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Big Distractions When Writing A Research Paper
When writing an essay or any formal paper, finding an ideal place for writing can effect how the paper turns out. If someone is in a distracting
environment and they are not as focused, it could harm their grade. An ideal space for writing a paper would be a library or somewhere quiet. Being
alone while writing a paper is probably the smartest way to do it. Being in a neat and clean environment could help with the neatness of the paper.
Also being in an organized place could help with the stress of the paper. When writing a paper, one should avoid as many distractions as possible.
Cell phones are a big distraction, especially when writing a paper. Writing in a quiet, stress–free, and non–distracting place is very ideal to do essays.
When finding an ideal place, one should look for a quiet and empty place. If one were to try to write an essay in a loud and crowded place, it would be
very distracting and difficult to write that essay. They could make mistakes like: writing down something they hear instead of what they are thinking,
misplacing punctuation, and procrastinating. There are many things that can distract someone while writing an essay even if that person is alone.
One of the main distractions is a cell phone. Texting, calling, playing games, and social media all are big distractions. This has become a very big
problem for people all around the more content...
One should find a stress–free environment so that he or she can be focused on what they are writing about. One should find a place where they are
comfortable and where they can think about the paper. People need to be aware of their surroundings. When writing a paper people should either turn
off their phone or put it on silent. That would help them procrastinate less and get the paper done faster. Finding somewhere one can write their essays
easily and quickly can make the experience more enjoyable and stress–free for the
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What I Want With My Life
Growing up in Miami I have gotten accustomed to the cold and impersonal interactions attributed to living in a big city. Although I enjoy all of the
opportunities that are presented by metropolitan areas, it disheartens me to know that most people in urban settings do not know their neighbors. Via
avian perspective, you can see the large–scale segregation of classes and ethnic groups. Little Havana, Little Haiti, and Little Puerto Rico are just
some examples of the neighborhoods I have called home. As a multiracial child, I found it difficult to fit in when the typical icebreaker question was
"Where are you from?" "Me?" I would ask. Knowing there was a narrow range of accepted responses I replied, "I am from here – from Earth... but
more importantly, where am I going?" It seems a natural human characteristic to assign greater importance to our past experiences than to our
aspirations for the future. In order to achieve what I want with my life I know that I must not dwell on the past but focus on the future.
It is human nature to question our reality in an attempt to better understand our surroundings. Science, for me, is the devotion to better understand the
world we live in, rooted in the natural and inevitable questions that all humans ask themselves. I believe that by answering the most fundamental
questions, the potential technological advancements are much greater than that generated by applied engineering. Nowadays we can thank Einstein 's
theory of relativity for
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Synthesizers can create all sorts of bizarre noises, from realistic sounding violins and cellos to distorted out of the world sounds almost all programmed
by hand. They come in many different sizes, from portable keyboards to humongous mainframes. They are in music, movies, TV shows and just about
anything nowadays. Synthesizers are an amazing tool for musicians, with the steep learning curve they come with, can really benefit any one that could
understand them.
What is a Synthesizer? A Synthesizer is a "musical instrument that is capable of producing a wide range of different sounds" (Russ 4) from "simple
resources" (430). There are two main types of synthesizers: analogue and digital. Analogue synths use "voltages and more content...
Release is the final part of an envelope; it controls how long the sound stays after letting off the key. Finally, the last part of a basic synthesizer is the
amplifier. It controls the "loudness of the waveform" (404). There are many more features synthesizers could have, but these are the basic essentials
needed for a great synth.
There are two main types of synthesizers: analogue and digital. Analogue synths use voltages and currents directly represent both audio signals and any
control signals (71).
The History
Synthesizers have been around for long time, it is not just a recent technology. In the late 19th century, "American inventor Thaddeus Cahill acquired a
patent for his instrument known as the Telharmonium, or Dynamophone" ("A Brief History"). The Telharmonium weighed "200 tons" and is "driven
by 12 steam–powered electromagnetic generators" ("A Brief History"). Played in "real time using velocity–sensitive keys, it could generate several
different sounds" ("A Brief History"). In 1919, "Russian inventor Leon Theremin created the Theremin, played without even touching the instrument"
("A Brief History"). To play it, the player must wave their hands in an "electrostatic field between two antennae" and the instrument would "gauge
proximity of their hands" then used this "information to generate sound" ("A Brief History"). During the "1930s in Berlin, Friedrich Trautwein
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Essay : The Hardest Goodbye
The Hardest Goodbye
I remember the day like it was yesterday, the thought of it fills my eyes with pools of tears and burdens me with sad clouds over my head. Losing
someone as underrated as your pet can have an impact on your life that can change it in many more ways than I ever thought was possible. Bailey was
our 70–pound, Georgia born, golden retriever. Her fur was dark golden like caramel that shined in the sun, and she had dark chocolate brown eyes
that reflected her sweet, soft personality. She had been sick and for a while with breast cancer so we knew her days were limited and coming to end
shorter than we would have expected unfortunately.
I woke up that sunny morning with my mom telling me the awful news that it's time more content...
There would be no calling for her in the grassy backyard, or giving her a bath in the hot shining sun. It was the little things that at that point that I
felt bad for not always wanting to help or pay the most attention to her when we would walk in the door and she was excited to see us. There is
nothing like losing someone you saw every day, and was always around when you needed her. Bailey was one of a kind and for sure irreplaceable to us
all. The worrisome of waiting for my mom to return never left us. It felt to be a long six hours, but looking back it was probably only a couple
hours. The sound of my mom knocking on the door only sparked more emotions. She left with one giant piece of our families puzzle and never
came back with it. No words came from any of us just the sobs and hugs of our arms tightly wrapped around each other. We slowly made our way back
home and slowly realized a lot was about to feel different when we walked through our garage door and inside. I remember walking in and seeing her
toys and bed still laying on the cold kitchen tiles, but no one moved them because that's where she liked them and had them placed. The rest of that
day and many more after that we all mourned and did our best to think of the possible positives of this. Bailey was a man's best friend, a protector, and
most of all a loving companion to many. Of course, the question was later asked "Will we ever get another dog?" and my dad replied, "Maybe later,
but no dog
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How To Do A Essay
Do you know how to write an essay? Writing an essay could be easy or hard. Some students cannot do it well and that is why they hate it. You can
find the writing as something interesting and important for your own future. If you do not know how to write an essay, there are several steps that
you can follow. There are three basic steps to write an essay; discovering a topic, supporting the thesis, and editing the essay. Through these steps, you
can write an effective and clear essay.
First of all, you need to get some information and materials to discover a thesis and a topic sentence. For example, you can use prewriting, which can be
freewriting, making a list, and questions. The freewriting technique is more content...
Supporting paragraphs consist of concrete evidence such as giving examples, getting direct quotes, and personal experiences. Each one has the
importance of making the essay clearer. Now you have an outline of the essay. Then you arrange an introductory and concluding paragraph based on the
thesis. On the other hand, using opposing ideas or questions in the introduction is one way to make the essay more interesting, because it gets the
interest of the reader.
