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What is a Brand?

A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or
 design which is intended to identify the
 goods or services of one seller or group
 of sellers and to differentiate them from
            those of competitors.

New Branding Challenges

   Brands are important as ever
    ◦ Consumer need for simplification
    ◦ Consumer need for risk reduction
   Brand management is as difficult as ever
    ◦ Savvy consumers
    ◦ Increased competition
    ◦ Decreased effectiveness of traditional marketing
      tools and emergence of new marketing tools
    ◦ Complex brand and product portfolios

The Customer/Brand Challenge

In this difficult environment, marketers must have
  a keen understanding of:

  ◦ customers
  ◦ brands
  ◦ the relationship between the two

The Concept of Brand Equity

   The brand equity concept stresses the importance
    of the brand in marketing strategies.
   Brand equity is defined in terms of the marketing
    effects uniquely attributable to the brand.
    ◦ Brand equity relates to the fact that different
      outcomes result in the marketing of a product or
      service because of its brand name, as compared
      to if the same product or service did not have
      that name.

The Concept of Customer-Based Brand Equity

       Customer-based brand equity

        ◦ Differential effect

        ◦ Customer brand knowledge

        ◦ Customer response to brand marketing

Determinants of Customer-Based Brand Equity

      ◦ Customer is aware of and familiar with the brand

      ◦ Customer holds some strong, favorable, and
        unique brand associations in memory

Building Customer-Based Brand Equity

   Brand knowledge structures depend on . . .

    ◦ The initial choices for the brand elements
    ◦ The supporting marketing program and the
      manner by which the brand is integrated into it
    ◦ Other associations indirectly transferred to the
      brand by linking it to some other entities

Benefits of Customer-Based Brand Equity

    Enjoy greater brand loyalty, usage, and affinity

    Command larger price premiums

    Receive greater trade cooperation & support

    Increase marketing communication effectiveness

    Yield licensing opportunities

    Support brand extensions.
Customer-Based Brand Equity as a “Bridge”

      Customer-based brand equity represents the
      “added value” endowed to a product as a result
      of past investments in the marketing of a brand.

     Customer-based brand equity provides direction
          and focus to future marketing activities

The Key to Branding
   For branding strategies to be successful,
    consumers must be convinced that there are
    meaningful differences among brands in the
    product or service category.

   Consumer must not think that all brands in the
    category are the same.


Brand Positioning
  Brand Positioning
    ◦ Brand positioning is all about identifying the
      optimal location in our customers’ minds for
      our Brand and our competitors
    ◦ Proper positioning makes it easier to facilitate
      understanding of our Brand

     Taken to its’ logical conclusion, you might think of
      the Principle as an indicator of a brand’s position
First Steps
   The first step is to identify and establish Brand
    positioning and brand values
   Positioning is the foundation for creating and
    fostering the desired knowledge and perceptions
    of your customers ---the 3 types of associations in
    ◦ We can really only manage one (positive), can
      respond to a second (negative), and have no
      control over the third (idiosyncratic)
Proper Positioning
   Proper positioning

    ◦ Clarifies what the Brand is all about
    ◦ How it is both unique and similar to competitive
    ◦ Why customers should purchase and use the
Example- Monaco Smart Chips

         “Not fried”
   First time in chips
   Gap in the market today
    for a healthy and tasty
   Targeted mainly towards
    health conscious urban
   Reinforced by Amir Khan
    saying “you’ll need this”
    for an extra large t-shirt
In order to Position a Brand…
   …you must decide
    ◦ Who the Target Consumer is
    ◦ Who your main competitors are
    ◦ How the Brand is similar to your competitors
    ◦ How the Brand is different from your

   Where do you get this information?
Target Market Segmentation
   A market segment should have similar knowledge
    structures and brand knowledge
    ◦ Similar knowledge structures might mean
      similar perceptions and beliefs about your
   There are 2 ways to segment
    ◦ Descriptive: characteristics of the individuals in
      the market
    ◦ Behavioral: grouped by how individuals in the
      market perceive or use the product
Toothpaste Segmentation

   Four main segments
   Sensory segment
    ◦ Whiteness
   Sociables                                   Low Price
                          Good breath
    ◦ Good breath
   Worriers
    ◦ Decay Prevention
   Independent
    ◦ Low Price                             3 stripes, one for
                         Decay Prevention
                                            each of the 3 main
Target Market Segmentation
   Which works better? Behavioral
    ◦ Easier to match perceptions (right/wrong) or beliefs
      (right/wrong) with strategy (reinforce/change).
    ◦ Many times, behavior and descriptive go hand in

   Demographics may be basis of targeting, but tend to
    represent some underlying behavioral reason
    ◦ In some cases, demographics may mask underlying
Advantages of demographic segmentation

     Demographic segmentation is well known, easier
      to buy media on that basis
     However, with the emergence of non-traditional
      media, this advantage is getting smaller
      ◦ Web ads can target by demographics
        traditionally difficult to access
         Working executives, College students
Criteria for a Segment
   Identifiability
    ◦ Can the segment be easily identified?

   Size
    ◦ It is big enough to bother?

   Accessibility
    ◦ Are distribution outlets and media available to us to
      reach the segment?

   Responsiveness
    ◦ How favorably will the segment respond to a tailored
      marketing program? (this one is tough to quantify)
The Competition
   Market Segments define competitors
    ◦ They are targeting the same segments

   Don’t be too narrow in your definition of
   Consider Sprite
    ◦ Product Type (non-cola soft drinks)
    ◦ Product Category (all soft drinks)
    ◦ Product Class (all beverages)
PepsiCo Competitive analysis
Part 3: POP and POD
   POD (Point of Difference)
    ◦ Strong, favorable, unique brand associations
    ◦ May be any kind of attribute or benefit

   Two types of PODs
    ◦ Attribute Based
       Functional, performance related differences
    ◦ Image Based
       Affective, experiential, brand image related
Part 3: POP and POD
   POP (Point of Parity)
    ◦ Associations that are shared with other brands

   Two types
    ◦ Category: attributes that are required to
      include your product as a member of that
    ◦ Competitive: POP that negate your competitors
   POPs can be “good enough”, but PODs should be
Similar concepts
   Unique Selling Proposition (USP; Reeves and Bates)
    ◦ Advertisers should give a compelling reason to buy a
      product that competitors could not match
       What component of the Suzuki reflects this?
   Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA)
       The advantage of delivering superior value in the
        marketplace for a prolonged period of time
       Further, SCAs can result from any component of
        the firm
         Similar to notion that Principle exists in every part
          of the firm
POP AND POD: BMW over the years

                                                              • Affluence, exclusivity
                                                              • Fun to drive
                                   • Affluence, exclusivity
                                   • Fun to drive

                  • Fun to drive
                  • Economical
• International
• Desirability                                                                     27
Strategic Brand Management
   Strategic brand management involves the design
    and implementation of marketing programs and
    activities to build, measure, and manage brand
   The strategic brand management process is
    defined as involving four main steps:
    1) Identifying and establishing brand positioning
    and values
    2) Planning and implementing brand marketing
    3) Measuring and interpreting brand performance
    4) Growing and sustaining brand equity
Strategic Brand Management Process

    STEPS                      KEY CONCEPTS
                               Mental maps
   Identify and Establish      Competitive frame of reference
Brand Positioning and Values   Points-of-parity and points-of-difference
                               Core brand values
                               Brand mantra

   Plan and Implement          Mixing and matching of brand elements
 Brand Marketing Programs      Integrating brand marketing activities
                               Leveraging of secondary associations

                               Brand Value Chain
   Measure and Interpret       Brand audits
    Brand Performance          Brand tracking
                               Brand equity management system

                               Brand-product matrix
     Grow and Sustain          Brand portfolios and hierarchies
       Brand Equity            Brand expansion strategies
                               Brand reinforcement and revitalization
Motivation for Customer-Based Brand Equity

     Marketers know strong brands are
      important but aren’t always sure how to
      build one.
     CBBE model was designed to be …
        ◦   comprehensive
        ◦   cohesive
        ◦   well-grounded
        ◦   up-to-date
        ◦   actionable
Rationale of Customer-Based Brand Equity Model

        Basic premise: Power of a brand resides in the
         minds of customers
        Challenge is to ensure customers have the right
         types of experiences with products & services and
         their marketing programs to create the right brand
         knowledge structures:
         ◦ Thoughts
         ◦ Feelings
         ◦ Images
         ◦ Perceptions
         ◦ Attitudes
Building Customer-Based Brand Equity

   Building a strong brand involves a series of steps as part of a
    “branding ladder”
   A strong brand is also characterized by a logically
    constructed set of brand “building blocks.”
    ◦ Identifies areas of strength and weakness
    ◦ Provides guidance to marketing activities


                              4. RELATIONSHIPS =
            RESONANCE         What about you & me?

                                3. RESPONSE =
                                What about you?

                                 2. MEANING =
   PERFORMANCE      IMAGERY       What are you?

                                 1. IDENTITY =
                                  Who are you?

Salience Dimensions

   Depth of brand awareness
    ◦ Ease of recognition & recall
    ◦ Strength & clarity of category membership
   Breadth of brand awareness
    ◦ Purchase consideration
    ◦ Consumption consideration

Performance Dimensions

   Primary characteristics & supplementary features
   Product reliability, durability, and serviceability
   Service effectiveness, efficiency, and empathy
   Style and design
   Price

Imagery Dimensions
   User profiles
    ◦ Demographic & psychographic characteristics
    ◦ Actual or aspirational
    ◦ Group perceptions -- popularity
   Purchase & usage situations
    ◦ Type of channel, specific stores, ease of purchase
    ◦ Time (day, week, month, year, etc.), location, and context
      of usage
   Personality & values
    ◦ Sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, &
   History, heritage, & experiences
    ◦ Nostalgia
    ◦ Memories
Judgment Dimensions
   Brand quality
    ◦ Value
    ◦ Satisfaction

   Brand credibility
    ◦ Expertise
    ◦ Trustworthiness
    ◦ Likability

   Brand consideration
    ◦ Relevance

   Brand superiority
    ◦ Differentiation

Feelings Dimensions
   Warmth
   Fun
   Excitement
   Security
   Social approval
   Self-respect

