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Regeneration Policy in Contemporary Context Nicola Headlam 18th March 2011
Structure Part One : Contexts (me + questions) 1  (New) Labour’s urban policy laboratory. 2Localities in the recession.  3 Control Shift ; Localism, Big Society and the Coalition break Part Two: Policy Development and Process (intro + group exercise) 4 Parliamentary Committees 5 Regeneration to enable growth select committee inquiry response  6 Feedback break Part Three: Closer to home (me + questions) 7 MCR mechanisms for ED/R 8  Summary
Handouts Group Work  Regeneration to enable growth : CLG Delivery Community Regeneration in Hard Times: SURF Scotland (to compare!)
Contexts Part One
Contexts 1  (New) Labour’s urban policy laboratory. 2 Localities in the recession.  3 Control Shift ; Localism, Big Society and the Coalition
Labour’s Urban Policy Laboratory.
POLICY STRAND 1 Regeneration Policy [Alphabet Soup]
POLICY STRAND 2 The Local Government Modernisation Agenda [turning round the tanker]
POLICY STRAND 3 Performance management measurement, audit and inspection [drowning in documents…]
Joined up government?
What is regeneration? “’Regeneration seems to offer an almost infinitely inclusive canopy under which all may be persuaded to shelter and find agreement, yet vital issues remain beyond the pale” (Furbey 1999) pg 440 “…so urban regeneration is in principle a floating signifier but in practice it does not float very far.  It is ubiquitously used to a fairly standard set of policy goals and outcomes ”(Lovering 2007) pg 344
Regeneration – Governance 4 phases
HO PSA Delivery PSA 7 PSA 4 PSA 6 PSA 5 PSA 3 PSA 2 (Joint OCJR) PSA 1 NATIONAL REGIONAL LOCAL Voluntary & Community Sector 9 Area Committees CRCSG NOMS OCJR Communities IND Probation Prisons NASS ASB PolicingPolicy PolicingStandards CrimeReduction Drugs ACD CCU, REU, F CJS Probation Inspectorate HMIC Prisons Inspectorate GOEM (43Staff)5 Police Forces; 9 DATs;40 CDRPs; 49 Local Auth’s  Individual Regional Offices One City Partnership(LSP) NDC LCJB CDRP DAT CJIPCompact Police Authority Notts Police ProbationService HMP CPS Courts NottinghamCity Council Nott BCU YOT
POLICY STRAND 2 The LGMA [turning round the tanker] LGMA shorthand for policy interventions designed to improve (perceived) issues around ,[object Object]
 Decision making Process
Functions,[object Object]
drivers and levers : theory of change Selection of policy drivers and levers is informed by the interaction of actors exercising political judgement about priorities.  As governance systems rely on human interactions attempts at steering are likely to be met with unexpected and unintended though not necessarily unwelcome reactions and outcomes. (CLG, Sullivan 2008)
Tanker in First World War “Razzle-dazzle” camouflage
Strategic manoeuvring…
POLICY STRAND 3 Performance management measurement, audit and inspection [drowning in documents…] Meanwhile elsewhere in Whitehall… The Improvement Agenda (close to LGMA but not totally connected)  Empowered the Audit Commission Waves of improvement  ,[object Object]
CPA – Corporate Performance Assessment
CAA - Comprehensive Area Assessment
The PSA Regime (Public Services Agreements),[object Object]
Gordon Brown’s Approach – PSA regime
PSA Connecting manifesto to delivery mechanisms of Whitehall Connecting to “floor targets” In some ways odd to have to invent this… The “machinery of government” is quite tricky…
PSA match to ministers (2007)Power within the Core Executive I Figure 3 Number of PSAs for which each Cabinet Minister is operationally responsible. Minister 	Department 			Number of PSAs Ed Balls 	DCFS 				5 Jacqui Smith 	Home Office 			4 John Hutton 	DBERR 				3 Hazel Blears 	DCLG 				2 Peter Hain 	DWP 				2 Alan Johnson 	DH 				2 John Denham 	DIUS 				2 Hilary Benn 	DEFRA 				2 Alistair Darling 	HMT 				1 Jack Straw 	MoJ 				1 Ruth Kelly 	DfT 				1 James Purnell 	DCMS 				1 Ed Miliband 	Cabinet Office			1 Douglas Alexander 	DFID			1 David Miliband 	FCO 				1 Harriet Harman 	Government Equalities Office 		1
Local Area Agreements Partnership governance mechanism “bastard child” of  LPSA and  LSP Contains many stages of development.
Regeneration – Governance 4 phases
Recession - Policy SNR Regeneration Framework Parkinson report  CLG / BIS
Communities in Control Hazel Blears : personal mission Participatory budgeting etc.  Widely dismissed as gimmicky Short tenure as Secretary of State
Sustainable Communities Act Special  Case
Open Source Planning Page 8 section on  “a new system of collaborative planning” “A truly local plan” “Mandating collaborative democratic methods”
Public Sector and Big Society
Localism The Government will continue to help rebalance growth across the country, but regeneration activity should be led by local communities, not by Whitehall.  That's why Ministers are devolving power from Whitehall to the Town Hall, putting residents, and civic and business leaders, in the driving seat - which is when regeneration is at its most powerful and effective.
Localism bill key provisions : LG giving councils a general power of competence allowing councils to choose to return to the committee system of governance and allowing for referendums for elected mayors in certain authorities abolishing the Standards Board regime and the model code of conduct, and introducing local accountability and a criminal offence of deliberate failure to declare a personal interest in a matter giving residents the power to instigate local referendums on any local issue and the power to veto excessive council tax increases allowing councils more discretion over business rate relief providing new powers to help save local facilities and services threatened with closure, and giving voluntary and community groups the right to challenge local authorities over their services.
Localism Bill : Planning and Regen      abolish Regional Spatial Strategies abolish the Infrastructure Planning Commission and return to a position where the Secretary of State takes the final decision on major infrastructure proposals of national importance amend the Community Infrastructure Levy, which allows councils to charge developers to pay for infrastructure. Some of the revenue will be available for the local community provide for neighbourhood plans, which would be approved if they received 50% of the votes cast in a referendum provide for neighbourhood development orders to allow communities to approve development without requiring normal planning consent give new housing and regeneration powers to the Greater London Authority, while abolishing the London Development Agency.
