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                                                   Brussels: 20 - 21 May 2013
           About Steve                 Course                 Benefits                    Feedback                   Registration            Contact Us

Idea behind the workshop                                                                                                                     Follow Us

The world's leading companies have come to realize that only when their customers are successful, will
they be successful. In pursuit of their market leadership not only they need to spend time to look inside
their business to know how things are getting done but also look outward to get deep understanding of
their customers. It is a fair guess to say that a massive chunk of corporate resources go into such efforts,
whether it is in IT, finance, sales, marketing or operations.

One of the first people to describe processes was Adam Smith in           Although many in Western economies are in a
his famous (1776) example of an English pin factory. He                   state of denial, we are undergoing the greatest
described the production of a pin in the following way: ”One man          reorganization in the business world since the
draws out the wire, another straightens it, a third cuts it, a fourth     Industrial Revolution. If you somehow haven't
points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head: to make   noticed it yet, there is a loud and clear wake-up
the head requires two or three distinct operations: to put it on is       call in the air that can be heard everywhere. It's
                                                                          called globalization, and it's being brought to you
a particular business, to whiten the pins is another ... and the
                                                                          by three billion new capitalists from China, India,
important business of making a pin is, in this manner, divided            and the former Soviet Union.
into about eighteen distinct operations, which in some
manufactories are all performed by distinct hands, though in              No matter what industry you are in, no matter how
others the same man will sometime perform two or three of                 successful you are, it's time to get ready for the
them”. The result of labor division in Smith’s example                    world as it will be --a world where your customers
resulted in productivity increasing by 24,000 percent, i.e.               have new choices from a sea of suppliers from
                                                                          across the globe.
that the same number of workers made 240 times as many
pins as they had been producing before the introduction of                --Peter Fingar
labor division.                                                           Executive Partner, Greystone Group
                                                                          Author of Extreme Competition: Innovation and
                                                                          the Great 21st Century Business Reformation

                                      The enterprises are exploring
                                      modular architecture to isolate their business processes from their
                                      applications, which gives them the flexibility to add, upgrade or replace
                                      applications in their information technology environment without
                                      redefining all of their process interfaces.

                                              The business process management (BPM) market at $1.0 billion in
                                                                                                                                Invented the phrase Business
                                              2005 is expected to more than triple to $3.8 billion by 2012. The                 Process Management (BPM) in 1993
                                              services oriented architecture (SOA) market at $450 million in 2005 is
                                              expected to grow rapidly through 2012, reaching $3.2 billion                      Established the world's first global
Abstraction level for processes - source wiki (source :
                                                                                                                                BPM community in 1993

                                                                                                                                Co-created the world's first Advanced
One of the most challenging issues in BPM is not the question of "If" it is the question of "How." This two-
                                                                                                                                BPM Method - 8 Omega in 2004
day program by Steve Towers will focus on how to do design and implement efficient and effective
business processes.                                                                                                             Received the 'Lifetime Achievement
                                                                                                                                Award' at Gartners San Diego in 2007
Learn from the lessons from decades of real experience with real (and successful) BPM initiatives for
taking BPM from promise to practice. This will be great primer for beginners and will provide new insight &                                                            more
fresh ideas for people with experience in BPM. Rest assured, you will never think about business in
the same way again.

If you are traveling, you may like to attend the program city near you                                             Have you got your FREE Copy yet?

                                                                                                                   “In Search Of BPM Excellence :
                                                                                                               Straight from the thought leaders (2006)”
  Enterprise BPM in April 2013                                                                                              Steve Towers.

   Poland                             Ghana                               Russia
                                                                                                                      What you will Learn?
  Enterprise BPM in May 2013                                                                                       How to embed Business Process
                                                                                                                   Management within an organization to
   France                             Denmark                             Belgium                                  ensure a continuous business
                                                                                                                   process involvement culture.
   South Africa                       Switzerland                                                                  Practical tools, explanations and
                                                                                                                   assistance in the successful
                                                                                                                   implementation of a BPM project.
                                                                                                                   Several case studies to illustrate
                                                                                                                   various steps and aspects of the
                                                                                                                   Step by step how to conduct a
                                                                                                                   process improvement and redesign
                                                                                                                   Complete cycle of business Process
                                                                                                                   Mapping and links
                                                                                                                   Seven "rules" for effective Process
                                                                                                                   Avoiding the red herring of Process
                                                                                                                   How Six Sigma is part of BPM and
                                                                                                                   how BPM and SOA merge
                                                                                                                   WHAT, WHY and HOW about true
                                                                                                                   process improvement.


