the Labels box if, and
only if, you have included
labels in the data input range. An alpha of 0.05 is automatically
selected but can be changed
simply by entering another value. Finally, go to the Output
Options and click on the desired
location – for this class use Output Range and then enter the
cell location into the box. Click on
Ok and you are done.
The process is pretty straightforward, but once in a while an
error occurs. The most
common is when someone does not include labels in the input
range but checks the labels box.
This is fairly easy to spot – the data tables will have a data
value listed as a label, and – at least
for the questions this week – will show a data count of 24 rather
than the correct count of 25 per
group. If this occurs, simply go back and reenter the data with
the labels. Excel will tell you that
you are about to overwrite existing data, and that is what you
want to do, so check OK.
The F.Test is even simpler to set-up. Going to Fx (or
Formulas), statistical list, and
selecting the F.Test will produce a data entry box that simply
asks for each data range – as with
the top entries in the F-Test shown above. Complete them in
the same way and select Ok. (Do
not include labels in these ranges.) The F.Test outcome shows
up in the cell your cursor was on
when you opened the Fx link.
VIDEO Link: Here is a video on the F-Test Two Sample for
Variances: https://screencast-o- .
The T-Test Set-up
There are three versions of the T-Test done for us by Excel.
The first two are similar
except one version is done if the variances are equal and the
other if the variances are not equal.
(Now we see an important reason for performing the F-test
The third version of the T-test is for paired data, and is called
T-test Paired Two Sample
for Means. Paired data are two measures taken on the same
subject. Examples include a math
and English test score for each student, preference sores for
different drinks, and, in our data set
the salary and midpoint values. Note that paired data must be
measured in the same units, and be
from the same subjects. Students in the past have incorrectly
used the paired t-test on male and
female salaries. These are not paired, as the measures are taken
on different people and cannot
be paired together for analysis.
In many ways, setting up Excel’s T-tests, and virtually all the
functions we will study,
follow the same steps as we just went through:
1. Set up the data into distinct groups.
2. Select the test function from either the Fx or Analysis list
3. Input the data ranges and output ranges into the appropriate
entry boxes, checking
Labels if appropriate.
4. Clicking on OK to produce the output.
As with the F-test, the T-test has a couple of options depending
upon what you want your
output to look like. The Fx (or Formulas) option returns simply
the p-value for the selected
version of the test. The Data | Analysis selection provides
descriptive statistics that are useful for
additional analysis (some of which we will discuss later in the
The t-test requires that we select between three versions, one
assuming equal variances
between the populations, one assuming unequal variances in the
populations, and one requiring
paired data (two measures on each element in the sample, such
as salary and midpoint for each
person in our data set.) All have the same data set-up approach,
so only one will be shown.
Setting up the data and test for question 2 about mean equality
is similar to what one for
the F-test question, and we can actually use the same data
columns as we used in question 1 on
variances. Again, after sorting the data into your comparison
groups (with labels as we did for
the F-test), select the appropriate test from either the Fx or
Analysis list. A completed T-test
Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances input table is shown
The input box looks a lot like the one we saw for the F-test, and
is completed in the same way.
Enter the data ranges in the same order you have them listed in
the hypothesis statements, check
the labels box if appropriate, and identify your output range top
left cell (this is given in the
homework problems for a consistent format for instructor
There is one input that differs and which we have not yet
discussed, Hypothesized Mean
Difference. For the most part, we do not use this. An example
of when we might want to is
when we have made a change and want to test its effectiveness.
For example, we might have a
pre- and post-test in a training course. In the original design,
the average improvement might be
10 points on the post-test. If we change the design of the
training, we would be interested not
only in showing a significant change between the two tests but
also a better change due to the
revision. In this case, the first 10-point difference in the tests
is a given, we want to know if the
additional score change is significant. So, we enter 10 in the
HMD box, and the analysis looks at
only the mean difference larger than 10, the marginal
improvement due to the design change.
The input for the Fx T.Test contains 4 boxes, and produces the
p-value in the cell the
cursor is in. The first two boxes are the data range for each
variable, and these should not have a
label included. The third box asks whether you have a one or
two tail test. The forth box asks
for the kind of test, paired, equal variance, or unequal variance.
Once we click OK for the T.test. we get a output, the p-value.
When we click OK on the
Analysis ToolPak function we get a more descriptive table;
much like the differences with the
two versions of the F.
There is no difference in setting up a Data Analysis test for a
one- or two-tail outcome,
these results are examined in the output, not in the input
Question 3
The only data entry difference for this question is the need to
copy, paste, and sort the
degree and gender1 variable columns. The rest of the set-up is
exactly the same as done for
either question 1 or question 2.
Special Case: The One-Sample T-test
Often, we may want to test the results of a sample against a
standard; for example, is the
weight of a production run of 8 ounces of canned pears actually
equal to the standard of 8.02 oz.?
(Note, most manufactures will put in slightly more than the
label says to avoid being
underweight which could result in a fine.)
Excel is not set up to perform this test, but we can “trick” it to
do this for us. In the one-
sample case, we need two pieces of information, the sample
values and our comparison standard.
Set these up as if they were any two-sample data sets, have our
sample values (for example, 25
female compa-ratios in one column) and our comparison value
in another. The comparison data
column will only contain a single value equal to our comparison
value. For example, we might
want to test if the average female compa-ratio was greater than
the compa-ratio midpoint of 1.00.
The null would be H0: female compa-ratio mean <= 1.00 while
the alternate would be Ha:
Female compa-ratio mean > 1.00. The Compa-ratio data column
would contain the Female
compa-ratios and the other column (named for convenience as
Ho Data) would contain only the
value of 1.00, our standard value.
While we will leave the math for any interested student to
perform, if we take the T-test
unequal variance formulas for both the t-value and the df value
and have a variance of 0 for one
variable, both will reduce to the one-sample t-test formula and
df value. Knowing this, we can
use the unequal variance version of the t-test to perform what is
essentially a one-sample test for
The output of this test will show a mean of 1.0 and a variance of
0 for the Ho Data
(comparison) value, and the correct values for the Female
compa-ratio variable, including the p-
Here is a video on setting up and using the t-test in Excel:
Conducting an F or t test is fairly straightforward: set-up the
data, select the appropriate
test from the Analysis Toolpak or Fx/Formulas list, enter the
data into the set-up box, and
identify the cell you want the result placed in.
Setting up the data for either test is the same. Label two
columns with the name of each
group and list all the related measures (for example, all Male
salaries in a column named Male)
vertically under the label. Each test has a set-up box that will
ask for the ranges for each group.
When entering the data in the Analysis Toolpak function, be
sure to include each label.
Labels cannot be included in the Fx version of either test.
Please ask your instructor if you have any questions about this
When you have finished with this lecture, please respond to
Discussion Thread 3 for this
week with your initial response and responses to others over a
couple of days before reading the
third lecture for the week.

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  • 1. BUS 308 Week 2 Lecture 1 Examining Differences - overview Expected Outcomes After reading this lecture, the student should be familiar with: 1. The importance of random sampling. 2. The meaning of statistical significance. 3. The basic approach to determining statistical significance. 4. The meaning of the null and alternate hypothesis statements. 5. The hypothesis testing process. 6. The purpose of the F-test and the T-test. Overview Last week we collected clues and evidence to help us answer our case question about males and females getting equal pay for equal work. As we looked at the clues presented by the salary and comp-ratio measures of pay, things got a bit confusing with results that did not see to be consistent. We found, among other things, that the male and female compa-ratios were fairly close together with the female mean being slightly larger. The salary analysis showed a different view; here we noticed that the averages were apparently quite different with the males, on average, earning more. Contradictory findings such as this are not all that uncommon when examining data in the “real world.”
