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Beyond Flow
Senior User Experience Consultant
Sigma Consulting Solutions, Ltd.
When User Experience
Becomes Transcendent
@ebuie Image	from	Vimeo,	used	under	Crea2ve	Commons	
Mihályi Csikszentmihályi
A dance of
and skill
Characteristics of Flow
!  Intrinsically rewarding activity
!  Clarity of goals
!  Complete concentration on activity
!  Merged actions & awareness
!  Loss of awareness of oneself
!  Sense of control over activity
!  Relative absence of emotion
!  Time distortion
List	adapted	from	Ilona	Boniwell’s	“Living	in	Flow”,	
Posi2ve	Psychology	UK	
Key aspects of flow
!  Centered around an activity
!  Usually personal, individual
!  May be shared with others,
when all are in flow
with the activity
Flow is centered on an activity.
Flow in human-computer interaction
Research began >25 years ago
!  What flow looks like in interaction
!  How flow affects task performance
!  Designing to support flow
Various contexts
!  Gaming
!  Shopping
!  Learning
!  Social networking
!  Health & well-being
An early study (1991)
Face-to-face activity Computer-mediated activity
Ghani,	J.	A.,	Supnick,	R.,	&	Rooney,	P.	(1991,	January).	The	Experience	of	Flow	in	Computer-mediated	and	
in	Face-to-face	Groups.		
In	ICIS	(Vol.	91,	pp.	229-237).	
Significantly greater flow intensity
A very recent study (February 2017)
!  Reviewed information systems research on flow
!  Found that flow is not well defined or measured
!  Offered an integrative theoretical framework of
flow in information systems
!  Concluded that design was important to flow:
Rissler,	R.,	Nadj,	M.,	&	Adam,	M.	(2017).	Flow	in	Informa2on	Systems	Research:	Review,	Integra2ve	Theore2cal	Framework,	and	Future	Direc2ons.	
‘…the design and implementation of IS plays an important role in
whether or not users have holistic experiences such as “flow”
when interacting with technology.’
– Rissler, Nadj, & Adam (2017)
Transcendent experience — What is it?
A sense of intense connection
with something greater than oneself
What might that be??
What is “something greater”?
Do we think first of a deity?
Sinagoga	di	Torino	(Italy),	©Elizabeth	Buie	
Mosque	photo	by	MohammadReza	Domiri	Ganji	h5ps://,_Shiraz.jpg.	Used	under	Crea2ve	Commons	BY-SA	4.0	
Hay	Street	United	Methodist	Church	(USA),	©Elizabeth	Buie
The bounty of Nature Photo © 2000, Elizabeth Buie.
The grandeur of the Universe
The grandeur of the Universe NASA photo
The compassion of a humanitarian cause
Photo:	Interna2onal	Community	of	the	Red	Cross,	Used	under	Crea2ve	Commons	BY-
SA	2.0.
The intimacy of a community with shared purpose
Photo	©	Chris2ne	Kipper,	h5ps://	Used	under	Crea2ve	Commons	BY	
Is it always the same?
Is it always the same?
Is it always the same?
Transcendent experience (TX)
takes on many forms,
comes in many flavors,
goes by many names.
Many forms,
flavors, names
!  Spiritual experience
!  Mystical experience
!  Peak experience
!  Religious experience
!  Numinous experience
!  Samādhi
!  Cosmic Consciousness
!  Satori
!  The peace that passeth
all understanding
!  (etc.)
Levin,	J.,	&	Steele,	L.	(2005).	The	transcendent	experience:	conceptual,	theore2cal,	and	epidemiologic	perspec2ves.	Explore,	1(2),	
An experience
that transcends
the ordinary —
!  reality
!  worldview
!  sense of self
!  boundaries
the key
Is it Flow or Transcendence?
Flow experience             
! Rewarding activity, clear
goals, sense of control
Transcendent experience  
! Activity not critical,
may not even matter
Is it Flow or Transcendence?
Flow experience             
! Rewarding activity, clear
goals, sense of control
! Loss of awareness of self
Transcendent experience  
! Activity not critical,
may not even matter
! Awareness of self, sense of
connection beyond oneself
Is it Flow or Transcendence?
Flow experience             
! Rewarding activity, clear
goals, sense of control
! Loss of awareness of self
! Usually individual
Transcendent experience  
! Activity not critical,
may not even matter
! Awareness of self, sense of
connection beyond oneself
! Individual or communitarian
Is it Flow or Transcendence?
