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Building Digital Bridges
David Harrison
Presentation to the Auckland Revit User Group
15th February 2012
What will I cover?
•   Enabling more effective digital collaboration.

•   Collaboration challenges & Building Stories.

•   Digital impediments to effective collaboration.

•   BIM solves everything right?

•   Project Information Clouds - Learning from the Web.

•   The Principles of Hyperlinked Practice.

•   Testing the Principles.

•   Looking ahead.
Who am I?
•   BArch and PhD in Architecture from VUW.

•   Started I.T. consulting and software development
    business in 2003.

•   In 2011 Kerry, Alex and I founded Triptech.

•   Our goal is to provide great I.T. advice and services
    within the NZ building industry.
How is this relevant to you?
 •   Revit is a means to an end.

 •   The digital model is an island in a sea
     of relationships and design issues.

 •   If bored ponder this:
     How are Revit’s subscription costs
     influencing your company’s overall
     digital collaboration strategy
     (if you have one)?
Goal: Google Googles
       for architects


What is the state and design history of this part of the building?
Why? “Betterer” digital

To make sense of the design information digitally stored
within email, images, CAD, BIM, documents, etc.
Thesis aim:
To promote more
effective collaboration
by improving access to
timely and relevant
project information
collaboration requires a more pragmatic approach, that appropriately applies cooperation,
  coordination and collaboration to move the project forward and resolve design issues.

Why is collaboration a problem?
  Figure 2.1: Diagram illustrating the hypothetical bene t of cooperation, coordination
  and collaboration to architectural decision making and the e ort required to achieve


                   Effort to achieve                                Collaboration



                                 Low                                                High
                                         Benefit to architectural decision making

  Figure 2.1 illustrates the theoretical effort required to achieve the three different forms of
  architectural collaboration, and the implied benefit to the decision making process. For the
Architecture projects are unique
  and complex environments

Project teams exist within a
    segmented industry
Participants do not understand
the justification behind decisions

Time extremes restrict and
                     erode knowledge
Figure 3.5: The e ort/time relationship between BIM and traditional digital modelling
methods, relative to the cost of design changes (As found in: MacLeamy, 2010)
                                                                        Cost of design changes

                                 BIM                  Traditional

                                                                           Ability to control cost

                          Prog Design Development Documentation     Construction


3.2.3. BIM in Practice
example, the students developed this understanding during the second half of the
       semester in conjunction with members of the project team.

  Idea: Building Stories can
  • Recalling - The overall Building Story, which includes its component events,
       activities and artefacts, is presented to relevant parties in a manner that can be easily

improve access to timely and
       consumed. In the academic example, the students published their compiled Building
       Stories to a public website where anyone with an internet connection could access it.
    relevant information
Figure 4.1: The four phases of Building Story construction and utilisation

    Recording                        Reflecting                     Rendering                          Recalling

                                       Context                       Context         Events          Context        Events

                                       Story                          Story                           Story

 Participants create and share   Appreciate the overall process   Identify significant events    Expose to relevant parties in order
  the activities and artefacts   and the context of the project   to flesh out in more detail   to improve collective understanding

For the purposes of simplicity and completeness Heylighen, Martin and Cavallin
process. This circular pattern “means that there is no clear segregation between imaging,
    presenting and testing, but a significant relationship in which each depends on the
    other” (Schneider & Petzold, 2009, p. 207). Communication patterns which break these

   Why? Building Stories
    relationships harm the design process. The Building Story’s use of artefacts (imaging),
    activities (presenting) and events (testing) reinforces this circular pattern (see Figure 2.5),
    which leads to a more consistent, and therefore effective, collaborative design process.

reinforce the design process
    Figure 2.5: Design as a circular process and its relationship to the events, activities and
    artefacts within a Building Story
    (Based on diagram in: Schneider & Petzold, 2009, p. 206)

                                                       Activities (Imaging)

                                                             Design Task

                                    Thoughts & Ideas


                 Events (Testing)

                                                              Design Tools

                                                          Artifacts (Presenting)

What changes did the
digital migration bring?
•   Boundless information transfer

•   The overcoming of geographic and organisational

•   Virtually free communication

•   More frequent interactions within the team
Problem: Coping with the influx
of information within a vacuum

 •   Information density
     It is easier to send everything than what is needed

 •   Digital overload
     An email has no perceived cost

 •   Distance
     Trust and understanding is difficult to foster “virtually”
Problem: Inconsistent industry
adoption and digital fragmentation
    Figure 3.9: The digital fragmentation caused by the technologies used within the project
    team (As found in: Björk, 1995, p. 11)

    Healing this digital fragmentation will require a new, more permeable layer of information,
The trend towards
Building Information Modelling
Today what isn’t BIM?
•   BIM can be product

•   BIM can be a delivery process

•   BIM can be an attitude to information is a neat stack of pencil drawings BIM?
BIM is a Revolution
BIM is an Evolution
Figure 3.6: The adoption of BIM within projects
(As found in: Young, Jones & Bernstein, 2007, p. 11)

A recent Erabuild survey found that “BIM is used in around 20% of projects for architects
BIM is just Marketing
“After a bit of jawboning with Bentley’s
marketing folks, I got their agreement to use BIM
as the top-level descriptive term for their latest
design software. With Bentley and Autodesk both
humming the BIM tune, we’ve covered well over
80% of the USA market At an 80% tipping point,
the dominos should fall into place for the rest of
the market.”