  • 2. One issue that we could not fully address last week was how meaningful were the differences? That is, would a different sample have results that might be completely different, or can we be fairly sure that the observed differences are real and show up in the population as well? This issue, often referred to as sampling error, deals with the fact that random samples taken from a population will generally be a bit different than the actual population parameters, but will be “close” enough to the actual values to be valuable in decision making. This week, our journey takes us to ways to explore differences, and how significant these differences are. Just as clues in mysteries are not all equally useful, not all differences are equally important; and one of the best things statistics will do for us is tell us what differences we should pay attention to and what we can safely ignore. Side note; this is a skill that many managers could benefit from. Not all differences in performances from one period to another are caused by intentional employee actions, some are due to random variations that employees have no control over. Knowing which differences to react to would make managers much more effective. In keeping with our detective theme, this week could be considered the introduction of the crime scene experts who help detectives interpret what the physical evidence means and how it can relate to the crime being looked at. We are getting into the support being offered by
  • 3. experts who interpret details. We need to know how to use these experts to our fullest advantage. �� Differences In general, differences exist in virtually everything we measure that is man-made or influenced. The underlying issue in statistical analysis is that at times differences are important. When measuring related or similar things, we have two types of differences: differences in consistency and differences in average values. Some examples of things that should be the “same” could be: • The time it takes to drive to work in the morning. • The quality of parts produced on the same manufacturing line. • The time it takes to write a 3-page paper in a class. • The weight of a 10-pound bag of potatoes. • Etc. All of these “should” be the same, as each relates to the same outcome. Yet, they all differ. We all experience differences in travel time, and the time it takes to produce the same output on the job or in school (such as a 3-page paper). Production standards all recognize that outcomes should be measured within a range rather than a single point. For example, few of us would be upset if a 10-pound bag of potatoes weighed 9.85 pounds or would think we were getting a great deal if the bag weighed 10.2 pounds. We realize that it is virtually impossible for a given
  • 4. number of potatoes to weigh exactly the same and we accept this as normal. One reason for our acceptance is that we know that variation occurs. Variation is simply the differences that occur in things that should be “the same.” If we can measure things with enough detail, everything we do in life has variation over time. When we get up in the morning, how long it takes to get to work, how effective we are at doing the same thing over and over, etc. Except for physical constants, we can say that things differ and we need to recognize this. A side note: variation exists in virtually everything we study (we have more than one language, word, sentence, paragraph, past actions, financial transactions, etc.), but only in statistics do we bring this idea front and center for examination. This suggests that any population that we are interested in will consist of things that are slightly different, even if the population contains only one “thing.” Males are not all the same, neither are females. Manufactured parts differ in key measurements; this is the reason we have quality control checking to make sure the differences are not too large. So, even if we measure everything in our population we will have a mean that is accompanied by a standard deviation (or range). Managers and professionals need to manage this variation, whether it is quantitative (such as salary paid for similar work) or even qualitative (such as interpersonal interactions with customers). The second reason that we are so concerned with differences is
  • 5. that we rarely have all the evidence, or all the possible measures of what we are looking for. Having this would mean we have access to the entire population (everything we are interested in); rarely is this the case. Generally, all decisions, analysis, research, etc. is done with samples, a selected subset of the population. And, with any sample we are not going have all the information needed, obviously; but we also know that each sample we take is going to differ a bit. (Remember, variation is everywhere, including in the consistency of sample values.) If you are not sure of this, try flipping a coin 10 times for 10 trials, do you expect or get the exact same number of heads for each trial? Variation! Since we are making decisions using samples, we have even more variation to consider than simply that with the population we are looking at. Each sample will be slightly different from its population and from others taken from the same population. How do we make informed decisions with all this variation and our not being able to know the “real” values of the measures we are using? This question is much like how detectives develop the “motive” for a crime – do they know exactly how the guilty party felt/thought when they say “he was jealous of the success the victim had.” This could be true, but it is only an approximation of the true feelings, but it is “close enough” to
  • 6. say it was the reason. It is similar with data samples, good ones are “close enough” to use the results to make decisions with. The question we have now focuses on how do we know what the data results show? The answer lies with statistical tests. They can use the observed variation to provide results that let us make decisions with a known chance of being wrong! Most managers hope to be right just over 50% of the time, a statistical decision can be correct 95% or more of the time! Quite an improvement. Sampling. The use of samples brings us to a distinction in summary statistics, between descriptive and inferential statistics. With one minor exception (discussed shortly), these two appear to be the same: means, standard deviations, etc. However, one very important distinction exists in how we use these. Descriptive statistics, as we saw last week, describes a data set. But, that is all they do. We cannot use them to make claims or inferences about any other larger group. Making inferences or judgements about a larger population is the role of inferential statistics and statistical tests. So, what makes descriptive statistics sound enough to become inferential statistics? The group they were taken from! If we have a sample that is randomly selected from the population (meaning that each member has the same chance of being selected at the start), then we have our best chance of having a sample that accurately reflects the
  • 7. population, and we can use the statistics developed from that sample to make inferences back to the population. (How we develop a randomly selected sample is more of a research course issue, and we will not go into these details. You are welcome to search the web for approaches.) Random Sampling. If we are not working with a random sample, then our descriptive statistics apply only to the group they are developed for. For example, asking all of our friends their opinion of Facebook only tells us what our friends feel; we cannot say that their opinions reflect all Facebook users, all Facebook users that fall in the age range of our friends, or any other group. Our friends are not a randomly selected group of Facebook users, so they may not be typical; and, if not typical users, cannot be considered to reflect the typical users. If our sample is random, then we know (or strongly suspect) a few things. First, the sample is unlikely to contain both the smallest and largest value that exists in the larger population, so an estimate of the population variation is likely to be too small if based on the sample. This is corrected by using a sample standard deviation formula rather than a population formula. We will look at what this means specifically in the other lectures this week; but Excel will do this for us easily. Second, we know that our summary statistics are not the same
  • 8. as the population’s parameter values. We are dealing with some (generally small) errors. This is where the new statistics student often begins to be uncomfortable. How can we make good judgements if our information is wrong? This is a reasonable question, and one that we, as data detectives, need to be comfortable with. The first part of the answer falls with the design of the sample, by selecting the right sample size (how many are in the sample), we can control the relative size of the likely error. For example, we can design a sample where the estimated error for our average salary is about plus or minus $1,000. Does knowing that our estimates could be $1000 off change our view of the data? If the female average was a thousand dollars more and the male salary was a thousand dollars less, would you really change your opinion about them being different? Probably not with the difference we see in our salary values (around 38K versus 52K). If the actual averages were closer together, this error range might impact our conclusions, so we could select a sample with a smaller error range. (Again, the technical details on how to do this are found in research courses. For our statistics class, we assume we have the correct sample.) Note, this error range is often called the margin of error. We see this most often in opinion polls. For example, if a poll said that the percent of Americans who favored Federal Government support for victims of natural disasters (hurricanes, floods, etc.) was 65% with a
  • 9. margin of error of +/- 3%; we would say that the true proportion was somewhat between 62% to 68%, clearly a majority of the population. Where the margin of error becomes important to know is when results are closer together, such as when support is 52% in favor versus 48% opposed, with a margin of error of 3%. This means the actual support could be as low as 49% or as high as 55%; meaning the results are generally too close to make a solid decision that the issue is supported by a majority, the proverbial “too close to call.” The second part of answering the question of how do we make good decisions introduces the tools we will be looking at this week, decision making statistical tests that focus on examining the size of observed differences to see if they are “meaningful” or not. The neat part of these tools is we do not need to know what the sampling error was, as the techniques will automatically include this impact into our results! The statistical tools we will be looking at for the next couple of weeks all “work” due to a couple of assumptions about the population. First, the data needs to be at the interval or ratio level; the differences between sequential values needs to be constant (such as in temperature or money). Additionally, the data is assumed to come from a population that is normally distributed, the normal curve shape that we briefly looked at last week. Note that many statisticians feel that minor deviations from these strict assumptions will not significantly impact the outcomes of the tests.
