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Personality And Individual
Differences And Attitude And Job
Executive summary:
The effect of employee’s personality in organization is very important because they affect
organization and other people in organization with different affects because not all people like
each other so there is a big relation between personality and job performance because every
organization has individual differences, so different peoples develop different systems of
organization because they differ in their personalities, some employees are: open, extraversion,
agreeable, conscientiousness or emotional.
Open people: are creative and sensitive and find comfort in the familiar.
Extraversion people: are sociable outgoing and assertive.
Agreeable people: are cooperative and trusting.
Conscientiousness people: are organized, responsible and persistent.
Emotional people: are amiable, calm and confident.
These personalities called Big Five Personality Traits.
Personality also affect attitude of employees and their satisfaction with work.
Attitude are the action of employee against the organization, this attitude can be
shaped by different ways like behavior of his colleagues and managers.
Attitude components are classified into 3 components: Affective, cognitive and
behavioral. Attitude also can influence organization commitment and job
There is another factors related to job satisfaction like personal factors or factors
inherent in the job, also rewards has a big affect in the job satisfaction. Reward not
must be gift or money, you can provide a reward by your mouth by way of
in this research we shall study the personality and individual differences and attitude and
job satisfaction.
Individual personality can be introduced as a total types of traits and quality of emotion,
behavior, thought and attitude and their interactions. And because of the interaction of
these differences between individuals, each individual is different. (Pettinger, 2010)
Organizations are consisting of individuals and cannot achieve any result or success
without individuals’ effort and their productions, whatever the organization or market or
product. Individuals are the key of achieving and production. Individuals are different from
each others referring to their personality or intelligence this differences may lead to a
conflict and problems in organization and also may lead to high productivity and excellent
diversity and so on. (Mullins and Christy, 2013). some people own work and another own
work place the last type is called organizational commitment.
The attitude to work can be investigated in relative or absolute sense
for absolute work they work without relating it to any thing else vice versa the relative
work they work with relating it to other important things like family, friends …
We will combine these 2 types when we will analyze attitude to work, we also need to
take and test another factor like gender difference,
However, there is no consensus regarding the results; some findings (e.g., Johansson
1991) show that women express a more non-work oriented attitude, while other studies
(e.g., Ellingsaetere 1995; Ericsson 1998; Hult and svallfors 2002; svallfors, Halvorsen and
Andersen 2001) show that men express a more non-work oriented attitude. reinforcing
and shaping attitude of employees at work therefore to make group harmony and vital to
organization staff (Pettinger, 2010). job satisfaction has been linked to the higher stability
of the employees in their jobs and less turnover, employees who has a higher level of job
satisfaction have less tendency to take a sick leave in working day(Hellriegel and Slocum,
P e r s o n a l i t y a n d i n d i v i d u a l
d i f f e r e n c e s
Personality definition:
Specific characteristics of individuals which may be open or hidden and determine either
commonality or differences in behavior in an organization. (brooks, 2006)
Personality definition in term of characteristics or the qualities typical of that individual
Defined personality as ‘a dynamic organization, inside the person, of psychophysical systems
that create the person’s characteristic patterns of behavior, thoughts and feelings’ (Allport, 1961,
p. 11) (Personality type and work-related outcomes: An exploratory application of the
Enneagram model, n.d.)
The personality may affect other people in organization. This effect may lead to negative or
positive teams, accordingly who is has the negative or positive personality and his power to
affect on others (Belbin, 1996).
So to make an excellent team you must take care about personality and individual difference.
The individual difference is double edged sword because it can increase creativity, loyalty, and
productivity but can also increase a job dissatisfaction, conflict and disloyalty to organization.
If the manager is able to touch of the individual differences and their personality and has the
ability to extract out the best of people, he is a successful manager (Mullins and Christy, 2013)
There is a big difference between people, some children can develop faster than others. Some
people more dutiful to authority than others or more sectarian than others (cooper, n.d.)
What’s the relation between personality and job
Managers should take the situational factor in consideration, factors such as the culture of work,
ability to be working with others and job requirement. you need to determine job, work group
and organization to get the most suitable employee (Robbis)
Gender Differences in Intelligence and Emotional
Among adults, men scored on average 5 IQ points more than women (Personality type and
work-related outcomes: An exploratory application of the Enneagram model, n.d.)
Why different people develop different systems of
1-Not everyone is interested in expecting the same set of result, the person who works in sales
will have a financial interest
2-people differ in the way in which they use language by ‘antisocial’ I may mean ‘quiet and
reserved’, but someone else may mean ‘aggressive or destructive’. So even if it is possible to
find out what words people use to categorize others, it does not follow those two individuals who
use the same word are actually referring to the same thing
3-People's own backgrounds and values will influence the way in which they analyze behaviors
(Cooper, n.d.)
The big five personality traits:
1-Agreeableness: refers to a person’s ability to get along with others.
highly agreeableness peoples are collaborative, indulgent and good-tempered. the people who
score low on agreeableness are touchy, unwilling to help others, short-tempered and unfriendly
to others
2-conscientiousness: refer to number of objectives or targets which person concentrates. the
persons who converge on few objectives or targets on one time are accountable, marshaled,
neat and careful
3-emotional stability: refers to a person who has orientation to become emotional disturbance
4-extraversion: refers to persons’ orientation to motivate others, the ability to make the others
5-openness to experience: refers to person who has attraction to unfamiliar and new
experiences (What's the Personality of a Blank? An Examination of the Personality Differences
Between Reporters and Nonreporters of Demographics, 2008)
Modelofhow big five traits influence OrganizationalBehaviorcriteria:
As result or the previous schedule, the open people can overcome better with organization ups
and downs and changes.
When managers choose organizational members the agreeable people are almost their choice
because they tend to do better in interpersonal oriented jobs such as customer services.
Agreeable people are more likely than disagreeable people because they are dutiful, conforming
and abiding to rules but agreeable people have low level of career success because the lack of
negotiation skills
Interestingly, conscientiousness people can't cope better with organization changes because
they are so organized and structured. Conscientiousness is performance oriented and less
creative than others (Robbins, 2009)
Studying of personality traits are very important in managerial personal development by
increase understanding of personality and impact of individuals on others and organization
(Sutton, Allinson and Williams)
A t t i t u d e a n d j o b s a t i s f a c t i o n :
-Attitude is evaluative judgment that integrate and summarize cognitive/effective reaction (Fiske
et al., 2010)
-Attitudes are another type of individual difference that influence behavior of individuals, its very
hard to separate attitude and personality (Hellriegel and Slocum, 2009)
Attitudes of individuals toward organization are shaped by:
1.the first impression of employees when they taken first approach of organization
when they work
2.the recruitment process and orientation process
3.attitude and behavior of colleagues, supervisors and managers style of managers and supervisors
5.culture of organization (Pettinger, 2010)
Attitudes Components:
Affective component: the feeling, passion, and emotion about some individual,
opinion, target or event
A cognitive component: the idea , information or familiarity held by person
A behavioral component: the tendency to make a favorable or unfavorable
evaluation of something (Saiyadain, 2009).
Key work related attitudes:
1-Job satisfaction:
job satisfaction refers to general attitude toward organization by an employee
(Saiyadain, 2009)
An attitude of great interest to managers and team leaders. (Chitale, 2013)
Theories of job satisfaction:
Maslow’s theory: is based on the following hierarchy of needs
physiological needs: like house, food,… may be get high level of satisfaction by salary
which can provide them the physiological need
Safety or security: the individuals who's feel secure in their jobs have a high level of
social needs: like appreciation or thankful from their manager
Esteem need: is like power or position that the employees provided with by the
Self-actualization: like need to prove him self by challenging work and complete
massive tasks (Chitale, 2013)
Herzberg’s theory:
Herzberg has done a wide range survey to find out the factors which increase
employees’ satisfaction. He divided the factors affected behavior into two groups. The
first one he called Hygiene factors which prevent the dissatisfaction and employees
turnover and the other group is Motivational factors which increases organizational
commitment and individuals productivity and he called it Motivators.
He assured that both of these groups are important. for example if the hygiene factors
were missing the employees will feel that the organization is dealing with them
unfairly. (Chitale, 2013)
Measurement of job satisfaction:
because there is no agreement for specific definition of job satisfaction so we can't
measure job satisfaction except by questioner are developed to measure satisfaction
by different aspects of work and resultant behavior
(Saiyadain, 2009)
Low paid workers more satisfied with their jobs than higher paid workers. (job
satisfaction, 2003).
job satisfaction related to job behavior like motivation at work place (Chitale, 2013)
Factors related to job satisfaction:
A-personal factors:
1-Sex: women has more job satisfactions than men
2-Number of dependents: increasing of numbers of dependents or tasks and financial
need may lead job dissatisfaction (Chitale, 2013)
3-Age: job satisfaction related to age directly proportion (Spector, 1997)
4-Time: on the beginning of working in any organization the job satisfaction will be
high but will be decreased from fifth to eight years then it will be increasing again
after this period
5-Education (Chitale, 2013)
B- Factors inherent in the job
1-Type of work: the diversity of tasks in the work place may lead to increase job satisfaction
2-Skills required: the most important precursor for satisfaction
3-Occupational status: employees are more satisfied with jobs that have higher level
of prestige and sociability
4-Geography: employees that working in companies that is located in big cities tends
to be less satisfied than the ones who are working in smaller towns
5-Size of plant: small working environment will increase sociability between the
employees which is going to make them more helpful to each other leading to
increase their job satisfaction (Chitale, 2013)
Country differences in job satisfaction:
British worker are willing in job satisfaction than salary. (Winnard, 2012)
most of American worker are satisfied with their jobs
Mexican more satisfied in their work than American
(Spector, 1997)
Rewards and reinforces:
one of the good ways to increase the satisfaction is rewarding employees when they
achieve their unique results
when the job satisfaction are largely equal to happiness they may lead to high
performance and productivity embrace making employee happy (Hantula, 2015)
Performance appraisal:
performance appraisal like a business contract between supervisor and employee to
make an employee more satisfied with his job and to do their job well with high
performance and achieving all tasks, goals and objectives in smart way (Kampkötter,
2-Organizational commitment:
Like job satisfaction but the organizational commitment is showing wider work
attitude than job satisfaction. Organizational commitment impact whether an
individual remains in the same organization and how much they are loyal to the
organization they work at.
Highly committed employees are more likely to see themselves as a dedicated and
fighter members of organization and they are taking about their organization by
personal terms like “we offer the best quality products in the market”
Embrace an individual’s determination and road map to reach the target.
An individual must have the wherewithal to achieve his goal and not only wish for it,
the wishing is not enough to reach his goals.
the low hope people have a negative attitude toward organization and their managers
vice versa the person who has high level of hope he has a positive attitude. (Hellriegel
and Slocum, 2009)
In each organization there is a different personality in each employee and some of
organizations have different genders, so we must take in consideration the personality, gender
and individual differences when dealing with the employee. by knowing their personalities, you
will know how to deal with them, how to motivate them and make them more loyal and satisfied
with their jobs to achieve the organization objectives, when the employees are satisfied with
their jobs they shall increase their productivity and increase loyalty and decrease turn over. It’s
not simple to achieve job satisfaction of employees because not all employees are satisfied with
their jobs, so by knowing how to deal them, we will be able to increase their job satisfaction.
Some employees are high salary oriented or satisfied which make them feel secure at work.
But not only the personality affects the organization also attitude of employee will affect
the organizational behavior
Attitude is very important because it’s the type of personality and individual differences
and it affects the behavior of employees, also job satisfaction is an observed or hidden attitude
toward organization so we need to take the attitude in consideration when dealing with the
One of the most important aspects of the attitude which affects the individual’s behavior is
his organizational commitment, as the increasing of the organizational commitment will increase
the employee’s loyalty to the place he works at which will be reflected on his productivity.
The other element related to attitude and affecting the attitude of an individual is the hope,
which reflects his determination and creativity in drawing a pathway to achieve his goals
1-Belbin, R. (1996). The coming shape of organization. Oxford: Butterworth-
Heinemann.Belbin, R. (1996). The coming shape of organization. Oxford:
2-Brooks, I. (2006). Organisational behaviour. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
3-Chitale, A. (2013). Organizational behaviour. [Place of publication not identified]:
Prentice-Hall Of India.
4-Cooper, C. (n.d.). Individual differences and personality.
5-Fiske, S., Gilbert, D., Lindzey, G. and Jongsma, A. (2010). Handbook of social
psychology. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, p.357.
6-(Furåker, Håkansson and Karlsson, 2012) Furåker, B., Håkansson, K. and Karlsson,
J. (2012). Commitment to work and job satisfaction. New York: Routledge.
7-Hantula, D. (2015). Job Satisfaction: The Management Tool and Leadership
Responsibility. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 35(1-2), pp.81-94.
8-Hellriegel, D. and Slocum, J. (2009). Organizational behavior. Mason, OH: South-
Western Cengage Learning.
9-job satisfaction. (2003). peer reviewed journal
10-Kampkötter, P. (2016). Performance appraisals and job satisfaction. The
International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp.1-25.
11-Mullins, L. and Christy, G. (2013). Management et organisational behaviour.
Harlow: Pearson.
12-Personality type and work-related outcomes: An exploratory application of the
Enneagram model. (n.d.). Pergamon Press.
13-Pettinger, R. (2010). Organizational behaviour. New York, NY: Routledge.
14-Robbins, S. (2009). Organisational behaviour. Cape Town: Pearson Education
South Africa.
15-Saiyadain, M. (2009). Human resources management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw
Hill Pub., p.4.Winnard, b. (2012). Job satisfaction. Money Marketing.
16-Spector, P. (1997). Job satisfaction. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications,
17-Sutton, Anna, Chris Allinson, and Helen Williams. "Personality Type And Work-
Related Outcomes: An Exploratory Application Of The Enneagram Model". European
Management Journal 31.3 (2013): 234-249. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.
18-What's the Personality of a Blank? An Examination of the Personality Differences
Between Reporters and Nonreporters of Demographics. (2008). ProQuest.

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Assigment 1

  • 1. Personality And Individual Differences And Attitude And Job Satisfaction Executive summary: The effect of employee’s personality in organization is very important because they affect organization and other people in organization with different affects because not all people like each other so there is a big relation between personality and job performance because every organization has individual differences, so different peoples develop different systems of organization because they differ in their personalities, some employees are: open, extraversion, agreeable, conscientiousness or emotional. Open people: are creative and sensitive and find comfort in the familiar. Extraversion people: are sociable outgoing and assertive. Agreeable people: are cooperative and trusting. Conscientiousness people: are organized, responsible and persistent. Emotional people: are amiable, calm and confident. These personalities called Big Five Personality Traits. Personality also affect attitude of employees and their satisfaction with work. Attitude are the action of employee against the organization, this attitude can be shaped by different ways like behavior of his colleagues and managers. Attitude components are classified into 3 components: Affective, cognitive and behavioral. Attitude also can influence organization commitment and job satisfaction. There is another factors related to job satisfaction like personal factors or factors inherent in the job, also rewards has a big affect in the job satisfaction. Reward not must be gift or money, you can provide a reward by your mouth by way of appreciation. Introduction: in this research we shall study the personality and individual differences and attitude and job satisfaction. Individual personality can be introduced as a total types of traits and quality of emotion, behavior, thought and attitude and their interactions. And because of the interaction of
  • 2. these differences between individuals, each individual is different. (Pettinger, 2010) Organizations are consisting of individuals and cannot achieve any result or success without individuals’ effort and their productions, whatever the organization or market or product. Individuals are the key of achieving and production. Individuals are different from each others referring to their personality or intelligence this differences may lead to a conflict and problems in organization and also may lead to high productivity and excellent diversity and so on. (Mullins and Christy, 2013). some people own work and another own work place the last type is called organizational commitment. The attitude to work can be investigated in relative or absolute sense for absolute work they work without relating it to any thing else vice versa the relative work they work with relating it to other important things like family, friends … We will combine these 2 types when we will analyze attitude to work, we also need to take and test another factor like gender difference, However, there is no consensus regarding the results; some findings (e.g., Johansson 1991) show that women express a more non-work oriented attitude, while other studies (e.g., Ellingsaetere 1995; Ericsson 1998; Hult and svallfors 2002; svallfors, Halvorsen and Andersen 2001) show that men express a more non-work oriented attitude. reinforcing and shaping attitude of employees at work therefore to make group harmony and vital to organization staff (Pettinger, 2010). job satisfaction has been linked to the higher stability of the employees in their jobs and less turnover, employees who has a higher level of job satisfaction have less tendency to take a sick leave in working day(Hellriegel and Slocum, 2009) P e r s o n a l i t y a n d i n d i v i d u a l d i f f e r e n c e s Analysis:
  • 3. Personality definition: Specific characteristics of individuals which may be open or hidden and determine either commonality or differences in behavior in an organization. (brooks, 2006) Personality definition in term of characteristics or the qualities typical of that individual Defined personality as ‘a dynamic organization, inside the person, of psychophysical systems that create the person’s characteristic patterns of behavior, thoughts and feelings’ (Allport, 1961, p. 11) (Personality type and work-related outcomes: An exploratory application of the Enneagram model, n.d.) The personality may affect other people in organization. This effect may lead to negative or positive teams, accordingly who is has the negative or positive personality and his power to affect on others (Belbin, 1996). So to make an excellent team you must take care about personality and individual difference. The individual difference is double edged sword because it can increase creativity, loyalty, and productivity but can also increase a job dissatisfaction, conflict and disloyalty to organization. If the manager is able to touch of the individual differences and their personality and has the ability to extract out the best of people, he is a successful manager (Mullins and Christy, 2013) There is a big difference between people, some children can develop faster than others. Some people more dutiful to authority than others or more sectarian than others (cooper, n.d.) What’s the relation between personality and job performance? Managers should take the situational factor in consideration, factors such as the culture of work, ability to be working with others and job requirement. you need to determine job, work group and organization to get the most suitable employee (Robbis) Gender Differences in Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence?
  • 4. Among adults, men scored on average 5 IQ points more than women (Personality type and work-related outcomes: An exploratory application of the Enneagram model, n.d.) Why different people develop different systems of organization? 1-Not everyone is interested in expecting the same set of result, the person who works in sales will have a financial interest 2-people differ in the way in which they use language by ‘antisocial’ I may mean ‘quiet and reserved’, but someone else may mean ‘aggressive or destructive’. So even if it is possible to find out what words people use to categorize others, it does not follow those two individuals who use the same word are actually referring to the same thing 3-People's own backgrounds and values will influence the way in which they analyze behaviors (Cooper, n.d.) The big five personality traits:
  • 5. 1-Agreeableness: refers to a person’s ability to get along with others. highly agreeableness peoples are collaborative, indulgent and good-tempered. the people who score low on agreeableness are touchy, unwilling to help others, short-tempered and unfriendly to others 2-conscientiousness: refer to number of objectives or targets which person concentrates. the persons who converge on few objectives or targets on one time are accountable, marshaled, neat and careful 3-emotional stability: refers to a person who has orientation to become emotional disturbance 4-extraversion: refers to persons’ orientation to motivate others, the ability to make the others happy. 5-openness to experience: refers to person who has attraction to unfamiliar and new experiences (What's the Personality of a Blank? An Examination of the Personality Differences Between Reporters and Nonreporters of Demographics, 2008) Modelofhow big five traits influence OrganizationalBehaviorcriteria: As result or the previous schedule, the open people can overcome better with organization ups and downs and changes. When managers choose organizational members the agreeable people are almost their choice because they tend to do better in interpersonal oriented jobs such as customer services. Agreeable people are more likely than disagreeable people because they are dutiful, conforming
  • 6. and abiding to rules but agreeable people have low level of career success because the lack of negotiation skills Interestingly, conscientiousness people can't cope better with organization changes because they are so organized and structured. Conscientiousness is performance oriented and less creative than others (Robbins, 2009) Studying of personality traits are very important in managerial personal development by increase understanding of personality and impact of individuals on others and organization (Sutton, Allinson and Williams) A t t i t u d e a n d j o b s a t i s f a c t i o n : Definition: -Attitude is evaluative judgment that integrate and summarize cognitive/effective reaction (Fiske et al., 2010) -Attitudes are another type of individual difference that influence behavior of individuals, its very hard to separate attitude and personality (Hellriegel and Slocum, 2009) Attitudes of individuals toward organization are shaped by: 1.the first impression of employees when they taken first approach of organization when they work 2.the recruitment process and orientation process 3.attitude and behavior of colleagues, supervisors and managers style of managers and supervisors 5.culture of organization (Pettinger, 2010) Attitudes Components: Affective component: the feeling, passion, and emotion about some individual, opinion, target or event A cognitive component: the idea , information or familiarity held by person A behavioral component: the tendency to make a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of something (Saiyadain, 2009). Key work related attitudes: 1-Job satisfaction:
  • 7. job satisfaction refers to general attitude toward organization by an employee (Saiyadain, 2009) An attitude of great interest to managers and team leaders. (Chitale, 2013) Theories of job satisfaction: Maslow’s theory: is based on the following hierarchy of needs physiological needs: like house, food,… may be get high level of satisfaction by salary which can provide them the physiological need Safety or security: the individuals who's feel secure in their jobs have a high level of satisfaction social needs: like appreciation or thankful from their manager Esteem need: is like power or position that the employees provided with by the organization Self-actualization: like need to prove him self by challenging work and complete massive tasks (Chitale, 2013) Herzberg’s theory: Herzberg has done a wide range survey to find out the factors which increase employees’ satisfaction. He divided the factors affected behavior into two groups. The first one he called Hygiene factors which prevent the dissatisfaction and employees turnover and the other group is Motivational factors which increases organizational commitment and individuals productivity and he called it Motivators. He assured that both of these groups are important. for example if the hygiene factors were missing the employees will feel that the organization is dealing with them unfairly. (Chitale, 2013)
  • 8. Measurement of job satisfaction: because there is no agreement for specific definition of job satisfaction so we can't measure job satisfaction except by questioner are developed to measure satisfaction by different aspects of work and resultant behavior (Saiyadain, 2009) Low paid workers more satisfied with their jobs than higher paid workers. (job satisfaction, 2003). job satisfaction related to job behavior like motivation at work place (Chitale, 2013) Factors related to job satisfaction: A-personal factors: 1-Sex: women has more job satisfactions than men 2-Number of dependents: increasing of numbers of dependents or tasks and financial need may lead job dissatisfaction (Chitale, 2013) 3-Age: job satisfaction related to age directly proportion (Spector, 1997) 4-Time: on the beginning of working in any organization the job satisfaction will be high but will be decreased from fifth to eight years then it will be increasing again
  • 9. after this period 5-Education (Chitale, 2013) B- Factors inherent in the job 1-Type of work: the diversity of tasks in the work place may lead to increase job satisfaction 2-Skills required: the most important precursor for satisfaction 3-Occupational status: employees are more satisfied with jobs that have higher level of prestige and sociability 4-Geography: employees that working in companies that is located in big cities tends to be less satisfied than the ones who are working in smaller towns 5-Size of plant: small working environment will increase sociability between the employees which is going to make them more helpful to each other leading to increase their job satisfaction (Chitale, 2013) Country differences in job satisfaction: British worker are willing in job satisfaction than salary. (Winnard, 2012) most of American worker are satisfied with their jobs Mexican more satisfied in their work than American (Spector, 1997) Rewards and reinforces: one of the good ways to increase the satisfaction is rewarding employees when they achieve their unique results when the job satisfaction are largely equal to happiness they may lead to high performance and productivity embrace making employee happy (Hantula, 2015) Performance appraisal: performance appraisal like a business contract between supervisor and employee to make an employee more satisfied with his job and to do their job well with high performance and achieving all tasks, goals and objectives in smart way (Kampkötter, 2016) 2-Organizational commitment: Like job satisfaction but the organizational commitment is showing wider work attitude than job satisfaction. Organizational commitment impact whether an individual remains in the same organization and how much they are loyal to the organization they work at. Highly committed employees are more likely to see themselves as a dedicated and fighter members of organization and they are taking about their organization by personal terms like “we offer the best quality products in the market”
  • 10. 3-Hope: Embrace an individual’s determination and road map to reach the target. An individual must have the wherewithal to achieve his goal and not only wish for it, the wishing is not enough to reach his goals. the low hope people have a negative attitude toward organization and their managers vice versa the person who has high level of hope he has a positive attitude. (Hellriegel and Slocum, 2009) Conclusion: In each organization there is a different personality in each employee and some of organizations have different genders, so we must take in consideration the personality, gender and individual differences when dealing with the employee. by knowing their personalities, you will know how to deal with them, how to motivate them and make them more loyal and satisfied with their jobs to achieve the organization objectives, when the employees are satisfied with their jobs they shall increase their productivity and increase loyalty and decrease turn over. It’s not simple to achieve job satisfaction of employees because not all employees are satisfied with their jobs, so by knowing how to deal them, we will be able to increase their job satisfaction. Some employees are high salary oriented or satisfied which make them feel secure at work. But not only the personality affects the organization also attitude of employee will affect the organizational behavior Attitude is very important because it’s the type of personality and individual differences and it affects the behavior of employees, also job satisfaction is an observed or hidden attitude toward organization so we need to take the attitude in consideration when dealing with the employees. One of the most important aspects of the attitude which affects the individual’s behavior is his organizational commitment, as the increasing of the organizational commitment will increase the employee’s loyalty to the place he works at which will be reflected on his productivity. The other element related to attitude and affecting the attitude of an individual is the hope, which reflects his determination and creativity in drawing a pathway to achieve his goals References: 1-Belbin, R. (1996). The coming shape of organization. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann.Belbin, R. (1996). The coming shape of organization. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. 2-Brooks, I. (2006). Organisational behaviour. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. 3-Chitale, A. (2013). Organizational behaviour. [Place of publication not identified]: Prentice-Hall Of India. 4-Cooper, C. (n.d.). Individual differences and personality. 5-Fiske, S., Gilbert, D., Lindzey, G. and Jongsma, A. (2010). Handbook of social psychology. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, p.357.
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