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rd 9 Weeks
Journals 3

Worth 100 points EACH Semester
Must be ¾ a page.
1st 5 minutes of each class.
Every entry must be formatted with
– The Journal #
– The Date
– The “Title”

Every entry must have the 3 formatting items in the top corner of the page. Only
1 entry per page. Longer entries may take up 2 pages if necessary.
Journal Entry #57
Journal Entry

January 8, 2014


Watch an episode of CHOPPED and create
a Compare/Contrast chart to note the
similarities and differences between


Similarities between the show & test

Differences between the show & test
Writing Situation:
Your school is putting together a useful handbook to
tell new students about the opportunities your
school offers. The handbook will let students know
about clubs, sports, and other school activities. Your
teacher has asked you to write an article for the

Journal Entry #1

Writing Directions:
Write an article for the handbook to inform new
students about a club, sport, or school activity they
might want to join. Be sure to describe the club,
sport, or activity and the benefits it offers.
Writing Situation:
Many young people enjoy collecting objects like
stamps, wristbands, stickers, rocks, baseball cards, and
postcards. You should consider several things before
starting a collection. What would you like to collect? Is
your choice affordable? Where would you keep your
collections? How would you organize your collection?

Journal Entry #1

Writing Directions:
Select a collection you would like to begin or one you
already have. Write a speech to present to a group of
seventh-grade students. Explain how to start a collection
of your chosen item. Include facts, examples, or
definitions in order to describe and explain how to plan
the collection.

Writing Situation:
A group of seventh-grade students planted a community
garden. The members of the group take turns working in the
garden to make sure the plants are healthy and watered.
When the fruits and vegetables from the garden are picked,
they are given to a neighborhood food program. Workers for
the food program deliver meals to senior citizens. The fruits
and vegetables from the garden make the meals healthier and
less expensive. The members of the group would like to let
the community know about the program.

Journal Entry #1

Writing Directions:
Write an article about the garden or another project that
could benefit your community. The article will be included in a
pamphlet to be distributed to families in the neighborhood.
Explain the purpose of the project, the work involved, and
how it would help people in your community.
Writing Situation:
Sometimes spending time alone can be enjoyable. Some
students use that time to read, spend time outside, write
in a journal/diary, or just update personal information on
various web pages and apps. Many other activities, such
as catching up on homework, can best be done alone.

Journal Entry #1

Writing Directions:
Write a narrative to share with your classmates. Tell
about a real or imagined experience when you or
someone else spent time alone and enjoyed it. Give
details about what you or the other person did and why
the time was enjoyable.
Journal Entry #1


Writing Situation:
Some young people use various forms of technology for almost as many hours a
day as they sleep. Studies now show that these young people use some kind of
technology about seven hours per day. The effects of such extreme usage can
cause many problems. For example, schoolwork may suffer as a result. As the
chart below shows, technology overuse can also cause health problems.
Form of
MP3 players
Internet &
Video Games
Cell Phones

Average Hours Used
Possible Health Problems
Decrease in physical fitness
Hearing loss
Increased cases of nearsightedness; wrist, finger, and
elbow pain; back and neck pain
Up to 7 (all of the
above can be
Elbow and wrist pain; finger and thumb pain
accomplished on
many cell phones)

Writing Directions:
Write an explanation to be delivered to your class on how overuse of technology
can interfere with your success in school. Include facts, examples and forms of
technology in your speech.
Writing Situation:

Journal Entry #1


Our school district has adjusted their policy on snacks
sold to students. Snacks now have to follow health
guidelines and have nutritional value while remaining
low in sugar, sodium and other additives. This change
has caused some schools to stop selling snacks all
Writing Directions:

Take a stand regarding snack sales in your school. Write
a letter to your school principal explaining your stand
and persuade him/her to consider your thoughts.
Writing Situation:

Journal Entry #1


“I forgot.” At one time or another we all say these words. People
forget appointments. They forget important dates or events. They
forget to return library books. They forget to do their chores.
Most of the time, these problems are easy to solve. If you forget
to bring a pencil to class, you can always borrow one from a
classmate…problem solved! If you forget to pack your lunch, you
can always just eat in the cafeteria that day. Sometimes, however,
the problem is much harder to handle. Forgetting can sometimes
lead to bad grades, hurt feelings or in some cases permanent

Writing Directions:

Write a narrative to share with your classmates about a
time when you or someone else forgot something
important. Include details about the consequences of
the event.
Writing Situation:
Your teacher has a decision to make. Your class has been
given an assignment to find and classify twenty different
plants. Your class will go to either a garden or a park. The
garden is a community garden in a neighborhood close to
your school. The garden contains mainly vegetable plants
that are taken care of by volunteers. The park is a state park
that is an hour away from your school. The park contains
trees, grasses, and wildflowers that grow naturally in your
Writing Directions:
Decide whether you would vote to visit the garden or the
park. Write an e-mail to your science teacher in which you
present an argument for your vote. Use details, reasons, and
explanation to support your choice.

Journal Entry #1
E-mail Format
Writing Situation:
Leaders in your county are considering a law that would
require all dog owners to keep their dogs on their property
or on leashes while out in public. The county has received
many complaints in the last month about dogs running
across busy streets, into neighbors’ yards, and through
elementary playgrounds. Some citizens have expressed fears
for their safety. If this law is passed, anyone who breaks the
law will have to pay a fine. County leaders are seeking public
opinion as they consider this law.
Writing Directions:
Decide if you think this law is a good idea. Write an e-mail to
the county leaders giving your opinion about whether this
law is necessary or not. Use specific details to support your

Journal Entry #1
Writing Situation:
The Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “Choose a job you
love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
Almost everyone would like to get paid for doing something
that they love. However, job satisfaction is just one of many
factors to consider when choosing a career path. For
example, how much money do you need or want to make? Is
the respect of others very important to you? How much
stress are you willing to have in your life? There are pros and
cons to EVERY job/career path.
Writing Directions:
Decide which type of job/career is most appealing to you.
Write an explanation for your school newspaper about your
chosen career for the future. Your article should support
your choice logically and effectively.

Journal Entry #1
Writing Situation:

Journal Entry #1

Schools have been focused on making students more
active and lead healthier lifestyles. PE and recess may
provide some activity during the school day, but it is the
habit of walking and/or riding a bike to and from school
that can make the biggest health difference. Your school
and community are trying to think of ways to encourage
students to do just that—walk or ride a bike to school.
Writing Directions:

You’ve been invited to represent the student body and
speak at a PTO meeting to give valuable student input on
this issue.
Writing Situation:

Journal Entry #1

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United
States, once said, “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never
to have tried to succeed.” Some people are too afraid to
try things for fear of failure. President Roosevelt
believed that not trying at all was worse than any threat
of failure.
Writing Directions:

Write a narrative about a real or imagined experience of
a person that tries something new even though there is
a fear of failing. Your narrative will be published on the
school website for parents, students, teachers, and
community members to read.
Combination Day
Journal Entry

January 27, 2014


Parts of Speech Reminders
Organize your NOTECARD to calculate your COMBINATION.
Sentence Count—Word Count—Part of Speech Count
NOUN (n.)
Person, Place, Thing,
Idea, Quality AND

Words that DESCRIBE
nouns/pronouns EX: other,
only, various, similar, common,
true, major, important, different

See the Preposition Song

VERB (vt./vi.)

Words that describe
actions or forms of TO BE:
is, am, are, was, were, be,
being, been

a, an, the

PRONOUN (pron.)
I, you, he, she, it, we, they ALSO:
these, those, that, this, such,
everyone, whoever, whatever

ADVERB (adv.)
Words that DESCRIBE verbs,
adjectives, or adverbs EX: almost,
nearly, never, often, only, even, far,
soon, less, really, well, more



and, or, but, nor, so, for,
yet, because, if, since, until,

agreed, duh, hey, hallelujah,
indeed, no, please, whoa,
yikes, yes, oops

Journal Entry #58 #1
Journal Entry

January 28, 2014
SPAM Practice

Write out a SPAM paragraph using the TOPIC and DETAILS
listed below (Remember: TDSSDSSC)

TOPIC: Sentence Combination Activity
Detail 1- Successes/Growth
Are you writing MORE sentences? Using MORE variety?

Detail 2- Room for Improvement
What areas still need improvement?

The COMBINATION for this paragraph should be 8-8-?. Challenge
yourself to start EVERY sentence with a different word!
Journal Entry #59 #1
Journal Entry

January 31, 2014
Gratitude Day!

Write your TOPIC & 2 DETAILS at the top of your page, then wait for the timer!!

Topic: Showing Gratitude for ________________
Monthly Challenge:

Detail 1: ___________________
Detail 2: ___________________


Your paragraph
MUST use 8
to start each
sentence AND one
of those 8
sentences MUST
start with an
Dear Mr. Curtis,
I just wanted to take a minute to let you know how much you
are truly appreciated. For one thing, you have definitely earned the
right to be called the “voice of the Tigers.” Yes, there are many
“voices” echoing through any gym the Tigers are playing in, but
there is NO voice as energetic as yours. When I hear, “Here we go
Tigers, here we go (clap, clap),” I want to rise to my feet and chant
along with you—and I’m sure the team appreciates the extra “boost”
that your enthusiasm provides. Another reason you deserve some
gratitude is the way you support the team off the court. Bryant has
shared with me how you pray with the team on occasion and I’m so
appreciative of that. Even though I’ve never heard those particular
words of encouragement, I’m glad that you are showing that type of
Christian leadership with the team. All in all, your commitment to the
team as a parent, a “preacher,” and a cheerleader is unparalleled
and I just wanted you to know that all your efforts don’t go
unnoticed…THANK YOU!!
Hope Foster
Journal Entry #60
Journal Entry

February 6, 2014


Starry Night
Copy the following chart in your journal.
Leave LOTS of room for notes!





Journal Entry #1
Scavenger Hunt Sample:
Analysis of Anne Sexton's "The Starry Night"
Anne Sexton, inspired by Van Gogh's "The Starry
Night," creates a multi-layered artistic creation in her
poem "The Starry Night".
Anne Sexton infuses her poem “The Starry Night” with
themes of life, death, fire, color, and power. The
speaker is ultimately drawn to the night as a source of
power in which she can separate from herself and
reach oblivion.
Journal EntryEntry

February 11, 2014


Ekphrastic Phrase Poetry

Write an
poem about Van
Gogh’s “Starry
Night” using
Pattern #1.

Absolute phrase
Absolute phrase
Absolute phrase
Independent clause
Prepositional phrase
Prepositional phrase
Prepositional phrase
Prepositional phrase
Prepositional phrase
Journal Entry #62
Journal Entry
February 12, 2014
Using this painting by
Picasso write an
ekphrastic poem like
the ones you practiced
with Constance
(four stanzas, 8 lines,
16 words,
3 words/1 word
“The Old Guitarist”

Journal Entry #63
Journal Entry

February 13, 2014


Starry Night INTRO
3-4 Sentences

2-3 Sentences

1-2 Sentences

1 Sentence
7-10 Sentences

BIG IDEA—Inspiration (in general)
ART as inspiration/“Starry Night” by Van Gogh
Poetry & Lyrics INSPIRED by
“Starry Night”


Introduce ALL 3
Combination Day
Journal Entry


February 17, 2014

Parts of Speech Reminders
Organize your NOTECARD to calculate your COMBINATION.
Sentence Count—Word Count—Part of Speech Count
NOUN (n.)
Person, Place, Thing,
Idea, Quality AND

Words that DESCRIBE
nouns/pronouns EX: other,
only, various, similar, common,
true, major, important, different

See the Preposition Song

VERB (vt./vi.)

Words that describe
actions or forms of TO BE:
is, am, are, was, were, be,
being, been

a, an, the

PRONOUN (pron.)
I, you, he, she, it, we, they ALSO:
these, those, that, this, such,
everyone, whoever, whatever

ADVERB (adv.)
Words that DESCRIBE verbs,
adjectives, or adverbs EX: almost,
nearly, never, often, only, even, far,
soon, less, really, well, more



and, or, but, nor, so, for,
yet, because, if, since, until,

agreed, duh, hey, hallelujah,
indeed, no, please, whoa,
yikes, yes, oops

Journal Entry #64
Journal Entry

February 21, 2014


A. Make a LIST of the people you TRUST.
B. Explain how they EARNED your trust.
C. Watch the 1950’s video on trustworthiness
and write a definition for the word.
Journal Entry #65
Journal Entry

February 24, 2014


Title Brainstorm



Journal Entry #66
Journal Entry

February 26, 2014


Planning Strategy

Turn your Journal Page into the Open
Response Planning Page:

I am to do…


Key Terms


Be accurate. Be neat. Be thorough.
Journal Entry #1

Writing Situation:


According to Webster’s Dictionary a trustworthy person is
“one who can be relied on to do or provide what is needed or
right; worthy of confidence; dependable.” Each year, the
Character Counts Coalition of Murray/Calloway County
sponsors an essay contest challenging students to write about
one of the six pillars of character. These essays are designed to
be a little bit informative, a little bit persuasive and sometimes
a little bit narrative. Hopefully, the essay will encourage good
character traits within our community.

Writing Directions:
Write an essay for the community of Murray focusing on the
importance of TRUSTWORTHINESS in your everyday life.
Journal Entry #67
Journal Entry


February 28, 2014
Gratitude Day!

Write your TOPIC & 2 DETAILS at the top of your page, then wait for the timer!!

Topic: Showing Gratitude for ________________
Monthly Challenge:

Detail 1: ___________________
Detail 2: ___________________


Your paragraph
MUST use 8
to start each
sentence AND you
must have at least
ONE example of
parallel structure in
your note!
Dear Murray Middle School PTO,
I just wanted to take a minute to let you know how much you
are truly appreciated. For one thing (and most recently), you out-did
yourselves on this years’ Teacher Appreciation Week. Of course,
we always look forward to our catered lunches throughout the week,
but this year you seemed to go above and beyond (by the way,
chicken pot pie day was ingenious). Every single day of the week,
the food was great, the décor was welcoming, and the hospitality
was unparalleled. Another reason you deserve some gratitude is the
way you support teachers AND students throughout the year.
Without your financial support, we wouldn’t have some of the
technology that makes our classrooms more effective (not to
mention the other activities and projects you support). It’s not just
about finances though—the strong parent involvement at our school
makes MMS a better place to work. All in all, your commitment to
the school and ALL those who work and learn here is appreciated
more than you know (and definitely more than you are ever told!).
Hope Foster

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Bellringers 2013 14 3rd 9 weeks

  • 1. rd 9 Weeks Journals 3 • • • • Worth 100 points EACH Semester Must be ¾ a page. 1st 5 minutes of each class. Every entry must be formatted with – The Journal # – The Date – The “Title” Every entry must have the 3 formatting items in the top corner of the page. Only 1 entry per page. Longer entries may take up 2 pages if necessary.
  • 2. Journal Entry #57 Journal Entry January 8, 2014 #1 On-Demand CHOPPED Watch an episode of CHOPPED and create a Compare/Contrast chart to note the similarities and differences between CHOPPED & ON DEMAND WRITING. COMPARE CONTRAST Similarities between the show & test Differences between the show & test
  • 3.
  • 4.  Writing Situation: Your school is putting together a useful handbook to tell new students about the opportunities your school offers. The handbook will let students know about clubs, sports, and other school activities. Your teacher has asked you to write an article for the handbook. Journal Entry #1 Writing Directions: Write an article for the handbook to inform new students about a club, sport, or school activity they might want to join. Be sure to describe the club, sport, or activity and the benefits it offers.
  • 5. Writing Situation: Many young people enjoy collecting objects like stamps, wristbands, stickers, rocks, baseball cards, and postcards. You should consider several things before starting a collection. What would you like to collect? Is your choice affordable? Where would you keep your collections? How would you organize your collection? Journal Entry #1 Writing Directions: Select a collection you would like to begin or one you already have. Write a speech to present to a group of seventh-grade students. Explain how to start a collection of your chosen item. Include facts, examples, or definitions in order to describe and explain how to plan the collection. 
  • 6. Writing Situation:  A group of seventh-grade students planted a community garden. The members of the group take turns working in the garden to make sure the plants are healthy and watered. When the fruits and vegetables from the garden are picked, they are given to a neighborhood food program. Workers for the food program deliver meals to senior citizens. The fruits and vegetables from the garden make the meals healthier and less expensive. The members of the group would like to let the community know about the program. Journal Entry #1 Writing Directions: Write an article about the garden or another project that could benefit your community. The article will be included in a pamphlet to be distributed to families in the neighborhood. Explain the purpose of the project, the work involved, and how it would help people in your community.
  • 7.  Writing Situation: Sometimes spending time alone can be enjoyable. Some students use that time to read, spend time outside, write in a journal/diary, or just update personal information on various web pages and apps. Many other activities, such as catching up on homework, can best be done alone. Journal Entry #1 Writing Directions: Write a narrative to share with your classmates. Tell about a real or imagined experience when you or someone else spent time alone and enjoyed it. Give details about what you or the other person did and why the time was enjoyable.
  • 8. Journal Entry #1  Writing Situation: Some young people use various forms of technology for almost as many hours a day as they sleep. Studies now show that these young people use some kind of technology about seven hours per day. The effects of such extreme usage can cause many problems. For example, schoolwork may suffer as a result. As the chart below shows, technology overuse can also cause health problems. Form of Technology Television MP3 players Internet & Video Games Cell Phones Average Hours Used Possible Health Problems 5 Decrease in physical fitness 2.5 Hearing loss Increased cases of nearsightedness; wrist, finger, and 3 elbow pain; back and neck pain Up to 7 (all of the above can be Elbow and wrist pain; finger and thumb pain accomplished on many cell phones) Writing Directions: Write an explanation to be delivered to your class on how overuse of technology can interfere with your success in school. Include facts, examples and forms of technology in your speech.
  • 9. Writing Situation: Journal Entry #1  Our school district has adjusted their policy on snacks sold to students. Snacks now have to follow health guidelines and have nutritional value while remaining low in sugar, sodium and other additives. This change has caused some schools to stop selling snacks all together. Writing Directions: Take a stand regarding snack sales in your school. Write a letter to your school principal explaining your stand and persuade him/her to consider your thoughts.
  • 10. Writing Situation: Journal Entry #1  “I forgot.” At one time or another we all say these words. People forget appointments. They forget important dates or events. They forget to return library books. They forget to do their chores. Most of the time, these problems are easy to solve. If you forget to bring a pencil to class, you can always borrow one from a classmate…problem solved! If you forget to pack your lunch, you can always just eat in the cafeteria that day. Sometimes, however, the problem is much harder to handle. Forgetting can sometimes lead to bad grades, hurt feelings or in some cases permanent damage. Writing Directions: Write a narrative to share with your classmates about a time when you or someone else forgot something important. Include details about the consequences of the event.
  • 11.  Writing Situation: Your teacher has a decision to make. Your class has been given an assignment to find and classify twenty different plants. Your class will go to either a garden or a park. The garden is a community garden in a neighborhood close to your school. The garden contains mainly vegetable plants that are taken care of by volunteers. The park is a state park that is an hour away from your school. The park contains trees, grasses, and wildflowers that grow naturally in your area. Writing Directions: Decide whether you would vote to visit the garden or the park. Write an e-mail to your science teacher in which you present an argument for your vote. Use details, reasons, and explanation to support your choice. Journal Entry #1
  • 13.  Writing Situation: Leaders in your county are considering a law that would require all dog owners to keep their dogs on their property or on leashes while out in public. The county has received many complaints in the last month about dogs running across busy streets, into neighbors’ yards, and through elementary playgrounds. Some citizens have expressed fears for their safety. If this law is passed, anyone who breaks the law will have to pay a fine. County leaders are seeking public opinion as they consider this law. Writing Directions: Decide if you think this law is a good idea. Write an e-mail to the county leaders giving your opinion about whether this law is necessary or not. Use specific details to support your opinion. Journal Entry #1
  • 14.  Writing Situation: The Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Almost everyone would like to get paid for doing something that they love. However, job satisfaction is just one of many factors to consider when choosing a career path. For example, how much money do you need or want to make? Is the respect of others very important to you? How much stress are you willing to have in your life? There are pros and cons to EVERY job/career path. Writing Directions: Decide which type of job/career is most appealing to you. Write an explanation for your school newspaper about your chosen career for the future. Your article should support your choice logically and effectively. Journal Entry #1
  • 15. Writing Situation: Journal Entry #1 Schools have been focused on making students more active and lead healthier lifestyles. PE and recess may provide some activity during the school day, but it is the habit of walking and/or riding a bike to and from school that can make the biggest health difference. Your school and community are trying to think of ways to encourage students to do just that—walk or ride a bike to school. Writing Directions: You’ve been invited to represent the student body and speak at a PTO meeting to give valuable student input on this issue.
  • 16. Writing Situation: Journal Entry #1 Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, once said, “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Some people are too afraid to try things for fear of failure. President Roosevelt believed that not trying at all was worse than any threat of failure. Writing Directions: Write a narrative about a real or imagined experience of a person that tries something new even though there is a fear of failing. Your narrative will be published on the school website for parents, students, teachers, and community members to read.
  • 17. Combination Day Journal Entry January 27, 2014 #1 Parts of Speech Reminders Organize your NOTECARD to calculate your COMBINATION. Sentence Count—Word Count—Part of Speech Count NOUN (n.) Person, Place, Thing, Idea, Quality AND Verb + ING = GERUND ADJECTIVE (adj.) Words that DESCRIBE nouns/pronouns EX: other, only, various, similar, common, true, major, important, different PREPOSITION (prep.) See the Preposition Song Lyrics!! VERB (vt./vi.) Words that describe actions or forms of TO BE: is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been ARTICLES: a, an, the PRONOUN (pron.) I, you, he, she, it, we, they ALSO: these, those, that, this, such, everyone, whoever, whatever ADVERB (adv.) Words that DESCRIBE verbs, adjectives, or adverbs EX: almost, nearly, never, often, only, even, far, soon, less, really, well, more CONJUNCTION (conj.) INTERJECTION (interj.) and, or, but, nor, so, for, yet, because, if, since, until, although agreed, duh, hey, hallelujah, indeed, no, please, whoa, yikes, yes, oops LEAVE ROOM FOR NOTES!!
  • 18. Journal Entry #58 #1 Journal Entry January 28, 2014 SPAM Practice Write out a SPAM paragraph using the TOPIC and DETAILS listed below (Remember: TDSSDSSC) TOPIC: Sentence Combination Activity Detail 1- Successes/Growth Are you writing MORE sentences? Using MORE variety? Detail 2- Room for Improvement What areas still need improvement? The COMBINATION for this paragraph should be 8-8-?. Challenge yourself to start EVERY sentence with a different word!
  • 19. Journal Entry #59 #1 Journal Entry January 31, 2014 Gratitude Day! Write your TOPIC & 2 DETAILS at the top of your page, then wait for the timer!! Topic: Showing Gratitude for ________________ Monthly Challenge: Detail 1: ___________________ Detail 2: ___________________ (Remember: TDSSDSSC) Your paragraph MUST use 8 DIFFERENT words to start each sentence AND one of those 8 sentences MUST start with an INTERJECTION!!
  • 20. Dear Mr. Curtis, I just wanted to take a minute to let you know how much you are truly appreciated. For one thing, you have definitely earned the right to be called the “voice of the Tigers.” Yes, there are many “voices” echoing through any gym the Tigers are playing in, but there is NO voice as energetic as yours. When I hear, “Here we go Tigers, here we go (clap, clap),” I want to rise to my feet and chant along with you—and I’m sure the team appreciates the extra “boost” that your enthusiasm provides. Another reason you deserve some gratitude is the way you support the team off the court. Bryant has shared with me how you pray with the team on occasion and I’m so appreciative of that. Even though I’ve never heard those particular words of encouragement, I’m glad that you are showing that type of Christian leadership with the team. All in all, your commitment to the team as a parent, a “preacher,” and a cheerleader is unparalleled and I just wanted you to know that all your efforts don’t go unnoticed…THANK YOU!! Sincerely, Hope Foster
  • 21. Journal Entry #60 Journal Entry February 6, 2014 #1 Starry Night Copy the following chart in your journal. Leave LOTS of room for notes! LINE SHAPE/FORM SPACE COLOR VALUE TEXTURE
  • 22. Journal Entry #1 Scavenger Hunt Sample: Analysis of Anne Sexton's "The Starry Night" Anne Sexton, inspired by Van Gogh's "The Starry Night," creates a multi-layered artistic creation in her poem "The Starry Night". Anne Sexton infuses her poem “The Starry Night” with themes of life, death, fire, color, and power. The speaker is ultimately drawn to the night as a source of power in which she can separate from herself and reach oblivion.
  • 23. Journal EntryEntry #61 Journal February 11, 2014 #1 Ekphrastic Phrase Poetry Write an EKPHRASTIC poem about Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” using Pattern #1. Absolute phrase Absolute phrase Absolute phrase Independent clause Prepositional phrase Prepositional phrase Prepositional phrase Prepositional phrase Prepositional phrase
  • 24. Journal Entry #62 Journal Entry February 12, 2014 EKPHRASTIC Poetry Using this painting by Picasso write an ekphrastic poem like the ones you practiced with Constance Alexander (four stanzas, 8 lines, 16 words, 3 words/1 word pattern). “The Old Guitarist” #1
  • 25. Journal Entry #63 Journal Entry February 13, 2014 #1 Starry Night INTRO 3-4 Sentences 2-3 Sentences 1-2 Sentences 1 Sentence 7-10 Sentences Total BIG IDEA—Inspiration (in general) ART as inspiration/“Starry Night” by Van Gogh Poetry & Lyrics INSPIRED by “Starry Night”  Introduce ALL 3 artists/works
  • 26. Combination Day Journal Entry #1 February 17, 2014 Parts of Speech Reminders Organize your NOTECARD to calculate your COMBINATION. Sentence Count—Word Count—Part of Speech Count NOUN (n.) Person, Place, Thing, Idea, Quality AND Verb + ING = GERUND ADJECTIVE (adj.) Words that DESCRIBE nouns/pronouns EX: other, only, various, similar, common, true, major, important, different PREPOSITION (prep.) See the Preposition Song Lyrics!! VERB (vt./vi.) Words that describe actions or forms of TO BE: is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been ARTICLES: a, an, the PRONOUN (pron.) I, you, he, she, it, we, they ALSO: these, those, that, this, such, everyone, whoever, whatever ADVERB (adv.) Words that DESCRIBE verbs, adjectives, or adverbs EX: almost, nearly, never, often, only, even, far, soon, less, really, well, more CONJUNCTION (conj.) INTERJECTION (interj.) and, or, but, nor, so, for, yet, because, if, since, until, although agreed, duh, hey, hallelujah, indeed, no, please, whoa, yikes, yes, oops LEAVE ROOM FOR NOTES!!
  • 27. Journal Entry #64 Journal Entry February 21, 2014 #1 Trustworthiness A. Make a LIST of the people you TRUST. B. Explain how they EARNED your trust. C. Watch the 1950’s video on trustworthiness and write a definition for the word.
  • 28. Journal Entry #65 Journal Entry February 24, 2014 #1 Title Brainstorm RHYME ALLITERATION PUN WILD CARD IDEAS
  • 29. Journal Entry #66 Journal Entry February 26, 2014 #1 Planning Strategy Turn your Journal Page into the Open Response Planning Page: I am to do… Outline Key Terms Respond Be accurate. Be neat. Be thorough.
  • 30. Journal Entry #1 Writing Situation:  According to Webster’s Dictionary a trustworthy person is “one who can be relied on to do or provide what is needed or right; worthy of confidence; dependable.” Each year, the Character Counts Coalition of Murray/Calloway County sponsors an essay contest challenging students to write about one of the six pillars of character. These essays are designed to be a little bit informative, a little bit persuasive and sometimes a little bit narrative. Hopefully, the essay will encourage good character traits within our community. Writing Directions: Write an essay for the community of Murray focusing on the importance of TRUSTWORTHINESS in your everyday life.
  • 31. Journal Entry #67 Journal Entry #1 February 28, 2014 Gratitude Day! Write your TOPIC & 2 DETAILS at the top of your page, then wait for the timer!! Topic: Showing Gratitude for ________________ Monthly Challenge: Detail 1: ___________________ Detail 2: ___________________ (Remember: TDSSDSSC) Your paragraph MUST use 8 DIFFERENT words to start each sentence AND you must have at least ONE example of parallel structure in your note!
  • 32. Dear Murray Middle School PTO, I just wanted to take a minute to let you know how much you are truly appreciated. For one thing (and most recently), you out-did yourselves on this years’ Teacher Appreciation Week. Of course, we always look forward to our catered lunches throughout the week, but this year you seemed to go above and beyond (by the way, chicken pot pie day was ingenious). Every single day of the week, the food was great, the décor was welcoming, and the hospitality was unparalleled. Another reason you deserve some gratitude is the way you support teachers AND students throughout the year. Without your financial support, we wouldn’t have some of the technology that makes our classrooms more effective (not to mention the other activities and projects you support). It’s not just about finances though—the strong parent involvement at our school makes MMS a better place to work. All in all, your commitment to the school and ALL those who work and learn here is appreciated more than you know (and definitely more than you are ever told!). Sincerely, Hope Foster