  • 10. The tools for this week and next use the same basic logic. If we take a lot of samples from the population and graph the mean for all of them, we will get a normal curve (even if the population is not exactly normal) distribution called the sampling distribution of the mean. Makes sense as we are using sample means. This distribution has an overall, or grand, mean equal to that of the population. The standard deviation equals the standard deviation of the population divided by the square root of the population. (Let’s take this on faith for now, trust me you do not want to see the math behind proving these. But if you do, I invite you to look it up on the web.) Now, knowing – in theory – what the mean values will be from population samples, we can look at how any given sample differs from what we think the population mean is. This difference can be translated into what is essentially a z-score (although the specific measure will vary depending upon the test we are using) that we looked at last week. With this statistic, we can determine how likely (the probability of) getting a difference as large or larger than we have purely by chance (sampling error from the actual population value) alone. If we have a small likelihood of getting this large of a difference, we say that our difference is too large to have been purely a sampling error, and we say a real difference exists or that the mean of the population that the sample came from is not what we thought.
  • 11. That is the basic logic of statistical testing. Of course, the actual process is a bit more structured, but the logic holds: if the probability of getting our result is small (for example 4% or 0.04), we say the difference is significant. If the probability is large (for example 37% or 0.37), then we say there is not enough evidence to say the difference is anything but a simple sampling error difference from the actual population result. The tools we will be adding to our bag of tricks this week will allow us to examine differences between data sets. One set of tools, called the t- test, looks at means to see if the observed difference is significant or merely a chance difference due mostly to sampling error rather than a true difference in the population. Knowing if means differ is a critical issue in examining groups and making decisions. The other tool – the F-test for variance, does the same for the data variation between groups. Often ignored, the consistency within groups is an important characteristic in understanding whether groups having similar means can be said to be similar or not. For example, if a group of English majors all took two classes together, one math and one English, would you expect the grade distributions to be similar, or would you expect one to show a larger range (or variation) than the other? We will see throughout the class that consistency and differences are key elements to understanding what the data is hiding from us, or trying to tell us – depending on how you look
  • 12. at it. In either case, as detectives our job is to ferret out the information we need to answer our questions. Hypothesis Testing-Are Differences Meaningful Here is where the crime scene experts come in. Detectives have found something but are not completely sure of how to interpret it. Now the training and tools used by detectives and analysts take over to examine what is found and make some interpretations. The process or standard approach that we will use is called the hypothesis testing procedure. It consists of six steps; the first four (4) set up the problem and how we will make our decisions (and are done before we do anything with the actual data), the fifth step involves the analysis (done with Excel), and the final and sixth step focuses on interpreting the result. The hypothesis testing procedure is a standardized decision- making process that ensures we make our decisions (on whether things are significantly different or not) is based on the data, and not some other factors. Many times, our results are more conservative than individual managerial judgements; that is, a statistical decision will call fewer things significantly different than many managerial judgement calls. This statistical tendency is, at times, frustrating for managers who want to show that things have changed. At other times, it is a benefit such as if
  • 13. we are hoping that things, such as error rates, have not changed. While a lot of statistical texts have slightly different versions of the hypothesis testing procedure (fewer or more steps), they are essentially the same, and are a spinoff of the scientific method. For this class, we will use the following six steps: 1. State the null and alternate hypothesis 2. Select a level of significance 3. Identify the statistical test to use 4. State the decision rule. Steps 1 – 4 are done before we examine the data 5. Perform the analysis 6. Interpret the result. Step 1 A hypothesis is a claim about an outcome. It comes in two forms. The first is the null hypothesis – sometimes called the testable hypothesis, as it is the claim we perform all of our statistical tests on. It is termed the “Null” hypothesis, shown as Ho, as it basically says “no difference exists.” Even if we want to test for a difference, such as males and females having a different average compa-ratio; in statistics, we test to see if they do not. Why? It is easier to show that something differs from a fixed point than it is to show that the difference is meaningful – I mean how can we focus on “different?” What does “different” mean? So, we go with testing no difference. The key rule about developing a null hypothesis is that it always contains an equal claim, this could be equal (=),
  • 14. equal to or less than (<=), or equal to or more than (=>). Here are some examples: Ex 1: Question: Is the female compa-ratio mean = 1.0? Ho: Female compa-ratio mean = 1.0. Ex 2: Q: is the female compa-ratio mean = the male compa- ratio mean? Ho: Female compa-ratio mean = Male compa-ratio mean. Ex. 3: Q: Is the female compa-ratio more than the male compa- ratio? Note that this question does not contain an equal condition. In this case, the null is the opposite of what the question asks: Ho: Female compa-ratio <= Male compa-ratio. We can see by testing this null, we can answer our initial question of a directional difference. This logic is key to developing the correct test claim. A null hypothesis is always coupled with an alternate hypothesis. The alternate is the opposite claim as the null. The alternate hypothesis is shown as Ha. Between the two claims, all possible outcomes must be covered. So, for our three examples, the complete step 1 (state the null and alternate hypothesis statements) would look like:
  • 15. Ex 1: Question: Is the female compa-ratio mean = 1.0? Ho: Female compa-ratio mean = 1.0. Ha: Female compa-ratio mean =/= (not equal to) 1.0 Ex 2: Q: is the female compa-ratio mean = the male compa- ratio mean? Ho: Female compa-ratio mean = Male compa-ratio mean. Ha: Female compa-ratio mean =/= Male compa-ration mean. Ex. 3: Q: Is the female compa-ratio more than the male compa- ratio? Ho: Female compa-ratio <= Male compa-ratio Ha: Female compa-ratio > Male compa-ratio. (Note that in this case, the alternate hypothesis is the question being asked, but the null is what we always use as the test hypothesis.) When developing the null and alternate hypothesis, 1. Look at the question being asked. 2. If the wording implies an equality could exist (equal to, at least, no more than, etc.), we have a null hypothesis and we write it exactly as the question asks. 3. If the wording does not suggest an equality (less than, more than, etc.), it refers to the
  • 16. alternate hypothesis. Write the alternate first. 4. Then, for whichever hypothesis statement you wrote, develop the other to contain all of the other cases. An = null should have a =/= alternate, an => null should have a < alternate; a <= null should have a > alternate, and vice versa. 5. The order the variables are listed in each hypothesis must be the same, if we list males first in the null, we need to list males first in the alternate. This minimizes confusion in interpreting results. Note: the hypothesis statements are claims about the population parameters/values based on the sample results. So, when we develop our hypothesis statements, we do not consider the sample values when developing the hypothesis statements. For example, consider our desire to determine if the compa-ratio and salary means for males and females are different in the population, based on our sample results. While the compa-ratio means seemed fairly close together, the salary means seemed to differ by quite a bit; in both cases, we would test if the male and female means were equal since that is the question we have about the values in the population. If you look at the examples, you can notice two distinct kinds of null hypothesis statements. One has only an equal sign in it, while the other
  • 17. contains an equal sign and an inequality sign (<=, but it could be =>). These two types correspond to two different research questions and test results. If we are only interested in whether something is equal or not, such as if the male average salary equals the female average salary; we do not really care which is greater, just if they could be the same in the population or not. For our equal salary question, it is not important if we find that the male’s mean is > (greater than) the female’s mean or if the male’s mean is < (less than) the female’s mean; we only care about a difference existing or not in the population. This, by the way, is considered a two-tail test (more on this later), as either conditions would cause us to say the null’s claim of equality is wrong: a result of “rejecting the null hypothesis.” The other condition we might be interested in, and we need a reason to select this approach, occurs when we want to specifically know if one mean exceeds the other. In this situation, we care about the direction of the difference. For example, only if the male mean is greater than the female mean or if the male mean is less than the female mean. Step 2 The level of significance is another concept that is critical in statistics but is often not used in typical business decisions. One senior manager told the author that their role was to ensure that the “boss’ decisions were right 50% +1 of the time