Flow experience             
! Rewarding activity, clear
goals, sense of control
! Loss of awareness of self
! Usually individual
! Long (hours to days)
Transcendent experience  
! Activity not critical,
may not even matter
! Awareness of self, sense of
connection beyond oneself
! Individual or communitarian
! Short (seconds to minutes)
Is it Flow or Transcendence?
Flow experience             
! Rewarding activity, clear
goals, sense of control
! Loss of awareness of self
! Usually individual
! Long (hours to days)
! Fun, enjoyment
Transcendent experience  
! Activity not critical,
may not even matter
! Awareness of self, sense of
connection beyond oneself
! Individual or communitarian
! Short (seconds to minutes)
! Wonder, awe, chills, tingles
Is it Flow or Transcendence?
Flow experience             
! Rewarding activity, clear
goals, sense of control
! Loss of awareness of self
! Usually individual
! Long (hours to days)
! Fun, enjoyment
! Repetition (do it again)
Transcendent experience  
! Activity not critical,
may not even matter
! Awareness of self, sense of
connection beyond oneself
! Individual or communitarian
! Short (seconds to minutes)
! Wonder, awe, chills, tingles
! Transformation
What does all this
have to do with UX?
First, some
A tale of two fields
Transcendent experience    
! Experience is the focus
! Artifacts seldom play a role
in the work
! Experience is usually brief:
!  “An” experience
! Design??
User experience                    
! Artifact is a major focus
! Experience revolves around
! Experience may be ongoing:
!  “Experiencing”
! Design is crucial
Can we bridge these fields?
Bridges	over	the	River	Tyne,	Newcastle,	©Elizabeth	Buie
Can we bridge these fields?
What about user experiences
that involve transcendence?
Bridges	over	the	River	Tyne,	Newcastle,	©Elizabeth	Buie
Of music and mystery
Of music and mystery
Several years ago I realized a long-held dream — I joined a group that sings
Medieval & Renaissance sacred polyphony.
I’ve resonated with early music for as long as I can remember — even in
childhood, my favorite Christmas song was the 16th Century “Coventry Carol.”
Now, I’m not religious in a traditional sense, but this music just speaks to me.
Polyphony is a musical texture in which two or more independent melodic lines
weave in and out, creating complex harmonies. Some of the rhythms are
For someone raised in the 20th Century, used to having all voices sing the same
words more or less together, learning to sing early music is just plain hard.
Fortunately, we don’t use this notation any more.
One of our members transcribed old manuscripts into modern notation;
this is mostly what we sing from.
I’m grateful for technology that enables me to learn this glorious and
difficult music.
One month before the first rehearsal, our director sends out the sheet
music, along with MIDI files to give a general idea of how the pieces
(I’d like to play you one of these, but SlideShare has made it impossible for me to test that capability).
It’s really hard to tell the lines apart. I’d never be able to pick out my part
by listening to that.
Fortunately, I have music notation software that can. I set my part to a
French horn played loudly and the other parts to softer instruments… and
voilá! I save the results to MP3.
Live with pieces
Photo © 1998, Elizabeth Buie
For two months before each concert, I lived with these pieces.
I had a handy little gadget that allowed me to play my iPod through my
car radio…
…which I did, any time I had a drive of more than about 15 minutes.
(Note that this was before most cars had USB connections.)
Not only did it help me learn the music, it made my commute more
Live with pieces
Photo © 1998, Elizabeth Buie
Commute - spirit soared
Commute - spirit soared
One morning I commuted through Rock Creek Park in Washington DC…
… singing along with my learning files and feeling intensely connected to
the Universe…
… cherishing the fall colors, the flowing stream, and the mystery that this
magnificent music evokes in me.
My spirit soared.
Thanks to music technology, the DC rush hour didn't faze me one bit.
Mystery/wonder part of my UX
Mystery/wonder part of my UX
Creating this experience involves three software apps and three pieces of
equipment (not counting the car).
My sense of connection to the Universe — the mystery and wonder I feel
— are part of my user experience of these tools.
The tools help nourish my spirit.
In his goal-directed design approach, Alan Cooper would say that
connection and wonder are two of my goals.
I say they’re my fundamental goals.