                              Jerry Laiserin, 2002
BIM software archetypes
 •   BIM on the desktop
     Revit, ArchiCAD, etc.

 •   BIM within the team
     Revit Worksets, linked drawings

 •   BIM on the server
     BIMServer, Graphisoft BIM Server

 •   ...BIM in the “Cloud”?
     Do two buzzwords make a right?
Problem: BIM complexity
  reduces participation

Problem: Rigid centralisation
     filters information
Problem: Virtual accuracy
confuses practical reality

within a project information cloud can be analysed using the concept of PageRank (Page,
     Brin, Motwani & Winograd, 1998) to identify significant digital messages and resources.
     This significance is based on how many hyperlinks within the project information cloud

Idea: Evolve our important role during the designof project
                                            perception process.
     link to a digital message or resource. Thus, if a large number of hyperlinks point to an
   artefact, it is likely to have played an
information to be more like the Web...
     Figure 4.2: The distributed nature of a project’s information cloud

                     Organisation                              Organisation


and hyperlinks to relevant digital messages and resources within the cloud. This process of
    highlighting digital artefacts within the project’s information cloud is illustrated in Figure
    4.3. Wikis have been shown to be ideally suited to this task, because they allow the

..then wetocan constructoverview of a design-related event
    interested parties collectively craft a comprehensive Building Stories

     within Project Information Clouds
    (Burry, Burrow, Amor & Burry, 2005).

    Figure 4.3: Constructing a Building Story event within a project’s information cloud


              Building Story

        Design information
        Images and documents

          Digital messages
     Email and other messaging

             Digital models
                 BIM and CAD

                PDF and DWF

                                                            Project timeline

    4.2.3. The need for fundamental principles of Hyperlinked Practice
Getting there from here?
•   There is no simple or single answer.

•   It is a multi-faceted problem, with information,
    process, legal and industry barriers to overcome.

•   For my thesis I identified and tested a set of
    principles that could guide technology decisions
    towards this goal.
Use the principles of the Web
      as a foundation

Situational awareness
Digital collaboration tools should integrate into the surrounding
environment, so that changes that may affect the project are
automatically recorded and presented to the team.
The digital collaboration environment should be based on
commonly used processes and technologies, so that any team
member may access or contribute to the project’s digital record.
All team members should be capable of understanding the
purpose, implementation and operation of the project’s digital
collaboration tools, so that they can appropriately use them in
the recording of the design process.
Context sensitivity
Digital collaboration tools should understand and reflect the
organisation and current state of the project, so that team
members are presented with information that is relevant to the
design process and their role within it.
Emulative modularity
The recording and recalling of the design process should not
depend on a specific technology or party. Therefore, the digital
collaboration environment should be capable of being
reproduced or extended by a third-party.
Emotive semantics
The digital collaboration environment should not dictate the
semantic system used to record or reflect upon the design
process. Instead, the team should be able to define a
vocabulary that reflects the uniqueness of each project.
The digital collaboration environment should respect the team’s
distributed nature and broad requirements, by not demanding
that the design process be recorded in a location that is difficult
to access, or controlled by a single party.
Validating the principles
•   Need to demonstrate that a digital collaboration tool
    that embodies these principles promotes access to
    timely and relevant information.

•   Two testing streams:
    The Reasonate software prototype,
    and thought experiments applied to emerging
    communication tools.
•   A software prototype that embodied the principles of
    Hyperlinked Practice.

•   Made predictions on collaboration behavior and
    compared these to recorded actions.

•   Tested the prototype within a Victoria University
    architectural computing class.
functionality struggled to gain traction. Students had little content to publish during the
first week of testing, but by the third week the daily number of published posts had reached
a strong and relatively consistent level of approximately 16 per day (see Figure 8.10). The
 Test results were extensively
tagging functionality was tested by students when it was introduced, but as illustrated in

    analysed for patterns
Figure 8.11, it did not achieve the same level of consistent use.