  • 18. rather than 50% -1.” This suggests that the level of confidence that the right decisions are being made is around 50%. In statistics, this would be completely unacceptable. A typically statistical test has a level of confidence that the right decision is being made is about 95%, with a typical range from 90 to 99%. This is done with our chosen level of significance. For this class, we will always use the most common level of 5%, or more technically alpha = 0.05. This means we will live with a 5% chance of saying a difference is significant when it is not and we really have only a chance sampling error. Remember, no decision that does not involve all the possible information that can be collected will ever have a zero possibility of being wrong. So, saying we are 95% sure we made the right call is great. Marketing studies often will use an alpha of .10, meaning that are 90% sure when they say the marketing campaign worked. Medical studies will often use an alpha of 0.01 or even 0.001, meaning they are 99% or even 99.9% sure that the difference is real and not a chance sampling error. Step 3 Choosing the statistical test and test statistic depends upon the data we have and the question we are asking. For this week, we will be using compa- ratio data in the examples and
  • 19. salary data in the homework – both are continuous and at least interval level data. The questions we will look at this week will focus on seeing if there is a difference in the average pay (as measured by either the compa-ratio or salary) between males and females in the population, based on our sample results. After all, if we cannot find a difference in our sample, should we even be working on the question? In the quality improvement world, one of the strategies for looking for and improving performance of a process is to first look at and reduce the variation in the data. If the data has a lot of variation, we cannot really trust the mean to be very reflective of the entire data set. Our first statistical test is called the F-test. It is used when we have at least interval level data and we are interested in determining if the variances of two groups are significantly different or if the observed difference is merely chance sampling error. The test statistic for this is the F. Once we know if the variances are the same or not, we can move to looking for differences between the group means. This is done with the T- test and the t-statistic. Details on these two tests will be given later; for now, we just need to know what we are looking at and what we will be using. Step 4 One of the rules in researching questions is that the decision
  • 20. rule, how we are going to make our decision once the analysis is done, should be stated upfront and, technically, even before we even get to the data. This helps ensure that our decision is data driven rather than being made by emotional factors to get the outcome we want rather than the outcome that fits the data. (Much like making our detectives go after the suspect that did the crime rather than the one they do not like and want to arrest, at least when they are being honest detectives.) The decision rule for our class is very simple, and will always be the same: Reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is less than our alpha of .05. (Note: this would be the same as saying that if the p-value is not less than 0.05, we would fail to reject the null hypothesis.) We introduced the p-value last week, it is the probability of our outcome being as large or larger than we have by pure chance alone. The further from the actual mean a sample mean is, the less chance we have of getting a value that differs from the mean that much or more; the closer to the actual mean, the greater our chance would be of getting that difference or more purely by sampling error. Our decision rule ties our criteria for significance of the outcome, the step 2 choice of alpha, with the results that the statistical tests will provide (and, the Excel tests will give us the p- values for us to use in making the decisions).
  • 21. These four steps define our analysis, and are done before we do any analysis of the data. Step 5 Once we know how we will analyze and interpret the results, it is time to get our sample data and set it up for input into an Excel statistical function. Some examples of how this data input works will be discussed in the third lecture for this week. This step is fairly easy, simply identify the statistical test we want to use. The test to use is based on our question and the related hypothesis claims. For this week, if we are looking at variance equality, we will use the F-test. If we are looking at mean equality, we will use the T- test. Step 6 Here is where we bring everything together and interpret the outcomes. What is constant about this step is the need to: 1. Look at the appropriate p-value (indicated in the test outputs, as we will see in lecture 2). 2. Compare the p-value with our value for alpha (0.05). 3. Make a decision: if the test p-value is less than or equal to (<=) 0.05, we will reject
  • 22. the null hypothesis. If the test p-value is more than (=>) 0.05, we will fail to reject the null hypothesis. Rejecting the null hypothesis means that we feel the alternate hypothesis is the more accurate statement about the populations we are testing. This is the same for all of our statistical tests. Once we have made our decision to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis, we need to close the loop, and go back and answer our original question. We need to take the statistical result or rejecting or failing to reject the null and turn it into an “English” answer to the question. Doing so depends on how the original question lead to the hypothesis statements. Examples of this follow in Lecture 2. Lectures 2 and 3 will show how to use this process in conjunction with Excel and the F and T tests. For now, focus on the logic of setting up the testing instructions. Summary This week we begin our journey discovering ways to make decisions on data, and more specifically differences in data sets, based on generally agreed upon approaches rather than by “guess and by golly.” The process is called hypothesis testing and is part of the scientific method of research and decision making.
  • 23. In this approach we always test a claim of no difference (the null hypothesis) whether or not we are suspect or desire to see an actual difference. The null hypothesis is paired with an alternate hypothesis that is exactly the opposite claim. Decisions are made based on a p-value which is the probability that we would see a difference as large or larger as we got if the null hypothesis is true. Small p-values mean we reject the null as not being an accurate description of the population we are looking at. The hypothesis testing process (or procedure) has six steps. The first four are completed before we look at the data; the fifth step is the actual calculation of the statistical test and the final and sixth step is where the analysis of the results is done. The steps are: 1. State the null and alternate hypothesis 2. Select a level of significance 3. Identify the statistical test to use 4. State the decision rule 5. Perform the analysis 6. Interpret the result If you have any questions on this material, please ask your instructor. After finishing with this lecture, please go to the first discussion for the week and engage in a discussion with others in the class over the first couple of
  • 24. days before reading the second lecture. BUS 308 Week 2 Lecture 2 Statistical Testing for Differences – Part 1 After reading this lecture, the student should know: 1. How statistical distributions are used in hypothesis testing. 2. How to interpret the F test (both options) produced by Excel 3. How to interpret the T-test produced by Excel Overview Lecture 1 introduced the logic of statistical testing using the hypothesis testing procedure. It also mentioned that we will be looking at two different tests this week. The t-test is used to determine if means differ, from either a standard or claim or from another group. The F-test is used to examine variance differences between groups. This lecture starts by looking at statistical distributions – they underline the entire statistical testing approach. They are kind of like the detective’s base belief that crimes are committed for only a couple of reasons – money, vengeance, or love. The statistical distribution that underlies each test assumes that statistical measures (such
  • 25. as the F value when comparing variances and the t value when looking at means) follow a particular pattern, and this can be used to make decisions. While the underlying distributions differ for the different tests we will be looking at throughout the course, they all have some basic similarities that allow us to examine the t distribution and extrapolate from it to interpreting results based on other distributions. Distributions. The basic logic for all statistical tests: If the null hypothesis claim is correct, then the distribution of the statistical outcome will be distributed around a central value, and larger and smaller values will be increasingly rare. At some point (and we define this as our alpha value), we can say that the likelihood of getting a difference this large is extremely unlikely and we will say that our results do not seem to come from a population that matches the claims of the null hypothesis. Note that this logic has several key elements: 1. The test is based on an assumption that the null hypothesis is correct. This gives us a starting point, even if later proven wrong. 2. All sample results are turned into a statistic that matches the test selected (for example, the F statistic when using the F-test, or the t-statistic when using the T-test.) 3. The calculated statistic is compared to a related statistical
  • 26. distribution to see how likely an outcome we have. 4. The larger the test statistic, the more unlikely it is that the result matches or comes from the population described by the null hypothesis claim. We will demonstrate these ideas by looking at the questions being asked in this week’s homework. We will show results of the related Excel tests, and discuss how to interpret the output. We need to remember that seeing different value (mean, variance, etc.) from different samples does not tell us that the population parameters we are estimating are, in fact, different. The one thing we know about sampling is that each sample will be a bit different. They generally provide a “close enough” estimate to the population values of concern for decision and action purposes. But, they are not an exact match. This difference is examined by the use of the statistical tests, which tell us how much importance we should attach to observed differences. Lecture Examples The lectures for each week will also look at our class question of whether or not males and females are paid equally for equal work. These additional analyses provide some different clues on what the data is trying to tell us about company pay practices.
