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Best basic
CMSs for SEO
You’re here to check out the latest
best SEO friendly *basic CMSs.
And I'm here to show you these CMSs objectively, so
get ready to go on tour.
You can find me at
Or just send an e-mail
*excluding all e-commerce platforms like Shopify and drag-and-drop platforms like Wix etc.
The best CMS in terms of
SEO friendliness?
I spent a month doing an online survey with digital experts to
find out which CMS they think is best for SEO strategy.
I had trouble gathering more respondents (people don't accept LN invitations as I
expected...) so it's only 50 people, sorry.
By Digital Marketers
Wordpress was the most popular
Rosa Hayre who chose this CMS for the
question „What makes it so special?”
Basically it is the most used in the
market, for a matter of practice and
because universities or academies teach.
9 9
8 8
7 7
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
5 5 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
I asked about:
• What is your favourite CMS in terms of SEO friendliness?
• What makes it so special? (details)
• On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the community around this CMS?
*Rate/ 1-10
**People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50)
Joomla was the third choice.
Mark K. who chose this CMS for the
question „What makes it so special?”
The installation and maintenance of
Joomla! it's simple, the security in your
code is guaranteed by the large number
of developers working together, making it
a safe and stable product; what favors
the extension of its characteristics and
offers a friendly interface for the user.
I asked about:
• What is your favourite CMS in terms of SEO friendliness?
• What makes it so special? (details)
• On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the community around this CMS?
*Rate/ 1-10
**People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50)
7 7 7
5 5 5 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Drupal was the second choice.
John M. who chose this CMS for the
question „What makes it so special?”
Drupal is a full featured CMS software
that generates SEO friendly URLs and is
very stable and suitable for large content
driven sites.
I asked about:
• What is your favourite CMS in terms of SEO friendliness?
• What makes it so special? (details)
• On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the community around this CMS?
*Rate/ 1-10
**People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50)
7 7
9 9 9 9
8 8 8 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Magento was the first choice (eComm)
Kate Smith who chose this CMS for the
question „What makes it so special?”
I like that it has such an extensive list of
things you can do with it. From SEO
marketing, to product management, to
helping checkout, it's pretty awesome.
That’s all.
The respondents came from different industries, so the responses
also included CMSs typical for e-commerce.
*Rate/ 1-10
**People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50)
7 7
1 2 3 4 5 6
A great starting solution AND it's owned
by Amazon so it has a solid backing
and insight into their ecomm
Has solid integrations like Shopping Cart
Abandonment to help clients
maximize ecomm opportunities and
driving revenue.
8*Rate/ 1-10
**People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50)
7 7
1 2 3 4
Shopify was the second choice (eComm)
Mike C. who chose this CMS for the question „What makes it so special?” answered:
Shopify has flushed out a lot of the pain points in using ecomm: payment solution integration,
web integration, SEO.
Prestashop was the third choice.
Andrew H. who chose this CMS for the
question „What makes it so special?”
Unlike other platforms, CMS PrestaShop
is easy to work with SEO. We did not
have to install additional plug-ins, all the
tools were already in the basic version.
The respondents came from different industries, so the responses
also included CMSs typical for e-commerce.
*Rate/ 1-10
**People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50)
1 2
What does it mean to be
the best CMS for SEO?
Just a handful of the things that factor into SEO are:
● Meta titles & meta descriptions
● URL structure
● Image alt text
● Backlinks
● Site speed & mobile usability
● Structured data
A website needs to be able to address all these things and more. A CMS without strong SEO is not
worth your time or money.
To know more about important factors, check out this article, which explores this topic.
Joomla Drupal
CMSs used in presentation (market-share / 25 MAY)
(5,1%) Drupal
Let’s start
the tour
Starting with less popular CMS to best well known.
Place your screenshot here
MODx broke into the CMS market
in 2004 and has been hailed as one
of the best content management
systems with a focus on SEO.
MODX has been developed with the focus on optimizing for search
engines. The CMS does this by not loading your website with
unnecessary code and by giving you the choice on how to create URLs.
By not overloading your website with
code, the search engines don’t have to
crawl through every piece of code but
easily get to the most important part of
the website: content.
