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                                                               Riyadh: 27 - 28 April 2013
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Idea behind the workshop
“The next ten years will be critical to the success of your business. How prepared are you? Are
you aware of the latest advances in identifying, defining and implementing change that can
impact your organisation almost immediately, even if you have already ‘optimised’ many times

Approaches to applying change in organisations are progressing very rapidly and with good reason. Many of
the existing methods still being applied either do not give the necessary insight to maximise impact, or
simply take too long to apply to be effective in a changing world. Advanced BPM is a powerfully innovative
and practical approach (i.e. rapid to apply) that builds on previous generation methods to dramatically
improve existing business processes and create new ones that impact business performance under every
definition. Most organisations are sitting on efficiency and cost reduction opportunities that previous
generation approaches never identify. In addition, the ability to innovate and create revenue and service
opportunities are usually looked at as separate initiatives. Why should they be? They are all part of Advanced
BPM - the latest change methods designed better support operations, customer centric change, governance
and strategy than anything that gone previously.

Challenges necessitating the emergence of Advanced BPM
Everything an organisation does is now the focus of Advanced Business Process Management. Variation is
inherent in almost everything we do and even with change this variation does and should still exist. The
change challenges companies face all link back to their process agenda - we have to update our approaches
if our enterprises are going to continue thrive:

 Operational Challenges                         Driving a Customer Centric                Linking change back to overall
                                                Strategy                                  Business Performance                                     Advanced BPM

    Operations,        structures        and      Competition is fierce, global             Companies             fundamentally
    business     process         flows    are     and increasing. The focus on              believe     they      offer    superior      »   UAE          »   Australia
                                                                                                                                         »   Qatar        »   Saudi Arabia
    often       way        too     complex,       cheaper, better, faster is not            products and services but still
                                                                                                                                         »   Thailand     »   Singapore
    creating      unnecessary            and      enough to dominate a market.              struggle to make the returns                 »   Sweden       »   Malaysia
    difficult    to        identify      non-     Innovation       has       to     be      they believe possible. How do                »   India
    contributory            costs        and      continuous but it needs to be             we change that?
    significantly                  increased      across    the   domain      of    the
    potential for failure.                        entire company, not with just             Companies strive to be market
                                                  the specialised few.                      leaders, and they believe they
    The process of change is too                                                            have the capabilities to be a
    complex,        relying        on     the     Customers have realised their             market     leader,      but     internal
    application            of       complex       right to exercise choice. They            issues     prevent      them       from
    algorithms to large volumes of                realise they have the right to            getting there.
    data.             As              obvious     alternatives       and           they
    improvements are delivered,                   frequently      exercise        those
                                                                                            Too many enterprises believe
    staying     with       these    existing      rights.
                                                                                            it   is   difficult    to     markedly
approaches           means        new                                                     reduce            costs         without
     improvements             often    only    Customers               have         high
                                                                                               negatively impacting service
     produce diminishing returns.              expectations,             they          will
                                                                                               levels. How do you change
                                               continue to demand more and
                                                                                               that     perception       and   do   so
                                               unless that demand is met,
     Even in 2013 more than 50%                                                                quickly?
                                               they      will     go        elsewhere.
     of change projects still under-
                                               Delivering to those demands
     perform and do not achieve                                                                The      global        recession     has
                                               that have the most impact on
     the desired outcome.                                                                      impacted the overall business
                                               customer experience is more
                                               profitable. The          question        is,    climate and many companies
     There are so many alternative             how can the company connect                     believe        their      performance
     methods to drive change out               to the customer experience                      won’t markedly improve until
     there, it is difficult to select          when       traditional       Voice       of     the      business         environment
     which makes most sense for                Customer          approaches         only       improves. How do you need to
     your business.                            uncover          60%    of     the   real       think about your business so
                                               opportunity.                                    that you have the potential to
     Governance is difficult because                                                           join those special few who
     companies          are    using   the     Customers often have a better                   thrive     –    recession       or   no
     wrong         approaches          and     view of the overall customer                    recession.
     measures which slows agility              experience than the company
     and means useful insight is               that     still    operates       with     a
     often      never    attained.     This    largely silo driven focus. If the
     directly impacts the cost base            silos and traditional structures
     and     forward      potential     for    are still going to be around for
     failure.                                  the foreseeable future, how do
                                               we      ensure      the      enterprise
                                               drives            the          customer
                                               experience        to     ensure      they
                                               keep coming back?

