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Biomechanics Assignment
Biomechanics Assignment
Lower Extremity
All answers came from Basic Biomechanics – 6th Edition.
Hall, Susan J. (Susan Jean), 1953– Basic biomechanics/ Susan J. Hall–6th ed. p. cm.
1. Name the ligaments that surround the hip joint
Ligament 1 Iliofemoral Ligament
Ligament 2 Pubofemoral Ligament
Ligament 3 Ischiofemoral Ligament
1b. Based on the name of the ligament determine where each ligament attaches on the Os Coxae
Ligament 1 – connects the pelvis to the femur at the front of the joint.
Ligament 2 – attaches the most forward part of the pelvis to the femur
Ligament 3– attaches to the ischium and between the two trochanters of the femur.
2. What are the bones that make up the pelvic girdle It is the pair of hipbones which is made up ... Show more content on ...
It inserts on the tibia and goes through the lateral condyle of the femur.
7. Movement of the knee joint
Action of the Knee Muscles responsible for it
Knee flexion Gastrocnemius, Plantaris
Knee Extension Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, intermedius, medialis
8. Where is plantar fascia located, and what is the role of plantar fascia?
9. List all the muscles responsible for Plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, Inversion and Eversion
Plantarflexion Dorsiflexion Inversion Eversion
Gastrocnemius Tibalis anterior Tibalis anterior Extensor digitorum longus
Plantaris Extensor digitorum longus Extensor hallucius longus Peroneus tertius
Soleus Peroneus tertius Flexor digitorum longus Peroneus–longus,brevis
Peroneus–longus,brevis, Extensor hallucius longus Flexor hallcius longus
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallcius longus
Tibialis posterior Tibialis posterior
10. Describe the articulations of the following joints
a.Subtalar – allows inversion and eversion of the feet.
b. Tibiotalar – dorsiflexion and plantar
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What Is Clavicular Osteolysis?
Clavicular Osteolysis
Clavicular osteolysis is a type of shoulder injury. It happens in the area where the collarbone attaches to the top of the shoulder blade
(acromioclavicular joint, or AC joint). Repeated stress may cause tiny breaks (microfractures) on the end of the collarbone (clavicle). This leads to loss
of bone cells in the end of the clavicle.
This condition causes shoulder pain, especially when you lift an object over your head. Rest may relieve the pain.
This condition may be caused by repeated stress on the AC joint.
This condition is more likely to develop in:
People who lift weights over the head for sport or training purposes.
Athletes who participate in sports that involve over–the–head
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Shooting A Bow Lab Report
Shooting a bow largely involves the use of the upper extremity. Between the needs of stabilization and torque, many muscles in the upper extremity are
utilized to perform an effective shot. However, the lower extremity is also involved in bow shooting mechanics. Muscles in the lower extremity
perform both concentric and eccentric contractions to stabilize the body during all phases of shooting a bow. Therefore, shooting a bow involves
complex contractions of muscles throughout the body. In the next few pages the joints and the muscular involvement of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist
during bow shooting will be discussed in depth.
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the involvement of the upper extremity will be discussed in detail as it relates to its function in the action of
shooting a bow. The shoulder plays a huge role in drawing the bow and keeping the string pulled back. The joints of the shoulder are vital when
performing these actions. The joints involved include: the sternoclavicular joint, ... Show more content on ...
The prime movers in the left shoulder that move it back to its neutral position are the anterior deltoid and the bicep brachii. Concentric contractions
followed by eccentric contractions of both of these muscles move the shoulder from extension and abduction to it neutral state by flexing and adducting
the shoulder. The prime movers in the right shoulder are again the anterior and middle deltoid along with the supraspinatus that contract isometrically to
keep the shoulder in horizontal abduction. When the right shoulder is let down after follow through, the prime movers are the triceps and the posterior
deltoids which eccentrically contract to extend the shoulder to its neutral position. Therefore the muscles of the shoulder are exceedingly imperative to
the action of shoot a
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Rotator Cuff Research Paper
Rotator cuff tendons are prone to degeneration leading to swelling with sub–luxation due to continuous active and passive forces. Rotator cuff
pathology includes tendinopathy, tendinosis and bursitis, as well as rotator cuff tears. Most common indication for rotator cuff tears include increasing
age and traumatic shoulder injury. Clinical symptoms for rotator cuff injuries include shoulder pain, weakness and loss of range of motion. However,
these symptoms are common in various diseases; differential diagnosis includes labral tears, glenohumeral ligament tears or sprains, coracoacromial
and arcomioclavicular ligament tears and sprains, osteoarthritis, adhesive capsulitis, proximal peripheral neuropathies and cervical radiculopathy.
Hence, ... Show more content on ...
Thus helps in treatment planning and prognosis. Multiple factors are to be considered during treatment planning. It is important to identify the disorder
and its clinical implications, to ensure the most appropriate treatment. Nevertheless, the choice of imaging test depends on personal experience,
preference, local availability and the cost of imaging. The American College of Radiology has developed informative criteria that rate the relative
usefulness of various imaging modalities for the evaluation of shoulder pain in different clinical scenarios. However, the diagnostic algorithm will
ultimately be influenced by the therapeutic approach. The use of various imaging techniques to determine rotator cuff injuries is very controversial.
Thus a technique used should not only be informative but cost effective as well. Arthrography is invasive with much health risk. US is a non–invasive,
relatively inexpensive, no risk of exposure to radiation and therefore, can be used as initial line of investigation. MRI is sensitive and specific, to detect
correct site and extent of tear and also non–rotator cuff related pathologies like
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Achy Knee Research Paper
If you expereince a sore or achy knee on a regualr basis, it's important to note that a supportive deevice may prove to be espeially beneficial. There's a
wide assortment of braces, tapes and straps avaavle that can help to provide some well needed supported to the involved muslces and joints. In this
overview we'll take a look at the benefits that tapes, braces and straps have to offer.
These band–live devies, can be wwrap around the bottom portions of the knee as to which it applies pressure to the tendon. The prmairy function of
starps is to dispers the presssue across a large areas so that it can alievate sosmee ofthe stress thatthe sore area of th epateller tendon (bottom portion of
the knee) may be expereincing. Another benefit thats ... Show more content on ...
Whle some braxes are utilzie to help pevent the possblti yof an njury, some are used to prohibit a pteeint from cconduct certain dangerous motions
while they are in the midst of recoveery. On the other hand, some are utilzie to ncrease comfort level when perofmring a partclar activty. However, the
two most commonly used braces are the patella brace and the knee sleeve. The patella brace is spcally desinged to provide ssome suport to the knee
cap. For example, some conditons can cause the knee cap to track mproparly whch resuls in the irration of the knee joint. However, a patella brace can
eencompas the knee cap and help to ensure that it stays on track. This type of knee brace is ideal for ndvuals who arfe
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Relative Differences: The Three Types Of Impingement
Impingement is a clinical syndrome of end–range joint pain or motion restriction resulting from direct mechanical abutment of bone or soft tissues.
There are three types of ankle impingement syndromes: anterior impingement, which can be subdivided into anterolateral, anteromedial and anterior
impingement; posterior impingement, which can be subdivided into posterior and posteromedial impingement.
These clinical abnormalities are related to interposition of more or less calcified synovial tissue in the joint space. They are often associated with bone
and soft tissue abnormalities. These conditions commonly occur in active people and athletes, as recurrent subclinical injury is an important factor for
their development. Relative contributions
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The Injury Of A Knee Injury
There are many 206 bones in the human body, but three main bones that make up our ankle. The three main bones that make up our ankle are the tibia,
which is the shinbone, the fibula, which is the smaller bone on the leg, and the talus, which is a small bone that sits between the calcaneus, the tibia, and
the fibula. The inside part of the tibia is called the medial malleolus. The back part of the tibia is called the posterior malleolus. The end of the fibula is
called the lateral malleolus. There are two main joints in the ankle. One of the joints is the ankle joint. The ankle joint is where the tibia, fibula, and
talus meet. The other main joint is called the syndesmosis joint. This is the joint that is between the tibia and fibula. When an ankle does not heal
correctly, it is called a nonunion.
There are many ways to cause an ankle injury. Twisting or rolling an ankle can create ankle injuries. Tripping over something or falling down can also
cause ankle injuries. There are many ways to tell if an ankle is broken. These symptoms are severe pain, swelling, colored bruising, unable to put any
weight on it, or dislocation. If someone has these symptoms, they should go see a physician. "The incidence of ankle fractures is approximately 187
fractures per 100,000 people each year" (U.S. National Library of Medicine). There are approximately seven billion people on this planet. On average,
there are 13,090,000 ankle fractures every year. There are many different types of ankle
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Why Is Disc Herniation Between L4 ( L4 ) ( 4 )
Disc herniation between L3 and L4 vertebra causes compression of the L4 nerve root as it crosses the intervertebral disc before exiting the L4
intervertebral foramina. Numbness may be present over the anteromedial aspect of the leg. Weakness of tibialis anterior muscle may be present as
evidenced by absence of heel walking. The quadriceps and hip adductor group, also may be weak and, in extended ruptures, atrophic.Reflex testing
may reveal a diminished or absent patellar tendon reflex (L2, L3, and L4) or anterior tibial tendon reflex (L4). Sensory testing may show diminished
sensations over the L4 dermatome, predominantly the medial leg and the autonomous zone being skin over medial malleolus.
Disc ... Show more content on ...
There may be paralysis of bilateral lower limbs, bladder and/or bowel incontinence with absent ankle reflex.
Lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse most commonly occurs at L4 or L5. Disc prolapse involving at much higher level may be associated with a
negative straight leg raising test instead there may be a positive femoral stretch test which is tested by making the patient prone and knee of the patient
is made to flex with one hand of the examiner at the popliteal fossa, will cause pain radiating along the anterior aspect of the thigh, for which a high
lesion should be suspected .In addition, these lesions may occur with a more diffuse neurological complaint without significant localizing neurological
signs. Often the neurological signs associated with disc disease vary over time. Though, various conservative treatments can change the physical signs
of disc disease. Comparative bilateral examination of a patient with back and leg pain is essential in finding a clear–cut pattern. More aggressive
therapy is needed if the symptoms worsens whereas improvement of symptoms indicates resolution of the problem. Symptoms or signs suggesting of
cauda equina syndrome or severe/progressive neurological deficit should be treated on aggressively on a emergency basis.
Confirmatory Imaging
Though diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation can be done clinically
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Knee Replacement: A Case Study
The primary apprehension pertaining to the total knee replacement (TKR) is that the tibia tray suffers from aseptic loosening and it occurs due to
physical stress shielding pertaining to the bone which further may need a revision surgery. The finest material is expected to be put to use for the
process pertaining to the TKR surgery (Nasab & Hassan, 2010). According to Okazaki et al. (2004) the material used for prosthesis which had rigidity
had lead to stress pertaining to the components along with the bones that are adjacent to the artificial knee. It leads to affecting the bone stress shielding
as well. During the recent times, there has been development of such graded materials which have been invented for being considered as the probable
tibia try biomaterial pertaining to the implant for ensuring enhancement in the ability pertaining to the distribution of the stress experienced.
Bahraminasab and Jahan (2015), highlighted the strategy that can be chosen for selecting the requisite material for acting as the tibia tray during the
knee implants based on the multi–criteria decision making approach in order to increase both its durability and the quality. Porous NiTi (SMA) due to
possessing superior properties than the rest of the materials was chosen for the purpose of knee implant. The paper highlights ... Show more content on ...
It possesses finer characteristics required from the material to become appropriate for implant purposes. The calculations discussed below were
employed via VIKOR technique for determination of the different characteristics as well as performance of the candidate
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Commonly Performed Orthopedic Procedures
Commonly Performed Orthopedic Procedures and Details about Greg Finch
Orthopedic surgeons are experts who diagnose and treat multiple problems that affect the bones, muscles and body tissues. Individuals may get injuries
or fractures in their musculoskeletal system. In this case, they require orthopedic procedures to fix these deformities. Some of the common orthopedic
procedures include the following:
Spine Surgery
It is a complicated procedure that involves performing different treatment activities to patients suffering from backbone problems. Irregular aging
processes and injuries may cause painful conditions to the spines of human beings. Orthopedic surgeons play a significant role in helping patients by
performing numerous tests, surgeries
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Heel Pain
Heel Pain, Heel Spurs & Plantar Fasciitis Explained
By Peter Van Dyke
Feb 14, 2009
Heel pain is by far the most common foot complaint that affects millions of people around the world. Plantar Fasciitis is the ailment that is often
associated with the symptoms of Heel Pain and Heel Spurs.
This article enumerates the features:
What is Plantar Fasciitis?
How does Plantar Fasciitis result in heel pain and heel spurs
What is the treatment to relieve the discomfort of heel pain
Heel Pain Symptoms
Heel Pain, Heel Spurs, and Plantar Fasciitis are foot ailments that cause discomfort in the center of the heel when weight is placed on the foot,
especially when one gets up in the morning. The pain slowly disappears after walking around for a short time. The pain can vary in severity from case
to case or from time to time.