MODX allows you to control 100% of what is output with virtually no
effort. Unlike other systems that require learning complex theming
engines, in MODX you work with HTML and as many custom variables
for the site you need.
It takes minutes to build a site that
performs amazingly well in Search
Engines and because site builders
are in total control and can change
the output at any time, making
tweaks is just a few clicks away.
● SEO Pro
SEO Pro is an SEO tool
that offers guidelines to
optimize your web page.
MODX Extras for SEO
By adding focus keywords, SEO Pro
shows feedback for the page title, the SEO
title which is shown in the Google search
results, the meta description and the alias
(the URL).
This feedback checks if keywords are
used and what a good amount of words is.
● SEO Tab
Besides the MODX Extra
SEO Pro, you also
have SEO Tab to help you.
MODX Extras for SEO
Can be used for choosing which pages are
indexed by Google and which aren’t. This way,
two matching pages (duplicate content) can be
published without getting penalized by Google.
This comes in handy when you want to use
one page for SEO and another for SEA. By
indexing the SEO page, Google can find you
organically and a SEA page doesn’t have to be
indexed, because you pay for standing on top.
● SEO Suite
SEO Suite is a premium
MODX Extra used for
redirecting a visitor
automatically to the most
relevant page when they
search with an old URL.
MODX Extras for SEO
This way, 404 errors get automatically
solved, because they redirect the old
URLs to a new relevant page.
Sterc (company responsible for the
creation of this CMS) also developed
several scripts that enhance the visibility
of your website.
MODX scripts for
page speed
This file format is smaller and thereby enhances the loading speed of your
website, which is an important ranking factor for Google.
Using this script, you can upload each and every file format and the script
automatically changes it to the new file format.
Another developed script is a script that automatically optimizes the images.
Uploaded online images are not optimized for the full 100%, not even when you
set this in Photoshop. This script checks all the images every hour and optimizes
them in the best possible way.
A few examples for this are scripts that automatically change the images of your
website to the new image format Webp, which is developed by Google.
Let's summarise
It’s highly customizable and supports a host of
plugins and themes, including the SEO Pro and
SEO Tab dedicated Extras, so you can have
your site ready to publish within minutes—and
it’s guaranteed to perform well.
There is bit of a learning-curve to mastering
MODx, but thanks to the welcome message and
fantastic built-in assistance tools you’ll easily find
your way around. This CMS has a lot of power
and flexibility, and improves with every update.
Place your screenshot here
Drupal, one of the oldest and most
established content management
systems, has been on the scene
since 2000. The software comes
with an extremely lean basic
installation, which can be extended
quite a bit by modules. Today, the
project’s strength lies in its
community. Already, the basic
module has numerous web 2.0 and
community functions like weblogs,
forums, and tag clouds.
Drupal has the best SEO capability that is readily available.
It provides its users with several modules available for any SEO
activity and tracking of the web statistics.
It can automatically produce
customizable meta tags or create title
based URL nodes for a website, a
characteristic that is lacking with
WordPress and Joomla.
Additionally, it supports RDF and
integrates very easily with Google
Analytics and offers more advanced SEO
facility settings. However, there’s one
roadblock to unleashing its powerful SEO
features – Drupal is extremely
challenging for those without much
website experience.
Drupal does a great job in
offering a framework that
structures the content
and avoids duplication.
A great set of modules
that include:
- Pathauto,
- Search 404,
- SEO Checklist,
- Global Redirect
and many others make a
website SEO-friendly.
GeneralWith the amount of content that
websites these days deal with on a
regular basis, it is very important for
the CMS to have a system that can
organize the content in the best
way possible.
Drupal CMS has a very powerful
built-in taxonomy system that
allows to organize the content and
also tag the content with key-word
rich terms for better SEO. The
advanced features, in combination
with the CCK and Views allows you
to rank higher for long-tailed
keywords on Google.
If you’re looking for free, you better start programming.
Most good plugins for Drupal are commercial.
If you don’t have the technical know-how yourself but
want to use Drupal to develop your site, you’ll definitely
have to hire someone with the necessary skills.
Luckily for those with at least a basic understanding of
web-design, there are more than 2000 freely available
themes and over 26 000 plugins.
