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Beetroot (Beta Vulgaris)
 1 Origin
 2 Synonymy
 3 Properties
 4 Caloric Value
 5 Pest control
 6 Effect on pregnant women and children
 7 Disease Prevention
 8 Nutritional Properties
 9 How to Choose and Keep it
 10 Curiosities
 11 How to Cook it
 12 Why Eat Beets?
 13 Eating Contraindications
 14 Growing Beets
 15 Beetroot uses
 14 Source & References
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris), a vegetable which is the most popular
and the oldest, it is said to have its origin from prehistory. It has
different properties, in addition to being one of the main sources
of sugar.
Beet, it is believed that it has originated in prehistoric times in
the north of Africa and grew wild along coasts of Asia and
In these early days, people ate exclusively the leaves and not the
beetroots. The ancient Romans were one of the first civilizations
to cultivate beets to use their roots as food.
Later the tribes that invaded Rome spread beets throughout
northern Europe, where they first used for animal feed and later
for human consumption, which became popular in the 16th
century. Beet’s popularity grew in the 19th century when it first
discovered to be a concentrated source of sugar, and the first
sugar factory was built in Poland.
When access to cane sugar was restricted by the British,
Napoleon decreed that beet be used as the main source of sugar,
which increased its popularity. Around this time, beets also came
to the United States.
Now day‘s main trading beet producers are the United
States, Russia, Poland, France, and Germany. Beets are a food
that we cannot do without it.
 Beta cicla
 Beta esculenta
 Beta hortensis
 Beta rapa
 Beta vulgaris subsp.cicla(L.)
 Beta vulgaris subsp.maritima
 Beta vulgaris L.var cicla
Beet is a vegetable that is very energetic, recommended in cases
of anemia, diseases of the blood, and convalescence, it is due to
its high content of iron, beside rich in sugars and carotenes. It is
considered a laxative; It serves to improve liver function and for
urinary tract infections. It has folates and certain vitamins such
as B1, B2, B3, and B6, etc. By contrast, beets are, along with
aubergine or cucumber, one of the vegetables with the lowest
content of provitamin A and vitamin C.
Folates are involved in the production of red and white blood
cells, in the synthesis of genetic material and in the formation of
antibodies in the immune system. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin are
related to the production of antibodies and red blood cells. It
collaborates in the production of energy and in the maintenance
of the epithelial tissue of the mucosa, while vitamin B3
collaborates in the functioning of the digestive system, the good
state of the skin, the nervous system and in the conversion of
food into energy.
Vitamin B6 participates in cellular metabolism and in the
functioning of the immune system. The sugar contained in the
beets is sucrose. It can be eaten in salads or cooked, but it
maintains its properties better when raw. Beets are particularly
rich in folate, they are also high in fiber, soluble and insoluble.
Insoluble fiber helps keep your intestinal tract working well,
while soluble fiber maintains your blood sugar levels and
controlled cholesterol. Beets are particularly rich in folate, they
are also high in fiber soluble, and insoluble.
Beet is a portion of food that contains moderate heat, since, after
the water, the hydrates of carbon are the most abundant
component, which makes this one of the vegetables richer in
sugars and a good source of fiber.
Beetroot, due to its moderate caloric value, can be consumed as
an ingredient in salads or vegetables and used in weight
control diets, although the consumption ration and flavoring
must be taken into account. In addition, thanks to its fiber
content, it provides a good feeling of satiety, which limits the
consumption of other more caloric foods.
It has been found that few pests attack the beet crop. The most
common and worst pest for this crop is the armyworm, whose
young larvae eat on the underside of the leaf without damaging
the upper part and the older larvae devour the tissue by piercing
the leaves. Chemical control should be performed when the
populations are very high and it is necessary to reduce them in a
short time. The worm sticks the leave, fold the sheet foil to hide
in them. In the presence of this pest, Abaco dose 0.5 L / ha is
To control pests, it is necessary to correctly rotate crops and
prepare the soil before sowing so that biological controllers can
Beets are appropriate to the pregnant woman’s diet thanks to
their folate content. This is an important vitamin in ensuring the
correct development of the neural tube of the fetus, especially in
the first weeks of gestation. Its deficiency causes diseases such
as spina bifida or anencephaly in the future baby. Folate
requirements are higher in children as well. Therefore, including
them in your regular diet is a valid way to prevent deficiencies.