  • 27. While your analysis will focus directly on the salary that males and females are being paid, the lecture examples will use an alternate method of examining pay practices. Many compensation professionals often use a relative pay measure called the “comparison-ratio,” or compa-ratio, to examine pay patterns within the company. Some background on this measure. Many companies use grades to group jobs of equal value to the company into groups that have a similar pay range – the values that a company is willing to pay employees for the job. (As strong as a performer a mail room clerk is, they will rarely be paid the same as the CEO.) Many companies will set the middle of this range, the midpoint, as the average salary that that market pays to hire someone into the job. This is how companies remain competitive in their hiring. Now, compensation professionals will generally want to analyze how the company is paying employees relative to these market rates (as summarized by the midpoint). One approach is to divide each employee’s salary by its related midpoint. The outcome is the compa-ratio which is considered an alternate measure of pay that eliminates the impact of different grades. The compa-ratio reports pay as a ratio of the actual salary divided by the salary grade’s midpoint. The compa-ratio shows if an employee is being paid more than the midpoint (measure’s value > 1.0) or less than the midpoint (< 1.0). This measure allows us to look at salary
  • 28. dispersion within a company without focusing on the exact dollar values. It allows a comparison between what the company is paying and what the outside market is paying (which most company’s target as the midpoint of a salary range) for the jobs. The compa-ratio shows if employees are paid above or below the grade midpoint and it can be used to see what the dispersion pattern of pay. Equal pay would expect to see similar distributions, variances and means, between males and females in this measure. The lecture examples will cover the same statistical tests as the homework assignments but will focus on the compa-ratio pay measure rather than salary. As such, the results presented each week should be included and/or factored into your weekly conclusions on what the data has told us about the answer to our question. The first step in looking at whether males and females are paid equally would be to look at the average pay of each. Given our sample is a random sample of the population of employees (and, therefore considered to be representative of the population), the average salaries or average compa-ratios (they measure related but not identical measures of pay) will give us an indication of whether things are the same for each gender or not. One issue in looking at averages is the variation within the groups. If both groups have
  • 29. the same or very similar variation across the salaries then we test the averages for a difference using one approach. If the group variances are significantly different, we use a slightly approach. So, the first step is to examine group variances. This is done with the F-test. F-test As noted, the F-test is used to compare variances to determine if the differences noted could be from simple sampling error (also known as pure chance alone) or if the differences are large enough to be considered statistically different. The F statistic is simply one group’s variance divided by the other group’s variance. (When done by hand, it is traditional to have the largest variance in the numerator, but this is not critical when Excel performs the test for us.) So, if the variances are equal, then the result of one variance divided by the other would equal 1.0 – this is the center of the F distribution. How about a situation where one variance equaled 4 and the other equaled 5 (randomly picked numbers for this example)? If we divided the larger by the smaller, we would get 5/4 = 1.25 while if we divided the smaller by the larger, we would get 0.8. Note that these values are on each side of the center value of 1.00. This is what is meant by “two tails” with the F-test – one tail of the distribution has values less than 1.0 while the other has values greater than 1.0.. Our value of F depends first on the variances (of course) and then on how we do the division. The likelihood of these two variances coming from populations that have the same variance does not depend upon which tail the
  • 30. result is in, but rather how likely it is to see a difference from 1.00. This is given to us by the F-test p-value (probability value of seeing a difference as large or larger than what we have if the null hypothesis is true). One new concept introduced with the F-test is the idea of degrees of freedom (df). While the technical explanation is somewhat tedious, we can understand the concept with a simple example. If we have 5 numbers, for example: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; we also have a sum of them; in this case 15. Now, assume we can change any of the numbers in the data set with the only requirement being that the total must remain the same. How many of the numbers are we free to change; or what is our degree of freedom in making changes? In this case, we can change any 4 of the values, as soon as we do so we automatically get the fifth value (whatever is needed to make the sum equal to 15). Thus, to generalize, our df is the count we have minus 1 (equaling n -1). N-1 is the formula for the degrees of freedom for each variable in the F-test. We will se this idea in other statistical tests, each of which has its own formula to calculate it. The nice thing is that Excel will give us this outcome without our needing to worry about it, and we rarely have to actually use it in any of our work – but, it is technically part of most statistical tests. There are two versions of the F-test available for use. One is located in the Data ribbon under the Analysis block in the Data Analysis link and is called
  • 31. F-Test Two-Sample for Variances. The other is located in the Fx Statistical list (which is duplicated in the Formulas ribbon under the More Functions option and the Statistical list) and is called simply F.test. While both test variances, there is an important difference. The F-Test Two Sample for Variances option provides some additional summary statistics (mean, variance, count) for each sample, but only provides a one-tail test outcome. One-tail results, whether with the F-Test or the T-test are used to test a directional difference in variances, when we want to know if one variance is larger (or smaller) than the other. Since, in general we are interested in the simpler question of whether the variances are equal or not (without regard to which is larger), when using this form to test for equality or not, we need to double the p-value to find the two t-tail p- value we need for our decision on rejecting the null hypothesis. On the other hand, the F.test found in Fx or Formulas returns only the two-tail p-value; enough for a decision on rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis of no difference but nothing else. Technically, this is the version we should use when conducting our two-tail questions in the homework, but (as noted) either can be used if we remember to double the p- value for the one -tail outcome. Example: Testing for Variance Equality As mentioned above, it is often beneficial to start with looking at variance equality when
  • 32. comparing groups. We need to start our analysis of equal pay for equal work by seeing if there is even an issue to be concerned with. So, we have selected our random sample of 25 males and 25 females from our corporate population. (A couple of assumptions; the company exists in only one location, and all our employees in the sample are exempt professions or managers with at least a bachelor’s college degree.) Our initial question is: Are the male and female compa-ratio variances equal? (Note, if they are, this would mean that the standard deviations of both groups are the same.) As with all statistical tests, we will be using our samples to make judgements or inferences about the population values. While the sample result values will differ, this difference may not be large enough to show that the population values are not the same. Question 1. One of the first things of interest to detectives is if the behavior of the suspects differs from what they normally do. That is, who’s behavior varies from the norm? Relating this to our compa-ratio measures has us asking if the compa-ratio variance for males and females are equal within the population. (In the homework, the question asks about salary variances. The logic and approach for answering the salary- based question is the same as shown below.) Variance equality is tested using the F-Test. There are two versions of this test available to us that we could use, and both will be shown below. Note that equal standard deviations do
  • 33. not automatically mean that the means are close, it just tells us if the dispersion patterns are similar. If similar, the means of each group can be considered equally reflective of the data. The following focuses on just setting up the data for and performing the statistical test. The following show only the output for the six hypothesis testing steps. How the Excel F-tests are set up is covered in Lecture 3 for this week. Step 1: The question asked is whether the variances for males and females are equal. The hypothesis statements for an equality test are shown below. Ho: Male compa-ratio variance = Female compa-ratio variance Ha: Male compa-ratio variance =/= Female compa-ratio variance (Since the question asks about equality and not a directional difference, this is a two-tail test. The Null must contain the names of the two variables involved (Male and Female), the statistic being tested (variance), and the relationship sign (=). The alternate provides the opposite view so that between them all possible outcomes are covered. We are only concerned if the variances are equal, not whether one or the other is larger (or smaller).) Step 2: We state our decision-making criteria here. It is: Alpha = 0.05 (This will be the
  • 34. same for all statistical tests we perform in the class, and therefore the same in all hypothesis set-ups.) Step 3: The test, test statistic, and the reason for selecting the test are stated here. For this example, we are using: F statistic and F-test for Variance. We use these as they are designed to test variance equality. Step 4: Our decision-making rule is presented here: Reject the null hypothesis if the p- value is < alpha = 0.05. (This step is also the same for every statistical test we will perform; it says we will reject the null hypothesis if the probability of getting a result as large as what we see is less than 5% or a probability of 0.05.) Note that these steps are set-up before we even look at the data. While, we may have set up the data columns, we should not have done any analysis yet. These steps tell us how we will make a decision from the results we get. Step 5: Perform the analysis. This is the step where Excel performs the analysis and produces output tables. The setting up of each Excel test is covered in Lecture 3, we are primarily interested in how to interpret the results in this lecture. Here is a screenshot of the results for both versions of the F- test. (Only one is needed for the question.)