                                                                                                                          Enterprise BPM
                                                                                                               »   Ghana            »   Poland
                                                                                                               »   France           »   Russia
                                                                                                               »   Denmark          »   Switzerland
                                                                                                               »   Belgium          »   South Africa

  Consulting                                                                   Buy

   Enterprise Architecture                  Center of Excellence                   Ask the Architect Credits            Online Learning Licenses

   Business Process Management              Application Rationalization            Webinar Licenses                     Online Consulting

   Enterprise SOA                           Architecture Assessment                Workshop Registration                Onsite Consulting

  Resources                                                                    Useful Links

   Architecture Gallery                     Architect Skill Quiz                   Why iCMG                            Site Map

   Short Videos                             E-Learning                             Architecture Awards 2013            Career

   iCMG Blog                                Architecture Polls                     Architecture Survey 2013            Privacy Policy
CONSULTING              EVENTS            ABOUT US             RESOURCES              STORE

                                                                                                                                     Follow Us

                                      Participants' Feedback

                                      •    "Steve presents the whole arena of transformation in a lucid and
                                           pragmatic way. I can not overstate how much these insights and
                                           profound new understanding will change our organization and its
                                           approach to the market. You want my endorsement? You get it a
                                           gazillion times over. Thanks."
                                           COO, Fortune 500 Company, Washington DC

                                      •    "I want to thank you for the great content and coaching that you
                                           provided, the concepts resonated even more clearly when presented
                                           with your enthusiasm and experience."
                                           Director, H&R Block, USA

                                      •    "Exceptional and life transforming. This training should be on every
                                           corporate agenda"
                                           CIO Pharmaceutical, Florida

                                      •    "Fundamental and Profound. Steve is incredible and has transformed
                                           my view and execution of business forever. I can not express my thanks
                                           enough both personally and on behalf of my company."
                                           BoozAllen Hamilton, Washington DC

                                      •    “We have collated the scores from the event and you and Terry came
                                           out as the most highly regarded.”
                                           Conference Producer, IIR International
           Tell a friend                   (see the scores here)

                                      •    "I really enjoyed last week and really learned alot. I feel I had a Eureka
      Upcoming Webinars                    moment yesterday when the whole process diagnostics suddenly clicked         Invented the phrase Business
 Wed, Apr 24, 2013                         into place. I remember you saying that once you grasp this then you will     Process Management (BPM) in 1993
Enterprise                                 never look at processes in any other way. I am now actively
Architecture -                             evangalizing the CEM approach with our team. "                               Established the world's first global
Essentials for                             Senior Analyst, Investment Bank, London                                      BPM community in 1993
Decision Makers
                                      •    "Speakers are rated out of 10 for content and presentation style. I am       Co-created the world's first Advanced
 Thu, Apr 25, 2013
                                           happy to let you know that you scored a 9.5 (the best marks at the           BPM Method - 8 Omega in 2004
Tips & Traps -
                                           event) and the additional comments '“very good' and 'excellent
Architecture driven                                                                                                     Received the 'Lifetime Achievement
IT migration &
                                                                                                                        Award' at Gartners San Diego in 2007
modernization                              BPR and Management for Telecoms, Geneva
                                           "Steve led the best training sessions I have ever taken in my 20+ years                                             more
                                           as a professional. After those sessions I was able to have immediate
                                           impact on my organization. Steve is a very sharp, personable,
                                           interesting individual, and a real pleasure to work with. I continue to
                                           remain in regular contact with Steve and consider him an invaluable            Have you got your FREE Copy yet?
                                           resource on BPM and on change management in general."
                                           Conference Producer, IIR International                                           “In Search Of BPM Excellence :
                                                                                                                        Straight from the thought leaders (2006)”
                                      •                                                                                              Steve Towers.
                                           “You are the tops! Everyone in the field should be exposed to the
                                           techniques experienced in this course.”
                                           Director - Process Management                                                     What you will Learn?
                            more                                                                                          How to embed Business Process
                                           "Having had a chance to read through all of the delegate feedback forms        Management within an organization to
     Feedback on Steve                     in full it has become apparent that your workshops in particular were          ensure a continuous business
                                           amongst the most well regarded, so thank you once more."                       process involvement culture.

                                           VP EMEA GDS International                                                      Practical tools, explanations and
   "Exceptional and life                                                                                                  assistance in the successful
   transforming. This training        •    "You are an excellent speaker and your presentation was highly                 implementation of a BPM project.
   should be on every corporate            motivational. I received some extremely positive feedback from the             Several case studies to illustrate
   agenda"                                 community. I look forward to future discussions with you."                     various steps and aspects of the
   CIO Pharmaceutical, Florida             EDS, BPM Global community                                                      framework.
                                                                                                                          Step by step how to conduct a
   "I took BPM training back in       •    "We have achieved so much in such a short time with your help and              process improvement and redesign
   December, and Steve Towers              steerage. Sincere thanks..."                                                   project.
   was the instructor. The training        Financial Services company, Frankfurt                                          Complete cycle of business Process
   was simply fantastic, because                                                                                          Mapping and links
   Steve has that rare ability to
                                      •    "I took BPM training back in December, and Steve Towers was the                Seven "rules" for effective Process
   connect with his trainees. Not          instructor. The training was simply fantastic, because Steve has that          Modelling
   only did I walk away from the
                                           rare ability to connect with his trainees. Not only did I walk away from       Avoiding the red herring of Process
   training with a new perspective
   on Business Process
                                           the training with a new perspective on Business Process Management,            Notations
   Management, but I walked                but I walked away with an invaluable analysis tool."                           How Six Sigma is part of BPM and
away with an invaluable              Senior Systems Analyst, Barclays Bank                                          how BPM and SOA merge
analysis tool."                                                                                                     WHAT, WHY and HOW about true
Senior Systems Analyst,          •   "Excellent - he is a very good leader"                                         process improvement.
Barclays Bank                        Senior Quality Analyst, AEC, Saudi Arabia

                                 •   “Steve is a true guru and mentor in the field of Business Process
                          more       Management. What I've learnt from Steve and The BP Group in a short
                                     space of time has greatly benefited my understanding of advanced
                                                                                                                         Enterprise BPM
                                     process management. Always accessible for advice, always
                                     campaigning to change how organisations view how they operate, Steve
                                     is a real asset to the BPM community and long may it continue.”            »   Ghana         »   Poland
                                                                                                                »   France        »   Russia
                                     Theo Priestley, Head of Business Process Management,
                                                                                                                »   Denmark       »   Switzerland
                                     Psingularity                                                               »   Belgium       »   South Africa

                                 •   "Simple and different concepts which is path breaking and easy to
                                     understand and deploy"
                                     Director Business Consulting, Chennai

                                 •   "I would like to thank you for a wonderful experience for me to know the
                                     nuances of ABPM. Taking us to a new level on how to view processes &
                                     implement by way of sharing your wealth of experience and enlightning
                                     us with the case studies & exercises."
                                     Director Quality Management Group, 3i Infotech Ltd., India

  Consulting                                                                  Buy

   Enterprise Architecture                 Center of Excellence                Ask the Architect Credits             Online Learning Licenses

   Business Process Management             Application Rationalization         Webinar Licenses                      Online Consulting

   Enterprise SOA                          Architecture Assessment             Workshop Registration                 Onsite Consulting

  Resources                                                                   Useful Links

   Architecture Gallery                   Architect Skill Quiz                 Why iCMG                             Site Map

   Short Videos                           E-Learning                           Architecture Awards 2013             Career

   iCMG Blog                              Architecture Polls                   Architecture Survey 2013             Privacy Policy
CONSULTING                 EVENTS              ABOUT US                RESOURCES             STORE

                                                                                                                                              Follow Us

                                       Course Overview

                                      The Certified Process Professional (CPP) Program takes BPM Training to an
                                      entirely new level.
                                      This premier WORKSHOP is designed for those seeking professional skills in process
                                      management, process improvement, process alignment and innovation. The
                                      Advanced Business Process Management Methods and Techniques that Deliver!

                                             Uncover Process Improvement opportunities in just hours
                                             Identify Actions that will reduce process inefficiency by 30% to 60% within 90
                                             days of deployment
                                             Delight your Customers (making them your biggest advocates) through
                                             Successful Customer Outcomes
                                             Innovate to compete, set the market trend and even dominate your industry

                                      The Certified Process Professional program builds your competency in delivering
                                      these essential benefits in literally everything you do. Unleashing the power of process
                                      in your organization today.