More details here (comparing prices Wordpress vs Drupal)
SEO Pros and Cons
Pros Cons
Full control over everything (really – everything,
including your SEO strategy)
Learning Curve – There’s a huge learning curve.
Nothing is simple, and everything takes a manual
to figure out
Well-supported community for help and tips.
Most good plugins for Drupal are commercial -
Stability – Drupal is very stable, even with
thousands of users accessing at the same time
vs Drupal
A quick look at the respected Alexa’s Top 10 000 list for SEO
friendly content managements systems will show you that
WordPress has the best ranking, but if you examine the statistics
you’ll notice that this is largely due to it being the most popular
Drupal, by contrast, is almost twice as SEO friendly when you
compare their results in terms of market share ratio, so while it’s
definitely the most complicated of the popular CMS systems, it’s
also the better option in terms of search engine optimization.
Let's summarise
Designed to be search engine friendly, Drupal is an ideal CMS for large businesses, designed to
handle hundreds of thousands of pages with ease.
Of the top three content management systems, it’s by far the most complicated though, and
requires some expertise to use to its full potential, but as a result is capable of building highly
complex sites.
Place your screenshot here
One of the three most popular
content management systems,
Joomla has been around since 2005
and built its way to the top. It’s freely
available, and many web-hosting
companies include an installation
option for your convenience.
Ideal for small to medium-sized ecommerce businesses, Joomla’s ease of
use lies somewhere between WordPress and Drupal - which is to say, it’s
not the easiest CMS to navigate, but it’s certainly not the hardest either.
Joomla requires the most initial care
and attention in terms of SEO, but,
contrastingly, it has great potential to
rank very high in case a website and
pages are set up properly.
The software contains basic SEO-
optimization functionality that can be
extended by experienced developers’
hands. In Joomla, it is possible to turn
on SEF URLs, take it a step further by
enabling URL rewriting and also
choose whether to enable URL
suffixes or not.
Besides, you can add global meta description and meta keywords, as
well as define meta tags and title tags at a page level.
However, all the process is not as user-
friendly as it potentially could be.
In short, if a Joomla website needs more
than just a basic optimization, one should
be ready to get hands dirty since Joomla
proper on-site optimization is not a one-
click affair at all, especially for newbies
and first-time users.
Joomla itself is free as a CMS, but that doesn’t mean you
won’t be paying for other things such as website hosting.
While they do offer free hosting through their partner, it’s
certainly not the level of hosting you need in order to have
good SEO and for overall business purposes.
More details here
SEO Pros and Cons
Pros Cons
Full control over your SEO implementation Requires some configuration
Well-supported community for help and tips.
Medium learning curve if you’re brand new to the
Fast mobile page speed score (however, not 90 or
above out of 100)
Let's summarise
Joomla isn’t for beginners, but it does
offer plenty of flexibility if that’s what
you’re looking for and are willing to
To a certain degree, it is comparable
to WordPress and provides a lot of
Place your screenshot here
By far the most popular CMS
available (free or otherwise),
WordPress is considered by many to
be the best content management
system available.
Although Drupal may have a better
SEO yield, WordPress is much easier
to use and requires very little effort to
manage well. In fact, one could say
that it’s the easiest CMS to use if you
want professional results.
Its ease of use in terms of installation and management is not
entirely unique, but many newer CMS systems have based their
platforms on the WordPress module because it works so well.
Of the Big Three - WordPress,
Drupal and Joomla - WP is often
revered by experts as the best
suited to those who want to
design and manage their own
websites without needing to do
any extra studying or hire a
Like Joomla, WordPress does require SEO plugins for optimal ratings,
but with more available themes than Joomla and Drupal combined,
and nearly double as many plugins, you’ll very easily be able to
customize your WordPress site into… well, anything you want, but
especially a high-ranking SEO friendly one.
The top five SEO plug-ins designed
for WordPress are:
Yoast SEO,
Open Site Explorer,
LinkPatrol, and
Wordpress is another open-source CMS, but still, you have to
maintain it.
How much does it cost to build and maintain Wordpress site?
Here you’ll find out
SEO Pros and Cons
Pros Cons
It has a comprehensive list of existing plugins
The platform is complicated and can be
overwhelming at times without development help.
