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There is no tagline because Empire is a well
established brand which means they know their
readers will read on because of the quality they
produce their magazines and this is why they are one
of the biggest film magazine companies.
The dominant image is of the predator and overlaps
the masthead which shows the image is important
and makes it stand out. The dominant image which is
a mid shot and is fill lit to show off the iconic helmet
and costume but to also create a sense of mystery as
only certain parts of the predator is lit. The dominant
image would attract the target audience because it is
a recognizable character from the classic film
Predator and because it takes up most of the
magazine and is eye level to the reader.
There is a colour scheme of green and red because
the green represents the predators blood and the red
represents his thermal vision which is iconic in the
movie therefore this will most definitely attract fans
as they will recognize the iconic colours and image on
the front cover of this magazine.
The main sell line ”EXCLUSIVE the predator” will
attract the target audience because they will think
that the predator is only exclusive to the Empire
magazine. Within the the main sell line there is a
frequency flowing through it which represents the
predators hearing which will be recognizable to the
target audience.
The sub-image at the top right of the magazine shows
a preview of what's in the magazine which will make
the reader read through the magazine to find the
photos or even buy the magazine.
The skyline attracts the target audience because it is
celebrating a 30th anniversary and contains unseen
photos and stories which will make fans of the
predator want the unseen photos and will interest
them to buy/read through the magazine. This is
effective because it makes the fans want to buy the
magazine for the special unseen photos.
The splash is used to show show there is more in the
magazine than the dominant image(the predator). This
is effective because It would make the reader buy the
magazine and want to read through it because it is
“Retro sci-fi special”.
The barcode is the most essential part of the magazine
which is located in the middle of the page on the right
which also shows the date and price underneath it.
There is serval images sprayed with red and green
paint which is used to show how the film (The
predator) is violent and there will be blood spilt
whether it’s the predator’s or a humans. This
technique is also used to attract the eye of the
audience because its unusual to see colours sprayed
on a front cover as if it was blood being sprayed. This
is effective because the target audience will enjoy
violence and this will make them excited to see the
movie and the rest of the content inside the magazine.
The target audience is males or females this
magazine company is gender neutral however more
males will be fans of EMPIRE because in modern
society more males play video games and watch films
than females especially when the films are based on
comics which mostly males grew up with therefore
this magazine will appeal more to males. There social
grade would be C1 because it is the most common
social grade so the magazine is aimed at the majority
and they would be mainstreamers and reformers. I
think that the target audience would be interested in
action movies because they are fast paced and
contain hero's and villains, I also think in their spare
time they would go to the cinema or buy comics and
collectables. They could also be aged between 15-35
because that’s what most action movies are aimed at
and violence and blood is more acceptable at that
The purpose of this magazine is to entertain and
inform the target audience aged 15-35.The magazine is
from the film genre and informs the target audience
about movies and anniversaries that are happening or
coming up which allows them to connect with other
people and talk about the events and possibly make
plans to go to the events and meet new people. Also
the magazine entertains the target audience by
showing unseen photos from movies and talk about
up coming movies to make them excited, there also
could be free posters inside the magazine which will
also entertain the target audience. This is effective
because the audience will be reading information
about their new favorite movie which will make them
more excited for when the movie comes out and also
sometimes they receive special photos and
information which will make them feel special and
important, this could also lead to the audience talking
to others about what was in the latest film and the
exclusive stuff they received in the magazine.
The distribution channels for print magazines are
newsagents, supermarkets and you can have a
subscription online which delivers the magazine to your
house. However the bad thing about this is if you go to a
supermarket to buy the magazine you might not be able
to find the specific magazine you want.
This double page spread
contains folio which is the
page number and the date
the magazine was
This double page spread completely challenges
codes and conventions which engages the
audiences immediate attention because it is
different to what people are usual use to, the
colour scheme and the whole layout of the
page is different to normal double page spread
which gives this magazines double page spread
a unique look. This is effective because it gives
the double page spread in the magazine a
unique look which will attract the audience a
lot more than using something that every
other magazine uses.
The credits to the publisher is within the title
of the double page spread.
The dominant image is an image of the
predator’s costume being put onto an actor
from the first original film, which will appeal to
the audience because if they enjoyed the film
they will be interested in what happened
behind the scenes and how the predator came
to be. The dominant image is used to catch the
eye of the audience as they flick through the
magazine and hopefully catch their attention,
the image is surrounded by a film reel to show
that the page is based off the original film. This
will interest the audience again because if they
watched the original predator movie they will
be excited to see it is still being featured in the
magazine and that it is being compared to the
new predator movie which will excite the
audience because they get to see how their
favorite classic film is being re-created.
Within this double page spread
there is lot of images which is
unusual for a double page
spread, however where there is
text there is a sub-head above it
to make it clear and much easier
to read. The images that are
there are drawings and could
possibly be trying to make a link
back to the original predator
and monster movies, also the
film reel photo also references
the old predator movie because
that what it was filmed on. This
will interest and engage the
reader because it is unusual to
have more pictures than text on
a double page spread and also
because the audience wont
want to read a lot of
information, however the text
under the sub-heads are little
bite sizes of information about
the origin of the movies which
will appeal to the audience
The image on the right side of the double page spread is mixed with a thermal vision filter which references the
predators sight. This will engage the reader because there is a reference to the movie on a picture and will
encourage the reader to read more and find out why the picture has been cover with a filter.
The tagline for this magazine is “ ALL KILLER!NO FILLER!
STARRING REBORN HORROR”. This represents Michael Myers
who doesn't’t care about who he kills and because the movie
that is advertised is based 40 years later after the previous one
they are calling him “REBORN” which could suggest he has
changed and could kill more people. This would affect the
audience because it will make they excited for the new movie
and wonder how the killer has been “reborn”. This is effective
because they describe him as “all killer” which suggests he will
have no remorse this time and will kill everyone in his way until
he gets to Laurie Strode (Jamie-leigh Curtis).
The masthead “Empire” is highlighted with a neon orange
and this represents the colour of a pumpkin which refers to
the original Halloween film with a pumpkin face holding a
knife on the poster. This will excite the audience because
even the title refers to the original movie which could make
them think throughout the new movie there will be a lot of
references to the first movie. This is effective because the
title is bright and bold which will attract readers by the colour
of the title and what it represents.
The Dominant image is an image of Laurie strode (Jamie-leigh
Curtis)which is a mid shot and her face is extremely lit which
suggests she is innocent/ a guardian for everyone against
Michael Myers. This is effective because the contrast between
the character and the dark background shows how stands out
from the darkness. This will make the reader curious/ interested
about the new movie to see how Jamie-leigh Curtis deals with
Michael Myers 40 years later. Also within the darkness on the
front cover Michael Myers is lurking in the background as if he is
stalking Laurie Strode. Only his face is lit which could suggest he
is like a animal stalking his prey by lurking in the shadows. This
will make the audience worried because he is stalking Laurie
again and they will hope she will survive again and possibly kill
Michael to stop the terror. The dominant image is also
overlapping the masthead which suggests the dominant image is
more important than the magazine.
The Skyline “ULTIMATE SPRING 2018 PREVIEW” This is used
to attract the reader because it is a preview of a movie no
one else has seen yet which would make the reader want
to buy the magazine because they want to access the
preview before everyone else which will make them feel
special. This could create opportunities for the reader to
communicate with other people and talk about the
preview they have seen in the magazine.
There is another skyline which says “THE 25 MOVIES YOU
STILL NEED TO SEE THIS YEAR”. This is used to attract the
audience by making them feel curious and wonder if they
have seen the 25 movies people need to see this year. This
will encourage the reader to go and buy the magazine
because they want to see if they are correct and if they
have seen the 25 must seen movies of this year. Within the
skyline the magazine addresses the audience by saying
”you still need to see” this catches the readers eye because
it is direct address (you)which is making the reader feel
more involved with the magazine and also as if the 25
movies that must been seen this year is aimed at
them(who ever is reading the magazine).This will
encourage the audience to buy the magazine because the
direct address makes the relationship between the buyer
and magazine more personal because it addresses them.
The distribution channels for digital magazines are
online, to access your magazine you have to go to the
publishers website and click links until you can download
your magazine. The bad thing about this is downloading
your magazine takes up storage and to get to the
magazine it takes longer than going to the supermarket
and picking up a magazine and buying it also sometimes
it is difficult to access your magazine because if you
don’t have any Wi-Fi or bad Wi-Fi it can take awhile for
you to download your magazine.
The main sell line “HALLOWEEN” will attract the audience
because the title covers the dominant image which shows it
is important and the title looks as though its been painted
over with a new white which could show how the old
movies title colour has faded like Michaels mask and it could
also suggest that the colour of the title has faded because
the new movie is based 40 years later which could show the
time gap. This impacts the reader because it may make them
wonder what else has changed within the movie considering
the title has been “reborn” the same as the killer. This is
effective because you can see the title has been colored over
and the font the title is in is more of a cartoony font which
would be used at Halloween which will attract the reader
because it is unusual.
The sell line interests the audience because it says
“and many more!” which creates a Hermeneutic
code just like the dominant image where Michael is
lurking in the background which will make the
audience want to buy the magazine to find out how
many more movies there are and to end the
The target audience is males or females this magazine
company is gender neutral however more males will be
fans of EMPIRE because in modern society more males
play video games and watch films than females
especially when the films are based on comics which
mostly males grew up with therefore this magazine will
appeal more to males. There social grade would be C1
because it is the most common social grade so the
magazine is aimed at the majority and they would be
mainstreamers and reformers. I think that the target
audience would be interested in horror movies because
they are fast paced and contain a lot of mystery, I also
think in their spare time they would go to the cinema
and buy collectables. They could also be aged between
15-35 because that’s what most horror movies are
aimed at that because the violence and blood is more
acceptable at that age.
The purpose of this magazine is to entertain and inform
the target audience aged 15-35.The magazine is from
the movie genre and informs the target audience about
movies that are happening or coming up which allows
them to connect with other people and talk about the
events and possibly make plans to go to the events and
meet new people. Also the magazine entertains the
target audience by showing pictures from the movie
which will make the audience excited to see the movie
once it comes out and this will allow the audience to
talk about up the upcoming movie. There also is a
preview within the magazine which will entertain the
audience because they will get to see a sneak peak of a
movie no one else has which will also make them feel
important. This is effective because the audience will
be reading information about their new favorite movie
which will make them more excited to go and see the
movie when it comes out and this could also lead to the
audience talking to others about what was in the latest
film and the exclusive stuff they received in the
In this double page spread Michael Myers face
is selectively lit and he is backlit which is used
to build tension and mystery because the
audience don’t know what will happen next
and this is a hermeneutic code and a proairetic
code. Also Laurie is behind Michael holding a
gun which shows how the roles have switched
because in the previous film Michael was the
one hunting Laurie but in this picture it’s the
opposite way around, also on the front cover of
this magazine Michael is behind Laurie and this
will excite the reader and also create mystery
because they don’t know what will happen to
Laurie because she is now hunting Michael and
they will wonder why and how the roles have
changed and essentially the hunter has
become the hunted. The image is a wide shot
of Michael and Laurie however to the left of
Michael you can see the side of a house which
suggests Michael is back at Haddonfield where
the first movie took place which will excite the
audience because they can see a final battle
between Laurie and Michael where it all
A drop cap is used to interest and catch the
audience’s eye because the drop cap
stands out from all the rest of the text
surrounding it which is effective because as
the audience flick through the magazine
their eyes will automatically go to the drop
The image of Michael with his
signature weapon will attract fans
of the movies and excite them to
see their favorite serial killer back
in action and see he has not
changed much. This is effective
because fans of the movie will
read the articles within the
double page spread and be
encouraged to buy the magazine
because as they flick through the
magazine before buying it they
will see Michael and his iconic
murder weapon which will excite
them and make them wonder
how this new movie is going to
play out.
The format of this double page spread is an interview with Jamie-Leigh Curtis who is Laurie in the movie and
there are questions in a sub-head and then underneath the sub-head there is Jamie-leigh Cutis’s answers and this
format makes it much easier for the reader to find the answers they are looking for and makes the page look
more neat and professional which could suggest this magazine is aimed at people aged 15+ because of how
professional the page is and how organized it is. The interview is a calm and relaxed tone because within the text
it says “Fuck rock and roll” this quote shows how the interview is trying to be as calm as possible and link to the
reader more by trying not to be really professional and censored. This will engage the audience more because it
feels more relatable and more personal because of the language used.
The colour of the neon orange
boarder references the iconic title
of the movie ”Halloween”
because orange is the colour of
pumpkins and orange is the colour
that people normally refer to the
holiday Halloween. It also refers
to the pumpkin face on the first
movie’s poster. This will excite the
audience because even the
boarder refers to the original
movie which could make them
think throughout the new movie
there will be a lot of references to
the first movie.
Pro’s and Con’s of Digital and Print
The pro’s about digital magazines is that It is easier to share the magazine to friends and family which allows the audience to connect with each other and share their favorite
articles. However print allows you to have a physical copy of the magazine which creates a tactical human experience where the reader can read without the attack of
advertisements. Although advertisements allows digital copies of magazines to promote their products more where a bigger audience will see the products and also may
conclude in a higher profit because you can get other companies to advertise on the magazine website.
Another pro about digital magazines is that the producer can see how long the audience spends on a certain article or page which is a benefit because it means the popular
articles will be kept in the magazine and changes will occur to the articles the audience didn't’t spend that long on which will help the magazine improve and become more
interesting. Also digital magazines reach a bigger audience than print magazines because more people are going online in modern day society which means more people will
be online and would rather buy magazines online where they can access them easily, anywhere and at anytime they want. Digital magazines also don’t have wear and tare
which is a benefit because it means the audience get to keep the magazine for as long as they want without it becoming damaged, however print magazines are unable to
provide this because if print magazines get water on them they are ruined and you'd have to go out and buy a new one however with digital magazines you have the magazine
The Con’s about digital magazines is that it creates a loss of jobs because you will need less people to make the magazine therefore people will loose their jobs and become
unemployed. Also you will need an internet connection to access your magazine but if you bought a print copy you would’t need access to the internet and this could cost the
user more money as they would have to buy a laptop or a computer so they can access the internet to download the magazine they have already paid for. Another con about
digital magazines is that sometimes it can be hard to read the magazine on your device so you will have to zoom in which could cause problems and the reader could forget
about where they were reading once they zoomed in. However if you bought a print copy you wouldn't’t need to zoom in you could just move the magazine closer to you so
you can see the information.
The pro’s of print magazines are that they are more memorable when reading them compared to digital magazines because with digital magazines people will just scroll
through the text but with print magazines people take more information in because it is right in front of them and they have a leisurely experience when reading. Also reading
print magazines can give people a tactical human experience where the reader can read the magazine without being attacked with advertisements although there will be
advertisements but they wont pop up whilst your reading and this occurs in digital magazines. A benefit of print magazines is that the producer can rely on word-of-mouth
marketing which is easier to advertise than pop up advertisements on digital magazines. Furthermore print magazines are always accessible you don’t need an internet
connection to view them and they also don’t take up much space so they are easy to store, because they are always accessible they are more convenient for the audience.
However cons of print magazines are that unsold copies of the magazine is a loss for the publisher which means money income will suffer because most people In modern day
society are going online which means there is a decrease in demand for print magazines. Also once you buy the print magazine and you put it away in a draw or on a table you
forget about it and where you put it which makes it less convenient for the audience because if they have a digital magazine they can access the magazine when ever they
want with access to the internet and not loose the magazine they have payed for.

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Assingment analysis

  • 1. There is no tagline because Empire is a well established brand which means they know their readers will read on because of the quality they produce their magazines and this is why they are one of the biggest film magazine companies. The dominant image is of the predator and overlaps the masthead which shows the image is important and makes it stand out. The dominant image which is a mid shot and is fill lit to show off the iconic helmet and costume but to also create a sense of mystery as only certain parts of the predator is lit. The dominant image would attract the target audience because it is a recognizable character from the classic film Predator and because it takes up most of the magazine and is eye level to the reader. There is a colour scheme of green and red because the green represents the predators blood and the red represents his thermal vision which is iconic in the movie therefore this will most definitely attract fans as they will recognize the iconic colours and image on the front cover of this magazine. The main sell line ”EXCLUSIVE the predator” will attract the target audience because they will think that the predator is only exclusive to the Empire magazine. Within the the main sell line there is a frequency flowing through it which represents the predators hearing which will be recognizable to the target audience. The sub-image at the top right of the magazine shows a preview of what's in the magazine which will make the reader read through the magazine to find the photos or even buy the magazine. The skyline attracts the target audience because it is celebrating a 30th anniversary and contains unseen photos and stories which will make fans of the predator want the unseen photos and will interest them to buy/read through the magazine. This is effective because it makes the fans want to buy the magazine for the special unseen photos. The splash is used to show show there is more in the magazine than the dominant image(the predator). This is effective because It would make the reader buy the magazine and want to read through it because it is “Retro sci-fi special”. The barcode is the most essential part of the magazine which is located in the middle of the page on the right which also shows the date and price underneath it. There is serval images sprayed with red and green paint which is used to show how the film (The predator) is violent and there will be blood spilt whether it’s the predator’s or a humans. This technique is also used to attract the eye of the audience because its unusual to see colours sprayed on a front cover as if it was blood being sprayed. This is effective because the target audience will enjoy violence and this will make them excited to see the movie and the rest of the content inside the magazine. Print
  • 2. The target audience is males or females this magazine company is gender neutral however more males will be fans of EMPIRE because in modern society more males play video games and watch films than females especially when the films are based on comics which mostly males grew up with therefore this magazine will appeal more to males. There social grade would be C1 because it is the most common social grade so the magazine is aimed at the majority and they would be mainstreamers and reformers. I think that the target audience would be interested in action movies because they are fast paced and contain hero's and villains, I also think in their spare time they would go to the cinema or buy comics and collectables. They could also be aged between 15-35 because that’s what most action movies are aimed at and violence and blood is more acceptable at that age. The purpose of this magazine is to entertain and inform the target audience aged 15-35.The magazine is from the film genre and informs the target audience about movies and anniversaries that are happening or coming up which allows them to connect with other people and talk about the events and possibly make plans to go to the events and meet new people. Also the magazine entertains the target audience by showing unseen photos from movies and talk about up coming movies to make them excited, there also could be free posters inside the magazine which will also entertain the target audience. This is effective because the audience will be reading information about their new favorite movie which will make them more excited for when the movie comes out and also sometimes they receive special photos and information which will make them feel special and important, this could also lead to the audience talking to others about what was in the latest film and the exclusive stuff they received in the magazine. Print The distribution channels for print magazines are newsagents, supermarkets and you can have a subscription online which delivers the magazine to your house. However the bad thing about this is if you go to a supermarket to buy the magazine you might not be able to find the specific magazine you want.
  • 3. This double page spread contains folio which is the page number and the date the magazine was published. This double page spread completely challenges codes and conventions which engages the audiences immediate attention because it is different to what people are usual use to, the colour scheme and the whole layout of the page is different to normal double page spread which gives this magazines double page spread a unique look. This is effective because it gives the double page spread in the magazine a unique look which will attract the audience a lot more than using something that every other magazine uses. The credits to the publisher is within the title of the double page spread. The dominant image is an image of the predator’s costume being put onto an actor from the first original film, which will appeal to the audience because if they enjoyed the film they will be interested in what happened behind the scenes and how the predator came to be. The dominant image is used to catch the eye of the audience as they flick through the magazine and hopefully catch their attention, the image is surrounded by a film reel to show that the page is based off the original film. This will interest the audience again because if they watched the original predator movie they will be excited to see it is still being featured in the magazine and that it is being compared to the new predator movie which will excite the audience because they get to see how their favorite classic film is being re-created. Print Within this double page spread there is lot of images which is unusual for a double page spread, however where there is text there is a sub-head above it to make it clear and much easier to read. The images that are there are drawings and could possibly be trying to make a link back to the original predator and monster movies, also the film reel photo also references the old predator movie because that what it was filmed on. This will interest and engage the reader because it is unusual to have more pictures than text on a double page spread and also because the audience wont want to read a lot of information, however the text under the sub-heads are little bite sizes of information about the origin of the movies which will appeal to the audience more The image on the right side of the double page spread is mixed with a thermal vision filter which references the predators sight. This will engage the reader because there is a reference to the movie on a picture and will encourage the reader to read more and find out why the picture has been cover with a filter.
  • 4. The tagline for this magazine is “ ALL KILLER!NO FILLER! STARRING REBORN HORROR”. This represents Michael Myers who doesn't’t care about who he kills and because the movie that is advertised is based 40 years later after the previous one they are calling him “REBORN” which could suggest he has changed and could kill more people. This would affect the audience because it will make they excited for the new movie and wonder how the killer has been “reborn”. This is effective because they describe him as “all killer” which suggests he will have no remorse this time and will kill everyone in his way until he gets to Laurie Strode (Jamie-leigh Curtis). The masthead “Empire” is highlighted with a neon orange and this represents the colour of a pumpkin which refers to the original Halloween film with a pumpkin face holding a knife on the poster. This will excite the audience because even the title refers to the original movie which could make them think throughout the new movie there will be a lot of references to the first movie. This is effective because the title is bright and bold which will attract readers by the colour of the title and what it represents. The Dominant image is an image of Laurie strode (Jamie-leigh Curtis)which is a mid shot and her face is extremely lit which suggests she is innocent/ a guardian for everyone against Michael Myers. This is effective because the contrast between the character and the dark background shows how stands out from the darkness. This will make the reader curious/ interested about the new movie to see how Jamie-leigh Curtis deals with Michael Myers 40 years later. Also within the darkness on the front cover Michael Myers is lurking in the background as if he is stalking Laurie Strode. Only his face is lit which could suggest he is like a animal stalking his prey by lurking in the shadows. This will make the audience worried because he is stalking Laurie again and they will hope she will survive again and possibly kill Michael to stop the terror. The dominant image is also overlapping the masthead which suggests the dominant image is more important than the magazine. The Skyline “ULTIMATE SPRING 2018 PREVIEW” This is used to attract the reader because it is a preview of a movie no one else has seen yet which would make the reader want to buy the magazine because they want to access the preview before everyone else which will make them feel special. This could create opportunities for the reader to communicate with other people and talk about the preview they have seen in the magazine. There is another skyline which says “THE 25 MOVIES YOU STILL NEED TO SEE THIS YEAR”. This is used to attract the audience by making them feel curious and wonder if they have seen the 25 movies people need to see this year. This will encourage the reader to go and buy the magazine because they want to see if they are correct and if they have seen the 25 must seen movies of this year. Within the skyline the magazine addresses the audience by saying ”you still need to see” this catches the readers eye because it is direct address (you)which is making the reader feel more involved with the magazine and also as if the 25 movies that must been seen this year is aimed at them(who ever is reading the magazine).This will encourage the audience to buy the magazine because the direct address makes the relationship between the buyer and magazine more personal because it addresses them. Digital The distribution channels for digital magazines are online, to access your magazine you have to go to the publishers website and click links until you can download your magazine. The bad thing about this is downloading your magazine takes up storage and to get to the magazine it takes longer than going to the supermarket and picking up a magazine and buying it also sometimes it is difficult to access your magazine because if you don’t have any Wi-Fi or bad Wi-Fi it can take awhile for you to download your magazine.
  • 5. The main sell line “HALLOWEEN” will attract the audience because the title covers the dominant image which shows it is important and the title looks as though its been painted over with a new white which could show how the old movies title colour has faded like Michaels mask and it could also suggest that the colour of the title has faded because the new movie is based 40 years later which could show the time gap. This impacts the reader because it may make them wonder what else has changed within the movie considering the title has been “reborn” the same as the killer. This is effective because you can see the title has been colored over and the font the title is in is more of a cartoony font which would be used at Halloween which will attract the reader because it is unusual. The sell line interests the audience because it says “and many more!” which creates a Hermeneutic code just like the dominant image where Michael is lurking in the background which will make the audience want to buy the magazine to find out how many more movies there are and to end the mystery. The target audience is males or females this magazine company is gender neutral however more males will be fans of EMPIRE because in modern society more males play video games and watch films than females especially when the films are based on comics which mostly males grew up with therefore this magazine will appeal more to males. There social grade would be C1 because it is the most common social grade so the magazine is aimed at the majority and they would be mainstreamers and reformers. I think that the target audience would be interested in horror movies because they are fast paced and contain a lot of mystery, I also think in their spare time they would go to the cinema and buy collectables. They could also be aged between 15-35 because that’s what most horror movies are aimed at that because the violence and blood is more acceptable at that age. The purpose of this magazine is to entertain and inform the target audience aged 15-35.The magazine is from the movie genre and informs the target audience about movies that are happening or coming up which allows them to connect with other people and talk about the events and possibly make plans to go to the events and meet new people. Also the magazine entertains the target audience by showing pictures from the movie which will make the audience excited to see the movie once it comes out and this will allow the audience to talk about up the upcoming movie. There also is a preview within the magazine which will entertain the audience because they will get to see a sneak peak of a movie no one else has which will also make them feel important. This is effective because the audience will be reading information about their new favorite movie which will make them more excited to go and see the movie when it comes out and this could also lead to the audience talking to others about what was in the latest film and the exclusive stuff they received in the magazine. Digital
  • 6. Digital In this double page spread Michael Myers face is selectively lit and he is backlit which is used to build tension and mystery because the audience don’t know what will happen next and this is a hermeneutic code and a proairetic code. Also Laurie is behind Michael holding a gun which shows how the roles have switched because in the previous film Michael was the one hunting Laurie but in this picture it’s the opposite way around, also on the front cover of this magazine Michael is behind Laurie and this will excite the reader and also create mystery because they don’t know what will happen to Laurie because she is now hunting Michael and they will wonder why and how the roles have changed and essentially the hunter has become the hunted. The image is a wide shot of Michael and Laurie however to the left of Michael you can see the side of a house which suggests Michael is back at Haddonfield where the first movie took place which will excite the audience because they can see a final battle between Laurie and Michael where it all started. A drop cap is used to interest and catch the audience’s eye because the drop cap stands out from all the rest of the text surrounding it which is effective because as the audience flick through the magazine their eyes will automatically go to the drop cap. The image of Michael with his signature weapon will attract fans of the movies and excite them to see their favorite serial killer back in action and see he has not changed much. This is effective because fans of the movie will read the articles within the double page spread and be encouraged to buy the magazine because as they flick through the magazine before buying it they will see Michael and his iconic murder weapon which will excite them and make them wonder how this new movie is going to play out. The format of this double page spread is an interview with Jamie-Leigh Curtis who is Laurie in the movie and there are questions in a sub-head and then underneath the sub-head there is Jamie-leigh Cutis’s answers and this format makes it much easier for the reader to find the answers they are looking for and makes the page look more neat and professional which could suggest this magazine is aimed at people aged 15+ because of how professional the page is and how organized it is. The interview is a calm and relaxed tone because within the text it says “Fuck rock and roll” this quote shows how the interview is trying to be as calm as possible and link to the reader more by trying not to be really professional and censored. This will engage the audience more because it feels more relatable and more personal because of the language used. The colour of the neon orange boarder references the iconic title of the movie ”Halloween” because orange is the colour of pumpkins and orange is the colour that people normally refer to the holiday Halloween. It also refers to the pumpkin face on the first movie’s poster. This will excite the audience because even the boarder refers to the original movie which could make them think throughout the new movie there will be a lot of references to the first movie.
  • 7. Pro’s and Con’s of Digital and Print The pro’s about digital magazines is that It is easier to share the magazine to friends and family which allows the audience to connect with each other and share their favorite articles. However print allows you to have a physical copy of the magazine which creates a tactical human experience where the reader can read without the attack of advertisements. Although advertisements allows digital copies of magazines to promote their products more where a bigger audience will see the products and also may conclude in a higher profit because you can get other companies to advertise on the magazine website. Another pro about digital magazines is that the producer can see how long the audience spends on a certain article or page which is a benefit because it means the popular articles will be kept in the magazine and changes will occur to the articles the audience didn't’t spend that long on which will help the magazine improve and become more interesting. Also digital magazines reach a bigger audience than print magazines because more people are going online in modern day society which means more people will be online and would rather buy magazines online where they can access them easily, anywhere and at anytime they want. Digital magazines also don’t have wear and tare which is a benefit because it means the audience get to keep the magazine for as long as they want without it becoming damaged, however print magazines are unable to provide this because if print magazines get water on them they are ruined and you'd have to go out and buy a new one however with digital magazines you have the magazine forever. The Con’s about digital magazines is that it creates a loss of jobs because you will need less people to make the magazine therefore people will loose their jobs and become unemployed. Also you will need an internet connection to access your magazine but if you bought a print copy you would’t need access to the internet and this could cost the user more money as they would have to buy a laptop or a computer so they can access the internet to download the magazine they have already paid for. Another con about digital magazines is that sometimes it can be hard to read the magazine on your device so you will have to zoom in which could cause problems and the reader could forget about where they were reading once they zoomed in. However if you bought a print copy you wouldn't’t need to zoom in you could just move the magazine closer to you so you can see the information. The pro’s of print magazines are that they are more memorable when reading them compared to digital magazines because with digital magazines people will just scroll through the text but with print magazines people take more information in because it is right in front of them and they have a leisurely experience when reading. Also reading print magazines can give people a tactical human experience where the reader can read the magazine without being attacked with advertisements although there will be advertisements but they wont pop up whilst your reading and this occurs in digital magazines. A benefit of print magazines is that the producer can rely on word-of-mouth marketing which is easier to advertise than pop up advertisements on digital magazines. Furthermore print magazines are always accessible you don’t need an internet connection to view them and they also don’t take up much space so they are easy to store, because they are always accessible they are more convenient for the audience. However cons of print magazines are that unsold copies of the magazine is a loss for the publisher which means money income will suffer because most people In modern day society are going online which means there is a decrease in demand for print magazines. Also once you buy the print magazine and you put it away in a draw or on a table you forget about it and where you put it which makes it less convenient for the audience because if they have a digital magazine they can access the magazine when ever they want with access to the internet and not loose the magazine they have payed for.

Editor's Notes