Current policy developments LEPS  - Letter on Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) CSR - Comprehensive Spending Review – setting out the main changes in local government spending White Paper – “Local Growth, realising everyone’s potential” with detail on RDF and LEPs National Infrastructure Plan White Paper – “Decentralisation and Localism Bill”
Comprehensive Spending Review Growth, reform and fairness - 3 overriding principles which underpin the CSR Reduction in funding for Local authorities of around £7bn represents a cut of around 28% but an end to ring fencing from 2011/12 Reduction in CLG’s overall budget by 33% by 2014 Community budgets (sequel to total place) Reform of planning system including “new homes bonus” Delivery of 150,000 new affordable homes  Contribution from CLG to RGF of £890million
Local Enterprise Partnerships Transition from RDAs – LEPs Strategic leadership, setting out an area’s economic priorities Rebalancing economy towards private sector Private sector’s role in Governance – must include upper tier authority and must be chaired by private sector Bidding process - 56 bids for LEPs submitted with 24 approvals Strong link with RGF (although no automatic advantage) Localism - its up to localities to come up with proposals – “localities should lead their own development” Greater Manchester LEP – reflecting existing AGMA arrangements National Summit in the Spring – revealing details of capacity fund
White paper “Local Growth, realizing everyone’s potential” Tackle barriers and bottlenecks (including planning reform) and  invest where “it make senses to do so” Power- shift – supporting localism through local enterprise partnerships and their potential roles and transition from RDAs Reform of the planning system “national assumption on in favour of sustainable development” Right to build powers and new statutory duty to co-operate New incentives – e.g. changing the structure of business rates (options for retention of business rates and possible discounts on rates), a new homes bonus and tax increment financing Changes to business support - Businesslink replaced by national call centre and website – more emphasis on LEPs
Regional Growth Fund Regional Growth Fund (RGF)- £1.4billion  - “focused investment” to help government address market failure Objectives of RGF –  stimulate enterprise  Support those areas currently dependent on public sector economies.   Bidding process - applications from private-public, private or social enterprise. 3 main bid forms – Projects, project packages or programmes
National Infrastructure Plan  Sets out the government’s vision for infrastructure which will unlock private sector investment and economic growth: Challenges for infrastructure Obsolescence Globalisation  Growing demand Climate change Interdependence Links directly with Local Growth White paper, RGF and Localism White paper
Localism Bill New policy approach of re-localising running of services as fundamental shift to decentralisation – in effect creating the ‘Big Society’ Six core themes of the localism bill: Reduce bureaucracy  Enable communities and local government to take action Increase local control of public finances Open up public services to a broader range of suppliers Open up government finances to public scrutiny Strengthen accountability to local people
Welfare Reform: what previous government policy said about the labour market The core messages Full employment of 80% “in our generation” People as participants within welfare system rather than passive recipients of benefits 	“Tackling poverty through full employment”  Joint approach bringing together welfare benefits and employment policy and integration of skills priorities 	“A workforce which is one unrivalled in its skills, dynamism, equity and its inclusiveness” to compete in a global economy Strong focus on delivering skills agenda (Eg train to gain, skills pledge, Local Employment Partnerships) Taking personal responsibility – “rights and responsibilities” Personalised, individualised support….
Welfare reform: new government policy direction  Recognition of the need for whole scale reform of the welfare benefits system – informed by work of CSJ – “universal credit” Make work pay – principle at the heart of the reform More use of private sector in delivery/provision Conditionality  Claimant commitment established Four broad conditionality groups Tougher sanctions Including failure to prepare for work/seek employment Mandatory work programme
What does this all mean for economic development? Less resource for delivery and to support – both in terms of money and organisations Greater prioritisation of scarce resources and difficult decisions about what to support? More creativeness and new ways of working, eg new investment vehicles including tifs, co-operative models and mutuals More assertiveness/leadership required from localities as to the future economic role of their area
What does this all mean for economic development? Less guidance/steerage/direction from central government, we’ll need to come up with the answers to the questions Changing role for local government and partners, engagement with private/social sectors
Doing things differently: policy tools Procurement: progressive and sustainable practice can offset some of the challenges of public expenditure cuts and enable local economic benefit Using a local supplier can lead to employment opportunities and job creation, and sustain existing jobs Unemployment, worklessness and deprivation inextricably linked – procurement as a tool to tackle cycle of deprivation Using local suppliers can have benefits for the wider supply chain Employees and suppliers of organisations delivering services and goods will spend money locally Enables practitioners to support development of local labour through skills and apprenticeships (e.g. construction – GM Procure)
Case Study: Manchester City Council £900m expenditure on procuring goods and services Progressive procurement policy aimed at benefiting the city’s businesses and residents: 	- Balanced consideration of social, environmental and economic impacts 	- MCC employees, contractors and suppliers are aware of long term commitment to social, environmental and economic sustainability Long term vision in place Recognition of need to understand the supply chain Procurement is not overly bureaucratic – becoming cross departmental Suppliers buy-in crucial to achieving impact – promoting council’s values Procurement as a tackler of ‘wicked’ issues – supporting local labour market Now have in place a burgeoning cross departmental working group
Doing things differently: policy tools LEPs: the new way of supporting businesses across Greater Manchester and other places Question is to what extent will this policy tool provide additionality LEPs do have the potential to be an overarching body for joined up working Overseeing planning, housing and transport, as well as employment, skills and enterprise support Such a body could ensure increased value for money and cost effectiveness Greater Manchester already has strong partnership infrastructure in place…. ….But are there gaps whereby only certain players have influencing and enabling roles? LEPs could help close such gaps and ensure that issues facing businesses and individuals across whole are addressed Has to be clarity about their blue-print or businesses won’t engage
Doing things differently: policy tools Regional Growth Fund: to stimulate economic growth in places with weak private sectors  Future funding to be more structured, being focused where we can make a difference Like’s of LEPs to be heavily involved in bidding process – private sector expertise behind the bids Programmes and projects may be more robust with greater chance of positive outcomes and less wasted resource Allows many stakeholders to have a role in shaping the economic future of places – not just reserve of the public sector Helping places become more innovative in their approaches to tackling structural problems But what will the effect of the competitive bidding process be?