  • 35. Step 6: Conclusions and Interpretation. This is where we interpret what the data is trying to tell us. Before moving on to interpreting these results, let’s look at what we have. The F-Test Two-Sample for Variances output clearly has more information than the F.TEST. We have the labels identifying each group as well as the mean, variance, and count (Observations) for each group. The df, equaling the (sample size -1), is shown as well as the calculated F statistic (which equals the left group’s (or Male in this case) variance divided by the right group’s (Female) variance. Note, Excel divides the variances in the order that they were entered into the data entry box, for this example the Males were entered first. The next two rows are critical for our decision making; but they are incomplete. They show the one-tail critical values used in decision making. The P(F<=f) one-tail is the P- value, or the probability of getting an F-value as large or larger than we have if the null hypothesis is true. However, it is only a one-tail outcome, while we want a two-tail outcome, since we only care about the variances being equal or not, not which one is
  • 36. larger. So, the result as presented cannot be used directly. What we need to do will be covered after we look at the F.TEST result. The F.TEST gives less information, but it provides us with exactly what we need; the two-tail p-value. For our data set, we have a 40% (rounded) chance of getting an F value this large or larger purely by chance alone when we are looking at a two-tail outcome. Note that this value, 0.39766 is twice the one-tail value of 0.19883 from the F-Test table. This will always be true, the two-tail probabilities will be twice the one-tail values. So, if we want to use the F-TEST Two-Sample for Variance tool, we need to double the p-value before making our step 6 decisions. We are now ready to move on to what step 6 asks for. This step has several parts. • What is the p-value: 0.3977 (our compa-ratio example result). This value equals EITHER tht F.TEST outcome or 2 times the F-test result. (If, the F-test p-value is in cell K-15, you could enter =2*K15 to get the value desired). • What is your decision: REJ or Not reject the null? (If our p- value is < (less than) 0.05, we say REJ, if the p-value is > (larger than) 0.05, we say NOT reject. This is what our decision rule says to do.) Our answer is for compa- ratio variances: NOT Rej. This means we do not reject the claim made by the
  • 37. null hypothesis and accept it as the most likely description of the variances within the population. • Why? This line asks us to explain why we made the decision we did. Our compa- ratio response is: The p-value is > (greater than) 0.05, and the decision rule is reject if the p-value was < 0.05. (The answer here is simply why, based on the reasoning shown above, you chose your REJ or NOT Rej choice.) • What is your conclusion about the variances in the population for the male and female salaries? This part asks us to translate the statistical decision into a clear answer to the initial question (Are male and female compa- values equal?) Our response: We do not have enough evidence to say that the variances differ in the population. The variances are equal in the population. Had we rejected the null hypothesis, we would have said the population variances differed. Note that this question did not tell us anything about actual pay differences between the genders. It did tell us that both groups are dispersed in a similar manner, and thus supported some of the conclusions we drew from looking at the data last week. Examples: Testing for Mean Equality While we test for variance equality with an F test, we use the T-
  • 38. Test to test for mean equality testing. The t-test also uses the degree of freedom (df) value in providing us with our probability result; but again, Excel does the work for us. The t distribution is a bell-shaped curve that is flatter and a bit more spread out than the normal curve we discussed last week. The center is located at 0 (zero) and the tails (the negative and positive values) are symmetrical. The t statistic for the testing of two means is basically: (Mean1 – Mean2)/standard error estimate. (The standard error formula varies according to which type of t-test we are performing.) Note that the t will be either positive or negative depending upon which mean is larger. So, if we are interested in simply equal or not equal, it does not matter if we have a positive or negative t value, only the size of the difference matters. As with the F-test, half of our alpha goes in the positive tail and half goes in the negative tail when making our equality decision. We have two questions about means this week. Question 2. The second question for this week asks about salary mean equality between males and females. Again, the set up for this question is covered in Lecture 3, we are concerned here with the interpretation of the results. (Note, the comments about each step made above apply to this example as well, but they will not be repeated except for specific information related to the t-
  • 39. test outcome.) Specific differences from the variance example of question 1 will be highlighted with italics. Again, the results discussed with each step are shown in Lecture 2. Since the question asks if male and female compa-ratios (salaries in the homework), are equal we have a equal versus non-equal hypothesis pair. Step 1: Ho: Male compa-ratio mean = Female compa-ratio mean Ha: Male compa-ratio mean =/= Female compa-ratio mean Step 2: The decision criteria is constant: Alpha = 0.05 Step 3: t statistic and t-test, assuming equal variances. We use these as they are designed to test mean equality, and we are assuming (and according to the F-test have) equal variances. Step 4: Again, our decision rule is the same: Reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is < alpha = 0.05. Step 5: Perform the analysis. Here is the screen shot for the results, using the same data as with Question 1. As with the F-test output, the t-test starts with the test name, the group names, and some descriptive statistics. Line 4 start with a new result, the Pooled Variance; this is a
  • 40. weighted average of the sample variances since we are assuming that the related population variances are equal. The next line, hypothesized Mean Difference, shows up only if a value was entered in the data input box setting up the test (discussed in Lecture 3). Next comes our friend degrees of freedom, which equal the sum of both sample sizes minus 2 (or N1-1 + N2 -1). The calculated T value (similar to the calculated F value in the F test output) comes next. Note that since we have a negative t Stat, it falls in the left tail of the t distribution. This is important in one tail tests but not in two tail tests. Following the calculated T value come the one and two tail decision points. The one tail p-value is found in the P(T<==t) one-tail row followed by the T critical one-tail value. The two tail results follow. Step 6: Conclusions and Interpretation. This step has several parts. What is the p-value? 0.571 (our rounded compa-ratio example result). (Since we again have a two-tail test, we use the P(T<=t) two- tail result.) What is your decision: REJ or Not reject the null? NOT Rej (our compa-ratio result)
  • 41. Why? The p-value (0.571) is > (greater than) 0.05. (The compa- ratio result) What is your conclusion about the means in the population for the male and female salaries? We do not have enough evidence to say that the means differ in the population. So, our conclusion is that the means are equal in the population. (Our compa-ratio result.) Question 3 The third question for this week asks about salary differences based on educational level rather than gender. Since education is a legitimate reason to pay someone more, it will be helpful to see if a graduate degree results in a higher average pay. Note that this question has a directional focus (do employees with an advanced degree (degree code = 1) have higher average salaries?). This means we must develop a direction set of hypothesis statements. We will use the terms UnderG (for undergraduate degree code 0) and Grad (for graduate degree code 1) in these statements. Again, the results discussed with each step are shown in Lecture 2. Step 1: Ho: UnderG mean compa-ratio => Grad mean compa- ratio Ha: UnderG mean ratio < Grad mean compa-ratio (Note the way the inequalities are set up; since the question is if degree 1 salary means >, the question becomes the alternate hypothesis as it
  • 42. does not contain an = claim. These can be written with the Grad mean listed first but the arrow heads must point to Grad showing an expectation that grad means are larger.) Step 2: Alpha = 0.05 (Our constant decision criterion) Step 3: t statistic and t-test assuming equal variances. We use these as they are designed to test mean equality. (The variance equality assumption is part of the question set-up.) Step 4: Reject the null hypothesis if the p-value is < alpha = 0.05. (Our constant decision rule.) Step 5: Perform the analysis. Here is a screen print for a T-test on the question of whether the graduate and undergraduate degree compa-ratios means in the population are equal or not. We are assuming equal variances, we are using the T-Test Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances form. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances UnderG Grad Mean 1.05172 1.07324 Variance 0.00581 0.005999 Observations 25 25 Pooled Variance 0.005904
  • 43. Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 df 48 t Stat -0.99016 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.163529 t Critical one-tail 1.677224 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.327059 t Critical two-tail 2.010635 The table output is read exactly the same way as with the question 2 table with the exception that we are interested in the one-tail outcome, so we use the (highlighted) one- tail p-value row in our decision making. Step 6: Conclusions and Interpretation. This step has several parts. • What is the p-value? 0.164(rounded) (our rounded compa-ratio example result). (Since we again have a one-tail test, we use the P(T<=t) one-tail result.) • Is the t value in the t-distribution tail indicated by the arrow in the Ha claim? Yes. The t-value is negative, and the Ha arrow points to the left (or negative) tail of the t distribution. (Since we only care about a difference in one direction, the result must be consistent with the desired direction. Only large negative values are of interest in this case/set-up, since our difference is
  • 44. calculated by (UnderG – Grad); large negative values show a larger Grad salary. If we had said Grad <= Underg in the Null, the alternate arrow would have pointed to the right or positive tail, and a positive t would have been needed.) • What is your decision: REJ or Not reject the null? NOT Rej (our compa-ratio result) • Why? The p-value is > (greater than) 0.05. So, the sign does not matter in this case, but it is in the correct or negative tail. (The compa-ratio result) • What is your conclusion about the impact of education on average salaries? We do not have enough information to suggest that graduate degree holders have a higher average salary than undergraduate degree holders. (Our compa-ratio result.) Question 4 While the week 1 salary results suggest that males and females are not paid the same, this week’s compa-ratio tests still do not suggest any inequality. Gender Compa-ratio variances and means are not significantly different. A somewhat surprising result was that graduate degree holders did not have higher compa-ratios.
