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Unit - 01
BCA Vth Semester
Chapter - 1
Introduction to .Net
● Introduction to Microsoft Web
● Move from Workstation to distributed
● Internet Factor
● .Net Platform Architecture
● Importance of .Net Platform
● OS neutral environment
● Device Independence
● Wide language Support
● Internet based component Services
1.1 Introduction to Microsoft Web Development
Web Development:
Web development is a broad term for the process of writing a web page or site. Web pages are
written with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These pages can be simple text and graphics that
resemble a document. Pages can also be interactive or display changing information.
Interactive server pages are a little more complex to write, but they enable richer web sites.
Today, most pages are interactive and provide modern online services like shopping carts,
dynamic visualizations, and even complex social networks.
Microsoft Web Development:
 The .Net Platform is an integral component of microsoft O.S
 The .Net development framework provides simplified model for programming.
 Can develope Multiplatform application.
 It provides Automatic Resource management.
 Simplification of application deployment.
 It also provides Security support such as Code authenticity check, resources access
authorizations, cryptographic security.
 .Net provides a simple Object-Oriented model.
 Provides mechanisms by which an user can use the existing native code.
 It significantly, provides tools and technologies to develop Internet based distribution
applications. provides a new era to Microsoft Web development by its powerful and flexible web
applications. comes in july 2000 , previously called Classic ASP(Active Server pages). is a subset of .net framwork. A framwork is a collection of classes.
1.1.1 Advantages of .Net
● A Consistent , OOP environment.
● It allows the use of multiple languages
● It has horizontal scalability
● .NET creates a unified environment that allows developers to create programs in C++,
Java or Virtual Basic
● Interfaces easily with Windows or Microsoft
● All tools and IDEs have been pre-tested and are easily available in the Microsoft
Developer Network.
● UI best practices are more consistent
● Language integration is seamless, as you can call methods from C# to VB.NET
1.2 Move from Workstation to distributed
.Net platform provided a move from workstations to a distributed computing which is the
major difference provided by the ASP.NET and its previous versions.
These include number of features which supports distributed computing:
1. ASP.Net allows developers to deploy an application by simply copying the compiled DLLs
and the pages to the target server.
2. We can now easily update an application by just copying over the existing pages and
DLLs with new ones.
3. There is no need to restart the IIS(Internet Information Service) web service or reboot
the machine.
1.3 Internet a key fector
● Key source for distribution of software
● It allow to automatically install the new feature and components
1.4 .Net Platform Architecture
The programs run on the
.NET Framework, an
integral component of
windows that includes a
virtual execution system
called the Common
Language Runtime(CLR)
and a unified set of class
1.5 Importance of .Net Platform
The real power of ASP.NET lies in the .Net Platform itself. This repersent Microsoft major
effort in order to create a programming environment which is secure, reliable and scalable.
There are some powerful features that have great effects on the creation of ASP.Net
applications are discussed here:
1. OS Neutral Environment
ASP.Net has following sections:
2. Device Independent
3. Wide Language Support (,,
4. Internet based Component Services
1.5.3 Internet Based Componet Service
IBCS of .Net are based on the Componet Object Model abbreviated as COM introduced by
Mivrosoft. COM is the standard for componets that run on Windows machines, including
Windows 9x and Me clients and Windows NT and 2000 servers. Now many application are
based on COM.
Sercices supported by COM:
● Administration
● Just-in-Time Activation(JITA)
● Object pooling
● Synchronization
● Security
● Queued components
● Events
Chapter 2
• Introduction to .Net Framework
• Common Language Runtime(CLR)
• Code Management and execution
• Security Support
• Error handling and garbage collection
• .NET Framework class libraries
• System classes
• Data and XML Classes
• Windows form and drawing classes
• Web classes
2.1 Introduction to .Net Framework
● Pronounced as dot net
● Is software framework
● Runs primarily on Microsoft Windows
● You can develope .net application on windows by using Visual Studio soltware and in
MAC and in Linux by using MONO software.
● It includes a large class library known as Framework Class Library(FCL) and provides
language interoperability. Interoperability means that each language can use code
written in other languages across several programming languages.
● Programs written for .NET Framework execute in a software environment commonly
known as Common Language Runtime(CLR). CLR is an application virtual machine that
provides services such as security, memory, and exception handling.