Case Study: Birmingham’s RGF Bid Five schemes to seek £39.5m Finance Birmingham project (£20m match funded) to provide small business loans for start ups Aston Reinvestment Fund – community development finance loans to small businesses Birmingham Young People’s Enterprise project – pre and post start up advice for young people Road infrastructure project (city council and a local developer) Regeneration scheme in the Perry Common Estate
Doing things differently: new models of governance Directly elected mayors Conservative Party has been championing this for some time Unsurprising that Localism Bill includes a right for all areas to elect a mayor 12 designated cities to hold mayoral referendums in May 2011  Positives and negatives of the mayoral model long debated But elected mayor cannot just be a personality – it’s about the representation of a place  They must have significant powers over economic development, transport, inward investment, skills and business support If not then they threaten narrowing of democracy  What would a mayor of Greater Manchester mean for us?
Doing things differently: new funding mechanisms Tax increment financing: originated from US but now a key element of UK policy after being unveiled by Nick Clegg  Using anticipated increases in tax revenues to finance current improvements (e.g. improved infrastructure) that are expected to generate those revenues Supplying new infrastructure or improving what exists encourages development and increases value of surrounding property This, in turn, increases property taxation in an area to fund infrastructure.  In the US, TIF used to fund: Urban renewal Affordable housing Cleaning up pollution Public infrastructure (e.g. roads, pavements etc)
Case Study: Portland, Vancouver TIF: Pearl District, Portland, USA Regeneration converting warehouses into loft apartments, residential blocks developed of previously vacant land Increase in population attracted mix of restaurants, bars, retail outlets and galleries (also efforts to retain original character) TIF a very powerful tool in Portland for increasing investment and building commercial success. Target beneficiaries:New residents providing affordable residential property; businesses to invest in a ‘reborn’ area with a growing population
Doing things differently: new funding mechanisms Big Society Bank: a crucial element of the Big Society programme Attracting funding through private sector investment Also ensuring money from dormant bank accounts can be made available as funding for social reinvestment Bank will invest in intermediaries (e.g. community lenders) who then provide funding to VCS organisations Amount of money uncertain: £600m in dormant accounts – but only £60m immediately accessible  Intention to launch the Bank by April – much uncertainty though Big questions still remain over how it will work though (structure, ownership of funds etc)
New models for service delivery 	Public and social sector innovation Increasingly important in new era of austerity – budget cuts means practitioners doing more with less Requires new ways of thinking, especially in delivery of public services Hence Francis Maude’s talk of increasing the use of co-ops in service delivery and links to social innovation Example of co-production: equal partnerships between professionals and the public sector to add value to services Responsive to community needs to make them more efficient, sustainable and effective Not to be confused however with ‘shifting’ responsibility to communities A middle ground for user and professional knowledge to come together More information on NESTA’s Public Services Lab:
Policy process and development  Part Two
Part Two: Policy Development and Process (intro + group exercise) 4 Parliamentary Committees 5 Regeneration to enable growth select committee inquiry response  6 Feedback
The Policy Process
Central-Local Policy Network Congested terrain!
Think tanks re: recession LGA from recession to recovery: the local dimension CLES  toward a new wave of local economic activism Work Foundation: Recession and Recovery: How UK cities can respond and drive the recovery
Role of cities in a recession Discuss in pairs/threes What is the role of a city/locality in the recession? None? – let the market do it’s thing? Welfare? role of partners eg. jc+ Leadership? Others – want 8 please
Ideopolis - Work Foundation
Barcelona Principles – The Work Foundation  i.	Don’t waste the crisis, but respond with leadership and purpose. ii. 	Make the case for continued public investment and public services and the 	taxes and other sources of investment required. iii. 	In the long-term: build local economic strategies which align with long-term 	drivers and identify future sources of jobs, enterprise, and innovation. iv. 	In the short-term: focus on retaining productive people, business, incomes, 	jobs, and investment projects.   v. 	Build the tools and approaches to attract and retain external investment over 	the long-term. vi. 	Build genuine long-term relationships with the private sector, trade unions, 	and other key partners. vii. 	Take steps to ensure the sustainability and productivity of public works, 	infrastructure, and major developments/events.   viii 	Local leaders should act purposefully to support their citizens in the face of 	increased hardship. ix. 	Local economies have benefitted and should continue to benefit from being 	open and attractive to international populations and capital. x. 	Communicate and align with national and other higher tier governments.
Administrative geographies
Parliamentary Committees What they are, When to use them
Policy development and process Part Two
 Main types... Select eg CLG Selcom, PASC, Modernisation Liaison Committee Grand eg Countries of UK Standing (less important) Public Bill (eg Localism Bill) Regional (short-lived) Committee of Whole House Lords Committees eg Constitution NOT a committee = ‘Usual Channels’ (Business Committee)
Main important differences
Main important differences
Bill based
Main important differences
Select Committee Activity Core duty of backbench MPs Right to call minster and anyone else Independent Inquiries (avg. 4/year) Clerks are employees of Parliament (not Civil Servants) Call for Evidence Hearings Reporting
Using an Inquiry Submission If the inquiry is an open one it can be an opportunity to  Develop positioning/messaging re: issue  As the basis for a call to appear  Enhance credibility Part of our wider influencing strategy Parliament TV Hansard HoC Library Civil Servants Journalists
CLG Selcom Clive Betts (Lab Chair) beat Nick Raynsford Was Phyllis Starkey New members with LG experience  Heidi Alexander James Morris
Regeneration Inquiry 2011 Genuine Opportunity for CLES Wide, broad open Developing strong ‘manifesto’ ‘line’ ‘messaging’ which we use for other things too 4,000 word submission (referencing our other work website etc.) Exec Summary 1 pager
Need to show that... We understand the new approach We have some suggestions re: effectiveness 	rooted in evaluation/experience  We have ideas re: a regeneration narrative rooted in policy development  We can connect these to actions We are a key authority in this area
Questions (1) How effective is the Government’s approach to regeneration likely to be? What benefits is the new approach likely to bring? Will it ensure that the progress made by past regeneration projects is not lost and can, where appropriate, be built on?  Will it ensure that sufficient public funds are made available for future major town and city regeneration projects as well as for more localised projects?
Questions (2) What lessons should be learnt from past and existing regeneration projects to apply to the Government’s new approach? What action should the Government be taking to attract money from  	(a) public and (b) private sources into regeneration schemes? How should the success of the Government’s approach be assessed in future?