Beetroot contains pigments called anthocyanins, with antioxidant
action, and that gives it its characteristic color. Antioxidants
block the damaging effect of free radicals. The breathing in the
presence of oxygen is essential in the living cell of our body, but
following the same molecules, free radicals, causing negative
effects on health to have the ability to occur alter DNA (genes),
proteins, and lipids or fats.
There are situations that increase the production of free radicals,
including intense physical exercise, environmental pollution,
smoking, infections, stress, high-fat diets, and overexposure to
the Sun. The relationship between antioxidants and the
prevention of cardiovascular diseases is today a well-supported
statement. It is known that it is the modification of the so-called
“bad cholesterol ” (LDL-c) that plays a fundamental role in the
onset and development of atherosclerosis.
Antioxidants block free radicals that modify so-called bad
cholesterol, thereby helping to reduce cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular risk. On the other hand, low levels of
antioxidants are a risk factor for certain types of cancer and
degenerative diseases.
The development of goiter is associated with a growth of the
thyroid gland that is involved in the regulation of metabolism.
The appearance of this disease is related to a very low or no
consumption of iodine. Iodine-deficient diets are more common in
developed countries. This deficiency can disappear with the use
of iodized salt, although there are also foods that provide this
mineral, such as beets, since, along with garlic and chard, it is
the vegetable that is richest in iodine.
Kidney stones and retention of fluids can be treated with
consumption beet, which is rich in one type of acid organic
known as of oxalic acid; This compound, which is also abundant
in spinach and Swiss chard, has the ability to form insoluble
complexes in the intestine with minerals such as calcium and
iron that prevent its assimilation.
There are people who are predisposed to form “calcium oxalate”
stones in the kidney, which is why the consumption of beets in
their diet should be restricted. On the other hand, thanks to the
abundance of potassium and lower sodium content, they have a
diuretic action that favors the elimination of excess fluids from
the body.
They are beneficial in case of hypertension,
hyperuricemia and gout, kidney stones (except for calcium
oxalate ), fluid retention, and oliguria. With increased urine
production, waste substances dissolved in it, such as uric acid,
are eliminated in addition to liquids. urea, etc.
(1 cup cooked and sliced beets)
 Calories 31
 Protein5 grams
 Carbohydrates5 grams
 Dietary fiber 1.5 grams
 Potassium259 milligrams
 Phosphorus32 milligrams
 Folate 53.2 mcg
 Vitamin A5 International Units
Fresh beets are usually sold in bunches. It is preferable to choose
those with roots of the same size. Thus, they will all cook evenly.
At the time of purchase, it is recommended to choose smooth,
firm, round, and fleshy specimens, without spots or bruises and
of deep red color. The selected bunch should contain green leaves
since it indicates that the root is young. Despite the fact that the
leaves are limp or soft, the root is in good condition if it feels firm
to the touch.
If you want to make use of the beet leaves, these, in addition to
being green, must be tender. On the contrary, the elongated and
flaky skin on the upper part should be rejected because they will
be hard, fibrous, and with a strong flavor. Once at home, fresh
beets should be kept in the refrigerator and inside a plastic
bag and thus the last two to three weeks. The beet leaves,
separately, must also be kept in a plastic bag, without washing
them. In this way and in refrigeration they can be kept for three
to five days.
It is not advisable to freeze raw beets because they soften, unless
they are small, after boiling them in saltwater and never more
than two hours. Then they are immersed in cold water to
facilitate peeling. Once peeled, they can be cut and frozen in an
airtight container.
From the beet, the natural pigment present in this root is
extracted, which gives it its characteristic red color and is used
in the agri-food industry to obtain a dye called beet red. This dye
is used to give color to some products such as soups, liqueurs,
ice cream, etc. This substance causes urine and feces to turn
reddish in some people after eating beets. This is because they
lack the enzyme that metabolizes this pigment in the intestine, so
it is eliminated as it is along with urine and feces.
Did you know that the very fashionable Red Velvet cake has beet
as its main ingredient? On the other hand, that the most famous
and traditional soup in Russia is called Borsch, which translated
into Old Slovenian means beets? Also used as a natural dye, beet
extract or E162 is a pigment naturally extracted by cooking the
beet and its subsequent drying, giving rise to different shades
ranging from the most subtle pink to the most intense pink, and
passing through the range of purples.
This Same Pigment Is Usually Used In Cosmetics In The
Elaboration Of
 Makeups
 Blushers
 Lipstick
 Dyes
Beetroot pigment is also a key ingredient in the food industry to
color “strawberry-flavoured” foods, pastries, yogurts, dairy, fried
snacks, and to color sausages and meats in general.
Beetroot is a vegetable that can be eaten raw, boiled, or canned.
Its main use is in salads, although it can also be eaten alone,
with garlic or onion, and seasoned with a little oil, salt, and
vinegar. To consume it raw, they are usually grated and seasoned
with a little oil and lemon, but they are more digestible if they
have been cooked.
For its cooking, it is convenient to introduce them in boiling
salted water without having peeled them previously because
otherwise, they would lose part of their color and flavour. They
should be boiled for at least an hour, depending on their size, but
not more than two. Once you have been cooked, can remove the
skin easily and can be served as a dish of vegetables. If you
prefer, you can roast.
To do this you just have to put them in the oven and not take
them out until they are tender. Cooked in this way, the beets
retain almost all their properties intact. Canned beets are made
from beets. To do this you must use vinegar or sugar that will be
added to the beets once they have been boiled or cooked.
Likewise, the beet leaves can be used, cooked, and seasoned as if
they were spinach.
When we talk about our overall health, it always depends on
healthy food and level of stomach acid, it is the stomach acid that
helps your body to absorb minerals, nutrients, and vitamins from
food and boost overall health. Looking at those, Beets are dense
in nutrients, including betaine, potassium, folate, Vitamin C,
magnesium, and a good dose of nitrates. Therefore, the answer is
simple why we should eat beet.
One of the first virtues that you will find when looking for what
can beet consumption help you will be related to the adjective of
anticancer. Please always be cautious with this type of statement
and read with an open mind and judgment. We are facing food
with exceptional properties but not magical, the virtue of making
miracles does not have it. Attributing this almost miraculous
power comes thanks to its great wealth in flavonoids, mainly
betaine, and the red pigment so characteristic of beets. There are
studies that say that its consumption inhibits and prevents the
appearance of tumors.
The truth is that it is a very beneficial food for our body and a
powerful antioxidant and eating a diet rich and abundant in
fruits and vegetables has been shown to be favorable to the
disease and its delay or appearance. Antioxidants are responsible
for eliminating free radicals from the body, neutralize them, and
thus prevent them from damaging organs, such as kidneys, liver,
heart … So far from miraculous potions, we are aware of the daily
importance of nutrition when it comes to preventing.[1]
 Learn more: Yoga for weight loss
Here the data is accurate, and that is that for every 100 grams of
beets we find 0.8 mg. of iron. In addition to being a great source
of vitamin C, which increases iron absorption. Although there are
other foods with more iron, its richness in folic acid makes it the
food par excellence to treat these deficits. This makes beets the
perfect ally in cases of anemia. Thanks to its large amount of
folates (folic acid) vitamin B9, a vitamin that is only found in
vegetables and is essential when it comes to producing red blood
When we have red blood cell deficits, we are facing megaloblastic
anemia. As a tip, when it comes to synthesizing iron better, it is
advisable to mix this food with another that contains vitamin C in
order to increase the bioavailability of iron (for example, adding a
few drops of lemon juice to beets or another food rich in iron).
On the contrary and although it sounds contradictory, its
consumption is not recommended along with other iron-rich
foods in cases of anemia, since they would “steal” minerals from
each other and would have the opposite effect, it is recommended
to consume it with food rich in calcium to avoid these unwanted
effects. Also interesting its consumption in women with heavy
periods, during pregnancy or in recent births, where the supply
of iron is even more necessary. [2]
Thanks to its high content of folic acid, B9, a great vitamin to
keep good nail, skin, and hair health at bay, with rejuvenating
effects, making them look healthy and strong. In addition,
antidepressant properties are attributed to it. You are encouraged
to try it, right? [3]
Once again folic acid is in charge of nourishing our hearts thanks
to beets and their antioxidant effects. Heart-healthy food, rich in
fiber, antioxidants, potassium, vitamins of group B (not B-12
eye), benefits us when it comes to lowering cholesterol, reduces
hypertension, and cleanses the arteries, reducing the possibility
of cardiovascular accidents such as heart attacks or stroke.[4]
 Learn more: How to lose weight
A large amount of fiber in beets makes emptying the intestine
very useful for constipation problems and its prevention. Beets
are highly digestive and have a prebiotic effect, which helps
improve intestinal flora. That is why highly digestive food are
recommended even in cases of intestinal disease such as irritable
colon, ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.[5]
As it is well known that our surroundings are full of pollutions
and we are facing lack of natural food rich in antioxidants, which
is just what our liver needs to detoxify, cleanse, and stay healthy.
Thanks to beets, to their purifying effects. It is an essential diet
for patients with fatty liver, cirrhosis, or hepatitis. We are not
surprised to find our urine-stained red or pinkish after
consumption, relax! It is normal, its powerful pigmentation goes
Beets provide us with very few calories, approximately 43 kcal
per 100 grams. These calories come mainly from carbohydrates,
but as it is a food rich in fiber, these are slowly absorbed. The
Carrots have both soluble and insoluble fibres in it, which make
a super food. In study it have been found that fibre takes the
longest to digest, this way it can promotes a feeling of fullness
and prevents you from eating other fattening foods and
contribute to weight loss. [7]
Beet is rich in much nutritious proteins beside this it also has an
excellent source of nitrate which have an ability to decrease blood
pressure. In research, it was found that the amount of oxygen
you need to sustain exercise decreased after consuming beet
juice. So while exercising or it took less energy to run the same
pace or time of the workout. [8]
Various studies have shown that there are many benefits when
consuming beets in the performance of elite athletes. Hence,
many of them take advantage of the health properties offered by
beets when it comes to increasing their physical performance in
endurance sports.
The key to this increase in the resistance offered by beets to
athletes is a nitric oxide, an important vasodilator capable of
increasing blood flow at the muscular level and thus promoting
oxygen in the muscles.
We could continue talking long and hard about the benefits of
beets as an essential food and its properties to maintain your
health, but I think that with these above benefits we have raised
the bar to include it in your next shopping list. A basic food that
should not be missing in our refrigerators, versatile when it
comes to cooking and that also has a delicious flavor, still, you do
not use it.[9]
 Learn more: How to lose weight fast
In general, alterations caused after the consumption of beets
have not been verified but people with delicate stomachs should
take precaution in their consumption, since it can generate gases
and/or acidity due to its high content of oxalates, being irritating,
in these cases yes, for the digestive system.
For this reason, people with a tendency or diagnosed with
cystitis, kidney stones, nephritic colic, or kidney disease should
also consume, limiting it. Otherwise, beets are healthy food for
people with diabetes, always consumed in normal proportions.
Well if you have read the benefits of beet, now you are probably
wondering what is the best way to get beets to get all benefit from
it?. Its simple plant it in your own garden. The best time for
sowing is from April to June and after abundant watering and
after approximately ten days we can see the first leaves.
Thereafter about forty-five days, the beet will have between four
to five leaves, which will be the tender leaf (we can consume it
raw or cooked similarly to spinach). From July we can start
collecting, gradually being the most optimal time in October, then
we can collect them. After harvesting, comes the reward, the
long-awaited time to consume it and thus benefit from the
wonderful food, essential for our health.
There are many ways to eat your beet you can eat them raw,
steamed, or cooked. If you prefer to cook it at home, a good way
to ensure that it does not lose too many nutrients during
cooking. So while cooking includes the leaves and skin, and after
cooking, clean it. To enhance its color in cooking we can put a
few drops of lemon. When handling it, we recommend wearing
gloves since the power of its coloration easily penetrates the skin,
staining it considerably, as well as being careful with stains on
Beetroot (Beta Vulgaris)
A simple trick to remove the beet color from the skin in a natural
way is to rub your hands with the white part of an orange peel,
rinse with water and voila! If by accident you have ended up with
a beet stain on your clothes, you will have no choice but to treat
the stain quickly, soaking and washing it with detergent, leaving
it to soak if it does not result and/or treating it with solutions
based on bleaches or bleach. And you, do you know of any type
of remedy to combat these spots?
Beet is really a superfood, as it is loaded with nutrients like
manganese, iron, potassium, copper, and magnesium, etc. Above
all it is also has properties that have the ability to prevent cancer.
Just drinking a 200ml of Beet juice can fulfill your all above
needs and reap its benefits. It is due to the higher concentration
of betalains in it. More over cooked beets contain more fiber and
both the diet are beneficial for wellbeing.
Sources & References

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Beetroot Benefits and Nutrition

  • 1.