2.1.1 Managed Code
Computer Programming code which is written using .NET Framework is called as “Managed
2.1.2 FCL and CLR
● FCL and CLR together constitute .NET Framework.
● FCL provides user interface, data access, connectivity, cryptography, web application
development, numeric algorithms and network communincation.
2.2 Components of .NET Framework
The components are:
● Common Language Runtime(CLR)
● .Net Framework Class Library
● Common Language Specification(CLS)
● Common Type System(CTS)
● Metadata and Assemblies
● Windows Forms
● Windows Workflow Foundation(WF)
● Windows Presentation Foundation
● Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)
● Windows CardSpace
(1) Common Language Runtime or CLR
It performs memory management, exception handling, debugging,
security checking, thread execution, code execution, code safety,
verification, and compilation. The code that is directly managed by the
CLR is called the managed code. When the managed code is compiled,
the compiler converts the source code into a CPU independent
intermediate language (IL) code. A Just In Time(JIT) compiler compiles
the IL code into native code, which is CPU specific.
(2) .Net Framework Class Library
It contains a huge library of reusable types. classes, interfaces,
structures, and enumerated values, which are collectively called types.
(3) Common Language Specification
It contains the specifications for the .Net supported languages and
implementation of language integration.
(4) Common Type System
It provides guidelines for declaring, using, and managing types at runtime, and cross-
language communication.
(5) Metadata and Assemblies
Metadata is the binary information describing the program, which is either stored in a
portable executable file (PE) or in the memory. Assembly is a logical unit consisting of the
assembly manifest, type metadata, IL code, and a set of resources like image files.
(6) Windows Forms
Windows Forms contain the graphical representation of any window displayed in the
ASP.NET is the web development model and AJAX is an extension of ASP.NET for
developing and implementing AJAX functionality. ASP.NET AJAX contains the
components that allow the developer to update data on a website without a complete
reload of the page.
It is the technology used for working with data and databases. It provides access to data
sources like SQL server, OLE DB, XML etc. The ADO.NET allows connection to data
sources for retrieving, manipulating, and updating data.
(9) Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
It helps in building workflow-based applications in Windows. It contains activities, workflow
runtime, workflow designer, and a rules engine.
(10) Windows Presentation Foundation
It provides a separation between the user interface and the business logic. It helps in
developing visually stunning interfaces using documents, media, two and three dimensional
graphics, animations, and more.
(11) Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
It is the technology used for building and executing connected systems.
(12) Windows CardSpace
It provides safety for accessing resources and sharing personal information on the internet.
(13) LINQ
It imparts data querying capabilities to .Net languages using a syntax which is similar to the
tradition query language SQL.
2.3 CLR Services
Services are:
● Code management and execution
● Security support
● Error handling
● Garbage Collection
2.4 System Classes
The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes, interfaces, and value types that
provide access to system functionality. It is the foundation on which .NET Framework
applications, components, and controls are built. The namespaces and namespace categories
in the class library are listed in the following table and documented in detail in this reference.
The namespaces and categories are listed by usage, with the most frequently used
namespaces appearing first.
Namespace Description
System The System namespace contains
fundamental classes and base classes that
define commonly-used value and reference
data types, events and event handlers,
interfaces, attributes, and processing
System.Activities The System.Activities namespaces contain
all the classes necessary to create and work
with activities in Window Workflow
System.AddIn The System.AddIn namespaces contain
types used to identify, register, activate, and
control add-ins, and to allow add-ins to
communicate with a host application.
System.CodeDom The System.CodeDom namespaces contain
classes that represent the elements of a source
code document and that support the generation and
compilation of source code in supported
programming languages.
System.Collections The System.Collections namespaces contain types
that define various standard, specialized, and
generic collection objects.
System.ComponentModel The System.ComponentModel namespaces contain
types that implement the run-time and design-time
behavior of components and controls. Child
namespaces support the Managed Extensibility
Framework (MEF), provide attribute classes that
define metadata for ASP.NET Dynamic Data
controls, and contain types that let you define the
design-time behavior of components and their user
System.Configuration The System.Configuration namespaces contain
types for handling configuration data, such as data
in machine or application configuration files. Child
namespaces contain types that are used to
configure an assembly, to write custom installers for
components, and to support a pluggable model for
adding functionality to, or removing functionality
from, both client and server applications.
System.Data The System.Data namespaces contain classes for
accessing and managing data from diverse sources.
The top-level namespace and a number of the child
namespaces together form the ADO.NET
architecture and ADO.NET data providers. For
example, providers are available for SQL Server,
Oracle, ODBC, and OleDB. Other child namespaces
contain classes used by the ADO.NET Entity Data
Model (EDM) and by WCF Data Services.
System.Deployment The System.Deployment namespaces contain types
that support deployment of ClickOnce applications.
Chapter 3
Features of .NET FRAMEWORK
● Introduction of ASP.NET
● Features of ASP.NET
● ASP.NET Web Forms
● ASP.NET Web Services
● Web Page Authoring and Server Controls
● ASP.NET Infrastructure
3.1 Introduction to ASP.Net
● ASP.NET is a Web application framework developed by Microsoft to build dynamic data
driven Web applications and Web services.
1. ASP.NET is a subset of .NET framework. In simple terms a framework is a collection of
2. ASP.NET is the successor to classic ASP (Active Server Pages).
● Web Development Platform(provides a programming Model)
● Works on top of the HTTP protocol
● The ASP.NET application codes can be written in any of the following languages:
-Visual Basic.Net
● ASP.NET is used to produce interactive, data-driven web applications over the internet.
● Consists of a large number of controls such as text boxes, buttons, and labels for
assembling, configuring, and manipulating code to create HTML pages.
● provides a complete set of development tools for building ASP.NET web applications,
web services, desktop applications, and mobile applications.
What other technologies can be used to build web applications
1. PHP
2. Java
3. CGI
4. Ruby on Rails
5. Perl
What is a Web Application?
A web application is an application that is accessed by users using a web
browser. Examples of web browsers include
1. Microsoft Internet Explorer
2. Google Chrome
3. Mozilla FireFox
4. Apple Safari
5. Netscape Navigator
3.2 Features of ASP.Net
1. Bundling and Minification Feature
2. Strongly Typed Data Controls
3. Model Binding – Isolating the Web Forms from the Model
4. Value Providers
5. Support for OpenID in Oauth Logins
6. Support for improved paging in ASP.Net 4.5 GridView Control
7. Enhanced Support for asynchronous programming
8. Support for web sockets
9. Support for HTML5 form types
3.2.1 Advantages of using ASP.Net
1: Keep you applications secured with the built-in Windows authentication and per-
application configuration.
2: Asp.Net has reduced the long lines of code required to develop large applications.
3: Asp.Net and Html, together generate dynamic web pages smoothly.
4: Being an ideal server-side scripting technology, Asp.Net code first runs on Windows server
before displaying on the web browser.
5: Asp.Net framework is language independent, means you can choose any programming
language which best suited to you application.
6: With the built-in configuration information, Asp.Net is easy to deploy.
7: The windows web server thoroughly monitors the web pages, multiple components, and
applications running over it.
8: The Dot Net Framework quickly gives an alert for memory leaks, unbounded loops, and
other wrong behaviors, immediately killing them and restart them over again.
9: Asp.Net features like early binding, JIT compilation, caching services and native
optimization supports gives your application the high level of performance.
10: All the Asp.Net applications are highly monitored and managed to help application
available to handle requests.
11: The best part of Dot Net Framework is it has its own built-in caching features.
12: The content and the program logic are separated in the .Net Framework, thus reducing
the program inconveniences.
3.3 ASP.Net Web Forms
● ASP.NET web forms extend the event-driven model of interaction to the web
applications. The browser submits a web form to the web server and the server
returns a full markup page or HTML page in response.
● All client side user activities are forwarded to the server for stateful processing.
The server processes the output of the client actions and triggers the reactions.
● Now, HTTP is a stateless protocol. ASP.NET framework helps in storing the
information regarding the state of the application, which consists of:
- Page state
- Session state
3.4 ASP.NET Web Service
What is Web Service?
A Web Service is a reusable piece of code used to communicate among
Heterogeneous Applications.
Once a web service is created and hosted on the server in the internet it can
be consumed by any kind of application developed in any technology.
How to create a Web Service
Step 1
Go to Visual Studio then click on "File" -> "Website" -> "ASP.NET empty website template".
Then provide the website name (for example: WebServiceSample).
Step 2 Add a Web Service File
Go to Solution Explorer, then select the solution then click on "Add new item".
Choose the Web Service template.
Enter the name (for example: Airthmatic.cs) then click on "Add".
● This will create the following two files:
1. Airthmatic.asmx (the service file)
2. Airthmatic.asmx.vb
Open the file Airthmatic.asmx.vb and write the following code
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.ComponentModel
' To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX,
uncomment the following line.
' <System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService()> _
<System.Web.Services.WebService(Namespace:="")> _
<System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _
<ToolboxItem(False)> _
Public Class arithmatic
Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function HelloWorld() As String
Return "Hello World"
End Function
End Class
3.5 Web Page authoring and server Controls
Controls are small building blocks of the graphical user interface, which
include text boxes, buttons, check boxes, list boxes, labels, and numerous
other tools. Using these tools, the users can enter data, make selections
and indicate their preferences.
Controls are also used for structural jobs, like validation, data access,
security, creating master pages, and data manipulation.
ASP.NET uses five types of web controls, which are:
• HTML controls
• HTML Server controls
• ASP.NET Server controls
• ASP.NET Ajax Server controls
• User controls and custom controls
ASP.NET server controls are the primary controls used in ASP.NET. These
controls can be grouped into the following categories:
• Validation controls - These are used to validate user input and they
work by running client-side script.
• Data source controls - These controls provides data binding to
different data sources.
• Data view controls - These are various lists and tables, which can bind
to data from data sources for displaying.
• Personalization controls - These are used for personalization of a
page according to the user preferences, based on user information.
• Login and security controls - These controls provide user
• Master pages - These controls provide consistent layout and interface
throughout the application.
• Navigation controls - These controls help in navigation. For example,
menus, tree view etc.
• Rich controls - These controls implement special features. For
example, AdRotator, FileUpload, and Calendar control.
The syntax for using server controls is:
<asp:controlType ID ="ControlID" runat="server" Property1=value1 [Property2=value2] />
In addition, visual studio has the following features, to help produce
in error-free coding:
• Dragging and dropping of controls in design view
• IntelliSense feature that displays and auto-completes the
• The properties window to set the property values directly
ASP.Net server controls inherit all properties, events, and methods of the
WebControl and System.Web.UI.Control class.

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ASP.Net Technologies Part-1

  • 2. Chapter - 1 Introduction to .Net Objectives: ● Introduction to Microsoft Web Development ● Move from Workstation to distributed computing ● Internet Factor ● .Net Platform Architecture ● Importance of .Net Platform ● OS neutral environment ● Device Independence ● Wide language Support ● Internet based component Services
  • 3. 1.1 Introduction to Microsoft Web Development Web Development: Web development is a broad term for the process of writing a web page or site. Web pages are written with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. These pages can be simple text and graphics that resemble a document. Pages can also be interactive or display changing information. Interactive server pages are a little more complex to write, but they enable richer web sites. Today, most pages are interactive and provide modern online services like shopping carts, dynamic visualizations, and even complex social networks. Microsoft Web Development:  The .Net Platform is an integral component of microsoft O.S  The .Net development framework provides simplified model for programming.  Can develope Multiplatform application.  It provides Automatic Resource management.  Simplification of application deployment.  It also provides Security support such as Code authenticity check, resources access authorizations, cryptographic security.
  • 4.  .Net provides a simple Object-Oriented model.  Provides mechanisms by which an user can use the existing native code.  It significantly, provides tools and technologies to develop Internet based distribution applications. provides a new era to Microsoft Web development by its powerful and flexible web applications. comes in july 2000 , previously called Classic ASP(Active Server pages). is a subset of .net framwork. A framwork is a collection of classes.
  • 5. 1.1.1 Advantages of .Net ● A Consistent , OOP environment. ● It allows the use of multiple languages ● It has horizontal scalability ● .NET creates a unified environment that allows developers to create programs in C++, Java or Virtual Basic ● Interfaces easily with Windows or Microsoft ● All tools and IDEs have been pre-tested and are easily available in the Microsoft Developer Network. ● UI best practices are more consistent ● Language integration is seamless, as you can call methods from C# to VB.NET
  • 6. 1.2 Move from Workstation to distributed Computing .Net platform provided a move from workstations to a distributed computing which is the major difference provided by the ASP.NET and its previous versions. These include number of features which supports distributed computing: 1. ASP.Net allows developers to deploy an application by simply copying the compiled DLLs and the pages to the target server. 2. We can now easily update an application by just copying over the existing pages and DLLs with new ones. 3. There is no need to restart the IIS(Internet Information Service) web service or reboot the machine.
  • 7. 1.3 Internet a key fector ● Key source for distribution of software ● It allow to automatically install the new feature and components
  • 8. 1.4 .Net Platform Architecture The programs run on the .NET Framework, an integral component of windows that includes a virtual execution system called the Common Language Runtime(CLR) and a unified set of class library.
  • 9. 1.5 Importance of .Net Platform The real power of ASP.NET lies in the .Net Platform itself. This repersent Microsoft major effort in order to create a programming environment which is secure, reliable and scalable. There are some powerful features that have great effects on the creation of ASP.Net applications are discussed here: 1. OS Neutral Environment ASP.Net has following sections: -Development -Staging -Production 2. Device Independent 3. Wide Language Support (,, 4. Internet based Component Services
  • 10. 1.5.3 Internet Based Componet Service IBCS of .Net are based on the Componet Object Model abbreviated as COM introduced by Mivrosoft. COM is the standard for componets that run on Windows machines, including Windows 9x and Me clients and Windows NT and 2000 servers. Now many application are based on COM. Sercices supported by COM: ● Administration ● Just-in-Time Activation(JITA) ● Object pooling ● Synchronization ● Security ● Queued components ● Events
  • 11. Chapter 2 .NET FRAMWORK Objectives:- • Introduction to .Net Framework • Common Language Runtime(CLR) • Code Management and execution • Security Support • Error handling and garbage collection • .NET Framework class libraries • System classes • Data and XML Classes • Windows form and drawing classes • Web classes
  • 12. 2.1 Introduction to .Net Framework ● Pronounced as dot net ● Is software framework ● Runs primarily on Microsoft Windows ● You can develope .net application on windows by using Visual Studio soltware and in MAC and in Linux by using MONO software. ● It includes a large class library known as Framework Class Library(FCL) and provides language interoperability. Interoperability means that each language can use code written in other languages across several programming languages. ● Programs written for .NET Framework execute in a software environment commonly known as Common Language Runtime(CLR). CLR is an application virtual machine that provides services such as security, memory, and exception handling.
  • 13. 2.1.1 Managed Code Computer Programming code which is written using .NET Framework is called as “Managed Code”
  • 14. 2.1.2 FCL and CLR ● FCL and CLR together constitute .NET Framework. ● FCL provides user interface, data access, connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms and network communincation.
  • 15. 2.2 Components of .NET Framework The components are: ● Common Language Runtime(CLR) ● .Net Framework Class Library ● Common Language Specification(CLS) ● Common Type System(CTS) ● Metadata and Assemblies ● Windows Forms ● ASP.NET and ASP.NET AJAX ● ADO.NET ● Windows Workflow Foundation(WF) ● Windows Presentation Foundation ● Windows Communication Foundation(WCF) ● Windows CardSpace ● LINQ
  • 16.
  • 17. (1) Common Language Runtime or CLR It performs memory management, exception handling, debugging, security checking, thread execution, code execution, code safety, verification, and compilation. The code that is directly managed by the CLR is called the managed code. When the managed code is compiled, the compiler converts the source code into a CPU independent intermediate language (IL) code. A Just In Time(JIT) compiler compiles the IL code into native code, which is CPU specific. (2) .Net Framework Class Library It contains a huge library of reusable types. classes, interfaces, structures, and enumerated values, which are collectively called types. (3) Common Language Specification It contains the specifications for the .Net supported languages and implementation of language integration.
  • 18. (4) Common Type System It provides guidelines for declaring, using, and managing types at runtime, and cross- language communication. (5) Metadata and Assemblies Metadata is the binary information describing the program, which is either stored in a portable executable file (PE) or in the memory. Assembly is a logical unit consisting of the assembly manifest, type metadata, IL code, and a set of resources like image files. (6) Windows Forms Windows Forms contain the graphical representation of any window displayed in the application. (7) ASP.NET and ASP.NET AJAX ASP.NET is the web development model and AJAX is an extension of ASP.NET for developing and implementing AJAX functionality. ASP.NET AJAX contains the components that allow the developer to update data on a website without a complete reload of the page. (8) ADO.NET It is the technology used for working with data and databases. It provides access to data sources like SQL server, OLE DB, XML etc. The ADO.NET allows connection to data sources for retrieving, manipulating, and updating data.