Finally, you should edit your essay for its contents and style. Editing is one of the important stages of the writing process. It is as important as
prewriting, outlining, and drafting. Revising includes checking the structure, the grammatical accuracy, and the contents of the paper. Editing involves
rewriting the paper to make it clearer and stronger. By editing, you can make sure whether your paper is unified, supported, and well organized. Also,
revising which is included in editing, helps you to correct errors in grammatical mistakes, punctuation, and spelling. Of course, it is very helpful to use
a dictionary to do the revising and editing. After the editing, you can finally type your essay to make it complete.
In conclusion, if you ask yourself how to write an essay, it is important to have in mind to follow a process to develop an essay. This process consists
on discovering a topic, supporting the
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Do We Have a Free Will? Essay example
Do We Have A Free Will? An individual with "Free Will" is capable of making vital decisions and choices in life with own free consent. The
individual chooses these decisions without any outside influence from a set of "alternative possibilities." The idea of "free will" imposes a certain
kind of power on an individual to make decisions of which he or she is morally responsible. This implies that "free will" would include a range of
aspects such as originality, moral value, and self–governance. However, in life, individuals may not be free in making decisions. The aspect of freedom
could entail remarkably a high status action and achievement in an individual's life whose attainment could be close to impossibility. Often, people make more content...
To establish determinism, we can admit by denoting that some events in our lives happen because of prior reasons without yet losing our sense of
freedom. It is actually evident that the events and actions that an individual undertakes action have different effects upon him even though they
may be past or present events. Though we might not be sure whether our past event result to our present status in life, it is pertinent to note that
freedom in decision making is an open forum for each individual and impacts on later activities. We can admit that some events, for example, a
next domino fall, are bound to happen because of a prior event. It is possible that if we have no power to act other than us, in fact, to act, then we
have no free will. This argument for hard determinism is persuasive. It is certainly valid, and none of the premises appears to be clearly false.
Although we have discovered a plausible argument in defense of hard determinism, most people find this argument to be impossible to accept. In our
lives, we hold each other in account of our deeds that we had made wrong choices. In Compatibility and moral defense, if an individual is not
responsible for the intention then how can that person be responsible for the act? One powerful contemporary form of compatibilism, which is the right
answer is "why not?" one should not think that by somebody`s
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The Right Thing Essay
"Doing the right thing" is can be based upon a number of different factors. First, there is generally a sense of what is absolute goodness. These are
the absolute moral standards by which we should live our lives, given to us either either by a higher power or our cultural environment. In
Christianity, for instance, this is expressed in the Ten Commandments absolute ethical laws divined by God, also shared by other major religions. In
secular society, it is the rule of law, the consensus of the majority of society on the regulations by which that society should be governed. Balanced
against this sense of absolute goodness is relative goodness. Relative goodness is still a moral rightness but dependent on a situation still
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For every act of conformity to a social good there is an opposing act redefining what is " the right thing." We envy people who make a lot of money,
yet we despise greed. However, within the context of the group in which the money–driven work, greed is good. We may frown on selfish wealth, yet
on Wall Street that obsessiveness is good. Moreover, greed may actually be doing good for others increasing income for other's retirement, college
tuition. Again, what is the " right thing" becomes subject to context. It is right to be competitive but not to cheat towards that end. We are
encouraged to make "A's" in school, but not to do so in a dishonorable way. We should care about others, but also teach them to be independent. We
should work within the rules, yet be our own person. A " bad" person may be forgiven if he or she has redeemed themselves or shown remorse for
the act they have commited. Then consciousness of doing the wrong thing becomes important. Those who don't show remorse we still condemn. We
can forgive those who don't know what's wrong. In fact, forgiveness is a good thing. In general, it is important to obey certain standards of goodness
in society both for the greater good and to keep society from self–destructing. We praise charity as an act of giving to others less fortunate, also
providing for the greater
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School Administrator Can Do Essay
The Most Important Thing a School Administrator Can Do
I was recently asked what one thing I would tell a new school administrator that they should do to support the staff they work with each day.
Now I am sure some folks could give impressive statements about unpacking standards, interpreting data, or recognizing which interventions provide
the most impact for student achievement. The idea would be that helping teachers with efficacy is the very best thing and administrator can do for the
entire School community.
Others might say helping teachers take care of themselves and their mental and physical health is the most important thing an administrator can do. Or
perhaps that helping teachers to feel supported in both word and deed is of more content...
Pray for their health – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Pray for them as individuals.
Pray for them by name.
Pray for their unique needs.
To offer these prayers you must get to know the people you work with.
You must learn about them and their families.
Their past and their present.
Their hopes and their dreams.
You must be available.
You must seek conversations.
You must take time to be present.
You must listen. Listening not to respond, but to really hear.
And then you must pray...every day.
There are a lot of other things a good administrator should do for those whom they have been entrusted to serve.
But the most important thing I do (and that I doubt most of my staff even know about) is pray.
And that is what I would encourage any school administrator to do – be they new or old.
As in so doing you will connect in a very different way.
And you will remember that any impact you have and, any leadership you provide comes not from you but from a partner located in a place much
higher than your building, the district office, or even the state department of education.
And I would tell any aspiring administrator God is the very best partner anyone can
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Information Technology Essay
Information technology is a rapidly growing part of today's society. It affects everyone's life in many aspects. Every human endeavor is influenced by
information technology and the increasing rate at which what it can perform includes. One area of human endeavor that information technology has
greatly influenced is the practice of medicine, specifically veterinary medicine. Not only has veterinary medicine been influenced by information
technology, it has also been enhanced by it. The degree to which the practice of veterinary medicine includes information technology is observable at
the Animal Emergency Clinic of Central New York on Erie Blvd. in Syracuse, New York.
Section I: veterinary medicine.
Doctors of veterinary medicine are more content...
Working, volunteering and interning are all acceptable ways to gain experience in the field of veterinary medicine. The reason behind schools
requiring experience is to ensure that the student knows what they are getting into before they spend thousands of dollars (approx. $20,000/yr.) and at
least four years of their life in an extremely intensive academic environment. Many people have an altered idea of what being a vet is about. A lot of
physical and emotion endurance is necessary to be a successful veterinarian. Many people are unaware of that.
The specific undergraduate course requirements to get into a school of veterinary medicine vary between the schools. All of them are science intensive.
Most require a well–rounded education. The University of California at Davis school of veterinary medicine requires one year of general biology,
one year of general chemistry, one year of organic chemistry, and one year of physics as far as lower division requirements. Upper division
requirements include a semester of biochemistry, a semester of systemic physiology, a semester of vertebrate embryology, and a semester of genetics.