  • 2. Ayurvedic indiaHealth Tips Health Tips In Hindi Beetroot (Beta Vulgaris) SUMMARY  1 Origin  2 Synonymy  3 Properties  4 Caloric Value  5 Pest control  6 Effect on pregnant women and children  7 Disease Prevention  8 Nutritional Properties  9 How to Choose and Keep it  10 Curiosities  11 How to Cook it  12 Why Eat Beets?  13 Eating Contraindications  14 Growing Beets  15 Beetroot uses  14 Source & References
  • 3. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO BEETROOT (BETA VULGARIS) Beetroot (Beta vulgaris), a vegetable which is the most popular and the oldest, it is said to have its origin from prehistory. It has different properties, in addition to being one of the main sources of sugar. ORIGIN Beet, it is believed that it has originated in prehistoric times in the north of Africa and grew wild along coasts of Asia and Europe. In these early days, people ate exclusively the leaves and not the beetroots. The ancient Romans were one of the first civilizations to cultivate beets to use their roots as food. Later the tribes that invaded Rome spread beets throughout northern Europe, where they first used for animal feed and later for human consumption, which became popular in the 16th century. Beet’s popularity grew in the 19th century when it first discovered to be a concentrated source of sugar, and the first sugar factory was built in Poland. When access to cane sugar was restricted by the British, Napoleon decreed that beet be used as the main source of sugar,
  • 4. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO which increased its popularity. Around this time, beets also came to the United States. Now day‘s main trading beet producers are the United States, Russia, Poland, France, and Germany. Beets are a food that we cannot do without it. SYNONYMY  Beta cicla  Beta esculenta  Beta hortensis  Beta rapa  Beta vulgaris subsp.cicla(L.)  Beta vulgaris subsp.maritima  Beta vulgaris L.var cicla PROPERTIES Beet is a vegetable that is very energetic, recommended in cases of anemia, diseases of the blood, and convalescence, it is due to its high content of iron, beside rich in sugars and carotenes. It is considered a laxative; It serves to improve liver function and for urinary tract infections. It has folates and certain vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, and B6, etc. By contrast, beets are, along with aubergine or cucumber, one of the vegetables with the lowest content of provitamin A and vitamin C. Folates are involved in the production of red and white blood cells, in the synthesis of genetic material and in the formation of antibodies in the immune system. Vitamin B2 or riboflavin are related to the production of antibodies and red blood cells. It collaborates in the production of energy and in the maintenance of the epithelial tissue of the mucosa, while vitamin B3 collaborates in the functioning of the digestive system, the good state of the skin, the nervous system and in the conversion of food into energy. Vitamin B6 participates in cellular metabolism and in the functioning of the immune system. The sugar contained in the beets is sucrose. It can be eaten in salads or cooked, but it maintains its properties better when raw. Beets are particularly rich in folate, they are also high in fiber, soluble and insoluble.
  • 5. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO Insoluble fiber helps keep your intestinal tract working well, while soluble fiber maintains your blood sugar levels and controlled cholesterol. Beets are particularly rich in folate, they are also high in fiber soluble, and insoluble. Beet is a portion of food that contains moderate heat, since, after the water, the hydrates of carbon are the most abundant component, which makes this one of the vegetables richer in sugars and a good source of fiber. CALORIC VALUE Beetroot, due to its moderate caloric value, can be consumed as an ingredient in salads or vegetables and used in weight control diets, although the consumption ration and flavoring must be taken into account. In addition, thanks to its fiber content, it provides a good feeling of satiety, which limits the consumption of other more caloric foods. PEST CONTROL It has been found that few pests attack the beet crop. The most common and worst pest for this crop is the armyworm, whose young larvae eat on the underside of the leaf without damaging the upper part and the older larvae devour the tissue by piercing the leaves. Chemical control should be performed when the populations are very high and it is necessary to reduce them in a short time. The worm sticks the leave, fold the sheet foil to hide in them. In the presence of this pest, Abaco dose 0.5 L / ha is recommended. To control pests, it is necessary to correctly rotate crops and prepare the soil before sowing so that biological controllers can act. EFFECT ON PREGNANT WOMEN AND CHILDREN Beets are appropriate to the pregnant woman’s diet thanks to their folate content. This is an important vitamin in ensuring the correct development of the neural tube of the fetus, especially in the first weeks of gestation. Its deficiency causes diseases such as spina bifida or anencephaly in the future baby. Folate
  • 6. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO requirements are higher in children as well. Therefore, including them in your regular diet is a valid way to prevent deficiencies. DISEASE PREVENTION Beetroot contains pigments called anthocyanins, with antioxidant action, and that gives it its characteristic color. Antioxidants block the damaging effect of free radicals. The breathing in the presence of oxygen is essential in the living cell of our body, but following the same molecules, free radicals, causing negative effects on health to have the ability to occur alter DNA (genes), proteins, and lipids or fats. There are situations that increase the production of free radicals, including intense physical exercise, environmental pollution, smoking, infections, stress, high-fat diets, and overexposure to the Sun. The relationship between antioxidants and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases is today a well-supported statement. It is known that it is the modification of the so-called “bad cholesterol ” (LDL-c) that plays a fundamental role in the onset and development of atherosclerosis. Antioxidants block free radicals that modify so-called bad cholesterol, thereby helping to reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk. On the other hand, low levels of antioxidants are a risk factor for certain types of cancer and degenerative diseases. The development of goiter is associated with a growth of the thyroid gland that is involved in the regulation of metabolism. The appearance of this disease is related to a very low or no consumption of iodine. Iodine-deficient diets are more common in developed countries. This deficiency can disappear with the use of iodized salt, although there are also foods that provide this mineral, such as beets, since, along with garlic and chard, it is the vegetable that is richest in iodine. Kidney stones and retention of fluids can be treated with consumption beet, which is rich in one type of acid organic known as of oxalic acid; This compound, which is also abundant in spinach and Swiss chard, has the ability to form insoluble complexes in the intestine with minerals such as calcium and iron that prevent its assimilation.
  • 7. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO There are people who are predisposed to form “calcium oxalate” stones in the kidney, which is why the consumption of beets in their diet should be restricted. On the other hand, thanks to the abundance of potassium and lower sodium content, they have a diuretic action that favors the elimination of excess fluids from the body. They are beneficial in case of hypertension, hyperuricemia and gout, kidney stones (except for calcium oxalate ), fluid retention, and oliguria. With increased urine production, waste substances dissolved in it, such as uric acid, are eliminated in addition to liquids. urea, etc. NUTRITIONAL PROPERTIES (1 cup cooked and sliced beets)  Calories 31  Protein5 grams  Carbohydrates5 grams  Dietary fiber 1.5 grams  Potassium259 milligrams  Phosphorus32 milligrams  Folate 53.2 mcg  Vitamin A5 International Units HOW TO CHOOSE AND KEEP IT Fresh beets are usually sold in bunches. It is preferable to choose those with roots of the same size. Thus, they will all cook evenly. At the time of purchase, it is recommended to choose smooth, firm, round, and fleshy specimens, without spots or bruises and of deep red color. The selected bunch should contain green leaves since it indicates that the root is young. Despite the fact that the leaves are limp or soft, the root is in good condition if it feels firm to the touch. If you want to make use of the beet leaves, these, in addition to being green, must be tender. On the contrary, the elongated and flaky skin on the upper part should be rejected because they will be hard, fibrous, and with a strong flavor. Once at home, fresh beets should be kept in the refrigerator and inside a plastic bag and thus the last two to three weeks. The beet leaves,
  • 8. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO separately, must also be kept in a plastic bag, without washing them. In this way and in refrigeration they can be kept for three to five days. It is not advisable to freeze raw beets because they soften, unless they are small, after boiling them in saltwater and never more than two hours. Then they are immersed in cold water to facilitate peeling. Once peeled, they can be cut and frozen in an airtight container. CURIOSITIES From the beet, the natural pigment present in this root is extracted, which gives it its characteristic red color and is used in the agri-food industry to obtain a dye called beet red. This dye is used to give color to some products such as soups, liqueurs, ice cream, etc. This substance causes urine and feces to turn reddish in some people after eating beets. This is because they lack the enzyme that metabolizes this pigment in the intestine, so it is eliminated as it is along with urine and feces. Did you know that the very fashionable Red Velvet cake has beet as its main ingredient? On the other hand, that the most famous and traditional soup in Russia is called Borsch, which translated into Old Slovenian means beets? Also used as a natural dye, beet extract or E162 is a pigment naturally extracted by cooking the beet and its subsequent drying, giving rise to different shades ranging from the most subtle pink to the most intense pink, and passing through the range of purples. This Same Pigment Is Usually Used In Cosmetics In The Elaboration Of  Makeups  Blushers  Lipstick  Dyes Beetroot pigment is also a key ingredient in the food industry to color “strawberry-flavoured” foods, pastries, yogurts, dairy, fried snacks, and to color sausages and meats in general.
  • 9. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO HOW TO COOK IT Beetroot is a vegetable that can be eaten raw, boiled, or canned. Its main use is in salads, although it can also be eaten alone, with garlic or onion, and seasoned with a little oil, salt, and vinegar. To consume it raw, they are usually grated and seasoned with a little oil and lemon, but they are more digestible if they have been cooked. For its cooking, it is convenient to introduce them in boiling salted water without having peeled them previously because otherwise, they would lose part of their color and flavour. They should be boiled for at least an hour, depending on their size, but not more than two. Once you have been cooked, can remove the skin easily and can be served as a dish of vegetables. If you prefer, you can roast. To do this you just have to put them in the oven and not take them out until they are tender. Cooked in this way, the beets retain almost all their properties intact. Canned beets are made from beets. To do this you must use vinegar or sugar that will be added to the beets once they have been boiled or cooked. Likewise, the beet leaves can be used, cooked, and seasoned as if they were spinach. WHY EAT BEETS? When we talk about our overall health, it always depends on healthy food and level of stomach acid, it is the stomach acid that helps your body to absorb minerals, nutrients, and vitamins from food and boost overall health. Looking at those, Beets are dense in nutrients, including betaine, potassium, folate, Vitamin C, magnesium, and a good dose of nitrates. Therefore, the answer is simple why we should eat beet. 1. TO FIGHT AGAINST CANCER One of the first virtues that you will find when looking for what can beet consumption help you will be related to the adjective of anticancer. Please always be cautious with this type of statement and read with an open mind and judgment. We are facing food with exceptional properties but not magical, the virtue of making miracles does not have it. Attributing this almost miraculous
  • 10. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO power comes thanks to its great wealth in flavonoids, mainly betaine, and the red pigment so characteristic of beets. There are studies that say that its consumption inhibits and prevents the appearance of tumors. The truth is that it is a very beneficial food for our body and a powerful antioxidant and eating a diet rich and abundant in fruits and vegetables has been shown to be favorable to the disease and its delay or appearance. Antioxidants are responsible for eliminating free radicals from the body, neutralize them, and thus prevent them from damaging organs, such as kidneys, liver, heart … So far from miraculous potions, we are aware of the daily importance of nutrition when it comes to preventing.[1]  Learn more: Yoga for weight loss 2. TO GET A SOURCE OF IRON Here the data is accurate, and that is that for every 100 grams of beets we find 0.8 mg. of iron. In addition to being a great source of vitamin C, which increases iron absorption. Although there are other foods with more iron, its richness in folic acid makes it the food par excellence to treat these deficits. This makes beets the perfect ally in cases of anemia. Thanks to its large amount of folates (folic acid) vitamin B9, a vitamin that is only found in vegetables and is essential when it comes to producing red blood cells. When we have red blood cell deficits, we are facing megaloblastic anemia. As a tip, when it comes to synthesizing iron better, it is advisable to mix this food with another that contains vitamin C in order to increase the bioavailability of iron (for example, adding a few drops of lemon juice to beets or another food rich in iron). On the contrary and although it sounds contradictory, its consumption is not recommended along with other iron-rich foods in cases of anemia, since they would “steal” minerals from each other and would have the opposite effect, it is recommended to consume it with food rich in calcium to avoid these unwanted effects. Also interesting its consumption in women with heavy periods, during pregnancy or in recent births, where the supply of iron is even more necessary. [2]
  • 11. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO 3. TO GET ETERNAL YOUTH BENEFITS Thanks to its high content of folic acid, B9, a great vitamin to keep good nail, skin, and hair health at bay, with rejuvenating effects, making them look healthy and strong. In addition, antidepressant properties are attributed to it. You are encouraged to try it, right? [3] 4. TO KEEP YOUR HEART HEALTHY AND YOUNG Once again folic acid is in charge of nourishing our hearts thanks to beets and their antioxidant effects. Heart-healthy food, rich in fiber, antioxidants, potassium, vitamins of group B (not B-12 eye), benefits us when it comes to lowering cholesterol, reduces hypertension, and cleanses the arteries, reducing the possibility of cardiovascular accidents such as heart attacks or stroke.[4]  Learn more: How to lose weight 5. TO KEEP CONSTIPATION AT BAY A large amount of fiber in beets makes emptying the intestine very useful for constipation problems and its prevention. Beets are highly digestive and have a prebiotic effect, which helps improve intestinal flora. That is why highly digestive food are recommended even in cases of intestinal disease such as irritable colon, ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.[5] 6. TO BOOST LIVER FUNCTION As it is well known that our surroundings are full of pollutions and we are facing lack of natural food rich in antioxidants, which is just what our liver needs to detoxify, cleanse, and stay healthy. Thanks to beets, to their purifying effects. It is an essential diet for patients with fatty liver, cirrhosis, or hepatitis. We are not surprised to find our urine-stained red or pinkish after consumption, relax! It is normal, its powerful pigmentation goes further.[6]
