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Audio Advertising Campaign
Michelle Dunbar
Proposal – Lily Kamali
• Section A: Proposal
• A proposal identifying the product being advertised (the radio advert):
• Aims and objectives:
• • What is the aim of your campaign?
• The aim of our campaign is to promote and drive footfall to Ringwood School and Ringwood School Sixth Forms opening evening in 2018 for the 2019
entry. This is where parents and students can visit the school or sixth form to see what they have on offer to provide the best education possible.
People who attend these open evenings can get an insight of all the different subjects on offer and get the opportunity to talk to teaching staff and
the students who may be studying these subjects. These open evenings are a fantastic opportunity to showcase everything the school and sixth form
offer both subject and non-subject related. It is also an aim for all the people who attend these two open evenings to register their attendance via the
school website so that the school and sixth form can see what pupils may be thinking about joining the school or sixth form and where they came
from before.
• • How is your company going to achieve these aims? What will happen in your radio advert?
• Our company is going to achieve these aims by advertising how brilliant the school and sixth form are. In the radio advert we are going to talk about
what makes Ringwood School and Ringwood sixth form special. This may include the fact that the school has an excellent reputation which has been
built up over many years, great GCSE results, they offer a diverse and personalised curriculum, with 58 courses available to study and also offer 47
After School clubs every week. We may also talk about Ringwood Sixth Form and how it has recently been re-affirmed as being in the top 16% of post
16 providers in the UK and one of the highest performing providers in the region. The Sixth Form also have fantastic A-Level and vocational results
which have improved year on year with a 99% A-Level pass rate in 2017 from the 34 diverse and personalised programmes of study including both A
Level and vocational courses which they offer. As well as stating some of these facts during the radio advert we will also achieve our aim by stating
where to register attendance for the open evenings if the audience choose to attend them. All of this will be said over background music.
• Target audience
• Who are your audience?
• The primary target audience for Ringwood School would be Year 6 male and female parents and carers as
they will judge what school their children should go to which then makes the children/students the
secondary target audience. This is because being younger they do not get as much of a say as potential sixth
form students might. The target audience for Ringwood School could also be Year 4 and Year 5 students as
people start to consider their secondary school choices earlier and earlier each year. The primary Ringwood
Sixth Form target audience will be male and female year 11 students as they will start to look at what they
would like to do and where they would like to go when they finish secondary school. At the age students
have more of a say as to what they would moving up from primary to secondary and this makes students’
parents and carers of Year 11 the secondary audience. Other potential audiences may be Year 10 students
and their parent’s and carers as people start to consider their Post 16 choices earlier.
• Can they be split per advert? (One for the lower school, one for sixth form?)
• The target audience can be split per advent as for both of the open evenings there are different primary
target audiences.
• Produce profiles for your audience so the client can see that you know who you are aiming to reach.
Consider age, gender, lifestyle, interests and spending power. Include NRS scales and 4C’s
Ringwood School Audience
I have chosen to create stereotypical
avatars of the target audience who will be
interested in my radio advert about
attending the Ringwood school open
evening. One of these avatars is a middle
aged female and the other is male, they
would be the parents or carers of a
potential student at Ringwood School.
These parents would be the primary
target audience as they will make the decision of what senior school is best for their child.
On the NRS Social Demographic Scale these parents will fall within the social grades C1, C2,
D or E. This means that the potential target audience will be parents who have a social
status of lower middle class, skilled working class, working class or those at the lowest level
of subsistence. Therefore, these avatars could have an occupation as a supervisory or
clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional, a skilled manual worker, a semi or
unskilled manual worker or casual or lowest grade workers. These avatars would have more
spending power then their child would, however not as much as those who would have a
higher class status. The reason why the target audience would not have a social grade of A
or B is because then they would have a higher social status, being upper class, which would
then result in them having a lot of money and paying for private education for their
children. On the 4CS scale these parents would be ‘The Reformers’ as they would value their
own independent judgement as to if Ringwood School is best for their child. They could also
be ‘The Mainstream’ as they are people who live in the world of the domestic and the
everyday. They are just like all of the other parents who have year 6 children, and are trying
to find the best place for their child to carry on their education. These avatars interests
would be attending the Ringwood school opening evening so that they can get an insight
into the school and what it has to offer for their child.