On top of that they want their applicants to have taken courses in English composition, humanities, social sciences as well as statistics. Simply taking
these courses is not enough, they need to be completed with a GPA above a 2.5. However, the competition has an average GPA of 3.45. The
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What Do Registered Nurses Really Do? Essay
The decision to work towards becoming a registered nurse requires a personal transition from the role of being an aerospace technician to one of a
healthcare professional. As part of this transition, I must learn what defines a nurse, understand what I can contribute to the profession, establish and
meet professional goals, and be aware of extraneous factors that affect the healthcare industry. The answer to the question of "What does a registered
nurse really do?" is so broad in scope that it becomes difficult to explain effectively with one statement. With many specialty fields of nursing falling
under the same general definition, a core set of roles and responsibilities is used to define this answer. The Bureau of Labor more content...
Both of these specialty fields are similar in requiring a minimum of a master's degree from an accredited program and by being limited in their scope
of patient care (BLS, 2014). CRNA's job functions, as described by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, focus on administering anesthesia,
analyzing the patient's state of consciousness, and monitoring vital signs before, during, and after procedures in a surgical setting (2014). In contrast,
according to the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, PMHN's focus on the mental health of patients, prescribe psychoactive medications,
perform in depth interviews and behavioral observations, and work in various settings that range from private practice psychiatric offices to
institutionalized care facilities (n.d.). I believe that I possess talents and characteristics that will benefit the nursing profession. Coming from an
aerospace background, I have worked in environments where attention to detail, safety, documentation, and hazardous material handling occurred on a
daily basis. In addition to my normal job functions, I was proactive in process improvement programs, inventory control systems development, safety
awareness programs, and I served as the department point of contact/ team leader in all three areas. I was also formally trained and worked as a certified
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The World Health Organisation Essays
The World Health Organisation
Founded in 1948, the World Health Organization leads the world alliance for health for all. A specialized agency of the United Nations with 191
Member Sates, WHO promotes technical cooperation for health among nations, carries out programmes to control and eradicate disease, and strives to
improve the quality of human life.
WHO has four main functions:
* to give worldwide guidance in the field of health
* to set global standards for health
* to cooperate with governments in strengthening national health programmes
* to develop and transfer appropriate health technology, information and standards
The WHO definition of more content...
Some projects target vulnerable populations such as the elderly and women. Others focus on encouraging healthy lifestyles, sexual health and
tobacco–free societies.
The impact of the environment on health is a high priority for WHO. One example is access to safe drinking water. WHO puts the highest priority on
the development of community water supplies and sanitation facilities with the AFRICA 2000 initiative. WHO is deeply concerned with prevention
and control of ionising radiation so dramatically highlighted by the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Other issues such as the health effects of
electromagnetic fields and the increasing depletion of the ozone layer, are of major concern.
Scientific and Ethical Action
Improved health is not achieved just with financial resources and high technology. It requires a social conscience and a commitment to share the
advances of health science throughout society.
Every field of health raises ethical questions concerning sex, birth, confidentiality and personal safety. WHO helps safeguard ethical standards by
insisting, for example, that consensus must be reached on what is acceptable in cloning, that there is informed consent when carrying out experiments
with humans, or estimating how much risk should be borne by
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Essay on Listening for Understanding
Listening for Understanding
Listening is an important form of communication. Unfortunately, many people who do not know how to listen believe they can listen well. They
often say "I have been doing this all of my life of course I can listen". Listening is not inherited, or a personality trait, it is a skill that must be worked
on and practiced.
Anybody can become a good listener if they are committed to learn how and are willing to work hard. The first mistake that people tend to make
when listening is to not make any type of comments while listening. They tend to just stand there and listen while the speaker talks. This can become
very frustrating for the speaker and the listener. While the speaker may feel like he isn't more content...
Try to listen to what the speaker is trying to say and not to what is making you angry. Summarize the main points of what the speaker was saying so
that the focus is on the speaker and not you. It is always important to try and listen objectively no matter what the speaker is trying to say. By doing
this, you will become a better listener and more able to communicate with others concerning subjects that might normally make you angry to the point
that you would no longer be able to carry on a working conversation with that individual. This will make you especially valuable in the management
industry where, as a rule, people will come to you with problems that need to be resolved.
It is important to listen carefully and to withhold personal judgement. This is especially true when the subject matter or the position taken by the
speaker is making you angry. In this circumstance, your interjections, if not thoroughly thought through, may just make the person defensive. Problems
can also arise if you are too nice and give a lot of positive comments. People like it when they are being praised. This can alter what the speaker is
saying. If you continue to give positive comments the speaker will continue to want more of them from you. If you want to find out what the speaker is
really thinking you need to listen and withhold evaluation.
As well as withholding evaluation one must also show patience. While many
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Essay on Giant Panda
What animal is black and white and loved all over the world? If you guessed the giant panda, you're right! The giant panda is also known as the panda
bear, bamboo bear, or in Chinese as Daxiongmao, the "large bear cat." Actually, its scientific name means "black and white cat
animal." Giant pandas are found only in the mountains of central China. They live in dense bamboo and coniferous forests at altitudes of 5,000 to
10,000 feet. The mountains are covered in heavy clouds with torrential rains or dense mist throughout the year. Giant pandas are bear–like in shape
with striking black and white markings.
The ears, eye patches, legs, and shoulder band are black. The rest of the body is whitish. Adults are 4 to more content...
Ling–Ling, at age 23, died in December 1992.
Giant pandas are among the rarest mammals in the world. There are probably less than 1,000 left in the wild. Although adult giant pandas have few
natural enemies, the young are sometimes preyed upon by leopards. Habitat encroachment and destruction are the greatest threats to the continued
existence of the giant panda. This is mainly because of the demand for land and natural resources by China's 1 billion inhabitants. To offset this
situation, the Chinese government has set aside 11 nature preserves where bamboo flourishes and giant pandas are known to live.
Giant pandas are being poached, because their dense fur carries a high price in illegal markets in the Far East. The Chinese government has imposed
life sentences for those convicted of poaching giant pandas. The low reproductive capacity of the giant panda makes it more vulnerable to these
threats, and less capable of rebounding from its low numbers. In 1984, due to its decreasing numbers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the
giant panda as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. This means it is considered in danger of extinction throughout all of its range.
This protection also prohibits giant pandas from being imported into the U.S. except under certain conditions. What you can do to help: Join WWF
(World Wildlife Foundation) and help
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Why Do We Behave The Way We Do?
Have you ever questioned yourself, why we behave the way we do? According to the famous psychologists of the behavioral perspective, John B.
Watson, B.F. Skinner, and Albert Bandura, suggested that "development can be understood through studying observable and environmental stimuli" (p
31). We behave the way we do through observing other people's actions combined with the influences of the environment. There are five specific
theories present in human developmental perspective, such as the psychoanalytic theory, behavioral theory, cognitive theory, contextual theory, and
evolutionary theory. These theories play major roles in the upbringing ofhuman behavior, and there is no right or wrong way of which perspectives
relate most to our more content...