It requires some technical experience.
Because it is widely used there are many resources
and tutorials available covering anything you want to
know and/or do with your WordPress site.
Support can be found to help solve technical issues
relatively quickly
WordPress can also be slow on speed if you’re using
a combination of plugins that don’t work well with
the site or with each other.
WordPress can be fast on mobile as long as it is
configured properly
All WordPress sites are affected by
the Lighthouse update from Google when they
started moving sites over to mobile-first indexing.
SEO is not “built-in” to the starter templates.
Let's summarise
WordPress offers highly customizable sites at an attractive price, but ultimately it is not suitable for
specific business applications due to its nature as a blogging platform. This does not stop many
innovative developers from finding different uses for WordPress (other than blogging) for their
In fact, Google is about to release a WordPress plugin that is
likely going to resolve some issues we have seen regarding
technical SEO. With the addition of a better page builder native to
WordPress, better integration of speed, and Accelerated Mobile
Pages pages, it is the default choice when considering the costs
and SEO benefits it offers.
“ There really isn’t a best – there’s only the
best for the situation you’re in.
Consequently, take your time to evaluate
your experience, requirements, and budget
and make probably the most important
decision in your life.
Which one is the best?
About Wrocode
In the area of Web Development we work as a full-service Drupal Agency.
We are a technology enterprise that operates in the area of technology:
● Big Data
● Deep Learning / Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
● Web & Mobile development
● Cloud-based applications
● Product design (user-interface/user experience)
our office
Wrocław, Poland
In the center
of Europe
Thank you
for your time here.
I hope that the insights presented here will help you to achieve your goals.
If you met with a need of change/migrate/update your current CMS to Drupal
architecture, then I’m sure Wrocode will help you.
Just drop us a line at
Check out our Blog if you’re into the latest tech news
I used several sources to create this
In some cases it’s copy-paste only because, I don’t have enough time to use all these CMSs in my daily work.
Any questions?
You can find me at:

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Best Basic CMSs for SEO 2019

  • 2. Hey! You’re here to check out the latest best SEO friendly *basic CMSs. And I'm here to show you these CMSs objectively, so get ready to go on tour. 2 You can find me at 5%82ukasz-busz/ Or just send an e-mail *excluding all e-commerce platforms like Shopify and drag-and-drop platforms like Wix etc.
  • 3. The best CMS in terms of SEO friendliness? I spent a month doing an online survey with digital experts to find out which CMS they think is best for SEO strategy. I had trouble gathering more respondents (people don't accept LN invitations as I expected...) so it's only 50 people, sorry. 3 By Digital Marketers
  • 4. Wordpress was the most popular choice. Rosa Hayre who chose this CMS for the question „What makes it so special?” answered: Basically it is the most used in the market, for a matter of practice and because universities or academies teach. 4 7 5 7 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 *Rate **People Wordpress I asked about: • What is your favourite CMS in terms of SEO friendliness? • What makes it so special? (details) • On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the community around this CMS? *Rate/ 1-10 **People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50)
  • 5. Joomla was the third choice. Mark K. who chose this CMS for the question „What makes it so special?” answered: The installation and maintenance of Joomla! it's simple, the security in your code is guaranteed by the large number of developers working together, making it a safe and stable product; what favors the extension of its characteristics and offers a friendly interface for the user. 5 I asked about: • What is your favourite CMS in terms of SEO friendliness? • What makes it so special? (details) • On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the community around this CMS? *Rate/ 1-10 **People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50) 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rate People Joomla
  • 6. Drupal was the second choice. John M. who chose this CMS for the question „What makes it so special?” answered: Drupal is a full featured CMS software that generates SEO friendly URLs and is very stable and suitable for large content driven sites. 6 I asked about: • What is your favourite CMS in terms of SEO friendliness? • What makes it so special? (details) • On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate the community around this CMS? *Rate/ 1-10 **People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50) 7 7 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rate People Drupal
  • 7. Magento was the first choice (eComm) Kate Smith who chose this CMS for the question „What makes it so special?” answered: I like that it has such an extensive list of things you can do with it. From SEO marketing, to product management, to helping checkout, it's pretty awesome. That’s all. 7 The respondents came from different industries, so the responses also included CMSs typical for e-commerce. *Rate/ 1-10 **People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50) 7 7 6 8 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rate People Magento
  • 8. A great starting solution AND it's owned by Amazon so it has a solid backing and insight into their ecomm expertise. Has solid integrations like Shopping Cart Abandonment to help clients maximize ecomm opportunities and driving revenue. 8*Rate/ 1-10 **People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50) 6 7 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 Rate People Shopify Shopify was the second choice (eComm) Mike C. who chose this CMS for the question „What makes it so special?” answered: Shopify has flushed out a lot of the pain points in using ecomm: payment solution integration, web integration, SEO.