  • 45. We still cannot answer our equal pay for equal work question; however, as we have yet developed a measure of pay for equal work. Compa-ratios do remove the impact of grades, but too many other work-related variables still need to be examined. Summary The F and t tests are used to determine if, based upon random sample results, the population parameters can reasonably be said to differ. The F- test looks for differences in population variances, while the t-test examines population mean differences. Both tests are performed as part of the hypothesis testing procedure and always is done in step 5. Differences in sample results can be transformed into statistical distributions that allow us to determine the probability or likelihood of getting a difference as large or larger than we found. It is this transformation that allows us to make our decisions about the differences we see in the results. When either test is set-up using the Data | Analysis toolpak function, these tests will provide summary sample descriptive statistics for the mean, variance, and count as well as the calculated statistic, the critical value of the statistic, and the p- value. When set-up using Excel’s Fx or Formula functions, only the p-value is returned. For both tests, if the appropriate p-value is less than the specified alpha (always 0.05 in this class), we reject the null hypothesis and say the alternate is
  • 46. the more likely description of the population. We can test for a simple difference (called a two-tail test) where it does not matter which group has the larger value or we can use a directional test (called a one-tail test) where we are concerned about which variable is larger (or smaller). The null and alternate hypothesis define which difference we are looking for. The t-test has three versions: equal variances, unequal variances, and paired. The paired test is used when we have two measures on each subject (such as the salary and midpoint for each employee). The F-test is used to help us decide if we need to use the equal or unequal variance form of the t-test. The Analysis toolpak F test defaults to a one-tail test so we need to double its p-value when testing for simple variance differences. The Fx (or Formula) F-test lets us select a one- or two-tail outcome. Please ask your instructor if you have any questions about this material. When you have finished with this lecture, please respond to Discussion Thread 2 for this week with your initial response and responses to others over a couple of days.
  • 47. BUS 308 Week 2 Lecture 3 Setting up the F and T tests in Excel After reading this lecture, the student should know: 1. How to set up data lists for the F and T tests. 2. How to set-up and conduct the F test (both options) produced by Excel 3. How to set-up and conduct the T-test produced by Excel Overview One of the nice characteristics of Excel is that setting up and running most functions and tests is done in a very similar fashion, only having specific test related differences showing up in the different functions and tests. This lecture will cover setting up data ranges that will be used for all of our statistical functions. It will then move into setting up the F and T tests specifically. Setting up Data While in the hypothesis testing procedure it was said to set up steps 1 – 4 before even looking at the data, we can set up the data columns to be used at any time. The set-up is simple and straightforward. But, we have a couple of questions to answer before we set things up.
  • 48. Since this week needs us to compare male and female outcomes (and Degree outcomes in Question 3), we need to decide how we want our data to look. Sticking strictly with the gender related data (you can do similar things with the degree data when ready), we need to decide if we want our key data (compa-ratios, salary, etc.) to be in a long column or in two columns. An example of both is shown in the screen shot below. Notice that Column S contains all of the compa-ratio values (all 50 if we could see the entire range) and that they are grouped by gender, with the first 25 rows being female values and the last 25 rows being male values. The other way to display the data values is to have them listed in separate columns, such as shown in columns Q and R – each having a label heading. Start by looking at what variables the questions are asking for. For week 2, we have Questions 1 and 2 asking for the same variables – compa-ratio and gender1, so we can use the same location for both questions. Question 3 asks for a different set of variables, compa-ratio and degree, so we should set up a different area for that question. Remember, it is best to NEVER sort the data on the data tab. An error in sorting that missed a column could mess up the data set and make it unusable for other problems. In either case, copy the entire data column of interest (for example, compa-ratio,
  • 49. Gender1, Degree, etc.) from the Data Tab to the weekly worksheet. Highlight the entire data range of interest including the label in row 1, then press Control + C at the same time. Go over to the weekly work sheet and find a column to the right of the work area (generally columns Q or higher will be OK) and press Control + V at the same time. Repeat this for all the variables you need. After pasting the variables, use the Sort function in the Data tab to arrange them in whatever order you want. You can do multiple sorts at the same time with this function – for example, you can sort the compa-ratios by gender1 first (to group all male and female values together) and then within each gender group sort the values from high to low by adding a second sort row. If you would like, you can then create new columns of data by copying and pasting sections of the data range – for example, creating Male and Female columns. The advantage to this approach is that you can include the labels in the data entry boxes and have the variable labels included in the output tables as the examples showed in Lecture 2. The F-Test Set-up In each question asking for an analysis of data using the hypothesis testing process, step 5
  • 50. requires that you place the results of a statistical test in a certain cell. This, is mostly for the convenience of the instructors reviewing your work but deciding where to put the output is required for every test you run. The following shows the setting up of the hypothesis testing steps and conducting of the F-test to answer our question about the equality of male and female compa-ratio variance. (Note: again, you will perform these steps for salary variance in your homework.) Before even getting to the test itself, we have a couple of questions to answer. Part a of question 1 asks where the data range is for this question. We always need to know where the data is that we are using for tests, even if – as is true in this case – the data is on the same work sheet. So, list where the variables are listed, such as in the range S1:T51 or Q1:Q26 as in the examples above. Either would be an appropriate entry for the data shown. One reason for this question is to allow instructors to see if a data copy or sorting error occurred if the data results are not correct. The second question simply asks for you to decide if a one- or two-tail test is required for the question being asked. This is to help prepare you for the actual hypothesis testing steps. Now, the set-up concerns move to Step 5: Conduct the test. Note that a cell location is given for you to place your outputs. In most cases, the tests we want to perform are located in
  • 51. the Analysis ToolPak option found in the Analysis tab on the far right of the Data Ribbon. Left Click on the Data label on the green ribbon at the top of an Excel page, then click on the Analysis Tab or on the Data Analysis tool listed. Once the Data Analysis list is shown, scroll down to your desired tool. Below is a screen shot of locating the F-test Two-Sample for Variance in the Data Analysis list. The F.TEST option for question 1 is found in the Fx (or Formulas) Statistical list. Here is a screenshot of where the F.Test is found in the fx Statistical list. Either test can be used for this question. After highlighting the desired test, just select OK at the bottom and a data entry box will open. Both are somewhat similar, so only the F-Test Two Sample for Variances data entry will be shown below. Here is a screenshot of the data entry box for the F-Test Two- Sample for Variance. Note that the compa-ratios have been copied over to columns headed by labels of Male and Female. This lets our test results show the label for each group. Also note, that for this screenshot, the results are placed next to the data columns (AA2), while in your
  • 52. assignment K10 should be listed in the Output Range box. Note, always enter the variables in the order listed in the null hypothesis statement; since the male values were entered in the Variable 1 range, the hypothesis statements should list the male variable first. This makes interpreting the test results easier. Entering cell values into any box is fairly simple. You can simply type the data range into the box, using a : between the starting and ending cells. You can place the cursor in a box, left click, and then move the cursor to the top cell in the data range (include labels if present), hold down the left button and drag the cursor to the end of the data range and release the left button. Or, you can click on the symbol at the right which opens a box, then enter the data by either technique just mentioned and click on the icon at the right. After entering the data ranges, click on the Labels box if, and only if, you have included labels in the data input range. An alpha of 0.05 is automatically selected but can be changed simply by entering another value. Finally, go to the Output Options and click on the desired location – for this class use Output Range and then enter the cell location into the box. Click on Ok and you are done. The process is pretty straightforward, but once in a while an error occurs. The most
  • 53. common is when someone does not include labels in the input range but checks the labels box. This is fairly easy to spot – the data tables will have a data value listed as a label, and – at least for the questions this week – will show a data count of 24 rather than the correct count of 25 per group. If this occurs, simply go back and reenter the data with the labels. Excel will tell you that you are about to overwrite existing data, and that is what you want to do, so check OK. The F.Test is even simpler to set-up. Going to Fx (or Formulas), statistical list, and selecting the F.Test will produce a data entry box that simply asks for each data range – as with the top entries in the F-Test shown above. Complete them in the same way and select Ok. (Do not include labels in these ranges.) The F.Test outcome shows up in the cell your cursor was on when you opened the Fx link. VIDEO Link: Here is a video on the F-Test Two Sample for Variances: https://screencast-o- . The T-Test Set-up There are three versions of the T-Test done for us by Excel. The first two are similar except one version is done if the variances are equal and the other if the variances are not equal. (Now we see an important reason for performing the F-test first.)
  • 54. The third version of the T-test is for paired data, and is called T-test Paired Two Sample for Means. Paired data are two measures taken on the same subject. Examples include a math and English test score for each student, preference sores for different drinks, and, in our data set the salary and midpoint values. Note that paired data must be measured in the same units, and be from the same subjects. Students in the past have incorrectly used the paired t-test on male and female salaries. These are not paired, as the measures are taken on different people and cannot be paired together for analysis. In many ways, setting up Excel’s T-tests, and virtually all the functions we will study, follow the same steps as we just went through: 1. Set up the data into distinct groups. 2. Select the test function from either the Fx or Analysis list 3. Input the data ranges and output ranges into the appropriate entry boxes, checking Labels if appropriate. 4. Clicking on OK to produce the output. As with the F-test, the T-test has a couple of options depending upon what you want your output to look like. The Fx (or Formulas) option returns simply the p-value for the selected version of the test. The Data | Analysis selection provides descriptive statistics that are useful for additional analysis (some of which we will discuss later in the course).
  • 55. The t-test requires that we select between three versions, one assuming equal variances between the populations, one assuming unequal variances in the populations, and one requiring paired data (two measures on each element in the sample, such as salary and midpoint for each person in our data set.) All have the same data set-up approach, so only one will be shown. Setting up the data and test for question 2 about mean equality is similar to what one for the F-test question, and we can actually use the same data columns as we used in question 1 on variances. Again, after sorting the data into your comparison groups (with labels as we did for the F-test), select the appropriate test from either the Fx or Analysis list. A completed T-test Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances input table is shown below. The input box looks a lot like the one we saw for the F-test, and is completed in the same way. Enter the data ranges in the same order you have them listed in the hypothesis statements, check the labels box if appropriate, and identify your output range top left cell (this is given in the homework problems for a consistent format for instructor grading). There is one input that differs and which we have not yet discussed, Hypothesized Mean Difference. For the most part, we do not use this. An example of when we might want to is
  • 56. when we have made a change and want to test its effectiveness. For example, we might have a pre- and post-test in a training course. In the original design, the average improvement might be 10 points on the post-test. If we change the design of the training, we would be interested not only in showing a significant change between the two tests but also a better change due to the revision. In this case, the first 10-point difference in the tests is a given, we want to know if the additional score change is significant. So, we enter 10 in the HMD box, and the analysis looks at only the mean difference larger than 10, the marginal improvement due to the design change. The input for the Fx T.Test contains 4 boxes, and produces the p-value in the cell the cursor is in. The first two boxes are the data range for each variable, and these should not have a label included. The third box asks whether you have a one or two tail test. The forth box asks for the kind of test, paired, equal variance, or unequal variance. Once we click OK for the T.test. we get a output, the p-value. When we click OK on the Analysis ToolPak function we get a more descriptive table; much like the differences with the two versions of the F. There is no difference in setting up a Data Analysis test for a one- or two-tail outcome, these results are examined in the output, not in the input
  • 57. screens. Question 3 The only data entry difference for this question is the need to copy, paste, and sort the degree and gender1 variable columns. The rest of the set-up is exactly the same as done for either question 1 or question 2. Special Case: The One-Sample T-test Often, we may want to test the results of a sample against a standard; for example, is the weight of a production run of 8 ounces of canned pears actually equal to the standard of 8.02 oz.? (Note, most manufactures will put in slightly more than the label says to avoid being underweight which could result in a fine.) Excel is not set up to perform this test, but we can “trick” it to do this for us. In the one- sample case, we need two pieces of information, the sample values and our comparison standard. Set these up as if they were any two-sample data sets, have our sample values (for example, 25 female compa-ratios in one column) and our comparison value in another. The comparison data column will only contain a single value equal to our comparison value. For example, we might want to test if the average female compa-ratio was greater than the compa-ratio midpoint of 1.00. The null would be H0: female compa-ratio mean <= 1.00 while the alternate would be Ha: Female compa-ratio mean > 1.00. The Compa-ratio data column would contain the Female
  • 58. compa-ratios and the other column (named for convenience as Ho Data) would contain only the value of 1.00, our standard value. While we will leave the math for any interested student to perform, if we take the T-test unequal variance formulas for both the t-value and the df value and have a variance of 0 for one variable, both will reduce to the one-sample t-test formula and df value. Knowing this, we can use the unequal variance version of the t-test to perform what is essentially a one-sample test for us. The output of this test will show a mean of 1.0 and a variance of 0 for the Ho Data (comparison) value, and the correct values for the Female compa-ratio variable, including the p- values. Here is a video on setting up and using the t-test in Excel: https://screencast-o- Summary Conducting an F or t test is fairly straightforward: set-up the data, select the appropriate test from the Analysis Toolpak or Fx/Formulas list, enter the data into the set-up box, and identify the cell you want the result placed in. Setting up the data for either test is the same. Label two columns with the name of each
  • 59. group and list all the related measures (for example, all Male salaries in a column named Male) vertically under the label. Each test has a set-up box that will ask for the ranges for each group. When entering the data in the Analysis Toolpak function, be sure to include each label. Labels cannot be included in the Fx version of either test. Please ask your instructor if you have any questions about this material. When you have finished with this lecture, please respond to Discussion Thread 3 for this week with your initial response and responses to others over a couple of days before reading the third lecture for the week.