This is an avatar of someone who may be my secondary target
audience interested in my radio advert about attending the
Ringwood school open evening. This avatar is a year 6 girl who
would be around the age of 10 or 11 who may be a potential
student. She is a part of the secondary audience as her parents will
be deciding if Ringwood School is the best option for her. On the
NRS Social Demographic Scale this young girl will fall within the
social grades C1, C2, D or E depending on her parent or carer’s
social status and occupation. This avatar will not have much
spending power as she is only young and in education. The money
she will get would be pocking money from her parents. On the 4CS Scale this potential
student will be ‘The Succeeder’ as she will possess self-confidence, have a strong goal
orientation and tend to be much organised. She will also succeed in her school life. This
avatar will also be ‘the Aspirer’ as she will be driven by materialistic, acquisitive people, who
are driven by others perceptions of them rather than by their own values. Her core in need
in life is for status. This avatars interests would be to take part in extra curriculum activities
at school with her friends.
Ringwood Sixth form audience
I have chosen to create a stereotypical avatar of the target
audience who will be interested in my radio advert about
attending the Ringwood sixth form open evening. This avatar is
a female who is in her last year of school, aged 15/16 years old.
This avatar will be thinking about where she wants to go next
to carry on her further education. This girl will be the primary
target audience for the radio advert, advertising the opening
evening as she has got to the age where she makes decisions
about where she wants to go and her parents will go along with
it, being the secondary target audience. On the NRS Social
Demographic Scale this avatar will have a social grade of D or E as she is still in education
and therefore, will most likely be working part time alongside with her education. This social
grade means that she will have a social status of working class or those at lowest level of
subsistence, meaning she will have an occupation as a semi or unskilled manual worker or a
casual or lowest grade worker. Therefore, she will not have a huge spending power, but will
be at that age where she doesn’t get pocket money anymore. On the 4CS Scale this avatar
will be ‘The Explorer’ as these people are driven by a need for discovery, challenge and new
frontiers and this avatar will be exploring where she wants to go next to carry on her further
education, Ringwood sixth form being an option. She will also be ‘The Mainstream’ as their
life choices are ‘we’ rather than ‘me’, at this age she will speak to her friends about their
choices and most likely will make the same. This avatars interests would be looking to see
what academic courses are available at Ringwood Sixth Form to see if what she wants to do
is available to study. Another interest would be listening to the radio in her spare time
which is how she would hear the advert advertising the sixth form.
Campaign message
 What is your campaign message?
The message of our campaign is that Ringwood School have an open evening on Thursday
4th October 2018 4:30pm-7pm and that Ringwood Sixth Form has an open evening on
Wednesday 7th November 2018 6pm-8pm. Another message is that both the school and
sixth form are high achieving places of education with a huge variety of different courses
and it would be brilliant if people come along to see what the school and sixthform have to
 What do you want the audience to do?
We want the target audience to attend the open evenings to see what both the school and
sixth form have to offer and we would like it if the target audience could register their
attendance via the school website so that the school or sixth form can see their potential
students, how many there are and where they have come from.
Campaign Schedule – Libby Bendall
• Campaign Schedule
• Year 6- year 7
• We would launch in September because everyone starts their last year and so they would want to look into potential secondary schools. Also, if we start our
campaign early we will remain in parents’ minds when they are deciding which open days to go to. Starting early also gives us the chance to get more advertising
for our school and thus means there would be a potentially higher attendance to the open evening.
• There would be a potential advertising opportunity in the annual Ringwood Carnival which, this year, falls on the 15th of September. Whilst initially this could be
thought to disrupt our campaign, it could also be utilised by spreading posters or other types of print based media around Ringwood. This would be beneficial
because it would also be advertising in the catchment area. It may however, cause a decrease in people listening to the radio. If we were to produce a print
advertisement there could be a presence and participation in the parade with an advertising banner, this could present a good image for the school as it would
show that students are willing to work together and are proud of their school, thus encouraging carers’ interest.
• It may be worth advertising on air at a similar time to when the open evening is, so about 4:30pm as then parents would realise what issues they may face with
attendance, it will also help them plan their day.
• We would want the radio advertising to be on a radio that is easily accessible and quite popular. While a local radio would be advertising in a suitable catchment
area, it may not prove very popular and so the intake of parents from local radio alone may not be sufficient and so a region wide radio for example heart or wave
105 would prove more beneficial.