  • 9. Prestashop was the third choice. (eComm) Andrew H. who chose this CMS for the question „What makes it so special?” answered: Unlike other platforms, CMS PrestaShop is easy to work with SEO. We did not have to install additional plug-ins, all the tools were already in the basic version. 9 The respondents came from different industries, so the responses also included CMSs typical for e-commerce. *Rate/ 1-10 **People – number of people who chose this system (out of 50) 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 Rate People Prestashop
  • 10. 10 What does it mean to be the best CMS for SEO? Just a handful of the things that factor into SEO are: ● Meta titles & meta descriptions ● URL structure ● Image alt text ● Backlinks ● Site speed & mobile usability ● Structured data A website needs to be able to address all these things and more. A CMS without strong SEO is not worth your time or money. To know more about important factors, check out this article, which explores this topic.
  • 11. 11 Wordpress Joomla Drupal CMSs used in presentation (market-share / 25 MAY) Wordpress (60,7%) Joomla (5,1%) Drupal (3,3%) MODx (0,1%)
  • 12. Let’s start the tour Starting with less popular CMS to best well known. 12
  • 13. Place your screenshot here 13 MODx broke into the CMS market in 2004 and has been hailed as one of the best content management systems with a focus on SEO. MODX
  • 14. MODX has been developed with the focus on optimizing for search engines. The CMS does this by not loading your website with unnecessary code and by giving you the choice on how to create URLs. 14 General By not overloading your website with code, the search engines don’t have to crawl through every piece of code but easily get to the most important part of the website: content.
  • 15. MODX allows you to control 100% of what is output with virtually no effort. Unlike other systems that require learning complex theming engines, in MODX you work with HTML and as many custom variables for the site you need. 15 General It takes minutes to build a site that performs amazingly well in Search Engines and because site builders are in total control and can change the output at any time, making tweaks is just a few clicks away.
  • 16. ● SEO Pro SEO Pro is an SEO tool that offers guidelines to optimize your web page. 16 MODX Extras for SEO By adding focus keywords, SEO Pro shows feedback for the page title, the SEO title which is shown in the Google search results, the meta description and the alias (the URL). This feedback checks if keywords are used and what a good amount of words is.
  • 17. ● SEO Tab Besides the MODX Extra SEO Pro, you also have SEO Tab to help you. 17 MODX Extras for SEO Can be used for choosing which pages are indexed by Google and which aren’t. This way, two matching pages (duplicate content) can be published without getting penalized by Google. This comes in handy when you want to use one page for SEO and another for SEA. By indexing the SEO page, Google can find you organically and a SEA page doesn’t have to be indexed, because you pay for standing on top.
  • 18. ● SEO Suite SEO Suite is a premium MODX Extra used for redirecting a visitor automatically to the most relevant page when they search with an old URL. 18 MODX Extras for SEO This way, 404 errors get automatically solved, because they redirect the old URLs to a new relevant page.
  • 19. Sterc (company responsible for the creation of this CMS) also developed several scripts that enhance the visibility of your website. 19 MODX scripts for page speed This file format is smaller and thereby enhances the loading speed of your website, which is an important ranking factor for Google. Using this script, you can upload each and every file format and the script automatically changes it to the new file format. Another developed script is a script that automatically optimizes the images. Uploaded online images are not optimized for the full 100%, not even when you set this in Photoshop. This script checks all the images every hour and optimizes them in the best possible way. A few examples for this are scripts that automatically change the images of your website to the new image format Webp, which is developed by Google.