Figure 8.10: The daily growth and running total of posts published to Reasonate
                         2000                                                                                                   200

                                      Tutorial hand-in (20/3)            Assignment 2 hand-in (1/6)
                         1750                                                                                                   175
                                                                         Assignment 1 final hand-in (8/6)

                         1500                                                                                                   150

                                                                                                                                         Growth in posts per day
                                                          Build-up to Assignment
 Total number of posts

                                                          1 interim hand-in (15/5)
                         1250                                                                                                   125

                         1000                                                                                                   100

                         750                                                                                                        75

                         500                                                                                                        50

                         250                                                                                                        25

                           0                                                                                                        0
                                1/3   9/3   17/3   25/3     2/4   10/4   18/4   26/4   4/5   12/5   20/5    28/5   5/6   13/6

                                  Total number of posts              Growth in posts per day               Average overall growth

Figure 8.11: The daily growth and running total of tags created within Reasonate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         dy_m_m alrenderdy_j_caddy_initial
Figure 8.22: The overall semantic structure formed by Reasonate users                                                                                                                                                                                                                           dy_originodelproc   s           _rendersdy_imag
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           es dy_h_viz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    great                                               dy_pland plans ess
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 not bad                                                                                                                             dy_h_re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    start                                                ivision
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               dy_powe                                                                 nders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        dy_proje rpoint                                                                      dy_h_pp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        progress                                           ct
                                                                                                                                                                           notice                                                                                       standard                                                                                   dy_h_ca
                                                                                                                                                                 not_a_pr            nothing
                          first                                                                                                                                     oject               yet                                                                        dy_refer s                                                                                          d
                         meeting dy_project                                                                                                                                                                      nothing                                           ences                                                                                                dy_handi
              original              standards                                                                                                                 plan                                                                progress
                                                                                                                final                                                                         cad                   yet                                    dy_rend                                                                                                          n
               plans                                                                              model                                                     confirma
                                           dy_pland                                                            model dy_m_m                                   tion
                                                                                                                                                                                           review                                                             ers
          plan                              ivision
                                                                                      modeling                       odelproc
                                                                                                                                                                         review           un_secti
        confirma          planning                                         modellin                                           dy_final                        progress                         on                                                        dy_viz
          tion                                                              g                                                 model                                                       renders                                                                                                                                                                                dy_final
                                                                                                                                                                 project_           un_rend                         autodesk                                                                                                                                                      model
                                                plans                                                                                                                                                     backing                                dy_viz_r
                                                                    modellin                                                                                     approval             ering                            dwf
              planning                                                                                                                     curves                         rendering                         up                                    enders
                                     render                           g1                                                                                             s     engines
                                                                                                                                                                                    thoughts                         viewer                                                                                                                                                           dy_drea
                                      ideas                                                                                                                                                                                 3ds file                                                                                                                                                  mweaver
                          plans                                                                                                                                                                                                               j_archica
                                                               modellin                                                                            3d                                             cad files                  problem               d                                                                                                                                     dy_corre
 dy_corre                                                       g final                                                                           curves                                                                        s                                                                                                                                                        sponden
                                                                                               modelling                                                                                                               file                 j_autoca                                                                                                                                        ce
    ce                                                                                                                                                                                                docume                         un_file              d
                                                               modellin                                                                         un_interi
                                           question            g images                                                                         or ramps                                                nt                           set-up                                                                                                                                                                                 dy_cad
correspon                                                           modellin                                                                                                                                             dy_basef                   j_revit
                                                                                                                                          un_buildi                                                              dwg                                                                                                                                                                                                        dy_basef
  dence                                                                g                                                                                                                                                    ile
                                                                                                                                           ng form                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ile

                  seeking_                                          program
                  collabora         question                             modellin                                                    un_autoca                    cad                                                                               kunst
 email from           tor                                                    g                                                           d                      review                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      un_wind
 benson +                                                                standard                                                    modelling                                                                     imperial
                                                                                                                           un_3ds                                             cad files                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ows
  forsyth                                                                              models                                                                                                         house in       war                           m_archic
                                                                                                 model_p                   models                                                                     pregass      museum                            ad
                                                site?                                                    no stairs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         un_webs
                                                                                                 roblems                                           dy_cad
                                                                                                                                                                  cad                                   ona                    5th floor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                gallery             m_autoc
                                                                                                                                                                                                main        architecture                                                                                                                                                                                                   un_viz
                                                         finished                                                                                                             dy_j_cad
                                                         tut : 3d   exrecise                                                                                                                   gallery                                                                                                                                                                                                                    renders
                                             initial      model        s                                                                                                                                                        villa                   m_revit
                                                                                                                           modelling                            d
  movie                                    tutorials
                                                                            autocad                                                                                                                                            savoye                                                                                                                                                                                  un_un
                                                                                                                           standard     languag
                                                                              _tut                                                         e                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           studio
                                      revit                                                                    notice                                                                                 mullions
                                    tutorial                                                                                                                                                                       museum                                                                                                                                                                                         un_secti
                                                                                     autocad                                                     backing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               on
movie                                                                                                                                              up
                                                                                                                                                                             deep_ex                                                                               project
                               revit_tut             tutorial                                         progress documentation
                                                                                                                                                                             ploration      autodesk                                    nice
                                                                                       viz_tut                                                    useful                                       dwf                                                                                                                                                                                                           thoughts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       project 1
 quicktim                             rivet                                                                  rendering                             info                                      viewer                                                                                                                                                                                                 un_rend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               project_                                                                                                               ering
 e movie                            tutorial                                                                  engines                                             importin      data                             spelling                                                     approval
                                                                               tutorials                                  stupid topograp                            g        exchange                           mistake      feedback                                               s                                                                                                       un_rayfr
                                           tutorial                                                                      duplicate  hy                                                                                                                                                     un_3ds                                                                                               ont
                                                         tutorial   tutorial                                                                                                                 right_he
                                                                      ppt                                                                                                                                                                                                                   max                                                                                     un_lands                          mike
                                                          error                                                                                                                              mispher
                                                                                                                                                                                                 e                                                                                                 un_3ds                                                                              cape                           donn
                                                                                                                                                                          import_p                                                                                                                        un_auto                                                            un_interi                                              david
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       sweet                                                       models
                                                                                                                                                                           roblem                                                                                                                           cad                                                      un_interi ramps
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             or                                                  harrison
                            dy_viz_r                                                                                               email from                                                                                                                                                             modellin
                  light                                                                                                                           dy_refer                                                                                                                                                       un_buildiun_exter                          un_hdri m hand-
                             enders dy_h_viz                                                                                       benson +                                                                                                             how to               bringing you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             g ng form
                                                                                                                                                   ences                                                                                                                                                                           un_file un_floor un_goog image         in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              library with                                  ior
                 studio                                                                                                             forsyth                                                                     final                                      build                  you in                                                                                                                 remove        supervisor
                                                  3ds file                                                                                                                                             finished                                                                                                             renders set-up plans le earth
       lightstudi                                                                                                                                                                                             renders         final                      things                  archicad
                                                  problem                                                                 original                          dy_origin                                 autocad                                                                                                                                                                          exterior
           o                                                                                                                                                                                                                 model
                                                     s                         dy_powe                                     plans                             al plans                    finished                                                                                                                                                                                        glazing                                   tutorials
                                                                                                                                                                                           revit                                  dy_initial                      tip                                                                                                                                              project_
    m_viz                                                  3ds                                                                                                                      finished                                       _renders                                                                                                                                                                        approval
                            3d                                                                                                                              un_floor                 tut : 3d                                                           speeding up                                                     dy_viz_r dy_rend dy_j_initi                                                                      s
                                                                                          powerpoint                       plans
                                                                                                                                                             plans                   model                                                              savings in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                useful                          final    enders      ers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     glass      glazing
   un_3ds                 studio                         viz_tut
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         archicad                 info
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       first   renders
    max                                                                                                                               real                                                                                                                                                                                                         dy_initial
                                                                                                                                                  research                                                                                                                                           render

                                                                                                                                     picture                                      hand in
                                                                                                                                                                                                       hand-in                         un_interi                                                      tests
                                                  problem                                                                                                                                                                              m hand-                                                hdri                                                                                       ows
        models                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                nders                                              website dy_drea
                                                      s                                                                                                                                                                                   in                                                                                                                                                                        link mweaver
                 un_un                                                                                                                                                              hand-in
                             un_viz        viz                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          site?
                 studio                                                                                                 autocad                                                                                                   provision                                           light                                                                       dy_finalr
                            renders                                                                                                 acad                           reasonat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         blog
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     al                                              studio                                                                         enders
                                                                                                            autocad                renders                         e update                 interim                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 edits
                                                                                                             tutorial                                                                                                       modellin                                                                                                                                                             technora
                                                                                                                                                                                                      interim_s              g final                                        lighting_                                                                                    assignm                      ti         website
  earth                                                                                                                                                                                                    l    interm                                                       mental                                                                                        ent                                                    website
                                                                                                     autocad                                                       system                                                                                                       ray                                                                                     renders                                                    issues

                                    software                                                           _tut             autocad                                    update                                                                                                                                                                                                                           un_webs
google                                                                                                                                       d                                                                                                                          lightstudi                                                                                          acad                          ite
                                                                                                                                         modelling                                                              library import_p                                             o                                                                                             renders                              webpage
 earth                                                                                                      finished
                                                                                                                                                                                                               problem roblem

