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B2B & Growth Hacking:
Drawing from start-ups for online
lead generation.
01 / Introduction
02 / Understanding growth marketing
03 / How do we implement this?
04 / Case study
If you work in the digital field, you’ve probably already heard about “Growth
Hacking”... First, let’s take a look at this term, by quoting its inventor:
“I worked with the engineers to utilize technology for what was, to them, an
unconventional purpose: to craft novel methods for finding, reaching, and
learning from customers in order to hone our targeting, grow our customer
base, and get more value from our marketing dollars.”
Sean Ellis,
“Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing
Companies Drive Breakout Success”, 2017
Growth hacking: from unconventional or even unscrupulous practices...
/ Growth Hacking came to light at the end of the 2000s in the US,
where tech start-ups learned to combine marketing expertise with
advanced technical skills, aiming to reflect and develop their
growth via unconventional and less onerous approaches than
classical marketing campaigns.
By offering a free 500MB for every invite, Dropbox increased their
number of users exponentially by drawing on early adopters
However, time has passed, and growth hacking has matured, and although its
remains firmly performance- and digital-oriented, it’s no longer reserved for tech
start-ups eager for growth:
...towards a true discipline, with a philosophy and well-proven methods
/ Since these “crazy” years, growth hacking has decisively evolved into a
discipline in its own right, an amalgamation of marketing, IT,
/ It features a dedicated methodology that has facilitated its
democratisation (the AARRR framework, which we’ll come to later)
/ Not to mention its philosophy: Try everything, to grow using the
available means.
/ And above all, an evolution of practices, more respectful of the user and
particularly of their data.
In a market where technology is accessible to all
/ And, thanks to the explosion of SaaS (Software as a Service – online
software accessed using subscriptions), it no longer necessarily
requires such advanced technical expertise as in the past.
/ So, adopting a growth hacking approach is feasible for any player,
provided they’re aware of the right tools!
“Every kind of company must today be implementing the growth hacking
method, from the scrappiest start-ups to the most established firms. If they
don’t, they risk being disrupted by a competitor who has.”
Sean Ellis,
“Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing
Companies Drive Breakout Success”, 2017
So, within this study, we’ll see how to devise and deploy a growth hacking
strategy for your service or product, using examples of tools, features and
case studies.
“Put simply, every company needs to grow their base of customers in
order to survive and thrive. But growth hacking isn’t just about how to
get new customers. It’s about how to engage, activate, and win them
over so they keep coming back for more.”
Sean Ellis,
“Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing
Companies Drive Breakout Success”, 2017
First, how do we differentiate between digital marketing and growth hacking?
Two distinct yet complementary approaches
Comprehensive approach
Dedicated campaign
Ensures lasting, long-term growth Offers results as quickly as
possible, at minimum cost
The features of growth hacking vs conventional digital marketing
Growth hacking does not aim to
disrupt the overall strategy, but to
enrich it using ROI tactics.
Optimises performance by
ensuring better follow-up, and
saves resources for where added
value is needed.
The objectives revolve around the
short-term, to be able to guarantee
reactive & dynamic management.
Short cycles, allowing for
successive iterations to optimise
and guarantee the performance
of the system in place.
Offers results as quickly as
possible at minimum cost
It is very rare to talk about growth hacking without mentioning the “AARRR”
framework, the baseline methodology. Let’s look at its structure:
The AARRR framework
/ The AARRR framework is a methodological tool aiming to understand
the key stages your internet users go through:
 Defines the appropriate KPIs according to your product or
service: every stage can therefore be measured and quantified, in
order to judge the efficiency of your system.
 Defines priorities according to your results: on which level do
you need to focus your efforts?
/ Let’s take a closer look at each of the stages:
The AARRR framework
Acquisition can be summarised by one simple question: How can I
generate qualified traffic on my website or landing page?
This is an essential step: considerable but unqualified traffic will at best
cost you money in terms of your media investment, at worst will come to
“pollute” your system.
But it’s also a task on a discourse level: what discourse, what hook do
you need to effectively reach your target audience?
”[…] Acquisition of customers should be devoted to achieving two additional
types of fit: language/market fit, which is how well the way you describe the
benefits of your product resonates with your target audience, and
channel/product fit, which describes how effective the marketing channels
are that you’ve selected to reach your intended audience with your product, such
as paid search advertising or viral, or content, marketing.”
Sean Ellis,
“Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing
Companies Drive Breakout Success”, 2017
Hack #1 – Airbnb & photographs
When launching, Airbnb
has a very restricted
budget and struggles to
generate traffic on their
Through exchanges with
their users, Airbnb
discovers a pain point: the
listing photos are deemed
“bad quality”.
Airbnb hires photographers to
photograph apartments for
their users.
Hack #1a – Airbnb & Craigslist
When launching, Airbnb
has a very restricted
budget and struggles to
generate traffic on their
Airbnb notices that internet
users naturally go
towards Craigslist, a
platform for classified
advertisements, to find
their accommodation.
Airbnb develops a tool to
automatically post their
offers on the Craigslist
website, therefore gradually
cornering Craigslist users,
especially due to the quality
of their listings.
Hack #1 & 1a – Airbnb, the results
When launching, Airbnb
has a very restricted
budget and struggles to
generate traffic on their
Airbnb notices that internet
users naturally go
towards Craigslist, a
platform for classified
advertisements, to find
their accommodation.
Airbnb develops a tool to
automatically post their
offers on the Craigslist
website, therefore gradually
cornering Craigslist users.
The AARRR framework
Once we’ve managed to drive qualified traffic to our landing page, how
do we “activate” the internet user to act, push them to buy, or invite
them to fill out a form?
Beyond the optimisation of our site, it’s a question of user experience:
what are the sticking points in my journey? What are the key
moments to convert them?
Hack #2 – Kissmetrics & its friction-free journey
Kissmetrics is a B2B data
analysis platform, they
experience difficulties
generating registrations
on their homepage.
They decide to get rid of
the classic sign-in,
replacing it with a “one-
click registration” with your
Google account.
The following day,
registrations have increased
by 59.4% overnight.
The AARRR framework
Retention consists of developing your relationship with your clients,
current or prospective: once they have acted or shown an interest,
how do you stay present and especially stay top of mind during the key
moments of their customer journey?
So, it’s necessary to reflect on the different mechanisms that could allow
you to stay in touch and be top of mind at the key moment.
Hack #3– Twitter & tweeters
Like all social media platforms,
Twitter’s challenge is having the
most active users, but in its early
days, the site had several
difficulties keeping users.
Through analysing performance,
they were able to see that one
person who followed an
average of 30 accounts was
more likely to become an active
Twitter user.
When making an account,
Twitter implemented a step
where the internet user must
select accounts to follow
according to their
preferences, thus improving
their MAU.
The AARRR framework
Word of mouth is nothing new, however, digital offers several means of
optimising it and, more importantly, quantifying it.
An effective, important growth engine for several start-ups, referral
campaigns are highly efficient for both growth and ambassadorship.
Hack #4– PayPal & $10
PayPal encounters
difficulties in registering
their first users
PayPal decides to
introduce a referral
programme: the current
customer shares their link
with their friends and each
person will receive $10
PayPal sees sudden and
strong growth. This practice
is soon adopted by many
players in the digital banking
The AARRR framework
The final step at the bottom of the funnel is the overall result: how much
have you earned? And most importantly, how much has it cost?
Of course, if the previous engines are perfectly optimised, the results
should be there.
Here, we’re interested in the Lifetime Value of the client, the cost of
acquisition, but also in analysing the pricing of your supply based on the
Hack #5 – Uber & its user lifetime value
Uber is looking to progress,
the brand is confident of the
quality of its supply and
service compared to taxis
and public transport.
The lifetime value of Uber
clients is significant, so the
brand can afford to offer the first
ride free, thus overcoming the
psychological price barrier of
the user.
Uber offered $20 of credit for
the first ride, thereby allowing
them to acquire new users
more easily, who then
discovered the Uber
“Growth hacking adopted the continuous cycle of improvement and the rapid
iterative approach of both methods and applied them to customer and
revenue growth. In the process, the growth hacking method broke down the
traditional walls between marketing and engineering in order to discover novel
methods of marketing […].”
Sean Ellis,
“Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing
Companies Drive Breakout Success”, 2017
First step: defining aims & priorities
Traffic / visitors /
lead gen
Clicks / time
spent / pages
1-3 visits/month
CTR / email
Cust-sat /
Your priorities are fixed, and you have some ideas for action in mind: how to you
put these into place?
The explosion of SaaS allows any company to try out specific features, without
having to rally the entirety of their financial and human resources.
Second step: defining your marketing stack per channel
STACK ACQUISITION/ The term “Marketing Stack” means the range of technologies that the
marketing team can use to execute, analyse and improve their
marketing actions.
/ In a growth hacking approach, the marketing stack plays an
important role: it allows you to optimise – at a lower cost – the
actions you want to implement.
/ Controlling and optimising your marketing stack will also be a
priority: automating, creating links between different tools to best
control the data, optimising experience...
How to boost acquisition
/ Here, in order to increase acquisition, we’re looking for different actions
that could allow us to:
 Optimise our landing pages (A/B testing, dynamic fields...)
 Optimise our media campaigns (enrich our media campaigns
with third-party data...)
 Optimise our email campaigns (A/B testing, scripting...)
 Find new opportunities to reach our target audience
/ Unbounce is a tool facilitating the creation of an advanced landing page in just a
few clicks, no coding knowledge necessary.
/ This tool offers several possibilities in terms of personalisation: dynamic fields
(customisable depending on SEA...), A/B testing...
What is it?
/ Facilitates the fast & agile creation of landing pages (templates, dynamic
/ Plug & Play system with numerous tools (Slack, etc...)
How does Meero use Unbounce?
/ Meero is a start-up offering a platform connecting photographers
and clients (B2C, B2B)
/ To continue ensuring their international development and especially
to continue recruiting new photographers and video makers, the
brand chose to use Unbounce’s dynamic landing pages.
/ Therefore, paired with targeted Facebook Ad campaigns, the brand
sends their internet users back to a landing page with content adapted
to where they’re from (Thailand, Japan...)
How to boost activation
/ Here, in order to increase activation, we’re looking for actions that could
allow us to:
/ Optimise the click rate and overall engagement at site level
(social proof, dynamic elements aiming to boost experience...)
/ Facilitate lead generation (optimised form, chatbot for lead
/ Encourage the internet user to act in key moments of their
navigation (dynamic banners, push messages...)
/ Drift is a conversational marketing platform (or chatbot) allowing you to create
chatbots for conversation.
/ The tool also allows you to define specific scenarios according to the behaviour
of the internet user (time spent, pages visited, cookies...), to then redirect them to
a human, or collect the lead directly.
What is it?
/ Rapidly deployable
/ Several possible integrations with other third-party programmes (Calendly, etc.)
How does Brandwatch use Drift?
/ Brandwatch is a social listening platform for communication
/ Brandwatch uses Drift for several purposes:
 Optimising lead management: by anticipating the needs of the
internet user.
 Optimising experience: by adapting user experience based on
where they come from and what language they speak, to ensure an
automated and personalised experience 24/7.
How to boost retention
/ Here, in order to increase retention, we’re looking for different actions
that could allow us to:
/ Efficiently chase up passive clients / prospective clients
(push emails, newsletters...)
/ Successfully collect more information from the internet user
during new sessions to anticipate their needs (chatbot, forms,
push emails...)
/ Successfully keep them on the site (banners, pop-ins, special
What is it?
/ A different approach to emailing...
/ Allows you to maximise the overall performance of certain campaigns, by making sure you
reach your audience
/ Quokka is a tool that allows you to retarget people who haven’t read their emails, by sharing
campaigns on multiple channels.
/ When your campaign is sent, Quokka detects people who haven’t opened the email, and
creates a special audience with its performances in order to retarget them. Once the message
has been circulated, Quokka removes people from the retargeting list.
How does 3D Hubs use Quokka?
/ 3D Hubs is a platform for engineers (independent, start-ups, PME, large
companies) to create, prototype and produce their parts.
/ 3D Hubs offers a referral programme aiming to reward their engineering
clients when they share the solution.
/ Alongside offering supplementary services to the sponsored individual,
the sponsors can enjoy a variety of rewards.
/ Viral Loop helps ensure the technical aspect of referral operation and
How to boost referral
/ Here, to increase referral, we’re looking for different actions that could
predominantly help us in the implementation of a referral campaign,
aiming to engage our consumers to recommend and share our product
or service.
Viral Loop
/ A solution proposing different tools & templates to create referral campaigns:
dedicated landing pages, messenger chatbots, website widgets...
/ Through a dedicated platform, you can accurately keep track of how effective
your referral campaigns are.
What is it?
/ Very versatile (different features...)
/ Numerous templates ready to use
How does 3D Hubs use Viral Loop?
/ 3D Hubs is a platform for engineers (independent, start-ups, PME, large
companies) to create, prototype and produce their parts.
/ 3D Hubs offers a referral programme aiming to reward their engineering
clients when they share the solution.
/ Alongside offering supplementary services to the sponsored individual,
the sponsors can enjoy a variety of rewards.
/ Viral Loop helps ensure the technical aspect of referral operation and
Third step: test, learn, retry.
/ Growth Hacking is an empirical practice: by effectively analysing the
AARRR funnel, it’s necessary to define priorities and be ready to test
/ The idea is therefore to test tools, techniques and features over a
short period to judge their efficiency. If they’re inefficient, you should
move on or try to adapt them using your experiences.
How to best estimate revenue
/ Regarding Revenue, we’re here in the performance analysis of our
product or service: it’s primarily important to define its KPIs and its
“North Star Metric”
/ Then, it's important to arrange your technical and human resources to
analyse them efficiently.
Google Data Studio
/ A data visualisation tool facilitating the creation of your own dashboards to
follow, in real time, the performances of your digital actions, and therefore to
best monitor them to obtain the best results.
What is it?
/ A Google suite tool that is therefore perfectly adapted to certain web must-haves
(Analytics, Ads...)
/ Several connectors allowing the integration of third-party data
/ A free tool and accessible online dashboards
To best understand how growth hacking can be applied to a specific context,
let’s analyse the case study (fictional, although closely inspired by reality...) of a
company that has adopted a specific approach in response to a very particular
Coronavirus & Parpaing: account of a B2B player in 2020
/ Parpaing is a B2B company specialising in the manufacturing and resale
of industrial materials for professionals.
/ It is well established on a national level with namely commercial offices
throughout French regions.
/ However, the company experiences a loss of highly important activity
due to the consequences of COVID-19: the majority of their clients are
forced to stop their work, and therefore their orders.
/ But above all, the company has seen the year’s main B2B trade fairs
postponed one by one, which are unfortunately the main generators of
new business in normal times.
Following the COVID-19 crisis, Parpaing is disappointed with a lack of activity in terms of its commercial
service, and all the business fairs in which its sales representatives were due to take part have been
How can they generate activity for sales & recreate commercial opportunities in this
context, whilst avoiding incurring costs that the company may not be able to afford?
The project: hold a webinar
/ With construction sites at a standstill, Parpaing’s main contacts,
clients and prospective clients are now available and attentive.
Therefore, it seems appropriate to hold webinars to enrich the
expertise of the brand and maintain the relationship with their
prospective clients, particularly with a view to prepare for post-
COVID-19 with commercial targets.
/ However, direct competitors also deploy similar schemes
themselves. How to optimise your own performance
What are the priorities at this level of the funnel?
Traffic / opt-in
Cust-sat /
What are the priorities at this level of the funnel?
contact / post
Cust-sat /
AcquisitionTraffic / opt-in
Acquiring participants for the webinar is one of Parpaing’s main objectives.
The aim of this webinar is to support sales and accounts managers while
enriching the brand & their expertise.
The challenge will therefore be to reach 3 specific target audiences:
Audiences to reach:
Three key audiences to use for this webinar:
Clients who are also suffering from this health
crisis. The company wants to reassure them and
prove they are capable of supporting them.
They do not yet know Parpaing, or they have not yet
contacted Parpaing for their project; this is the target
of the company’s sales representatives.
This means past clients, with whom the company is
not currently working, but for whom they have an
email address for contacting them.
What are the priorities at this level of the funnel?
contact / post
Cust-sat /
AcquisitionTraffic / opt-in
Successfully holding a well-executed webinar: how do you put this into place?
Ensuring that the target audience can efficiently access it, and guaranteeing
them a good experience during the session...
What are the priorities at this level of the funnel?
Cust-sat /
AcquisitionTraffic / opt-in
Definitely the most crucial step: how to effectively utilise the audience once
the webinar is finished to support commercial teams?
contact / post
contact / post
What are the priorities at this level of the funnel?
AcquisitionTraffic / opt-in
webinarIn this specific case, this is not really a priority at this level of the funnel, but
this is still an important element to keep in mind.
Referral Cust-sat /
Referral Cust-sat /
contact / post
What are the priorities at this level of the funnel?
AcquisitionTraffic / opt-in
The last point of the funnel is the conclusion of this test: was the webinar
model with the envisaged plan effective?
What should be challenged to improve performance?
How do they set up their webinar?
/ To put their webinar together, Parpaing chooses to use a specialised
tool: Livestorm
 The tool ensures all the key stages of the session (registering,
live, replay...)
 The live aspect offers several features allowing us to engage the
audience: interactions with the presenter, dynamic links during the
 The tool facilitates the collection of key data to judge the webinar’s
performance: number of those registered, participants, watch
How to boost acquisition
/ How to recruit participants for the webinar Here are the main avenues:
/ Launching media campaigns
/ Utilising the website to promote the webinar
/ Utilising content to attract internet users
/ Activating the database via emailing
Which marketing stack?
/ Regarding publicity, using Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads allows you
to define specific media parameters:
 The brand can create different media targeting to reach
difference audiences in a personalised way (active clients,
non-clients, passive clients: retargeting, lookalike audience...)
Which marketing stack?
/ To generate leads on the website, Parpaing chooses to use
/ This tool takes the form of a “chat” on the website
/ Unlike a conventional chat, it’s in video format: the internet user
clicks on it to see a video with which they can interact
/ This format is interesting and effective, since it emphasises the
human (vs a conventional chat) whilst automating data
collection: it’s a dynamic form.
Specification sheet
“Content is king”: in any good acquisition approach, relying solely on outbound
actions would be a mistake, as content plays a key role. However, content
creation takes time, and resources...
Which marketing stack?
/ "Content is king, but distribution is queen, and she wears pants”: the
brand does not necessarily have the time to create their own content... but it
can nevertheless curate content (media, magazines...) or create partnerships
with specialised media.
/ PixelMe is a tool that allows you to add a retargeting pixel (for different ad
platforms) on links that the brand shares (particularly on social media).
/ So, via this link, content curation and co-branded content allows you to
retarget and reach a peer audience to promote a webinar.
Specification sheet
Which marketing stack?
/ As Parpaing already has an existing newsletter for their clients and an up-to-
date database, they are interested in maximising their performance with
 The internet users that don't open the first newsletter promoting the
webinar are later retargeted, in a way that ensures they won’t miss the
session on the day.
Overview of acquisition marketing stack:
How to boost activation
/ For activation, you need to consider two key moments, during which it
will be important to optimise engagement:
/ During registration for the webinar, on a dedicated landing
/ During the webinar, to maximise interaction with the internet
Which marketing stack?
/ Since Parpaing has the capacity to set up their own landing
pages (thanks to their blog, internal resources...), the idea is to
use the dedicated Livestorm form to register the internet
user’s participation.
/ Following their registration, an email nurture campaign can be
implemented, to keep contact and to make sure the user keeps
the webinar in mind.
Which marketing stack?
/ During the webinar, Livestorm offers numerous tools to boost
interaction between the brand and the audience:
 Sharing links or documents with the audience during the
session (sales brochure, guide...)
 Launching interactive polls during the live
 Questions & Answers with prioritisation of topics voted for
by the viewers
 Direct chat
Overview of acquisition marketing stack:
How to boost retention
/ Once the webinar is finished, it’s important to keep contact with the
audience to realise commercial opportunities:
/ Guaranteeing a personalised follow-up (based on their
experience) to encourage them to interact with the brand and
the sales teams.
Which marketing stack?
/ With Livestorm data, it’s possible to use an automated email tool
(ActiveCampaign in the current case)
/ So, different scenarios can be identified:
 The internet users who did not come
 offer a replay of the webinar
 The internet users who left the webinar before the end
 “Not precise enough for you? Talk with our expert...”
 Internet users who participated in the entire live
 discuss with the expert from the live, deepen the
No show Watch time < 70% Watch time > 70%
Specification sheet
Overview of acquisition marketing stack:
How to boost referral
/ Following the Webinar, certain internet users want to share the
webinar link or the summary article with their colleagues/seniors
/ It is then possible to use PixelMe again in the sharing links for the
post-webinar email campaign, to then reactivate this expanded
audience in due course...
Overview of referral marketing stack:
How to boost revenue
/ At this (final) stage, the aim is to revisit the overall performance of the
/ How much did a commercial lead cost?
/ What was the most effective touchpoint? Which allocation model should
be used to judge the different engines?
/ Effectiveness of the Webinar format?
Overview of overall marketing stack:
Thank you
Jeremy COXET
What is it?
/ Puts forward a “human” through an automated mechanism
/ Different possibilities, spanning several subjects on top of that (be it for
business, corporate, recruitment...)
/ VideoAsk is a tool for collecting feedback, generating leads, or simply engaging
the internet user with a video.
/ A message window opens on the internet user’s page for them to interact with, and
they watch the (vertical) video inviting them to act.
Back to case study
Back to case study
/ PixelMe is a link shortener that allows you to insert retargeting pixels into any
link (web articles, Amazon pages...)
What is it?
/ The possibilities offered in terms of retargeting: “hack” third-party content by
implanting pixels via a shareable link
/ This tool could complete your media strategy by bringing additional insight about
the route of your clients/prospective clients
ActiveCampaign is a comprehensive email tool offering several possibilities:
/ Email Marketing: implementation of email campaigns, using various
parameters (triggers, actions...)
/ Automation: definition of scenarios based on different conditions
What is it?
/ Automated workflow that’s easily configurable
/ Possible connections with several other Automation marketing tools (Drift,
Back to case study
B2B & Growth Hacking: drawing from startups for online lead generation

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  • 2. AGENDA 01 / Introduction 02 / Understanding growth marketing 03 / How do we implement this? 04 / Case study AGENDA
  • 4. If you work in the digital field, you’ve probably already heard about “Growth Hacking”... First, let’s take a look at this term, by quoting its inventor:
  • 5. “I worked with the engineers to utilize technology for what was, to them, an unconventional purpose: to craft novel methods for finding, reaching, and learning from customers in order to hone our targeting, grow our customer base, and get more value from our marketing dollars.” Sean Ellis, “Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success”, 2017
  • 6. Growth hacking: from unconventional or even unscrupulous practices... 1 / INTRODUCTION 6 / Growth Hacking came to light at the end of the 2000s in the US, where tech start-ups learned to combine marketing expertise with advanced technical skills, aiming to reflect and develop their growth via unconventional and less onerous approaches than classical marketing campaigns. By offering a free 500MB for every invite, Dropbox increased their number of users exponentially by drawing on early adopters
  • 7. However, time has passed, and growth hacking has matured, and although its remains firmly performance- and digital-oriented, it’s no longer reserved for tech start-ups eager for growth:
  • 8. ...towards a true discipline, with a philosophy and well-proven methods 1 / INTRODUCTION 8 / Since these “crazy” years, growth hacking has decisively evolved into a discipline in its own right, an amalgamation of marketing, IT, communication... / It features a dedicated methodology that has facilitated its democratisation (the AARRR framework, which we’ll come to later) / Not to mention its philosophy: Try everything, to grow using the available means. / And above all, an evolution of practices, more respectful of the user and particularly of their data.
  • 9. In a market where technology is accessible to all 1 / INTRODUCTION 9 / And, thanks to the explosion of SaaS (Software as a Service – online software accessed using subscriptions), it no longer necessarily requires such advanced technical expertise as in the past. / So, adopting a growth hacking approach is feasible for any player, provided they’re aware of the right tools!
  • 10. “Every kind of company must today be implementing the growth hacking method, from the scrappiest start-ups to the most established firms. If they don’t, they risk being disrupted by a competitor who has.” Sean Ellis, “Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success”, 2017
  • 11. So, within this study, we’ll see how to devise and deploy a growth hacking strategy for your service or product, using examples of tools, features and case studies.
  • 13. “Put simply, every company needs to grow their base of customers in order to survive and thrive. But growth hacking isn’t just about how to get new customers. It’s about how to engage, activate, and win them over so they keep coming back for more.” Sean Ellis, “Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success”, 2017
  • 14. First, how do we differentiate between digital marketing and growth hacking?
  • 15. Two distinct yet complementary approaches 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 15 DIGITAL MARKETING GROWTH HACKING Tactical Short-term Iterations Automation Strategic Long-term Comprehensive approach Dedicated campaign Ensures lasting, long-term growth Offers results as quickly as possible, at minimum cost YOUR BRAND CLIENTS
  • 16. The features of growth hacking vs conventional digital marketing 16 Growth hacking does not aim to disrupt the overall strategy, but to enrich it using ROI tactics. TACTICAL Optimises performance by ensuring better follow-up, and saves resources for where added value is needed. AUTOMATION GROWTH HACKING The objectives revolve around the short-term, to be able to guarantee reactive & dynamic management. SHORT-TERM Short cycles, allowing for successive iterations to optimise and guarantee the performance of the system in place. ITERATIONS Offers results as quickly as possible at minimum cost 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING
  • 17. It is very rare to talk about growth hacking without mentioning the “AARRR” framework, the baseline methodology. Let’s look at its structure:
  • 18. The AARRR framework 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 18 / The AARRR framework is a methodological tool aiming to understand the key stages your internet users go through:  Defines the appropriate KPIs according to your product or service: every stage can therefore be measured and quantified, in order to judge the efficiency of your system.  Defines priorities according to your results: on which level do you need to focus your efforts? / Let’s take a closer look at each of the stages: Acquisition Retention Referral Revenue Activation
  • 19. The AARRR framework 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 19 ACQUISITION Acquisition Acquisition can be summarised by one simple question: How can I generate qualified traffic on my website or landing page? This is an essential step: considerable but unqualified traffic will at best cost you money in terms of your media investment, at worst will come to “pollute” your system. But it’s also a task on a discourse level: what discourse, what hook do you need to effectively reach your target audience?
  • 20. ”[…] Acquisition of customers should be devoted to achieving two additional types of fit: language/market fit, which is how well the way you describe the benefits of your product resonates with your target audience, and channel/product fit, which describes how effective the marketing channels are that you’ve selected to reach your intended audience with your product, such as paid search advertising or viral, or content, marketing.” Sean Ellis, “Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success”, 2017
  • 21. Hack #1 – Airbnb & photographs 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 21 When launching, Airbnb has a very restricted budget and struggles to generate traffic on their website. Through exchanges with their users, Airbnb discovers a pain point: the listing photos are deemed “bad quality”. Airbnb hires photographers to photograph apartments for their users.
  • 22. Hack #1a – Airbnb & Craigslist 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 22 When launching, Airbnb has a very restricted budget and struggles to generate traffic on their website. Airbnb notices that internet users naturally go towards Craigslist, a platform for classified advertisements, to find their accommodation. Airbnb develops a tool to automatically post their offers on the Craigslist website, therefore gradually cornering Craigslist users, especially due to the quality of their listings.
  • 23. Hack #1 & 1a – Airbnb, the results 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 23 When launching, Airbnb has a very restricted budget and struggles to generate traffic on their website. Airbnb notices that internet users naturally go towards Craigslist, a platform for classified advertisements, to find their accommodation. Airbnb develops a tool to automatically post their offers on the Craigslist website, therefore gradually cornering Craigslist users.
  • 24. The AARRR framework 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 24 ACTIVATION Acquisition Once we’ve managed to drive qualified traffic to our landing page, how do we “activate” the internet user to act, push them to buy, or invite them to fill out a form? Beyond the optimisation of our site, it’s a question of user experience: what are the sticking points in my journey? What are the key moments to convert them?
  • 25. Hack #2 – Kissmetrics & its friction-free journey 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 25 Kissmetrics is a B2B data analysis platform, they experience difficulties generating registrations on their homepage. They decide to get rid of the classic sign-in, replacing it with a “one- click registration” with your Google account. The following day, registrations have increased by 59.4% overnight.
  • 26. The AARRR framework 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 26 RETENTION Acquisition Retention consists of developing your relationship with your clients, current or prospective: once they have acted or shown an interest, how do you stay present and especially stay top of mind during the key moments of their customer journey? So, it’s necessary to reflect on the different mechanisms that could allow you to stay in touch and be top of mind at the key moment.
  • 27. Hack #3– Twitter & tweeters 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 27 Like all social media platforms, Twitter’s challenge is having the most active users, but in its early days, the site had several difficulties keeping users. Through analysing performance, they were able to see that one person who followed an average of 30 accounts was more likely to become an active Twitter user. When making an account, Twitter implemented a step where the internet user must select accounts to follow according to their preferences, thus improving their MAU.
  • 28. The AARRR framework 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 28 REFERRAL Acquisition Word of mouth is nothing new, however, digital offers several means of optimising it and, more importantly, quantifying it. An effective, important growth engine for several start-ups, referral campaigns are highly efficient for both growth and ambassadorship.
  • 29. Hack #4– PayPal & $10 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 29 PayPal encounters difficulties in registering their first users PayPal decides to introduce a referral programme: the current customer shares their link with their friends and each person will receive $10 PayPal sees sudden and strong growth. This practice is soon adopted by many players in the digital banking domain
  • 30. The AARRR framework 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 30 REVENUE Acquisition The final step at the bottom of the funnel is the overall result: how much have you earned? And most importantly, how much has it cost? Of course, if the previous engines are perfectly optimised, the results should be there. Here, we’re interested in the Lifetime Value of the client, the cost of acquisition, but also in analysing the pricing of your supply based on the costs.
  • 31. Hack #5 – Uber & its user lifetime value 02 / UNDERSTANDING GROWTH HACKING 31 Uber is looking to progress, the brand is confident of the quality of its supply and service compared to taxis and public transport. The lifetime value of Uber clients is significant, so the brand can afford to offer the first ride free, thus overcoming the psychological price barrier of the user. Uber offered $20 of credit for the first ride, thereby allowing them to acquire new users more easily, who then discovered the Uber experience.
  • 33. “Growth hacking adopted the continuous cycle of improvement and the rapid iterative approach of both methods and applied them to customer and revenue growth. In the process, the growth hacking method broke down the traditional walls between marketing and engineering in order to discover novel methods of marketing […].” Sean Ellis, “Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success”, 2017
  • 34. First step: defining aims & priorities 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 34 Acquisition Retention Referral Revenue Activation Traffic / visitors / lead gen Clicks / time spent / pages browsed... 1-3 visits/month CTR / email Cust-sat / K-factor ROAS, ROI...
  • 35. Your priorities are fixed, and you have some ideas for action in mind: how to you put these into place? The explosion of SaaS allows any company to try out specific features, without having to rally the entirety of their financial and human resources.
  • 36. Second step: defining your marketing stack per channel 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 36 STACK ACTIVATION STACK ACQUISITION/ The term “Marketing Stack” means the range of technologies that the marketing team can use to execute, analyse and improve their marketing actions. / In a growth hacking approach, the marketing stack plays an important role: it allows you to optimise – at a lower cost – the actions you want to implement. / Controlling and optimising your marketing stack will also be a priority: automating, creating links between different tools to best control the data, optimising experience...
  • 37. How to boost acquisition 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 37 ACQUISITION Acquisition / Here, in order to increase acquisition, we’re looking for different actions that could allow us to:  Optimise our landing pages (A/B testing, dynamic fields...)  Optimise our media campaigns (enrich our media campaigns with third-party data...)  Optimise our email campaigns (A/B testing, scripting...)  Find new opportunities to reach our target audience
  • 38. 38 Unbounce 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? / Unbounce is a tool facilitating the creation of an advanced landing page in just a few clicks, no coding knowledge necessary. / This tool offers several possibilities in terms of personalisation: dynamic fields (customisable depending on SEA...), A/B testing... What is it? Advantages / Facilitates the fast & agile creation of landing pages (templates, dynamic variants...) / Plug & Play system with numerous tools (Slack, etc...)
  • 39. How does Meero use Unbounce? 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 39 / Meero is a start-up offering a platform connecting photographers and clients (B2C, B2B) / To continue ensuring their international development and especially to continue recruiting new photographers and video makers, the brand chose to use Unbounce’s dynamic landing pages. / Therefore, paired with targeted Facebook Ad campaigns, the brand sends their internet users back to a landing page with content adapted to where they’re from (Thailand, Japan...)
  • 40. How to boost activation 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 40 ACTIVATION Acquisition / Here, in order to increase activation, we’re looking for actions that could allow us to: / Optimise the click rate and overall engagement at site level (social proof, dynamic elements aiming to boost experience...) / Facilitate lead generation (optimised form, chatbot for lead generation...) / Encourage the internet user to act in key moments of their navigation (dynamic banners, push messages...)
  • 41. 41 Drift 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? / Drift is a conversational marketing platform (or chatbot) allowing you to create chatbots for conversation. / The tool also allows you to define specific scenarios according to the behaviour of the internet user (time spent, pages visited, cookies...), to then redirect them to a human, or collect the lead directly. What is it? Advantages / Rapidly deployable / Several possible integrations with other third-party programmes (Calendly, etc.)
  • 42. How does Brandwatch use Drift? 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 42 / Brandwatch is a social listening platform for communication professionals. / Brandwatch uses Drift for several purposes:  Optimising lead management: by anticipating the needs of the internet user.  Optimising experience: by adapting user experience based on where they come from and what language they speak, to ensure an automated and personalised experience 24/7.
  • 43. How to boost retention 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 43 RETENTION Acquisition / Here, in order to increase retention, we’re looking for different actions that could allow us to: / Efficiently chase up passive clients / prospective clients (push emails, newsletters...) / Successfully collect more information from the internet user during new sessions to anticipate their needs (chatbot, forms, push emails...) / Successfully keep them on the site (banners, pop-ins, special offers...)
  • 44. 44 Quokka 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? What is it? / A different approach to emailing... / Allows you to maximise the overall performance of certain campaigns, by making sure you reach your audience Advantages / Quokka is a tool that allows you to retarget people who haven’t read their emails, by sharing campaigns on multiple channels. / When your campaign is sent, Quokka detects people who haven’t opened the email, and creates a special audience with its performances in order to retarget them. Once the message has been circulated, Quokka removes people from the retargeting list.
  • 45. How does 3D Hubs use Quokka? 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 45 / 3D Hubs is a platform for engineers (independent, start-ups, PME, large companies) to create, prototype and produce their parts. / 3D Hubs offers a referral programme aiming to reward their engineering clients when they share the solution. / Alongside offering supplementary services to the sponsored individual, the sponsors can enjoy a variety of rewards. / Viral Loop helps ensure the technical aspect of referral operation and follow-up.
  • 46. How to boost referral 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 46 REFERRAL Acquisition / Here, to increase referral, we’re looking for different actions that could predominantly help us in the implementation of a referral campaign, aiming to engage our consumers to recommend and share our product or service.
  • 47. 47 Viral Loop 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? / A solution proposing different tools & templates to create referral campaigns: dedicated landing pages, messenger chatbots, website widgets... / Through a dedicated platform, you can accurately keep track of how effective your referral campaigns are. What is it? Advantages / Very versatile (different features...) / Numerous templates ready to use
  • 48. How does 3D Hubs use Viral Loop? 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 48 / 3D Hubs is a platform for engineers (independent, start-ups, PME, large companies) to create, prototype and produce their parts. / 3D Hubs offers a referral programme aiming to reward their engineering clients when they share the solution. / Alongside offering supplementary services to the sponsored individual, the sponsors can enjoy a variety of rewards. / Viral Loop helps ensure the technical aspect of referral operation and follow-up.
  • 49. Third step: test, learn, retry. 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 49 / Growth Hacking is an empirical practice: by effectively analysing the AARRR funnel, it’s necessary to define priorities and be ready to test them. / The idea is therefore to test tools, techniques and features over a short period to judge their efficiency. If they’re inefficient, you should move on or try to adapt them using your experiences.
  • 50. How to best estimate revenue 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? 50 REVENUE Acquisition / Regarding Revenue, we’re here in the performance analysis of our product or service: it’s primarily important to define its KPIs and its “North Star Metric” / Then, it's important to arrange your technical and human resources to analyse them efficiently.
  • 51. 51 Google Data Studio 03 / HOW DO WE IMPLEMENT THIS? / A data visualisation tool facilitating the creation of your own dashboards to follow, in real time, the performances of your digital actions, and therefore to best monitor them to obtain the best results. What is it? Advantages / A Google suite tool that is therefore perfectly adapted to certain web must-haves (Analytics, Ads...) / Several connectors allowing the integration of third-party data / A free tool and accessible online dashboards
  • 52.
  • 53. 04 / CASE STUDY
  • 54. To best understand how growth hacking can be applied to a specific context, let’s analyse the case study (fictional, although closely inspired by reality...) of a company that has adopted a specific approach in response to a very particular problem...
  • 55. Coronavirus & Parpaing: account of a B2B player in 2020 04 / CASE STUDY 55 / Parpaing is a B2B company specialising in the manufacturing and resale of industrial materials for professionals. / It is well established on a national level with namely commercial offices throughout French regions. / However, the company experiences a loss of highly important activity due to the consequences of COVID-19: the majority of their clients are forced to stop their work, and therefore their orders. / But above all, the company has seen the year’s main B2B trade fairs postponed one by one, which are unfortunately the main generators of new business in normal times.
  • 56. THE PROBLEM: Following the COVID-19 crisis, Parpaing is disappointed with a lack of activity in terms of its commercial service, and all the business fairs in which its sales representatives were due to take part have been cancelled. How can they generate activity for sales & recreate commercial opportunities in this context, whilst avoiding incurring costs that the company may not be able to afford?
  • 57. The project: hold a webinar 04 / CASE STUDY 57 / With construction sites at a standstill, Parpaing’s main contacts, clients and prospective clients are now available and attentive. Therefore, it seems appropriate to hold webinars to enrich the expertise of the brand and maintain the relationship with their prospective clients, particularly with a view to prepare for post- COVID-19 with commercial targets. / However, direct competitors also deploy similar schemes themselves. How to optimise your own performance
  • 59. What are the priorities at this level of the funnel? 04 / CASE STUDY 59 Acquisition Retention Referral Revenue Activation Traffic / opt-in webinar Webinar presence, views... Post-webinar leads Cust-sat / K-factor ROAS, ROI...
  • 60. What are the priorities at this level of the funnel? 04 / CASE STUDY 60 Retention Referral Revenue Activation Webinar presence, views... Post-webinar contact / post leads Cust-sat / K-factor ROAS, ROI... AcquisitionTraffic / opt-in webinar Acquiring participants for the webinar is one of Parpaing’s main objectives. The aim of this webinar is to support sales and accounts managers while enriching the brand & their expertise. The challenge will therefore be to reach 3 specific target audiences:
  • 61. Audiences to reach: 04 / CASE STUDY ACTIVE CLIENTS Three key audiences to use for this webinar: PROSPECTIVE CLIENTS Clients who are also suffering from this health crisis. The company wants to reassure them and prove they are capable of supporting them. They do not yet know Parpaing, or they have not yet contacted Parpaing for their project; this is the target of the company’s sales representatives. “PASSIVE” CLIENTS This means past clients, with whom the company is not currently working, but for whom they have an email address for contacting them.
  • 62. What are the priorities at this level of the funnel? 04 / CASE STUDY 62 Retention Referral Revenue Post-webinar contact / post leads Cust-sat / K-factor ROAS, ROI... AcquisitionTraffic / opt-in webinar Successfully holding a well-executed webinar: how do you put this into place? Ensuring that the target audience can efficiently access it, and guaranteeing them a good experience during the session... Activation Webinar presence, views...
  • 63. Activation Webinar presence, views... What are the priorities at this level of the funnel? 04 / CASE STUDY 63 Referral Revenue Cust-sat / K-factor ROAS, ROI... AcquisitionTraffic / opt-in webinar Definitely the most crucial step: how to effectively utilise the audience once the webinar is finished to support commercial teams? Retention Post-webinar contact / post leads
  • 64. Retention Post-webinar contact / post leads Activation Webinar presence, views... What are the priorities at this level of the funnel? 04 / CASE STUDY 64 Revenue ROAS, ROI... AcquisitionTraffic / opt-in webinarIn this specific case, this is not really a priority at this level of the funnel, but this is still an important element to keep in mind. Referral Cust-sat / K-factor
  • 65. Referral Cust-sat / K-factor Retention Post-webinar contact / post leads Activation Webinar presence, views... What are the priorities at this level of the funnel? 04 / CASE STUDY 65 AcquisitionTraffic / opt-in webinar The last point of the funnel is the conclusion of this test: was the webinar model with the envisaged plan effective? What should be challenged to improve performance? Revenue ROAS, ROI...
  • 67. How do they set up their webinar? 04 / CASE STUDY 67 / To put their webinar together, Parpaing chooses to use a specialised tool: Livestorm  The tool ensures all the key stages of the session (registering, live, replay...)  The live aspect offers several features allowing us to engage the audience: interactions with the presenter, dynamic links during the presentation...  The tool facilitates the collection of key data to judge the webinar’s performance: number of those registered, participants, watch time...
  • 68. How to boost acquisition 04 / CASE STUDY 68 ACQUISITION Acquisition / How to recruit participants for the webinar Here are the main avenues: / Launching media campaigns / Utilising the website to promote the webinar / Utilising content to attract internet users / Activating the database via emailing
  • 69. Which marketing stack? 04 / CASE STUDY 69 / Regarding publicity, using Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads allows you to define specific media parameters:  The brand can create different media targeting to reach difference audiences in a personalised way (active clients, non-clients, passive clients: retargeting, lookalike audience...)
  • 70. Which marketing stack? 04 / CASE STUDY 70 / To generate leads on the website, Parpaing chooses to use VideoAsk: / This tool takes the form of a “chat” on the website / Unlike a conventional chat, it’s in video format: the internet user clicks on it to see a video with which they can interact / This format is interesting and effective, since it emphasises the human (vs a conventional chat) whilst automating data collection: it’s a dynamic form. Specification sheet
  • 71. “Content is king”: in any good acquisition approach, relying solely on outbound actions would be a mistake, as content plays a key role. However, content creation takes time, and resources...
  • 72. Which marketing stack? 04 / CASE STUDY 72 / "Content is king, but distribution is queen, and she wears pants”: the brand does not necessarily have the time to create their own content... but it can nevertheless curate content (media, magazines...) or create partnerships with specialised media. / PixelMe is a tool that allows you to add a retargeting pixel (for different ad platforms) on links that the brand shares (particularly on social media). / So, via this link, content curation and co-branded content allows you to retarget and reach a peer audience to promote a webinar. Specification sheet
  • 73. Which marketing stack? 04 / CASE STUDY 73 / As Parpaing already has an existing newsletter for their clients and an up-to- date database, they are interested in maximising their performance with Quokka:  The internet users that don't open the first newsletter promoting the webinar are later retargeted, in a way that ensures they won’t miss the session on the day.
  • 74. Overview of acquisition marketing stack: 04 / CASE STUDY 74 STACK ACQUISITION
  • 75. How to boost activation 04 / CASE STUDY 75 ACTIVATION Acquisition / For activation, you need to consider two key moments, during which it will be important to optimise engagement: / During registration for the webinar, on a dedicated landing page. / During the webinar, to maximise interaction with the internet users.
  • 76. Which marketing stack? 04 / CASE STUDY 76 / Since Parpaing has the capacity to set up their own landing pages (thanks to their blog, internal resources...), the idea is to use the dedicated Livestorm form to register the internet user’s participation. / Following their registration, an email nurture campaign can be implemented, to keep contact and to make sure the user keeps the webinar in mind.
  • 77. Which marketing stack? 04 / CASE STUDY 77 / During the webinar, Livestorm offers numerous tools to boost interaction between the brand and the audience:  Sharing links or documents with the audience during the session (sales brochure, guide...)  Launching interactive polls during the live  Questions & Answers with prioritisation of topics voted for by the viewers  Direct chat
  • 78. Overview of acquisition marketing stack: 04 / CASE STUDY 78 STACK ACTIVATION
  • 79. How to boost retention 04 / CASE STUDY 79 RETENTION Acquisition / Once the webinar is finished, it’s important to keep contact with the audience to realise commercial opportunities: / Guaranteeing a personalised follow-up (based on their experience) to encourage them to interact with the brand and the sales teams.
  • 80. Which marketing stack? 04 / CASE STUDY 80 / With Livestorm data, it’s possible to use an automated email tool (ActiveCampaign in the current case) / So, different scenarios can be identified:  The internet users who did not come  offer a replay of the webinar  The internet users who left the webinar before the end  “Not precise enough for you? Talk with our expert...”  Internet users who participated in the entire live  discuss with the expert from the live, deepen the experience... No show Watch time < 70% Watch time > 70% Specification sheet
  • 81. Overview of acquisition marketing stack: 04 / CASE STUDY 81 STACK RETENTION
  • 82. How to boost referral 04 / CASE STUDY 82 REFERRAL Acquisition / Following the Webinar, certain internet users want to share the webinar link or the summary article with their colleagues/seniors / It is then possible to use PixelMe again in the sharing links for the post-webinar email campaign, to then reactivate this expanded audience in due course...
  • 83. Overview of referral marketing stack: 04 / CASE STUDY 83 STACK REFERRAL
  • 84. How to boost revenue 04 / CASE STUDY 84 REVENUE Acquisition / At this (final) stage, the aim is to revisit the overall performance of the system: / How much did a commercial lead cost? / What was the most effective touchpoint? Which allocation model should be used to judge the different engines? / Effectiveness of the Webinar format?
  • 88. 88 VideoAsk ANNEXES – TOOL SPECIFICATION SHEETS What is it? / Puts forward a “human” through an automated mechanism / Different possibilities, spanning several subjects on top of that (be it for business, corporate, recruitment...) Advantages / VideoAsk is a tool for collecting feedback, generating leads, or simply engaging the internet user with a video. / A message window opens on the internet user’s page for them to interact with, and they watch the (vertical) video inviting them to act. Back to case study
  • 89.
  • 90. Back to case study 90 PixelMe ANNEXES – TOOL SPECIFICATION SHEETS / PixelMe is a link shortener that allows you to insert retargeting pixels into any link (web articles, Amazon pages...) What is it? / The possibilities offered in terms of retargeting: “hack” third-party content by implanting pixels via a shareable link / This tool could complete your media strategy by bringing additional insight about the route of your clients/prospective clients Advantages
  • 91.
  • 92. 92 ActiveCampaign ANNEXES – TOOL SPECIFICATION SHEETS ActiveCampaign is a comprehensive email tool offering several possibilities: / Email Marketing: implementation of email campaigns, using various parameters (triggers, actions...) / Automation: definition of scenarios based on different conditions What is it? / Automated workflow that’s easily configurable / Possible connections with several other Automation marketing tools (Drift, HubSpot...) Advantages Back to case study

Editor's Notes

  1. In 2018, who were we targeting?
  2. Dropbox went from 100,000 to 4,000,000 users in 15 months with a simple referral marketing program.
  3. In 2018, who were we targeting?
  4. This is very apt since those who do data analysis generally deal with Google Analytics, and therefore have a Gmail work address.
  5. This is very apt since those who do data analysis generally deal with Google Analytics, and therefore have a Gmail work address.
  6. This is very apt since those who do data analysis generally deal with Google Analytics, and therefore have a Gmail work address.
  7. This is very apt since those who do data analysis generally deal with Google Analytics, and therefore have a Gmail work address.
  8. In 2018, who were we targeting?
  9. North Star Metric: time spent listening Spotify / Facebook MAU / Amazon no. purchases per month
  10. In 2018, who were we targeting?
  11. 80% distribution, 20% content
  12. 80% distribution, 20% content
  13. 80% distribution, 20% content
  14. 80% distribution, 20% content
  15. In 2018, who were we targeting?
  16. Two in one: shortening links and retargeting ad platforms Chrome extension Convenient and easy analytics, as well as integration with Google Analytics