                                      A dynamic and comprehensive approach to creating and managing enterprise
                                      processes that deliver sustained high performance, encompassing the full range of
                                      management systems and practices. Content based on the experiences of hundreds
                                      of companies and the BP Group ( networks ongoing research.

                                      Course Outline - Level one
           Tell a friend              Introduction to Advanced Business Process Management – Process
      Upcoming Webinars               Learn to Apply process diagnostics to existing processes, calculate causes of work and     Invented the phrase Business
 Wed, Apr 24, 2013                    points of failure, and identify actions that can be taken to improve them. Develop a       Process Management (BPM) in 1993
                                      structured approach accessible by everyone in the organisation to enable immediate
Architecture -                        and significant performance improvements. Create a sustainable operational and             Established the world's first global
Essentials for                        strategic method suitable for both dramatic and steady state improvements.                 BPM community in 1993
Decision Makers
                                        •   Apply process diagnostics to any existing process or service.
                                                                                                                                 Co-created the world's first Advanced
 Thu, Apr 25, 2013
Tips & Traps -
                                        •   Understand and identify moments of truth, breakpoints and business rules             BPM Method - 8 Omega in 2004

Architecture driven                     •   Determine the magnitude of the points of failure performance factor and causes       Received the 'Lifetime Achievement
IT migration &                              of work performance factor of the process.                                           Award' at Gartners San Diego in 2007
                                        •   Calculate the points of failure causes of work performance factors then graph it
                                            on the maturity scales.                                                                                                     more

                                        •   Identify actions that can be taken to improve the process.

                                        •   Identify actions that will significantly reduce the process points of failure and
                                            causes of work of the process.
                                                                                                                                   Have you got your FREE Copy yet?
                                        •   Identify actions that can be completed in less than 90 days (often much less).
                                                                                                                                     “In Search Of BPM Excellence :
                                        •   Analyze the benefits versus cost (resource/time/degree of change) for each
                                                                                                                                 Straight from the thought leaders (2006)”
                                                                                                                                              Steve Towers.
                                        •   Clearly identify “low hanging fruit” – actions that require minimal investment
                                            versus return
                                        •   Apply process diagnostics to a customer focused (SCO) process.                            What you will Learn?
                            more                                                                                                   How to embed Business Process
                                        •   Determine the points of failure performance and causes of work performance
                                                                                                                                   Management within an organization to
                                            process factors.
     Feedback on Steve                  •   Conduct the risk assessment on the business and customer including                     ensure a continuous business
                                                                                                                                   process involvement culture.
                                        •   Identify actions that can be taken to improve the process.                             Practical tools, explanations and
   "Exceptional and life                                                                                                           assistance in the successful
                                            Review the various techniques and approaches to improving process (useful
   transforming. This training          •   internal materials)
                                                                                                                                   implementation of a BPM project.
   should be on every corporate                                                                                                    Several case studies to illustrate
                                            Understand and apply the Customer Expectation Management Method
   agenda"                              •   (CEMMethod) as an Advanced Process Management approach
                                                                                                                                   various steps and aspects of the
   CIO Pharmaceutical, Florida                                                                                                     framework.
                                                                                                                                   Step by step how to conduct a
   "I took BPM training back in                                                                                                    process improvement and redesign
   December, and Steve Towers         Course Outline - Level two                                                                   project.
   was the instructor. The training                                                                                                Complete cycle of business Process
   was simply fantastic, because      Advanced Business Process Management – Process Alignment to Successful
                                                                                                                                   Mapping and links
   Steve has that rare ability to     Outcomes
                                                                                                                                   Seven "rules" for effective Process
   connect with his trainees. Not     Develop the insights and techniques to align all processes with successful outcomes,         Modelling
   only did I walk away from the      and in doing so create the capability for the organisation to win the triple crown i.e.
   training with a new perspective                                                                                                 Avoiding the red herring of Process
                                      reduce costs, improve revenue and enhance service. Go beyond the triple crown into           Notations
   on Business Process
                                      the Fourth Wave of BPM to way exceed the benefits derived from 3rd Wave                      How Six Sigma is part of BPM and
   Management, but I walked
                                      approaches such as Six Sigma and Lean. Create the ‘game plan’ that reaches and
approaches such as Six Sigma and Lean. Create the ‘game plan’ that reaches and              how BPM and SOA merge
away with an invaluable
analysis tool."
                                 convinces the Lead team for immediate success.
                                                                                                                             WHAT, WHY and HOW about true
Senior Systems Analyst,
                                  •   Understand the concept of Successful Customer Outcomes and review recent               process improvement.
Barclays Bank                         case studies of global champions.                                                                                       more