                                                                                                                                                                                                       missing s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           n                           mental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        rendering                                                            un_viz
 le earth                                                                                                                                                                                         model_p
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               errors                                                                                                                                                          dy_imag
                                                                                                                                                                                                  roblems                                                                                                                                                                                          galleries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         un_secti                                 es
                                                                                                archicad                                                        assignm                                                                                 3ds file          radiosity                                                                                         on
                         m_revit       j_revit                                        archicad_t tutorial archicad                               assignm         ent 1a                        no stairs                                                problem                                                                                                          renders                                       awsome
                                                                                          ut               library                                ent 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    images
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           s                                                                                                                                                            image
                                                                               bringing you
                                                                                library with
                                                                                                                                                                            ent                  no
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       problem                          website               reflector
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ering                            image
                                                                                   you in
                                                                                  archicad                                               assignm                                               uploads                                                  issues                                                                                                      thoughts
                             revit                                                             archicad
                                                                                                                  speeding up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        viz                           render                                                                 un_rend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          g images
                revit                                                          j_archica                                                                                                              out of
                                                    rivet                                                          savings in                                                                                                                        problem                           ideas                                                                  ering
              printscre                                                            d                                archicad                                              phase1a                     scale
                                                  tutorial                                                                                                                                                                                               s                                                                                                                                           real      screensh
                 en                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            renderin                                  un_rayfr
                                                                                      j_autoca         m_archic                                  assignm                                                                                       tutorial                                                                                                                                             picture        ot
                           revit                                                               missing                                                                                                     problem                                                                                g     renderin                           ont
                                      revit_tut                                          d               ad                                        ent2          phase                                                                          error                                                                            un_hdri
                         tutorial                                                                  parts
                                                                                                                                                                  1a                                              problem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     s   question
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           g            un_exter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  image                                                                                                       169
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            s                                                                           engines renders   ior
Thought experiments
•   Applied and discussed the principles to two
    emerging communication technologies:
    Social networking (Project Bluestreak) and
    micro-blogging (Twitter).

•   This led to discussions with Autodesk and a very
    good post (if I may say so myself):
    “Autodesk Beyond Desktop CAD & BIM”
These tests demonstrated that
 the principles are useful for:

•   Guiding the development of new and existing digital
    collaboration tools.

•   Improving decision making around digital
    collaboration strategy.
Where to next? A project aggregator
Architects                Description Location, type
                                                                         MSG                               MSG             MSG           MSG                     MSG
                          Architects                      RPY                                                             RPY
                          Engineer                                   MSG
                          Consultant                                          RPY       RPY        FWD                                 MSG
                          Contractor                                                                           RPY      RPY


                                                                                                          DWG                   DWG               DWG
                                                                           DOC         XLS

 Engineers                                                                                                          JPG
                                                                                                                                         JPG                      DOC
                                                                                       JPG          JPG
                                                                                                   JPG                                  JPG                      DOC
                                                                                                  JPG                                  JPG
                                Project                                                 Concept     Development       Consent
                                                                               Brief                                                                            Evaluation
                                                                 Tags                         Contracts           Documentation                       Problem

  Client                                                                                                                  Wiki summary
                                                                           Constraint: Messages between A+B
                                                                           Constraint: People C, D, E                                                Comment
              Connector                                                    Constraint: Tagged F, G, H, I
                                                                           Constraint: Files of type X                                         Comment

                                                                 Building Stories
You can wake up now...
•   Thesis download:

•   Twitter:
    @triptechnz or @dharrisonnz

•   If you would like to talk more contact us:

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Auckland RUG - Building Digital Bridges