  • 20. 20 Let's summarise It’s highly customizable and supports a host of plugins and themes, including the SEO Pro and SEO Tab dedicated Extras, so you can have your site ready to publish within minutes—and it’s guaranteed to perform well. There is bit of a learning-curve to mastering MODx, but thanks to the welcome message and fantastic built-in assistance tools you’ll easily find your way around. This CMS has a lot of power and flexibility, and improves with every update.
  • 21. Place your screenshot here 21 Drupal, one of the oldest and most established content management systems, has been on the scene since 2000. The software comes with an extremely lean basic installation, which can be extended quite a bit by modules. Today, the project’s strength lies in its community. Already, the basic module has numerous web 2.0 and community functions like weblogs, forums, and tag clouds. Drupal
  • 22. Drupal has the best SEO capability that is readily available. It provides its users with several modules available for any SEO activity and tracking of the web statistics. 22 General It can automatically produce customizable meta tags or create title based URL nodes for a website, a characteristic that is lacking with WordPress and Joomla. Additionally, it supports RDF and integrates very easily with Google Analytics and offers more advanced SEO facility settings. However, there’s one roadblock to unleashing its powerful SEO features – Drupal is extremely challenging for those without much website experience.
  • 23. Drupal does a great job in offering a framework that structures the content and avoids duplication. A great set of modules that include: - Pathauto, - Search 404, - SEO Checklist, - Global Redirect and many others make a website SEO-friendly. 23 GeneralWith the amount of content that websites these days deal with on a regular basis, it is very important for the CMS to have a system that can organize the content in the best way possible. Drupal CMS has a very powerful built-in taxonomy system that allows to organize the content and also tag the content with key-word rich terms for better SEO. The advanced features, in combination with the CCK and Views allows you to rank higher for long-tailed keywords on Google.
  • 24. If you’re looking for free, you better start programming. Most good plugins for Drupal are commercial. 24 Price If you don’t have the technical know-how yourself but want to use Drupal to develop your site, you’ll definitely have to hire someone with the necessary skills. Luckily for those with at least a basic understanding of web-design, there are more than 2000 freely available themes and over 26 000 plugins. More details here (comparing prices Wordpress vs Drupal)
  • 25. SEO Pros and Cons Pros Cons Full control over everything (really – everything, including your SEO strategy) Learning Curve – There’s a huge learning curve. Nothing is simple, and everything takes a manual to figure out Well-supported community for help and tips. Most good plugins for Drupal are commercial - price Stability – Drupal is very stable, even with thousands of users accessing at the same time 25
  • 26. 26 Wordpress vs Drupal A quick look at the respected Alexa’s Top 10 000 list for SEO friendly content managements systems will show you that WordPress has the best ranking, but if you examine the statistics you’ll notice that this is largely due to it being the most popular CMS. Drupal, by contrast, is almost twice as SEO friendly when you compare their results in terms of market share ratio, so while it’s definitely the most complicated of the popular CMS systems, it’s also the better option in terms of search engine optimization.
  • 27. Let's summarise Designed to be search engine friendly, Drupal is an ideal CMS for large businesses, designed to handle hundreds of thousands of pages with ease. Of the top three content management systems, it’s by far the most complicated though, and requires some expertise to use to its full potential, but as a result is capable of building highly complex sites. 27
  • 28. Place your screenshot here 28 One of the three most popular content management systems, Joomla has been around since 2005 and built its way to the top. It’s freely available, and many web-hosting companies include an installation option for your convenience. Joomla
  • 29. Ideal for small to medium-sized ecommerce businesses, Joomla’s ease of use lies somewhere between WordPress and Drupal - which is to say, it’s not the easiest CMS to navigate, but it’s certainly not the hardest either. 29 General Joomla requires the most initial care and attention in terms of SEO, but, contrastingly, it has great potential to rank very high in case a website and pages are set up properly. The software contains basic SEO- optimization functionality that can be extended by experienced developers’ hands. In Joomla, it is possible to turn on SEF URLs, take it a step further by enabling URL rewriting and also choose whether to enable URL suffixes or not.
  • 30. Besides, you can add global meta description and meta keywords, as well as define meta tags and title tags at a page level. 30 General However, all the process is not as user- friendly as it potentially could be. In short, if a Joomla website needs more than just a basic optimization, one should be ready to get hands dirty since Joomla proper on-site optimization is not a one- click affair at all, especially for newbies and first-time users.
  • 31. 31 Price Joomla itself is free as a CMS, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be paying for other things such as website hosting. While they do offer free hosting through their partner, it’s certainly not the level of hosting you need in order to have good SEO and for overall business purposes. More details here
  • 32. SEO Pros and Cons Pros Cons Full control over your SEO implementation Requires some configuration Well-supported community for help and tips. Medium learning curve if you’re brand new to the platform. Fast mobile page speed score (however, not 90 or above out of 100) 32
  • 33. Let's summarise Joomla isn’t for beginners, but it does offer plenty of flexibility if that’s what you’re looking for and are willing to learn. To a certain degree, it is comparable to WordPress and provides a lot of flexibility. 33
  • 34. Place your screenshot here 34 By far the most popular CMS available (free or otherwise), WordPress is considered by many to be the best content management system available. Although Drupal may have a better SEO yield, WordPress is much easier to use and requires very little effort to manage well. In fact, one could say that it’s the easiest CMS to use if you want professional results. WordPress
  • 35. Its ease of use in terms of installation and management is not entirely unique, but many newer CMS systems have based their platforms on the WordPress module because it works so well. 35 General Of the Big Three - WordPress, Drupal and Joomla - WP is often revered by experts as the best suited to those who want to design and manage their own websites without needing to do any extra studying or hire a developer.
  • 36. Like Joomla, WordPress does require SEO plugins for optimal ratings, but with more available themes than Joomla and Drupal combined, and nearly double as many plugins, you’ll very easily be able to customize your WordPress site into… well, anything you want, but especially a high-ranking SEO friendly one. 36 General The top five SEO plug-ins designed for WordPress are: Yoast SEO, SEMrush, Open Site Explorer, LinkPatrol, and SEOquake.
  • 37. 37 Price Wordpress is another open-source CMS, but still, you have to maintain it. How much does it cost to build and maintain Wordpress site? Here you’ll find out
  • 38. SEO Pros and Cons Pros Cons It has a comprehensive list of existing plugins The platform is complicated and can be overwhelming at times without development help. It requires some technical experience. Because it is widely used there are many resources and tutorials available covering anything you want to know and/or do with your WordPress site. Support can be found to help solve technical issues relatively quickly WordPress can also be slow on speed if you’re using a combination of plugins that don’t work well with the site or with each other. WordPress can be fast on mobile as long as it is configured properly All WordPress sites are affected by the Lighthouse update from Google when they started moving sites over to mobile-first indexing. SEO is not “built-in” to the starter templates. 38
  • 39. Let's summarise WordPress offers highly customizable sites at an attractive price, but ultimately it is not suitable for specific business applications due to its nature as a blogging platform. This does not stop many innovative developers from finding different uses for WordPress (other than blogging) for their customers. 39 In fact, Google is about to release a WordPress plugin that is likely going to resolve some issues we have seen regarding technical SEO. With the addition of a better page builder native to WordPress, better integration of speed, and Accelerated Mobile Pages pages, it is the default choice when considering the costs and SEO benefits it offers.
  • 40. “ There really isn’t a best – there’s only the best for the situation you’re in. Consequently, take your time to evaluate your experience, requirements, and budget and make probably the most important decision in your life. 40 Which one is the best?
  • 41. About Wrocode In the area of Web Development we work as a full-service Drupal Agency. 41 We are a technology enterprise that operates in the area of technology: ● Big Data ● Deep Learning / Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence ● Web & Mobile development ● Cloud-based applications ● Product design (user-interface/user experience)
  • 43. Thank you for your time here. I hope that the insights presented here will help you to achieve your goals. If you met with a need of change/migrate/update your current CMS to Drupal architecture, then I’m sure Wrocode will help you. Just drop us a line at Check out our Blog if you’re into the latest tech news 2
  • 44. Sources: I used several sources to create this presentation. In some cases it’s copy-paste only because, I don’t have enough time to use all these CMSs in my daily work. 2
  • 45. Any questions? 2 You can find me at: