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B6028 Module 1 Assignment 3 Market Position
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B6028 Module 1 Assignment 3 Market Position Analysis
Throughout this course, you will conduct a strategy audit for a
selected company. Begin this assignment by selecting an organization
for your course project activities.
In this module, you will assess the product portfolio of your selected
business unit by analyzing the value proposition, market position, and
competitive advantage of its products and services.
Part I: Interview
To gain an understanding of your selected business unit’s market
position, value proposition, and competitive advantage, conduct at
least one interview with a mid-level or senior manager.
Use the interview to solicit the manager’s perception of his or her
business unit’s product portfolio. Be sure to discuss the points of
analysis listed below in Part II of this assignment.
Part II: Analysis
Based on the information gathered from the interview, analyze the
product portfolio of your selected business unit. In your analysis,
identify the business unit of your company and the product(s) and
service(s) on which you will focus.
Make sure to include the following points in your analysis:
Describe the target customer for the product/service in terms of
relevant characteristics that impact the marketing strategy, including
location (how it should be reached) and buying habits.
Identify each customer segment’s specific wants and needs. Explain
why they buy your company’s product or service, or a competing
product or service.
Justify how well your product/service satisfies customer wants and
needs. Identify any wants and needs that are not met by your
Analyze the position of your product/service in relation to the
competition. Identify the main competitors. Explain how your product
differs in terms of features, function, quality, price, availability, brand
image, and the like. Explain why this differentiation is important to
your customers.
Describe the source of competitive advantage for your product.
Evaluate how sustainable is this source of advantage.
Assess the long-term sustainability of the source of differentiation and
competitive advantage.
Include appropriate information from the interview in support of your
Part III: Matrix
In comparing your product/service to that of the competition,
construct a simple matrix in the following way:
List the key customer wants or needs on the left-hand vertical axis.
List the competing products on the top horizontal axis, starting with
your product/service on the left.
For each customer want or need, indicate how well each competing
product satisfies the need using a scale of 0–2.
0 = need not met
1 = need partially met
2 = need fully met
This is a simple but effective visual mechanism for comparing the
relative position of multiple offerings from competing sources.
Write a 3-page paper in Word format and attach the matrix as an
appendix. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the
following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc.
For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be
named SmithJ_M1_A3.doc.
B6028 Module 2 Assignment 2 External
Environmental Scan-Target
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B6028 Module 2 Assignment 2 External Environmental Scan
(Argosy) – Target
In order to develop effective strategies, it is critical to understand the
marketplace environment. In this assignment, you will explore the
relationship between marketplace positioning based on environmental
Throughout this course, you will work on a strategy audit for a
selected organization. In Module 1, you selected an organization for
your course project activities and completed a market position
analysis for your organization.
In this module, you will conduct a comprehensive external
environmental scan of your business unit, including a five forces
analysis, to identify the relevant trends that pose opportunities or
threats to your business.
These will serve as inputs for a final strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis that will be due in Module
4: Assignment 2.
There are many elements that can go into an environmental scan, and
your analysis will depend on the nature of your business unit, product
portfolio, target market, and other factors related to the scope of your
Your environmental scan should include some or all of the following
Economic factors and trends
Political factors and trends
Regulatory and legal factors and trends
Societal factors and trends
Technological factors and trends
Geographic factors and trends
Porter’s five forces that consists of the following aspects:
Threat of new competition
Threat of substitute products or services
Bargaining power of customers (buyers)
Bargaining power of suppliers
Intensity of competitive/industry rivalry
Although your analysis will be tailored to your specific business, be
sure to cover the following:
A thorough five forces analysis of your industry
The key factors and trends in any other areas affecting your industry
A preliminary classification of the external factors and trends as either
opportunities or threats which will be the inputs for the final SWOT
Write a 3-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to
citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention:
B6028 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1
Preliminary Strategy Audit - Merriwether&
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B6028 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Preliminary Strategy Audit
(Argosy) - Merriwether& Williams
The end result of this course is developing a strategy audit. In this
module, you will outline and draft a preliminary framework for your
final product. This provides you with the opportunity to get feedback
before a final submission.
In Module 1, you reviewed the instructions for the capstone strategy
audit assignment and grading rubric due in Module 5. By now, you
have completed the following steps:
Identified the organization for your report
Interviewed at least one key mid-level or senior-level manager
Created a market position analysis
Conducted an external environmental scan in preparation of your final
report and presentation
In this assignment, you will generate a preliminary strategy audit in
preparation for your final course project.
Prepare a report that includes the following:
In preparation for your course project, prepare the preliminary
strategy audit using the tools and framework you have focused on so
far including the following:
Analysis of the company value proposition, market position, and
competitive advantage
External environmental scan/five forces analysis
Identify the most important (5–7) strategic issues facing the
organization or business unit.
You may modify the strategic issues in your final report based on the
additional analysis you will conduct in the next module as well as the
feedback you receive on this paper from your instructor.
Keep in mind that it is important to look at the strategic issue(s) from
more than just one perspective in the business unit or company—
speak to or research the issue from more than one angle to offer a
360-degree approach that does not cause more problems or issues.
Strategic issues arise from a mismatch between internal capabilities
and external trends such that important opportunities are not being
pursued or significant external threats are not being addressed under
the current strategy.
Include a preliminary set of recommended tactics for improving your
company’s strategic alignment and operating performance.
You may modify these recommendations in your final report based on
the additional analysis you will conduct in the next module as well as
the feedback you receive on this paper from your instructor.
Keep in mind that recommendations can include, but are not limited
to, tactics in marketing, branding, alliances, mergers and acquisitions,
integration, product development, diversification or divestiture, and
globalization. If you recommend your company to go global, you
must include a supply chain analysis and an analysis of your firm’s
global capabilities.
Write your report as though you are a consultant to your company and
are addressing the executive officers of this company.
Write a 7–10-page report in Word format. Make sure your writing is
clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical
scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and
displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Use the following format for your report:
Cover page
Executive summary/abstract
Table of contents
Introduction to company (each subsection should be an assessment)
Value proposition
Market position
Competitive advantage
External environmental scan/five forces analysis
Current environment
Assessment of external factors applying five forces
Strategic issues (label each issue and provide a header and the reason
for why it is an issue)
Summary/key findings and recommendations
Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file
naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.
B6028 Module 4 Assignment 2 Internal
Environmental Scan / Organizational
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B6028 Module 4 Assignment 2 Internal Environmental Scan /
Organizational Assessment (Argosy)
This section provides the opportunity to develop your course project.
Conducting an internal environmental scan or organizational
assessment, provides the ability to put the strategy audit together.
In this module, you will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the
internal environment at your business unit or organization you are
working with for this project, also known as an organizational
assessment, and present your findings in a report. In your report, you
should analyze the operating characteristics and assets of your
business unit.
The SWOT model is one of the most common business tools used
during organizational assessment. Another is developing a balanced
scorecard based on a prescribed or planned set of performance
objectives that will be measured and evaluated regularly. In this
assignment, based on the external environmental scan you conducted
in M2: Assignment 2 and the internal environmental scan in this
assignment, you will develop a SWOT analysis and a balanced
strategic scorecard.
Part I: Internal Environmental Scan (2–3 pages)
The internal environmental scan or organizational assessment should
include the following:
Mission, vision, and values: Assess the organization’s understanding
of the mission, vision, and values, and how they relate the business
strategy. Is there consensus on the mission and vision of the
organization? What are the shared values of the organization? What
are the behaviors espoused by these values?
Strategy clarification: Assess the organization’s understanding of the
business strategy through the interview with a mid-level or senior
manager. Assess his or her understanding and agreement of the
business unit’s value proposition, market position, and competitive
Cultural assessment: Explain the unwritten rules and shared values
that govern behaviors in the organization. Do they act as enablers or
blockers to the strategy? For example, is there a culture of
information sharing and collaboration that enables the organization to
respond quickly across structural boundaries to solve problems for
customers? On the other hand, do groups not share important
information through informal mechanisms, thus slowing response
Value chain analysis: Identify the primary (direct) and support
(indirect) activities that create and deliver your product or service to
your customers. Assess each activity’s contribution to competitive
advantage through cost or differentiation. Identify any areas where the
business may be at a competitive disadvantage.
Summary of findings: Using these different analyses, identify the
organizational strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the business
strategy. Organizational strengths are assets, capabilities, and
resources that contribute directly to the organization’s strategic fit,
differentiation, and competitive advantage relative to competing
organizations. Organizational weaknesses are characteristics and
capabilities (often lacking) that place the organization at a
disadvantage relative to competitors.
Part II: SWOT Analysis (1–2 pages)
Your SWOT analysis should summarize the opportunities and threats
from the external environmental scan with the strengths and
weaknesses from your organizational assessment or internal
environmental scan.
Your output should include a matrix depicting strengths or
weaknesses on the horizontal axis and opportunities or threats on the
vertical axis. This matrix will reveal a set of strategy forces that can
be used to assess the current strategy and identify important potential
changes to the strategic direction of the company.
In creating your SWOT analysis, look for natural pairings of internal
and external factors that match internal resources and capabilities to
the external environment. Internal strengths and external opportunities
depicted in the upper-left quadrant on your matrix might form
complementary pairs that suggest necessary strategic focus for the
business unit to pursue opportunities that fit its competitive strengths.
Conversely, internal weaknesses and external threats shown in the
lower right quadrant of the matrix may combine to illustrate the need
for a defensive strategy to avoid becoming highly susceptible to
competitive threats.
Your matrix should not simply be a collection of four lists compiled
together in a matrix. Your analysis should combine factors and
explain why specific strengths complement specific opportunities, and
selected weaknesses are amplified by external threats. In addition to
your matrix, provide a brief narrative that summarizes the main
findings in your analysis and the implications for the current and
projected strategy.
Part III: Balanced Strategic Scorecard (1–2 pages)
Use the balanced scorecard or another similar tool to recommend
indicators and measurements that will tell you if the company is
successful or unsuccessful in progressing toward your vision through
execution of strategy.
A balanced scorecard presents organizational performance on four
primary groups of measures:
Customer (external stakeholder)
Learning and growth
Internal process
You should develop a strategy scorecard that ties the performance of
your business unit in these areas to its overall business strategy. The
challenge you face is selecting two-to-three measures in each of the
four areas that give a measurable and reliable indication of the
business unit performance in the key activities that promote strategic
fit, customer value, and sustained competitive advantage.
Write an 5–7-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to
citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention:
The paper should include a cover page, executive summary/abstract,
table of contents, body of paper—proper headers (mission, vision, and
values assessment; strategy clarification; cultural assessment; value
chain analysis; summary of key findings; SWOT analysis; balanced
strategic scorecard; and references).
B6028 Module 5 Assignment 2 LASA 2
Presentation of Strategy Audit Findings
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B6028 Module 5 Assignment 2 LASA 2 Presentation of Strategy
Audit Findings
In this assignment, integrate all the pieces of work you have drafted
and formally turn it into the capstone strategy audit.
In previous assignments, you performed multiple, specified analyses
of your company (or any company of your choosing). Those
individual analyses provide the needed research to successfully
complete the following LASA.
Part I: Strategy Audit Report
Using the tools and framework learned in class and throughout the
program, prepare a 15-page strategy audit of your company with a
companion presentation. The strategy audit is a comprehensive
analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating
performance, and culminates in a series of recommendations for
improving your company’s performance based on the findings and
conclusions of your analysis.
A strategy audit involves assessing the actual direction of a business
and comparing that course to the direction required to succeed in a
changing environment. A company's actual direction is the sum of
what it does and does not do, how well the organization is internally
aligned to support the strategy, and how viable the strategy is when
compared to the external market, competitors, and financial realities.
These two categories, the internal assessment and the external or
environmental assessment, make up the major elements of a strategy
In your strategy audit:
Provide a high-level analysis of the company’s business strategy and
operating performance. Be sure to complete the following:
Analysis of the company value proposition, market position, and
competitive advantage
External environmental scan/five forces analysis
Internal environmental scan/organizational assessment
SWOT Analysis
Balanced scorecard/strategy scorecard
Recommend specific tactics for improving your company’s strategic
alignment and operating performance.
Recommendations can include but are not limited to tactics in
marketing, branding, alliances, mergers/acquisitions, integration,
product development, diversification or divestiture and globalization
(if you recommend your company go global, you must include a
supply chain analysis and an analysis of your firm’s global
Explain how the recommendations will help the company achieve its
strategy and vision.
You are to write this report as though you are a consultant to your
company, and are addressing the executive officers of this company.
You will collect and analyze a large amount of data in producing your
report, but your final product will be condensed and focus on
presenting your analysis findings and conclusions.
Your report should consist of the following sections in the given
Executive summary (1 page): A concise and insightful summary of
the significant findings of your analysis and the recommendations you
have for your executive team.
Strategic issues and recommendations(5 pages): Identify 5–7 most
important strategic issues facing your business unit. Strategic issues
arise from a mismatch between internal capabilities and external
trends such that important opportunities are not being pursued or
significant external threats are not being addressed under the current
The strategic issues list should integrate your SWOT analysis, your
Five Forces analysis, and the organizational assessment and external
environmental scan completed earlier during the course. These
detailed analyses are the foundation for your final set of findings and
recommendations presented to the executive team.
In developing your recommendations for addressing each strategic
issue, consider misalignments that might be apparent in different
operating areas:
Product portfolio: Are there changes to the target market segment,
value proposition, or positioning of the product or service line
Structure: Are the organizational roles and responsibilities, decision-
making authority, skill requirements, and work assignments properly
configured and aligned to support the strategy?
Organizational culture or behavior: Does the organizational culture
inspire behaviors that support the strategy? Are the mission, vision,
and values clearly articulated and aligned with the strategy? What
new behaviors are needed?
Value chain activities: Does the organization value chain fully align
with the strategy? Are their activities that should be added,
eliminated, or modified significantly?
Performance measures: Do the organization’s performance measures
focus on the key drivers of strategic success? Is there a strategy
scorecard that ties the main elements of the strategy to specific
operating capabilities, including goals and key performance indicators
(KPIs) that give an indication of incremental or predictive progress
toward reaching strategic goals?
Your recommendations should fall into these general categories, but
should be specific in terms of scope and expected impact.
These sections have been completed earlier in the course, and should
appear as appendices:
SWOT analysis (2 pages—completed in Module 4): SWOT matrix
illustrating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Balanced strategy scorecard (4 pages—completed in Module 4):
Develop a Balanced Scorecard for your business unit that reflects the
key drivers for your business strategy.
Organizational assessment (3 pages—completed in Module 3)
External environmental scan and five-forces analysis (3 pages—
completed in Module 2)
Market position analysis (3 pages—completed in Module 1)
Use information from your previous assignments to support your
conclusions and recommendations and conduct additional research
when needed. Make sure you properly reference and cite so that the
location of information is clear.
Submit your 15-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to
citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention:
Part II: Companion Presentation
Finalize the companion with a 10-slide Power Point Presentation that
summarizes the audit and recommendations in a compelling manner
that persuades senior management to explore and possibly implement
your recommendations. The elements of the presentation should
include the following:
Summary of audit
Key measurements
Risks and benefits
Call to action
Next steps

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B6028 Education Specialist /

  • 1. B6028 Module 1 Assignment 3 Market Position Analysis For more classes visit B6028 Module 1 Assignment 3 Market Position Analysis Throughout this course, you will conduct a strategy audit for a selected company. Begin this assignment by selecting an organization for your course project activities. In this module, you will assess the product portfolio of your selected business unit by analyzing the value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage of its products and services. Part I: Interview To gain an understanding of your selected business unit’s market position, value proposition, and competitive advantage, conduct at least one interview with a mid-level or senior manager. Use the interview to solicit the manager’s perception of his or her business unit’s product portfolio. Be sure to discuss the points of analysis listed below in Part II of this assignment. Part II: Analysis Based on the information gathered from the interview, analyze the product portfolio of your selected business unit. In your analysis, identify the business unit of your company and the product(s) and service(s) on which you will focus.
  • 2. Make sure to include the following points in your analysis: Describe the target customer for the product/service in terms of relevant characteristics that impact the marketing strategy, including location (how it should be reached) and buying habits. Identify each customer segment’s specific wants and needs. Explain why they buy your company’s product or service, or a competing product or service. Justify how well your product/service satisfies customer wants and needs. Identify any wants and needs that are not met by your product/service. Analyze the position of your product/service in relation to the competition. Identify the main competitors. Explain how your product differs in terms of features, function, quality, price, availability, brand image, and the like. Explain why this differentiation is important to your customers. Describe the source of competitive advantage for your product. Evaluate how sustainable is this source of advantage. Assess the long-term sustainability of the source of differentiation and competitive advantage. Include appropriate information from the interview in support of your answer. Part III: Matrix In comparing your product/service to that of the competition, construct a simple matrix in the following way: List the key customer wants or needs on the left-hand vertical axis. List the competing products on the top horizontal axis, starting with your product/service on the left. For each customer want or need, indicate how well each competing product satisfies the need using a scale of 0–2.
  • 3. 0 = need not met 1 = need partially met 2 = need fully met This is a simple but effective visual mechanism for comparing the relative position of multiple offerings from competing sources. Write a 3-page paper in Word format and attach the matrix as an appendix. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M1_A3.doc. ************************************************* B6028 Module 2 Assignment 2 External Environmental Scan-Target For more classes visit B6028 Module 2 Assignment 2 External Environmental Scan (Argosy) – Target In order to develop effective strategies, it is critical to understand the marketplace environment. In this assignment, you will explore the relationship between marketplace positioning based on environmental factors. Throughout this course, you will work on a strategy audit for a selected organization. In Module 1, you selected an organization for your course project activities and completed a market position analysis for your organization.
  • 4. In this module, you will conduct a comprehensive external environmental scan of your business unit, including a five forces analysis, to identify the relevant trends that pose opportunities or threats to your business. These will serve as inputs for a final strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis that will be due in Module 4: Assignment 2. There are many elements that can go into an environmental scan, and your analysis will depend on the nature of your business unit, product portfolio, target market, and other factors related to the scope of your business. Your environmental scan should include some or all of the following elements: Economic factors and trends Political factors and trends Regulatory and legal factors and trends Societal factors and trends Technological factors and trends Geographic factors and trends Porter’s five forces that consists of the following aspects: Threat of new competition Threat of substitute products or services Bargaining power of customers (buyers) Bargaining power of suppliers Intensity of competitive/industry rivalry Although your analysis will be tailored to your specific business, be sure to cover the following: A thorough five forces analysis of your industry The key factors and trends in any other areas affecting your industry A preliminary classification of the external factors and trends as either opportunities or threats which will be the inputs for the final SWOT analysis
  • 5. Write a 3-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc. ************************************************* B6028 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Preliminary Strategy Audit - Merriwether& Williams For more classes visit B6028 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Preliminary Strategy Audit (Argosy) - Merriwether& Williams The end result of this course is developing a strategy audit. In this module, you will outline and draft a preliminary framework for your final product. This provides you with the opportunity to get feedback before a final submission. In Module 1, you reviewed the instructions for the capstone strategy audit assignment and grading rubric due in Module 5. By now, you have completed the following steps: Identified the organization for your report Interviewed at least one key mid-level or senior-level manager Created a market position analysis Conducted an external environmental scan in preparation of your final report and presentation In this assignment, you will generate a preliminary strategy audit in preparation for your final course project.
  • 6. Prepare a report that includes the following: In preparation for your course project, prepare the preliminary strategy audit using the tools and framework you have focused on so far including the following: Analysis of the company value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage External environmental scan/five forces analysis Identify the most important (5–7) strategic issues facing the organization or business unit. You may modify the strategic issues in your final report based on the additional analysis you will conduct in the next module as well as the feedback you receive on this paper from your instructor. Keep in mind that it is important to look at the strategic issue(s) from more than just one perspective in the business unit or company— speak to or research the issue from more than one angle to offer a 360-degree approach that does not cause more problems or issues. Strategic issues arise from a mismatch between internal capabilities and external trends such that important opportunities are not being pursued or significant external threats are not being addressed under the current strategy. Include a preliminary set of recommended tactics for improving your company’s strategic alignment and operating performance. You may modify these recommendations in your final report based on the additional analysis you will conduct in the next module as well as the feedback you receive on this paper from your instructor. Keep in mind that recommendations can include, but are not limited to, tactics in marketing, branding, alliances, mergers and acquisitions, integration, product development, diversification or divestiture, and globalization. If you recommend your company to go global, you must include a supply chain analysis and an analysis of your firm’s global capabilities. Write your report as though you are a consultant to your company and are addressing the executive officers of this company. Write a 7–10-page report in Word format. Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical
  • 7. scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use the following format for your report: Cover page Executive summary/abstract Table of contents Introduction to company (each subsection should be an assessment) Value proposition Market position Competitive advantage External environmental scan/five forces analysis Current environment Assessment of external factors applying five forces Strategic issues (label each issue and provide a header and the reason for why it is an issue) Summary/key findings and recommendations References Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc. ************************************************* B6028 Module 4 Assignment 2 Internal Environmental Scan / Organizational Assessment For more classes visit
  • 8. B6028 Module 4 Assignment 2 Internal Environmental Scan / Organizational Assessment (Argosy) This section provides the opportunity to develop your course project. Conducting an internal environmental scan or organizational assessment, provides the ability to put the strategy audit together. In this module, you will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the internal environment at your business unit or organization you are working with for this project, also known as an organizational assessment, and present your findings in a report. In your report, you should analyze the operating characteristics and assets of your business unit. The SWOT model is one of the most common business tools used during organizational assessment. Another is developing a balanced scorecard based on a prescribed or planned set of performance objectives that will be measured and evaluated regularly. In this assignment, based on the external environmental scan you conducted in M2: Assignment 2 and the internal environmental scan in this assignment, you will develop a SWOT analysis and a balanced strategic scorecard. Part I: Internal Environmental Scan (2–3 pages) The internal environmental scan or organizational assessment should include the following: Mission, vision, and values: Assess the organization’s understanding of the mission, vision, and values, and how they relate the business strategy. Is there consensus on the mission and vision of the organization? What are the shared values of the organization? What are the behaviors espoused by these values? Strategy clarification: Assess the organization’s understanding of the business strategy through the interview with a mid-level or senior manager. Assess his or her understanding and agreement of the
  • 9. business unit’s value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage. Cultural assessment: Explain the unwritten rules and shared values that govern behaviors in the organization. Do they act as enablers or blockers to the strategy? For example, is there a culture of information sharing and collaboration that enables the organization to respond quickly across structural boundaries to solve problems for customers? On the other hand, do groups not share important information through informal mechanisms, thus slowing response times? Value chain analysis: Identify the primary (direct) and support (indirect) activities that create and deliver your product or service to your customers. Assess each activity’s contribution to competitive advantage through cost or differentiation. Identify any areas where the business may be at a competitive disadvantage. Summary of findings: Using these different analyses, identify the organizational strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the business strategy. Organizational strengths are assets, capabilities, and resources that contribute directly to the organization’s strategic fit, differentiation, and competitive advantage relative to competing organizations. Organizational weaknesses are characteristics and capabilities (often lacking) that place the organization at a disadvantage relative to competitors. Part II: SWOT Analysis (1–2 pages) Your SWOT analysis should summarize the opportunities and threats from the external environmental scan with the strengths and weaknesses from your organizational assessment or internal environmental scan. Your output should include a matrix depicting strengths or weaknesses on the horizontal axis and opportunities or threats on the vertical axis. This matrix will reveal a set of strategy forces that can be used to assess the current strategy and identify important potential changes to the strategic direction of the company.
  • 10. In creating your SWOT analysis, look for natural pairings of internal and external factors that match internal resources and capabilities to the external environment. Internal strengths and external opportunities depicted in the upper-left quadrant on your matrix might form complementary pairs that suggest necessary strategic focus for the business unit to pursue opportunities that fit its competitive strengths. Conversely, internal weaknesses and external threats shown in the lower right quadrant of the matrix may combine to illustrate the need for a defensive strategy to avoid becoming highly susceptible to competitive threats. Your matrix should not simply be a collection of four lists compiled together in a matrix. Your analysis should combine factors and explain why specific strengths complement specific opportunities, and selected weaknesses are amplified by external threats. In addition to your matrix, provide a brief narrative that summarizes the main findings in your analysis and the implications for the current and projected strategy. Part III: Balanced Strategic Scorecard (1–2 pages) Use the balanced scorecard or another similar tool to recommend indicators and measurements that will tell you if the company is successful or unsuccessful in progressing toward your vision through execution of strategy. A balanced scorecard presents organizational performance on four primary groups of measures: Financial Customer (external stakeholder) Learning and growth Internal process You should develop a strategy scorecard that ties the performance of your business unit in these areas to its overall business strategy. The challenge you face is selecting two-to-three measures in each of the
  • 11. four areas that give a measurable and reliable indication of the business unit performance in the key activities that promote strategic fit, customer value, and sustained competitive advantage. Write an 5–7-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc. The paper should include a cover page, executive summary/abstract, table of contents, body of paper—proper headers (mission, vision, and values assessment; strategy clarification; cultural assessment; value chain analysis; summary of key findings; SWOT analysis; balanced strategic scorecard; and references). ************************************************* B6028 Module 5 Assignment 2 LASA 2 Presentation of Strategy Audit Findings For more classes visit B6028 Module 5 Assignment 2 LASA 2 Presentation of Strategy Audit Findings In this assignment, integrate all the pieces of work you have drafted and formally turn it into the capstone strategy audit. In previous assignments, you performed multiple, specified analyses of your company (or any company of your choosing). Those individual analyses provide the needed research to successfully complete the following LASA.
  • 12. Part I: Strategy Audit Report Using the tools and framework learned in class and throughout the program, prepare a 15-page strategy audit of your company with a companion presentation. The strategy audit is a comprehensive analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating performance, and culminates in a series of recommendations for improving your company’s performance based on the findings and conclusions of your analysis. A strategy audit involves assessing the actual direction of a business and comparing that course to the direction required to succeed in a changing environment. A company's actual direction is the sum of what it does and does not do, how well the organization is internally aligned to support the strategy, and how viable the strategy is when compared to the external market, competitors, and financial realities. These two categories, the internal assessment and the external or environmental assessment, make up the major elements of a strategy audit. In your strategy audit: Provide a high-level analysis of the company’s business strategy and operating performance. Be sure to complete the following: Analysis of the company value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage External environmental scan/five forces analysis Internal environmental scan/organizational assessment SWOT Analysis Balanced scorecard/strategy scorecard Recommend specific tactics for improving your company’s strategic alignment and operating performance. Recommendations can include but are not limited to tactics in marketing, branding, alliances, mergers/acquisitions, integration, product development, diversification or divestiture and globalization (if you recommend your company go global, you must include a
  • 13. supply chain analysis and an analysis of your firm’s global capabilities). Explain how the recommendations will help the company achieve its strategy and vision. You are to write this report as though you are a consultant to your company, and are addressing the executive officers of this company. You will collect and analyze a large amount of data in producing your report, but your final product will be condensed and focus on presenting your analysis findings and conclusions. Your report should consist of the following sections in the given order. Executive summary (1 page): A concise and insightful summary of the significant findings of your analysis and the recommendations you have for your executive team. Strategic issues and recommendations(5 pages): Identify 5–7 most important strategic issues facing your business unit. Strategic issues arise from a mismatch between internal capabilities and external trends such that important opportunities are not being pursued or significant external threats are not being addressed under the current strategy. The strategic issues list should integrate your SWOT analysis, your Five Forces analysis, and the organizational assessment and external environmental scan completed earlier during the course. These detailed analyses are the foundation for your final set of findings and recommendations presented to the executive team. In developing your recommendations for addressing each strategic issue, consider misalignments that might be apparent in different operating areas: Product portfolio: Are there changes to the target market segment, value proposition, or positioning of the product or service line needed?
  • 14. Structure: Are the organizational roles and responsibilities, decision- making authority, skill requirements, and work assignments properly configured and aligned to support the strategy? Organizational culture or behavior: Does the organizational culture inspire behaviors that support the strategy? Are the mission, vision, and values clearly articulated and aligned with the strategy? What new behaviors are needed? Value chain activities: Does the organization value chain fully align with the strategy? Are their activities that should be added, eliminated, or modified significantly? Performance measures: Do the organization’s performance measures focus on the key drivers of strategic success? Is there a strategy scorecard that ties the main elements of the strategy to specific operating capabilities, including goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that give an indication of incremental or predictive progress toward reaching strategic goals? Your recommendations should fall into these general categories, but should be specific in terms of scope and expected impact. These sections have been completed earlier in the course, and should appear as appendices: SWOT analysis (2 pages—completed in Module 4): SWOT matrix illustrating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Balanced strategy scorecard (4 pages—completed in Module 4): Develop a Balanced Scorecard for your business unit that reflects the key drivers for your business strategy. Organizational assessment (3 pages—completed in Module 3) External environmental scan and five-forces analysis (3 pages— completed in Module 2) Market position analysis (3 pages—completed in Module 1) Use information from your previous assignments to support your conclusions and recommendations and conduct additional research when needed. Make sure you properly reference and cite so that the location of information is clear.
  • 15. Submit your 15-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2.doc. Part II: Companion Presentation Finalize the companion with a 10-slide Power Point Presentation that summarizes the audit and recommendations in a compelling manner that persuades senior management to explore and possibly implement your recommendations. The elements of the presentation should include the following: Title Agenda Summary of audit Recommendations Key measurements Risks and benefits Call to action Next steps *************************************************