It is important that parents, caregivers, teachers, or adults do their best to prevent negative influences for children. The behavioral perspective reflects
the view that nurture, in which most of the time is more important to develop than nature. Behavior affects the development of young children in two
ways; classical conditioning (when an organism learns to respond in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not evoke that type of
response, and operant conditioning, a form of learning in which a response is strengthened or weakened by its association with positive or negative
consequences) (pg 22–23). We can either reinforce or punish, as a result to increase or decrease the unwanted desirable stimulus in the future. For
example, if a toddler is watching a violent and aggressive video, then he would most likely have an altered view of the world, seeing it as more
violent and aggressive than those who has not watched the video. As parents, we should not let young children watch violent video. Furthermore,
adults who are surrounded by young children should be a positive and supportive role model because when children see good behavior being
rewarded, they are likely to imitate that
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How Do Essay
I started Tang Soo Do when I was 4 or 5 years old. I was scared and I did not want to go onto the mat. I was told by my moms that I had to take
martial arts but I did not want to. I stayed with my martial arts training and learned a whole lot of things. For example, I learned about courage,
confidence, leadership, and more.
I was afraid because I did not know what Tang Soo Do was and I thought it was dangerous because of the pads. I thought that the pads were hard and if
I kicked the pad then I would break my arm or leg. I was afraid of the boards because they looked so hard and I thought when I kicked the board then I
would get a splinter in my foot, elbow or hand. When I tried to break the board for the first time, I did not break it but I did not get hurt and I did not
get a splinter. It more content...
I was afraid because the moves for Bassai looked hard but then I remembered the first time I broke my first board. Then, I remembered each form I
practiced and practiced then I got better. Tang Soo Do means to try when I am scared and when practice will help me get better.
I like being a leader and each new dee I got to be a leader and help kids that were not seniors know what to do. Tang Soo Do is about being a leader and
helping other kids. I learned the history of Tang Soo Do. I learned how to kick, punch, forms, board–breaking and self–defense. Tang Soo Do is very
important to me because of the self–defense that I have learned can save me from danger.
I learned self–control, respect, focus, courage, honesty, humility; this helps me be a good person not a bad person. When I was little, I would copy
other kids but now because of my martial arts training I know how to control of myself.
I learned the meaning of respect. Respect is do not talk when someone is talking, cooperative with my brother, listen to my moms, teachers, and
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Why I Want to Study Computer Science
From cartwheel to supercomputer the evolution of machines has always fascinated me like nothing else. A machine– symbolizes man's rational
thinking. On that account a computer is the most ingenious invention of man. It exemplifies the prowess of human mind to perceive things rationally
and put them to use in performing extremely difficult tasks with effortless ease. With this kind of attitude towards machines I was introduced to
computers about what they can do and how they do it. This was enough for me to decide that I was going to work with computers all my life.
The boundless possibility of trying out and the instant knowledge of the outcome that stimulates one for further analysis of a rationale in question is
what I find most appealing about Computer Science. Keeping up an inquisitive and explorative attitude, I believe, leads to a constant learning process.
This approach adds to the already immense potential for innovation that exists in this field.
Exploration and analysis have been the essence of my life, guiding me through the most mystifying predicaments. In this ever changing world of
engineering & technology where each new day sees a spate of new concepts and applications and each passing day makes them obsolete, I always
wanted to attain the highest level of excellence in education and transcend new horizons in the chosen field.
In my graduate studies, I have benefited from the breadth of JNTU syllabi content that has given me a comprehensive
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Civil Engineering Essay
Civil engineering is the oldest of the main branches of engineering. Civil engineers use their knowledge to supervise and plan construction projects
such as roads, airports, bridges, canals, tunnels, and wastewater systems. They also collaborate with architects to design and construct various types of
buildings. Some other civil engineering endeavors include highways, airports, pipelines, railroads, levees, and irrigation and sewage systems. Civil
engineers try to design their structures to be functional, efficient and durable. Most of the projects civil engineers are involved with have an impact on
the environment. They use their knowledge of the environment to create structures that more content...
They could be promoted to positions such as department heads and senior or project managers. Advanced degrees as well as registration as a
professional engineer also bolster ones chances of advancement.
The current employment outlook for civil engineers in Wisconsin is favorable. Those seeking jobs in the field will find very good employment
opportunities. This holds true throughout the nation and is also the long–term employment outlook. The factors that effect employment of civil
engineers include economic conditions, population growth, and investment in public infrastructures. The Wisconsin average salary for civil
engineering positions ranges from $47,400 to $60,600. The national average starts at $47,400 and goes as high as $68,500. Many employees enjoy
generous benefit packages that include paid vacation and sick leave as well as health and dental insurance, retirement plans, and profit sharing.
The education path for civil engineers begins with high school courses. Students who have an interest in entering the field of civil engineering should
take a college preparatory curriculum which includes natural resources conservation, environmental conservation, computing, advanced programming,
calculus, biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, drafting, and computer design and drafting. Civil engineers must also have a bachelor's degree.
University coursework should include credits in
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Why Do People Travel Essay
First, I just want you to ask yourself a little and simple question. Why do you travel? Have you answered it? I sincerely want you to answer it before
I do so, that will help you understand with more ease. The first one I thought of was to learn. Many people, in fact, love to travel to get to know a
country's culture, food, language and landmarks. This will help people be more culturally diverse, open–minded and usually more balanced people. The
second reason I thought of was to have an adventure. Naturally, some people are more adventurous than others so they prefer doing something they
have never done before. For instance, people who live near the ocean have the tendency to visit more mountainous places so they can have new
experiences and do more radical activities. Another obvious reason is to spend some quality time with your family. Nowadays people work during
most of their days and go back home already tired, meaning they have less time for their families and people they love than before. Thus, they often go
for a journey together during holidays and sometimes even weekends. The final reason I have got is quite more content...
As you might remember I gave four reasons to why people travel: to learn, to have an adventure, to spend time with people you like and to work.
My trip to Granada can apply to all four reasons. It was a school trip, where I learned and adventured myself whilst I spent time with people I like,
my friends. This trip was a change from what I am used to in every way. Change is a key word here because that is what we mainly seek through
traveling. A change from our routines, to get away from the weather, work and culture we are used to. By simply changing, I was able to avoid, not
forget, the strains and stresses of my everyday life and, thus, we have more positive feelings. That is why we travel; we release ourselves from what
saddens us and focus on what we are doing at that
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What Do Social Workers Do? Essay
What do social workers do ? Social workers help people solve and cope with problems in their everyday lives("How to Become....Social Worker"2015).
One group of social workers–clinical social workers–also diagnose and treat mental, behavioral, and emotional issues("How to Become....Social
Worker"2015). This career would be well for me because I enjoy helping others with their problems, Social workers help people cope with
challenges in their lives("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). They help with a wide range of situations, such as adopting a child or being
diagnosed with a terminal illness("How to Become....Social Worker"2015) Social workers may work with children, people with disabilities, and
people with serious illnesses and addictions("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). Their work varies based on the type of client they are working
with("How to Become....Social Worker" 2015). Some social workers work with groups, community organizations, and policymakers to develop or
improve programs, services, policies, and social conditions("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). This focus of work is referred to as macrosocial
work("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). Advocacy is an important aspect of social work("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). Social
workers advocate or raise awareness with and on behalf of their clients and the social work profession on local, state, and national levels("How to
Become....Social Worker"2015). School social workers work with teachers, parents, and
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Big Distractions When Writing A Research Paper

  • 1. Big Distractions When Writing A Research Paper When writing an essay or any formal paper, finding an ideal place for writing can effect how the paper turns out. If someone is in a distracting environment and they are not as focused, it could harm their grade. An ideal space for writing a paper would be a library or somewhere quiet. Being alone while writing a paper is probably the smartest way to do it. Being in a neat and clean environment could help with the neatness of the paper. Also being in an organized place could help with the stress of the paper. When writing a paper, one should avoid as many distractions as possible. Cell phones are a big distraction, especially when writing a paper. Writing in a quiet, stress–free, and non–distracting place is very ideal to do essays. When finding an ideal place, one should look for a quiet and empty place. If one were to try to write an essay in a loud and crowded place, it would be very distracting and difficult to write that essay. They could make mistakes like: writing down something they hear instead of what they are thinking, misplacing punctuation, and procrastinating. There are many things that can distract someone while writing an essay even if that person is alone. One of the main distractions is a cell phone. Texting, calling, playing games, and social media all are big distractions. This has become a very big problem for people all around the more content... One should find a stress–free environment so that he or she can be focused on what they are writing about. One should find a place where they are comfortable and where they can think about the paper. People need to be aware of their surroundings. When writing a paper people should either turn off their phone or put it on silent. That would help them procrastinate less and get the paper done faster. Finding somewhere one can write their essays easily and quickly can make the experience more enjoyable and stress–free for the Get more content on
  • 2. What I Want With My Life Growing up in Miami I have gotten accustomed to the cold and impersonal interactions attributed to living in a big city. Although I enjoy all of the opportunities that are presented by metropolitan areas, it disheartens me to know that most people in urban settings do not know their neighbors. Via avian perspective, you can see the large–scale segregation of classes and ethnic groups. Little Havana, Little Haiti, and Little Puerto Rico are just some examples of the neighborhoods I have called home. As a multiracial child, I found it difficult to fit in when the typical icebreaker question was "Where are you from?" "Me?" I would ask. Knowing there was a narrow range of accepted responses I replied, "I am from here – from Earth... but more importantly, where am I going?" It seems a natural human characteristic to assign greater importance to our past experiences than to our aspirations for the future. In order to achieve what I want with my life I know that I must not dwell on the past but focus on the future. It is human nature to question our reality in an attempt to better understand our surroundings. Science, for me, is the devotion to better understand the world we live in, rooted in the natural and inevitable questions that all humans ask themselves. I believe that by answering the most fundamental questions, the potential technological advancements are much greater than that generated by applied engineering. Nowadays we can thank Einstein 's theory of relativity for Get more content on
  • 3. Synthesizers can create all sorts of bizarre noises, from realistic sounding violins and cellos to distorted out of the world sounds almost all programmed by hand. They come in many different sizes, from portable keyboards to humongous mainframes. They are in music, movies, TV shows and just about anything nowadays. Synthesizers are an amazing tool for musicians, with the steep learning curve they come with, can really benefit any one that could understand them. What is a Synthesizer? A Synthesizer is a "musical instrument that is capable of producing a wide range of different sounds" (Russ 4) from "simple resources" (430). There are two main types of synthesizers: analogue and digital. Analogue synths use "voltages and more content... Release is the final part of an envelope; it controls how long the sound stays after letting off the key. Finally, the last part of a basic synthesizer is the amplifier. It controls the "loudness of the waveform" (404). There are many more features synthesizers could have, but these are the basic essentials needed for a great synth. There are two main types of synthesizers: analogue and digital. Analogue synths use voltages and currents directly represent both audio signals and any control signals (71). The History Synthesizers have been around for long time, it is not just a recent technology. In the late 19th century, "American inventor Thaddeus Cahill acquired a patent for his instrument known as the Telharmonium, or Dynamophone" ("A Brief History"). The Telharmonium weighed "200 tons" and is "driven by 12 steam–powered electromagnetic generators" ("A Brief History"). Played in "real time using velocity–sensitive keys, it could generate several different sounds" ("A Brief History"). In 1919, "Russian inventor Leon Theremin created the Theremin, played without even touching the instrument" ("A Brief History"). To play it, the player must wave their hands in an "electrostatic field between two antennae" and the instrument would "gauge proximity of their hands" then used this "information to generate sound" ("A Brief History"). During the "1930s in Berlin, Friedrich Trautwein Get more content on
  • 4. Essay : The Hardest Goodbye The Hardest Goodbye I remember the day like it was yesterday, the thought of it fills my eyes with pools of tears and burdens me with sad clouds over my head. Losing someone as underrated as your pet can have an impact on your life that can change it in many more ways than I ever thought was possible. Bailey was our 70–pound, Georgia born, golden retriever. Her fur was dark golden like caramel that shined in the sun, and she had dark chocolate brown eyes that reflected her sweet, soft personality. She had been sick and for a while with breast cancer so we knew her days were limited and coming to end shorter than we would have expected unfortunately. I woke up that sunny morning with my mom telling me the awful news that it's time more content... There would be no calling for her in the grassy backyard, or giving her a bath in the hot shining sun. It was the little things that at that point that I felt bad for not always wanting to help or pay the most attention to her when we would walk in the door and she was excited to see us. There is nothing like losing someone you saw every day, and was always around when you needed her. Bailey was one of a kind and for sure irreplaceable to us all. The worrisome of waiting for my mom to return never left us. It felt to be a long six hours, but looking back it was probably only a couple hours. The sound of my mom knocking on the door only sparked more emotions. She left with one giant piece of our families puzzle and never came back with it. No words came from any of us just the sobs and hugs of our arms tightly wrapped around each other. We slowly made our way back home and slowly realized a lot was about to feel different when we walked through our garage door and inside. I remember walking in and seeing her toys and bed still laying on the cold kitchen tiles, but no one moved them because that's where she liked them and had them placed. The rest of that day and many more after that we all mourned and did our best to think of the possible positives of this. Bailey was a man's best friend, a protector, and most of all a loving companion to many. Of course, the question was later asked "Will we ever get another dog?" and my dad replied, "Maybe later, but no dog Get more content on
  • 5. How To Do A Essay Do you know how to write an essay? Writing an essay could be easy or hard. Some students cannot do it well and that is why they hate it. You can find the writing as something interesting and important for your own future. If you do not know how to write an essay, there are several steps that you can follow. There are three basic steps to write an essay; discovering a topic, supporting the thesis, and editing the essay. Through these steps, you can write an effective and clear essay. First of all, you need to get some information and materials to discover a thesis and a topic sentence. For example, you can use prewriting, which can be freewriting, making a list, and questions. The freewriting technique is more content... Supporting paragraphs consist of concrete evidence such as giving examples, getting direct quotes, and personal experiences. Each one has the importance of making the essay clearer. Now you have an outline of the essay. Then you arrange an introductory and concluding paragraph based on the thesis. On the other hand, using opposing ideas or questions in the introduction is one way to make the essay more interesting, because it gets the interest of the reader. Finally, you should edit your essay for its contents and style. Editing is one of the important stages of the writing process. It is as important as prewriting, outlining, and drafting. Revising includes checking the structure, the grammatical accuracy, and the contents of the paper. Editing involves rewriting the paper to make it clearer and stronger. By editing, you can make sure whether your paper is unified, supported, and well organized. Also, revising which is included in editing, helps you to correct errors in grammatical mistakes, punctuation, and spelling. Of course, it is very helpful to use a dictionary to do the revising and editing. After the editing, you can finally type your essay to make it complete. In conclusion, if you ask yourself how to write an essay, it is important to have in mind to follow a process to develop an essay. This process consists on discovering a topic, supporting the Get more content on
  • 6. Do We Have a Free Will? Essay example Do We Have A Free Will? An individual with "Free Will" is capable of making vital decisions and choices in life with own free consent. The individual chooses these decisions without any outside influence from a set of "alternative possibilities." The idea of "free will" imposes a certain kind of power on an individual to make decisions of which he or she is morally responsible. This implies that "free will" would include a range of aspects such as originality, moral value, and self–governance. However, in life, individuals may not be free in making decisions. The aspect of freedom could entail remarkably a high status action and achievement in an individual's life whose attainment could be close to impossibility. Often, people make more content... To establish determinism, we can admit by denoting that some events in our lives happen because of prior reasons without yet losing our sense of freedom. It is actually evident that the events and actions that an individual undertakes action have different effects upon him even though they may be past or present events. Though we might not be sure whether our past event result to our present status in life, it is pertinent to note that freedom in decision making is an open forum for each individual and impacts on later activities. We can admit that some events, for example, a next domino fall, are bound to happen because of a prior event. It is possible that if we have no power to act other than us, in fact, to act, then we have no free will. This argument for hard determinism is persuasive. It is certainly valid, and none of the premises appears to be clearly false. Although we have discovered a plausible argument in defense of hard determinism, most people find this argument to be impossible to accept. In our lives, we hold each other in account of our deeds that we had made wrong choices. In Compatibility and moral defense, if an individual is not responsible for the intention then how can that person be responsible for the act? One powerful contemporary form of compatibilism, which is the right answer is "why not?" one should not think that by somebody`s Get more content on
  • 7. The Right Thing Essay "Doing the right thing" is can be based upon a number of different factors. First, there is generally a sense of what is absolute goodness. These are the absolute moral standards by which we should live our lives, given to us either either by a higher power or our cultural environment. In Christianity, for instance, this is expressed in the Ten Commandments absolute ethical laws divined by God, also shared by other major religions. In secular society, it is the rule of law, the consensus of the majority of society on the regulations by which that society should be governed. Balanced against this sense of absolute goodness is relative goodness. Relative goodness is still a moral rightness but dependent on a situation still more content... For every act of conformity to a social good there is an opposing act redefining what is " the right thing." We envy people who make a lot of money, yet we despise greed. However, within the context of the group in which the money–driven work, greed is good. We may frown on selfish wealth, yet on Wall Street that obsessiveness is good. Moreover, greed may actually be doing good for others increasing income for other's retirement, college tuition. Again, what is the " right thing" becomes subject to context. It is right to be competitive but not to cheat towards that end. We are encouraged to make "A's" in school, but not to do so in a dishonorable way. We should care about others, but also teach them to be independent. We should work within the rules, yet be our own person. A " bad" person may be forgiven if he or she has redeemed themselves or shown remorse for the act they have commited. Then consciousness of doing the wrong thing becomes important. Those who don't show remorse we still condemn. We can forgive those who don't know what's wrong. In fact, forgiveness is a good thing. In general, it is important to obey certain standards of goodness in society both for the greater good and to keep society from self–destructing. We praise charity as an act of giving to others less fortunate, also providing for the greater Get more content on
  • 8. School Administrator Can Do Essay The Most Important Thing a School Administrator Can Do I was recently asked what one thing I would tell a new school administrator that they should do to support the staff they work with each day. Now I am sure some folks could give impressive statements about unpacking standards, interpreting data, or recognizing which interventions provide the most impact for student achievement. The idea would be that helping teachers with efficacy is the very best thing and administrator can do for the entire School community. Others might say helping teachers take care of themselves and their mental and physical health is the most important thing an administrator can do. Or perhaps that helping teachers to feel supported in both word and deed is of more content... Pray for their health – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Pray for them as individuals. Pray for them by name. Pray for their unique needs. To offer these prayers you must get to know the people you work with. You must learn about them and their families. Their past and their present. Their hopes and their dreams. You must be available. You must seek conversations. You must take time to be present. You must listen. Listening not to respond, but to really hear. And then you must pray...every day. There are a lot of other things a good administrator should do for those whom they have been entrusted to serve. But the most important thing I do (and that I doubt most of my staff even know about) is pray. And that is what I would encourage any school administrator to do – be they new or old. As in so doing you will connect in a very different way. And you will remember that any impact you have and, any leadership you provide comes not from you but from a partner located in a place much
  • 9. higher than your building, the district office, or even the state department of education. And I would tell any aspiring administrator God is the very best partner anyone can Get more content on
  • 10. Information Technology Essay Information technology is a rapidly growing part of today's society. It affects everyone's life in many aspects. Every human endeavor is influenced by information technology and the increasing rate at which what it can perform includes. One area of human endeavor that information technology has greatly influenced is the practice of medicine, specifically veterinary medicine. Not only has veterinary medicine been influenced by information technology, it has also been enhanced by it. The degree to which the practice of veterinary medicine includes information technology is observable at the Animal Emergency Clinic of Central New York on Erie Blvd. in Syracuse, New York. Section I: veterinary medicine. Doctors of veterinary medicine are more content... Working, volunteering and interning are all acceptable ways to gain experience in the field of veterinary medicine. The reason behind schools requiring experience is to ensure that the student knows what they are getting into before they spend thousands of dollars (approx. $20,000/yr.) and at least four years of their life in an extremely intensive academic environment. Many people have an altered idea of what being a vet is about. A lot of physical and emotion endurance is necessary to be a successful veterinarian. Many people are unaware of that. The specific undergraduate course requirements to get into a school of veterinary medicine vary between the schools. All of them are science intensive. Most require a well–rounded education. The University of California at Davis school of veterinary medicine requires one year of general biology, one year of general chemistry, one year of organic chemistry, and one year of physics as far as lower division requirements. Upper division requirements include a semester of biochemistry, a semester of systemic physiology, a semester of vertebrate embryology, and a semester of genetics. On top of that they want their applicants to have taken courses in English composition, humanities, social sciences as well as statistics. Simply taking these courses is not enough, they need to be completed with a GPA above a 2.5. However, the competition has an average GPA of 3.45. The Get more content on
  • 11. What Do Registered Nurses Really Do? Essay The decision to work towards becoming a registered nurse requires a personal transition from the role of being an aerospace technician to one of a healthcare professional. As part of this transition, I must learn what defines a nurse, understand what I can contribute to the profession, establish and meet professional goals, and be aware of extraneous factors that affect the healthcare industry. The answer to the question of "What does a registered nurse really do?" is so broad in scope that it becomes difficult to explain effectively with one statement. With many specialty fields of nursing falling under the same general definition, a core set of roles and responsibilities is used to define this answer. The Bureau of Labor more content... Both of these specialty fields are similar in requiring a minimum of a master's degree from an accredited program and by being limited in their scope of patient care (BLS, 2014). CRNA's job functions, as described by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, focus on administering anesthesia, analyzing the patient's state of consciousness, and monitoring vital signs before, during, and after procedures in a surgical setting (2014). In contrast, according to the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, PMHN's focus on the mental health of patients, prescribe psychoactive medications, perform in depth interviews and behavioral observations, and work in various settings that range from private practice psychiatric offices to institutionalized care facilities (n.d.). I believe that I possess talents and characteristics that will benefit the nursing profession. Coming from an aerospace background, I have worked in environments where attention to detail, safety, documentation, and hazardous material handling occurred on a daily basis. In addition to my normal job functions, I was proactive in process improvement programs, inventory control systems development, safety awareness programs, and I served as the department point of contact/ team leader in all three areas. I was also formally trained and worked as a certified Get more content on
  • 12. The World Health Organisation Essays The World Health Organisation Founded in 1948, the World Health Organization leads the world alliance for health for all. A specialized agency of the United Nations with 191 Member Sates, WHO promotes technical cooperation for health among nations, carries out programmes to control and eradicate disease, and strives to improve the quality of human life. WHO has four main functions: * to give worldwide guidance in the field of health * to set global standards for health * to cooperate with governments in strengthening national health programmes * to develop and transfer appropriate health technology, information and standards The WHO definition of more content... Some projects target vulnerable populations such as the elderly and women. Others focus on encouraging healthy lifestyles, sexual health and tobacco–free societies. The impact of the environment on health is a high priority for WHO. One example is access to safe drinking water. WHO puts the highest priority on the development of community water supplies and sanitation facilities with the AFRICA 2000 initiative. WHO is deeply concerned with prevention and control of ionising radiation so dramatically highlighted by the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Other issues such as the health effects of electromagnetic fields and the increasing depletion of the ozone layer, are of major concern. Scientific and Ethical Action
  • 13. Improved health is not achieved just with financial resources and high technology. It requires a social conscience and a commitment to share the advances of health science throughout society. Every field of health raises ethical questions concerning sex, birth, confidentiality and personal safety. WHO helps safeguard ethical standards by insisting, for example, that consensus must be reached on what is acceptable in cloning, that there is informed consent when carrying out experiments with humans, or estimating how much risk should be borne by Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Listening for Understanding Listening for Understanding Listening is an important form of communication. Unfortunately, many people who do not know how to listen believe they can listen well. They often say "I have been doing this all of my life of course I can listen". Listening is not inherited, or a personality trait, it is a skill that must be worked on and practiced. Anybody can become a good listener if they are committed to learn how and are willing to work hard. The first mistake that people tend to make when listening is to not make any type of comments while listening. They tend to just stand there and listen while the speaker talks. This can become very frustrating for the speaker and the listener. While the speaker may feel like he isn't more content... Try to listen to what the speaker is trying to say and not to what is making you angry. Summarize the main points of what the speaker was saying so that the focus is on the speaker and not you. It is always important to try and listen objectively no matter what the speaker is trying to say. By doing this, you will become a better listener and more able to communicate with others concerning subjects that might normally make you angry to the point that you would no longer be able to carry on a working conversation with that individual. This will make you especially valuable in the management industry where, as a rule, people will come to you with problems that need to be resolved. It is important to listen carefully and to withhold personal judgement. This is especially true when the subject matter or the position taken by the speaker is making you angry. In this circumstance, your interjections, if not thoroughly thought through, may just make the person defensive. Problems can also arise if you are too nice and give a lot of positive comments. People like it when they are being praised. This can alter what the speaker is saying. If you continue to give positive comments the speaker will continue to want more of them from you. If you want to find out what the speaker is really thinking you need to listen and withhold evaluation. As well as withholding evaluation one must also show patience. While many Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Giant Panda What animal is black and white and loved all over the world? If you guessed the giant panda, you're right! The giant panda is also known as the panda bear, bamboo bear, or in Chinese as Daxiongmao, the "large bear cat." Actually, its scientific name means "black and white cat –footed animal." Giant pandas are found only in the mountains of central China. They live in dense bamboo and coniferous forests at altitudes of 5,000 to 10,000 feet. The mountains are covered in heavy clouds with torrential rains or dense mist throughout the year. Giant pandas are bear–like in shape with striking black and white markings. The ears, eye patches, legs, and shoulder band are black. The rest of the body is whitish. Adults are 4 to more content... Ling–Ling, at age 23, died in December 1992. Giant pandas are among the rarest mammals in the world. There are probably less than 1,000 left in the wild. Although adult giant pandas have few natural enemies, the young are sometimes preyed upon by leopards. Habitat encroachment and destruction are the greatest threats to the continued existence of the giant panda. This is mainly because of the demand for land and natural resources by China's 1 billion inhabitants. To offset this situation, the Chinese government has set aside 11 nature preserves where bamboo flourishes and giant pandas are known to live. Giant pandas are being poached, because their dense fur carries a high price in illegal markets in the Far East. The Chinese government has imposed life sentences for those convicted of poaching giant pandas. The low reproductive capacity of the giant panda makes it more vulnerable to these threats, and less capable of rebounding from its low numbers. In 1984, due to its decreasing numbers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the giant panda as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. This means it is considered in danger of extinction throughout all of its range. This protection also prohibits giant pandas from being imported into the U.S. except under certain conditions. What you can do to help: Join WWF (World Wildlife Foundation) and help Get more content on
  • 16. Why Do We Behave The Way We Do? Have you ever questioned yourself, why we behave the way we do? According to the famous psychologists of the behavioral perspective, John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner, and Albert Bandura, suggested that "development can be understood through studying observable and environmental stimuli" (p 31). We behave the way we do through observing other people's actions combined with the influences of the environment. There are five specific theories present in human developmental perspective, such as the psychoanalytic theory, behavioral theory, cognitive theory, contextual theory, and evolutionary theory. These theories play major roles in the upbringing ofhuman behavior, and there is no right or wrong way of which perspectives relate most to our more content... It is important that parents, caregivers, teachers, or adults do their best to prevent negative influences for children. The behavioral perspective reflects the view that nurture, in which most of the time is more important to develop than nature. Behavior affects the development of young children in two ways; classical conditioning (when an organism learns to respond in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not evoke that type of response, and operant conditioning, a form of learning in which a response is strengthened or weakened by its association with positive or negative consequences) (pg 22–23). We can either reinforce or punish, as a result to increase or decrease the unwanted desirable stimulus in the future. For example, if a toddler is watching a violent and aggressive video, then he would most likely have an altered view of the world, seeing it as more violent and aggressive than those who has not watched the video. As parents, we should not let young children watch violent video. Furthermore, adults who are surrounded by young children should be a positive and supportive role model because when children see good behavior being rewarded, they are likely to imitate that Get more content on
  • 17. How Do Essay I started Tang Soo Do when I was 4 or 5 years old. I was scared and I did not want to go onto the mat. I was told by my moms that I had to take martial arts but I did not want to. I stayed with my martial arts training and learned a whole lot of things. For example, I learned about courage, confidence, leadership, and more. I was afraid because I did not know what Tang Soo Do was and I thought it was dangerous because of the pads. I thought that the pads were hard and if I kicked the pad then I would break my arm or leg. I was afraid of the boards because they looked so hard and I thought when I kicked the board then I would get a splinter in my foot, elbow or hand. When I tried to break the board for the first time, I did not break it but I did not get hurt and I did not get a splinter. It more content... I was afraid because the moves for Bassai looked hard but then I remembered the first time I broke my first board. Then, I remembered each form I practiced and practiced then I got better. Tang Soo Do means to try when I am scared and when practice will help me get better. I like being a leader and each new dee I got to be a leader and help kids that were not seniors know what to do. Tang Soo Do is about being a leader and helping other kids. I learned the history of Tang Soo Do. I learned how to kick, punch, forms, board–breaking and self–defense. Tang Soo Do is very important to me because of the self–defense that I have learned can save me from danger. I learned self–control, respect, focus, courage, honesty, humility; this helps me be a good person not a bad person. When I was little, I would copy other kids but now because of my martial arts training I know how to control of myself. I learned the meaning of respect. Respect is do not talk when someone is talking, cooperative with my brother, listen to my moms, teachers, and Get more content on
  • 18. Why I Want to Study Computer Science From cartwheel to supercomputer the evolution of machines has always fascinated me like nothing else. A machine– symbolizes man's rational thinking. On that account a computer is the most ingenious invention of man. It exemplifies the prowess of human mind to perceive things rationally and put them to use in performing extremely difficult tasks with effortless ease. With this kind of attitude towards machines I was introduced to computers about what they can do and how they do it. This was enough for me to decide that I was going to work with computers all my life. The boundless possibility of trying out and the instant knowledge of the outcome that stimulates one for further analysis of a rationale in question is what I find most appealing about Computer Science. Keeping up an inquisitive and explorative attitude, I believe, leads to a constant learning process. This approach adds to the already immense potential for innovation that exists in this field. Exploration and analysis have been the essence of my life, guiding me through the most mystifying predicaments. In this ever changing world of engineering & technology where each new day sees a spate of new concepts and applications and each passing day makes them obsolete, I always wanted to attain the highest level of excellence in education and transcend new horizons in the chosen field. In my graduate studies, I have benefited from the breadth of JNTU syllabi content that has given me a comprehensive Get more content on
  • 19. Civil Engineering Essay CIVIL ENGINEERING Civil engineering is the oldest of the main branches of engineering. Civil engineers use their knowledge to supervise and plan construction projects such as roads, airports, bridges, canals, tunnels, and wastewater systems. They also collaborate with architects to design and construct various types of buildings. Some other civil engineering endeavors include highways, airports, pipelines, railroads, levees, and irrigation and sewage systems. Civil engineers try to design their structures to be functional, efficient and durable. Most of the projects civil engineers are involved with have an impact on the environment. They use their knowledge of the environment to create structures that more content... They could be promoted to positions such as department heads and senior or project managers. Advanced degrees as well as registration as a professional engineer also bolster ones chances of advancement. The current employment outlook for civil engineers in Wisconsin is favorable. Those seeking jobs in the field will find very good employment opportunities. This holds true throughout the nation and is also the long–term employment outlook. The factors that effect employment of civil engineers include economic conditions, population growth, and investment in public infrastructures. The Wisconsin average salary for civil engineering positions ranges from $47,400 to $60,600. The national average starts at $47,400 and goes as high as $68,500. Many employees enjoy generous benefit packages that include paid vacation and sick leave as well as health and dental insurance, retirement plans, and profit sharing. The education path for civil engineers begins with high school courses. Students who have an interest in entering the field of civil engineering should take a college preparatory curriculum which includes natural resources conservation, environmental conservation, computing, advanced programming, calculus, biology, chemistry, earth science, physics, drafting, and computer design and drafting. Civil engineers must also have a bachelor's degree. University coursework should include credits in Get more content on
  • 20. Why Do People Travel Essay First, I just want you to ask yourself a little and simple question. Why do you travel? Have you answered it? I sincerely want you to answer it before I do so, that will help you understand with more ease. The first one I thought of was to learn. Many people, in fact, love to travel to get to know a country's culture, food, language and landmarks. This will help people be more culturally diverse, open–minded and usually more balanced people. The second reason I thought of was to have an adventure. Naturally, some people are more adventurous than others so they prefer doing something they have never done before. For instance, people who live near the ocean have the tendency to visit more mountainous places so they can have new experiences and do more radical activities. Another obvious reason is to spend some quality time with your family. Nowadays people work during most of their days and go back home already tired, meaning they have less time for their families and people they love than before. Thus, they often go for a journey together during holidays and sometimes even weekends. The final reason I have got is quite more content... As you might remember I gave four reasons to why people travel: to learn, to have an adventure, to spend time with people you like and to work. My trip to Granada can apply to all four reasons. It was a school trip, where I learned and adventured myself whilst I spent time with people I like, my friends. This trip was a change from what I am used to in every way. Change is a key word here because that is what we mainly seek through traveling. A change from our routines, to get away from the weather, work and culture we are used to. By simply changing, I was able to avoid, not forget, the strains and stresses of my everyday life and, thus, we have more positive feelings. That is why we travel; we release ourselves from what saddens us and focus on what we are doing at that Get more content on
  • 21. What Do Social Workers Do? Essay What do social workers do ? Social workers help people solve and cope with problems in their everyday lives("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). One group of social workers–clinical social workers–also diagnose and treat mental, behavioral, and emotional issues("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). This career would be well for me because I enjoy helping others with their problems, Social workers help people cope with challenges in their lives("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). They help with a wide range of situations, such as adopting a child or being diagnosed with a terminal illness("How to Become....Social Worker"2015) Social workers may work with children, people with disabilities, and people with serious illnesses and addictions("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). Their work varies based on the type of client they are working with("How to Become....Social Worker" 2015). Some social workers work with groups, community organizations, and policymakers to develop or improve programs, services, policies, and social conditions("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). This focus of work is referred to as macrosocial work("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). Advocacy is an important aspect of social work("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). Social workers advocate or raise awareness with and on behalf of their clients and the social work profession on local, state, and national levels("How to Become....Social Worker"2015). School social workers work with teachers, parents, and Get more content on