                                  •   Define Successful Customer Outcomes for any process, product or service.
                                  •   Create the 7 step action plan for crafting Successful Customer Outcomes.
                                                                                                                                  Enterprise BPM
                                  •   Develop the SCO mind map for any process, product or service.
                                  •   Understand the substantive difference between customer wants, desires and          »   Ghana         »   Poland
                                      needs.                                                                             »   France        »   Russia
                                      Learn how to identify clearly customer needs and expectations (even when the       »   Denmark       »   Switzerland
                                  •                                                                                      »   Belgium       »   South Africa
                                      customer doesn’t know it themselves)
                                  •   Understand Current and Future State Process Models

                                  •   Develop a Current State Process Model – individual, team and enterprise wide.

                                  •   Utilise CPP Level One skills (learned on Day 1) in conjunction with the Customer
                                      Expectation Management Method (CEMM) and the Advanced Process
                                      Management approach to analyse the Current State Model
                                  •   Assess the Risk factors (organisation and customer) identified in Current State
                                  •   Develop the Risk Assessment Profile against a matrix of the 8 key factors that
                                      drive performance improvement
                                  •   Prepare a Risk Assessment Profile that informs the Future State

                                  •   Develop and substantiate an Action Plan to mitigate risks

Consulting                                                                          Buy

  Enterprise Architecture                    Center of Excellence                     Ask the Architect Credits               Online Learning Licenses

  Business Process Management                Application Rationalization              Webinar Licenses                        Online Consulting

  Enterprise SOA                             Architecture Assessment                  Workshop Registration                   Onsite Consulting

Resources                                                                           Useful Links

  Architecture Gallery                       Architect Skill Quiz                     Why iCMG                               Site Map

  Short Videos                               E-Learning                               Architecture Awards 2013               Career

  iCMG Blog                                  Architecture Polls                       Architecture Survey 2013               Privacy Policy

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  • 1. CONSULTING EVENTS ABOUT US RESOURCES STORE 1 2 3 4 5 Brussels: 20 - 21 May 2013 About Steve Course Benefits Feedback Registration Contact Us Idea behind the workshop Follow Us The world's leading companies have come to realize that only when their customers are successful, will they be successful. In pursuit of their market leadership not only they need to spend time to look inside their business to know how things are getting done but also look outward to get deep understanding of their customers. It is a fair guess to say that a massive chunk of corporate resources go into such efforts, whether it is in IT, finance, sales, marketing or operations. One of the first people to describe processes was Adam Smith in Although many in Western economies are in a his famous (1776) example of an English pin factory. He state of denial, we are undergoing the greatest described the production of a pin in the following way: ”One man reorganization in the business world since the draws out the wire, another straightens it, a third cuts it, a fourth Industrial Revolution. If you somehow haven't points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head: to make noticed it yet, there is a loud and clear wake-up the head requires two or three distinct operations: to put it on is call in the air that can be heard everywhere. It's called globalization, and it's being brought to you a particular business, to whiten the pins is another ... and the by three billion new capitalists from China, India, important business of making a pin is, in this manner, divided and the former Soviet Union. into about eighteen distinct operations, which in some manufactories are all performed by distinct hands, though in No matter what industry you are in, no matter how others the same man will sometime perform two or three of successful you are, it's time to get ready for the them”. The result of labor division in Smith’s example world as it will be --a world where your customers resulted in productivity increasing by 24,000 percent, i.e. have new choices from a sea of suppliers from across the globe. that the same number of workers made 240 times as many pins as they had been producing before the introduction of --Peter Fingar labor division. Executive Partner, Greystone Group Author of Extreme Competition: Innovation and the Great 21st Century Business Reformation The enterprises are exploring modular architecture to isolate their business processes from their applications, which gives them the flexibility to add, upgrade or replace applications in their information technology environment without redefining all of their process interfaces. The business process management (BPM) market at $1.0 billion in Invented the phrase Business 2005 is expected to more than triple to $3.8 billion by 2012. The Process Management (BPM) in 1993 services oriented architecture (SOA) market at $450 million in 2005 is expected to grow rapidly through 2012, reaching $3.2 billion Established the world's first global Abstraction level for processes - source wiki (source : BPM community in 1993 Co-created the world's first Advanced One of the most challenging issues in BPM is not the question of "If" it is the question of "How." This two- BPM Method - 8 Omega in 2004 day program by Steve Towers will focus on how to do design and implement efficient and effective business processes. Received the 'Lifetime Achievement Award' at Gartners San Diego in 2007 Learn from the lessons from decades of real experience with real (and successful) BPM initiatives for taking BPM from promise to practice. This will be great primer for beginners and will provide new insight & more fresh ideas for people with experience in BPM. Rest assured, you will never think about business in
  • 2. the same way again. If you are traveling, you may like to attend the program city near you Have you got your FREE Copy yet? “In Search Of BPM Excellence : Straight from the thought leaders (2006)” Enterprise BPM in April 2013 Steve Towers. Poland Ghana Russia What you will Learn? Enterprise BPM in May 2013 How to embed Business Process Management within an organization to France Denmark Belgium ensure a continuous business process involvement culture. South Africa Switzerland Practical tools, explanations and assistance in the successful implementation of a BPM project. Several case studies to illustrate various steps and aspects of the framework. Step by step how to conduct a process improvement and redesign project. Complete cycle of business Process Mapping and links Seven "rules" for effective Process Modelling Avoiding the red herring of Process Notations How Six Sigma is part of BPM and how BPM and SOA merge WHAT, WHY and HOW about true process improvement. more Enterprise BPM Workshop » Ghana » Poland » France » Russia » Denmark » Switzerland » Belgium » South Africa Consulting Buy Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence Ask the Architect Credits Online Learning Licenses Business Process Management Application Rationalization Webinar Licenses Online Consulting Enterprise SOA Architecture Assessment Workshop Registration Onsite Consulting Resources Useful Links Architecture Gallery Architect Skill Quiz Why iCMG Site Map Short Videos E-Learning Architecture Awards 2013 Career iCMG Blog Architecture Polls Architecture Survey 2013 Privacy Policy
  • 3. CONSULTING EVENTS ABOUT US RESOURCES STORE Follow Us Participants' Feedback • "Steve presents the whole arena of transformation in a lucid and pragmatic way. I can not overstate how much these insights and profound new understanding will change our organization and its approach to the market. You want my endorsement? You get it a gazillion times over. Thanks." COO, Fortune 500 Company, Washington DC • "I want to thank you for the great content and coaching that you provided, the concepts resonated even more clearly when presented with your enthusiasm and experience." Director, H&R Block, USA • "Exceptional and life transforming. This training should be on every corporate agenda" CIO Pharmaceutical, Florida • "Fundamental and Profound. Steve is incredible and has transformed my view and execution of business forever. I can not express my thanks enough both personally and on behalf of my company." BoozAllen Hamilton, Washington DC • “We have collated the scores from the event and you and Terry came out as the most highly regarded.” Conference Producer, IIR International Tell a friend (see the scores here) • "I really enjoyed last week and really learned alot. I feel I had a Eureka Upcoming Webinars moment yesterday when the whole process diagnostics suddenly clicked Invented the phrase Business Wed, Apr 24, 2013 into place. I remember you saying that once you grasp this then you will Process Management (BPM) in 1993 Enterprise never look at processes in any other way. I am now actively Architecture - evangalizing the CEM approach with our team. " Established the world's first global Essentials for Senior Analyst, Investment Bank, London BPM community in 1993 Decision Makers • "Speakers are rated out of 10 for content and presentation style. I am Co-created the world's first Advanced Thu, Apr 25, 2013 happy to let you know that you scored a 9.5 (the best marks at the BPM Method - 8 Omega in 2004 Tips & Traps - event) and the additional comments '“very good' and 'excellent Architecture driven Received the 'Lifetime Achievement IT migration & chairman'." Award' at Gartners San Diego in 2007 modernization BPR and Management for Telecoms, Geneva roadmap "Steve led the best training sessions I have ever taken in my 20+ years more • as a professional. After those sessions I was able to have immediate impact on my organization. Steve is a very sharp, personable, interesting individual, and a real pleasure to work with. I continue to remain in regular contact with Steve and consider him an invaluable Have you got your FREE Copy yet? resource on BPM and on change management in general." Conference Producer, IIR International “In Search Of BPM Excellence : Straight from the thought leaders (2006)” • Steve Towers. “You are the tops! Everyone in the field should be exposed to the techniques experienced in this course.” Director - Process Management What you will Learn? more How to embed Business Process "Having had a chance to read through all of the delegate feedback forms Management within an organization to • Feedback on Steve in full it has become apparent that your workshops in particular were ensure a continuous business amongst the most well regarded, so thank you once more." process involvement culture. VP EMEA GDS International Practical tools, explanations and "Exceptional and life assistance in the successful transforming. This training • "You are an excellent speaker and your presentation was highly implementation of a BPM project. should be on every corporate motivational. I received some extremely positive feedback from the Several case studies to illustrate agenda" community. I look forward to future discussions with you." various steps and aspects of the CIO Pharmaceutical, Florida EDS, BPM Global community framework. Step by step how to conduct a "I took BPM training back in • "We have achieved so much in such a short time with your help and process improvement and redesign December, and Steve Towers steerage. Sincere thanks..." project. was the instructor. The training Financial Services company, Frankfurt Complete cycle of business Process was simply fantastic, because Mapping and links Steve has that rare ability to • "I took BPM training back in December, and Steve Towers was the Seven "rules" for effective Process connect with his trainees. Not instructor. The training was simply fantastic, because Steve has that Modelling only did I walk away from the rare ability to connect with his trainees. Not only did I walk away from Avoiding the red herring of Process training with a new perspective on Business Process the training with a new perspective on Business Process Management, Notations Management, but I walked but I walked away with an invaluable analysis tool." How Six Sigma is part of BPM and
  • 4. away with an invaluable Senior Systems Analyst, Barclays Bank how BPM and SOA merge analysis tool." WHAT, WHY and HOW about true Senior Systems Analyst, • "Excellent - he is a very good leader" process improvement. Barclays Bank Senior Quality Analyst, AEC, Saudi Arabia more • “Steve is a true guru and mentor in the field of Business Process more Management. What I've learnt from Steve and The BP Group in a short space of time has greatly benefited my understanding of advanced Enterprise BPM process management. Always accessible for advice, always Workshop campaigning to change how organisations view how they operate, Steve is a real asset to the BPM community and long may it continue.” » Ghana » Poland » France » Russia Theo Priestley, Head of Business Process Management, » Denmark » Switzerland Psingularity » Belgium » South Africa • "Simple and different concepts which is path breaking and easy to understand and deploy" Director Business Consulting, Chennai • "I would like to thank you for a wonderful experience for me to know the nuances of ABPM. Taking us to a new level on how to view processes & implement by way of sharing your wealth of experience and enlightning us with the case studies & exercises." Director Quality Management Group, 3i Infotech Ltd., India Consulting Buy Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence Ask the Architect Credits Online Learning Licenses Business Process Management Application Rationalization Webinar Licenses Online Consulting Enterprise SOA Architecture Assessment Workshop Registration Onsite Consulting Resources Useful Links Architecture Gallery Architect Skill Quiz Why iCMG Site Map Short Videos E-Learning Architecture Awards 2013 Career iCMG Blog Architecture Polls Architecture Survey 2013 Privacy Policy
