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You've done it again!                                                                                                                                                 Dear Prospective New Member
                                                                                                                                                                                 of our Keller Williams Family,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Letter from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the CEO

       J.D. Power and Associates has awarded Keller Williams associates the distinct honor of
                                                                                                                                                                                 Tough times call for tough decisions.
      "Highest Overall Satisfaction for Home Buyers Among National                                                                                                                    And it’s the decisions that we make when we are at a crossroads that tend to make
                                                                                                                                                                                 the biggest difference and spark the greatest opportunity. That’s certainly been the case
           Full Service Real Estate Firms, Two Years in a Row!*"                                                                                                                 for Keller Williams Realty and we believe that it’s true for you as well.
                                                                                                                                                                                      This is a company whose agents have what it takes to survive a downward shift in
                       The time to incorporate this honor into your marketing, advertising                                                                                       the market and emerge stronger than ever. Gary Keller, our chairman, founded Keller
                                                                                                                                                                                 Williams Realty in Austin, Texas, 26 years ago during one of the most challenging
                                 and communications with your clients is NOW!                                                                                                    real estate markets in our country’s history. Since that time, we’ve sharpened our
                                                                                                                                                                                 commitment every year to providing our agents with the tools, the technology and the
                                                                                                                                                                                 training to be the very best that they could be.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Keller Williams Realty is committed to growth – the growth of our company and
                                                                                                                                                                                 the growth of all of our agents. We are not about playing small in this company. We are
                                                                                                                                                                                 about helping our agents to achieve their dreams. Big dreams.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Gary Keller did not write The Reasonably Successful Real Estate Agent. He wrote
                                                                                                                                                                                 The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, and that was just the beginning.
                                                                                                                                                                                      More so than ever before, the real estate industry is taking notice of the Keller
                                                                                                                                                                                 Williams Realty difference. We’re now the third largest real estate company in the
                                                                                                                                                                                 United States, and throughout 2009, more than 100 agents chose to join forces with us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This is a company
                                                                                                                                                                                 every single business day. That growth is not due to a compelling marketing campaign
                                                                                                                                                                                 or a new initiative driven by executives in Austin, Texas. It’s a direct result of agents              whose agents have
                                                                                                                                                                                 and team leaders in their local markets who are committed to extending the Keller
                                                                                                                                                                                 Williams opportunity to their colleagues.                                                              what it takes to
                                                                                                                                                                                      In this company, success is something that we share. It’s built into our profit share
                                                                                                                                                                                 model, as well as our culture.
                                                                                                                                                                                      We couldn’t be more excited about the opportunities that 2010 holds for our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        survive a downward
                                                                                                                                                                                 agents. We have the training, the talent and everything that it takes to win.
                                                                                                                                                                                      All that’s missing is you.                                                                        shift in the market
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Yours in opportunity,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and emerge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        stronger than ever.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mark Willis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CEO, Keller Williams Realty

          All use of Licensed J.D. Power and Associates Claims and Awards must adhere to very                                                                                                                                                                                         OutFront is published by Keller Williams
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Realty, Inc. The entire document of OutFront is
      specific guidelines that can be accessed from myKW. Go to ( and click on                                                                           Special Edition                          Marketing and Communications Director: Ellen Marks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      copyright© 2009 by Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      No portion may be reproduced in whole or in
                                                                                                                                                                            OutFront is a publication of             Editor: Lisa Wahlgren (
         the marketing tab to review the guidelines in full and to download images of the award.                                                                            Keller Williams Realty, Inc.             Marketing and Communications Coordinator: Laura Price
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      part by any means including electronic retrieval
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      systems, without the express written permission
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Copy Editor: Jeff Ryder                                          of the publisher. Editorial or advertising does not
 *Keller Williams Realty received the highest numerical score among full service real estate firms for home buyers in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2008-2009   807 Las Cimas Parkway, Suite 200         Design: Michael Balistreri | Jeanine Donofrio                    constitute advice but is considered informative.
Home Buyer/Seller StudySM. 2009 Study based on 3,138 total evaluations measuring 7 firms and measures opinions of individuals who bought a home between March 2008          Austin, Texas 78746
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Contributors: Celesta Brown | Jill Dwyer | Jennifer LeClaire |
          and April 2009. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of consumers surveyed April-June 2009.Your experiences may vary.               (512) 327-3070 phone                                                                                      Copyright© 2009 Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Elizabeth Millard | Shelley Seale
  2      outfront                                                             Special Edition                                           Keller Williams Realty              (512) 328-1433 Keller Williams Realty
                                                                                                                                                                                            fax                                                        Special Edition                All rights reserved.         outfront        3
Excerpted from the March/April 2009 issue of OutFront

                                                                                                                                                                                            Growth Trajectory
      A Different kind of Real Estate Company

      OutFront magazine is Keller Williams Realty’s semi-monthly publication designed to support our
      agents with news and features that cover success strategies, business-building ideas, coaching

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Photo by: Michael Balistreri
      breakthroughs, technology updates and upcoming events.

      This special, new-agent edition includes articles excerpted from recent issues that encapsulate
      the Keller Williams Realty difference – growth, training and coaching, culture, profit share, and a
      26-year tradition of putting agents first.                                                                                                                                                      REAL ARGEST
                                                                                                                                                                                       KELLER WILLIAMS D-L U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      IR       E
                                                                                                                                                  Willis and
                                                                                                                                                  Mo Anderson after the historic         IS NOW THE TH Y IN TH
                                                                                                                                                  announcement.                        REAL ESTATE COMPA
                              Built to Last: Solid Systems,                                                                                      Emphasizing during his keynote                                                 Keller Williams Realty's total active agent count declined by

                              abundant blessings fuel growth trajectory                                                                          address at Family Reunion last month that “Life is 10
                                                                                                                                                 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                about 7 percent. “Comparatively, Keller Williams did more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                than 30 percent better than NAR.”
                              Excerpted from the Nov./Dec. 2008 issue of OutFront                                                                to it,” Clint Swindall may as well have been setting forth the                        Citing the 2008 REAL Trends 500 report, Willis added,
                                                                                                                                                 theme of the entire event – or for that matter, summarizing                    “Keller Williams was the only real estate franchise that
                                  Keller Williams Realty started                    Realty would not be what it is today had it not been for     how Keller Williams associates have responded to a seismic                     experienced a positive growth in the total number of sides,
     as a grand experiment launched out of my house in                              Mo. Her practicality, wisdom and emotional connectivity      shift in the real estate market.                                               the total number of offices and the agent count per office.
     Austin, Texas in 1983. It was built on my belief that the                      to the values of this company have inspired so many                Indeed, back when the real estate market started to                      Every other franchise went backward. Between 2003 and
     best way to run a real estate company was to partner                           of us to be our best in business and in life – serving as    shift, Keller Williams Realty stood as the fifth-largest real                  2007 Keller Williams increased its U.S. market share by
                                                                                                                                                 estate company in the United States. By January of 2007,                       more than 161 percent, while only one other network
     with agents and put their career development as our                            role models to lift up our teams and our market centers,
                                                                                                                                                 Keller Williams Realty officially claimed the No. 4 spot.                      gained, and their increase was less than 20 percent.”
     biggest priority. I believed then, as I still do today, that                   building great careers and doing things that matter.
                                                                                                                                                 Last month, during Family Reunion 2009, Mark Willis,                                  Comparing Keller Williams Realty to the 10 largest
     when the company builds the people then the people                                  As Mo moved to focusing on continuing to strengthen
                                                                                                                                                 CEO, brought nearly 7,000 cheering attendees to their feet                     independent firms in the country over the last five years,
     build the company.                                                             our culture, Mark Willis and Mary Tennant stepped up to
                                                                                                                                                 with the announcement that                                                                             Willis enthusiastically noted that
          I have always believed that no one succeeds alone,                        further the strong leadership and support that has always
                                                                                                                                                 Keller Williams Realty has now             KELLER WILLIA MS HA S SHIFTED!                              “Keller Williams grew by 65 percent
     and that the quickest path to success is through and with                      been at the heart of our company. Coming from their          climbed to the third-largest                                                                           more in associates per office, 61
                                                                                                                                                                                        The To p- r anked Real Es tate F r anc his es by A gent C oun t
     another person, not around them. And so even from the                          experiences as top agents and incredible team leaders,       real estate company in the                                                                             percent more in transactions per
     start, I focused my energy on helping others to succeed.                       they have both advanced our causes and our culture.          United States.                          RA NK       C OM PA NY         2008           2 007      %
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        associate and 32 percent more in sales
     Our company grew over time because we surrounded                               And they have recruited and nurtured a strong team at              Sharing her story of                                                                             per office.”
                                                                                                                                                                                          #1      Coldwell Banker     101,170        109,167    -7.3
     ourselves with others who also shared this philosophy.                         our international office who are pushing us toward even      personal adversity in 2008, Mo                                                                              “This is your money, your
          Over the past 26 years, we’ve done a lot of things right                  higher goals.                                                                                         #2      Century 21           95,390        105,461    -9.5
                                                                                                                                                 Anderson, vice chairman of                                                                             production, and it thrills us,”
     as a company, and we’ve also lived through our share of                             This has been an incredibly challenging time for        Keller Williams Realty, opened           #3      Keller Williams      72,794        78,441     -7.2    he said.
     course corrections. But when we look at the big picture,                       our economy and our industry, but I don’t believe that       the State of the Company                                                                                    From the very outset, the shift
                                                                                                                                                                                          #4      RE/MAX               69,108         85,737    -19.4
     my best explanation for our success as a team and as                           any of us were put on this earth to skate through with       Address with a testimony to the                                                                        in the real estate market has been
     individuals is to say that we have been incredibly blessed.                    certainty. We have come together to build careers worth      fact that every problem has a            #5      Prudential           62,000         68,000    -8.8    viewed within Keller Williams Realty
     How else could we explain the gift of crossing paths and                       having, businesses worth owning, lives worth living and      purpose. And the problem of the                                                                        as an opportunity, and never has that
     then getting into business with Mo Anderson back in the                        legacies worth leaving. Our work is not done and we          shift in the real estate market has                                                                    been more apparent than it is right
     early 1990s, and then Mark Willis and Mary Tennant – or                        know it. We are a company that was built to last – for all   further crystallized both the “purpose and the promise for                     now. “The promise of the shift for our market centers who
     for that matter every one of you?                                              of the right reasons – and as we travel this road together   Keller Williams Realty,” Willis emphasized.                                    nail the model, and grow in this market, is greater than in
          Mo is an extraordinary woman who we brought on to                         we will emerge individually and collectively stronger              “While we cannot escape the trends of the industry,                      any other market, because this is when the best agents and
     serve as the head of our company as CEO. Keller Williams                       than ever before. kw                                         we have definitely outperformed it,” Willis said, noting                       brokers gain market share,” Willis emphasized.
                                                                                                                                                 that compared to the National Association of REALTORS®,                               Now is the time to “gather ourselves, get focused,
                                                                                                                                                 which lost 140,000 of its members, or a decline of 10.5                        follow a plan of action and charge.” kw
                                                                                                                                                 percent between December of 2007 and December of 2008,

4   outfront                                                          Special Edition                                  Keller Williams Realty              Keller Williams Realty                                Special Edition                                                           outfront                     5
RALEIGH’S RISING STAR                                                   ENTREPRENEURIAL EDGE STILL SHARP
                                                                                                                                                                Ashley Wilson, a prominent player in                                  During his four-year real estate career,

     Mega Migration
                                                                                                                                                                the Raleigh, N.C., real estate community,                             Robert Grunnah quickly became a force
                                                                                                                                                                joined Keller Williams Realty in May.                                 in the Austin, Texas, real estate market.
                                                                                                                                                                  She has posted $76 million in sales over                            He founded Castle Hill Investments
                                                                                                                                                                the past three years, won the MAME                                    to specialize in the sale of investment
                                                                                                                                                                Award for Top Producer in 2007 and                                    properties and sold close to $70 million
                                                                                                                                                                2008, and was recognized with Coldwell                                at the height of the market in 2006. In
                                                                                     Excerpted from the Sept./Oct. 2009 issue of OutFront
                                                                                                                                            Banker’s National Sales Team of the Year Silver Award. And              August, he joined forces with the Austin-Southwest market
                                                                                                                                            she’s only been in the business for six years.                          center, where he knows he can remain an entrepreneur,
                                                                                                                                                 Wilson got her start selling houses in the Triangle                while taking advantage of industry-leading training
                                                                                                                                            region. It didn’t take her long to get the industry’s attention.        opportunities.
                                                        Robert Grunnah                                                                      She’s been named one of REALTOR® Magazine’s 30 Under                        “More experienced agents are now looking at Keller
                                                        Austin, Texas
                                                                          Isabel Stephenson                                                 30, she’s built relationships with 25 homebuilders, and                 Williams Realty as a viable business model,” says Grunnah,
                                        Ashley Wilson
                                                                          Jupiter, Fla.                                                     she’s sold 200 homes in six years.                                      who closed $21 million in 2008. “I can see the tide turning.
                                        Raleigh, N.C.                                         Kathleen Bucher                                    Deciding that the time was right to start building                 Mega agents are recognizing the value proposition.
                                                                                              Austin , Texas                                her business, rather than the business of the company
               David and Sally Hansen                                                                                                       she worked for, Wilson observes, “At Keller Williams, it’s              INROADS INTO MILWAUKEE
               Madison East, Wis.
                                                                                                                                            about the people. I want to build my team. I want to help                                 A Milwaukee suburb, that’s approximately
                                                                                                            Eric Pruitt
                                                                                                            Palm Beach,
                                                                                                                                            build the wealth of others. I believe in the Keller Williams                              90 minutes from Madison, the Brookfield
                                                                                                            Fla.                            philosophy. That’s why I made the move.”                                                  market has barely heard of Keller
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Williams Realty. That’s all soon to change.
                                                                                                                                            PROACTIVE IN PALM BEACH                                                                   The mega agent, husband-wife team of
                                                                                                                                                                Eric Pruitt was the No. 1 agent for RE/                               David and Sally Hansen began putting
                                                                                                                                                                MAX in Palm Beach County, Fla., before                                their 30 years of experience to work for
                                                                                                                                                                he joined the Keller Williams Realty Palm           Keller Williams Realty this summer. Having been aligned
                                                                                                                                                                Beaches Market Center in July of 2009.              with one of the largest independent brokerages in Madison,
                                                                                                                                                                Although Palm Beach County is one of                Wisc., they signed on with Keller Williams Realty on July 4,
                                                                                                                                                                the hardest hit real estate markets in              a day they now refer to as Independence Day in more ways
                                                                                                                                                                the country, Pruitt is taking a proactive           than one.
                                                                                                                                            approach to selling real estate by specializing in "highly                  “We believe in education and training, so Keller
                                                                                                                                            motivated sellers."                                                     Williams Realty was very attractive to us from an
                                                                                                                                             In the midst of the downturn, he remains at the top of                 operational perspective,” he adds. “This company also
                                                                                                                                            his game.                                                               focuses more on the agents rather than the brokerage,
                                                                                                                                              “I believe in win-win or no deal,” Pruitt says. “So Keller            and they have a much sounder approach to growing. The
                                                                                                                                            Williams’ commission structure and business model were                  business model just makes sense.”
                                                                                                                                            attractive to me, but it was more than the money. It was the
                                                                                                                                            culture and the professionalism of the agents.”                         LUXURY ALIGNMENT
                                                                                                                                                 Pruitt is raising the bar higher than ever before, and                                 Kathleen Bucher has been a major player
                                                                                                                                            has set new goals for listings, sales and revenues. He points                               in the Austin real estate market for nearly
                                                                                                                                            out that the support he’s found at Keller Williams Realty is                                two decades. She first hung her license with
                                                                                                                                            preparing him to double or triple his million-dollar                                        RE/MAX and then with Coldwell Banker
                                                                                                                                            annual commissions.                                                                         before transferring to the Austin - Southwest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        market center in August to capitalize on the
                                                                                                                                            “THE WHOLE PACKAGE”                                                                         city’s luxury housing market.
                                                                                                                                                               Isabel Stephenson’s RE/MAX office                         A member of the Elite 25, who consistently sells more
                                                                                                                                                               was closing and she had a decision to                than $20 million a year, Bucher concedes, “for an agent
                                                                                                                                                               make. In July, she opted to join forces              who does as much business as I do, transitioning to a new
    Keller Williams value proposition is resonating with top producers like never before.                                                                      with Keller Williams Realty – the real               company can be complicated. I always have properties
                                                                                                                                                               estate company that’s dominating the                 under contract. I always carry a high inventory of listings
                                                                                                                                                               Jupiter residential real estate market.              and I always have closings."
    A bright light is shining on Keller Williams Realty, as mega agents throughout North America
                                                                                                                                                               Her decision followed 18 months of                        Nevertheless, she determined that Keller Williams
    re-evaluate their options in a tight market.                                                                                            reflection. The 12-year real estate veteran wanted the                  Realty was a move worth making, and she took the leap.
                                                                                                                                            training and support Keller Williams Realty offered to help                  “Keller Williams is agent-driven,” Bucher says, “and the
                                                                                                                                            her rebuild her business in a down economy.                             luxury division really enticed me because I’ve been growing
    The word is out about the education, the support and business model that has helped make Keller
                                                                                                                                                 “This company has the whole package: the commission                that part of my business. The opportunity to be a part of
    Williams Realty the third-largest real estate company in the United States. As a result, market                                         structure, the support system for agents and the brand                  such a strong luxury program was a big plus.”
    centers are growing, operating principals are putting together merger deals to roll in neighboring                                      recognition in the local market.                                          All told, she’s wondering why she didn’t make the move
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    two years ago. kw
    brokerages, and the momentum is building.

6   outfront                                            Special Edition                                 Keller Williams Realty                      Keller Williams Realty                                Special Edition                                                outfront       7
TIDE TURNING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  P RO F I T S H A R E

Talent surge sweeps North America                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Building
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 wealth while
                                                                                                                                    Excerpted from the May/June and Sept./Oct 2009 issues of OutFront

                                 A POWERFUL MESSAGE                                                                foundation for growth.
                                 TO THE ORLANDO MARKET
                                                                      In March of 2009,
                                                                                                                         The deal was not on the table until Wukasch’s friend
                                                                                                                   and colleague, who had been managing the Moreland
                                                                                                                   Properties office in Georgetown, suffered a stroke.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the word
                                                                      when agents at the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Photo by: Sarah Kerver

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Photo by: Titus Bartos
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Photo by: Mark Blinch

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Photo by: Ben Arnold
                                                                      Realty Executives                            Wukasch visited her friend in the hospital many times,
                                                                      Longwood, Fla.,                              with no thought or discussion of acquiring the office.
                                                                      office gathered for                                Having known Wukasch for many years, Emily
      Photos by: Scott Wheeler

                                                                                                                   Moreland contacted Wukasch concerning an                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Excerpted from the July/August 2009 issue of OutFront
                                                                      their annual awards                                                                                                               Jamie Purvis                                   David Fogg                            Courtney Yates                            David Kupfer
                                                                      ceremony, the owners                         acquisition of Moreland Properties’ Georgetown office.
                                                                      explained that in a                                One phone call between two well-respected leaders                              Talent follows talent. At Keller Williams Realty, every time a talented associate opens the doors to Keller
                                                                      shifted market, there                        in the Austin-area real estate market was all that it took
                                 Jay Crow           Denise LeHeup
                                                                      are changes that real                        to set the deal in motion that created a Georgetown,
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Williams Realty for another promising professional, they become stakeholders in the market center’s
                                 estate agents need to make in order to stay competitive.                          Texas, business center for Keller Williams Realty.                                   profitability and growth. In 2008, 22,000 Keller Williams associates received profit share income.
                                       Having spent the past several months in                                           “There’s been a wonderful excitement about
                                 discussions with market center leaders from the Keller                                                                                                                 Here are the stories of four of them.
                                                                                                                   bringing together our two great organizations,” Wukasch
                                 Williams Realty Orlando North Market Center, they had                             says. “I’ve been watching it with joy and amazement.                                 On June 10, 2009, the day that the SHIFT 2: Overdrive                                                                                                          PAYING IT FORWARD
                                 determined that a change in franchise ownership would
                                                                                                                   It’s a living example of what I tell our agents: If you go                           tour came to Toronto, Gary Keller addressed a crowd of                                                                                                         Courtney Yates, associate with the Nashville-Murfreesboro
                                 be in the agent’s best interests.
                                                                                                                   around negative, you attract negativity. If you go around                            900 agents, and Jamie Purvis, associate with the Toronto                                                                                                       market center, agrees that it’s education and training that
                                       An office of notoriously high achievers, the Realty
                                 Executives Longwood office had received the award                                 positive, positive things happen.”                                                   Centre market center, added the 17th person to his                                                                                                             sets Keller Williams Realty apart and sets its associates
                                 for being No.1 in their region for so long that Realty                                                                                                                 profit share tree. His profit share earnings for the month                                                                                                     up to be successful – and she’s living proof. Her team has
                                 Executives had retired them from the competition. The                                                                                                                  amounted to $1,481.63. And he’s just getting started.                                                                                                          skyrocketed to No. 1 in the Murfreesboro marketplace,
                                                                                                                   "ALL THE ELEMENTS FOR                                                                     “We build relationships, invite agents to need-based
                                 44 real estate agents who held their licenses there had                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               No. 2 in the Greater Nashville market, and No. 5 in all of
                                 an average of eight years of experience in real estate.                           SUCCESS ARE ALREADY IN PLACE."                                                       training and follow - up with them through the year.”                                                                                                          Tennessee. Knowing the difference that Keller Williams
                                       As Jay Crow, market center investor, and Denise                                                                                                                  Often, Purvis observes, when they are ready to make the                                                                                                        Realty can make in a person’s life, she’s passionate about
                                                                                                                                      When Phil Limon joined Keller
                                 LeHeup, the soon-to-be operating principal, stepped                                                                                                                    switch to Keller Williams Realty, they proactively pick up                                                                                                     helping others to grow and succeed and has a profit share
                                                                                                                                      Williams Realty's Downey-Pico
                                 up to the podium, the agents listened intently to what                                                                                                                 the phone and call him.                                                                                                                                        tree that is now 58 associates strong.
                                                                                                                                      market center in May, he didn’t come
                                 the company had to offer and they began to weigh their                                                                                                                      For many years, the market was racing along with                                                                                                               What goes around comes around, and Courtney is
                                                                                                                                      alone. 42 agents came with him.
                                 options. Most decided to join forces.                                                                                                                                  a momentum that swept everyone up in its fast-moving                                                                                                           investing in others the way she says that others invested
                                                                                                                                        A veteran of the business and a
                                                                                                 Photo by: Ron Murray

                                       “Overnight, more than 200 Realty Executives                                                                                                                      current. Now that the market has shifted, it’s clear to see                                                                                                    in her. She regularly gives away copies of SHIFT, and
                                                                                                                                      broker since 1995, Limon had seen
                                 listings were converted to Keller Williams listings, and                                                                                                               agents who aren’t performing as well as they could be if                                                                                                       hosts lunches during which she encourages the exchange
                                                                                                                                      the market’s ups and downs before,
                                 the message went out to the market that Keller Williams                                                                                                                they were with a company that supported them, says David                                                                                                       of productive ideas and freely shares her own business-
                                                                                                                                      but none so challenging as this one.
                                 is in a growth mode,” Crow says. “But what’s most                                                    It was time to rethink how he was
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fogg, associate with the Burbank (Calif.) market center.                                                                                                       building strategies.
                                                                                                                    Phil Limon
                                 exciting about this,” LeHeup emphasizes, “is the new                                                 going to do business.                                                  Fogg says that even in this market, his own business is                                                                                                        The turbulent market has led to an environment
                                 talent that we now get to be in business with.”                                     Limon realized that adaptability is crucial in a                                   flourishing. Every time that he or a member of The Fogg                                                                                                        in which agents are far more receptive to moving their
                                                                                                                   shifted market. So as someone who had made a name                                    Team of REALTORS® is asked how they are doing it, the                                                                                                          businesses, Yates says.
                                                                                                                   for himself in the greater Los Angeles area and had                                  answer is always the same: “Everything I’m doing, I’ve been
                                 FRIENDSHIPS FUEL GROWTH STRATEGY                                                                                                                                       trained to do at Keller Williams Realty.”                                                                                                                      MEGA MISSION
                                                                                                                   racked up numerous awards, he was committed to
                                                   “Like everything else, it all comes                             doing what was best for his agents. Affiliating with                                      Colleagues in the market can’t help but want to                                                                                                            “Now is a great time to join Keller Williams Realty” says
                                                   down to relationships,” says Avis                               Keller Williams Realty was a way to stay healthy in a                                learn more.                                                                                                                                                    David Kupfer, associate with the Sonoran Living-Phoenix
                                                   Wukasch, team leader of the Round                               softening market.                                                                         With a profit share tree that numbers 90 associates,                                                                                                      market center. Offices are closing and agents are looking
                                                   Rock (Texas) market center.                                       Attracted by the company's staying power in the midst                              Fogg’s approach appears to be working. He continues to                                                                                                         for a change.
                                                        Her market center’s recent                                 of the downturn, Limon was impressed most of all by                                  build the infrastructure for his profit share tree to grow                                                                                                          With 240 associates in his tree, and another 184 in his
     Photo by: Sarah Kerver

                                                   acquisition of an outlying suburban                             the Keller Williams model and supportive culture.                                    on its own, but he says that he seldom leads recruiting                                                                                                        wife Nikki’s tree, he says that the two plan to someday live
                                                   office of Moreland Properties, which                              “The company’s agent-first philosophy is what sets                                 conversations with talk about profit. Fogg came to Keller                                                                                                      off of their profit share income. Their profit share earnings
                                                   is based in Austin, Texas, stands as a                          it apart no matter how the market is doing,” he says.                                Williams Realty because of the training and culture, and                                                                                                       since they joined Keller Williams Realty in 1999 exceeded
                                 Avis Wukasch                                                                      “This is a place where all the elements for success are                              that is what draws in new recruits, he emphasizes, but                                                                                                         $128,876.
                                                   compelling testimony to the power
                                                                                                                   already in place.” kw                                                                he’s quick to add, “Profit sharing is a great piece of a                                                                                                            “Ten years ago, we didn’t know what we didn’t know,”
                                                   of integrity and friendships as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                        fantastic pie!”                                                                                                                                                he says, explaining that the company’s events, classes and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       hands-on training have made a world of difference. kw

8      outfront                                                                        Special Edition                                                       Keller Williams Realty                                    Keller Williams Realty                                                                                                    Special Edition                                                                              outfront   9
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                                                                                  h                                                                    Keller Williams
                                                                 BreakIN      h amerIc
                                                                          ort                                                                          captures attention of
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                                                                                                                                                       Yale, Stanford MBAs
                                                                                                                                                       Culture’s impact on strategy

       No "trYING," JUst "DoING"                                               Fast track to the top
                                                                                                                                                       Excerpted from the July/August 2007 issue of OutFront

                              A nine-year veteran of the real estate                                 Tim Heyl graduated from Texas A&M
                              business, Gary Budek had a solid track                                 University last May with a degree in              Imagine a classroom of 45 Yale School of Management MBA                       Explaining that case studies are fundamentally developed
                              record as a top producer – until this                                  finance and a real estate license that            students divided down the middle in a hot debate about                   as teaching materials, Tayan notes that the Keller Williams case
                              year when he describes his production                                  he earned on the side during his last             whether Keller Williams Realty’s overarching value of God,               study sets forth for students the economic and cultural models
                              as “dismal.”                                                           semester. Turning down a solid job offer          Family then Business helps or hurts the company.                         that have led to the company’s success. It is slated as part of
                                     “I was letting the market get to                                with a steady income, he signed on with                Imagine Mo Anderson, Keller Williams Realty’s vice                  Stanford’s core MBA curriculum for 2007-08, and made its
                              me and getting entrenched in all the                                   the Austin Southwest market center in
                                                                                                                                                       chairman, sitting in the back of the room, taking it all in.             way to the Yale School of Management this year following Dr.
                              negative talk.” But halfway through the                                June, and on July 2, he enrolled in BOLD.
         Gary Budek                                                              Tim Heyl
                                                                                                       Over the course of the eight-week                    The story of how Keller Williams Realty came to be a part of        Baron’s acceptance of a professor of management
                              year, he left RE/MAX, signed on with
                                                                                                     BOLD program, he took 10 listings and             the MBA curriculums for both the Yale School of Management               position there.
                              the Spring Hill (Fla.) market center, and
       enrolled in the BOLD program.                                           closed three contracts. His most recent listing was for a $2.99         and the Stanford Graduate School of Business began less than
                                                                               million property. “If it hadn’t been for BOLD, there’s no way           a year ago when Brian Tayan, research associate with the case            RAPT ATTENTION
            That changed everything.
                                                                               that I would have gone after such an expensive property,” he            writing office of the Stanford Graduate School of Business,              Anderson accepted Dr. Baron’s invitation to attend the class
         During the eight weeks that he was in BOLD, he took 14
                                                                               says. But armed with BOLD scripts and a BOLD mindset,                                                                                            in which he presented the case study. She says she listened
       listings and closed 21 buyer transactions, quadrupling his                                                                                      expressed an interest in writing a case study about Keller
                                                                               he fearlessly picked up the phone and got an appointment.                                                                                        attentively up to the point that she was asked to come to the
       production from the first part of the year. I realized that my                                                                                  Williams Realty.
                                                                               “I didn’t address my age; I just explained how ambitious,
       mind hadn’t been in the game and I needed to take a stand                                                                                            Eager to participate in an endeavor that would take Keller          front of the class to answer questions. “It was clear that the
                                                                               persistent and hard working I am.”
       and get back to being the agent that I knew I was.                        Even though Heyl had been in real estate for just a few               Williams’ cultural and economic models to the halls of higher            students had really studied the material and were very intrigued
            “It’s like they say in BOLD, ‘There’s no trying, just              weeks prior to BOLD, he’s very clear on the difference it’s                                                                                      about the systems and models that have made our company so
                                                                                                                                                       education, Anderson issued one caveat: Tayan would need to
       doing.’ We can overthink this business, and when we just                had on his business. “I got one listing before BOLD, but I felt                                                                                  successful,” she says.
       do it, it’s amazing. It works.” So much so, that Budek has                                                                                      attend Launch Boot Camp.
                                                                               like it was a matter of luck.                                                                                                                         Dr. Baron noted that students found Anderson’s perspective
       signed up to take the program again!                                                                                                                 He did so and was quickly taken aback by the “openness
                                                                                 “Now I realize that it’s a matter of picking up the phone and                                                                                  to be a refreshing departure from the formulaic leadership style
                                                                               doing things that are uncomfortable and doing them all the              and enthusiasm among team leaders, operating principals and
                                                                                                                                                       agents. They were curious and completely forthcoming,”                   that they normally encounter.
                                                                               time – the things that other people don’t want to do. I know
 BOLD FACTS: Ro                                                                that if I haven’t talked with 25 people a day about real estate,        Tayan says.                                                                   “Having never taken a business class, it was with great
                           und 1                                               that I haven’t done my job. BOLD has made me realize that                    Following Launch, he spoke to Keller Williams’ executive            pride that I stood before a class of MBA students at the Yale
    A total of 599                                                             real estate is as predictable as you make it. Successful agents                                                                                  School of Management,” Mo says. “As I did so, I thought about
                    AGENTS signed                                                                                                                      management team, where he encountered the same spirit of
    the first round                    on for                                  choose to make it predictable at a high level.”
                                                                                                                                                       generosity and cooperation. “I was truly impressed with the              our associates and was filled with gratitude for everyone whose
                    of BOLD this su                                              Based on the momentum that Heyl has experienced during
   was taught at                     mmer, which                                                                                                       quality of the people and the organization,” Tayan says. The most        integrity and hard work had enabled me to have
                    11 LOC ATION                                               his first four months in real estate, he says he’s on track to
                                     S throughout                                                                                                      striking discovery, he points out, is the degree to which “the           this experience.”
   North America                                                               exceed $200,000 within his first year in the business.
                    . Collectively,                                                                                                                                                                                                  “This case study provides a pivotal lesson for MBA students
   5,582 TRANSA                     they closed                                  “I knew after college that I didn’t want to settle for a salary       culture and the economic models work in conjunction with each
                    CTIONS in seve                                             of $60,000. I wanted a job where the harder I worked, the               other. The culture does not exist for its own sake.”                     on the important role that culture can play in strategy,” Tayan
                                       n weeks.                                more money I’d make.”                                                                                                                            says. “A company’s day-to-day practices need to stand by the
                       und 2                                                        Looks like he’s found it.                                          TEACHING TOOL                                                            values that it professes.
  1,680 agents si                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “For Keller Williams’ associates, the case study represents a
                  gned on at 22                                                                                                                        Upon returning to Stanford, Tayan completed the case
  Projected transa               LOC ATIONS.                                    Excerpted from the Sept/October 2009 issue of OutFront
                                                                                                                                                       study, in conjunction with James N. Baron, Ph.D., who has                validation for the way the company is proceeding. It should be a
                   ctions: 21,000!
                                                                                                                                                       researched extensively the issue of how a company’s culture              source of pride to be a part of a company that is doing so many
                                                                                                                                                       complements its strategy.                                                things right,” Tayan emphasizes. kw

  10     outfront                                                  Special Edition                                            Keller Williams Realty               Keller Williams Realty                             Special Edition                                                  outfront      11
                                                                       OF RE TH
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On May 14, 2009, during one of the biggest events ever undertaken by a real estate
company, Keller Williams associates across the United States and Canada set a
standard of charity, love and commitment in their communities during the inaugural
RED Day, which stands for Renew, Energize and Donate. Recognizing her leadership
in guiding the culture of Keller Williams Realty, RED Day was held in honor of Mo
Anderson’s 72nd birthday. Market centers took to the streets, and the trails, the
playgrounds, the food banks, the shelter, the hospitals and so much more!
To see more photos from across North America, or to upload your own, visit

12   outfront                                        Special Edition                 Keller Williams Realty   Keller Williams Realty   Special Edition   outfront   13

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KW Outfront Special Edition

  • 1.
  • 2. You've done it again! Dear Prospective New Member of our Keller Williams Family, Letter from the CEO J.D. Power and Associates has awarded Keller Williams associates the distinct honor of Tough times call for tough decisions. "Highest Overall Satisfaction for Home Buyers Among National And it’s the decisions that we make when we are at a crossroads that tend to make the biggest difference and spark the greatest opportunity. That’s certainly been the case Full Service Real Estate Firms, Two Years in a Row!*" for Keller Williams Realty and we believe that it’s true for you as well. This is a company whose agents have what it takes to survive a downward shift in The time to incorporate this honor into your marketing, advertising the market and emerge stronger than ever. Gary Keller, our chairman, founded Keller Williams Realty in Austin, Texas, 26 years ago during one of the most challenging and communications with your clients is NOW! real estate markets in our country’s history. Since that time, we’ve sharpened our commitment every year to providing our agents with the tools, the technology and the training to be the very best that they could be. Keller Williams Realty is committed to growth – the growth of our company and the growth of all of our agents. We are not about playing small in this company. We are about helping our agents to achieve their dreams. Big dreams. Gary Keller did not write The Reasonably Successful Real Estate Agent. He wrote The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, and that was just the beginning. More so than ever before, the real estate industry is taking notice of the Keller Williams Realty difference. We’re now the third largest real estate company in the United States, and throughout 2009, more than 100 agents chose to join forces with us This is a company every single business day. That growth is not due to a compelling marketing campaign or a new initiative driven by executives in Austin, Texas. It’s a direct result of agents whose agents have and team leaders in their local markets who are committed to extending the Keller Williams opportunity to their colleagues. what it takes to In this company, success is something that we share. It’s built into our profit share model, as well as our culture. We couldn’t be more excited about the opportunities that 2010 holds for our survive a downward agents. We have the training, the talent and everything that it takes to win. All that’s missing is you. shift in the market Yours in opportunity, and emerge stronger than ever. Mark Willis CEO, Keller Williams Realty All use of Licensed J.D. Power and Associates Claims and Awards must adhere to very OutFront is published by Keller Williams Realty, Inc. The entire document of OutFront is specific guidelines that can be accessed from myKW. Go to ( and click on Special Edition Marketing and Communications Director: Ellen Marks copyright© 2009 by Keller Williams Realty, Inc. No portion may be reproduced in whole or in OutFront is a publication of Editor: Lisa Wahlgren ( the marketing tab to review the guidelines in full and to download images of the award. Keller Williams Realty, Inc. Marketing and Communications Coordinator: Laura Price part by any means including electronic retrieval systems, without the express written permission Copy Editor: Jeff Ryder of the publisher. Editorial or advertising does not *Keller Williams Realty received the highest numerical score among full service real estate firms for home buyers in the proprietary J.D. Power and Associates 2008-2009 807 Las Cimas Parkway, Suite 200 Design: Michael Balistreri | Jeanine Donofrio constitute advice but is considered informative. Home Buyer/Seller StudySM. 2009 Study based on 3,138 total evaluations measuring 7 firms and measures opinions of individuals who bought a home between March 2008 Austin, Texas 78746 Contributors: Celesta Brown | Jill Dwyer | Jennifer LeClaire | and April 2009. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and perceptions of consumers surveyed April-June 2009.Your experiences may vary. (512) 327-3070 phone Copyright© 2009 Keller Williams Realty, Inc. Elizabeth Millard | Shelley Seale 2 outfront Special Edition Keller Williams Realty (512) 328-1433 Keller Williams Realty fax Special Edition All rights reserved. outfront 3
  • 3. Excerpted from the March/April 2009 issue of OutFront Growth Trajectory A Different kind of Real Estate Company STILL ATTRACTING THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS OutFront magazine is Keller Williams Realty’s semi-monthly publication designed to support our agents with news and features that cover success strategies, business-building ideas, coaching Photo by: Michael Balistreri breakthroughs, technology updates and upcoming events. This special, new-agent edition includes articles excerpted from recent issues that encapsulate the Keller Williams Realty difference – growth, training and coaching, culture, profit share, and a TY 26-year tradition of putting agents first. REAL ARGEST KELLER WILLIAMS D-L U.S. Mark IR E Willis and Mo Anderson after the historic IS NOW THE TH Y IN TH N announcement. REAL ESTATE COMPA Built to Last: Solid Systems, Emphasizing during his keynote Keller Williams Realty's total active agent count declined by abundant blessings fuel growth trajectory address at Family Reunion last month that “Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react about 7 percent. “Comparatively, Keller Williams did more than 30 percent better than NAR.” Excerpted from the Nov./Dec. 2008 issue of OutFront to it,” Clint Swindall may as well have been setting forth the Citing the 2008 REAL Trends 500 report, Willis added, theme of the entire event – or for that matter, summarizing “Keller Williams was the only real estate franchise that Keller Williams Realty started Realty would not be what it is today had it not been for how Keller Williams associates have responded to a seismic experienced a positive growth in the total number of sides, as a grand experiment launched out of my house in Mo. Her practicality, wisdom and emotional connectivity shift in the real estate market. the total number of offices and the agent count per office. Austin, Texas in 1983. It was built on my belief that the to the values of this company have inspired so many Indeed, back when the real estate market started to Every other franchise went backward. Between 2003 and best way to run a real estate company was to partner of us to be our best in business and in life – serving as shift, Keller Williams Realty stood as the fifth-largest real 2007 Keller Williams increased its U.S. market share by estate company in the United States. By January of 2007, more than 161 percent, while only one other network with agents and put their career development as our role models to lift up our teams and our market centers, Keller Williams Realty officially claimed the No. 4 spot. gained, and their increase was less than 20 percent.” biggest priority. I believed then, as I still do today, that building great careers and doing things that matter. Last month, during Family Reunion 2009, Mark Willis, Comparing Keller Williams Realty to the 10 largest when the company builds the people then the people As Mo moved to focusing on continuing to strengthen CEO, brought nearly 7,000 cheering attendees to their feet independent firms in the country over the last five years, build the company. our culture, Mark Willis and Mary Tennant stepped up to with the announcement that Willis enthusiastically noted that I have always believed that no one succeeds alone, further the strong leadership and support that has always Keller Williams Realty has now KELLER WILLIA MS HA S SHIFTED! “Keller Williams grew by 65 percent and that the quickest path to success is through and with been at the heart of our company. Coming from their climbed to the third-largest more in associates per office, 61 The To p- r anked Real Es tate F r anc his es by A gent C oun t another person, not around them. And so even from the experiences as top agents and incredible team leaders, real estate company in the percent more in transactions per start, I focused my energy on helping others to succeed. they have both advanced our causes and our culture. United States. RA NK C OM PA NY 2008 2 007 % associate and 32 percent more in sales Our company grew over time because we surrounded And they have recruited and nurtured a strong team at Sharing her story of per office.” #1 Coldwell Banker 101,170 109,167 -7.3 ourselves with others who also shared this philosophy. our international office who are pushing us toward even personal adversity in 2008, Mo “This is your money, your Over the past 26 years, we’ve done a lot of things right higher goals. #2 Century 21 95,390 105,461 -9.5 Anderson, vice chairman of production, and it thrills us,” as a company, and we’ve also lived through our share of This has been an incredibly challenging time for Keller Williams Realty, opened #3 Keller Williams 72,794 78,441 -7.2 he said. course corrections. But when we look at the big picture, our economy and our industry, but I don’t believe that the State of the Company From the very outset, the shift #4 RE/MAX 69,108 85,737 -19.4 my best explanation for our success as a team and as any of us were put on this earth to skate through with Address with a testimony to the in the real estate market has been individuals is to say that we have been incredibly blessed. certainty. We have come together to build careers worth fact that every problem has a #5 Prudential 62,000 68,000 -8.8 viewed within Keller Williams Realty How else could we explain the gift of crossing paths and having, businesses worth owning, lives worth living and purpose. And the problem of the as an opportunity, and never has that then getting into business with Mo Anderson back in the legacies worth leaving. Our work is not done and we shift in the real estate market has been more apparent than it is right early 1990s, and then Mark Willis and Mary Tennant – or know it. We are a company that was built to last – for all further crystallized both the “purpose and the promise for now. “The promise of the shift for our market centers who for that matter every one of you? of the right reasons – and as we travel this road together Keller Williams Realty,” Willis emphasized. nail the model, and grow in this market, is greater than in Mo is an extraordinary woman who we brought on to we will emerge individually and collectively stronger “While we cannot escape the trends of the industry, any other market, because this is when the best agents and serve as the head of our company as CEO. Keller Williams than ever before. kw we have definitely outperformed it,” Willis said, noting brokers gain market share,” Willis emphasized. that compared to the National Association of REALTORS®, Now is the time to “gather ourselves, get focused, which lost 140,000 of its members, or a decline of 10.5 follow a plan of action and charge.” kw percent between December of 2007 and December of 2008, 4 outfront Special Edition Keller Williams Realty Keller Williams Realty Special Edition outfront 5
  • 4. RALEIGH’S RISING STAR ENTREPRENEURIAL EDGE STILL SHARP Ashley Wilson, a prominent player in During his four-year real estate career, Mega Migration the Raleigh, N.C., real estate community, Robert Grunnah quickly became a force joined Keller Williams Realty in May. in the Austin, Texas, real estate market. She has posted $76 million in sales over He founded Castle Hill Investments the past three years, won the MAME to specialize in the sale of investment Award for Top Producer in 2007 and properties and sold close to $70 million 2008, and was recognized with Coldwell at the height of the market in 2006. In Excerpted from the Sept./Oct. 2009 issue of OutFront Banker’s National Sales Team of the Year Silver Award. And August, he joined forces with the Austin-Southwest market she’s only been in the business for six years. center, where he knows he can remain an entrepreneur, Wilson got her start selling houses in the Triangle while taking advantage of industry-leading training region. It didn’t take her long to get the industry’s attention. opportunities. Robert Grunnah She’s been named one of REALTOR® Magazine’s 30 Under “More experienced agents are now looking at Keller Austin, Texas Isabel Stephenson 30, she’s built relationships with 25 homebuilders, and Williams Realty as a viable business model,” says Grunnah, Ashley Wilson Jupiter, Fla. she’s sold 200 homes in six years. who closed $21 million in 2008. “I can see the tide turning. Raleigh, N.C. Kathleen Bucher Deciding that the time was right to start building Mega agents are recognizing the value proposition. Austin , Texas her business, rather than the business of the company David and Sally Hansen she worked for, Wilson observes, “At Keller Williams, it’s INROADS INTO MILWAUKEE Madison East, Wis. about the people. I want to build my team. I want to help A Milwaukee suburb, that’s approximately Eric Pruitt Palm Beach, build the wealth of others. I believe in the Keller Williams 90 minutes from Madison, the Brookfield Fla. philosophy. That’s why I made the move.” market has barely heard of Keller Williams Realty. That’s all soon to change. PROACTIVE IN PALM BEACH The mega agent, husband-wife team of Eric Pruitt was the No. 1 agent for RE/ David and Sally Hansen began putting MAX in Palm Beach County, Fla., before their 30 years of experience to work for he joined the Keller Williams Realty Palm Keller Williams Realty this summer. Having been aligned Beaches Market Center in July of 2009. with one of the largest independent brokerages in Madison, Although Palm Beach County is one of Wisc., they signed on with Keller Williams Realty on July 4, the hardest hit real estate markets in a day they now refer to as Independence Day in more ways the country, Pruitt is taking a proactive than one. approach to selling real estate by specializing in "highly “We believe in education and training, so Keller motivated sellers." Williams Realty was very attractive to us from an In the midst of the downturn, he remains at the top of operational perspective,” he adds. “This company also his game. focuses more on the agents rather than the brokerage, “I believe in win-win or no deal,” Pruitt says. “So Keller and they have a much sounder approach to growing. The Williams’ commission structure and business model were business model just makes sense.” attractive to me, but it was more than the money. It was the culture and the professionalism of the agents.” LUXURY ALIGNMENT Pruitt is raising the bar higher than ever before, and Kathleen Bucher has been a major player has set new goals for listings, sales and revenues. He points in the Austin real estate market for nearly out that the support he’s found at Keller Williams Realty is two decades. She first hung her license with preparing him to double or triple his million-dollar RE/MAX and then with Coldwell Banker annual commissions. before transferring to the Austin - Southwest market center in August to capitalize on the “THE WHOLE PACKAGE” city’s luxury housing market. Isabel Stephenson’s RE/MAX office A member of the Elite 25, who consistently sells more was closing and she had a decision to than $20 million a year, Bucher concedes, “for an agent make. In July, she opted to join forces who does as much business as I do, transitioning to a new Keller Williams value proposition is resonating with top producers like never before. with Keller Williams Realty – the real company can be complicated. I always have properties estate company that’s dominating the under contract. I always carry a high inventory of listings Jupiter residential real estate market. and I always have closings." A bright light is shining on Keller Williams Realty, as mega agents throughout North America Her decision followed 18 months of Nevertheless, she determined that Keller Williams re-evaluate their options in a tight market. reflection. The 12-year real estate veteran wanted the Realty was a move worth making, and she took the leap. training and support Keller Williams Realty offered to help “Keller Williams is agent-driven,” Bucher says, “and the her rebuild her business in a down economy. luxury division really enticed me because I’ve been growing The word is out about the education, the support and business model that has helped make Keller “This company has the whole package: the commission that part of my business. The opportunity to be a part of Williams Realty the third-largest real estate company in the United States. As a result, market structure, the support system for agents and the brand such a strong luxury program was a big plus.” centers are growing, operating principals are putting together merger deals to roll in neighboring recognition in the local market. All told, she’s wondering why she didn’t make the move two years ago. kw brokerages, and the momentum is building. 6 outfront Special Edition Keller Williams Realty Keller Williams Realty Special Edition outfront 7
  • 5. TIDE TURNING P RO F I T S H A R E Talent surge sweeps North America Building wealth while Excerpted from the May/June and Sept./Oct 2009 issues of OutFront A POWERFUL MESSAGE foundation for growth. TO THE ORLANDO MARKET In March of 2009, The deal was not on the table until Wukasch’s friend and colleague, who had been managing the Moreland Properties office in Georgetown, suffered a stroke. spreading the word when agents at the Photo by: Sarah Kerver Photo by: Titus Bartos Photo by: Mark Blinch Photo by: Ben Arnold Realty Executives Wukasch visited her friend in the hospital many times, Longwood, Fla., with no thought or discussion of acquiring the office. office gathered for Having known Wukasch for many years, Emily Photos by: Scott Wheeler Moreland contacted Wukasch concerning an Excerpted from the July/August 2009 issue of OutFront their annual awards Jamie Purvis David Fogg Courtney Yates David Kupfer ceremony, the owners acquisition of Moreland Properties’ Georgetown office. explained that in a One phone call between two well-respected leaders Talent follows talent. At Keller Williams Realty, every time a talented associate opens the doors to Keller shifted market, there in the Austin-area real estate market was all that it took Jay Crow Denise LeHeup are changes that real to set the deal in motion that created a Georgetown, Williams Realty for another promising professional, they become stakeholders in the market center’s estate agents need to make in order to stay competitive. Texas, business center for Keller Williams Realty. profitability and growth. In 2008, 22,000 Keller Williams associates received profit share income. Having spent the past several months in “There’s been a wonderful excitement about discussions with market center leaders from the Keller Here are the stories of four of them. bringing together our two great organizations,” Wukasch Williams Realty Orlando North Market Center, they had says. “I’ve been watching it with joy and amazement. On June 10, 2009, the day that the SHIFT 2: Overdrive PAYING IT FORWARD determined that a change in franchise ownership would It’s a living example of what I tell our agents: If you go tour came to Toronto, Gary Keller addressed a crowd of Courtney Yates, associate with the Nashville-Murfreesboro be in the agent’s best interests. around negative, you attract negativity. If you go around 900 agents, and Jamie Purvis, associate with the Toronto market center, agrees that it’s education and training that An office of notoriously high achievers, the Realty Executives Longwood office had received the award positive, positive things happen.” Centre market center, added the 17th person to his sets Keller Williams Realty apart and sets its associates for being No.1 in their region for so long that Realty profit share tree. His profit share earnings for the month up to be successful – and she’s living proof. Her team has Executives had retired them from the competition. The amounted to $1,481.63. And he’s just getting started. skyrocketed to No. 1 in the Murfreesboro marketplace, "ALL THE ELEMENTS FOR “We build relationships, invite agents to need-based 44 real estate agents who held their licenses there had No. 2 in the Greater Nashville market, and No. 5 in all of an average of eight years of experience in real estate. SUCCESS ARE ALREADY IN PLACE." training and follow - up with them through the year.” Tennessee. Knowing the difference that Keller Williams As Jay Crow, market center investor, and Denise Often, Purvis observes, when they are ready to make the Realty can make in a person’s life, she’s passionate about When Phil Limon joined Keller LeHeup, the soon-to-be operating principal, stepped switch to Keller Williams Realty, they proactively pick up helping others to grow and succeed and has a profit share Williams Realty's Downey-Pico up to the podium, the agents listened intently to what the phone and call him. tree that is now 58 associates strong. market center in May, he didn’t come the company had to offer and they began to weigh their For many years, the market was racing along with What goes around comes around, and Courtney is alone. 42 agents came with him. options. Most decided to join forces. a momentum that swept everyone up in its fast-moving investing in others the way she says that others invested A veteran of the business and a Photo by: Ron Murray “Overnight, more than 200 Realty Executives current. Now that the market has shifted, it’s clear to see in her. She regularly gives away copies of SHIFT, and broker since 1995, Limon had seen listings were converted to Keller Williams listings, and agents who aren’t performing as well as they could be if hosts lunches during which she encourages the exchange the market’s ups and downs before, the message went out to the market that Keller Williams they were with a company that supported them, says David of productive ideas and freely shares her own business- but none so challenging as this one. is in a growth mode,” Crow says. “But what’s most It was time to rethink how he was Fogg, associate with the Burbank (Calif.) market center. building strategies. Phil Limon exciting about this,” LeHeup emphasizes, “is the new going to do business. Fogg says that even in this market, his own business is The turbulent market has led to an environment talent that we now get to be in business with.” Limon realized that adaptability is crucial in a flourishing. Every time that he or a member of The Fogg in which agents are far more receptive to moving their shifted market. So as someone who had made a name Team of REALTORS® is asked how they are doing it, the businesses, Yates says. for himself in the greater Los Angeles area and had answer is always the same: “Everything I’m doing, I’ve been FRIENDSHIPS FUEL GROWTH STRATEGY trained to do at Keller Williams Realty.” MEGA MISSION racked up numerous awards, he was committed to “Like everything else, it all comes doing what was best for his agents. Affiliating with Colleagues in the market can’t help but want to “Now is a great time to join Keller Williams Realty” says down to relationships,” says Avis Keller Williams Realty was a way to stay healthy in a learn more. David Kupfer, associate with the Sonoran Living-Phoenix Wukasch, team leader of the Round softening market. With a profit share tree that numbers 90 associates, market center. Offices are closing and agents are looking Rock (Texas) market center. Attracted by the company's staying power in the midst Fogg’s approach appears to be working. He continues to for a change. Her market center’s recent of the downturn, Limon was impressed most of all by build the infrastructure for his profit share tree to grow With 240 associates in his tree, and another 184 in his Photo by: Sarah Kerver acquisition of an outlying suburban the Keller Williams model and supportive culture. on its own, but he says that he seldom leads recruiting wife Nikki’s tree, he says that the two plan to someday live office of Moreland Properties, which “The company’s agent-first philosophy is what sets conversations with talk about profit. Fogg came to Keller off of their profit share income. Their profit share earnings is based in Austin, Texas, stands as a it apart no matter how the market is doing,” he says. Williams Realty because of the training and culture, and since they joined Keller Williams Realty in 1999 exceeded Avis Wukasch “This is a place where all the elements for success are that is what draws in new recruits, he emphasizes, but $128,876. compelling testimony to the power already in place.” kw he’s quick to add, “Profit sharing is a great piece of a “Ten years ago, we didn’t know what we didn’t know,” of integrity and friendships as a fantastic pie!” he says, explaining that the company’s events, classes and hands-on training have made a world of difference. kw 8 outfront Special Edition Keller Williams Realty Keller Williams Realty Special Edition outfront 9
  • 6. G throUG h Keller Williams BreakIN h amerIc a! ort captures attention of across N Yale, Stanford MBAs Culture’s impact on strategy No "trYING," JUst "DoING" Fast track to the top Excerpted from the July/August 2007 issue of OutFront A nine-year veteran of the real estate Tim Heyl graduated from Texas A&M business, Gary Budek had a solid track University last May with a degree in Imagine a classroom of 45 Yale School of Management MBA Explaining that case studies are fundamentally developed record as a top producer – until this finance and a real estate license that students divided down the middle in a hot debate about as teaching materials, Tayan notes that the Keller Williams case year when he describes his production he earned on the side during his last whether Keller Williams Realty’s overarching value of God, study sets forth for students the economic and cultural models as “dismal.” semester. Turning down a solid job offer Family then Business helps or hurts the company. that have led to the company’s success. It is slated as part of “I was letting the market get to with a steady income, he signed on with Imagine Mo Anderson, Keller Williams Realty’s vice Stanford’s core MBA curriculum for 2007-08, and made its me and getting entrenched in all the the Austin Southwest market center in chairman, sitting in the back of the room, taking it all in. way to the Yale School of Management this year following Dr. negative talk.” But halfway through the June, and on July 2, he enrolled in BOLD. Gary Budek Tim Heyl Over the course of the eight-week The story of how Keller Williams Realty came to be a part of Baron’s acceptance of a professor of management year, he left RE/MAX, signed on with BOLD program, he took 10 listings and the MBA curriculums for both the Yale School of Management position there. the Spring Hill (Fla.) market center, and enrolled in the BOLD program. closed three contracts. His most recent listing was for a $2.99 and the Stanford Graduate School of Business began less than million property. “If it hadn’t been for BOLD, there’s no way a year ago when Brian Tayan, research associate with the case RAPT ATTENTION That changed everything. that I would have gone after such an expensive property,” he writing office of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Anderson accepted Dr. Baron’s invitation to attend the class During the eight weeks that he was in BOLD, he took 14 says. But armed with BOLD scripts and a BOLD mindset, in which he presented the case study. She says she listened listings and closed 21 buyer transactions, quadrupling his expressed an interest in writing a case study about Keller he fearlessly picked up the phone and got an appointment. attentively up to the point that she was asked to come to the production from the first part of the year. I realized that my Williams Realty. “I didn’t address my age; I just explained how ambitious, mind hadn’t been in the game and I needed to take a stand Eager to participate in an endeavor that would take Keller front of the class to answer questions. “It was clear that the persistent and hard working I am.” and get back to being the agent that I knew I was. Even though Heyl had been in real estate for just a few Williams’ cultural and economic models to the halls of higher students had really studied the material and were very intrigued “It’s like they say in BOLD, ‘There’s no trying, just weeks prior to BOLD, he’s very clear on the difference it’s about the systems and models that have made our company so education, Anderson issued one caveat: Tayan would need to doing.’ We can overthink this business, and when we just had on his business. “I got one listing before BOLD, but I felt successful,” she says. do it, it’s amazing. It works.” So much so, that Budek has attend Launch Boot Camp. like it was a matter of luck. Dr. Baron noted that students found Anderson’s perspective signed up to take the program again! He did so and was quickly taken aback by the “openness “Now I realize that it’s a matter of picking up the phone and to be a refreshing departure from the formulaic leadership style doing things that are uncomfortable and doing them all the and enthusiasm among team leaders, operating principals and agents. They were curious and completely forthcoming,” that they normally encounter. time – the things that other people don’t want to do. I know BOLD FACTS: Ro that if I haven’t talked with 25 people a day about real estate, Tayan says. “Having never taken a business class, it was with great und 1 that I haven’t done my job. BOLD has made me realize that Following Launch, he spoke to Keller Williams’ executive pride that I stood before a class of MBA students at the Yale A total of 599 real estate is as predictable as you make it. Successful agents School of Management,” Mo says. “As I did so, I thought about AGENTS signed management team, where he encountered the same spirit of the first round on for choose to make it predictable at a high level.” generosity and cooperation. “I was truly impressed with the our associates and was filled with gratitude for everyone whose of BOLD this su Based on the momentum that Heyl has experienced during was taught at mmer, which quality of the people and the organization,” Tayan says. The most integrity and hard work had enabled me to have 11 LOC ATION his first four months in real estate, he says he’s on track to S throughout striking discovery, he points out, is the degree to which “the this experience.” North America exceed $200,000 within his first year in the business. . Collectively, “This case study provides a pivotal lesson for MBA students 5,582 TRANSA they closed “I knew after college that I didn’t want to settle for a salary culture and the economic models work in conjunction with each CTIONS in seve of $60,000. I wanted a job where the harder I worked, the other. The culture does not exist for its own sake.” on the important role that culture can play in strategy,” Tayan n weeks. more money I’d make.” says. “A company’s day-to-day practices need to stand by the BOLD FACTS: Ro und 2 Looks like he’s found it. TEACHING TOOL values that it professes. 1,680 agents si “For Keller Williams’ associates, the case study represents a gned on at 22 Upon returning to Stanford, Tayan completed the case Projected transa LOC ATIONS. Excerpted from the Sept/October 2009 issue of OutFront study, in conjunction with James N. Baron, Ph.D., who has validation for the way the company is proceeding. It should be a ctions: 21,000! researched extensively the issue of how a company’s culture source of pride to be a part of a company that is doing so many complements its strategy. things right,” Tayan emphasizes. kw 10 outfront Special Edition Keller Williams Realty Keller Williams Realty Special Edition outfront 11
  • 7. MO OF RE TH CO AN MM 15 UN 0,00 ITY 0 H SER OU VIC RS E! R E D A L L OV E R N O RT H A M E R I C A On May 14, 2009, during one of the biggest events ever undertaken by a real estate company, Keller Williams associates across the United States and Canada set a standard of charity, love and commitment in their communities during the inaugural RED Day, which stands for Renew, Energize and Donate. Recognizing her leadership in guiding the culture of Keller Williams Realty, RED Day was held in honor of Mo Anderson’s 72nd birthday. Market centers took to the streets, and the trails, the playgrounds, the food banks, the shelter, the hospitals and so much more! To see more photos from across North America, or to upload your own, visit (! 12 outfront Special Edition Keller Williams Realty Keller Williams Realty Special Edition outfront 13