SlideShare a Scribd company logo


Copyright © 2006 by Bert Altenburg, Alex Clarke and Philippe Mougin. Version 1.2.

Attribution: The licensors, Bert Altenburg, Alex Clarke and Philippe Mougin, permit others to copy,
modify and distribute the work. In return, the licensees must give the original authors credit.

Non-commercial: The licensors permit others to copy, modify and distribute the work and use the
work in paid-for and free courses. In return, licensees may not sell the work itself, although it may
accompany other work that is sold.


            __________________________________________________ 4

    0                         ______________________________________ 5

    1                                  _____________________________ 7

    2                                       __________________________ 13

    3          ______________________________________________ 14

    4                       _______________________________________ 20

    5                         _____________________________________ 25

    6                 __________________________________________ 33

    7              while            _______________________________ 36

    8                                 GUI         ___________________ 39

    9                       _______________________________________ 55

    10     awakeFromNib_____________________________________ 59

    11         ______________________________________________ 61

    12         ______________________________________________ 63

    13         ______________________________________________ 69

    14                     _________________________________________ 73

    15                __________________________________________ 75


Apple                                 Cocoa
        Xcode                  Mac OS X              Apple

                      Objective-C      Xcode


[4.3]       [4]

volume = baseArea * height;         // [4.3]


BECOME AN XCODER                                                           0


                                                             Mac                  Macintosh

1.                       Mac                            Mac                       Mac
        Mac                                          Objective-C   AppleScript
                   AppleScript for Absolute Starters


2.           Macintosh                                               PC
     Mac T                                                  Mac
                      Mac                                                               Mac

                                       distributed computing, DC
                      Folding@home       SETI@home
                              DC                                                   DC
                                             Mac                                        DC
              DC                                                                        Mac
                                                Mac                                     DC


3.      Macintosh

4.                             Macintosh

BECOME AN XCODER                    0

5.                      Macintosh


BECOME AN XCODER                                            1





  =3*4        *

                                                x       y



                  Objective-C          statement

x = 4;

      x       4
                                 ...      [1]
                                Mac                 0   1


BECOME AN XCODER                                                   1


                             pictureWidth [2]

pictureWidth = 8;

          pictureWidth    pictureWIDTH              PictureWidth


  Objective-C                       Objective-C


                   door8k do8or        do_or
                     door 8                               8door



BECOME AN XCODER                                                         1

pictureWidth = 8;
pictureHeight = 6;
pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight;


pictureWidth = 8;
pictureHeight = 4.5;
pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight;

                                                   integers                          [5.1]     [5.2]



"               "

int pictureWidth;
float pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea;
pictureWidth = 8;
pictureHeight = 4.5;
pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight;

    [6.1]       int                     pictureWidth           integer
pictureWidth                                                                            int
        float                                                                         pictureSur-
faceArea                  [6.2]

                                  int      float

                                                              int    float
                                                                         long long    double

BECOME AN XCODER                                                     1

    unsigned int chocolateBarsInStock;

                                    unsigned int                unsigned int


int x = 10;
float y= 3.5, z = 42;







                    x = x + 1;                     [9]   [10]



                         x                         ++
                  [11]       [12]

x = 10;

BECOME AN XCODER                                                         1

y = 2 * (x++);

x = 10;
y = 2 * (++x);

           [11]                               y         20      x        11                     [12.2]
      x             2                 1                 x       11   y         22        [12]

x = 10;
y = 2 * x;

                                      *   /   +       -                      2*3+4        10
                                                      2 * (3 + 4)    14

[14, 15]

int x = 5, y = 12, ratio;
ratio =       y / x;

float x = 5, y = 12, ratio;
ratio =       y / x;

           [14]                   2                   [15]

  %                                               %                                 operand

  int x = 13, y = 5, remainder;
  remainder =            x % y;

BECOME AN XCODER                              1

           remainder      3     x   2*y + 3

  21 % 7     0         30 % 2   0             50 % 9    5

  22 % 7     1         31 % 2   1             60 % 29       2

  23 % 7     2         32 % 2   0

  24 % 7     3         33 % 2   1

  27 % 7     6         34 % 2   0

BECOME AN XCODER                                     2



float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea;
pictureWidth = 8.0;
pictureHeight = 4.5;
pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight;


     Xcode                                                       /*   */


                       outcomment                        /* */

BECOME AN XCODER                                                         3




                             main()                    main()

                            main()    [1]

    // main()

         [1.1]                        "main"                    "main"



    float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea;


BECOME AN XCODER                                                       3

    pictureWidth = 8.0;
    pictureHeight = 4.5;

    pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight;

                                     circleArea()   [3]

    float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea;
    pictureWidth = 8.0;
    pictureHeight = 4.5;
    pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight;

circleArea()          // [3.9]



                  circleArea()           main()                  [4]

    float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea,
           circleRadius, circleSurfaceArea;          // [4.4]
    pictureWidth       = 8.0;
    pictureHeight = 4.5;
    circleRadius       = 5.0; // [4.7]
    pictureSurfaceArea =         pictureWidth * pictureHeight;

BECOME AN XCODER                                                                                    3

    circleSurfaceArea = circleArea(circleRadius); // [4.11]


                             float        [4.4]                  initialize         circleRadius
         [4.7]                                [4.11]               circleArea()
                    circleRadius                                         circleArea()                argument
                 circleRadius                            circleArea()            circleArea()
                                              return                               [3]        circleArea()


circleArea(float theRadius) // [5.1]
    float theArea;
    //               pi               r
    theArea = 3.1416 * theRadius * theRadius; //[5.5]
    return theArea;

    [5.1]                      circleArea()
                           theRadius                                                theArea             [5.5]
                                              [5.3]             main        [4.4]
                          theRadius                  [5.1]                             [5.6]
                                                   [4.11]          circleSurfaceArea


         float        [6.1]

float circleArea(float theRadius)
    float theArea;
    theArea = 3.1416 * theRadius * theRadius;
    return theArea;

BECOME AN XCODER                                                                        3

           [6.1]                                                             theArea
   float                                                     main()             circleSurfaceArea

   int throwDice()
              int noOfEyes;

              //               1   6

              return noOfEyes;

   “return”                                                 return

   void beepXTimes(int x);
              //        x


   float pictureSurfaceArea(float theWidth, float theHeight)

main()                                                                       return
             0     [10.10]                                                   main()
                      main()           "int" [10.1]


BECOME AN XCODER                                                                           3

int main()
    float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea,
          circleRadius, circleSurfaceArea;
    pictureWidth = 8;
    pictureHeight = 4.5;
    circleRadius = 5.0;
    pictureSurfaceArea =          pictureWidth * pictureHeight;
    circleSurfaceArea = circleArea(circleRadius);
    return 0;      // [10.10]

float circleArea(float theRadius)                              // [10.13]
    float theArea;
    theArea = 3.1416 * theRadius * theRadius;
    return theArea;

                  [10]                      [10.1]          main()          [10.13]
                                  circleArea()                                          main()

  warning                                            int main()                            function
declaration              [11.1]                              [10.13]

float circleArea(float theRadius);               //

int main()


rectangleArea()                           [12]                                     main()

BECOME AN XCODER                                                                3


float rectangleArea(float length, float width)
    return (length * width);

                 [10.15]                     theArea




                                            float                      [12.1]


BECOME AN XCODER                                                           4


"       "



int main()
    NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.");
    return 0;

                 [1]                   "Julia is a pretty actress."        @"    "


2005-12-22 17:39:23.084 test[399] Julia is a pretty actress.



NSLog(@" ");

        [2.1]                                          empty string
[2.2]                                                              space

BECOME AN XCODER                                                  4

                                                      [3.1]               n

NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty nactress.");

Julia is a pretty

   [3.1]                       escape               NSLog()
                                                        "n"   "       "


  NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.n");


  Julia is a pretty actress.n

int x, integerToDisplay;
x = 1;
integerToDisplay = 5 + x;
NSLog(@"The value of the integer is %d.", integerToDisplay);

               %d                               %                              d   deci-
mal number                                    %d
       integerToDisplay                 [5]

The value of the integer is 6.

                          %f     %d


BECOME AN XCODER                                               4

float x, floatToDisplay;
x = 12345.09876;
floatToDisplay = x/3.1416;
NSLog(@"The value of the float is %f.", floatToDisplay);

            .2       %        f

float x, floatToDisplay;
x = 12345.09876;
floatToDisplay = x/3.1416;
NSLog(@"The value of the float is %.2f.", floatToDisplay);

                 %    f           %   d

int x = 123456;
NSLog(@"%2d", x);
NSLog(@"%4d", x);
NSLog(@"%6d", x);
NSLog(@"%8d", x);



                 [8.1, 8.2]

float x = 1234.5678
NSLog(@"Reserve a space of 10, and show 2 significant digits.");
NSLog(@"%10.2d", x);

BECOME AN XCODER                                                  4

             %d       %f               int float

int x = 8;
float pi = 3.1416;
NSLog(@"The integer value is %d, whereas the float value is %f.", x, pi);

    int x = 8;
    float pi = 3.1416;
    NSLog(@"The integer value is %f, whereas the float value is %f.", x, pi);

    The integer value is 0.000000, whereas the float value is 0.000000.


             import        NSLog()

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
float circleArea(float theRadius);
float rectangleArea(float width, float height);

int main()
    float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea,
            circleRadius, circleSurfaceArea;
    pictureWidth      = 8.0;
    pictureHeight = 4.5;
    circleRadius      = 5.0;
    pictureSurfaceArea = rectangleArea(pictureWidth, pictureHeight);
    circleSurfaceArea      = circleArea(circleRadius);

BECOME AN XCODER                                            4

    NSLog(@"Area of circle: %10.2f.", circleSurfaceArea);
    NSLog(@"Area of picture: %f. ", pictureSurfaceArea);
    return 0;

float circleArea(float theRadius)                 //
    float theArea;
    theArea = 3.1416 * theRadius * theRadius;
    return theArea;

float rectangleArea(float width, float height) //
    return width * height;

BECOME AN XCODER                                                        5


                              Mac                      Mac
                       compiler                         Mac
           Apple         Xcode                                          Mac OS X

            Xcode            Developer            Applications

                       Preferences                               File         New Pro-


            Objective-C                         GUI                     Graphical User
Interface                                 Command Line Utility    Foundation Tool

BECOME AN XCODER                                                       5



                   "Groups & Files"
                                 GUI                                 GUI

               Xcode                            "Groups"

                Groups & Files                       justatry       Source
      justatry.m [1]                                            main()
                        justatry.m                                  Apple

BECOME AN XCODER                                               5

                               Xcode    main()

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) // [1.3]
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; // [1.5]

    // insert code here...
    NSLog(@"Hello, World!");
    [pool release]; //[1.9]
    return 0;

         NSLog()               import


BECOME AN XCODER                                                                          5


        return 0;

                                                    main()                        [1.3]

                NSAutoreleasePool                            [1.5]

                              pool       release                     [1.9]

                          "          "
                                                              [1.3   1.5       1.9]                Objective-



              Apple                           [1]                    Build and Go
    build         compile

                                                    Build and Go

                                                                             Run Log
                     exited                    stopped                0                          main()

    NSLog                        "        "

BECOME AN XCODER                                                         5

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    // insert code here...
    NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress")           //
    [pool release];   //[2.9]
    return 0;

                                       Build                             [2.9]


error: parse error before "release".

[2.1]                           #                          [2.8]

                                               Apple               [1]           [3]

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

float circleArea(float theRadius);              // [3.3]

BECOME AN XCODER                                                           5

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])               // [3.5]
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    int pictureWidth;
    float pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea,
          circleRadius, circleSurfaceArea;
    pictureWidth = 8;
    pictureHeight = 4.5;
    circleRadius = 5.0;
    pictureSurfaceArea =       pictureWidth * pictureHeight;
    circleSurfaceArea = circleArea(circleRadius);
    NSLog(@"Area of picture: %f.         Area of circle: %10.2f.",
          pictureSurfaceArea, circleSurfaceArea);
    [pool release];
    return 0;

float circleArea(float theRadius)                      // [3.22]
    float theArea;
    theArea = 3.1416 * theRadius * theRadius;
    return theArea;

float rectangleArea(float width, float height)              // [3.29]
    return width * height;

                                                       main()                    cir-
cleArea() [3.22]     rectangleArea() [3.29]
main()       [3.5]                            main()                     Apple

Area of picture: 36.000000.          Area of circle:            78.54.

justatry has exited with status 0.

BECOME AN XCODER                                             5

   Xcode              "        "   breakpoint

                          Build and Go          popup menu

    Build and Debug

BECOME AN XCODER                                        5

                      Xcode debugger

Continue           debugger

                                             Mac OS X


BECOME AN XCODER                                                                   6



int age = 42;
if (age > 30)                  //       >     "          "
     NSLog(@"age is older than thirty.");                        //[1.4]
NSLog(@"Finished."); //[1.6]

     [1.2]                   if...
age > 30                             [1.4]
[1.6]                                               if

                                                                           if...else   [2]

int age = 42;
if (age > 30)
     NSLog(@"age is older than thirty.");                        //[2.4]
     NSLog(@"age is not older thirty.");                     //[2.7]
NSLog(@"Finished."); //[1.6]

         [2.7]                                                              [2]




BECOME AN XCODER                                                              6







     true             false

        Objective-C       true         false             1    0        BOOL
                                                "true"            1   YES         "false"
                0     NO
     int x = 3;
     BOOL y;
     y = (x == 4);      // y             0

              AND                         &              &&
            OR                     |           ||

if ( (age >= 18) && (age < 65) )
     NSLog(@"Probably has to work for a living.");

if (age >= 18)

BECOME AN XCODER                                        6

    if (age < 65)
        NSLog(@"Probably has to work for a living.");

BECOME AN XCODER                                                               7           while



NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.");
NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.");
NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.");



int x;
for (x = 1; x <= 10; x++)
    NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.");
NSLog(@"The value of x is %d", x);

         [2]           [1.4]              10                   x         1
                   x <= 10                                                      x          1
                                    x                                          x++
          x                    2                     10                                            10
                                                 x        11         x <= 10
           [2.6]                          loop                     x   11          10


float celsius, tempInFahrenheit;
for (tempInFahrenheit = 0; tempInFahrenheit <= 200; tempInFahrenheit =
tempInFahrenheit + 20)

BECOME AN XCODER                                             7   while

    celsius = (tempInFahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0;
    NSLog(@"%10.2f -> %10.2f", tempInFahrenheit, celsius);

       0.00 ->        -17.78
      20.00 ->         -6.67
      40.00 ->          4.44
      60.00 ->         15.56
      80.00 ->         26.67
    100.00 ->          37.78
    120.00 ->          48.89
    140.00 ->          60.00
    160.00 ->          71.11
    180.00 ->          82.22
    200.00 ->          93.33


while () { }

do {} while ()

              false      loop

int counter = 1;
while (counter <= 10)
    NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.n");
    counter = counter + 1;
NSLog(@"The value of counter is %d", counter);

                                           counter      11

          do {} while ()


BECOME AN XCODER                                 7   while

int counter = 1;
     NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.n");
     counter = counter + 1;
while (counter <= 10);

NSLog(@"The value of counter is %d", counter);

       counter       11


BECOME AN XCODER                                          8                   (GUI)

 GUI                                       Objective-C                    C
                                            C         Objective-C     C
       "Objective"     Objective-C                             object



                         Safari            Objective-C
                 Mac              Safari

BECOME AN XCODER                                      8     (GUI)



                          Safari              Apple


  b.                 template      Safari

            b                               class

 instance           76

BECOME AN XCODER                                       8                         (GUI)

                           Mac                                             minimize

                   close                           "       "
close                                                          methods


                                 button                          text    field


BECOME AN XCODER                                              8                 (GUI)


                                                         message sending expression

        Objective-C                              [1.1]             [1.2]

[receiver message];
[receiver message:argument];


                                         Xcode                              Application
  Cocoa Application                                               GUI
                      Xcode          Groups & Files                 Resources
MainMenu.nib          Double-click

BECOME AN XCODER                                           8              (GUI)

                              Xcode         MainMenu.nib

               Interface Builder                                                  File
         Hide Others                             "Window"
          "Cocoa-"                              GUI
        "         " palettes window
              GUI       "Window"
            "System Font Text"                 GUI


BECOME AN XCODER                                            8                  (GUI)

NSTextView            Apple


                              properties                                command-shift-
i                                            "Window"                              In-
stances                                    command-shift-i
   pop-up menu             Attributes             Textured Window
                   brushed-steel look

                      Interface Builder                     inspector

                            inherit                             Objective-C   C

BECOME AN XCODER                                                     8                       (GUI)



                                                                 "          "   superclass

hierarchy of inheritance

                                                                         Objective-C                 sig-
  nal                 error



                                        Apple                             close
                  invoke                               close
                                close                   recursive
  [super close]; //                        close

           NSObject              subclass                 NSWindow                NSResponder
                              NSObject              NSObject

   MainMenu.nib                       Classes                                   NSObject
                           Classes             Subclass NSObject            MainMenu.nib

BECOME AN XCODER                                                8                   (GUI)


  MAFoo                                 My Application

  NS                                    NS         Apple                     NextStep
  Apple        Next, Inc.       NextStep                       Mac OS X                 Steve

      CocoaDev      wiki

                            Cocoa                                NSWindow
                                         NSColor                                      MAFoo

      Interface Builder             Classes         Instantiate MAFoo                       In-
stances                                         MAFoo


BECOME AN XCODER                                                        8                 (GUI)

                                MAFoo                                                           MAFoo

                MAFoo                   MAFoo           MAFoo
                     MAFoo                                          MAFoo                         trig-
ger            FAFoo


          MainFile.nib        Classes               MAFoo
      command-shift-i                   inspector                                   inspector
        Action            Add                              action                       MAFoo
                     5              Interface Builder
                         "reset:"                                                     0

BECOME AN XCODER                                                  8        (GUI)


         inspector             Outlet                    outlet                    "text-

                                        outlet   MAFoo

                MAFoo                                5                "Set to 5"


BECOME AN XCODER                                             8             (GUI)

  a)       "Reset"      MAFoo

  b)       "Set to 5"    MAFoo

  c)   MAFoo

             MainFile.nib               Instances                      Control
       Reset         MaFoo


                          inspector                                MAFoo
                                      "reset:"           Connect

BECOME AN XCODER                                           8                  (GUI)


                                      MAFoo                                 reset:

                           Set to 5                MAFoo

     MAFoo                                         MAFoo       control

       MainMenu.nib        MAFoo                               Classes
                          MAFoo                                   Classes
Create Files for MAFoo      Interface Builder

BECOME AN XCODER                           8   (GUI)


                   Xcode                               Other


BECOME AN XCODER                                              8                      (GUI)

                     4                                                   [11.1]

MAFoo.h                              header    file
                         [3.5]                NSObject

/* MAFoo */

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>              // [3.3]

@interface MAFoo : NSObject
    IBOutlet id textField; // [3.7]
- (IBAction)reset:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)setTo5:(id)sender;

                [3.7]                           outlet "id"       "IB"            Interface Buil-

    IBAction [3.9   3.10]          void

                                 Interface Builder Actions

                            #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>              [3.3]


#import "MAFoo.h"

@implementation MAFoo

- (IBAction)reset:(id)sender // [4.5]

BECOME AN XCODER                                              8                  (GUI)

- (IBAction)setTo5:(id)sender


              reset:     setTo5:

                 Interface Builder            MAFoo
                MAFoo                                                 [5.7   5.12]

#import "MAFoo.h"

@implementation MAFoo

- (IBAction)reset:(id)sender
    [textField setIntValue:0]; // [5.7]

- (IBAction)setTo5:(id)sender
    [textField setIntValue:5]; // [5.12]


                                           textField outlet
    Interface Builder       outlet
                                     setIntValue:                             setIntValue:

                                                              Xcode                      Build
and Go


BECOME AN XCODER                                                          9


            Apple               setIntValue:


    Interface Builder
''System Font Text"                                  "NSTextField"

        Xcode                 Help->Documentation                         Cocoa
                "NSTextField"          API-Search

        NSTextField                      Class         NSTextField

BECOME AN XCODER                                      9

                          Xcode   Cocoa


    Method Types

              NSControl                                  NSView
                          HTML                      Inherits from
           NSControl        NSControl

      Inherits from          NSView : NSResponder : NSObject

    Setting the control s value

    – setIntValue:

BECOME AN XCODER                                                                9



     - (void)setIntValue:(int)anInt

     Sets the value of the receiver’s cell (or selected cell) to
     the integer anInt. If the cell is being edited, it aborts all
     editing before setting the value; if the cell doesn’t inherit
     from NSActionCell, it marks the cell’s interior as needing to
     be redisplayed (NSActionCell performs its own updating of

              void                                                                  setInt-
Value:         textField            MAFood
                                     (int)   anInt
                           5    0


      "          " Accessors

  - (int) intValue


  resultReceived = [textField intValue];


BECOME AN XCODER                                      9

   "   polymorphism             object-oriented programming


                      GUI                            setIntValue:

BECOME AN XCODER                                                            10   awakeFromNib


            framework                                    [12]          Foundation Kit
                                                                   Application Kit


                                            nib            nib            Next Interface Buil-
der                                         Application Kit
                                  Xcode     Help              Documentation

                              Full-Text Search
                                             Full-Text Search                               Ap-
plication Kit          Return      Xcode                                                Applica-
tion Kit Reference for Objective-C
Protocols                  NSNibAwakening

        Declared in                         AppKit/NSNibLoading.h
        Programming Topic                   Loading Resources

      Protocol Description
      Method Types
      Instance Methods

      Protocol Description
      This informal protocol consists of a single method, awakeFrom-
      Nib. Classes can implement this method to perform final ini-
      tialization of state after objects have been loaded from an
      Interface Builder archive.

BECOME AN XCODER                          10   awakeFromNib


    MAFoo.m [1.15]

#import "MAFoo.h"

@implementation MAFoo

- (IBAction)reset:(id)sender
    [textField setIntValue:0];

- (IBAction)setTo5:(id)sender
    [textField setIntValue:5];

- (void)awakeFromNib // [1.15]
    [textField setIntValue:0];



BECOME AN XCODER                                                                                       11


                                                                              -                      pointer
                      -                  Objective-C


int x = 4;

                      [1]                                        int
                            x                                   long long         double

                  "x = 4"            4                                                                              x
                                                                          x                address


                                                       &                                                 x

                      expression x             evaluate                            x
                  4                                   &x                               x

int *y;

                                y                                   int                                        y
          x                                        x        y

BECOME AN XCODER               11

y = &x;


              4          "x"

*y = 5

              "x = 5"


void increment(int *y)
     *y = *y + 1;

int x = 4;
//        x       5

BECOME AN XCODER                                                                             12


                                                  integer            long                  float
           double                        BOOL                                            pointer
                                string                              NSLog()

float piValue = 3.1416;
NSLog(@"Here are three examples of strings printed to the screen.n");
NSLog(@"Pi approximates %10.4f.n", piValue);
NSLog(@"The number of eyes of a dice is %d.n", 6);

NSString            NSMutableString                                                          NSString

NSString *favoriteComputer;
favoriteComputer = @"Mac!";


int *y;

                                 y                                               [2.1]
                       favoriteComputer                              NSString

                            @                                      Objective-C           C
              C                                             Objective-C
                                         Objective-C           @

BECOME AN XCODER                                                              12

           Objective-C                      C                   Objective-C        Uni-
    code                            ASCII       Unicode


NSString *favoriteActress = @"Julia";

                 favoriteActress                                              "Julia"

                             [5]                 NSString

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    NSString *x;
    x = @"iBook";        // [5.7]
    x = @"MacBook Pro Intel"; //

    [pool release];
    return 0;

MacBook Pro Intel

      NSString                                   immutable


BECOME AN XCODER                                                            12


                                       length                     [6]

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    int theLength;
    NSString * foo;

    foo = @"Julia!";
    theLength   = [foo length];   // [6.10]
    NSLog(@"The length is %d.", theLength);

    [pool release];
    return 0;

The length is 6.

                                            foo   bar

      [6.10]           foo               length          length         NSString

      - (unsigned int)length
      Returns the number of Unicode characters in the receiver.



BECOME AN XCODER                                                  12

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    NSString *foo, *bar;
    foo = @"Julia!";
    bar   = [foo uppercaseString];
    NSLog(@"%@ is converted into %@.", foo, bar);

    [pool release];
    return 0;

Julia! is converted into JULIA!

NSMutableString                           NSMutableString

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    NSMutableString *foo;                           // [8.7]
    foo = [@"Julia!" mutableCopy];                  // [8.8]
    [foo appendString:@" I am happy"];
    NSLog(@"Here is the result: %@.",    foo);

    [pool release];
    return 0;

BECOME AN XCODER                                                                                  12

Here is the result: Julia! I am happy.

      [8.8]             mutableCopy                  NSString
                      mutable                                      [8.8]                  foo

                                                 [8.7]                                            Objective-
C             "   "                                           "                       "
                                                     "    "

      [8.7]                    foo                                         "Julia!"


                                     foo                          bar

bar = foo;

                               foo          bar



                         foo                                                          [foo dosomething];
        bar                            [bar dosomething];

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

BECOME AN XCODER                                                  12

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    NSMutableString *foo = [@"Julia!" mutableCopy];
    NSMutableString *bar = foo;

    NSLog(@"foo points to the string: %@.",   foo);
    NSLog(@"bar points to the string: %@.",   bar);

    [foo appendString:@" I am happy"];

    NSLog(@"foo points to the string: %@.",   foo);
    NSLog(@"bar points to the string: %@.",   bar);

    [pool release];
    return 0;

foo points to the string: Julia!
bar points to the string: Julia!
foo points to the string: Julia! I am happy
bar points to the string: Julia! I am happy


BECOME AN XCODER                                                                   13





                              NSArray     NSMutableArray

[NSMutableArray array]

                                                           …       …

"+"                                                       "-"          8   [4.5]

       + (id)array

BECOME AN XCODER                                                      13

      Creates and returns an empty array. This method is used by mu-
      table subclasses of NSArray.

      See Also: + arrayWithObject:, + arrayWithObjects:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    NSMutableArray *myArray = [NSMutableArray array];

    [myArray addObject:@"first string"];
    [myArray addObject:@"second string"];
    [myArray addObject:@"third string"];

    int count = [myArray count];

    NSLog(@"There are %d elements in my array", count);

    [pool release];
    return 0;

There are 3 elements in my array

                      objectAtIndex:        [2.13]

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])

BECOME AN XCODER                                                     13

    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    NSMutableArray *myArray = [NSMutableArray array];

    [myArray addObject:@"first string"];
    [myArray addObject:@"second string"];
    [myArray addObject:@"third string"];

    NSString *element = [myArray objectAtIndex:0];   // [2.13]

    NSLog(@"The element at index 0 in the array is: %@", element);

    [pool release];
    return 0;

The element at index 0 in the array is: first string

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    NSMutableArray *myArray = [NSMutableArray array];

    [myArray addObject:@"first string"];
    [myArray addObject:@"second string"];
    [myArray addObject:@"third string"];

    int i;
    int count;

BECOME AN XCODER                                                                              13

    for (i = 0, count = [myArray count]; i < count; i = i + 1)
        NSString *element = [myArray objectAtIndex:i];
        NSLog(@"The element at index %d in the array is: %@", i, element);

    [pool release];
    return 0;

The element at index 0 in the array is: first string
The element at index 1 in the array is: second string
The element at index 2 in the array is: third string

    NSArray         NSMutableArray



    [myArray replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:@"Hello"];

                                      1               @"Hello"


             "            "                                                   Smalltalk
    Objective-C                                                  expressive
                                           "                                              "

BECOME AN XCODER                                           14


               Mac                   RAM



                   "   "   retain count

                           1                           =



BECOME AN XCODER                                                                14

                                   release                   Cocoa                        "autore-
lease pool"                                                 release                   -
                                                                 autorelease pool
          autorelease                          autorelease pool                           release
                                                    autorelease pool
                autorelease pool

        Cocoa                                                                   reference count-
ing                                                       15            Cocoa
                   Apple                     Apple         Cocoa
          automatic garbage collection

       Apple          2006         WWDC World Wide Developer Conference
                  2007             Xcode 3.0             automatic garbage collection
      Objective-C 2.0

BECOME AN XCODER                                                                 15


                          Xcode             Objective-C


                                                             Apple                    cocoa-dev
  mailing list
                                               "How To Ask Questions The
Smart   Way"               "            "

                   Cocoa                Stephen Kochan    Programming in Objective-C

Big Nerd Ranch     Aaron Hillegass       Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X
Xcode                          James Duncan Davidson  Apple         O'Reilly          Cocoa
with Objective-C


BECOME AN XCODER                15

                        Xcode        0

Bert, Alex, Philippe.


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Become an xcoder

  • 2. BECOME AN XCODER Copyright © 2006 by Bert Altenburg, Alex Clarke and Philippe Mougin. Version 1.2. Attribution: The licensors, Bert Altenburg, Alex Clarke and Philippe Mougin, permit others to copy, modify and distribute the work. In return, the licensees must give the original authors credit. Non-commercial: The licensors permit others to copy, modify and distribute the work and use the work in paid-for and free courses. In return, licensees may not sell the work itself, although it may accompany other work that is sold. 2
  • 3. BECOME AN XCODER __________________________________________________ 4 0 ______________________________________ 5 1 _____________________________ 7 2 __________________________ 13 3 ______________________________________________ 14 4 _______________________________________ 20 5 _____________________________________ 25 6 __________________________________________ 33 7 while _______________________________ 36 8 GUI ___________________ 39 9 _______________________________________ 55 10 awakeFromNib_____________________________________ 59 11 ______________________________________________ 61 12 ______________________________________________ 63 13 ______________________________________________ 69 14 _________________________________________ 73 15 __________________________________________ 75 3
  • 4. BECOME AN XCODER Apple Cocoa Xcode Mac OS X Apple Mac Objective-C Xcode (GUI) [4] [4.3] [4] volume = baseArea * height; // [4.3] Xcode 4
  • 5. BECOME AN XCODER 0 0 Mac Macintosh 1. Mac Mac Mac Mac Objective-C AppleScript AppleScript AppleScript for Absolute Starters 2. Macintosh PC Mac T Mac Mac Mac distributed computing, DC Folding@home SETI@home DC DC Mac DC Mac DC Mac Mac Mac DC DC 3. Macintosh 4. Macintosh 5
  • 6. BECOME AN XCODER 0 5. Macintosh DC 6
  • 7. BECOME AN XCODER 1 1 Xcode Objective-C 2+6= =3*4 * x y 2+6=x y=3*4 Objective-C Objective-C statement [1] x = 4; x 4 ... [1] compiler Mac 0 1 Mac 7
  • 8. BECOME AN XCODER 1 bug debugging x pictureWidth [2] [2] pictureWidth = 8; pictureWidth pictureWIDTH PictureWidth [2] Objective-C Objective-C pictureWidth "_" door8k do8or do_or door 8 8door Door8 [3] [3] pictureWidth=8; pictureHeight=6; pictureSurfaceArea=pictureWidth*pictureHeight; 8
  • 9. BECOME AN XCODER 1 [4] pictureWidth = 8; pictureHeight = 6; pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight; [5] [5] pictureWidth = 8; pictureHeight = 4.5; pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight; integers [5.1] [5.2] floating- point [5] " " [6] int pictureWidth; float pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea; pictureWidth = 8; pictureHeight = 4.5; pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight; [6.1] int pictureWidth integer [6.2] float pictureWidth int float pictureSur- faceArea [6.2] int float int float long long double 9
  • 10. BECOME AN XCODER 1 [7] unsigned int chocolateBarsInStock; unsigned int unsigned int [8] [8] int x = 10; float y= 3.5, z = 42; operators + - / * Objective-C x = x + 1; [9] [10] [9] x++; [10] ++x; x ++ [11] [12] [11] x = 10; 10
  • 11. BECOME AN XCODER 1 y = 2 * (x++); [12] x = 10; y = 2 * (++x); [11] y 20 x 11 [12.2] x 2 1 x 11 y 22 [12] [13] [13] x = 10; x++; y = 2 * x; * / + - 2*3+4 10 2 * (3 + 4) 14 [14, 15] [14] int x = 5, y = 12, ratio; ratio = y / x; [15] float x = 5, y = 12, ratio; ratio = y / x; [14] 2 [15] 2.4 % % operand % [16] int x = 13, y = 5, remainder; remainder = x % y; 11
  • 12. BECOME AN XCODER 1 remainder 3 x 2*y + 3 21 % 7 0 30 % 2 0 50 % 9 5 22 % 7 1 31 % 2 1 60 % 29 2 23 % 7 2 32 % 2 0 24 % 7 3 33 % 2 1 27 % 7 6 34 % 2 0 12
  • 13. BECOME AN XCODER 2 2 [1] [1] float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea; pictureWidth = 8.0; pictureHeight = 4.5; pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight; // Xcode /* */ /* */ Xcode outcomment /* */ 13
  • 14. BECOME AN XCODER 3 3 Objective-C function main() main() main() [1] [1] main() { // main() } [1.1] "main" "main" main() [1.2,1.5] [2] [2] main() { // float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea; // 14
  • 15. BECOME AN XCODER 3 pictureWidth = 8.0; pictureHeight = 4.5; // pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight; } main() main() circleArea() [3] [3] main() { float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea; pictureWidth = 8.0; pictureHeight = 4.5; pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight; } circleArea() // [3.9] { } [3.9] main() circleArea() main() [4] [4] main() { float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea, circleRadius, circleSurfaceArea; // [4.4] pictureWidth = 8.0; pictureHeight = 4.5; circleRadius = 5.0; // [4.7] pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight; 15
  • 16. BECOME AN XCODER 3 // circleSurfaceArea = circleArea(circleRadius); // [4.11] } [3] float [4.4] initialize circleRadius [4.7] [4.11] circleArea() circleRadius circleArea() argument circleRadius circleArea() circleArea() return [3] circleArea() [5] circleArea() [5] circleArea(float theRadius) // [5.1] { float theArea; // pi r theArea = 3.1416 * theRadius * theRadius; //[5.5] return theArea; } [5.1] circleArea() theRadius theArea [5.5] [5.3] main [4.4] theRadius [5.1] [5.6] [4.11] circleSurfaceArea [5] float [6.1] [6] float circleArea(float theRadius) { float theArea; theArea = 3.1416 * theRadius * theRadius; return theArea; } 16
  • 17. BECOME AN XCODER 3 [6.1] theArea float main() circleSurfaceArea [4.11] [7] int throwDice() { int noOfEyes; // 1 6 return noOfEyes; } “void” “return” return [8] void beepXTimes(int x); { // x return; } pictureSurfaceArea() [9] float pictureSurfaceArea(float theWidth, float theHeight) { // } main() return 0 [10.10] main() main() "int" [10.1] [10] 17
  • 18. BECOME AN XCODER 3 int main() { float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea, circleRadius, circleSurfaceArea; pictureWidth = 8; pictureHeight = 4.5; circleRadius = 5.0; pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight; circleSurfaceArea = circleArea(circleRadius); return 0; // [10.10] } float circleArea(float theRadius) // [10.13] { float theArea; theArea = 3.1416 * theRadius * theRadius; return theArea; } [10] [10.1] main() [10.13] [10.9] circleArea() main() warning int main() function declaration [11.1] [10.13] [11] float circleArea(float theRadius); // int main() { [10] rectangleArea() [12] main() 18
  • 19. BECOME AN XCODER 3 main() [12] float rectangleArea(float length, float width) { return (length * width); } [12.3] [10.15] theArea [12] rectangleArea float float [12.1] Objective-C Xcode [11] 19
  • 20. BECOME AN XCODER 4 4 Cocoa NSLog() " " NSLog() Cocoa NSLog() [1] int main() { NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress."); return 0; } [1] "Julia is a pretty actress." @" " string NSLog() [1] 2005-12-22 17:39:23.084 test[399] Julia is a pretty actress. character main() [2] NSLog(@""); NSLog(@" "); [2.1] empty string [2.2] space 1 20
  • 21. BECOME AN XCODER 4 [3.1] n [3] NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty nactress."); Julia is a pretty actress. [3.1] escape NSLog() "n" " " NSLog() [4] NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.n"); [4.1] Julia is a pretty actress.n [5] int x, integerToDisplay; x = 1; integerToDisplay = 5 + x; NSLog(@"The value of the integer is %d.", integerToDisplay); %d % d deci- mal number %d integerToDisplay [5] The value of the integer is 6. %f %d [6] 21
  • 22. BECOME AN XCODER 4 float x, floatToDisplay; x = 12345.09876; floatToDisplay = x/3.1416; NSLog(@"The value of the float is %f.", floatToDisplay); .2 % f [7] float x, floatToDisplay; x = 12345.09876; floatToDisplay = x/3.1416; NSLog(@"The value of the float is %.2f.", floatToDisplay); % f % d [8] int x = 123456; NSLog(@"%2d", x); NSLog(@"%4d", x); NSLog(@"%6d", x); NSLog(@"%8d", x); [8] 123456 123456 123456 123456 [8.1, 8.2] [8.4] [9] float x = 1234.5678 NSLog(@"Reserve a space of 10, and show 2 significant digits."); NSLog(@"%10.2d", x); 22
  • 23. BECOME AN XCODER 4 [10.3] %d %f int float [10] int x = 8; float pi = 3.1416; NSLog(@"The integer value is %d, whereas the float value is %f.", x, pi); [10b] int x = 8; float pi = 3.1416; NSLog(@"The integer value is %f, whereas the float value is %f.", x, pi); The integer value is 0.000000, whereas the float value is 0.000000. NSLog() import NSLog() #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> [11] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> float circleArea(float theRadius); float rectangleArea(float width, float height); int main() { float pictureWidth, pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea, circleRadius, circleSurfaceArea; pictureWidth = 8.0; pictureHeight = 4.5; circleRadius = 5.0; pictureSurfaceArea = rectangleArea(pictureWidth, pictureHeight); circleSurfaceArea = circleArea(circleRadius); 23
  • 24. BECOME AN XCODER 4 NSLog(@"Area of circle: %10.2f.", circleSurfaceArea); NSLog(@"Area of picture: %f. ", pictureSurfaceArea); return 0; } float circleArea(float theRadius) // { float theArea; theArea = 3.1416 * theRadius * theRadius; return theArea; } float rectangleArea(float width, float height) // { return width * height; } 24
  • 25. BECOME AN XCODER 5 5 Mac Mac compiler Mac Apple Xcode Mac OS X Xcode Xcode Developer Applications Preferences File New Pro- ject Xcode Objective-C GUI Graphical User Interface Command Line Utility Foundation Tool 25
  • 26. BECOME AN XCODER 5 justatry Finish Terminal "Groups & Files" GUI GUI Xcode "Groups" Groups & Files justatry Source justatry.m [1] main() main() justatry.m Apple main() 26
  • 27. BECOME AN XCODER 5 Xcode main() [1] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) // [1.3] { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; // [1.5] // insert code here... NSLog(@"Hello, World!"); [pool release]; //[1.9] return 0; } NSLog() import main() 27
  • 28. BECOME AN XCODER 5 NSlog return 0; main() [1.3] NSAutoreleasePool [1.5] pool release [1.9] " " main() [1] [1.3 1.5 1.9] Objective- C main "pool" Apple [1] Build and Go build compile Build and Go Run Log exited stopped 0 main() [7.9] [1] NSLog " " 28
  • 29. BECOME AN XCODER 5 [2] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; // insert code here... NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress") // [pool release]; //[2.9] return 0; } Build [2.9] Xcode error: parse error before "release". parse import [2.1] # [2.8] [2.9] Apple [1] [3] [3] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> float circleArea(float theRadius); // [3.3] 29
  • 30. BECOME AN XCODER 5 int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) // [3.5] { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; int pictureWidth; float pictureHeight, pictureSurfaceArea, circleRadius, circleSurfaceArea; pictureWidth = 8; pictureHeight = 4.5; circleRadius = 5.0; pictureSurfaceArea = pictureWidth * pictureHeight; circleSurfaceArea = circleArea(circleRadius); NSLog(@"Area of picture: %f. Area of circle: %10.2f.", pictureSurfaceArea, circleSurfaceArea); [pool release]; return 0; } float circleArea(float theRadius) // [3.22] { float theArea; theArea = 3.1416 * theRadius * theRadius; return theArea; } float rectangleArea(float width, float height) // [3.29] { return width * height; } main() cir- cleArea() [3.22] rectangleArea() [3.29] main() [3.5] main() Apple Area of picture: 36.000000. Area of circle: 78.54. justatry has exited with status 0. 30
  • 31. BECOME AN XCODER 5 Xcode Xcode " " breakpoint Build and Go popup menu Build and Debug 31
  • 32. BECOME AN XCODER 5 Xcode debugger Continue debugger Mac OS X Objective-C GUI 32
  • 33. BECOME AN XCODER 6 6 [1.2] [1] int age = 42; if (age > 30) // > " " { NSLog(@"age is older than thirty."); //[1.4] } NSLog(@"Finished."); //[1.6] [1.2] if... true age > 30 [1.4] [1.6] if if...else [2] [2] int age = 42; if (age > 30) { NSLog(@"age is older than thirty."); //[2.4] } else { NSLog(@"age is not older thirty."); //[2.7] } NSLog(@"Finished."); //[1.6] [2.7] [2] [2.2] == > 33
  • 34. BECOME AN XCODER 6 < >= <= != - if true false Objective-C true false 1 0 BOOL "true" 1 YES "false" 0 NO [3] int x = 3; BOOL y; y = (x == 4); // y 0 AND & && OR | || [4] if ( (age >= 18) && (age < 65) ) { NSLog(@"Probably has to work for a living."); } [5] if (age >= 18) { 34
  • 35. BECOME AN XCODER 6 if (age < 65) { NSLog(@"Probably has to work for a living."); } } 35
  • 36. BECOME AN XCODER 7 while 7 while [1] [1] NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress."); NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress."); NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress."); Objective-C [2] for 2.7 [2] int x; for (x = 1; x <= 10; x++) { NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress."); } NSLog(@"The value of x is %d", x); [2] [1.4] 10 x 1 x <= 10 x 1 x x++ x 2 10 10 x 11 x <= 10 [2.6] loop x 11 10 x++ [3] [3] float celsius, tempInFahrenheit; for (tempInFahrenheit = 0; tempInFahrenheit <= 200; tempInFahrenheit = tempInFahrenheit + 20) 36
  • 37. BECOME AN XCODER 7 while { celsius = (tempInFahrenheit - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0; NSLog(@"%10.2f -> %10.2f", tempInFahrenheit, celsius); } 0.00 -> -17.78 20.00 -> -6.67 40.00 -> 4.44 60.00 -> 15.56 80.00 -> 26.67 100.00 -> 37.78 120.00 -> 48.89 140.00 -> 60.00 160.00 -> 71.11 180.00 -> 82.22 200.00 -> 93.33 Objective-C while () { } do {} while () for-loop false loop [4] int counter = 1; while (counter <= 10) { NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.n"); counter = counter + 1; } NSLog(@"The value of counter is %d", counter); counter 11 do {} while () [5] 37
  • 38. BECOME AN XCODER 7 while int counter = 1; do { NSLog(@"Julia is a pretty actress.n"); counter = counter + 1; } while (counter <= 10); NSLog(@"The value of counter is %d", counter); counter 11 GUI 38
  • 39. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) 8 GUI Objective-C GUI Objective-C C C Objective-C C "Objective" Objective-C object Objective-C Objective-C Objective-C Safari Objective-C Mac Safari message 39
  • 40. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) close Safari Safari Apple a. b. template Safari b class behave instance 76 40
  • 41. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) Mac minimize Dock access close " " close methods RAM button text field close 41
  • 42. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) Mac message sending expression Objective-C [1.1] [1.2] [1] [receiver message]; [receiver message:argument]; [1.2] Xcode Application Cocoa Application GUI Xcode Groups & Files Resources MainMenu.nib Double-click 42
  • 43. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) Xcode MainMenu.nib Interface Builder File Hide Others "Window" "Window" "Cocoa-" GUI " " palettes window GUI "Window" "System Font Text" GUI GUI 43
  • 44. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) NSButton NSTextView Apple "Window" properties command-shift- i "Window" In- stances command-shift-i pop-up menu Attributes Textured Window brushed-steel look Interface Builder inspector behavior inherit Objective-C C 44
  • 45. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) NSWindow "close" " " superclass hierarchy of inheritance Objective-C sig- nal error implement override Apple Apple Apple close invoke close close recursive [2] // [super close]; // close "NSObject" NSObject subclass NSWindow NSResponder NSObject NSObject MainMenu.nib Classes NSObject Classes Subclass NSObject MainMenu.nib "MAFoo" 45
  • 46. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) MAFoo MAFoo My Application NS NS Apple NextStep Apple Next, Inc. NextStep Mac OS X Steve Jobs CocoaDev wiki Cocoa NSWindow NSColor MAFoo Interface Builder Classes Instantiate MAFoo In- stances MAFoo MAFoo 46
  • 47. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) MAFoo MAFoo reference MAFoo MAFoo MAFoo MAFoo MAFoo MAFoo MAFoo MAFoo MAFoo trig- ger FAFoo outlet MainFile.nib Classes MAFoo command-shift-i inspector inspector Action Add action MAFoo "setTo5:" 5 Interface Builder "reset:" 0 ":" 47
  • 48. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) MAFoo inspector Outlet outlet "text- Field" outlet MAFoo MAFoo 5 "Set to 5" "Reset" 48
  • 49. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) a) "Reset" MAFoo b) "Set to 5" MAFoo c) MAFoo MainFile.nib Instances Control Reset MaFoo MAFoo MAFoo inspector MAFoo "reset:" Connect 49
  • 50. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) inspector MAFoo reset: Set to 5 MAFoo MAFoo MAFoo control Connect MainMenu.nib MAFoo Classes MAFoo Classes Create Files for MAFoo Interface Builder 50
  • 51. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) MAFoo Xcode Other Sources Classes Xcode 51
  • 52. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) 4 [11.1] MAFoo.h header file [3.5] NSObject NSObject [3] /* MAFoo */ #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> // [3.3] @interface MAFoo : NSObject { IBOutlet id textField; // [3.7] } - (IBAction)reset:(id)sender; - (IBAction)setTo5:(id)sender; @end [3.7] outlet "id" "IB" Interface Buil- der IBAction [3.9 3.10] void MAFoo Interface Builder Actions #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> [3.3] MAFoo.m [4] #import "MAFoo.h" @implementation MAFoo - (IBAction)reset:(id)sender // [4.5] { } 52
  • 53. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) - (IBAction)setTo5:(id)sender { } @end MAFoo.h reset: setTo5: MAFoo Interface Builder MAFoo MAFoo [5.7 5.12] [5] #import "MAFoo.h" @implementation MAFoo - (IBAction)reset:(id)sender { [textField setIntValue:0]; // [5.7] } - (IBAction)setTo5:(id)sender { [textField setIntValue:5]; // [5.12] } @end textField outlet Interface Builder outlet setIntValue: setIntValue: Xcode Build and Go 53
  • 54. BECOME AN XCODER 8 (GUI) 54
  • 55. BECOME AN XCODER 9 9 Apple setIntValue: Apple bug-free Interface Builder "NSButton" ''System Font Text" "NSTextField" NSTextField Xcode Help->Documentation Cocoa "NSTextField" API-Search NSText- Field NSTextField Class NSTextField 55
  • 56. BECOME AN XCODER 9 Xcode Cocoa NSObject Method Types NSTextField NSControl NSView HTML Inherits from NSControl NSControl NSControl Inherits from NSView : NSResponder : NSObject Setting the control s value – setIntValue: 56
  • 57. BECOME AN XCODER 9 setIntValue: setIntValue: - (void)setIntValue:(int)anInt Sets the value of the receiver’s cell (or selected cell) to the integer anInt. If the cell is being edited, it aborts all editing before setting the value; if the cell doesn’t inherit from NSActionCell, it marks the cell’s interior as needing to be redisplayed (NSActionCell performs its own updating of cells). NSTextField signature Objective-C void setInt- Value: textField MAFood (int) anInt 5 0 textField " " Accessors setIntValue: [1] - (int) intValue textfield [2] resultReceived = [textField intValue]; Objective-C 57
  • 58. BECOME AN XCODER 9 " " polymorphism object-oriented programming run-time GUI setIntValue: 58
  • 59. BECOME AN XCODER 10 awakeFromNib 10 awakeFromNib Apple framework [12] Foundation Kit Application Kit GUI nib nib Next Interface Buil- der Application Kit Xcode Help Documentation Full-Text Search Full-Text Search Ap- plication Kit Return Xcode Applica- tion Kit Reference for Objective-C Protocols NSNibAwakening NSNibAwaking Declared in AppKit/NSNibLoading.h Programming Topic Loading Resources Contents: Protocol Description Method Types Instance Methods Protocol Description This informal protocol consists of a single method, awakeFrom- Nib. Classes can implement this method to perform final ini- tialization of state after objects have been loaded from an Interface Builder archive. 59
  • 60. BECOME AN XCODER 10 awakeFromNib nib MAFoo.m [1.15] [1] #import "MAFoo.h" @implementation MAFoo - (IBAction)reset:(id)sender { [textField setIntValue:0]; } - (IBAction)setTo5:(id)sender { [textField setIntValue:5]; } - (void)awakeFromNib // [1.15] { [textField setIntValue:0]; } @end awakeFromNib 60
  • 61. BECOME AN XCODER 11 11 C - pointer - Objective-C Mac [1] int x = 4; Mac x [1] int x long long double "x = 4" 4 x x address x x pointer & x &x expression x evaluate x 4 &x x [2] int *y; y int y x x y 61
  • 62. BECOME AN XCODER 11 [3] y = &x; *y 4 "x" *y = 5 "x = 5" 1 [4] void increment(int *y) { *y = *y + 1; } [5] int x = 4; increment(&x); // x 5 62
  • 63. BECOME AN XCODER 12 12 integer long float double BOOL pointer string NSLog() % %d [1] float piValue = 3.1416; NSLog(@"Here are three examples of strings printed to the screen.n"); NSLog(@"Pi approximates %10.4f.n", piValue); NSLog(@"The number of eyes of a dice is %d.n", 6); NSString NSMutableString NSString [2] NSString *favoriteComputer; favoriteComputer = @"Mac!"; NSLog(favoriteComputer); [2.1] 11 [2] [3] int *y; y [2.1] favoriteComputer NSString Objective-C @ Objective-C C C Objective-C Objective-C @ 63
  • 64. BECOME AN XCODER 12 Objective-C C Objective-C Uni- code ASCII Unicode [4] [4] NSString *favoriteActress = @"Julia"; favoriteActress "Julia" favoriteComputer [5] NSString [5] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSString *x; x = @"iBook"; // [5.7] x = @"MacBook Pro Intel"; // NSLog(x); [pool release]; return 0; } MacBook Pro Intel NSString immutable Objective-C 64
  • 65. BECOME AN XCODER 12 NSMutableString length [6] [6] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; int theLength; NSString * foo; foo = @"Julia!"; theLength = [foo length]; // [6.10] NSLog(@"The length is %d.", theLength); [pool release]; return 0; } The length is 6. foo bar x [6.10] foo length length NSString - (unsigned int)length Returns the number of Unicode characters in the receiver. [7] uppercaseString NSString [7] 65
  • 66. BECOME AN XCODER 12 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSString *foo, *bar; foo = @"Julia!"; bar = [foo uppercaseString]; NSLog(@"%@ is converted into %@.", foo, bar); [pool release]; return 0; } Julia! is converted into JULIA! NSMutableString NSMutableString appendString: [8] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSMutableString *foo; // [8.7] foo = [@"Julia!" mutableCopy]; // [8.8] [foo appendString:@" I am happy"]; NSLog(@"Here is the result: %@.", foo); [pool release]; return 0; } 66
  • 67. BECOME AN XCODER 12 Here is the result: Julia! I am happy. [8.8] mutableCopy NSString mutable [8.8] foo "Julia!" Objective-C [8.7] Objective- C " " " " " " [8.7] foo "Julia!" "foo" foo bar bar = foo; foo bar "foo" "bar" foo [foo dosomething]; bar [bar dosomething]; [9] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 67
  • 68. BECOME AN XCODER 12 int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSMutableString *foo = [@"Julia!" mutableCopy]; NSMutableString *bar = foo; NSLog(@"foo points to the string: %@.", foo); NSLog(@"bar points to the string: %@.", bar); NSLog(@"------------------------------"); [foo appendString:@" I am happy"]; NSLog(@"foo points to the string: %@.", foo); NSLog(@"bar points to the string: %@.", bar); [pool release]; return 0; } foo points to the string: Julia! bar points to the string: Julia! ------------------------------ foo points to the string: Julia! I am happy bar points to the string: Julia! I am happy 8 MAFoo 68
  • 69. BECOME AN XCODER 13 13 array index element 1 1 NSArray NSMutableArray [NSMutableArray array] … … NSMutableArray Objective-C meta-classes Cocoa "+" "-" 8 [4.5] array array + (id)array 69
  • 70. BECOME AN XCODER 13 Creates and returns an empty array. This method is used by mu- table subclasses of NSArray. See Also: + arrayWithObject:, + arrayWithObjects: [1] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSMutableArray *myArray = [NSMutableArray array]; [myArray addObject:@"first string"]; [myArray addObject:@"second string"]; [myArray addObject:@"third string"]; int count = [myArray count]; NSLog(@"There are %d elements in my array", count); [pool release]; return 0; } There are 3 elements in my array 0 objectAtIndex: [2.13] [2] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { 70
  • 71. BECOME AN XCODER 13 NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSMutableArray *myArray = [NSMutableArray array]; [myArray addObject:@"first string"]; [myArray addObject:@"second string"]; [myArray addObject:@"third string"]; NSString *element = [myArray objectAtIndex:0]; // [2.13] NSLog(@"The element at index 0 in the array is: %@", element); [pool release]; return 0; } The element at index 0 in the array is: first string [3] #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; NSMutableArray *myArray = [NSMutableArray array]; [myArray addObject:@"first string"]; [myArray addObject:@"second string"]; [myArray addObject:@"third string"]; int i; int count; 71
  • 72. BECOME AN XCODER 13 for (i = 0, count = [myArray count]; i < count; i = i + 1) { NSString *element = [myArray objectAtIndex:i]; NSLog(@"The element at index %d in the array is: %@", i, element); } [pool release]; return 0; } The element at index 0 in the array is: first string The element at index 1 in the array is: second string The element at index 2 in the array is: third string NSArray NSMutableArray replace replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject: Objective-C [4] [myArray replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:@"Hello"]; 1 @"Hello" valid Objective-C " " Smalltalk Objective-C expressive " " Objective-C 72
  • 73. BECOME AN XCODER 14 14 Mac RAM free destroy Cocoa " " retain count 1 = 3 2 3 73
  • 74. BECOME AN XCODER 14 retain release Cocoa "autore- lease pool" release - autorelease pool autorelease autorelease pool release autorelease pool autorelease pool Cocoa reference count- ing 15 Cocoa Apple Apple Cocoa automatic garbage collection Apple Apple 2006 WWDC World Wide Developer Conference 2007 Xcode 3.0 automatic garbage collection Objective-C 2.0 74
  • 75. BECOME AN XCODER 15 15 Xcode Objective-C Apple Apple cocoa-dev mailing list "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" " " question.htm Cocoa Stephen Kochan Programming in Objective-C Big Nerd Ranch Aaron Hillegass Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X Xcode James Duncan Davidson Apple O'Reilly Cocoa with Objective-C Mac Apple elines/index.html 75
  • 76. BECOME AN XCODER 15 Xcode 0 Bert, Alex, Philippe. 76