 Advanced BPM utilises the latest customer centric methodologies to deliver a change strategy that is in line
 with the organisation’s performance requirements and the challenges of the times. Our change model is all
 about moving from delivering “capability” to delivering “value” - empowering the appointed change agents
 with the thinking, tools and techniques that can be immediately utilised in their organisation. It provides a
 map that guides them every step of the way to identify customer outcome and change opportunities that can
 then implemented in a structured and risk mitigated fashion.

If you are traveling, you may like to attend the program city near you

  Advanced BPM in April 2013

   Australia                                  UAE                                             Qatar

   Saudi Arabia

  Advanced BPM in May 2013

   Singapore                                  Malaysia                                        Thailand

   Sweden                                     India

  Consulting                                                                                          Buy

   Enterprise Architecture                            Center of Excellence                              Ask the Architect Credits         Online Learning Licenses

   Business Process Management                        Application Rationalization                       Webinar Licenses                  Online Consulting

   Enterprise SOA                                     Architecture Assessment                           Workshop Registration             Onsite Consulting

  Resources                                                                                           Useful Links

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   iCMG Blog                                        Architecture Polls                                  Architecture Survey 2013          Privacy Policy
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                            Why is this workshop important?

                             These Advanced BPM approaches are a mixture of learnings distilled from the thought leadership of leading global
                             change companies, our own extensive experience delivering change "in the field" and our own in-house research
                             team. Everything that is done is aligned to the latest approaches for delivering change. This is called "Outcome
                             Based Thinking" and is designed to take change thinking to the next level and help an organisation bring their
                             processes, systems, strategy, people and customers into full alignment, focusing the organization its very reason for
                             existing. Through superior alignment, customer experience is significantly improved and operational costs are
                             decreased. We can therefore improve revenue, reduce costs and enhance the quality of service to the customer, all
                             at the same time.

                             Exclusive focus on the Customer – but with an enhanced ability to innovate and uncover new
                             ideas they will never tell you about
                            Every company still in business today positively impacts their customer outcomes to a degree - they would have to, or
                            customers would not be buying. Advanced BPM is built on the philosophy that the more positively a company
                            impacts its Customer Needs Framework (CNF), the greater proportion of available business it is going to win.
                            Applying this thinking will take you to places (i.e. business opportunities) that your competition has never been able
                            to exploit and perhaps never thought about. It leads you to clearly identify and understand the true customer needs
                            (as compared to the wants) and then work to ensure that the entire organization and its processes address those
                            needs, above all else. The Advanced BPM methodology starts from an 'outside of the organization' perspective then
                            moves to 'the inside' to implement effectively aligned processes.