Resonance Dimensions
   Behavioral loyalty
    ◦ Frequency and amount of repeat purchases
   Attitudinal attachment
    ◦ Love brand (favorite possessions; “a little pleasure”)
    ◦ Proud of brand
   Sense of community
    ◦ Kinship
    ◦ Affiliation
   Active engagement
    ◦ Seek information
    ◦ Join club
    ◦ Visit web site, chat rooms
Customer-Based Brand Equity Model

              Consumer-             INTENSE, ACTIVE

                                      RATIONAL &
       Consumer      Consumer         EMOTIONAL
       Judgments     Feelings         REACTIONS

                                       PARITY &
    Brand                 Brand       POINTS-OF-
    Performance           Imagery     DIFFERENCE

                                      DEEP, BROAD
             Brand Salience             BRAND
Brand Positioning
   Define competitive frame of reference
    ◦ Target market
    ◦ Nature of competition
   Define desired brand knowledge structures
    ◦ Points-of-parity
       necessary
       competitive
    ◦ Points-of-difference
       strong, favorable, and unique brand

Issues in Implementing
           Brand Positioning
 Establishing Category Membership
 Identifying & Choosing POP’s & POD’s
 Communicating & Establishing POP’s &
 Sustaining & Evolving POD’s & POP’s

Establishing Category

 Product descriptor
 Exemplar comparisons

Identifying & Choosing
       POP’s & POD’s
   Desirability criteria (consumer
    ◦ Personally relevant
    ◦ Distinctive & superior
    ◦ Believable & credible
   Deliverability criteria (firm perspective)
    ◦ Feasible
    ◦ Profitable
    ◦ Pre-emptive, defensible & difficult to attack

Major Challenges in
   Find compelling & impactful points-
    of-difference (MacMillan & McGrath,
    HBR, ‘97)
    ◦ How do people become aware of their need for
      your product and service?
    ◦ How do consumers find your offering?
    ◦ How do consumers make their final selection?
    ◦ How do consumers order and purchase your
      product or service?
    ◦ What happens when your product or service is
    ◦ How is your product installed?
    ◦ How is your product or service paid for?

Major Challenges in
   Find compelling & impactful points-
    of-difference (cont.)
    ◦ How is your product stored?
    ◦ How is your product moved around?
    ◦ What is the consumer really using your product
    ◦ What do consumers need help with when they
      use your product?
    ◦ What about returns or exchanges?
    ◦ How is your product repaired or serviced?
    ◦ What happens when your product is disposed of
      or no longer used?
Communicating & Establishing
          POP’s & POD’s
   Create POP’s and POD’s in the face of
    attribute & benefit trade-offs
    ◦   Price & quality
    ◦   Convenience & quality
    ◦   Taste & low calories
    ◦   Efficacy & mildness
    ◦   Power & safety
    ◦   Ubiquity & prestige
    ◦   Comprehensiveness (variety) & simplicity
    ◦   Strength & refinement

Strategies to Reconcile
Attribute & Benefit Trade-Offs
 Establish separate marketing programs
 Leverage secondary association (e.g., co-
 Re-define the relationship from negative to

Sustaining & Evolving
    POP’s & POD’s
   Core Brand Values &
      Core Brand Proposition

Core Brand Values
   Set of abstract concepts or phrases that
    characterize the 5-10 most important
    dimensions of the mental map of a brand.
   Relate to points-of-parity and points-of-
   Mental Map  Core Brand Values  Brand

Brand Mantras

   A brand mantra is an articulation of the “heart
    and soul” of the brand.
    ◦ Brand mantras are short three to five word phrases
      that capture the irrefutable essence or spirit of the
      brand positioning and brand values.
   Nike
    ◦ Authentic Athletic Performance
   Disney
    ◦ Fun Family Entertainment

 The mandate for effectiveness
 What makes an ad effective?
 The world of advertising
 The five players of advertising
 The evolution of advertising
 Today  advertising is in a bind
 Advertisers expect specific results that lead
The Mandate for
  to sales
 Advertising must be effective

What Makes an Ad
 Effectiveads work on two levels:
  with consumers and with advertisers
 Characteristics of effective ads:
 ◦ Strategy
 ◦ Execution
 ◦ Advertising must be goal directed

The World of Advertising
Defining advertising
 • A paid form of communication
 • A sponsor is identified
 • Tries to persuade or influence the
   consumer to do something
 • Conveyed through mass media
 • Reaches a large audience
 • Is nonpersonal
Types of Advertising
 Brand  advertising     Business-to-business
 Retail/local            advertising
  advertising            Institutional advertising
 Political advertising  Public service
 Directory               advertising (PSA)
  advertising            Interactive advertising
 Direct-response

The Roles of Advertising

   Marketing  role
   Communication role
   Economic role
   Societal role

Functions of Advertising

  Provide product and brand
  Provide incentives to take action
  Provide reminders and reinforcement

The Five Players of Advertising
    Advertiser
    Advertising   agency
    ◦ The advertising department
    ◦ The in-house agency
    Media
    Vendors
    Target audience

The Evolution of Advertising
  Age  of print
  Industrial revolution and emergence of
   consumer society
  Modern advertising: Agencies, science
   and creativity
  Accountability era

Current Advertising Issues
 Interactive advertising
 Globalization
 Niche marketing
 Integrated marketing communications
 Consumer Power

How Brands Work

 Brand personalities
 Branding
 Trust
 Brand image
 Brand relationships
 Brand equity



Detailed,                 Comprehensive,
  Rich                       Robust
Marketing                   Marketing
 Models                     Measures

Role of Integrated Marketing

     Marketing communications …
      ◦ are the “voice” of the brand and are a means by
        which it can establish a dialogue and build
        relationships with consumers.
      ◦ allow marketers to inform, persuade, incent,
        and remind consumers directly or indirectly
      ◦ can contribute to brand equity by establishing
        the brand in memory and linking strong,
        favorable, and unique associations to it.

Role of Integrated Marketing
     Communications (Cont.)
◦ Consumers can be told or shown how and why a
  product is used, by what kind of person, and where and
◦ Consumers can learn about who makes the product
  and what the company and brand stand for
◦ Consumers be given an incentive or reward for trial or
◦ Brands can be linked to other …
    People
    Places
    Events
    Brands
    Experiences
    Feelings
    Things                                                67
Simple Test for
Marketing Communications

     1.      3.      2.
   Current         Desired
    Brand          Brand
   Knowledge      Knowledge

Integrated Marketing Communications
      and Customer-Based Brand Equity

   One implications of the CBBE framework is
    that the manner in which brand
    associations are formed does not matter --
    only the resulting strength, favorability, and

Designing Integrated Marketing
    Communications Programs
 From the perspective of customer-based brand
  equity, marketers should evaluate all possible
  communication options available to create
  knowledge structures according to effectiveness
  criteria as well as cost considerations.
 Different communication options have different
  strengths and can accomplish different

Alternative Communication Options

    Media Advertising (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines)
    Direct Response Advertising
    Interactive (on-line) Advertising & Web Sites
    Outdoor Advertising (billboards, posters, cinema)
    Point-of-Purchase Advertising
    Trade Promotions
    Consumer Promotions
    Sponsorship of Event Marketing
    Publicity or Public Relations

Alternative Communication Options
 Media Advertising (TV, radio, newspaper, magazines)
 Trade Journal Advertising
 Interactive (on-line) Advertising & Web Sites
 Directories
 Direct Mail
 Brochures & Sales Literature
 Audio-Visual Presentation Tapes
 Giveaways
 Sponsorship or Event Marketing
 Exhibitions, Trade Shows, Conventions
 Publicity or Public Relations
Print Ad Evaluation Criteria
 Is the message clear at a glance?
 Is the benefit in the headline?
 Does the illustration support the headline?
 Does the first line of the copy support or
  explain the headline and illustration?
 Is the ad easy to read and follow?
 Is the product easily identified?
 Is the brand or sponsor clearly identified?

Ad Campaign Considerations
 Campaigns make brands -- not single ads
 Be creative and develop creative themes
    ◦ Avoid slavishly sticking to executional formulas
   Brand communications should sing like a choir
    ◦ Multiple voices
    ◦ Multiple notes
 Find fresh consumer insights & compelling brand
 Productively conduct ad research

IMC Case Study
       CMPB Success Factors
   Smart strategy
    ◦ Relative deprivation
   Imaginative creative
    ◦ Funny but relevant
   Clever hook
    ◦ “Got milk?” slogan
   Timely secondary media
    ◦ In store
   Right partners

Common Mistakes in
    Developing Advertising

 Failure to distinguish ad positioning (what
  you say) from ad creative (how you say it)
 Mistaken assumptions about consumer
 Improperly positioned
 Failure to break through the clutter
 Distracting, overpowering creative in ads

Common Mistakes in
Developing Advertising

  Under-branded ads
  Failure to use supporting media
  Changing campaigns too frequently
  Substituting ad frequency for ad quality

Audience Communication Option Overlap

Communication                                                               Communication
Option A                                                                    Option B

                                Communication Option C

Note: Circles represent the market segments reached by various communication options.
      Shaded portions represent areas of overlap in communication options.              78
Evaluating IMC Programs
   Coverage - what proportion of the target
    audience is reached by each
    communication option employed, as well as
    how much overlap exists among options.
   Cost - what is the per capita expense.

Evaluating IMC Programs
   Contribution - the collective effect on
    brand equity in terms of
    ◦ enhancing depth & breadth of awareness
    ◦ improving strength, favorability, & uniqueness of
      brand associations

   Commonality - the extent to which
    information conveyed by different
    communication options share meaning
Evaluating IMC Programs (cont.)
 Complementarity - the extent to which
  different associations and linkages are
  emphasized across communication options
 Versatility - the extent to which information
  contained in a communication option works
  with different types of consumers
     Different communications history
     Different market segments

“Keller Be’s”
   Be analytical: Use frameworks of consumer
    behavior and managerial decision-making to
    develop well-reasoned communication programs
   Be curious: Fully understand consumers by using
    all forms of research and always be thinking of how
    you can create added value for consumers
   Be single-minded: Focus message on well-
    defined target markets (less can be more)
   Be integrative: reinforce your message through
    consistency and cuing across all communications

“Keller Be’s”
 Be creative: State your message in a
  unique fashion; use alternative promotions
  and media to create favorable, strong, and
  unique brand associations
 Be observant: Monitor competition,
  customers, channel members, and
  employees through tracking studies
 Be realistic: Understand the complexities
  involved in marketing communications
 Be patient: Take a long-term view of
  communication effectiveness to build and
  manage brand equity



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Brand mgt by sachin

  • 2. What is a Brand? A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design which is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. 2
  • 3. New Branding Challenges  Brands are important as ever ◦ Consumer need for simplification ◦ Consumer need for risk reduction  Brand management is as difficult as ever ◦ Savvy consumers ◦ Increased competition ◦ Decreased effectiveness of traditional marketing tools and emergence of new marketing tools ◦ Complex brand and product portfolios 3
  • 4. The Customer/Brand Challenge In this difficult environment, marketers must have a keen understanding of: ◦ customers ◦ brands ◦ the relationship between the two 4
  • 5. The Concept of Brand Equity  The brand equity concept stresses the importance of the brand in marketing strategies.  Brand equity is defined in terms of the marketing effects uniquely attributable to the brand. ◦ Brand equity relates to the fact that different outcomes result in the marketing of a product or service because of its brand name, as compared to if the same product or service did not have that name. 5
  • 6. The Concept of Customer-Based Brand Equity  Customer-based brand equity ◦ Differential effect ◦ Customer brand knowledge ◦ Customer response to brand marketing 6
  • 7. Determinants of Customer-Based Brand Equity ◦ Customer is aware of and familiar with the brand ◦ Customer holds some strong, favorable, and unique brand associations in memory 7
  • 8. Building Customer-Based Brand Equity  Brand knowledge structures depend on . . . ◦ The initial choices for the brand elements ◦ The supporting marketing program and the manner by which the brand is integrated into it ◦ Other associations indirectly transferred to the brand by linking it to some other entities 8
  • 9. Benefits of Customer-Based Brand Equity  Enjoy greater brand loyalty, usage, and affinity  Command larger price premiums  Receive greater trade cooperation & support  Increase marketing communication effectiveness  Yield licensing opportunities  Support brand extensions. 9
  • 10. Customer-Based Brand Equity as a “Bridge” Customer-based brand equity represents the “added value” endowed to a product as a result of past investments in the marketing of a brand. Customer-based brand equity provides direction and focus to future marketing activities 10
  • 11. The Key to Branding  For branding strategies to be successful, consumers must be convinced that there are meaningful differences among brands in the product or service category.  Consumer must not think that all brands in the category are the same.  PERCEPTION = VALUE 11
  • 12. Brand Positioning Brand Positioning ◦ Brand positioning is all about identifying the optimal location in our customers’ minds for our Brand and our competitors ◦ Proper positioning makes it easier to facilitate understanding of our Brand  Taken to its’ logical conclusion, you might think of the Principle as an indicator of a brand’s position
  • 13. First Steps  The first step is to identify and establish Brand positioning and brand values  Positioning is the foundation for creating and fostering the desired knowledge and perceptions of your customers ---the 3 types of associations in memory- ◦ We can really only manage one (positive), can respond to a second (negative), and have no control over the third (idiosyncratic)
  • 14. Proper Positioning  Proper positioning ◦ Clarifies what the Brand is all about ◦ How it is both unique and similar to competitive brands ◦ Why customers should purchase and use the Brand
  • 15. Example- Monaco Smart Chips “Not fried”  First time in chips  Gap in the market today for a healthy and tasty snack  Targeted mainly towards health conscious urban youth  Reinforced by Amir Khan saying “you’ll need this” for an extra large t-shirt
  • 16. In order to Position a Brand…  …you must decide ◦ Who the Target Consumer is ◦ Who your main competitors are ◦ How the Brand is similar to your competitors ◦ How the Brand is different from your competitors  Where do you get this information? ◦ Your BRAND INVENTORY!!
  • 17. Target Market Segmentation  A market segment should have similar knowledge structures and brand knowledge ◦ Similar knowledge structures might mean similar perceptions and beliefs about your Brand  There are 2 ways to segment ◦ Descriptive: characteristics of the individuals in the market ◦ Behavioral: grouped by how individuals in the market perceive or use the product
  • 18. Toothpaste Segmentation  Four main segments  Sensory segment ◦ Whiteness  Sociables Low Price Good breath ◦ Good breath  Worriers ◦ Decay Prevention  Independent ◦ Low Price 3 stripes, one for Decay Prevention each of the 3 main segments
  • 19. Target Market Segmentation  Which works better? Behavioral ◦ Easier to match perceptions (right/wrong) or beliefs (right/wrong) with strategy (reinforce/change). ◦ Many times, behavior and descriptive go hand in hand  Demographics may be basis of targeting, but tend to represent some underlying behavioral reason ◦ In some cases, demographics may mask underlying differences
  • 20. Advantages of demographic segmentation  Demographic segmentation is well known, easier to buy media on that basis  However, with the emergence of non-traditional media, this advantage is getting smaller ◦ Web ads can target by demographics traditionally difficult to access  Working executives, College students
  • 21. Criteria for a Segment  Identifiability ◦ Can the segment be easily identified?  Size ◦ It is big enough to bother?  Accessibility ◦ Are distribution outlets and media available to us to reach the segment?  Responsiveness ◦ How favorably will the segment respond to a tailored marketing program? (this one is tough to quantify)
  • 22. The Competition  Market Segments define competitors ◦ They are targeting the same segments  Don’t be too narrow in your definition of competitors  Consider Sprite ◦ Product Type (non-cola soft drinks) ◦ Product Category (all soft drinks) ◦ Product Class (all beverages)
  • 24. Part 3: POP and POD  POD (Point of Difference) ◦ Strong, favorable, unique brand associations ◦ May be any kind of attribute or benefit  Two types of PODs ◦ Attribute Based  Functional, performance related differences ◦ Image Based  Affective, experiential, brand image related differences
  • 25. Part 3: POP and POD  POP (Point of Parity) ◦ Associations that are shared with other brands  Two types ◦ Category: attributes that are required to include your product as a member of that category ◦ Competitive: POP that negate your competitors PODs  POPs can be “good enough”, but PODs should be “superior
  • 26. Similar concepts  Unique Selling Proposition (USP; Reeves and Bates) ◦ Advertisers should give a compelling reason to buy a product that competitors could not match  What component of the Suzuki reflects this?  Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA)  The advantage of delivering superior value in the marketplace for a prolonged period of time  Further, SCAs can result from any component of the firm  Similar to notion that Principle exists in every part of the firm
  • 27. POP AND POD: BMW over the years 1991 1985 1975 1971 • Affluence, exclusivity • Fun to drive • Affluence, exclusivity • Fun to drive • Fun to drive • Economical • International • Desirability 27
  • 28. Strategic Brand Management  Strategic brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programs and activities to build, measure, and manage brand equity.  The strategic brand management process is defined as involving four main steps: 1) Identifying and establishing brand positioning and values 2) Planning and implementing brand marketing programs 3) Measuring and interpreting brand performance 4) Growing and sustaining brand equity 28
  • 29. Strategic Brand Management Process STEPS KEY CONCEPTS Mental maps Identify and Establish Competitive frame of reference Brand Positioning and Values Points-of-parity and points-of-difference Core brand values Brand mantra Plan and Implement Mixing and matching of brand elements Brand Marketing Programs Integrating brand marketing activities Leveraging of secondary associations Brand Value Chain Measure and Interpret Brand audits Brand Performance Brand tracking Brand equity management system Brand-product matrix Grow and Sustain Brand portfolios and hierarchies Brand Equity Brand expansion strategies Brand reinforcement and revitalization 29
  • 30. Motivation for Customer-Based Brand Equity Model  Marketers know strong brands are important but aren’t always sure how to build one.  CBBE model was designed to be … ◦ comprehensive ◦ cohesive ◦ well-grounded ◦ up-to-date ◦ actionable 30
  • 31. Rationale of Customer-Based Brand Equity Model  Basic premise: Power of a brand resides in the minds of customers  Challenge is to ensure customers have the right types of experiences with products & services and their marketing programs to create the right brand knowledge structures: ◦ Thoughts ◦ Feelings ◦ Images ◦ Perceptions ◦ Attitudes 31
  • 32. Building Customer-Based Brand Equity  Building a strong brand involves a series of steps as part of a “branding ladder”  A strong brand is also characterized by a logically constructed set of brand “building blocks.” ◦ Identifies areas of strength and weakness ◦ Provides guidance to marketing activities 32
  • 34. Salience Dimensions  Depth of brand awareness ◦ Ease of recognition & recall ◦ Strength & clarity of category membership  Breadth of brand awareness ◦ Purchase consideration ◦ Consumption consideration 34
  • 35. Performance Dimensions  Primary characteristics & supplementary features  Product reliability, durability, and serviceability  Service effectiveness, efficiency, and empathy  Style and design  Price 35
  • 36. Imagery Dimensions  User profiles ◦ Demographic & psychographic characteristics ◦ Actual or aspirational ◦ Group perceptions -- popularity  Purchase & usage situations ◦ Type of channel, specific stores, ease of purchase ◦ Time (day, week, month, year, etc.), location, and context of usage  Personality & values ◦ Sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, & ruggedness  History, heritage, & experiences ◦ Nostalgia ◦ Memories 36
  • 37. Judgment Dimensions  Brand quality ◦ Value ◦ Satisfaction  Brand credibility ◦ Expertise ◦ Trustworthiness ◦ Likability  Brand consideration ◦ Relevance  Brand superiority ◦ Differentiation 37
  • 38. Feelings Dimensions  Warmth  Fun  Excitement  Security  Social approval  Self-respect 38
  • 39. Resonance Dimensions  Behavioral loyalty ◦ Frequency and amount of repeat purchases  Attitudinal attachment ◦ Love brand (favorite possessions; “a little pleasure”) ◦ Proud of brand  Sense of community ◦ Kinship ◦ Affiliation  Active engagement ◦ Seek information ◦ Join club ◦ Visit web site, chat rooms 39
  • 40. Customer-Based Brand Equity Model Consumer- INTENSE, ACTIVE LOYALTY Brand Resonance RATIONAL & Consumer Consumer EMOTIONAL Judgments Feelings REACTIONS POINTS-OF- PARITY & Brand Brand POINTS-OF- Performance Imagery DIFFERENCE DEEP, BROAD Brand Salience BRAND AWARENESS 40
  • 41. Brand Positioning  Define competitive frame of reference ◦ Target market ◦ Nature of competition  Define desired brand knowledge structures ◦ Points-of-parity  necessary  competitive ◦ Points-of-difference  strong, favorable, and unique brand associations 41
  • 42. Issues in Implementing Brand Positioning  Establishing Category Membership  Identifying & Choosing POP’s & POD’s  Communicating & Establishing POP’s & POD’s  Sustaining & Evolving POD’s & POP’s 42
  • 43. Establishing Category Membership  Product descriptor  Exemplar comparisons 43
  • 44. Identifying & Choosing POP’s & POD’s  Desirability criteria (consumer perspective) ◦ Personally relevant ◦ Distinctive & superior ◦ Believable & credible  Deliverability criteria (firm perspective) ◦ Feasible ◦ Profitable ◦ Pre-emptive, defensible & difficult to attack 44
  • 45. Major Challenges in Positioning  Find compelling & impactful points- of-difference (MacMillan & McGrath, HBR, ‘97) ◦ How do people become aware of their need for your product and service? ◦ How do consumers find your offering? ◦ How do consumers make their final selection? ◦ How do consumers order and purchase your product or service? ◦ What happens when your product or service is delivered? ◦ How is your product installed? ◦ How is your product or service paid for? 45
  • 46. Major Challenges in Positioning  Find compelling & impactful points- of-difference (cont.) ◦ How is your product stored? ◦ How is your product moved around? ◦ What is the consumer really using your product for? ◦ What do consumers need help with when they use your product? ◦ What about returns or exchanges? ◦ How is your product repaired or serviced? ◦ What happens when your product is disposed of or no longer used? 46
  • 47. Communicating & Establishing POP’s & POD’s  Create POP’s and POD’s in the face of attribute & benefit trade-offs ◦ Price & quality ◦ Convenience & quality ◦ Taste & low calories ◦ Efficacy & mildness ◦ Power & safety ◦ Ubiquity & prestige ◦ Comprehensiveness (variety) & simplicity ◦ Strength & refinement 47
  • 48. Strategies to Reconcile Attribute & Benefit Trade-Offs  Establish separate marketing programs  Leverage secondary association (e.g., co- brand)  Re-define the relationship from negative to positive. 48
  • 49. Sustaining & Evolving POP’s & POD’s  Core Brand Values & Core Brand Proposition 49
  • 50. Core Brand Values  Set of abstract concepts or phrases that characterize the 5-10 most important dimensions of the mental map of a brand.  Relate to points-of-parity and points-of- difference  Mental Map  Core Brand Values  Brand Mantra 50
  • 51. Brand Mantras  A brand mantra is an articulation of the “heart and soul” of the brand. ◦ Brand mantras are short three to five word phrases that capture the irrefutable essence or spirit of the brand positioning and brand values.  Nike ◦ Authentic Athletic Performance  Disney ◦ Fun Family Entertainment 51
  • 52. 52
  • 53. 53
  • 54. Outline  The mandate for effectiveness  What makes an ad effective?  The world of advertising  The five players of advertising  The evolution of advertising
  • 55.  Today advertising is in a bind  Advertisers expect specific results that lead The Mandate for to sales  Advertising must be effective Effectiveness 55
  • 56. What Makes an Ad Effective?  Effectiveads work on two levels: with consumers and with advertisers  Characteristics of effective ads: ◦ Strategy ◦- ◦ Execution ◦ Advertising must be goal directed 56
  • 57. The World of Advertising Defining advertising • A paid form of communication • A sponsor is identified • Tries to persuade or influence the consumer to do something • Conveyed through mass media • Reaches a large audience • Is nonpersonal 57
  • 58. Types of Advertising  Brand advertising  Business-to-business  Retail/local advertising advertising  Institutional advertising  Political advertising  Public service  Directory advertising (PSA) advertising  Interactive advertising  Direct-response advertising 58
  • 59. The Roles of Advertising  Marketing role  Communication role  Economic role  Societal role 59
  • 60. Functions of Advertising  Provide product and brand information  Provide incentives to take action  Provide reminders and reinforcement 60
  • 61. The Five Players of Advertising  Advertiser  Advertising agency ◦ The advertising department ◦ The in-house agency  Media  Vendors  Target audience 61
  • 62. The Evolution of Advertising  Age of print  Industrial revolution and emergence of consumer society  Modern advertising: Agencies, science and creativity  Accountability era 62
  • 63. Current Advertising Issues  Interactive advertising  Globalization  Niche marketing  Integrated marketing communications (IMC)  Consumer Power 63
  • 64. How Brands Work  Brand personalities  Branding  Trust  Brand image  Brand relationships  Brand equity 64
  • 65. MARKETING PLANNING PROCESS Complex, Varied Marketing Activity Detailed, Comprehensive, Rich Robust Marketing Marketing Models Measures 65
  • 66. Role of Integrated Marketing Communications  Marketing communications … ◦ are the “voice” of the brand and are a means by which it can establish a dialogue and build relationships with consumers. ◦ allow marketers to inform, persuade, incent, and remind consumers directly or indirectly ◦ can contribute to brand equity by establishing the brand in memory and linking strong, favorable, and unique associations to it. 66
  • 67. Role of Integrated Marketing Communications (Cont.) ◦ Consumers can be told or shown how and why a product is used, by what kind of person, and where and when; ◦ Consumers can learn about who makes the product and what the company and brand stand for ◦ Consumers be given an incentive or reward for trial or usage ◦ Brands can be linked to other …  People  Places  Events  Brands  Experiences  Feelings  Things 67
  • 68. Simple Test for Marketing Communications 1. 3. 2. Current Desired Brand Brand Knowledge Knowledge 68
  • 69. Integrated Marketing Communications and Customer-Based Brand Equity  One implications of the CBBE framework is that the manner in which brand associations are formed does not matter -- only the resulting strength, favorability, and uniqueness 69
  • 70. Designing Integrated Marketing Communications Programs  From the perspective of customer-based brand equity, marketers should evaluate all possible communication options available to create knowledge structures according to effectiveness criteria as well as cost considerations.  Different communication options have different strengths and can accomplish different objectives. 70
  • 71. Alternative Communication Options (Consumer)  Media Advertising (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines)  Direct Response Advertising  Interactive (on-line) Advertising & Web Sites  Outdoor Advertising (billboards, posters, cinema)  Point-of-Purchase Advertising  Trade Promotions  Consumer Promotions  Sponsorship of Event Marketing  Publicity or Public Relations 71
  • 72. Alternative Communication Options (Business-to-Business)  Media Advertising (TV, radio, newspaper, magazines)  Trade Journal Advertising  Interactive (on-line) Advertising & Web Sites  Directories  Direct Mail  Brochures & Sales Literature  Audio-Visual Presentation Tapes  Giveaways  Sponsorship or Event Marketing  Exhibitions, Trade Shows, Conventions  Publicity or Public Relations 72
  • 73. Print Ad Evaluation Criteria  Is the message clear at a glance?  Is the benefit in the headline?  Does the illustration support the headline?  Does the first line of the copy support or explain the headline and illustration?  Is the ad easy to read and follow?  Is the product easily identified?  Is the brand or sponsor clearly identified? 73
  • 74. Ad Campaign Considerations  Campaigns make brands -- not single ads  Be creative and develop creative themes ◦ Avoid slavishly sticking to executional formulas  Brand communications should sing like a choir ◦ Multiple voices ◦ Multiple notes  Find fresh consumer insights & compelling brand truths  Productively conduct ad research 74
  • 75. IMC Case Study CMPB Success Factors  Smart strategy ◦ Relative deprivation  Imaginative creative ◦ Funny but relevant  Clever hook ◦ “Got milk?” slogan  Timely secondary media ◦ In store  Right partners 75
  • 76. Common Mistakes in Developing Advertising  Failure to distinguish ad positioning (what you say) from ad creative (how you say it)  Mistaken assumptions about consumer knowledge  Improperly positioned  Failure to break through the clutter  Distracting, overpowering creative in ads 76
  • 77. Common Mistakes in Developing Advertising (cont.)  Under-branded ads  Failure to use supporting media  Changing campaigns too frequently  Substituting ad frequency for ad quality 77
  • 78. Audience Communication Option Overlap Communication Communication Option A Option B Communication Option C Note: Circles represent the market segments reached by various communication options. Shaded portions represent areas of overlap in communication options. 78
  • 79. Evaluating IMC Programs  Coverage - what proportion of the target audience is reached by each communication option employed, as well as how much overlap exists among options.  Cost - what is the per capita expense. 79
  • 80. Evaluating IMC Programs (cont.)  Contribution - the collective effect on brand equity in terms of ◦ enhancing depth & breadth of awareness ◦ improving strength, favorability, & uniqueness of brand associations  Commonality - the extent to which information conveyed by different communication options share meaning 80
  • 81. Evaluating IMC Programs (cont.)  Complementarity - the extent to which different associations and linkages are emphasized across communication options  Versatility - the extent to which information contained in a communication option works with different types of consumers  Different communications history  Different market segments 81
  • 82. “Keller Be’s”  Be analytical: Use frameworks of consumer behavior and managerial decision-making to develop well-reasoned communication programs  Be curious: Fully understand consumers by using all forms of research and always be thinking of how you can create added value for consumers  Be single-minded: Focus message on well- defined target markets (less can be more)  Be integrative: reinforce your message through consistency and cuing across all communications 82
  • 83. “Keller Be’s”  Be creative: State your message in a unique fashion; use alternative promotions and media to create favorable, strong, and unique brand associations  Be observant: Monitor competition, customers, channel members, and employees through tracking studies  Be realistic: Understand the complexities involved in marketing communications  Be patient: Take a long-term view of communication effectiveness to build and manage brand equity 83
  • 84. THANK you 84