What Causes Heel Pain and Heel Spurs?
The most common cause of both heel pain and heel spurs is "Plantar Fasciitis" That is the Latin term designating the inflammation of the Plantar
Plantar Fascia is that flat band of fibrous ligaments located under the foot that connects the heel bone to the toes. This dense strip of tissues acts like a
bow string that spans the arch of the foot to give it support.
How does Plantar Fasciitis Develop?
The Plantar Fascia generally takes the full load of the body when the foot is placed on ... Show more content on ...
The normal function can be however affected by excessive abuse of the feet, over–pronation, old age or being over–weight. As a result of the painful
stretching the Plantar Fascia exhibits micro–tearing that leads to irritation, inflammation and pain at the junction of the Plantar Fascia and calcaneus or
heel bone. The continued pulling of the Fascia joined to the heel bone can result in a bony growth on the heel commonly known as a Heel Spur. This
growth triggers pain in the surrounding tissues that get
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Arthritis Case Study
From the ward you are practicing in choose an operation that was done to patient for whom you have given nursing care. From your experience
describe the indications and purpose for this operation and the salient post–operative nursing care.
Arthritis is one of the leading causes of femoral fractures especially in the elderly. It may also be caused by trauma or injury, starting from simple falls
to more extensive such as a fall from height. Indeed, a femoral fracture affects hip movement as it forms the ball and socket joint. Those of who have a
fractured hip should seek treatment immediately since it can damage surrounding tissue, alter physical mobility and, therefore, affect the quality of life.
When mobility is likely to be altered ... Show more content on ...
These include large skin incisions, more extensive soft tissue dissection, a higher requirement for blood transfusions, and a prolonged stay in hospital
(Schwartsmann et al., 2014). In a research study done by Garg, Marimuthu, Kumar, Malhotra & Kotwal, 2011 they reported that post–operative
mobilisation was related to bone quality and fracture reduction, and the position of the implant within the femoral head. Garg et al., 2011 emphasizes on
the fact that patients who have had proximal femoral nail anti–rotation (PFNA) had relatively earlier mobilisation than those who underwent
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How To Write An Essay On Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis can lead to severe feet pain if it is not managed properly. A single of the best ways to treat the condition is to use the appropriate shoes.
Usually, people do not focus more on this fact but using the right shoes does work. Even doctors say that once an injury such as plantar fasciitis has
occurred, the feet are unable to absorb the tons of bodyweight without proper safety and support. Often, when people go looking for comfortable shoes,
they may result into getting their injury triggered even more. People normally do not know how to find the appropriate shoes that will support their
heels. Here are a few tips to consider before buying products. 1.Firm heel support Shoes made for plantar fasciitis should offer firm support to the heels.
In the event the sole is too bendy or soft, the ... Show more content on ...
Enough room for shoe inserts Moccasins should have enough room inside for footwear inserts and orthotics. Usually, shoes are not built to have more
than required room inside. In order to be certain your shoes fulfill this need, you can buy a bigger size, get shoes specifically suitable for injured feet or
buy shoes with detachable inserts. 4.Feet stability A perfect pair of look at this shoes will have proper stability control; patients with plantar fasciitis
over–probate when they walk and prevent this from aggravating the problem, shoes which offer sufficient stability should be used. In particular, all
sorts of jogging shoes are known to have a great stability control so patients can quickly buy good quality operating shoes for everyday wear.
Considering these pointers can solve the challenge to a great extent, but, however, if the situation is too severe and serious, the patients should seek
advice from their podiatrist before they start using almost any shoes. Another paramount factor most people ignore is the fact that the situation can be
brought on if the shoes are inconvenient to hold or off, so make sure your shoes won't give you such
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Speech – Not just an 'old persons disease'
Most people when they hear of arthritis, they initially think it is an 'old person's disease '. I am here today to explain that this is not the case. How do I
know this? At the age of three, the doctor diagnosed me with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. In reality, arthritis affects a wide array of people, all of
varying ages and backgrounds. It also does not discriminate who it targets. The people who can get arthritis include children, sports people, the elderly,
teenagers – anyone. Today, I will be telling you my story; one that I hope will let you into my life, and my life living with arthritis.
The hospital is a place in which I am very familiar. I have vivid memories of being a small child wandering down the hospital hall, clinging on to my
mother's hand – my eyes wide with apprehension. To this very day, I am still not a fan of hospitals. Then again, who is? I remember the sterile white
room at the hospital, the doctors dressed in their sharp white coats and the astringent anti–bacterial smells wafting down the hall. I did not know what to
My story with arthritis and my relationship with the hospital started very young, when I was at the age of three. My parents saw me slightly limping
and having trouble walking around the house. On inspection, they noticed my knees were hot, with swelling across both of them. During this day, my
right knee joint seized up and I was not able to straighten my leg. Tears started
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Mike Conley's Injury
Mike Conley – Achilles Tendonitis
One of the most promising players of Memphis Grizzlies has been battling the pain in his left foot. Mike Conley is the point guard of Grizzlies who has
missed the last three games because of his Achilles Tendonitis. After evaluating his injury, the team doctors made a decision not to allow Conley to
return to the game and just wait for him to recover. Conley is one of the many players that has suffered from Achilles Tendonitis.
The inflammation of Achilles' tendon is referred to Achilles Tendonitis. It causes pain at the back of your leg near the area of the heel. Once the tendon
of your heel become swollen and painful, there is a big risk that you have Achilles Tendonitis.
The following are the signs and
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Football Injuries In Football
What is the most common football injury? As a football fan, have you ever wondered to yourself what exactly is the most common injury in football?
I'm sure it has crossed your mind that football can be a very dangerous sport. Infact football is ranked number one for the most dangerous sport in the
world. It is necessary to use so much gear to help protect the athlete from things such as big hits; although, this does not always stop an injury. Injuries
can be as little as something to do with a wrist all the way to something major like an MCL tear which would result in surgery.
There is a tremendous amount of injuries when it comes to football; however, these can be prevented. Strains and rupture of thigh muscles, ligamentous
injuries of the knee as well as meniscus or other cartilage tears represented the most frequent differential diagnoses.
Ligament injuries in the knee and strains of the thigh are one of the top injuries (Shalaj,, 2016). These injuries can be helped by performing proper
warmup and cool down techniques as well as drinking water before, during, and after exercising or training. Make sure that even stretching these
muscles is done the correct way as if not can later lead to issues or injuries (Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, 2015)
A great amount of athletes may experience something called delayed–onset muscle soreness and this is just a muscle soreness that may have your
muscles feeling fatigue anywhere from 12–48 hours
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Long Day Landing Essay
Correlation Between Lower Extremity Biomechanics and Hip Drop During Single Leg Landing Post ACLR
Purpose/Hypothesis: Incidence of second ACL Injury after ACL reconstruction is 17 times higher than healthy uninjured peer athletes. There is high
interest in understanding and correcting LE mechanics during single leg landings as the majority of injuries occur during single leg tasks. Strengthening
and motor control of the proximal hip musculature has been emphasized to improve pelvic stability and reduce injury risk. Alternatively, decreased load
acceptance at the knee may contribute to excessive hip drop during landing. Those with ACLR consistently demonstrate quadriceps weakness and
reduced knee extensor moment during landing. Our aim is to ... Show more content on ...
The isometric strength of the quadriceps was significantly different side to side (INV QUAD = 2.72 ± 0.77, UNINV QUAD = 3.07 ± 0.78, quad LSI =
89% ± 14%). The hip drop of the two limbs were weakly related to one another (r= 0.237, p = 0.026), the involved limb demonstrated more hip drop
than the uninvolved (INV HIP ADD =14.55 ± 5.05, UNINV HIP ADD = 11.00 ± 5.31). Quadriceps strength symmetry and normalized max knee
extensor moment were inversely related to hip drop with a stronger relationship on the surgical limb (INV: QUAD MVIC r = –.341 p = .001, KNEE
MOM: r = –.425 p < .001 (n=88), UNINV: QUAD MVIC r = –0.278 p = .009, KNEE MOM: r = –.294 p = .005).
Conclusions: There is a significant correlation between sagittal plane knee and frontal plane hip moment during SLL in both limbs. Increased
quadriceps strength and increased knee moment was associated with less hip drop during landing. Moreover, the quadriceps strength asymmetry in this
population further amplified this relationship on the surgical side. The increased hip drop indicates that the participants' involved side was not fully
recovered post–surgery. Limitations: As a prospective study, it is possible the participants had deficits prior to
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The Importance Of Physical Therapy
football player that tears his rotator cuff will not be useful for his team until he completes physical therapy. Physical Therapists are crucial to a patient
just out of surgery; athletes, and elderly in need. When a patient has pain or swelling, physical therapists use massages, ultrasound, electrical stimuli,
and cold and hot compresses to alleviate the pain or health issue. They help patients use equipment to aid their mobility such as wheelchairs and
prostheses. As of January 1, 2015, all 50 states, the district of Columbia, and the U.S Virgin Islands allow patients to seek some level of treatment from
a licensed physical therapist without a prescription or referral from a physician. Physical therapy can be found in several different settings like
hospitals, schools, sports, nursing homes, and clinics. Rob Gerofsky said "Getting the athletes to come back and do proper rehabilitation is important to
me." They spend most of their time on their feet, constantly working with patients.
Physical therapists need to know key factors of the anatomy to help their clients. They need to know that the Acetabulum,Iliofemoral, Pubofemoral, and
Ischiofemoral ligaments are the structures that provide stability for the hip joint (Stack). Another way to increase mobility in the hip is bridging through
reciprocal inhibition, while a manipulation would work through neurogenic inhibition (Student Physical). As people age, they tend to lose flexibility,
strength, and often their balance.
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Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Research Paper
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is a term that is used when describing pain in the anterior knee and surrounding areas of the joint. PFPS is most
prevalent in athletes, women, and young adults but can also occur in other populations as there are several factors that contribute to PFPS such as
overuse injuries, which put a great amount of force and stress on the knee and can contribute to patellar misalignment. Activities such as jogging,
squatting, and climbing stairs all put increased force on the knee joints. These repetitive motions and force can cause PFPS especially if the activity's
frequency, duration, or surfaces are changed. Skeletal misalignments between the hips, knees, and ankles or muscular imbalances/weakness can lead to
abnormal ... Show more content on ...
Prior to any interventions, and again after the 6–week intervention, function will be measured using LEFS and pain will be measured using the NPRS. I
propose starting this study with 100 female participants (ages 15–30 years old) who have been diagnosed with patellofemoral pain syndrome by their
MD. They will be randomly assigned to two groups. Group 1 will perform a home quadriceps/hip combination–strengthening program for 6 weeks,
while group 2 will perform a core, quadriceps, and hip strengthening program for 6 weeks. The appropriate test for this study design is a mixed model
ANOVA. In order to run the test the following assumptions must be met: the data must have normal distribution, equal variance, ratio or interval scale
of measurement, sphericity, measurements of two or more times, and at least two independent groups. One strength of this design is that it is able to
look at multiple things at once; it can compare two independent groups over the course of two different times. This may be great for multiple
comparisons, but the math can get more complicated considering the numbers of variables
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Characteristics Of Soccer
Characteristics of soccer
Soccer possibly is one of the most famous sports around the world. However, we usually hear that some talented soccer players like Marco Van Basten,
Michael Owen and Ronaldo need to retire or the performance is seriously affected due to different kinds of injuries.
Types of Injury, Mechanism of injury, Cause of injury, Risk factors ... etc)
According to the Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) and research data by John Miller, there are some common injuries affecting
soccer players which mainly focus on the legs, for example, knee injuries, ankle injuries and hamstring injuries.
Ankle sprains usually happen when the sole of the foot rolls under, damaging the lateral ligaments of the ankle, for ... Show more content on ...