Central government’s role will be strategic and supportive:  reforming and decentralising public services   providing powerful incentives that drive growth  removing barriers that hinder local ambitions  providing targeted investment and reform to strengthen the infrastructure for growth and regeneration and to support the most vulnerable
Closer to Home Part Three
Part Three :  Mancunian Mechanisms Part Three: Closer to home (me + questions) 7 MCR mechanisms for ED/R 8  Summary
Books Managing the city: the aims and impacts of urban policy  	Brian Turnbull Robson 1987 Managing the city eds Liddle, Diamond, Southern 2007 City of Revolution eds Ward and Peck How Manchester is managed 1925-1939
Stories of “Mancunian ways” Mancunian Ways : the politics of regeneration Robson (Chapter 3 City of Revolution)  Metropolitan Manoeuvres : making greater Manchester Deas and Ward (Chapter City of Revolution) Greater Manchester – ‘up and going’, 2000 Hebbert and Deas Greater Manchester : conurbation complexity and local government structure Barlow, 1995 Manchester: Making it Happen Hebbert, 2009
Think tanks: Manchester Work Foundation : Ideopolis Localis : Can Localism Deliver? Lessons from Manchester Policy Exchange : Cities Limited  NESTA : Original Modern Manchester’s journey to innovation and growth
Other – blogs etc David Ottewell MEN InsidetheM60
How Manchester is managed, 1935 Regional Planning : The most effective planning scheme is one which is comprehensive in character and not limited by the artificial boundary of a local authority’s area.  It’s success depends upon (1) securing an area capable of economic development (2) effective joint action with neighbouring authorities
City / City Regional reification
Agglomeration Economists discovering space ?! Arguably foundation of city-regional arguments.
Local government
City Relationships:Economic linkages in Northern city regions
Economic Linkages :Labour Markets Stockport, Harrogate, North East Derbyshire, Gateshead and Sefton have all benefited from labour market links with the economic centre of their city region. Yet we also found that the types of links differed.  Between Stockport and Manchester there are strong labour market links in both directions. Stockport has increasingly developed a knowledge-intensive employment base that is complementary to economic growth in Manchester, and over the last ten years its GVA, resident and workplace earnings have increased. We also found that some places had relatively strong labour market links when measured by volume of commuting, but that the economic performance of that Local Authority area had not increased as much as in other places. For example, whilst Rotherham has strong commuting links with Sheffield, the gap between average resident earnings between the two Local Authority areas has widened, suggesting that Rotherham’s residents may not be benefiting from growing high value opportunities in the economic centre but rather continue to supply labour for lower skilled jobs. And there were other places which had strong economies and yet did not have strong commuting links with economic centres (although their industrial structure tended to be more complementary). This suggested that economic relationships between places can lead to mutually beneficial economic spillovers, but that there are certain factors that affect whether those relationships are mutually beneficial or not.
Manchester’s economy: Opportunities for development in the future
Manchester’s economy: current outlook Unemployment has peaked – for the moment?
Manchester’s economy: current outlook Employment up to 2020: 2011 the lowest point
Manchester’s economy: current outlook Manchester impacted by the recession – employment levels may not regain recessionary job losses until 2014 But in the medium term a strong recovery forecast GVA growth expected to be high in long term – 3.4% compared to 2.9% for Greater Manchester Residence employment rate to rise over the next decade – but below 60%: twin track economy? Over the medium term, unemployment expected to remain above the historical lows (akin to that experienced at end of 1990’s) Recovery to be driven by business services
Manchester’s economy: current outlook Manchester: key indicators Mmmm
Manchester’s economy: opportunities for the future Many successful neighbourhoods in South Manchester But also deprived areas that have not benefited from the growth: poor health and educational performance Attractive physical environment in South Manchester – open space and residential neighbourhoods Several thriving local economies and bustling and lively centre Very well connected to the regional centre and to motorway/trunk road and airport links South Manchester crucial to the city (and therefore wider city region economy) – location of choice for city professionals But pressure on housing – increasing demand for high quality homes and long social housing waiting lists
Manchester’s economy: opportunities for the future Employment opportunities: significant link between the labour force in South Manchester and the wider city economy: importance of Financial and Business Services

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  • 1. Regeneration Policy in Contemporary Context Nicola Headlam 18th March 2011
  • 2. Structure Part One : Contexts (me + questions) 1 (New) Labour’s urban policy laboratory. 2Localities in the recession. 3 Control Shift ; Localism, Big Society and the Coalition break Part Two: Policy Development and Process (intro + group exercise) 4 Parliamentary Committees 5 Regeneration to enable growth select committee inquiry response 6 Feedback break Part Three: Closer to home (me + questions) 7 MCR mechanisms for ED/R 8 Summary
  • 3. Handouts Group Work Regeneration to enable growth : CLG Delivery Community Regeneration in Hard Times: SURF Scotland (to compare!)
  • 5. Contexts 1 (New) Labour’s urban policy laboratory. 2 Localities in the recession. 3 Control Shift ; Localism, Big Society and the Coalition
  • 7. POLICY STRAND 1 Regeneration Policy [Alphabet Soup]
  • 8. POLICY STRAND 2 The Local Government Modernisation Agenda [turning round the tanker]
  • 9. POLICY STRAND 3 Performance management measurement, audit and inspection [drowning in documents…]
  • 11. What is regeneration? “’Regeneration seems to offer an almost infinitely inclusive canopy under which all may be persuaded to shelter and find agreement, yet vital issues remain beyond the pale” (Furbey 1999) pg 440 “…so urban regeneration is in principle a floating signifier but in practice it does not float very far. It is ubiquitously used to a fairly standard set of policy goals and outcomes ”(Lovering 2007) pg 344
  • 13. HO PSA Delivery PSA 7 PSA 4 PSA 6 PSA 5 PSA 3 PSA 2 (Joint OCJR) PSA 1 NATIONAL REGIONAL LOCAL Voluntary & Community Sector 9 Area Committees CRCSG NOMS OCJR Communities IND Probation Prisons NASS ASB PolicingPolicy PolicingStandards CrimeReduction Drugs ACD CCU, REU, F CJS Probation Inspectorate HMIC Prisons Inspectorate GOEM (43Staff)5 Police Forces; 9 DATs;40 CDRPs; 49 Local Auth’s Individual Regional Offices One City Partnership(LSP) NDC LCJB CDRP DAT CJIPCompact Police Authority Notts Police ProbationService HMP CPS Courts NottinghamCity Council Nott BCU YOT
  • 14.
