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• The blood type diet is an eating plan used
to promote weight loss and fight disease.
This plan is based on the theory, that our
blood type determines the foods we should
consume in order to achieve optimal health.
• The four different blood types are one
marker that can theoretically be used to
determine the right diet for your health and
• The blood type diet was developed by Peter
D'Adamo, a naturopathic physician who theorizes
that people respond to various foods depending
on their blood type. The plan was introduced in
his 1996 book "Eat Right 4 Your Type".
• The theory behind the diet is that eating foods
with lectins (a type of protein) which are
incompatible with a person's blood type can cause
blood cell clumping, called agglutination, and
result in health problems such as heart or kidney
disease or cancer.
• D'Adamo also believes that a person's blood type affects
their ability to digest various foods due to differences in
digestive secretions associated with the different blood
types. People who are type O, for example, are thought to
digest meat well due to high levels of stomach acid.
• By following a meal plan designed for your specific blood
type, D'Adamo suggests, you can digest food with greater
efficiency, avoid the negative effects of certain lectins, and
in turn lose weight and enhance your overall health.
• He claims that each blood type represents genetic traits of
our ancestors, including which diet they evolved to thrive
• In 1901, Dr. Karl Landsteiner discovered that there were four
types of human blood. He named them A, B, AB, and O. He
discovered that blood types are not compatible with each
other because of antibodies. These antibodies cause blood
to clump together if a different blood type is mixed with it.
• Anthropologists have traced the origins of each blood type. The
earliest human blood type was type O. Since these people were
ancient hunter-gatherers and ate a diet dominated by meat,
blood type O individuals developed antibodies against the lectins
found in agricultural foods such as wheat and other grains. Dr.
D’Adamo suggests that individuals with type O blood should eat
a diet more similar to their ancient ancestors that is a diet with
more meats and fewer grains
• The next blood type to evolve was type A. As the environmental
conditions changed, humans began to grow food rather than
hunt it. The diet shifted from predominantly meat to plant-
based. As the diet changed and the blood type A evolved,
antibodies for lectins to meat were formed. According to Dr.
D’Adamo, individuals with blood type A have antibodies against
many lectins found in meat and will benefit from a largely
vegetarian or plant-based diet.
• The next blood type to emerge was type B. As ancient
peoples migrated and adapted to further climate change
blood type B evolved. The diet included both meats and
plants as well as dairy products. Dr. D’Adamo believes
this is the reason individuals with blood type B
developed fewer antibodies against lectins found in meat
and grain. He also believes this is why people with blood
type B are more tolerant of milk products than other
blood types.
• The final blood type to evolve was type AB. It is a rare
blood type even today with fewer than 5% of the world’s
population having type AB blood. Type AB evolved when
the A and B blood types intermingled. Dr D’Adamo
describes this blood type as a complex blood type with
many strengths and many contradictions.
• LECTINS are a diverse family of proteins that can bind sugar
molecules. These substances are considered to be
antinutrients, and may have negative effects on the lining of
the gut.
• According to the blood type diet theory, there are many
lectins in the diet that specifically target different ABO blood
• During digestion, lectins are released from the foods eaten.
When they enter the blood stream, some of these lectins
can bind to red blood cells causing them to stick together.
• This process is called agglutination. Dr. D’Adamo suggests
this process causes many health problems such as stomach
pains, poor digestion, headaches, diarrhoea, liver disease,
and kidney problems, and more.
On the left is a slide of a normal blood smear.
On the right is a blood sample after
1. Type As flourish on a vegetarian diet - if you are
accustomed to eating meat, you will lose weight and have
more energy once you eliminate the toxic foods from your
diet. Many people find it difficult to move away from the
typical meat and potato fare to soy proteins, grains and
2. It is particularly important for sensitive Type As to eat
their foods in as natural a state as possible; pure, fresh
and organic.
3. One can't emphasize enough how this critical dietary
adjustment can be to the sensitive immune system of
Type A, but with this diet you can supercharge your
immune system and potentially short circuit the
development of life threatening diseases."
Type A
• Breakfast: Buckwheat pancakes topped with maple syrup, tahini,
jam, or lemon juice
• Lunch: Curried peanut tempeh with carrots, celery, and broccoli
• Snack: Trail mix
• Dinner: Rice pasta with feta and greens
• Dessert: Crumb apple pie
1. For Type Bs, the biggest factors in weight gain are corn, wheat,
buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds. Each of
these foods affect the efficiency of their metabolic processes,
resulting in fatigue, fluid retention, and hypoglycaemia (a severe
drop in blood sugar after eating a meal)
2. When they eliminate these foods and begin eating a diet that is
right for their type, their blood sugar levels should remain
normal after meals.
3. Another very common food that Type Bs should avoid is chicken.
Chicken contains a Blood Type B agglutinating lectin in its muscle
tissue. Although chicken is a lean meat, the issue is the power of
an agglutinating lectin attacking your bloodstream and the
potential for it to lead to strokes and immune disorders.
4. Other foods that encourage weight loss are green vegetables,
eggs, beneficial meats, and low fat dairy.
Type B
• Breakfast: Oatmeal with unsalted butter or ghee
• Lunch: Indian curry salad
• Snack: Kale chips
• Dinner: Apple-braised lamb shoulder chops
• Dessert: Carob fudge
1. Those with type O blood should choose high-
protein foods and eat lots of meat, vegetables,
fish, and fruit but limit grains, beans, and
2. To lose weight, seafood, kelp, red meat,
broccoli, spinach, and olive oil are best; wheat,
corn, and dairy are to be avoided.
3. D'Adamo also recommends various supplements
to help with tummy troubles and other issues he
says people with type O tend to have.
Type O
• Breakfast: Two slices of organic bread with almond butter,
vegetable juice, and a banana
• Lunch: A spinach salad with roast beef and fruit slices
• Snack: Fruit
• Dinner: Lamb stew with a variety of vegetables
• Dessert: Fruit salad
1. Type AB reflects the mixed inheritance of their A and B genes.
According to Dr. D’Adamo, “Type AB has Type A’s low stomach acid,
however, they also have Type B’s adaptation to meats. Therefore, you
lack enough stomach acid to metabolize them efficiently and the meat
you eat tends to get stored as fat.
2. Because type AB has both the A and the B blood type antigens, foods
that contain chemicals called lectins are more likely to react with the
tissues and cells of type AB than any of the other blood types. It is
recommended that they should focus on foods such as tofu, seafood,
dairy and green vegetables if they are trying to lose weight.
3. “Avoid all smoked or cured meats. These foods can cause stomach
cancer in people with low levels of stomach acid.” There is a wide
variety of seafood for Type AB, and it is an excellent source of protein A
few highly beneficial fish are red snapper, salmon, sardines, and tuna.
Some dairy is also beneficial for Type AB – especially cultured dairy
such as Yogurt.
Type AB
• Breakfast: Silken tofu scramble with carrots and zucchini
• Lunch: Cream of mushroom soup
• Snack: White bean hummus with celery sticks
• Dinner: Grilled cod and veggies over apricot-walnut couscous
• Dessert: Flourless almond butter and raisin cookies
 People with blood type A, which D'Adamo calls the "cultivator,”
are supposed to,
• Follow a vegetarian diet
• Eat pure, fresh, and organic foods
• Do hatha yoga, tai chi, and meditation to help lower their stress
 People with blood type B, which D'Adamo calls "the nomad,“ are
supposed to,
• Avoid foods like corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts,
and sesame seeds (since these can supposedly mess with their
metabolism and make them gain weight)
• Avoid chicken (as it can increase risk of strokes and immune
• Eat goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit, venison, green vegetables, eggs, and
low-fat dairy
• Play tennis, do martial arts, cycle, hike, and golf to stay mentally and
physically active.
 People with blood type AB, which D'Adamo calls "the enigma,“
are supposed to,
• Avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially in stressful situations
• Focus on eating foods like tofu, seafood, dairy, and green
vegetables, and avoid all smoked or cured meats (as they can
increase risk of stomach cancer)
• Eat smaller, more frequent meals
• Do a combo of calming and more intense exercises, like doing
several days of running or biking, followed by yoga or tai chi
 People with blood type O, which D'Adamo calls "the hunter,“
are supposed to,
• Avoid simple carbs and grains (type Os have higher levels of
stomach acid, which, combined with these foods, can lead to
bodily inflammation)
• Focus on exercise that works your cardiovascular and muscular
skeletal systems, like running
• There are no indications for this diet as to how much you can
lose weight. That’s because it’s a long-term dietary change
designed to help with healthy lifestyles and prevent disease.
One can estimate at most one result.
• People with blood type 0 should refrain from cereals (i.e.
carbohydrates) that are considered thick makers.
• People of blood type A turn on meat. As a result, fat intake is
reduced. This, too, has a positive effect on weight.
• Blood types B and AB have a balanced meal plan on which a
lot of vegetables can be found. Because you are very mindful
of your diet at the blood group diet, it automatically has
positive effects on body weight. Diet plan compact as the
Blood Type Diet counts what is allowed and what is not
 The diet suggests consuming more natural foods and
therefore cuts down the intake of processed food,
junk food, alcohol and chocolates. Reducing the intake
of these foods also helps to reduce one’s risk of heart
disease, blood pressure and weight gain.
 Following such a diet has reported many benefits for
individuals that range from helping them in reducing
weight, preventing blood clotting disorder, delaying
the progress of inflammatory diseases like arthritis,
reducing risks of severe ailments like cancer, anaemia,
gall bladder disorders, chronic fatigue disorders and in
some cases even auto immune disorders.
 Each blood group has its own set of unique diet that
helps us addressing various diseases.
The benefits of following the blood type diet:
• People with blood type A include weight loss and a reduced
risk of heart disease, cancer, anaemia, liver & gallbladder
disorders, and type 1 diabetes.
• For individuals with blood type B, the benefits of following
the blood type diet include weight loss, reduction of the risk of
type 1 diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, and auto immune
disorders such as lou Gehrig's disease, lupus, and multiple
• People with blood type AB who follow the blood type diet may
lose weight and have a reduction in the risk of developing heart
disease, cancer, or anaemia.
• For individuals with blood type O, following the blood type diet
may help them lose weight and may prevent blood clotting
disorder, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis,
hypothyroidism, ulcers, and asthma.
• Even critics of the diet suggest that features of the diet such as
limiting the amount of saturated fat and highly processed “junk
foods” will benefit most people.
 The diet can be extremely restrictive, especially the diets
recommended for blood groups O and A are considerably
limited and cut out major groups of foods in the long run
which can lead to severe nutritional deficiencies.
 However, being extremely restrictive the diet is difficult to
sustain in the long run, the dieter will then resume his normal
eating pattern and this will eventually result in weight regain.
 Another drawback is that there’s no calorie counting
measured on the blood type diet. It is a relatively new
concept and therefore more scientific evidence is required to
ascertain if there could be any drawbacks. Also, the food list
remains same for blood type positive and negative
 It's, quite prescriptive about what foods you should be cutting
out, without necessarily recommending substitutions. For
example, if you’re cutting out dairy - which is normally part of
your diet - you need to replace it with other calcium
containing foods to balance the lack of calcium.
There is no specific timing for meals or fasting
periods required on the blood type diet. However,
the plan advises against drinking water or other
beverages with meals because it will dilute the
natural digestive enzymes and make it more
difficult to digest foods.
How long does the blood type diet last?
Since the blood group diet is not a diet in the
classic sense, as it about supporting health in the
long term, it basically takes a lifetime. Weight loss
is a positive side effect, which results from not
giving the body anything that it cannot use
Since it is based on pseudo-science without any
scientific basis the diet often helps people feel better
because the majority of it, regardless of the blood type,
depends on an increase in vegetable intake, cutting out
refined grains, processed meat, caffeine, and alcohol.
Essentially, followers of the diet are changing, and
cutting calories from their daily food intake. Often if
people increase their protein, they'll feel fuller,' says
British Dietetic Association spokesperson, Sian Porter.
'People lose weight on the Blood Type Diet because,
one way or another, it's basically restricting what you
The hottest diet plan that has been taking over
Bollywood is the Blood Type Diet. The diet has
been popular among Hollywood stars such as
Demi Moore and Elizabeth Hurley as well as
supermodel Miranda Kerr and singer Cheryl Cole
for some years now. Closer home, Akshay Kumar,
Sanjay Dutt and Siddharth Malhotra have been
known to follow the blood type diet. Siddharth
Malhotra claims that it has not just helped
resolve his health-related issues but also with his
• Since scientific evidence does not support the claims of this diet, you are
likely wasting your money. There are no studies backing up the claimed
link between weight and blood type and no research that shows lectins
react differently with various blood types.
• One study has reported that following a diet similar to the one
recommended for Type A did lead to lower weight and also reduced
several risk factors for heart disease, however, these benefits occurred
whatever the person's blood group. A positive aspect is that it does
recommends regular exercise.
• The food restrictions imposed for the most common blood groups (A, B,
and O) are also likely to reduce overall intake and thus may lead to weight
loss. There are cheaper, safer and more evidence based ways to change
your diet to lose weight and improve health.
• The blood group diet is certainly good for people who want to change their
diet in the long term and lose weight in the process. It can also be an
alternative for people with allergies to identify allergens. However, for
people who want to lose a lot of weight in the short term, this diet is more
likely to be unsuitable.

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Blood type diet

  • 3. INTRODUCTION • The blood type diet is an eating plan used to promote weight loss and fight disease. This plan is based on the theory, that our blood type determines the foods we should consume in order to achieve optimal health. • The four different blood types are one marker that can theoretically be used to determine the right diet for your health and vitality.
  • 4. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY • The blood type diet was developed by Peter D'Adamo, a naturopathic physician who theorizes that people respond to various foods depending on their blood type. The plan was introduced in his 1996 book "Eat Right 4 Your Type". • The theory behind the diet is that eating foods with lectins (a type of protein) which are incompatible with a person's blood type can cause blood cell clumping, called agglutination, and result in health problems such as heart or kidney disease or cancer.
  • 5. • D'Adamo also believes that a person's blood type affects their ability to digest various foods due to differences in digestive secretions associated with the different blood types. People who are type O, for example, are thought to digest meat well due to high levels of stomach acid. • By following a meal plan designed for your specific blood type, D'Adamo suggests, you can digest food with greater efficiency, avoid the negative effects of certain lectins, and in turn lose weight and enhance your overall health. • He claims that each blood type represents genetic traits of our ancestors, including which diet they evolved to thrive on. • In 1901, Dr. Karl Landsteiner discovered that there were four types of human blood. He named them A, B, AB, and O. He discovered that blood types are not compatible with each other because of antibodies. These antibodies cause blood to clump together if a different blood type is mixed with it.
  • 6. • Anthropologists have traced the origins of each blood type. The earliest human blood type was type O. Since these people were ancient hunter-gatherers and ate a diet dominated by meat, blood type O individuals developed antibodies against the lectins found in agricultural foods such as wheat and other grains. Dr. D’Adamo suggests that individuals with type O blood should eat a diet more similar to their ancient ancestors that is a diet with more meats and fewer grains • The next blood type to evolve was type A. As the environmental conditions changed, humans began to grow food rather than hunt it. The diet shifted from predominantly meat to plant- based. As the diet changed and the blood type A evolved, antibodies for lectins to meat were formed. According to Dr. D’Adamo, individuals with blood type A have antibodies against many lectins found in meat and will benefit from a largely vegetarian or plant-based diet.
  • 7. • The next blood type to emerge was type B. As ancient peoples migrated and adapted to further climate change blood type B evolved. The diet included both meats and plants as well as dairy products. Dr. D’Adamo believes this is the reason individuals with blood type B developed fewer antibodies against lectins found in meat and grain. He also believes this is why people with blood type B are more tolerant of milk products than other blood types. • The final blood type to evolve was type AB. It is a rare blood type even today with fewer than 5% of the world’s population having type AB blood. Type AB evolved when the A and B blood types intermingled. Dr D’Adamo describes this blood type as a complex blood type with many strengths and many contradictions.
  • 8. • LECTINS are a diverse family of proteins that can bind sugar molecules. These substances are considered to be antinutrients, and may have negative effects on the lining of the gut. • According to the blood type diet theory, there are many lectins in the diet that specifically target different ABO blood types. • During digestion, lectins are released from the foods eaten. When they enter the blood stream, some of these lectins can bind to red blood cells causing them to stick together. • This process is called agglutination. Dr. D’Adamo suggests this process causes many health problems such as stomach pains, poor digestion, headaches, diarrhoea, liver disease, and kidney problems, and more.
  • 9. On the left is a slide of a normal blood smear. On the right is a blood sample after agglutination.
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  • 11. TYPE- A 1. Type As flourish on a vegetarian diet - if you are accustomed to eating meat, you will lose weight and have more energy once you eliminate the toxic foods from your diet. Many people find it difficult to move away from the typical meat and potato fare to soy proteins, grains and vegetables. 2. It is particularly important for sensitive Type As to eat their foods in as natural a state as possible; pure, fresh and organic. 3. One can't emphasize enough how this critical dietary adjustment can be to the sensitive immune system of Type A, but with this diet you can supercharge your immune system and potentially short circuit the development of life threatening diseases."
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  • 13. SAMPLE DIET Type A • Breakfast: Buckwheat pancakes topped with maple syrup, tahini, jam, or lemon juice • Lunch: Curried peanut tempeh with carrots, celery, and broccoli • Snack: Trail mix • Dinner: Rice pasta with feta and greens • Dessert: Crumb apple pie
  • 14. TYPE-B 1. For Type Bs, the biggest factors in weight gain are corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds. Each of these foods affect the efficiency of their metabolic processes, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention, and hypoglycaemia (a severe drop in blood sugar after eating a meal) 2. When they eliminate these foods and begin eating a diet that is right for their type, their blood sugar levels should remain normal after meals. 3. Another very common food that Type Bs should avoid is chicken. Chicken contains a Blood Type B agglutinating lectin in its muscle tissue. Although chicken is a lean meat, the issue is the power of an agglutinating lectin attacking your bloodstream and the potential for it to lead to strokes and immune disorders. 4. Other foods that encourage weight loss are green vegetables, eggs, beneficial meats, and low fat dairy.
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  • 16. SAMPLE DIET Type B • Breakfast: Oatmeal with unsalted butter or ghee • Lunch: Indian curry salad • Snack: Kale chips • Dinner: Apple-braised lamb shoulder chops • Dessert: Carob fudge
  • 17. TYPE- O 1. Those with type O blood should choose high- protein foods and eat lots of meat, vegetables, fish, and fruit but limit grains, beans, and legumes. 2. To lose weight, seafood, kelp, red meat, broccoli, spinach, and olive oil are best; wheat, corn, and dairy are to be avoided. 3. D'Adamo also recommends various supplements to help with tummy troubles and other issues he says people with type O tend to have.
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  • 19. Type O • Breakfast: Two slices of organic bread with almond butter, vegetable juice, and a banana • Lunch: A spinach salad with roast beef and fruit slices • Snack: Fruit • Dinner: Lamb stew with a variety of vegetables • Dessert: Fruit salad SAMPLE DIET
  • 20. TYPE- AB 1. Type AB reflects the mixed inheritance of their A and B genes. According to Dr. D’Adamo, “Type AB has Type A’s low stomach acid, however, they also have Type B’s adaptation to meats. Therefore, you lack enough stomach acid to metabolize them efficiently and the meat you eat tends to get stored as fat. 2. Because type AB has both the A and the B blood type antigens, foods that contain chemicals called lectins are more likely to react with the tissues and cells of type AB than any of the other blood types. It is recommended that they should focus on foods such as tofu, seafood, dairy and green vegetables if they are trying to lose weight. 3. “Avoid all smoked or cured meats. These foods can cause stomach cancer in people with low levels of stomach acid.” There is a wide variety of seafood for Type AB, and it is an excellent source of protein A few highly beneficial fish are red snapper, salmon, sardines, and tuna. Some dairy is also beneficial for Type AB – especially cultured dairy such as Yogurt.
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  • 22. SAMPLE DIET Type AB • Breakfast: Silken tofu scramble with carrots and zucchini • Lunch: Cream of mushroom soup • Snack: White bean hummus with celery sticks • Dinner: Grilled cod and veggies over apricot-walnut couscous • Dessert: Flourless almond butter and raisin cookies
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  • 24.  People with blood type A, which D'Adamo calls the "cultivator,” are supposed to, • Follow a vegetarian diet • Eat pure, fresh, and organic foods • Do hatha yoga, tai chi, and meditation to help lower their stress levels  People with blood type B, which D'Adamo calls "the nomad,“ are supposed to, • Avoid foods like corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds (since these can supposedly mess with their metabolism and make them gain weight) • Avoid chicken (as it can increase risk of strokes and immune disorders) • Eat goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit, venison, green vegetables, eggs, and low-fat dairy • Play tennis, do martial arts, cycle, hike, and golf to stay mentally and physically active.
  • 25.  People with blood type AB, which D'Adamo calls "the enigma,“ are supposed to, • Avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially in stressful situations • Focus on eating foods like tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables, and avoid all smoked or cured meats (as they can increase risk of stomach cancer) • Eat smaller, more frequent meals • Do a combo of calming and more intense exercises, like doing several days of running or biking, followed by yoga or tai chi  People with blood type O, which D'Adamo calls "the hunter,“ are supposed to, • Avoid simple carbs and grains (type Os have higher levels of stomach acid, which, combined with these foods, can lead to bodily inflammation) • Focus on exercise that works your cardiovascular and muscular skeletal systems, like running
  • 26. DOES THE BLOOD TYPE DIET WORK FOR WEIGHT LOSS? • There are no indications for this diet as to how much you can lose weight. That’s because it’s a long-term dietary change designed to help with healthy lifestyles and prevent disease. One can estimate at most one result. • People with blood type 0 should refrain from cereals (i.e. carbohydrates) that are considered thick makers. • People of blood type A turn on meat. As a result, fat intake is reduced. This, too, has a positive effect on weight. • Blood types B and AB have a balanced meal plan on which a lot of vegetables can be found. Because you are very mindful of your diet at the blood group diet, it automatically has positive effects on body weight. Diet plan compact as the Blood Type Diet counts what is allowed and what is not allowed.
  • 27. ADVANTAGES  The diet suggests consuming more natural foods and therefore cuts down the intake of processed food, junk food, alcohol and chocolates. Reducing the intake of these foods also helps to reduce one’s risk of heart disease, blood pressure and weight gain.  Following such a diet has reported many benefits for individuals that range from helping them in reducing weight, preventing blood clotting disorder, delaying the progress of inflammatory diseases like arthritis, reducing risks of severe ailments like cancer, anaemia, gall bladder disorders, chronic fatigue disorders and in some cases even auto immune disorders.  Each blood group has its own set of unique diet that helps us addressing various diseases.
  • 28. The benefits of following the blood type diet: • People with blood type A include weight loss and a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, anaemia, liver & gallbladder disorders, and type 1 diabetes. • For individuals with blood type B, the benefits of following the blood type diet include weight loss, reduction of the risk of type 1 diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, and auto immune disorders such as lou Gehrig's disease, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. • People with blood type AB who follow the blood type diet may lose weight and have a reduction in the risk of developing heart disease, cancer, or anaemia. • For individuals with blood type O, following the blood type diet may help them lose weight and may prevent blood clotting disorder, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, hypothyroidism, ulcers, and asthma. • Even critics of the diet suggest that features of the diet such as limiting the amount of saturated fat and highly processed “junk foods” will benefit most people.
  • 29. DISADVANTAGES  The diet can be extremely restrictive, especially the diets recommended for blood groups O and A are considerably limited and cut out major groups of foods in the long run which can lead to severe nutritional deficiencies.  However, being extremely restrictive the diet is difficult to sustain in the long run, the dieter will then resume his normal eating pattern and this will eventually result in weight regain.  Another drawback is that there’s no calorie counting measured on the blood type diet. It is a relatively new concept and therefore more scientific evidence is required to ascertain if there could be any drawbacks. Also, the food list remains same for blood type positive and negative  It's, quite prescriptive about what foods you should be cutting out, without necessarily recommending substitutions. For example, if you’re cutting out dairy - which is normally part of your diet - you need to replace it with other calcium containing foods to balance the lack of calcium.
  • 30. RECOMMENDED TIMING: There is no specific timing for meals or fasting periods required on the blood type diet. However, the plan advises against drinking water or other beverages with meals because it will dilute the natural digestive enzymes and make it more difficult to digest foods. How long does the blood type diet last? Since the blood group diet is not a diet in the classic sense, as it about supporting health in the long term, it basically takes a lifetime. Weight loss is a positive side effect, which results from not giving the body anything that it cannot use optimally.
  • 31. IS THE BLOOD TYPE DIET A FAD? Since it is based on pseudo-science without any scientific basis the diet often helps people feel better because the majority of it, regardless of the blood type, depends on an increase in vegetable intake, cutting out refined grains, processed meat, caffeine, and alcohol. Essentially, followers of the diet are changing, and cutting calories from their daily food intake. Often if people increase their protein, they'll feel fuller,' says British Dietetic Association spokesperson, Sian Porter. 'People lose weight on the Blood Type Diet because, one way or another, it's basically restricting what you eat.'
  • 32. CELEBRITIES FOLLOWING THE BLOOD TYPE DIET The hottest diet plan that has been taking over Bollywood is the Blood Type Diet. The diet has been popular among Hollywood stars such as Demi Moore and Elizabeth Hurley as well as supermodel Miranda Kerr and singer Cheryl Cole for some years now. Closer home, Akshay Kumar, Sanjay Dutt and Siddharth Malhotra have been known to follow the blood type diet. Siddharth Malhotra claims that it has not just helped resolve his health-related issues but also with his allergies.
  • 33. CONCLUSION • Since scientific evidence does not support the claims of this diet, you are likely wasting your money. There are no studies backing up the claimed link between weight and blood type and no research that shows lectins react differently with various blood types. • One study has reported that following a diet similar to the one recommended for Type A did lead to lower weight and also reduced several risk factors for heart disease, however, these benefits occurred whatever the person's blood group. A positive aspect is that it does recommends regular exercise. • The food restrictions imposed for the most common blood groups (A, B, and O) are also likely to reduce overall intake and thus may lead to weight loss. There are cheaper, safer and more evidence based ways to change your diet to lose weight and improve health. • The blood group diet is certainly good for people who want to change their diet in the long term and lose weight in the process. It can also be an alternative for people with allergies to identify allergens. However, for people who want to lose a lot of weight in the short term, this diet is more likely to be unsuitable.
  • 34. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fitness/diet/Heres-how-to-eat-according-to-your-blood- type/articleshow/10018888.cms 6. diet-for-your-blood-group/story- 28Y5BZhXjyW1KTCYxmQ3gI.html 7. and-does-it-work/11358524 8. 9. almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/blood-type-diet 10.