This experience and
insight launched my
PhD journey
Bridging the fields
transcendent experience supported/facilitated by technology
Bridging the fields
transcendent experience supported/facilitated by technology
Transcendent User Experience (TUX)
Brief overview of my
PhD activities
Enrolled in PhD program(me)
Research Activities
Background Studies
!  Analyze ACM literature on techno-
!  Inventory/analyze iTunes App Store
!  Analyze comments on top YouTube
meditation videos
Along the way
!  Explore design fiction for techno-
Research Activities
Background Studies
!  Analyze ACM literature on techno-
!  Inventory/analyze iTunes App Store
!  Analyze comments on top YouTube
meditation videos
Along the way
!  Explore design fiction for techno-
Empirical Research
!  Design/conduct/analyze interviews
!  Develop grounded theory of
transcendent user experience (TUX)
!  Design/conduct game workshops
to elicit speculative design ideas
!  Analyze ideas from workshop;
map them to grounded theory
!  Assess workshop’s potential for
generating TUX design ideas
Research Activities
Background Studies
!  Analyze ACM literature on techno-
!  Inventory/analyze iTunes App Store
!  Analyze comments on top YouTube
meditation videos
Along the way
!  Explore design fiction for techno-
Empirical Research
!  Design/conduct/analyze interviews
!  Develop grounded theory of
transcendent user experience (TUX)
!  Design/conduct game workshops
to elicit speculative design ideas
!  Analyze ideas from workshop;
map them to grounded theory
!  Assess workshop’s potential for
generating TUX design ideas
Peripheral/Oblique Design
!  Use workshop-generated ideas to seed TUX design fictions
!  Develop new forms of design fiction for TUX
Compared App Store & ACM Digital
Library for coverage of tech in
spirituality & religion
!  6,000 apps in late 2012 (1% of App Store)
!  19 HCI research papers focused on
!  Apps included many uses that
research had not studied
!  123,000 apps in mid-2017 (4% of App Store)
Analyzed comments on YouTube videos
for meditation
!  87 videos
!  Three main types of
!  The video or its creator
!  The viewer’s reaction
!  Convos among viewers
!  Very little flaming
Analyzed comments on YouTube videos
for meditation
!  87 videos
!  Three main types of
!  The video or its creator
!  The viewer’s reaction
!  Convos among viewers
!  Very little flaming
thank you for sharing ! Namaste
I felt the top of my head tingling
look deep, you are god Makes me wanna poop slowly and peacefully…
some	viewer	
Explored design
fiction for techno-
spirituality research
Developed several “imaginary
abstracts” for techno-spiritual
Investigated inspirations that science
fiction can offer
Blythe,	M.,	&	Buie,	E.	(2014).	Chatbots	of	the	Gods:	Imaginary	
Abstracts	for	Techno-Spirituality	Research.	Proc.	NordiCHI	‘14	(pp.	
227-236).	Helsinki,	Finland:	ACM	Press.	 Explora2on	of	science	fic2on	for	techno-spirituality	
Presented	at	NordiCHI	2014	
Chatbots	of	the	Gods
Empirical research began with
!  24 people of varying backgrounds and perspectives
!  One or two transcendent experiences they’d had
!  How they used artifacts* in
their spiritual practices
!  Desires for enhancement
to experiences
*artifacts = devices, objects, high-tech
products, low-tech items
Constructed grounded theory of
transcendent user experience
!  Coded/categorised
interview data
!  Related categories
to existing literature
!  Identified
among categories
surrounds or
contributes to
wishes for
wishes for
evokes or
evokes or
wishes for
Living the Experience
Perceiving Phenomena
- Connection
- Consciousness, Control
- Numinous Presence
- Physicality
- Duration, Frequency
- Quality of Experience
Reacting as
Exp. Unfolds
- Emotion
- Interpretation
- Effect, Action
the Context
- Developmental
- Spiritual
- Social
- Physical/Activity
- Psychological
- Temporal
the Experience
- Reflection
- Continuing Effects
- Sharing
responds to
wishes for
evokesresponds to
makes a change to
reacts to
make it a
Designed & conducted a game to elicit
design ideas
!  “Transcendhance” — for
 enhancing transcendence
(More on this later)
Developed new forms of design fiction
!  Different versions of imaginary abstracts
!  Imaginary usability tests
!  Design poetry
Why do we care
about TUX?
Why do transcendent
experiences matter?
Why are they so hard
to design for?
– and –
Why do we care
about TUX?
Why do transcendent
experiences matter?
change	in	beliefs	
le-ng	go	
loss	of	fear	of	death	
reduced	anxiety	
change	in	values	
Photo © 2005, Elizabeth Buie@ebuie
qui-ng	smoking
Pssst: Why did we get into UX, anyway?