• Year 11- Year 12
• There would be very subtle differences for this campaign. We would start the advertising in October as the open day is in November. This would also mean that
year 11 students would be given some time to get to grips with their work before they start looking at colleges or sixth form. The time our audio advertisement
would go on air would also need to change, because it would be teenagers listening instead of parents. This may also men that the time they spend listening to the
radio could be quite limited. Theoretically they would still have dinner with their parents and some families may still listen to the radio together whilst they eat.
This could provide an opportunity around 7pm where teenagers would be listening. It may still prove beneficial to play advertisements as parents come home from
work between 5-6pm because they may help their children decide and so would raise awareness of our campaign.
To give a very rough perspective, a week-long campaign that uses a 30 second ad (minus
production costs) could cost anything from:
•£500 on a local station
•£2,500 on a regional station
•Upwards from £10,000 on a national station
Codes Of Conduct - Jasmine Prior
Codes of Conduct
Relevant legal/ Ethical issues/ Constraints
What we will have to consider for our planned campaign.
For our planned campaign we are going to have to make sure that we comply
with the first four rules of ASA. The first four rules that we must comply to are
Compliances, Recognition of advertising, misleading content and Harm and
Compliance- Rules relating to social responsibility and legality.
Recognition of advertising- Separation rules and content rules to ensure that
ads are not mistaken for editorial.
Misleading advertising- Substantiation (evidence to prove claims); pricing; the
use of the word “free”; availability of products, comparisons testimonials and
Harm and Offence- Rules to ensure that ads do not cause harm or serious or
widespread offence.
We will not be using Vox Pops in our radio advert but if we were to we would
have to consider consent. If one of the people that we were recording was
under 18, then they are technically still a child, so therefore would need
parental consent to be featured in our radio advert. However, if the person
that we are using is over 18, then they are technically an adult and can then
give their consent themselves.
When making our radio advert, we are going to have to consider copyright, we
are going to have to make sure that we do not accidentally copy any work that
other people have made as we do not want to be accused of doing so. This
means that before we start to create our radio advert, we must do some
research to avoid doing the something that is copyrighted. As well as this, we
may have to consider copyrighting our final product as well as we want it to be
completely unique to Ringwood School.
When creating our advert, we must make sure that no slander or libel is being
used. We must choose our wording carefully to make sure that we are not
giving away any false information to the public.
Ideally, for our radio adverts we are going to record somebody speaking about
the School and Sixth form. To do this, we are going to have to make sure that
we get permission from the person that we are using, if this person is under
18, then they are technically still classed as a child so therefore, will have to get
a permission slip signed by a parent or carer. If the person that we use is over
the age of 18, then they are technically still an adult and will therefore, be able
to sign the permission slip themselves.
We will also have to consider royalties when recording our advert. We are
planning to have some music in the background of our advert. If we are using
music that somebody has made, then we are going to have to pay the
producer of the music that has been made.
We will make sure that in our adverts, there is no offensive, language,
behaviour or material that has the intent to offend anybody and have the
interest of the public in mind.
ASA Rules – Michelle Dunbar
Rule: What it does: How it could affect our ad:
Compliance Advertisements should not
mislead or cause serious or
widespread offence or harm,
especially to children or the
Our radio advertisement
should not offend anyone and
not cause harm to both
children and adults. They
should remain neutral and not
cause any bias to occur.
Recognition of advertising This rule is intended to protect
consumers from misleading
marketing communications.
Our radio adverts must be
truthful and not contain any
misleading information that
may lead to the consumer to
become confused.
Misleading advertising This rule is intended to protect
consumers from misleading
We must not hide information
from the consumer and
present everything needed in
the radio advertisement.
Harm and offence Advertisements must not be
harmful or offensive.
Our advertisement must not
cause harm to anyone and
must not cause serious or
widespread offence.
Children Children must be protected
from advertisements that
could cause physical, mental or
moral harm.
We must not put children in
harm’s way if we choose to
include them in our radio
Ofcom: Ofcom will make sure that the people listening to our radio adverts will be protected from
harm. The radio spectrum is also used in an efficient way meaning that the radio will be available to
as many people as possible which means that a large amount of people will hear our advertisement.
BBFC: we have to make sure that our radio advertisement is suitable for all ages and follows the
rules as it is to be heard by both children and adults.
Print and TV Ideas – Zoe Beesley
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Audio advertising campaign plan

  • 2. Proposal – Lily Kamali • Section A: Proposal • A proposal identifying the product being advertised (the radio advert): • Aims and objectives: • • What is the aim of your campaign? • The aim of our campaign is to promote and drive footfall to Ringwood School and Ringwood School Sixth Forms opening evening in 2018 for the 2019 entry. This is where parents and students can visit the school or sixth form to see what they have on offer to provide the best education possible. People who attend these open evenings can get an insight of all the different subjects on offer and get the opportunity to talk to teaching staff and the students who may be studying these subjects. These open evenings are a fantastic opportunity to showcase everything the school and sixth form offer both subject and non-subject related. It is also an aim for all the people who attend these two open evenings to register their attendance via the school website so that the school and sixth form can see what pupils may be thinking about joining the school or sixth form and where they came from before. • • How is your company going to achieve these aims? What will happen in your radio advert? • Our company is going to achieve these aims by advertising how brilliant the school and sixth form are. In the radio advert we are going to talk about what makes Ringwood School and Ringwood sixth form special. This may include the fact that the school has an excellent reputation which has been built up over many years, great GCSE results, they offer a diverse and personalised curriculum, with 58 courses available to study and also offer 47 After School clubs every week. We may also talk about Ringwood Sixth Form and how it has recently been re-affirmed as being in the top 16% of post 16 providers in the UK and one of the highest performing providers in the region. The Sixth Form also have fantastic A-Level and vocational results which have improved year on year with a 99% A-Level pass rate in 2017 from the 34 diverse and personalised programmes of study including both A Level and vocational courses which they offer. As well as stating some of these facts during the radio advert we will also achieve our aim by stating where to register attendance for the open evenings if the audience choose to attend them. All of this will be said over background music.
  • 3. • Target audience • Who are your audience? • The primary target audience for Ringwood School would be Year 6 male and female parents and carers as they will judge what school their children should go to which then makes the children/students the secondary target audience. This is because being younger they do not get as much of a say as potential sixth form students might. The target audience for Ringwood School could also be Year 4 and Year 5 students as people start to consider their secondary school choices earlier and earlier each year. The primary Ringwood Sixth Form target audience will be male and female year 11 students as they will start to look at what they would like to do and where they would like to go when they finish secondary school. At the age students have more of a say as to what they would moving up from primary to secondary and this makes students’ parents and carers of Year 11 the secondary audience. Other potential audiences may be Year 10 students and their parent’s and carers as people start to consider their Post 16 choices earlier. • Can they be split per advert? (One for the lower school, one for sixth form?) • The target audience can be split per advent as for both of the open evenings there are different primary target audiences. • Produce profiles for your audience so the client can see that you know who you are aiming to reach. Consider age, gender, lifestyle, interests and spending power. Include NRS scales and 4C’s
  • 4. Ringwood School Audience I have chosen to create stereotypical avatars of the target audience who will be interested in my radio advert about attending the Ringwood school open evening. One of these avatars is a middle aged female and the other is male, they would be the parents or carers of a potential student at Ringwood School. These parents would be the primary target audience as they will make the decision of what senior school is best for their child. On the NRS Social Demographic Scale these parents will fall within the social grades C1, C2, D or E. This means that the potential target audience will be parents who have a social status of lower middle class, skilled working class, working class or those at the lowest level of subsistence. Therefore, these avatars could have an occupation as a supervisory or clerical, junior managerial, administrative or professional, a skilled manual worker, a semi or unskilled manual worker or casual or lowest grade workers. These avatars would have more spending power then their child would, however not as much as those who would have a higher class status. The reason why the target audience would not have a social grade of A or B is because then they would have a higher social status, being upper class, which would then result in them having a lot of money and paying for private education for their children. On the 4CS scale these parents would be ‘The Reformers’ as they would value their own independent judgement as to if Ringwood School is best for their child. They could also be ‘The Mainstream’ as they are people who live in the world of the domestic and the everyday. They are just like all of the other parents who have year 6 children, and are trying to find the best place for their child to carry on their education. These avatars interests would be attending the Ringwood school opening evening so that they can get an insight into the school and what it has to offer for their child. This is an avatar of someone who may be my secondary target audience interested in my radio advert about attending the Ringwood school open evening. This avatar is a year 6 girl who would be around the age of 10 or 11 who may be a potential student. She is a part of the secondary audience as her parents will be deciding if Ringwood School is the best option for her. On the NRS Social Demographic Scale this young girl will fall within the social grades C1, C2, D or E depending on her parent or carer’s social status and occupation. This avatar will not have much spending power as she is only young and in education. The money she will get would be pocking money from her parents. On the 4CS Scale this potential student will be ‘The Succeeder’ as she will possess self-confidence, have a strong goal orientation and tend to be much organised. She will also succeed in her school life. This avatar will also be ‘the Aspirer’ as she will be driven by materialistic, acquisitive people, who are driven by others perceptions of them rather than by their own values. Her core in need in life is for status. This avatars interests would be to take part in extra curriculum activities at school with her friends.
  • 5. Ringwood Sixth form audience I have chosen to create a stereotypical avatar of the target audience who will be interested in my radio advert about attending the Ringwood sixth form open evening. This avatar is a female who is in her last year of school, aged 15/16 years old. This avatar will be thinking about where she wants to go next to carry on her further education. This girl will be the primary target audience for the radio advert, advertising the opening evening as she has got to the age where she makes decisions about where she wants to go and her parents will go along with it, being the secondary target audience. On the NRS Social Demographic Scale this avatar will have a social grade of D or E as she is still in education and therefore, will most likely be working part time alongside with her education. This social grade means that she will have a social status of working class or those at lowest level of subsistence, meaning she will have an occupation as a semi or unskilled manual worker or a casual or lowest grade worker. Therefore, she will not have a huge spending power, but will be at that age where she doesn’t get pocket money anymore. On the 4CS Scale this avatar will be ‘The Explorer’ as these people are driven by a need for discovery, challenge and new frontiers and this avatar will be exploring where she wants to go next to carry on her further education, Ringwood sixth form being an option. She will also be ‘The Mainstream’ as their life choices are ‘we’ rather than ‘me’, at this age she will speak to her friends about their choices and most likely will make the same. This avatars interests would be looking to see what academic courses are available at Ringwood Sixth Form to see if what she wants to do is available to study. Another interest would be listening to the radio in her spare time which is how she would hear the advert advertising the sixth form. Campaign message  What is your campaign message? The message of our campaign is that Ringwood School have an open evening on Thursday 4th October 2018 4:30pm-7pm and that Ringwood Sixth Form has an open evening on Wednesday 7th November 2018 6pm-8pm. Another message is that both the school and sixth form are high achieving places of education with a huge variety of different courses and it would be brilliant if people come along to see what the school and sixthform have to offer.  What do you want the audience to do? We want the target audience to attend the open evenings to see what both the school and sixth form have to offer and we would like it if the target audience could register their attendance via the school website so that the school or sixth form can see their potential students, how many there are and where they have come from.
