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TITLE	:	Regeneration	abilities	of	vertebrates	and	invertebrates
and	relationship	with	pharmacological	research:	Hypothesis	of	
genetic	evolution	work	and	microenvironment	inhibition	role		
1)	Luisetto	M	applied	pharmacologist,	IMA	academy	Natural
science	branch	Italy	29121
2)	Naseer	Almukthar,	Professor,	Department	of	Physiology	/College	
of	Medicine,		University	of	Babylon,				Iraq
3)	Gamal	Abdul	Hamid	Professor	Hematology	Oncology,	University
of	Aden,	Aden,	Yemen
4)	Ibrahim	G	,Department	of	Zoology,	Alexandria	University,	Egypt
5)	Behzad	Nili	Ahmadabadi	,	Innovative	Pharmaceutical	product
development	specialist,	USA
6)	Ahmed	Yesvi	Rafa	,	Founder	and	President,	Yugen	Research
Organization;	Undergraduate	Student,	Western	Michigan
University,	MI,	USA	49008
7)	Ghulam	Rasool	Mashori	Department	of	Medical	&	Health
Sciences	for	Woman,	Peoples	University	of	Medical	and	Health
Sciences	for	Women,Pakistan
8)	Tuweh	Prince	GADAMA	the	great,	Professor,Cypress	University
9)	Oleg	Yurievich	Latyshev	IMA	academy	president
Keywords:	Regeneration,	cancer,	stem	cells,	wound	healing,	reparative	re-
generation,	invertebrates,	vertebrates,		pathology,		microenvironment	,	genotypic	
-phenotypic	expression	,heart	regeneration,	reexpression	embryonic	markers,
diabetes	mellitus
CHAPTHER	1		Abstract
A	better	understanding	of	the	forces	controlling	cell	growth	will	be	essential	for
considering	wound	healing	as	a	fundamental	evolutionary	with	possibility	of
scar	formation	and	reparative	regeneration	and	the	developing	effective	therapies
in	regenerative	medicine	and	also	in	cancer.	Historically,	the	literature	has	linked
to	cancer	and	tissue	regeneration—proposing	regeneration	as	both	the	source	of
cancer	and	a	method	to	inhibit	tumorigenesis.
Aim	of	this	work		is	to	verify	similarity	and	difference	between	this	process	un	a
evolutionary	approach.	The	same	verify	the	evolution	of	some	factors	involved
in	cancer	development	.	In	all	this	process	,genetically		conserved	or	not	,	there	
are	determinate	kind	of	program		(	finalistic	or	afinalistic	)	whit	a	start	messages	
but	also	a	stop		when	the	scope	is	achieved	(	regeneration).
It	is	clear	that	regeneration	abilities	in	adult	form	is	reduced	in	some	superior
vertebrates	like	humans	and	the	same	it	seem	related	to	an	introduction	of
adaptative	immunity	.
This	review	discusses	two	powerful	regeneration	models,	the	vertebrate	urodele
amphibians	and	invertebrate,	in	light	of	cancer	regulation.
CHAPTHER	2	Introduction
Related	the	topic	of	this	work		before	to	start	it	is	interesting	to	read	this
Next	brief	letter	(	narration	)	related	human	body	physiology	and
regenerative	property	of	some	tissue	and	cells	in	omeostatic	environment
an			but	also	relationship	whit	some	diet	habits:	environment	or	food	
polluted	can	be	responsible	in	many	condition		whit	reduced	cell	surviving
(	in	example	neurodegeneration,	apoptosis	).
Life	is	a	condition	of	many		omeostatic	balances	and	also	little	modify	can	
produce	irreversible	effect.
It	is	only	one	first	aspect	but	that	can	produce	relevant	effect	in	human
health	:
Prof.	O.	Latyshev,
President	of	IMA.
We	 believe	 that	 there	 is	 an	 actual	 need	 to	 better	 study	 the
phenomenon	 of	 tissue	 regeneration	 in	 multicellular	 animals	 in	 order	 to
present	a	new	strategy	for	the	treatment	of	some	disabling	diseases	such
as	stroke,	retinal	degeneration,	dementia,	Parkinson's	disease,	as	well	as
for	 a	 better	 study	 of	 the	 pathology	 of	 cancer.	 We	 understand	 that	 the
regeneration	 of	 animal	 tissues	 is	 impossible	 without	 proper	 water
metabolism,	 from	 which	 energy-informational	 metabolism	 and
metabolism	automatically	follow.
As	soon	as	the	animal	finds	a	proper	source	of	water,	the	healing
moisture	it	has	drunk	is	rapidly	directed	into	the	tissue	cells,	brings	there
in	 sufficient	 quantities	 all	 the	 necessary	 nutrients	 and	 builds	 the	 cell	 in
many	respects	anew.
Waste	 materials	 from	 each	 cell	 are	 also	 transported	 outside	 by
water	naturally	through	the	pores	of	the	skin	and	the	excretory	organs.
Thus,	 they	 practically	 do	 not	 have	 anything	 obsolete,	 old,	 and
unnecessary.	 The	 process	 of	 cell	 regeneration	 under	 conditions	 of
adequate	water	supply	occurs	continuously	and	regularly.
Similar	positive	changes	should	be	expected	in	the	cells	of	the	tissues	of
the	human	body	if	he	consumes	only	pure	water	on	an	empty	stomach.
(Whitout	toxins	or	poisons	or	pollutants)	.
Also	the	time	of	drunk	can	be	relevant:
If	a	person	wishes	to	take	water	or	other	liquid	after	a	meal,	as	a	dessert
or	as	a	third	course,	by	doing	so	he	will	render	a	disservice	to	various
tissues	of	his	body.
Water	drunk	at	the	wrong	time	will	interfere	with	the	timely	digestion
of	 food,	 and	 the	 hope	 for	 the	 complete	 extraction	 of	 nutrients	 from	 the
food	consumed	by	a	person	will	be	almost	completely	lost.
As	 a	 result,	 not	 a	 single	 tissue	 of	 his	 body	 will	 receive	 the
appropriate	nutrition	in	full.
Thus,	 tissue	 cells	 will	 not	 have	 enough	 nutrients	 not	 only	 to
organize	 regeneration	 processes,	 but	 even	 to	 maintain	 the	 intracellular
energy	balance.
If	the	habit	of	drinking	water	improperly	in	a	person	takes	root,	then
the	cells	of	his	nervous	tissue	will	not	receive	enough	nutrition,	and	over
time,in	example	Parkinson's	disease	or	other	neurodegenerative	disease
can	develop.	(	see	the	example	of	Well	water	and	associated	PD	).
If	 a	 person	 drank	 water,	 it	 would	 seem,	 on	 time	 -	 on	 an	 empty
stomach,	 but	 instead	 of	 pure	 water	 preferred	 artificial	 mineral	 water,
packed	in	a	bottle	or	flask	at	the	factory,	he	deceived	the	expectations	of
his	body,	in	this	case	-	at	the	cellular	and	tissue	level:	it	must	be	verified
the	quality	of	this	to	avoid	intake	of	dangerous	substantie	.
SC	Bondy	-	21	dic	2017	-	Epidemiological	evidence	reveals	that
aluminum	levels	in	drinking	water	are	related	to	the	incidence
of	Alzheimer's	disease	(AD)	
Such	water	does	not	bring	anything	except	original	taste	sensations
and	a	short-term	uplift	of	mood.
In	general,	artificial-	oxidized	water(not	of	quality-	or		polluted	)		 will	 enter
the	tissues,	which	will	not	allow	the	cells	to	restore	their	original	structure,
to	rejuvenate	the	tissues	of	the	human	body	as	a	whole.
If	 the	 habit	 of	 drinking	 just	 this	 water	 takes	 root,	 at	 any	 time,	 it	 will
ultimately	 lead	 to	 defective	 cell	 regeneration,	 i.e.	 to	 the	 appearance	 of
immature	cells	capable	of	creating	only	cancer	tissue.
The	need	to	drink	is	saving	life	:
If	a	person	does	not	drink	water	an	hour	and	a	half	after	eating,	and	after
eating	meat	dishes	-	after	two	hours,	then	water	starvation	occurs	at	the
cellular	level.
Forgetfulness	and	unwillingness	to	drink	water	on	time	can	lead	a	person
to	many	health	problems	and	also		stroke	in	example	,	since	the	vessels
of	his	circulatory	system	will	pump	mainly	blood	cells.	And	constantly	be
in	the	risk	zone	of	thrombosis	of	the	vascular	lumen.
According	:	article	Nutr	Rev.	water,	Hydration	and	Health
Barry	M.	Popkin	et	al	:”Good	hydration	is	associated	with	a	reduction	in
urinary	tract	infections,	hypertension,	fatal	coronary	heart	disease,
venous	thromboembolism,	and	cerebral	infarct	but	all	these	effects	need
to	be	confirmed	by	clinical	trials.”
And	in		Int	J	Environ	Res	Public	Health.	2018	The	Effects	of	Hydration
Status	on	Cognitive	Performances	among	Young	Adults	in	Hebei,	China:
A	Randomized	Controlled	Trial	(RCT)
Jianfen	Zhang	et	al	:“Dehydration	may	affect	cognitive	performances	as
water	accounts	for	75%	of	brain	mass”
	In			article	published	in	J	Cereb	Blood	Flow	Metab.	2014	Water
deprivation	induces	neurovascular	and	cognitive	dysfunction	through
vasopressin-induced	oxidative	stress
Giuseppe	Faraco	et	al	:*
“Oxidative	 stress	 is	 responsible	 for	 cerebrovascular	 dysfunction	 in	 a
number	 of	 disease	 models,	 including	 ANGII-induced	 hypertension,
chronic	intermittent	hypoxia,	or	Alzheimer's	disease”
In	the	case	when	a	person	uses	water	on	time	and	regularly,	but	it	is	not
a	 dislike	 for	 water	 and	 a	 reluctance	 to	 drink	 a	 lot,	 then	 such	 other
widespread	disease	of	our	time	(as	dementia)	can	be	related	.
(	see	in	example	Brain	wasting	system	activity	).
The	cells	of	the	nervous	tissue	of	the	human	body,	which	are	responsible
for	the	transmission	of	nerve	impulses,	also	do	not	receive	enough	water
to	recreate	the	proper	acting	volume.
Therefore,	the	quantity	and	quality	of	nerve	impulses	transmitted	inside
tissue	with	poor	trophies	also	becomes	inappropriate.
As	a	result,	it	becomes	increasingly	difficult	to	use	the	arrays	of	human
memory	day	after	day	in	work.
Some	people	prefer	coffee,	tea,	energy	drinks,	cola,	etc.	to	clean	water.
At	the	same	time,	they	should	place	a	minimum	of	minimum	hopes	on	a
healthy	retina.
Its	principle	of	action	is	akin	to	the	work	of	nervous	tissue	in	all	parts	of
the	human	body.
All	processes	taking	place	in	the	retina	have	a	finer	organization.
This	delicate	nervous	tissue,	which	is	responsible	for	supplying	a	person
with	a	significant	amount	of	information	essential	for	life,	is	polluted	by
drinks,	with	which	a	person	decided	to	replace	clean	drinking	water.(	also
sugar	drinks	?)
Instead	 of	 clean	 water	 being	 able	 to	 promptly	 and	 fully	 remove	 waste
substances	from	the	retinal	cells	and	saturate	the	retinal	tissue	with	full-
value	nutrients,	an	increasing	amount	of	toxins	obtained	from	beverages
polluting	the	body	are	deposited	on	it,	as	in	a	kind	of	depot.
This	gradually	leads	to	progressive	deterioration	of	vision.	And	then	-	and
to	its	complete	loss	due	to	atrophy	of	the	retina,	which	has	not	received
proper	nutrition.	In	addition	-	unexpectedly	abundantly	contaminated.
The	above	prompts	us	to	draw	the	following	conclusions:
1.	Regeneration	processes	in	the	cells	of	animal	and	human	tissues
are	as	successful	as	the	quantity	and	quality	of	the	water	supplying	them
corresponds	to	this.
2.	Drinking	pure	water	on	an	empty	stomach	help	to	frees	the	body
from	significant	risks	-	getting	cancer,	stroke,	retinal	atrophy,	dementia	or
Parkinson's	disease.
In	article	Arctic	Med	Res.	1991.Hypothermia	and	cellular	physiology
K	E	Zachariassen	was	written		:
“Temperature	 has	 pronounced	 and	 complex	 effects	 on	 cellular
physiology.	Rates	of	enzymatic	processes	display	an	exponential	change
with	temperature,	as	expressed	by	the	Q10	relationship.
The	basis	of	these	effects	may	be	temperature	induced	phase	transitions
in	membrane	lipids	and	protein	associated	water,	effects	on	bulk	water
and	 effects	 on	 the	 relationship	 between	 water	 and	 inorganic	 solutes.
Hypothermia	may	be	lead	to	a	collapse	in	ionic	regulation,	leading	to	an
uncontrollable	 and	 lethal	 calcium	 influx.	 Subfreezing	 temperatures	 may
cause	injury	due	to	cellular	freezing	with	subsequent	excessive	osmotic
swelling,	 lyotropic	 effects	 or	 excessive	 osmotic	 shrinking	 due	 to
extracellular	freezing.	Cells	may	protect	themselves	by	freeze	avoidance
accomplished	by	removal	of	ice	nucleators,	production	of	proteinaceous
antifreeze	 agents	 and	 accumulation	 of	 polyols.	 Alternatively	 they	 may
secure	extracellular	freezing	by	production	of	extracellular	ice	nucleating
agents,	 and	 counteract	 lyotropic	 effects	 and	 osmotic	 shrinking	 by
accumulation	of	polyols	which	reduce	ice	content	in	a	colligative	manner.”
1.	 Hypotermia-	glacier		water	helps	the	cells	of	the	tissues	of	his	
body	to	be	in	a	state	of	constant	self-renewal.	This	allows	him	
to	regularly	rejuvenate	his	body.
2.	 The	presence	of	tea,	coffee,	cola	and	bottled	mineral	water	in	a
person's	diet	does	not	replace	the	need	to	drink	clean	water.
3.	 All	of	the	above	products	for	the	most	part	pollute	the	human
body	and	destabilize	its	work.
4.	 Finally	 :The	 desire	 to	 drink	 mineral	 water,	 from	 which	 an
adequate	effect	is	expected,	should	be	satisfied	directly	at	its
sources,	in	pump	rooms	and	sanatoriums.
5.	 Only	 in	 this	 case,	 the	 accepted	 mineral	 water	 will	 really
contribute	to	the	gradual	rejuvenation	of	the	human	body.
This	is	an	determinate	approach	to	the	best	condition	to	permit	to	the	
cells	to	mantein	itself		in	a	most	possible	balanced	environment	and	any	
Modify	of	this	by	iatrogenic	substantia	or	uncorrect		water	intake	
contribute	to	cellular	toxicity	or	reduced	renovation.
But	more	other	factor	are	involved	in	homeostatic	regenerative	response
and	in	the	best	microenviromental	condition	to	favour	this		(		inhibitor		
substantie	but	also	endogenous	molecules	as	result	of	codified	genetic	
pattern	as	we	can	see	next	:
it	is	useful	to	observe	metazoan	evolution	and	genetic	factor	involved	in	
some	phenomena	like	wound	repair,	regeneration	of		tissue	and	organs	
and	also	cancer	.
Finalistic	or	afinalistic	process,gene	evolution	,	inibithoty	factors.
Conserved	genes	,	not	conserved	genes	,	inhibition	factors	,	phenotipic
expression,	environmental	pressure	factors	,	immune	response	,	body
complexity	,	movement	necessity	end	many	other	:
In	article	Endogenous	Archeological	Sciences:	Anatomy,	Physiology,
Neuroscience,	Biochemistry,	Immunology,	Pharmacology,	Oncology,
Genetics	as	Instrument	for	A	New	Field	of	Investigation?	Modern	Global
Aspects	for	A	New	Discipline	2018		was	written:	
“”Today	is	interesting	to	submit	to	the	scientific	world	a	new	field	of
investigation	more	structured	that	We	can	denominate	Endogenous
archeology.	A	new	field	in	which	collect	different	research	works	from
different	discipline	in	order	to	correctly	classify.	Endogenous	process	and
structure	of	a	sort	of	archeological	provenience	but	today	inside	us..
Archeology	science	not	to	be	consider	only	related	human	product	and
manufacts	but	also	an	inside	disciple	to	verify	archeological	process
related	to	mind-	set	kinetics	and	to	other	system	or	organs.	Brain,	mind,
immunologic	system	and	other	relevant	physiological	functions	are
deeply	influenced	by	a	primitive	structure	and	to	deeply	understand	the
meaning	of	this	complex	system	inside	us	make	possible	to	better	explain
today	Human	behavior	and	physiology	and	other	process.”
But	it	it	also	interesting	to	observe	some	physiological-	pathological		
phenomena	using	an	evolutionary	approach	:	this	make	possible	to	verify
conserved	or	not	conserved	genes	to	better	explain	metazoan	organism.	
In	this	work	many	tissue	and	organ	are	investigated	under	regenerative
properties	and	related	molecular	genetic	pathway.
Fig.	n	1	phylogeic	tree	vertebrates
in	vertebrates	like	man,	the	skeleton	ie.,	bone	cells	(oesteocytes)	are
active	in	cell	division	and	re-generation	by	mitosis	till	adolescence,	After
this	age	all	cells	of	skeleton	do	not	multiply	and	enter	G0.	They	can	heal
if	a	bone	breaks	only.But	IN-VERTEBRATES	do	not	have	bones.
They	have	an	outer	exoskeleton	consists	of	cuticle.	When	they	grow,	they
Any	animal	that	has	huge	number	of	totipotent	cell	can	regenerate	lost
parts	of	its	body	as	lizard	and	retiöes.
Animals	and	man	that	has	little	number	of	these	cells	have	a	limited
ability	of	re-generation.
What	controls	re-generation	in	any	animal	is	the	amount	of	these	cells.
Some	IN-VERTEBRATES	as	Planaria,	Hydra	and	starfish	have	a	high
ability	of	re-generation.
Fig.	n	2	classification	of	animal	world
Fig.	3	Hydra
They	have	the	so-called	toti-potent	cells.	These	cells	do	not	only
regenerate	a	wound	but	also	they	are	programmed	to	form	new	system
or	new	organ	or	new	arm,	typically	similar	to	the	lost	one.
These	toti-potent	cells	are	very	few	or	almost	absent	in	humans.	That	is
why	we	can	not	regenerate	an	organ	or	a	complete	part	in	our	body.
Scientists	try	to	use	stem-	cells	that	act	as	totipotent	cells	but	these
inserted	stem	cells	are	not	programmed	so	they	can	not	form	a	complete
organ	or	lost	part.	Only	they	can	heal	injury	as	in	the	nervous-	system.
According		Building	and	re-building	the	heart	by	cardio-myocyte
proliferation	Matthew	J.	Foglia			et	al	:	2016
“Regenerative	capacity:	an	evolutionary	perspective	Far	from	a	rare
talent,	the	re-generation	of	injured	body	parts	is	a	common
ability	of	adult	organisms	ranging	from	tiny	planarians	to	the	large
In	humans,	hepatocytes	increase	cell	size	or	divide	to	replace	lost	liver
mass	after	surgical	resection,	and	tissues	like	hair	follicles	and	intestinal
epithelium	are	continually	renewed	by	local	stem-	cell	populations.
animals	vary	widely	in	their	capacity	to	regenerate	particular	tissues.
IN-VERTEBRATES	such	as	planarians	and	hydra,	which	can	form
whole	animals	from	small	-segments,	exhibit	the	greatest	regenerative
aptitude	.
Mammals,	by	contrast,	fail	to	regenerate	crucial	structures,	including
limbs,	spinal-	cord	and	cardiac	muscle.
Certain	vertebrates,including	urodeles	(	salamanders)	and	teleost	fish	(
zebrafish),retain	the	ability	to	regenerate	these	and	other	organs.
Fig.	n	4	fish		ancient	and	teleost
It	is		interesting	to	understand	the	degree	to	which	fundamental	aspects
of	these	organisms’	biology,	rather	than	or	to	cardiac	specific	factors,
allow	them	to	repair	their	hearts	so	effectively.
We	briefly	discuss	certain	non-cardiac	influences	on	cardio-myocyte
proliferation	in	this	Review,	we	refer	interested	readers	to	other,	more
thorough	reviews	of	the	comparative	biology	of	re-generation	and	its
Re-generation	abilities	seem	related	inverse	to	the	more	complexity	of	
The	same	inmmune	-systems	in	evolutive	pattern	was	different	in	more
primitive	IN-VERTEBRATES	(	innate	immunity	vs	adaptative	evolution		):		
why	?
It	seem	that	if	evolute	-organ	there	is	a	lost	of	regenerative	abilities	.
Relationship	with	repordutcitve	patter?
Re-generation	is	the	ability	of	tissues,	organs	or	even	organisms	to
renew	themselves	or	to	recover	after	considerable	physical	damage.	It	is
due	to	the	ability	of	un-affected	cells	to	multiply	and,	as	needed,	to
differentiate	in	order	to	restore	the	injured	part.
Tissue	re-generation	capacity	depends	on	the	type	of	cell,	tissue	or	organ
affected	by	the	injury	and	on	the	cell's	ability	to	multiply	and	whether	the
cells	involved	are	able	to	regenerate,	but	at	different	levels	of	capacity.
Peripheral-	nervous	tissue	has	low	re-generation	power,	but	can	recover
in	the	face	of	some	aggressions,	whereas	in	central	nervous	tissue
neurons	cannot	be	regenerated.
Some	animals	are	well	known	for	the	regenerative	capacity	of	their
tissues,	organs	or	even	systems.
The	planarians,	the	axolotes	(salamander)	and	the	starfish	are	examples.
The	re-generation	of	the	gecko	tails	is	also	an	example	of	re-generation,
in	this	case	of	a	complete	organ.
The	epithelium	(skin)	regenerates	quickly	and	easily	when	destroyed.
Liver	cells	(liver)	and	bone	tissue	also	have	high-	regenerative	power.
Smooth	muscle	cells	are	able	to	regenerate	in	response	to	chemotactic
and	mitogenic	factors	(	promote	mitosis).	
Already	the	muscle	is	often	classified	as	permanent,	being	unable	to
Connective	tissue	are	also	unable	to	undergo	re-generation.
a	failure	in	the	mechanism	that	limits	and	controls	the	capacity	and	rate
of	re-generation	in	specific	tissues	generally	leads	to	tumor	-formation.
The	new	cell	types	can	come	from	different	sources,	such	as:	stem-	cells
present	in	the	body;
from	de-differentiation,	which	is	nothing	more	than	the	loss	of
specification	of	a	given	cell	type	(it	loses	its	"specificity"	or	its
differentiated	state),	which	leads	to	the	production	of	cells	that	will	divide
and	act	as	progenitors	in	the	cell.
Repair	of	that	damaged	tissue;
the	organism's	already	differentiated	cells	themselves	can	undergo	
numerous	divisions	in	order	to	repair	the	tissue	formed	by	them;		the	new	
cells	that	will	act	in	the	re-generation	process	may	arise	from	trans-
differentiation,	that	is,	a	specific	cell	type	is	differentiated	and	then	re-
differentiated	into	a	new	cell	with	a	different	function	and	type	than
anterior,	that	is,	it	alters	its	state	of	differentiation	(an	epithelial	cell,	it	can
be	transdifferentiated	into	a	muscle	cell	and	can	then	act	on	the	re-
generation	of	muscle	-tissue	that	has	been	damaged	and	needs	repair).
The	trans-differentiation	mechanism,	specifically,	can	occur	without
necessarily	cell	division,	and	can	occur	via	a	parent	cell	that	was
obtained	from	a	de-differentiation	process.
In	the	case	of	porifers,	in	vitro	tests	showed	that	the	placement	of
aggregated	cells	from	the	animal	allowed	the	formation	of	a	new	animal,
with	complete	and	functional	body.
The	re-generation	process	in	this	case	then	generates	a	new,	complete
animal	:its	cells	have	a	high	regenerative	capacity.	This	is	also	shown
when	cutting	the	animal	into	several	pieces,	as	each	of	them	gives	rise	to
a	new	animal	after	a	while.
Hydra	is	a	genus	of	living	water	polyp,	belonging	to	the	Cnidaria	group,
which	has	a	high	capacity	for	re-generation,	because	it	occurs	throughout
the	body,	forming	a	new	individual.
In	vitro	tests	have	shown	that	by	allowing	cells	taken	from	the	hydra	to
form	clusters,	tentacles,	other	parts	of	the	body	and	even	the	whole
animal	can	be	formed	again,	showing	that	the	cells	of	this	animal	have,
as	in	Porifera,	an	high	regenerative	capacity.
When	you	cut	the	animal	into	several	pieces,	one	observes	that,	after	a
certain	period	of	time,	each	of	the	pieces	gave	rise	to	a	whole	new	-
animal,	which	is	why	hydra	is	one	of	the	greatest	examples	when	thinking
about	re-generation.	Much	of	this	is	due	to	the	ability	of	hydra	cells	to
organize	themselves,	which	is	due	to	a	constant	production	of	cells	and
also	signaling	factors	in	adults.
The	re-generation	of	the	animal	occurs	either	on	the	feet	(“tentacles”)	or
on	the	head	part	of	the	animal.
Tissues	in	the	gastric	region	of	the	hydra	contain	polarity	so	that	it	is
possible	for	the	cells	to	distinguish	whether	re-generation	should	occur	at
the	apical	part	of	the	head	or	at	the	bottom	of	the	foot	so	that	the	new
animal	contains	all	parts.
Head	re-generation	is	more	complex	than	that	of	the	foot	and	requires
more	elaborate	gene-	mechanisms.	Hydra	re-generation	is	defined	as
“morphallaxis”	because	re-generation	results	from	a	rearrangement	of	the
animal's	cellular	and	tissue	content	without	cell	proliferation.
Among	the	flatworms,	the	animal	most	popularly	known	for	its	great
regenerative	capacity	are	the	planarians.	These	animals	are	able	to
completely	regenerate	their	body	after	being	cut	into	several	pieces.	After
cutting	off	its	body,	the	neoblasts	(pluripotent	stem	cells)	begin	to
proliferate,	traversing	the	entire	body	(part	of	it)	of	the	animal,
"completing	it"	and	subsequently	forming	a	new	complete	animal.
Due	to	their	regenerative	characteristics,	planarians	are	widely	studied.
This	animal	has	mechanisms	of	cellular	differentiation	throughout	its	life	-
cycle.	Research	contributes	to	works	in	the	biomedical	field	related	to
stem	cell,	tissue	re-generation	and	degenerative	disorders.
Re-generation	in	annelids	is	quite	diverse	across	the	groups	that	form
this	clade.	Some	animals	are	able	to	regenerate	both	anterior	and
posterior,	others	regenerate	only	one	of	the	2	while	others	do	not
regenerate	at	any	time.	The	regenerative	process	in	the	animals	that
present	it	occurs	from	the	evolution	of	the	blastema	(similar	to	the
flatworms,	the	blastema	is	the	name	given	to	the	animal's	stem	cell	set)
that	proliferates	and	evolves	throughout	the	body,	regenerating	the	lost
In	polychaetes,	re-generation	takes	place	from	cellular	de-differentiation
and	re-differentiation	of	cells	into	those	that	will	make	up	the	lost	tissue
being	regenerated.
each	group	belonging	to	this	clade	has	a	different	form	of	re-generation,
but	this	is	much	simpler	and	almost	never	involves	the	complete
formation	of	several	limbs,	not	involving	the	formation	of	a	new-	animal,.
This	re-generation	mechanism	is	almost	always	regulated	by	some
hormones	released	by	arthropods	when	they	lose	a	limb,	either	due	to
predation	or	autotomy.	In	this	clade,	re-generation	also	occurs	from	the	
blastema,	as	in	flatworms	and	annelids.		arachnids,	especially	spiders	
and	scorpions,	are	able	to	regenerate	their	venom,	whose	content	and	
final	volumes	are	different	from	the	originals,	because	the	proteins	
contained	therein	are	different.	
example	of	re-generation	is	the	re-generation	of	the	starfish's	arms.	Many
demonstrations	are	done	where	the	arm	of	this	animal	is	cut	and	in	a
relatively	short	time,	it	regenerates	itself.	It	is	very	common,	when
collecting	animals	like	the	starfish,	to	find	animals	that	have	two	or	more
members	in	re-generation,	each	of	which	is	at	a	stage	of	this	process.
In	addition	to	this	re-generation	of	structures	(limbs)	the	echinoderms,
especially	sea	cucumbers,	have	the	ability	to	regenerate	visceral
structures,	which,	in	some	types	of	defense	mechanisms,	are
regurgitated	and	"abandoned"	and	subsequently	regenerated.	The	that
limb	loss	and	re-generation	is	part	of	the	asexual	reproduction	of	this
group,	because	after	specific	fission	mechanisms	present	in	these
Ophiuroides	and	and	oloturoides	also	present	this	reproductive
mechanism,	with	division	of	the	body	in	some	parts,	which,	individually,
from	regenerative	mechanisms,	each	form	a	new	individual.	This	form	of
reproduction	is	most	commonly	found	in	smaller	animals	and	also
depends	on	the	age	of	the	animal.	Usually	larger	animals	tend	to
reproduce	sexually.
the	salamander	and	newt	are	the	most	popular	animals	when	thinking
about	re-generation,	as	they	are	capable	of	regenerating	a	lost	limb
altogether.	Although	limb	re-generation	is	the	most	common	example
when	it	comes	to	the	regenerative	process,	retinal	re-generation	is	a	very
interesting	aspect	of	amphibians,	with	the	merman	case	being	the	most
interesting	since	it	apparently	retains	this	ability.	retinal	re-generation
throughout	its	adult	life	(an	organ	of	the	eye	that	often	cannot	regenerate
when	lost	or	damaged	when	thinking	of	adult	individuals).
Other	amphibians,	such	as	adult	frogs,	re-generation	is	quite	limited,	and
in	adult	Xenopus,	after	the	loss	of	a	limb,	only	a	cartilaginous	structure
with	no	digits	is	formed.	It	is	believed	that	the	full	regenerative	capacity	of
the	anuran	limb	is	lost	after	the	metamorphosis-	process.
The	re-generation	of	limbs	in	salamanders	and	newts	happens	in
different	stages,	being	a	very	complex	process.
First,	the	wound	closes,	that	is,	the	place	where	the	limb	was	previously
lost	is	closed.	The	cells	then	undergo	a	process	of	de-differentiation	and
intense	proliferation	and	migration	to	where	the	limb	should	be
regenerated.	there	is	a	constant	growth	of	the	regenerating	limb	and	the
re-differentiation	of	these	cells,	to	form	again	a	complete	limb,	with
structure	of	bones	and	cartilage,	as	well	as	musculature	and	vessels	for
blood	circulation	in	the	region.	all	of	this	has	fine	gene	control.
re-generation	is	already	quite	limited,	as	it	is	in	mammals.	What	is
observed	is	that	in	amniotes	the	re-generation	of	limbs	is	no	longer
possible,	which	is	quite	curious,	after	all	the	limbs	of	amniotes	and
amphibians	have	very	similar	embryonic	formation	and	internal
structures.	Little	is	known	about	these	details	yet.
In	this		group,	the	greatest	example	of	regenerative	process	is	the	lizard-
tail.	In	the	case	of	these	animals,	the	regenerated	structure	is	quite
similar	to	the	original,	both	structurally	and	morphologically.	Lizards	are
the	representatives	of	this	group	that	have	the	highest	regenerative
capacity,	and	this	is	due	to	the	migration	and	proliferation	of	blastema,
mentioned	in	other	previous	animal	groups.	This	stem	cell	proliferation
and	subsequent	differentiation	allow	the	formation	of	a	new	functional	tail
in	these	animals.
Mammals	are	a	very	diverse	animal	group,	but	compared	to	previous
animal	groups	they	have	a	smaller	and	more	limited	regenerative
They	are	not	able,		to	regenerate	complete	and	functional	limbs,	but	
perform	cellular	re-generation	almost	constantly.	Skin	and	blood	cells
(especially	red	blood	cells)	are	always	renewed,	so	dead	cells	are
“discarded”	and	new	cells	are	formed.	In	addition	to	these	cells,
mammalian	hair	/	hair	also	conforms
Animals	that	Regenerate
Lizards	who	lose	all	or	part	of	their	tails	can	grow	new	ones.	...
				Planarians	are	flat	worms.	...
				Sea	cucumbers	have	bodies	that	can	grow	to	be	three	feet	long.	...
				Sharks	continually	replace	lost	teeth.	...
				Spiders	can	regrow	missing	legs	or	parts	of	legs.
				Sponges	can	be	divided
For	the	aim	of	this	work	some	questions	are	fundamental	:
Most	metazoans	have	at	least	some	ability	to	regenerate	damaged-	cells
and	tissues,	although	the	regenerative	capacity	varies	depending	on	the
species,	organ,	or	developmental	stage.
Why	are	some	tissues,structures	and	species	able	to	regenerate,
whereas	others	cannot?
Why	in	human	can	regenerate	heart	only	in	fetal	life	and	not	in	adult?
Re-generation	is	a	capacity	of	cells	to	re-synthesize	in	a	sequential
manner	to	synthesize	a	tissue	or	an	organ	again.	Many	organisms	have
the	capacity	to	regenerate	their	lost	parts	but	the	extent	of	re-generation
capacity	varies	greatly	among	kingdoms	and	phyla.
IN-VERTEBRATES	regenerate	most	of	their	parts	as	well	as	organs
whereas	the	vertebrates	have	limited	-ability	to	regenerate.
Whereas	in	higher	vertebrates	only	a	few	organs	can	regenerate	and	this
process	also	varies	among	different	age	groups	of	same	organism.
A	best	example	is	vertebrate	mammalians	(	human	beings),	they	possess
re-generation	capacity	in	few	organ	cells	such	as	hepatocytes	o	and
epithelial	cells	of	skin	e.	few	organs	in	humans	can	regenerate	only	in
fetal	life	but	as	the	age	progresses	they	lose	the	ability	of	re-generation	
such	as	in	heart	cells		myocardial	cells.	
The	mechanism	behind	this	loss	of	ability	is	not	yet	clear	and	also	it	gives
rise	to	a	new	horizon	of	research	study	that	whether	it	is	possible	to
reactivate	this	lost	ability	in	cells	or	not.
It	could	be	a	beneficial	gate	way	to	treat	various	diseases	linked	with
cellular	destruction	of	such	organs	such	as	myocardial	infarction.
A	number	of	works	have	been	conducted	to	check	out	the	mechanism
and	progression	of	re-generation.
In	a	study	Zebra	fish	has	been	targeted	to	myocytic	injury	by	four
different	approaches	:	surgical	resection	of	cardiac	apex,	cryoinjury-
induced	myocardial	ablation	model,	non-surgical,	destruction	of	cardio
myocytes	using	a	genetic	ablation	model	and	induction	of	hypoxia–
reoxygenation	injury,	where	the	re-generation	output	was	revealed	as
considerable	extent	of	re-generation	in	60	days,	180	days,	30	days	and
30dayz	respectively.
All	this	mechanism	of	re-generation	in	Zebra	fish	follows	the	fundamental
mechanism	of	proliferation	in	existing	normal-	cells	that	then	undergoes
de	differentiation	and	again	entering	the	cell	cycle	then	finally	recruiting
the	site	of	injury.
In	case	of	human	beings	the	initial	concept	that	myocytes	under	goes	a
permanent	phase	of	restricted	proliferation	after	the	birth	of	fetus,	has
changed	under	the	influence	of	research	carried	out	later	and	revealed
that	human	heart	cells	can	be	stimulated	to	re-generation	up	to	an	age	of
twenty	but	it	had	been	refused	by	reducing	the	age	limit	to	infancy	that	is
1	year	after	birth.
in	contrast	to	the	limited	regenerative	capacity	of	the	adult	human	heart,
several	case	works	suggest	that	cardiac	re-generation	may	occur	in
children	and	infants	.
Fig.	5	form	reference	n	2	Heart	regenerative	capacity	in	warm-	or	cold-
blooded	animals.	For	each	species,	cardiac	regenerative	ability	is
indicated	in	green
(ability	to	regenerate),	orange	(incomplete	capacity	)	or	red	(incapacity	).
In	each	case,	the	approach	used	to	induce	cardiac	damage	and	the
references	associated	are	indicated.	In	warm-blooded	species,	cardiac
re-generation	appears	to	be	restricted
to	a	defined	early-developmental	period	during	embryonic	and	early-
neonatal	life.	In	cold-blooded	animals,	6	out	of	9	species	have	the
ability	to	regenerate	their	heart	during	adult	life,	whereas	three	out	of	nine
species	show	an	incomplete	capacity	or	incapacity	to	undergo	heart	re-
From	website
“Amphibians	have	impressive	regenerative-	properties	and	amazing
plasticity	in	the	neuronal	connections	throughout	their	body.	Not	only	do
they	have	the	ability	to	regenerate	whole	limbs	(bone,	skeletal	muscle,
and	other	tissue)	they	also	have	the	ability	to	regenerate	neuronal-
connections.	Many	species	of	animals	have	been	known	to	regenerate
nerves	in	damaged	tissue	of	the	body,	but	amphibians	have	been	found
to	regenerate	neurons	in	the	brain,	spinal	-cord,	and	large	nerve	fibers,
as	the	optic	-nerve.		the	connections	between	the	eye	and	optic	tectum	
have	been	greatly	studied	in	many	various	amphibia.	Orderly	mapping	by	
the	axons	of	ganglion	cells	in	the	retina,	and	the	spatial	arrangement	of	
the	retina	onto	the	tectum	have	been	shown	to	depend	upon	
development	and	specificities	that	exist	between	retinal	and	tectal	-
neurons.	Both	vision	and	topographic	relations	between	retina	and	optic	-
lobe	is	restored,	and	connections	reform,	when	the	optic	nerve	is	cut	and
allowed	to	regenerate.	In	contrast	to	certain	amphibians,	loss	of	neurons
or	interruptions	of	connective-	pathways	in	mammalian	visual	systems
lead	to	permanent	damage	and	loss	of	vision.
Amphibians	can	also	regenerate	the	neural-	retina	and	lens	of	their	eye
as	they	do	their	other	tissues.	Regeneration	of	these	tissues	are	possible
by	de-differentiation	(loss	of	phenotype	specific	structure)	of	differentiated
stem-	cells	at	the	site	where	injury	occured.	These	cells	then	re-
differentiate	in	response	to	signals	from	neighboring	-cells	(the	damaged
cells)	telling	them	to	differentiate	into	the	cells	required	for	the
regeneration	of	lost	tissue.
Another	example	of	plasticity	in	amphibian	vision	is	their	ability	to	adapt
to	permanent	injuries,	in	order	to	correct	their	eye	sight	and	visual	field.
frogs	have	a	360	degree	visual	field	and	have	binocular-	projection	of	the
naso-superior	field	onto	the	optic	lobe.	This	allows	each	visual	location
(from	both	eyes)	to	evoke	responses	on	the	same	spot	of	the	tectum
through	either	eye.	An	experiment	was	performed	in	which,	early	in
development,	the	eye	of	a	frog	was	rotated	or	inverted	in	the	orbit	of	it's
eye.	After	metamorphasis,	the	ipsilateral	projection	from	the	normal	eye
onto	the	same	optic	lobe	was	mapped	electrophysiologically,	and	it	was
found	to	have	rotated	as	well,	conforming	to	the	distorted	contralateral
projection.	Commissural	-neurons	form	several	connections	with	tectal
neurons,	from	temporal	conjunctions	with	the	direct	visual	projection	from
the	opposite	eye,	establishing	precise	binocular	correspondence	of
retinal-	points.	This	makes	it	possible	for	the	animal	to	discriminate
distance	and	depth	by	central	nervous	recognition	of	image	disparity.”
Fig.	6	Africa	claved	frog	eye
Fig.	n.7	human	retina
By	M.	JACOBSON.	From	the	Physiology	Department,	University	of
Edinburgh.	1962:
“The	area	centralis	of	the	frog's	retina	is	a	vaguely	defined	horizontal
band	[Chievitz,	1889	and	1891;	Slonaker,	1897],	whose	superiority	in
resolving	power	over	the	rest	of	the	retina	is	considered	to	be	slig”
Fig.	n	8	iris	Phyllomedusa	bicolor	,	amphibian	eye	pupill
20	October	2017	Rcophth	Eponymous	Lecture	The	evolution	of	eyes:
major	steps.	The	Keeler	lecture	2017:	centenary	of	Keeler	Ltd
I	R	Schwab	“	EYE
“Most	fish	have	a	completely	crossed	chiasm,	but	most	mammals	have	a
partially	decussated	chiasm	to	achieve	stereopsis.	Where	would	this
change	occur?	The	answer	is	to	be	found	in	the	early	amphibious-
tetrapods,	if	frogs	are	to	be	our	model.	As	tadpoles,	frogs	have	a
completely	crossed	chiasm,	just	like	fish.	During	metamorphosis,	the
retinal	growth	cones	head	toward	the	chiasm	are	divided	there	and
directed	to	go	to	one	or	the	one	or	the	other	optic	tract	in	about	equal
numbers.	Phylogenetically,	this	represented	the	first	partially	decussated-
The	assumption	of	a	terrestrial-	lifestyle	required	many	adaptations	not
only	for	the	eye	but	also	in	the	management	of	reproduction.	Extant
amphibians	can	not	move	far	from	water,	because	they	are	required	to
lay	their	eggs	in	water.	The	cleidoic	egg	changed	that.	A	cleidoic	-egg	(or
amniotic	egg)	is	one	with	a	leathery	or	hard	shell	that	limits	evaporation
and	does	not	require	constant	contact	with	water.	For	some	animals	such
as	placental-	mammals,	the	amniotic	egg	is	internal	and	thus	does	not
need	the	outer	and	impervious	shell.	This	permitted	newly	terrestrial
animals	to	move	away	from	water-	sources.
Sauropsids	diverged	into	2	distinct	lineages:	Lepidosaurs,	including
lizards,	the	tuatara,	and	eventually	snakes	and	Archosaurs,	including
turtles,	crocodiles,	and	eventually	birds.