Why are TUXs so
difficult to design for?
Normally, we use interviews
    to gain an understanding
        of users and their needs and experiences.
Normally, we use interviews
    to gain an understanding
        of users and their needs and experiences.
TUXs are Ineffable
“I have no words
for what I felt.”
“To this day
I couldn’t describe it.”
“I can’t find the words for it.”
“It was like nothing else
 I’ve ever experienced.”
“It was beyond words.”
“I cannot begin to tell you
what it was like.”
Photo © 2012, Elizabeth Buie
TUXs are Ineffable
“I have no words
for what I felt.”
“I can’t find the words for it.”
“It was like nothing else
 I’ve ever experienced.”
“It was beyond words.”
“I cannot begin to tell you
what it was like.”
“To this day
I couldn’t describe it.”
Can we do this
for TUXs?
“…you can’t dial it up…”
             – interview participant
Photo	copyright	©	2007,	Elizabeth	Buie	@ebuie
How do we evaluate a design’s
ability to support TUXs —
Photo	copyright	©	2007,	Elizabeth	Buie	@ebuie
How do we evaluate a design’s
ability to support TUXs —
if we can’t ensure we can
observe one happening?
“…you can’t dial it up…”
“…you can’t dial it up…”“Althou
“Although you can’t dial it up,
  you can kind of put yourself
  in the way of it.”
– Interview participant
TUX design calls for
an oblique approach
An oblique approach to TUX design
!  Elicit ideas — “Transcendhance” game
!  Elaborate selected ideas — spin-offs
!  Explore potential scenarios & people’s responses —
design fiction
!  Evoke impressions & feelings — design poetry
What’s next??
“Transcendhance” board game
!  Draws on fun, play, and embodiment
!  Uses concepts from my grounded theory of TUX
!  Focuses on experience more than on technology
!  Can be played by designers & others (a mix is good)
!  Encourages players to be fanciful
Come and play! C
Sigma_Estimate_171159_trancendhance_board_A1.pdf 1 17/05/2017 10:21
Transcendhance forms part of the Wednesday/
Thursday workshops with Alastair Somerville and me
Design Fiction
“the deliberate use of diegetic prototypes
to suspend disbelief about change”
– Bruce Sterling, SF author
and design fictioneer
Diegesis involves
!  narrative
!  characters
!  props
!  other elements of story
i.e., elements that make the storytelling possible
Design fictions from design ideas
Design fictions are stories that illustrate concept
designs and how people might use and react to them
Design fictions from design ideas
Design fictions are stories that illustrate concept
designs and how people might use and react to them
“…to suspend disbelief about change” –Bruce Sterling
Design fictions from design ideas
Design fictions are stories that illustrate concept
designs and how people might use and react to them
“…to suspend disbelief about change” –Bruce Sterling
“Design fiction can also help designers
suspend our own disbelief about the
beliefs and practices of people and
communities for whom we are
–Elizabeth Buie
Design poetry
!  Takes advantage of metaphor and oblique language
!  Aims to convey impressions and feelings of
ineffable experience
!  Can be a design tool for giving a flavor of the kind
of experience we hope to support
I’m still working on this and would value some collaborative
An illustration: Showerfall
!  Elicited during
game play
!  Integrates nature
impressions into
daily life
!  Projects images of
water falling onto
stones while the
person showers
!  Came from a non-
participant drawing
Elaborations (spin-offs)
!  Other types of precipitation (e.g., snowfall)
!  Seasonally appropriate precipitation
!  Sounds, scents, colors
!  Images of vegetation, wildlife
!  Other contexts
Explore design fictions
!  Imaginary abstract: testing Showerfall as originally
envisioned, with busy London professionals
!  Imaginary abstract: testing it with cancer patients in
a chemotherapy treatment facility
!  What other environments might we imagine for it?
!  What effects can we imagine it might have in
different circumstances and with different features?
Evoke impressions/feelings
!  Design poetry can take many forms
!  I tried limerick and haiku
!  Limerick doesn’t work well — too irreverent
!  Perhaps longer poetic forms might be suitable
On the other hand…
Haiku seems perfect.
’Midst soundless snowflakes
I breathe winter’s fragrant depths,
Showerfalling free.