  • 1. Building Digital Bridges David Harrison Presentation to the Auckland Revit User Group 15th February 2012
  • 2. What will I cover? • Enabling more effective digital collaboration. • Collaboration challenges & Building Stories. • Digital impediments to effective collaboration. • BIM solves everything right? • Project Information Clouds - Learning from the Web. • The Principles of Hyperlinked Practice. • Testing the Principles. • Looking ahead.
  • 3. Who am I? • BArch and PhD in Architecture from VUW. • Started I.T. consulting and software development business in 2003. • In 2011 Kerry, Alex and I founded Triptech. • Our goal is to provide great I.T. advice and services within the NZ building industry.
  • 4. How is this relevant to you? • Revit is a means to an end. • The digital model is an island in a sea of relationships and design issues. • If bored ponder this: How are Revit’s subscription costs influencing your company’s overall digital collaboration strategy (if you have one)?
  • 5. Goal: Google Googles for architects What is the state and design history of this part of the building?
  • 6. Why? “Betterer” digital collaboration To make sense of the design information digitally stored within email, images, CAD, BIM, documents, etc.
  • 7. Thesis aim: To promote more effective collaboration by improving access to timely and relevant project information
  • 8. collaboration requires a more pragmatic approach, that appropriately applies cooperation, coordination and collaboration to move the project forward and resolve design issues. Why is collaboration a problem? Figure 2.1: Diagram illustrating the hypothetical bene t of cooperation, coordination and collaboration to architectural decision making and the e ort required to achieve High Effort to achieve Collaboration Coordination Cooperation Low High Benefit to architectural decision making Figure 2.1 illustrates the theoretical effort required to achieve the three different forms of architectural collaboration, and the implied benefit to the decision making process. For the
  • 9. Architecture projects are unique and complex environments
  • 10. Project teams exist within a segmented industry
  • 11. Participants do not understand the justification behind decisions
  • 12. Time extremes restrict and erode knowledge Figure 3.5: The e ort/time relationship between BIM and traditional digital modelling methods, relative to the cost of design changes (As found in: MacLeamy, 2010) Cost of design changes Effort BIM Traditional Ability to control cost Prog Design Development Documentation Construction Time 3.2.3. BIM in Practice
  • 13. example, the students developed this understanding during the second half of the semester in conjunction with members of the project team. Idea: Building Stories can • Recalling - The overall Building Story, which includes its component events, activities and artefacts, is presented to relevant parties in a manner that can be easily improve access to timely and consumed. In the academic example, the students published their compiled Building Stories to a public website where anyone with an internet connection could access it. relevant information Figure 4.1: The four phases of Building Story construction and utilisation Recording Reflecting Rendering Recalling Context Context Events Context Events Story Story Story Participants create and share Appreciate the overall process Identify significant events Expose to relevant parties in order the activities and artefacts and the context of the project to flesh out in more detail to improve collective understanding For the purposes of simplicity and completeness Heylighen, Martin and Cavallin
  • 14. process. This circular pattern “means that there is no clear segregation between imaging, presenting and testing, but a significant relationship in which each depends on the other” (Schneider & Petzold, 2009, p. 207). Communication patterns which break these Why? Building Stories relationships harm the design process. The Building Story’s use of artefacts (imaging), activities (presenting) and events (testing) reinforces this circular pattern (see Figure 2.5), which leads to a more consistent, and therefore effective, collaborative design process. reinforce the design process Figure 2.5: Design as a circular process and its relationship to the events, activities and artefacts within a Building Story (Based on diagram in: Schneider & Petzold, 2009, p. 206) Activities (Imaging) Design Task Experience Thoughts & Ideas Perception Events (Testing) Artifacts Design Tools Artifacts (Presenting) 33
  • 15. What changes did the digital migration bring? • Boundless information transfer • The overcoming of geographic and organisational boundaries • Virtually free communication • More frequent interactions within the team
  • 16. Problem: Coping with the influx of information within a vacuum • Information density It is easier to send everything than what is needed • Digital overload An email has no perceived cost • Distance Trust and understanding is difficult to foster “virtually”
  • 17. Problem: Inconsistent industry adoption and digital fragmentation Figure 3.9: The digital fragmentation caused by the technologies used within the project team (As found in: Björk, 1995, p. 11) Healing this digital fragmentation will require a new, more permeable layer of information,
  • 18. The trend towards Building Information Modelling
  • 19. Today what isn’t BIM? • BIM can be product • BIM can be a delivery process • BIM can be an attitude to information is a neat stack of pencil drawings BIM?
  • 20. BIM is a Revolution
  • 21. BIM is an Evolution Figure 3.6: The adoption of BIM within projects (As found in: Young, Jones & Bernstein, 2007, p. 11) A recent Erabuild survey found that “BIM is used in around 20% of projects for architects