This	was	a	major	step	for	the	terrestrial	eye	because	the	crystalline	lens
slimmed	to	the	shape	of	a	lentil	and	accommodation	was	accomplished
by	lens	deformation	instead	of	lens-	movement.	This	key	step	using
striated	musculature	in	most	sauropsids	and	was	faster,	more	accurate
and	produced	a	brighter	image	than	lens	movementll	lineages	of
sauropsids	and	synapsids	are	believed	to	have	developed
accommodation	by	lens-	deformation.	Snakes	are	an	exception.	Snakes	
radiated	from	the	lizard	lineage	and	lost	this	ability	during	their	fossorial	
sojourn,	only	to	revert	to	lens	movement	for	accommodation	when	they	
emerged	from	underground.		they	had	lost	the	ability	for	accommodation	
of	any	kind.		evolution	found	a	different	manner	of	accommodation	using	
lens-	movement	analogous	to	that	of	fish.	This	rather	clumsy	method	of
accommodation	by	lens	movement	consists	of	squeezing	the	vitreous	to
push	the	lens	forward	and	backward	is	analogous	to,	but	not	homologous
to	accommodation	in	fish.”
So	it	is	possible	to	say	that	more		superios	vertebrates	need	less	
regenerative	abilities		then			amphibian?	And	this	due	by	the	eye	
characteristic?	And	what	role	in	evolution	played	the	different	need	of
accommodation	in	eyes	to	focalize	light	in	retina?
An	retina		regeneration	in	zone	out	of	light	incidence	is	not	usefull.?	And
so	evolutive	Suppressed?
Fig.	n	9	retina	adult	newst	from	ye	regeneration	at	the	molecular	age
Developmental	Dynamics	226(2):211-24
CHAPTHER	3		Materials	and	methods
With	an	observational	approach	some	relevant	scientific	literature	is
analyzed	-reviwed	to	produce	a	global	conclusion	related	the
regenerative	abilities	of	IN-VERTEBRATES	and	vertebrates	useful	in
searching	new	therapeutic	strategy	.
Many	tissue	organ	s	and	apparatus	are	observed	in	different	animal	
species	and	related	their	first	fases	of	life	(	near	birth)	and		next	fases
(	adult	or	during	ageing	).
The	same	some	similarity	or	difference	of	regeneration	versus	other
process	like	neoplasy	or	wound	scare	process	are	analyzed.
Then	finally	is	verified	the	inibithory	effect	played	by	some	tissue
To	control	and	stop		the	regeneration	program	to	produce	a	physiologic
functionally	and	anatomic	replaces	of	a	lost	part	or	damaged		.
Also	the	role	played	by	iintroduction	I	evolution	of	the	adaptative
immunity	vs	innate	in	regeneration	abilities.
All	literature	was	founded	using	PUBMED	or	other	relevant	biomedical
CHAPTHER	4		Results	:
From	literature	:
Baiping	Cui	et	al	:
“For	years,	cardio-myocytes	of	postnatal	mammals	and	humans	were
considered	to	be	"terminally-	differentiated"	and	to	be	restrained	in	the
G0	phase	of	the	cell	cycle	throughout	life.
This	assumption	was	changed	several	years	ago	by	Bergmann,	who
applied	14C	dating	and	proved	the	occurrence	of	cardio-myocyte	renewal
in	the	human	-heart,	with	a	yearly	rate	gradually	decreasing	with	age
from	1%	at	20	years	of	age	to	0.4%	at	75	years	of	age.
Approximately	45%	of	cardio-myocytes	undergo	re-generation	throughout
the	life.
the	limited	capacity	of	re-generation	and	proliferation	of	adult-	hearts	still
cannot	compensate	for	the	massive	loss	of	cardio-myocytes	in	a	single
attack	of	MI.
With	the	activation	of	repair-associated	pathways	following	cardiac	injury,
the	original	injured	sites	of	cardiac	tissue	are	gradually	occupied	by
fibrotic-	scars.
Myocardial	re-generation	replenishes	lost	myo-cardium
In	lineage	tracing	experiments,	new	zebrafish	cardio-myocytes	have
been	found	to	be	derived	from	de-differentiation	of	pre-existing	cardio-
myocytes	to	form	an	electrically	coupled	contractile-	syncytium.
After	resection,	the	pre-existing	cardio-myocytes	re-entered	the	cell
cycle,	with	sarcomeres	disorderly	arranged	and	exhibiting	profound
deoxyribonucleic	acid	synthesis.
Kikuchi	et	al.	used	zebrafish	with	reporter	genes	to	re-express	the
cardiogenic	transcription	factor	Gata4	after	heart	damage	and	found	that
the	expression	of	Gata4	could	activate	epicardial	-cells.
Gata4-positive	cardio-myocytes	proliferated	and	migrated	to	the	site	of
injury,	indicating	that	cardio-myocyte	migration	played	an	important	role
in	cardiac-	re-generation.
Cell	lineage	tracing	techniques	have	shown	that	cardio-myocyte
migration	is	essential	in	heart-	re-generation.
The	chemical	signaling	pathway	Cxcl12a/Cxcr4b	has	also	been	shown	to
be	essential	in	this	kind	of	process.
the	transcription	factor	hand2	has	been	shown	to	expressed	in	heart-	re-
generation	in	zebrafish,	and	its	over-expression	has	been	shown	to
promote	cardio-myocyte	proliferation.
The	hearts	of	neonatal	-mice	can	regenerate	after	ventricular	resection,
Neuregulin	1	(Nrg1)	has	been	shown	to	play	an	important	role	in	the
cardiac-	re-generation	of	zebrafish	and	neonatal	mice.
After	cardiac	injury,	the	perivascular	cells	of	zebrafish	have	been	shown
to	highly	express	Nrg1,21	and	blocking	the	Nrg1	receptor	Erbb2	with
AG1478	inhibited	cardiac-	re-generation	in	zebrafish.
Adult	zebrafish	cardio-myocytes	are	mainly	mononuclear	cells,	while
adult	mammalian	cardio-myocytes	are	mainly	bi-nuclear	and	multi-
nuclear	cells.
Similar	to	zebrafish,	neonatal	mouse	cardio-myocytes	are	mainly
mononuclear.	Nrg1	can	stimulate	the	proliferation	of	neonatal-	mouse
cardio-myocytes.”	(3)
Thomas	P.	Lozito	et	al	:
“	humans,	like	most	mammals,	suffer	from	very	minimal	natural-
regenerative	capabilities.
As	the	closest	relatives	of	mammals	that	exhibit	enhanced	regenerative-
abilities	as	adults,	lizards	potentially	represent	the	most	relevant	model
for	direct-	comparison	and	subsequent	improvement	of	mammalian
Lizards	are	able	to	regenerate	amputated	tails,	and	exhibit	adaptations
that	both	limit	tissue	damage	in	response	to	injury	and	initiate
coordinated	regenerative-	responses.
Fig.	n	10	Lizard
Reptiles	and	amphibians	spontaneously	regenerate	cartilaginous-
skeletons	in	response	to	skeletal	injury
The	ability	to	regenerate	whole	appendages	(	limbs	and	tails)	is	a	rarity
among	adult-	vertebrates.
The	most	impressive	examples	of	appendage-	re-generation	are
exhibited	by	the	amphibians,	including	the	urodeles	(salamanders	and
newts)	and	anurans	(frogs	and	toads).	Salamanders	and	frogs	are	able	to
regenerate	the	limbs	.
Fig.	n	11	newts
Fig.	n	12	Toad
Neotenic	salamanders,	which	never	fully	develop	and	retain	non-ossified,
cartilaginous	skeletons	into	adulthood,	are	able	to	regenerate	fully	formed
limbs	,	with	all	the	original	cartilaginous-	skeletal	elements	of	the	originals
Regenerated	salamander	limbs	also	recreate	the	musculature	of	the
amputated	arms/legs.
Frogs,	which	do	fully	develop	and	exhibit	ossified	skeleton	as	adults,
regenerate	cartilage	spikes	rather	than	limbs	following	amputation	.
Cartilage	spikes	are	continuous	with	the	radio-ulna	bone	of	the	original
limb,	and	no	other	skeletal	elements	are	formed,	and	very	little	muscle	is
regenerated	.	(This	inverse	relationship	between	skeletal
development/maturity	and	re-generation	fidelity,	as	well	as	the	preference
for	producing	cartilage,	are	also	observed	in	tail	re-generation.)
Lizards	are	the	only	group	of	amniotes	capable	of	tail	re-generation	as
adults,	and,	unlike	the	anamniotic	salamanders,	adult	lizard	axial-
skeletons	are	fully	ossified.
Fig.	n13	amniotes
Fig.	n	14	amniotes
Both	salamanders	and	lizards	regenerate	tails,	and	regenerated	tail
skeletons	are	almost	completely	cartilaginous	.
Salamanders	regenerate	cartilage	rods	ventral	to	regenerated	spinal
cords	,	while	lizards	regenerate	cartilage-	tubes	that	enclose	regenerated
spinal-	cords	.
Regenerated	tails	of	the	less	skeletally	developed	salamander	segment
and	develop	neural	and	hemal	arches,	and	mature	regenerated
salamander	tails	are	almost	perfect	copies	of	originals	.
The	more	skeletally-	matured	lizards,	on	the	other	hand,	regrow	imperfect
regenerated	tails,	and	lizard-	cartilage	tubes	never	segment	and	are
easily	distinguishable	from	original	tail-	skeletons	.
Non-mammalian	vertebrate	skeletal	re-generation	favors	cartilage	re-
generation	over	bone.
This	is	particularly	interesting	given	that	cartilage	is	a	tissue	that	most
mammals,	and	humans,	are	completely	unable	to	heal,	let	alone
Among	the	regenerative	vertebrates,	only	lizards	are	grouped	with
mammals	as	amniotes,	and	that	many	of	the	regenerative	properties	and
processes	exemplified	in	lizards	is	shared	with	amphibians,	the	bulk	of
this	review	will	focus	on	the	lizard	in	its	discussion	of	enhanced	wound
healing	capabilities.
Lizard-tail	re-generation	follows	waves	of	process	of	de-generation,
proliferation,	and	differentiation.
Regardless	of	whether	the	lizard-tail	is	amputated	or	autotomized,	the
first	stage	of	re-generation	is	actually	characterized	by	tail	stump	tissue
de-generation	and	breakdown.
Within	days	of	tail	loss,	macrophages	and	osteoclasts	home	to	stump
tissues,	where	they	proliferate	and	secrete	proteases	such	as	matrix
metallo-peptidase	9	(MMP-9)
These	proteases	breakdown	stump	tissues,	including	the	terminal	tail-
vertebra,	which	is	effectively	cut	in	half	by	osteoclasts	.
The	exception	to	this	tissue	de-generation	is	the	epidermis,	which
proliferates	around	the	wound	surface	and	migrates	through	the	break	in
the	terminal	tail	vertebra	created	by	the	osteoclasts	.
Several	days	later,	when	the	most	distal	portion	of	the	tail	stump	is	shed,
a	process	known	as	ablation,	the	stump	is	completely	covered	by	new
epidermal-	tissues,	which	is	referred	to	as	wound	-epidermis	.
Macrophages,	osteoclasts,	and	wound	epidermis	secrete	proteases	that
degenerate	stump	-bone,	muscle,	and	connective	tissue,	releasing	a
variety	of	cell	types	directly	under	the	wound-	epidermis	.
Cells-	derived	from	degenerated	stump	tissues	secrete	signals,	such	as
IGF-2	,	which	have	been	shown	to	potentiate	wound	epidermis
development	in	other	models	of	re-generation	.
Wound	epidermis	thickens	and	stratifies	as	it	forms	the	structure	known
as	the	apical	cap.
In	turn,	the	apical	cap	produces	another	set	of	signals,	including	Wnt5a
and	FGF-2.
FGF-2	signals	induce	proliferation	and	chemo-taxis	in	tail	stump
ependymal	cells,	which	line	the	central	canal	of	the	spinal-	cord	.
As	they	proliferate	and	migrate	towards	the	apical	cap,	ependymal	cells
self-organize	into	a	structure	known	as	the	ependymal	tube,	which	forms
the	bulk	of	the	regenerated	spinal-	cord.
Implantation	of	FGF-soaked	beads	attracts	ependymal	cells	toward
implantation	sites,	resulting	in	ependymal-	tube	branching	.
implantation	of	beads	soaked	in	the	drug	SU5402,	a	specific	inhibitor	of
FGF	receptors,	blocks	ependymal-	tube	extension	.
As	the	ependymal	tube	infiltrates	the	mass	of	cells	released	from
degenerated	stump	tissues,	stump	cell	populations	proliferate	and	swell
beneath	the	apical	cap,	forming	the	lizard-	tail	blastema	.
This	ends	the	de-generation	phase	of	tail	re-generation,	also	known	as
the	latent	period	due	to	the	lack	of	tail	elongation.
Blastema	cell	proliferation	now	drives	rapid	tail	growth	,	which	can	reach
4–5	mm	per	day	in	some	animal	species	.
blastema	-cells	begins	differentiating	into	regenerated	tissues,	including
muscle	and	skeletal	tissues	.
Lizard-tail	re-generation	is	dependent	upon	the	spinal-	cord.
One		questions	that	arises	when	studying	re-generation	in	reptiles	and	in
amphibians	is	“Why	can	these	organisms	regenerate,	while	mammals
can	not?”.
Comparisons	between	non-regenerative	and	regenerative	organisms
have	identified	2	tissues/structures	both	unique	to	regenerative-	species
and	required	for	re-generation:		the	apical	cap	and	the	tail	spinal	cord	,
Wound	epidermis	that	forms	over	the	stumps	of	amputate	mouse	tails
never	develops	into	the	thickened	apical	caps	observed	in	early	lizard-tail
Removal	of	the	lizard	apical-	cap,	or	replacement	of	the	apical	cap	with
mature	skin	grafts,	inhibits	tail-	re-generation	.
Perhaps	the	most	important	tissue	to	re-generation	is	the	tail	spinal	-cord,
specifically	spinal	-cord	ependymal.
Organisms	that	are	not	capable	of	tail-	re-generation,	such	as	mice,	do
not	possess	tail	spinal	cords	as	adults	,	while	both	lizards	and
salamanders	retain	tail	spinal-	cords	into	adult	stages.
We	and	others	have	observed	that	destruction	of	spinal-	cords/ependyma
at	lizard-tail	amputation	sites	results	in	re-generation	failure	.