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Beyond Flow: When User Experience Becomes Transcendent

  • 1. @ebuie Beyond Flow ELIZABETH BUIE Senior User Experience Consultant Sigma Consulting Solutions, Ltd. @ebuie When User Experience Becomes Transcendent
  • 4. @ebuie Flow: A dance of challenge and skill h5ps://
  • 5. Characteristics of Flow !  Intrinsically rewarding activity !  Clarity of goals !  Complete concentration on activity !  Merged actions & awareness !  Loss of awareness of oneself !  Sense of control over activity !  Relative absence of emotion !  Time distortion List adapted from Ilona Boniwell’s “Living in Flow”, Posi2ve Psychology UK h5p:// @ebuie
  • 6. Key aspects of flow !  Centered around an activity !  Usually personal, individual !  May be shared with others, when all are in flow with the activity Flow is centered on an activity. @ebuie
  • 7. @ebuie Flow in human-computer interaction Research began >25 years ago !  What flow looks like in interaction !  How flow affects task performance !  Designing to support flow Various contexts !  Gaming !  Shopping !  Learning !  Social networking !  Health & well-being
  • 8. @ebuie An early study (1991) Face-to-face activity Computer-mediated activity Ghani, J. A., Supnick, R., & Rooney, P. (1991, January). The Experience of Flow in Computer-mediated and in Face-to-face Groups. In ICIS (Vol. 91, pp. 229-237). Significantly greater flow intensity
  • 9. @ebuie A very recent study (February 2017) !  Reviewed information systems research on flow !  Found that flow is not well defined or measured !  Offered an integrative theoretical framework of flow in information systems !  Concluded that design was important to flow: Rissler, R., Nadj, M., & Adam, M. (2017). Flow in Informa2on Systems Research: Review, Integra2ve Theore2cal Framework, and Future Direc2ons. ‘…the design and implementation of IS plays an important role in whether or not users have holistic experiences such as “flow” when interacting with technology.’ – Rissler, Nadj, & Adam (2017)
  • 10.
  • 11. Transcendent experience — What is it? A sense of intense connection with something greater than oneself ?? What might that be?? @ebuie
  • 12. What is “something greater”? Do we think first of a deity? Sinagoga di Torino (Italy), ©Elizabeth Buie OR… Mosque photo by MohammadReza Domiri Ganji h5ps://,_Shiraz.jpg. Used under Crea2ve Commons BY-SA 4.0 Hay Street United Methodist Church (USA), ©Elizabeth Buie
  • 13. The bounty of Nature Photo © 2000, Elizabeth Buie.
  • 14. The grandeur of the Universe
  • 15. The grandeur of the Universe NASA photo
  • 16. The compassion of a humanitarian cause Photo: Interna2onal Community of the Red Cross, Used under Crea2ve Commons BY- SA 2.0.
  • 17. The intimacy of a community with shared purpose Photo © Chris2ne Kipper, h5ps:// Used under Crea2ve Commons BY 2.0.
  • 18. @ebuie Is it always the same?
  • 19. @ebuie Is it always the same? No.
  • 20. @ebuie Is it always the same? No. Transcendent experience (TX) takes on many forms, comes in many flavors, goes by many names.
  • 21. Many forms, flavors, names !  Spiritual experience !  Mystical experience !  Peak experience !  Religious experience !  Numinous experience !  Samādhi !  Cosmic Consciousness !  Satori !  The peace that passeth all understanding !  (etc.) Levin, J., & Steele, L. (2005). The transcendent experience: conceptual, theore2cal, and epidemiologic perspec2ves. Explore, 1(2), 89–101. @ebuie
  • 22. An experience that transcends the ordinary — !  reality !  worldview !  sense of self !  boundaries Transcendent Experience: the key @ebuie
  • 23. @ebuie Is it Flow or Transcendence? Flow experience              ! Rewarding activity, clear goals, sense of control Transcendent experience   ! Activity not critical, may not even matter
  • 24. @ebuie Is it Flow or Transcendence? Flow experience              ! Rewarding activity, clear goals, sense of control ! Loss of awareness of self Transcendent experience   ! Activity not critical, may not even matter ! Awareness of self, sense of connection beyond oneself
  • 25. @ebuie Is it Flow or Transcendence? Flow experience              ! Rewarding activity, clear goals, sense of control ! Loss of awareness of self ! Usually individual Transcendent experience   ! Activity not critical, may not even matter ! Awareness of self, sense of connection beyond oneself ! Individual or communitarian
  • 26. @ebuie Is it Flow or Transcendence? Flow experience              ! Rewarding activity, clear goals, sense of control ! Loss of awareness of self ! Usually individual ! Long (hours to days) Transcendent experience   ! Activity not critical, may not even matter ! Awareness of self, sense of connection beyond oneself ! Individual or communitarian ! Short (seconds to minutes)