  • 19. (9) Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) It helps in building workflow-based applications in Windows. It contains activities, workflow runtime, workflow designer, and a rules engine. (10) Windows Presentation Foundation It provides a separation between the user interface and the business logic. It helps in developing visually stunning interfaces using documents, media, two and three dimensional graphics, animations, and more. (11) Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) It is the technology used for building and executing connected systems. (12) Windows CardSpace It provides safety for accessing resources and sharing personal information on the internet. (13) LINQ It imparts data querying capabilities to .Net languages using a syntax which is similar to the tradition query language SQL.
  • 20. 2.3 CLR Services Services are: ● Code management and execution ● Security support ● Error handling ● Garbage Collection
  • 21. 2.4 System Classes The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes, interfaces, and value types that provide access to system functionality. It is the foundation on which .NET Framework applications, components, and controls are built. The namespaces and namespace categories in the class library are listed in the following table and documented in detail in this reference. The namespaces and categories are listed by usage, with the most frequently used namespaces appearing first.
  • 22. Namespace Description System The System namespace contains fundamental classes and base classes that define commonly-used value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, and processing exceptions. System.Activities The System.Activities namespaces contain all the classes necessary to create and work with activities in Window Workflow Foundation. System.AddIn The System.AddIn namespaces contain types used to identify, register, activate, and control add-ins, and to allow add-ins to communicate with a host application.
  • 23. System.CodeDom The System.CodeDom namespaces contain classes that represent the elements of a source code document and that support the generation and compilation of source code in supported programming languages. System.Collections The System.Collections namespaces contain types that define various standard, specialized, and generic collection objects. System.ComponentModel The System.ComponentModel namespaces contain types that implement the run-time and design-time behavior of components and controls. Child namespaces support the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF), provide attribute classes that define metadata for ASP.NET Dynamic Data controls, and contain types that let you define the design-time behavior of components and their user interfaces.
  • 24. System.Configuration The System.Configuration namespaces contain types for handling configuration data, such as data in machine or application configuration files. Child namespaces contain types that are used to configure an assembly, to write custom installers for components, and to support a pluggable model for adding functionality to, or removing functionality from, both client and server applications. System.Data The System.Data namespaces contain classes for accessing and managing data from diverse sources. The top-level namespace and a number of the child namespaces together form the ADO.NET architecture and ADO.NET data providers. For example, providers are available for SQL Server, Oracle, ODBC, and OleDB. Other child namespaces contain classes used by the ADO.NET Entity Data Model (EDM) and by WCF Data Services. System.Deployment The System.Deployment namespaces contain types that support deployment of ClickOnce applications.
  • 25. Chapter 3 Features of .NET FRAMEWORK Objectives: ● Introduction of ASP.NET ● Features of ASP.NET ● ASP.NET Web Forms ● ASP.NET Web Services ● Web Page Authoring and Server Controls ● ASP.NET Infrastructure
  • 26. 3.1 Introduction to ASP.Net ● ASP.NET is a Web application framework developed by Microsoft to build dynamic data driven Web applications and Web services. 1. ASP.NET is a subset of .NET framework. In simple terms a framework is a collection of classes. 2. ASP.NET is the successor to classic ASP (Active Server Pages). ● Web Development Platform(provides a programming Model) ● Works on top of the HTTP protocol ● The ASP.NET application codes can be written in any of the following languages: -C# -Visual Basic.Net -Jscript -J# ● ASP.NET is used to produce interactive, data-driven web applications over the internet. ● Consists of a large number of controls such as text boxes, buttons, and labels for assembling, configuring, and manipulating code to create HTML pages. ● provides a complete set of development tools for building ASP.NET web applications, web services, desktop applications, and mobile applications.
  • 27. What other technologies can be used to build web applications 1. PHP 2. Java 3. CGI 4. Ruby on Rails 5. Perl What is a Web Application? A web application is an application that is accessed by users using a web browser. Examples of web browsers include 1. Microsoft Internet Explorer 2. Google Chrome 3. Mozilla FireFox 4. Apple Safari 5. Netscape Navigator
  • 28. 3.2 Features of ASP.Net 1. Bundling and Minification Feature 2. Strongly Typed Data Controls 3. Model Binding – Isolating the Web Forms from the Model 4. Value Providers 5. Support for OpenID in Oauth Logins 6. Support for improved paging in ASP.Net 4.5 GridView Control 7. Enhanced Support for asynchronous programming 8. Support for web sockets 9. Support for HTML5 form types 10. ASP.NET Web API
  • 29. 3.2.1 Advantages of using ASP.Net 1: Keep you applications secured with the built-in Windows authentication and per- application configuration. 2: Asp.Net has reduced the long lines of code required to develop large applications. 3: Asp.Net and Html, together generate dynamic web pages smoothly. 4: Being an ideal server-side scripting technology, Asp.Net code first runs on Windows server before displaying on the web browser. 5: Asp.Net framework is language independent, means you can choose any programming language which best suited to you application. 6: With the built-in configuration information, Asp.Net is easy to deploy.