  • 18.
  • 19. drivers and levers : theory of change Selection of policy drivers and levers is informed by the interaction of actors exercising political judgement about priorities. As governance systems rely on human interactions attempts at steering are likely to be met with unexpected and unintended though not necessarily unwelcome reactions and outcomes. (CLG, Sullivan 2008)
  • 20. Tanker in First World War “Razzle-dazzle” camouflage
  • 22.
  • 23. CPA – Corporate Performance Assessment
  • 24. CAA - Comprehensive Area Assessment
  • 25.
  • 26. Gordon Brown’s Approach – PSA regime
  • 27. PSA Connecting manifesto to delivery mechanisms of Whitehall Connecting to “floor targets” In some ways odd to have to invent this… The “machinery of government” is quite tricky…
  • 28. PSA match to ministers (2007)Power within the Core Executive I Figure 3 Number of PSAs for which each Cabinet Minister is operationally responsible. Minister Department Number of PSAs Ed Balls DCFS 5 Jacqui Smith Home Office 4 John Hutton DBERR 3 Hazel Blears DCLG 2 Peter Hain DWP 2 Alan Johnson DH 2 John Denham DIUS 2 Hilary Benn DEFRA 2 Alistair Darling HMT 1 Jack Straw MoJ 1 Ruth Kelly DfT 1 James Purnell DCMS 1 Ed Miliband Cabinet Office 1 Douglas Alexander DFID 1 David Miliband FCO 1 Harriet Harman Government Equalities Office 1
  • 29.
  • 30. Local Area Agreements Partnership governance mechanism “bastard child” of LPSA and LSP Contains many stages of development.
  • 32. Recession - Policy SNR Regeneration Framework Parkinson report CLG / BIS
  • 33. Communities in Control Hazel Blears : personal mission Participatory budgeting etc. Widely dismissed as gimmicky Short tenure as Secretary of State
  • 35. Open Source Planning Page 8 section on “a new system of collaborative planning” “A truly local plan” “Mandating collaborative democratic methods”
  • 36. Public Sector and Big Society
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. Localism The Government will continue to help rebalance growth across the country, but regeneration activity should be led by local communities, not by Whitehall. That's why Ministers are devolving power from Whitehall to the Town Hall, putting residents, and civic and business leaders, in the driving seat - which is when regeneration is at its most powerful and effective.
  • 40. Localism bill key provisions : LG giving councils a general power of competence allowing councils to choose to return to the committee system of governance and allowing for referendums for elected mayors in certain authorities abolishing the Standards Board regime and the model code of conduct, and introducing local accountability and a criminal offence of deliberate failure to declare a personal interest in a matter giving residents the power to instigate local referendums on any local issue and the power to veto excessive council tax increases allowing councils more discretion over business rate relief providing new powers to help save local facilities and services threatened with closure, and giving voluntary and community groups the right to challenge local authorities over their services.
  • 41. Localism Bill : Planning and Regen abolish Regional Spatial Strategies abolish the Infrastructure Planning Commission and return to a position where the Secretary of State takes the final decision on major infrastructure proposals of national importance amend the Community Infrastructure Levy, which allows councils to charge developers to pay for infrastructure. Some of the revenue will be available for the local community provide for neighbourhood plans, which would be approved if they received 50% of the votes cast in a referendum provide for neighbourhood development orders to allow communities to approve development without requiring normal planning consent give new housing and regeneration powers to the Greater London Authority, while abolishing the London Development Agency.
  • 42. Current policy developments LEPS - Letter on Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) CSR - Comprehensive Spending Review – setting out the main changes in local government spending White Paper – “Local Growth, realising everyone’s potential” with detail on RDF and LEPs National Infrastructure Plan White Paper – “Decentralisation and Localism Bill”
  • 43. Comprehensive Spending Review Growth, reform and fairness - 3 overriding principles which underpin the CSR Reduction in funding for Local authorities of around £7bn represents a cut of around 28% but an end to ring fencing from 2011/12 Reduction in CLG’s overall budget by 33% by 2014 Community budgets (sequel to total place) Reform of planning system including “new homes bonus” Delivery of 150,000 new affordable homes Contribution from CLG to RGF of £890million
  • 44. Local Enterprise Partnerships Transition from RDAs – LEPs Strategic leadership, setting out an area’s economic priorities Rebalancing economy towards private sector Private sector’s role in Governance – must include upper tier authority and must be chaired by private sector Bidding process - 56 bids for LEPs submitted with 24 approvals Strong link with RGF (although no automatic advantage) Localism - its up to localities to come up with proposals – “localities should lead their own development” Greater Manchester LEP – reflecting existing AGMA arrangements National Summit in the Spring – revealing details of capacity fund
  • 45. White paper “Local Growth, realizing everyone’s potential” Tackle barriers and bottlenecks (including planning reform) and invest where “it make senses to do so” Power- shift – supporting localism through local enterprise partnerships and their potential roles and transition from RDAs Reform of the planning system “national assumption on in favour of sustainable development” Right to build powers and new statutory duty to co-operate New incentives – e.g. changing the structure of business rates (options for retention of business rates and possible discounts on rates), a new homes bonus and tax increment financing Changes to business support - Businesslink replaced by national call centre and website – more emphasis on LEPs
  • 46. Regional Growth Fund Regional Growth Fund (RGF)- £1.4billion - “focused investment” to help government address market failure Objectives of RGF – stimulate enterprise Support those areas currently dependent on public sector economies. Bidding process - applications from private-public, private or social enterprise. 3 main bid forms – Projects, project packages or programmes
  • 47. National Infrastructure Plan Sets out the government’s vision for infrastructure which will unlock private sector investment and economic growth: Challenges for infrastructure Obsolescence Globalisation Growing demand Climate change Interdependence Links directly with Local Growth White paper, RGF and Localism White paper
  • 48. Localism Bill New policy approach of re-localising running of services as fundamental shift to decentralisation – in effect creating the ‘Big Society’ Six core themes of the localism bill: Reduce bureaucracy Enable communities and local government to take action Increase local control of public finances Open up public services to a broader range of suppliers Open up government finances to public scrutiny Strengthen accountability to local people
  • 49. Welfare Reform: what previous government policy said about the labour market The core messages Full employment of 80% “in our generation” People as participants within welfare system rather than passive recipients of benefits “Tackling poverty through full employment” Joint approach bringing together welfare benefits and employment policy and integration of skills priorities “A workforce which is one unrivalled in its skills, dynamism, equity and its inclusiveness” to compete in a global economy Strong focus on delivering skills agenda (Eg train to gain, skills pledge, Local Employment Partnerships) Taking personal responsibility – “rights and responsibilities” Personalised, individualised support….
  • 50. Welfare reform: new government policy direction Recognition of the need for whole scale reform of the welfare benefits system – informed by work of CSJ – “universal credit” Make work pay – principle at the heart of the reform More use of private sector in delivery/provision Conditionality Claimant commitment established Four broad conditionality groups Tougher sanctions Including failure to prepare for work/seek employment Mandatory work programme
  • 51. What does this all mean for economic development? Less resource for delivery and to support – both in terms of money and organisations Greater prioritisation of scarce resources and difficult decisions about what to support? More creativeness and new ways of working, eg new investment vehicles including tifs, co-operative models and mutuals More assertiveness/leadership required from localities as to the future economic role of their area
  • 52. What does this all mean for economic development? Less guidance/steerage/direction from central government, we’ll need to come up with the answers to the questions Changing role for local government and partners, engagement with private/social sectors
  • 53. Doing things differently: policy tools Procurement: progressive and sustainable practice can offset some of the challenges of public expenditure cuts and enable local economic benefit Using a local supplier can lead to employment opportunities and job creation, and sustain existing jobs Unemployment, worklessness and deprivation inextricably linked – procurement as a tool to tackle cycle of deprivation Using local suppliers can have benefits for the wider supply chain Employees and suppliers of organisations delivering services and goods will spend money locally Enables practitioners to support development of local labour through skills and apprenticeships (e.g. construction – GM Procure)
  • 54. Case Study: Manchester City Council £900m expenditure on procuring goods and services Progressive procurement policy aimed at benefiting the city’s businesses and residents: - Balanced consideration of social, environmental and economic impacts - MCC employees, contractors and suppliers are aware of long term commitment to social, environmental and economic sustainability Long term vision in place Recognition of need to understand the supply chain Procurement is not overly bureaucratic – becoming cross departmental Suppliers buy-in crucial to achieving impact – promoting council’s values Procurement as a tackler of ‘wicked’ issues – supporting local labour market Now have in place a burgeoning cross departmental working group
  • 55. Doing things differently: policy tools LEPs: the new way of supporting businesses across Greater Manchester and other places Question is to what extent will this policy tool provide additionality LEPs do have the potential to be an overarching body for joined up working Overseeing planning, housing and transport, as well as employment, skills and enterprise support Such a body could ensure increased value for money and cost effectiveness Greater Manchester already has strong partnership infrastructure in place…. ….But are there gaps whereby only certain players have influencing and enabling roles? LEPs could help close such gaps and ensure that issues facing businesses and individuals across whole are addressed Has to be clarity about their blue-print or businesses won’t engage
  • 56. Doing things differently: policy tools Regional Growth Fund: to stimulate economic growth in places with weak private sectors Future funding to be more structured, being focused where we can make a difference Like’s of LEPs to be heavily involved in bidding process – private sector expertise behind the bids Programmes and projects may be more robust with greater chance of positive outcomes and less wasted resource Allows many stakeholders to have a role in shaping the economic future of places – not just reserve of the public sector Helping places become more innovative in their approaches to tackling structural problems But what will the effect of the competitive bidding process be?
  • 57. Case Study: Birmingham’s RGF Bid Five schemes to seek £39.5m Finance Birmingham project (£20m match funded) to provide small business loans for start ups Aston Reinvestment Fund – community development finance loans to small businesses Birmingham Young People’s Enterprise project – pre and post start up advice for young people Road infrastructure project (city council and a local developer) Regeneration scheme in the Perry Common Estate
  • 58. Doing things differently: new models of governance Directly elected mayors Conservative Party has been championing this for some time Unsurprising that Localism Bill includes a right for all areas to elect a mayor 12 designated cities to hold mayoral referendums in May 2011 Positives and negatives of the mayoral model long debated But elected mayor cannot just be a personality – it’s about the representation of a place They must have significant powers over economic development, transport, inward investment, skills and business support If not then they threaten narrowing of democracy What would a mayor of Greater Manchester mean for us?
  • 59. Doing things differently: new funding mechanisms Tax increment financing: originated from US but now a key element of UK policy after being unveiled by Nick Clegg Using anticipated increases in tax revenues to finance current improvements (e.g. improved infrastructure) that are expected to generate those revenues Supplying new infrastructure or improving what exists encourages development and increases value of surrounding property This, in turn, increases property taxation in an area to fund infrastructure. In the US, TIF used to fund: Urban renewal Affordable housing Cleaning up pollution Public infrastructure (e.g. roads, pavements etc)
  • 60. Case Study: Portland, Vancouver TIF: Pearl District, Portland, USA Regeneration converting warehouses into loft apartments, residential blocks developed of previously vacant land Increase in population attracted mix of restaurants, bars, retail outlets and galleries (also efforts to retain original character) TIF a very powerful tool in Portland for increasing investment and building commercial success. Target beneficiaries:New residents providing affordable residential property; businesses to invest in a ‘reborn’ area with a growing population
  • 61. Doing things differently: new funding mechanisms Big Society Bank: a crucial element of the Big Society programme Attracting funding through private sector investment Also ensuring money from dormant bank accounts can be made available as funding for social reinvestment Bank will invest in intermediaries (e.g. community lenders) who then provide funding to VCS organisations Amount of money uncertain: £600m in dormant accounts – but only £60m immediately accessible Intention to launch the Bank by April – much uncertainty though Big questions still remain over how it will work though (structure, ownership of funds etc)
  • 62. New models for service delivery Public and social sector innovation Increasingly important in new era of austerity – budget cuts means practitioners doing more with less Requires new ways of thinking, especially in delivery of public services Hence Francis Maude’s talk of increasing the use of co-ops in service delivery and links to social innovation Example of co-production: equal partnerships between professionals and the public sector to add value to services Responsive to community needs to make them more efficient, sustainable and effective Not to be confused however with ‘shifting’ responsibility to communities A middle ground for user and professional knowledge to come together More information on NESTA’s Public Services Lab:
  • 63. Policy process and development Part Two
  • 64. Part Two: Policy Development and Process (intro + group exercise) 4 Parliamentary Committees 5 Regeneration to enable growth select committee inquiry response 6 Feedback
  • 66. Central-Local Policy Network Congested terrain!
  • 67. Think tanks re: recession LGA from recession to recovery: the local dimension CLES toward a new wave of local economic activism Work Foundation: Recession and Recovery: How UK cities can respond and drive the recovery
  • 68. Role of cities in a recession Discuss in pairs/threes What is the role of a city/locality in the recession? None? – let the market do it’s thing? Welfare? role of partners eg. jc+ Leadership? Others – want 8 please
  • 69. Ideopolis - Work Foundation
  • 70. Barcelona Principles – The Work Foundation i. Don’t waste the crisis, but respond with leadership and purpose. ii. Make the case for continued public investment and public services and the taxes and other sources of investment required. iii. In the long-term: build local economic strategies which align with long-term drivers and identify future sources of jobs, enterprise, and innovation. iv. In the short-term: focus on retaining productive people, business, incomes, jobs, and investment projects. v. Build the tools and approaches to attract and retain external investment over the long-term. vi. Build genuine long-term relationships with the private sector, trade unions, and other key partners. vii. Take steps to ensure the sustainability and productivity of public works, infrastructure, and major developments/events. viii Local leaders should act purposefully to support their citizens in the face of increased hardship. ix. Local economies have benefitted and should continue to benefit from being open and attractive to international populations and capital. x. Communicate and align with national and other higher tier governments.
  • 71.
  • 73. Parliamentary Committees What they are, When to use them
  • 74. Policy development and process Part Two
  • 75. Main types... Select eg CLG Selcom, PASC, Modernisation Liaison Committee Grand eg Countries of UK Standing (less important) Public Bill (eg Localism Bill) Regional (short-lived) Committee of Whole House Lords Committees eg Constitution NOT a committee = ‘Usual Channels’ (Business Committee)
  • 80. Select Committee Activity Core duty of backbench MPs Right to call minster and anyone else Independent Inquiries (avg. 4/year) Clerks are employees of Parliament (not Civil Servants) Call for Evidence Hearings Reporting
  • 81. Using an Inquiry Submission If the inquiry is an open one it can be an opportunity to Develop positioning/messaging re: issue As the basis for a call to appear Enhance credibility Part of our wider influencing strategy Parliament TV Hansard HoC Library Civil Servants Journalists
  • 82. CLG Selcom Clive Betts (Lab Chair) beat Nick Raynsford Was Phyllis Starkey New members with LG experience Heidi Alexander James Morris
  • 83. Regeneration Inquiry 2011 Genuine Opportunity for CLES Wide, broad open Developing strong ‘manifesto’ ‘line’ ‘messaging’ which we use for other things too 4,000 word submission (referencing our other work website etc.) Exec Summary 1 pager
  • 84. Need to show that... We understand the new approach We have some suggestions re: effectiveness rooted in evaluation/experience We have ideas re: a regeneration narrative rooted in policy development We can connect these to actions We are a key authority in this area
  • 85.
  • 86.
  • 87. Questions (1) How effective is the Government’s approach to regeneration likely to be? What benefits is the new approach likely to bring? Will it ensure that the progress made by past regeneration projects is not lost and can, where appropriate, be built on? Will it ensure that sufficient public funds are made available for future major town and city regeneration projects as well as for more localised projects?
  • 88. Questions (2) What lessons should be learnt from past and existing regeneration projects to apply to the Government’s new approach? What action should the Government be taking to attract money from (a) public and (b) private sources into regeneration schemes? How should the success of the Government’s approach be assessed in future?
  • 89. Central government’s role will be strategic and supportive: reforming and decentralising public services providing powerful incentives that drive growth removing barriers that hinder local ambitions providing targeted investment and reform to strengthen the infrastructure for growth and regeneration and to support the most vulnerable
  • 90. Closer to Home Part Three
  • 91. Part Three : Mancunian Mechanisms Part Three: Closer to home (me + questions) 7 MCR mechanisms for ED/R 8 Summary
  • 92. Books Managing the city: the aims and impacts of urban policy Brian Turnbull Robson 1987 Managing the city eds Liddle, Diamond, Southern 2007 City of Revolution eds Ward and Peck How Manchester is managed 1925-1939
  • 93. Stories of “Mancunian ways” Mancunian Ways : the politics of regeneration Robson (Chapter 3 City of Revolution) Metropolitan Manoeuvres : making greater Manchester Deas and Ward (Chapter City of Revolution) Greater Manchester – ‘up and going’, 2000 Hebbert and Deas Greater Manchester : conurbation complexity and local government structure Barlow, 1995 Manchester: Making it Happen Hebbert, 2009
  • 94. Think tanks: Manchester Work Foundation : Ideopolis Localis : Can Localism Deliver? Lessons from Manchester Policy Exchange : Cities Limited NESTA : Original Modern Manchester’s journey to innovation and growth
  • 95. Other – blogs etc David Ottewell MEN InsidetheM60
  • 96. How Manchester is managed, 1935 Regional Planning : The most effective planning scheme is one which is comprehensive in character and not limited by the artificial boundary of a local authority’s area. It’s success depends upon (1) securing an area capable of economic development (2) effective joint action with neighbouring authorities
  • 97. City / City Regional reification
  • 98.
  • 99. Agglomeration Economists discovering space ?! Arguably foundation of city-regional arguments.
  • 100.
  • 102.
  • 103.
  • 104.
  • 105.
  • 106. City Relationships:Economic linkages in Northern city regions
  • 107.
  • 108.
  • 109. Economic Linkages :Labour Markets Stockport, Harrogate, North East Derbyshire, Gateshead and Sefton have all benefited from labour market links with the economic centre of their city region. Yet we also found that the types of links differed. Between Stockport and Manchester there are strong labour market links in both directions. Stockport has increasingly developed a knowledge-intensive employment base that is complementary to economic growth in Manchester, and over the last ten years its GVA, resident and workplace earnings have increased. We also found that some places had relatively strong labour market links when measured by volume of commuting, but that the economic performance of that Local Authority area had not increased as much as in other places. For example, whilst Rotherham has strong commuting links with Sheffield, the gap between average resident earnings between the two Local Authority areas has widened, suggesting that Rotherham’s residents may not be benefiting from growing high value opportunities in the economic centre but rather continue to supply labour for lower skilled jobs. And there were other places which had strong economies and yet did not have strong commuting links with economic centres (although their industrial structure tended to be more complementary). This suggested that economic relationships between places can lead to mutually beneficial economic spillovers, but that there are certain factors that affect whether those relationships are mutually beneficial or not.
  • 110. Manchester’s economy: Opportunities for development in the future
  • 111. Manchester’s economy: current outlook Unemployment has peaked – for the moment?
  • 112. Manchester’s economy: current outlook Employment up to 2020: 2011 the lowest point
  • 113. Manchester’s economy: current outlook Manchester impacted by the recession – employment levels may not regain recessionary job losses until 2014 But in the medium term a strong recovery forecast GVA growth expected to be high in long term – 3.4% compared to 2.9% for Greater Manchester Residence employment rate to rise over the next decade – but below 60%: twin track economy? Over the medium term, unemployment expected to remain above the historical lows (akin to that experienced at end of 1990’s) Recovery to be driven by business services
  • 114. Manchester’s economy: current outlook Manchester: key indicators Mmmm
  • 115. Manchester’s economy: opportunities for the future Many successful neighbourhoods in South Manchester But also deprived areas that have not benefited from the growth: poor health and educational performance Attractive physical environment in South Manchester – open space and residential neighbourhoods Several thriving local economies and bustling and lively centre Very well connected to the regional centre and to motorway/trunk road and airport links South Manchester crucial to the city (and therefore wider city region economy) – location of choice for city professionals But pressure on housing – increasing demand for high quality homes and long social housing waiting lists
  • 116. Manchester’s economy: opportunities for the future Employment opportunities: significant link between the labour force in South Manchester and the wider city economy: importance of Financial and Business Services

Editor's Notes

  1. End to ringfencing from 2011/12 except simplified school grants and a new public health grantGovernment’s framework for creating the right conditions for private sector growth (from CSR)Creating macro-econmoic stability (low interest rates etc)Helping markets work more effectively to encourage innovation/efficient allocation of resources ensuring that government is efficient and prioritises high value spending, reducing tax and regulatory burdensEnsuring that everyone in UK has access to opportunities that enable them to fulfil their potential
  2. There has not been much guidance on Local Enterprise Partnerships (purposely) save for the letter from Pickles and Cable at the end of June.So what do we know?Roles of LEP could include (from RGF)_Working with government to identify key priorities for an area, coordinate/submitting applications to RGFSupport high growth businessRepresentation – national planning policy , strategic housing delivery , working with local employers and JC+ etc on worklessnessOpportunities – green sector growth/digital infrastructureLeveraging investment – private sector
  3. Government’s vision of the future economy (based on what they perceive was wrong with the last decade of growth:“fairer, More balanced, Not so dependent on a narrow range of economic sectorsDriven by the private sector growth, New business opportunities more evenly spread across the country and between industryEnvironmentally sustainable and intergenerationally fair (including greening the whole economy as part of the “greenest government ever)White paper sets out:Case for change – making the argument for a new approach (Criticisms of previous policy – driven by central targets and assumed growth could be planned)Need for power/governance to be at the “right” level – debate we’ve heard before SNRAims to improve confidence to invest – including tif, new homes bonus etcFocused investment – regional growth fundNew homes bonus – government will match aditional council tax for each new home and property brought back into useChanges in business rates – Business Increase bonus – enable government to reward authorities where growth in the business rates exceeds a threshold by allowing them to keep the increase for a period of six years, Retention of locally raised business rates, Local government resource review – local business rates retention will be on the agendaTIF – allows councils to borrow against future additional uplift within their business rates base.RGF – independent advisory panel led by Michael Heseltine
  4. Timescale – operate from April 2011 – April 2014 Strong bids to RGFMake a strong contribution to growth and prosperity and “rebalancing” the economy (ie away from public and towards private/social enterprise)Leverage of private sector funds – key requirement. To what extent can you lever in private sector funds to your localityRemoving barriers to private sector growth (eg R& D, planning, training etc)Infrastructure provision – “factor conditions” – housing, energy, transport etc.Make a compelling contribution to delivery of sustainable increase in private sector employment and economic growth (how will they measure sustainable increase?
  5. Goals for national infrastructureIntegrated reliable, secure and resilientSupports sustainable and balanced economic growth and competitivenessEnsures the overall programme supports UK reduced carbon emissions of CO2Achieves an affordable mix of public and private sector investment
  6. Goals for national infrastructureIntegrated reliable, secure and resilientSupports sustainable and balanced economic growth and competitivenessEnsures the overall programme supports UK reduced carbon emissions of CO2Achieves an affordable mix of public and private sector investment
  7. Raft of policy on the labour market. Shift – unemployment to long term worklessnesssThe Houghton Review (2009) – role of local authorities in tackling worklessnessThe Future Jobs Fund (to run 2009-11) – response to recession, young person’s guarantee of a job/trainingWelfare Reform Act – Recognition of dynamic between welfare benefits and employment - worklessnessWorklessness Assessment – key part of the new Economic Assessment which will feed into sub regional Work and Skills plansNew Industry New Jobs – Where the future growth sectors will come fromRaising Expectations: staying in education and training post- 16(2007) - raising school leaving age to 18Skills for Growth, A national strategy for economic growth and individual prosperity
  8. What can we do with the money we have got – can we see economic development as something that every element of public spend in a locality thinks about? Cross cutting theme? Role of procurement becomes even more crucial.Opportunities from this as wellLess resource – less permissionPrioritsation – you can focus on the things that are really important – question is how do you decide?More creativeness – chance to do things very differently and learn from whats happened in other places – its clear the traditional approaches will no longer workAssertiveness/leadership – get on and set your own agenda
  9. Less guidance – horray – less reading..... Hopefully. Chance to set out own policy locally.Changing role – still emerging, could be difficult for economic development but might be a chance to work differently in the future, eg co-operative government, mutuals etc.Right to provide.
  10. Less guidance – horray – less reading..... Hopefully. Chance to set out own policy locally.Changing role – still emerging, could be difficult for economic development but might be a chance to work differently in the future, eg co-operative government, mutuals etc.Right to provide.