70% of all ACL injuries happen without collision with another player as a result of football involving lots of one–step stop deceleration, sudden change
of direction, landing from a jump with the knee and hip at extension or a lapse of concentration. Besides tearing the ACL, we need to know any knee
injuries can cause a player to be sidelined from training and competitions for a long period unfortunately. Therefore, the knee injuries usually are the
main cause to break the careers of soccer players. (Source:
Although hamstring strains (muscle group at the back of your thigh) will not seriously affect the careers of soccer players, they still make lots of players
endure torment on it. The reason is that hamstring strains easily occur when the thigh muscles of a player are not strong enough. This situation usually
happens when the player lacks time for recovery between training and competitions or receives excessive intensity training or matches when the player
recently recovers from injuries. (Source:
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Implications Of Septic Arthritis On The Family
Implications of Septic Arthritis on the Family. Having a child hospitalized causes an increase in the levels of stress and anxiety for any caregiver. It has
been found that hospitalization causes parents and siblings of the child to feel a sense of loss of control and confusion (Commodari, 2010). Stress can
lead to more serious problems in the individual, and the family as a whole. "Intensive psychosocial intervention in inpatients and outpatients is found to
have a positive impact on child and family functioning, therefore reducing stress levels" (Commodari, 2010). Nurses must help these families transition
into this new environment by providing interventions, and helping families to identify and utilize resources (Commodari, 2010). Currently, there are no
political or legislative implications regarding septic arthritis. There is no current legislative activity surrounding the issue. Patient Safety. Health care
professionals, as a whole, must take responsibility for establishing safe methods of care that involve preventing errors and adverse events. These
methods should also establish methods of identifying and reporting errors and adverse events when they do occur ("NEW AAP POLICY STATEMENT
ON PATIENT SAFETY," 2011). Although patient safety in hospitals has substantially improved, American Academy of Pediatrics recommends
expanding the focus of patient safety to ambulatory care ("NEW AAP POLICY STATEMENT ON PATIENT SAFETY," 2011). American Academy of
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Turf Toe: Signs And Symptoms
Bryan Mitchell A
New York Yankees pitcher Bryan Mitchell is rumored to have a grade 3 Turf toe. Mitchell is a professional baseball pitcher who is suffering from an
injury after a game against Atlanta Braves. It is said that he was running to cover the first base. His injury will require him a surgery that will take him
three months to fully recover.
Turf toe is the term used to describe the sprain of the ligaments around the big toe joint. This injury is caused when the big toe is jammed forcefully
while running or jumping.
What are the signs and symptoms of Turf toe?
 There is a limited toe movement
 At a time of injury, a snapping or popping sound can be heard
 Your mobility is reduced
 Your toe is swelling
 Your big toe is bruising
 ... Show more content on ...
Not everyone will experience all these symptoms but everyone complains about pain.
Tips on how to prevent turf toe
With the help of a proper footwear, turf toe and other toe injuries can be avoided and prevented. You can also try various stretching exercises that will
strengthen your toes.
 Instead of tennis shoes, it is much better if you will wear cleats
 Wearing proper shoes that provide protection most especially on your toes
 Toe walking – you must do this exercise slowly at first. It is simple as standing on your tiptoes and walk
 Pencil pick–up – you have to use your toe to pick up the pencil on the floor while you are
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Distal Radioulnar Joint
The wrist is an anatomic linkage bridging the hand to the forearm. Eight bones of carpus and the distal radius and ulna form complex articulation that
allow 3 degrees of movement. The hand, relative to the forearm, can flex and extend, pronate and supinate, and deviate ulnar and radial. [17]
In order to have such mobility while maintaining stability, the wrist has complex configuration of ligaments and bones. Malfunction of the wrist occurs
when the structural alignment of the bones has changed or when the ligamentous constraints have been disrupted. [17]
The distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ)
Problems of the DRUJ have been called by Palmer as the "low back pain of the wrist. [18]
Over the last years, there has been a tremendous surge in research involving the anatomy, function, and treatment of DRUJ pathology.
In the DRUJ: The shallow concave sigmoid notch of the distal radius articulates with the convex asymmetric shaped ulnar head.
The ... Show more content on ...
1 : Types of sigmoid notch. [ 21]
There is also reported a palmar osteocartilagenous lip in 80% of the people which acted as a stable buttress to palmar dislocation of the ulna.
The articulation of the sigmoid notch with the ulnar head allows rotation of the radiocarpal unit in the transverse plane.[ 19]
The ulna head:
The medial area of it has a bony prominence, whichis known as the ulnar styloid process. This is the point of attachment for soft tissue structures. The
dorsal nonarticular portion of the ulnar head has an osseous groove to accommodate the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon (ECU). Articular cartilage covers
a 90 to 135 degrees arc of the ulnar head, and only a 47 to 80 degree arc on the sigmoid notch.[20]
One important geometric joint characteristic of the DRUJ is the radius of curvature between the two articulating surfaces. The radius of curvature of the
ulnar head (averages 10 mm) is different from the radius of curvature of the sigmoid notch (averages 15 mm). Consequently,
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Glenohumeral Joint Research Paper
The Glenohumeral Joint and its
Function Within the Human Body
The glenohumeral joint, or shoulder joint, is one of the human body's appendicular joints and boasts the greatest ROM (range of motion) of any joint in
the body. An appendicular joint is a joint that is part of the appendicular skeleton which includes the pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, and limb bones. The
appendicular joints typically have a larger range of motion, but due to this are often weaker than those found in the axial skeleton. The glenohumeral
joint is responsible for articulating movement of the upper arm by way of pivoting the humerus at the point that it meets with the scapula. There are
many different classifications of joints within the human body and the glenohumeral joint is classified as a ball–and–socket joint which is one of six
different synovial joints present in the body. A synovial joint is a joint that contains articular cartilage, joint capsules, and synovial membranes. A ball–
and–socket joint is a joint that can be described as a ball that fits into a cup shaped dock allowing motion in all directions. This arrangement allows the
bone to employ three different types of movement, angular, rotation, and circumduction. This structure is what allows ... Show more content on ...
This is due in large part to the significant presence of a synovial membrane nestled between the ball (humerus) and the socket (scapula). The synovial
membrane is particular to freely movable joint cavities and is a cushion between the two bones. As briefly mentioned previously, synovial joints contain
articular cartilage –which covers bones at the joint–, joint capsules –a sac that covers the ends of bones–, and synovial membranes –fluid that serves to
reduce friction, provide shock cushioning, and lubricates. These features are key in the glenohumeral joint because it has such a large ROM and is
subject to more shock than many other joints in the
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Active Foot Orthosis
Currently, robotic systems of active foot orthoses consist of PGO, PAGO, Anklebot, MIT–AAFO, AFOUD, KAFO, RGT, Yonsei–AAFO, and
SUkorpion AR. This kind of technology provides suitable gait dynamics for rehabilitation cite{daniel2005}. The Powered Gait Orthosis (PGO)
promotes bipedal locomotor performance in the patient who has a physical impairment and the Pneumatic Active Gait Orthosis (PAGO) uses the
electropneumatic circuit to improve locomotor performance for paraplegic patients cite{ruthenberg1997,belforte2001}. The Anklebot is a commercial
product from Interactive Motion Technologies. The goal of this robot is to recover stroke patient's ankles cite{roy2007}. This research performs a
simple protocol for ankle stiffness estimation. ... Show more content on ...
The Ankle Foot Orthosis at the University of Delaware (AFOUD) contains 2–DOF (inversion/eversion and dorsiflexion/plantarflexion motion) using an
actuator, a spring and a damper to steadily maintain appropriate foot position of patient cite{agrawal2005}. The Knee–Ankle–Foot–Orthosis (KAFO)
uses artificial pneumatic muscles being a powered orthosis in walking step cite{sawicki2009}. The study of gait rehabilitation, human motor
adaptation and locomotion energetics were previously done by their work of ankle–foot orthosis (AFO). The Robotic Gait Trainer (RGT) (Figure
ref{fig:rgt}) from the Arizona State University presented a walking device using a tripod mechanism
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Essay On Shin Splint
A shin splint is a widely used term for pain in the lower leg or shin. Scientists don't completely know exactly what a shin splint is. Some believe that a
shin splint is a small tear of the muscle that's pulled off the bone. Some other theories about the exact problem that causes shin splints include: an
inflammation of the periosteum or of the muscle.
Shin splints are commonly encountered in runners or other athletes due to the high amount of strain placed on their legs. The pressure of all of your
body weight placed on your legs can aid in causing shin splints. When athletes normally get shin splints, they have recently increased the amount of
miles they usually run, changed their workout plan, or changed the surface they are running on. When runners increase their mileage too quickly, it puts
newfound strain on their legs because their legs aren't used to running that long. If an athlete changes their workout plan, they are using muscles that
they didn't previously. If they use the muscles around the shin, it could inflame that area and cause the athlete, or just anyone working out, to get shin
splints. When a runner gets used to running on one type of surface, the tension or angle ... Show more content on ...
This causes shin splints to be mistaken for other conditions. One such condition is a stress fracture. One difference between shin splints and stress
fractures is that the pain caused by shin splints doesn't have a definite spot of where the pain is coming from. It is a more generalized type of pain than
stress fractures. Another difference is that shin splints feel worse in the morning due to the soft tissue tightening overnight. There isn't a real need to
seek medical attention for shin splints specifically, but if the pain keeps up, you might want to go to the doctor in order to make sure that it's just shin
splints. Some people go to the doctors to check on shin splints and find out that they have tendonitis or stress
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Anterior Cruciatetric Analysis Essay
Each year people suffer from one of the most common knee injuries, a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL is one of the four ligaments that
aid in stabilization and function of the entire knee. From a sports injury to a fall, an ACL may occur for numerous reasons. Receiving an accurate
diagnosis from the area's best orthopedic surgeon will help in determine if surgery for ACL tear is necessary.
The most efficient indicator of a torn ACL is pain. The pain sets in almost immediately. During the incident leading up to the ACL tear, a loud popping
noise may occur. The noise may be so loud bystanders can hear the sound. The noise is actually the ligament tearing which is the reason for the
immediate pain. Following the pain, ... Show more content on ...
A MRI may be aid in the overall evaluation of the knee area.
The various procedures and tests will help determine if the ACL is torn. In some cases, the orthopedic surgeon may begin with simple non–surgical
methods including applying ice packs, taking pain medication or minimizing movement of the knee.
The non–surgical approach can help reduce swelling and relieve pain. The non–surgical methods help in preparing for surgery for ACL tear. The wait
period allows for reduced swelling and the elimination of bleeding in the torn ACL. The surgery for ACL tear is used to provide an optimal outcome
returning the individual back to a normal, healthy lifestyle.
Rehabilitation & Recovery
The rehabilitation and recovery process will vary with each individual. In some more severe cases, full recovery from surgery for ACL tear may take
over nine months. The best orthopedic surgeon will work to achieve an optimal outcome for the patient on an individualized basis.
The rehabilitation and physical therapy will help increase the range of motion in the knee area to help return the patient back to a normal lifestyle.
Strengthening exercises are often used to achieve this goal. During this time after the surgery for ACL tear, a protective knee brace may be prescribed to
help reduce the stress on the injured
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Cattle Lift Toe
The bones of your toes can not be separated from your heel bone, your heel bone is also related to your leg bone, and so on. This is the reason why the
pain in one bone is able to spread to other parts of the foot. Leg pain has several factors such as athlete's foot, bunions, heel spurs, arthritis, and ingrown
toenail. China believes that foot reflexology is what determines the health, lead to the development of many different detox footbaths.
Stretching leg is the first step that is recommended. Stretching the leg is not difficult to do, just membutuhkan5 minutes.
The Toe Raise
Lift the toes and stand with them. Make sure your pinky toe ride in the same way, as high as your big toe. Perform this step five times
Lift Toe
When you are still in Toe Raise, press your big toe toward the bottom and continue to press your little finger. Perform alternately. 5 for each foot. ...
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Train each side sebanyak10 times.
Ankle Stretch
Place an exercise ball and a stretchy loop at the foot of the table. Hook your feet so that you make the balls of your feet resting on the band. The next
step is to press the toes towards the bottom. You need to repeat this procedure 15 times.
Tennis Ball Rub
Stepping into a tennis ball along your feet gently. Do this for each leg and you need to make your toes directed at the knee. Raise your toes towards the
Toes and Fingers
Sitting with the position of your feet are in front, toes pointed up. Lean forward and lace your fingers with the other fingers, then reinstated. It is quite
difficult but it can be learned.
Other Foot Tips
It is recommended for your body to the ground, allowing you to completely eradicate your feet, improve balance, and also restore your mental
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Rheumatoid Arthritis
Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Pathophysiology
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a noninflammatory, age–related disorder with a genetic factor associated with it and is best described as a wearing and tearing
down of the articular cartilage in the synovial joint that commonly occurs in the knees, ankles, hips, hands, fingers, and wrist (Huether & McCance,
2017). In OA the articular cartilage is broken down due to thinning and the process of fibrillation which causes pain with weight bearing and use of the
body part (Huether & McCance, 2017). As a result of the breakdown of the cartilage which leaves the subchondral bone vulnerable, the bone becomes
sclerotic, develop cyst, and osteophytes that lead to erosion of the articular cartilage ... Show more content on ...