  • 30. 7: The windows web server thoroughly monitors the web pages, multiple components, and applications running over it. 8: The Dot Net Framework quickly gives an alert for memory leaks, unbounded loops, and other wrong behaviors, immediately killing them and restart them over again. 9: Asp.Net features like early binding, JIT compilation, caching services and native optimization supports gives your application the high level of performance. 10: All the Asp.Net applications are highly monitored and managed to help application available to handle requests. 11: The best part of Dot Net Framework is it has its own built-in caching features. 12: The content and the program logic are separated in the .Net Framework, thus reducing the program inconveniences.
  • 31.
  • 32. 3.3 ASP.Net Web Forms ● ASP.NET web forms extend the event-driven model of interaction to the web applications. The browser submits a web form to the web server and the server returns a full markup page or HTML page in response. ● All client side user activities are forwarded to the server for stateful processing. The server processes the output of the client actions and triggers the reactions. ● Now, HTTP is a stateless protocol. ASP.NET framework helps in storing the information regarding the state of the application, which consists of: - Page state - Session state
  • 33. 3.4 ASP.NET Web Service What is Web Service? A Web Service is a reusable piece of code used to communicate among Heterogeneous Applications. Once a web service is created and hosted on the server in the internet it can be consumed by any kind of application developed in any technology.
  • 34. How to create a Web Service Step 1 Go to Visual Studio then click on "File" -> "Website" -> "ASP.NET empty website template". Then provide the website name (for example: WebServiceSample).
  • 35. Step 2 Add a Web Service File Go to Solution Explorer, then select the solution then click on "Add new item". Choose the Web Service template. Enter the name (for example: Airthmatic.cs) then click on "Add".
  • 36. ● This will create the following two files: 1. Airthmatic.asmx (the service file) 2. Airthmatic.asmx.vb
  • 37. Open the file Airthmatic.asmx.vb and write the following code Imports System.Web.Services Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols Imports System.ComponentModel ' To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line. ' <System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService()> _ <System.Web.Services.WebService(Namespace:="")> _ <System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _ <ToolboxItem(False)> _ Public Class arithmatic Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService <WebMethod()> _ Public Function HelloWorld() As String Return "Hello World" End Function End Class
  • 38. 3.5 Web Page authoring and server Controls Controls are small building blocks of the graphical user interface, which include text boxes, buttons, check boxes, list boxes, labels, and numerous other tools. Using these tools, the users can enter data, make selections and indicate their preferences. Controls are also used for structural jobs, like validation, data access, security, creating master pages, and data manipulation. ASP.NET uses five types of web controls, which are: • HTML controls • HTML Server controls • ASP.NET Server controls • ASP.NET Ajax Server controls • User controls and custom controls
  • 39. ASP.NET server controls are the primary controls used in ASP.NET. These controls can be grouped into the following categories: • Validation controls - These are used to validate user input and they work by running client-side script. • Data source controls - These controls provides data binding to different data sources. • Data view controls - These are various lists and tables, which can bind to data from data sources for displaying. • Personalization controls - These are used for personalization of a page according to the user preferences, based on user information. • Login and security controls - These controls provide user authentication. • Master pages - These controls provide consistent layout and interface throughout the application. • Navigation controls - These controls help in navigation. For example, menus, tree view etc. • Rich controls - These controls implement special features. For example, AdRotator, FileUpload, and Calendar control.
  • 40. The syntax for using server controls is: <asp:controlType ID ="ControlID" runat="server" Property1=value1 [Property2=value2] /> In addition, visual studio has the following features, to help produce in error-free coding: • Dragging and dropping of controls in design view • IntelliSense feature that displays and auto-completes the properties • The properties window to set the property values directly ASP.Net server controls inherit all properties, events, and methods of the WebControl and System.Web.UI.Control class.