  • 12. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO 7. TO LOOSE WEIGHT Beets provide us with very few calories, approximately 43 kcal per 100 grams. These calories come mainly from carbohydrates, but as it is a food rich in fiber, these are slowly absorbed. The Carrots have both soluble and insoluble fibres in it, which make a super food. In study it have been found that fibre takes the longest to digest, this way it can promotes a feeling of fullness and prevents you from eating other fattening foods and contribute to weight loss. [7] 8. TO BOOST EXTRA ENERGY Beet is rich in much nutritious proteins beside this it also has an excellent source of nitrate which have an ability to decrease blood pressure. In research, it was found that the amount of oxygen you need to sustain exercise decreased after consuming beet juice. So while exercising or it took less energy to run the same pace or time of the workout. [8] 9. TO GAIN ATHLETES BENEFITS Various studies have shown that there are many benefits when consuming beets in the performance of elite athletes. Hence, many of them take advantage of the health properties offered by beets when it comes to increasing their physical performance in endurance sports. The key to this increase in the resistance offered by beets to athletes is a nitric oxide, an important vasodilator capable of increasing blood flow at the muscular level and thus promoting oxygen in the muscles. We could continue talking long and hard about the benefits of beets as an essential food and its properties to maintain your health, but I think that with these above benefits we have raised the bar to include it in your next shopping list. A basic food that should not be missing in our refrigerators, versatile when it comes to cooking and that also has a delicious flavor, still, you do not use it.[9]
  • 13. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO  Learn more: How to lose weight fast CONTRAINDICATIONS AT THE TIME OF CONSUMPTION In general, alterations caused after the consumption of beets have not been verified but people with delicate stomachs should take precaution in their consumption, since it can generate gases and/or acidity due to its high content of oxalates, being irritating, in these cases yes, for the digestive system. For this reason, people with a tendency or diagnosed with cystitis, kidney stones, nephritic colic, or kidney disease should also consume, limiting it. Otherwise, beets are healthy food for people with diabetes, always consumed in normal proportions. GROWING BEETS: PLANTING, GROWING, AND HARVESTING BEETS Well if you have read the benefits of beet, now you are probably wondering what is the best way to get beets to get all benefit from it?. Its simple plant it in your own garden. The best time for sowing is from April to June and after abundant watering and after approximately ten days we can see the first leaves. Thereafter about forty-five days, the beet will have between four to five leaves, which will be the tender leaf (we can consume it raw or cooked similarly to spinach). From July we can start collecting, gradually being the most optimal time in October, then we can collect them. After harvesting, comes the reward, the long-awaited time to consume it and thus benefit from the wonderful food, essential for our health. There are many ways to eat your beet you can eat them raw, steamed, or cooked. If you prefer to cook it at home, a good way to ensure that it does not lose too many nutrients during cooking. So while cooking includes the leaves and skin, and after cooking, clean it. To enhance its color in cooking we can put a few drops of lemon. When handling it, we recommend wearing gloves since the power of its coloration easily penetrates the skin, staining it considerably, as well as being careful with stains on clothing.
  • 14. AYURVEDICINDIA.INFO Beetroot (Beta Vulgaris) OTHER USES REMOVE STAINS FROM CLOTHING AND SKIN A simple trick to remove the beet color from the skin in a natural way is to rub your hands with the white part of an orange peel, rinse with water and voila! If by accident you have ended up with a beet stain on your clothes, you will have no choice but to treat the stain quickly, soaking and washing it with detergent, leaving it to soak if it does not result and/or treating it with solutions based on bleaches or bleach. And you, do you know of any type of remedy to combat these spots? CONCLUSION Beet is really a superfood, as it is loaded with nutrients like manganese, iron, potassium, copper, and magnesium, etc. Above all it is also has properties that have the ability to prevent cancer. Just drinking a 200ml of Beet juice can fulfill your all above needs and reap its benefits. It is due to the higher concentration of betalains in it. More over cooked beets contain more fiber and both the diet are beneficial for wellbeing. Enjoy! SOURCE Sources & References 1. 2. 3. sciences/beta-vulgaris 4. 5. WARLI MEDIA HEALTH TIPS HEALTH TIPS IN HINDI