  • 5. CONSULTING EVENTS ABOUT US RESOURCES STORE Follow Us Course Overview The Certified Process Professional (CPP) Program takes BPM Training to an entirely new level. This premier WORKSHOP is designed for those seeking professional skills in process management, process improvement, process alignment and innovation. The Advanced Business Process Management Methods and Techniques that Deliver! Uncover Process Improvement opportunities in just hours Identify Actions that will reduce process inefficiency by 30% to 60% within 90 days of deployment Delight your Customers (making them your biggest advocates) through Successful Customer Outcomes Innovate to compete, set the market trend and even dominate your industry The Certified Process Professional program builds your competency in delivering these essential benefits in literally everything you do. Unleashing the power of process in your organization today. A dynamic and comprehensive approach to creating and managing enterprise processes that deliver sustained high performance, encompassing the full range of management systems and practices. Content based on the experiences of hundreds of companies and the BP Group ( networks ongoing research. Course Outline - Level one Tell a friend Introduction to Advanced Business Process Management – Process Optimization Upcoming Webinars Learn to Apply process diagnostics to existing processes, calculate causes of work and Invented the phrase Business Wed, Apr 24, 2013 points of failure, and identify actions that can be taken to improve them. Develop a Process Management (BPM) in 1993 Enterprise structured approach accessible by everyone in the organisation to enable immediate Architecture - and significant performance improvements. Create a sustainable operational and Established the world's first global Essentials for strategic method suitable for both dramatic and steady state improvements. BPM community in 1993 Decision Makers • Apply process diagnostics to any existing process or service. Co-created the world's first Advanced Thu, Apr 25, 2013 Tips & Traps - • Understand and identify moments of truth, breakpoints and business rules BPM Method - 8 Omega in 2004 Architecture driven • Determine the magnitude of the points of failure performance factor and causes Received the 'Lifetime Achievement IT migration & of work performance factor of the process. Award' at Gartners San Diego in 2007 modernization • Calculate the points of failure causes of work performance factors then graph it roadmap on the maturity scales. more • Identify actions that can be taken to improve the process. • Identify actions that will significantly reduce the process points of failure and causes of work of the process. Have you got your FREE Copy yet? • Identify actions that can be completed in less than 90 days (often much less). “In Search Of BPM Excellence : • Analyze the benefits versus cost (resource/time/degree of change) for each Straight from the thought leaders (2006)” action Steve Towers. • Clearly identify “low hanging fruit” – actions that require minimal investment versus return • Apply process diagnostics to a customer focused (SCO) process. What you will Learn? more How to embed Business Process • Determine the points of failure performance and causes of work performance Management within an organization to process factors. Feedback on Steve • Conduct the risk assessment on the business and customer including ensure a continuous business process involvement culture. • Identify actions that can be taken to improve the process. Practical tools, explanations and "Exceptional and life assistance in the successful Review the various techniques and approaches to improving process (useful transforming. This training • internal materials) implementation of a BPM project. should be on every corporate Several case studies to illustrate Understand and apply the Customer Expectation Management Method agenda" • (CEMMethod) as an Advanced Process Management approach various steps and aspects of the CIO Pharmaceutical, Florida framework. Step by step how to conduct a "I took BPM training back in process improvement and redesign December, and Steve Towers Course Outline - Level two project. was the instructor. The training Complete cycle of business Process was simply fantastic, because Advanced Business Process Management – Process Alignment to Successful Mapping and links Steve has that rare ability to Outcomes Seven "rules" for effective Process connect with his trainees. Not Develop the insights and techniques to align all processes with successful outcomes, Modelling only did I walk away from the and in doing so create the capability for the organisation to win the triple crown i.e. training with a new perspective Avoiding the red herring of Process reduce costs, improve revenue and enhance service. Go beyond the triple crown into Notations on Business Process the Fourth Wave of BPM to way exceed the benefits derived from 3rd Wave How Six Sigma is part of BPM and Management, but I walked approaches such as Six Sigma and Lean. Create the ‘game plan’ that reaches and
  • 6. approaches such as Six Sigma and Lean. Create the ‘game plan’ that reaches and how BPM and SOA merge away with an invaluable analysis tool." convinces the Lead team for immediate success. WHAT, WHY and HOW about true Senior Systems Analyst, • Understand the concept of Successful Customer Outcomes and review recent process improvement. Barclays Bank case studies of global champions. more • Define Successful Customer Outcomes for any process, product or service. more • Create the 7 step action plan for crafting Successful Customer Outcomes. Enterprise BPM • Develop the SCO mind map for any process, product or service. Workshop • Understand the substantive difference between customer wants, desires and » Ghana » Poland needs. » France » Russia Learn how to identify clearly customer needs and expectations (even when the » Denmark » Switzerland • » Belgium » South Africa customer doesn’t know it themselves) • Understand Current and Future State Process Models • Develop a Current State Process Model – individual, team and enterprise wide. • Utilise CPP Level One skills (learned on Day 1) in conjunction with the Customer Expectation Management Method (CEMM) and the Advanced Process Management approach to analyse the Current State Model • Assess the Risk factors (organisation and customer) identified in Current State Modelling • Develop the Risk Assessment Profile against a matrix of the 8 key factors that drive performance improvement • Prepare a Risk Assessment Profile that informs the Future State • Develop and substantiate an Action Plan to mitigate risks Consulting Buy Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence Ask the Architect Credits Online Learning Licenses Business Process Management Application Rationalization Webinar Licenses Online Consulting Enterprise SOA Architecture Assessment Workshop Registration Onsite Consulting Resources Useful Links Architecture Gallery Architect Skill Quiz Why iCMG Site Map Short Videos E-Learning Architecture Awards 2013 Career iCMG Blog Architecture Polls Architecture Survey 2013 Privacy Policy