Osteoarthritis frequently affects the small finger joints and thumb, as well as the knees (Rheumatoid, 2016). RA affects several joints in
comparison to OA that affect one joint or area (Rheumatoid, 2016). Osteoarthritis affects more people than rheumatoid arthritis. According
to Rheumatoid, (2016), 27 million people develop osteoarthritis and around 1.3 million people develop rheumatoid arthritis. Although OA
is more prevalent in the population, females tend to be diagnosed are higher rates and experience the pain and stiffness alike (Rheumatoid,
2016). RA appears in people between the age of thirty and sixty years of age. Osteoarthritis generally develops later in life. The signs and symptoms of
RA are joint pain, stiffness, swelling joints, symmetrical symptoms, stiffness lasting greater than 30 minutes in the AM, fatigue, fever, and malaise
(Rheumatoid, 2016). In comparison, OA symptoms feature joint pain and stiffness which is unequally distributed and experienced in
hands, fingers, knees, spine, and hips with stiffness in the AM lasting less than 30 minutes (Rheumatoid, 2016). Another note is that with
RA other diseases involving the lung, heart, musculoskeletal problems are common and continuous problems from the effects of inflammation (Huether
& McCance,
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Why People Have Joint Pain
Why Many People have Joint Pain and How to Help Ease It As people age they begin to feel that they are experiencing pain in their joints more so than
they did during their youth. There can be many reasons for this pain. Or can it be just a part of ageing. During our youth we don't pay much attention to
how hard we played, what we eat, or if we took vitamins. Our mothers for the most part were responsible for what we eat, how much sleep we got, and
in general how well we take care of ourselves. As children our bodies are pretty resilient and other than broken bones, skinned knees, bumps, and
bruises pretty much heal and go away without any need or concern to see a physician. Years ago mothers made sure that we got the proper amount of
sleep, which for the most part once we got to sleep our bodies took care of how much sleep we got all by its self, for most children that was anywhere
from 8 to 10 hours a night if undisturbed. Most children got a balanced diet, some even got a daily vitamin or eat foods that were enriched in vitamins
such as cereal and milk. A lot of kids ate in the cafeteria at school. Schools did their best to make sure that the lunches were well balanced. Children for
the most part played outside for recess which usually involved some sort of running, hopping, skipping, or throwing a ball. And when they got home
after some kind of snack they couldn't wait to get out to ride their bike, or play some sort of game that normally again
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Introductory. Something That Humans All Have In Common,
Introductory Something that humans all have in common, is aging. Every single one of us ages and as we age a lot of us get to have a friend along the
way. That friend is aching pain. This aching pain can stem from a certain disease, named osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is "the most common rheumatic
disease, primarily affecting the articular cartilage and the subchondral bone of a synovial joint, eventually resulting in joint failure." (Fransen, 2015)
Chances are that someone close to you has osteoarthritis as it is a very prevalent chronic disease. Living with a chronic disease does not bring much joy
and preventative measures can be taken to avoid the pain or interventions can be used to make the pain bearable. Some interventions that ... Show more
content on ...
Exercise is something that can easily be taught to patients and nurses have the prime opportunity to educate patients that are at risk or have
osteoarthritis before they need a joint replacement surgery. Mobility is a huge part of each individual's life and joints play a crucial role in one's
mobility. When a joint's function decreases a person's mobility, many other things are at risk to decrease as well such as skin integrity and the
cardiovascular system. As a nurse, it is important to treat patients holistically and when one part is not functioning, such as the joint, it is our job to
bring function back to improve one's health overall.
Many of the studies reviewed followed similar methods to collecting data related to exercise and knee osteoarthritis. There were many systematic
reviews that supported this PICO question and determined whether land–based therapeutic exercise is beneficial for people with knee osteoarthritis in
terms of reduced joint pain or improved physical function and quality of life. All of the studies had searched various databases, which included,
MEDLINE, EMBASE, The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
(CINAHL), the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Google scholar and OpenGrey. Randomized control trials were put to use and
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Hip Bursitis Research Paper
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome
The medical definition of bursitis is an inflammation or irritation of the bursa, which is a small, fluid–filled sac found in articulation. Inflammation
occurs from the decrease of friction of the bursa between the bones, muscles, and skin. Bursitis can be an acute or chronic condition. Acute bursitis are
often a result from an infection or injury, while chronic bursitis are caused by long periods of repetitive motion or use of the affected joint. The most
common sites include the elbow, hip, shoulder, knee, heel and even the base of the big toe.
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (formally known as Trochanteric Bursitis, or GTPS for short) is a hip bursitis which distresses the superficial
trochanteric bursa located over the greater trochanter of the femur. Inflammation of the trochanteric bursa is due to muscles and tendons rubbing over
the bursa causing friction against the femur. This ... Show more content on ...
Rest, cold therapy and non–steroidal anti–inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, are most effective to reduce inflammation
stemming from injury and overuse. Combination of physical therapy and activity modification are recommended for proper stretching and
strengthening of the hip and to avoid activities which may aggravate the area. In the event of a septic hip bursitis, an infection of the bursa, the doctor
may perform an aspiration, in which a needle and syringe is used to remove fluid from the bursa followed by a prescription of antibiotics to prevent the
spread of infection. If rest, physical therapy and NSAIDs are no longer effective in relieving the pain, then corticosteroid injections are administered.
Although surgery is rarely needed, it may be warranted with some chronic hip bursitis. The three types of surgery most often used are tendon repair and
iliotibial band release, osteotomy of the greater trochanter and
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Ankle Injury Research Paper
Life is never predictable. One minute you are on top of the world and the next it can turn on you in a snap of a finger. Just like when I sprained my
ankle while playing volleyball. One minute I was playing my best and the next I end up hearing a snap in my ankle and ending up on the floor. Having
an injury and being in a sport can be one of the hardest thing an athlete can go through. It can be very painful and take months for the fracture to heal.
In my essay I will be talking about what an ankle sprain is, how I sprained my ankle and recovered from it and how it has affected my ankle today.
Fracturing any bone or ligament in the body can be one of the most painful thing a person can go through. Whether it is a minor fracture or a more
serious fracture, it can be really painful. A sprain in the ankle can be one of the toughest injury in most sports. An ankle sprain is an injury to the
ligaments that surround and ... Show more content on ...
Even though my ankle was healed and I was able to walk on it, it would still hurt while playing sports. I played basketball and volleyball after my ankle
sprain and it affected my performance. When I went back to volleyball I had to wear an ankle brace to support my ankle from twitting again and
jumping or doing any fast movement would hurt my ankle. In basketball my ankle would hurt even more because I would constantly be running up and
down and would do very fast movements that brought a lot of pain to my ankle and that has affected it today. The way I have noticed that my ankle was
affected by the sprain was when it gets cold, my ankle starts aching and if I walk for too long it hurts as well and I have to rest it so that I can feel better.
As well as when I wear high heels, I cannot be in them for so long because again my ankle starts to ache. Spraining my ankle has affected me because
of the pain I get from it whenever I apply too much pressure on
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Osgood-Shlatter Research Paper
INTRODUCTION TO OSGOOD–SCHLATTER Osgood–Schlatter also known as osteochondrosis is classified as a disease that arises in the knee in
which the tibial tubercle of apophysis experiences a detachment from the proximal end of the tibia causing inflammation. Hence, Osgood–Schlatter is
basically a disease which causes pain to a hackneyed tibial tuberosity. This disease may be originated from a trauma or an excessive traction of the soft
apophysis of the tibial tuberosity by the patellar tendon. This lesion often occurs among adolescents as they reach puberty as it is a physical
development period in which it typically occurs in females between the age of ten to twelve and boys between the age of thirteen to fifteen. Moreover,
it may also occur
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Bios251 Week 7 Lab
BIOS251 Week 7 Lab Exercise
To complete this worksheet, select:
Module: Support and Movement Activity: Anatomy Overviews Title: Joints
1. a. From the main Joints page, click Fibrous Joints and identify each of the following structural joint types.
Suture Syndesmoses Gomphosis
b. Why are sutures and gomphoses classified as synarthroses?
In these types of joints the fibers are very short and allow for little of no movement. Synarthroses joints come together at a point at which adjacent
bones are bound by collagen fibers that emerge from ... Show more content on ...
Locate body examples of the following joints and describe the movement of each.
Condyloid – joint between radius and scaphoid and lunate bones of carpus. Planar – joints between intercarpal joints. Between carpal bones at the wrist.
Saddle – joint between the trapezium of carpus and metacarpal of thumb.
Biaxial (Condyloid) triaxial (Plane Joint) Biaxial (Saddle Joint) Movement on two axis Movement on three axis Movement on two axis
These types of joints are considered plane joints because they permit back–and–forth and side–to–side movements between the flat surfaces of the
bones, but they may also rotate against one another.
Pivot – The rounded pointed surface of one bone articulates with a ring formed partly by another bone and partly by a ligament. This type of joint
allows rotation only around its own longitudinal axis.
Uniaxial Joint between head and radius notch of ulna.
Hinge The convex surface of one bone fits into the concave surface of another bone, Hinge joint are uniaxial because they allow motion around a single
axis. Produces an opening and closing motion.
Identify the trochlea and the trochlear notch.
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Anterior Cruciate Ligament Essay
The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is located inferior (underneath) to the Femur and superior (above) to the Tibia. The ACL allows range of motion
the Tibia.
An ACL Sprain may happen when a person rapidly changes direction. Once it is torn, it is not able to heal on it's own.
A sudden changing of direction may cause an ACL Sprain.
Example: Roda walking with her skis on and caused her to slip, which caused her to change the direction of her right leg very suddenly and falling and
landing on the leg
A loud "pop" noise coming from the knee at the time of injury
Loss of range of motion
Severe pain
Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation
Knee brace
Many young people, who are involved in a sport, choose to get surgery to reconstruct
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Functions Of A Joint And Articular Cartilage
Osteochondritis Dissecans
Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), happens when a piece of tissue that covers a joint (articular cartilage) is separated from the bone. Articular cartilage
protects the bones and allows joints to move smoothly, without pain.
OCD most commonly affects the knee joint, but it can also occur at the ankle, elbow, or other joints throughout the body. OCD occurs mainly in
children and adolescents. Mild cases of OCD tend to heal over time, especially if a child has this condition. However, severe cases may require surgery
to reattach the articular cartilage to the surrounding bone.
The cause of this condition is not known. Possible causes include:
Injury from repetitive motion or repetitive stress on the joint.
Inadequate blood supply to the joint.
Having certain genes that make developing OCD more likely (genetic predisposition).
The following factors may make you more likely to develop this condition:
Being a child or adolescent. Having bones that are still growing makes OCD more likely to occur.
Participating in sports that put repeated force on the joints, such as distance running.
Being obese.
Having a family history of OCD.
Having posture problems, such as bow legs or knock knees.
In many cases, there are no symptoms of this condition. However, symptoms vary depending on the severity and location of the condition. Possible
symptoms include:
Joint pain
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Skeletal Muscles
One of the Primary movements preformed while playing indoor volley ball is jumping to block a spike from the opposition. Blocking consists of two
main actions, primarily a vertical jump to place yourself in the path of the volleyball and secondary raising your arms above your head in order to block
a larger area of space.
Bones are essential to all movement of the human body as they are what is moved during muscle contractions, but can also limit our range of motion.
During the primary vertical jump flexion and extension of the hip is allowed by the highly mobile ball and socket joint formed between the pelvis and
femur. Flexion and extension of the knee is made possible by the hinge joint formed between the femur and tibia and dorsiflexion ... Show more content
on ...
Incorrect technique can lead to poor performance but can be improved by correcting biomechanics such as balance, stability and centre of gravity.
Performance can also be increases by adding spin to the ball. Athlete spend years trying to improve their performance by perfecting correct technique
Many technical issues in volleyball stem from bad balance. Before you perform a jump serve you must first adopt a stance with one foot in fortune of
the other which increases your base of support. In doing this you ensure that you are in complete control of your body and the ball will go exactly
where you want it.
After a good starting position has been obtained it is the action is made easier and more effective. A good throw is performed by throwing the ball high
and in a liner line straight up into the air using your non hitting hand. While the ball falls an athlete will take a step forward and place their weight on
their front foot before jumping to hit the ball. In moving your weight to your front foot you move your centre of gravity forward as well which helps to
build momentum towards the ball and to exert more force on the ball thus making it travel faster making it harder for the opponent to
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Posterior Muscles
Posterior Muscles Originating Above the Knee The popliteus muscle is a minor flexor of the knee. It penetrates the joint capsule to find its origin on the
lateral condyle of the femur, and passes obliquely to insert on the medio–proximal tibia. Its main function is to help stabilize the knee, but is also able to
rotate the femur on the tibia to unlock the knee. Two other muscles have origin above the knee. The gastrocnemius muscle is a rather large muscle that
has two heads of origin above the knee. The medial head originates just above the posterior medial condyle of the femur. The lateral head has its origin
on the posterior lateral surface of the lateral condyle of the femur. These two heads come together to form a large muscle that ... Show more content on ...
The MP joint is enclosed in a joint capsule, which is thin on the dorsal aspect, and rather thick on the plantar aspect.
Muscles of the Foot Many of the muscles of the foot originate in the leg. Tendons from these muscles attach in the foot and aid in the articulation of the
joints. From the anterior leg, the extensor hallucis longus muscle, extensor hallucis brevis muscle, extensor digitorum longus muscle, and the extensor
digitorum brevis act as extensors on the phalanges. From the posterior leg, the flexor hallucis longus muscle and flexor digitorum longus muscle act as
flexors of the phalanges. There are a few intrinsic muscles that lie in the plantar region of the foot. The plantar region is divided into four layers. In the
first plantar layer contains the abductor digiti minimi muscle, abductor hallucis muscle, and the flexor digitorum brevis muscle. The second plantar
layer consists of the four lumbrical muscles, and the quadratus plantae muscle. The adductor hallucis muscle, flexor hallucis brevis muscle, and flexor
digiti minimi muscle all lay in the third plantar layer. The fourth, and final, plantar layer consists of the seven interosseous
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  • 1. Biomechanics Assignment Biomechanics Assignment Lower Extremity All answers came from Basic Biomechanics – 6th Edition. Hall, Susan J. (Susan Jean), 1953– Basic biomechanics/ Susan J. Hall–6th ed. p. cm. 1. Name the ligaments that surround the hip joint Ligament 1 Iliofemoral Ligament Ligament 2 Pubofemoral Ligament Ligament 3 Ischiofemoral Ligament 1b. Based on the name of the ligament determine where each ligament attaches on the Os Coxae Ligament 1 – connects the pelvis to the femur at the front of the joint. Ligament 2 – attaches the most forward part of the pelvis to the femur Ligament 3– attaches to the ischium and between the two trochanters of the femur. 2. What are the bones that make up the pelvic girdle It is the pair of hipbones which is made up ... Show more content on ... It inserts on the tibia and goes through the lateral condyle of the femur. 7. Movement of the knee joint Action of the Knee Muscles responsible for it Knee flexion Gastrocnemius, Plantaris Knee Extension Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, intermedius, medialis 8. Where is plantar fascia located, and what is the role of plantar fascia? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. List all the muscles responsible for Plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, Inversion and Eversion Plantarflexion Dorsiflexion Inversion Eversion Gastrocnemius Tibalis anterior Tibalis anterior Extensor digitorum longus Plantaris Extensor digitorum longus Extensor hallucius longus Peroneus tertius Soleus Peroneus tertius Flexor digitorum longus Peroneus–longus,brevis Peroneus–longus,brevis, Extensor hallucius longus Flexor hallcius longus Flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallcius longus Tibialis posterior Tibialis posterior 10. Describe the articulations of the following joints a.Subtalar – allows inversion and eversion of the feet. b. Tibiotalar – dorsiflexion and plantar ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. What Is Clavicular Osteolysis? Clavicular Osteolysis Clavicular osteolysis is a type of shoulder injury. It happens in the area where the collarbone attaches to the top of the shoulder blade (acromioclavicular joint, or AC joint). Repeated stress may cause tiny breaks (microfractures) on the end of the collarbone (clavicle). This leads to loss of bone cells in the end of the clavicle. This condition causes shoulder pain, especially when you lift an object over your head. Rest may relieve the pain. CAUSES This condition may be caused by repeated stress on the AC joint. RISK FACTORS This condition is more likely to develop in: Men. People who lift weights over the head for sport or training purposes. Athletes who participate in sports that involve over–the–head ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Shooting A Bow Lab Report Shooting a bow largely involves the use of the upper extremity. Between the needs of stabilization and torque, many muscles in the upper extremity are utilized to perform an effective shot. However, the lower extremity is also involved in bow shooting mechanics. Muscles in the lower extremity perform both concentric and eccentric contractions to stabilize the body during all phases of shooting a bow. Therefore, shooting a bow involves complex contractions of muscles throughout the body. In the next few pages the joints and the muscular involvement of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist during bow shooting will be discussed in depth. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the involvement of the upper extremity will be discussed in detail as it relates to its function in the action of shooting a bow. The shoulder plays a huge role in drawing the bow and keeping the string pulled back. The joints of the shoulder are vital when performing these actions. The joints involved include: the sternoclavicular joint, ... Show more content on ... The prime movers in the left shoulder that move it back to its neutral position are the anterior deltoid and the bicep brachii. Concentric contractions followed by eccentric contractions of both of these muscles move the shoulder from extension and abduction to it neutral state by flexing and adducting the shoulder. The prime movers in the right shoulder are again the anterior and middle deltoid along with the supraspinatus that contract isometrically to keep the shoulder in horizontal abduction. When the right shoulder is let down after follow through, the prime movers are the triceps and the posterior deltoids which eccentrically contract to extend the shoulder to its neutral position. Therefore the muscles of the shoulder are exceedingly imperative to the action of shoot a ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Rotator Cuff Research Paper Rotator cuff tendons are prone to degeneration leading to swelling with sub–luxation due to continuous active and passive forces. Rotator cuff pathology includes tendinopathy, tendinosis and bursitis, as well as rotator cuff tears. Most common indication for rotator cuff tears include increasing age and traumatic shoulder injury. Clinical symptoms for rotator cuff injuries include shoulder pain, weakness and loss of range of motion. However, these symptoms are common in various diseases; differential diagnosis includes labral tears, glenohumeral ligament tears or sprains, coracoacromial and arcomioclavicular ligament tears and sprains, osteoarthritis, adhesive capsulitis, proximal peripheral neuropathies and cervical radiculopathy. Hence, ... Show more content on ... Thus helps in treatment planning and prognosis. Multiple factors are to be considered during treatment planning. It is important to identify the disorder and its clinical implications, to ensure the most appropriate treatment. Nevertheless, the choice of imaging test depends on personal experience, preference, local availability and the cost of imaging. The American College of Radiology has developed informative criteria that rate the relative usefulness of various imaging modalities for the evaluation of shoulder pain in different clinical scenarios. However, the diagnostic algorithm will ultimately be influenced by the therapeutic approach. The use of various imaging techniques to determine rotator cuff injuries is very controversial. Thus a technique used should not only be informative but cost effective as well. Arthrography is invasive with much health risk. US is a non–invasive, relatively inexpensive, no risk of exposure to radiation and therefore, can be used as initial line of investigation. MRI is sensitive and specific, to detect correct site and extent of tear and also non–rotator cuff related pathologies like ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Achy Knee Research Paper If you expereince a sore or achy knee on a regualr basis, it's important to note that a supportive deevice may prove to be espeially beneficial. There's a wide assortment of braces, tapes and straps avaavle that can help to provide some well needed supported to the involved muslces and joints. In this overview we'll take a look at the benefits that tapes, braces and straps have to offer. These band–live devies, can be wwrap around the bottom portions of the knee as to which it applies pressure to the tendon. The prmairy function of starps is to dispers the presssue across a large areas so that it can alievate sosmee ofthe stress thatthe sore area of th epateller tendon (bottom portion of the knee) may be expereincing. Another benefit thats ... Show more content on ... Whle some braxes are utilzie to help pevent the possblti yof an njury, some are used to prohibit a pteeint from cconduct certain dangerous motions while they are in the midst of recoveery. On the other hand, some are utilzie to ncrease comfort level when perofmring a partclar activty. However, the two most commonly used braces are the patella brace and the knee sleeve. The patella brace is spcally desinged to provide ssome suport to the knee cap. For example, some conditons can cause the knee cap to track mproparly whch resuls in the irration of the knee joint. However, a patella brace can eencompas the knee cap and help to ensure that it stays on track. This type of knee brace is ideal for ndvuals who arfe ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Relative Differences: The Three Types Of Impingement Impingement is a clinical syndrome of end–range joint pain or motion restriction resulting from direct mechanical abutment of bone or soft tissues. There are three types of ankle impingement syndromes: anterior impingement, which can be subdivided into anterolateral, anteromedial and anterior impingement; posterior impingement, which can be subdivided into posterior and posteromedial impingement. These clinical abnormalities are related to interposition of more or less calcified synovial tissue in the joint space. They are often associated with bone and soft tissue abnormalities. These conditions commonly occur in active people and athletes, as recurrent subclinical injury is an important factor for their development. Relative contributions ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Injury Of A Knee Injury There are many 206 bones in the human body, but three main bones that make up our ankle. The three main bones that make up our ankle are the tibia, which is the shinbone, the fibula, which is the smaller bone on the leg, and the talus, which is a small bone that sits between the calcaneus, the tibia, and the fibula. The inside part of the tibia is called the medial malleolus. The back part of the tibia is called the posterior malleolus. The end of the fibula is called the lateral malleolus. There are two main joints in the ankle. One of the joints is the ankle joint. The ankle joint is where the tibia, fibula, and talus meet. The other main joint is called the syndesmosis joint. This is the joint that is between the tibia and fibula. When an ankle does not heal correctly, it is called a nonunion. There are many ways to cause an ankle injury. Twisting or rolling an ankle can create ankle injuries. Tripping over something or falling down can also cause ankle injuries. There are many ways to tell if an ankle is broken. These symptoms are severe pain, swelling, colored bruising, unable to put any weight on it, or dislocation. If someone has these symptoms, they should go see a physician. "The incidence of ankle fractures is approximately 187 fractures per 100,000 people each year" (U.S. National Library of Medicine). There are approximately seven billion people on this planet. On average, there are 13,090,000 ankle fractures every year. There are many different types of ankle ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Why Is Disc Herniation Between L4 ( L4 ) ( 4 ) Disc herniation between L3 and L4 vertebra causes compression of the L4 nerve root as it crosses the intervertebral disc before exiting the L4 intervertebral foramina. Numbness may be present over the anteromedial aspect of the leg. Weakness of tibialis anterior muscle may be present as evidenced by absence of heel walking. The quadriceps and hip adductor group, also may be weak and, in extended ruptures, atrophic.Reflex testing may reveal a diminished or absent patellar tendon reflex (L2, L3, and L4) or anterior tibial tendon reflex (L4). Sensory testing may show diminished sensations over the L4 dermatome, predominantly the medial leg and the autonomous zone being skin over medial malleolus. Disc ... Show more content on ... There may be paralysis of bilateral lower limbs, bladder and/or bowel incontinence with absent ankle reflex. Lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse most commonly occurs at L4 or L5. Disc prolapse involving at much higher level may be associated with a negative straight leg raising test instead there may be a positive femoral stretch test which is tested by making the patient prone and knee of the patient is made to flex with one hand of the examiner at the popliteal fossa, will cause pain radiating along the anterior aspect of the thigh, for which a high lesion should be suspected .In addition, these lesions may occur with a more diffuse neurological complaint without significant localizing neurological signs. Often the neurological signs associated with disc disease vary over time. Though, various conservative treatments can change the physical signs of disc disease. Comparative bilateral examination of a patient with back and leg pain is essential in finding a clear–cut pattern. More aggressive therapy is needed if the symptoms worsens whereas improvement of symptoms indicates resolution of the problem. Symptoms or signs suggesting of cauda equina syndrome or severe/progressive neurological deficit should be treated on aggressively on a emergency basis. Confirmatory Imaging Though diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation can be done clinically ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Knee Replacement: A Case Study Introduction The primary apprehension pertaining to the total knee replacement (TKR) is that the tibia tray suffers from aseptic loosening and it occurs due to physical stress shielding pertaining to the bone which further may need a revision surgery. The finest material is expected to be put to use for the process pertaining to the TKR surgery (Nasab & Hassan, 2010). According to Okazaki et al. (2004) the material used for prosthesis which had rigidity had lead to stress pertaining to the components along with the bones that are adjacent to the artificial knee. It leads to affecting the bone stress shielding as well. During the recent times, there has been development of such graded materials which have been invented for being considered as the probable tibia try biomaterial pertaining to the implant for ensuring enhancement in the ability pertaining to the distribution of the stress experienced. Bahraminasab and Jahan (2015), highlighted the strategy that can be chosen for selecting the requisite material for acting as the tibia tray during the knee implants based on the multi–criteria decision making approach in order to increase both its durability and the quality. Porous NiTi (SMA) due to possessing superior properties than the rest of the materials was chosen for the purpose of knee implant. The paper highlights ... Show more content on ... It possesses finer characteristics required from the material to become appropriate for implant purposes. The calculations discussed below were employed via VIKOR technique for determination of the different characteristics as well as performance of the candidate ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Commonly Performed Orthopedic Procedures Commonly Performed Orthopedic Procedures and Details about Greg Finch Orthopedic surgeons are experts who diagnose and treat multiple problems that affect the bones, muscles and body tissues. Individuals may get injuries or fractures in their musculoskeletal system. In this case, they require orthopedic procedures to fix these deformities. Some of the common orthopedic procedures include the following: Spine Surgery It is a complicated procedure that involves performing different treatment activities to patients suffering from backbone problems. Irregular aging processes and injuries may cause painful conditions to the spines of human beings. Orthopedic surgeons play a significant role in helping patients by performing numerous tests, surgeries ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Heel Pain Heel Pain, Heel Spurs & Plantar Fasciitis Explained By Peter Van Dyke Feb 14, 2009 Heel pain is by far the most common foot complaint that affects millions of people around the world. Plantar Fasciitis is the ailment that is often associated with the symptoms of Heel Pain and Heel Spurs. This article enumerates the features: What is Plantar Fasciitis? How does Plantar Fasciitis result in heel pain and heel spurs What is the treatment to relieve the discomfort of heel pain Heel Pain Symptoms Heel Pain, Heel Spurs, and Plantar Fasciitis are foot ailments that cause discomfort in the center of the heel when weight is placed on the foot, especially when one gets up in the morning. The pain slowly disappears after walking around for a short time. The pain can vary in severity from case to case or from time to time. What Causes Heel Pain and Heel Spurs? The most common cause of both heel pain and heel spurs is "Plantar Fasciitis" That is the Latin term designating the inflammation of the Plantar Fascia. Plantar Fascia is that flat band of fibrous ligaments located under the foot that connects the heel bone to the toes. This dense strip of tissues acts like a bow string that spans the arch of the foot to give it support. How does Plantar Fasciitis Develop? The Plantar Fascia generally takes the full load of the body when the foot is placed on ... Show more content on ... The normal function can be however affected by excessive abuse of the feet, over–pronation, old age or being over–weight. As a result of the painful stretching the Plantar Fascia exhibits micro–tearing that leads to irritation, inflammation and pain at the junction of the Plantar Fascia and calcaneus or heel bone. The continued pulling of the Fascia joined to the heel bone can result in a bony growth on the heel commonly known as a Heel Spur. This growth triggers pain in the surrounding tissues that get ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Arthritis Case Study From the ward you are practicing in choose an operation that was done to patient for whom you have given nursing care. From your experience describe the indications and purpose for this operation and the salient post–operative nursing care. Arthritis is one of the leading causes of femoral fractures especially in the elderly. It may also be caused by trauma or injury, starting from simple falls to more extensive such as a fall from height. Indeed, a femoral fracture affects hip movement as it forms the ball and socket joint. Those of who have a fractured hip should seek treatment immediately since it can damage surrounding tissue, alter physical mobility and, therefore, affect the quality of life. When mobility is likely to be altered ... Show more content on ... These include large skin incisions, more extensive soft tissue dissection, a higher requirement for blood transfusions, and a prolonged stay in hospital (Schwartsmann et al., 2014). In a research study done by Garg, Marimuthu, Kumar, Malhotra & Kotwal, 2011 they reported that post–operative mobilisation was related to bone quality and fracture reduction, and the position of the implant within the femoral head. Garg et al., 2011 emphasizes on the fact that patients who have had proximal femoral nail anti–rotation (PFNA) had relatively earlier mobilisation than those who underwent ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. How To Write An Essay On Plantar Fasciitis Plantar fasciitis can lead to severe feet pain if it is not managed properly. A single of the best ways to treat the condition is to use the appropriate shoes. Usually, people do not focus more on this fact but using the right shoes does work. Even doctors say that once an injury such as plantar fasciitis has occurred, the feet are unable to absorb the tons of bodyweight without proper safety and support. Often, when people go looking for comfortable shoes, they may result into getting their injury triggered even more. People normally do not know how to find the appropriate shoes that will support their heels. Here are a few tips to consider before buying products. 1.Firm heel support Shoes made for plantar fasciitis should offer firm support to the heels. In the event the sole is too bendy or soft, the ... Show more content on ... Enough room for shoe inserts Moccasins should have enough room inside for footwear inserts and orthotics. Usually, shoes are not built to have more than required room inside. In order to be certain your shoes fulfill this need, you can buy a bigger size, get shoes specifically suitable for injured feet or buy shoes with detachable inserts. 4.Feet stability A perfect pair of look at this shoes will have proper stability control; patients with plantar fasciitis over–probate when they walk and prevent this from aggravating the problem, shoes which offer sufficient stability should be used. In particular, all sorts of jogging shoes are known to have a great stability control so patients can quickly buy good quality operating shoes for everyday wear. Considering these pointers can solve the challenge to a great extent, but, however, if the situation is too severe and serious, the patients should seek advice from their podiatrist before they start using almost any shoes. Another paramount factor most people ignore is the fact that the situation can be brought on if the shoes are inconvenient to hold or off, so make sure your shoes won't give you such ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Speech Speech – Not just an 'old persons disease' Most people when they hear of arthritis, they initially think it is an 'old person's disease '. I am here today to explain that this is not the case. How do I know this? At the age of three, the doctor diagnosed me with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. In reality, arthritis affects a wide array of people, all of varying ages and backgrounds. It also does not discriminate who it targets. The people who can get arthritis include children, sports people, the elderly, teenagers – anyone. Today, I will be telling you my story; one that I hope will let you into my life, and my life living with arthritis. The hospital is a place in which I am very familiar. I have vivid memories of being a small child wandering down the hospital hall, clinging on to my mother's hand – my eyes wide with apprehension. To this very day, I am still not a fan of hospitals. Then again, who is? I remember the sterile white room at the hospital, the doctors dressed in their sharp white coats and the astringent anti–bacterial smells wafting down the hall. I did not know what to expect. My story with arthritis and my relationship with the hospital started very young, when I was at the age of three. My parents saw me slightly limping and having trouble walking around the house. On inspection, they noticed my knees were hot, with swelling across both of them. During this day, my right knee joint seized up and I was not able to straighten my leg. Tears started ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Mike Conley's Injury Mike Conley – Achilles Tendonitis One of the most promising players of Memphis Grizzlies has been battling the pain in his left foot. Mike Conley is the point guard of Grizzlies who has missed the last three games because of his Achilles Tendonitis. After evaluating his injury, the team doctors made a decision not to allow Conley to return to the game and just wait for him to recover. Conley is one of the many players that has suffered from Achilles Tendonitis. The inflammation of Achilles' tendon is referred to Achilles Tendonitis. It causes pain at the back of your leg near the area of the heel. Once the tendon of your heel become swollen and painful, there is a big risk that you have Achilles Tendonitis. The following are the signs and ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Football Injuries In Football What is the most common football injury? As a football fan, have you ever wondered to yourself what exactly is the most common injury in football? I'm sure it has crossed your mind that football can be a very dangerous sport. Infact football is ranked number one for the most dangerous sport in the world. It is necessary to use so much gear to help protect the athlete from things such as big hits; although, this does not always stop an injury. Injuries can be as little as something to do with a wrist all the way to something major like an MCL tear which would result in surgery. There is a tremendous amount of injuries when it comes to football; however, these can be prevented. Strains and rupture of thigh muscles, ligamentous injuries of the knee as well as meniscus or other cartilage tears represented the most frequent differential diagnoses. Ligament injuries in the knee and strains of the thigh are one of the top injuries (Shalaj,, 2016). These injuries can be helped by performing proper warmup and cool down techniques as well as drinking water before, during, and after exercising or training. Make sure that even stretching these muscles is done the correct way as if not can later lead to issues or injuries (Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, 2015) A great amount of athletes may experience something called delayed–onset muscle soreness and this is just a muscle soreness that may have your muscles feeling fatigue anywhere from 12–48 hours ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Long Day Landing Essay Correlation Between Lower Extremity Biomechanics and Hip Drop During Single Leg Landing Post ACLR Purpose/Hypothesis: Incidence of second ACL Injury after ACL reconstruction is 17 times higher than healthy uninjured peer athletes. There is high interest in understanding and correcting LE mechanics during single leg landings as the majority of injuries occur during single leg tasks. Strengthening and motor control of the proximal hip musculature has been emphasized to improve pelvic stability and reduce injury risk. Alternatively, decreased load acceptance at the knee may contribute to excessive hip drop during landing. Those with ACLR consistently demonstrate quadriceps weakness and reduced knee extensor moment during landing. Our aim is to ... Show more content on ... The isometric strength of the quadriceps was significantly different side to side (INV QUAD = 2.72 ± 0.77, UNINV QUAD = 3.07 ± 0.78, quad LSI = 89% ± 14%). The hip drop of the two limbs were weakly related to one another (r= 0.237, p = 0.026), the involved limb demonstrated more hip drop than the uninvolved (INV HIP ADD =14.55 ± 5.05, UNINV HIP ADD = 11.00 ± 5.31). Quadriceps strength symmetry and normalized max knee extensor moment were inversely related to hip drop with a stronger relationship on the surgical limb (INV: QUAD MVIC r = –.341 p = .001, KNEE MOM: r = –.425 p < .001 (n=88), UNINV: QUAD MVIC r = –0.278 p = .009, KNEE MOM: r = –.294 p = .005). Conclusions: There is a significant correlation between sagittal plane knee and frontal plane hip moment during SLL in both limbs. Increased quadriceps strength and increased knee moment was associated with less hip drop during landing. Moreover, the quadriceps strength asymmetry in this population further amplified this relationship on the surgical side. The increased hip drop indicates that the participants' involved side was not fully recovered post–surgery. Limitations: As a prospective study, it is possible the participants had deficits prior to ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Importance Of Physical Therapy football player that tears his rotator cuff will not be useful for his team until he completes physical therapy. Physical Therapists are crucial to a patient just out of surgery; athletes, and elderly in need. When a patient has pain or swelling, physical therapists use massages, ultrasound, electrical stimuli, and cold and hot compresses to alleviate the pain or health issue. They help patients use equipment to aid their mobility such as wheelchairs and prostheses. As of January 1, 2015, all 50 states, the district of Columbia, and the U.S Virgin Islands allow patients to seek some level of treatment from a licensed physical therapist without a prescription or referral from a physician. Physical therapy can be found in several different settings like hospitals, schools, sports, nursing homes, and clinics. Rob Gerofsky said "Getting the athletes to come back and do proper rehabilitation is important to me." They spend most of their time on their feet, constantly working with patients. Physical therapists need to know key factors of the anatomy to help their clients. They need to know that the Acetabulum,Iliofemoral, Pubofemoral, and Ischiofemoral ligaments are the structures that provide stability for the hip joint (Stack). Another way to increase mobility in the hip is bridging through reciprocal inhibition, while a manipulation would work through neurogenic inhibition (Student Physical). As people age, they tend to lose flexibility, strength, and often their balance. ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome Research Paper Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is a term that is used when describing pain in the anterior knee and surrounding areas of the joint. PFPS is most prevalent in athletes, women, and young adults but can also occur in other populations as there are several factors that contribute to PFPS such as overuse injuries, which put a great amount of force and stress on the knee and can contribute to patellar misalignment. Activities such as jogging, squatting, and climbing stairs all put increased force on the knee joints. These repetitive motions and force can cause PFPS especially if the activity's frequency, duration, or surfaces are changed. Skeletal misalignments between the hips, knees, and ankles or muscular imbalances/weakness can lead to abnormal ... Show more content on ... Prior to any interventions, and again after the 6–week intervention, function will be measured using LEFS and pain will be measured using the NPRS. I propose starting this study with 100 female participants (ages 15–30 years old) who have been diagnosed with patellofemoral pain syndrome by their MD. They will be randomly assigned to two groups. Group 1 will perform a home quadriceps/hip combination–strengthening program for 6 weeks, while group 2 will perform a core, quadriceps, and hip strengthening program for 6 weeks. The appropriate test for this study design is a mixed model ANOVA. In order to run the test the following assumptions must be met: the data must have normal distribution, equal variance, ratio or interval scale of measurement, sphericity, measurements of two or more times, and at least two independent groups. One strength of this design is that it is able to look at multiple things at once; it can compare two independent groups over the course of two different times. This may be great for multiple comparisons, but the math can get more complicated considering the numbers of variables ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Characteristics Of Soccer Characteristics of soccer Soccer possibly is one of the most famous sports around the world. However, we usually hear that some talented soccer players like Marco Van Basten, Michael Owen and Ronaldo need to retire or the performance is seriously affected due to different kinds of injuries. Types of Injury, Mechanism of injury, Cause of injury, Risk factors ... etc) According to the Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) and research data by John Miller, there are some common injuries affecting soccer players which mainly focus on the legs, for example, knee injuries, ankle injuries and hamstring injuries. Ankle sprains usually happen when the sole of the foot rolls under, damaging the lateral ligaments of the ankle, for ... Show more content on ... 70% of all ACL injuries happen without collision with another player as a result of football involving lots of one–step stop deceleration, sudden change of direction, landing from a jump with the knee and hip at extension or a lapse of concentration. Besides tearing the ACL, we need to know any knee injuries can cause a player to be sidelined from training and competitions for a long period unfortunately. Therefore, the knee injuries usually are the main cause to break the careers of soccer players. (Source: Although hamstring strains (muscle group at the back of your thigh) will not seriously affect the careers of soccer players, they still make lots of players endure torment on it. The reason is that hamstring strains easily occur when the thigh muscles of a player are not strong enough. This situation usually happens when the player lacks time for recovery between training and competitions or receives excessive intensity training or matches when the player recently recovers from injuries. (Source: ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Implications Of Septic Arthritis On The Family Implications of Septic Arthritis on the Family. Having a child hospitalized causes an increase in the levels of stress and anxiety for any caregiver. It has been found that hospitalization causes parents and siblings of the child to feel a sense of loss of control and confusion (Commodari, 2010). Stress can lead to more serious problems in the individual, and the family as a whole. "Intensive psychosocial intervention in inpatients and outpatients is found to have a positive impact on child and family functioning, therefore reducing stress levels" (Commodari, 2010). Nurses must help these families transition into this new environment by providing interventions, and helping families to identify and utilize resources (Commodari, 2010). Currently, there are no political or legislative implications regarding septic arthritis. There is no current legislative activity surrounding the issue. Patient Safety. Health care professionals, as a whole, must take responsibility for establishing safe methods of care that involve preventing errors and adverse events. These methods should also establish methods of identifying and reporting errors and adverse events when they do occur ("NEW AAP POLICY STATEMENT ON PATIENT SAFETY," 2011). Although patient safety in hospitals has substantially improved, American Academy of Pediatrics recommends expanding the focus of patient safety to ambulatory care ("NEW AAP POLICY STATEMENT ON PATIENT SAFETY," 2011). American Academy of Pediatrics ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Turf Toe: Signs And Symptoms Bryan Mitchell A New York Yankees pitcher Bryan Mitchell is rumored to have a grade 3 Turf toe. Mitchell is a professional baseball pitcher who is suffering from an injury after a game against Atlanta Braves. It is said that he was running to cover the first base. His injury will require him a surgery that will take him three months to fully recover. Turf toe is the term used to describe the sprain of the ligaments around the big toe joint. This injury is caused when the big toe is jammed forcefully while running or jumping. What are the signs and symptoms of Turf toe?  There is a limited toe movement  At a time of injury, a snapping or popping sound can be heard  Your mobility is reduced  Your toe is swelling  Your big toe is bruising  ... Show more content on ... Not everyone will experience all these symptoms but everyone complains about pain. Tips on how to prevent turf toe With the help of a proper footwear, turf toe and other toe injuries can be avoided and prevented. You can also try various stretching exercises that will strengthen your toes.  Instead of tennis shoes, it is much better if you will wear cleats  Wearing proper shoes that provide protection most especially on your toes  Toe walking – you must do this exercise slowly at first. It is simple as standing on your tiptoes and walk  Pencil pick–up – you have to use your toe to pick up the pencil on the floor while you are ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Distal Radioulnar Joint The wrist is an anatomic linkage bridging the hand to the forearm. Eight bones of carpus and the distal radius and ulna form complex articulation that allow 3 degrees of movement. The hand, relative to the forearm, can flex and extend, pronate and supinate, and deviate ulnar and radial. [17] In order to have such mobility while maintaining stability, the wrist has complex configuration of ligaments and bones. Malfunction of the wrist occurs when the structural alignment of the bones has changed or when the ligamentous constraints have been disrupted. [17] The distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) Problems of the DRUJ have been called by Palmer as the "low back pain of the wrist. [18] Over the last years, there has been a tremendous surge in research involving the anatomy, function, and treatment of DRUJ pathology. In the DRUJ: The shallow concave sigmoid notch of the distal radius articulates with the convex asymmetric shaped ulnar head. The ... Show more content on ... 1 : Types of sigmoid notch. [ 21] There is also reported a palmar osteocartilagenous lip in 80% of the people which acted as a stable buttress to palmar dislocation of the ulna. The articulation of the sigmoid notch with the ulnar head allows rotation of the radiocarpal unit in the transverse plane.[ 19] The ulna head: The medial area of it has a bony prominence, whichis known as the ulnar styloid process. This is the point of attachment for soft tissue structures. The dorsal nonarticular portion of the ulnar head has an osseous groove to accommodate the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon (ECU). Articular cartilage covers a 90 to 135 degrees arc of the ulnar head, and only a 47 to 80 degree arc on the sigmoid notch.[20] One important geometric joint characteristic of the DRUJ is the radius of curvature between the two articulating surfaces. The radius of curvature of the ulnar head (averages 10 mm) is different from the radius of curvature of the sigmoid notch (averages 15 mm). Consequently, ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Glenohumeral Joint Research Paper The Glenohumeral Joint and its Function Within the Human Body The glenohumeral joint, or shoulder joint, is one of the human body's appendicular joints and boasts the greatest ROM (range of motion) of any joint in the body. An appendicular joint is a joint that is part of the appendicular skeleton which includes the pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, and limb bones. The appendicular joints typically have a larger range of motion, but due to this are often weaker than those found in the axial skeleton. The glenohumeral joint is responsible for articulating movement of the upper arm by way of pivoting the humerus at the point that it meets with the scapula. There are many different classifications of joints within the human body and the glenohumeral joint is classified as a ball–and–socket joint which is one of six different synovial joints present in the body. A synovial joint is a joint that contains articular cartilage, joint capsules, and synovial membranes. A ball– and–socket joint is a joint that can be described as a ball that fits into a cup shaped dock allowing motion in all directions. This arrangement allows the bone to employ three different types of movement, angular, rotation, and circumduction. This structure is what allows ... Show more content on ... This is due in large part to the significant presence of a synovial membrane nestled between the ball (humerus) and the socket (scapula). The synovial membrane is particular to freely movable joint cavities and is a cushion between the two bones. As briefly mentioned previously, synovial joints contain articular cartilage –which covers bones at the joint–, joint capsules –a sac that covers the ends of bones–, and synovial membranes –fluid that serves to reduce friction, provide shock cushioning, and lubricates. These features are key in the glenohumeral joint because it has such a large ROM and is subject to more shock than many other joints in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Active Foot Orthosis Currently, robotic systems of active foot orthoses consist of PGO, PAGO, Anklebot, MIT–AAFO, AFOUD, KAFO, RGT, Yonsei–AAFO, and SUkorpion AR. This kind of technology provides suitable gait dynamics for rehabilitation cite{daniel2005}. The Powered Gait Orthosis (PGO) promotes bipedal locomotor performance in the patient who has a physical impairment and the Pneumatic Active Gait Orthosis (PAGO) uses the electropneumatic circuit to improve locomotor performance for paraplegic patients cite{ruthenberg1997,belforte2001}. The Anklebot is a commercial product from Interactive Motion Technologies. The goal of this robot is to recover stroke patient's ankles cite{roy2007}. This research performs a simple protocol for ankle stiffness estimation. ... Show more content on ... The Ankle Foot Orthosis at the University of Delaware (AFOUD) contains 2–DOF (inversion/eversion and dorsiflexion/plantarflexion motion) using an actuator, a spring and a damper to steadily maintain appropriate foot position of patient cite{agrawal2005}. The Knee–Ankle–Foot–Orthosis (KAFO) uses artificial pneumatic muscles being a powered orthosis in walking step cite{sawicki2009}. The study of gait rehabilitation, human motor adaptation and locomotion energetics were previously done by their work of ankle–foot orthosis (AFO). The Robotic Gait Trainer (RGT) (Figure ref{fig:rgt}) from the Arizona State University presented a walking device using a tripod mechanism ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Essay On Shin Splint A shin splint is a widely used term for pain in the lower leg or shin. Scientists don't completely know exactly what a shin splint is. Some believe that a shin splint is a small tear of the muscle that's pulled off the bone. Some other theories about the exact problem that causes shin splints include: an inflammation of the periosteum or of the muscle. Shin splints are commonly encountered in runners or other athletes due to the high amount of strain placed on their legs. The pressure of all of your body weight placed on your legs can aid in causing shin splints. When athletes normally get shin splints, they have recently increased the amount of miles they usually run, changed their workout plan, or changed the surface they are running on. When runners increase their mileage too quickly, it puts newfound strain on their legs because their legs aren't used to running that long. If an athlete changes their workout plan, they are using muscles that they didn't previously. If they use the muscles around the shin, it could inflame that area and cause the athlete, or just anyone working out, to get shin splints. When a runner gets used to running on one type of surface, the tension or angle ... Show more content on ... This causes shin splints to be mistaken for other conditions. One such condition is a stress fracture. One difference between shin splints and stress fractures is that the pain caused by shin splints doesn't have a definite spot of where the pain is coming from. It is a more generalized type of pain than stress fractures. Another difference is that shin splints feel worse in the morning due to the soft tissue tightening overnight. There isn't a real need to seek medical attention for shin splints specifically, but if the pain keeps up, you might want to go to the doctor in order to make sure that it's just shin splints. Some people go to the doctors to check on shin splints and find out that they have tendonitis or stress ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Anterior Cruciatetric Analysis Essay Each year people suffer from one of the most common knee injuries, a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL is one of the four ligaments that aid in stabilization and function of the entire knee. From a sports injury to a fall, an ACL may occur for numerous reasons. Receiving an accurate diagnosis from the area's best orthopedic surgeon will help in determine if surgery for ACL tear is necessary. Symptoms The most efficient indicator of a torn ACL is pain. The pain sets in almost immediately. During the incident leading up to the ACL tear, a loud popping noise may occur. The noise may be so loud bystanders can hear the sound. The noise is actually the ligament tearing which is the reason for the immediate pain. Following the pain, ... Show more content on ... A MRI may be aid in the overall evaluation of the knee area. The various procedures and tests will help determine if the ACL is torn. In some cases, the orthopedic surgeon may begin with simple non–surgical methods including applying ice packs, taking pain medication or minimizing movement of the knee. The non–surgical approach can help reduce swelling and relieve pain. The non–surgical methods help in preparing for surgery for ACL tear. The wait period allows for reduced swelling and the elimination of bleeding in the torn ACL. The surgery for ACL tear is used to provide an optimal outcome returning the individual back to a normal, healthy lifestyle. Rehabilitation & Recovery The rehabilitation and recovery process will vary with each individual. In some more severe cases, full recovery from surgery for ACL tear may take over nine months. The best orthopedic surgeon will work to achieve an optimal outcome for the patient on an individualized basis. The rehabilitation and physical therapy will help increase the range of motion in the knee area to help return the patient back to a normal lifestyle. Strengthening exercises are often used to achieve this goal. During this time after the surgery for ACL tear, a protective knee brace may be prescribed to help reduce the stress on the injured ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Cattle Lift Toe The bones of your toes can not be separated from your heel bone, your heel bone is also related to your leg bone, and so on. This is the reason why the pain in one bone is able to spread to other parts of the foot. Leg pain has several factors such as athlete's foot, bunions, heel spurs, arthritis, and ingrown toenail. China believes that foot reflexology is what determines the health, lead to the development of many different detox footbaths. stretching Stretching leg is the first step that is recommended. Stretching the leg is not difficult to do, just membutuhkan5 minutes. The Toe Raise Lift the toes and stand with them. Make sure your pinky toe ride in the same way, as high as your big toe. Perform this step five times Lift Toe When you are still in Toe Raise, press your big toe toward the bottom and continue to press your little finger. Perform alternately. 5 for each foot. ... Show more content on ... Train each side sebanyak10 times. Ankle Stretch Place an exercise ball and a stretchy loop at the foot of the table. Hook your feet so that you make the balls of your feet resting on the band. The next step is to press the toes towards the bottom. You need to repeat this procedure 15 times. Tennis Ball Rub Stepping into a tennis ball along your feet gently. Do this for each leg and you need to make your toes directed at the knee. Raise your toes towards the bottom. Toes and Fingers Sitting with the position of your feet are in front, toes pointed up. Lean forward and lace your fingers with the other fingers, then reinstated. It is quite difficult but it can be learned. Other Foot Tips yoga It is recommended for your body to the ground, allowing you to completely eradicate your feet, improve balance, and also restore your mental ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Rheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis and its Pathophysiology Osteoarthritis (OA) is a noninflammatory, age–related disorder with a genetic factor associated with it and is best described as a wearing and tearing down of the articular cartilage in the synovial joint that commonly occurs in the knees, ankles, hips, hands, fingers, and wrist (Huether & McCance, 2017). In OA the articular cartilage is broken down due to thinning and the process of fibrillation which causes pain with weight bearing and use of the body part (Huether & McCance, 2017). As a result of the breakdown of the cartilage which leaves the subchondral bone vulnerable, the bone becomes sclerotic, develop cyst, and osteophytes that lead to erosion of the articular cartilage ... Show more content on ... Osteoarthritis frequently affects the small finger joints and thumb, as well as the knees (Rheumatoid, 2016). RA affects several joints in comparison to OA that affect one joint or area (Rheumatoid, 2016). Osteoarthritis affects more people than rheumatoid arthritis. According to Rheumatoid, (2016), 27 million people develop osteoarthritis and around 1.3 million people develop rheumatoid arthritis. Although OA is more prevalent in the population, females tend to be diagnosed are higher rates and experience the pain and stiffness alike (Rheumatoid, 2016). RA appears in people between the age of thirty and sixty years of age. Osteoarthritis generally develops later in life. The signs and symptoms of RA are joint pain, stiffness, swelling joints, symmetrical symptoms, stiffness lasting greater than 30 minutes in the AM, fatigue, fever, and malaise (Rheumatoid, 2016). In comparison, OA symptoms feature joint pain and stiffness which is unequally distributed and experienced in hands, fingers, knees, spine, and hips with stiffness in the AM lasting less than 30 minutes (Rheumatoid, 2016). Another note is that with RA other diseases involving the lung, heart, musculoskeletal problems are common and continuous problems from the effects of inflammation (Huether & McCance, ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Why People Have Joint Pain Why Many People have Joint Pain and How to Help Ease It As people age they begin to feel that they are experiencing pain in their joints more so than they did during their youth. There can be many reasons for this pain. Or can it be just a part of ageing. During our youth we don't pay much attention to how hard we played, what we eat, or if we took vitamins. Our mothers for the most part were responsible for what we eat, how much sleep we got, and in general how well we take care of ourselves. As children our bodies are pretty resilient and other than broken bones, skinned knees, bumps, and bruises pretty much heal and go away without any need or concern to see a physician. Years ago mothers made sure that we got the proper amount of sleep, which for the most part once we got to sleep our bodies took care of how much sleep we got all by its self, for most children that was anywhere from 8 to 10 hours a night if undisturbed. Most children got a balanced diet, some even got a daily vitamin or eat foods that were enriched in vitamins such as cereal and milk. A lot of kids ate in the cafeteria at school. Schools did their best to make sure that the lunches were well balanced. Children for the most part played outside for recess which usually involved some sort of running, hopping, skipping, or throwing a ball. And when they got home after some kind of snack they couldn't wait to get out to ride their bike, or play some sort of game that normally again ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Introductory. Something That Humans All Have In Common, Introductory Something that humans all have in common, is aging. Every single one of us ages and as we age a lot of us get to have a friend along the way. That friend is aching pain. This aching pain can stem from a certain disease, named osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is "the most common rheumatic disease, primarily affecting the articular cartilage and the subchondral bone of a synovial joint, eventually resulting in joint failure." (Fransen, 2015) Chances are that someone close to you has osteoarthritis as it is a very prevalent chronic disease. Living with a chronic disease does not bring much joy and preventative measures can be taken to avoid the pain or interventions can be used to make the pain bearable. Some interventions that ... Show more content on ... Exercise is something that can easily be taught to patients and nurses have the prime opportunity to educate patients that are at risk or have osteoarthritis before they need a joint replacement surgery. Mobility is a huge part of each individual's life and joints play a crucial role in one's mobility. When a joint's function decreases a person's mobility, many other things are at risk to decrease as well such as skin integrity and the cardiovascular system. As a nurse, it is important to treat patients holistically and when one part is not functioning, such as the joint, it is our job to bring function back to improve one's health overall. Methods Many of the studies reviewed followed similar methods to collecting data related to exercise and knee osteoarthritis. There were many systematic reviews that supported this PICO question and determined whether land–based therapeutic exercise is beneficial for people with knee osteoarthritis in terms of reduced joint pain or improved physical function and quality of life. All of the studies had searched various databases, which included, MEDLINE, EMBASE, The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Google scholar and OpenGrey. Randomized control trials were put to use and ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Hip Bursitis Research Paper Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome The medical definition of bursitis is an inflammation or irritation of the bursa, which is a small, fluid–filled sac found in articulation. Inflammation occurs from the decrease of friction of the bursa between the bones, muscles, and skin. Bursitis can be an acute or chronic condition. Acute bursitis are often a result from an infection or injury, while chronic bursitis are caused by long periods of repetitive motion or use of the affected joint. The most common sites include the elbow, hip, shoulder, knee, heel and even the base of the big toe. Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (formally known as Trochanteric Bursitis, or GTPS for short) is a hip bursitis which distresses the superficial trochanteric bursa located over the greater trochanter of the femur. Inflammation of the trochanteric bursa is due to muscles and tendons rubbing over the bursa causing friction against the femur. This ... Show more content on ... Rest, cold therapy and non–steroidal anti–inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, are most effective to reduce inflammation stemming from injury and overuse. Combination of physical therapy and activity modification are recommended for proper stretching and strengthening of the hip and to avoid activities which may aggravate the area. In the event of a septic hip bursitis, an infection of the bursa, the doctor may perform an aspiration, in which a needle and syringe is used to remove fluid from the bursa followed by a prescription of antibiotics to prevent the spread of infection. If rest, physical therapy and NSAIDs are no longer effective in relieving the pain, then corticosteroid injections are administered. Although surgery is rarely needed, it may be warranted with some chronic hip bursitis. The three types of surgery most often used are tendon repair and iliotibial band release, osteotomy of the greater trochanter and ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Ankle Injury Research Paper Life is never predictable. One minute you are on top of the world and the next it can turn on you in a snap of a finger. Just like when I sprained my ankle while playing volleyball. One minute I was playing my best and the next I end up hearing a snap in my ankle and ending up on the floor. Having an injury and being in a sport can be one of the hardest thing an athlete can go through. It can be very painful and take months for the fracture to heal. In my essay I will be talking about what an ankle sprain is, how I sprained my ankle and recovered from it and how it has affected my ankle today. Fracturing any bone or ligament in the body can be one of the most painful thing a person can go through. Whether it is a minor fracture or a more serious fracture, it can be really painful. A sprain in the ankle can be one of the toughest injury in most sports. An ankle sprain is an injury to the ligaments that surround and ... Show more content on ... Even though my ankle was healed and I was able to walk on it, it would still hurt while playing sports. I played basketball and volleyball after my ankle sprain and it affected my performance. When I went back to volleyball I had to wear an ankle brace to support my ankle from twitting again and jumping or doing any fast movement would hurt my ankle. In basketball my ankle would hurt even more because I would constantly be running up and down and would do very fast movements that brought a lot of pain to my ankle and that has affected it today. The way I have noticed that my ankle was affected by the sprain was when it gets cold, my ankle starts aching and if I walk for too long it hurts as well and I have to rest it so that I can feel better. As well as when I wear high heels, I cannot be in them for so long because again my ankle starts to ache. Spraining my ankle has affected me because of the pain I get from it whenever I apply too much pressure on ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Osgood-Shlatter Research Paper INTRODUCTION TO OSGOOD–SCHLATTER Osgood–Schlatter also known as osteochondrosis is classified as a disease that arises in the knee in which the tibial tubercle of apophysis experiences a detachment from the proximal end of the tibia causing inflammation. Hence, Osgood–Schlatter is basically a disease which causes pain to a hackneyed tibial tuberosity. This disease may be originated from a trauma or an excessive traction of the soft apophysis of the tibial tuberosity by the patellar tendon. This lesion often occurs among adolescents as they reach puberty as it is a physical development period in which it typically occurs in females between the age of ten to twelve and boys between the age of thirteen to fifteen. Moreover, it may also occur ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Bios251 Week 7 Lab BIOS251 Week 7 Lab Exercise Joints To complete this worksheet, select: Module: Support and Movement Activity: Anatomy Overviews Title: Joints 1. a. From the main Joints page, click Fibrous Joints and identify each of the following structural joint types. Suture Syndesmoses Gomphosis Suture Syndesmoses Gomphosis b. Why are sutures and gomphoses classified as synarthroses? In these types of joints the fibers are very short and allow for little of no movement. Synarthroses joints come together at a point at which adjacent bones are bound by collagen fibers that emerge from ... Show more content on ... Locate body examples of the following joints and describe the movement of each. Condyloid – joint between radius and scaphoid and lunate bones of carpus. Planar – joints between intercarpal joints. Between carpal bones at the wrist. Saddle – joint between the trapezium of carpus and metacarpal of thumb. Biaxial (Condyloid) triaxial (Plane Joint) Biaxial (Saddle Joint) Movement on two axis Movement on three axis Movement on two axis These types of joints are considered plane joints because they permit back–and–forth and side–to–side movements between the flat surfaces of the bones, but they may also rotate against one another. Pivot – The rounded pointed surface of one bone articulates with a ring formed partly by another bone and partly by a ligament. This type of joint allows rotation only around its own longitudinal axis. Uniaxial Joint between head and radius notch of ulna. Hinge The convex surface of one bone fits into the concave surface of another bone, Hinge joint are uniaxial because they allow motion around a single axis. Produces an opening and closing motion. Identify the trochlea and the trochlear notch. ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Essay The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is located inferior (underneath) to the Femur and superior (above) to the Tibia. The ACL allows range of motion the Tibia. An ACL Sprain may happen when a person rapidly changes direction. Once it is torn, it is not able to heal on it's own. A sudden changing of direction may cause an ACL Sprain. Example: Roda walking with her skis on and caused her to slip, which caused her to change the direction of her right leg very suddenly and falling and landing on the leg A loud "pop" noise coming from the knee at the time of injury Loss of range of motion Swelling Severe pain Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation Knee brace Many young people, who are involved in a sport, choose to get surgery to reconstruct ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Functions Of A Joint And Articular Cartilage Osteochondritis Dissecans Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), happens when a piece of tissue that covers a joint (articular cartilage) is separated from the bone. Articular cartilage protects the bones and allows joints to move smoothly, without pain. OCD most commonly affects the knee joint, but it can also occur at the ankle, elbow, or other joints throughout the body. OCD occurs mainly in children and adolescents. Mild cases of OCD tend to heal over time, especially if a child has this condition. However, severe cases may require surgery to reattach the articular cartilage to the surrounding bone. CAUSES The cause of this condition is not known. Possible causes include: Injury from repetitive motion or repetitive stress on the joint. Inadequate blood supply to the joint. Having certain genes that make developing OCD more likely (genetic predisposition). RISK FACTORS The following factors may make you more likely to develop this condition: Being a child or adolescent. Having bones that are still growing makes OCD more likely to occur. Participating in sports that put repeated force on the joints, such as distance running. Being obese. Having a family history of OCD. Having posture problems, such as bow legs or knock knees. SYMPTOMS In many cases, there are no symptoms of this condition. However, symptoms vary depending on the severity and location of the condition. Possible symptoms include: Joint pain ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Skeletal Muscles One of the Primary movements preformed while playing indoor volley ball is jumping to block a spike from the opposition. Blocking consists of two main actions, primarily a vertical jump to place yourself in the path of the volleyball and secondary raising your arms above your head in order to block a larger area of space. Bones are essential to all movement of the human body as they are what is moved during muscle contractions, but can also limit our range of motion. During the primary vertical jump flexion and extension of the hip is allowed by the highly mobile ball and socket joint formed between the pelvis and femur. Flexion and extension of the knee is made possible by the hinge joint formed between the femur and tibia and dorsiflexion ... Show more content on ... Incorrect technique can lead to poor performance but can be improved by correcting biomechanics such as balance, stability and centre of gravity. Performance can also be increases by adding spin to the ball. Athlete spend years trying to improve their performance by perfecting correct technique Many technical issues in volleyball stem from bad balance. Before you perform a jump serve you must first adopt a stance with one foot in fortune of the other which increases your base of support. In doing this you ensure that you are in complete control of your body and the ball will go exactly where you want it. After a good starting position has been obtained it is the action is made easier and more effective. A good throw is performed by throwing the ball high and in a liner line straight up into the air using your non hitting hand. While the ball falls an athlete will take a step forward and place their weight on their front foot before jumping to hit the ball. In moving your weight to your front foot you move your centre of gravity forward as well which helps to build momentum towards the ball and to exert more force on the ball thus making it travel faster making it harder for the opponent to ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Posterior Muscles Posterior Muscles Originating Above the Knee The popliteus muscle is a minor flexor of the knee. It penetrates the joint capsule to find its origin on the lateral condyle of the femur, and passes obliquely to insert on the medio–proximal tibia. Its main function is to help stabilize the knee, but is also able to rotate the femur on the tibia to unlock the knee. Two other muscles have origin above the knee. The gastrocnemius muscle is a rather large muscle that has two heads of origin above the knee. The medial head originates just above the posterior medial condyle of the femur. The lateral head has its origin on the posterior lateral surface of the lateral condyle of the femur. These two heads come together to form a large muscle that ... Show more content on ... The MP joint is enclosed in a joint capsule, which is thin on the dorsal aspect, and rather thick on the plantar aspect. Muscles of the Foot Many of the muscles of the foot originate in the leg. Tendons from these muscles attach in the foot and aid in the articulation of the joints. From the anterior leg, the extensor hallucis longus muscle, extensor hallucis brevis muscle, extensor digitorum longus muscle, and the extensor digitorum brevis act as extensors on the phalanges. From the posterior leg, the flexor hallucis longus muscle and flexor digitorum longus muscle act as flexors of the phalanges. There are a few intrinsic muscles that lie in the plantar region of the foot. The plantar region is divided into four layers. In the first plantar layer contains the abductor digiti minimi muscle, abductor hallucis muscle, and the flexor digitorum brevis muscle. The second plantar layer consists of the four lumbrical muscles, and the quadratus plantae muscle. The adductor hallucis muscle, flexor hallucis brevis muscle, and flexor digiti minimi muscle all lay in the third plantar layer. The fourth, and final, plantar layer consists of the seven interosseous ... Get more on ...