  • 6. Campaign Schedule – Libby Bendall • Campaign Schedule • Year 6- year 7 • We would launch in September because everyone starts their last year and so they would want to look into potential secondary schools. Also, if we start our campaign early we will remain in parents’ minds when they are deciding which open days to go to. Starting early also gives us the chance to get more advertising for our school and thus means there would be a potentially higher attendance to the open evening. • There would be a potential advertising opportunity in the annual Ringwood Carnival which, this year, falls on the 15th of September. Whilst initially this could be thought to disrupt our campaign, it could also be utilised by spreading posters or other types of print based media around Ringwood. This would be beneficial because it would also be advertising in the catchment area. It may however, cause a decrease in people listening to the radio. If we were to produce a print advertisement there could be a presence and participation in the parade with an advertising banner, this could present a good image for the school as it would show that students are willing to work together and are proud of their school, thus encouraging carers’ interest. • It may be worth advertising on air at a similar time to when the open evening is, so about 4:30pm as then parents would realise what issues they may face with attendance, it will also help them plan their day. • We would want the radio advertising to be on a radio that is easily accessible and quite popular. While a local radio would be advertising in a suitable catchment area, it may not prove very popular and so the intake of parents from local radio alone may not be sufficient and so a region wide radio for example heart or wave 105 would prove more beneficial. • Year 11- Year 12 • There would be very subtle differences for this campaign. We would start the advertising in October as the open day is in November. This would also mean that year 11 students would be given some time to get to grips with their work before they start looking at colleges or sixth form. The time our audio advertisement would go on air would also need to change, because it would be teenagers listening instead of parents. This may also men that the time they spend listening to the radio could be quite limited. Theoretically they would still have dinner with their parents and some families may still listen to the radio together whilst they eat. This could provide an opportunity around 7pm where teenagers would be listening. It may still prove beneficial to play advertisements as parents come home from work between 5-6pm because they may help their children decide and so would raise awareness of our campaign. To give a very rough perspective, a week-long campaign that uses a 30 second ad (minus production costs) could cost anything from: •£500 on a local station •£2,500 on a regional station •Upwards from £10,000 on a national station (
  • 7. Codes Of Conduct - Jasmine Prior Codes of Conduct Relevant legal/ Ethical issues/ Constraints What we will have to consider for our planned campaign. For our planned campaign we are going to have to make sure that we comply with the first four rules of ASA. The first four rules that we must comply to are Compliances, Recognition of advertising, misleading content and Harm and Offence. Compliance- Rules relating to social responsibility and legality. Recognition of advertising- Separation rules and content rules to ensure that ads are not mistaken for editorial. Misleading advertising- Substantiation (evidence to prove claims); pricing; the use of the word “free”; availability of products, comparisons testimonials and more. Harm and Offence- Rules to ensure that ads do not cause harm or serious or widespread offence. We will not be using Vox Pops in our radio advert but if we were to we would have to consider consent. If one of the people that we were recording was under 18, then they are technically still a child, so therefore would need parental consent to be featured in our radio advert. However, if the person that we are using is over 18, then they are technically an adult and can then give their consent themselves. When making our radio advert, we are going to have to consider copyright, we are going to have to make sure that we do not accidentally copy any work that other people have made as we do not want to be accused of doing so. This means that before we start to create our radio advert, we must do some research to avoid doing the something that is copyrighted. As well as this, we may have to consider copyrighting our final product as well as we want it to be completely unique to Ringwood School. When creating our advert, we must make sure that no slander or libel is being used. We must choose our wording carefully to make sure that we are not giving away any false information to the public. Ideally, for our radio adverts we are going to record somebody speaking about the School and Sixth form. To do this, we are going to have to make sure that we get permission from the person that we are using, if this person is under 18, then they are technically still classed as a child so therefore, will have to get a permission slip signed by a parent or carer. If the person that we use is over the age of 18, then they are technically still an adult and will therefore, be able to sign the permission slip themselves. We will also have to consider royalties when recording our advert. We are planning to have some music in the background of our advert. If we are using music that somebody has made, then we are going to have to pay the producer of the music that has been made. We will make sure that in our adverts, there is no offensive, language, behaviour or material that has the intent to offend anybody and have the interest of the public in mind.
  • 8. ASA Rules – Michelle Dunbar Rule: What it does: How it could affect our ad: Compliance Advertisements should not mislead or cause serious or widespread offence or harm, especially to children or the vulnerable. Our radio advertisement should not offend anyone and not cause harm to both children and adults. They should remain neutral and not cause any bias to occur. Recognition of advertising This rule is intended to protect consumers from misleading marketing communications. Our radio adverts must be truthful and not contain any misleading information that may lead to the consumer to become confused. Misleading advertising This rule is intended to protect consumers from misleading advertisements. We must not hide information from the consumer and present everything needed in the radio advertisement. Harm and offence Advertisements must not be harmful or offensive. Our advertisement must not cause harm to anyone and must not cause serious or widespread offence. Children Children must be protected from advertisements that could cause physical, mental or moral harm. We must not put children in harm’s way if we choose to include them in our radio advert. Ofcom: Ofcom will make sure that the people listening to our radio adverts will be protected from harm. The radio spectrum is also used in an efficient way meaning that the radio will be available to as many people as possible which means that a large amount of people will hear our advertisement. BBFC: we have to make sure that our radio advertisement is suitable for all ages and follows the rules as it is to be heard by both children and adults.
  • 9. Print and TV Ideas – Zoe Beesley