                            Our research indicates that often the best solution to a customer's need is different than the customer's own
                            perceived solution. That ability to understand customer needs, often better than they do themselves, is what
                            distinguishes the great innovators such as Apple and AirTran Airlines from all others. Apple is producing applications
                            that people never thought they needed, whereas a significant proportion of their competition whom have built what
                            they believe to be technologically superior mobile phones have had to re-think their approach in the midst of falling
            Tell a friend   revenues and margins. AirTran is close to the era of the free flight ticket and yet enjoy consistent profitability whereas
                            British Airways, although operating more profitably as of late, has gone through possibly the worst business period in
      Upcoming Webinars     its history - although more recently it has returned to profitability. If you think about it, an airline is a business which
 Wed, Apr 24, 2013          is made up of the same commodity components - similar airplanes, customers with roughly the same wants/needs,
                            airports with the ability to offer the same services (if they choose) - yet some operators are flying high and others are
Architecture -              sinking towards government bailout or bankruptcy. Both AirTran and British Airways will claim customer centricity but
Essentials for              an Outside-In approach better defines the important outcome components that are critical to business success and
Decision Makers             under this lens it becomes very clear British Airways has been left wanting.
 Thu, Apr 25, 2013
Tips & Traps -
Architecture driven
                             Organising to sustain a performance change focus
IT migration &
modernization               Advanced BPM is more than a series of tools and techniques to view and
roadmap                     improve our business. It is a 'practical thinking approach' or a 'business
                            attitude' to be orientated to as much of the business as the practitioner or
                            management requires. If implemented to the greatest degree, a company
                            may design and represent its organisation charts around the customer
                            and the specific outcomes it is looking to create.

                            The approach does not prevent other techniques from being used in
                            analysing or improving our business, but it does ensure that Outcome
                            focus be it customer, operations or wider social agenda is maintained as a
                            central theme even when CEO's, boards and senior managers discuss change. If focus is only maintained at a tools
                            and techniques level they tend to be pigeon-holed into a specific silo and more likely to become forgotten or ignored
                            as the "latest and greatest" ideas for change raises its head.

                             Taking the Complexity out of how we view our business

                            One of the issues that change practitioners face is the underlying
                            complexity of the business we are trying to improve or change. Generally,
                            when we move from high level management representations to process
                            detail, a much more complex picture emerges, which we have usually
                            justified on the basis of "that's just what we do". But if we look at that
                            process again from a different outcome viewpoint then the process
                            appears very different. Advanced BPM shows that the way we
                            traditionally view process is an illusion and prevents us from viewing
                            business in a way to enable significant change. Viewing what we do from
                            the perspective of the outcome enables us to think of performance change
initiatives that would never occur to us if we only study our business in
the traditional manner.

How many changes to the way we do business seem obvious once we
have identified what they are and implemented them, but somehow eluded us when we are looking at our businesses
as a ‘haystack’ of processes?

 Developing a methodology we can all apply

Sustained change is best effected if it can be articulated in a way the whole organisation can understand and be part
of. Make the tools and approaches complex, using terminology a person needs significant training to understand,
means they will be side-lined to a department with the ability to handle that specialisation. Such departments
maintain credibility if they are seen to be consistently performing, but as soon as under-performance or failure is
perceived, they can be disenfranchised or worse, disappear.

The thinking, tools and techniques within Advanced BPM can be applied directly to our own organisations after less
than a week of training. The terminology used can be adopted, if necessary, across an enterprise although in reality
many will apply the tools and make changes without ever having to be too specific as to the techniques used. This
may range from the individual improving performance from the context of the remit where they have influence, to
sustained change programmes at an organisation level. Change which the whole organisation can relate to, and
understand, is more likely to succeed than change prescribed by specialists using language we only partially

The world’s most successful organisations are often characterized as those where staff are seen to be driving and feel
part of the business. Giving those staff an understanding of the thinking and techniques that enable change helps turn
change into an opportunity as opposed to a threat.

Ultimately any change has to be judged under the measures that directly relate to the business – revenue, cost base,
shareholder value, market penetration as well as the softer but still important qualitative measures such as customer
satisfaction, market reaction and analyst appraisal. Advanced BPM can impact all of these measures and moreover,
do it simultaneously.

 Alignments that can positively impact the whole organisation

Advanced BPM is designed on the premise if a process or operation does NOT contribute to the Outcome we seek –
you don’t do it! On first analysis this may appear difficult to rationalise in a practical sense.

For instance, some business areas may not directly ‘touch’ the customer but may seek certain operational outcomes.
Unless these non-customer facing departments are tightly aligned to the customer facing areas and ultimately the
customer, then at best unnecessary tasks and activities will emerge which will increase complexity, cost and the
potential for failure.

On the other hand, when they are properly aligned to the customer, huge opportunities to impact business
performance becomes apparent:

       An HR department for a software company might change how they reward the sales function to be in
       alignment to the Customer Needs Framework, so as to encourage active qualification and delivery against real
       customer needs rather than as is traditionally done, just on contracted revenue, which encourages that non-
       customer centric behaviour, the drive to get ‘a deal’ which leaves a legacy of problems and reduces follow-on
       business potential downstream.

       The finance department with a good understanding of expense run rates may have a trust based process for all
       expenses within a specified threshold for the sales and delivery teams. The cost of extra expenses would be
       more than off-set by reduced manual effort and the sales/delivery functions would be left to focus on their core
CONSULTING                 EVENTS             ABOUT US              RESOURCES                 STORE

                                Who Should Attend ?

                                The workshop will directly benefit anybody who has an interest in driving new performance initiatives into their
                                organization. Process Practitioners, Change Specialists and Managers directly contributing to the performance
                                change agenda will clearly benefit. However, given the magnitude of current challenges, understanding the
                                customer, the end-to-end value the organization needs to bring to the customer and what a successful customer
                                outcome looks like must be the responsibility of nearly everybody in the enterprise. As change is now moving to
                                the wider company domain, there are a whole range of additional roles and specialisations that would greatly
                                benefit. The workshop should be of interest to almost anybody who is concerned with proposing or implementing
                                any process changes to make their enterprise more customers centric in both intent and reality.

                                This workshop is compatible with the needs of almost any industry, clearlythose with business-to-consumer
                                (B2C) distribution models but also those with business-to-business (B2B) distribution models. It is especially
                                applicable to companies providing end-user services such as telecoms, utilities, security, transportation/logistics,
                                banks/financial services, property management, healthcare and hospitality.

                                 Leaders and professionals who would greatly benefit from this workshop include:

                                      Senior Executives (CEO's, COO's, CTO's, CIO's,Directors) who have broad business wide view and
                                      responsibility and are motivated and measured by the overall business performance indicators of revenue,
                                      cost, profit, customer satisfaction scores. They have the greatest ability to mandate change across the
                                      entire organization, so their understanding of customer centric Advanced BPM is crucial to eventual
                                      implementation success.

                                      Business Unit, Brand or Regional Directors and Managers whose products and services directly touch
                                      and serve end customers. These are the people most responsible for ensuring that revenue continues to
                                      come into the enterprise and that costs are managed over time so that there is profit and growth, the true
                                      lifeblood of an enterprise. They must ensure that the enterprise has an appropriately differentiated
                                      portfolio of products and services, offering just the right value, at the right place and at the right time in line
            Tell a friend             with the true customer need.

                                      Product and Service Architects, Designers and Developers, including industrial designers, product
      Upcoming Webinars
                                      management, hardware and software engineers, user-interface specialists and web-designers. All of
 Wed, Apr 24, 2013                    these people envision and create the products and services that provide the value end-users pay for. A
Enterprise                            keen understanding of customer needs, wants and what will achieve a successful customer experience is
Architecture -                        critical to their success.
Essentials for
Decision Makers                       Process, Technology and IT Managers and Professionals including Change specialists, Quality and
 Thu, Apr 25, 2013                    Industry Standards compliance specialists, as well as IT Program and Project Managers. These people
Tips & Traps -
                                      are involved in creating and maintaining the business and engineering processes and their supporting
Architecture driven                   technology, that keep enterprise operations moving. It is critical that those processes be designed with the
IT migration &                        external customer's needs in mind, rather than only on the basis of internal imperatives.
roadmap                               Front Line Staff and Managers in Retail or Telemarketing, Direct Sales or Network Marketing,
                                      Customer Support Center or Field Service. They are the critical links that interact with customers daily
                                      on a face-to-face basis or via telephone, email or social media platforms. They are often the most
                                      knowledgeable persons on what is working or not for customers, yet in many organizations they don't feel
                                      empowered or have no clear mandate or mechanism to impact the processes and rules which govern
                                      their daily lives. This workshop will teach them how they can contribute to change.

                                      Managers and Staff of Functional and Support Services such as order administration, billing,
                                      accounting, logistics and legal that often must touch the customer so as to keep the wheels of business
                                      flowing. Each of these touch-points while not the focus of the value exchange, have the potential of being

                                      a 'moment of delight' that enhances the end to end customer experience or a 'moment of pain' that
                                      detracts from it.

                                      Professional Services – Business Consultants, IT Consultants, Legal, Accountants and others
                                      providing professional guidance and support services for businesses big and small. Advanced BPM will
                                      give them the ability to see beyond their client’s current state to the innovative possibilities within easy

    Consulting                                                                 Buy

      Enterprise Architecture            Center of Excellence                    Ask the Architect Credits                 Online Learning Licenses

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Saudi Arabia Advanced BPM Workshop

  • 1. CONSULTING EVENTS ABOUT US RESOURCES STORE 1 2 3 4 5 Riyadh: 27 - 28 April 2013 About Charles Course Benefits Registration Contact Us Follow Us Idea behind the workshop “The next ten years will be critical to the success of your business. How prepared are you? Are you aware of the latest advances in identifying, defining and implementing change that can impact your organisation almost immediately, even if you have already ‘optimised’ many times over?” Approaches to applying change in organisations are progressing very rapidly and with good reason. Many of the existing methods still being applied either do not give the necessary insight to maximise impact, or simply take too long to apply to be effective in a changing world. Advanced BPM is a powerfully innovative and practical approach (i.e. rapid to apply) that builds on previous generation methods to dramatically improve existing business processes and create new ones that impact business performance under every definition. Most organisations are sitting on efficiency and cost reduction opportunities that previous generation approaches never identify. In addition, the ability to innovate and create revenue and service opportunities are usually looked at as separate initiatives. Why should they be? They are all part of Advanced BPM - the latest change methods designed better support operations, customer centric change, governance and strategy than anything that gone previously. Challenges necessitating the emergence of Advanced BPM Everything an organisation does is now the focus of Advanced Business Process Management. Variation is inherent in almost everything we do and even with change this variation does and should still exist. The change challenges companies face all link back to their process agenda - we have to update our approaches if our enterprises are going to continue thrive: Operational Challenges Driving a Customer Centric Linking change back to overall Strategy Business Performance Advanced BPM Workshop Operations, structures and Competition is fierce, global Companies fundamentally business process flows are and increasing. The focus on believe they offer superior » UAE » Australia » Qatar » Saudi Arabia often way too complex, cheaper, better, faster is not products and services but still » Thailand » Singapore creating unnecessary and enough to dominate a market. struggle to make the returns » Sweden » Malaysia difficult to identify non- Innovation has to be they believe possible. How do » India contributory costs and continuous but it needs to be we change that? significantly increased across the domain of the potential for failure. entire company, not with just Companies strive to be market the specialised few. leaders, and they believe they The process of change is too have the capabilities to be a complex, relying on the Customers have realised their market leader, but internal application of complex right to exercise choice. They issues prevent them from algorithms to large volumes of realise they have the right to getting there. data. As obvious alternatives and they improvements are delivered, frequently exercise those Too many enterprises believe staying with these existing rights. it is difficult to markedly
  • 2. approaches means new reduce costs without improvements often only Customers have high negatively impacting service produce diminishing returns. expectations, they will levels. How do you change continue to demand more and that perception and do so unless that demand is met, Even in 2013 more than 50% quickly? they will go elsewhere. of change projects still under- Delivering to those demands perform and do not achieve The global recession has that have the most impact on the desired outcome. impacted the overall business customer experience is more profitable. The question is, climate and many companies There are so many alternative how can the company connect believe their performance methods to drive change out to the customer experience won’t markedly improve until there, it is difficult to select when traditional Voice of the business environment which makes most sense for Customer approaches only improves. How do you need to your business. uncover 60% of the real think about your business so opportunity. that you have the potential to Governance is difficult because join those special few who companies are using the Customers often have a better thrive – recession or no wrong approaches and view of the overall customer recession. measures which slows agility experience than the company and means useful insight is that still operates with a often never attained. This largely silo driven focus. If the directly impacts the cost base silos and traditional structures and forward potential for are still going to be around for failure. the foreseeable future, how do we ensure the enterprise drives the customer experience to ensure they keep coming back? Advanced BPM utilises the latest customer centric methodologies to deliver a change strategy that is in line with the organisation’s performance requirements and the challenges of the times. Our change model is all about moving from delivering “capability” to delivering “value” - empowering the appointed change agents with the thinking, tools and techniques that can be immediately utilised in their organisation. It provides a map that guides them every step of the way to identify customer outcome and change opportunities that can then implemented in a structured and risk mitigated fashion. If you are traveling, you may like to attend the program city near you Advanced BPM in April 2013 Australia UAE Qatar Saudi Arabia Advanced BPM in May 2013 Singapore Malaysia Thailand Sweden India Consulting Buy Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence Ask the Architect Credits Online Learning Licenses Business Process Management Application Rationalization Webinar Licenses Online Consulting Enterprise SOA Architecture Assessment Workshop Registration Onsite Consulting Resources Useful Links Architecture Gallery Architect Skill Quiz Why iCMG Site Map Short Videos E-Learning Architecture Awards 2013 Career iCMG Blog Architecture Polls Architecture Survey 2013 Privacy Policy
  • 3. CONSULTING EVENTS ABOUT US RESOURCES STORE Why is this workshop important? These Advanced BPM approaches are a mixture of learnings distilled from the thought leadership of leading global change companies, our own extensive experience delivering change "in the field" and our own in-house research team. Everything that is done is aligned to the latest approaches for delivering change. This is called "Outcome Based Thinking" and is designed to take change thinking to the next level and help an organisation bring their processes, systems, strategy, people and customers into full alignment, focusing the organization its very reason for existing. Through superior alignment, customer experience is significantly improved and operational costs are decreased. We can therefore improve revenue, reduce costs and enhance the quality of service to the customer, all at the same time. Exclusive focus on the Customer – but with an enhanced ability to innovate and uncover new ideas they will never tell you about Every company still in business today positively impacts their customer outcomes to a degree - they would have to, or customers would not be buying. Advanced BPM is built on the philosophy that the more positively a company impacts its Customer Needs Framework (CNF), the greater proportion of available business it is going to win. Applying this thinking will take you to places (i.e. business opportunities) that your competition has never been able to exploit and perhaps never thought about. It leads you to clearly identify and understand the true customer needs (as compared to the wants) and then work to ensure that the entire organization and its processes address those needs, above all else. The Advanced BPM methodology starts from an 'outside of the organization' perspective then moves to 'the inside' to implement effectively aligned processes. Our research indicates that often the best solution to a customer's need is different than the customer's own perceived solution. That ability to understand customer needs, often better than they do themselves, is what distinguishes the great innovators such as Apple and AirTran Airlines from all others. Apple is producing applications that people never thought they needed, whereas a significant proportion of their competition whom have built what they believe to be technologically superior mobile phones have had to re-think their approach in the midst of falling Tell a friend revenues and margins. AirTran is close to the era of the free flight ticket and yet enjoy consistent profitability whereas British Airways, although operating more profitably as of late, has gone through possibly the worst business period in Upcoming Webinars its history - although more recently it has returned to profitability. If you think about it, an airline is a business which Wed, Apr 24, 2013 is made up of the same commodity components - similar airplanes, customers with roughly the same wants/needs, airports with the ability to offer the same services (if they choose) - yet some operators are flying high and others are Enterprise Architecture - sinking towards government bailout or bankruptcy. Both AirTran and British Airways will claim customer centricity but Essentials for an Outside-In approach better defines the important outcome components that are critical to business success and Decision Makers under this lens it becomes very clear British Airways has been left wanting. Thu, Apr 25, 2013 Tips & Traps - Architecture driven Organising to sustain a performance change focus IT migration & modernization Advanced BPM is more than a series of tools and techniques to view and roadmap improve our business. It is a 'practical thinking approach' or a 'business attitude' to be orientated to as much of the business as the practitioner or management requires. If implemented to the greatest degree, a company may design and represent its organisation charts around the customer and the specific outcomes it is looking to create. The approach does not prevent other techniques from being used in analysing or improving our business, but it does ensure that Outcome focus be it customer, operations or wider social agenda is maintained as a central theme even when CEO's, boards and senior managers discuss change. If focus is only maintained at a tools and techniques level they tend to be pigeon-holed into a specific silo and more likely to become forgotten or ignored as the "latest and greatest" ideas for change raises its head. Taking the Complexity out of how we view our business One of the issues that change practitioners face is the underlying complexity of the business we are trying to improve or change. Generally, when we move from high level management representations to process detail, a much more complex picture emerges, which we have usually justified on the basis of "that's just what we do". But if we look at that process again from a different outcome viewpoint then the process appears very different. Advanced BPM shows that the way we traditionally view process is an illusion and prevents us from viewing business in a way to enable significant change. Viewing what we do from the perspective of the outcome enables us to think of performance change
  • 4. initiatives that would never occur to us if we only study our business in the traditional manner. How many changes to the way we do business seem obvious once we have identified what they are and implemented them, but somehow eluded us when we are looking at our businesses as a ‘haystack’ of processes? Developing a methodology we can all apply Sustained change is best effected if it can be articulated in a way the whole organisation can understand and be part of. Make the tools and approaches complex, using terminology a person needs significant training to understand, means they will be side-lined to a department with the ability to handle that specialisation. Such departments maintain credibility if they are seen to be consistently performing, but as soon as under-performance or failure is perceived, they can be disenfranchised or worse, disappear. The thinking, tools and techniques within Advanced BPM can be applied directly to our own organisations after less than a week of training. The terminology used can be adopted, if necessary, across an enterprise although in reality many will apply the tools and make changes without ever having to be too specific as to the techniques used. This may range from the individual improving performance from the context of the remit where they have influence, to sustained change programmes at an organisation level. Change which the whole organisation can relate to, and understand, is more likely to succeed than change prescribed by specialists using language we only partially understand. The world’s most successful organisations are often characterized as those where staff are seen to be driving and feel part of the business. Giving those staff an understanding of the thinking and techniques that enable change helps turn change into an opportunity as opposed to a threat. Ultimately any change has to be judged under the measures that directly relate to the business – revenue, cost base, shareholder value, market penetration as well as the softer but still important qualitative measures such as customer satisfaction, market reaction and analyst appraisal. Advanced BPM can impact all of these measures and moreover, do it simultaneously. Alignments that can positively impact the whole organisation Advanced BPM is designed on the premise if a process or operation does NOT contribute to the Outcome we seek – you don’t do it! On first analysis this may appear difficult to rationalise in a practical sense. For instance, some business areas may not directly ‘touch’ the customer but may seek certain operational outcomes. Unless these non-customer facing departments are tightly aligned to the customer facing areas and ultimately the customer, then at best unnecessary tasks and activities will emerge which will increase complexity, cost and the potential for failure. On the other hand, when they are properly aligned to the customer, huge opportunities to impact business performance becomes apparent: An HR department for a software company might change how they reward the sales function to be in alignment to the Customer Needs Framework, so as to encourage active qualification and delivery against real customer needs rather than as is traditionally done, just on contracted revenue, which encourages that non- customer centric behaviour, the drive to get ‘a deal’ which leaves a legacy of problems and reduces follow-on business potential downstream. The finance department with a good understanding of expense run rates may have a trust based process for all expenses within a specified threshold for the sales and delivery teams. The cost of extra expenses would be more than off-set by reduced manual effort and the sales/delivery functions would be left to focus on their core
  • 5. CONSULTING EVENTS ABOUT US RESOURCES STORE Who Should Attend ? The workshop will directly benefit anybody who has an interest in driving new performance initiatives into their organization. Process Practitioners, Change Specialists and Managers directly contributing to the performance change agenda will clearly benefit. However, given the magnitude of current challenges, understanding the customer, the end-to-end value the organization needs to bring to the customer and what a successful customer outcome looks like must be the responsibility of nearly everybody in the enterprise. As change is now moving to the wider company domain, there are a whole range of additional roles and specialisations that would greatly benefit. The workshop should be of interest to almost anybody who is concerned with proposing or implementing any process changes to make their enterprise more customers centric in both intent and reality. This workshop is compatible with the needs of almost any industry, clearlythose with business-to-consumer (B2C) distribution models but also those with business-to-business (B2B) distribution models. It is especially applicable to companies providing end-user services such as telecoms, utilities, security, transportation/logistics, banks/financial services, property management, healthcare and hospitality. Leaders and professionals who would greatly benefit from this workshop include: Senior Executives (CEO's, COO's, CTO's, CIO's,Directors) who have broad business wide view and responsibility and are motivated and measured by the overall business performance indicators of revenue, cost, profit, customer satisfaction scores. They have the greatest ability to mandate change across the entire organization, so their understanding of customer centric Advanced BPM is crucial to eventual implementation success. Business Unit, Brand or Regional Directors and Managers whose products and services directly touch and serve end customers. These are the people most responsible for ensuring that revenue continues to come into the enterprise and that costs are managed over time so that there is profit and growth, the true lifeblood of an enterprise. They must ensure that the enterprise has an appropriately differentiated portfolio of products and services, offering just the right value, at the right place and at the right time in line Tell a friend with the true customer need. Product and Service Architects, Designers and Developers, including industrial designers, product Upcoming Webinars management, hardware and software engineers, user-interface specialists and web-designers. All of Wed, Apr 24, 2013 these people envision and create the products and services that provide the value end-users pay for. A Enterprise keen understanding of customer needs, wants and what will achieve a successful customer experience is Architecture - critical to their success. Essentials for Decision Makers Process, Technology and IT Managers and Professionals including Change specialists, Quality and Thu, Apr 25, 2013 Industry Standards compliance specialists, as well as IT Program and Project Managers. These people Tips & Traps - are involved in creating and maintaining the business and engineering processes and their supporting Architecture driven technology, that keep enterprise operations moving. It is critical that those processes be designed with the IT migration & external customer's needs in mind, rather than only on the basis of internal imperatives. modernization roadmap Front Line Staff and Managers in Retail or Telemarketing, Direct Sales or Network Marketing, Customer Support Center or Field Service. They are the critical links that interact with customers daily on a face-to-face basis or via telephone, email or social media platforms. They are often the most knowledgeable persons on what is working or not for customers, yet in many organizations they don't feel empowered or have no clear mandate or mechanism to impact the processes and rules which govern their daily lives. This workshop will teach them how they can contribute to change. Managers and Staff of Functional and Support Services such as order administration, billing, accounting, logistics and legal that often must touch the customer so as to keep the wheels of business flowing. Each of these touch-points while not the focus of the value exchange, have the potential of being a 'moment of delight' that enhances the end to end customer experience or a 'moment of pain' that detracts from it. Professional Services – Business Consultants, IT Consultants, Legal, Accountants and others providing professional guidance and support services for businesses big and small. Advanced BPM will give them the ability to see beyond their client’s current state to the innovative possibilities within easy reach. Consulting Buy Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence Ask the Architect Credits Online Learning Licenses