  • 27. @ebuie Is it Flow or Transcendence? Flow experience              ! Rewarding activity, clear goals, sense of control ! Loss of awareness of self ! Usually individual ! Long (hours to days) ! Fun, enjoyment Transcendent experience   ! Activity not critical, may not even matter ! Awareness of self, sense of connection beyond oneself ! Individual or communitarian ! Short (seconds to minutes) ! Wonder, awe, chills, tingles
  • 28. @ebuie Is it Flow or Transcendence? Flow experience              ! Rewarding activity, clear goals, sense of control ! Loss of awareness of self ! Usually individual ! Long (hours to days) ! Fun, enjoyment ! Repetition (do it again) Transcendent experience   ! Activity not critical, may not even matter ! Awareness of self, sense of connection beyond oneself ! Individual or communitarian ! Short (seconds to minutes) ! Wonder, awe, chills, tingles ! Transformation
  • 29. @ebuie What does all this have to do with UX? @ebuie
  • 31. @ebuie A tale of two fields Transcendent experience     ! Experience is the focus ! Artifacts seldom play a role in the work ! Experience is usually brief: !  “An” experience ! Design?? User experience                     ! Artifact is a major focus ! Experience revolves around artifact ! Experience may be ongoing: !  “Experiencing” ! Design is crucial
  • 32. Can we bridge these fields? Transcend ent Experienc e User  Experienc e Bridges over the River Tyne, Newcastle, ©Elizabeth Buie
  • 33. Can we bridge these fields? Transcend ent Experienc e User  Experienc e What about user experiences that involve transcendence? Bridges over the River Tyne, Newcastle, ©Elizabeth Buie
  • 34. Of music and mystery
  • 35. Of music and mystery Several years ago I realized a long-held dream — I joined a group that sings Medieval & Renaissance sacred polyphony. I’ve resonated with early music for as long as I can remember — even in childhood, my favorite Christmas song was the 16th Century “Coventry Carol.” Now, I’m not religious in a traditional sense, but this music just speaks to me. Polyphony is a musical texture in which two or more independent melodic lines weave in and out, creating complex harmonies. Some of the rhythms are difficult. For someone raised in the 20th Century, used to having all voices sing the same words more or less together, learning to sing early music is just plain hard. Fortunately, we don’t use this notation any more.
  • 36.
  • 37. One of our members transcribed old manuscripts into modern notation; this is mostly what we sing from. I’m grateful for technology that enables me to learn this glorious and difficult music. One month before the first rehearsal, our director sends out the sheet music, along with MIDI files to give a general idea of how the pieces sound. (I’d like to play you one of these, but SlideShare has made it impossible for me to test that capability). It’s really hard to tell the lines apart. I’d never be able to pick out my part by listening to that. Fortunately, I have music notation software that can. I set my part to a French horn played loudly and the other parts to softer instruments… and voilá! I save the results to MP3.
  • 38. Live with pieces Photo © 1998, Elizabeth Buie For two months before each concert, I lived with these pieces. I had a handy little gadget that allowed me to play my iPod through my car radio… …which I did, any time I had a drive of more than about 15 minutes. (Note that this was before most cars had USB connections.) Not only did it help me learn the music, it made my commute more enjoyable.
  • 39. Live with pieces Photo © 1998, Elizabeth Buie
  • 41. Commute - spirit soared One morning I commuted through Rock Creek Park in Washington DC… … singing along with my learning files and feeling intensely connected to the Universe… … cherishing the fall colors, the flowing stream, and the mystery that this magnificent music evokes in me. My spirit soared. Thanks to music technology, the DC rush hour didn't faze me one bit.
  • 43. Mystery/wonder part of my UX Creating this experience involves three software apps and three pieces of equipment (not counting the car). My sense of connection to the Universe — the mystery and wonder I feel — are part of my user experience of these tools. The tools help nourish my spirit. In his goal-directed design approach, Alan Cooper would say that connection and wonder are two of my goals. I say they’re my fundamental goals.
