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What are the four major themes of human services? Which theme do you think is most critical for
human service professionals?
The four major themes of human services are, problems in living, the increase in problems in our
modern world, the need for self-sufficiency, goals of social care, social control and the fourth is
rehabilitation. The theme that I think is most critical for human service professionals is self-sufficiency.
This is because the goal of human service professionals is to help their clients or consumers to be
self-sufficient. Being self -sufficient strengthens an individual’s self-esteem. Being self -sufficient is the
individual able to partly or fully take care of themselves. Such as food, clothing and shelter. They gain
some independence for themselves. To be self-sufficient they must take responsibility for their
actions. The more individuals that are self-sufficient the workers can focus on other problems.
What are the major characteristics of helping those in need in America? What do you think has been
the biggest change over the past five decades?
We have come a long way since mental illness being called witch craft. Like you said people were put
in mental hospitals and even shunned. This was because people were ignorant and knew nothing
about these conditions so they made up their own diagnoses. Now these patients are taken care of
with extra patience, caution and the help they need.
Foundations of Human Services Worksheet
Answer, in a 50- to 100-word response, each of the following questions:
1. Identify the four themes of human services. The four themes of human services are: problems
in living, increase of problems in our modern world, the need for sufficiency, goals of social
care, social control, and rehabilitation.
2. Identify professional disciplines that influence human services. Professional disciplines that
influence human services are mental hospitals and clinics. Probation services and jails.
Why is investing in mental health important to your role as a human service professional?
Investigating in mental health can be very important to me as a future Human Service Professional.
This is because we must get facts before we can act on a situation. We must ask questions and get
answers. My client could have a history of suicide attempts and this would be very important when
trying to find the best way to provide help. In mental health there are many questions such as what is
my client’s diagnosis?
Which of the five characteristics listed in the text for human service professionals do you think is most
important? Explain why.
The five characteristics for human service professionals are self-awareness, ability to communicate,
Empathy, Responsibility and commitment and flexibility. Self-awareness is a lifelong process of
learning about oneself by continually examining ones beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors. The
ability to communicate means having an understanding of the client’s feelings and behaviors.
Empathy is acceptance of another person.
Week Two Quiz
Directions: Select the correct answer for each question.
1. Information about models of service delivery is important to human service professionals
a. they are likely to be working with professionals who practice other models
b. agencies hire those who are skilled in more than one model
c. most problems require the service of at least two models
d. they are likely to practice in other models
2. Three basic models of service delivery include traditional psychiatry, the public health approach,
and the
a. casework model
b. psychopharmacology model
c. supernatural model
d. human services model
3. The goal of the public health model is to
a. provide opportunities and conditions for health as a basic human right
b. eliminate disease and disability
c. integrate social, environmental, and biological factors
d. serve as a link between the medical and human service models
4. Which of the following represents the problem-solving approach?
5. Integrated services reflect work with the client that is
6. Which of the following is the process that assists helpers with understanding their own attitudes
and feelings?
7. Which of the following responses is not an example of empathy?
8. One of the largest categories of specialists is
9. Providing direct service to clients, one of three areas of responsibility for human service
professionals, is illustrated by which roles?
10. The difference between frontline workers and administrators is basically one of
Week Two Quiz
Directions: Select the correct answer for each question.
11. Information about models of service delivery is important to human service professionals
a. they are likely to be working with professionals who practice other models
b. agencies hire those who are skilled in more than one model
c. most problems require the service of at least two models
d. they are likely to practice in other models
12. Three basic models of service delivery include traditional psychiatry, the public health approach,
and the
a. casework model
b. psychopharmacology model
c. supernatural model
d. human services model
13. The goal of the public health model is to
a. provide opportunities and conditions for health as a basic human right
b. eliminate disease and disability
c. integrate social, environmental, and biological factors
d. serve as a link between the medical and human service models
14. Which of the following represents the problem-solving approach?
15. Integrated services reflect work with the client that is
16. Which of the following is the process that assists helpers with understanding their own attitudes
and feelings?
17. Which of the following responses is not an example of empathy?
18. One of the largest categories of specialists is
19. Providing direct service to clients, one of three areas of responsibility for human service
professionals, is illustrated by which roles?
20. The difference between frontline workers and administrators is basically one of
Helping means to assist other to understand, overcome, or cope with problems. Helpers
have certain values, philosophies and characteristics they go by. In human services the helper
is an individual who assist others, and are a service professional They have many roles they
take part in as they work with their client and with other professionals. The main reason why
people choose a career in the helping profession is the desire to help others. They want to
contribute to make another’s life better and it can also make them feel good about
themselves. A second reason people enter this field is so they can explore themselves. They
wish to find out more about themselves in thinking, and feelings. This leads many of them to
work as psychiatrist, in sociology and in human services.
How does a client’s personal history and perception of services influence his or her overall level of
An individual’s history tells a lot about that person. Whether there outgoing, shy, or talkative it
depends on how they grew up. Many people who grew up poor work very hard to make sure that it
doesn’t happen to their family.
Using positive affirmation would be great in helping children, and I understand what you are saying
about parents not wanting to hear negative things about their child’s behavior. They don’t correct it
and that’s why children act the way they do now days. I have been working at a daycare for the last 3
weeks and there are 3 students age 3 that will, knock, bite, hit and hurt other students. They act up
very badly and their parents do not believe that they act this way. When told they just turn their head
the other way or blame the teacher.
Discuss the specific helping skills you can use with clients. Which skill do you think is most critical
when helping clients?
Problems are part of our everyday life. Knowing this is essential to understanding the client
and what problems the client encounters. Problems come and go and can be minor or major.
Individuals and groups deal with problems in different ways. This is why there are specific
helping skills professionals can use with clients.
Problems usually indicate that something is going on to make the client feel troubled and
discomforted. Professionals focus on problem solving to find a solution, and positive way to
address them. Problems in living can, from human service perspectives, have two
components. They consist of a description of the problem and a plan of action, which leads to
a resolution. The problem is first described as a situation, event, or condition that troubles
the client.
Week Three Quiz
Directions: Select the correct answer for each question.
21. The term client refers to all of the following EXCEPT
a. individuals, family, neighborhood
b. working poor, AIDS patients, underclass
c. Hurricane Katrina victims, Oklahoma City bombing victims, Mississippi River flood victims
d. Students, teachers, coworkers
22. Two components of a problem are
a. a description and a course of action
b. a situation and a difficulty
c. an unsettled matter and a demand for services
d. determining who the client is and what the client needs
23. Which perspective is useful in determining client needs?
a. Hierarchical needs
b. Conflicting needs
c. Developmental process
d. Meeting needs
24. Client satisfaction is related to
25. Central to understanding who a client is and what problems are encountered is the idea that
26. Encouraging responsibility and promoting self-help are
27. One of the things a helper will attend to before the client arrives is
28. A strategy or technique that helps the client become more comfortable with the setting and the
helper is
29. The stage during which goals are set is
30. Examples of questions that are helpful and appropriate include all of the following EXCEPT
Week Three Quiz
Directions: Select the correct answer for each question.
31. The term client refers to all of the following EXCEPT
a. individuals, family, neighborhood
b. working poor, AIDS patients, underclass
c. Hurricane Katrina victims, Oklahoma City bombing victims, Mississippi River flood victims
d. Students, teachers, coworkers
32. Two components of a problem are
a. a description and a course of action
b. a situation and a difficulty
c. an unsettled matter and a demand for services
d. determining who the client is and what the client needs
33. Which perspective is useful in determining client needs?
a. Hierarchical needs
b. Conflicting needs
c. Developmental process
d. Meeting needs
34. Client satisfaction is related to
35. Central to understanding who a client is and what problems are encountered is the idea that
36. Encouraging responsibility and promoting self-help are
37. One of the things a helper will attend to before the client arrives is
38. A strategy or technique that helps the client become more comfortable with the setting and the
helper is
39. The stage during which goals are set is
40. Examples of questions that are helpful and appropriate include all of the following EXCEPT
Case Scenarios
Read the following scenarios. Answer, in a 50- to 100-word response, each of the following questions:
Scenario 1
Sophia has been removed from her family and placed into foster care for the second time in the last 2
years due to her mother’s ongoing substance abuse. Sophia has missed many days of school and
often comes to school dirty and wearing clothes from the day before. Sophia’s mother does not think
she has a problem and blames the system for once again taking her daughter.
1. What can a human service professional do to help this family? Human services can help
Sophia’s mother by getting her help for her substance abuse. Her mother may not see that
she has a problem, but if her daughter is missing school and coming to school dirty then her
focus is not on her child. Human services can keep Sophia in foster care until her mother is
able to care for her correctly.
2. How might the family’s previous involvement with the child protection system affect their
willingness to engage in services the second time around? Sophia’s mother is looking at child
protective services as the bad guys for taking away her daughter for the second time. This is
painful for her and it makes her resent the help. However it could also work as she realizes
that to get her daughter back she needs to get help for her substance abuse and prove that
she can be healthy and stable for her daughter. Then her daughter can be returned to her.
Case Scenarios
Read the following scenarios. Answer, in a 50- to 100-word response, each of the following questions:
Scenario 1
Sophia has been removed from her family and placed into foster care for the second time in the last 2
years due to her mother’s ongoing substance abuse. Sophia has missed many days of school and
often comes to school dirty and wearing clothes from the day before. Sophia’s mother does not think
she has a problem and blames the system for once again taking her daughter.
1. What can a human service professional do to help this family? Human services can help
Sophia’s mother by getting her help for her substance abuse. Her mother may not see that
she has a problem, but if her daughter is missing school and coming to school dirty then her
focus is not on her child. Human services can keep Sophia in foster care until her mother is
able to care for her correctly.
2. How might the family’s previous involvement with the child protection system affect their
willingness to engage in services the second time around? Sophia’s mother is looking at child
protective services as the bad guys for taking away her daughter for the second time. This is
painful for her and it makes her resent the help. However it could also work as she realizes
that to get her daughter back she needs to get help for her substance abuse and prove that
she can be healthy and stable for her daughter. Then her daughter can be returned to her.
How do human service professionals collaborate with others to meet client needs? What are the
benefits of collaboration?
I hadn’t even thought of workshops as being a place where you can meet people and network. I have
never been to a workshop, although I have done a couple of the University ones online. I know that
here you learn new techniques, information and ideas about that subject. Most of them are free and
there to help you grow. I look forward to going to them in the future.
I have never been to a seminar or workshop. It’s great that you can meet people to create a long
lasting relationship and refer clients too; in return you get clients referred to you. This can only benefit
the professional and help them grow. The only negative part I would see is time to actually go to a
workshop or seminar.
Discuss the role that human service professionals have in protecting client rights. Is the moral or legal
obligation more important?
It can be hard to tell a client that they are doing something wrong. As a friend this is the best thing you
can do for them professionally and personally. It can be hard to speak against a coworker, but if they
are not completing their job such as the example we read about Janet, then it’s our job to speak up.
As a Professional service helper there are certain questions that you must ask to get the information
needed to help the client. Such as in what area do u need in? It is important to not over push your
boundaries and you may not receive all the answers you need at the first visit. It takes time for them
to trust.
Ethical Decision Scenario Worksheet
Read the following scenario:
Shannon is a juvenile probation officer with the Department of Juvenile Justice. Recently, she covered
her coworker, Janet’s client load, while Janet was on vacation.
Shannon met with several of Janet’s clients. After meeting with clients, she discovered a pattern in
which the clients would report that they have not seen Janet in 2 to 3 months. However, the case files
reflected face-to-face contact with all of her clients, despite what her clients stated. When Shannon
investigated further, she found that the client notes were all at the same day and time, which is
unlikely. Further, several of Janet’s clients needed referrals for counseling, but Janet never completed
them and has not followed up to ensure her clients are receiving the necessary services.
Janet is a close friend of Shannon. Shannon does not want to get Janet in trouble but realizes
something must be done.
Answer, in a 75- to 100-word response, each of the following questions
Youh In Need
100 N Central, Apopka Fl,
To: Department Heads
From: <Your Name>
Date: October 10, 1976
Subject: Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California.
On October 8, 1976 there was a ruling on the Tarasoff v. Regents of the University Of
California case. In which the supreme court of California held that mental health
professionals have the right and is their duty to protect individuals who are threatened or
being threatened by a patient by bodily harm. In 1974 the original decision stated that the
threatened individual must be warned. The professional may discharge the duty in a number
of ways, including notifying police, warning the victim, and taking other reasonable steps to
protect the threatened individual.
How has managed care affected service delivery for clients? In your opinion, has it improved client
Computers and many programs on them are very helpful when keeping documentation. It’s even
faster to find the information and put them in the computer. However I do not think that this should be
the sole source of documentation because many times there can be computer malfunctions such as
the power going out or viruses on the computer. If this happens you would not be able to get to your
files. A smart way would be to first enter all the files on the computer and later when there’s time go
back and write it in a notebook. That way there will always be two copies one old fashioned and one
Bshs 305 preview full class

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  • 1. What are the four major themes of human services? Which theme do you think is most critical for human service professionals? Answer: The four major themes of human services are, problems in living, the increase in problems in our modern world, the need for self-sufficiency, goals of social care, social control and the fourth is rehabilitation. The theme that I think is most critical for human service professionals is self-sufficiency. This is because the goal of human service professionals is to help their clients or consumers to be self-sufficient. Being self -sufficient strengthens an individual’s self-esteem. Being self -sufficient is the individual able to partly or fully take care of themselves. Such as food, clothing and shelter. They gain some independence for themselves. To be self-sufficient they must take responsibility for their actions. The more individuals that are self-sufficient the workers can focus on other problems. What are the major characteristics of helping those in need in America? What do you think has been the biggest change over the past five decades? Answer: We have come a long way since mental illness being called witch craft. Like you said people were put in mental hospitals and even shunned. This was because people were ignorant and knew nothing about these conditions so they made up their own diagnoses. Now these patients are taken care of with extra patience, caution and the help they need. Foundations of Human Services Worksheet Answer, in a 50- to 100-word response, each of the following questions: 1. Identify the four themes of human services. The four themes of human services are: problems in living, increase of problems in our modern world, the need for sufficiency, goals of social care, social control, and rehabilitation. 2. Identify professional disciplines that influence human services. Professional disciplines that influence human services are mental hospitals and clinics. Probation services and jails. Why is investing in mental health important to your role as a human service professional? Answer Investigating in mental health can be very important to me as a future Human Service Professional. This is because we must get facts before we can act on a situation. We must ask questions and get answers. My client could have a history of suicide attempts and this would be very important when trying to find the best way to provide help. In mental health there are many questions such as what is my client’s diagnosis? Which of the five characteristics listed in the text for human service professionals do you think is most important? Explain why.
  • 2. Answer The five characteristics for human service professionals are self-awareness, ability to communicate, Empathy, Responsibility and commitment and flexibility. Self-awareness is a lifelong process of learning about oneself by continually examining ones beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors. The ability to communicate means having an understanding of the client’s feelings and behaviors. Empathy is acceptance of another person. Week Two Quiz Directions: Select the correct answer for each question. 1. Information about models of service delivery is important to human service professionals because a. they are likely to be working with professionals who practice other models b. agencies hire those who are skilled in more than one model c. most problems require the service of at least two models d. they are likely to practice in other models 2. Three basic models of service delivery include traditional psychiatry, the public health approach, and the a. casework model b. psychopharmacology model c. supernatural model d. human services model 3. The goal of the public health model is to a. provide opportunities and conditions for health as a basic human right b. eliminate disease and disability c. integrate social, environmental, and biological factors d. serve as a link between the medical and human service models 4. Which of the following represents the problem-solving approach? 5. Integrated services reflect work with the client that is 6. Which of the following is the process that assists helpers with understanding their own attitudes and feelings? 7. Which of the following responses is not an example of empathy? 8. One of the largest categories of specialists is 9. Providing direct service to clients, one of three areas of responsibility for human service professionals, is illustrated by which roles? 10. The difference between frontline workers and administrators is basically one of Week Two Quiz Directions: Select the correct answer for each question.
  • 3. 11. Information about models of service delivery is important to human service professionals because a. they are likely to be working with professionals who practice other models b. agencies hire those who are skilled in more than one model c. most problems require the service of at least two models d. they are likely to practice in other models 12. Three basic models of service delivery include traditional psychiatry, the public health approach, and the a. casework model b. psychopharmacology model c. supernatural model d. human services model 13. The goal of the public health model is to a. provide opportunities and conditions for health as a basic human right b. eliminate disease and disability c. integrate social, environmental, and biological factors d. serve as a link between the medical and human service models 14. Which of the following represents the problem-solving approach? 15. Integrated services reflect work with the client that is 16. Which of the following is the process that assists helpers with understanding their own attitudes and feelings? 17. Which of the following responses is not an example of empathy? 18. One of the largest categories of specialists is 19. Providing direct service to clients, one of three areas of responsibility for human service professionals, is illustrated by which roles? 20. The difference between frontline workers and administrators is basically one of Helping means to assist other to understand, overcome, or cope with problems. Helpers have certain values, philosophies and characteristics they go by. In human services the helper is an individual who assist others, and are a service professional They have many roles they take part in as they work with their client and with other professionals. The main reason why people choose a career in the helping profession is the desire to help others. They want to contribute to make another’s life better and it can also make them feel good about themselves. A second reason people enter this field is so they can explore themselves. They wish to find out more about themselves in thinking, and feelings. This leads many of them to work as psychiatrist, in sociology and in human services.
  • 4. How does a client’s personal history and perception of services influence his or her overall level of engagement? Answer An individual’s history tells a lot about that person. Whether there outgoing, shy, or talkative it depends on how they grew up. Many people who grew up poor work very hard to make sure that it doesn’t happen to their family. Using positive affirmation would be great in helping children, and I understand what you are saying about parents not wanting to hear negative things about their child’s behavior. They don’t correct it and that’s why children act the way they do now days. I have been working at a daycare for the last 3 weeks and there are 3 students age 3 that will, knock, bite, hit and hurt other students. They act up very badly and their parents do not believe that they act this way. When told they just turn their head the other way or blame the teacher. Discuss the specific helping skills you can use with clients. Which skill do you think is most critical when helping clients? Answer Problems are part of our everyday life. Knowing this is essential to understanding the client and what problems the client encounters. Problems come and go and can be minor or major. Individuals and groups deal with problems in different ways. This is why there are specific helping skills professionals can use with clients. Problems usually indicate that something is going on to make the client feel troubled and discomforted. Professionals focus on problem solving to find a solution, and positive way to address them. Problems in living can, from human service perspectives, have two components. They consist of a description of the problem and a plan of action, which leads to a resolution. The problem is first described as a situation, event, or condition that troubles the client. Week Three Quiz Directions: Select the correct answer for each question. 21. The term client refers to all of the following EXCEPT a. individuals, family, neighborhood b. working poor, AIDS patients, underclass c. Hurricane Katrina victims, Oklahoma City bombing victims, Mississippi River flood victims d. Students, teachers, coworkers 22. Two components of a problem are a. a description and a course of action b. a situation and a difficulty c. an unsettled matter and a demand for services d. determining who the client is and what the client needs
  • 5. 23. Which perspective is useful in determining client needs? a. Hierarchical needs b. Conflicting needs c. Developmental process d. Meeting needs 24. Client satisfaction is related to 25. Central to understanding who a client is and what problems are encountered is the idea that 26. Encouraging responsibility and promoting self-help are 27. One of the things a helper will attend to before the client arrives is 28. A strategy or technique that helps the client become more comfortable with the setting and the helper is 29. The stage during which goals are set is 30. Examples of questions that are helpful and appropriate include all of the following EXCEPT Week Three Quiz Directions: Select the correct answer for each question. 31. The term client refers to all of the following EXCEPT a. individuals, family, neighborhood b. working poor, AIDS patients, underclass c. Hurricane Katrina victims, Oklahoma City bombing victims, Mississippi River flood victims d. Students, teachers, coworkers 32. Two components of a problem are a. a description and a course of action b. a situation and a difficulty c. an unsettled matter and a demand for services d. determining who the client is and what the client needs 33. Which perspective is useful in determining client needs? a. Hierarchical needs b. Conflicting needs c. Developmental process d. Meeting needs 34. Client satisfaction is related to 35. Central to understanding who a client is and what problems are encountered is the idea that
  • 6. 36. Encouraging responsibility and promoting self-help are 37. One of the things a helper will attend to before the client arrives is 38. A strategy or technique that helps the client become more comfortable with the setting and the helper is 39. The stage during which goals are set is 40. Examples of questions that are helpful and appropriate include all of the following EXCEPT Case Scenarios Read the following scenarios. Answer, in a 50- to 100-word response, each of the following questions: Scenario 1 Sophia has been removed from her family and placed into foster care for the second time in the last 2 years due to her mother’s ongoing substance abuse. Sophia has missed many days of school and often comes to school dirty and wearing clothes from the day before. Sophia’s mother does not think she has a problem and blames the system for once again taking her daughter. 1. What can a human service professional do to help this family? Human services can help Sophia’s mother by getting her help for her substance abuse. Her mother may not see that she has a problem, but if her daughter is missing school and coming to school dirty then her focus is not on her child. Human services can keep Sophia in foster care until her mother is able to care for her correctly. 2. How might the family’s previous involvement with the child protection system affect their willingness to engage in services the second time around? Sophia’s mother is looking at child protective services as the bad guys for taking away her daughter for the second time. This is painful for her and it makes her resent the help. However it could also work as she realizes that to get her daughter back she needs to get help for her substance abuse and prove that she can be healthy and stable for her daughter. Then her daughter can be returned to her. Case Scenarios Read the following scenarios. Answer, in a 50- to 100-word response, each of the following questions: Scenario 1 Sophia has been removed from her family and placed into foster care for the second time in the last 2 years due to her mother’s ongoing substance abuse. Sophia has missed many days of school and often comes to school dirty and wearing clothes from the day before. Sophia’s mother does not think she has a problem and blames the system for once again taking her daughter. 1. What can a human service professional do to help this family? Human services can help Sophia’s mother by getting her help for her substance abuse. Her mother may not see that she has a problem, but if her daughter is missing school and coming to school dirty then her focus is not on her child. Human services can keep Sophia in foster care until her mother is able to care for her correctly.
  • 7. 2. How might the family’s previous involvement with the child protection system affect their willingness to engage in services the second time around? Sophia’s mother is looking at child protective services as the bad guys for taking away her daughter for the second time. This is painful for her and it makes her resent the help. However it could also work as she realizes that to get her daughter back she needs to get help for her substance abuse and prove that she can be healthy and stable for her daughter. Then her daughter can be returned to her. How do human service professionals collaborate with others to meet client needs? What are the benefits of collaboration? Answer I hadn’t even thought of workshops as being a place where you can meet people and network. I have never been to a workshop, although I have done a couple of the University ones online. I know that here you learn new techniques, information and ideas about that subject. Most of them are free and there to help you grow. I look forward to going to them in the future. I have never been to a seminar or workshop. It’s great that you can meet people to create a long lasting relationship and refer clients too; in return you get clients referred to you. This can only benefit the professional and help them grow. The only negative part I would see is time to actually go to a workshop or seminar. Discuss the role that human service professionals have in protecting client rights. Is the moral or legal obligation more important? Answer It can be hard to tell a client that they are doing something wrong. As a friend this is the best thing you can do for them professionally and personally. It can be hard to speak against a coworker, but if they are not completing their job such as the example we read about Janet, then it’s our job to speak up. As a Professional service helper there are certain questions that you must ask to get the information needed to help the client. Such as in what area do u need in? It is important to not over push your boundaries and you may not receive all the answers you need at the first visit. It takes time for them to trust. Ethical Decision Scenario Worksheet Read the following scenario: Shannon is a juvenile probation officer with the Department of Juvenile Justice. Recently, she covered her coworker, Janet’s client load, while Janet was on vacation. Shannon met with several of Janet’s clients. After meeting with clients, she discovered a pattern in which the clients would report that they have not seen Janet in 2 to 3 months. However, the case files reflected face-to-face contact with all of her clients, despite what her clients stated. When Shannon investigated further, she found that the client notes were all at the same day and time, which is unlikely. Further, several of Janet’s clients needed referrals for counseling, but Janet never completed them and has not followed up to ensure her clients are receiving the necessary services. Janet is a close friend of Shannon. Shannon does not want to get Janet in trouble but realizes something must be done.
  • 8. Answer, in a 75- to 100-word response, each of the following questions Youh In Need 100 N Central, Apopka Fl, 32712 407-669-3048 To: Department Heads From: <Your Name> Date: October 10, 1976 Subject: Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California. On October 8, 1976 there was a ruling on the Tarasoff v. Regents of the University Of California case. In which the supreme court of California held that mental health professionals have the right and is their duty to protect individuals who are threatened or being threatened by a patient by bodily harm. In 1974 the original decision stated that the threatened individual must be warned. The professional may discharge the duty in a number of ways, including notifying police, warning the victim, and taking other reasonable steps to protect the threatened individual. How has managed care affected service delivery for clients? In your opinion, has it improved client care? Answer Computers and many programs on them are very helpful when keeping documentation. It’s even faster to find the information and put them in the computer. However I do not think that this should be the sole source of documentation because many times there can be computer malfunctions such as the power going out or viruses on the computer. If this happens you would not be able to get to your files. A smart way would be to first enter all the files on the computer and later when there’s time go back and write it in a notebook. That way there will always be two copies one old fashioned and one new.