  • 22. BIM is just Marketing “After a bit of jawboning with Bentley’s marketing folks, I got their agreement to use BIM as the top-level descriptive term for their latest design software. With Bentley and Autodesk both humming the BIM tune, we’ve covered well over 80% of the USA market At an 80% tipping point, the dominos should fall into place for the rest of the market.” Jerry Laiserin, 2002
  • 23. BIM software archetypes • BIM on the desktop Revit, ArchiCAD, etc. • BIM within the team Revit Worksets, linked drawings • BIM on the server BIMServer, Graphisoft BIM Server • ...BIM in the “Cloud”? Do two buzzwords make a right?
  • 24. Problem: BIM complexity reduces participation
  • 25. Problem: Rigid centralisation filters information
  • 26. Problem: Virtual accuracy confuses practical reality
  • 27. within a project information cloud can be analysed using the concept of PageRank (Page, Brin, Motwani & Winograd, 1998) to identify significant digital messages and resources. This significance is based on how many hyperlinks within the project information cloud Idea: Evolve our important role during the designof project perception process. link to a digital message or resource. Thus, if a large number of hyperlinks point to an artefact, it is likely to have played an information to be more like the Web... Figure 4.2: The distributed nature of a project’s information cloud Organisation Organisation Organisation 75
  • 28. and hyperlinks to relevant digital messages and resources within the cloud. This process of highlighting digital artefacts within the project’s information cloud is illustrated in Figure 4.3. Wikis have been shown to be ideally suited to this task, because they allow the ..then wetocan constructoverview of a design-related event interested parties collectively craft a comprehensive Building Stories within Project Information Clouds (Burry, Burrow, Amor & Burry, 2005). Figure 4.3: Constructing a Building Story event within a project’s information cloud Event Building Story Design information Images and documents Digital messages Email and other messaging Services Digital models BIM and CAD Architectural Documentation PDF and DWF Project timeline 4.2.3. The need for fundamental principles of Hyperlinked Practice
  • 29. Getting there from here? • There is no simple or single answer. • It is a multi-faceted problem, with information, process, legal and industry barriers to overcome. • For my thesis I identified and tested a set of principles that could guide technology decisions towards this goal.
  • 30. Use the principles of the Web as a foundation
  • 31. Situational awareness Digital collaboration tools should integrate into the surrounding environment, so that changes that may affect the project are automatically recorded and presented to the team.
  • 32. Ubiquity The digital collaboration environment should be based on commonly used processes and technologies, so that any team member may access or contribute to the project’s digital record.
  • 33. Comprehension All team members should be capable of understanding the purpose, implementation and operation of the project’s digital collaboration tools, so that they can appropriately use them in the recording of the design process.
  • 34. Context sensitivity Digital collaboration tools should understand and reflect the organisation and current state of the project, so that team members are presented with information that is relevant to the design process and their role within it.
  • 35. Emulative modularity The recording and recalling of the design process should not depend on a specific technology or party. Therefore, the digital collaboration environment should be capable of being reproduced or extended by a third-party.
  • 36. Emotive semantics The digital collaboration environment should not dictate the semantic system used to record or reflect upon the design process. Instead, the team should be able to define a vocabulary that reflects the uniqueness of each project.
  • 37. Decentralisation The digital collaboration environment should respect the team’s distributed nature and broad requirements, by not demanding that the design process be recorded in a location that is difficult to access, or controlled by a single party.
  • 38. Validating the principles • Need to demonstrate that a digital collaboration tool that embodies these principles promotes access to timely and relevant information. • Two testing streams: The Reasonate software prototype, and thought experiments applied to emerging communication tools.
  • 39. Reasonate • A software prototype that embodied the principles of Hyperlinked Practice. • Made predictions on collaboration behavior and compared these to recorded actions. • Tested the prototype within a Victoria University architectural computing class.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42. functionality struggled to gain traction. Students had little content to publish during the first week of testing, but by the third week the daily number of published posts had reached a strong and relatively consistent level of approximately 16 per day (see Figure 8.10). The Test results were extensively tagging functionality was tested by students when it was introduced, but as illustrated in analysed for patterns Figure 8.11, it did not achieve the same level of consistent use. Figure 8.10: The daily growth and running total of posts published to Reasonate 2000 200 Tutorial hand-in (20/3) Assignment 2 hand-in (1/6) 1750 175 Assignment 1 final hand-in (8/6) 1500 150 Growth in posts per day Build-up to Assignment Total number of posts 1 interim hand-in (15/5) 1250 125 1000 100 750 75 500 50 250 25 0 0 1/3 9/3 17/3 25/3 2/4 10/4 18/4 26/4 4/5 12/5 20/5 28/5 5/6 13/6 Date Total number of posts Growth in posts per day Average overall growth Figure 8.11: The daily growth and running total of tags created within Reasonate