  • 44. @ebuie This experience and insight launched my PhD journey @ebuie
  • 46. Bridging the fields Transcend ent Experienc e (TX) User  Experienc e (UX) transcendent experience supported/facilitated by technology Transcendent User Experience (TUX)
  • 47. @ebuie Brief overview of my PhD activities
  • 48. @ebuie Enrolled in PhD program(me)
  • 49. Research Activities Background Studies !  Analyze ACM literature on techno- spirituality !  Inventory/analyze iTunes App Store offerings !  Analyze comments on top YouTube meditation videos Along the way !  Explore design fiction for techno- spirituality
  • 50. Research Activities Background Studies !  Analyze ACM literature on techno- spirituality !  Inventory/analyze iTunes App Store offerings !  Analyze comments on top YouTube meditation videos Along the way !  Explore design fiction for techno- spirituality Empirical Research !  Design/conduct/analyze interviews !  Develop grounded theory of transcendent user experience (TUX) !  Design/conduct game workshops to elicit speculative design ideas !  Analyze ideas from workshop; map them to grounded theory !  Assess workshop’s potential for generating TUX design ideas
  • 51. Research Activities Background Studies !  Analyze ACM literature on techno- spirituality !  Inventory/analyze iTunes App Store offerings !  Analyze comments on top YouTube meditation videos Along the way !  Explore design fiction for techno- spirituality Empirical Research !  Design/conduct/analyze interviews !  Develop grounded theory of transcendent user experience (TUX) !  Design/conduct game workshops to elicit speculative design ideas !  Analyze ideas from workshop; map them to grounded theory !  Assess workshop’s potential for generating TUX design ideas Peripheral/Oblique Design !  Use workshop-generated ideas to seed TUX design fictions !  Develop new forms of design fiction for TUX
  • 52. @ebuie Compared App Store & ACM Digital Library for coverage of tech in spirituality & religion !  6,000 apps in late 2012 (1% of App Store) !  19 HCI research papers focused on techno-spirituality !  Apps included many uses that research had not studied … !  123,000 apps in mid-2017 (4% of App Store)
  • 53. Analyzed comments on YouTube videos for meditation !  87 videos !  Three main types of comments: !  The video or its creator !  The viewer’s reaction !  Convos among viewers !  Very little flaming
  • 54. Analyzed comments on YouTube videos for meditation !  87 videos !  Three main types of comments: !  The video or its creator !  The viewer’s reaction !  Convos among viewers !  Very little flaming WHOOOAAA ! ! ! THAT WAS INSANELY AWESOME ! ! ! thank you for sharing ! Namaste I felt the top of my head tingling look deep, you are god Makes me wanna poop slowly and peacefully… some viewer comments
  • 55. Explored design fiction for techno- spirituality research Developed several “imaginary abstracts” for techno-spiritual products Investigated inspirations that science fiction can offer Blythe, M., & Buie, E. (2014). Chatbots of the Gods: Imaginary Abstracts for Techno-Spirituality Research. Proc. NordiCHI ‘14 (pp. 227-236). Helsinki, Finland: ACM Press. Explora2on of science fic2on for techno-spirituality Presented at NordiCHI 2014 Chatbots of the Gods
  • 56. Empirical research began with interviews !  24 people of varying backgrounds and perspectives !  One or two transcendent experiences they’d had !  How they used artifacts* in their spiritual practices !  Desires for enhancement to experiences *artifacts = devices, objects, high-tech products, low-tech items
  • 57. @ebuie Constructed grounded theory of transcendent user experience !  Coded/categorised interview data !  Related categories to existing literature !  Identified relationships among categories surrounds or contributes to Desiring Enhancement wishes for wishes for evokes or satisfies evokes or satisfies wishes for Living the Experience Perceiving Phenomena - Connection - Consciousness, Control - Numinous Presence - Physicality - Duration, Frequency - Quality of Experience evokes Reacting as Exp. Unfolds - Emotion - Interpretation - Effect, Action Creating the Context - Developmental - Spiritual - Social - Physical/Activity - Psychological - Temporal Integrating the Experience - Reflection - Continuing Effects - Sharing responds to Using Artefacts (supports) supports wishes for evokesresponds to makes a change to supports reacts to These relationships make it a grounded theory.
  • 58. @ebuie Designed & conducted a game to elicit design ideas !  “Transcendhance” — for  enhancing transcendence (More on this later)
  • 59. @ebuie Developed new forms of design fiction !  Different versions of imaginary abstracts !  Imaginary usability tests !  Design poetry
  • 60. @ebuie Why do we care about TUX? @ebuie
  • 61. @ebuie Why do transcendent experiences matter? Why are they so hard to design for? – and – Why do we care about TUX?
  • 64. Pssst: Why did we get into UX, anyway?
  • 65. @ebuie Why are TUXs so difficult to design for?
  • 67. Normally, we use interviews     to gain an understanding         of users and their needs and experiences.
  • 68. Normally, we use interviews     to gain an understanding         of users and their needs and experiences.
  • 69. TUXs are Ineffable “I have no words for what I felt.” “To this day I couldn’t describe it.” “I can’t find the words for it.” “It was like nothing else  I’ve ever experienced.” “It was beyond words.” “I cannot begin to tell you what it was like.” Photo © 2012, Elizabeth Buie
  • 70. TUXs are Ineffable “I have no words for what I felt.” “I can’t find the words for it.” “It was like nothing else  I’ve ever experienced.” “It was beyond words.” “I cannot begin to tell you what it was like.” “To this day I couldn’t describe it.”
  • 71.
  • 72. Can we do this for TUXs?
  • 73. No.
  • 74. No. “…you can’t dial it up…”              – interview participant
  • 76. How do we evaluate a design’s ability to support TUXs — Photo copyright © 2007, Elizabeth Buie @ebuie
  • 77. How do we evaluate a design’s ability to support TUXs — if we can’t ensure we can observe one happening? @ebuie
  • 78. “…you can’t dial it up…”
  • 79. “…you can’t dial it up…”“Althou gh
  • 80. “Although you can’t dial it up,   you can kind of put yourself   in the way of it.” – Interview participant
  • 81. @ebuie TUX design calls for an oblique approach
  • 82. @ebuie An oblique approach to TUX design !  Elicit ideas — “Transcendhance” game !  Elaborate selected ideas — spin-offs !  Explore potential scenarios & people’s responses — design fiction !  Evoke impressions & feelings — design poetry What’s next??
  • 83. “Transcendhance” board game !  Draws on fun, play, and embodiment !  Uses concepts from my grounded theory of TUX !  Focuses on experience more than on technology !  Can be played by designers & others (a mix is good) !  Encourages players to be fanciful Come and play! C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Sigma_Estimate_171159_trancendhance_board_A1.pdf 1 17/05/2017 10:21 Transcendhance forms part of the Wednesday/ Thursday workshops with Alastair Somerville and me
  • 84. Design Fiction “the deliberate use of diegetic prototypes to suspend disbelief about change” – Bruce Sterling, SF author and design fictioneer Diegesis involves !  narrative !  characters !  props !  other elements of story i.e., elements that make the storytelling possible
  • 85. @ebuie Design fictions from design ideas Design fictions are stories that illustrate concept designs and how people might use and react to them
  • 86. @ebuie Design fictions from design ideas Design fictions are stories that illustrate concept designs and how people might use and react to them “…to suspend disbelief about change” –Bruce Sterling
  • 87. @ebuie Design fictions from design ideas Design fictions are stories that illustrate concept designs and how people might use and react to them “…to suspend disbelief about change” –Bruce Sterling “Design fiction can also help designers suspend our own disbelief about the beliefs and practices of people and communities for whom we are designing” –Elizabeth Buie
  • 88. Design poetry !  Takes advantage of metaphor and oblique language !  Aims to convey impressions and feelings of ineffable experience !  Can be a design tool for giving a flavor of the kind of experience we hope to support I’m still working on this and would value some collaborative camaraderie. @ebuie
  • 89. An illustration: Showerfall !  Elicited during Transcendhance game play !  Integrates nature impressions into daily life !  Projects images of water falling onto stones while the person showers !  Came from a non- designer participant drawing
  • 90. @ebuie Elaborations (spin-offs) !  Other types of precipitation (e.g., snowfall) !  Seasonally appropriate precipitation !  Sounds, scents, colors !  Images of vegetation, wildlife !  Other contexts
  • 91. @ebuie Explore design fictions !  Imaginary abstract: testing Showerfall as originally envisioned, with busy London professionals !  Imaginary abstract: testing it with cancer patients in a chemotherapy treatment facility !  What other environments might we imagine for it? !  What effects can we imagine it might have in different circumstances and with different features?
  • 92. Evoke impressions/feelings !  Design poetry can take many forms !  I tried limerick and haiku !  Limerick doesn’t work well — too irreverent !  Perhaps longer poetic forms might be suitable @ebuie On the other hand…
  • 93. @ebuie Haiku seems perfect. ’Midst soundless snowflakes I breathe winter’s fragrant depths, Showerfalling free.