Spinal	cord/ependyma	autograft	implants	produce	small	but	normally
structured	ectopic	-tails	at	implantation	sites	.
it	seems	that	interactions	between	the	apical	cap	and	tail	spinal	cord	is	as
important	to	re-generation	as	the	presence	of	these	2	tissues.
The	interactions	are	blocked	by	dermal	tissue-	implants,	and	interposition
of	dermal	tissue	between	tail	spinal	cords	and	apical-	caps	inhibits	re-
generation	.
Spinal	cord	re-generation	and	extension	is	confined	to	the	tail	and	is
dependent	on	interactions	with	the	apical	cap.	Spinal-	cord	transection	in
the	thoracic	regions	results	in	effectively	no	re-generation	of	the
ependymal	and	nerves	“(4)
According			Kathy	Jacynia	et	al		:
“Wound-	healing	is	a	fundamental	evolutionary	adaptation	with	2	
	possible	outcomes:	scar	formation	or	reparative-	re-generation.
Fig.	n	14		wound	healing
Scars	participate	in	re-forming	the	barrier	with	the	external	environment
and	restoring	homeostasis	to	injured	tissues,	but	are	well	understood	to
represent	dysfunctional	replacements.
Reparative	re-generation	is	a	tissue-specific	program	that	near-perfectly
replicates	that	which	was	lost	or	damaged.
Although	re-generation	is	best	known	from	salamanders	(	newts	and
axolotls)	and	zebrafish,	it	is	un-expectedly	wide-spread	among
Mice	and	humans	can	replace	their	digit	tips,	while	many
lizards	can	spontaneously	regenerate	almost	their	entire	-tail.
Not	only	are	the	lizards	able	to	regrow	cartilage	and	the	spinal-	cord
following	tail	loss,	some	species	can	also	regenerate	tissues	after	full-
thickness	skin	wounds	to	the	body,	tran-sections	of	the	optic-	nerve	and
even	lesions	to	parts	of	thebrain.
Wound-	healing	is	an	essential	biological	process	involving	the
synchronized	orchestration	of	numerous	cellular	and	molecular-
events	.
While	many	of	the	key	mechanisms	involved	in	wound
healing	including	re-epithelialization	,	cell	proliferation,	angiogenesis,	and
extra-cellular	matrix	deposition	and	remodeling]	are	widely	conserved,
the	fidelity	of	repair	often	varies	.
In	humans	and	most	other	mammals,	non-lethal	injuries
typically	result	in	the	replacement	of	damaged	tissues	with	a	fibrous
substitute	known	as		scar	.
Although	scars	participate	in	re-establishing	homeostasis	and	barrier
functions,	they	lack	the	organization,	tensile	strength	and	specialized
functions	of	theoriginal	tissues.
In	contrast,	other	kind	of	vertebrates	–	including	various
species	of	bony-	fish	(teleosts),	salamanders	and	lizards	–	are	capable	of
wound-	healing	without	scar-	formation.
Instead	of	replacing	damaged	tissue	with	a	fibrous	infill,	these	species
undergo	a	tissue-specific	program	to	restore	tissue-	architecture	and
Although	vertebrates	lack	the	capacity	for	whole-body
re-generation,	a	broad	range	of	organs	can	be	partially	replaced,
including	portions	of	the	skin	(epidermis	,	dermis),	heart	(ventricle),
forebrain	(tel-encephalon),	spinal	cord	and	even	multi-tissue
appendages,	such	as	limbs	and	the	tail.
Although	it	may	be	tempting	to	summarize	scar-forming	versus
scar-free	wound	healing	responses	simply	along	phylogenetic	lines
(	mammals	scar,	salamanders	and	lizards	do	not),	the	reality	is	far
more	complex.
Fetal-	mammals	can	heal	cutaneous	wounds	scar-free	prior	to	the	early-
to	mid-gestation	period	,	while	postnatal	mice,	rats,	rhesus	-monkeys	and
human	children	can	also	spontaneously	regenerate	amputated	digit-	tips.
Several	species	of	African	spiny	mice	are	able	to	perfectly	heal	holes
created	in	their	ears,	and	even	lose	and	then	regenerate	large	portions	of
skin	(∼60%	of	the	total	dorsal	body	surface	area;)
the	mechanisms	involved	in	scar-free	wound	healing	and	re-generation
are	taxonomically	wide-spread,	which	leads	to	the	riddle:	why	are	some
tissues,structures	and	species	able	to	regenerate,	whereas	others	can
not	do	this	?
We	begin	by	considering	the	benefits	of	the	lizard
model,	followed	by	a	discussion	of	select	examples	of	the	wound
healing	and	regenerative	responses	of	lizards	to	injury.
Another	region	of	the	CNS	demonstrating	variable	responses	to	injury	is
the	optic-	nerve.
In	mammals	and	birds,	damage	to	these	axons	can	result	in	vision-	loss,
as	retinal	ganglion	cells	degenerate	and	undergo	cell-	death
Cellular	de-generation	and	the	inability	to		restore	the	visual	pathway	in
these	species	appears	to	be	the	result	of	a	complex	inhibitory	micro-
environment,	related	to	the	formation	of	a	glial-	scar	(rich	in
proteoglycans	and	glial	cells)	and	various	axon	impeding	proteins	such
as	Nogo-A.
As	might	be	expected,	species	capable	of	restoring	vision
after	injury	to	the	optic-	nerve	(	zebrafish)	are	characterized	by	retinal	-
ganglion	cell	survival	,	and	the	absence	of	axon	inhibitory	proteins	such
as	Nogo	and	a	glial	scar	.
The	optic	nerve	of	some	lizard	species	can	regenerate,	even	though	they
express	Nogo-A	and	form	a	glial	scar	.
Optic	nerve	re-generation	is	particularly	efficient	in	Ctenophorus
ornatus	(	ornate	dragon	lizard),	with	the	crushed	optic	nerve	outgrowing
to	re-contact	the	optic	tectum	within	1	month.
Although	excitatory	and	inhibitory	neurotransmission	is	dysfunctional
following	re-generation,	and	vision	is	not	spontaneously	returned,	lizards
can	regain	sight	with	training	.
in	vitro	experiments	show	that	retinal	ganglion	cells	of	lizards	are
insensitive	to	the	inhibitory	signals	that	otherwise	obstruct	mammalian
axon-	outgrowth.
Using	an	explant	strategy,	mammalian	(rat)	dorsal	root	ganglia	and	lizard
retina	were	cultured	on	each	of	mammalian	and	lizard	glial-	cells.
Whereas	both	these	environments	inhibited	regrowth	of	mammalian
axons,	neither	inhibited	the	regrowth	of	lizard	-axons	.
These	data	reveal	a	surprising	diversity	across	vertebrates	in	how	the
optic-	nerve	responds	to	injury,	with	lizards	uniquely	interposed	between
full	functional	restoration	and	regenerative-	failure.
Many	mechanisms	and	cellular	participants	involved	in	wound	healing
and	re-generation	in	lizards	are	conserved	with	those	of	salamanders
and	teleosts	(	even	some	mammals).
	how	do	lizards	prevent	(or		limit)	microbial	invasion	following	tail	or	skin-
loss?	Early	evidence	showed	the	production	of	anti-microbial	peptides
(such	as	beta-defensins)	as	an	important	adaptation	with	obvious
biomedical	-implications.
Although	genomic	-	transcriptomic	data	are	now	available	for	several	tail-
regenerating	species,	it	is	instructive	to	compare	these	findings	with
those	of	closely	related	but	re-generation-incompetent	lizards.	.“(5)
Elizabeth	D.	Hutchins	ET		al	:	
“Lizards,		amniote	vertebrates	like	humans,	are	able	to	lose	and	
regenerate	a	functional	tail.	
Understanding	the	molecular	-basis	of	this	process	would	advance
regenerative	approaches	in	amniotes,	including	humans.	We	have
carried	out	transcriptomic	analysis	of	tail	re-generation	in	a	lizard,	the
green	anole	Anolis	carolinensis,	which	revealed	326	differentially
expressed	genes	activating	multiple	developmental	and	repair	-
mechanisms,	genes	involved	in	wound	response,	hormonal-	regulation,
Musculo-skeletal	development,	and	the	Wnt	and	MAPK/FGF	pathways
were	differentially	expressed	along	the	re-generating	tail	axis.
We	identified	2	micro-RNA	precursor	families,	22	unclassified	non-coding
RNAs,	and	3	novel	protein-coding	genes	significantly	enriched	in	the
regenerating	tail.
high	levels	of	progenitor/stem	cell	markers	were	not	observed	in	any
region	of	the	regenerating	-tail.
We	observed	multiple	tissue-type	specific	clusters	of	proliferating	cells
along	the	regenerating	-tail,	not	localized	to	the	tail	tip.
These	findings	predict	a	different-	mechanism	of	re-generation	in	the
lizard	than	the	blastema	model	described	in	the	salamander	and	the
zebrafish,	which	are	anamniote-	vertebrates”.
“	lizard-tail	regrowth	involves	the	activation	of	conserved	developmental
and	wound-	response	pathways,	which	are	potential	targets	for
regenerative	medical	therapies.	Re-generation	of	appendages	in	the
adult	is	observed	in	various	vertebrates,	including	in	the	lizard-tail,	the
salamander	limb	,	tail,	and	the	zebrafish	caudal	fin	.
Molecular-	cellular	analyses	in	these	model	organisms	are	beginning	to
reveal	conserved	versus	divergent	mechanisms	for	tissue	re-generation..
Re-generation	in	newts	is	associated	with	proteins	specific	to	urodele
amphibians,	casting	doubt	on	the	conservation	of	these	re-generative
pathways	with	other	vertebrates	.
muscle	formation	during	limb	re-generation	differs	between	newts	and
the	axolotl	.
Mammals	possess	some	neonatal	regenerative-	capabilities,	including
mouse	and	human	digit	tip	re-generation	and	heart	re-generation	in	the
mouse,	but	these	kind	of	processes	are	limited	in	the	adult	-organism	.
Lizards	are	capable	of	re-growing	appendages,	and	as	amniote
vertebrates,	are	evolutionarily	more	closely	related	to	humans	than
other	models	of	re-generation,	(	salamander	,	zebrafish).
A	deep	examination	of	the	genetic	regulation	of	re-generation	in	an
amniote	model	will	advance	our	understanding	of	the	conserved
processes	of	re-generation	in	vertebrates.
In	response	to	threats,	lizards	have	evolved	their	ability	to	autotomize,	or
self-amputate,	their	tails	and	regenerate	a	replacement	.
The	patterning	and	final	structure	of	the	lizard-	tail	is	quite	distinct
between	embryonic	-development	and	the	process	of	re-generation	.
Whereas	the	original	tail	skeleton	and	the	muscular	groups	are
segmentally-	organized,	reflecting	embryonic	-patterning,	the	re-
generated	tail	consists	of	a	single	un-segmented	cartilaginous	tube
surrounded	by	un-segmented	muscular	bundles	.
the	segmental	organization	of	the	spinal	cord	and	dorsal	root	ganglia	in
the	original	tail	are	absent	in	the	replacement,	with	regenerated	axons
extending	along	the	length	of	the	endo-skeleton	.
De-differentiation	has	been	proposed	to	be	a	major	source	of	proliferating
cells	in	the	an-amniote	salamander	blastema	model	.
No	clear	evidence	of	de-differentiation	has	been	identified	in	tail	re-
generation	in	the	lizard,	an	amniote	vertebrate	.
A	temporal-spatial	gradient	of	tissue	patterning	and	differentiation
along	the	re-generating	tail	axis	has	been	showed	.
While	transcriptomic	analysis	has	been	carried	out	in	anamniote
regenerative	models,	including	the	zebrafish	tail,	the	newt	limb,
and	the	axolotl	limb	,	the	genetic	profile	of	pathways
activated	in	re-generation	of	amniote	appendages	has	not	been
well	described.
Through	transcriptomic-	analysis	of	lizard-	tail	re-generation,
It	was	identified	that	genes	in	path-ways	involved	in
developmental	processes,	myogenesis,	chondrogenesis,
and	neurogenesis,		adult	processes,		as	wound	and
immune	-responses,	and	are	differentially	expressed	along	the
regenerating	tail-	axis.
The	Wnt	pathway	was	significantly	enriched	along	the	regenerating
lizard-	tail	axis,	and	the	activation	of	this	path-way	has	also	been	verified
in	the	salamander	tail-	tip	and	mouse	digit	tip	re-generation	.
The	activation	of	Wnt	signaling	in	2	amniote	lineages,	mammals	and
squamate	reptilesm	and		urodele-	amphibians	supports	a	role	for	this
path-way	in	re-generation	that	is	conserved	among	tetrapod	vertebrates.
Transcriptomic	analysis	also	showed	that	genes	involved	in	thyroid
hormone	generation		were	differentially	expressed,	suggesting	a	
regulatory	connection	between	re-generation	of	the	lizard	-tail	and
Musculo-skeletal	transformations	during	amphibian-	metamorphosis.
The	lizard	dio2	gene	is	the	ortholog	of	deiodinase,	iodothyronine,	type
I,which	in	mammals	converts	thyroxine	pro-hormone	(T4)	to
bioactive	3,3’,5-triiodo-thyronine	(T3)	.
In	Xenopus	-laevis,	T3	is	the	key	signal	for	the	process	of	metamorphosis
from	tadpole	to	adult	frog	.
Many	of	the	changes	associated	with	meta-morphosis	are	also	observed	
in		remodeling	of	the	tail-	stump	and	outgrowth	of	the	lizard-	tail.
The	lizard	cga	-gene	is	the	ortholog	of	chorionic	gonadotropin,	alpha
chain,	which	encodes	the	alpha	chain	of	TSH	and	other	crucial
During	tadpole	meta-morphosis,		thyroid	hormone	(TH)	and	TSH	rise,
despite	the	normal	expectation	that	TH	would	down-regulate	TSH	.
Changes	in	TH	regulation	of	TSH	may	also	be	altered	in	re-generation.
among	the	amniotes,	the	lizard	retains	genetic	pathways	associated	with
thyroid	hormone	regulation	of	meta-morphosis	in	amphibian	vertebrates.
Fig	.	15	amniota
we	previously	identified	conserved	features	in	Notch	pathway	regulation
of	lizard	and	amphibian	development,		a	gradient	of	hes6	expression	in	
the	pre-somitic	mesoderm	that	was	not	observed	in	other	amniote
vertebrates	and	probably	losted	.
tran-scriptomic	analysis	has	schowed	activation	of	multiple	genetic
pathways,	sharing	genes	that	have	been	identified	as	regulating
development	or	wound	-response	processes	in	other	vertebrate	model.
Some	tissues	are	formed	from	patterning	from	a	localized	region	of	a
single	multipotent	cell	type,	like	the	axial	elongation	of	the	trunk	through
production	of	somites	from	the	pre-somitic	mesoderm	.
Other	tissues	are	formed	from	A	distributed	growth	of	distinct	cell	types,		
as		development	of	the	eye	from	neural	crest,	mesenchymal,	and
placodal	ecto-dermal	tissue	.
The	re-generation	of	the	amphibian	-limb	involves	a	region
of	highly	proliferative	cells	adjacent	to	the	wound	epithelium,	the
blastema,	with	tissues	differentiating	as	they	grow	more	distant	from
the	blastema.
re-generation	of	the	lizard-	tail	seem	to	follow	a	more	distributed	model.
Stem	cell	markers	and	PCNA	and	MCM2	positive	cells	are	not	highly
elevated	in	any	particular	region	of	the	regenerating	tail,	suggesting
multiple	foci	of	regenerative	growth.
This	contrasts	with	PNCA	and	MCM2	immunostaining	of
developmental	and	regenerative	growth	zone	models	such	as	skin
appendage	formation	,	liver	development	,	neuronal
re-generation	in	the	newt	,	and	the	regenerative	blastema	,
which	all	contain	localized	regions	of	proliferative	growth.
Skeletal	muscle	and	cartilage	differentiation	occurs	along	the	length	of
the	regenerating	tail	during	outgrowth;	it	is	not	limited	to	the	most
proximal	regions.
the	distal	tip	region	of	the	regenerating	tail	is	highly	vascular,	unlike	a
blastema,	which	is	avascular	.
This	suggest	that	the	blastema	model	of	anamniote	limb	re-generation	
does	not		reflect	the	regenerative	process	in	tail	re-generation	of	the
lizard,	an	amniote	vertebrate.
Re-generation	requires	a	cellular	source	for	tissue	growth.
Satellite-	cells,	which	reside	along	mature	myo-fibers	in	adult
skeletal	muscle,	have	been	studied	extensively	for	their	involvement
in	muscle	growth	and	re-generation	in	mammals	and	other
vertebrates	.
re-generation	of	skeletal	muscle	in	the	axolotl	limb	involves	recruitment	of
satellite	cells	from	muscle	.
Mammalian	satellite	-cells	in	vivo	are	limited	to	muscle,	but	in	vitro
with	the	addition	of	exogenous	BMPs,	they	can	be	induced	to
differentiate	into	cartilage	as	well	.
we	have	identified	a	coordinated-	program	of	re-generation	in	the	green
anole	lizard	that	involves	both	recapitulation	of	multiple	developmental	-
processes	and	activation	of	latent	wound-	repair	mechanisms	conserved
among	vertebrates.
the	process	of	tail	re-generation	in	the	lizard	does	not
match	the	de-differentiation	and	blastema-based	model	as
described	in	the	salamander	and	in	zebrafish,	but	matches
a	model	involving	tissue-specific	re-generation	through	stem-
progenitor	populations.
The	pattern	of	cell	-proliferation	and	tissue	formation	in	the	lizard
identifies	a	uniquely	amniote	vertebrate	combination	of	multiple
developmental	and	repair-	mechanisms.	“(6)
There	are	difference	between	amniote	and	anamniote		regenerative	
abilities	?	related	to	the	different	kind	of	environment	in	which	eggs	are	
placed	:	water	or	solid	phases	,	need	of	internal	resource	of	water	,	
different	kind	of	exchange	with	environment	and	more	rigid	place.
Kazu	Kikuchi		et	al	:	
Mammalian	hearts
In	experimental	settings	,	adult	mammals	were	probed	for	the	capacity	to
regenerate	cardiac-	muscle	after	several	models	of	injury,	including	MI,
burning,	freezing,	mechanical	injury,	and	chemical	injury	.
Most	researcher	agree	that	this	work	and	sub-sequent	experiments	to
date	involving	modern	capabilities	to	detect	bona	fide	re-generation,
generated	little	evidence	to	conclude	that	there	is	significant	myocardial
re-generation	after	cardiac	injury.
Most	also	agree	that	the	key	limitation	to	cardiac	muscle	re-generation	is
likely	to	be	the	poor	ability	of	adult	mammalian	cardio-myocytes	to	enter
the	cell	cycle	and	undergo	division	.
Cardio-myocytes	in	the	fetal	mammalian	heart	are	mononucleated	and
proliferative;	but	shortly	after	birth	the	vast	majority	of	cardio-myocyte
DNA	replication	occurs	without	cytokinesis	or	karyokinesis.
most	cardio-myocytes	are	binucleated	with	diploid	nuclei	in	the	adult
mouse	heart,	and	mononucleated	with	polyploid	nuclei	in	the	adult
human	heart	.
After	this	postnatal-	switch,	it	is	rare	for	cardio-myocytes	to	enter	the	cell
cycle	.
observations	suggest	that	injury	may	influence	the	propensity	for	adult
mammalian	cardio-myocyte	proliferation.
In	injured	rodent-	ventricles,	histological	examination	of	3Hthymidine
incorporation	identified	detectable	DNA	replication	in	nuclei	of	myofibers
bordering	necrotic	tissue	.
better	resolution	using	transgenic	mice	in	which	cardio-myocytes	were
labeled	by	a	nuclear-localized	lacZ	reporter	protein	,	although	no
distinction	between	karyokinesis	and	cytokinesis	was	provided.
These	labeled	cardio-myocytes	were	detected	near	the	border	zone	of
myocardial	damage	at	exceptionally	low	levels	(~0.0083%).
Frisen	et	al	overcame	this	hurdle	by	taking	advantage	of	the	high	levels
of	the	radiocarbon	14C	released	from	nuclear	bomb	tests	during	the
Cold-	War	.
In	the	atmosphere,	14C	reacts	with	oxygen	to	form	14CO2,	which	is	then
captured	in	plants	and	eventually	incorporated	in	humans	through	the
food	chain.
The	genomic	14C	concentration	was	quantified	in	cardio-myocyte	nuclei
purified	by	flow-	cytometry,	facilitating	retrospective	dating	of	cardio-
myocytes	from	recently	deceased	people	of	various	ages.
Mathematical	-modeling	of	the	radiocarbon	data	suggested	that	human
cardio-myocytes	renew	throughout	life	with	a	capacity	that	gradually
decreases	from	~1%	annual	turnover	at	the	age	of	25	to	0.45%	at	the
age	of	75.
inferred	from	these	data	is	that	nearly	50%	of	cardio-myocytes	are
replenished	during	a	normal	life	span	.
Anversa	et	al	used	human	tissue-	samples	collected	from	cancer-
patients	who	had	received	infusion	of	iodo-deoxyuridine,	a	thymidine
analog	used	as	radio-sensitizer	for	therapy:	22%	of	cardio-	myocytes	in
the	human	heart	are	renewed	every	year	.
And	that	about	13%	of	endothelial	-cells	and	20%	of	fibroblasts	under-go
turnover	each	year	in	the	heart,	suggesting	that	cardio-myocytes	have
the	highest	renewal	capacity	among	cardiac-	cell	types	examined	in	the
these	results	suggest	that	the	mammalian	heart	possesses	a	measurable
capacity	for	renewal.
It	is	not	yet	clear	if	cardio-myocytes	are	renewed	through	differentiation
from	a	stem	population	or	through	cell	division
(	existing	cardio-myocytes.)
The	possibility	of	natural	cardiac	re-generation	in	amphibians	has	been
examined	first	by	Soviet-	scientists	in	the	1960’s	.
Salamanders	present	great	re-generation	among	vertebrates,		renew	
removed	or	injured	body	parts	like	lens,	retina,	spinal-	cord,	jaws,
portions	of	intestine,	brain	tissue,	and	major	-appendages.
Amphibians	survive	massive	mechanical	injury	to	the	ventricle,	including
removal	of	as	much	as	¼	of	the	chamber.
This	resilience	is	a	feat	in	itself,	and	is	likely	to	reflect	a	lesser	reliance
than	mammalian	species	on	vigorous	circulation.
Resection	injury	penetrates	the	ventricular	lumen,	releasing	a	large
amount	of	blood.
In	the	newt	heart,	the		formation	of	connective	scar	-tissue	seems	to	be	a
dominant	response	after	resection	of	the	ventricular	apex,	and	there	is
only	minor	replacement	of	cardiac-	muscle	.
when	the	resected	myocardium	was	minced	and	grafted	back	to	the
wound	area,	the	tissue	graft	could	assemble	into	a	contiguous,	contractile
mass	.
resection	injuries	at	the	base	of	the	newt	heart	were	reported	to
regenerate	with	much	less	scarring	.
the	outcome	of	re-generation	could	be	influenced	by	the	level	and	type	of
tissue	damage,	a	warning	of	sorts	that	heart	re-generation	should	be
assessed	in	multiple	injury	contexts.
there	is	definitive	evidence	for	proliferative	activity	in	newt	and	axolotl
These	include	the	presence	of	mitotic	figures	in	cardio-myocyte	nuclei	as
visualized	by	standard	histology	and	transmission	electron	microscopy,
and	multiple	indicators	of	DNA	synthesis	.
Teleost	hearts	The	zebrafish	is	highly	amenable	to	genetic	approaches,
and	has	become	a	popular	model	system	for	understanding	vertebrate
embryonic	development.
adult	zebrafish	effectively	regenerate	multiple	structures	that	mammals
fail	to	regenerate,	including	retinae,	brain	tissues,	spinal	cord,	and	the		
major	appendages		.
An	study	examined	the	effects	of	removing	~20%	of	the	ventricle	by
surgical	resection	.
As	with	the	mechanically	injured	amphibian-	heart,	the	injury	seals	by	a
quick	clotting	mechanism	and	the	organ	sustains	sufficient	contractile
force	to	continue	to	drive	circulation.
Over	the	next	month,	a	series	of	events	occurs	in	response	to	ventricular
In	the	infarcted	mammalian	-ventricle,	fibrin	deposition	attracts	the
fibroblasts	and	inflammatory-	cells,	and	is	a	precursor	to	scarring.
The	fibrin	clot	is	typically	not	replaced	by	scar	tissue	during	cardiac	repair
in	zebrafish;	little	or	no	collagen	is	retained	by	1–2	months	after	resection
the	clot	is	supplanted	by	cardiac	-muscle,	restoring	a	contiguous	wall	of
vascularized	cardiac	-muscle.
Elevated	indices	of	cardio-myocyte	proliferation	were	detectable	at	the
end	of	the	first	-week	after	injury,	and	observable	for	weeks	after	this	.
As		for	amphibian,	it	is	possible	that	different	injury	types	introduce
distinct	outcomes	of	myocardial	re-generation.
Wang	et	al	produced	a	transgenic	system	to	facilitate	cell	type-specific
ablation	in	zebrafish	.
This	system	employs	2	transgenes:
1)	a	4-hydroxytamoxifen	(4-HT)-inducible	Cre	recombinase	(CreER)
restricted	to	cardio-myocytes	by	the	regulatory	sequences	of	cardiac
myosin	light	chain	2	(cmlc2);
2)	a	cytotoxic	DTA	(diphtheria	toxin	A	chain)	gene	that	can	be	inducibly
targeted	to	CreER-expressing	cells.	In	these	transgenic	fish,	referred	to
as	Z-CAT	(zebrafish	cardio-myocyte	ablation	transgenes),
a	single	injection	of	4-HT	could	eliminate	more	than	60%	of	cardio
myocytes	throughout	the	heart.
While	such	massive	loss	of	myo-cardium	did	not	normally	affect	survival,
it	caused	lethargy,	a	gasping	phenotype,	and	reduced	exercise	capacity,
classic	indicators	of	heart	-failure	that	are	not	seen	after	resection	-injury.
these	signs	of	heart-	failure	reversed	within	several	days,	a
recovery	that	correlated	with	massive	cardio-myocyte	proliferation
detected	throughout	the	ventricle.
By	30	days	after	the	injury,	the	ventricle	was	filled	with	new	muscle	and
displayed	little	or	no	scar-	tissue.
It	is	important	to	test	if	re-generated	cardio-myocytes	incorporate
functionally	with	existing	cardiac	muscle	and	do	not	generate
This	was	studied	using	optical-	voltage	mapping	of	surface	myocardium
at	various	stages	of	re-generation.
At	7	days	after	injury,	when	cardio-myocytes	begin	to	proliferate,	muscle
at	the	re-generating	apex	was	uncoupled.
A	week	later,	coupling	was	evident,	and	by	30	dpa,	electrical	conduction
through	the	apex	occurred	at	normal	velocities	.
Loss	and	recovery	of	conduction	velocities	was	also	evident	after	genetic
ablation,	and	then	re-generation,	of	cardio-myocytes
in	the	Z-CAT	model	.
These		indicated	that	the	newly	created	Cardio-myocytes	show	evidence
of	functional	integration	in	the	regenerated	zebrafish	heart.
MI	is	caused	by	ischemic	injury,	and	coronary	artery	occlusion	is	routinely
used	as	an	injury	model	in	small	and	large	mammalian	model	systems.
the	zebrafish-	ventricle	is	diminutive	(~1	mm3),	and	the	coronary	vascular
network	perfuses	a	relatively	small	proportion	of	ventricular-	muscle,
making	this	type	of	injury	a	difficult	task.
Cryo-cauterization	has	been	used	as	an	alternative	model	to	coronary
artery	ligation	in	mouse	.
this	injury	model	was	applied	to	zebrafish	.
In	the	initial	report	of	this	injury	model,	collagen	deposits	formed	during
the	3	weeks	following	injury,	yet	were	subsequently	replaced	with	new
cardiac	muscle	by	130	days	post-injury	.
Although	cardiac	muscle	and	coronary	vasculature	were	recovered	at	the
cryo-injured	area,	perfect	ventricular	shape	was	not	restored,	as	also
observed	in	the	resection	model.	Whereas	the	amount	of	cauterized
ventricular	tissue	is	similar	to	that	removed	in	the	resection
model,dynamics	of	cardiac	re-generation	differed	with	injury	type.
This	delay	likely	reflects	the	need	to	remove	necrotic	tissue	after
cryoinjury	for	re-generation	in	the	damaged	area	to	take	place.
A	recent	study	has	shown	the	capacity	of	heart	re-generation	after	an
analogous	necrotic	injury	in	the	giant	danio,	a	teleost	fish	closely	related
to	zebrafish	.
These	3	quite	different	injury	models	each	stimulate	robust	myocardial	re-
generation	in	zebrafish,	although	at	different	rat	What	limits	the
regenerative	capacity	of	the	mammalian	heart?
Explaining	these	clear	differences	in	cardiac	regenerative	capacity
among	vertebrate	species	is	a	central	pursuit	of	the	field.	One	possible
reason	for	this	may	be	intrinsic	differences	in	cardio-myocytes.
Lower	vertebrate	cardio-myocytes	tend	to	be	mononucleated,	smaller	in
size,	and	containing	fewer	myofibrils,	as	compared	to	those	of	adult
mammals.	In	fact,	these	characters	are	typical	of	cardio-myocytes	in
young	mammals,	and	might	facilitate	cell	cycle	reentry	after	injury	.
Sadek	and	colleagues	have	applied	a	resection	injury	model	to	the
neonatal	mouse	heart	.
approximately	15%	of	the	muscle	was	removed	from	the	left	ventricular
apex	of	one	day-old	mice.
At	this	age,	mice	are	in	the	process	of	major	growth,	as	are	their	cardiac
Similar	to	the	zebrafish	and	salamander	models,	a	large	blood	clot
quickly	sealed	the	wound	after	injury.
After	surgery	and	sutures,	pups	were	cared	for	by	mothers	until	weaning.
Strikingly,	during	this	3-week	period,	the	ventricles	fully	healed	without
major	scarring.	Cardio-myocyte	proliferation
indices	were	boosted	both	near	to	and	away	from	the	resection	plane	to
levels	even	higher	than	normally	seen	in	growing	hearts.
By	contrast,	resection	injuries	performed	at	7	days	after	birth	led	to	the
formation	of	a	fibrotic	scar.
the	capacity	of	myocardial	re-generation	is	transiently	present	in	the
neonatal	mouse	heart,	but	is	quickly	lost	by	7	days	after	birth.
Postnatal	switches	in	cardio-myocyte	proliferation	and	regenerative
capacity	coincide	with	changes	of	the	expression	of	cell	cycle	regulator
genes	,and	a	recent	study	suggested	the	role	of	microRNAs	(miRNAs)	in
this	regulation	.
In	this	work,	microarray	analysis	was	carried	out	to	identify	subsets	of
miRNAs	of	which	expression	is	changed	in	murine	cardiac	ventricles
between	1	and	10	days	after	birth.	The	analysis	identified	miR-195,	a
member	of	the	miR-15	family	that	is	reported	to	regulate	B
cell	proliferation	and	contribute	to	leukemogenesis,	as	being	highly
upregulated	during	the	postnatal	period.
Checkpoint	kinase	1	(Check1)	was	shown	to	be	directly	regulated
through	a	binding	site	in	its	3′UTR.
While	cardio-myocyte	characteristics	would	appear	to	have	a	primary	role
in	regenerative	capacity,	another	basis	for	the	poor	regenerative	potential
of	the	mammalian	heart	may	be	the	activity	of	non-myocardial	cardiac
cells	in	response	to	injury.
For	instance,	fibroblasts	make	up	a	high	percentage	of	adult	mammalian
cardiac	cells,	and	a	much	lower	percentage	of	fetal	mammalian	or	adult
non-mammalian	vertebrate	hearts.
These	fibroblasts	not	only	have	the	capacity	to	form	scar	tissue,	but	also
appear	to	impact	the	proliferative	capacity	of
To	this	point,	a	recent	study	found	that	adult	cardiac	fibroblasts	co-
cultured	with	neonatal	cardio-myocytes	inhibited	their	proliferation,	while
embryonic	cardiac	fibroblasts	had	no	such	effect	.
age-related	changes	in	fibroblast	characters	might	modify	cardiac
regenerative	capacity.
the	hearts	of	lower	vertebrates	such	as	zebrafish		have	long,
exaggerated	trabeculae	that	protrude	into	the	ventricular	lumen.
These	trabeculae	are	lined	by	a	large	total	surface	area	of	endocardial
The	mammalian	cardiac	chambers	briefly	display	similar	anatomy	in	their
fetal	form.
During	maturation,	mammalian	ventricles	then	acquire	a	thick,
vascularized	wall	with	limited	trabeculation	and	low	relative	endocardial
surface	area.
the	zebrafish	endo-cardium	quickly	responds	to	injury	and	induces	a
signal(s)	that	is	required	for	myocardial	proliferation,	while	the	endo-
cardium	of	the	adult	mouse	heart	does	not	appear	to	mount	an
analogous	response	.
Identification	of	endogenous	cardiac	stem	and	progenitor	cells	in	the
postnatal	mammalian	heart
adult	mammalian	cardio-myocytes	have	low	proliferative	character,	and	it
makes	good	sense	for	biologists	to	search	for	undifferentiated	progenitor
cells	that	have	the	potential	to	mature	into	contractile	cells.
Several	cell	types	with	the	potential	to	create
Cardio-myocytes	postnatally	have	been	described,	expressing	either	the
pan-stem	cell	marker	c-Kit	,	the	transcription	factor	Islet1	,	or	the	cell
surface	marker	stem	cell	antigen	1	(Sca-1).
Other	candidate	cardiac	progenitor	cells	include	“side	population”	cells
that	possess	physiological	properties	to	efflux	fluorescent	dye	,	or	to	form
multicellular	clusters,	referred	to	as	cardiospheres,	in	culture		.
Harvey	and	colleagues	reported	colony-forming	cells	(cardiac	resident
colony	forming	units	-	fibroblasts,	cCFU-Fs)	in	the	adult	mouse	heart	that
have	long-term	growth	potential	in	culture		.
Clonally	derived	cCFUFs	were	shown	to	give	rise	to	multiple	mesodermal
lineages	in	vitro	including	cardio-myocytes,	endothelial	cells,	smooth
muscles,	adipocytes,	cartilage	and	bone.
Injection	of	GFP-tagged	cCFU-Fs	into	the	infarcted	heart	demonstrated
that	those	cells	have	the	capacity	to	create	cardio-myocytes,	endothelial
cells,	and	smooth	muscle	cells	in	vivo.
differentiation	of	endodermal	and	ectodermal	cell	types,	such	as
hepatocytes,	neurons,	and	oligo-dendrocytes,	was	also	detected	in	vitro,
suggesting	trans-germ	layer	plasticity	of	this	population.
Gene	expression	profiles	and	marker	expression,	as	well	as
perivascular	localization	of	cCFU-Fs,	were	analogous	to	those	of
mesenchymal	stem	cells	derived	from	bone	marrow.	transplantation
assays	and	Cre-based	genetic	fate	mapping
indicated	that	cCFU-Fs	are	likely	to	derive	from	the	epicardium,	a	finding
of	interest	given	other	findings	that	suggest	epicardial	trans-differentiation
capacity	.
Marbán	and	colleagues	reported	findings	from	a	randomized	phase	1	trial
with	cardio-sphere-derived	stem	cells	.
cardiospheres	were	grown	from	explant	culture	biopsies	of	MI	patients
suffering	from	left	ventricular	dysfunction.
Autologous	cardiosphere-derived	cells	(CDCs)	were	then	infused	into	the
artery	associated	with	the	infarct.
Functional	examinations	of	CDC-treated
hearts	showed	that	although	there	were	some	beneficial	effects,	overall
ejection	fraction	of	left	ventricle	was	not	significantly	recovered.
MRI	examinations	revealed	that	mean	scar	mass	was	significantly
reduced	in	CDC	groups,	suggesting	recovery	of	myocardium.
This	change	was	likely	induced	by	indirect	mechanisms,	as	human	CDCs
exert	beneficial	effects	through	paracrine	mechanisms	when	injected	into
immune-compromised	mice	after	MI.
Previous	genetic	fate-mapping	works	revealed	that	all	cell	types	of	the
small	intestinal	epithelium	are	generated	by	at	least	2	distinct	intestinal
stem	cell	populations:	Lgr5+	cells	at	the	crypt	base	and	Bmi1+	cells	at
the	+4	position	relative	to	the	cryptbase	.
evidence	is	accumulating	that	the	mammalian	heart	possesses	stem	or
progenitor	cell	populations	that	differentiate	into	cardio-myocytes	in	vitro
or	in	vivo	after	transplantation.
The	mystery,	of	course,	is	why	the	damaged	mammalian	heart	fails	to
efficiently	harness	the	potential	of	progenitor	cells	to	create	a	significant
amount	of	new	cardiac	muscle	after	injury.
Contributions	of	cardio-myocytes	to	regenerated	myocardium
Zebrafish	provide	a	model	to	d	assess	the	cellular	source(s)	of	naturally
regenerated	heart	muscle.
Early	works	performed	prior	to	the	introduction	of	Cre-based	genetic	fate
mapping	tools	to	this	animal	suggested	a	model	in	which	un-differentiated
progenitor	cells	are	a	major	source	of	proliferating	cardio-myocytes.
assessment	of	fast-	(EGFP)	and	slow-folding	(nuclear	DsRed2)	reporter
proteins	in	transgenic	expression	cassettes	driven	by	regulatory
sequences	of	the	contractile	gene	cmlc2.
In	this	developmental	timing	assay,	many	EGFP+nucDsRed2−	cardio-
myocytes	were	detected	at	apical	edge	of	the	wound	in	the	regenerating
adult	ventricle	.
This	expression	phenotype	is	identical	to	that	observed	in	de	novo
cardio-myocytes	differentiating	from	heart	fields	in	early	zebrafish
embryos	,	and	suggested	fresh	maturation	of	Cmlc2−	progenitor	cells	into
proliferative	cardio-myocytes	.
regenerates	contained	EGFP+DsRed2+	myocytes	with	each	reporter
fluorescing	at	lower	intensities	than	in	nonregenerating	muscle	.
the	most	likely	interpretation	of	the	developmental	timing	assays	is	that
cardio-myocytes	reduce	contractile	gene	expression,
but	do	not	fully	lose	the	cardio-myocyte	phenotype,	as	they	participate	in
A	similar	reduction	in	the	expression	of	contractile	protein	was	also
reported	in	the	newt	ventricle	upon	injury.
This	non-implication	of	resident	progenitor	cells	during	instances	of
natural	heart	re-generation	is	supported	by	2	recent	works,	each	of	which
directly	assessed	the	contribution	of	cardio-myocytes	to	zebrafish	heart
re-generation	by	inducible	genetic	fate	mapping	techniques.
transgenic	lines	were	generated	with	CreER	driven	by	the	regulatory
sequences	of	cmlc2,	as	well	as	an
indicator	line	that	would	permit	visualization	of	cardio-myocyte	EGFP
fluorescence	after	excision	of	loxP-flanked	stop	sequences.	In	these
experiments,	4-HT	was	used	to	pre-label	cardio-myocytes	with	EGFP
fluorescence	prior	to	tests	of	re-generation.	There	was	no
significant	difference	in	the	proportion	of	EGFP	cardio-myocytes	in
regenerated	tissue	compared	to	uninjured	ventricles,	indicating	that	the
vast	majority	of	new	cardio-myocytes	derive	from	cells	expressing	cmlc2
before	injury	.
most	regenerating	myocytes	were	found	to	activate	regulatory	sequences
of	the	transcription	factor	gata4,	a	gene	required	for	embryonic	heart
development	.
Regenerating	cardio-myocytes	maintained	this	signature	throughout	the
suggesting	that	the	tissue	had	activated	an	embryonic	program.	This	is
consistent	with	results	of	transmission	electron	microscopy	and
sarcomere	stains,	which	indicated	that	regenerating	cardio-myocytes
acquire	a	les.	Earlier	supporting	data	included	detection	of	increased
expression	of	other	embryonic	cardiogenesis	genes	during	zebrafish
heart	re-generation	.	The	most	likely	model	to
synthesize	all	results	is	that	existing	differentiated	cardio-myocytes
reduce	their	contractile	state	to	acquire	a	more	embryonic	form,	in	which
cell	division	is	facilitated.
the	current	thinking	in	the	field	is	that	dedifferentiation	of	existing	cardio-
myocytes	is	the	dominant	source	mechanism	for	heart	re-generation	in
in	the	context	of	neonatal	heart	re-generation	in	mice,	employing	the
cardio-myocyte-specific	α-myosin	heavy	chain	(αMHC	or	Myh6)	promoter
to	drive	a	tamoxifen-inducible	Cre	recombinase	in	combination	with	a
loxP-based	reporter	strain	.
the	primary	source	for	re-generation	of	functional	myocardium	in	robust
systems	appears	to	be	resident	cardio-myocytes.
a	similar	experiment		using	adult	mice,	with	intriguing	results	that	keep
stem	cells	on	the	radar.
a	high	percentage	of	cardio-myocytes	were	pre-labeled	with	the	reagents
described	above,	and	then	assessed	for	cardiomyocyte	labeling	during
normal	aging,	or	after	an	MI	injury	.
This	approach	detected	no	changes	in	the	percentage	of	labeled	cardio-
myocytes	during	aging,	suggesting	that	a	non-muscle	cell
could	not	be	responsible	for	new	cardio-myocyte	addition	during	cardiac
in	mice	subjected	to	MI,	percentages	of	labeled	cardio-myocytes	were
reduced	in	the	peri-infarct	zone,	suggesting	the	contribution	of
undifferentiated	progenitor	cells	.
In	a		study	the	investigators	examined	effects	of	injecting	bone	marrow-
derived	c-Kit+	cells	into	the	infarcted	heart	.
Upon	cell	injection,	the	percentage	of	labeled	cardio-myocytes	was
further	decreased	compared	to	sham	or	injections	with	bone	marrow-
derived	mesenchymal	stem	cells.
These	results	suggest	that	c-Kit+	cells	somehow	stimulate	some	degree
of	cardio-myocyte	re-generation	from	an	endogenous	progenitor	or
unlabeled	cardio-myocyte	source.
the	results	point	to	paracrine	effects	by	a	still
unidentified	signal(s)	released	from	the	transplanted	cells,	a	signal	that
can	enable	de	novo	cardio-myocyte	creation	from	a	still	unidentified
Fate-mapping	experiments	described	above	do	not	address	the
possibility	that	cardio-myocytes	are	a	heterogeneous	population	with
respect	to	their	regenerative	capacity,	containing	certain	muscle	cells	that
may	be	better	suited	for	division	after	injury.
That	is,myocardial	re-generation	might	depend	on	such	“elite	cardio-
myocytes”,	perhaps	even	identifiable	by	a	specific	gene	expression
signature.	This	seems	logical,	given	that	the	heart	is	initially	contributed
by	2	recognized	cardiac	fields	,	and	that	various
cardio-myocytes	have	different	physiologic	and/or	functional	properties	.
re-generation	of	the	zebrafish	ventricular	apex	involves	activation	of
gata4	regulatory	sequences	in	a	sub-population	of	cardio-myocytes
within	the	wall	near	the	injury.
newt	cardio-myocytes	isolated	from	the	adult	ventricle	showed
heterogenous	proliferation	in	cell	culture.
Only	one-third	of	these	cells	progressed	through	mitosis	and	underwent
successive	cell	divisions	.
In	adult	mammals,	a	recent	study	by	Bersell	and	colleagues	reported	that
Neuregulin1(NRG1)	promotes	proliferation	of	differentiated	adult	mouse
cardio-myocytes	in	cell	cultureand	when	introduced	in	vivo	.
These	treatments	appeared	topredominantly	affect	a	sub-population	of
mono-nucleated	(versus	bi-nucleated)	cardio-myocytes,	a	finding
consistent	with	the	idea	that	some	cardio-myocytes	are	more	receptive	to
re-generation	signals.
Trans-differentiation	is	a	regenerative	phenomenon	in	which	one	cell	type
converts	to	another,	sometimes	using	an	undifferentiated	intermediate.
A	classic	example	of	trans-differentiation	occurs	after	removal	of	the	lens
from	an	adult	next.
a	new	lens	emerges	from	the	dorsal,	but	not	the	ventral,	pigmented	iris
tissue	.
Using	elegant	tissue	transplantation	experiments,	Tanaka	and	colleagues
demonstrated	that	while	dermal	cells	might	show	multi-potency,	most
cells	in	the	limb	stump	are	restricted	to	contributing	their	own	tissue	type
during	re-generation	.
Bone	marrow-derived	cells	like	hematopoietic	stem	cells	and
mesenchymal	stem	cells	were	thought	to	differentiate	to	cardiac	muscle
and	contribute	to	functional	recovery	after	MI.
results	from	subsequent	works	indicate	that	these	cell	types	may
contribute	to	cardiac	muscle	survival/repair	by	indirect	paracrine
mechanisms,	as	opposed	todirect	differentiation	into	myocardium.
it	seems	a	rare	and	difficult	task	for	differentiated	cells	to	switch	a
determined	lineage	under	natural	conditions.
cumulative	evidence	demonstrates	that	experimental	manipulations	can
overcome	this	hurdle.
Recent	findings	indicate	that	forced	expression	of	fate-determining
transcription	factors	can	eventually	wrest	control	of
the	developmental	program	of	a	cell	type	that	has	previously	been
committed	to	a	specific	lineage.
Notable	examples	are	the	derivation	of	induced	pluripotent	stem	cells
from	adult	somatic	cells,	the	direct	reprogramming	of	pancreatic	β-cells
from	exocrine	cells	,	and	the	conversion	of	fibroblasts	into	neurons.
Relevant	to	cardiac	cells,	direct	differentiation	of	non-cardiogenic
mesoderm	into	beating	cardio-myocytes	and	direct	reprogramming	of
cardiac	or	dermal	fibroblasts	to	cardiac	muscle	cells	have	been
In	the	infarcted	adult	mouse	heart,	lineage	tracing	experiments	indicated
that	the	epicardium	does	not	differentiate	into	cardiac	muscle;
instead,	epicardial	cells	contribute	to	the	canonical	epicardial	lineage
(epicardium,fibroblasts,	smooth	muscle,	perivascular	cells)		.
While	data	indicate	that	epicardial	cells	lack	natural	myogenic	potential
under	most	contexts	,	a	recent	study	suggests	that	this	restriction	can	be
Thymosin	β4	(Tβ4)	is	a	peptide	that	has	been	shown	to	enhance
vascular	potential	to	adult	epicardial-	derived	cells	(EPDCs)	and	improve
responses	to	MI
When	Tβ4	was	injected	into	mice	prior	to	infarction,	epicardial	cells
induced	the	expression	of	the	embryonic	epicardial	gene
Wt1	and	cardiac	progenitor	markers.
Genetic	fate-mapping	analysis	combined	with	transplantation	assays	with
purified	epicardial	cells	provided	evidence	that	EPDCs	near	the	infarcted
area	turn	into	functional	cardio-myocytes	at	low	frequency	.
Although	the	low	re-programming	efficiency	and	the	preconditioning	with
Tβ4	injections	may	not	be	realistic	for	therapy,	this	study	provided
rationale	for	considering	the	adult	epicardium	as	a	source	for	creating
new	myocardium.
A	hallmark	of	zebrafish	heart	re-generation	is	the	presence	of	injury
responses	that	occur	not	only	near	trauma,	but	also	in	an	organ-wide
manner.	Works	thus	far	have	found	that	all
major	cardiac	tissues	-	epicardium,	endo-cardium	and	myocardium	-
employ	this	strategy	in	response	to	injury	.
The	endo-cardium	stands	out	among	these	tissues,	as	it	shows	the
earliest	responses	yet	seen	after	cardiac	injury.
Within	an	hour	of	local	injury,	endocardial	cells	throughout	the	heart	take
on	a	rounded	morphology	and	show	detachment	from	underlying
Concomitant	with	these	morphological	changes,	endocardial	cells	induce
the	expression	of	developmental	marker	genes,	raldh2	and	heg,	in	an
organ-wide	manner	by	3	hours	postinjury	.
-	this	activation	does	not	occur	in	the	vascular	endothelium,	suggesting	a
distinct	role	of	the	endocardial	endothelium	in	this	response.
Similarly,	embryonic	epicardial	markers	tbx18	and	raldh2	are	induced	in
adult	epicardial	cells	as	early	as	1	day	after	injury,	and	become
detectable	around	the	periphery	of	the	entire	heart	by	3	days
post	trauma	.
In	the	myocardium	gata4	regulatory	sequences	are	activated	in
ventricular	cardio	myocytes	located	in	the	subepicardial	compact	layer	of
the	entire	ventricle	by	7	days	post-injury,	before	this	signature	localizes	to
regenerating	cardio-myocytes	.
At	different	time	courses	depending	on	the	cell	type,	these	injury-
activated	expression	signatures	disappear	globally	and	localize	to	the
injury	site,	where	they	aid	or	indicate	cardiac	muscle	re-generation,	as
described	later.
The	organ-wide	response	is	not	unique	to	the	adult	zebrafish	heart.
When	neonatal	mouse	ventricles	are	injured	by	resection,	cardio-myocyte
mitoses	and	sarcomere	disassembly	are
increased	not	only	near	the	injury	but	also	in	areas	distant	from	the	injury
Like	the	zebrafish,	the	neonatal	mouse	activates	this	organ-wide
response	quickly;
indices	are	boosted	a	day	after	injury	and	peak	at	7	days	after	apical
resection	of	the	ventricle.
local	injury	can	induce	global	cardio-myocyte	morphology	changes	and
proliferation	in	the	neonatal	mouse	heart.
Results	from	various	injury	models	suggest	that	the	activation	process	in
zebrafish	does	not	require	tissue	removal	or	direct	injury	to	the	endo-
cardium	and	epicardial	tissue,	and	is	not	maintained	by	circulating
systemic	factors.
when	zebrafish	are	intraperitoneally	injected	with	Lipopolysaccharide
(LPS),	an	agent	that	can	induce	systemic	inflammation,	the	expression	of
the	retinoic	acid	(RA)	synthesizing	enzyme	raldh2	is	induced	in	the	entire
endo-cardium	and	epicardium	of	the	uninjured	heart.
During	mammalian	liver	re-generation,	partial	hepatectomy	is	known	to
affect	tissue	distant	from	trauma	and	activates	compensatory	hepatocyte
proliferation	in	spare	lobes,	partly	through	inflammatory	factors	such	as
interleukin-6	and	TNFα	.
factors	released	during	cardiac	inflammation	may	help	to	trigger	organ-
wide	injury	responses	during	heart	re-generation.
It	seems	natural	to	imagine	that	in	tissues	that	are	competent	for	re-
generation,	local	signals	provoked	by	injury	target	regenerative	events.
cumulative	examples	of	natural	heart	re-generation	indicate	that,	instead,
injury	responses	are	initially	activated	throughout	the	entire	chamber	or
organ,	a	property	that	might	be	key	to	regenerative	success.
Regulation	by	non-myocardial	cells
The	epicardium	and	the	endo-cardium	appear	to	play	important	signaling
and	structural	roles	during	heart	re-generation	in	zebrafish.
morphological	changes	in	endocardial	cells	start	organ-wide	but	become
localized	to	the	wound	area	by	around	1	dpa.
By	7–14	dpa,	epicardial	cells	that	have	amplified	in	response	to	injury
accumulate	in	the	wound	site	.
endocardial	cells	near	the	injury	site	and	epicardial	cells	integrated	into
the	wound	maintain	high	expression	of	raldh2	while
re-generation	continues	.
Recent	transgenic	experiments	involving	overexpression	of	a	dominant-
negative	form	of	RA	receptor	alpha,	or	an	RA-degrading	enzyme,
Cyp26a1,	indicated	that	RA	produced	by	activated	endocardial	and
epicardial	cells	is	essential	to	maintain	myocardial	proliferation	at	the
injury	site.
Establishing	new	vasculature	is	critical	for	tissue	re-generation.
as	during	embryonic	heart	development	in	higher	vertebrates
the	creation	of	new	vascular	components	appears	to	be	facilitated	by
epicardial	cells.
genetic	fate-mapping	of	epicardial	cells	using	the	marker	tcf21	identified
contributions	to	perivascular	cell	types	,	epicardial	cells	are	ostensibly
recruited	into	the	regenerate	to	facilitate	growth	.
Members	of	the	Fgf	signaling	pathway	are	upregulated	after	resection
injury	and	may	serve	this	purpose.
Expression	of	the	ligand	fgf17b	is	activated	in	injured		myocardium,
corresponding	with	upregulation	of	the	receptors	fgfr2	and	fgfr4	in
epicardial	cells	within	the	regenerate.
Inhibition	of	Fgf	signaling	by	transgenic	overexpression	of	a	dominant-
negative	Fgfr	inhibits	epicardial	cell	integration	into	the	wound	area,	and
also	blocks	neovascularization	of	regenerating	myocardium.
This	manipulation	arrested	muscle	re-generation	and	caused	scar
Platelet-derived	growth	factor	(Pdgf)	may	have	similar	roles	as	Fgfs
during	re-generation.
Lien	and	colleagues	performed	a	microarray	to	compare	gene-
expression	after	resection	injury	in	zebrafish	and	identified	2	ligand
members	with	increased-	expression.
Initially,Pdgf	was	implicated	in	directly	activating	cardio-myocyte
Follow-up	works	found	that	expression	of	a	receptor	for	Pdgf,	pdgfrβ,	is
induced	during	heart	re-generation,		pharmacological	inhibition	of	Pdgf	
receptors	inhibits	proliferation	in	epicardial	cells	and	coronary	vasculature
-formation	during	re-generation.
both	Fgf	and	Pdgf	signaling	both	appear	to	reactivate	vascular
development	during	myocardial	re-generation.
Cardio-myocyte	dedifferentiation	Proliferation	by	resident	cardio-
myocytes	is	the	primary	source	mechanism	for	re-generation
of	the	adult-	zebrafish	or	neonatal	mouse	heart.
As	mentioned	earlier,	cardio-myocyte	de-differentiation	is	typically
characterized	by	reduction	of	sarcomere	structures	and	expression	of
fetal	gene	markers,	and	appears	to	be	a	shared	mechanism	associated
with	cardiac	muscle	re-generation.
Braun	and	colleagues	recently	investigated	heart-	tissue	samples	from
chronic	dilated	cardio-myopathy	(DCM)patients,	in	an	effort	to	discover
factors	that	cause	de-differentiated	phenotypes	in	human
By	using	proteomics	and	biochemical	approaches,	Oncostatin	M	(OSM)
was	found	to	be	highly	expressed	in	DCM	hearts	but	not	healthy	hearts.
OSM	is	a	cytokine	that	has	pleiotropic-	functions	and	transduces	signals
through	a	heterodimeric	receptor	composed	of	gp130,	a	co-receptor
shared	with	many	other	cytokines,	and	OSM	receptor	(Oβ)	or	LIF	-
The	authors	found	that	OSM	induced	loss	of	sarcomeric	structures	and
re-expression	of	embryonic	markers	in	rat	adult	cardio-myocytes	in	vitro
and	in	vivo,	through	signals	mediated	by	Oβ.
It	could	also	enhance	cell-cycle	entry	in	neonatal	cardio-myocytes	in
vitro,	and	Oβ	was	required	for	dedifferentiation	phenotypes	in	cardio-
myocytes	at	the	border	zone	in	mouse	MI-	models.”	(7)
Jensen	B	et	al	:
“Birds	and	mammals	both	developed	high	performance-	hearts	from	a
heart	that	must	have	been	reptile-like	and	the	hearts
of	extant	reptiles	have	an	unmatched	variability	in	design.
We	studied	the	growth	of	cardiac-	compartments	and	changes	in	
morphology	principally	in	the	model	organism	corn	snake	,but	also	in	the	
genotyped	anole		and	the	Philippine	sailfin	lizard	.
In	the	corn	snake,	we	found	that	the	ventricle	and	atria	grow
exponentially,	whereas	the	myocardial-	volumes	of	the
atrio-ventricular	canal	and	the	muscular	outflow	tract	are	stable.
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Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
Book regeneration  2020 luisetto m et al extended version
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