  • 43. dy_j_initi dy_m_m alrenderdy_j_caddy_initial Figure 8.22: The overall semantic structure formed by Reasonate users dy_originodelproc s _rendersdy_imag es dy_h_viz great dy_pland plans ess al not bad dy_h_re start ivision dy_powe nders dy_proje rpoint dy_h_pp progress ct notice standard dy_h_ca not_a_pr nothing first oject yet dy_refer s d meeting dy_project nothing ences dy_handi original standards plan progress final cad yet dy_rend n plans model confirma dy_pland model dy_m_m tion review ers plan ivision modeling odelproc ess review un_secti dy_finalr enders confirma planning modellin dy_final progress on dy_viz tion g model renders dy_final un_floor project_ un_rend autodesk model plans backing dy_viz_r modellin approval ering dwf planning curves rendering up enders render g1 s engines thoughts viewer dy_drea ideas 3ds file mweaver plans j_archica modellin 3d cad files problem d dy_corre dy_corre g final curves s sponden sponden modelling file j_autoca ce ce docume un_file d modellin un_interi question g images or ramps nt set-up dy_cad s correspon modellin dy_basef j_revit un_buildi dwg dy_basef dence g ile ng form ile project seeking_ program collabora question modellin un_autoca cad kunst email from tor g d review un_wind benson + standard modelling imperial un_3ds cad files ows forsyth models house in war m_archic model_p models pregass museum ad site? no stairs un_webs roblems dy_cad cad ona 5th floor gallery m_autoc ite ad main architecture un_viz finished dy_j_cad tut : 3d exrecise gallery renders dy_h_ca initial model s villa m_revit modelling d movie tutorials autocad savoye un_un standard languag _tut e studio revit notice mullions m_viz tutorial museum un_secti autocad backing on tutorial movie up deep_ex project renders revit_tut tutorial progress documentation ploration autodesk nice un_rend ering viz_tut useful dwf thoughts project 1 quicktim rivet rendering info viewer un_rend project_ ering e movie tutorial engines importin data spelling approval tutorials stupid topograp g exchange mistake feedback s un_rayfr tutorial duplicate hy un_3ds ont tutorial tutorial right_he ppt max un_lands mike error mispher e un_3ds cape donn import_p un_auto un_interi david sweet models roblem cad un_interi ramps or harrison dy_viz_r email from modellin light dy_refer un_buildiun_exter un_hdri m hand- enders dy_h_viz benson + how to bringing you mike g ng form ences un_file un_floor un_goog image in library with ior studio forsyth final build you in remove supervisor 3ds file finished renders set-up plans le earth lightstudi renders final things archicad problem original dy_origin autocad exterior o model s dy_powe plans al plans finished glazing tutorials dy_h_pp rpoint research revit dy_initial tip project_ m_viz 3ds finished _renders approval 3d un_floor tut : 3d speeding up dy_viz_r dy_rend dy_j_initi s powerpoint plans plans model savings in useful final enders ers glass glazing un_3ds studio viz_tut dy_handi n archicad info first renders alrender s max real dy_initial research render un_3ds viz powerpoi nt tutorial ppt picture hand in hand-in un_interi tests _renders dy_h_re un_wind personal problem m hand- hdri ows models nders website dy_drea s in link mweaver un_un hand-in un_viz viz site? studio autocad provision light dy_finalr renders acad reasonat blog al studio enders autocad renders e update interim edits tutorial modellin technora google acad interim_s g final lighting_ assignm ti website earth l interm mental ent website autocad system ray renders issues software _tut autocad update un_webs un_autoca google d lightstudi acad ite website modelling library import_p o renders webpage earth finished problem roblem help un_goog autocad j_autoca d m_autoc ad server upgrade missing s parts archicad needed frustratio n mental ray rendering un_viz renders le earth model_p errors dy_imag roblems galleries un_secti es archicad assignm 3ds file radiosity on m_revit j_revit archicad_t tutorial archicad assignm ent 1a no stairs problem renders awsome ut library ent 2 images s image revit finished revit bringing you library with archicad assignm ent no problem website reflector un_rend ering image you in archicad assignm uploads issues thoughts revit archicad speeding up ent renders assignment viz render un_rend modellin g images un_hdri image revit j_archica out of rivet savings in problem ideas ering printscre d archicad phase1a scale tutorial s real screensh en renderin un_rayfr j_autoca m_archic assignm tutorial picture ot revit missing problem g renderin ont revit_tut d ad ent2 phase error un_hdri tutorial parts archicad 1a problem s question stupid duplicate g un_exter image 169 s engines renders ior renders
  • 44. Thought experiments • Applied and discussed the principles to two emerging communication technologies: Social networking (Project Bluestreak) and micro-blogging (Twitter). • This led to discussions with Autodesk and a very good post (if I may say so myself): “Autodesk Beyond Desktop CAD & BIM”
  • 45. These tests demonstrated that the principles are useful for: • Guiding the development of new and existing digital collaboration tools. • Improving decision making around digital collaboration strategy.
  • 46. Where to next? A project aggregator Timeline Project Architects Description Location, type MSG MSG MSG MSG MSG Client Architects RPY RPY Connector Engineer MSG Consultant RPY RPY FWD MSG Contractor RPY RPY Messages Contractors Connector People DWG DWG DWG DOC XLS Engineers JPG JPG JPG JPG DOC JPG JPG JPG JPG DOC JPG JPG Files Connector Project Concept Development Consent Construction Aggregator Brief Evaluation Tags Contracts Documentation Problem Client Wiki summary Comment Constraint: Messages between A+B Constraint: People C, D, E Comment Connector Constraint: Tagged F, G, H, I Comment Constraint: Files of type X Comment Comment Comment Building Stories
  • 47. You can wake up now... • Thesis download: • Twitter: @triptechnz or @dharrisonnz • If you would like to talk more contact us: